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. ........ ,.:

Advertising Department.

Harrisburg NationalBank,
. No. 16 SOUTH MARKET .SQUAR~. . '.
Intorporated as a State Bank 1814.
OrglRlzed as

National Bank 1864.




EDWABD BAILE V. Preooille.l.



~.I"LIAIU L. GORGAS, C ..... ler.

CAPITAL, $400,000.

PAID IN, $200,000.

Harrisburg Trust Co.,

Acts 8S Admlntstrato7j Execntor, Gnanllab. Al!Sltnl!e. Committee, Receiver, Agent, &c. Exocntell TrWltai 0 every kiod nnder &PPQill~l:llt of 8tateB1 Courts, CorpOratlon8 or Individuals. TnlSl Funds kept sepamtl' and llpart ITom other 881!etal. Wills receipted for and kept free of expense. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT SUBJECT TO CHECK. If". L. GORGAS, S~. and T.,._. JrDWABD BAILEY, ""'''81''''",.



Boiler and Tank Iron







TilE VElty




, . FOR ..





G. M. MCCAULEY, 8ecrelOry ond TreOsurer.

Adve1'tising IJepartment,



, , GEORGE'S, , .

-,; /

' , , GEORGE'S, , .


-For the Cure of-


. . . FOR

. .



! ! DY8P~P8IA, INDlGf8TION uno H~ADACH~,


I .............................................................................................. ....,....... , ....................................................... ........ .., ... "',.. .... ", >'\"'. ,.." ......... .........; .... ......................................................................................................................................................,
,~,.. ~ ~AIV'\~""""' ...,..".,."..,..-..~~~~~~

2'; CENTS.


George' s ~( Pine ~( Needle Plasters,

Tho Best Plastu for Sprains, Strains and Paills In Chest and Back. PRICE, 26 CENTS.

No. 1306 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa.

Steelton lRational :fSank

.- - - - -INCORPORATED DECEMBER, 1886 . .. - - - - - .

Capital, -

- $75,000 Surplus @Profits, $50,000

W. J. SNAVELY, Cashier.


J . E . RUTH ERFORD, Vice President.

T . :R.


Picture Fran-ling a Specialty.

No. 1322 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa.

L - -_ _ _ -


Advertising .Department.



.. .. !(

S"Sti WEIGtilS. * * * * CELL"R Gft"lESe



w w




~ ..


Steam and Cas Fittings.
Electricity as Motive Power and Light.


Digitized by

Coog Ie

Advertising .Department.

First National .Bank,



J.ANE ~. JIART, Pr.,..ldellt.

I - ClItOO,OOO. - - - ----_


Surph.s""dUodivided l'rofit8,

$265 , 000


CAPITAL, $2.50,000.

SURPLUS, $180,000.


Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co.,

Ample accommodations In package vault for s tora~e purposes uDder j:luarantee. Execute Tnl8tll of every kind u1lder apPOInt ment of tales, Cour!.'!. (;orporatlons or Individuals. Tnlst tunCIII .. parate and apart from all other Basets of the Company. Act as executor, BOmlnlatrator, guardian, 88slgnee, committee, reech'er, ngent , .lor.. jlConey "cce1,'ccl 0" Doposlt, Rayallll! b?1 Cltec". LANE S. HART, President. W_ 11 . IIIETZGER., 8c('. und TrellS.

HARRISBURG. P E N N A . Satel In 'belr .. Burela!" Proof Vnult" tor rent, with private rooms for box reowl's' 118e.

BFGbants' lational lank,

DePOllitll Beceit!ed and Collortions ,1C,,,]0 Promptly aua :I!:eollom{cally. C"te"est P,dcZ .o Time Del)QsItS.





H. D. HELMER, President.

D. W. SOHN , Cashier.

Capital Autllorized, $250,000.

Capital Paid in, $125,000.


Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co.,

Corner Third and Broad Streets, Harrisburg , Pa.
D. D. lIElt1LER, President. D. " ' , SOliN, Secretory Dod Trell8urcr. Tblll Company receives Deposits, Rubject to Check nt sigh t; Issues Time Certiflcl\t cs of J>epoI1t-bearlng interest at the rate of th ree. per ceol. per nnn um ; Bets as Admlnlstmtor Ibl-', Guartllnn, Consorvnlor, A8slgnee, Hecc l\'er, Re~lslrnr Blld Transfer Agent, an,1 TruICeQ for EI'lites, CorporatlollK and Individuals ; (Ieposits Will., free of cxpenRc, III ytlllltR, ..w1l8 receillts for saDIe; Sares rentt(\ iu Its v(lulls.


D 'pa"m,,,'.

No. 213 Market Street, Harrishurg, Pa.
W. K. ALRICKS, Cashier.

Henry McCormick. .:. James McCormick. .:. J. Donald Cameron.

Trustees of l\1:cOorrnick Estate. I

. O. W . STRITE.


Plans, Specifications and Details Furnished, with or without Superintendence,

OFFICE: No. 17 N. Third Street,



Ruler, Bouk Binder, Printer, Blank Book Maker,


Myers' ~eal I;state igenGY,

Always shows e. Choice List of Snlmrhsn nllll Town Property for Sale or Excbange and for Rent. Real E.rnte and lru;urallcc Agcncr Business In aUlhelr brnncbes carefully attended 10. Write for information to or calion

A lOS Z.








Harrisburg Stock Yards have aCC(lmmo(]nt\on for 2.000 Cattle Rnd 300 IIOl'!les, 1.600 Hogs, aod 1,1100 Sheep. Water in every pen. Hog "nd Sheep Peos cO\'ered al1.1 Planl;;ed. Cattle Pen. partly covered "",\ Will! draloed. M. M. GROVE, Superintendent.


Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.


Physicians' Supplies.

Special attention to Prescriptions.

.................................................................................. . ................................................................ ~~~------~----~---------------~


2 0 6 rvIARKET S T R E E T.

~mr~f, ~I~ ~~~ l~~~r ~~~r

~ ~.~~~.~.~.y.,~
312 to 320 Forster Street, HARRISBURG, PA.

Walnut Street, betw een Second and Third ,
........ , ewP_ tOfHce.


B_' ........., frMn OPERA. HOUSE. M.Ar~tro.,. C O URT HOUSE.

0 116 S')lwre j"t'om CA.I:'ITOL. PT"161. .W; PER D~lY.


~ . \I~ ... !"........ ~:.'













... ,,,,,,..

Adverti8ing Department.




* ".

'* * *


Foundry and Machine Works


~./ o

Ns .E
o o o o o o

Cellar Holete, EleTAtore. Derrlek

c.." .....

R.llro.d, C al, Por..e .nd Mill C. .tln .... Cola.... Cenar Grat.., Ban E,.. . S."h Wel .. bU. Dow. !!Ipoate, Bell Tra.... Ibdra.' S _... P ..... Wn..h Bo,.... Horae Tro...... llitehl... Peate, Stahl. C . .UDII".

o o

E S~ R

.... IID.:&:dce.:&::..e....' .... Waler Meter Co........ Gra'e B ....

o o

.0:0 .' :C:.... :",::.'

: tl~n

~EP~I~ WO~I(.




~BLACKS)UTH WORK SOLICITED.~ ' - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1

Digitized by


. OJ'













Oomptled ....4 PublHhed bJ'




.Bn\erllClllCOOrdtDI to Act of COD~ ID the year 1_ by WILLIAM HENRY BOYD. lD tbe omce of tbe Ltbrarlan of CODpe88, at WaahlngWD, D. ~.

Digitized by

Coog Ie

r..., ",, -,

0' 0

" To find a name you ROW to spell r."t." 12 Table of Contents.


13 b 9

Table of Contents.
American MecbaDlca.................. Banda and MWllca1 OrpaI&aUODI. . Banks Board of BDlldlnlf. LoaD aDd savtDl( IDIIltuUoDlo Bulln_ DIrectory. . .. Cburoh88 .... DauphlD County Ollcen . Fire Dep&nmen\.... . G. A.R .............................. Barrtaburg CIty Gevernment.... ...... Barrilburg General DIrectory......... Bcapitalll ............................. Impro.ed Order of BeptllOpill........ Knlgbta of Golden Bll&'le.... . . . .. Knllrbta of Malta ......... .... ...... Knlihta of Pythl..... ................ Map .......................... opp. title

Trade...................... ..

81 81







88 96
40 40 40

Market Bou_......................... Xuonlo SOCletl88.... . ... .. .. .... .. .... Medical SOCleti88.... .... .............. MUltarJ' OfK&/llzatloDS. ........... ..... XIsceUaneoDi Socletl88. . New.papers ........................... Odd Fellows ........................... ~pr RaIlways............. ....... PeDD8ylvanlaState Go.ernmen\ ....... Public Balla.... ..... .................. Red Meu ............................... Royal Arcanum...... ...... ............ SCboolB ................................ Societies ............................... Sonl of America .... '........ . ....... Steelton DIrectory ............appendlx Slleeta and A .enu88.... ...... ......... Telllperanca Boote"88.... ...... .......

88 8Ii 8G 48 81 II II 18
15 41 41 IIfI





Alphabetical Business Directories


Principal Towns in Dauphin County.

Benvenne.............. 1 Berrysburg.... ........ 1 CeDtre View. .......... 1 Curtin .................. I Daupbln ............... . Deodate.......... ..... I Derry Cburcb.... .. .... I East Barrtllburg <_ penbrookl...... ...... l' Ellzabetb.lle.......... B Enterline............... 4 FlBbe"llIe..... ....... 4 Fort Bunter..... ...... 4 Grantvtlle............. Gratz.................. Ballfu................ Blab.plre.... .......... HummelBto'ItD......... LIDI(leat01fD........... Loyalton..... ......... LJ'ten....... .......... Manada Hili ........... Matamoras.... .. ...... Mtddletown ............ Millersburg............ Oberlin ................ IS IS IS 6 8 9 9 11 11 11 14 16
7 PaxtOD ................

PeDbrook .............. Pillow ................ Powell's Valley........ Progreaa .............. Rock.llle, <_ For t HuDter).............. SwataraStatloD ........ UnioD Depoalt.... ... WaJ'nesvllle........ Wes\ Hanover.... ..... WlconlBoo .............. Willlamsto1fD.... ......

111 16 16 17 11
4 11 18 18 18 19 III

1894 Directory, 19,251, multiply by 2f,
1893 ... 18,728


8 1894 .. 523. multiply by 2f, nawes added. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8,552 mes erased ......................... 8,029 moval8, alterations, &c ............. 6,188



* Estimated
May. 1894.

Total number of changes in 1894 Directory.... 12,764 population (circumjacent (Steelton not) included},

Digitized by


I. B~ TACK, lallPaperaadliodolfShades. {72~:~~R.2~t~

Index to Advertisements.

Index to Advertisements.
8peeltlJ Motlc. I. nll_ to tile /0110111111, Index to AdHrtJn...,u 01



,..peet/llll" _mend to publllllHlflon",

Ane )If Co.. hair tonic .. 401, 408 Beatty 10 Bro., marble and grantte workll ......... front cover Bemhelllel L., marcbanUallor. 118 BernhelaelP. 10 Son. arcbltecta ........ 1111 Boak Abraham, livery, Ioc............. 111 BoII8 C. RoeB, watcbmaker~. 100 ........ 1M Boyd W. B., directory pubnaher...... . .......................... backcover Bracken Jehn W., Harrta H011llll....... 114 Bro1l'D Jobn W. & (.)0., foundera and machlntltll.................. .... ..... I Buck Cheater. InsuranDe............... 1" Central Guarantee TruIIt and Safe Dep. Co ................................... I Central Iron Workll.... .. .... .......... II CommonwealLh Guarantee Trust and Safe Depoelt Co.. . . .... .. ...... ..... . I Connecticut .Mutual LIfe InauranDe

Cozzoll Sebastian, Mt. 'Pleasant Hotel. 1611 Dauphin Depoelt Bank...... ...... .... 8 Denzler Charles W.:atone workll .. 181 DIetrich Frallk. Franklin H011llll....... 7 DunClinnon Planlne )1m Co lumber. Ac .................................. 1114 Entrekin-EIder Electrlo Co., KeY8tone Bieetrlc Worm ...................... to8 Fink Henry, brewer. _. ...... .......... 7 FIrat National Bank............ ........ I hiler Emory A. wall paper, painter.. 914 J'lemine S. W., bookse\1er ltatloner, &0. .. front cover and back bone Peltz John Bo, -KeIler'8Catarrh Remedy " ...................... front Clover FOOIIO 10 Lloyd, archlteota ............. 918 Frazer IBaac, lumber .................. 214 Preebnrn H. B.. real estate, &c....... !125 Gel8eI& Kohler. plaalng mill .......... 284 George ChariesT. druggist.... .. B Oro. Edward Z ,jrDfiIBt....... ...... 7 Orove M. M. Stock Yard Hotel.... .. .. 8 Grove 10 Strite, archltectl ............... 8 HBebnlen L. F . Bellevue WIne Co .... K50 Barrllburg NaUonal Bank.......... I Harr1eburg Telearam ........... liT and 1&8 BarrUbullr Telegraph ................. \IS Barriaburg Trnat Co................. .. II Wekok W. O. Mfg. Co........... ..... . 4 Bntter Frank L.. bookbinder.... . . 8 JaCkBon )(fg. Co., ateel barro1l'll. ,,0. . l18li J01'llan WID F., Barrl8burg Telecram . ............................. 117 and 118 Keller', Catarrh Remedy, John B. Foltz ..................... front cover XeUey H. )I. & Co., co'I ............... BOB Kenell." Lauman, lumber and planIng mill ............ :.. ......... ...... 1104 B:\Ielu1r .. Co., ltock brokera. .......... 1107 Lemer LeHne, photographer........... 7 XachItn W. B.. l'1li[ wareboDBe ........ !181 Macqueen James )I., architect. . saT

Co<:~~ 'B:: citvti'enidoeer: &0'::::::


Marahall S. )I., Connecticut lIutual Life In8. Co ........................ ,. 1M McClintock L. B.A.-lIorlBt ............... 148 McClune Thoma 1(.. pictures. f'raIIIeB. B McFadden T. F., marble workB .... opp. 852 )lcFarland Gee. G llora1 caterer ... opp. BIB lIcKl11lpa Alex., organ mfr.... , opp. BI4 McNell MedICine Co .......... top linea Melrose FlonU Co., Beede, 1I01I'era, Ioc. 860 lIerohantB'Ka"onal Bank......... ... I Meyera Ed. K printer, bInder, 100. .. 8811, 884 )llIler Charlea 11.. conlra.:tor and builder. ... . ........................ 1188 MlIlerD. K. & Co arcbtteetz .......... 867 lIl_mer Jlloob R.. pub Steelton Advocate ....................... appendlx 81 Xontaomery J. B., coal and wOOd ..... 874 Montgomery 10 Co., Pelpber LIne ...... 878 Montgomery" CO ltO.,..e warehOUBeB B7G Moaer J. Chari .... Investment broker .. ..... . .... .......... ... frent cover M,era Am08 Z InL and real estate.... 8 Newhard Irwin C vetertuartan ....... S88 Orr H. B. " Co. binders ............... 818 un Peter M. wboleaale IIquora ....... SN OIlier Charlea F . real estate and Ina ... _G Penn 'a Steel Co . Steelton .. back cover Potta 10 Bare,lron fenol. ., Ioc ........ ........................... backcover Roberta Cbarles A., BOwIng macblnea

RymMillard P:.plumber Ind livery .. , 438 jOiilab ooDtractOr an?ru~~~~ ~ Saul F

l!ehetfer T. F. (eBt). bookseller. prlnler, .tc .................................... 440 Scbmldt Joseph. lIorlst. &c ............ M 8eneeman Geo. A.. planOl, organa, &c. 44T Sbatl'her Mary C., bat bleacher.... .... 4110 Shumberger J. Cahln. Scbool of Commerce ..................... back cover Slog W. H. H .. Steelton Reporter ... ............................ appendlll: 88 Smith John C. Irchltect. ............. 488 Snyder Eugene. lawyer.... . .. . .. 4T8 SoHera Rebecca. Keyatone Hotel ...... 47G Spabr W. A boardIng stable........... 477 Stanley A. G. Dr IndiBn BUtera...... . .... ...... ....... .. .. : ..... appendlll: 11 Star-Independent.... .... .... .... ..... 114 Steelton NatIonal Blnk.... ............ B Steelton PlanlnK Mill and Lumber Co. ............................. appendlll: 81 Stribling ErnOMt C. real estate and Inlurance ........................... 48tI Tack A. B., paperblnger. &c.. top lIues TowBen James A., slate roofer......... IIOB Walters Frank M boOtz and Ihoe8 .. .. .......................... centre lines Ward" Stucker. conlractora .......... ........................... back cover Weaver Warren 0 .. architect .......... G19 Welger George, bottler................. Gill Woods 10 Co., nunsery.................. 5S8


Digitized by


leleil's Pain Exterminator :J:~o:a:=,!:~~Dlc. {71Tl'l.JJ...


Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, Wltll til. Ward. 'n ",111011 tlI'lI are .'tMatH.
Aberdeen av from Market'N to Walnut, bet 4th and 5th, 9th Ward. Academy av from N Front ab South, E to Shanklin BV, 4th Ward. Adams av frum Liberty to State, between 2d and Front, 4th Ward. Angle av from Short E to South, 8th Ward. Ann av bet Dock and Hanna, frolll S Front to P. R. R. Apple av from Cumberland N to Verbeke, bet 6th and Cowden, 7th \V ard. Apricot !IV from Juniper E to Beech, bet State and Elm, 8th Ward. Ash st from S 13th E to 18th and Paxt.on, bet Fulton and Sycamore, 1st Ward. Ash av from Primrose av N to Boas, bet FAst and Cowden, 7th and 8th WardR. Aspen Rt from S 14th to city limits, bet Sycamore and Shaoni!!, 1st Ward. Bailey st from N 12th to 14th, bet Market and Walnut, 9th

Balm st from Baillly N to State, ab 12th, 8th and 9th Wards. Barbara av from N Front ab Pine, E to South, 4th Ward. Bartine av from Union av, unopened half square, then from 108 Boas N to Sayford av, bet Front and 2d, 5th and 6th Wards. Basin av from N 2d E to 7th, Let Reily and Colder, 6th and 7th Wards, vacated from 3d to Fulton. Battis al N from Kelker BV to Boyd av, bet Fulton and N 5th. Beech lit frOID Walnut N to State nr 18th, 8th Ward. Berryhill fit from S 9th E to city limits, bet Swatara and L. V. R. R., 2d Ward. Birch at from S Cameron E to city limits, bet Cedar and Poplar, 1st Ward. Blackberry av from S Front bel Market E to Grace av, 3d and 9th Wards. Bluebird av from S 13th E to city limits, bet Sycamore and AS}Jen, 1st Ward.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, practlcOl Paper Hanger.

Boyd's Harrisburg Street


15 Bpas st from 1000 N Front E to the cemetery and 15th to city limits, 5th and 7th Wards. BomhRugh av from N 14th to 16th, bet Wulnut and Regina, 9th Ward. Boyd av from N Front ab Reily E to 7th, 6th and 7th Wards.. Brady av from Market N to State, lib l:3lh, 8th and 9th Wards. Brakespeare av, 2d Ward. Brig:g!l IlV, f"om 2d to Front, bet North and Forster. Briggs Rt from N 2d E to 10th and from 15th to city limits, bet Forster and North, 4th and 8th WardR. Broad st, st'e Verbeke st. Brookwood fit from S 15th E to city limits, bel Berryhill and L. V. R. R, 2d Ward. Brown a~ f,'om 815 East E to 812 Cowden and from 16th to city limits. bE!t Forster and Briggs, 4th and 8th Wards. Buckthorn av from Kittatinny S to Berryhill, bet 13th and 14th,2<1 Ward. , Buttonwood av from State N to North, bet 2d and Front, 4th Ward. . . Calamus av f!'Om N Cameron Iq 13th, bet State and Walnut, 8th WIlI'd.



FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Calumet from Front to city Jimits. Cameron av at Lochiel 11'011 Company's 'Works, 1st Ward. Cameron st from Market Nand S to city line, 1st, 2<1, 7th, 8t.h and 9th Wards. Camp from N 5th to N 6th, 2d st ab Maclay. Canal st from Walnut N to North, parallel with the R R, 8t.h Ward. Capital 8t from North to Broad, bet 3d and 6tb, 4th and 5th Wards. Carnation av from 16th to 18th, bet Walnut and Regina. Carson BV from State to South avo Cascade from Front to city limits. Caynga from Front to city limits. Cedar st from S Fl'Ont E to city limits, bet Hawthorn and Birch, 1st ward. rWard. Cedar av from Liberty N to North, bet Front and 2d,4th Centre av, see Bombangh avo Charles av from N Front ab Cumberland E to Susquehanna, 5th Ward. Chayne av from Shoop to Crabapple av, bet 14th and 15th. Cherry av from S Front bel Chestnut E to R. R., 3d Ward. Chesapeake av from Ch~peake Nail Works W to river, 1st Ward.

Digitized by


011% McN eil's Medicine Co. {Es~~~ed}



Boyd'. Harrisburg Street Guide. Chestnut st from 100 8 Front E to PRo R. R., aud from P.

& R. R. R. to Cameron, and from 16th t~J city limits, 3d and 9th Wards. Chieques from F,ont to city limits. Christian st from CreSl.'eut E to ~ulberl"Y, bet Derry' and Mulberry, 9th Ward. . Christiannu from Cllmel"On E to Hancock, bet 'Vlllnut and 8tate. Christie's av from 422 Cranberry av 8 to rear 420 Walnut, bet 8hort and Tanner's avo Church av from 8tate N to North, bet 2d and 3d, 4th Ward. Clinton av from N Front au Ranis E to 7th, 6th and 7th Wards. Creole av from High to 4th. Coal av from North to North avo Codorus from Cameton to 27th. Colder st from 1400 N Front E to city limits, 6th and 7th Wards; also Colder st at Loehiel Iron Company's Works, 1st Ward. . Coleman st at Lochiel Iron Company's Works, 1st Ward. Commerce st N from No~th to Cumberland, bet 7th and the R. R., 7th and 8th Wards. Compas E from 8 14th to 8 17th, bet 8watara and Hunter. Conestoga from }1~r"nt to 27th. Concwago from Front tp 27th. Conoy st from 8 Front to Race, bet Paxton and Tuscarora, 1st Ward. Comt av from Market N to 8outh, and 8 to R. R., bet 2d and 3d, 2<1, 3d and 4th Wards. Cowden 8t from Market N to Broad, bet 5th and 7th, 7th, 8th and 9th Wards. Cox av froID 2d to the R. R Crabapple av from Chayne E to city limits, bet Market and Regina, 9th Wart!. Cranberry av from N Front, ab Locust E to 3d, and from 4tb to 8hol't, 4th and 8th Wards. Crescent 8t from Chestnut and Derry 8 to Berryhill ab Cameron, 2d and 9th Wards. Crooked av flom Malket 8 to Thompson av, ab 13th, 9tb Ward. Cumberland 8t from 1200 N Front E to city limits, 5tb and 7th WardR. Currant av from Herr N to Basin av, bet Walla('C and 7tb, 7th Ward. Daisey av from Kittatinoy 8 to BelTyhill, bet 14th and:15tb, 2d Ward. . Dauphin av from N Front ab Kelker E to 12th, 6th and 7th Wards.

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1210 {EmPlOYS none but t1rstcl&ll8 workmen, hl'nceonly lIl'11t-claaa N. 3d St. wort. land Insures IL Work done In any part of Ibe 8.ate,

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


Delaware IIV fmlll N Frollt ab Muench E to the AsylullI, 6th and 7th Ward~. Derry st frolll S Cllmeron and Ch~tllut E to city limits, bet Market ami Mulhel"l'Y, 9th ali(I 2d Wllnll". Dewberry BV f\"Om .Marht N to Walnut 1111() S to C. V. R. R, bet 3d and 4tb, :M Ward, Dock frum Front to 10th, hel Hahua, 1st 'Yard. Dogwood BV from S 1:ltb to E city limits, bct AlSh and Sycamore, 13t Ward. Drnmmolld av fmm KiHatinnv to 16th. Dubbs av from N 2d E to N 3d, bet Forster and Briggs, ,4th W a r d . ' [Ward. East st from North N to FOI'ster, bet Cowden and 6th, 8th Eaton av from Florence S to Vernon, ab 13th, 9th Ward. Eighth 8t from Pa. R. R. and North N to city limits, 7th and 8th Wards. Eighteenth st from Market Nand S to city limits, 1st, 2d, 7th, 8th and 9th Wards. Elder st, see Capital. Eleven-and-a-half st from State N to Reily, bet Cameron and 12tb, 7th and 8th Wards. Eleventh st, see Cameron. Elizabeth av from S 10th to S Cameron, bet Hemlock and Elm, 1st Ward; also Elizabeth av from Reily N to city . limits, bet 6th and 7th, 7th Ward. E;lm st from 10th to Cameron, S of Hemlock, 1st .Ward; also Elm 8t from Juniper E to Beech, bet State and Walnut, 8th Ward. Emerald from Front to Pa. Canal, and Hospital grounds to city limits. Evergreen .S from Derry to Thompson's av, bet 12th and 13th. Fahnesstook BV from Strawberry av N to Walnut, bet River av and 2d, 3d Ward. , Fifteenth tit from Market Nand S to city limits, 1st, 2d, 7th, 8th and 9th Wards. Fifth 8t from Market S to R. Rand N to Walnut, and from Sonth N to North, and froOl Reily N to city limits, 9th and 6t.h Wards. Filbert st from Walnut N to North, .bet Cowden and Poplar la, 8th Ward. Fir av from Walnut to Bombaugh av, ab 15th. Florence av from Crooked av E to S 17th, bet Verr:on and Market, 9th Ward. Forrest av from Howard S to Vernon, ab 13th, 9th Ward. Forster 8t from 900 N Front E to Harrisburg Cemetery, and from 15th to city limits, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th Wards. Fourteenth-anda-half st from Walnut N to' State, 8th and 9th Wards,

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 18 Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide. .
FOllrtcelith st frulll Market N to Statl" :Iud from Herr ~ to city limits, and Dt'rry S to Berryhill, and Pllxton S to Hllwthol'll, 1st, 2d, 7th, 8th and 9th Wards. FOllrth st ft'om Market S to R. R. and N to North, and from Reily N to city limits, bet 3d and 5th, 3d, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th \Vards. Fox av f!'OlII Primrose a" N to Herr, bet 7th and the R. R., 7th and 8th Wards. Fridley av from Qhestnut S to Cherry av, bet 2d and 3d, 3d Ward. Front 8t f!'Olll Market Nand S to city limits, along the river, 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th Wards. Fulton st from 458 Cumberland N to city line, bet 4th and 5th, bet Marion and 6th, 6th Ward. Geiger av from N Front ab Peffer E to N 5th, 6th Ward. George Rt N ft'om Kelker ab Cameron to Muench, 7th Ward. German av I'om W of 2d to Cherry avo Goosebet'ry av from 4th to 5th. [Ward. Grace av from Market S to Chestnut, bet 4th and 5th, 9th Grand 8t from Forster to Boas, bet Capital and 6th, 5th Ward. Granite av from N Front ab Hamilton E to 13th, 6th and 7th Wards. Grape av from Herr N to Cumberland, bet 6th and Cowden, 7th Ward. Green st from North N to city line, bet 2d and 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th Wards. Greenwood from 19th to city limits, 7th Ward. Guy's av bel Lochiel Iron Works. Haehnlen av from Crescent to S 13th, bet Mulberry and Kittatinny, 2d Ward. Hage st from N Front E to junction of 4th and Maclay, N limits, 6th Ward. Hamilton st from 1700 N Front E to city limits, 6th and 7th Wards. Hancock from Walnut N to Christianna, bet Cameron and 12th, eth Ward. Hanna st from S Front E to P. R. R., bet Nagle and Dock, 1st Ward. Hanover st from S Cameron E to city limits, bet Aspen aDd Magnolia, 1st Ward. Harris st from 1600 N Front E to 12th, 6th and 7th Warda. Harry av at Lochiel Iron Company's Works, lst Ward. Harvest from 12th to city limits. Hawthorn st from S Cameron E to city limits, bet Magnolia and Cedar, 1st Ward. Hawthorn av, see Myrtle avo Hay av from 1218 James av E to 1213 Fulton, bet Verbeke and Cumberland, 5th Ward.

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\~~Ub-:~lM:;~=IOII PoDeronttWlndOWShodeS lrom A. B. TACK, N,7::~t, Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide. 19

Hazel av f"lIm Ht','r to Rllus, ['t't Cuwden lIud 7th, Hemhx:k lit from S 9th E to Call1t'rOIl, btot Elm and Fulton, 1st W,u'd, . Hf'rr 8t from 1100 N Front E to city limits, 5th and 7th Wards. Hickory lIV f!'Om Hf'rr N to Verbeke, bet 7th and the R. R, 7ili Wa~, . Highland from Jessamine to Prospect. . Hill av 1'1'01U Hummel E to 13th, bet Berryhill and L. V. R. R't 2d Ward. Ho~n av from Derry S to Crescent, 9th Ward, Bolly st frum S 17th E to city limits, 9th Ward. Honey av from Market S to Thompson's av, bel 12th, 9th Ward. Bop av from Mayflower av to VernOIl. Howa~ st frum S 13th E to 14th, bet Markp.t and Vernon, 9th Ward. Howard av S from 347 Barris, bet N 4th and Logan av~ Hoyer av from Paxton S to Indian av, bet Race aod the R. R., 1st Ward. Hummel 8t frolU Mulberry S to Hill IlV, bet Crescent and 13th, 2d Ward. Hunter 8t from N 5th to 6th, bet Maclay and Woodbine.



Huntt'r av fl'lllll Cres(!ent E to S 18th, bet Swatara and B~rryhill,2d Ward. Indian lIV from Race E to S 2d, bet Paxt()n and 2d, 1st Ward. "Iron av from Dock S to Chesapeake Nail Works, 1st Ward. James st from 312 Broad to 315 N Reily, bet 3d and William, 6th Ward. James av from Briggs N to 311 Broad, bet 3d and Capital, -lth and 5th Ward!!. Jessamine from 21st to 22d, JOll('Stown rd from N Cameron E to city limits, bet State and Market, 8th and 9th Wards. Julia av from Verbeke to city limits. Tulliltta from Front to 13th. Juuiper st from Walnut N to the cemetery, au 14th, 8th

Kelker !IV fl"llru N 5th to Fulton t het Reily 111111 Boyd av, Kt'lkf'r 5t frum 1800 N Front E to 12th, 6th lind 7th Wards. Kelly BV fl'llm Pine to Cranbe,"ry av. Ken5i DtCton E from S 1~th to city limits bet Derry and Swatara. Kirby av N from Pear, bet Grand and 6tb, 5th Ward. Kittatinny 8t from Vine E to Derry, bet Mulberry and Swatara, 2d Ward.

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h}~~~::tt,:!~~~~~~J'lld'1'ftJ:,:p?a~:' {liD N.

3d Sf.

'Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.

Kline av from Locust N to C.'anberry av, bet Front and 2d, 4th Warel. Kllnkel av from SSI'ah to Fllx av, anel 16th to city limits, bet Herr and Bllas, 5th anel 7th Wa)~:J~, Liberty st f!'Om 600 N Front E to 3d, 4th Ward. Linden st from Bailey N to State ab 12th and from State N to Hen ab 19th and S from Market to Thompson's av ab 12th, 8th and 9th Wards. Locust st from 200 N Front E to 3d, 4th Ward. Logan av from Reily W to limits, bet 3d and 4th, 6th Ward. Love av from 211 Briggs S to 212 North'. Maclay st from 2100 N Front, E to Pa. Insane Allylum, N city limits, 6th and 7th Wards. Magnolia st from S Front E to city limits, bet Arch, Hanover and Hawthorn, 1st Ward. Mahantongo from Frunt to city limits. Margaret 8t from 338 Verbeke N to 342 Reily, bet 3d and . Marion, 6th Ward. Marigold av from S 13th E to city limits, bet Aspen and Shaonis, 1st Ward. Marion st from 400 Verbeke N to 401 Reily, bet ad and Fulton, 6th Ward, Manada from 2d to city limits. Manaaa av, see Fulton. Maple av from Verbeke N to Basin av, bet 6th and Wallace, 7th Ward, Market st from Front E to city limits, bet Wallmt and Chestnut, :ld and 9th Wards. Market st is the Nand S division line. Market Honse av N from South to State. bet 4th and Spruce. Mary's av from S Front ab Washington E to Meadow la, 2d Ward. Mayflower E froOl Crouked to S 16th bet Howard and Vernon. . Meadow la from S 2d E to" Mulberry, btot Vine a\ld Mulberry, 2c1 W ard. [Ward. MifHin av from Reily N to Maclay, h.,t Green and ad, 6th Moltke av from 628 Mllt-llch N til lilllit!!, I>et Elizabeth MV and N 7th, 7th Ward, .. MontgOlhery 1St from Herr N tu Cumberland, btt. Capital aud 6th, 5th Ward. Moore st frum Maclav N to HUllte)', het 5th lind 6th. Muellch st f"IIOl 1900 N Front E 10 1:~th, 6th 111111 7th VVards. Mulberry st frOIll 200 S Front E til I:~th, HllIl frolll 1 ith to city Iimit-'l, bet ChestilUt uuel Vint', itl, :tcl ulld Hth Warlls . Myrtle av from Suuth N to Cumbel'land, l)lt G"('l'lI lind :~c1. 4th and 5th VV ardtl.

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A. B. TACK .=~rty&Of frelcalag P llc Bulldlogs ID Pilla n.Is, {~~~~~e::::t

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.
Nagle !It from S ~"'r()nt E to Paxton, bet Tuscarora and H:lDlla, 1st Ward. Naudain E froUl 14th to city line, bet Berryhill and Brookwood, 2d Ward. Nectarine BV from Mulberry S fo Swatara, bet Hummel and Crescent, 2cI Ward. Nineteenth st frllm ~ahanto\lgo to Walnut, and Regina to Conestoga, and from Swatara S to city limits. Ninth st from MahantClngll to Walnut, and State S to Kittatinny, and frllm Vine to S Shaonil!, 2d, 3d and 7th Wards. North Rt from 700 N Front to (~metery, imd from 15th to city limits,4th and 8th Wards. North av froOl 51:l N 4th to Poplar la, bet North and State, 4th Ward. Oak av from Hickorv av to the R. R. Oliver av from 709 <heeD E to 3d, bet Briggs and North, 4th Ward. . [Ward. Ott av f!'Om S Front to Race, bel Paxton and Conoy, 1st. Otter la nr 14th~ 9th Ward. Paxton st from 400 S Frout E to city limits, 1st aud 2d Wards. Pear av from Capital to 910 N 6th. Peffer st from 2000 N Front E to the Asylum, 6th and 7th Wards. Penu st from Briggs N to city limits, bet 2d and Green, 4th, 5th and 6th Wards. PenD!~ylvania av, ~ 7th st. Pequa from Front til city liOlit.~. Pheasant BV frum Hawthorn S to f".edar, bet Cameron and 12th. 1st Ward. Pigt'on av from Puton S to Hanna, and from Shaonis S to Hawthllrn, 1st Ward. . Pine st from 300 N Frout. E to 3d, 4th Ward. Pleasallt av, see Rbluh. Plover ffv from Turtle av to 10th. Plum 01 N from Briggs to Forster, ab Capital, 4th Ward. Plum av fmOl Boas to Cumberland, bet Capital and 6th, 5th Ward. Poplar st frllm S F~ollt E to city limits, bet Bircti and city Iimitfol, 1st Wal'd. Poplar 111 froll) Suuth N to North, bet Filbert and Canal, 8th Wam. PO)JPY BV from Cl1me!'On tIl1:lth. Primr(l!Ce av f!'OlII J4AII~t E to R. R.,IUltl 15th to city limits, bet Briggs and North, 4th and 8th Wards. Prospel~t fl'om jlllwtillll of Whitehall and Highland to Market. Prune av f"um Mulbel'ry S to Swatara, bet Hummel and 13th, 2<1 Wam,
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" To find a name you must knO'W how to spell it." 22 Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.
Race st from Paxton 8 to Hanna, bet Front and the R. R., 1st Ward. Raspberry av, see Court avo Reel's av from Paxton Creek E to 8 Cameron, bet Aspen and Hemlock, 1st Ward. Reese av from Crescent to 8 15th, bet Kittatinny and Swatara, 2d Ward. Regina st from N 14th E to city limits, bet Walnut and Market, 9th Ward . .Reily st from 1500 N Front E to city limits, 6th and 7th WardR. River av from Market N to South, and 8 to Paxton, bet Front and 2d, 2d, 3d and 4th Wards. Roberts st from Hill 8 to Paxton, nr Catholic Cemetery, 2d Ward. ltose av S from 430 Boas to Pear av, 5th Ward. Rosemary av from S 17th to 18th, bet Chestnut and Mulberry, 9th Ward. . Rudy E from S 18th to city limits. Rural av frOID Hawthorn 8 to Cedar ab Cameron, 1st Ward. Salmon av fl'om Paxton to Sycamore. Sarah av f!'Om Herr to York BV, bet N 6th and Ash. Sassafras av N from }4'ront to Susquehanna av, bet Herr and Cumberland,5th Ward. Sayford av from 121.J NFront E to 7th, 8th tu Cameron, ab Verbeke, 6th and 7th Wards. Schuylkill from Front to city limits. Second st from Market N to city Iimit!.'l, and 8 to Paxton, bet Front and 3d, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th Wards. . Seneca from }4'runt to dty limits. Seven-and-a-half or Commerce st from North N to Cumberland bet 7th and the R. R., 7th and 8th Wards. Seventeenth st frum Market Nand S tu city limits, 1st, 2d, 7t1i, 8th and 9th Wards. Seventh st from NOI,th N to city limits, bet Cowden -and t.he R. R., 7th alld 8th Wardll. Shamokin from Fl'flllt to 13th. Shanklin av from South N to State, het Fl'Unt and 2d, 4th Ward. Shanlln av from SlOth E to Cameron, bet Hannll and Fulton, 1st Wal'd. Shaouis st froUl S Front E to Cameron, bet Aspen and AI'CII, 1st Ward. Sharon st, see Fifteenth. Shoop st from 51 N 14th, E to 15th, bet Walnnt and Rt'gina, 9th Ward. Short st from Waluut N to 80uth, bet 4th And Cowden, 8th Ward.

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A. B. TACK =tt::.o~Fo} I.n Piper u.II.... Sb.de5 {t2m

Boyd'. Harrisburg Street Guide.

Showel'fl av from Conoy S to Hanna, bet Front and the R. R., 1st Ward. . Shrub av from N 12th E to 14th, bet Baileyanrl Walnut, 9th Ward. Unopened from 12th to 13th. Simon av at l.lOChiellron Company's Works, 1st Ward. Singer av from 207 CheRtnut 8 to Cherry avo Sixteeuth st from Market Nand 8 to city limits, 1st, 2d, 7th, 8th and 9th Wards. Sixth st from North N to city limits, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Wards. Smith av, see Bartine avo South st from 400 N Frout E to R. R., 4th and 8th Wards. Sonth av from West av E to Poplar la, bet State and South, 5th Ward. Spring av from South N to State, bet 2d and 3d, 4th Ward: Spruce av, see 5th st. 8tate st from 500 N Front E to 3d and from 4th to city limits, bet North Dnd South, 4th and 8th Wards. Strawberry av from N Front ab Market E to Pa. R. R., 3d and 9th Wards. Summit st from Market ~ to State and S to Mulberry, ab 12th, 8th and 9th WardH.




8usquehanna st from Cumberland N to Reily, bet Green and 3d, 5th and 6th Wards. Swatara st from Crescent E to city limits, bet Kittatinny and Berryhill,2tl Ward; Sweetl>riar av, 16th to city lint'. Sycamore st from Penna: Canal to city limits, bet Ash and Aspen, 1st Wam. Tannet"s av from Walnut N to 410 80uth, ab 4th, 8t~ Want TallHeY I1V from Ppqun to Harvest. . Tenth st fl'OlII Market N to State, bet Camf'ron and Canal, and from Wiconisco to Maclay. and from Berryhill to As-pen, hit, 2d, 7th, 8th and 9th Wards. Third st from Market N to dty limits, and S to Meadow la, bet 211 and 4th, 2d, 3d. 4th, 5th and 6th Wat'ds. Thirteenth st from Market. Nand 8 to city limits, ht, 2d, 7th, 8th and 9th Wards. Vacated from Sycamore st to Hanover. , Thomas st at Lochiel Iron Cumpany's WOI'ks, 1st Ward. Thompson's av from Summit E to 8 17th, bet Derry and Vernon, 9th Wam. ' Tulip av from 8 13th E to 17th, bet ~"'lllton and Ash, 1st Ward. ' Tllrn~r a\' from Peffer Nto city limits, bet 5th and 6th, 6th Ward.

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"eleo's Pala Exterminator _ (-,hol_ 1I000000, DIentel'1. CramPII. DhUThma: Cold&, QulDI1. Rh..mallllm. Toothache, 80re Throat, Ague, Dyspepsia, &c. UU 3d.


Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.

Turtle av froOl HellllO<'k til Elm. TUSC8I'Of"a st from S Front ~o R. R., bet Vonoy 8nll NaJ1:ie, hit Ward. Twelfth at frum Mlirket N to Muench, and Paxton S to Cedar, Rnd PeqUIl S to city limits, lst, 7th, 8th and 9th Wardli. Vacated frolll Ash 8t to Hanover. . Twentieth from ab Mahalltongo to Walnut, and MltIket to Clilumet. Twenty-iil-st from ull Mahantongo to Pequa . Twenty-second .f.1'00l lib MahanlUligo to Pequa. Twenty-third fmm ab Mahantongo to S boundury line. Twenty-follrth from ab Mahantongo to Aspen, and from Paxton til S boundary line. Twenty-fifth {mm ab 1\iahantongo to Aspen and f!"Om Paxton to S bOllndarv line. Twenty-aixth f.:mil ab Mahantongo to S boulldHry line. Twenty.seventh from al> Mahantongo to S boundary line. Two-and-lI-hlilf st, see Green. Union lIV from N F,'ont al> Forster E to !ld, 5th Ward. Verbeke lit from 1230 N Front E to city limits, 5th, 6th and 7th WlirdS. Vernon st f,'om Summit to 8 ~ 7th, bet Derry and Market, 9th Ward. Vine st from junction of 8 ~"rout, RIll.'e and Paxton, E to junction with KittatinllY, 2d Ward. .. Violet av from 8 Cameron E to 14th, bet Hanna and Ful-' ton,18t Ward. [Ward. Wallace st from Herr N to Hlimilton, bet 6tn and 7th, 7th Walnut st from 27 N Front E to PR. R. R., and from Cameron to city limits, bet Market and Locust and 8tate, ad, 4th, 8th and 9th Wards, Washillgton ct bel Lochiel Iroll Works. Washillgton st from 3008 Frllnt E to 2d, 2d Ward. West av f!"Om 8(111th N to Briggs, bet 4th and 5th, 8th Ward. 'Whf'at, see Evergreen. Whitehall from 181h to 20th. WiconiSCt) from Front 10 301h. Williani at from ;l24 Broad N to 327 Reily, bet James alld Mal'glll'et, 6th Ward, Willis av from 80uth N to State, bet 2d and Myrtle av, 4th Ward. WiIllI\v av from 8tate N to North, bet 2d Ilnd 3d, 4th Ward. Wood av f Hamilton N to Maclay, het 5th and 6th, 6th Ward. W 1I0dbine from Frllnt to Pa. R. R., 15th to S limits. Woodlawn f,'om 32d to 27th. Wright av from Blackbel'ry av 8 to Chestllut, bet Raspberry aVo and ad, 3d Ward.

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IIIK Shades complete. twit aDd loweac Window l B. T {Wall Paper. Thewilb F1:UDres aDd P'rIDlle. for 86 eta. { N. 7270bt. IIU Sd

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


Wyeth av from 503 Broad N to 4,16 Reily, bet Fultoll and 6th, 6th Ward. York a\' from 6th E tn 7th. and fl'Om 16th to tity limits, bet Boas and F,orster, i)th IIllIl ilh Ward". Zarkel' st from 14th E to 16th. bel Market allll Howurd av, 9th Wam. Ziegler av from Cherry av S to Mulberrr, bet 2(lullcl S Court, 3d Ward.


Associatioll, 11-l N 2d Heptasoph, 13th c Market Barr's, Lo('ust c 2d Kelhr St. Market, Kelker c Chestnut St. Market, Chest4th nut c Court K illllarcl's, 305 Broad City Grays' Armory, 2d c MlIl"onic, 222 Murket Odd Fellows', 321 Market Forster Odd Fellows', 502 South Dressel's, 207 Chestnut Fackler's, 1310 Derry Odd FellowA', :304 N 2d Franklin, 421 Soulh' Red Men's, 1300 Fulton G. A. R., :lO N 3d Sihle & Clark's, 1200 N 3d Golden Eagle, 4th c Market SynaJ!'ogut', 2d c South Grund Optlfll House, Walnut Wyeth's, 2 N Court ,/} 3d Zarker's, 1:3th c Market

~"lAn()lAlfit()'* ............................................................






141 I

Perkiomen Avenue, Reading, Pa.

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Coog Ie

" To find a name you must k,lOw how to spell it."


Pennsylvania State Government.

Pennsylvania State Government.

Governor-Robert E. Pattison. Lieutenant Governor-Louis A. Wlltrel;. Pl'ivate Secretary-Humphrey D. Tate, Secretary of the Commonwealth-William I". Harrity. Deputy Secretary of' the COffimonwelllth-A. L. Tilden. Chief Clerk-Oliver R. Snyder. Attorney Generltl- William U,' Hensel. Deputy Attorney General-James A. Stranahan. Auditor General-D. ~lcM. Gregg. Chief Clerk-Fredelid. Schuber. Secretarv of Internal Affairs-Tholllas J, Stewart. Deputy 'Secrctlu'y Internal Affilirlr-I!l:IlIc B. Brown. Chief Bm'eall Indllstrial Statisties-A Ibert S. Bolles. State Treasurer-Samuel M. JIIC!l<sCln. Cashier-Belljlllllill .J. lIaywood. Su peri n,teudent of Pu bl ie I nstnlction - Nathan C, Scheaffer. Deputy SIIperintendents IIf Public Instructioll---:-Henry Houck and John Q. Stewart. Adjutant Genea'al- Walter W, Greenland. ChiefClerk-G, C. Kelly. Stale Librarian-Willialll H, Eg-Ie, M. D. State Printer-Clarf'nee M. BIIseh. Snperintendent of Publie BtJildings and GJ'()unds-John Lockhart. Superintendent of Public Printing-Wm. HMyes Grier. Commissioner of' Insurauee-George B. Lllper. Commission of'Soldiers' Orphan Seho/Jls-Holl. Robert E. Pattison, pr'es. ; Joseph Pomeroy, chid' derk. Banking Department-Charles H. KrulUbhaar, supt.; F. Asbury Awl, dept. supt, Secretary Board Public Chal'ities-Cadwlliader Biddle. Secretary Board of Agri<:ulture-Thomas J. Edge. Secretary Bourt! of Health-Benjamin Lee, M. D. Secretary Forestry Commission-Percy W. McClellan. Factor'Y Inspedor-Robert Watchorn.

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I. B. TACK, 'all Paper and lindow Shades. {'2~:~O!~,g~t~.

Presidellt Judge-John W. Simuutou. Additional Law Judge-.John B. McPhl!f!lOn. Sheritf-Henr~' H. Shellenberger. Deputy Sheri:lfs-Edgat C. Hummel, J. J. Keller, Henry


27 .

Prothonotary-J(jhn P. Melick. Deputy Protllllllotary-Hellry F. Holler. Treasnrer-Christian W. Lynch. Register-J. Harry Stroup. Deputy Register- Williafll A. McIlhenny. Recorder-H. L. Hershev. Deputy Recorder-John P. Miller. Clerks to Recorder-George C. Swab, George W. Boyd, George Galbreath, Whitmer C. Ronk. District Attorney-Meade D. Detweiler. County Commissioners-Isaac Lyter, Levi H. Nell, William Shireman. . County Auditors-Daniel H. Grissinger, William C. Erb, George W. LiesOlall. . County Solicitor-Albert Millar. County Surveyor-So W. Cooper. Commissioners' Clerk-C. J. Brubaker.


Coroner-Francis H. Hoy. Warden County Prison-John S. Longenecker. Directors of the Poor-Henry Cordes, John C. Lyme, William Look. Clerk, Geoige A. L. Rowe. Steward Almshouse-Edward F. Hummel. Prison Physician-Paul A. Hartman, M. D. Board of PrillOn Inspectors-William B. Meetch, Samuel McIlhenny, William H. Ulrich, Dr. G. W. Porter, Lane S. Hart, Charles Ryan. Clerk to Board of Prison Inspectors-W. B. Meetch. Court of Oyer and Terminer-Quarter Ses."ions-January, March, JUQe and September. Common Pleas---January, February, March, April, Mayaud November.


InCorporated as a Oity in 1860.
Mayor-Maurice C. Eby. Treasurer-Abner C. McKee. Controller-William K. Verbeke. Solicitor-William H. Middleton. City Engineer-M. B. Cowden.

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1f\9eB you an le.all's Pal'n Extarml'nator mlllluDS have appetite. MaDY { "TRY IT'ad. 11" " beeD cured by It. " NorlJr


Harrisburg Fire Department.

City Assessors-Albel't B. Tack, Samuel S. Pease, John A. Ringlulld. 'Vater Commissiollers-Edmund Mather. pres.; George J. Hutton, John A. Affleck, George G. Kennedy, sec. . Sauitnry Dt>partment-.T. C. Hutton, M. D., chairman; Charles A. Miller, sec.; William D. Block and George W. Osler, snnitlll'Y offict'ls. City Clerk-Charles A. Miller. Superintendent Police anti Fire Alarm-Richard B. Ziegler. Tax Collector-First District, Isaac W. Guiles. Tax Collector-Second District, Isaac W. Guiles. Highway Qomruissioner-Andrew U. Zarker. Supervisor-First District, Lewis T,ess. Supervisor-Second :Qistrict, William H. Crook. Chief of Police-Samuel J. Anderson. Lieutenant of Police-Alfred T. Black. Sergeants of Police-James McCann, J. Charles Yingst. SELECT COUNcII_-First Ward, Hellry A. Walkemeyer,

Second Ward-Benjamin F. Keil. Third Ward-Naudain Hamilton. Fonrth Wurd-W. K. Sheaffer. Fifth Ward-Charles Fisher. Sixth Ward-J ..Lemuel Kennedv. Seventh Ward-Samupl W. Fitzgerald. Eighth Ward-J. J. Manion. Ninth WareJ-CllI'istian L. Rudv. Clerk of Select Couucil-J. Herman Knisely. COMMON COUNCIJ__ Fi"st Ward, Daniel S. Seitz, Jacob Tippett. Second Ward-John A. Koser, William E. Murray. Third Ward-Thomas S. Peters, Charles F. DeikeI'. Fourth Ward-.I. K. Royal, George W. Milnor. Fifth Ward-Jo('oh Hess, Charles C. Schriver, pres. Sixth Ward-William M. Slentz, S. Mark Myers. Seventh Ward-Samuel Eberly, William Daum. Eighth Ward-Frisby C. Battis, GeOl'ge W. Hynicka. Ninth Ward-C. A. Drhsbrow, J. C. Hutton. Clerk to Common Coullcil-C. A. Miller.

Chief Engineer, Jacob Kohler. 1st Assistant Engineer, Truman Pet'ples. . Firemen's Rplipf Association; org. 1891. Christian D. K"a,mer, pres.; Valentine H. Wiestlin~,sec. Firemen's Union, composed of three representatives from each company and the chief and assistant engineers of the fire

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A. B. TACK, FiDe Irt laU Paper. {~~~~;I!Jr\.~~}I210 N. 311.

HarrisbUrg Seaool Department.

department. Robert F. P. LaRoss, pres.; .John P. Rupley, sec. Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Co., No.1, -ltb bet State and North. Charle.'1 Martin, sec. Friend:dlip Steam Engine Co., No.1, ad c Cherry av; meets first Monday eve. of l'ach month; Ol'g. prior to 1801. Daniel L. Keister. !'t'C. Hope 8tt'll"1 FirE' Eni!ine Co., No.2, 2c1 bet State and' NOl'lh. Jllhu P. Rupley. set'. . Citizeus'Steam Fire Engine Co., No.3, 4th nr Walnut. Val. H. \viestling, Sf'C. Washington Hose CII.. No. -l; nrg. Feb. 22, 1841 ; Chestnut nr 2<1. Harrv F. Hench, sec. Puxton Steum Fire Engint' Co., No.6, 2<1 bet Washington and Vine; OI'J!". Nov. 22, 1859. Henry Erb. sel!. Good Will Steam Engine Co., No.7; or~. 1860; 6th c Colder. C. \V. Sc.!Ollt, sec. . Mount Pleasant Fire Co., No.8; org. 1877; S 13th c Howard. Cyrus F. Benson. sec. Susquehanna Steam Fire Engine Co., No.9; 11th Dr Shaouis; orlt. 1884. Terren<--e A-lcCarvel, jr., sec. Mechanical Fire Co., Harrisburg Car Co.'s Works. Reily Hose Co., No. 10; org. July 11th, 1885; 4th c Dauphin avo W. H. Northamer, sec. Shamrock Fire Co., No. 11, Herr c 10th. Joseph Redmond, tIeC.


Schools consist of 1 Higb, 32 Grammar and 93 Primary Schools. City Superintenden~, L. O. Foose. Secretary of the Board, John W. Young. Directors-1st Ward, William E. Collins, Wesley C. Fisher and William C. Mason; 2d Ward, Nelson Hoffman, pres., and H. S. Sourbeer; 3d Ward, Henry C. Orth, Charles F. Spicer and George Doehne; 4tb Ward. Paul A. Hartman. M. D., E. S. Meals, M. D., and C. B. Fager, M. D.; 5th WaN, Henry A. Swartz, W..C. Stuart and David H. Ellinger; 6tb Ward, Samuel H. Garland, John W. Hoo\'er aud Jacob O. Shaffner; 7th Ward, George W. Langletz, I. T. Enders and William C. M<-Gann; 8th Ward, W. Howard Day and ,James W. Leonard; 9th Ward, John Beatty, David R. Cadwallader and William Fenical.

High School Building, Forster c Capital, Prof. J. Howard Wert. . Lochiel Building, 12th c Magnolia, W. E. Kirk.
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" To find a nam'e you must know how to spell z't." 30 Harrisburg Bands and Kusica! Organization.
Harris Building, S. P. Stambaugh. Paxtang Building, Sallie J. Miller: Stevens Building, bet 2d and Front, Mary G. Edwards. }1"lIger BuiMing, Walnut nr FI'()J)t, Clara L. Meredith. Willard Building', M. Louisa Nolen. BoaH Building, Green c Forster, Anna MarllhbHnk. Verbeke Building, Verbeke nr :M, Sue F. Wilson. Reily Building, Isaac Lluyd. . Hamiltun Building', 6th (~ Hamilton, J. E. Devor. Penn Building, 7th c Cumberland, Amandll L. Crowe. Garfield Building, R. Emma Culeman. Dewitt Building, Walnut bel 4th, Fannie L. Johnson. Calder Building, W. H. Marshlill. Downey llnilcling, Mary C. Sitl's. Maclay Building, W. M. Fahne!;tock. Allison Building, J. C. Miller. Lincoln Building, Morl'is H. Layton. Webster Building, 13th c KiUutinny, Findley I. Thomas.

Harrisburg Academy, Front c 8mlth, Jacob }1". Seiler. St. Gelll'vieve's Conv~nt and Al'lldemy of the Sisters of Mercy, Maclay and 5th. Pro-Catht'<lral Schuol, Liberty c Church av, charge of the Sisters of Mercy. St. Lawel'ence Parochial Sisters of Christian Charity, 113 Short. Young Ladies' Seminary, 9 N Front, A. Y. Woodward. Private School, The Misses Tomkinson's School, 304 N 2d.


Weber's Orchestra meets at 1368 2d. William F. Weber, conductor. Opera House Orchestra, W. F. Weber, conductor. Columbia Orchestra meets every Wednesday eve., 2d c Qhestnut. Harry E. Radabaugh, sec. Commonwealth Bund meets at 17 N 3d first Wednesday eve. of every month. Cornelius Shoop, leader. . Hllrrisburg Mrennerchor meets 121 Walnut every Sunday. Camp 15, S. V., Drum Corps meets every Tuesday eve., College Block. Mt. Pleasant Band meet..~ tlvery Monday eve., 8 N Cameron. Charles S. McEnroe, leader. Harrisburg Band meets every Monday and Friday eves., 2d c Chestnut. W. F. Weber, director. Keystone Cornet Band meets every Monday and Friday eves., Eby's Building, Market c 5th. C. E. Scott, leader. 8th Regiment Flute and Drnm Corps meet.~ every WedDesday eve., City Grays' Armory. Marcus J. Vogt, leader.

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B. TACK, PractlCOI Paper Hanger. {7~7~~o:'R2~J~

Harrisburg Board of Trade.

Dauphin Deposit Bank, 213 Market st; capital, $300,000 ; illc. 1834. W. K. Alricks, cashier. First Natioilal Bank, 222 Market. Lane S. Hart, pres. ; James Brady, cushier. Capital, $100,000; surplu8 funds and undivided profits .. $270,000 ; discount day, Wedne8day. Harrisburg National Bank, 16 S 2(1; capital and surplus, $485,000; inc. 1814. Pres., Edward Bailey; catlhier, William L. Gorgas. . MechaniCll' Bank, Market c 3d ; capital and surplus, $300,000. Cashier, Jacob C. ~omberger; asst. cashier, C. A. Kunkel. Merchants' National Bank, 1230 N 3d; capital, $100,000; surplus, $19,000. Hamilton D. Hemler, pres.; Daniel W. Sohn, cashier. Harrisburg Trust Co., 16 S 2d; capital, $400,000. Ed-' ward Bailey, pres.; W. L. Gorgas, sec. and treas. Central Guarantee Trust ana Safe Deposit Co. H. D. Hemler, pres.; D. W. Sohn, treas.; 1230 N 3d. Capital: $250,000; authorized, $125,000, paid up. Commonwealth Guarantee Trust anti Safe Deposit Co., 222 Market; capital, $250,000. Lane S. Hart, pres.; W .. H. Metzger, sec. and treas.

Dime Savings tl'eas.

FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

22a Market; James McCormick,


Harrisburg Board of Trade, Strawberry bel 3d. Regular meetings of the Board: Third Tuesday in every month at Sp. m. . Pres., G. M. McCauley; vice pres., S. C. Gilbert, E. Z. Wallower, B. F. Meyers, Henry .J. Beatty, M. W. MeAlarney, Robert Snodgrass; sec., John W. German; tress., W. L~ Gorgas; trustees, William Witman, chairman; W. M. Donaldson, Martin H. Buehler. Monthly meeting Monday preceding monthly meeting of the Board at 7.30 p. m.

.Manufactures--Da\'id Fleming, ehairman; Chas. S. Boll, Henry Mt.'Cormick, T. G. Calder, Spencer C. Gilbert, W. J. RoSe, John Y. Boyd. First Thursday at 7.30 p. m. Transportation-W. L. Powell, t~hairman; Geo. C. Bonbright, Ed. S. Herman, Aug. R. Foltz, T. L. Wallace. SecOnd Tuesday at 8.00 p. m. a

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Dice McN ell's Medicine Co. {Es~~~} N~~t~d.

32 Harrisburg Churches. Municipal Aft'lliI'&-M. D. Detwiler, chairman; C. Westbrook, jr., H. C. Demming, Geo. R. Fleming, C. A. Spicer. Second Thursday at 7.30 p. m. Real Estate-Frank R. Leib, chairman; J. A. Dunkle, Thos. S. Peters, Isaac Guiles, M. M. Grove. Second Mon. day at 7.30 p. m. Legislation-Henry J. Beatty, chairman"; Lyman D. Gilbert, Frank J. Hess, M. E. Olmstead, W. K. Alricks. Second Tuesday at 7.30 p. m. . Finance-M. W. McAlarney, chairman; Jno. S. Sible, Robt. Snodgrass. Third Tnesday at 4.00 p. m. Arbitration-B. F. Meyers, chairman; John P. GohI, Naudain Hamilton. Third Tnesday at 7.30 p. m. Statistics-E. Z. WlllJower, chairman; H. C. Ross, S. W. Entrekin, C. Ross Boas, W. H. Bennethnm. Second Thursday at 7.30 p. m. Publication-J. H. Knrzenknabe, chairman; Rev. G. S. Chambers, Dr. E. H. Coover, Edmund Mather, Dr. J. W. Roop. Second Friday at 7.30 p. m. Office of Board is open daily from 9 a. m. to is p. m. Use of rooms for corporations or business meetings given on application of a member and consent of trustees. Blackboard for members to publish sales of personal property or real estate.

CBUB.CBES. A. M. E., State c Weflt. Rev. J. E. W. Moore, pastor. Augsburg Lutheran Church, 5th c Muench. Rev. D. H. Geiser, pastor. Bethany Presbyterian Chapel, Cameron c Cumberland. Rev. J. Newton Armstrong, pastor. Be~hlehem Lutheran, Green c Cumberland. Rev. W. H. Singley, pastor. Calvary Presbyterian Chapel, S Cameron c Sycamore. Rev. David M. Skilling, pastor. Christ E\'angelical Lutheran Church, 13th c Thompson avo Rev. T. L. Crouse., pastor. Chl1rch of God, N 4th nr Walnut. Rev. George Sigler, pastor. Church of God, 111 ab Cumberland. Rev. F. L. Nicodemus, pastor. Covenant Presbyterian, 5th c Peffer. Rev. Curtis Bosserman, pastor. . Curtin Heights Chapel, (Methodist), 6th nr Hunter. Rev. A. S. Fasick, pastor. Derry Street United Brethren, Derry c 15th. Rev. C. W. Hutsler, putor.

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r 1 RTieI\,

N. 3d St. work, and lnauree lL. Work done in any part of the State.

1210 {EmPIOYB none but 1IrIt-clB88 workmen, bence only lIrat-clul

Harrisburg Churches.


East Harrisburg MiRSion. (A. M. E. Zion), Walnut nr Rev. John Q. Adams, pastor. Elder Street Presbyterian, Capital c Forster. Rev. Reuben H. Armstrong, pastor. Fifth Street Methodist, 5th c Granite. Rev. George W. Stevens, pastor. First Baptist. 2d c Pine. Rev. Isaac H. Bagley, pastor. First Free Baptist, Stat~ c 4th. Rev. Walter F. Cranston, pastor. Fourth Reformed Church, 1310 Derry. Rev. M. H. Sangree, pastor. Grace M. E., State bet 2d and 3d. Rev. Benjamin F. Dimmick, pastor. German Lutheran, (St. Michael), 321 S 2d nr Meadow lao Rev. J. G. Pfuhl, pastor. Harris A. M. E. Zion, Marioll nr Colder. Rev. Robert B. Robinson, pastor. Market Square Presbyterian. Rev. George B. Stewart, pastor. . Memorial Evangelical Lutheran, 15th c Shoop. Rev. S. Dasher, pastor. Memorial United Brethren, Boas c Myrtle. Rev. J. P. Miller, pastdr. Messiah Lutheran, 6th c Forster. Rev. Luther E. Dey 00, pastor. Methodist Episcopal, Herr ab Cameron. Rev. Joseph Wheeler, pastor. Nagle Street Church of God, Nagle nr Race. Rev. J. R. Gearinger, pastor. . Ohev Sbolem (Lovers of Peace) Congregation, 2d c South. Rev. , rabbi. Otterbein Church of the U. B. in Christ, Reily c Margaret. Rev. B. F. Dougherty, pastor. Olivet. Presbyterian Chapel, Derry c Kittatinny. Rev. . William P. Patterson, pastor. . Pine Street Presbyterian, 3d c Pine. Rev. George S. Chambers, pastor. Reformed Zwingli, North c Church. Rev. Isaac E. Graeff, pastor. Ridge A venue M. E., 6th c Herr. Rev. B. B. Hamlin, pastor. Salem Reformed. Chestnllt c 3d. Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor. Second Free Baptist, William c Colder. Second Reformed, Verbeke c Green. Rev. J. Stewart Hartman, pastor. 8ecQnd Baptist Church, Cameron ab Market. Rev. Joseph H. Bell, pastor.
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" To find a name you mttst know how to spell ':t."


Harrisburg Market Houses.

Second Church of Goo, Green c Colder. Rev. John W. Deshong, pastor. St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal, front nr Pine. Rev. Thumas B. A ngell, rector. St. Lawrell(.:e German Catholic, Will nut nr 5th. Rev. F. C. Seuhert, pastor. St. Patrick's Cathedral, State c Church. Rt. Rev. T. MeGovE'rn, D. D. Rev. Germanus Kohl, rector, and Rev. William E. Martin. asst. St. Paul's Episcopal, 6th c Forster. Rev. LE'roy F. Baker, rector. . St. Paul's Methodist,' Vine nr Paxton. Rev. Richard H. Colburn, pastor. Tllbernacle Baptist Church, Forster nr 6th. Rev. Frank L. Bardens, pastor. . Thirteenth Strel't M. E., 13th c Vernon. Rev. E. M. Stevens, past()!". Trinity Evangelical Church, North ab 3d. Rev. J. B. Eseuwein, pastor. Trinity Mission Chapel of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 103M S 9th. Rev. M. L. Deitzler, pastor. Union United Welsh, (Methodist), Race nr Lochiel Iron Works. United Brethren. Plymouth Chapel, Cameron ab Herr. Wt'stmiJlster, (Presbyterian), Reily c Green. Rev. George S. Duncan, pastor. Wesleyan Union, South c Tanner's. Rev. J. H. Anderson, pastor. Zion German Lutheran, Herr c Elder. Rev. Hugo R. Wendel, pastor. Zion Lutheran, S 4th nr Market. Rev. D. M. Gilbert, pastor. Salem Bible Class meets every Sunday at 1.30 p. m., 6, N 2d, 3d Boor. Uuder the care of ft. F. Kelker, Esq.

State Lunatic Hospital, Maclay nr CameroD; opened 1851. D. W. Gross, tress.; H. L. Orth, M. D . supt. The Harrisbl1rg Hospital, l!'ront c Ml1lberry st.; chartered; property owned by the corporation; a membership $30; supported by voluntary contributions. Henry McCormick, pres.; William B. Lamberton, sec.; William L. Gorgas~ treas.

ChelStnut Street Market Co., Chestnut c Cuurt. J. Lescure, sec. and treas. 'Villiam

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\~\~1fn~;:~ WOII POper ond WIndOW ShOdeS from A. B. TACK, N.'::~t. Harrisburg Newspapers. 35
East Harrisburg Farmers' Market House Co., Market c 14th .. A. U. Zarkel', ples. . Kelker Street Market, Kelker c 4th. J. G. N. Bay, sec. State Street Market House, 4th c State. Augustus H. Frankem, supt. West Harrishurg Market House Co., Vel'beke c 3d~ L. H. Kinnard, SllPt.

The Dauphin County Mtodical Society; olg. 1866; meets at the Chestnut Street School bldg., quarterl.v; professional meetings monthly. Paul A. Hartman, M. D., sec. Dauphin County Pharmaceutical 'Association; .org. 1883; meets at Chestnut Street School bldg. at call of the sec. Dr. John W. Hay, pres; Dr. Jacob A. Miller, sec. The Harrisburg Pathological Sodety meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at Chestnut Street School bldg. C. E. Jauss, M. D., sec. . State Pharmat'eutical Examining Board, 1:106 N 3d. Alonzo Robbins, PrE'S.; C. T. GeorgE', !lee.; A. J. Tllfel, treas:
-Alllhe Latest SlyleB InNELIABLE and FASHIONABLE

FO OT WEAR 01 FRAlK 11'. WfiLT[R8', N. ad St. II " [ , n


Harrisburg City GI'BYs meet every Tuesday eve. at armory, N 2d c Forster. J. B. Hutchison, capt.; E. Laubenstein, 1st lieut.; E. R. BPrgstrefO..'ler, 2d Iieut. :. City Grays' Cadet Corps meets every Monday eve. at armory, N 2d c Forster. Corp. J. R. Hutter, drill master. GovernOl"s Troop meets every Tuesday eve. at Kelker Street Armory. Fred M. Ott, captain; Charles P. Meck, 1st liellt.; John M. Major, 2d Iieut.; John A. Fritchey, asst. surgeon; Thomas J. Bell, lieut. qm.

PATRIOT, Daily and Weekly, published at 320 Market st., by The Patriot Co. 'Daily, pllblished every morning, (Sunday excepted); delivered in the city by carrieI'!! at 10 cents a week; by mail, $5.00 a year. Weekly, published every Tuesday evening; an eight-page, forty-eight column paper; sent by mail, (postage free); single copies, $1.00 a year. THE TELEGRAPH is pllblished every evening by the Harrisburg Publishing Company, 3d c Market. The Daily Telegraph is served to 811bscribers in the city at 10 cents per week. Yearly subscriptions will be charged '5.00, or 46 cents per month, postage prepaid. The Semi-Weekly Tele~raph is publishe..i every Tuesday and Friday mornings and IS furnished subscribers at the following cash rates: Single
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Liver and Blood Purlfylnlr McNEIL'S DYlpepela, Liver, Blood and KIdneyPJII. Cure JIIIII 31131 Compl&1nta. l


Rarrisburg Building, Loan, &c., Institutions.

copies, semi-weekly, $1.00; 6 copies to one post office, 14.60 ; 10 copies to one post office, 18.60; 20 copies to one post office, $15.00. HARRISBURG TELEGRAM is published weekly at 227 WalDut, by Will F. Jordon. Terms, 12.00 per year, in advance. MORNING CALL, (THE), published daily, except Sunday, by Mumma & Baum, 301 Chestnut. Terms, 2 cents a copy, or 10 cents per week; by mail, 50 cents per month. WEEKLY CALL, publiflhed weekly, by Mumma & Baum, 301 Chestnut. Terms, $1.00 per year. STAR-INDEPENDENT, published daily, except Sunday, 8 N 4th, by Benjamin F. Meyers. Terms, yearly, $3.25, or 6 cents per week. WEEKLY STAR-INDEPENDENT iR published every Satllrday, by Benjamin F. Meyers, lit 8 N 4th; single copies, 81.00 per year. PENNSYLVANIA STAATS ZEITUNO AND DAUPHIN COU!o"TY JOURNAL, pl1blished every Saturday, by F. W. Liesmann, 534 Race. Subscription, ,1.60, by mail. THE PENNA. METHODIST, (weekly). Orgau of' the Central Pa. M. E. Couference. Rev. Silas C. Swallow, editor, 20 N 2d. THE EVANGELICAL, published weekly, 201 N 2d. Rev. SaDluef L. Wiest, mgr. HARRISBURG TIMES, published every Saturday, 655 Briggs, by J. W. Simpson. Terms, '1.50 per year, in a<.Jvance. SUN, 10 S 4th. Published every Saturday morning, by Laurence S. Jones. Terms, 11.00 per annum. THE HERALD is published every Friday, by The Herald Publishing Company, at 31 N 4th. Subscription, 50 cents per year.

Citizens' Passenger Railway Co., 188 3d. B. F. Meyers, pre!'!.; C. L. Brinser, sec. and treas. Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., 27 82d. H. A. Kelker, pres.; \V. L. Gorgas, tress.; Alexander Roberts, sec. East Harrisburg City Pas.~enger Railway Co., office, 3 S 2d. John Q. Denney, pres.; W. J. Calder, flee. and treas.


American Bllilding and Loan Asso. meets every Monday . eve., 314 Broad. Gottlieb Dapp, sec. Central Building and Loan Asso., No.2, meets every Monday.eve., 937 N 3d. Ja(.'Ob Faus, sec.

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A. B. TACK .;!J!J't&Of FlUcalng Public Bulldlogsla Piail,TIats. {=~ru:'


Harrisburg Building, Loan, &0., Institutions. 37

Citizens' Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday eve.,421 Walnut. August Karle, sec. Columbia Building and Loan A880. meets every Wednesday eve., 313 Broad. G. Dapp, sec. Commonwealth Building and Loan A880. meets every Monday eve., 321 Market. J. T. W: McLaughlin, sec. Dauphin Centennial Building and Loall A880., No.1, meets every Wednesday eve., 567 Race. Charles F. Bolt, sec. Danphin Centennial Building and Loan Asso., No.2, meets every Monday e\'e., 567 Race: Charles F. Bolt, sec. '.' F..ast Harrisburg Bu!lding and Loan A880. meets every Friday eve., Zarker's Hall. S. P. Stambaugh, sec. Eintracht Building and Loan Asso. meets every TueAday eve., 1232 N 6th. Aug. Karle, sec. Franklin Building and Loan Asso. meets every fOl1rth Tuesday of each month, 209 Walnut. J. H. Musser, sec. Friendship Building and Loan Asso. meets every Thursday eve., 421 Walnut. Aug. Karle, sec. German National Building and Loan A880. meets every Wednesday eve., 937 N 3d. Ferdinand Engel, sec. Germania Building and Loan Asso. meets every Tuesday' eve., Dressel's Hall. F. W. Liesmann, sec. Harris Building and Loan AS80. me.:lta third Monday of every month, Sible's Hall. Sharon Stephens, sec. Harrisburg Building and Loan AS80. meets every Friday, DreS8eI's Hall. William Deiss, sec. Home German Bau-l1nd Spar Verein meets every Tuesday eve., a~ 4th c Market. A. Klemm, sec. Keystone J ~n A880., No. ~, meets every Thursday eve., 937 N 3d. Ferdinand Engel, sec. Middle States Building and Loan A880. meets the fourth Thursday in each month, 809 N 3d. George W.'Cunkle, sec. Mount Pleasant Building Rnd Loan Asso. meets e~ery Tuesday eve., Fackler's Hall, 1310 Derry. C. E. Aughenbaugh, sec. PennsylvRnia Building ,and Loan AS80. meets every fourth Monday 9f each month, 25 N 2tt C. M. Hershey, treas. Safe Deposit Building and Loan Asso. meets every Friday eve., 522 Hamilton. Milton G. Potts, sec. State Capital Building and Loan A@S(). meets the second Tnesday of ever>: month, 412 Market. L. G. Smit.h, sec. State Sayinl/:, Building and Loan A880. meets every Tuesday eve., 325 Walnut. L. G. Smith, sec. Teutonia Building AS80., No.3, meets every Thursday eve., Dressel's Hall. Conrad Miller, sec. Union Building and Loan A880. meets every Tuesday eve., 314 Broad. Henry Wehling, sec.

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 38 Rarrisburg Societies.
Washington Building and Savings Asso" No.2, meets every Monday eve., Dressel's Hall. Conrad Miller, sec. West Harri8bur~ Building and Loan Asso. meets every Thursday eve., 1415 N 3d. G. Dapp, sec. William Penn Building lind Savings Asso. meets every Wednesday eve., 559 Race. F. W. Liesmann, '*!C.

Hllrri~burg Sovereign Consistory meets Masonic Hall second Friday of each mouth. P. K. Sprenkel, sec. Harrisburg Council, No.7, R. S. E. and S. Masters, meets every third Monday eve. in each month"in Masonic Hall. W. H. Smith, ree. Per8everance Chapter, No. 21, R. A. M., meets Masonic Hall first Monday eve. of each month. Wm. H. Smith, sec. Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, F. and A. M., meets 'Masonic Hall second Monday eve. of each month. Wm. H. Smith, sec. Pilgrim Commandery, No. 11, (Knights Templar), meets Masonic Hall first Thursday of each month. A. W. Bergstresser, rec. Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464, F. and A. 1\[" meets Masonic Hall third Thursday of each month. Charles C. Schriver, sec. , . Chosen ~riends Lodge, No, 43, A. Y. M., (colored), meets at 502 South every alternate Thursday. Charles Jackson, '*!C. Consi~tory of the Scottish Rite, No.8, meets at 120 Cowden every third Thursday eve. of eacb month. Leonard C. Jobnson,l!ee. Paxton Lodge, No. 16, A. Y. M., (colored). meets 120 Cowden, 2d and 4tb Wednesday eves. of each month. George ,Jones, sec.


Salem Lodge, No. 26, I. O. B. B., (Israelites), meets 2d c South every other Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Solomon Kllhn, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 103, O. K. S. B., (Israelites), meets every other Sunday morning, 2d c South, at 10 o'clock. William Wol. sec.
G. A. R.

Post No. 58, G. A. R., meets College Block every Fridav eve. Francis H. Hoy, P. C\ .

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A. B. TACK ~t!:.o~~~ lall Paper aod Ilodol Shadel {12m ~Ui~.

Harrisburg Societies.
39 Seneca Simmons Post, No. 116, G. A. R., meets Kinnard's Hall every Thursday eve. J. H. Worden, P. C. David R. Stevens Post, No. 520, G. A. R., meets Market (l 5th every Wednesday eve. Pete I' Crabb, P. C. Uni~n Veterans' Union, Gen. J. F. Reynolds Command, . No. 112, meets every Tuesday ,eve., Wyeth's Hall. John A. Ney, adjutant. Gen. John F. Hartranft Camp, No. 15, S. of V., meetS every Tuesday eve., College Block. David E. F. Baer, <l8ptain. . Circle No. 35, auxiliary to G. A. R. Post 520. Lydia Williamll; pres.; Annie Amos, sec. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R., No. 17, meets every Tuesday eve., Kinnard's Hall. Mrs. John C. Ruper~, sec. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R, No. 20, meets every Saturday eve., College Block. Mrs. F. I. Thomas, pres. Woman's Relief Corps, No. 85, allxiliary to G. A. R., meets Second and fourth Thursdays of each month, 118 Cowden. :Mrs. Mary Jackson, pres.; Mrs. D. M. Robinson, sec.


Brotherly Love Lodge, No. 896, G. U. O. O. F., (colored), meets National Hall every Monday eve. Curry H. Taylor,




Past Grand Ma!lters' Council, No.7, G. U. O. O. F., (col()red), meets National Hall first Wednesday eve. of each month. Henry Herbert, sec. Harrisburg Patriarch ie, No.5, G. U. O. O. F., (colored), meets National ,Hall second and fOllrth Wednesday eves. of each month. John W. Simpson, W. R. SusquehanlJa Lodge, No. 2573, G. tJ. O. O. F., meets ~very Tuesday eve., National Hall. George Galbreath, sec. , Armstead Roman L()dge, 3468, G. U. O. O. F., (colorE'rl), meets National Hall every !t'riday eve. of each month. liam Macey; sec. Miriam HoulIPhold of Ruth, No.1, meets first and thfrd Thursday eves., National Hall. Mrs. Hannah Jones, sec.



Harrisburg Conclave, No. 42, meets every first and third Thursday eves. of each month, Kinnard's Hall, 305 Broad. J. T. W. McLaughlin, sec. Dauphin Conclave, No. 96, meets every fil"flt and third Monday eves. of eaoh month, Odd Fellows' Hall, 304 N 2d. F. J. Grote\'ent, sec.

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MolaU'1 Pain Exterminator au ... ('''ho1era MorbaI, D)'IIBDt.err. Crampe, Dlarrbala. Colds, QIlID8y, Rbenm,uem , Toothache, Sore Throat, Ape, Dyspepda, &c. UU I. 3d.


Rarrisburg Societies.

Paxtang Conclave, No. 131. meets every first and third :Monday e\'es. of each month, 400 Verbeke. 'Thomas D. MacAvoy, sec. East Harrisburg Conclave, No. 150, meets every fi\'jt and third Tuesday eves. of each month, Zarker's Hall. S. P. Stambaugh, sec.

Harmony Commandery, No. 39, K. G. E., meets everl second and fourth Monday eves. of eaeh month, Red Men s Hall. F. C. Hoffman, sec. Capital City Castle, No. 40, K. G. E., meets eve\"y Thursday eve., 7.30 o'clock, in G. A. R. Hall, College Block. M. of R., T. H. Sullenberger. Harmony Castle, No. 53, K. G. E., meets every Tuesday eve., Sible & Clark's Hall. M. of R., G. A. Hollinger. Dauphin Castle. No. 250, K. G. E., meets every Monday . eve., Fackler's Hall. M. of R., A. M. Exline. Hermann Castle, No. 337, K. G. E., meets every Saturday eve., Sible & Clark's Hall. M. of R., Frederick Kohli. Harril:lburg Commandery, No.4, K. G. E., meets fourth Thursday eve., G. A. R. Hall. T. H. Sullenberger, sec. Herculean Castle, No. 480, K. G. E., meets every Monday eve. at Red Men's Hall. M. of R., ~". C. Hoffman.

Cincinnatus Commandery, No. 96, meets every Thursday eve. at their ball, No. 304 N 2d st. John R. Hoffman, recorder. Star of America Commandery, No. 113, meets every Friday eve. at their hall, No. 215 Market st. George H. Sponsler, recorder. E~yptian Commandery, No. 114. meets every Friday eve.~ Sible & Clark's Hall. C. E. Hambright, recorder. Nazareth Commandery. No. ]25, meets every }"riday ev~.~ Sible & Clark's Hall. W. H. Pettit, recorder. Hermitage, C. Peter the Hermit, meetl:l every Tuesday eve. at their ball, No.2 S 2d. George E. Ebersole, scrivener. Phrenix Lod~, No. 59, K. of P., meets 321 Market every Tuesday eve. Milton Meyers, K. of R. and S. Bayard Lodge, No. ]50, K.ofP., meets 321 Market e\'ery Wednesday eve. Warren W. Hinkle, K. of R. and S. Endowment Rank, K. of P., Section 289. G. W. Jackson, sec.


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IIII Shades complete. beSt and lowest Frlnle, Window 8d 1 B. T {Wall Paper. TheWith FIxtures andllrleea. fOr 86 eta. { N. 1210St. III

Harrisburg Societies.
Uniform Rank, K. of P., Goldsmith Division, No. 50, meets every fourth Friday at 321 Market. Charles L. Rupp, sec.

City Lodge, No. 301, I. O. O. F., meets 318 Market every Tuesday eve. D. N. Thomas, sec. Dauphin Encampment, No. 10, I. O. O. F., meets 321 Market 6rst and third Fridav eves. of each month. George W. Jackson, scribe. Dauphin Lodge, No. 160, I. O. O. F., meets 321 Market every Thursday eve. George W. Jackson, sec. Eintracht Lodge', Yo. 660, I. O. O. F . (works in German), meets Odd Fellows' Hall every Wednesday eve. Joseph Steckley, sec. Harrisburg Encampment, No. 301, I. O. O. F., meets first and third Thursday eves. of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. W. S. Black, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 68, I. O. O. F., meets 321 Market every Monday eve. George V. Corl, sec. Lamberton Lodge, No. 708, I. O. O. F meets 321 Market every Saturday eve. John L. Bates, sec. Miriam Rebekah Lodge, No. 12, D. of R., meets 304 N 2d the second and fourth Wednesdays. of each month. Charles E. Hambright, sec. Olive Encampment, No. 06, I. O. O. F., meets Odd Fellows' HaJJ first and third Wednesday eves. of each month. C. A. Wilhelm, scribe. State Capital Lodge, No. 70, I. O. O. F., meets Odd Fellows' Hall every Tuesday eve. C. A. Wilhelm, sec. Stl!!8nnah Rebekah Lodge, No. 247, meets the first and third Saturday eves. of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. G . .6.. Hollinger, sec. Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 69, meets every Monday night, Sible & Clark's Hall. John J. Gebrett, sec.

CornpJanter Tribe, No 61, I. O. R. M., meets Odd Fellows' Hall every Monday eve. Dwigbt P. Jerauld, C. R. Octorara Tribe, No. 91, I. O. R. M., meets Kinnard's Ball every Tuesday eve. M. of R., E. M. Sheck. Teton Tribe, No. 311, I. O. R. M., meets 1310 Derry every Thursday eve. 8. B. Caveny, sec. Warrior Eagle Tribe, No. 340, I. O. R. M., meets every Wednesday eve. at Red Men's HaJJ. M. of R., E. S. B. Miller.

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" To find a name you must Imow how to spell it." 42 Harrisburg Societies.

Pocahontas Council, No. 63, aux. to Warrior E8j1;le, meets every Friday eve. at Red Men'lI Hall: Sec., Mrs. J. M. Donnelly.

Dauphin Council, No. 1101, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. George W. Cunkle, sec. Harrisburg Council, No. 499, R. A., meets on the second and fourth Friday eves. of each month, Odd Fellows' Hall .. John M. Boyer, sec.

Washington Camp, No.8, P. O. S. of A., meets Sible & Clark's Hall every Thursday eve. George H. Manle.v, sec. Washington CRmp, No. 16, P. O. S. of A., meets College Block every Monday eve. Thomas Numbers, R. S. Washington Camp, No. 25, P. O. S. of A., meets Wyeth's Hall every Thursday eve. Harry Bitner, &-c.

W. C. T. Prohibition Union meets e~tlry Thursday afternoon, 14 S 2d. Pres., Mrs. Agnes Kemp; cor. sec., Mrs. Susan M. Brown. Y. W. C. T. Union meets first and third Yonday eves. of each month at 14 S 2d. Pres., Mis.'! Lou E. Drewett; sec., Miss Clara S. Straw. Good Samaritan Council, No.1, Daughters of Temperance, (clllored). meets 445 E State. Adeline Scott, HCrti>t>. Howard Bishop Lodge, No.7,!. O. of Good Samaritans nnd Dal1ght.ers (If Samaria, meets every Tnesday eve., 109 Cowden. Mrs. Hannah Jones, rec. sec. Betblehem Lodge, No.4, Juvenile Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, meets every Saturday afternoon, 109 Cowden. Ida Ford, P. G. Morning Star Council, .Tuvenile Sons and Daughters of Temperance, meets every Saturday afternoon, 445 State. Sadie Jackson, scribe. Grand Council,!. O. of Daughters of Temperance, meets second Thursday of each month, 445 State. Anua E. Amos, grand scribe. .


America Council, No.3, O. U. A. M., meets every Friday eve., 303 Broad. J. D. Saltsmall, sec. Perse\'erance Council, No. 12, O. U. A. M.; meets every Monday eve., Broad c Marinn. George Y oUfilillg, sec.

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A. B. TACK, Wall Paper and Window Shades. {72~:'i/o!"R~~;~~.

Harrisburg Jrlil$cellaneous Societies.
Gen. SimOD Camernn Council, No. 21, O. U. A. M. meets every Monday eve., Broad c Fulton. J. M. Mortimer, sec. J;"ultoo Council, No. 35, O. U. A. M., meets Wyeth'!! Hall every Monday eve. Marclls D. Hoerner, sec. Central Council, No. 61, O. U. A. 1\1., meets every Friday eve., Market c Court. P. S. Beck, sec. Harrisburg Counci1; Nu. 106, O. U. A. 1\1., meets Sible & Clark's Hall every Tuesday eve. A. U. Lehman. sec. John Harrili Council, No. 174, Junior O. U. A. M., meets Wyeth's Hall every Tuesday e\~. J. M. Peters, sec. Capital City Council, No. 327, Junior O. U. A. }I., meets every Thursday evl'., 215 Market. C. R. Buwman, sec. Harrisburg Council, No. 328, Juuior O. U. A. M., meets every Monday eve., Kinnard's Hall. George Lutz, sec. Mt. Vernon Council, No. 333, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every ThursdHY eve., 1310 Derry. George W. Straw, sec. Camp CurtiD Council, No. 629, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Monday eve., Sible & Clark's Hall. George H. Saltsman, sec. Robert Tippett Council, No. 736, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Monday eve., 215 Market st. Charles E. Sprout, sec.



Melrose Council, No. 928, Junior O. U. A. M., meet15 every Friday eve. at 19th c Derry. C. C. Kaufman, sec.

American Columbus Club meets 2d c State every Tuesday eve. Adolph Russ .. pres.; Peter Pendergast, sec.; John T. Foley, treas. Amicus Social Club, 227 Walnut. Ancient Order of Hibernians meets third Sunday of each month, Parochial School building. Jerome Kelly, sec. Benevolent and Protective OlJler of Elks meets first and third Tuesdays of each month, 500 Market. Charles H. Chayne, sec. Capital City Lodge, No. 96, Order of Tonti, meets second aud fourth Thursday e\es. of each mODth, 305 Verbeke. Tbomas D. MacAvoy, sec. Central Lodge, No. 19, A. O. U. W., meets 321 Market every Saturday eve. Samuel E. Murphy, finRucier; John Young, ~.

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lelell's Pain Exterminator .:M::~o:a~~=~If,~nl{ {17Trlo!JL


Harrisburg lliscellaneous Societies.

Central Lodge, No. 221, Order of Tonti, meets Wyeth's Hall. W. B. Corbett, sec. . I Central PennR. Conference Historical Society meets 20 N 2d. Rev. E. M. Stevens, sec. . Children's Industrial Home, 19th c Swatara. Mrs. Edward Boyer, pres; Mrs. M. W. Fager, reo. sec.; MiBB Rachel Briggs, cor. sec.; MiBB Agnes Felix, treas. Christopher Columbus Club meets 408 Market. Lewis Simmonetti, pres.; Charles Dinelli, sec. Cigarmakers' Union meets every second and fourth Wednesdays of each mouth, 3d c State. J. McCarroll, sec. City Rescue MiBBion, John M. Warden, supt., 328 Verbeke. Columbus Dramatic Club meets 2d c State. C. B. Johnson, pres.; J. V. McCally, sec.; C. T. O'Neill, treas.; John L. Butler, mgr. Commercial Club, Trust Building. Alfred A. Pancake,

Dauphin County Historical Society, supported by elective melHhership at $3 a year; chartered; office aud library, Court House. A. Boyd Hamilton, pres.; E. W. S. Parthemore, librarian; W. C. Armor, sec. Equitable Aid Union, No. 683, meets at 321 Market every Friday eve. of each month. John Fagan, ~ Farmers' Alliance, No.1, meets Penbrook. H. C. Demming, pres.; B. F. Reed, sec. German Workmen's Beneficial Asao. meets every Saturday eve., DreBSel's Hall. John G. Dinger, sec. Harris Benevolent Asso. William B. Lamberton, sec. Harris Lodge, No. 983, Knights and Ladies of Honor, meets second and fourth Thursday eves. of each month, Faester's Hall. G. M. Harvey, sec. Harrisburg Underwriters; Asso. meets third Friday of each month, 4 N Court avo W. C. Armor, sec. and treas. Harrisburg Boat Club, 306 Market Harrisburg Camera Club, 200 Walnut. E. C. Kipple, pres. Harrisburg Castle, No. 7P, A. O. K. of the M. C., meets every Monday eve., 13th c Derry. J. G. Parthemore, R. S. Harrisburg Club, 213 Walnut. Henry M. Stiue, sec. Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works Beneficial Society meets at Zarker's Hall last Wednesday of each month. T. Holthaus, sec. Harrisburg Ministers' Asso. meets second and fourth Mondays of each month, Y. M. C. A. parlors. Rev. George B. Stewart, sec.

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A. B. TACK, Pine Irt Wall Paper. {~~~~:MN~~} 1210 I. 3d. ,.

Ramsburg Miscellaneous Societies.
Harrisburg Lodge, No. 383, Brotherhood ofR. R. T., meets every Sunday, Kel~er St. Hall. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 108, Order of Tonti, meets Wyeth's Hall. Adolph Appell, sec. Harrisburg Nest, Uncle Sam's Eagles. No.2. meets 4th Tuesday of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. A. H. Snyder, sec. Harrisburg Social Club, 302 Market. Thomas M. Jones, sec. Harri~burg Wheel Club meets first Monday eve. of each month, 107 N 2d .... C. A. Shammo, sec. Helping Hand Association, for men only, meets every Thursday of each week, 211 South. James K. P. Dumars, sec. Home for the Friendless, 5th c Muench, meets at the Home last Thursday in each month. Mrs. John C. Kunkel, pres. ; Mrs. David Fleming, sec.; Miss Emma Hummel, treas. Iron Workers' Beneficial A880. meets once a month, 107 N 2d. John Harris Circle, No. 25, Brotherhood Union, meets every Monday eve., Kelker St. Hall. Keystone Lodge, No. 42, B. R. R. T., meets every second and fourth Sunday, 1.30 p. m., Broad c Fulton. H. O. Motter, sec. Lady Harris Council, No. 100, Daughters of Liberty, meets every Wednesday eve. in Wyeth's Hall. G. H. Manley, sec. Local Union, No. 287, Carpenters and Joiners of America, meets in Wyeth's Han every Friday eve. Lotus Club meets every Tuesday eve.,500 South. Charles Popel, sec. Namon Tabernacle, No. 79, G. U. O. of Galilee Fisherman, meets every Monday eve., State c 2d. National Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union. H. C. Demming, sec. executive committee, ] 7 N 3d. Natural Science.A.sso. of Harrisbu.rg meets first Thursday of each month, at 17 N 3d. B. W. Demming, sec. Order of R. R. C. meets first and third Sundays of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. Patriarch Grange, No. 42, P. of H., meets Penbrook. Mrs. E. O. HassJer, sec. Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Christian A880., meets first Tuesday of each month, 1128 N 6th. Frank H. Gregory, sec.

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 4:6. Harrisburg .iscellaneou~, Societies.
Pennsyh'ania State Agricultural Suciety, Telegram bldg. John M. McDowell, pres.; John J. Nissley, treas., J. Schall Wilhelm. sec. Plasterers' Union; 51 S 3d. Samuel Krotzer, sec. Rod and Gun Club. 306 Market. St. Johu's Castle, No. 17, A. O. K. of the M. C., meets every Tuesday e\e., 321 Market. F. J. Thomas, R. S. St. Michael's German Lutheran Beneficial Society meets first Sunday afternoon of each month at the church. Julius Haberstroh, sec. Sisters of Christian Charity, 113 Short. Sisters of Mercy, 60:1 N 2d State Capital Lodge, Knights of Honor, No. 2030, meets fil:;t lind third Thursdays ill each month, 321 Market. Alfred J. Miles, sec. Susquehanna Wh&lmen meet second Tuesday eve. of each month, 221 N 2d. Harvey D. Leinbach, sec. The Club (Social), 427 Market. l;'rank Bosch, sec. TypoJtrBphical Union, No. 14, meets the first Wednesday after first Saturday of each month, Hope Engine House. E. B. Swayne, sec. WiIliliID Penn Libl'8ry, 1426 Susquehanna. Augustus 'f. Goetze, l>ec. Young Men's Christian Asso.; Free Reading Room; 2d c Locust. Dr. E. H. James, pres.; Homer Black, genI. sec.; G. M. McCauley, tress.; George W. Reily, jr., librarian. Young Mell's Democratic Asso. meets every Monday eve. at 4th c Market. William S. Rhoads, sec. Young Woman's Christian Asso., 712 N 3d. Emma B. Moore, sec. Zion Workers meet Wesley Union Church. Mary F..dwards, pres.; Samuel F. Hall, mgr.



Standard Directories.


141 I

Perkiomen Avenue, Reading, Pa.

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A. B. TACK, PrOCIlCOI Paper Hanger.


Rarrisburg Classified Business.


Harrisburg Classified Business.

The nafM8 marked thus ... are special.
ADVERTISING AGENTS. Huttoll James F., 21 N 3d Thumas W. H., ::i21 Market AGRICULTURAL IMPLTS. Aultman, Miller & Co., 625 Wlllnut Bissel Chilled Plow Works, 627 Walnut Bucher & Gibbs Plow Co., 627 Walnut Deering Wm. & Co., 619-621 Walnnt Gale Mfg. Co., 627 Walnut McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., 118-120 Market McFarland J. R., 10th c Mkt ALDERMEN, CONTINUED. Fager Albert J., 1202 N 3d Jackson George W., I S 4th Kinneard J. D., 21 N 3d LAndis A. M., 1420 N 3d ~fallrel' D. C., 200 Walnut McGann W. C., 603 Herr Nicholas J. B., 621 Race Walter C. P., 617 State ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. McCreath A. S., 22:3 Market APRON AND BONNET MFRS. *Blough Mfg. Co., 1701 N 3d ARCHITECTS. Berpheisel P. & Son, 5 N 2d


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Montgomery & Co., 627 Walnut Murray G. T., 674 Briggs Nichols & Shephard Co., 627 Walnut .Nunemaker D. H . 23 N 3d Parks J. V .. 625 Walnut Rock Island Plow Co., 627 Walnut Smith, Tate & Co., ltd, State c Canal South Bend Chilled Plow Co., 627 Walnut . Steele J. M., 1000 Market SuperiorDdll Co. 627 Walnut Wood Walter A., M. & R. M. Co.,627 Walnut Young J. G., 619 Walnut ALDERMEN. Brackenridge A., 125 Washingtol)

Foose &. Lloyd, 15 S-2-d-Grove & Strite, 17 N ad Macqueen .J. M., 237 S 2d Miller D. R. & Co., 219_Mkt Reiber M. G., 1133 Derry Smith J. C., 6i N 2d Weaver W.O., 1127 N 3d ARTISTS. Beck J. A., 265 Boas Beck H. K., 103 N 2d Cha,Yne S. B., 117 Market Lesshafft Franz, 1122 N Front Roberts J. B., 5th c Camp Rudy C. Day, 103 N 2d White S. A., 713 N 3d Wilcox Mary E., 117 Market AUCTIONEERS. Ensminger J. T., 100 S 2d ~"ry A. F., 210 S 2d Montgomery S, 1338 Margaret
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DIce McN ell's Medicine Co. {~~ed} No:g~d.


Harrisburg ClauUled Buliness.

BAKERS, CONTINUED. Wagner H. J., 511 State Werner & Bruner,213 Chestnut Wertz F. H., 217 Colder Yowler W. H., 217 Verbeke Zinn A. B., 322 Boas BANKS AND BANKING INSTITUTIONS. Harriaburg lJanlca, ,tt page 31. . Central Guarantee Trust aDd Safe Deposit Co., 1230 N 3d Commonwealth Gu a ra n tee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 222 Market Dauphin Deposit Bank, 213 M,rket Dime Savings Fund, 223 Mkt *Farmers' Bauk,HummelstowD *Farmers' Bank, Middletown First National Bank, 222 Market Harrisbllrg Nat. Bank, 16 S 2d Harrisburg Trust Co., 16 S 2d *Hummelstown Nat. Bank, Hummelstown Mechanics' Bank, Market c 3d Merchants' Nat. Bank, 1230 N 3d *Steelton Nat. Bank, 18 S Front, Steelton BARBERS. Anderson C. S., 26 N 4th Anderson .J., 1411 Marion Arnold Walter, 23! S 13th Auter J. M., jr., Market c 2d Backenstoss C. D., 1315 N 3d Brenneman E. P., 603 State Brid~ Jacob, 1230 N 6th Briggs Paul, 300 Verbeke Britsch W. W.,40 N 3d Brown C. M., 419 Walnut Brown S. G., 26 S 4th Butler N. L., 513 South C ham b e r I a inA. L., 331 Muench Crone D. S., 661 Verbeke CunDinglulm J., 507 Filbert

BAKERS. (8u ablo Ccmfectioner,). Albert Lydia Mrs., 619 Dauphin Balser Jesse H., 1719 N 6th Banmiller P., 644 Verbeke Bolt C. F., 103 Hanna Brightbill J. D., 1505 N 6th Brown G. F., 1334: Vernon E~~mrieder J., 324 Reily Egeurieder T., 1811 N 3d Flowers E. W., 332' Reily Flowers Hiram, 1116 N 6th Fogarty Edward, 113 Dock Fromm W. H., 1627 Swatara Funstun Sarah, 1422 William Gohl C. F., 511 Walnut Gohl F. Mrs., 219 S 2d Graul J. 1902 N 6th Heffner C., 627 Boas Holbert J. T., 1637 N 7th Kirue H. B., 1401 Williams Kindler .John C., 618 N 2d Kinzer John D., 420 Reily KQChenour J. F."512 Pei\er Langletz Henry, 611 Race Lampas T. J., 414 Market Love Geo., 1409 N 3d Mehring J., 1042 Herr Meyers H. F., 614 Briggs Miller F. J., 500 State Orth G. W., 423 State Peifer J. C. & Co., 1614 N 5th Reichert C. F., 1301 Fulton Reuwer H., 115 S 13th Rellwer L. Mrs., 304 Broad Rhine E. M., 226 South Roumfort C. E. & Son, 340 Chestnut Schell E. M., 257 Crescent Schmidt B., 1919 Derry Shipley & Culp, 1067 89th Smiley M. E., 1326 N 6th Stence B. F., 905 N 3d Tittle D. J., 300 Colder Troup G. A., 507 Harris Troup Sites, 1129 N 7th Troup W. L., 513 Kelker


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I"K l B. T IN

1210 {EmPIOJll nOlle but flrat-ca. workmen. henoeonll11r8kl... N. 3d St. work, and 1ns1U'flll1l.. Work done In any part 0 the Srate.

Harrisburg Clasaifted
BARBERS, CONTINUED. De Gonzalez J., 270 Verbeke Dixon Marshall, 612 Market Dorn G. M., 319 Market Dorsey W. A., 440 South Falter E., 707 Race Fesler J. G., 662 Verbeke Fisher B., 617 Race Fisher J., 401 N 6th Foote G. B., 1018 Market Fraim A. H., 20011 N 6th }'renie Anthony, 18 N 3d Fry G. W., 14~ S 2d Gebhart H. C., 206 Chestnut Grey E., 405 State Grier E. W., 203 Walnut Groff G. E., 14261 Derry Haines L. L., 310 Reily Harley W. T., 1236 N 7th Heist F: J., 613 Race Hodge David, 1701 N 5th Hoffnaglf' W. S., 945 N 7th Hoy F. H., jr., 424 N 3d Jackson J. '1'., 1220 N 7th Jones.J. .J., 1610 Walnut Keil B. F., 1029 Markf't Kramer A. H., 307 Reily Kuhn C. F., Linden ab SU;te Kuhn J. L. L., 919 S 9th Macey W., 1026 N 7th Miller Fred, 11 S 2d Munch W., 567 Race Myers P. C., 5 N 3d Nolde C. }<'., 4:l3 Verbeke Ordwein J.,437 Market Patton E. F., 205 S 2d Patton W. E., 1712 N 3d Pye C. R., 2004 N 6th Reed W. H., 618 Walnut Rodkey M. L., 1738 N 4th Saylor C. B., 1937 N 6th &hillin~ A., 508 Market Shader W. B., 1268 Market Smith C. H., 822 N 3d Smith Charles, 932 N 6th Smith D. A., 1427 N 6th Smith P .. W., 120-4 N 3d Spotwood D. C., 4121 Verbeke



BARBERS, CONTINUED. Stephenson W., 510Strawberry Stoos John C., 916 N 3d . Summers A. C., 418 Market Thomas & Den nee, 430 Market Thompson J. W., 616 N 3d Vaughn R. D., 1626 N 4th Vorndran R. A., 3d c Market Wellein J., 1737 N 6th Weyant .T. C., 1320 N 3d White Baker, 1418 N 3d Wildman A., The Bolton Williams C. S., 12 N Court y ohe C. E., 1257 DerrY' BARBERS' SUPPLIES. Bender Fredk., 520 Walnut Hoffa W. G. & Co. 500 Mkt BASKETMAKERS. Einzi~ H., 1316 William Haas H. M., 1325 Susq Shearer E. S., 121 Market BATHS (TURKISH). Small wood A. E., 207 Locust BICYCLES, &C. Calder }<'. R., 701 N 3d Leinbach F. D., 101 Market Leinbach H. D., 20 N River Meixell J. W. & Co., 124 Market BILL POSTERS . Markley & Co., 3d c Walnut BILLIARD AND POOL ROOMS. Galbreat.h G., 407 N 4th Hunter F'orest, Lochiel BLACKSMITHS. Clark J. W., 1747 Logan Corl G. V., 826 Market Crabb J. P., 115 }"i1bert Crnddick A., Court c Mary Foose J. M., 115 Filbert Holstein H. M., 117 Verbeke Hoover J. A., Verbeke c Currant. . Johnson L. C., Margaret nr Verbeke Johnson P. S., Cameron nr toll gate Koch C. F., 7th ab Maclay

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 50 Harrisburg Classified Business.
BOOKBINDERS, CONTINUED. Orr H. B. & Co., 4 N 3d Sclwffer T. F .. (ellt). 21 S 2d BOOKBINDERS' MACHINERY. *Hickok W. O. Mfg. Co., Canal c North BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Armor Wm. C. 4 X Conrt Becker W. F. & Co. 315 Mkt Bergner Bros., 6 N ad Centrnl Bllokstlll'e, 3;35 Mkt Cotterel & Frarv, 15 S 2d Evangelical Publishing Co., 201 N 2<1 Fleming S. W., 32 N 3d German P., 105 S 2J Holler C. F . 1229 Mulhern' Kurzenknabe H. J., 302 Verbeke . L2d MethoJist Book Rooms, 20 N Orr .John. 62:3 N 2d Scheff!!r T. F., (est), 21 S 2d Hhellk H. H., ] 127 N :3d Stewart Ii'. H., 1427 N 3d 'funis W. S. 7 S 3d Zimmerman L. R" J 22!l N 3d BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS AND DEALERS. Adler's C. Clothing and Shoe 'House, 422 Market Alloy Samuel, 101 N 4th Arnold J . 213 Herr Barnhard S. \V" 306 Reily Bay Shoe Co., 1218 N ~d, 312 and 3:32 Market Bitner Stephen. 102 Short Blauch J . 191a Derry Bolen P. J" 343 Stra",herry Bomgardner A., 1262 Market Bowman H., 1032 Market Harrisburg Mfg. and Boiler Buchanan A.. H" 2:30 BlackCo., 19th c Derry berry BOLTING CLOTH.. Cohen Bros., 226 Market Cohen M., 516 Walnut Kepner G. L., 1141 Liberty BOOKBINDERS. Conner O. F., 13261 N :3d Hutter'F. L., 329 Market Crawford )f., 12U Mulbelry Meyers E. K., 18-22 S 3d Crist Uriah S., 28 N Court BLACKSMITHS, CONTINUED. Messimer B. F., 329 Cherry Ortb C., Court IIr Locust Searfilu~ J., 10th ab Market Sloan J. A., 106 Tanner Thomas J., 1:315 Vernon Wolfe E. }1.... 604 Forster 7.-ullil1ger J. F., 115 S Dewberry BLEACHER. Shaffner M. C. 40 I Herr BOARDING HOUSES. Ambrose J .. 1;~ Cowden Beidleman W., 122 Strawberry Bover L. K. Mrs.,6 S 2d Ca;te,M. A. Mrs., 506 Market Cook S. A. ~hs., 715 N ad Culp L., 411 Market' Curry C. A. Mrs., 1410 N 6th GebertA.Mrs.,618.N3d Hartman M. A., :3 N 4th Henderson S., 2 S 4th Killian E., 215 N 2<1 LeRew Framis, 9 S 2d Patterson F. S'I 32 S 10th Poulton A" 4:35 Walnut Ross Jane E" 7 N 2d Sample M. E., 436 Market Smith M. A., 1711 N 4th Stibgen A., 1421 Walla(~ Stricker Lizzie, 1:32 Lllcust Troxel E. MrR,. 27a Herr Tuttle H., 642 Walnut Wise Wm. H., ]5 S 2d BOARDING STABLES. See Livery. BOILER IRON MFRS. Central 11'011 Works. Front be] Dock BOILER WORKS.

Digitized by


Yb~\~~:;::;~WO" POperondWlndOl8hOdes lrom A. B. TACK, N.7::~t.

Harrisburg ClassUled Business.




Dapp John M., 1713 N 4th Dean J. R., 1319 Wallace Dean J. W., 103 S Cameron Dean .John H., 207 Verbeke DeHaven J. H., 92:3 N 3d Diederich J., 643 Verbeke Dougherty J. P., 352 Verbeke Edwardll John, 321 S 2d Eitelhush P. ~... , 301 Chestnut Ellenbtarger S. E., 307 Verbeke Emerick G. C., 425 HarriK Feeser J. ~"'., 626 Verbeke Finton & ~"avorite, 1646 N 6th Forney Bros. & Co., 428 Mkt Forney & Stewart, a21 Mkt Frank CharleS, 107 S 2d Frieberger M., 621 Reily and 1330 Margul'et Gable H. C.,651 Cumberland Garberich J. E., 25 S Court Gensler J., 15:31 Derry
-Alllbe Latest Slylee 10NiUABLE and FABHIONABLE

Mehame G. W., 1639 Fulton Mehring Wru. J., 4011 Boas Meily G. W. & Co., 214 Mkt Miraglia L., :JO:3 Chestnut Moog F., 13 S 3d Moore J. S., 12:)8 N Cameron Morr C. A., 112:3 N Cameron Moyer Andrew, 404 Market Myers J. M., 1011 Hanna Myers William, 30 S 2d Orth G. J., 320 Briggs Peck John E., 1422 N 3d Plack Otto, 1101 Capital Railing William, 122 Puxton Reichard IsauC', 1303 N 6th Ritts J., ~23 Market Roller William, 2:l4 South Schlehr William, 214 Verbeke Schutzenbach H., :H8 Verbeke Schwarz J., 206 Cherry 8chwurz J. H . 30 S 2d

FOOT WEA R 01 fRANK 11'. WALTERS' N.7072 II 8tlBt.

Seabold Samuel, 204 S 2<1 Shellenberger P., 25 Dewberry Smideman George, 211 S Court Smidemun S., lao Vine Smith William, 534 North Sowers G., 503 Kelker Spelling L . 446 Waluut Steckley M. & Son, 404 Ver. beke Stern E., 320 Market StraininJl: W. H.,526 State Styers W. A., 1911 N 6th Taylor Moses, 1724: Walnut Urich Samuel, 1815 N 3d Walters F. M., 1012 N 3d Walters Jacoh, 319 Verbeke Wanbaugh L. t 607 Buttonwood Waters G. W., 1640 N 6th Wilver John, 1248 Market Winters E. A., ~07 Blackberry Wise John N., 1706 N 6th Witz George F., 627 Race Yount Charles E., 308 Verbeke

GroffG. M., 712 Myrtle Gross J. W., 207 Market Gruber J. H., 928 James av Harrisburg Boot and Shoe Mfg. Co., 1404 Vernun Heiner F., 1628 N 4th Hinkle J .. 419 Reily Hoffmau L., 1430l N 6th Hoffman W. H., 1531 Derry Hoebner John, 704 Race Hummel A., (est), 303 Verbeke Jerauld & Co., 310 Market Kawel J. H . 12571 Derry Kelley.J. H., 93:3 N 7th Kilian Edward, 190 N 16th Kramer A., 14311 James Kreidler A., 809 Capital Krentz GeorJl:l', 1210 Fulton I..ahn Wm. H., 1027 Market LapDley John, 1720 N 4th Lindsay G. R., 14)8 Penn Lutz W., 1004 Capital Meadows E., 1426 Derry

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Llverand Blood Purltvlns MoNEIL'S DYlpepel., Llyer, Blood and 8:ldJieyPills Cure JIIII,"711 St Oomplainla. l au


Harrisburg Clasli1led Business.

BROOM MFRS., CONTINUED. Shearer S. B., 234 S 2d Zeiders H., (est), 1264 Mkt Zimmerman J. W.o 609 Reily Zettler R., 108 Cowden BRUSH MFR. BOTTLERS. Zudrell J., 1407 William Bacon D. Co., 438 and 440 Mkt . BUILDERS. Bomgardner G., 818 Market See Oarpenter. and Builder *Flynn Michael, 5~ S Front, BURIAL CASE MFRS. Steelton Harrisburg Burial euse Co., Johnson M. P., 26 Grace 10th bel Market Keystone Bottling Works, 207 Harrisburg Cl,lsket and Mfg. Co., Race bel Vine Cherry Meyer Sybilla, 140 S 2d BUSINESS COLLEGES. Rochester Bottling W 0 r k 8, Harrisburg Business Collt'ge, State c Canal J. E. Garner, 330 Market Russ & Johnson, 230 Meadow School ofCoromerce, J. Calvio la Shumberger, 16 S 2d Soyder D. G., 318 Market Weiger G., 826 Market Wilson R. D., 15 S Dewberry BUTCHERS. BREWERIES. . See Meat MarketB. *Bueck B. A., Lykens BrewCABINETMAKERS. ery, Lykens See Furniture. Doehne G., 3J 9 Blackberry CAR MFRS. Fink H., :112 to 320 Ii'orster Harrisburg Var Mfg. Co., P. Graupner R., 261 S r.ameron R. R. c Herr Koenig Fred L., 1 Sarah CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, lC. BRICK MFRS. (See also Ccmtraotors). Bigler S. L. & Co., Cameron Ball Juseph, 127 Pine bel Puton Ball W. G., 230 Cranberry I..eedy J. W., 19th bel Derry Bolton W. H., 14 S Court May & Reed, 302 Market. 14 Campbell B. J., 1612 N 3d S 13th and 18th bel .Berry- Egolf A. D., 60;1 Reily hill Gate8 W. N., 10th nr Market HanAhaw D., 420 Cliuton McCleaster J., Herr c 16th Minnick & Bro., Cameron ab Henry John, 731 S 19th Maclay Kast L. F., 1331 Susquehanna Owens .J. L., State nr 18th Kauffman S. J., 247 North *Steeltoll Brick Co., 6 S Front, Keim S. S., 3J 1 Reily Steelton Manley G. H., 426 Strawberry Zimmerman C. O. & Son, 6 S Mason W. C., 1321 S CaDleroo 3d McKelvy J .J., l;n6 Bartine . BROKERS. Mentzer S. F., 1936 State Kilduff & Co., 222 Market Miller & Urich, 1108 Banine Miller J., 26 N 3d Moeslein E., 18 N 3d Mosser J. C., 16 S Market sq Null John R., :UO Strawberry BROOM MFRS. Rupp H. & Son, 3061 Cherry Ryan J. P., 604 South Kauffman J., State c Linden Smith D. M., 1622 N 4th Reber J. K., Fulton c Hay


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A. B. YACK .{:;t!te:.,aOf Fracallg Pa.Uc Balldlnl' 10 Pilla TIlls. nr:~~~e:r;.~t

Harrisburg Claslifl.ed Business.
CARPENTERS, &:C., CONT'D. Stambauich J., 816 Penn Swartz H. A., 912 Penn Youlliing J. Y., 119 Verbeke Zimmerman J. H., 1329 Howard CARPET CLEANERS. Marks D. B., 1116 MontJ[y Miller C. A. & Co" 28-34 N Cameron CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &:C. AdamR W. J. & Son. 106 S 2d Fornwald J., 1405 N 6th Hoover C. F., 1417 N 2d Knhn S. & Co., 2 S 2d Rosenberger J. W. & Son, 1103 N 6th Seeger Conrad, 224 Market Staab John, 402 Verbeke Starr H., 1300 N 6th Yingst Fl't'd W., 109 and III Market Yingst J., 1132 N Front CARRIAGE AND WAGONMKRS. Allen J. B., 10th c Market Attick 0., Cameron ah Market Baker H. R., Verbeke c Margaret Bowers Edwin, 1207 Capital Dill I. W., Mulberry nr Crescent Martin D. H., 107 Cherry Redmond A., 1506 N 3d Shisler A. H., Primrose nr 7th Smith, Tate & Co., ltd, State c Canal Tomlinson I. R., 901 Cowden Whiteside G. A . 117 S 2d CEMENT PAVEMENTS. Galbraith Bros., 266 BrigJ[! CEMENT, SEWER AND WATER PIPE MFRS. Hydraulic Cement Pipe Works, Herr cPa. Canal CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Fraley W. H. & Co., 28 S 2d KnauM 14 N 2d 53 CHINA, &:C., CONTINUED. Sides W. H . (est), 1200 N 3d Spooner W. Ii., 5 N 2d CHIROPODISTS. Robinson M. L. Mrs., 265 Briggs Smallwood A. E., 207 Walnut CIGAR BOX MFRS. Gordon Joseph, 441 Herr Morley E. W., 1422 Susq CIGARS AND TOBACCO. AmIDon J. L., 1909 N 6th Andrews C. E . 1432 N 6t.h Arnold E., 314 Hay Auar William, 334 S 2d Baker C., 1017 N 7th Barnes M., 509 Cowden Bashore F. D., 612 Market Bindle H., 1422 Marion Books T. S., State ab Linden Braiten C. P., 80:3 N 3d Buchignani Guiseppe, 30 N Dewberry Cadow J. C. 101 N 4t.h Cartwrijl;ht W. A., 1323 N 3d . Cox E. J., 1135 Wallace Craver J. W., :U9 Market Cummings J. E., 808 N 3d Darrow F. W., 445 State Davis C. W., 321 Cumberland Deardorff J. C., 821 Market Deller Geo., 143 Hanna Dowhouer J. M., 322 Verbeke Drinkwater E., 638 Race Duncan D. L., (est), 3d c Walout Duttenhofer C., 1520 N 6th Eagle T. W., 1272 Market Fairlamb R. V., 210 Market Fisher F. C., 1818 Swatara Frankfi)rd D., 268 Verbeke French M. W., 416 Market Gorgas W. ~. 12:')9 Derry Grove A., 1320 Fulton Haehnlen P. J., 150 LiDden Hake Alfred, 505 Cowden Harris G. W.,339 Harris Harris Wm., 7th c Maclay


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" To find a name you must know ROW to spell it." 54 Harrisburg Clasaifled Businell.
CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CONT'D. Herman J. C. & Co., 22 N 3d Hollebaugh L. & Co., 1744 N 4th HoltzmanG. M., 3:37 Market Hoopes J. B., 1021 N 3d Hummel }i'. E., 1223 Mulberry Bynicka H. R., 401 Boas Jauss D. F., jr., 203 Chestnut Jones W. H., 1901 N 6th Keener E. F., 1328 N 3d Kellv M., 1137 N 6th Kepple John, 27 N 3d Kline John, 70]1 N :ld Knisely W. N., :lOO Market Knisely & Bro., 230 Market Knull H. C., 422 N 3d Kobler Geo., 1:300 N 7th Koblenkamp N., 411 Market Krause George W., 419 Sf1lte Langletz C. W. H., 1542 N 6th Langletz John, 329 Herr Lynch J. W., 1200 N 6th Maglallchlin W.,701 N 2d Martin S. K., 1498 N 7th Mattis C. S., ] ;:391 N 5th McCarroll Wm., 1222 N 3d Minick ,J., 1628 N 4th Moure M., 714 Cowden Morrow H. A., 207 S 2d Neumyer Mfl!. K. L., 1305 N 3d NeveU W. H., ]835 N 7th O'Donnell M., 518 South Ort Peter M., The Lochiel Peeples H. E., 645 Verbeke Popel.8. W., 108 Filbert Reed G. E., (est), 302 Market Reed S. C., 1154 Market Reed W. H.; 518 Walnut Rodkey G. W., 722 Capital Shadle W. H., 825 Market Sharpf A. K., 1301 N 6th Shelly C. W. & Son, 201 Verbeke Shelly O. W., 911 Grand Shuey J. 8., Herr ab 20th CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CONT'D Shertzer W. H . 519 Race Silk James S., 1420 Margaret Smith C. G. & Co., 439 Mkt Smith J. H., 10]4 Market Smith Peter, 160] Logan Smith & Kt'ifer, 4:19 Market Suavely J. G., 231 N 2d Spayd R. E., 145 S 3d Stahl John" A., 28 S 3d Straub C. A., 1219 N 3d Tracy Thomas, 1468 N 3d Vinson Mary E., 441 State Vogt G. ,J., 129 Short Wagner E. L., 339 Market Wagner F., 507 State Wenrich Joseph, 227 S 2d Wil'!emann A., 610 Race WilliamtlOn A. N., 670 Colder Zarker W. B., 1031 Market Zeigler .J. A., 4101 Ml':rket CIVIL ENGINEERS. powden M. B., 222 Market Roberts G., 10 S 2d Whitesid1'8 J. E., 405 Market CLOTHIERS. (&e alAo Merchant Tailor8). Adler's C. Clothing and Sboe House, 420 Market Baltimore One-Price Clothing Store, 304-306 Market Bierbower & MaDDing, 12081 N 3d Carr James, i332 William Claster Bros., 408 Market Cohen & Sons, 434 Market and 522 Walnut Cohn M., 1204 N 3d Goldsmith A., 329 Market Goodman Clothing Co., 400 Market Hbg Mfg. Co., 320 Market' Kuhn Samnel, 6 N 2d Marks Het-man, 401 Market Mayers & Co., 329 Markt't Smith Harris, 338 Verbeke Stern Louis, 331 Market Strouse Bros., 313 Market

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A. B. TAel =tt::.o~~~ '~I Piper and WldDI Shadu {t2~ ~~d~~t.

Harrilburg Clallifted Business.
CLOTHIERS, CONTINUED. Wanamaker & Brown, 26 N 3d Williamsou & Foster, 326 Mkt COAL AND WOOD. Boyd James & Co., (wholesale), 222 Market . . Boyd, Stickney & Co., (wholesale;, 222 Market Cox D. W. & Co., (wholesale), N ~d c Market Cunkle J. & Son, 924 Capital Derry Coal and Coke Co. 223 Market [N 2d . Foltz A. R., (wholesale). 815 *Grunden M. H., 240 S }"ront, Steelton Hanshaw D. M., 1600 N 4th Harm Barbara, 286 S Cameron *Hesd John, 400 N Front, CONFECTIONERS.
(See also Bakers).


Bacon D. Co., 438-440 Mkt . Bartaluci I~., 503 Market Bell George H., 33 S 2d Cox C., 213 S 2d Dietrich & Son, 1015 N 3d Drexler C. Mrs. ] 301 N 3d Floyd S. A., 202 S 13th Gaitor J., 435 State Hertz Mary, 412 Furster Johnstoll A. M., ] 340 N 3d Kendall A. B., 1740 Walnut Kies Clara L., 610 N 3d Kreidler M. Mrs., 809 Capital Laubenstein A. M., 1238 Kittatinny Loudenberger .J., 813 N 3d Lukens A. N., 302 Reily S~eelton Martin .J., 338 Market Jauas D. I,j. & Co., 701 Race Mayer T., 1302 N 6th Kelley H. M. & Co., 10th c Mt{}owan G. S., 452 CurqberState and 702 State land




*Lykens Valley COlli Co., Lykens May Juhn K., 14 S 13th Meese H. S., 37 S 3d Mitchell H. B. & Co., (wholesale), 5 N 2d MOllt~()ruery J. B., 36 S 3d Oves H. F. & Co., 5 S 3d Phillips L. 0., DE'rry c 18th Rhoads J. E., Forster nr 2d, also Cowden c Forster Rider J. R. S 9th c Shaonis Sheesley W., 1001 S 9th Shellenberger E. D., 18 N 3d Sible J. S., 1127 N 3d, also 903 Cowden Stephens Sharon, 1222 N 3d, also 422 State Stroh W. S., 1715 N 6th Wilhelm & Co., 227 Walnut Wolford G. W., 1502 N 3d COFFEE ROASTER. Killough Johu, 203 Pine

Meals T. S. 909 N 3d Miller D. S. 1613 N 3d Passaponti A., 322 Market Reed P.,651 Cumberland Russ J., 5 S 2d Smith G. B.. 1302 MarkeL Weaver & Hubley, 24 N 3d Weibley J. C., :l181 Reily Zellers M. T . 950 Paxton CONTRACTORS. (See also Oarpenters, &:e.) Egolf A. D., 503 Reily }"isler J. Elias. 1319 Howard Keenport W. H.,504 Camp Lebo E. N., 1922 Berryhill MallOn W. C., 1321 S Cameron McKelvy J. J., 1316 Bartille Miller C. H., 1 S 18th Moeslein E., 18 N 3d and 428 Cranberry Morret Reuben, 608 Forster Nesbit & Coder, 222 Market Osler C. F., 1903 N 6th
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1.11'. Pain ha.mlnator co.... Cholera Jlorblll, Dpenter:F. Crampe, Dlarrh-. Oolcll, Q11IDB1. Rheuma&lam. ToothllChe, BoreTbroat, Ap', D)'Ipepd&, tttt . 3d.



Harrisburg Clallified BUlinell.



Reiber M. G. & Co., 1133 Gilbert L. Mrs., 426 Herr Hoak Ida E., ] 311 Howard Derrv Smith D. M., 1622 N 4th H08tetter L. E, 1843 Fnlton Houltzburger S., 2M Liberty Ward & Stucker. 3 N Front JohnsoD E. N., 510 South DENTISTS. Albanv Dental Assa., 215 Mkt Johnson M. A. Mrs., ]6091 N Baker'G. W., ]:340 N 6th 3d Kauffman S. A., 247 North Crist J. B., 17 N 3d Kline M. A., 510 N 3d Dashiell J. T., 215 Market Krause H. A., 1115 Capital HeM W. S., 412 Market Lightner .T. Mrs., ]904 N 6th Honeywell E, C. 25 N 3d Jones 1.1. S., 10 S 4th Lon~sdorf 'M. A., 17191 N 5tb Kalbfus J., 818 N 6th McCulley T. J., 106 Short Mentzer M., 506 N 3d Marple J. G., 225 N 2d Me8fIner K., 410 Briggs McKelvey C. M., 15 S 2d O'Cuuner Ellen, 9051 Capital Moffitt R. H., 200 Pine Oyster L. L., 275 Hamilton Painter W. H., 21 S 3d Penna. Dental 0 pera tin g Rahn K., 9th nr State Renshaw S. R., 815 East Room", 4]2 Market Rivers S. V., 428 Walnut Poffenberger T., 10 N 4th RobinllOn C. M.,322 Harris Reel. Charles, 1119 N 3d Smith E. B., ]007 N 3d Sample F. A., 414 Verbeke Sherger K. M1'8., 120 Short Stine G. W., 211 LocUflt Shisler A., 214 Herr Stine H. M., 211 Locust Thornton E. P., 412 Market Simon M. E., 707 East Snavely Rosa, ] 639 N 7th Vallerchamp J., 8 N 2cl Westbrook C., jr. 1:l4 Walnut Sollers K. E., 1408 Margaret Spahr M. Mrs., 1527 N 3d DINING ROOMS. Spickler A., 318 N Court (Su a180 ReMuranf.8). RullS Patrick, Pa. R. R. depot Steele S. A., 1432 N 6th Stover M. I., 1607 N 4th DRESSMAKERS. Stuart Lillian, ] 08 Cherry Altland Mary, 121 Paxton Swope E. M., 1706 N 3d Baker M. E., ] 625 MifBin Tait E. A. Mrs., 424 Forster Balsbaugh O. W., 2:13 South Taylor K. Mrs., 515 State Beers & BiCf', ] 315 N 3d Bordner L. J. Mrs., 341 Harris Trout Agnes, ] 00 Cowden Trout B., 240 Meadow la Breneman M. A., :J12 Harris Weltmer M. E., 405 Verbeke Chisholm W., 611 Walnut DRUGGISTS. Clouser M. E . 1324 Green Arnold C. M., 1601 N 6th Cocklin M., 302 North Best A., 723 S 19th Crownover A., 224 Briggs Boher J. H., 209 Market Dean Rosa Mrs. 4 N 2d Dohner E. M. MI'!!., 43 N 13th *Central Drug Store, 117 S Fenstemacher M. C. Mrs., 402 Union, Middleto"n State Clark J. Nelson, 306 Verbeke~ ll11N3d Fortenbaugh A. E., 1511 N 3d Cotterel J. W., ] 704 N 6th Frank G. A., 114 Mulberry

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I"K Shade. complete, bfBt aDd loweR pries for 86 cSi. Btl 1 B. T {Wall Paper. Thewith F1ztures andl!'rIDle, Window {N. 1270u. IIU
Rarrisburg Classified Business.
DRUGGISTS: CONTINUED. Deiss William, 401 Walnut Fager C. M., 1223 N 6tb Foltz J. B., 1839 N 6th Forney & Knouse, 426 Market George C. T., 1306 N 3d Gorgas G. A., 16 N 3d Gross E. Z., (also wholesale), 119 Market Hamlin B. B., jr., 824 N 6th Hay John W. br., 1402 N 3d HeaR E. H., 1530 N 6tb Hoffa J. W., ] 342 N 6th Jackson A., 1500 N 5th Keller C. K., 401) Market Keet F. S., 433 Market Kramer C. F., N 3d c Verbeke "'Laverty EUgeD.., 101 Main c Union, Middletown Leidich P. G., 333 S Frout Markley G. H., 37 N 3d "'McC"rdv Jobn A., 20 S Front, 'Steelton Mell S. S., 237 S 2d . Miller J. A., M. D., 35 S 2d Mikle J. 0.,405 Kelker Nicholas .John B., 621 Race Nunemacher A. W., 800 North "'Peters D. A., 165 S Front. Steelton prouts Wm. C., 133 State Potts GeorJre C., 1101 N 3d '" Prowell William R., 12 N Front, St~lton Raysor M. F., M. D., 432 Mkt Roe & Son, 1225 Mulberry Snyder P. C., Market c ] 3th "'Stanley A. G., Main c Market, Lykens Steever A. M., 933 N 6th Thorley T. A., 449 State Weigle G. H., 1601 N 3d WiDger Harry C., 421 State DRYGOODS. (See alBo 1(oti07l8. alBa Fancy Goods). Beidelman T. D., Canal Dr - Lochiel Furnace

DRYGOODS, CONTINUED. Bink H. G., 5tb c Kelker Bishop W.O., 320 Verbeke Bowman & Co., 215 Market Claster H., 600 State an~ 101 S 4th Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 334 Market Einstein Bros., 223 l\larket Fahnestock W. E . 308 Mkt "'Frey R. M., 109 N }"'ront, Steelton Garonzick D., 1338 Margaret Hess F. J., 1201 3d "Keister William A., 187 N Front, Steelton Metzger A. R, 9 S 2d Robinson & Graeff. 1300 N 3d Segelbaum S. P., 318 Market 8enseman A. J., 1206 N 3d Shaffner E. 0., 317 Verbeke Sonrbeer H., jr. 1321 N 6th "'Steelton Store Co., ltd, LocUlit Dr Canal, Steelton DYERS. Carpenter C. A., 612 Verbeke Compton W., 1006 and 1513 N 3d and 9 N 2d Stouffer Goo. R., 815 N 3t1 ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPA.NY. Bbg Electric C"., 153 N 4th ELECTRICIANS. Entrekin-Elder Electric Co., 204 N 2d ENGRAVER. Johnston T. H., 418 N 3tl EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams, 338 Mttrket United States, 15 N 3d FA.NtY GOODS. ~ Dry.qoodtJ, alao Notions. FERTILIZERS. . Penn'a Ammonia and Fertilizer Ce., P. R. R beyond Maclav FIRE BRICK MFRS. Hbg Fire Brick Co., 445 S 2d
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" To find a name you must 'mow now to spell -it." !'S Barrisburg Claslified BusinelB.
FISH, OYSTERS, TRUCK, &C. Backenstoss W. R., 1605 N 6th Earnest & Co., 21 S Court Kauffman F., :329 Harris Landis E. D.. 221 S 2d Looker G. W. & Son, 139 Cranberry McCulla ~f., 34 S 2d Minskey E. E., 426 Walnut Morrow S. W., 703 N :3d Patrick R., ] 230 Derrv Renll I. J., 341 Reily She,"!n M. Mrs., 1414 Margaret FLORISTS. Badger S. E. ~Ir8., 10 N 4th, 12th (l Bailey Brenneman J. D . 321 Walnut, State c 12th Fraser J. S., 514 Spruce Graham R., 1913 N Cameron Haehnlen I ... F., Holly beyond limits McClintock L. E., 8 S 2d and 1023 S Cameron McFarland G. G., 1116 N 3d Melrose Seed and Floral Co., 32 S 3d . Miller F. W., 912 S 20th Schufiueister J., 1812 N 3d Schmidt .J., 44 N 3d Stein L. N., Colde. c III Winters T. J. t 1016 Commerce and 1116 N 6th FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. Beck David M., 11 N 14th Fickes & Bro., 7th ab Maclay Herman M., 340 Verbeke Lochiel Flour Mill, Send S Cameron Montgomery & Co., 625-627 Walnut . Moore W., 1016 l\~yrtle Paxton and Steeltou Flouring Mills Co., Sycamore bet P. R. R. and Canal and Trewick, Steelton PaxtolJ. Flour and Feed Co., {;anll bel State FLOUR, FEED, lC., CON1'D. Sheesley D., Hemlock nr 9th *Sidle L. C. & Co., 342-348 S Front, Steelton Smallwood W.,433 Herr . Spahr J. H. & Brn 628 North FLOUR SACK MFRS. Harrisburg Flour Sack Manufactory, 8 N 4th FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. ~ Iron Fou:ndt:r. FRUIT. Beaver C., 805 N 3d Beshore A. F. t 1212 N 3d Dubbs C. C., SOO N 3d }"ortna C. H. & Co., Mulberry c Derry Lantz J., 235 Walnut Looker G. W. & Son, 139 Crallberrv Morrow S. 'H., 703 N 3d Russ, Bates & Vanee, (wholesale), 15 N 2d Russ V., 42 N 3d Scalia M., 101 S 2d Simonetti J. & Co., 445 Wal. nut Simonetti L., 403 Wulnut FURNITURE DEALERS AND CABINETMKRS. Adams W. J. & Son, 106-114 S 2d Boyd & Co., 31 S 2d *Dunkle A. .8., 120 N Front, Steelton Ellenberger I., 233 State Ensinger W. H., 1611 N 6th Ensminger J. T., 102 S 2d Fackler E. L., 1312 Derry Forman J., 1101 N 7th Fry A. F., 210 S 2d Greak J. H., 231 South Griest F. S., 212 Mulberry Harrisbul1t Furniture Mfg. Co 10th bel Market Mayerl3 Furniture Co., ltd, 400 Verbeke McFadden A. B., 327 Verbeke

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A. B. TACK, Wall Paperand Win.dowShades. {72~:~o!;,R,g~,~.

Harrisburg Classified Business.
FURNITURE DEALERS AND CABINETMKRS, CONT'D. *Middletown Furniture Mfg. Co., Middletown Miller Wm., 216 South' Montgomery W., 1475 Walnut Ogelsby J. J., 111' N 2d Schlick J. P., 1822 N 6th Sharp A. R.. 605 Forster Shrenk A. H., 325 Verbeke Smith J. H., 103 Colder Spicer C. A., III S 2d Starr H., 1300 N 6th . Weakley C. S. 114 Market *Wilt Harry, 42 and 48 S [<"'ront. Steelton Yin~t F. W., 109 and 111 Market GAS COMPANIES. Harrisburg, 24 S 3d United Gas Improvemeut C~., 24 S 3d GENTS' FURNISHiNG GOODS.

GROCERS, CONTINUED. Bates E. F., 17:33 N 5th Bl1turin L., 1~22 N Cameron Baxtresser G. A., 1201 N 6th Beidelman T. D., Canal nr Lochie] Furnace Bender F., 328 Strawberry Benioll M. W., 515 N 211" Berge & Hiller, 5 N 13th Black Eliza P . 1804 N 6th BII)~ser A. C., 1532 N 6th Blumenstein C., 1438 Derry Boggs B. D., 2131 Chestnut Bollendorf M., 1020 Market Bomgal'dner J.1\1. & Son, 438 \Valnut Bond W. H., 5001 South Bowers 1\1. A. Mrs., 622 Reily Bowman Bros., 2] I) Chestnut Boyer C. I., 1201 N Seventh Bratten Landis, 921 N 6th Brande P., 51:l BI'iggs

Brenll('r A. 55~ SlOth J. K., 1640 N 5th Brinton G. & H. A., Race c 334 Market Hanna Hemperly J. E., 11] 7 N 3d Brown Emanue], 416 Forster Knull & Co., 33 N 3d Burkholder & Co., 1316 MarMarks H., 401-403 Market garet Shearer J. L., 204 Market Burn C. 1\1., Green c Herr Williamson & Foster, 326 Campbell T. J., 621 Hanis Market Chayne A. L., South c Barbara Zeil J. T., 228 Market Clark L., 1220 Mulberry GRAIN ELEVATORS. Coldren A. D., 1545 Swatara Fickes & Bro., 7th ab Stock Craver J. W., 223 S 2d Yarus Deardorff R. Mrs., 1421 N 3d GRANITE. Deihl F., 414 Forster See Marble Worker8. Deihl George A., 1342 N 3d GROCERS. Devor H. C., 1719 N 7tJl Althon&e R. H., 9 N 13th Dipner W. A., 123 S 3d ArlDour J. C., 1422 N 6th Ditmer G., 134 Verbeke Aronsohn M., 14 N 5th, 123 Dongherty J. E .. 1412 S 13th Cowden *Dress G. W.,551 S 2d, Stee]tUIl Arollsoll D., 1422 Margaret Bailets R., Front' cHanna Eby M. C., 443 Market Bass J., 226 Mary's Enders A. E.,70 N 13th
(See alsu Clothier8). Di\"es, Pomeroy & Stewart,

FRANK M. WALTERS, 1j~~l:!~'::;I: FOOTWEAR, N.7:J~.

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IcleiJ.'s Paia EItermiaator :~~o:a: =::'~~Dlt {17TI'1.M' L.


Harrisburg Classified Business.

GROCERS, CONTINUED. Kreidler A. H. & B., 100 N 2d Langletz J., 6]5 Race LanJ!lotz Martin, ':100 S 2d Lantz W. L., 110 Market Leedy J. H., 1827 N 7th Lentz Joseph F.,439 Verbeke Liken Eliza A., 1322 N 6th Lindenmuth B. C., 235 Crescent Lingle J. F., 648 Muench Lipman J .. 619 Herr J.JUdge G. H., ]622 N 4th Lutz J. A., 1849 Derry Mackenson C. T., 118 Paxton May J. K., 300 Market McClure Amelia, 1028 S 9th McCord .J. W., 1603 N 6th McDonough John, 200 Herr Mc}l'adden D., 1409 PenD McFadden J., 500 N Cameron McFadden J. \V., 131 Verbeke Mc}'adden M. Mrs., 625 Cumberland McGran J. S., 1608 Walnut Meyers G. B., 357 S Cameron Miller A. C., 601 Walnut Miller W. F., 817 N 8d Moore Wm. H., 1217 N 6th Neff Isaac, 1820 N 5th *Noll J. J., 267 N Front, Steelton Orth J. F., 1401 N 2d Paiuter H. B., Derry c 19th Palmer L., 1407 N 6th Paunebecker E., ]948 N 6th Pannebecker G. F., 444 S 2d Peters R. J. & Son, 620 N 3d Poet J. H., 19171 N 6th Potteiger .Jacob, 24 N 13th Price John H.~ 336 Muench Raine C. H.,57] Race Ralston M., 170] N 4th Ramer F. D., 1215 N 3d ReifF. J., 565 Wood biDe Remmer R., 502 Walnut Riley W. N., ]702 N 3d RilJPer C. E., 427 State

GROCERS, CONTINUED. Enders I. T., 180] N 6th English I. L., }l'ulton c Peffer Etter Calvin, 601 State Fesler Mary E., 2028 N 6th Finney T. J., 2 N 2d }-'ilJher Wesley, 128 DO<.'k Foerster Geo., jr., 540 Race Foltz Andrew, 220 N 2d Ford Ellis W., 1826 N 6th Fortney S. T., 234 North. Frick A. W. t 428 Reily Gardner W. L . 1310 N 6th Gladfelter H. L., 1100 N 7th Golden M. L., 234 V t'rbeke Guod G., 429 Verbeke Goodman J. A., 1247 Mulberry Gould G. W., 431 North Gray T. W.,501 Muench Groff L. L., 936 S 21st Hanawalt J. S., 1728 N 7th Harlacker John C., 17 N :kl Harris S. H., 1923 N 6th Hbg Grocery and Produce Co., (wholesale), 222-2:30 Mulberry . Hartn.ian R. A., 1726 N 4th Hallsler Eli M., 1424 Regina HE'ffelfinger E. A., 18th (l Derry . Hefkin S. P., 417 Reily Hennecke J. A . 13:l9 James Hess & Kinneard, 1008 N 3d Hoerner J. W., 1538 N 4th Hurley W. M., 1742 N 4th Hntton G. J. t 345 Muench Johnson Helen, 519 State Kantner Mary, 430 State Katzman A., 1531 N 3d Kaufman Levi, 330 Reily *Keister W. A., 187 N Front, Steelton [eron Kennedy J. W., 1082 S CamKlewanski G., 329 Colder Knox & Meckley, 1302 N 3d Kramer I. W.,400 Cumberland

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, FiDe let .all Paper. {~~c3.Ml*~}121O 1.lA!.

Harrisburg Claslified Businel'.
GROCERS, CONTINUED. *Roberts C. A., 184 Main, Steelton Roberts '~. B., 630 Boaa Rodeohaber J., 428 State Ruby C. W., 1100 N 6th Ruch &: Miller, 1018 N 7th Ruder J . 213 Crescent RumpfC. Mrs., 1026 Market Runkle D., 191 N 15th Runkle G. E., State c 20tb Santo J. H., 1643 N 6th Saul F., 1201 N 111 Schaeffer L. J., 1528 Derry 8chayler A., (est), 1002 N 3d 8ebourn J. H., 827 Green Seifert Moses K., 320 Reily Sbaffner J. M., 1800 N 5tb Sharp G. F., 321 Boas Sbeesley H. F., 901 S 9t.b Shein Max, 1327 Maple Sberidan Mary, :l24 Hamilton Sbetter M. A., 1049 S 9tb S!dle J. D., Reily c Susq SImmers G. W.,1020 Berrybill Simmons A., 45 N 14tb Smith A. E. Mrs., 1450 ReKina Smitb W.O., 1200 N 2d Spabr W. B., 430 Walnut Sponenberger F., 1904 State Springer Edwin N., 43 S 13th *Steelton Store Co., ltd, Locust nr Canal, Steelton Stewart J. M., 1820 N6th Strob F., 1732 N 4th Studebaker Clement, 421 N 2d Templar J. E., 1301 Market Thomas A., 1408 Regina Thomas J. W., 1210 Market Tripner W. A., 312 Verbeke Tripner W. A., jr., 1720 N 3d Umberger H. L., 445 Verbeke VanCamp W. L., ]518 N 6th Vaugbn Robert, 201 S 2d Wagoner J. D., 28 S 4th Walburn A., 1308 Wallace
61 GROCERS, CONTINUED. Walttrs Levi, 1642 N 6tb Walters WID., 628 Furster Walton J. H., 2030 N 7tb Weaver George H., 19 S 2d Weaver J. S. 1607 N 6tb Wells J. E., 1245 Kittatinny Wbistler S. C. Mrs., 417 Boyd Wiesemann W. A., 128 S 2d Wiestliog S. C., 600 North Wilcox J. P., 1917 Derry Wilson David, 723 N 6th Winters lI. A. Mrs., 223 South Wit man, Schwarz & Co., (wholesale), 336 Chestnut Wix J. M., 416 Colder Wood A., 1401 N Cameron Yingst J. C., 615 N 2d Young G. G., 1056 S 11tb GUNSMITHS. Altmaier P. A., 130 S 2d Lawser W. H., 407 Market HAIRDRESSERS. (0__' _1__ B rb ) Ot:e UUIU a era. Brown A. C., 414 Walnut Stewart J. B. Mrs., 224 N 2d HARDW ARE. *Bres.'1ler Riley & Son, Market eN 2d, Lykens *Brubaker G. B., Main c Market, Lykens Compton S. R., 34 N 2d D..Haven F. H., 424 Market Gable H. A., ft 3d Gilbert H. & Son, 219 Markl.'t Hogentogler C. C., 1000 N 3d Karper B. H., 1845 Berryhill Kautz S. H., 27 S 13tb Kelker & Sons, 17 S 2ci *Keller & Mumma, 140 N Front, Steelton King G. K., 303 Market Mateer R. B., 1220 ~ 3d McCormick D. M. & Co., 30 N 3d McGonigal W. A., 1228 N 3d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know ROW to spell,t." 62 Rarri8bur~ Claifl.ed Busine.
HARNESS AND TRUNKS. Balthaser D. V., 3a6 Verbeke Breckermaker A. K., 5 N 4th Deitzler A., 324 Market Harrisburg Harness and Saddlel'Y Co., 26 83d Lefever C. L., 427i Verbeke Sankey J. W., 32:\ Verbeke Trippstt'in A. J., 2] 1 Che'!tnut HATS, CAPS AND FURS. Dodge H. C., 19 N 3d Goodman 8., 418 Market Killnard L. H., :l05 Yerheke K lli~ly & Cu., aoo Mal'ket Kllnll & Cn., !3!3 N 3d Zollinger W. A., 13 S 211 HORSE COLLAR MFRS. -Commth. Horse Cllllar Mfg. C(I., 113 8 :3d Ziegler & Keating, 207 ChestII lit HORSESHOERS. See Black8'mitlt8. HOTELS. Bach H. A., 401 Verheke Baumoll H(luse, H. R. Zimmerman, 527 RO('e Bolton, T. H. Heist, 21 N 2d Central, D. C. Blyler, 311 Mkt *Central, F. E. Smith, 13:J 8 Frunt, Steelton Commercial, E. Russ, 217 Mkt *CnmOlercial, H. H. Tallman, 220 and 222 Main, Lykens Commonwealth, James Rtlss, 201 Market *Clluffer H 0 II 8 e, Sam u e I Clluffer, 169 and 171 N Front, Stl'elton Deiker M. E. Mrs., 404 Chestnut Donmoyer J. \V., 2008 3d Eckinger H. F., 1108 Market J;~lIrupe8n, Market c P. R. R. *Farmers', Martin S n y de r, Main c Pine, Mirldletown Fifth Ward How~e, C. H. Liebtrel1, 937 N 3d HOTELS, CONTINUED. Fletcher W. E., 1235 N 6th Foley E., 451 8tate Franklin HoufS, Frank Dietrich, 217 Walnut J;"'riscb Bernhart, 50] Market *Glen House, C. T. 8uyder, Market nr P. R. R. depot, Lykens Grand, L. Russ, 314 Market Grape, J. F. Haos, 559 Ral.'e Grove M. M., 6th c Maclay Harris House, J. W. Bracken, 20 N 3d Heist C. H., jr., Eagle Hotel, 625 Race Hershey H. E., 327 Market Hotel AJ'('8de, D. E. Leighton, 102:3 N 7th Hotel Columbus, N. Russ, 2292:33 Walnut Hutel Rus.'l, P. Russ, 423 Mkt Jacksun, R. C. Birmingham, 1306 N 7th Kapphan C. L., 324 Verbeke Kauffman G. \V., 325 Reily Kelley Ed., 208 8 3d Keystone, R. 8ullers, 729 8tate Kline William, 12:37 ~ 7th Koenig E. Mrs., 3]3 Verbeke Lancaster House, Bertha Meyer, 21 Cowdeu Lauffe Gebhard, 1415 N 3d Light R. 0., 1303 N 3d Lochiel, Forrest Hunter, Market c 8 3d McCarthy C., 524 State Merchants', Philip Aldinger, 125 Chestnut Metropolitan, W. W. Rishell, 517 Waluut Mt. Pleasant, S. Cozzoli, Market c Cameron National, F. W. Ebel, State c 4th O'Learv J., 1122 Wallace Orsinger Vincent, 300 Verbeke

Digitized by


I. B. TACK, ProCtlcO! Paper Hanger,

HOTELS, CONTINUED. Park, Blllck & Gish, 307 WalDut Railroad HOIl8e, 7th c Maclay Ridge Av. Hotel, A. Schutzellhach, 12:32 N 6th Rovai Americo, 421 Walnut Star. G. W. Kauffman; 325 Reily *SteeltuII, .Jerome Hite, 349 N Front. Steeltoll Ulrich H. B.. 605 Cumberland Union Hotel, L. Bernhardt, 167 Paxton *Union IIBllse, J. Kntmer, Main c Marht, Lykens United States, A. H. Hoffman, 514 Market Wa~ner, P. F. M<.Gill, 400 and 402 Forster Wal1a HlIlIa, John Bollinger, 325 Wal,,"t


Harrisburg .Classified Business.

ICE, CONTINUED. Sible John S., ad c Cumberland. also 90:J Cowden Walkemeyet BroR., 26 N Court ICE .cREAM. Coffee E. M., 208 Walnut Dietrich & Son. 1015 N 3d Frasch F. C., 319 Walnut Heisey D. H., 413 N 2d McGee E., 615 Hen Meals Theo{lore S., 909 N 3d Mvers W. D., 132:3 N 3d *Shelley J. P.,35 and 362 N Front, Steelton INK MFR. Middleton W. A., ..U2 N 3d' INSTALLMENT HOUSES. Burns & Co., 4 S 2d Gately & Fitzgerald, 1208 N 6th People's Furni~hing Co., 926 N 6th INSURANCE. Adam!! Alex., 307 Market *Alleman Bros., 145 N }~ront, Stet'lton Aurora Fire IllS. Co., 1 S 3d Beck G. W., 227 Walnut Buok C., 402 Briggs Buehler H. B., 200 Walnut Colt & Todd, 103 N 2d Conn. Mutual Life, S. M. M!lfshall, agt, 7 N 3d Dal'e E. O. & Son, 19 N 3d Equitable Life Assurance Society. 1 S 3d Fox Wilson C., 227 Walnut Freeburn H. H., 1401 N 3d Garber S. I., 17 S 2d German J. W., Board of Trade Gross George A., 3, N 3d Guiles & Wensell, 103 N 2d Hammond & Bailey, 213 Walllut Heisler M. L., 13th'c Derry Hershey Bros. & Co., 25 N 2d


FOOTWEAR 01 Walters'. 1012 N. 3d 81.

Wehling Henry, 946 N 7th Wieseman Sarah L. Mrs., 301 S 2d Windsor, W. H. Butler, 418 Market *Windsor, Lewis C. Keirn, Wilson, Middletown HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Hubertis S., 1216 N 3d HUCKSTERS. (See a180 Fi8h, Oysters, &0.) Feehrer H., 1514 N 4th Johnson C. C., 1605 N 6th McCulla M., 34 S 2d Simonetti J. Ot Cn., 445 WalDut Stonf!Sifer C. D., 1223 Apple Walters H. L., 518 Hamilton Yeagley P. M., 430 Hamilton ICE. Crystal Ice Co., (rufrs), Howard c 1 4 t h ' Orth H. A., 229 Verbeke Rutherford S. IL, 104 S Court

Digitized by


DIce McN eU's Medicine Co. {~s!eed} No~.~If.

H~~riaburg ~"'''.DDssECS'''''' Buaia?,~BB.

INSURANCE, CONTINUED. Kelker L. R., 200 Walnut Leib fri','Hlk R N 3sSN Leste; M., 2~X Waln;t Liesmann F. W. &: Son, 534


Mass .s 22 N Marlll:;:l( C. A" Mari:ct. Marshall S. M .. i N 3d Metrupolitan Life Inss Co., AI<:r. ii.dllmr, 30h MOrl'isoll .J. R., Musser J. H" 209 Wliinut *Myez'r A. Z., 12 S l\'bz'krt, Mr:::hanicsbUK'h Nederlanh Life Ins. Co., hh7 Walnut New %11:al Lira he. Co.. N 3d Sluwnin Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. *Penna. Steel Co., Steelton J. F. Rllton, 226 N ad Swatara Furnace Co., 223 Mkt Coo S 4th Ir:sn Osler ., 190:i 6th JdriiLERS. Parthemore & Quigley, ] 219 See N 3d [103 N 2d iONK. ntual Ius. Penll Peters S., 3h ad See RUff WarehmlsYl'Y. Phrenix Mutual Life Ins. Co., LADIES' COATS. 105 N 2d Witxner D. H. & CII., 412 Mkt Poffeninrder L. 21 LSiNDRIES. Prlldanllal Ins. 222 Reverting Fund Assurance As- City Steam Laundry and Towel sociation, 17 S 2d Supply 213 Short K., 3d Sam, Walnn!s Schich SheafnE' J., 3d ri,.trtidburs St801 Lkundrh Sheaft!r Wood K., 32 N 3d 1004 N 3d State Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 1 Ring Jung, 420 N 3d S 3d Hngnlltogll'l' Cros., N Stoneh:J"" \\T., Market Won,.. :305 N Stoner J. C., 200 N 2d Kwong ~,416 Walnut Ston H. S., 412 Market Mock Gung. 103 S 2d E. h04 N J ung, ] Ma:'Lt Susqueh.HiuII Fire hes. Lung, 2 Reilg Co., 1 S 3d Sing Mark, 1258 Market Turner L. W., 1127 N 3d Sing Wing: 1002 N 6th FENdi MFRS. nlknhav,sx' S., N 3d Yi:%ger W. H. 32:g e PottJ Bare, c Strawberry Mechanicsburg

FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. John . & Stat~ Canal Hbg. Founelry alld MachineWorks, Howard ab 13th ih:lsok Ws Mfg. CanSN~ r.;;[orth IRON MFRS. Central Irun Cront bel Dock Harrisburg Rolling Mill Co.,. Lochiel Dnsshiel Fnntnce Co., ih3 Mhrr. Co., 2h:3r,.larknt Paxton Furnaces, P. R. R. and ShaoniR



I 1'.



1210 {Emp]o,a none bllt Gnt-c1aM workmen, hf'lloe ODI[Gl'IIt-clMa IIIIR, N. 3d St. wurk, and Insures IL. Work done In lUI)' part 0 tbe Slate.

Harrisburg Cla88ified Busines8.

LAWYERS. Alleman Juhll S., 21 N 3d Alricks 1.. S., 207 Walnut Backenstoe <J. H., 105 N 2d Barnett G. R., 207 Wlllnllt Bergner C. H., 4 N 3d Bigler C. S., 222 Market Brandt A. Eo, 222 Market Brightbill O. ~. 32 N 3d *Buffington H. E., 154 Main, Lykens Butler J. L., 240 North Calder & Norris, 5 N 2d Care & Seitz, 222 Market Chamberlin J. I., 222 Market Comfi)rt John C., 4 N 3d Darby W. 14'., 145 N Front, Steelton . Detweiler )-1. D., 222 Market Dull Casper, 26 N 3d Durbin J. C., 6 N Court I<:dwards T. H., 212 Walnut Etter B. F., 212 Walnut Etter G. E., 212 Walnut Farnsworth W. C., 32 N 3d Fleming G. R., 105 N 2d Forster B. L., 30! N 3d Fox John E., 1 N 2d Gilbert J. G., 4 N 3d Graydon' H. M., 208 Chestnut Hain W. M., 306 Market Hall & Jordan, 210 Walnut Hargest T. S., 222 Market Hargest W. M., 222 Market Herman J. A., :l06 Market Herr D. C., 205 Walnut Hoffman J. W., 26 N 3d Jackson E. W., 222 Market Jacobe M. W., 222 Market Kaufman D. L., 321 Market King E. L., 219 Market Kister W. H.,26 N 3d Kunkel G., 33 N 2d Kunkel P. A., 216 Market Lamberton W. B., 216 Market Lemer M. M., 6 N Court Lynch C. W., 1 N 2d McAlarney J~ C., 301 N 3d


LA WYERS, CONTINUED. Ml'Alllruey M. W 4: N ad MCCSlllllut '1'., I X ~ ad MtoCanell S. J. M., 105 N 2d M:cCollkl'v C. B .. 219 l\Isl'ket Meyelll W. K., 20 S ad Middleton W. H., 222 Market Millar A., 3a N 2d Mitchell Eo B., &1 c Market Musser J. H., 209 Walnut Nead B. M., 209 Walnut Neiffer L. M., lK N 3d NiSllley H. L.,7 N 3d Nissley J. C. 29 N 2d Olml:lte<l M. Eo, 5 and 7 N 3d Ott F. M., 222 Market Patterson .J. E., 222 Market Pearson W., 2 N Court Rupp S. S., 210 Walnut Shoemaker H., 9 N 3d Shopp J. H.: 331 MSIket Smith E. J., 4 S 4th Snodgrol!8 F. P . 13 N 3d Snodgrass R., 13 N :3<1 Snyd~r Eugene, ION 3d Stamm A. C., 5 and 7 N 3d Swartz I. B., 12 N 3d Swartz J. W., 12 N 3d Wallace R. B., 105 N 2d Weiss & Giibert, 219 Market *Wickerilbam ~". B., 36 N . ~"roflt, Steelton Wolfe & Bailey, 22 N 2d Young J. W., 123 Chestnut LAYERS OUT OF THE DEA.D. Braun M. Mrs., 315 S 2d Meek M. R. Mrs., 827 N 3d Messimer A. C . 321 Strawberry LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Buebler Jacob, 104 N 2d Groff W. K., 211 N 2d Rife John W. Leather Co., ([ncorp.), 10th eState Sankey J. W., 323 Verbeke LIME, SAND AND HAIR. Lingle H. H., Mkt. E of' Canal
fDigitized by


" To find a Ilame


must know h07U 10 spell it." Harrisburg Classifted Business.


LIME, SAND, lC., CONT'D. Rhuads ,J. IL., (a 1~C1 pla!!ter and cemellt). Cowdell C }<'orster Rhoads J. :\1., Forster nr 2d Schlayer J. F., 1000 N 3d "Valtull Stone Quarries and Liiue Kilns, 223 Market LIQUORS. See Wines and Liqtors. LITHOGRAPHER. Meyers E. K., 18-22 S 3d LIVERY, BOARDING, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES. Boak A., 11] 7 Montgomery Calder's Transfer CII., 16 ~ 2d Haines W. D.,324 Blackbel'ry Hartman J. H., agt, 331 Blackberry Hench & Weakley, :312 Blackuel'ry Hogentogler H. G., 1308 Green Hughes J., 416 Strawberry Hursh H., 10th nr Market Kirby W. C., 933 Rose Krause G. C., :116 Strawberry Lauer J. F., Green c Cumberland' Miller Jacob R., 350 Verbeke Motter J., 336 Black~rry Neely J. M.,437 StraWberry Ober B. F., 216 Strawberrv' Oyster A. L., 230 South' Rauch John, rear 914 N 3d Raymond C. W.,10th nr Market, also Court c Cranberry Reed S. B., 1901 N 3d Saul M. F., 1519 N 4th Schimley R., 419 Verbeke Snavely Bros., 235 Blackberry Spahr W. A., 225 Sassafras Wallis R. & Son, Haehnlen c Prune . LUMBER. Bell John, 7th ab Maclay Boas D. D., (est), 2d c Vine Frazer Isaac, 222 Market Geisel & Kohler, 7th c Emerald

LUMBER, CONTINUED. * KelldiK & Lanlllall, 17th c Deny alld .Mill c Union Callal, Middletuwn Sadler & Kaufman, 7th c BrigKs *Siple W. H, atty. Hummelstown Smith D. 1\1.,11622 N 4th Southard E. A. 18 N 3d MACHINISTS. (See also Iron Founders). McKillips A., 421 South * Potts & Bare, Allen c High, Mechanicsburg Quickel H. 1<\ 630 Walnut Stevenson D . 1201 Mulberry MANTEL WORKS. Hoopes H. A.,502 Market MARBLE AND GRANITE WKS. Beatty & Bro., Keystone Marble and Granite Works, Market clOth Cannon J .1., 1535 N 3d Empire Grauite Co., 119 and 121 S 3d Low W. H., 509 N Cameron McFadden T. F., Market cPa. Canal *Messinger . Bros., 124 S Front, Steelton Quincy Granite Wks, 435 S 2d ~hupe & Fraim, 2003 N 5th and 27th c Herr MATTRESS MFRS. Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., 10th c Mulberry MEAT MARKETS. Bink H., 228 Cranberry Blair G. M., 319 Hllmilton Caldwell W. W., 601 Colder, also 1600 N 6th Cannon D. K., rear 1247 Mulberry Casey M., 518 Brown av *CrollHarry, 610 N Union, Middletown Felty John H., 417 Colder

Digitized by


Y~\~I~~;~~~' WOII puper uno WlndOWShudes lrom A. B. TACK, N.'::~t. Harrisburg ClassUied Business. 67
Fortillt D. L., ~lal'\' e Hivel' Hamel' Will. .\(, Ilidiall c Raee Hunhilmrg Bt(f (;.,., (whlllcsale), Canal c P"xtOIl Heppt'rle .1., 5:l2 S Canlt'rull Hiller Georgp .J., 2:J9 ~orth Hoover J., DI'ulllmoJl(i c 16th Hllher Felix, 210 South Kaitwallscl' W. J., Bailey c Summit Keil John, 135 Indian Kerr C, A.,54 Linden Koolls H. e.,269 Cumberland Kosnre C. B.. l-l07 Uegina Krieg A., lao Charles MarzolfG. M., 1003 Capital Miller A. G., J520 Logan Moses B. F., HI07~ N 6th MosE's W. S., 1827 N 6th Moy<'r Bros., 1014 Market, 20th c Brookwuod
-All the Latest Styles inNEUABLE I1.nd FA8HlUNABLE


WPIII'il'!< f)1I\'id, li;~ Villl'

Will'''Il.J. W., 1-100 :\Iar!,('t Yos! Z., I SOl) ~ -It h YOUII/! H. F., 50(j Wallilit

*Hildrup "'. T., jl'.! The COIllmOllwealth

*Dull R. G. & Co., J. F. Daniell. jr., IlIgr, Reading, Pa,

MERCHANT TAILORS. (Seeal8o OlotlLier8,a18o 1'ai{o1'8).

Appell A., 25 N :lcl Bel'llheist'l L., 1001 Green Cook J. H., J205 N 3d i"l'Uehlicb .J. & Son, 901 N 3d Gastrock W., 337 Walnut Glovel' John \\'.,3 N 3d Gluv'r M. E.,3 N 3d HeaJ'(1 F. S., I I S 3d Houtz Wm. H., :310 Broad Kohlhas G. V., 211} S 2d
N. 8d 8t.



Myers C., 613 Herr Neilion Wm. N., 1420 Derry Reichert J. A., 622 Race Rhoads H. K.,.224 Hummel Shaffner J. 0., 1724 Logan Shaffner Wm. H., 509 Reily Shamrno L. C., 506 State Smith C. H., 665 Sayford Soell .John, 424 Walnut St(lUffer C. A.,449 Verbeke, 269 Cumberland Stouffer H. H., 114 S Dewberry Stouffer J. H., 2M Colder Taubert & Bro., 1146 S Cameron Thomas E. J., 1541 N 4th Walter Henry, 913 N 3d Walter H. G.,434 State, 15 N 2d, 616 Herr Wulztor J. W., 140R William Wei(imu'l G., 1:l2 S 2d Weigle C. K. Kelker c Wood

Matth('wt! J. V., J 507 N :3d Mehring J. C., 1217 N 3d Myers e., 1014 N 3d Ross Harry C., 21 N 3d Shope G. F., 36 S 13th Spahr M. H., 9 N :id Spahr T. L., 1103 N 3d

Bretz T. J., 400 N 2d Hollands S., 1331 Penn

Astricl. H., 34-:38 N 3d Baker Annie B., H~6 X :3d Barget Lizzie, 1~2.j ~ 6th Bralln & l\J('FaclclclI, HJ 9 X 3d Bucklp.y L .J., 2U8 l\Jul'kel Creamt'l' 1\1. C., 417 \\' alnut Hartzell & Hllitel', l:H:l N 3d MacFlll'landLolli~, 10Ii ~ 3d Moessllel' J., iH4 N 3d Sprenkel P. K., 31 N 3d Steele A. B., 10:3 N 4th Walzer E. Mrs., 27 S 2d

Digitized by


Llverand Blood McNEIL'S D,lpe.. Liver, Purlfylns Pilla Cure Jllll! " and ltldDey ComplalDti. l 011 01.



Harrisburg Classifl.ed Business.

Potts M. G., ]624 N 5th * Wickersham ~~rank B., 36 N Front, Steelton Wolf William, 310 Herr *y ollng W. S., 308 Market, Lykens

KeplIer G. L., 1] 4, Liberty

Brenneman W. H., 1370 Vernon

*Jackson Mfl!. Co.,4th c Boyd

MUSIC, IC. See Piano8 and Orga,UJ. NAIL MFRS. Chesapeake N a i I W 0 r k s,

(Charles L. Bailey & Co., Ioc.), Front ~I Dock Harrisburg ~ail Works, 223 Market

NOTIONS. (See al80 Drygood8, also Varirli(8). Beal'd Henry, 1105 N 3d

Cohen Harris, 202 Market Cooper C, A., 124n Derry Cooper & Prll8.'1, 418 Walnut Dives, Pomeroy & Stewal1, :J34 Market Einstein Brns., 22:3 Market Gregory Henry, 325 Market Gntelius S. Jennie, 28 N 2d Harner J. Mrs., 1417 N 3d Harris Mary A., 203 S 2d Hemperly J. M . 100] N 3d Hench S. A. & Co., 225 Mkt Hench & Stualt, 26 S 2d Hinds A. M., 316 Verbeke Katz Myer, 506 Mllrket Lewis G. W. 121S N 6th McCloske.v A. K, 1236 Mkt Miller D. H., 1P:l5 N 6th NeieHg H" 415 Kelker Repse Carrie W., 1419 N 3d Robinsun & Graeff, 1:300 N 3d Sample A. & SUII, 1722 N 4th Singler M. A., la08 N :Jd Weitzpl R. D., 44] Vel'beke

NEWSDEALER. (See also BotJ/cseller8).

Ort Peter M., The Locl.liel

NEWSPAP RS. Harrisburg Ne'W8]Japer8, see page 35. *Steelton Advut.."8te, J. R. Missemer, pub, 130 N Front, Steelton *Steelton Repcntel', W. H. H. Sieg, 2-. S Front, Steelton

Smith S: R. Co., Boas c Linden

NOTARIES PUBLIC. (See also Lawyer8). Armor Wm. C., 4 N Court Black W m. S., 1400 N 3d Braodt A. E., 222 Mal'ket Care R. S., 222 Market Demming H. C., 17 N 3d Fleming S. W., 32 N 3d Hargest W, M" 222 Market
Hockley J. V., 12 N 3d King E. L., 219 Market Kllokel P. A., 2] 6 Market Liesman F. W.,534 Race Lightner C. M., 1904 N 6th Lynch C. W., 1 N 2d Major John M . 3:H Markpt McConkey C. B., 219 Market NiMley H. L., 7 N 3d Ott Fred M., ~22 Market

Baclgel' S. E. Mrll., 12tb c Blliley Bellt'vlle N nrl'Elrie!J, Holly beyund limits MeClillt()ck L. E" 102:J S Cllmel"On MelruHe 8f.t.d alld Florlll Co., 23th IInci Dc,,"' Wintl!ls T. J., 10]6 CUIlllllt"rce 'VOOCIK&CII., York C' Ash

Boak A., 1117 l\Iulltgcllllt'ry

Digitized by


I. B. Tiel '~,","Of Fracilg h~lIc 8111.1.,11 PIaII nita. {=~t=.

Harrisburg Claaailed Business.
OILS. City Oil Co.,7th ab Maclay Hess E. K., 628 Verbeke Whitcomb & Hess, agts, 628 Verbeke "Young W. S., 308 Market, Lykens OPTICIANS. -Cocklin Bros.,28 N 3d Deisher 1. A., 410 ~Iarket Eystet A. E., SIll N 3d Haverstick C. A.,333 Market Weidner W. A . 317 Market ORE MINER. .Jauss D. L., 701 Race PAINTERS. Backenstoss E. P., 16011 N 4th lIAKER II. G., 16 N Court Bannan Goo., 124 Strawberry Bell T. A., 821 Myrtle BergstreSKer W. J., 118 S Court Duke H. J., 217 Mulberry Fisber E. A" 923 Capital -Gipe B. F., IOU S River -Goetze A. T . 1320 N 3d Gohl H., 24 N Conrt Gobl J. P., 317 Strawberry Hoffman J. H., 6:31 Dauphin Loeftler Ludwig, 119 Cowden Lov(' Spencer, 1408 .James Miller D. W., I'ear 825 Market Potter E. S. & Bro., 12:~8 Market Poulton J. S., 1219 Green Poulton Silas W., 1216 N 3d &hlayer & Reed, 214 Vet'beke :Sible W. \V., :l07 Clinton .stees L. W., 326 Clinton Weand H. B., 611 Myrtle PAPER BOX MFR. Ferriday A. R., 101 to 107 ~ Cameroll PAPER DEALERS. .Johnstllll & Cu., 11:3 N 2d Rollt'rtl'l & Me<!k. J() S 2<1 PAPER HANGINGS. See IVail PaperH.


PATENT MEDICINES. Foltz John B. t 1839 N 6th Gottschall A. H., 260 Hummel Keeley Institute, North c 4th Keller's Catarrh and Blood Purifier, 1839 N 6th Kenne<ly W. H., 30 S 3d Leonard J. & Co., Mulberrv c C~nt McNeil Me<licine Co., 1111 N 3d [tine &~hweigart S. M., 1331 :BarShields J. D., 211 S 2d PATENT SOLICITORS. Comfort J. C., 4 N 3d Mnmma D. D., I) N 2d PATTERNMAKER. McLaughlin J. T. W., 421 South PAVING. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 222 Market PAWN BROKERS. Battis F. C., 1:~9 Short Cohen & Son~, 4:l) Market Potts A. G., 925 N 3d Tausig J. & Son, 430 Market PENSION AGENT. Dumars J. K.o 206 Locust PHOTOGRAPHERS. Excel~iol' Copying H 0 II S e, Schriver & Kihler,718 N 7th Gaugler E. K., 408 Market Jelley & Duke, 24 S 4th Lerner J. D., 1213 N 3d Lerner LeRlIe, 206 Market . Musser F. E., 16 N 3d Roshnn J. W.o 34 N 3d PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. Lett James, 27 N 2d PHYSICIANS. Best Austin, 723 S 19th Bill G. E., 232 State Bishop W. T.o 211 Pine Blair T. S., 118 Locust Blair \V., 1311 Derry Blust J., 1338 Susquehanna Bower" M. K., 1337 N 6th

Digitized by

Coogle --

" To find a name you must know how to spell it.'" 70 Harrisburg Classified Business.
PHYSICIANS, CONTINUED: PHYSICIANS, CONTINUED. Brandt Albert F., 9 N 4th Park J. W., a~ N 2.-1 Brown J. M., 4la Market Pitcairn Hugh, 206 SlUte Portcr G. W., Fl'Ont c Harris Bnliek T. 1\1.,317 N 2d Clark E. L., 206 State Rahter C. A., 110 N 2d Clark J. N., 1111 N 11th Rambler R. A., 1;l15 ~ 6th Ritchie M.1\I., ;l6 S 1:~th Cook 1. Elmel', 217 Pine Coover E. H., 213 Locust Roop J. Wanell, 427 Boas Rynard John A., 562 Race Coover F. W., 214 N 2d Coover H. H., 162:1 N 6th *Seibelt W. H., 31 S Front~ DeVenney J. c., 300 Reily ,Steelton Duff W. L., 82:3 N 6th Seitz J. L., 820 N 6th Dunott D. Z., 132 Walnut Sensenig I. B., :3:H Verbeke Egle W. H., 305 N 2d ShumwllY C. D., 720 N 6th Ellenberger J. W., 1312 N 3d Smith.J. K..:H S 3d Fager C. B., 120 Walnut Stevens J. c., 230 S lath Fager C. B., jr., 120 Walnut Stroup W. W., :~:l2 S 16th Fager J. H., 1234 N 6th S\l'artz J. RosiS, 231) N :3d Fager V. H., 120 Walnut Thorley.J. D., 931 N 3d Fetterhoff H. R., 1306 Market Walker J. A. H., 505 Muencb Free G. B. M., 17 S 2d Walmer E. L., 112 N 13th Fritchey John A., 338 S 2d Walter H. B., l:H 7 N 3d Funk David S., 228 N 3d Weills W. 1\I., 4:3~ Market Garver Jane K., SlUte Hospital Widder G. H., 15]6 Dcrry Gerberich E. A., :31 1 Market Willetts T. I.., 114 Chpstllut Gerhard J. Z., 29 S 3d Winger H. c., 421 StIlte Wolford M. L., 15 S ad Gorgas S. R., 902 N 3d Grllber L. K., 700 N 3d Wright W. E., State Hospital PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC, lC. Hamilton Hugh, 212 S 2d Harner D. W., 204 Walnut. Edwards }.... K, 113 Market Hartman P. A., 514 N 3d Hatton W. H. D., 1602 N 5th HIlY John W., 1402 N 3d Knoche W., 6k N 2d Hunt H. W., RI7 N 3d Kurzeuknube & Suns, 22 N Hutton Johu C., 5 S 4th 211, 1010 ~ :311 Jauss C. K, 132:J N 6th McKillips A., 421 South Jam~s E. H., 6()~ N :3d Orth Henry C., I X !5 4th Jones W. H., J 59 N 4th [bill Senselllon G. A., ] ;m4 Market Keene C. E. L., 1849 Bel'ry- Shallk H. 1.. 1125 N ad Manning C. J., lfiOO N 6th Wagner F. F., 101 !5ollth Yohn Bro;;., :307 l\I:lIket Mal'kley G. H., :37 ~ :M PICTURES AND FRAMES. MeAlIistcl" .J. B., 2:~4 N 3d MeCIlll"e A. S., 10 J 6 Market Blaek K B., 117 ~J arkct Goronzck Han'Y, :H9 Hot-ily McGowan Hirnlll, ~:{6 State Meals Ezra S., 3d c XOI'thHatlicld Bros . :3~H S 16th Miller A. I., 15 S 2(1 McClune T. H.. 1;322 N :3d Mill~r .Joe.)h A., :3.') S 211 Potts A. G. & Co., 414 State Ogle W. M., 1106 N 2d Priest J. B., 1109 N ad Orth H. L., State Hospital Snltzgivcl' J. C., 22:3 N 211

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A. B. TAeK :::tt::a~rW:~:~~ Ian Paper and Ilodol Shld~ {12;S ~~:{s1~e.t.

Harrisburg Classified Business.
PIPE BENDING WORKS. Harrisburg Pipe Bending Co., ltd, Herr c P. R. R. PLANING MILLS. Boas D. D., (est), 2d nr Vine Duncannon Planillg Mill eo., ltd, 18 N 3d Geisel & Kohler, 7th c Emerald *Kendig & Lauman, .Mill c Union Canal, Middletown Langletz Geo. W., York c Ash *Steeiton Planing Mill and Lumber Co., 520 N ~'ront, Steelton PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS. Bomgardner J. W., 29 S 2d Bradley P. P., 400 Walnut Cadow R. P.,501 Kelker Elder M. B., 202 N 2d Fishel' Bros., 1114 Capital Flowers R. J., 31 N 13th Kramer A" 1217 N 3d Kromer Jllhn A., 912 N 3d


. ~~o~~ro~~ FOOTWEA R 0010 WALTERS', N.3~O~;'t.

Lutz H. S., 1:30:l Green Lutz James H., 232 South Marshall .J. S., 1306 N 6th Morrett S. T., 609 :rork Nauss Christian, 9 S 3d Neill J. W., 308 Strawberry Poole W. I., 317 Chestnut Rauch F..dward c., 213 N 2d Saul 1\1. F., 1519' N 4th Schlayer W. H., 9:35 N 3d Simmons O. B. & SOI1S, :37 S 13th Vaughn P. H., 1434 N 3d Waguer S. P., 16:30 N 6th Wyknff W. C., 6:38 Verbeke

PRINTERS, CONTINUED. Clark J. N.. jr., 1111 X ad Fleming Samllt'l W., 32 N 3d Hal"l'isbllrg Publishing COO1pany, 8 N 3d Heffelfinger & Hoak, ] 3tb c Deny Hutter F. L., 329 Market Jm'dan Will F., 227 Walnut Liesmann F. W., 584 Race Longenecker & \"" eigel, 1<t06 N ad Methodist Book Rooms, 20 N 2d MeFarland .J. Horace Co., Crescent c Mnlberry Meyers B. It'., 8 N 4th Meyel's E. K., 18 to 22 S 3d *Missemer Jacob R., 130 N 1!'ront, Steelton Patriot Co., 320 Market Raysor W. F., 300 Cumberland

Scheffer T. F., (est), 21 S 2d *Sieg W. H. H., '2 and 4 S Front, Steelton Simpsrjn & Fillmore, 327 S Front Stewart F. H., 1427 N 3d

Bennett B., 1720 L()~an Dodge S. W., 1266 Market Gal'duer S. & Bro., 1:311 N 3d Kennedv J. W., lO82 S Camercm . Landis C. F., 2011 Penn Looker Eo, 501 North Miller Daniel, 1260 Market Phelps H., 120 S Cuurt Wolfley e. N., 302 N 2d

PORK PACKERS AND CURERS. Cu., 7th c North Harrishurg Provision Co., 423 to 427 S 2d PRINTERS. Bernheisel & Storey, 15:31 Derry
Brt'l~ford Puckin~

Breisfilrd Packing Cu., 7th c N OIoth Harrisburg Grocery and Produce Co., 222 to 230 Mulberry

Digitized by

Coogle '

.WeII'. PiIa Ia'-Inator 00,.. Chol_ JlOl'\IIII, DJIIDterJ, Crampe, Dbln'h-. Ooldt, QIIIDB1, RheamatlllD, TooUuIche, Sore ThrOac,AcDe, ~ ~o. tilt 3d,;

, 72

Harrisburg CIassiled Business.

REAL ESTATE AGTS., CONT'D. Snyder G. W.,558 Woodbine StrihliHg E. C., 1204 N ;k) Thomas W. H.,321 Market Turner L. W., ] 127 N 3t! Uhler J., 115 S()n~h Uhler Henry, 17 S 2d WolfW.,3JO Herr RESTAURANTS. (See also Hotels. also Saloom). Aldinger W. C., 2:l1 Strawberry Brenner N., 420 Walnut Brown Bros., 5 N 5th Cilley C. A., 212 Strawberry Cummings & Beck, 309 Mkt Condren E., 638 Coldel' Dapp G., 314 Brood Gaitor J. H., 437 State Hrnds S. E., Broad St. Mkt Killinger S. A., 1~8 S 2d Magar M., 813 Market Martin C., 5th c Canal Marsili E., 441 Market Millt'r John, 5th c Canal Olewine R. I.., 217 Chestnut O'Sullivan P., 501503 State Pritz B. B., 210 Strawberry Tinker E. A., Pa. R. R. Sta. Woodfork F., 52:3 State ROLLER MILLS. Harrisburg Roll Grinder and COrl'ugatting Co., ltd, 142 Short ROOFERS.

PUBLISHERS. Evangelical Publishing Co., 201 N 2d Pa. Publishing Co., 408 North Werner Publishing Co., 227 Walnut: Whitman R. E. & Co., 103 N 2d PUBLISHERS' AGENT. Thomas W. H., 321 Market RAGS AND JUNK. Baturin M., 824 Market Laverty F. R., 1520 Fulton Machlin W. E., Mulberl'Y c 1 Jth REAL ESTATE AGENTS. *Alleman Bros., 145 N J.i~ront, Steelton Beck G. W., 227 Walnut Caveny & Leyder, 1224 N 3d Cunkle G. W., 809 N 3d *DunkleJ. A., Suns & Co.,192 N Front, Steelton Dunkle & Ewing, 222 Market Eby B. F., 1321 Derry Ewing .1. G., 222 Market Freebnrn H. H., HOI N 3d Gross G. A., 3! N 3d Guiles & Wensell, 10:1 N 2d Hamilton N., 222 Market Hershey Bros & Co., 25 N 2d *King Charles F., 347 Main, Steelton . Knisely A. G., 3d c Market Leib F"ank R., 12 N 3d Meily A. E., 2 N Court Metz E. H .. 318 S 2d Musser J. H., 209 Walnnt *Myers A. Z., 12 S Market, Mechanicsburg Orcutt C. H., 267 Cumberland Osler C. F., 1903 N 6th Parthemore &: Quigley, 1219 N 3d Peters T. S.,:l7 S 3d . Rockafellar T. B., M18 N 3d Rohrer J. F., 1400 N 2d Rupp S. E., 26 N 3d

(See also Slate Roo/er8).


(See alBtI lIotels, alBo Rutaurants). Bullill~r J., 325 Walnut Drf'ssel C. A., 207 Chestnnt Furber I., Conrt c Cherry Kehl Caroline,701 North Loyd P., 137 N 4th McCabe Frank, 542 North O'Sullivan Patrick, 501 State Sattler J. Mrs., :127 Stra wherry Sponsler G. M., 306 Strawberry

Digitized by


belt and loweat Window 1 B. Til {Wall Paper. Thewith l!'IztllJ'ell and FriDle, fOr B6 c&a. { N. 7270 Shad complete, tI4

Harti8b111'g Cla88i1led BU8iness.



(See also page 29).

Harrishurg Scholl I (If Dt'sign, 117 Market Tomkinson Mi!l8es, 304 N 2d WoocJward A. Y., 9 N Front

*Pa. Steel Cn., Steelton

STENOGRAPHERS. Demming H. C. Col., 17 N 3d 12 N 3d Hockley J. McReynolds M. Y., J;j N 3d


SEWING MACHINES. \ STOCK DEALERS. Nicholson I., ]319 Fulton Hemler & Dellollt', Maclay Ilr 8enseman G. A., 1304 Market 8th Singer M f~. CII., 39 N 2,1 STONE. *Singel' Mfg. Cu., 233 Maiu, '0 Lykens Deitzler C. W., 17th nr Derry Gerlock & Lutz, 812 Market Sprout V. E., 1019 N ad Techmever H. W., 8 N 2d Reel Peter, ] 119 S Cumeron *White' C. A. Rubelts, 184 Rhllads .J. M., Forster nr 2d Walton Stune Quurries aud Main. !Steelton . Lime Kilns, 223 Market SHIRTMFRS. STONEWARE MFRS. Lusk C. P., 307 Market. Cowden F. H., Canal c CumSILK MFRS. berland Pelgram & Meyer, NOIth c 2d Penn Puttery Co., 409 S 2d SLATE ROOFER.

Towsen J. A., 509 Walnut

SOAP AND CANDLE MFRS. Sieber C. F., 114 Cllwden STATIONERS. &e Booksellerl/. STATIONERS, (WHOLESALE). Robel1s & Meek, JO S 211 Stewart .". H., 1-127 N 3d STEAM APPLIANCES. Mathf'r E., 36 N 2d STEAM HEATING. Camphell B. W .. 24 S Court Harrisburg Steam Heat and PllwE'r Co., 128 Shllrt STEEL BARROW MFRS. *.Jacksou Mfg. Co., 4th c Boyd

STORAGE. Hbg Storage and Transfer Co., opp P. R. R. freight depot Montgomel'Y & Co., 627 Walnut STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. BowerH M. & Co., 1:31 7 Derrv Brt'll~izel' J. C .. 8] 4 N 3d Clt'ekner & Burke, ]226 N 3d CI'oft D. & CII., ] 16 Market Eberly Ramuel, ] :317 N 6th Ebelt Will., 418! Reilv Ensingf'r S. D., 600 Race Fager & Maf'yer, 108 Market Filling F. E., 19:~9 N 6th Fisher Bros., 1114 Capital Fisher D. W., 304 Colder FOI'sytb W. H., 1220 Market Garvel'ich & (;0., 34 S ] 3th Harrisburg Tinsmith Co., P. R. R. c Hel'r

Digitized by


" To find a name you must k,10W how to spell it." 74 Harrisburg Classified BusiItes8.

HOOVt'I' .J., :3:n I{ei Iy Jam}.., David F., 20-! S 211 Keeper" S .. 5112 ClImht'rland Keeselllan W. H., 17:H ~ 6th Kline & Him!!", HI N 2d Knox .f. Lewi", IH2:2 Derry Marzolf Miehael, :W\J' Vel'beke Mull G. W., 4:3!J Siale Relmek J. M .. lR4!.1 DelTV Seb<ild Bros., 1:307 N :~il Starr Morris, 1:300 N fith '*Stees M. F., 198 S Front, Steelton Stonesifer F. D., 1508 N 4th Weast George B., 823 Market Zoll ingel' G. J., :308 Blackberry
TAILORS. (See alBa Merchant Tailu1'8).

Stoey W. W .. 1126



Harl'\" .J. fl., 11109 ~ 211 Kaufl'lIlIIlI H E. C .. 2-ti ~ortb' l\I 0 1'1'0\\' F. (i,. 114 N 2d Saul P., 1 i I!I N 5th ~'lIIrht't'I' F. M., I:H4 :\faple Stl'i(~klalld B. H,. 410 Spring Stroh Eo J., 2-t:l ~ (11th
TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES. (See afRO Grocers). Biermun Chnl'll's, 116 S 14th BOllst' N. A., 627 Walnut China and Japun Tea Co., 35

N :3d
Grt'at Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., 221 ~lllrkt't People's Tt'li Co." F. A. Gib1'011, 1007 N 3(1 Vhlel' F. B., 213 N 2d

Bittner T., 1604 N .5th Blmbel E. E .. 1202 N 6th Eissner p" ;~26 Struwbel'I'V Eischeid R., 3:34 StI'awhel:rv EngpI Ferdinand, 4:~2 B()a~ Hoepfer C .. 20 N Court Huggins \VOl., 209 N 2d Kopinsky L., 319 Cherry Lack C. H., 404 Waillut McCI'eerv G .1.. 205 Locllst Mester F., :310 Blackbet'ry Mueller H. H., jr., 503t Briggs Nor Joseph, 9 GI'ace Rothrock J. W., 619 Raee Schelhas G" 1012 Market Schmink H., 225 N River Schomberg W. M., 14 AberdeE!n Shneidman J., 521 N 4th Simms A. J., 408 Malket

Phila., Rd/!. & Pottsville, P. & R. depot Postal Tel. Cable Co., 71 N 3d '''estel'll lJ Ilion, 11 N 3d
TELEPHON~ COMPANY. Pa. Telephone Co., Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market

See Stoves, &c. TOBACCO, (LEAF).

Smith C. G. & Co., 439 Mkt


Morsch & Hartman, 10th bel State

Caldel"s Transfer Co.. J 6 N 2d Great Soutbern De:o:patch, 200 S 2d

Digitized by


'I. B. TACK, Wall Paper and Window Shades. {12rynlo~lf~~~t;;'~t.

ff anisburg



TRANRdORTATH)N, Harrishurg 'l'ransfcl' Co., p. R. freight depot, ft ,:sd M .. ntgumerR & Co., Peipher, 'hila. and N. Y. Lioe, ft Marktt Pa. Canal Co., 4(1) Market P,L R. R. Co.',. D.,ily Fast Freight Line, 413 Market *St.teltuIT3 S Frout, Steel tOil *StIT3dtun and Hbg .ucal I.xpress, 9 N Front, Steelton TRUST AN SAkE RRPObKT COfbbANIES.

UPHOLbTERURS, LONPlNLPD. Martin C. L, 130 Mulberrv Simms I';dw.mi, N Rd Thorne Chase, 310 N 2d Vollmut Brn. , N Rd Williams & Shantz, 105 Mkt VARIETIES. Burnell H. L., 316 Verbeke Fm}Dl.m W. E., 520 DeiTY Garmqausen F. C., 1 i40 N 4th G,,}tr(X;k W L., 104 Otak Golden G. F., 720 Race Heller 141 'William Hover & Milnor. 29 N 3d Killing.... J. ., ~ ;H4 C.. meroD KiEig CharI!:", 14();J JEil"rlOg Kramer C. D~, 1429 N 3d Laserty W. ., :120 6th Miller F k. 1312 N Cameron Opperman '. S., 120); N R.e<l S. B., 1901 N 3d Rodgers H., .1141 M .... re

See Banks.


.Jzwob, 13. S 2d Hess John, 3:39 'Valnut

------UNDERTAKERS. Wilson 1. S~, 1121 S 9th Boyd & Co., 31 S ~d Woolwo~th . W. & Faddm' I.., Ib 2 Mnrkrrt Hawkins J. D., 300 CumberVARNISH MFRS. bmd UN HHg Varnish Co., Hurley W. F., 402 Walnut hth Koller I..I. S., 1311 Inllion Mauk C. H., 1700 N 6th and VETERINARY SURGEONS. 11117 i[,we Kleiodopf W. H., 10th Dr f.i[kt Neely W. F. & SOD, 806 N NeThaed I. C., 20i! N 2d 3d Oyler J. H., 233 HlacHberry Ogelsby J. 111 N 2d Zellas W., 141 MLrk"t She"}p d., "lm2t c Olth &urbier George H. & Son, 332 WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGINhii MID h'rIN ROW bHAilIiS. Verl ... be, Ib33 6U, Spicer Charles A~, 111 S 2d (Se., al.'Ju Pu.inw8). UPHOLSTERERS. GolUsmith J.. 202i L ...IT3ust Gries. F. S., 212 Mulberry HIT3ITis P. lU N Rd Bergstresser A. W., 12 S'2d Fieber A .. 92L Capital Hoerner W. M., 1274 Market HEiRhes W. HI'S


WALTERS, ~:~~~~a~::: FOOTWEAR.

" IrIVeli )'ou an TRY IT' lewelI's Pat'n Exterml'nator millions bave appetite. Man), { 1111 tiorllr 1111. 11 been cured bllt.

Harrisburg Classified Business.

WALL PAPER, &C. , CONT'D. WATCHMAKERS, &C., CONT'D. Mllgllluchlin R. G, 1414 N 3d Rinkenbach E. L., 1221 N 3d Potter E . S. & Bro., ] 2:38 Mkt Soper H. A., 4 N 2d Reamer W. A., 1400 N 6th Soper L. V. B., (supplies), 6 Shaffer William H., 3 N 2d N 2d WEAVER. Shaneor G. W. & Son, 431 Verbeke Sieber Jobn J., 1632 N 4th Stoey John R, 1121 N :ld Tack Albert B., 1210 N 3d WHEEL WRIGHTS. (Sl!e also Oirriagemaker8). WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS. Boak C., rear 117 Verbeke AlIghinbaugh C. A., 211 Mkt Shaffer C. E., 5 N Cameron Boas C. Ross, 7 ~ 2d WINES AND LIQUORS. Boas J. S., 703! N 3d Commings F. E., 411 Market Bellevue Wine Co., Holly Davis F. L., 1300 Market Hanlen Bros., 3:30 Market Dellehey W. P., 206 Market Hughes \\'. E., 510 Market Deitther I. A., 410 MarkE't Erb A. P., 269 Colder *Munn J., 51! S Frunt, Steelton Fink C. Y., 414 N 3d Fitzgeruld S. W., 1;307 N 6th Ort Peter M., 109 S 2d Hoover E. G., 2:3 N 3d Schutzenbach H.,jr., 416 VerHutman George A., 807 N 3d beke King S., jr., 1405 N 3d Waller J ., :107 Strawberry Maguire.J. J., 2H N Dewberry Walz I.... E., 1207 N 7th Plack F. T., 1:332 N 6th Zollinger S. W.o 435 Market Plack Herman, 1013 N 3d YEAST MFRS. Plack Wilhelm, 119 S 2d Fleischmann & Co., 1940 Potts A. G., 925 N 3d Derly Pyne J ., 227 Wlllnut





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141 I

Perkiomen Avenue, Reading, Pa.

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Coog Ie


A. B. TACK, PiDe Irt Wall Paper. {D~.t.C=I*~~} 1210 . 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directorj.


Harrisburg Directory.
ABBVUTlONB UIED IN TBlB DIBBO'l'OBY.-Ab., above; 1.1., alley; av., avenue;
bel., below; bet., between; bldg., building; boekkJlr., bookkeeper; 0111.., olerlC; c., comer; dO., dItto: E.. east; ft . foot: h., lIome: lL. lane; mkr.. malter: mft"., manatacturer; nr., near: N .. nortb : Pa., PenDBylvaDi&: rd., road: If, R., railroad; 1Iq.,lIquanl: 8., .oatb: W west; WId widow.

Aaron Abraham, hostler, h 21. Cranberry Abbott Amos, fireman, It 1126 N 6th Abbutt Howard W., fireman, h 1819 Berryhill Abbott William S. C., engineer, h 301 Colder Abel Lewis, conf~tioner, h 101 North Abel, see also Ebel Abraham Edward, It 1407 S 12th Abraham Griffith, labore... h 1407 S 12th Abrahanson Abram, peddler, h 706 South Acheson Marv Eo, h 626 Hamilton Acy Mary E:, laundress; h 426 South Adair Elizabeth. wid John, h 930 Grand Adams Agnes, wid William, h 920 S 9th Adams Albert, blackr.;mith, h 1312 S Cameron ADAJIS ALEXANDER, supt Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 307 Market, h 1621 Derry Adams Carrie h, h 229 N 2d Adams Catharine J., wid George W., h 412 Strawberry av Adams Charles C., elk, h 563 Race Adams Charles E., laborer, h 563 Race Adams Charles J., steam fitter. h 1422 N 2d Adomtl David, blacksmith, h Rittatinny c 13th Adams Edward, laborer, h 715 Race Adams Emily J., teacher, b 229 N 2d ADAJIS EXPRESS CO., 3:i8 Market AdamI! Franiegio, laborer, h 513 S 2d Adams George W., (W .1. Adams & Son), h 217 S 2d Adams James C., blacksmith, h 250 Meadow la Adams James T., laborer, h 330 Muench Adams John Q. Rev., h 102 Cherry av Adams Maria A., laundre@8, h William bel Colder

Digitized by

Coogle /'

" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 96 Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory.
Adam~ Marv E.. will E(lwaru 0 .. h 615 Harris Adams Per;y, laborer, h 1107 N Cameron Adams Pt'tel' .J., lahoreI', h 1417 Currant Adams Robert M" blacksmith, h 1:312 S Cameron Adams Samuel, firelllan, h 20:U N 5th Adams S. Elizabeth, tt'ueller, h 229 N 2d Adallls Susan A" wid Richard, IJ 51:3 N 4th Adullls Therel!a, elumel<til', 111 Stat~ , Adams Thomas. ~upt Hhg S. H. and P. Co., h 1422 N 2d Adallls Walter, laborer, II 1420 Wyeth Adams William A., butcher, II 56:3 Race Allums 'Villiam A., 'en~ineer, II Kittatinny c 13th Adams William A., train l'eCt'iver, h 19:H N 6th Adams William H., laborer, h 922 S 9th Adams William H., waiter, h ;j-l:! Primrose Adams William .J., (\Y .J. Atlall1~ & Sun). h 2] 7 S 2d Adams William J" jr,. stlldt'nt, h 217 S 2d ADAlIS WILLIAM: J. & SON, (Gellrg-e W,), furniture, carpets and hedding, 106, 1OH, 110 anel114 S 2d Adams Wilson A" helper, h 1402 Penn Addams SU8liIl, wid .Juhn A., h 102 N 2d ArI(lison David, housemun, h 126 Liberty Adler Charles, mgr, 420 Market, h 434 North AdICl"" Clothing anel Shoe HOllse, 420-422 Market Adler Sallfill'd, elk, 420 Market, h 4M North Adley David A., laborer, h 1409 N I] t Adley Hezekiah A" laborer, h :341 Muench Adley Mnrgaret Mrs., h 402 Filbert Adley Peter, laborel', h 1409 N III AcHey Peter N., laborer, h 1409 N lIt Adley William, shoemkr, h 402 Filbert Adore William J., waiter, h 407 N 5th Affiec!k John A" tress Hhg Boot and Shoe Co., Hbg Mfg. and Boiler Co., h 127 S 13th Agi80n Harriet, wid Alfred, h 607 Myrtle Aikentl Alfl'ed C."lnborer, h National Hotel Aikenll John, h 1:34 Verbeke Aikens John, jr., laborer, h 134 Verbeke Aikens Ruth, domestic, 2021 N 6tb Aingworth Thomas, laborer, b 2016 Penn Aingworth Wilhelm, laborer, h 2016 Penn Aker Arrian S., inspector, h 821 Myrtle Albany Dental Association, 215 Market Albert Cora M., dressmkr, h Greenwood c 21st Albert Frank J., baker. h Forster ab 19th Albert Harvey W., molder, h Greenwood c 21st Albert Jacob C., strel worker, h Greenwood c 21st Albert Jame, brakeman, h 402. Muench

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, ProCtlcO! Paper Hanger,

{'~'~~o~R.9:tJ.t. Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory. 97

Albert John A., machinj~t., h Greenwood nr 21! Albert Lucy A., wid Jacob, h 15 S 3d Albert Lydia Mrs., baker, 619 Dauphin av, h do Albert Melancthon F., postal clk, h 634 Harris Albert William H., conductor, h 512 Colder Albright Albert, flllgman, h 4:30 Kelker Albright Amos .R., elk Franklin House, h do Albright Benjamin, carpenter, h 18:38 Fulton, Albright Bertha, dressmkr, h 716 Capital Albright Charles, hostler, h 716 Capital Albright Charles 0., laborer, h 430 Kelker' Albright Chl'istiana, wid .JlllilJ~, h 1330 William Albright David, heater, h 427 Hamilton Albright David, labOl'er, h 716 Capital Albright Edward C., fireman, h 415 Muench Albright Elmer, carpenter, h 1838 Fulton Albright Elmer G., carpenter, h 18:38 Fulton Albright Emma, domestic Hotel Columbus . Albright Fallnie M., h 1416 Penn Albright George M., laboret', h 717 Cowden Albright George W., car inspector, h Christian c Summit Albright Harry P., brakeman, h 620 Dauphin Albright Henry A., laborer. h 1721 N 4th


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Albright Henry C., conductOl', h 417 Kelker Albright John, baker, h 420 Reily Albright John C" brakeman, h 1226 N 7th Albright John H., boilermkr, h 1432 Green Albright John W., laborer, h 430 Kelker Albright Miron. tailor, h 716 Capital Albright Reuben, h 1002 Fox Albright Samuel B., puddler, h 1002 Fox Albright Samuel H., motorman, h 335 Peffer Albright William, car cleaner, h 716 Capital Albright William H., engineer, h 1123 N 6th Aldinger Andrew, h 1815 N 7th Aldinger Frederick B., printer, h 231 Strawberry Aldinger George, heeler, h 125 Chestnut Aldinger John P., confectioner, h 1815 N 7th Aldinger Mary L., h 1815 N 7th ALDINGER PHILIP, hotel, 125 Chestnut, h do Aldinger WiJliam C., restaurant, 231 StrawberryEav, h do Alexander Anthony, waiter Stock Yard Hotel .Alexander David C., conductor, h 1639 Mifflin Alexander James, laborer, h 1239 N 111 Alexander John, laborer, h 1328 Mayflower Alexander &tmuel, fireman, h 1223 N 6th

Digitized by


OfIee McNeil's Medicine Co. {~~~} N~~d. 98 Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory.
Allaman Lila, domestic, 122 Chestnut Allegrini Casare, domestic Hotel Columbus Alleman Clarence 0., caller, h 106 Conoy ALLEMAN JOBN 8., lawyer,21 N 3d, h 800 N 6th Alleman Mary A., h Home filr the Friendless Allen Benjamin T., supt F. and M. Works, h 227 Hummel Allen Charles E., planer, h 141.N 4th A.llen Charles W., cooper, h 1080 S 9th Allen Eliza J., 'wid George, h 11 S 3d Allen Frank, U. S. A., h 2 S 2d Allen Jacob, laborer, II 109 Tanner's av Allen James B., carriagemkr, 10th c Market, h 1009 Market Allen John, switchman, h 321 Dauphin Allen John E., track boss, h 141 N 4th Allen Martha Mrs., domestic, 1al Liberty Allen Mary Mrs., h 128 Indian Allen Mary, wid John, II 38 N 13th Allen Mary, cook, h 711 North av Allen Sanford, laborer, h 1525 Hunter Allen Susan V., wid Thomas, h 1336 Mayflower Allen William, cooper, h 1080 S 9th Aliens John, moldel', h 146 Indian Allison Eben, elk aud genl's office, h 641 Maclay Allison Harry H., conductor, h 410 S River .Allison Joseph B., engineer, h 309 Reily Allison Matilda, h 220 South Alloy Samuel, shoemkr, 1011 N 4th, h 414 State Allsopp Thomas, laborer, h rear 104 Filbert Alricks Clara, h 215 N Front Alricks J cihn H., student, h 121 State ALRICKS LEVI B., lawyer, 207 Walnut, h 121 State Alricks Martha 0., h 215 N Front ALRICKS WILLIAM E., (Montgomery & Co.), cashier Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 215 N Front Althouse Frank J., mgr, h 9 N 13th Althouse Harry R, elk, h 9 N 13th Althouse R. Edward, elk, 9 N 13th, h do Althouse Reuben H., grocer, 9 N 13th, h do Altland Mary, dressmkr, 121 Paxton, h do Altland Milton, watchman, h 219 Sharon Altmaier Amelia, music teacher, h 130 S 2d Altmaier Henry J., draftsman, ISu S 2d, h do Altmaier Peter A., gunsmith, 130 S 2d, h do Altman Harry E., tailor, h 523 Cowden Altman ReUbeD G., watchman, h 523 Cowden Altman William H., laborer, h 623 Cowden Alwine William B., foreman, h 1305 Market .Amary Tony A., shoemkr, h 631 Forster

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IlIIf 1 B. T nun,

1210 {EmP}O)'B none bat llrat-claM workmen, benoe on1llll'8klM8 N. 3d St. work, aDd IDIurea 11.. Work done In any part 0 the Blate.

Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Direotory.


Ambay Charles, laborer, b ] 105 S 9th Amberson Presley N., clk C. V. R. R., h 213 Forster Amberson Sallie C., h :Ha Forster ' Ambrose Jacob, boarding, 13 Cowden, h do Ambrose Jacob 0., news sgt, h 13 Cowden Amey William H., photographer, 206 Market, h do Ammon John L., cigllr mfr, 1909 N 6th, h 515 Muench Amos Annie E. Mrs., h 432 Sonth av Anderson Abraham S., foreman Eagle Works, h'123 Nagle Anderson Alexandea-I., ins. agt, h 1506 Hunter Anderson Annie E., wid Samuel, h 129 Paxton Anderson Bertha, dressmkr, 11 1007 Green Anderson Carl, telephone lineman, h 46 N Summit Anderson Carrie, cigarmkr, h 45] S 2d Anderson Charles E., collector, h ]4 S 4th Anderson Charles R., ciJl:armkr, h 1733 N 7th Anderson Charles S., barber, 26 N 4th, h 1206 Capital Anderson Eliza, wid John, h ]436 Regina. Anderson Ella S., dr~mkr, h 14 S 4th Andel'Hon Emanuel T., laborer, h 451 S 2d Anderson Emma J. Mrs., h 1405 Jamefl Andersou Evan G., elk P. S. Co., h 126 Vine Anderson Frank F., operator, h 6] 7 Boas Anderson Franklin S., painter, h 231 North Anderson George H., puddler, h 120 Hanna Anderson George W., laborer, h 660 Verbeke Anderson James, barber, 1411 Marion, h do Anderson .James H. Rev., h 116 Liberty Anderson James W., laborer, h 807 SlOth Anderson James W., repairsman, h 1105 Cameron Anderson Jane, h 1314 Fulton Andel'llOn John 0., foreman, h 1436 Regina Anderson John P., carpenter, h 16 N Cameron Anderson Joseph, engineer, b 1208 N 6th Anderson Margaret, domestic, 319 N Front Anderson Maria B., wid Samuel, h 451 S 2d Anderson M. Irene, stripper, h 451 S 2d Anderson Samuel, blacksmith, h 1272 State Anderson Samuel, machinist, h 609 North Anderson Samuel J., chief of police, h 14 S 4th Anderson Thomas, laborer, h 1105 N Cameron Anderson William C., elk, 2 S 2d, h 220 Boas Anderson William H., carter, h 816 S Cameron Anderson William H., machinist, h 926 S 9th Anderson William J., machinist, h 309 Hummel Anderson William W., driver, h 670 Verbeke Anderson William W., engineer, h 1612 N 4th Anderson William Z., laborer, h 1942 State

Digitized by


" To find a name YOlt must know how to spell,,t."


Boyd'. Harrisburg (A) City Directory.

Andrews Charles E., cigars, 14:32 N 6th, II 422 Harris Andrews Flora l., feeder, h 930 Jllmel'l uv Andrews Henry R., engineer, h 422 Harl'is Andrews Jas. W., supt Hhg Rolling Mill Co., h 1204 N 2d Andrews S. Grant, firemau,.1. 422 Hurris Andrews T. Zachariah, carpenter, h 12:3 Puxton Andrews \Villiam, engineel', h 313 Verheke Andrews William M., fireman, h ]502 N 5th Angell Thomas B. Rev,. h 301} N Front Angle James L., operator, h 529! :Muc\"y Angle William, hrakeman, I~ 6:30 Coldel' Angler Daniel, bruktmun. h 17 Cowden Anshacher BUl'lley. p~ldler, h ] 25 Chestnut Anthony Duvid R" check mall P. R. R" h 260 Herr Anthony Jane, witl .Joseph. h 260 Herr ANTHONY MARX, civil engineer, 222 :Market, h 260 Hm'r Anthony \Villiam H" elk P. R. R. shops, h 260 Herr Antonv Am8nd, weaver, h 911 Penn Antony Louisa N., twister, h 911 Penll Antony Sophia, wid Amand, II 91] Penn Antony Theodore, apprenticl', h 91] Penn Anwyll Harry L., trav fl'eight agt, h 114 Herr Anwyll Mary, wid James, U 114 Herr Anwyll William E., clk P. R. R. frgt, h 1403 N Front Appell Adolph, merchant tailor, 25 N 3d, h 229 Boas Appell Nathan, (Mat'kley & Co.), h 229 Boas Appleberry Annie, luulldress, It 541 Primrose Appleberry Dataliel, laborer, h 5n Primrose Appleberry George, laboret, h 541 Primrose Appleberry William, laborer, h 54] Primruse Arbaugh Henry, boilermkr, h 205M Derry Armetit Edward S., watchman, h 527 Cowden Arment Elizabeth, wid Henry, II 624 Boas Arment Eva, weaVet', h :,)27 Cowden Armor Charles L., elk, 4 N Court av, h 207 W State Armor Russp,l\. student, h 128 State ARMOR WILLIAM: C., notary, antiquariall bookseller, 4 N Court av, h 12H State ARMOUR JOHN C., grocet', 1422 N 6th, Ii do Armpriester Barton A., checkman P. R. R., h 20 Moore Armpl'il'ster George W., !lUpt, Hel'r c P. R., h 801 N 6th Armpri~ter Geflrge W., jr" roller, h 1633 N 6th Armstrong Alice, saleslady, 412 Market, hat. Steeltoll Armstrong Hannah ,1., wid Augustus F" h 1016 Green Armstrong Reubeu H. Rev., h 245 S 14th Arnold Alfred, laborer, h 1134 N Cameron Arnold Caldo M., druggist, 1601 N 6th, h do

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\~\~~ll~-:;~:~WOII PoperOndWlndOWShOdes froID A. B. TACK,N.'::~t. Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Direct~ry. 101
Arnold Charles, painter, II 35 Sassafras av Arnuld Dallif'l H., lahorel', II 1253 Bailey Arnold Doran, hrqkemall, h 12:37 N 7th Arnold Edward, cigar mfr, 314 Hay av, h do Arnold Edward, painter, h Kittatinny c 13th Arnold Edwin M., cal' deunf'r, h 1429 Vel'llon Arnold Ephraim, carpenter, II 1 :253 Bailey Arnold Ephraim M., mulder, It 1253 Bailey Arnold George E., packer, h 28 SlOth Arnold George W .. repairsman, h 2009 N 7th Arnold Gertrnde, music teacher. h 1601 N 6th Arnold Harry, laborer, hIll TIISC'arora Arnold Harry T., machinist, h 615 'Vaillut Arn()ld Henry L., carpenter, It 1629 Derry Arnold Jacob, stone workel', h :327 Dauphin Arnold J. Frank, barbel', h 624 Collier AJ'Oo]d John, shoemkr, 213 Hen', h do Arnold .John D., heater, h 419 S 14th Arnold John F., laborer, h 1:360 Vernon Arnold John H., check man, h 61.5 Walnut Arnold John S., motorman, h 327 Dauphiu Arnold Maria, dOlllesti(', 707 N 2d Arnold Melchor :M., laborer, h 1922 Elizabeth av -Alllbe Latest Slyl~ 10- FOOTW EA RotfRA1'K 11'. WALTERS' , N. 1012 RELIABLE and FASHlvNABLE n u Sd St. Arnolct MOl'riS, engi n~l', II :l13 Herr Arnold M. Stella, dressmkr, h 16:29 Derry Arnold Samuel M., ins. sol, It 1421 N ad Arnold Samuel P., laborer, h 1134 N Cameron Arnold Thomas L., molder, h 1362 Vel'noll Arnold Walter, barber, 2:3! S 13th, h 213 Herr Arnold William H., brakelllan, h 1607 N 5th Arnold Willis E., patentee, h 517 Walnut Aronliohn Meyer, grocer, 123 Cowden, 14' N 5th, h do Aronson David, grocer, 1422 Marjl;aret, h do Arter George W., fireman, h 619 Delaware Arter Harvey F., laborer, h 619 Delaware Arthur Samuel G., flagman, h 16:l6 N 5th Artman O. L. h 2020 N 6th Ash lforrest B., real estate, h 222 Locust Ashby John, laborer, h 1617 Elm . Ashby William T., laborer, h 217 S Court Ashenfelter David, h 1860 Walnut Ashenfelter Jennie, domestic, 210 N 3d Ashenfelter Osborn, laborer, h 1860 Walnut Askin Annie W., honseket'per, h 229 S 14th Askin Harry M., clk Peipher Line, h 1535 Hunter Askin J. Dent, elk, 1274 Market, h 229 S 14th

Digitized by


LIver and Blood Purlfyln. McNEIL'S DYlpepela, Uver, Blood and KidneyPills Cure {IIIIII 3d Sf CompJalnta. II.

102 Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory.

Askin Reynolds B., elk, 36 S 3d, h 229 S 14th Askin Robert Y., mgr, h 229 S 14th Astrich Herman, millinery, 34-38 N 3d, h 1934 do Asure Edwin, fireman, h 513 Muench Atkins Adam, C'Ilr inspect()r, h ] 2th c Paxton Atkins David F., draftsman, h 114 N 2d Atkins Robert, car insf'Ctor, h ) 2th c Paxton Atkinson .Benjamin F., h 20 Cowden Atkinson Edith, elk, h 20 Cowden Atkinson Edwin S., tinner, h 537 Peifl'r .Atkinson Jasper E., uperator, h 1120 N 6th Attick Daniel J., farmer, h 104 Verbeke Attick Oliver, carriages, Cameron ab Market, h 1003 Market Attick Sarah, wid George, h 1223 Green Auar Maggie, wid William R., h 3:34 S 2d Auar William, cigars, :334 S 2<1, h do Auchenbach William P . telegrapher, h 1318 Vernon' Allchinvole Charlotte A., wid David, h 509 N 4th Auchinvole Hiram W., plumber. h 1)09 N 4th Auchinvole William, agt, It 511 N . Hh Aucker Harry E., trackman, h 6-13 Colder Al1ghinbangh Bessie L., ruler, II 1251 Del'ry AUGHINBAUGH CHARLES A., jewelry, &c., 211 Market, Ii 27 S 3d Aughinbaugh Charles E., (A. B. On & Co.), h 1251 Derry Aughinbaugh HE-IlI'y E., tailor, h 442 Cumbel'land Anghinbaugh Nellie, seamstress, h 1119 ~ ad Anlt Mar~Il,'et, wid Frnnk, h 1520 Wallace AULTMAN, MILLER & CO., Buckeye Harvesting Machinery, 625 'Vulnut Aumack Luella, teaeher, h 600 N 3d Auman Rictor H., ins. agt, 307 Market, h 1922 Wood av Auner Bird, bookkpr, 13 N 2(1, h H07 Market Almer Kate, shoe finisher, h 1407 Market . Auner Mary, wid Ephraim D., h 1407 Market Aurand John T., flagman, h 1309 'VallaL'e Aurand Martha J . domestiC', 12i Pille AURORA FIRE INSURANCE CO., B. K. Huntzinger, pres,l S 3d Austin Charles 'V., retol1cher, 34 N 3d, II ]00 Conuy Austin Frederick W., moturman, h ) 732 N 5th Austin Harrison R., h Seneca c 'Vood Austin Laura, h 636 Walnut Auter James M., jr., barl>er Communwealth Hotel, h 311 Blackberrv av Auxer Sarah, dressmkr, h 40i Buas Awl Fanny, h 230 State

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I. B. TACK 1I;::a1e:,.:Ot Frescallg Buildings II Plaia TInts. {~~~~r~:

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 103 AWL F. ASBURY, tress Hbg Gas Co., agt United Gas
Improvement Co., 24 S 3d, depty supt banking dept, 2d c Locust, h 234 State A.wl J. Wesley, jr., stenographer and typewriter banking dept, h 234 State Ayars Edwin. engineer, h 329 Reily Ayle Harry B., laborer, h 639 Muench Ayle Henry, h 2011 N 6th Ayres Wilmot, pbysician, 1839 N 6tb, h do Ayrse Annie, domestic, 1434 Green

Babb Annie E., wid Jacob, h 1325 James Babb Lotta, tailoress, h 1325 James BACH HARRY A., hotel, 401 Verbeke, h do Bach Newton U., carpenter, h 401 Verbeke Bach Tillman H., letter carrier, h 1519 N 6th Bachman Edward S., carpenter, h 1113 Bartine Bachman George, laborer, b 1206 N 12th Backenstoe Clayton H., lawyer, 105 N 2d, h 208 Walnut Backenstoss Clifton D., barber. 1315 N 3d, h do Backenstoss Edmund D., painter, 160l! N 4tb, h do Backenstoss Mervin E., ci!!:armkr, h 1601! N 4th Backenstoss Rebecca, h 1207 Green Backenstoss William R., truck, &c., 1605 N 6th, h 1207 Green Backus Hermann, helper, h 1702 Fulton Bacon Anna E., wid Daniel, h 438 :Market Bacon Arthur D., (D. Bacon Co.), h 438 Market BACON D. CO., (Arthur D. Bacon and Harvey Y. Buttorff), confectioners, 4:38-440 Market Bacon Maria A.., wid George N., h 7 S 13th Bacon May E., stenograpber, b 7 S 13tb BADGER SABAH E. DS., florist, 10 N 4th and 12th and Bailey, h 50 N Summit Badorf Harry S. fireman, h 658 Woodbine Badorf Michael S., carpenter, h 916 S 201 Badorf Nathaniel S., carpenter, h 1949 Swatara Baer Charles, laborer, h 138 Indian Baer Daniel A . flagman, h 458 Cumberland Baer Elmer, fireman, h 1223 N 6th Baer Emma C., seamstres.'1, h Fulton nr Verbeke Baer Harry H., salesman, 334 Market, h 438 Walnut Baer Jacob B., laborer, h 231 S 14th Baer John H., condnctor, b 625 Colder Baer Newton E., brakeman, b 1933 N 5tb Baer Samuel M., engineer, 11 1425 N 6th Baer Susan, wid David, h 1933 N 5th
Digitized by


" To find a name you 1nt~st know ~ow to spell it." 104 Boyd's Harrisburg ell) City Directory.
Baer William A., barber. It 12M N 7th Baer Wilson, dl'over, h 49 N Summit Baer, see also Bair Bagley Isaac W. Re,'., h 216 Pine Bailets Charles S., motorman, h 820 Capital BailetR Jacob A., huckster, h 121 ~agle Bailets Runkin, groc-er, Front cHanna, h 713 S Front Bailets Russell W., h 607 State Bailets Willium, laborer, h 607 State Bailey Althur H., C'lk, 618 North, h 126 Locust BAILEY CHARLES L., pres Cha"'es L. Bailey & Co., Incorporated, also pres Centml Iron Works, h 31 S Front Bailey Charles L., .ir., (Wolfe & Bailey), h 104 Chestnut Bailey Charles L. & Co., I ncorporllted , Charles L. Bailey, . pres; E. Bailey, vice pres; .I. C. Harvey, sec and treas ; Chesapeake Nail Works; office and works, bet P. R. R. and Front bel Dock BAILEY EDWARD, (Hammond & Bailey), vice pres Charles L. Bailey & Co., Incorporated, pres Hbg Nat. Bank and Hbg Trust Co. and treas Pa. Ammonia and Fertilizer Co., It Front c Reily Bailey Elizabeth, h 1101 Cumberland Bailey George, h 222 LO('ust Bailey Hamilton, wagons, 618 Xorth, h 126 LOl'l1st Bailey James B., supt Chesapeake Nail Works, h 31 S Front Bailey Joel, elk, h 222 Loclist . Bailey Orleans J., elk P.O., h 222 Locust Bailey Walter J., fllll"ist, h 25 S 4th Bailey William E., h 31 S Frout Bailor Charle.<J M., brakeman, h 1203 Mulberry Bairn Martin, bel per, h 13th nr A8h Bainbridge Jaue, wid .John, b 215 Herr Baine Bertha C., salesla()y, :334 Market, h 1018 Hemlock Baine Edward, watchman, h 1018 Hemlock Baine Flora J . II 1018 Hemlock Baine James V., printer Telegram, h 1018 Hemlock Baine Mary E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1018 Hemlock Bair Annie M. Mrs., h 605 South Bair Joseph, dragout, h 13 Lochiel, 2d row Bair Saint D., flagman, h 2118 N 6th Bair, see also Baer Baisch Emma, domestic, 200 S 3d Bakel' Adam H., coremkr, h 1461 Regina Baker A.lexander, waiter, h 510 'Vest av Baker Alvin G., postal elk, h 34 N 2d Baker Annie B., milliner, 926 N 3d, h 304 Cumberland Baker Barbara, cook, h 19th c Swatara

Digitized by


A. B. TACK =tt::.~~e:~~~ lall Paper and Wlndol Shadu {'2m ~U~~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 105
Baker Charles A., h 1625 MifDin Baker Charles E., tobacconist, 1017 N 7th, h do Baker Cbarlotte J., housekeeper, h 304 Cumberland Baker Daniel, laborer, h 1834, N 6th Baker David, barber, h 510 West av Baker David H., molder, h 1461 Regina Baker Ella, domestic, 1217 IS 3rt Baker George T., storekeeper, b 1217 N 6th Baker George W., dentist, 1:340 N 6th, h do Baker George 'V., flagman, h 529 Muench Baker George W., laborer, h 122 Dock Raker Hannah, wid Jacou L., h 122 Dock Baker Harry D.! conductor, h 664 Wooduine Baker Harry R., C8niages, Verueke c Margaret, h Penn Baker Henry, engin~r, h 2035 N 5th Baker Howard W., sign painter, b 1005 N 2d Baker Jackson, porter, h 1;1;17 Mayflower Baker Jacou A., cooper, b 109 S 3d Baker James, roller, h 159 Paxton Baker James L., printer, h 425 State Baker John D., plumber, h 1625 Miftlin Baker John G., fill'eman, h 1932 N 4th

i 313 .

;-~or.~~~a:!~ FODT W EAR gO 10 WALTERS', N.3IdO~l~ Baker John P., laborer, h 120 Mulberry Baker John R., tinner, h 304 Cumberland Baker Kate, domestic, 1201 N 2J Baker Leonard, flhirt cntter, h 1:317 James Baker Leroy F. Rev. h 812 N 6th Baker Mary A., wid Georgc W., h 1017 N 7th Baker Mary E., domestic, 1013 Green Baker Mary E. Mrs. ch'essmkr, h 1625 Mifflin av BA.KER MA.TTHIAS G., honse and sign painter, 16 N Court av, h 1005 N 2d Baker Oscar B., apprentice, h 159 Paxton Baker Otto M., foreman Independent, h 637 Forster Baker Peter A., foreman, h 1625 MifDin av Baker Richard, elevatorman, h 201 S Front Baker Samuel B., elevator Capitol, h 304 Cumberland Baker Sarah E., wid Ferdinand, h 107 Cowden Baker Susie V., shoe operator, h 309 Dauphin Baker Theophilus, conductor, h 422 Hamiltoll Baker Thomas J., pncker, h 204 S Court av Baker W. Harry, clk. h 159 Paxtoll Baker William H., brakeman, h 1536 N 4th Baker William J . laborer, h 1847 N 7th Baker William T., elk, It 1625 MifDill av

Digitized by


Mclell'. PaID !:llermlnator curee Cholera Morb1l8, DJaenterJ. Cramps, D1&1'1'h<M Colda, Q11IDII1, Rheumatllm, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ague,Dylpeplla, "c, Uti 3d.


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Baker WilRon J" h 1932 N 4th Ralcanqual J. Anthony, salesman, 334 Market, h 118 State Baldwin Alpheus H., conductor, h 120 Verbeke Baldwiu Ferdinand M., (''Onductor, h 59 N 13th Baldwin J e.'ISe, brakeman, h 1716 N 5th Baldwin John C., conductor, h 1513 N 6th Baldwin Kate S., domestic, 3 N 4th Baldwin Lizzie A. Mrs., h 1121 N 2d Baldwin Maud K, teacher, Ii 120 Verbeke Bale Juhn, warehouseman, h 22:3 Meadow la Bale Mary, wid John, h 221 Meadow la Bale Robert L . h 221 Meadow la Bale Thomas S., labol'er, h 222 Meadow la Ball Joseph, contractor and builder, h 127 Pine Ball 1\Iose8, laborer, h 329 S 15th Ball William G., contractor, 230 Cranberry av, h 215 Pine Ballentine William, laborer, h :310 S 2d Balmer Benjamin F., plasterer, h 272 Briggs Balmer Benjamin F., jl., exprt'ss mt'ss, h 613 'Valnut Balmer &rthll C., saleslady, 9 N 2d. h 272 Briggs Balmer Charles E., fheman, h 1528 Wallace Balmer Harvey F" printer Telegraph. h 630 Harl'is Balmer Samuel A., engineer, h 630 Harris Ralsbaugh David J . laborer, h 222 S 17th Balsbaugh Grorge W., elk Adams Expres~ h 233 South Balsbough GcorJ(e W. Mrs., dl't'ssmkr. 233 South, h do Balsbaugh Henry, Nllesman, h 222 S 17th Balsbaugh HeUl'y C., machinist, h 222 S 17th Balsbaugh Sarah E., housekeeper, h 222 S 17th Balser Jesse H., bakel', 1719 N 6th, h do Balser Lewis, laborer, h 1700 N 6th Balsley Georgt', elk, 220 N 2d, h 222 do Balsley George R., bookbinder, h 222 N 3d Balsley George W., engineer, h 224 Boas Balsley John C., fureman, h 222 N 3d Balsley S. E. Mrs., milliner, 222 N 3d, h do Balsley Wilmer H., telegrapher P. R. R., h 506 Filbert Balthaser Daniel D., harness, 3:16 Verbeke, h 904 Capital Balthaser George, le\el'D1an. h 128 Vine Balthaser John, pile,', h 128 Vine Balthaser Rachel, feeder, II 128 Vine Baltimore t<"'rank, lllbnrer, II 105 Cowden Baltimore F,'ellerick R., luborer, h 704 N 7tli Baltimore George, laborer, b 711 Race Baltimore Lllzettll Mrs., h 402 Tanner's /IV BaltimOl'e One.Priee, dothing, 304-306 Market Baltimore Mut. Aid Sudety, J. A. Mllrshall, supt, 1202 N 3d Baltozer Nallcy, wid William, h 611 Walnut

Digitized by


I"K Shades complete, beat and lowest FriDge, for 86 eta. Sd I. B. T {Wall Paper. Thewl1.h FIxtures and prices. Window { N. 1210bt. ft\/
City Direco2t2tY.
Baltozer Taylor Z., painter, h 335 Harris Baukfi)r(i Maro L., wid James K~, h 211 Colder

ii:~}~;~ ~~~\:PE~:~hPtlterB!:rtinn a~artiBn av Bangert Martin, puddler, h 53 N Cameron Brmphart Azmmda, dnmnstic, 505 Kelker B;rmtihart wid 555 Kdh't Bankes laborer, h Canallth Muench Bankes Caroline wid Johll, h 1622 N 6th Bkmhes Edw%ltd W., brekeman, It 312 Boed av Benhes W., inspect!)r 607 Cdfer Bankes George 'V., grinder, h 470 S Cameron Bankes Jacob H., laboret, h reat 53 N Cameron B,ml'e8 Kat'~, homestie, 07 S B"z,hes MaR"ne?~et, wid henry, 423 Sk,zwberry Bankes S3m~el W., car inspector, h 500 Woodbine Bankes William H., hlborer, h 1706 N 6th Rnkns William, jr., 5:32 B,n5Ier Frank P., in)%? workek', 1817 kth Bankler Joseph, coo}X'r, It 1748 N Cameron Bankler Martin M., laborer, h :316 Hay av Bankler M"tthias, lahokH, h 1 N Camomn B"nka Dal!;,,,, labore!' ]217 Ii!ranks David E., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h ]252 Walnut Banks George, porter, h 514 Strawberry av B""b Josi, ,I elk, N 2d, d11 du BiZ"I,,, LaWk't,nee D., h Strawb"lrv av Banks Lewis L., telegraph~r P. R. R., h 255'North Banks Mary J., h 1709 N 5th B,A"k!' Sat'ah, wid h 1 N 12th 640 B,tnkn WilIi"m F., hmheman, Banmiller Peter, baker, 644 Verbeke, h do Bannan George, paintery 124 Strawberry av, h 808 Green B"nmm C., h Green It Love Bannnn Jobn., Bannan Samuel T., painter, ii, 1218 N 7th Bannan Walter A., painter, 11 808 Green Bazman Wi} E., hm'lekl"yek" 235 Snuzh Happy!'t PehYl (J. Simonetti Co.), hI9 Wnlmyt Barbara Harrison, laborer, It 1209 N 11! Barber Asphalt Pavinh Co., G~ p" Griffiths, snpt, 222 Market Bk,!'hez' I...iznle~ 512 ItZnrth av Barbour Alen1tnder Y'aterer, kOO N Barclay Alfred R.. flagman, II 649 Colder BSird Clara, dZulTesti<" 1922 N 4th Bn'bn138 Frnnk L. Rny h 22k hfide Bare John S., engine cleant'r, h B3 N Bare Taylor S., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay

" To find a name yOt~ must k1lOW how to spell t." 108 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City ~irectory.
Bare Ulysses T., engineer, h 1733 N 6th Bal'ger Maurice, warehouseman, h 1400 N 3d Barger Sarah, wid Charles, h 420 Cumberland Barger William, ('ngineer, II 608 Kelker Barger William H., brnkeman, h 1515 N 4th Barget Lizzie, millinel', 1225 N 6th, h do Barker Jume!l, h 329 Chpstnut Barker Jllmes W., grain, h 329 Chestnut Barker John 'V., supt, h 1804 Derry Barker 'Villiam, blacksmith, h 1804 Deny Barldev Cora, domestic, 406 North Rarley' Adam, elk, h 622 Herr Barley J. Frank. plasterer, h 1123 Wallace . Barmont Peter T., carpenter, h Emcrald c Howard Barnard Clara, domestic, 101 S Front Barnard Henry A., postal elk, h 1406 Market Barller Irvin 'Y., straightener, h 1:36 Doek Barnes Amanda, wid John, nurse. h 516 N 3d Barnes Cyrus C., flagman, h 2007 N 5th Barnes David, laborel', h 117 Mulberry av Barnes G. Edgar, II 1800 N 4th Barnes George A., laborer, II 15th c Briggs Barnes George H., labOl'er, h 1227 NIl! Barnes George H., laborer, h 2021 N 6th Barnes George W., tllIctioneer, It 1800 N 4th Barnes Harry M . clk Peipher Line, h Hbg Cemetery Barnes Jeremiah S., supt Hbg Cemetery, h do Barnes John, laborer, h 15th c Briggs Baru('s Maggie A., domestic, 1932 N 6th Barnes Mag-gie 1\[ rs., cigars, &e., 509 Cowden, h do Bames William E.~ printer, h 233 Verbeke Barnets Ellen l\Ir!'., h 706 State Barnl'tt Eliza, charwoman, II 500 Strawberry a\' BARNETT GEORGE R., lawyer, 207 Walnut, h 232 State Barnett Joseph, li1'eman, h 2107 Moore Barnett Sarah E. 1\[1'.'1., h 92:3 Myrtle av Barnhard Samuel 'V., slwemkJo, 306 Reily, h do Barnhart Caroline, wid Paul, h 224 Hummel Barnhart Cyrus, carpenter, h 1430 Derry Barnhart Grace K, dressmkr, h 2026 N 6th Barnhart Harry K, flagman, h 514 Peffer Barnhart Henry, carpenter, h 1922 State Barnhart Howard I.., brakeman, h 2026 N 6th Barnhart Johu F., carpenter, h North c Linden Barnhart John R., brakeman, h 2026 N 6th Barnhart Maml', stenographer, 1127 N 3d, h 2026 N 6th Barnhart Matilda, wid Benjamin F., h 2026 N 6tb

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Wall Paper and Window Shades. {72~:~o!:;,R~~;r~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (:8) City Directory. 109
Barnhart William B., laborer, h 21 H Turner Barnhart William B., mgr, 326 Market, h 1613 Swatara Barnhart William V., flagman, h ]009 Green Barnicoat Charles R., roller, h 2110 'furnel' Bal'nitz Charles H., bookbinder, 329 Market, h 424 North Barnitz George P., brakeman, h 1009 Green Barnitz Jerome T., h 4a3 Mluket Barnitz LaTrobe M., student, II 433 Market Barnitz .Margaret .T., h ad c Locust Barr Daniel W., ticket examiner, h 408 Chestnut Barr Elizabeth, wid Henry H., It 210 <':harles ftV Barr Harry C., salesman, h 121 Balm Barr Harry H., labOl"er, h 210 Charles av Barr Howard, machinist, h 613 Curaberland Barr John, driver, h 121:3 FultOli Barr Lillie 1\1., weaver, h 613 Cnmberland Barr Rosamond, tailoress, h 613 Cumberland Barr Samuel H., carpeuter, h 613 Cumberland Barr Sarah, wid Jaoob, h 1303- N 6th Barr Violet I., dressmkr, h 613 Cumberland Rarracliff Martin 0., laster, h 605! State Barrick Annie, cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Barrick Dennis L., motorman. h 1428 N 6th


Barrillgel' Aaron, haggage aJ;{t P. R. H.., b 314 Chestnut Barringer George F., drug elk. h 105 I..ocu!lt Barringer Hervey P., pl'inter Telegraph, h 317 Forster Bllrringer Jacob P., h 919 Green Bal'ringer John A., conductor, h 314 Cht"stnut Barringer Kate D., wid James, h 105 Locllst Barringer Mary, wid Michael J., h 2a2 Furster BarringtQn E. Hatch, printer, h 411 Briggs Barrington Evelyn, kindergarten, h 411 Briggs Barrington Samuel, (Witman, Schwarz & Co.), h 411 Briggs BSI'rington Samuel,'jr., salesman, 3:~4 Market, h 411 Briggs Barry Alfred P .. clk Hbg Rolling Mill, h 435 S 16th Barry Charles W., brakeman, h 560 Camp Barry Elizabt:th, h -135 S 16th Barry Mary, wid .John, h 721 N 6th Barry Sarah, wid John, h 560 Camp Barry W. Fo~ter, clk Hbg Rolling Mill Co., h 435 S 16th Bartalucci Luigi, confectioner, 503 Market, h 337 Walnut Bartels William M., h 620 Basin Barth Mary, wid John G., h 1:331 James Bartley George, laborer, h 1237 N lIt Bartley J. Reiley, brakeman, h 409 Walnut Bartley William P., brakeman, h 623 Kelker
Digitized by


leleil's Pain Exterminator J'J:~o:a~~ured"~~t {"Tl'lJJL.


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Bartolet Adam F., conductor, b 1205 Mulberry Barton Albert, driver, h 1509 Derry Barton Alfred M., draftsman, h 227 Hummel Barton Amy, bousekeeper, 1504 Apricot Barton Annie, laundree!!. h Nortb nr 7th Barton Elizabeth, wid Tbomas, h 1410 Penn Barton George, music teacber, h 113 Tanner's av Barton George W., puddler, h 1090 N 15tb Barton John, waiter, h 705 Soutb Barton Julia, domestic, 826 N 3d Barton Racber, h 1108 N 12tb Basbore Clinton D., fireman, b 609 Harris Basbore Ferdinand D., cigars, &c., 512 Market, b 4:36 do Bashore John H., machinist, h 1225 N 7th Ba!!bnre Jobn W., sawyer, h 1922 Sttlte . Ba!!kin Leonard J., laborer, h 1613 Fulton Baskin Oliver S., water inspector, h 1001 N 7th Baskin Robert, h 107 Washington Baskind Aaron, canvassel'l h 1320 Maple Baskins Georgel engineer, b 715 N 3d Ba!!kins Josiah C., brakeman, h 313 Daupbin BaM Jacob, grocer, 226 Mary's av, h do Bass Oscar, salesman, 39 N 2d, b Franklin House Batdor1l' George A., stenographer, 18 N 3d, h 408 S 19th Bateman Alice G . h Home for the Friendless BatemRn David M., huckster, h 124 Dock Bateman John T., motorman, h 1831 N 3d Bateman Maggie C., press feeder, h 124 Dock Bateman Theodore, puddler, h 124 Dock Bateman William 0., pnddler. h 121 Dock Bat&! Charles E., fireman, h 1223 Cowden Bates Edward F., grocer, 1733 N 5th, h do Bates Howard U., macbinist, h 215 S 2d Bates Jobn L., teacber, b 249 North Bates Joseph E., driver, h 215 S 2d Bates Julia, wid Jacob; h 622 Harris Bates Katbarine A., saleslady, 326 Market, h 1618 N 5tb Bates Lillie D., saleslady, 9 S 2d, h 337 Hamilton Bates Maria, wid Samuel, h 215 S 2d Bates Mary A., dressmkr, h 215 S 2d Bates Samuel H., molder, h 337 Hamilton Bates Sussn, wid Abram, h 1618 N 5tb Bates William M., (Russ, Bates & Vance), b 504 N 3d Batten Geor~ W"' blaoksmith, h 517 Maclay Battis Fannie, domestic, 1017 N 3d Battis Frisby C., pawnbroker, 139 Short, h do Battis John Q., laborer, h 1391 William Baturin Lewis, grocer, 1222 N Cameron, h do

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {~Ac3:~Jy~~}I~IO I. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 111
Baturin Morris, rag dealer, 824 Market, h 1222 N Cameron Bauer Annie, h 907 N 2d Bauer Caroline, wid Nicholas, h 907 N 2d Bauer Rosa, h 907 N 2d lIAUJI ADAII H., reporter Telegram, h 261 North Baum David H., elk P. & R. round house, h 808 N 3d Baum Edward F., (Mumma & Baum), h 215 N 2d Baum Frank L., elk, 209 Market, h :30 S 13th Baum Harry C., telegrapher P. R. R., h 912 Capital Baum Ida, domestic, 300 Chestnut Baum Jacob S., salesman, 223 Market. h 30 S 13th Baum James W., switchman, h 1330 N 3d . Ballmann Charles W., machine hand, h 529 Race Baumgardner Edith, vamper, h 1525 Swatara Baumgardner Joseph, clk, 18th c Derry, h 1525 Swatara Bau8man Abraham, helper, h 1106 Commerce Bausman Benjamin, watchman, h 1106 Commerce Bausman John, blacksmith, h 1024 Commerce Bausman Kate Mrs., (''8nvasser, h 9 S 2d Bausticker Henry P., 8tonecutter, h 1438 Vernon Bax Adam, carpenter, h 1706 Fulton Bax George F., agt, h 337 Harris Baxter Alfred C., laborer, h 1328 William Baxter Levi, salesman, h 511 Cumberland Baxter Sarah E., wid William H., h 1328 William Baxter William H., laborer, h 1328 William Baxtresser George A., grocer, 1201 N 6th, h do Bay Elizabeth A. Mrs., h 1404 Regina Bay Frank, laborer, h 636 Herr Bay James G. M., pres Pa. Ammonia and }"'ertiJizer Co., tress Bay Shoe Co., h 9 N 5th Bay Robert, laborer, h 1005 Cowden Bay Sboe Co., 312, 332 Market,. 1218 N 3d, 716 State Bay Thomas F., brakeman, 11 1706 L~n Bay William F., pres Bay Shoe Co., b 9 N 5th Bay William H., carpenter, h 1005 Cowden Bay William J., fireman, h 1005 Cowden Bayler Angeline, wid William A., h 1324 Vernon Bayler Carrie C., packer, h 1324 Vernon Bayles Harry T., painter, h 123 Linden Beach Anna, wid Peter W., b 1830 Fulton Beachler Henry C., laborer, h 918 Capital Beachler John H., baggagemaster, h 933 N 2d Beale John M., elk, 426 Market, h do Bealor Bernard P., carpentel', b 4141 ReiJy Bealor Charles W., motorman, h 2025 N 5th Bealor Joseph, laborer, h 2025 N 5th Bealor LydIa, h 1008 N 6th

Digitized by


" To find a name you mus~ know how to spell it." 112 Boyd's Harrisbutg (B) City Directory.
Bealor Martha, dressmkr, h 1008 N 6th Bealor William, engineer, h 621 Reily Bt:am Ilia, wid William, h 1211 N 6th Beamenderfer Samuel, puddler, h 157 Indian av Beamer Charles C., finisher, h 507 Kelker Beamer Julia, wid Philip, h 1742 N 3d Beaner Amelia Mr!!!., h 218 8 Court av Beaner Mary Mrs., laundress, h 424 South av Bear Charles A., clk, 926 N 6th, h 107 Cumberland Bear David H., hl'icklllkr, h Herr ab 15th Bear Ella D., h 519 Maclay Bear Fl'ank, machinist, h 1124! N Front Bear George W., painter, h 1124! N Front Bear Harry A., brakeman, It 519 Maclay Beur Harry A., painter, h 107 Cumberland Bear Jennie, wid Abner 8., h 519 Maclay Bear Samuel M., engineer, h 6th c Reily Bcarll Cyrus A., carpenter, h 1322 N Front Bearll Elmer E., heater, h 1334 8 13th Be-.lf(l Gideon W., iron worker, h 116 Hanna Beard Henry. notions, 1105 N ad, h do Beard Herman T., engiueet, h 4621 8 Cameron Beard Maggie, h 712 Green Beard Mary E., h 406 Cumberland Beard William W., laborer, h 116 Hanna Bearinger Abraham, salesman, h 13 Cowden Beasom Harry, fireman, h 1918 N 7th Beasom Harry, fireman, h 527 Muench Beasor Howard, ellgineer, h 526 Woodbine Beasor Irvin C., engineer, h 528 Woodbine Bt-asor Lewi!!!, laborer, h 1332 Mayflower Beatty Alfred M., conductor, h 635 Peffer Beatty Anna M., wid Robert J., h 1913 Moltke Beatty Catharine, h 207 N Front Beatty Catharine, wid Robert T., h 512 N 3d Beatty Chat'les, clk, 28 N Cameron, h 238 4th Beatty Emma F., teacher, h 107 Paxton Beatty G. Irwin, (Hyraulic Cement Pipe Wks), h 303 N 2d Beatty Henry J., (Hydraulic Cement Pipe Worb), h 207 N Front . Beatty James E., letter carrier, h 626 Harris BEATTY lAMES H., marble and granite workl', Market clOth, h 2:38 4th Beatty Jane, wid Archibald, h 624 Harris BEATTY IOHN, marble and granite works, Market c 10th, h 238 4th Beatty John, jr., (Beatty & Bro.), II 23 S 4th Beatty Joshua, car cleaner, h 637 Walnut

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, ProCIiCOI Paper Hanger,

{7~7~~o~R.9rtJ~. Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directol'Y. 113

Beatty Margaret A., watch woman Lunatic Hospital. h do Beatty Samuel E., laborer, h 637 Walnut Beatty Sarah H., h 107 Paxton Beatty William, (Beatty & Bro.), h 23 S 4th Beatty William ,T., ,ir., carpenter, h 107 Paxton BEA'l"l'Y & BRO., proprs Keystone Marble and Granite Works, Market c 10th (see adv front cover) Beaumont Joseph, laborE'r, h 523i Maclay Beaumo~t Josephine, domestic, 1129 N Front Beaver Cbarles, fruit, 805 N 3d, h do Beaver Sarah A., wid Charles, h 257 BriJlgs Beaverson Grace, saleslady, 84 N 3d, h 407 Walnut Bechtel Annie, domestic, 214 State Bechtel Gertrude, dressmkr, h 631 Muench Bechtel Harry A., laborer, h 1730 Wood av Bechtel Joseph Jl., n)reman, h 633 Peffer Bechtold Sallie, domestic, 259 North . Bechtol<P William, real estate agt, h 218 S Court BV Beck Andrew J., bartender The Commercial, h 1403 N 3d Beck Annie, domestic, III S 2d Beck Benjamin Jl. Rev., h 408 Briggs Beck Charles A., helper, h 643 Briggs Beck David, elk, h 1400 RA-gina


FOOTWEAR 01 lalters', 1012 N. 3d Sf.

Beck David M., (Hbg Varnish Co., ltd), flour, 11 'N 14th, b 1400 Regilla Beck Edith I., artist, h 265 Boas Beck Elmer, cooper, h 626 Race Beck Flavius A. J., carpenter, h rear 1212 Bailey Beck George W., painter, h 18th bel Boas BECK GEORGE W., real estate and insurance, 227 Wal. DUt, h 1508 Huuter Beck Harry C., (Conullings & Beck), h 309 Market Beck Harry K., artist, 103 N 2d, h 265 Boas Beck J. Augustu!, artist, h 265 Boas Beck Jacob .F., engineer, h United States Hotel Beck Julia A., wid Christian, h 643 Briggs Beck Louisa, dressmkr, h 915 Myrtle av Beck Marian, artist, h 265 Boas Beck Martha T., bookkpr, 15 N 3d, h 408 Bri6gs Beck Martin A., artist, 103 N 2d, h 265 Boas Beck Martin L., laborer, h 12-l7 Bailey Beck Martin S., carpenter, h 1204 Bailey Beck OnismiulJ H., driver, h 427 Strawberry av Beck Peter, bricklllyer, h Summit bel Bailey Beck Samuel, inspector, h 1220 Bailey Beck Samuel L., buffer, h Summit bel Bailey

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nice McNeil's Medicine Co. {~~~ed} N~~d.


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Beck Thomrut J., bottler, h 1207 Mulberry Beck William, flagman, h Pa. Canal ab Colder Beck William, car repairer, h 127 Hanna Beck William A., miller, h 1411 Zarker Beck, see also Bueck Beckenbaugh Edgar L., foreman, h 1471 Regina Beckellbaugh Johu J., clk, 1402 Vernon, h 1471 Regina Becker Charles P., lal.or~r, h 607 S Front Becker Henry, tentmkr Arsenal, h 207 Meadow la Becker Henry, jr., puddler, h 318 S 2d Becker John C., printer Sta .... Independent, h 1800 Walnut Becker Mary, wid John, h 1800 Walnut Becker W. F. & Co., (Rev. C. I. Brown), books, &c., 315 Market Becker William F., (W. F. Becker & Co.), h 802 N 6th Becker William U., transfer agt, h 544 Race Beckley Daniel A., h :325 Hummt'l Beckqueith Frederick, laborer, h 2008 Wood Beckwith Sarah A., housekeeper, h 20th c Brookwood Beelman Carson S., carpenter, h 153:3 N 6th Beelman Christian H., carpentel', h 1533 N 6th :Beers Blanche, (Beel's & Bice), h 1315 N 3d Beers Frank, physician, h 2122 N 6th Beers William W., brakeman, h 1715 Logan Beers & Bice, (B. Beers and I. Bice), dressmkrs, 1315 N 3d Behel Benton, brakeman, h 215 N 2d Behm Samuel S., elk, 445 Verbeke, h 422 Cumberland Behn Joseph, tailor, h 2d ab Lincoln, Steelton Behney Annie, h 514 Brown av . Behney John C., mgr, 326 Market, h 250! Verbeke Beidleman Bertha A" bookkpr, h 22 S 13th Beidleman Edward, molder, h 1321 Vernon Beidleman E<hvard E . law sturlent, 105 N 2d, h 22 S 13th Beidleman EIl)IDa B., h 122 Strawberry av Beidleman Newlin D., molder, h Regina bel 17th Beidleman Thomas D., store, Lochiel Furnace, h 22 S 13th Beidleman William, boarding, 122 Strawberry av, h do Beidl~man William C., elk P.O., h 39 S 13th Beidler Philip, laborer, h 419 Hamilton Beidler Teressa, wid Peter, h 1925 N 7th Beigh Henry, boatman, h 512 Cowden Beil Jacob, jr., warehouseman, h 2 Haehnlen av Beistline G. Morris, foreman P. & R., h 1639 Market Beistline .Joseph, brakeman, h 1411 Wallace Belford G. Wesley, laborer, h 1242 Herr Belford William D., laborer, h Verbeke ab 1l~ Bell Abraham, laborer, h 1132 S 9th .Bell Alice J., domestic, 238 Liberty

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II\In, N. 3d St. work. and lDsurea II. Work done In any part 0 the Stale.

121 0

{EmPlOYS none but Ilnt-claaa Workmen. hence Onllllrst-clua

Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 115

Bell Amos A., puddler, h 913 S Front .Bell B. Frank, puddler, h 141 Anu av .Bell Catbarine, h 204 Chestnut Bell Daniel, laborer, h 1232 N 111 Bell Daniel H., laborer. h 1221 N Ili Bell Eliza, wid George W., h 238 LibP.rty Bell Elizabeth, h 204 Chestnut Bell Elizabeth, wid Daniel H., h 1221 N Ili Bell Emma C., housekeeper, IIi nr Cumberland Bell Frank E., laborer, h 1221 N 11i Bell George H., confectioner, 33 S 2d, h 200 Chestnut Bell Irvin G., carpenter, h 530 Hunter Bell James W., machinist, h 428 Herr BELL JOHN. lumber, 7th ab Maday, h 230 Nortb Bell John A., bookkpr, 320 Market, h 656 Cumberland Bell Joseph H. Rev . h 243 N Ri\'er av Bell Josepb L., h 913 S Front Bell Lawrence, carpenter, h 530 Hunter Bell Lottie M., penmkr, h 656 Cumberland Bell Margaret, wid George, h 264 Forster Bell Mary E., teacher, h 401 Herr .Bell Theodore S., plastel'er, h :333 Harris Bell Thoma.~ J., contractor, b 173;3 Market lIELL THORNTON A., house and sign painter, 819 Myrtle av, h 820 N ad Bell U1yB1!e8 S., plasterer, h :341 S Cameron Bell William B. B., brakeman, h 2135 Moore Bell William C., brakeman, h 1716, N 4th Bellis Annie Mrs., h 217 S 191 Bellman John, brakeman, h 1274 Juniper Bellman Margaret, wid Jackson, h 1274 Jnniper Bellman Martha M., vamper, h 1274 Juniper Bellman Minnie F., h 212 North Bellman Oliver, bookkpr, h 1310 :N 2d Bellman Viola, student, h 1310 N 2<1 Bellman William, je\yeler, b 212 N ortb Belt Rebecca J., wid ~imon, h 434 South Bendall Grace, salesladY, 406 Market, h 600 Boas Bendall John H., cashier, 308 Market, h 600 Boas Bendall Josephine, wid James, h 600 Boas Bender Benjamin S., tailor, h 932 S 20l Bender Elizabeth M., saleslady, h 7 N 13th lIENDER FREDERICK, barbers' cbairs, supplies, &c., 520 Walnut, h 529 Cowden Bender Fredericka 1\11'11., grocer, 328 Strawberry, av h do Bender George B., car ill~pector, h 1425 Zarker Bender George K., brakemau, h 932 S 20i Bender Herbert C., macbinist, b 329 S Front

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 116 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
Bender Irvin F., baker, 8 Brady, h 1559 Walnut Bender IKIlac, flagman, h ] 900 N 5th . Bender Jacob M., contl'8ctor, 7 N 13th, h do Bender John H., car inspector, h 329 S Front Bender Maria, h 1] 2:~ Capital Bender Mary, h 329 S Front Bender Mary A., wid Gabriel, h 619 N 2d Bender Mary E., wid William, h 226 Liberty Bender Oliver C., warehouseman, h 34 N 13th Bender Olive M., domestic, Verbeke nr 19th Bender Oscar ,T., driver, h 7 N 13th Bender Renben, helper, h 329 S Front Benedict Harris, laborer, h 513 N 5th Benedict H. Robert, elk, 501 State, h 513 N 5th Benedict John, laborer, h 7 Lochiel 1st Row Benedict Matthias, h 511 N 5th Benedict MstthiaR, jr. driver, h 513 N 5th Benesch Hermina, II 704 N 6th Benfer Joseph H., carpenter, h 958 S 21st Bengel A. E. M rl!i., h 1336 Margaret Benion Anna E., dre8."lmkr, h 26! N 2d Benion Martha, c11(, 515 N 2d, h 261 do Benion M. William, grocel', 515 N 2d, II 3d c Seneca Benioll 1\[ William, jr., typewriter, 405 Market, h 261 N 2d Benitz Constantine, h 107 Short Benitz Leo C., elk, 500 Market, h 1005 do Benjamin Lucy S., II 810 N 2d Belljamin Lydia W., h 116 State Benjamin Meta S., h 810 N 2<1 Benner Arthur J., helper, h 124 S 13th Benner Charles, brakeman, h 1954 N 7th Benner .Jemima, wid Elihu, h 5U3 Muench Benner JOSE'ph, laborer, h 91:3 S Front Benner, car inspector, h 1:332 Vernon Benner William, Illbor'er, h 183 Paxton Benner Willil\m K., salesman, h 321 Chestnut Bennethum WiJliam H., m~r, 3M Market, h 215 Herr Bennett Annie L., cook, h 512 Spruee Bennett Brainard H., prodnce, 1720 Logan av, h do Bennett Culvin ]1'., wutchman, h ] 324 Green Bennett Chl\rles F., clk, 2~ N 3d, h 1302 Wallace Bennett Challes K., pape..Ju\I1ger, h 245 North Bennett George C., engineer, h 1106 N 2d Bennett George W., brakeman, h 1410 N 6th Bennett George W., h ] 335 Verno[) Bennett Harry, labore., h 1311 N Cameron Bennett Henry L., baggagemaster, h 245 North Bennett Hester Mrs., housekeeper, 1104 S Cameron

Digitized by


Yt!'rUb~I~':;::~WOII POperOndWlndOW8hOdes from A. B. TACK, N.':J~t. Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 117
Bennett Horace B., janitor P.O., h 4:3 Lochiel 4th Row Bennett John F., laborer, b 1311 N Cameron Bennett John F., laborer, h 1606 Logan av Bennett .John N., driver, 11 1:302 Wallace Bennett John W., brakeman, 11 942 Commerce Bennett Lavina, cook, h 512 N 5th Bennett Louisa, wid Henry~ 11 709 Primrose av BenDett Mary C . wid John, h 1606 Logan av BelilDett May, saletdady~ 326 Market, h 1106 N 2d BeDDett Thomas, boilermkr, b 627 Boas BeD nett William 1., laborer, h 1606 Logan av Bennix William, carpenter, h CUlIlbt'rland c Co\vden Benson Adeline A., weaver, h 1207 N 6th BensoD Benjamin F., cal'pentt'r, 11 103 CowdeD Benson Cyms F., sacker, b 1251 BaiJey Benson Henry G., earpenter, h 120i N 6tb Bent George C., elk supt's office P. R. R., h 7 S Front Bent Mary K. Miss, h 31 S Front Bentley George R., mgr Paxton Rolling Mills, b 302 S 2d Bentney Ditha Mrs., b 107 Tanner's av Bentz Jo~ph, laborer, h 17 Chesapeake Bentzel Carrie, booksewer, h 422 Boas Ben.tzel E1i".abeth S . wid Wi1liam, h 422 Boas

Rf1}~~~~ r:n:m:~1L':i3iE FOOT WEA R 01 FRANK M. WAmRS', N.'g,:~t.

Bentzel Hattie H., elk, h 422 BoaI'! Benzillgt'l" George B., dliver. h 907 Capital Berge John A., (Berge & Hiller), h 5 N 13th Berge & Hiller, (J. A. Berge aDd M. Hiller), grocers, 5 N 13th Berger Harry, mill hand, h 127 Han~a Berger LOllis, helper, h 127 Hanna Berger Samuel C., miJler, b 104 Nagle Berger William, b8l'tender, 1303 N 3d, h 1425 Wi1li~m Bergbaus Mary E., h The Commonwealth Berghalls V. Hummel Rev., h The .Bolton Bergner Bros., (C. H. and F. U.), booksellers, 6 N 3d BERGNER CHA.RLES H., lawyer, 4 N ~id, h 3 S Front Bergner Elizabeth, wid George, h 225 Market Bergner Frederick U., (Bergner Bros.), h 225 Market BERGSTRESSER ALEXANDER W., wall papers, window shades, &c., 12 S 2d, h do Bergstresser Alexander W., jr., paperhanger, h 1214 N 6th Bergstresser Charles 0., painter, h 223 Mulberry Bergstresser Edwin R., paperbauger, h 12 S 2d BergRtresser William E., painter, h 207 S River av Bergstresser William J., painter, 118 S Court av, h 118 Washington

Digitized by


Liver and Blood Purl1Ylrllr MoNElL'S Dy.pepal.. Liver, Blood. and ldD:eyPili. Cure JIIII N3d 31 Complainta. l

118 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. Berkley J. Harry, clk R. M. 8., P. O. bldg, h 708 Green
Berman Bernhart, elk, h 714 N 3d Bernhamt Harry 0., teacher, h 116 Boas Bernhardt Jacob F., shearsman, h 3128 River av Bernhardt John, milk, h 1513 N 4th Bernhardt Lewis, Union Hotel, 167 Paxton, h do Bernhart Amelia M., wid ClarE'lu'e. h 529 Woodbine Bernhart Elizabeth, l'8shier, 326 Market, h 610 Briggs Beroheisel Charles H., (P. Bernheisel & Sonj, h 1319 Derry Beroheisel Frances, wid Peter, h 212 Hummel Bernheisel John K., carpenter, h 1001 Green BERNHEISEL LUTHER. tailor aDd ladies' coatmkrp 1001 Green, h do (see adv) BERNHEISEL P. " SON, (Peter and Charles H. Bernheisel), architects and superintendents, 5 N 2d (see adv) Bernheisel Peter, (P. Bernheisel &: 8011), h 1319 Derry Beroheisel Robert N., (Bernheisel & 8torey), h 1001 Green Bernheisel Valentine H.! bricklayer, h 1416 Derry Bernheisel William, elk, 222 Mulberry, h 1319 Derry Bernheisel William H., h 212 Hummel Bernheisel & 8torey, (R. N. Bernheisel and C. A. 8torey)p printers, 1531 Dt'rry Berrier Harry J., pumpmkr, h 1204 N Fr()nt Berrier Jo!lt'ph, pumpmkr, h 1210 N Front Berrier Joseph,jr., pllmpmkr, h 1210 N Front. .Berry Charle.1 B., machinist, h ~~2 S 2d Berry }"'rallk H., laborer, h 332 8 2d Berry James E, wiper. h 1902 N 6th Berry Jane P., wid J()hn, h 242 Libelty Berry Jasper, engineer, h 2037 N 5th Berry John C., nailer, h 452 8 10th Berry John C., roller, h 332 8 2d Berry Joseph Ii'., machinist., II 4:~6 Herr Berry Levi T., puddler, h :3328 2d Berry Mary A. Mrs., h 111 Alln av Berry Michael, blacksmith, hIlI Ann 0\' Berry Nancy, wid Henry, h 1407 Margaret Berry Page, carter, h 1407 Marg'dret Berry Theodore, muchinist, h 3:~2 S 2d


~e~Ghant TaiIo~ ~ Ladie~' Ooat Ma~e~.

.I. .,.... plea.., I/0" ... to a-IUI/, 10".' a ..d Prl.,. S,..,. and LadW8' Coa".

'It G_U_'.


1001 Green Street. -

Harrisburg, Pa.

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A. B. TACK .::ral~aot Fresmlag P llc Buildings 10 PlaiD TInts, {=~ru:f:

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City DiI:ectory. 119
Berry Thomas, machinist, h 824 S Cameron Berry William, hostler, h 242 Liberty Berry William B., letter carrier, h 332 S 2d Berryhill Annie, dressmkr, b 405 Herr .Berryhill Joseph A., machinist, h 405 Herr .Berrybill Sarah, tailo~, h 405 Herr Bersler Joshua, fireman, h 430 Reilv .Berst Anna M., housekeeper, A S 2d Bert Edward, laborer, h 404 Cranberry av Berthel Henry W., laborer, h 819 SlOth Bertolani Onesto, bartender, 423 Market, h do Bertolani Victor, steward, 11 423 Market .Bertram Clayton, lahore.', h 304 S River av Bertram Permella Mrs., 11 304 S River av Bertram Sarah C., wid Peter R., h 304 S River av .Bertram Simon C., carpenter. h 304 S River av Bertrand H., teacher Hbg High School Berweck Edward, laborer, h 2022 Wood :&shore Andrew Ii'., fruits, 1212 N 3d, h do Beshore Frank, student, h 1212 N 3d Beshore Theodore, huckster, h 1212 N 3d Best Austin, phYHician and druggist, 723 S 19th, h do Best Carrie M., bookbinder, h 1203 Green Best Daniel C., laborer, h 1104 Grape av Best J. Edwin, janitor, h 1203 Green Best Jes.~ie, booksewer, h 1203 Green Best Warren A., postal clk, h 337 Peffer Betts Mary S., wid David R., 11 415 Briggs Betz Alice C., IIBleslady, 1201 N 3d, h 275 Cumberland Bevard .Julm, cooper, h 106 Tuscarora Bevard Wilber, clk, 571 Race, 11 106 Tuscarora Beverly Charles, laborer, h 1172" Cameron Beverly George, laborer, h 1709 Elm Beverly .John, lahorer, h 1709 Elm Beverly Willis, laborer, h 1172 S Cameron Beyrent JuJia, domestic, 313 Verbeke Bice Ida, (Beers & Bice), b 1315 N 3d Bickel Bertha. domestic, 1410 N 2d Bickel Curtis, brakemall, h 1318 N 6th
1'. BmnnuwsllL.


Architects ILnd Superintendents.


No.5 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 120 Boyd's Harrisburg (ll) City Directory.
Bickel Flora E., domestic, 220 Pine Bickel Hurvey, brakeman, h 1318 N 6th Bickel John A., h 28 Linden Bickert Kate, wid Christian, h 1712 Fulton Bickley William H., engineer, h 1425 N 3d Bickley William H. H., (Harvie & Bickley), h 1629 N 3d Bidaman CharIeR N., conductor, h 412 Cumberland Bidaman James ~., warehouseman, h 919 Capital Bidaman Kate, dressmkr, h 919 Capital Bidaman Margaret Mrs., h 1619 Fulton Bierbower Archibald, brakeman, h 706 Capital Bierbower Edward M., printt!r Telegraph, h 706 Capital Bierbower Ellt;wolth E., bookbinder, h 122 Boas Bierbower George W., (Bierhower & Manning), h 304 Boas Bierbower I va, saleslady, 38 N 3d, b 706 Capital Bierbower Maggie, waitres.'3 Franklin House Bierbower Minnie M., artist, h 706 Capital Bierbower Shelly E., elk, 308 Market, h 209 Cumberland Bierbower Washington, foreman, h 706 Capital Bierbower William E., brakeman. h 706 Capital Bierbower & Manning, (G. W. Biel'bower aud S. S. Manning), clothiers, 1208! N 3d Bierly Annie, wid .Tohu, h 216 Cherryav Bierly John G., cul'penter, h 216 Cherry av Bierman Charles, tea, &c., 116 S 14th, h do Biester Charles A., blacksmith. h 338 S 16tb Biester Henry P., elk, 520 Walnut, h 1800 N 5th Biester Mary, wid George, h a3S S 16th Biever George D., conductor, h 1928 N 5th Biever Harriet S., centre as.'3t Lunatic Hospital, h do Biever .Jonatban D., carpenter, h 1318 N 6th BIGELOW LUCIUS S., sec and general mgr W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co" h at Paxtang Biggan Catharine, wid James, h 635 Forster Biggan James F., helper, h 6:35 Forster Biggan Mary, booksewer, h 635 Forster Biggan Timothy, laster, h 635 ~'orster Biggan William, brakeman, h 635 Forster Bigler Annie E. Mrs., h The Commonwealth Bigler Benjamin F., supt Cbildren's Industrial Home Bigler Carrie, h The Commonwealth .Bigler Casper S., lawyer, 222 Market, h 1011 N Front Bigler John A., h 1011 N Front Bigler Maria, wid Albert, h 128 State Bigler Samuel L. & Co., brick mfrs, Cameron bel Paxton Bihl Victor H., butcher, h 132 S 2d Bikle Daniel B., check man Adams Ex., h 336 S 16tb Bill George E., physician, 232 State, h do

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A. B. TACK =tt::.~=Fo} Wall Paper and lindo, Shades {12m ~:dCStr8et.

Boyd's Harri8burg (B) City Directory. 121
Billett Cyrus, brakeman, h 622 Reily Billett John, puddler, h 138 Dock Billig Lafayette, laborer, h 1034 S Cameron Billmyers Annie M., dom('stic, 1322 William Billmyers Elizabeth, wid John, h 1322 William Billow Jacob, fireman, h 625 Delaware av Bindle Herman, cigars, 1422 Marion, h do Bingamlln Ella, domestic, 2~ S 3d Bingaman Ephraim, screwsman, h 104 Conoy Bingaman George W., shearsman, h 916 S 9th Bingaman Harry, fireman, h 1101! N 7th Bingaman Sophia, h 223 Union av Bingbam Caroline, wid Solomon, h 624 Delaware BV Dink Catharine, wid ChJ'istian, h 510 N 5th Bink Frank W., blacksmith, h ] 830 Fulton Bink Harry G., drygood!l, 5th c Kelker, h 508 Kelker Bink Henry, butcher, 228 Cranberry av, h do Binnix Frank K., roller, h 125 Paxton Binnix John N.~ supt Central Ir()n Works, h 121 S 2d Binnix Joseph, heater, h 313 S Front Binnix William C., carpenter, h 624 Cumberland Birch Charles, laborer, It ] 209 N Cameron Birch Mary, seam!ltress, h 1226 Bailey

~~o~.:~:!~ FOOTW EA R gO 10 WALTERS', N.3'dO~~~. Bird Charles W., laborer, h ]327 N 6th Bird Edwin, luborer, h 1327 N 6th Bird Eliza A., wid James, h 1328 Fulton Bird Ernest J., painter, h 1328 Fulton Bird Samuel W., tinsmith. It 14]0 N. 6th Bird William B., painter, h 648 Woodbine Bird, see also Burd Birkenbine Grorge, machinist, h 5th c Camp Birmingham Bridget, wid Edward, h 1306 N 7th Birmingham Ellen, h 1306 N 7th Birminl!ham Flora, bookkpr, h 11] 7 N 2d .BmJUNGHAlII ROBERT C., hotel, 1306 N 7th, II do Bishop Adam, laborer, h ] 85 Pllxton Bishop Barbara E., h 134 S 2d. Bishop Bertha, domestic The Central Bishop Charles, labore., h 185 Paxton Bishop Edith D., sale.'1lady, 320 Verbeke, h do .Bishop Eliza A., teacher, h 211 Pine Bishop Emanuel l\L, tray salesman, h 1123 N 6th Bishop E. )Iay, saleslady, 320 Verbeke, h do Bishop Grant, brakeman, h 1611 N 4th Bishop Ira N., carpenter, h 134 S 2d .Bishop Jacob, laborer, b 1611 N 4th.

Digitized by

Coogle .

MeWell's Pain Exterminator corea L'bolera Morboa, DJIMIDtery, Crampa, Dlarrhma,. Colds, QuIn8y, RheomatlBm, Toothache, Sore Throat, Agoe, Dyapepila, &c. UU 3d.

122 Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Bishop John H., blacksmith, h 1725 N 7th Bishop Julia, music teacher, h 211 Pine Bishop Mary, wid Godfrey, h 1611 N 4th Bisbop M. Elizabeth, saleslady, 32 N 3d, h 134 S 2d Bishop M. Frank, c1k1 ~2 N 3d, h 134 S 2d Bishop Stella M., h 134 S 2d Bisbop William, brakeman, h 1712 N 4tb BISHOP WILLIAlII 0., drygoods and notions, 320 Verbeke (Broad). h do BISHOP WILLIAlII T., 111. D., medical examiner Pa. R. R. Voluntary Relief Dept, office Derry Station, Westmoreland Co., Pa., h 211 Pine Bissel Chilled Plow Works, (The), 627 Walnut Bissinger Elizabeth Mrs., h 1209 N 2d Bistline Ida M., domestic, 213 S Front Bit.IJer Edward, baker, II 206 S Court av ./ Bitner Edward M., musician, h 210 Locust Bitner Eva, wid Adam, h 422 North Bitner Harry, wheelwright, h 39 Balm Bitner Hal'ry H., painter, b 39 Balm Bitner Harry \V., boilermkr, h 323 Granite Bitner Juseph M., brakeman, h 229 Sayford av Bitner Mi(hael C., carpenter, h !l23 Granite av Bitner Nicholas, flagman, h 1339 N 6th Bitner Stephen, shoemkr, 102 Short, h do Bitner Stewart E., fireman, h 422 Hamilton Bittner Theodore, tailor, 1604 N 5th, h 325 Hamilton Bitting William G., harnessmkr, h 1439 Regina Bittinger John H., driller, h 1950 Swatara Bixler Etta, (!entre asst. Lunatic Hospital, h do Bixler Ira B., brakeman, h 1533 N 3d Bixler James M., printer, h 3 N 4th Bixler Jennie C., dressmkr, h 121 Paxton Bixler John C., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Bixler Mary, d.essmkr, h 912 Capital Black AlfM T., lieut police, h 934 N 2d BLACX ANDREW X., pustmaster, Post Office, :3d c Walnut, h 131 State Black--Anna, dunwstic, 307 Cumberland Black A. Wilson. conductor, h 139 N 13th Black Caroline H., teacher, h 1414 Green Black Carrie T., retolloher, h 421 Verbeke Black Catharine A., wid Thomas, h 256 Verbeke Black Charles N., pressman, II 1804 N 6th Black Clinton B., h 125 Stat~ Black Edward B., f.'ames, &c., 117 Market, 11 1210 N 2d Black Eliza P. Mrs., grocer, 1804 N 6th, h do Black George, macbil.iKt, h 1329l Howard

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belt and loweli I. B. TIIIK {Wall Paper. Thewith Fixtures and pncea. Window { N. 1210lit. 11\1 Shades complete. Yrluge, for 116 eta. 3tI

Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 123

Black George B. Mc., brakeman, h 1458 Regina Black Harry Q., salesman, 400 Market, h 7 Aberdeen av Black Helen L., teaober, h 1414 Green BLACK HOIrlER, genl Sec Y. M. C. A., h 4:17 North Black James, hostler, h 709 State Black James, machinist, h 235 State Black James B., (Black & Gish). h 307 Walnut Blsck James P., tailor, h 16 N Dewberry av Black John: contractol', h 316 S 2d Black John B., student, h Park Hotel Black Josie E., h 424 Market Black Joseph M., h 123 State Black Kate R., saleslady, h 256 Verbeke Black Laura, wid George L., h 804 Cspital Black Mary A., 1I8leslady, 1201 N 3d, h 801 N 6th Black Mary F., wid T. Jefferson, h 125 State Black Mauhe\v B., machinist, h 421 Verbeke Black Nelson,. pressman, h 1804 N 6th Black P. A. Kimbnrg, clk, 117. Market, h 1210 Y 2d Black Rebecca, h 31 i S Front Black Robert, waiter, h 513 Priml'ose av Black Rosa, wid William, h 670 Boas Black Sarah A., h 317 S Front Black Thomas P., machinist, 11 421 Verbeke Black William C., fireman, h 11:30 Wallace Black William H., clk P. R. R. <lPpot, II 670 Boas Black William H., laborer. h 1619 Fulton Black William S., notal'Y, 1400 N 3d, h 1414 Green Black William S.. .ir., printer, hIli Colder BLACK" GISB, (J. B. Black and J. M. GiKb), Park Hotel. 307 Walnut . Blacker George F., machinist, h 523 Race Blacker James, laborer, h 52:3 Race Blacker James S., elk, 101 Market. h 523 Race Blacksmith Augustus F . printer Telegraph, h 308 Boas Blacksmith Fr6flerica, wid Theodore, h 610 Race Blackwell Jennie R., elk. 21 N 3d, h 1102 Wallace Blade Patl'ick, watertender, h 1024 S 9th Blades Nancy, wid AI~xander, h 353 S Cameron Blair Alexander G., shearsmall, It 242 Crescent Blair Cornelius J., fi)rPman, h 8]4 Green Blair Frank, clk, 20 N 2d, h 1405 Green Blair George M., meat market. 319 Hamilton, h 309 do Blair Harry M., hostler, h 1415 Maple Blair John F., elk, h 1405 Green Blair Morri!l, printer. h 814 Green Blair Thomas S., physician, 118 Locust, It do Blair William, physician, 1311 Derry, h do

Digitized by


" To find a name you 1IIUSt lmow how to spell it." 124: Boyd's Harrisburg CB) City Directory.
Blair William A., motorman, h 1829i N 3d Blamer .John, trackman, h 1924 Elizabeth av Bland Abrabam, laborer, h ] 407 James Blanham Daniel, labort:r, h 707 North av Blankenbeler Elwood, conductor, h 69 N 10th BlankenhOl'n Anna (:., h 300 S 2d Blankenhol'n John. carpenter, h 606 Race Blattenberger :M. Lillian, wid Horace, h 24 S 3d Blaugh Forrest F., plasterl'r, h 317 Dauphin av Blauch Joseph, shoemkr, ] 913 Derry, h 1824 Swatara Blauch Martha, warper, h 1824 Swatara Bless John G., fireman, h 15101 N 5th Blessing Anna, wid Valentine, h 251 Liberty Blessing Chat'les D., driver, h 211 Blackberry av Blessing Charle!'l E .. plumber, h 108 South Blessing David S., elk, h 1211 N 3d Blessing F..dwin S., puddler, h 1424 William Blessing Elmer, bartender, h 21:J Mlu'y's av Blessing Frederick F., paperhanger, h 108 Sonth Blessing Howard G" foremati, h 629 Peffer Blessing Isabella, wid Jonas, h 629 Pl'fft!r Bles."ing .Jeremiah, motorman, b 505 Hamilton Blest'ing MarioD fl., moturman, h 330 Hamilton Blessing Mary A., wid Alexander, h 1211 N 3d Blessing Samh, dressmkr, h 1424 William Blessing Sarah, wid D. Fredelick, h 108 South Blessing William, engineet, h 422 Reily Blessley James W., oiler, b 909 S Front Blessley Levi, trimmer. h 909 S Front Bietz Paul H., (D. H. Witmer & Co.), h at Columbia Bleyer Aglles, milliner, h 257 North Bleyer Robert, foreman, h 257 North Blickenderfer Ella, mU!'lic wlicher, h 220 Mulberrv Blickenderfer Matilda, wid Edward, h 220 Mulberry Blitz :Mark, peddler, h rear 326 Cherry Blizzard Helen, wid I'I8ac, jr., h 606 Church Blizzard Isaac, loom fixer, h 606 Church Blocher 'V. Banks, fireman, h 612 Granite av Block William D., detective, h 1134 Market Blosser AlfreJ C" grocer, 1532 N 6th, h do Blosser A. Lincoln, brakeman, h 1107 Cowden Blosser Peter, car iuspector, h 109 Suuth Blosser Samuel D., brakeman, h l)37 Woodbine Blosser Wesley l\I., salesman, 330 Market, h 109 South BloSl!er William, conductor, h 516 Colder Blottenberger Amos G., laborer, h 416 Clinton av Rlottenberger Harriet, wid John, h 416 ClintuD av .Blottenbtorger John M., printer, h 416 Clinton av

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, lYall Paper and lYindowShades. {72~Hlo~R2~t~

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 126
Ahrabam H., laborer, h 213:l Swatara Bert F., (Blough Mfgo Co.), h 330 Kelker Cyrns, dairy, h 330 Kelker Forest. plaHte,oer, h 317 Dauphin BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., aprons and bonnets, 1701 N 3d Blough Wilson R., salesman, h 1701 N 3d .Blue Horace C., clk ~ comm'th, Capitul, h 26 S 3d Blumenstein Anna E., saleslady, h 1111 N Front Blumenstein Bella, booksewer, It 1111 N Front Blumenstein Carrie \Y., dressmkr, h 1111 N Front Blumenstein Conrad, grocer, 1488 Derry, h do Blumenstein Elizabeth, wid Henl'Y, h 1111 N }'ront Blumenstein Huldah M., weaver, II 1411 N Front Blumenstein Mary, drt!8.'!mkr, It 1111 N Front BlumenJJt~in William H., It 1411 N Front Blumenstine Frederick, laborer, h 1120 N Front Blumenstine George, carpenter, h 1411 N Front Bhlmenstine William, coopel', It 124 N 13th _ Blust Barbara A., 1324 Susquehanna Blust John, carpenter, h 13:30 Maple BlURt JOBf'pb, physician, 1338 Sus<)uehanna, h do Bluste Adam, conductor, h 1909 \V"OO Blouch .Blough Blough Blough

FRANK M. WALTERS, lj~~~:aty: FOOTWEAR, No'::~

Bluate Harry, laborer, h 1909 W"od Bluste Sarab L., housekeeper, 1909 Wood Blyler Charles M . C'lk The Central, It do .Blyler Daniel Co, hotel, 311 Market, h do Blymire Jacob, lahorer. b 1323 Wallace Blymire Michael, helper, h 1323 Wallace BOAR ABRAHAM, livery and odorless excavator, 1117 Montgomery, b 121 Verbeke (Broad) (see adv) Boak Albert, helper, h 582 Showers Boak Calvin, wheelwright, rear 117 Verbeke, h 1330 Penn

Odorless Excavating Apparatus

W"AU orden sent to residence will be promptly attended to.


ResldeDo~, No:.....!...2! _B~a.d !Street. W"Onlera tor Moving of furniture and Every De8criJltlon of Hanllng promptl, atteDded to. Wagona for attendance npon PIc-Nice and Private Parties tnmlabed at

reuonable rates.

Stable on Montgomery Street, near Herr, Harrisburg, Pa.

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lelell's Pain Exterminator .:M::~o:a~~ =~~~~{ {, ,T~l,JJ L.

Boak Boak Boak Boak Boak Boak

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Emma, h 126 Charles George, laborer, h 552 Race Jacob S., laborer, h 29 Balm John, heater, h 552 Race Kate H., weaver, h ] 21 Verbeke Minnie R.. cook, h 121 Verbeke BOAS C. ROSS, watchmkr and jeweler, 7 N 2<1, h 404: do (see adv) BOAS DANIEL D., (estate of), planing mill, 2d Dr Vine Boas Emma E., h 213 Pine Boas Harry D., planing mill, 2d nr Vine, h 505 N Front Boas John S., jeweler, 703l N 3d, h 110 Walnut I BO:ls Margaret 1.. h 213 Pine Boas Mary M., wid Irvin S., h 110 Walnnt Boas Sadie R., h 404 N 2d Boas Sarah C., wid Frederick K., h 14 N 3d BOils William S., adm'or, 2<1 nr Vine, h 213 N Front Bobb Mary E., wid George, h 3d ur Seneca Bockus .John R., conductor, h 1636 N 3d Boddorfi' Charles W., laborer, h 744 S 21st Boden Julius, machinist. h 249 S Cameron Boden Mary, pulishel', h 249 S Cameron Bodenhorn Edward Eo, elk, 2 N 2d, h 138 S 3d Bodley Charles W., brakeman, h 14:H James Bodley William C carpenter, h H31 James Bodmer Edward \V., agt, h 1154 Derry Bodmer Hillorius A., mason. h 1154 Derry Bodmer Maggie, nurse, Fmnt c Reily Bodmer William H., mason, h 1154 Derry Boehmer Katarin~ D. Mrs., floor walker, 3M Mkt, h 6 S 2d Boell William F., shoemkr, h 119 S Cameron Bogar John A., brakeman. h 1818 N 5th Boggs Benjamin D., grocer. 213! Chestnut, It 113 do Boggs Stephen, laborer. h 1414 William Bogner George W . brakeman, h 15lUi N 4th Boher .J.. Heck, drugJrist, ~09 Market, h 401 N 2d Bohl Cllthal'ine, wid William H., h 1326 Derry Bohl Charles A., molder, b 4261 Boas Bohl Mary M., tailoress, h 1326 Derry



tJiamonds, + Watebes,

No. 7 N. Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Pine Irt Wall Paper. {D~B9;~~~}J210 I. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 127 Bohlen Minnie, wid John, h 919 James av Bohnacker Joseph F., blacksmith. h 1120 Herr Bohner William H., carpenter, h 222 Peffer Boland Elizabeth N., wid Stephen, h 1224 Herr Boland John, engineer, h 1610 N 5th Boland Margaret, wid Thomas, h 418 S 17th Boland Mary, weaver, h 1224 Herr Bolen Cornelius, laborer, h 1208 Cowden Bolen John T., machinist, h 1208 Cowden Bolen Joseph, b rear 1122 N 2d Bolen Nora, tailoress, h 1208 Cowden Bolen P. Jerome, shoemkr, 343 Strawberry av, h do Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., C. S. Boll, pres; J. W. Boll, treas; W. A. Boll, sec; mattress mfrs, 10th c Mulberry av Boll Charles S., pres Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., h 1109 N Green Boll John W., treas Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., h 131 N 13th Boll William A., sec Boll Broll. Mfg. Co., h 110 S 13th Bollendorf Matthias, grocer, 1020 MarkE't, b do BOLLES ALBERT S., chief bureau statistics, h 409 N 2d Bollinger Caroline A., honsekeeper, 406 Harris Bolliuger Charles, laborer, h 722 South Bollinbrer Cornelius, carpenter, h 271 Briggs Bollinger Eli7..abeth, wid John, h 108 South Bollinger Harvey, laborer. h 722 South BOLLINGDJOBN, Walla Halla, 325 Walnut, h do Bollinger Lena, will Jacllb N., h 722 South Bollinger Lizzie, 325 Walnut Bollston Mary J., h 550 Hunter Bolt Charles F., baker, 103 Hanna, h do Bolton ~:dwin G., watchman P. & R., h 2001 State Bolton .Tohn H., bookkpr Crystal Ice Co., h 1445 Vernon Bolton Joseph K., h 1107 N 2d Bolton Lincoln U., carpenter, h 1616 Swatara Bolton Mary, booksewer, h 163 N Summit BOLTON THE, Thomas H. Heist, 2d c Strawberry av Bolton Thomas J., carpenter, h 919 S 20i" Bolton William H., contractor, Ii 14 S Court av Boltz Michael M., boilermkr, h 1813 Berryhill Bumbaugh John A., tacker, h 28 N 14th Bombaugh .Julia D., wid Aaron, h 321 N Front BomberJ!:er Harry C., trainmaster, h 3 S 13th BODERGD JACOB C., cashier Mechanics' Bank, h 221 N Front Bomberger Louden L., student, h 3 S 13th Bomgardner Abraham, shoemkr, 1262 Market, h 1427 Regina Bomgardner Abraham, jr., elk, h 1427 Regina Bomgardner Alfred, machinist, h 1521 N 5th Bomprdoer Emma E., dressmkr, h 1427 Reginll

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know now to spell it." 128 Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory.
Bomgardner Frank, mason, h 18th bel Derry Bomgardner Franklin, mason, h 1525 Swatara BOMGARDNER GEORGE, agt Reading Bottling Works, . 818 Walnut, h 338 S 16th Bomgardner Harry, laborer, h 1427 Regina Bomgardner Harry, machinist, h 1608 Wallace Bomgardner Herhert, finisher, h 1427 Regina Bomgardner Irvin R., (J. M. Bomgardner & Son), h 438 Wahlllt Bomgal'dner Jacob M., (J. M. Bomgardner & Son), h 438 Walnut Bomgardner .Jane, wid Thomas, h 809 Chestnut Bomgardner J. M. & Son. (Irvin R.), grocers, 438 Walnut BOMGARDNER JOHN W., plumber, gas and steam fitter, 29 S 2d, h do Bumgardner ,Joseph E., machinist, h 121 Washington Bomgardner Margaret, shoe operator, h 1427 Regina Bomgarduer Nic\wlas, laborer, h 18th bel Derry Bomgardner Valer,ia H., wid John M., h 121 Washington av Bomgardner Wilson, shoemkr, h 1402! Regina Bonacker Anna, wid J:4"'reclerick, h 920 N 2d BonbriJl:ht George C., mgr, 423 S 2d, h at Mechanicsburg Bond Emma A., f()relady, h 1214 Wallace Bond La\l'feuce, stonecutter, b 1214 Wallace Bond William, blacksmith, h 416 State Bond William. jr., printer Patriot, h 416 State Bond William H., grocel', 500! South, h do Bond WiIlialU H., jr., waiter, h 500! South Bongart Lizzie, liner, b 1800 Derry Bongart Philip, driver, h 1800 Derry Bonner Harry B., brakeman, h 1322 Penn Bonsall Orlando, engine inspector, h 1223 N 7tb . Booher John E., brakeman. h 607 Dauphin av Book Edgar S h 1522 N 6th Book Edward I., salesman, 26 S 2d, h 1727 N 6th Book J. Thaddens, conductor, h 1522 N 6th Bookll Anna E., mllsic teacher, h 1325 Margaret Books Eli n., brakeman, h State ab Linden Books Elizabeth, wid George W., h Swatara ab 20th Books Elizabeth, wid George W., h 1010 }4"ox . Books Jeremiah G., laborer, h 615 Delaware av Books Mehalia, domestic Hotel Columbus Books Sarilh J., wid Jeremiab, h 615 Delaware av Books Thomas S., cigar mfr, State ab Linden, h do Boone Anuie Mrs., h 408 N 5th Boone Bessie Mrs., laundress, h 1208 Apple . Boone Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h 1125 Cumberland Boolle John, barber, h 426 North av

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Goog Ie

I."&. TACK, praCtlCOI Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 129

Boone Johu D., car inspector, h 565 Hunter Boone John Y., molder, h 903 Capital Boone Margaret, wid Josepb, b 436 Soutb av Boone Martha, wid Evan, h 519 N 5th Boone May E., saleslady, 334 Market, b 400 Filbert Boone William H., waiter, h 137 Short Boose Cbarles H., tiuner, h"1939 State Booser Eden H., baggage sgt, h 145 Balm Booser Harry W., clk, b 70 N 13th Booser Henry, elk, :321 Market, h 70 N 13th Booser Jacob B., elk county com'sr, h at Pembrook Booser Joseph, mail driver, h 2001 State Booth Charles A., captain U. S. A., b 121 Soutb Booth Charles L., student,' h 121 South Booth Harry H., student, h 121 South Boothe Clarence E., elk, 215 Chestnut, h 1615 Fulton Boothe Jennie E., folder, h 1618 Fulton Boothe John W., clk, 416 Market, h 1618 Fulton Boothe Rebecca, wid John, h 1618 Fulton Boozer Harry F., salesman, b 936 Penn Bord Sarah E. Mrs., b 1422 Fulton Border Benjamin F . laborer, h 1527 Fnlton Border Charles H., electrotyper, h 1415 Regina


FOOTWEAR 0Ilalters"1012 N. 3d 81.

Border Frank R . stockman, b 116 Balm Border George M., bookbinder, h 1433 Regina Border Kate, wid John, h 1140 Market Bordner George F . conductor, h 341 Harris Bordner Lizzie J. Mrs., dressmkr, 341 Harris, h do Bornt'r John C., tallow, 294 S Cameron, h 255 do Bosch Frank, agt rubber hose, h 206 Locust Boschelli Antonio, shoemkr, h 1517 Vernon Bose Lewis, warehousman, h 922 S 20, Bosler David C., conductor, h 12:17 N 7th Bosler Walter W., conductor, h 1237 N 7th Bosley Harry C., trav salesman, h 223 Pine BOSl!8rd Mattie, nurse, b 1214 Apple Bosserman Curtis Rev., h 538 Peffer Bostain WeRley, molder, h 144 Court liv Bostick William F., laborer, h 313 Cherry av Boston Daniel, laborer, b ;04 N 7th Boston Lizzie, domestic The Commercial Bothwell William A., laborer, h 1231 N 7th Botts Felix 0., laborer, h 325 S 14th Botts George H., baggugemaster, h 325 S 14tb' Boubel Elmore F., tailor, 1202 N 6th, h do Boubel Francis, h 1604 N 5th

Digitized by


Uee McN ell's Medicine Co. {l!'a~e!k~} No::.:~cf.

130 Boyd's Hani.burg (B) City Directory.
Boucher John N., elk dept into affairs, h 408 Briggs Boude Catbarint> J., wid Samuel B., h 124 Walnut Boude Emily C. h 124 Walnut Boude Samuel B., bookkpr C. I. Works, h 124 Walnut Boughter George M., iron worker, h 652 Verbeke Bou~hter John, laborer, h 1919 N Cameron Boughter Kate C., domestic, 1912 N 5th Bouse Newton A., coffees, &c., 627 Walnut, h do Boush J. Frank, elk, 1208 N 6th, h 407 Kelker Boush John W., carpenter, b 407 Kelker Bousman Geor~, janitor, 11 32 Linden Boward John W., laborer, h rear 935 N 3d Bowdren Annie M., wid Gary, h 4.15 Strawberry av Bowen Mary J., domestic, 7 S Front Bowens Jobn. laborer, h 1424 Fulton Bower George F., brakeman, h 323 Herr Bower Jennie E., dressmkr, h 410 Cumberland Bower Lizzie, drt'SSmkr, h 512 N 3d Bower Lizzie C., drell8mkr, h 1847 N 7th Bower Lizzie H., tailoress, h 323 Herr Bower Mary, wid George, h 929 Grand Bower Theodore, carpeuter, h 1412 Wallace Bower William G., fireman, h 929 Grand Bowermaster Benjamin, bricklayer, h 605 Race Bowers Abraham, nailer, h 623 S Front Bowers Ada, matrou P. R. R. depot, h 415 Herr Bowers Annie, domestic, 121 State Bowers Annie, weaver, h 939 N 7th .Bowers Bt>njamin H., driver, h, 1119 Capital Bowers Charles M., paperhangel', h 1330 Penn ]Jowers Conrad, conductor, h 1834 N 6th Bowers Edwin, caniages, 1207 Capital, h 318 Cumberland Bowers Elijah, shoemkr, h 1074 S Cameron Bowers Ezra, puddler. h 1005 Hemlock . Bowers Fernando W., brakeman, h 1415 Currant av Bowers Frank, laborer, h 1820 Swatara Bowers George W., carpenter, h 1206 N Front Bowers Harry C., laborer, h 1834 N 6th Bowers Ida, domestic, 121 State Bowers Jennie, drel'lSmkr, h 561 SlOth Bowers J. Leroy, railroader, h 428 S 2d Bowers John H., carpenter, h 41 N Summit Bowers Jobn H., laborer, h Briggs ab Linden Bowers John W" laborer, h 1330 Penn Bowers Joseph, laborer, h 1016 Hemlock Bowers Joseph C., engineer, h 1734 N 7th Bowers Leah, finisher, h 41 N Summit .Bowers Leah, wid Israel, h 1601 Hunter

Digitized by


,. B. tnun, llll(

1210 {EmPlOYS none but ftrat-elaM workmen, bence onl111rat-claM N. 3d St. work, ancllnal1reB lL.. Work clono In any part 0 the State.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 131

Bowers Lucetta, watch woman Lunatic Hospital, h do Bowers Lucy, wid Bahmer, h 128 Indian av Bowers Mary A., Krocer, 622 Reily, h do Bowers Mary E. Mrs., h 608 N 2d Bowers Michael, (M. Bowers & Co.). h 1237 Vernon Bowers Moses K., physician, 1319 N 6th, h do Bowers M. &; Cu., stoves, 1317 Derry Bowers Otho M., driver, h 6 Aberdeen av Bowers Rebecca, h 561 SlOth Bowers Reuben, blacksmith, h Briggs ab Linden Bowers Sadie Mrs., h 605, State Bowers Samuel, mgr, 622 Reily, h do Bowers Samuel, helper, h 121 Dock Bowers Samuel M., coremkr, h 622 Reily .Bowers William, puddler, h 1005 Hemlock Bowers William A., polioomau, h 1213 Wallace Bowers William G., brakeman, h 183,( N 6th Bowie J. Thomas, cupolatender, h Walnut nr 18th Bowman Agnes, domestic, 1408 Marion Bowman Annie C., laundress, h 1416 S 13th Bowman Benjamin H., weighmaster, h'103 'Vashington av Bowman Bros., (C. Raymond and F. Myrle), grocers,' 215 Chestnut Bowman Chari&! W., h Christian nr Crescent Bowman Christie E., elk,. 215 Chestnut, h 214 do Bowman C. Raymond, (Bowman Bros.), h 214 Chestnut Bowman David, plasterer, h 1728 N 4th Bowman Edward, fireman, h 1408 N 6th Bowman Elizabeth B., forelady, h 1238 Derry Bowman Emanuel, driver, h 1416 S 13th Bowman Ephraim, machinist, Ii 303 Briggs Bowman F. Myrle, (Bowman Bros.), Ii 214 Chestnut Bowman George I., cooper, h 1045 S 9th Bowman Harry F., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 1321 Howard Bowman Henry, laborer, h 1416 S lath Bo,vman Henry, shoemkr, 1032 Market, h do Bowman Hem'y C., conductor, h 562 Hunter Bowman Isaiah T., plasterer, h 1.728 N 4th Bowman Jacob H., cooper, h 1045 S 9th Bowman Jessie C., bookkpr Star-Independent., h 1728 N 4th Bowman John A., foreman, 445 S 2<1, h 124 Hanna Bowman John A., jr., heater, h 12-1 Hanna Bowman John C., laborel', 11 1416 S 13th Bowman John I., blacksmith, h 1202 Christian Bowman John K., tBowman & Co.), h 805 N 2d Bowman John W., molder, h 1503 Derry Bowman J. William, salesman, h 805 N 2d Bowman Lewis H., policeman, h 106 Nagle

Digitized by


" To /illd a name you must know how to spell it." 132 Boyd's Harrisburg (ll) City Directory.
Lucinda E., wid John A., h Chri~tian nr Crescent Mary C., wid John C .. h 214 Chestnut Mary E., wid Charl(~ L .. h 171 Paxton Peter, carpenter, h 1505 Derr.v Rebecca, weaver, h 112 Barbara Samuel, (Howman-& Co.), h 214 Chestnut William. trav IiBlesman, h 12:l8 Derry William E., cooper, h 1064 S 9th BOWMAN & CO., (S. and J. K. Bowman), drygoods, 215 Market Boyce A nnie, domestic, 127 State Boyd Albert B., elk, 18 N 3d. h 330 S 16th Boyd Annie E., wid WilIiam B. C., It 1119 Grape Boyd Charles P., elk, Front bel Duck, h 709 N 2d Boyd D. Truman, elk P. R. R. ticket office, h 709 N 2d Boyd George T., actor, h 24 SlOth Boyd George W., clk Court House, h 222 Cbestnut Boyd George W., firemau, h 1714 N 4th Boyd George W., laborer, h 24 SlOth Boyd Harry M . elk, Race bel Vine, h 633 S Front Bovd Jacub H., laborer, h 5th bel Woodbine Boyd Jacob M . 8hoemkr, 316 Boai', b do BOYD JAMES, (.James Boyd & Co.). (Boyd, Stickney & Co.), II 211 N Front BOYD JAMES & CO., wholesali coal Ihippers, Trust Co. bldg. 222 Marl(et Boyd J. Brisben, (Boyd & CII.). h 11] S Front Boyd Jennie,saleslady, h 3308 16th Boyd John H., laborer, h ]6]]! FlIlton Buyd J~IID H., Meward The Loc.'hiel, h do Boyd John Y., offi<:e. 222l\1urket. h 124 Pine Buyd Mary J . wid John G., h 426 State Boyci Petel' K., (Buyd & Co.), h :3d c Locust Boyd udie R., nllllle,;til', 11) 5 N 3d BOYD, STICKNEY & CO., whuleeale coal dealers, Trust . o. bldg, 222 :\larket Bowman Bowman Bowman Buwman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman

BOYD W. R., publisher of Harris!lurg Citv lind other standard dire<tori~, 32 N 3d; home office, 1411 Perk. av, Reading, PII.

Boyd & ('0., (P. K. and .J. B. Boyd), furniture, 31 S 2d Boyer Abraham, turnkey Dauphin COUllty Prison, b do


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Coog Ie

~O:b':,~S:;:::~WOII POper.ondWlndOWShOileS /rom A. B. TACK, N.7:J~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.


B()yer Abraham F., lnborer, h :no HarriR Boyer Alexander L., boilermkr, h 1226 Herr BOYER ALVAH B., accountant Paxton Rolling Mills, h 819 N 2d Boyer Bertie, h 807 S Front Boyer Brooks E., machiuist, h 51 N Camer()n Boyer Charlp8, brakeman, h 458 Cumberland Boyer Charles, brakeman, h 182i N 7th Boyer Cha~es I., grocer, 1201 N 7th, h do Boyer Charles R., h 1201 N 7th Boyer r.lnrence A., salesman, b 307 Briggs Boyer David, farmer, h S 13th nr cemetety Boyer David, foreman Calder's Livety, h 226 Locust Boyel' David, helper, h 15 Lochiel 2d Row Boyer Edward, carriages, h 126 "Walnut Boyer Edward M., milk dealer, Greenwood c 21st, h do Boyer Elizabeth, wid John W., h 909 S 201 Boyer Frank D., copyist, h 261 Herr Boyer F"ederick machinist, h 226 Boas BOYEll GEORGE G., Rochester Bottling WorkR, h 924 N !3d Boyer George M., butcher, h S 13th nr ('emetery Boyer Harry, elk, II 1704 N 3d


-All the Latest Styles InNfL/ABLE and FA8HII.JNABLE



, N. 8d St.


Boyer Harry A., machinist, h 226 Locust Boyer Harty A., molder, h 512 Cowden Boyer Harry F., elk, h 311 Chestnut Boyer Harry J., elk, 1002 N 3d, h 1704 do Boyer Harvey W., laborer, It 634 Briggs Boyer Isaiah, driver, h 1945 Swatara Boyer Jacob, plasterer, h 1208 N 6th Boyer John M., bookkpl' Hbg Beef Co., h 321 Hummel Boyer John W., engineer, h 649 Cumberland Boyer Lydia K., wid Theodore F., h 6 S 2d Boyer l\'falinda, h 1226 N Cameron Boyer Mary, wid Christian, h 226 Boa8 Boyer Mary C., dres.'!mkr, h 226 Boas Boyer Mary M., wid Weidner \V., h 311 Chestnut Boyer Mina W" dressmkr, h 226 Boas Boyer Ol'llm A., machinist, h 1201 N 7th Boyer Rebecca C., wid Jerome, h 819 N 2d Boyer Sallie E., dressmkr, h 1128 Hickory av Boyer Samuel Y., coach painter, h :32" Chestnut Boyer Scott E., lahorer, h 53 N Cameron Boyer Simon C., elk, 223 Mat'ket, h 118 Balm Bover Vesta, wid William E., h 408 S 19th Boyer Walter L., studellt, h 1201 N 7th

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Llv.rand Blood Purlfvlnlf McNEIL'S DYlpepela, LIver, BlOOd and Pills Cure lilA I 3d Sf ComplalDlI. t

134 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. Boyle Charles J., wigs, h 444 Boyd av Boyle Charles S., elk, h. 923 Rose av Boyle Danit'l, molder, h 1338 Fulton Boyle Daniel F., carpenter, h 923 Rose av Boyle Edward, bricklayer, h 1338 Fulton Boyle Ella, saleslady, h 134 Linden Boyle Harry, helper, h 1119 Cowden Boyle Harry R., bricklayer. h 1108 Capital Boyle Henry L., machinist, h 666 Boas Boyle James, laborer, h 134 Linden Boyle J. Charles, postal elk, h 1829 N 3d Boyle J. Marion, inA. agt, h 134 Linden Boyle John, laborer, h ]338 Fulton Boyle John C., pressman, h 666 Boas Boyle John R., constable, h 118 IS 2d Boyle .Julia A., tailoress, h 923 Rose Boyle Mary H., wid Alexander, h 1119 Cowden Boyles Howard E., laborer, h 652 Colder Boyles John, track walker, h 701 State Boyles John S., laborer, h 652 Cnldt'r Boyles Reuben E., painter, h 1126 Grape av Boyles Robert M., huckster, h 220 South Boyson Albert M., boilermkr, h 1838 N 6th Boyson Andrew, boilel'mkr, h 1335 Howard Brabson Albert E., elk, 1'700 N 6th, h 609 Harris Brabson Sarah E., wid Louis, h 609 Harris BRACKEN JOHN W., Harris House,20 N 3d, h do (see adv) Bracken Matthew N., bartender, 20 N 3d, h 314 Herr BRACKEN1UDGE ALFRED, alderman, 125 Washington, h 300 S 2d Brackenridge V. Hummel, apprentice, h 300 S 2d Brackney Harry J., brickmkr, h rear 189 N 15th Brackney Mary, wid Henry, h rear 189 N 15th Bradigan Henry, watchman, h 113 S Cameron

Harris House

20 North Third St., 'J


Euro/Jean Hotel, Restaurant I Cafe.

Q-Be:fltted and Befnrniahed Throughout. Choicelt Liquol'l and li'inelt Brandl of Cf.arB alwa71 on hand.

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A. B. TACK B:!t~aot Fracall~ P."1c BalldlDI' II Piail TIIIL Htft37t~:

Boyd's Barri.burg (B) City Directory. 185
B1'9dley Florence M., teacher, h 802 Capital Bradley Grace, artist, h 339 Peft'er Bradley Henry, h 802 Capital Bradley James, laborer, h 1247 N 111 Bradley Kate G., teacher, h 423 Boas Bradley Margaret T., saleslady, 1201 N 3d, h 423 Boas Bradley Mary E., teacher. h 423 Booe BRADLEY PATRICK P., plumber, gae and steam fitter,. 400 Walnut, h 423 Boas Bradley Pierce, blaekemith, h 423 Boas Bradley Pierce, jr., plumber, h 423 Boa. Bradley Samuel, laborer, h 1247 N 111 Bradley Samuel, salesman, 307 Market, h 407 do Bradley William H., barber, h 1336 Fulton Brady Alonzo E., elk, h 129 S 3d Brody Annie D., wid William, h 211 S Front Brady Annie R., h 211 S Front Brady Charles D., architectural student, h 5 S Front Brady David, laborer, h 7 Chesapeake ftV Brady Edwin G., elk P. R. R., h 211 S Front Brady George T., laborer, h 2021 N 6th Brady George W., stenographer, 8 N 4th, h 129 S 3d Brady Ida, domestic Hershey House Brady James, cashier 1st Nat. Bank, h 610 N 2d Brady James S., laborer, h 326 S River av Brady John, h 326 S River av Brady John R., car inspector, h 669 Sayford av Brady John R., jr., laborer, h 1411 N 11! Bradv John T., law student, h 211 S Front Brady J. Stewart, stenographer, h 6 S Front . Brady Letitia G., h 211 S Fl"Ont Brady Lillie, domestic Hershey House Brady Nathaniel, laborer, h 612 Church Brady Sarah A., wid John, h 5 S Front Brady William E., elk. 105 N 2d, h 6 S Front Brady, see also Bready Brandt AaroD E., lawyer. 222 Market, h at Middletown . Brandt Albert F., physician, 9 N 4th, b do Brandt Charles J., elk, 413 Market, h at Mechanicsburg Brandt D. Bailey, elk, Canal bel State, h 116 Chestnut Brandt J. Austin, elk, Canal bel State, h 116 Chest.nut BRANDT LEVI, (Paxton Flour and Feed Co.), h 116Chestnut Brandt Solomon, h 328 Strawberry av Brandt, Ree also Bryant Brandy Edward, cook, h 508 Strawberry av Brandy Eva C., dressmkr, h 305 Chestnut Brannagle Sarab, wid Lewis, PI 11th bel State

Digitized by


" To .find a name you must know how to spell it." 136 Boyd's Harrisburg (ll) City Directory.
Brannen John C., laborer, h 416 Hamilton Brant George H., moldf'r, h 1216 Derry Brant Katie E., domesti(', 504 N 3d Branyan John, brakeman, h 2139 Moore Bratten Aida, trimmer, h U23 N 6th Bratten Carlton P., tobacconist. 80:3 N 3d, h 314 North Bratten Ellwood K., cigarmkr, h 1209 N Front Bratten Frank D., clk, 336 Chestnut, h 314 North Bratten Landis, ~rorer, '921 N 6tb, h 923 do Bratten M. Margaret, wid Samuel B., h 261 Briggs Bratton Howard C., brakeman, It 627 Reily Bratton Sarah, laundry maid Lunatic Hospital, h do Bratton Sarah B., dressmkr. h 627 Reily Brauch Armor, tailor, h 108 Liberty Braude Philip, grO<'er, 513 Brigg:ol, h do Brann Andrew, h 1019 N 7th Braun Bernhardt, shllemkr, h 8:37 N 10th Braun Conrad, h 3] 5 S 2d Braun John 1\1.. helper, h 315 S 2d Braun Maria M r~., layer out of the dead, h 315 S 2c1 Bnll}n & McFlloden, (est Ellen M. Braun and Annie McFadden), milliner~, 819 N 3d Braunagle John, lahorer, h rear 53 N Cameron Braunagle Sarah, wid Louis, h 53 N Cameron Brauns Ah.ine, wid John, h 303 Blackberry av Braxton Alfred, laborer, h 116! Liberty Braxton Elijah, brickmkr, h 121 Short Braxton Robert, laborer, b 184 Indian av Braxton William, laborer, h 333 S 15tb Bray Thoma~, laborer, h 1:340 N 7th Bready, see Brady Breckenmaker Abraham K., harness, 5 N 4th. h 10 do Breckenridge John E., letter carrier, h 1711 N 6th Breech Raymund, janitor Y. M. C. A., h 114 N 2d Breese Josepb C. millwright, b 118 Nagle Brehm John, laborer, h 1710 Bri~gs Brehm Samuel, laborer, h 1710 B"iggs Brebony Kate, domestic, 111 State Breidegam....Joseph, laborer, h 230 Cherry Breininger Erminia M., teacher, h 130:3 Market Breininger Helen, teacher, h 1303 Market Breininger Louis, bartender, 423 Market, h 1303 llo Breininger Louis, jr., machinist, h 1303 Market BRELSFORD PACKING CO., wholesale provisions, 7th c North Breneman Margaret A., dres.~mkr, 312 Harris, h do Breneman Marjlllret J., wid Christian, h 312 Hon'is' Breneman Martin B., plasterer, h 919 Ash

Digitized by


A. B. TACK =tt::.!.=~:~~,lall Paper and Iindol Shadel {t2;~ ~d~8eto

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 137
.Breneman Myra F., milliner, 334 Market, h 1541 N 6th Breneman Victor L., tinner, h 312 Harris .Brenisholts Nevin S., Rhoe finisher, h 1100 Wallace Brenisho]ts William Co, laster, h 1100 Wallace Breoisholtz Charles W., flagman, h 627 Hert Brenizer Elizabeth Mrs., h 1309 Market Brenizer Jane Mo, wid Joseph A., h 814 N 3d Brenizer J. Charles,"stoves, &c., 814 N 3d, h do Brenneman Amos, engineer, h 629 Peff~r Brenneman Edward S., foreman, h 41 S 13th Brenner.nau Eliza, operator, h 1:315 Howard Brenneman Elizabeth, wid Martin, h 1315 Howard Brenneman Ephraim P., barber, 60:3 State, h do BRENNElIrIAN JACOB D., florist, State c 12th and 321 Walnut, h do Brenneman Joseph, switchman, h 243 North Brenneman Julia, wid George, h 611 Forster Brenneman Kate Mrs., h 316 Clinton Brenneman William H., ice cream and mince meat, 1370 Vernon, b 1:341 do Brenner Abraham, grocer, 559 SlOth, h do Brenner Benjamin, drygoods, 516 Walnut, h do Brenner Mary A., wid Martin, h 1625 Fulton

;-~o~.:~~"!:.~. FOOTW EAR 00 10 WALnRS', N:3~O~~.

Brenner Nathan, restaurant., 420 'Valnut, h do Bren!'!inger Clal"U 1\1., bookbinder, h 1601 N 5th Brensinger Margal'et M., taiJorel!8, h 1601 N 5th Brensinger Moses Ho, foreman, 2d nr Vine, h 610 Reily Breon George Co, (.'arpenter, h 526 North Bressler Alice A., stenographer, 7 N 3d, h North ab 4th Bretz Agnes, housekeeper, 640 Woodbine Bretz Charles F., engineer, h 1033 S 9th Bretz George W., brakeman, h 1324 N 7th Bretz Gertrude, saleslady, h 400 N 2d Bretz Harry M., h 221 Market Bretz Isaac, brakeman, h 412 Walnut Bretz John A., laborer, b 1303 Wallace Bretz John J., laborer, h 2:31 Sayford av Bretz Lizzie, housekeeper, 9:38 Paxton Bretz Melvina. domestic, 1402 N 3d Bretz Samuel C., flagman, h 623 Colder Bretz Thoma8 J., milk, 400 N 2d, h do Bretz William, laborer, h 54 N 14th Bretz William H., transfer agt, h 26 Balm Breu Henry H., harnet!8mkr, h 1300 Mayflower Breuninger Gottlieb, watchman Telegram, h 630 Herr Breuninger Pauline, dressmkr, b 630 Herr

Digitized by


.0WoU', Pala Idormlealor cares Cholera )forbus, D1I8atery. Cl'amlJll, DWTh(!la.. Ooldl,. QulDB1, Rheamatlam. Toothache, SoroThroat, Ague, Dyapepe\a, Ac. lUi I. 3d.

138 Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory. Brice James, fireman, 11 1331 N 6th Brichner Joseph W., barber, h 2004 N 6th Brick Margaretta, wid John, h 1110 Plum Brickell Harry, laborer, h 1911 N 6th Bricker David, carpenter, h 1325 Fulton Bricker Edward C.,clk, 1640 N 5th, h do Bricker Edward W., baggage agt, h ] 526 N 5th Bricker Esther, wid Alfred, h 322 N 2d Bricker George S., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Bricker George W., fireman, h 616 Delaware av Bricker Jam~ D., clk P. R. R. frt depot, h at Mechanicsburg Bricker Jennie, wid Henry, h 1526 N 5th Bricker John, laborel', h 1928 Fulton Bricker John K., grocer, 1640 N 5th, h do Bricker Maurice, laborer, h rear 1811 N 7th Brickel' Nora E., ~id John, h 3d c Maclay Bricker Peter B., clk aud genl, Capitol, h 11 S 2d Bridge Jacob, barber, 1230 N 6th, h 1529 N 4th Bridge John, blacbmith, h 1529 N 4th Bridget John, driver, h 1442 Derry Brig~inB Samuel, engineer, h 131 N Cameron Briggles BarzelluB, puddler, h 134 Vine Briggles Frank, cutter, h 134 Ville Briggles George, elk, h 134 Vine Briggs Abey Mrs., b 810 N 2d Briggs Julia A., wid John H., h 17 N Front Briggs Paul, barber, 300 Verbeke, h 342. Muench Briggs Rachel T., h 17 N Front Bright George H., shoe finisher, h 47 N Cameron Bright Washington, laborer, h 1100 Market Brightbill Benjamin, janitor Court House, b 1319 Vernon Brightbill Bertha, dressmkr, h 1319 Vernon' Brightbill Cathllrine, wid Jacob A" h 426 Boas Brightbill Charles, brakeman. h 1319 Vernon Brightbill George B., steam fitter, h 749 21st Brightbill .James D., cracker bakery, 1505 N 6th, h do Brightbill James H., brakemall, h 1835 Fulton Brightbill Jeremiah M. laborer, h 643 Colder Brightbill .John, pressman, h 1218 Derry Brightbill Kate, wid Peter, seamstress, h 1218 Derry Brightbill Leah G. Mrs., h le35 Fulton Brightbill Louisa, wid William, h 305 Herr Brightbill Oscar K., lawyer, 32 N 3d, h 426 Boos Brightbill William E., express messenger, h 326 S 16th Brightly Loyd, laborer, h 414 Crescent Brightly Loyd, jr., barber, h 1728 Woluut Brightly William F., laborer, h 353 S Cameron Brighton Charles \V" bartender, h 1312 N 7th

Digitized by


belt IUId lowest prleeL Window 7270 1 B. TICK {Wall Paper. ThewlLhJ'llr:tarea.andTrllllle, for 86 eta. { N.1JtI It. Shades complete,

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City DirectorY. 139Brimmer Ralph B., tinner, h 635 Boas Brindle Peter B., salesman, :104 Market, h 905 N 2d Brine Alfred, laborer, h 1622 Swatara Bringman Cora, h 1609, N 3d Brininger Dora, turner, h 1315 William Brininger John W., molder. b 1315 William Brininger Louis K., elk, 30 S 3d, b 1315 William Brink Daniel, apprentice, h 512 N 5th Brink Edward, fireman, h 624 Reily Brink Parley K., warehouseman, b 1400 N 3d Brinser Burlington R., brakeman. h 630 Colder Brinscr Christian L., sec Citizens' Pass. Rwy. Co., b 1006l N 3d Brinser Claude E., student, b 1006l N 3d Brinser Jetl8e, pitman, h 726 S 21st Brinser William M., motorman~ h 1633 N 3d Brinton Annie M., school, 338' Market, h Front ab Seneca Brinton Caleb, h 541 Woodbine Brinton George, (G. & H. A. Brinton), h Front nr Seneca ,Brinton G. & H. A., grocers, Race cHanna Brinton Harry A., (G. & H. A. Brinton), h 131 Hanna Brinton Jesse S., laborer, h 337 Granite av Brinton John C. elk, h 131 Hanna Brinton Minnie M., dreflSmkr, h 223 N 2d Brinton William A., driller, h 35 Balm Brisco George W., laborer, h 324 S 15th Brisco John F., laborer, h 503 N 10th Brisco Martha C., domestic, 235 Boas Briscoe Annie, domestic, 126 Locnst Briscoe Annie, domestic, 417 N 2d Briscoe Annie V., h ,(34 South Briscoe Harry S., waiter, h 17 S Front Briscoe John F., coachman, h 434 S 2d Bri8(.'Oe Rosa, wid John. h 420 Soutb av Britsch Mary Mrs., h 1421 Margaret Britsch William W., barber, 40 N 3d. h 49 N 10th Brittain Malinda, wid Samuel, h 11 N 13th Britten Cleaver C., elk, h 11 S 2d Britten Francis M. roller, h 533 N Cameron Britton Charles, plasterer, h 273 Herr Brodbeck William E., janitor, 222 Market, h do Brooke Frank A., carpenter, h 2f)() Verbt-ke Brooke George W., foreman, State CCallal, h 250 Verbeke Brooke James F., brakeman, h 607 North Brooke Viola M., bookkpr, h 250 Verbeke Broolu!Os Charles G., carpenter, h 1)05 Primrose av Brooks Abrabam, laborer, h 1235 N III Brooks F..dward, agt, b 1831 N 4th

Digitized by


" To find a name you must kllow how to spell it." 140 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City, Directory.
Brooks Eli, porter Franklin Honse Brooks Emily D., wid George A., h 21 S 2d Brooks Frank, hostler, h 521 South Brooks G. Harry, musician, h 501 State Brooks Henry,laborer, h rear 434 South Brooks .Jllshull B., plumber, h 319 S River av Brooks Martha V., domestic. 239 State Brooks Mary J., wid John H., h 4:l2 Cumberland Brooks VirjZinia J., dressmkr, h 4:l2 Cumberland Broomhead Robert, boilermkr, h 1106 S 9th Broomhead Robert.jr., boilermkr, h 1041 S 9th Broomhead William, laborer, h 1106 S 9th Brosey Alice, taiIoress, h 414 Boas Brolls Emma M., h 231 N 2d Brough John S., printer Telegram, h 751 S 19th Brough Sallie, domesti~, 32 S 2d Brougher .Jacob S., carpenter, h 1607 N 3d Brougher Mal'Y G. MrlI., h k17 Gr~n Brougher Minnie E., h 817 Green Brought Austin Z., bl'akemnn, h 560 Woodbine Brought John B., brakeman, h 559 Camp Brought Sarah C., h Verbeke ab 15th Brower Henry C., route ngt U. S. Ex., h 270 Cumberland Brown A. C. Mrs., hairdresser, 414 Walnut, h do Brown Addison C., blacksmith, II 525 Maclay Brown Alice, domestic, 410 Market Brown Armstead, waiter, h 100 Tanner's av Brown Arthur L., furnaceman, h 122 Short Brown Bertha M., h 915 N 6th Brown Bros., (Sylvester and HUjZh T.), rE'staurant, 5 N 5th Brown Byrd H., houseman, h 125 Short Brown Calvin, laborer, h 1300 N Cameron Brown Calvin S., laborer, h 1155 S Cameron Brown Caseins M., barber, .19 Walnnt, h 414 do Brown Catharine, domestic Home for the Friendless Brown Catharine, wid John, h 3~ Linden Brown Charles, driver, h Mulberry nr Canal Brown Charles S., c1k, h 414 Walnut Brown Cyrus G., fireman, h 1441. VE'rnon Brown Daniel, laborer, h :321 Clinton av Brown Da\'id 0., laborer, h 708 North av Brown D. Howard, elk, 108 Market, h 406 Filbert Brown Dllve E., houseman, h 125 Short Brown Edward, laborer, h 1403 Margaret Bro\vn ElellorB E., wid Clark M., Is 601 North Brown Emanuel, grocer, 416 FOl'Hter, h do Brown Frank M., painter, h 519 North Brown Franklin P., driver, h 321 Cliuton av

Digitized by


I. B. TACK, WallPaperand Window Shades. {72~:~o~R,g~t~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 141
Brown Frederick, houseman, h 100 Tanner's av Brown George F., baker, 1334 Vt'rnon, h do Brown Geor~e G., laborer, h 216 S Court av BroWb George K., carpenter, h 31 S Conrt av Brown George W., brakeman, h 1629 Logan av Brown George W., foreman Eagle Works, h 1003 N 3d Brown George W., photographer, h 927 N 2d Brown Harry L., laoorer, h 1110 Grape av Brown Harry W., b(lilermkr, h 1155 S Cameron Brown Harry W., salesman, 334 Market, h 229 Sharon Brown Henry, laborer, h 70S North av Brown Howard D., barber. h 414 Walnut Brown HlI~h T., (Brown Bros.), h 5 N 5th BROWN ISAAC B., dept sec internal affairs, Capitol, h 406 North B"own Jacob, laborer, h 802 Salmon Brown Jacob D., laborer, b 717 North av Brown James E., en~ineer, II 209 Meadow la BROWN JAMES M., M. D., medical examiuer P. R. R. . Voluntary Relief Dept, 413 Market, h 264 Forster Brown Jane E., wid George, h 216 S COllrtav nrown Jennie, laundre&;, h 512 Brown Brown Je.qse R., t('I('~raplIer. h 276 BriJrlrs


John, laborer, h 13:34 Mayflowel' John, laborer, h 1100 Paxton John, lal1or('l', h 1429 Zarker John A., coach painter, h 416 Forster John B., ins, h 1735 Market John D., laborer, h 1605 Derry John E., driver, II 46 N 10th .John H .. laborer, II 1337 Mayflower BROWN JOHN W., (John W. Brow. & Co.), h 210 N 2d BROWN JOHN W. " CO., (Mercer B. Tate), foundry and machine works, State c Canal (see adv) Brown Joseph H., laborer, h 1121! N 111 Brmvn .J udge D., horse dealer, h 5~6 Brown Brown .Julia, wid Michael, h 632 Briggs BROwN J. WOODS, dept immrnm!e commissioner, Capitol, h The Commonwealth Brown Kate, h Home fiJr the Fri('ndless Brown Kate, domestic The Bolton Brown Lewis E., laborer, h 1141 Liberty Brown Lillian, domestic, 211 Bl'iggs Brown Loua M., saleslady, h 1441 Vernon Brown Lucy J., h 1318 Susquehanna Brown Luther R., h 205 S ~'ront Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown

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Icleil's Pain Exterminator ,::":~o:a~~ ~~~~{ {l1T~l,JJ 1,.


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Brown Martha Mrs., h 1333 N 6th Brown Mary, domestic The Commonwealth Brown Mary, wid Frank, h 120 Tanner's av Brown Mary, wid William, h 434 S 2d Brown Mary A., h 1401 N 3d Brown Mary H. Mrs., h 422 South av Brown Mary J., charwoman, h 115 Cowden Brown Minnie E., h B55 S Cameron Brown Node A., brakeman, It 264 ~"'orster Brown Odelia, domestic, 125 Chestnut Brown Robert, opE'rator, It 276 Briggs Bt'own Rebecca, wid David, h :321 Clinton av Brown Richard S., barber, h 414 Walnut Brown Samuel M., salesman, 3;34 Market, h 128 S 2d Brown Sarah, laundrefls, h 321 Clinton av Brown Singleton G., barber. 26 S 4th, h 414 Walnut Brown Smiley, gasmkr, h 621 Harris Brown Susan M., wid Rev. John D., h 1202 N 3d Brown SylveRter, (Brown Bros.), h 5 N ijth Brown Thomas A., laborer, h 523 South Brown William, brickmkr, h 1246 N Cameron Brown William H., hostler, h 21!l Cranberry av Brown William H., mgr, 926 N 6th, b 11031 Capital Brown William H., I!8lesman, h 1605 Deny Brown William H. D., barber, h 414 Walnut Brown William N., policeman, h 613 Walnut Browllawell George .'V., lahorer, h 332 Hamilton Brownawell Joseph, laborer, h 1419 Susquehanna Rrownawell Milton E., barber, h 1419 Susquehanna Bl'OwnewelJ Simon, bookkpr, 26 Grace, h 416 Cumberland B"ownewell William H., watchman, It 427 Verbeke Browning Oliver H., salesman, 118 Market, h The Lochiel Brownman Thomas,.J.nborer, h 74 N lOtb . Brownsberger Sarah ~., h 3:39 Chestnut Bruaw Harry, painter, h 107 N 2d Brubaker Amazn S., domestic, 11 N Front Brubaker Austion C., heater, h 12:39 Bailey Brubaker Calvin B., heater, h 435 S 13th Brubaker Charles, brakeman, h 333 Olinton BRUBA.KER CHARLES 1., chief clk county com'rs, h 272 North Brubaker Clara, weaver, h 421 Cumberland Brubaker Daniel W., elk, 421 N 2d, h 1131 Capital Brubaker David, roller, it 829 SlOth Brubaker David H., elk, 219 Market, It 709 N 3d Brubaker Elizabeth, wid Daniel. h 13071 Green . Brubaker Elizabeth A., press feeder, h 16 Aberdeen av . Brl1baker Esther, ftomestic, 13 S Front

Digitized by


A. B. . TACK , Pine Irt Wall Paper. {~~~IIMI*~~}I210 I. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 143
Brubaker Henry M., machinist, b 13071 Green Brubaker James M., machinist, h 272 North Brubaker Joseph E., machinist, h 1131 Capital Brubaker Justina, saleslady, 29 N 3d, h 421 Cumberland Brubaker Lizzie A., press feeder, h 16 Aberdeen av Brul>aker Lizzie V., h 235 S 2d Brubaker Mary, nurse, h Nectarine av nr Mulberry Brubaker Mary, wid Christopher, h 421 Cumberland Brubaker Millard F., riveter, h Dp.rry c 19th Brubaker Robert A., laymaster, h 106 Cumberland Brnbaker William, ins. agt, h 421 Cumberland Bruce Bertha, bookkpr, 1219 N 3d, h 1108 Montgomery Bruce Charlea P., waiter, h 406 Cowden Bruce John M., puddler, h 1108 Montgomery Bruce Maggie, wid Andrew, h 232 N Court av Bruce Mary, wid James, h 1414 William Bruce Scott, waiter, h 414 South Bruehl Oscar, laborer, h 1030 S Cameron Bruhl Herman, laborer, h 1030 S Cameron Bruker Adam, laborer, h 1314 Vernon Brumback Ella, wid Charles, h 202 Mary's av Bruner Charles E., laborer, h 1117 N III Bruner Iver L. A., (Werner & Bruner), h 217 Colder Bruner J~mes M., waiter, h 116l Liberty Bruner Bella I., dressmkr, h 1222 N Front Brunner Eugene, engineer, h 505 Reily Brunner 1\f. Alice, domestic, 929 N 3d Bruns Henry W., artist Telegram, h 2 S 4th Bryan Dempsey D., salesman, 306 Market, h 435 Walnut Bryan Elmira, wid Aaron,.h ~12 S 9th Bryan Henry C., cigarmkr. h 822 James av Bryan Kate R., h 229 N 2d Bryan Robert, flagman, h 1326 N Front Bryan Samuel M., conductor, h 532 Peffer Bryan William, laborer, h 912 S 9th Bryant John H" brakeman, h 1078 S 9th Bryant William H. Rev., h 901 Capital Bryant, see also Brandt Bubb li'ranklin D., nailer, h 597 S Front Bubb Margaret, wid Franklin, h 595 S Front Buch Addison C., driver, h 1925 Logan av Buch Emma, wid William, h 1708 N 3d Buchanan Albert H., shoemkr, 230 Blackberry av, h do Buchanan Annie J., cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Buchanan Annie M., wid James A., h 1232 N 111 Bucher Charles, laborer, h 105 Tuscarora Bucher Charles U., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Bucher James, laborer, h 706 North av

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 144 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.
Bucher John H., molder, h 146 Linden Bucber Julius, masou, h 1410 Derry Bucber Louisa M., operator, h 1410 Derry Bucher Minnie A., vamper, h 1410 Derry Bucher & Gibbs Plow Co., 627 Walnut Buchignani Angelo, waiter European Hotel Bucbignani George, bouAeman Grand Hotel Bucbignani Glliseppe, cigars., &c., 30 N Dewberry av, b do Buchignani Herman J., stonecutter, h 719 Showers Buchignani JOIK-ph, car\'er, h 123 S Dewberry av BucbiICnani Nino, bartender European Hotel, h do Blwk Benjamin. h 1423 N 2d Rllck Chal'les F., fluril'lt, h 41:1 Herr BUCK CHESTER, district superintendent Connecticut MIltual l.ife IllIlUrance Co., 402 Briggs. h do (see adv) Buck Elizabeth, wid John C., h 1760 Lo~n Buck Frank McC., fireman, h 1232 Cowden Buck James, engineer, b 1719 N 3d Buck John C., machinist, h 413 Herr Buck .Tohn C., jr., cigarmkr, h 413 Herr Buck May A., elk, h 413 Herr Buck Robert, laborer, h 1760 Logan av Buck William, hod carrier, h 1247i N III Buck William P., salesman, h 1441 Shoop Bnck William R., brakeman, h 2214 N 6th Buckingham Albert A., foreman, h 275 Cumberland Bnckingham Sarah C., wid Louis, h 216 Cranberry av Buckley L. Jennie, millinel', 208 Market, h do Buehler Agnes L., wid Samuel, h :34=3 S River av Buehler Alexander, boilermkr, h 34:J S River av BuehlE.'l Charles 0., laborer, h 1618r Fulton Buehler Clara, h 232 N 2d Buehler Edgar, laburer, h 343 S River av Buehl~r Geor~e W. Mrs. h 210 Pine BUEHLER HENRY B. DB..,insllrance, 200 Walnut, b 227 N 2d Buehler Hummel A., letter carJ'ier, h 601 Boas .Buehler Jacob, leather, &c., 104 N 2d, h 106 do Buehler MaJ'tin H., genl mgr Pa. Telephone Co., h 106 N 2d

Mutual Life. Insurance Co.

CHESTER BUCK, ~ist. Snpt. of Agencies for Pennsylnnia.



OFFICE, 402 Briggs Street. Harrisburg, Pa.

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I. B. TACK, pmCllCOI Paper Hanger.

Buffington Buffington Buffington Buffington Buffington

{,~,~~O~ItR3:''!:t Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory. 146

Ada, domestic The 'Bolton Frank S., flagman, h 635 Dauphin av Frederick, laborer, b 22 N Court av Harry, stone mason, h 323 Verbeke John M., brakeman, h 634 Peffer Buffin~ton Kate, domestic, 110 Walnut Buffington Mary M., laundress, h 22 N Court av Buffington Nettie, wid Henry A., h 113 Washington Buffington Thomas W., ticket agt, h 113 Washington Buffington William U., printer, h 113 Washington Buie James, laborer, h 1730 Walnut Buie Thomas, laborer, b 1730 Walnut Bulger John J., machinist, h 805 East Bulger WiIIiam, carpenter, h 805 East BULleR THOMAS M., physician, 317 N 2d, h do Buller Irvin, molder, h 1212 Wallace Bumbaugh Charles, feeder, h 114 Ann Bumbaugh Cornelius, engineer, h 114 Ann Bumbaugh Daisy V., winder, h 114 Ann Bumbaugh Isaac, foreman pipe line, h 28 N 14th Bumbaugh James R, painter, h 1708 N 3d Bumbaugh Maggie A., operator, h 1708 N 3d Bumbaugh M. Lillie. elk, 7th r. North, h 1708 N 3d


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Bumbaugb William K., planer, h 28 N 14th Bupp Martha l\{rs., h 318 S River av Bupp Mary Miss, h 14 Cowden Burch Catharine E., housekeeper, 221 N Front Burchfield James 8., carpenter, h 1813 N 5th Burchfield James D., butcher, h 1813 N 5th Burchfield John B., boxmkr, h 1813 N 5th Burd Cumi, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Burd John W., laoorer, h 1205 Wallace Burd John W., laborer, h 207 N 2d . Burd Margaret L., wid Jeremiah R., h 1120 Hickory av Burd Milton, laborer, h 1983 N 7th Burd, see also Bird, also Byrd Burger Charlotte, wid John, h 429 Verbeke . Burger Ida E., dressmkr, h 1532 N 6th Burger Jacob E., engineer, h 1810 N 6th Burger William F., flagman, h 1216 N 6th Burger William E., macbinist~ h 1714 N 6th Burger William P., mgr, 326 Market, h 2009 Penn Burgess Mary E. Mrs., h 24 Lochiel 2d Ruw Burgoon Herbert C., elk, h 1513 N .5th Burgoon William fi~., brakeman, h 1803 N 51h Burk John, laborer, h 1500 Apriec. t

Digitized by


OIce McNeil's Medicine Co. {~~~} N~~d.

146 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.
Burke J. Harvey, (Cleckner & Burke), h 122 Verbeke Burke Jane, wid Henry, h 313 Blackberry av Burke Jennie Mrs., cook, h Tanner's av Burke Helen, wid David, h 709 North Burke Martin, laborer, h 118 S 2d Burke Mary E., clk, 1226 N 3d, h 222 Verbeke Burke Matilda, wid John, h 222 Verbeke Burke Thomas F., operator, h 709 North Burkey Clark, laborer, h 1226 N Cameron Burkey Harry, laborer, h Cameron ab Reily Burkey &ruue~, car~nter, h Cameron ah Reily Burkey Samuel, jr., laborer, h Cameron ab Reily Burkhart }"rederick, laborer, It 310 Cherry av Burkhart Louisa, wid Erasmus, h 310 Cherry av Burkhart Sarah. weaver, h 565 Race Burkholder Albert E., printer Star, h 417 Boyd av Burkholder Anna M., operator, 222 Market., h 925 N 6th Burkholder Charles E., salesman, 320 Verbeke. h do Burkholder Charles 1.. laborer, h 1217 S 9th Burkholder Ellinora B., cashier, h 622 Boas Burkholder Jacob, (Bul'kholder & Co.), h at Allentown Burkholder Jacob C., baggagemaster, h 1131 Capital Burkholder John E., operator, h 1829 N 4th Burkholder John J., aast yardmaster, h 622 Boas Burkholdel' Nathan E., laborer, h 121; S 9th Burkholder Samuel A . salesman, h 1829 N 4~h Burkholder Wallace }IcC., timekeeper, h 622 Boas Burkholder William, h 1316 Margaret BUl'kholcler Wm. H., (Bnrkholder & Co.). h 1316 Margaret . Burkholder William S., engineer, h 1217 S 9th Burkholder & Co., (W. H. and J.), gl-ocers, 1316 Margaret Burlew James A" fireman, h 933 Grand Burley George R., laborer, h 1070 S Cameron Burley Ran, laborer, h rear 4:J4 South Burls John T., laborer, b 520 South av Burls John T., jr., bostler, h 520 South av Burls Thomas, laborer, h 520 South av BURN CHRISTIAN . , grocer, 1021 Green c Herr, h 1403 N 6th Burn Hannah A., \tid William, h 5 SlOth Burn Henry, salesman, h 1403 N 6th Burn Herbert A., clk P. R. R., h 6 SlOth Burn Rachel A., seamstress, h 5 SlOth Burn William, jr., brakeman, h 3 SlOth Burnell Henry L., varieties, 316 Verbeke, h do Burnett James, blacksmith, h 923 Myrtle Burnite Mary E. Mrs., h 1420 N 2d Burnman Clarence F., printer Telegraph, h 426 North

Digitized by


, B.

I"I( Y l1li1\,

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Direotory. 14:':'

1210 {EmP1011lnOnebutllrst-cl. . .,Orkmen,henoeon11I1rst-ca. N. 3d St. .,ork, andlnlurea 11.. Work done In aD)' part the Slate.

Burnman Deckard D., carpet layer, h 425 North Burnman Isaac, elevatornulU, 326 Market, h 425 North Burnman Sue A. Mrs., dressmkr, h 425 North Burns Benjamin F., (Burns & Co.), h 215 S Front Burns Charles A., clk, 4 S 2d, h 1213 KittatinllY Burns Charles S., (Burns & Co.), h at Lancaster Burns Edward, laborer, h 942 Paxton Bnrns }<'rank, brakeman, h 1623 N 3d Burns Herman, laborer,'h 623 Race Burns John C., bricklayer, h 1314 Green Burns John M., laborer, h 942 Paxton Burns Marie V., gold layer, h 1314 Green Burns Patrick F., blacksmith, h 1314 Green Burns Robert E., heater, h 554 Race Burns Robert M., brickmkr, h Cameron bel Kelker Burns Sadie R., housekeeper, 1321 Marion Bnrns Thomas, foreman, h 9th e Reily Burns Thomas R., laborer, h 434 SlOth Burns William S., helper, h 557 S Front BURNS & CO., (B. F. aud C. S. Burns), furniture, &0., installment, 4 S 2d Burrel Frances Mrs., domestic, 5 S Front Burris Amos, engineer, h 1832 N 7th Burris Peter, h2126 Moore Burris William H., engineer, h 2126 Moore Burris Willium, laborer, h 1420 William Burrow Bertha W., teacher, h 107 Paxton Burrow Rebecca, wid William, h 107 Paxton Burrows Charles A., engineer, h 1403 N 2d Burrows Charles E., elk, h 140:3" N 2d Burrs Charles, laborer, h 1418 Marion Burrs Edward, laborer, h 1418 Marion Burrs F..dward J., laborer, h 1700 Walnut Burrs George, driver, h 1008 N 3d Burrs John, jr., laborer, h 1419 Margaret Burrs Sarah, wid John, h 1406 Marion Burrs Stephen, laborer, h 1414 Marion Burrs Thomas, driver, b 520 South av Burrus Jordan W., laborer, h 1716 \Valnut Bnrtner JefferllOn, elk auditor genl, h 922 Gr~n Burtnett Charles W., elk, 336 Chestnut, h 1447 Vernon Burtnett Harvey, salesman, h 1447 Vernon Bnrtuett Newton J., h 721 N 6th Burtnett Sarah E., wid George T., h 1103 N 7th Burtnett William, laborer, h 1422 N 6th Burton Charles, hostler, h 404 Hay av Burton GllY M., messenger auditor genl's office, h 159 N 4th Bury Thomas, asat 8upt, 1202 N 3d, h 617 Boas

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 148 Boyd's Harrisburg (ll) City Directory.
Busch Clarence M., State printer, Herr c Plum av, pub Legislative Ret.lord, h The Cummonwealth Buser Emma, seamstress, h 1946 N 6th BUAer George J., butcher, h 1946 N 6th Bush Bertrand, electroplater, h 1403 Green Blish Caroline, wid Samuel A., h 1403 Green Bush Harry E., laborer, h S Cameron ab toll gate . Bush John E., watchman, h 822 N 3d Bush John T., cigarmkr, h 1315 Maple av Bush Mary J., laundl'e8S, h 37 Balm Bush \vj]Jiam H., labOl'er, h S Cameron ab toll gate Bush William T., fireman, h 1213 N 2d Bushey Charles M., driver, h 1740 N 3d Bushman W. Theodore, carpenter, h 62 N 14th Bushnell William H., ins, 222 ~larket, h 414 Briggs Bushrod Rebecca, wid William, h 110 Liberty Butler Dona1d C" stenographer C. I. Works, h 1716 N 3d Butler FI'8nk, janitor, h 210 Meadow la Butler George, laborer, h 1237 N Butler Gertrude M., typewriter, h 240 North Butler Henry, laborer, h 417 State Butler Hiram, jr., rag picker, h 1525 Hunter Butler James, laborer, h 1108 Cowden Butler James, mgr, 28 N Cameron, h 20 N 5th Butler James J., elk, 26 Grace av, h 105 Market Butlel' John, h 1108 Cowden Hntler John H .. waiter, h 13:3 Short BUTLER JOHN L., lawyer, 240 Xorth, h do Bl1tlel' John R., driver, h 417 State Hutler John W . engineer, h 1716 N 3d Bntler Minnie }'. E., h 418 MIlI'ket Butler Nancy A., wid Albert B., h 106 Christie Butler Nicholas 1.." barber, 513 South, h do Butler Russel P., stenographer, h 1716N 3d Butler Thomas, brieklayer, h 1:318 Snsquehanna Butler 'Va iter, laborer, h 1252 S Cameron Butler William, luborer. h 342 Muench Butler William, waiter, h 133 Short Butler William H., Windsor Hotel, 418 Market, h do Butler William T., engineer, h 5th c Camp Butterworth Mordecai S., jr., clk The Bolton. h do Buttorff Harvey Y., (The D. Bacon Co.), h 918 Green Butts James A., puddler, h 1051 S 9th Buxton John, driver, h 1414 Susquehanna Byerly William H., clk The Luchiel, h do Byers Frank, flagman, h 1207 N 7th Byers Margaret, h The Commonwealth Byler Cyrus A" brakeman, 11 1333 N 6th


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\~Ub~~I~':;~= 1011 puper ond IlndOYfShOd6S If01 A. B. TA N.'::~ eK, Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory. 149
Byrd Annie, charwoman, h 126 Liberty Byrem Edward C., laborer, h 1321 Penn 'Byrem Levi, h 1321 Penn Byrem Samuel, printer Patriot, h 1226 Mulberry Byrem Sylvester, huckster, h 244 Liberty Byrem William E., h 1321 Pt!nn Byrem WiIlialU W., plinter. h 244 Lilwrty Byrnes Clara L., wid ISaac K., II 2024 N 5th Byrnts James M., brakeman, 11 2024 N 5th Byrlle8 Rachel, wid John, II 2024 N 5th Bywaters Sarah, domestic, 509 Primrose

Cad()w .Josiah C., cigars, 101 N 4th, h The Central Cadow Nol'll M. Mrs., h 1637 N 3e1 Cadow Richard P . plumber, 501 Kelker, h 502 Cumberland Cadwallader David R., conductor, h z6 S 13th Cahill Margaret K., teacher. II 1008 N 2d Cahoe Daniel F., h 10 N Cameron Caffrey P. Ii'., executive elk, Capitol, h 408 North Cain Albert, flagman, h 1932 Wood av Cain Charles C., hrakeman, h 19:32 'Vood BV Cain Grace H., vamper, h 542 W oodhine
-All tbe Latest StvleainRELIABLE and FASHillNABLE

FOOTW EAR 01 FRAI'K 11'. WALT[RS' N.1012 . n U [ , ad St.

Cain John D., brakemlill, h 438 H.arris Cain John M., laborer, h 163:3 Fulton Cain Mary E., h 542 \\' oodbine Cain Samuel, machinist, h 542 Woodbille Caill, see also Kane Clilder Ali<.'tl V.; h 1516! N 5th Calder Elizabeth, wid John. h 1516! N 5th Calder Eliza D., wid Rev. James, h 102 State Calder Frank R., bicycles, 701 N &J, h 310 Hummel CALDER HOWARD L., (Calder & Norl'is), h 102 State Clilder Margaret C., wid William,11 Walnut c 13th Clilder Mary, h 105 N Front Calder Regina C., wid William, h 105 N Front Ualder Theodore G., (Clilder's Transfer Co.), b 105 N Front Calder Walllice, electrician, h 102 State Calder Wm. J., (Ualder's Transft!r Co.), set!-treas East Hbg Pass. R,vy. Co" h 503 N Front CALDER &- NODIS, (Howard L. Calder and A. Wilson Norris), lawyer!!, 5 N Market Rq CALDER'S TRANSFER CO., (W. J. and T. G. Colt1er), passenger and baggage transfer and livery, 16 N 2d Caldwell James W., butcht'r, h 509 Colder Caldwell ltalph, elk, 1417 N 2d, b 1309 Penn

Digitized by


Llv.rand Blood Purlfyln&, McNEIL'S DyapepaJa. Liver, BlOOd and EtdDeyPills Cure JIIII N3d SI, ComplalDIa. t


Boyd'l Rarrilburg (0) City Directory.

Caldwell Samuel, h 509 Colder Caldwell Samuel G., molder, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Thomas D., laborer, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Thomas D., jr., timler, h 503 Colder Caldwell William W., bricklayet, h 1115 Bartine av CALDWELL WILLIA.M W., meat market, 1600 N 6th, 501 Colder, h 503 do Calhoon George D., laborer, h 935 S 19th Calhoon John M., laborer, h 1833 Rudy Calhoull William, engineer, h 3:36 Ijamilton Callahan James, laborer, h 21 N 6th Cal1abau John, engineer, h 1110 Wallace Callender Alfred C., candymkr, h 1305 N 2d Callender Elizabeth, ,vid Daniel. h 1305 N 2d Callender George S., molder, h 443 S 13th Callender Norman, cigarmkr, h 1305 N 2d Callin Geor~e W., artist, h 1807 N 5th Callin Thomas C., brakeman, h 1807 N 5th Calvert George B., paperhanger, h 1939 Ken~ington Calvert Thornton, laborer, h 1405 William Cameron Eliza, h 113 Soulh Cameron James M., sec, 223 Market, h Front eState Cameron J. Donald, clk Adams Ex. Co., h 11:1 South Cameron J. Donald, United States Senator, b Front c State Cameron's Block, 105 N 2d Camm Christian, laborer, 1. 19(7 Kensington Camp Emma, domestic, 2108 N 6th Camp Emma, dressmkr, h 918 Cowden Campbell Adaline, wid John W., h 1213 Green Campbell Benjamin W., heating apparatus, 24 S Court av, h 30 S3d Campbell Bernard J., stair huilder1 1512 N 3d, h 304 Reily Campbell Catharine, wid John R., h 501 North Campbell David, driver, h 13:16 Mayflower Campbell Emma, domestic, 410 N ad Campbell George E., boarding, h 53 Ll)chiel Dr store Campbell Harry V., caller, h 2016 N 6th Campbell Henry, laborer, h 608 North av Campbell Henry, laborer, h 1328 Margaret Campbell Henry, lahort'r, h 12:30 N Campbell Howard, plumber, h 185 Paxton Campbell Hugh, molder, h 511 North Campbell James, flagmall, h 318 Clinton Campbell James A., machinist, h 2016 N 6th Campbell James C., check man P. R. R., h 2016 N 6th Campbell Joh", laborer, h 1417 Marion Campbell John C., brakeman, h 1816 Wood BV Campbell John H., draftsman, h 254 Cumberland


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I. B. TleK .::.s~t Fracalag P.'''c BulldlDgsl1 Pili. Tlats, {r;,~31r~m::

Boyd's Rarrisburg (0) City Directory.
CampbeU Mary L., elk factory inspector dept, h 112 Market Campbell Thomas J., grocer, 621 Harris, h do Campbell Winfield S., conductor, h 621 Harris Cann .James E., paymaster U. S. N., h 7 S Front Cann Joseph B., barber, h 23:l Cranberry av Cann Priscilla, wid Charles H., h 233 Cranberry ay Canuon Berry P., laborer, h 436 SlOth Cannon Cornelius G messenger dept public instruction, h 407 Market Cannon David' K . meat, 1247 Mulberry, h 225 Hummel Cannon Ellen, wid Michael, h 1113 Cowden Caqnon John J., marble worker, 1535 N 3d, h do Cannon Michael H., laborer, h 1113 Cowden Capin Abraham, tailor, h 720 N 7th Capin James, tailor, h 720 N 7th Capital City Bill Posting Co., Markley & Co., 37 N 3d CAPITAL CITY OIL CO., H. Fraley, 7th ab Maclay Cappenskie Abraham, tailor, h 300 Cherry Cappenskie Louis; tailor, h 300 Cherry Carasi Antonio, laborer, h 1517 Vernon Carberry David J., stable bos~, h 44 S Court av Carberry John J., laborer, h 46 Balm Carden Lucy J.,'wid Samuel, h 1603 Apricot av Care C. Nathan, engineer, h 607 Boas Carey Eva, domestic, 251 North Care R. Sherman, (Care & Seitz), notary, 222 Market, h at Liugl&ltown CA.RE & SEITZ, (R. S. Care and D. S. Seitz), lawyers, 222 Market Carey Lina, domestic, 178 Indian av Carey William W., laborer, h 1129 N III Carichner Edward, brakeman, h 1102 N 7th Carichner Emma, wid Johfi, h 1102 N 7th Carl Alice. h 514 Brown av Carl David B., butcher, h 121 Strawberry av Carl Elmira, wid John, h 1638 Fulton Carl Harry L., elk Paxton Furnaces, II 1618 HUDter Carl James, waiter, h 410 Cowden Carl James L., operator, h 617 Boas Carl John, laborer, h 181 Paxton Carl Robert A., elk, 223 Market, h 121 Strawberry av Carl S. Kate, dr~ssmkr, h 1638 Fulto!) Carl William W., fireman, h 1638 Fultou Carlile Alexander W., chemist, h 605 Maclay Carlin James, laborer, h 1421 Derry Carlisle George A., nail feeder, h 118 Hanna Carlisle John A., nail feeder, h 118 Hanna Carlistt' Mary G., dressmkr, h 416 South

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 152 Boyd's Harriaburg (C) City Directory.
Carlisle Thomas E., natl feeder, h 118 Hanna Carmany John A., clk, 1201 N 3d, h 1128 Montgomery Carmany John E., elk, 222 Market, h at Middletown Carnahan David, plumber, h 501 Reily Carnahan Madison A., engineer, h 501 Reily Carnes Annie B., milliner, h ] 21 Conoy Carnes Fred B., paperhanger, h 577 S Front Carnes .James F., atlSt dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do Carney Harriet, wid James, h ] 701 Elm Curney Thllmas, laborer, h 1155 Cumberland Carpenter Barton J., blacksmith, h 1411 N 3d Carpenter Charles A., dyer, 612 Verbeke, h do Carpenter Charles J. \V., molder, h 6]2 Verbeke Carpenter Charles \V., level'man, h 521 Cowden Carpenter Daniel \V., laborer, h 1150 Cumberland Carventer David H., salesman, III Market, b 420 Herr Carpenter Emma J., dressmkt-, h 558 Race Carpenter Harry, pbotogrllpher, h 612 Verbeke Carpenter Harry A., newsdealer, h 521 Cowden Carpenter Harry E., blacksmith, h 1411 N 3d Carpenter Ira J., fireman, h N 9th nr State Carpenter James S., mot()rman, h 709 S 21st Carpenter Lewis H., grocer, 700 ILwe, h 215 S 2d Carpenter Mary IJ., weaver, h 1411 N 3d Carpenter Priscilla, wid Israel, h 816 Jamesav Carpenter Stephen H., laborer, h 349l S Cameron Carpenter Thomas B., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Carpenter Thomas J., letter carrier, h 918 S 9th Carpenter William, laborer, h 816 ,Jam~ av Carpt:nter William B., puddler, h ]226 Derry Carpenter WilJiam H., carpenter, h 558 Race Carr Charles B., filreman F. and M. Wks, h 512 N 5th Carr F.d\Vard. bookkpr, h 210 Verbeke Carr Ella, laundre:l.~, b 1056 S 9th Carr James, clothier, 13a2 William, b do Carr Lily, weaver, h 823 N 3d Carr Mary, wid Harry, h 12] 1 N Front Carr Mary, wid William, h 823 N 3d Carr William, huckstel', h 419 Walnnt Carr William F., bricklayer, h 1211 N Front Carrier Jacob W., conductor, h 213 Hummel Carrington Fred, bootblack, h 1517 Derry Car.rington Henry R., barber, h 1517 Derry Carrington Robert, laborer, h 15 t 7 Derry Carroll Annie, shoe operator, h 510 North Carroll Annie M., wid Peter, booksewer, h 1416 N 3d Carroll Bridget G., sale8lady, 215 Market, h 510 North Carroll Charles E., laborer, h 511 S Front

Digitized by


A. B. TleK =tt::':=~~ '~I Piper IDd IIDdol Shadel {12~~ ~~;d~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory. 153
Carroll Clnra )f., dressmkr, h 430 Herr Carroll David, nail feeder, h' 185 Paxton Carroll- Frank C., (lk F. aDd M. Wks, h 1437 Vernon Carroll Gilbert J., bookkpr F. aDd M. Wks, h 1513 Vernon Carroll Jamel'l, waiter, h 410 Cowden Carroll James L., telE!f{rapher P. R. R., h 617 BOlts Carroll Lizzie, folder, h 500 S Cameron Carroll Mansfield C., dk, h Boas ab 20th Carroll Marion, bartellder, h 1437 Vernon Carroll Michael, laborer, It 404 Filbert Carroll Michael, laborer, h 1321 Maple Carroll Michael F., machinist, h 20:38 N 5th Carroll Patrick, laborer, h 500 S Cameron Carroll Stewart, laborer, h 131 Short Carroll W. E., h 114 N 2d Carroll Winnifred, wid Jobn, h 510 North Carson Edward, harber, h 114 Verbeke Carson Eliza, wid William, h 18~7 N 6th Carson Emeline E., wid ~"'ranklin, h 114 Verbeke Carson John, painter, h 114 Verbeke Carson James, conductor, h 10I:l N 7th Carson John H., brakeman, h 1927 N 7th Carson Nellie, milliner, h 114 Verbeke



gO 10 WALTERS', N.3~O~;et.

Carson William, laborer, h 1U9 N II! Carson William S., (.'Onductor, It 719 North Carst Edgar, shoemkr, b 1325 Wyeth av Carst Emma, weaver, h 414 Boas Carst Joseph, cigarmkr, h 1325 Wyeth av Carst Lydia Mrs., h 224 Peffer Carter Arthur, h 709 State Carter Charles H., laborer, h 1230 NIl! Carter Henry, laborer, h 424 South av Carter Henry, laborer, h 1714 Walnut Carter Henry C., laborer, b 1203 N II! Carter J. Al bert, la borer, h 11 2:l N 11 i Carter Lewis, laborer, h 504 Strawberry av Carter Mary, laundress, h 1419 Marion Carter Mary A. Mrs., boarding, 506 Market, h do 'Carter Michael, brakeman, h 1217 N 7th Carter Solomon, waiter, h 510 South Cartwrigbt Jacob, umbrella mfr, 135 S 2d, h do Cartwright William A., cigars, &c., 1323 N 3d, b do Carver Charles C., salesman, h The Bolton Case E. Wal1ace, laborer, h 1304 Susqllehanna Casey Edward, machinist, h 426 State Casey Ellen, II 629 Forster

Digitized by


Melell', Pain Estermlnator COrell Cholera Xorbol. Dpeotel'7. Crampr, DtarrhCBa,. Oolda, QoIDI1, Rheamatl8lll. Toothache, Bore Throat, Ape. Dyapepela, tttt I. 3d.


154 Boyd'. Hani.burg (C) City Directory. Casey Emma, domestic, 925 N 3d Casey John, butcher, h 515 N 4th Casey Maria, wid John, h 425 State . Casey Michael, meat market, 518 Brown av, h 629 Forster Cash Harry. lahorer, h 1624 Walnut Cash John W., laborer, h 1624 Walnut CaS!t:1. Abner. h 93!l N 3d Cassel Frank, driver, h 171 N 15th Cassel Jonas A., farmer, h Whitehall Dr Walnut Cassel Samuel B., watchman Co. prison, h at Pembrook 'Caesel Margaret J .. wid Washington, h 1718 Briggs Cassell Minnie, h 342 S 17th Cassell Monroe M., carpenter, h 20 N 13th Cassell Simon D., electrician, h 1352 Vernon . Caeaell William E., clk P.O., h 1645 N 6th Cassell William H., carpenter, h 1637 Market Cassidy Charles H., rongher, h 20 N Cameron Castor William W . millwright, h 1627 N 4th Cathcart Bessie, h ] 06 N 2d Cathcart M. Elizabeth, wid William A., h 106 N 2d Catherman Gustavus, telegrapher, 1] N 3d, h 318 Herr Catherman Harry L., machinist, h 432 Herr Caton Samuel 0., mg", 332 Market, h 1117 James av Caton Thomas, mgr, 1218 N 3d, h 343 Harris Caufman B. Katharine, teacher, h 1425 N 2d Caufman S. If.. bookkpr State Hospital, h do Caum Edward L., Dl8.llter mech P. R. R., h 1012 N 7th Cavel Thornton, laborer, h 1405 William Caveny M. Lizzie, clk, 1224 N 3d. h 338 S 17th Caveny R. Frank, printer, h 338 S ] 7th Caveny S. Brady. (eaveny & Leyder), h 338 S 17th CAVENY " LETDER. (S. B. Caveny and J. S. Leyder), real e:state, insurance, &c., 1224 N 3d Cawley John R., fil'f'man, h 646 Verbeke CENTRAL BOOK STORE, W. A. Laverty, supt, 335 Market

CENTRAL GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEM POSIT CO., 1230 N 3d (see adv) CENTRAL mON WORD. m(rs boiler plate and tank
iron; Chal'les L. Bailey, pres; G. M. McCauley, sec and treas; office and work!'!, Front bel Dock (see adv page 2) Central, (The), Daniel C. Blyler, 3J 1 Market Cetjanes Joseph, tailor, h 713 Capital Chadwick Mary E., !'!tenojZrapher, J. 311 Che!'!tnut Chadwick Nellie B., bookkpr, lUI Market. h 311 Chestnut Chadwick William B.. clk P. R. R., h 3] 1 Ch~tnut Challel1ger David, h 64 N 14th Challenger Mary E., saleslady, :;34 Market" h 64 N 14th

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IIIIt beIIt I. B. I""R {wan Paper. TheWIth and 10w8ll\ prlCeI. Window { It. 7270lit. Shad complete, and FrInle, tor 86 eta. Btl

Boyd'. Harri.burg (C) City Directory. 155

Challenger Oliver, printer Patriot, h 64 N 14th Challenger William 0., apprentice,.h 64 N 14th Chamberlain Albert L., barber, 331 Muench, h do Chamberlain John J., brakeman, h 1125 Capital Chamberlain Marv T. MI'I!., h 288 8 Cameron . CBAMBEBLni JAMES I., lawyer, 222 Market, h The Commonwealth CHAMBERS GEORGE S., pastor Pine 8t. Presbyterian Church, b 216 State Chambel'l! Joseph H., foreman, h 1425 Shoop , Chambers William A., salesman, 326 Market, h 1425 Shoop Champion WiJliam H., fruits, h 116 Nagle Champlain Henry L., bookkpr Chesapeake Nail Works, h 1327 S Cameron Ch~nce Mary, laundress, h 107 Angle av Chandler Charles, h 1217 N 6th Chandler George N., h 1804 Elizabeth Chandler George P., baggage agt P. R. R., h 1249 Derry Cbandler Ida R, Jrold layer, h 180! Elizabeth Chandler Julia, h 1249 Derry Chandler William G., supt gas workR, h 222 South Chandler William R., brakeman, h 1613 N 6th Chapman William R., (lontractor, h 264 North Chappel Annie G., h 119 8 Dewberry av Chapple William, driver, h 117 8 Dewberry av Chard Stephen, conductor, h 14 Moore Charles Arthur H., feeder Call, h 615 Cumberland Charles David, laborer, h rear 561 Ra(!e Charles Lizzie, wid John D., h 654 Colder Charles Mary E., wid Jaqob, h 1506 Wallace Charles Permelia, h 37 S 13th Charles Steriget H., conductor, h 116 Market Charles William C., puddler, h 12~6 S Cameron Charles William S., h 116 Market Charter Chas. T.,operat()r Chesapeake Nail Wks, h 402 S 2d Charter George W., constable, II 4028 2d Charter John A., nail feeder, h 438 S 2d Charter Salome F., saleslady, h 402 S 2d Charter William II., bartender, 307 Walnut, h 402 8 2d Cbartra Annie, dres.~mkr, h 611 Walnut Chase William S., agrl implts, 627 Walnut, h 207 State Cbayne Augustine L., grocer, South c Barhara, h 31 N 2d Chayne Charles H., bookkpr Hbg Prov Co., II 31 N 2d Cbayne Horace A., hookkpr. Vine c 2d, h :31 N 2d Chayne Sarah B., artist, ] 17 Market, h 31 N 2d Chellew Richard 8., laborer, h 1072 S Cameron Chenoweth George F., filreman, h ] 6 Cowden . Chenoweth Lucinda, wid William, h 2i2 Cumberland

Digitized by



" To find a name rou must k,low how to' spell ':t." 156 Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Directory.
Cherry Bryan, coppersmith, h 239 State Chester Frank M., baker, h 205 S ad . Chester Harriet, h :305 Chestnut Chester James, conductor, h 1112 CO\1'den Chester Louis P., caller. h 205 S 3d Chesterman Sarab, wid .John, h 304 Colder Child Sullivan S., insurance, 12 N 3d, h 3141 Chestnut Children's Industrial Home, Swatara c 19th China lind Japan Tea Co., 35 N 3d Chisholm Elsie Eo, dressmh, h 1219 Wallace Chisholm Mary A., wid Irwin, h :J22 Clinton Chisholm Willa Mrs., dressmkr. 611 Walnut, h do Chisolm Simon, laborer, h 19 N 16th Chrisemel' Calvin C., flagman, h 416 Reily Chrisman Annie L., h 205 Colder Chrisman Emma, h 817 East Chrisman M. Bertha, teacher, h 20F) Culder CIJI'ismun Mor~n B., flagman. h 205 Culder Chrismure 'Villialll W., laborer, h 612 Suuth av Chrissman Laura, tailoress, h 1623 N 3d Chrissman Willium, paperhanger, h 162:3 N 3d Christian Endeavor Herald, J. W. Mackey, 221 Boas Christy .Jane, h 410 South Christy Nancy, wid WilliaOl, h 410 South Christy Thomas C., wuiter, h 408 Cowden Chroni~ter 'V. Curtis, mlltorman, h 1805 N 3d Chubb Abraham, teamster, h 1609 Logan av Chubb Jacoh, teamster, h 925 Bartiue av Chubb .Juhn, teamster, h 1111 Bartine av Chum Robert, laborer, h 117 Cuwden Church John B., custodian P. R. R., h 238 North ChUl'ch ,J(lhn G . conductor. h 2010 N 6th Church Martin B., train dispatcher, h 212 Chestnut Church Rubert. machinist, h 1424 N 6th Church William, OIachinist, h 303 Cumberland Churchill George, laburer, h 326 Colder Cilley Charles A., saluon, 212 Strawberry av, h 924 N 2d Cilley Christian, watchman, 222 Market, h 924 N 2d Cilley Harry M., moliler, h 924 N 2d Cilley John, billiard clk The Lochiel, h 924 N 2d Cilley ,Josephine, wid Price, b 924 N 2d . Cilley William, molder, h 924 N 2d CITIZENS' PASSENGER RAILWAY CO.,IB S 3d City Gray's Armory Hall, 211 c Furster

CO., J. A. Kramer, pres; E. C. Stribling, sec; E. Moos. line, treas, 213 Short Clancy James P., helper, h 8:l4 S Cameron


Digitized by


A. B. lACK, Wall Paperand Window Shades. {72ry:~o~R.2~,~ri

B1Z:?yd'. City Dir1Z:?1Z:?71Z:?ry. 157 Catrick P., pi!ek~, h 824 UmerOD Clapsaddle John, laborer, h rear 425 Herr Clare Mother Mal'Y, 8uperioress St. Genevieve's Academy Clark Arthur A., bnokkpr Hbg R()lIin~ Mill h 9] 6 Greer Elizabeth, inozITe'ineeper, ] Cegina Jam~, Pille Clefin i:!izabeth S~y Clari Ernest L., physician, 20(3 h 204 do Clark Frederick B., patent lDe(licines, h 517 Walnut Clark George Z., fi,reman, h 1947 Kensington CI%5,k Hynrv S., h 18 Lyozhid 2d Rom yttie, h 1 1Z:?olltgomeed " ....lmn';S5l5l JADS, dneral adt . R. R ft Chest~ nut, h 219 W State Clark .James, fireman, h 13:18 S 1~th Clark James A., freight agt, h 219 W State ,JIAmes W., Irk~&0'l5Iter, h dlarioll H., eli! IC . S., h Market """I555ldlO55dl J. NELSEiIi, pllysidlmy glso d06 Verbeke (Broad) and 1111 N ~d. h do Clark John E., brakeman, h 1635 Fulton Clark John J., hooker, h 1338 S 1:~th Clari! ,Jzlhn W 17d Lugan, h at Oldl~din Clar peinter, 1 :~c1, II do

M. WAl AlRS, lj~~:~~':bj~' FOOlllllR, N.7:J~r.

Clark Julia, domestic, :l06 Wlilnut . Clar~ Lafayette, ~~~e:..' 1220 Mulberry, h 2i7 Hummel


13th Clark Peter, shearsmsn, II 54 Lochiel Cottage Row Clark Rose, h 1453 Regina Clark Samuel salesman, 334 Market, h 924 Grand ClarP Barah A., 17 N ClAz'P Bidney, gold h 14Pl~ CIlIl'P P"illiam, strHrOYHiter, h 9 Clllrk William T., I5slesman, h 925 Penn Clllrke Lizzie Mrs., polisher, h 1210 Cowden Clarke 8arah E., h The Bolton Thomas, Iz Reily Tharles. h i av (R J.). 408 Claster Hayman, drygoods, 101 S 2d, 600 State Claster Henry C., (Claster Bros.), h 503 Cowden Claster Joseph, (CIlister Bros.), h 600 State B., cit, Market,

g!:~t ;,:::::;.~~~:.%:~



Iclail's Pain Exterminator fuI:~o:,~~ ~':rJf,~DI{. {71TrlJJL.


Boyd'. Harriiburg (C) City Directory.

Clay Alivian, wid John, h 810 James BV Clay Ann, wid William, h 619 Dauphin av Clay Benjamin S., fireman. b 17051- .N 5th Clay Dewitt J., barber, h Briggs ab 19th Clay Elizabeth Mrs., h 6:32 Cnmberland Clay Gailen, stitcher, h 916 N 6th Clay Harriet Mrs., h 632 Cnmberland Clay Ida, shoe operator, h 619 Dauphin av Clay Jacob B., conductor, h 1804 N 5th Clay Jacob C., laborer, h 15th nr Briggs Clay Jennie Mrs., domestic, h 17 S River av Clay Kate, dOlllestic, 142!l N 6th Clay I.infurd, (.'Onductor, h ] 337 N 6th Clay Sadie A., stenographer, h 222 Liberty Clay William S., laborer, h Briggs ab 19th Clayton Jennie, h 310 Mulberry Cleary Mary, operator, 222 Market, h 1010 Green Cleary Mary, wid James, h 1010 GreeD Cleary Sarah, saleslady, h 1206 N 3d, h 1010 Green Cleckner Frederick, laborer, h 53 N Cameron Cleckner Frederick, (Cleckner & Burke), h 313 Muench Cleckner Frederick F., btickmkr, h 311 S 2d Cleckner John M., printer, h 262 Cumberland Cleckne. Kate M., h 313 Muench Cleckner Sarah F., h 308 S 2d Cleckner Thomas A. H . postal elk, h 308 S 2d Cleckner William H., elk, 424 Market, h 409 Boas Cleckner & Bnrke, (F. Kleckner and J. H. Burke), stoves, tinware, &c., 1226 N 3d Cleland David, coachmkr; h Bellevue Farm Clemens Simon G., carpenter, h 1911 Wood Clemens We!iley, flaF:man, h 1912 N 7th Clemens William J. H., laborer, h 1421 William Clements Charles N., printer Telegraph, II 406 Spring Clement.~ Charles W., cooper, II 1000 S 9th Clements George M., helper, h 587 Showers av , Clements Kate M., SIIleslady, 334 Market, h 587 Showers av Clements Lillie P., dressmkr, h 587 Showers av Clements Sarah A., wid Jesse, h 587 Showers av Clemm Caroline, domestic, 513 N 2d Clemru Blair D., elk, 1432 N 6th, h 422 'Harris Clemm J. Bigh, watchman, II 617 State Clemm John L., brakeman, h 424 Muench Clemm William, laborer, II Greenwood bel ,21st ClemmenR John H., conductor, b 602 State Clemmens Nellie, domestic, 211 N Front Clemmens Sarah, domestic, 202 Locust Clemson L. Calder, asst foreman P. R. R., h 2152 N 6th

Digitized by


A. B. TICK, Piae Irt Wall Paper. {~C3xMI*~~} 1210 N. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory. 159
Clendenin Lucinda, wid Cosmos S., h 214 S 13th Cless Cbarles H., laborer, h 516 Peffer Cless Clarence W., carpenter, b 516 Peffer Cless Daniel, laborer, b 516 Peffer Cless Ellen K., domestic, 13 N 4th Cless George W., laborel', h 516 Peffer Cless Harry, laborer, h 5] 6 Pefftlr Cleveland Jeunie F. B. Mrs., h 118 Chestnut Cleverstone Maud, trimmer, 208 Market, h 37 S 13th Clifford Margaret Mrs., h 217 South Cline Emma, h 116 South Cline John C. o coach trimmer, h 315 Boas Cline Ralph M., coach trimmer, h 315 Boas Cline William, watchman, h 116 South Cline, see also Klein, also Kline Clinton Charles A., brakeman, h 440 Boyd av Clinton Franklin S., flagman, h 648 Verbeke Clinton Howard W.o brakeman, h 1004 Fox a\' Clippinger Morris, carpenter, h 317 Reily Closs .Johu, engineer, h 1910 N 6th Clouser Anna E., seamstress, h 402 State Clouser Daniel W., carpenter, h Briggs ab 20th Clouser David L., cabinetmkr, h 922 Penn Clouser Ida M., h 1642 N 4th Clouser .Jacob, laborer, h 1642 N 4th Clouser Mary E., dressmkr, 1324 Green, h do Clouser Samuel K., laborer, h 1823 N 7th Clouser Simon W., ins. sulicitor, h 1642 N 4th Clouser Thompson R., carpenter, h ] 928 N 6th -Cluck Adeline, wid Simon, h 2017 N 5th Cluck Edward, h 2017 N 5th Cluck Harry H., carpenter, h 2017 N 5th Cluck Mary, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Cluck Mary S., h 2017 N 5th Cluck Simon N., photo copyist, h 2017 N 5th Clugh John C., carpenter, h 1811 Market Clunk Lizzie E., milliner, h 1204 Bailey Clute Horace A., h 20 N 4th Clute Horace E., student, h 20 N 4th Clyde John J., h 1124 N 3d Coart James, h 507 North av Coart James, machinist, h 1001 N 7th Coates Charles F., h 216 Briggs Coates Charles H., printer, h 110 Boas Coates Frank P., stenographer, 413 Market, h 216 Brigea Cobaugh George A., machinist, h 5091 Muench Cobaugh George H., machinist, h 509! Muench . Cobaugh Joseph B., engineer, h 623 Cumberland

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how IQ spell il." 160 Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory.
Cobaugh Mary S., milliner, 334 Market, h at Middletown Cobaugh Samuel S., fireman, h 1625 Wallace Coble Abraham, blacksmith, h Sl!ne<'ll c Wood av Coble Baker H., fireman, h 1108 Wallace Coble Chal'les T., shoemkr, h 613 Boas Coble Harry, ft!eder, h 138 Indian av Coble John W., labor~r. h Seneca c Wood av Coble J. R., coachman Lunatic Hospital, h do Coble Margaret, wid Addison B., h 213 N Front Coble Mary, wid Henry, h 138 Indian av Coble Nancy, wid Abraham, h 613 Boas Coble Nellie B., clk, 1402 Vernon, II 613 Boas Cobler Annie M., h 637 Boas Cobler Cutharine, wid Frederick, h 637 Boas Cobler Christian, laborer, h 6:37 Boas Cobll!r Frederick, laborer, h 602 Boas Cobler .John F., laborl!r, h 602 Boas Cobler Lizzie, undertakers' supplies, h 637 Boas Cochlin David W.. carpenter, h 1313 Penn COCKLIN BROS., (Russell T. and Charles C.), opticians, 28 N 3d Cocklin Charles C., (Cocklin Bros.), h 28 N 3d Cocklin 1. James, brakeman, h 1920 N 4th Cocklin .John B., laborer, h 302 North Cocklin Maggie, dressmkr, :302 North, h do Cocklin Mazie, dressmkr, h 410 Muench Cocklin Orlando L. flagman, h 410 Muench Cocklin Peter, laborer, h 302 North Cocklin Russell T., (Cocklin Bros.), h 12 S 2d Cocklin William L., mold setter, h 510 Filbert Coder John G., (Netlbit &: Coder), h 240 State Coder .John G., express messenger, h 15 Linden Coeyman .Jacob, conductor, h 627 Kelker Coeyman Samuel P., conductor, h 314 Reily Coffee M. Ellen, ice cream, 208 Walnnt, h do Voffin Ruth, wid Decatur, h 217 Boas Coffman George M., engineer, h 1325 N 6th Coffman, ~ also Kauffman Coghill Anthony, laborer, h 82 Elm Cogley Elizabeth, telegrapher P. R. R., h 411 Market Cohen Abel, h ] 10 Cowden Cohen Benjamin. laborer, h 616 Walnut COHEN BROS., (Selig alld Martin), boots and shoes, 622 Market Cohen Emma, tailoress, h 616 Walnut Cohen Eva, wid Moses, h 711 Capital Cohen Harris, notionl'l, 202 Market, h 20 S 4th

Digitized by


I. B. TICK, ProCtlcOl Paper Hanger,


Boyd'. Harrisburg (0) City Directory. 161

Cohen Israel. peddler, h 523 West Cohen Joseph W., c1k, 434 Market, h 110 Cowden Cohen Julius L., (Cohen & Sons), h 6] 2 State Cohen Lewis, peddler, h 523 West Cohen Martin, (Cohen Bros.), hat Lebauon Cohen Moses, bootmkr, 516 Walnut, h 716 South Cohen Sarah E., (Cohen & Sous), h 110 Cowden Cohen Selig, (Cohen Bros.), h at Columbia Coben Solomon G., (Cohen & Sons), h 431 Market Cobeu & Sous, (S. E., J. L. and 8. G.), pawnbrokers, 431 Market, clothiers, 434 do and 522 Walnut Cohill John A., labOl'er, h 1638 Fulton av Cohn Levi, hides, h 718 N 7th Cohn Max, peddler, h 713 Ash Cobn Mayer, clothier, 1204 N 3d, h 718 N 7th Cohn Myers, peddler, b 504 Briggs Cohn Nathan, clothier, 446 Walnut, h 122 Co\vden Cobn Sherman, laborer, h 504 Briggs Cobr Alice S., saleslady, 334 Market, b 57 Balm Cohr Frederick, carpenter, b 57 Balm Cohr Mjnnie L., saleslady, h 57 Balm Coken Harry, laborer, h 427 Kelker av Colbert Amt'lia, cbarwoman. h 1301 N 11!


FOOTWEAR 01 "alters', IO~ I. 3d 81.

Colbert Charlf)8 W., cigarmkr, b 17th c Vernon Colbert James, labort'r, h 17th c Vernon Colbert James, laborer, h 1420 Fulton Colbert John, laborer, h 1411 Curraut av Culbert Rachel, domestic, 1930 N 3d Colbert William, carter, h Fulton c Basin Colbert William E., chipper, h Greenwood c 211 Colburn Richard H. Rev., b 116 Vine Colder, see Calder COLDREN AUGUSTUS D., grocer, 1545 Swatara c 16th, h do . Coldren Josephine, h 22 N 2d Cole Charlel! B. S., dentist, b 714 N 7th Cole Elizaheth, wid William, h 714 N 7th Cole Jemima, lanndress, b 137 Short Cole John L., laborer, b 402 Cranberry av Cole Samuel G. W., waiter, h 721 State Coleman Benjamin, laborer, h 1300 N 111 Coleman Daniel, puddler, b 10;3} S 9th Coleman David. roullher, h 31 N 15th Coleman Edward, watchman, b 31 N 15th Coleman Ellen, wid James, h 347 Reily Coleman George, laborer, h 1610 Vernon

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Dice McN eil's Medicine Co. {JfB~~~} N~~d.

162 Boyd'. Harrisburg (0) City Direotory. Coleman George A., elk, h 418 Forster . Coleman George W., stenographer, h 32 SlOth Coleman Isaac, laborer, h 1119 N III Coleman Jane, wid Jefferson, h 1211 N III Coleman John, coachman, h 219 S Front Coleman John, fireman, b ]04 Short Coleman John E., engineer, h 1408 Wallace Coleman Joseph, insurance, h 1056 S Cameron Coleman Mary, domestic, 1101 N 3d Coleman May, b 1728 Walnut Coleman Patrick, laborer, 11 1709 Elm Coleman R. Emma, teacher, h 418 Forster Coleman Sallie, saleslady, 406 Market, h '418 Forster Coleman Sarah Mrs., 11 418 FOl'l:lter Coleman Thomas, h 1056 S Cameron Coleman William, laborer, b 104 Short Colestock A. Ramsey, switch repairsman, h 1235 Vernon Colestock Edward R., laborer, h 1235 Vernon Colestock Emery J., laborer, h 1235 Vernon Colestock Henry, carpenter, h 2]3 Reily Colestock Henry H., carpenter, h 213 Reily Colestock John W., motorman, h 213 Reily Colestock Mary, h 119 Locust Colestock Samuel, conductor, h 343 Boyd av Colestock William M., elk, 400 MaI'ket, h 1235 Vernon College Block, 22 to 32 N 3d Collier J. Harry, mail driver, h 4] N 13th Collins David W., agt, h 339 Boyd av Collins James, laborer, h 921 Rose av Collins James, jr., laborer, h 603 Race Collins J. Howard, brakeman, h 14:H N 2d Collins John H., fireman, h 1622 N 5th Collins Levin J . U. S. A., h 2 S 2d Collins Maggie E., saleslady, 308 Market, h 603 Race Collins Maria, wid William, 11 416 Muench Collins Nellie M. domestic, 105 N Front Collins Samuel M., brakeman, h 1128 Wallace Collins Sarah Mrs., h 1317 Wallace Collins Sarah, wid Leonard, h 425 South av Collins Sarah S., wid William, h 432 South av Collins Thomas, engineer, h 515 Cowden Collins William E., puddler, h 132 Hanna Collins William E., jr., laborer, h 132 Hanna Collins William J., laborer, h 1506 N 4th Colmes William, laborer, h 1336 Mayflower Colsher Rebecca J., wid. William H., h 316 Briggs Colsber S. Cameron, plumber, h 1112 Montgomery Coisten Agnes, wid Henry, h 539 Primrose av
Digitized by


IIII B. 'Tnun,

N. 3d St. work, and luan_il.. Work done In any part of the Slate.


{EmPI0J8 none bnt 1Irat-cta. workmen, benceonly 1I1'1t-ct..

Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Direotory. 163

Colston John W., driver, h 1417 Marion Colt John E., (Colt & Todd), h at NOI'thumberland Colt Margaret Mrs. h 250 North Colt Matilda M . apprentice, h 217 S 2d COLT & TODD, (John E. Colt and .Joseph S. Todd), genl agts Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Phila., 103 N 2d Colyer Charles T., elk, h 1430 Green Colyer Joshua, wood, h 1430 Green COJD'ORT 10HN C., lawyel' and patent solicitor, 4 N 3d, h The Lochiel Comlin Jackson, laborer, h 428 North av COJrlIlERCIAL. (THE), Emilio RuBS, 217 Market Commings Albert B., (Commings & Beck), h 309 Market CommingS Burton E., copyholder, b 14 N 4th Commings Charles B . watchmkr, 411 Mkt. h 318 Chestnut Commings Edgar S., je\veler, h 1124 N 6th Commingll Emma ('., wid CharIeR, 11 1124 N 6th Commings Frank E., watchmkr, 411 Market, h 14 N 4th Commings Frederick, clk, 309 Market, h do Commings George C., bartender, 309 Market, h do Commings Harvey R., clk, 309 Market, h do Commings Jesse.E., elk, h 14 ~4th Commings William C., printer, h 112. N 6th Commings & Beck, (A. B. Comming!! and H. C. Beck), restaurant, 309 Market CommiuJrS. see al!>O Cumming$ COJrlJrlONWEALTH, (THE), James Rnss. Market c S 2d

COJrlJrlONWEALTB GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 222 Market (see ad\') Commonwealth Horll6 Collar Co., B. F. Meyerd, pres; W.
C.Taylor, mgr, ]]3 S 3d Comp Amos, brakeman, h 513 Hamilton Comp Anna, domestic, 1022 Green Comp George W., brakeman, h 511 Hamilton Comp Henry, blacksmith, h 1634 N 5th Comp Wilson, brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Compton Carrie, elk, 9 N 2d, h 1513 N 3d Compton Frank P., dyer, b 1513 N 3d Compton J. C., waiter, h 308 S.Court av Compton Jobn N . elk, 34 N 2d, 11 264 North Compton Samuel F., marble cutter, h 802 N 3d Cumpton Samuel R., hardware, !34 N 2d, h 119 South COJrlPTON WALTER, steam dye works, 1513 N 3d, of-flees 9 N Market sq and 1006 N 3d, h 1513 do Condo Bertha, shoe vamper, h ]414 Elizabeth Condo James, driver, It 1414 Elizabeth Condo Leab, \vid John, b 1414 Elizabeth CbndolMollie, laundress, h 1414 Elizabt'th

Digitized by


" To find a name you musl know how to spell il." 164 Boyd's Harrisburg ({:) City Directory.
Condrao Clara J., hooksewt'r, h 26 Linden Condran Jobn H., barber, h 128 Lin<\en Condran Sllrah, wid Cyrlls, h 26 Linden Condran William C., barber, h 26 Linden Condren F..dward, restaurant, 638 Colder, h do Condren William F., fireman, h 604 Boa6 Coney George, laborer, h 108 Mary's av Conklin Ezra W., brakeman, h 711 N 3d Conklin .fob J., law student, h 711 N 3d Conley George H., laborer, h 112 L(~llst COllley ,James S., printer Telegram, h at Wormleysburg Conley M . Catharine, dr~smkr, h 112 Lncust Conley Thoma!!, bartender. 2:33 Walnut, h 112 Locllst


S. M. Marshall, agt'ut, 7 N !ld (see adv) Counelly Bridget C., tailllre~, h 1416 N 3d Connelly Lillie, binder, h 815 Green Connelly Myra, teacher, h 815 Green Connt'lly Sarah, wid Michaf'l, h 1416 N 3d Connelly Thomas, laborer, h 53 Lochiel nr store Connelly William E., stud(lnt, h 815 Green Conuelly William R., carpenter, h 815 Green Conner Ellen, wid Benjamin, h 217 S 19! Conner E. Scott, blacksmith, h 1304 N Front Conner Harry C., engineer, h lSa2 Elizabeth Conner Henry 'V., en~ineer, h 1620 Hllnter Conner Joseph H., watchman, h 1620 Hunter Conner Mary A., wid William S., h 12.')2 Walnut Conner Marv lI., music teacht'r, h 1252 Walnnt Conner O. Fitzallan, shoemkr, 1326! N 3d, h 1412 Susq Conner Peter C., (A. G. Potts & Co.), portrait copying, 321 Verheke, h do Conner Robert, engineer, h 205 Bri~s Cunner Solomon L . pnddlel', h ] 110 S 9th Conner William, barbt'r, h 205 Briggs Conners David F., baggagemaster. h 155 Paxton Connor James, repairsman, h 662 Colder Connor Thomas, flagman, h 661 Coldt'r


I\U1Ulb b\f~ \"S"R~lt~ to.

ASSETS, $60,000.000. SURPLUS, $7,000,000. -------.-s. M. MAIISHALL, Agent, 110. 1110rth Thil'rl Sf.
OIlDTJDl BVOIt, m.L 8upt. No. 402 Briggs Street. ot ApDoS tor l'eDD.;rl........


Digitized by


\C;Ub~ll~':;::~WOII POperOndWlndOWShOdes Irom A. B. TACK,N.'::~t.

. Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory.


Conover Elmer J., tt'1E.'grapht-r, h 1208 Markf't Conover Jane, wid Elias, h 117 South Conrad Allua, wid Michael, II 1430 Susquehanna Conrad Benjamin B., lahorer, h 1430 Susquehanna Conrad Catharine A., wid ,Jacob, h 11:34 N Cameron Conrad Edwin C., belper, h 437 S 16th Conrad Harry, h 429 State Conrad James H., cooper, h 1002 S 9th Conrad Jennie, stitcher, h 1808 N 5th Conrad John A., mgr P. R. R. stables, h Franklin House Conrad John C., laborer, h 347 Bnyd a\' Conrad Oliver, conductor, h 1808 N 5th Conrad Sarah J., wid Thomas, h ]542 N 6th Conrad William A., fitlgman, h 627 Dauphin av Conrad Winfield S., lineman, h 141 Paxton . Consylman Frank J., clk, ] III N 3d, h 1829 N 6th Consylman Lydia A., b 1829 N 6th CODl~ylman William, cOlldllctOl', h 1829 N 6th Convent of Mercy, Maclay c 5th Conway Annie, h 404 Filhert Conway ,Jobn R., hricklayer, h 22 N 13th Conwa)" l\lary T., h 1022 ComrBerce Conway Michael, lahorer, h 1022 Commerce
-All tbe Latest Slyles InRELIABLE and FASHI"NABLE


N. 8d St.


COllway Michael, jr., h 1O~~ Commerce Conway Tbomas .J., laborer, h 10:l2 Commerce Cook Abraham E., cigarmkr, h 322 Herr Cook Edwin, clk P. R. R. frgt depot, h 20 S 1:3th Cook George F., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Cook Hanna B., llume, h ] 842 N 7th Cook Harry, milkman, h Crescent ab Mulberry Cook Harry W., shoemkr, h lIOO Commerce Cook Henrv. hlacksmith, h 4:~8 Cumberland COOK I. ELMER, physician, 217 Pine, h do Cook .James Mc., produce. h 1639 N 3d Cook John, lahorer, h 1020 Paxton Cook John W., photographer, II 1225 Cowden Cook JOBf'ph, tailor, h 127 Chestnut Cook ,Joseph H., tailor, 1205 N 3d, h 935 N 2d Cook Margaret, wid Josiah, h 39.2 Herr Cook Mary A., wid Johu W., h 1624 Wallace Cook Maud, h 109 S Dewberry av Cook Merton S., artist,'h 438 Cumberland Cook Mer\ine A., salE!!!man, 334 Market, h 1248 Walnut Cook Minnie E., h 302 Verbeke Cook RobE.'rt }4'., printer, h 162-1 Wallace Cook Samuel W., conductur, h 1100 Commerce

Digitized by


McNEIL'S M::,~t:S'!~OC:~J'lt~ft~p~r: {ilil N. 3d Sf.

166 Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory. Cook Sarah A. Mrs., hoarding, 715 N 3d, h do Cook S. Mervin, artist, 34 N ad, h Cumberland nr Montgy Cook William, h 1708 Walnut Cook William B., brakeman, b 435 Kelker Cookley Charles, laborer, h 512 North av Cooley Alfred L. G., waitE-r, h 186 Indian av Cooley Rebecca, wid Nelson, h 186 Indian av Ooon, see Kubn Coonan John, carpenter, h 35 N 12th Cooper Alhert, foreman Eagle Works, h 326 North Cooper Alex. S., elk, 6 N 3d, h 607 Walnut Cooper Alford L., watchman, h 1141 Derry Cooper Annie M.', teacher, h 1706 Walnut Cooper Bessie M., folder, h 1141 Derry Cooper Charles, labol'er, h 1141 Derry Cooper Charles A., boilermkr, notions, 1240 Derry, h do Cooper Daniel B., waiter, h 1606 Elm Cooper George E., machinist, h 607 Walnut Cooper George P., elk, State c Canol, h 210 N 2d Cooper James T., conductor, h 1636 N 6th Cooper John W., boilermkr, h 1141 Derry Cooper Margaret E., Raleslacly, 334 Margaret, h 1141 Derry Cooper Marshall, waiter, h 21 S Front Cooper Nancy Mrs., h 116 Angle a\? Cooper Samuel C., teacher, h 23 S 4th Cooper Simon, (Cooper & Pruss), h 418 Walnut Cooper Thomas, coachman, b lION 2d Cooper Turner, carpenter, h 1706 W Rlnut Cooper Turner, jr., waiter, h 1610 Elm Cooper William L., elk, h 607 Walnut Cooper & Pruss, (S. Cooper, B. Pruss)~ notions, 418 Walnut Coovel' Amos,carpenter, h 616 Church av Coover Darius J., plumber, h 412 Spring av Coover Eli H., physician, 213 Locust, h do Coover Eliza, wid Solomon, h 265 Herr Coover Fred W., physician, 214 N 2d, h do Coover H. Ross, physician, 162:3 N 6th, h do Coover Morrett, (Hbg Mfg. Co.), h Camp Hill Coover Myron A., brakeman, h 607 Cumberland Coover ~berman J., bahr, II 57 N 10th Cope Agnes, domestic, 1934 N 3d Cope John T., laborer, h 1401 S 12th Cope Lenaes, puddler, h 610 N 3d . Cope Martin, laborer, h 1605 Swatara Cope Mary L., wid John, h 1401 S 12th Cope William, laborer, h 1605 Swatara Copeland Benjamin F., carpenter, h 468 S Cameron Copeland Benjamin ~'., jr., laborer, b 454 S Cameron

Digitized by


I. B. TACK .:=a~~~ FreSCIIDg ,..11c Buildings II PI~I Tlall. {~r~t

Boyd'. Barrilburg (1) City Direotory.
16':' Copeland Harv~y R., puddl~r, h 343 B Cameron Copeland J. Frank, artist, 34 N 3d, h 24 N 4th Copeland Lucius F., lecturer, h 248 North Copeland Viola J., dressmkr, h 468' B Cameron Copelin Owen M., elk, 222 Market, h 721 Capital Copelinky Samuel. laborer, h 1236 N Cameron Copman Harry, laborer, h 602 Race Copolowitz Nathan, tailor, h 308 Cherry av Corbett William B., dispatcher P. R. R., h 1435 N 2d Corbin Mary J., domestic, 13 N 5th 'Corbin Willis, laborer, h 1426 Fulton Corby Otto T., salesman, h 134 Verbeke Corcoran Edward Fo, helper, h 917 Grand av Corcoran Edward J., roll hand, h 1109 Montgomery Corcoran John, policeman, b 948 Paxton Corcoran Kate Eo, press feeder, h 917 Grand av Corcoran Michael, laborer, h 917 Grand av Corcoran William J., helper, h 917 Grand av Cordes Henry, director of poor, Court House Corish William J., engineer, h 56 Lochiel Cottage Row Corkle Benjamin N., brakeD)8n, h 1227 Mulberry Corkle Elsie; laborer, h Reily nr 6th Corkle, Louisa L., wid Charles, h 316 B Court av Corkle William D., clk P. & R., h 1227 Mulberry Corkle William Ho, brakeman, h 1212 Mulberry Corl Alice M., h 918 S 21st Corl Charles R., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 809 Chestnut Corl Daniel B., agt, h 918 B 21st Corl George V., blacksmith, 826 Market, h 809 Chestnut Corl John B., elk Daupbin Dep. Bank. h 1905 N 3d Corl John H., car inspector, h 1905 N 3d Corl Henry L., brakeman, h 1534 N 4th Corl Lydia, wid Levi B., h 918 B 21st Corl' Maria Mrs., h Home for the Friendless Corl Minnie V., dressmkr, h 809 Chestnut Corneliull Bessie, turner, h 17 B 13th Cornelius Ch,ristopher, laborer, h 607 B Front Cornelius Scott, flagman, h 1908 N 5th Cornell Carrie, saleslady, 38 N 3d, h 114 Cumberland Cornell W. Edward. conductor, h 114 Cumberland Cornman Annie, wid William, h 27 N 10th Cornman Charles B., engineer, h 15301 N 4th Cornman Harry, laborer, h 904 James av Cornmall Parker Eo, watchman, h 27 N 10th CORNMAN WILSON S., mgr The Commonwealth, h 119 Washington Corns Annie, cook, 309 Market Cornwell Harry C., flagman, h 254 Verbeke

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know no'W to spell it." 168 Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory.
Corsey Floy Ml'8., b 1414 William Coslow William H., janitor, h :334 Muench Costa Geo. S., div frgt agt P. & R.. 504 Market, h 210 S 13th Costello James C., cigarmkr, h 612 Forstel' Costello Patrick, h 6:.l7 Forster Cotner Maggie, taiioreM, h 110 South Cotner Sarah, wid David, h 110 South Cotterel David W., (Cotterel & Frary), h 417 Bos8 Cotterel Emma, wid John, h 417 Boas COTTEREL JOHN W., druggist. 1704 N 6th, h do COTTEREL " FRARY, (D. W. Cotterel and W. H. Frary), booksellel'8 and stationers, 15 S 2d Cottingham Annie, dressmkr, h 337 Chestllut Cottingham Laura, dressmkr, h 33; Chestnut Cottingham Mary A., wid Thomas, h 337 Chestnut Couchat N. J., agrl implts, 627 Walnut, h The Lochiel Coulter Robert, engineer, h 607 Reily Coulter Sarah, wid William P., h 3~5 Maclay Coup William. b'llkeman, h 1223 N 6th COUNTY COMJUSSIONERS, office, Court House Court HOllse, Market c COllrt av Courter John C., h 131 N Cameron Cover Bertha A., saleslaily, 334 Market, h at Highspire Cover Myram A., brakeman, h 605 Cumbedand Cover William J., shenl'~man. h 1010 S 9th Covert Charles E., elk, 222 Market, h 413 Walnut COVERT J. WILSON, clerk, h 21 N 4th Cowden Emma P. Mrs., select school, 209 Herr, h do Cowden F,'edel'ick H., stoneware, Canal c Cumberland, h 223 Forster Cowden John W., clk, h 223 Forster Cowden Josenhine W., h 228 Boas COWDEN "MATTHEW B.. civil engineer and city engineer, Trust bldg, 222 Market, h 201 Herr (see adv) Cowden Sarah E., h 1325 N Front Cowen Frank E., dk, 1127 N 3d, h 402 Cumberland Cowen JQhll C., b 402 Cumberland Cowen J. Frank, express me&'Jenger, h 121 Vine Cox Annie, domestic, 1513 N 6th



Offill. Trult Co. Iulldln,. 222 rtet St., Harrllbur" 'a.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK I:: t:::"::':,11aU Paper and IIndol Sbades {12m r;d~~t.


Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory. 169

Cox Charlotte Mrs., confectioner, 213 S 2d, h do Cox Daniel W., (D. W. Cox & Co.), h 811 Green COK D. W. & CO., coal shippers, N 3d c Market Cox Earl W., studeflt, h 811 Green COX EDWARD 1., tobacconist. 1185 Wallace, h do Cox Emma E., domestic, 1801 N 6th Cox Jerome W., laborer, h 607 Herr Cox J(lhn B., h 307 N Front Cox J. Orman, salesman, 223 Market, h 1127 N 7th Cox Margaret, wid James, h 1135 Wallace Cox Morris J., laborer, h ]210 Cowden Cox Roy G., student, h 811 Green Cox William, laborer, Ii 1225 N III Co~ William W., baggagemaster, h 213 S 2d Coxen Jonathan, laborer, h 314 S River av Coxen Mattie, domestic, 1200 Bailey Coxeter Henry, Bagman, h 1640 N 4th . Coyle James, machinist, h 1117 Wallace Coyle Mary F., housekeeper, 1117 Wallace Coyle Miles, laborer, h 1117 Wallace Coyle Miles, jr., enginee., h 1121 Wallace Coyle Philip, blackllmith, h 1117 Wallace Coyner Lemuel W., a~rl implts, 627 Wulnut, h 221 Market

~o~~~~~~ FOOT W

EA R 00 to WALTERS', N.3IdO~l~t.

Coy.zoli Joseph, front hOllseman Hotel Columbus COZZOLI SEBASTIAN, propr Mount Pleasant Hotel, Market c Cameron, h do (see adv) Crabb John P., blacksmith, 114 Filbert, h 607 State Crabb Wellington P., laborer, h 607 State Crabbe Charles F., plumber, h 312 S 2d Crabbe Henry A., grain!>r, h 312 S 2d Crabbe Lonise M., teacher, h 600 N 3d Craddick Allen, blacksmith, Mary c Court, h 931 Rose av Craig Albert H., mes~n~r P. R. R., h 1122 Mdrket Craig Charles E., signalman, h 626 Muench Craig John C., roll turner, h 1312 N 6th Craig John J., signal foreman, h 2033 N 5th Craig John T., laborer, h 1104 S Cameron

Moant Plea.sant Hotel.

COl'. 11th and Mal'ket Sts. , HARRISBURG, PA.
Digitized by


lIeU'. Pain Exterminator earel L'holera )forbns, DJI8ater:J. Crampt, DlarrhOllo Coldl, Qu1nI.Y, Rheamatlml, Toothache, Bore Throat, AgUe, DJsPepeIa, &0. lUI 3d.

170 Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Directory. Craig John W., conductor, h 1615 N 3d Craig Katie, saleslady, 334 Market, h 642 Colder Craig Lettie, 8hirtrukr, h 913 S 20th Craig Levi, hostler, h 5 Angle av Craig Margaret, liner, II 1463 Walnut Craig MarthaJ.'., saleslady, 38 N 3d, h 1312 N 6th Craig Mary J., wid William P., h 1312 N 6th . Craig Mattie, laundre88, h 711 North av Craig Richard H., laborer, b 1680 Elm Craig William D., laborer, h 1737 N 3d Craiglow David, h 1022 Green Craiglow Morris H., elk, 413 Market, b 1022 Green Crain Talbert, laborer, h 1339 Howard Cramer Isabel, cigarmkr, h 277 Colder Cramer M. Jane, cigarmkr, h 277 Colder Cramer, see also Creamer, also Kramer Cramp Edward A., molder, h 1418 N 3d Cramp Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 516 State Cramp Ida, dressmkr, h 516 State Crampton Benjamin, laborer, h 124 Liberty Crane Benjamin F., fireman, h 1918 N 7th Crane Harry, clk, h 333 Peifer Crane Irvin J., weighmaster, h 527 Muench Crane Richard L., cleaner, h 527 Muench Crane Robert M., fireman, h 1918 N 7th Crane Thomas D., fit'eman, h 1908 Moltke av Cranmer Richard B., clk, 1402 Vernon, h 60 N 16th Cranston Walter }~. Rev., h 623 Boa!! Cratzer George W., harnessmkr. h The Central Cratzer Martha, sale!llady, 326 Market, h 407 Walnut Craver Augustu8, laborer, h Market House al Craver Emery, catcher, h 334 S 2d Craver George M., laborer, h 42 Lochiel 4th Row Craver Jacob S., laborer, h 1021 S 9th Craver John W., cigar mfr, 319 Market, grocer, 223 S 2d, b 225do Craver Sarah, h Market House al Crawford Charles, baker, h 628 Walnut Crawfilrd Ella J . wid John, h 628 Walnut Crawford George, hostler, h 521 South Crawford Hiram S., switchman, h 347 Harris Crawford Lillie A. Mrs., h 139 N Cameron Crawford Marion, shoemkr, i241 Mnlherry, h do Crawfurd Nora E., domestic, 27 S 4th Crawford Robert W., boilerrnkr, h 710 Race Crawford Walter B., laborer, h 15361 Wallace Crawley John W., gasmkr, h GI'eenwood bel 21st Creamer Esther, wid Alexander, h 417 Walnut

Digitized by


111K beat aDd lowest l B. 1 {wan Paper. TheWith lI'IlIturee aDdI1...rIceL Window { N. 72708t. IIU Shad oomplete, l'rID8e, for 86 c&L 8tI

Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory. 171

Cream,er Henson, laborer, h 13 S Court av Creamer Margaret C., milliner, 417 Walnut, h do Creamer, see also Cramer, also Kramer Creek Cyrus, laborer, h 38 SlOth Creek Cyrus, jr., clk, 443 Market, h 438 SlOth Creek Jennie Mrs domestic, 436 Market Creep Harry B., foreman, h 181 N 15th . Crelier William H., baker, h 221 Market Cressler Charles E., tinner,h 1730 Logan av Cressler Henrietta, wid George W., h 1730 Logan av Crew Richard, laborer, h 1326 Fulton Crichton Celia, wid Thomas, h 723 N 6th Crider Joseph B., carpenter, h 1631 N 4th Crimian Philip J., clk sec eomm'th, Capitol, h 3 N 2d Crimmel Wilham J., brakeman, h 423 Harris Cripple George \\'., barber, h 205 Verbeke Cripple William H., carpentel', h 700 N 7th Crist Abraham L., elk adjt genl, Capitol, h 715 Capital Crist Catharine, housekeeper, 1112 N Cameron Crist Cyrus, laborer, h 1221 N Cameron Crist Elizabeth, telephone operator, h 636 Reily Crist Frank H., janitor, h 915 Grand Crist George E., painter, h 1208 Peun Crist Harry, brakeman, h 636 Reily Crist Harry C., brakeman, h 1024 Herr Crist Jacob, carpenter, h 1832 Derry CRIST 1. D., dentist; 17 N 3d, h at Hummelstown Crist J. Edward, brickmkr, h 1221 N Cameron Crist Kate, housekeeper, 11] 0 N Cameron Crist Lizzie, operator, 222 Market, h R36 .Reily Crist Louis, laborer, h 15151 N 4th Crist Mary B., elk, 1206 N 3d, h 6:36 Reily Crist Miranda K., wid George W., h 636 Reily Crist Nile, &tudent, 17 N 3d, h at Hummelstown Crist Orris G., telegrapher P. R. R., h 636 Reily Crist Rachel D., dressmkr, h 6:36 Reily Crist Ray, student, ]7 N 3d, h at Hummelstown Crist S. E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Crist Uriah S., shoemkr, 28 N Conrt av, h 1)10 Walnut Crist William, laborer, h 915 Grand Crist William B., elk, 619 Walnut, h 510 do Crist William C., laborer, h 1219 N Cameron Cristy Henry W., molder, h H29 Regina Criswell Frank F., agt, h 817 East Criswell George M., carpen~r, h 1195 Bailey Criswell Hannah C., wid J. Vance, b 2:3 N Front Criswell Jacob, carpenter, h 1462 Rellina Criswell James P., foreman, h 23 N .F'ront

Digitized by


" To find a name you must kflOW how to spell it." 172 Boyd's Harrisburg (ll) City Directory.

Criswell John L., watchman, h 648 Woodbine Criswell John M., foreman, h 23 N Front CriswE.'1I SamuE.'1 F., h 817 East Cruasdale Amos T., produce, h 1803 N 6th Crosby Harry L., laborer, h 126 Sayford av Crosby John H., labol'er, h 1'26 Sayford av Croft David,jr., (D. Croft & Co.), h 325 Herr CROFT D. & CO., stoves, tinware, &c., 116 Market Croft John Z., tillller, It 612 Buttollwood av Croft S. Elizabeth, teacher, h 34 N 2d Croft William A., jr., expressman, h 1009 Market Croker Ernest M., rougher, h 1925 Wood Croker Harty, ruller, h 7th nr Verbeke Cromer William, stickE.'r, h 1138 S 9th Cromleigh George W., car inspect()r, h 412 Reily Cromleigh Hal'ry H., mol~er, h 1321 James av Crommas Amanda, domestic, 222 Chestnut Crone Daniel S., barber, h 656 V E.'rbeke Crone Diana: wid Samuel, h 3a9 StrawbE.'rty av Crone Emma A., trimmer, h 656 Verbeke Crone Emma S., teacher, h 1225 N 6th Crone Harriet~ wid Charles, h 656 Verbeke Crone John, brakeman, h 1935 N 6th Crone Sarah A. Mrs., h 705 North av Crone W. Scott, foreman, h 305 Market Cronin David H., gallmkr, h 115 Hanna Crouise Martha M., wid Charles, h 82:3 N 2d Cl'Onmiller Henry, wheelwright, h 517 'Valnut Crook Chal'les E., laboler. h 624 Rl:'ily Crook Earnest H., elk, 400 S 2d, h 840 S CamE.'ron C"ook FlorE.'nce, picker, h 1532 N 4th Crook Gabriel A., foreman, h 1519 Hunter Crook Harriet :Mrs., weaver, h 340 Reily Crook Harris, saud flatter, h 5 Lochiel 1st Row Crook Harry S., brakeman, h 1710 \Vooo Crook Joltn 'Y., laborer, h 926 Penn . Crook Joseph E., sand flatter, h It Lochiel 1st Row Crook Margaret, wid David, h 624 Reily Crook Samuel, watchman, h 928 S 9th Crook Susan J., wid George \V., h 707 Showers av Crook William H., superviHor, h 1422 Green Crooks Samuel H., laburer, h 1730! N 5th Crosby Millie Mrs., h 1947 Swatara Crosman J. Heron, jr., sec and treas Pa. Telephone Co., h 202 State Cross Alexander C., painter, b 208 Liberty Cross Edna V., shirtmkr, h 220l ~Iulberry Cross William H., painter, h 208 Liberty

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Wall Paper and Window Shades. {72~:~o~R,g~t~.

Boyd'.s Harrisburg (C) City Directory. 173
Crossley George B., conductor, h 1531 N 4th Crossley Hannah, wid Jtlhn, h 519 Cowden Crossley Keziah, weaver, h 621 Herr Crossley Susan, warper, h 621 Herr Crossley Susan L., wid James, h 621 Herr Crussly David E., jeweler, h 40 I ..indeu Crossman Anna. h 300 Verbeke Crossman Edward A., bill poster, h 300 Verbeke Crothers Charles H., laborer, h 715 State Crothers James H., laborer, h 715 State Crothers Kate, dre.~mkr, h ] 110 N 6th Crothers Martha, h 715 State Crotty Edward J., laborer, h 204 S Rivel' av Crotty Johanna, h 204 S River av Crollse Theodore L. Rev., h 1246 DeiTY Crow Daniel, puddler, h 53 Lochiel nr store Crow George W., salesman, h 218 Meadow la Crow Patrick, laborer, h 946 Commerce CROW WILlIER, busioess mgr Star-Independent" h 307 Cumberland Crowe Amanda L., teacher, h 446 Cumberlaod Crowl Anna V., teacher, h 629 Boas Crowl Charles A., train dispatcher. II 1630 N 3cI

FRANK M. WALTERS, \::r~:aty: FOOTWEAR, ".7::~

Crowl John A., foreman, State c Cansl, h 629 Boas Crowl Mary K., teacher, h 629 Boas Crown Jacob S., fireman, h 712 Race Crown John H., engineer, h 712 Race Crownover Ado, dres.~mkr, h 224 Briggs Crownover Mollie, dressmkr, h 224 BriggR Crownshield Ii'rank B., IIpprentice, h 600 Race Cruwnshield Horace E., elk, 1518 N 6th, h 1534 do Crownllhield Jeremiah H., conductor, h 1608'N 6th Crownshield Taylor F., painter, h 1421 Shoop Crownshield William B., 'lk~ h 1608 N 6th Crozier David E., music teacher, h 121 Pine Crozier Edwin, fireman, h 20P Colder Crozier Harriet N., wid Rev. John, h 121 Pine Crozier William B., elk, h 209 Briggs Cruikshank William, engraver, h 306 Cumberland Crllll Charles E., machiuist, II 1303 N 2.1 Crull Clara J., domestic, 1109 N 2d Crull Elwood, printer, h 1117 Green . Crull Elwood, mllcllinist, h 1117 Green Crull Ja(.'Ob M., asst baggage agt P. R. R., h 304 North Crull Jennie E., seamstress, h 1249 Derry Crull John P.~ lettermau P. R. R., II 1402 Green

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leleil's Pain Exterminator fJ::~o:.:=~~~~{ {"Tr1.JJL.

174: Boyd'. Harrisburg (0) City Directory.
Crull Lydia, wid John, h 215 Reily Crull Maggie E., h 255 Cumberland Crull Mary L. Mrs., d"essmkr, h 255 Cumberland Crull Samuel H., checkman P. R. R., h 129 Balm Crull William M., en9:it1e inspector, h 255 Cumberland Crum Daniel, cooper, h 216 S 2d Crum Franklin E., laborer, h 2.16 S 2d Crum Geor~ W., carpenter, h 20 Aberdeen BV Crum Priseilla E., wid John H., h 710 N 6th Crum Reuben E., firt'man, h 638 Herr Crum William, h 1935 State Crum William H., printer Telegram, h 216 S 2d Crumlick John J., laborer, h 317 S Front Cl'Ummel Charles, cook, 13 S Court av Crump Charlotte A. Mrs., h 934 James ftV Crumrine James. laborer, h 1901 N 3d Crumwell James, laborer. b 517 Soutb . Cruss Christiann, domestic, 106 South Crutchley AMher L., chipper, h 1600, Logan av Crutchley Daniel, laborer, h 1320 S 13th Crutchley Henry, laborer, h 1320 S 13th Crutchley Henry, jr., Jaborer, h 1320 S 13th Crutchley William, lahorf'r, h 1320 S 13th CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY, Howard c 14tb Cubbison Ellen N., wid John, h 20 N 13tb Cuff James M., driver, h 112:3 Cowden Cuff Jennie, domestic, Front c Slate Culbertson Annie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Culhane John, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Culhane Mary, domestic, 212 State Culhane Thomas J., jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do Culhane William, bartender, 423 Market, h do Cullmerry Cora E., closer, h 2:35 S 14tb Cullmerry Gilbert L., stenographer, 1 N 2d, h 235 S 14th Cullmerry Isaac D., carpenter, h 235 S 14t11 Cullmerry Nellie V., dressmkr, h 235 S 14th Culp Albert [.J., salesman, 326 Market, h 406 do Culp George A., (Shipley & Culp), h 1067 S 9th Culp Hiester C., butcher, h 317 Clinton Culp Louisa Mrs. boarding, 411 Market, h do Culp Millie, wid Samuel, b 806 Capital Culp Noah, nailer, h 626 Race Culp William, brakeman, h 1223 N 6th Cumberland JackllOn, h 428 North av Cumberland Vallev R. R. Pass. Dt'pot, ft Chestnut, entrlnoe, 413 Market, f"eight depot, ft 3d Cumberland Virginia, laundress, h 428 North av Cummings Carrie Mrs., h 135 Vine

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A. B. TACK, Piaelrt Wall Paper. {~~C~~~}I2IO . 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory. 175
Cummings Charles E., laborer, h 132 Dock Cummings Charles L., salesman, h 620 Delaware av Cummin~ Emma M., forelady, h 1:32 Dock Cummings Homer H., machinist. b 228 Crescent Cummings Jacob S., laborer, b 132 Dock Cummiugs James B., bottler, h 110 S 4th Cummings James E., tobacconist, 808 N 3d, h do Cummings Thomas R., brakeDlan, h 647 Verbeke Cummings Walter H., machinist, h 228 Crescent Cummings Watson, laborer, b 132 Dock Cummings William H., conductor, h 132 Dock CummiDgR, ,see aliO Commings Cumpton Jacob E., waiter, h :308 S Court av Cunkle Alpheus D., bricklayer, h 411 Herr Cunkle B. Frank, caller, h 15081 N 5th Cunkle Clara 1\1., h 310 Market Cunkle David L.; h 310 Market Cunkle Eliza, wid George, b 310 Market Cunkle Elmer J., mac:linist, b 417 Herr ClJlO[LE .GEORGE W., (John Cunkle & Son), real estate, 809 N 3d, h 278 Briggs Cunkle George W., jr., page executive dept, h 278 Briggs Cunkle Harry K., paperhanger, h 278, Briggs ' Cunkle Jessie, bookkpr, 1114 Capital" h 411 Herr Cunkle .John, (John Cunkle & ~on), It 417 Herr Cunkle John A., elk, 1001 N 3d, h 417 Herr CUNKLE JOHN & SON, (George W.), coal and wood, 924 Capital ' . Cunkle Joseph, plumber, h 239 State Cunkle Leonard G., warehouseman, h 1217 N Frout Cunkle Thomas B., elk 1 336 Chestnut, h 256 Verbeke Cunkle William L., machinist, h 417 Herr Cunkle William S., stonecutter, h 1i9 N 15t~ Cunkle. see also Kunkle Cunningham Albert, coachman, h 407 N Front Cunningham Arthur, clk Union,News Co., h 700 State Cunningham Catharine, wid Augustus. h 317 S River av Cunningham Ed\vard, laborer, h 612 Church av Cunningham ~"elix. laborer, h 700 State Cunningham J!>hn, barber, 507 Filbert, h do Cunningham John, laborl'r, h 517 South av' ' Cunningham Margaret P., wid Moses, h 1917 N 6th Cunningham Margaret, wid Patrick, b 700 State Cunningham William, machinist, h 522 MUetlCh Cupples Catharine E., wid William, h 1240 Herr Cupples Dollie, d~mestic The Lochiel Cupples George W., flagman, h 1318 Fulton CuppJes James T., brake!Dan, h 1240 Herr

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." To find a name you must know how to spell it." 176 Boyd's Harrisburg (l City Directory.
Cupples Ma~gie J.'., domestic The Lochiel Cupples S. Harry, h 1240 Herr Cupples Stephen F., laborer, h 103 S River av Cupples William, b 1240 Herr Curfman Lillie M., domestic, 222l North Curley John, Illborer, b 1324 S 13th Curley William J., laborer, b 1324' S 13th Currand Juhn E., foreman Telegram, h 508 North Curraud Mary A.., vestmkr, h 263 Forster Currand William T., machinist, h 263 Forster Curry Catharine A. Mrs., boarding, 1410 N 6th, h do .Curry George C., elk, h 144 Indian av Cnrry Joseph H., collductor, h 400 Filbert Curry Rachel Mrs., h 1601 Apricot av Curtin Edward, laborer, h 21 N 6th Vunis Adam K., machinist, h 514 Hamilton Curtis Charles E., engineer, h 1813 N 6th" Curtis Charles E., jr., brakeman, h 1813 N 6tb Curtis David. K., II 1813 N 6th Curtis Robert W., laborer, h 1813 N 6th Curtis Rohert W., machinist, h 1604 N 6th Curtis William N., laborer, II 1604 N 6th Curts Albert K., brakeman, h 633 Boas Curwin Elizaheth, wid Lewil, h 922 Ash av Curwin James A., flagman, h 1817 N 7th Curwin Joseph M., helper, h 1515 N 5th CnS8ck FAward J., engineer,h 930 James av . Cusack Florence I., ruler, h 930 JameS av Cusack Victoria V., f~er, h 930 James a\' Custer John, molder, h 921 Green

Dace John F. C., hostler, h 1524 Wallace Dailey Cornelius, laborer, b 167 Summit Dailey Edward, laborer, h 613 Race Dailey Esther A., wid James, h 1325 Margaret Dailey John M., clk Post Office, h 425 Herr Dailf!Y Joseph S., machinist, h 1244 Walnut Daney Kate, wid Michael, h 425 Herr Dailey Mary A., wid Bernard, h 613 Race Daily Ann, wid John, b 7] 1 State Daily Ellen, wid Michael, h 173 Summit Daily Ellen, wid Patrick, h 942 N 7th Daily John, laborer. h 942 N 7th Daily Patrick, laborer, h 1 no Currant av Daily Piltrick, laborer, 11 7:n State Daily Thomas, hostler, II 711 State Daily William, laborer, h 1461 WalDut

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A. B. TACK, ProCtlCOl Paper Hanger,

{7~7'~O:"~~::J~. Boyd'. Harrisburg (D) City Directory. 1':7

Daily, see alRO Daly, also Daley, also Dililey Dale ',Fortune, laborer, h 1215 N lIt Dales' John, h 231 Verbeke DaHer Ellsworth E., roller, h 1307 S Cameron Dallmus Benjamin, painter, h 1430 Susquehanna Daly John, lineman, h 308 Boyd av Daly Joseph, lineman, h 308 Boyd av Damato Nicolo, fruit, 207 Paxton, h do Dampman Sarah, h 1233 Derry Dandridge Jesse, waiter, h 414 Soutb Dan~rfield Addison, laborer, b 428 Nortb av Daniel Abigail J., h Maclay nr 3d Daniel James, laborer, h 715 North Daniel John E., telegrapher, h 1002 N 6th Daniels AIda C., wid George C., h 1713 N 6th Daniels Joanna, wid Lewis P., b 931 S 19th Daniels John, condu(:tor, h 505 Reily Danner Elias, laborer, h 332 Boyd av Danner George D., h 1827 Rudy Dapp Christian, stone mason, h 317 Clinton av Dlipp Gottlieb, restaurant, 314 Broad, h do Dapp John F., teller Mercb. Nat. Bank, h at Camp Hill Dapp John Maltin, shoemkr, 1713 N 4th, h 1!l07 I"ulton


FOOTWEAR OIl'aIters" 1012 N. 3d St.

Darby Frank, blacksmith, h 446 Cumberland Darby William, laborer, h 1405 Marion Darden Kate, wid Frederick, h ]351 Vernon Dare Allsoll P., (E. O. Dare &. Son), h 209 Boas Dare Charles K., broommkr, h 1217 Penn Dare Eli7..abeth Mrs., h 1646 N 3d Dare Emry E., flagman, h ] 522t N 5th Dare E.Osbornt', (E. O. Dare & Son), h 423 Verbeke DARE E. O. & SON, (Anson P.), insurance, 19 Ni3d Dare George W., laborer, h 960 S 21st Dare Jon~s, teacher, h 960 S 21st Dare Joseph, trucker, h 960 S 21st Dare Joseph G.,jr., clk, h 1916 State Dare JOieph H., clk, 406 Market, h 1916 State Dare Mary C. Mrs., h 423 Verbeke Dare Richard L., milkman, h 1916 State Darkens Noah, laborer, h 1131 N ] Ii Daron Edward Rev., h 47 N 13th Dllrow Frederick, cigars, 445 State, h do Darr Bertha S., weaver, h 1520 N 4th Durr Charles H., warehousemall, h 1429 James av .Darr David A., carpenter, h Penal Dr P~ffer Darr Henry, carpenter, h 1520 N 4th

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Olce McNell's Medicine Co. {EI~~~} No::.:~d.

178 Boyd'. Harrisburg (D) City Directory. Darr John, laborer, 'h 710 East Darr Mary C., \veaver, h 1520 N 4th Darr Rebecca, wid John, h 1528 Derry Darrah John A. J., machinist, h 1443 Vernon Darrah Susan E., housekeeper, h 1443 Vernon Dase Amanda, wid Frederick, h 271 Hamilton Dase Jennie E., teacher, h 271 Hamilton Dasher Anna, wid John J., h 119 Locust Dasher Annie M., h 53 N 13th Dasher Edward R., clk Central Iron Works, h 119 Locust . , Dasher Eliza, h 1209 Green Dasher Frederick K., clk Central Iron Wks, h 326 Chestnnt Dasher Harvey R., salesman, 1001 N 3d, h 1455 Regina Dasher Samuel F., clk, 703 N 3ft, h 315 Briggs Dasher 8010mon Rev., h 53 N 13th Dashiell Julius T., dentist, 215 Market, h do Daugherty C. Howard, engineer, h 1210 N 7th Daugherty Dale, r.iano tuner, h 1803 N 6th Daugherty Danie , puddler, h 53 Lochiel nr store Daugherty George W., bricklayer, h 427 Cumberland Daugherty George W., elk 8tate Treasury, h 1803 N 6th Daugherty Hamlet, foreman P. R. R., h 1011 N 2d Daugherty Harry L'J machinist, h 211 Boas Daugherty Kate, wid Theodore, h 1210 N 7th Daugherty Levan, engineer, h 1016 Green Daugherty Reil, elk, h 1803 N 6th Daugherty, see also Dougherty Daum Frederick, h 1108 N Cameron Daum William, repairsrnan, h 1108 N Cameron Dauphin County Prison, Walnllt e Court av DAUPHIN DEPOSIT BANK, 213 Market (see adv) Daus Annie, wid Christ, h 1225 Bailey Davenport Matilda, wid Frederick, h 12th bel Verbeke Davenport Moses, laborer, h 12th bel Verbeke Dilvidson Abigail, wid David M., h 805 N 3d Davidson Charles, elk, 5 8 2d, h The Commonwealth Davidson David E., ear inspector, h 640 Verbeke Davidson John H., messenger, h 1512 N.6th Davidson Merrel 0., trucker, h 1617 N 4th Davidson William W., elk, h 1612 N 6th Davies Emma, milliner, h 106 Walnut Davies Joseph N., brakeman, h 1515 Vernon Davies Mary E., h 106 Walnut Davies Newton H., teller Dauphin Dep. Bk, h 106 Walnut Davies N. Rawn, b 106 Walnut Davis Abraham N., tinner, h 527 West av Davis Albert W., cctnfectioner, h 1620 N 6th Davis Alice, waitress The Bolton

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, B. TIC" I\,

1210 {EmPIOJll DOne bnt lInt-clBIIII workmen, hence only llmt-clala N. 3d St. work, ADd IDaures I... Work done in any part of the State.

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory. 179

Davis Amos R., carpenter, h 1528 Fulton Davis Arthur J., teamster, h 330 Blackberry 8Y Davis Benjamin, fireman, h 9tb ab Market Davis Benjamin F., motormlin, b 1080 S Cameron Davis Catharine A., wid John C., h 321 Cumberland Davis Charles, laborer, h ~32 .J..iberty Davis Cbarles A., sexton, h 1629 Logan av DavilJ Charles C., elk Post Office, h 250 Liberty Davis Charles E., flagman, h 527 West av Davis Charles W., cigars, 321 Camberland, b do Davis David, timler, h 33 Balm Davis Eliza, wid John, b 413 Cranberry av Davis Emma M., housekeeper, 1310 Howard Davis Felix M., runner, b 307 Daupbin av Davis Frank L.,jeweler, 1300 Market;h 1 N 13th Davis Frederick H., mgr, b 1115 N 2d Davis George, machinist, h 218 N lOtb Davis George G., h 1115 N 2d Davis George M., laborer, h 2020 Kensington Davis Grace, press feeder, h 1107 Capital Davis Harry, clk, 1322 N 6th, h 1528 Fulton Davis Harry B., laborer, h 415 Pear av Davis Harry P., laborer, b 1418 Zarker Davis Ida, domestic, 709 N 6th Davi$ I~rael C., porter, 326 Market, h 1728 N 3d Davis Jacob W., brakeman, h 668 Colder Davis James, laborer, h 662 Colder Davifl James, laborer, h 1221 N III Davis Jamt'.5 G., boilermkr, h 1129 N Cameron Davis Jam~ W., laborer, b 741 211 Davis Jennie, wid Alfred, h I'ear 112 Cluistie's av Davis Jeremiah, boiJermkr, h 662 Colder Davis John, laborer, h 1217 N 7th Davis Jobn H., bark'nder, 523 State, b 9th nr Walnut Davis Jobn H., clk, h 416 Pear av DaviR .John N., hal'ber, h 418 BOllth Davis John S., patternmkr, h 50 N 10tb Davis Josephine, wid Elish.a W., h 707 N 2d Davis Josephine B., booksewer, h 1116 N 7th Davis Kate L., preSl! feeder, h 1221 Cowden DaviR Linneas, laborer, h 804 S Cameron Davis Mary A., wid Harry, h 9th nr Walnut Davis Mary, wid William, h 312 Blackberry aV Dnvis Mary B., wid George W., h 506 Market Davis Philip, laborer, h 632 Woodbine Davis Samuel, nailer, h 420 S 16th Davis Sarah, wid John W., b 415 Pear av Davis Thomas K., laborer, h 1965 Moltkt' aT

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell .:t." 180 Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.
Davis William J., heater, h 548 Woodbine Davis William H., laborer, b 1105 Hickory av Davis Winter H., blacksmitb, b 420 S 16th Dawney Brown C. elk State Ltbrary, h 205 Hummel Dawson Herbert, laborer, h 328 S 14th Dawson John L., machinist, h 1409 N 6tb Day Harry C., carpenter, h 326 Kelker Day William Howard Rev., h 501 Briggs Daylor Margaret, domestic, 309 N Front Dayton Clara, seamstress. h 15~1 Fulton Deabler Maria Mrs., h 1817 Wood av Deal George W., engineer, h 2108 N 6th Deal Reuben, fireman The LochiE'l, h do Deam Harry A., shoemkr, h 1322 N Front Deam Sarah A. Mrs., h 1;~22 N Front Dean Annie B.. wid Francis M., h 1218 Cowden Dean Cassius M., shuemkr, h 519 CowcIen Dean Charles W., laborer, h 1218 Cowden Dean Daniel, .machinist, h 21! ab Derry Dean Elizabeth, wid J. Henry, h rear 332 Boyd av Dean Emma N., domeRtic, 1218 Cowden Dean Erastus F., towerman, h 135 S 3d DCIln George A., laborer, h 19! ab Derry Dean Hal'rison L., h 663 Briggs Dean James, laborer, h 519 Cowden Dean James R., shoemkr, 1928 Wood, h do Dean James W., shoemkr, 10;3 S Cameron, It 119 do Dean John A" laborer, h 19! bel Dcrry Dean John H., shocmkr. 207 Verheke, h do Dean Joseph F., blacksmith, h 5~0 State Dean Mary, wid Christian, 11 1 N Front Dean Nellie C., cllc, h 207 Verbeke Dean Rosa Mrs., dresslllkr, 4 N 211, h do Dean William, laborer, h Lochiel }"'arm Deaner Philip, c()nductor, h 1318 Green Deaner Samuel E., flagmall, h 1812 N 6th Deardorff AcIa, seamstress, h 701 State Deardorff Annie, attendant Luuatic Hospital, h do Deardorff James C., dga\'tl, 821 Market, b 213 Blackberryav Deardorff Lewis. brakeman, h 630 Delaware av Deardurff Mrs., g"(lCer. 1421 N 3d, h do Dearing Alex., laborer, h rear 110 Filbert. DeCarlton Lewis E., nailer, h 12:J9 Kittatinny DeCarltoll Lillie H., dressmkr, b 413 8 Cameron DeCarlton Margaret H., dressmkr, h 413 S Cameron DeCarlton Sarah, wid Lewis. h 413 S Cameron DECOA MABIE, lyric artil,;tf', h 1417 N Front DE!(~kard .John S., bartender, h 1215 N Cameron

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Goog Ie

\~Ub~\~~;::;~ WOII Plloor ond WIndOW ShOdeS nom A. B. TACK, N. 7:J~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg. (D) City Directory.

Decker Peter A., brakeman, h 434 Hamilton Decker William S., yardmaster, h 2116 N 6th Decman B. Ellen, weaver, h 922 Penn Deemer Frank J., draftsman. h 1601 Derry Deen Darwin C., elk P. R. R. depot, h 430 Boas Deen G. Howard, lahllrer, h 172Ui N 5th Deen Ira J., elk, 18:32 N 6th Deen Robert A., brakeman, h 1832 N 6th Deering William & Co., agrl implls, 619 Walnut Dees Edward B., hrieklayel', h 18 Aberdeen av Deeter ~'rank J. book trimmer, b 217 Crescent Deeter George E., engineer, h 217 Crescent Deeter J. Newton, salesman, h 133 Walnut Deeter Mary A., wid Ephraim. h 2] 7 Crescent Deeters Elijah, laborer, h l101l N 7th DeGotlzalez Juan, barber, 270 Verbeke, b do DeGrant William L., dispatcht'r, h 1417 N 6th DeHart Agnes, b 32:3 S River BV DeHart Edwin E., rail f!!eder, h 815 SlOth DeHart Emma B. Mrs., domestic, 813 East DeHart Grafton, motorman, h 1111 N Cameron Dehart John W., nailer, h 812 S Cameron DeHart Milton R., fireman, h 6211 Peffer
-All tbe Latest StyleainNELIABLE and FABHIONABLE


FOOTWEAR 01 fRAtK 11'. WALTERS', N.7072 n II ad St.

DeHart Mina, hlluliekeeper, :323 S H.iver BV DeHart Sarah, wid Oliver, h 323 S River av DeHart William E., heater, h 1441 Regina DeHart William F., nail feeder, h 817 SlOth DeHaven Charles J., patternmkr, h 1315 Bartiu.e av DeHAVEN FREDERICK H., hardware, 424 Market, h 715 N 2d DeHaven Jehu, h 322 N 2d DeHaven Jeremiah H., shoes, 923 N 3d, h do DeHaven William A., student, h 923 N 3d DeHllff Annie, wid Je8.~ D., h 814 N 2d DeHuff Mary, h 323 Walnut Deigert Minnie Mrs., h 1306 S Camt'ron Deihl Franklin, grocer, 414 Forstel', h do DEIHL GEORGE A., grocer, 1342 N 3d, h do Deihl John D., constable, b 1:312 Susquehanna Deihl Samuel B., car inllpector, h 46 N 10th Deihl, see also Dihl Deiker Charles F., beckman P. R. R., h 331 Chestnut Deiker Emma F., saleslady, 334 Market, h 404 Chestnut Deiker .Jobn S., bartender. 404 Chestnut, h do DElKER MARY E. lIIBS., hotel, 404 Chestnut, h do Deimler Philip H' I painter, h 1739 Mimin av

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LIver and Blood Purlfyln. 711 MoNElL'S D:Vlpepela, LiTer, Blood and Kldlieypma Cure JI18 I 011 SI ComplatDta. t

182 B01d's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.

Deimler Richard R., painter, h 107 N 2d Deiner )Ielchior, laborer, h S Cameron nr toll gate Deise John P., printer. h 1512 Derry DEISIIEB. I. ALTON, watchmaker, jeweler and optician, 410 Market, h 436 North Deisrotb Catharine. wid Martin, h 141 Hanna Deisroth Edward, nail feeder, h 141 Hanna Deisroth George W., rOllgher, h 135 Hanna Deisroth Martin. ji'., rougher, h 614 Race Deiss William, druggist, 4th c Walnut, h 920 N 2d Deitzel John H" stone mason, h 1537 Fulton Deitzler Amanda Mrs., harness. 324 Market, 11 30 SCameron DEITZLER CHARLES W., agt stone yard, 17th Dr Derry, h 1609 Derry (see adv) Deitzler Martin L. Rev., h 631 S Front Deitzler Mary, saleslady, 334 Market, h 30 S Cameron Delaney Annie Mrs., hoarding, h 1303 Wallace Delaney Edward R., brakeman, h 622 Reily Delaney John C., h 2007 N 3d Dell IHllbeJla, wid Henry, h 229 Mlllberry Dell Jacob R, bmkeman, h 916 N 6th Dell William H., foreman gas works, h 229 Mulberry Deller Elizabeth, wid John, h 528 Race Deller George, cigars, 143 Hanna, h do' Deller John, sream fitter, b 163 N 15th Dellinger Henry K., colSchmkr, h ]319 Penn Dellinger John, dairymau, h 427 Herr . Dellinger John S., laborer, h 217 Boas Dellone Loui!!, (Hemler & Dellone), h 920 N 3d Delone Andrew J., lineman, h 26 SlOth Demay David B., laborer, h 1464 Regina Deming John H., conductor, h 507 Muench Demming Benjamin W., chemist, 17 N 3d, h 1104 N 6th DEMMING HENRY C. COL., stenographer, horticnlture and milling, 17 N ad, (2d and 3d floors), h 1104 N 6th Demming James M., electrician, h 1] 04 N 6th Demming Viola M., artist, h 1104 N 6th Demmy Christian A., laborer, h S Cameron or toll gate


c. w.
- HARR/88URG, PA. 17tll 8t., .1I"lcet lind 0.,,'7,
EstImates FurnIshed on all kInds of Stone Work.
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FIISCDIlg Pulle BulWlnn II PIIil nils. {l!'at1JD&tStreet. Ii" 1210 N.3d ".a. Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory. 183
apect&lt)' of

malt. &

DEJDtY CLA.YTOR, mgr Singer Mfg. Co., h 29 S 13tb

l>emmy David S., warehoneeman, b 121 LindeD Demmy Edward D., oils, h 312 Blackberry flV Demmy Henry E., toll gatekeeper, b Send S Cameron Demmy Jeremiah, b 1916 State Demmy Lavina~ bousekeeper, 256 Nortb Demmy ReilyW., laborer, h S Cameron nr toll gate DeMoss Benjamin F., laborer, h 324 Harris DeMoss Emanuel H., laborer, h 324 Harris Dempsey Bridget, wid Andl't'w, h 1014 State Dempsey James A., laborer, h 1014 State Dempsey Thomas A., macliinist, h 1014 State Demus Harry, laborer, h River be] Cranberry av Demus Margaret Mrs., h 1327 William Denehey William P., jeweler, 206 Market, h 129 S 2d Denehey William R., stenographer P. R. R., bIll S 3d Denk David, puddler, h Verbeke ab III Denk Harry, laborer, b Verbeke ab III Denk William, laborer, h Verbek' ab III Dennee AI'xander W., (Thomas & Dennee), h 100 N 10th Denn'e William. barber, b 100 N 10th Denney Clifton S., screwsman, b 711 S Front Denney James M., civil engineer, h Cameron nr Magnolia Denney John Q., supt Paxton Rolling Mill, h CalDeron nr Magnolia Denney Thomas H., clk Paxton Rolling Mill, h Cameron nr Magnolia Denney Wasbington I., machinist, h 546 Race Dennis Caroline B., shoe ()perator, h 1413 Regina Dennis Charles H . janitor, h 1413 Regina Dennis James H., janitor, h 215 Market Dennis LOllis J., last'r, h 1413 Regina Dennis Mary, domestic, 23 N Front Dennis William H., brakeman, h 113 S River av Dent James E., lahonr, h 1616 Elm DePuy Pearson W., machinist, b 34 Balm DePuy Thomas E., patternmkr. h 1630 N 6th Derick Charles, fireman, h 1100 N 6tb Derick Samuel H., brakeman, h 1118 Wallace Derickson John, apprentice, h 423 North Derickson William W . checkman, b 42:l North Derosa Antoine, h 721 NOI,th Derr Antbony M., ticket examiner. h 234 Forster Derr Bertha B., domestic. 1235 N 6th Derr Catharin', wid Anthony, h 1122 N 2d Derr Josephine, h 1122 N 2d Derr Josephine, h 310 Chestnllt Derr Mary E., b 1402 PenD

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" ~o find a name you must know how to spell it." 184 Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.
Derr Samllel, laborer, h 1159 Derry Derring Alexander, driver, h rear 110 Filbert Derry Coal and Coke Co:, A. S. McCreath, sec, 223 Market Derstine George H., engineer, h 1813 N 6th Deshong James B., elk, 449 Statfo, h 202 Herr Deshong John C., pressman Telf'Jl:raph, h 202 Herr Deshong John W. Rev., h 202 Herr Deshong William J4\ ma(~hinist, h 202 Herr DeSilvey Miles A., engine cleaner, h 1827 N 5th De'lor George~ joiuer, h 1210 N 2d Desylvi John L., h 1126 N 6th Dettling Amos, heater, II 101:3 SlOth Dettling August, h 1013 SlOth Dettling Clayton, molder, h 1600 Walnut Dettling Edward, laborer, h 101;~ SlOth Dettling Harry, painter, h 1013 SlOth Dettling John, helper, h 1170 S Cameron Dettling John, jr., laborer, h 1011 Hemlock Dettling Joseph, blacksmith, h 1013 SlOth Dettling Lena M. Mrs., h 1013 SlOth Dettling Pl:'ter, carpenter, h 1600 Walnut Detweiler Albert E., salesman, 1215 N 3d, b 18091 N 5th Detweill:'r Caroline, wid Jaeob, h 309 Cumberland Detweill:'r Graee, wid Edgar N., h 1332 N 7th Detweiler John B., agt, h 514 N 5th DETWEILER MEADE D., lawyer, district attorney, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, 11 2a S Front Detweiler Robert L., salesman, h 1720 N 6th Detweiler Samuel, h 123 S 2d Detweilel' Welles W., elk, h 123 S 2d Devan Joseph. waiter, h 130 Liberty DeVENNEY J. C., physician, 300 Reily,l.t do Dever Ellen, h 440 North Devine John C., helper, h 1030 Herr Devine Mary, dOOleHtic, 507 N Front Devine Patrick,laborer, h lO:JO Herr Devinney Robert, driver, h Flllton ab Basin Devor Harry C., gl'Oceries, 1719 N 7th, h do Devor J. Edwin, teacher, h ] 926 N 6th DeVout Anson S., elk, 7th c North. h 208 Hummel DeVout Bartholomew B., fi}reman P. & R., h 208 Hummel DeVout Carrie L., elk, 103 N 2d, h 208 Hummel Dewalt Harvey E., driver, b 25:3 Sassafras av Dewalt Ida B., wid Daniel, h 1727 N 7th . Dewalt Minerva, domestic~ 438 Boa!! Dewees J. Milton, engineer, h 218 Verbeke Dewees William h, elk, h 218 Verbeke Dewhirst Abraham, cigarmkr, h 414 Spring av

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A. B. T ~t:!=~1 Wan Paper and Ilodol Sbdei {12~ ~dTtJiet. Ael

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory. 185
Dewhirst Elizabeth, wid Stephen, h 414 Spring av Deyo W. S., asst observer P. O. bldg, h 225 Pine Deyoe Luther E. Re\y., h 423 Forster DeYoung Joseph W., clk banking dept, h 1113 N 2d Dibeler Demas H., iil'eman, h 651 Dauphin av Dibeler George W., flagman, h 624 Harris Dick Blanch B., stenographer, h 1111 Capital Dick James E., salesman, h 116 Mulberry Dick John L., foreman, h 116 Mulberry Dickel Catharine, wid Daniel, 11 309 Walnut Dickerson Henrietta, domestic, 25 N Front Dickert Harry B., steward The Bolton, h do Dickey Christian B., checkman P. R. R., h 313 S 2d Dickey Edward T., agt, h 1145 Derry Dickey G. Calvin, paiuter, h 1411 N Cameron Dickey Harry L., laborer, h561 Race Dickey Henry H., laborer, h 49 Balm Dickey Robert M., molder, h 311 Hamilton Dick~y Samuel, lIail bluer, h 561 Race Dickey Sarah .K, wid George, h 313 S 2d Dickman Mary E., h 239 State Dickman Theodore, mulder, h 290 S Cameron Dickson William H., porler, h lIl! Tanner's av




Diebler Annie, ironer, h 1818 N 5th Diebler Maria, wid George, h ] 817 Wood av Diederich John, shoemkr, 643 Verbeke, h 1020 Fox av Dieffenbach Isabella, wid Samuel, h 1141 S 9th Diehl Catharine, wid Emannel, h 1409 James av DIEHL CLARX E., mgr POIltal Telegraph Cable Co., It 1208 Market Diehl George W., carpenter, h 1228 Herr Diehl Katharine, wid Emanuel, h 1410 Penn Diehl Lizzie, domestic; 1410 Penn Diehl, see also Deihl Diehm Harvey L., flagman, h 615 Harris Diener Charles E., lather, h 1467 Regina Dietler John C., carpenter, h 1467 Rellina Diener William H., apprentice, h 1467 Regina Dietrich Albert B., (Dietrich & Son), h 1114 Green " DIETRICH FRANK, Franklin House,217 Walnut (see adv) Dietrich Joseph, shoemkr, h 812 Cowden. Dietrich Margaret J" wid Samuel K., h 9!l3 N 2d Dietrich Philip E., (Dietrich & Son), h 1114 Green Dietrich Walter E., stenugrapher, 2a N 3d, h 1114 Green

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MeW.II'. PaiD Exterminator curea Cholera Korbua, DJI8D~, Cnmpr, DlarrhCllllo Colda, QuJDa7. Rbeulll&tllm. Tootbache, BoreThroac, Aaue. D1IpepeIa, Uti I. 3d.



Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.

DIETlUCH " S05, (P. E. aud A. B.), confectioners and ice cream, 1015 .N 3d
Dietz Frederick S., clk, h 615 Muench Difftlnderfer Annie, booksewer, b 1322 Green . Diffenderfer Charles B., engine cleaner, h 1335 Fulton Diffenderfer George, laborer. h 1335 Fulton Diggs Carrie, cook, h 707 North av Diggs Charles, laborer, h 1724 Walnut Diliplane Chas. W., salesman. 22:l Market, b at Spring Lak~ Dill Annie, domelltic Harris House Dill George W., brakeman, h 1507 N 5th Dill Harry A., elk, 30 N 3d, h 610 Forster Dill" Irvin W., carriages, Mulberry nr Crescent, h 211 Crescent Dill John T., laborer, h 1210 Apple av Dill Marv, wid Daniel, h 702 East Dill Thomas J., laborer, h 2 Lochiel 1st Row Dillen Edward, cooper, h 1221 S 9th Dillen Edward D., flagman, h 1230 N 7th Diller Benjamin B., carpenter, h 1131 N ~tb Diller LuthElr, baker, h 257 Crescent Dillon Michael, cigars, 318 MulberrYI h do Dillsworth Fannie, wid Marshall, h 514 North av DDIE SAVINGS FUND, James McCormick, treas, 223 Market Dimler Richard, painter, h 15 S 2d Dimmick Benjamin F. Rev., h 212 Pine Dinelly .Tohn C., driver, h 139 N 4th Dinger Anna A., wid George, h 1230 N Front Dinger Anna M., dressmkr, h 106 Cherry BV Dingel' Emma, press feeder, h 106 Cberry av Dinger Frederick W., bricklayer. h 1322 Susquehanna Dinger George B., fireman, h 1314 N 2d Dinger James B., bricklayer, h 1317 N Front Dinger John A., laborer, h 533 Race Dinger John G., stone mallOn, h ]06 Cherry av Dinger John H., bricklayer, h 1321 N 2d Dintaman Annie E., weaver, h 1127 N Front Dintaman Arlanda P., h rear 1126 N Front Dilltaman Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 1127 N Front. Dintaman Harvey, engineer, h 1412 Margaret Dintaman Joseph, fireman, h 1101 Cowdeu Dipner Charles D., h 909 N 2d Dipner Jacob L . cl.k, 123 S 3d, h The Central DIPKEB. WILLIAM A" grocer, 12:3 S 3d, h Franklin HnuRe DIRECTORS OF THE POOR, Court House


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IIII Shad_ aomplete. beat IIIId 10welt 1 B. T {Wall Paper. ThewtthFlx,\U'eB prtceL ""


Window { '2'0 tor 8& cia. 1I.8d 6t. I

Boyd'. Harri.burg (D) City Directory. 187

Disbrow ChaR. A., mgr Hbg Boot and Shoe Co., h 20 N 16th Disney Benjamin F., puddler, h 104 Ann av Dit!8illger Daniel, laborer, h 537 Yiolet , Dissin~r Edward W., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Dissinger Joseph, laborer, h 2020 N 6th Ditlow Maggie, wid David M., h 49 N Summit Ditmer George. grocer. 134 Verbeke. h 219 Boas Ditmer Harry G., mattressmkr, II 219 Boas Ditmer John, brakeman, h 620 Hamilton Dittman Marv, h 2:~9 State Dive] Frederick W., boilermkr, h 9:32 S 2IRt Diveley David M., painter. h Cameron ab Reily Diveley Isabella, wid William C., h Cameron ab Reily Diven Daniel W., conductor, h 1228 Wallace Diven James R., bricklayer, h 328 North Diven Jessie, beader, h 1351 Vernon Diven Joseph A., watchman, h 1153 Derry Diven Pearl, domestic, 1640 Market, Diven Sarah A., wid Robert N., h 1349 Vernon Diven Sarah A., wid Samuel N., h 328 North Dives .Josiah, (Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart). h at Reading,IPa. DIVES, POMnOY' &: STEWART, (Josiah Dives and George S. Pomeroy). drygoods, cloaks, millinery, boots, shoes. &c., 334 and 336 Market Dixon Alexander, helper, J) 5 Lo('hiel 5th Row Dixon Ella, domestic, 335 Muen('h Dixon Henry S., watchman, h 219 Meadow la Dixon Marshall, barber, 5) 2 Market, h 702 N 7th Dixon Oliver B., waiter, h 335 Mnench Dixon Reuben. laborer, b 422 South a~ Dixon Sallie Mrs., h 13 S Court av Dixon William, laborer, hI) 1l 'fanner's av Dixon William, ]aborer, h 1427 Marion Dixon William T., laborer, h 1427 Marion Dixson William H., laburer, h 1221 N III Doane Geor~ 8., bricklayer, h 1228 N Front Doane Ira H., stripper, b 1228 N Front Doane Jessie, waitress The Bolton Doane John E., helper, h 125 Hanna Doane Naomi, wid Aaron, h 122R N Front Doane Samuel V., puddler, h 125 Hanna Doane Wil1iam V., labol't'r,h 1228 N Front Dobson Anderson, engineer, h 1206 N 7th Dobson George M., ('ngineer, h 1206 N 7th Dock Clara S., wid Geor~, h 223 N Front Dock Elizabeth A., wid Henry L., h 1509 N 5th Dock Gilliard, h 100) N 2d Dock Jacob B., laborer Capitol, h 236 Hummel

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" To find a name yote must !mow how to spell it." 188 Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.
Dockens Noah, waitel', h 1207 N II! Docken8 Sarah, wid John, h 1110 Grape ay Dodden .John H., laborer, II 1239 N 111 Dodge Clara M., seamstress, h 132 Verbeke Dod~ Harry C., hats, 19 N 3d, It 17 N Cameron Dodge Stanton W., produce, 1266 Market, h 17 N Cameron Dodge Susan, wid Andrew, h l:l2 Verbeke Dodge Susan, wid Harry, h 17 N Cameron Doehne Charles A.; brewer, h 322 Chestnut Doehne Edward F., Lookkpr, 319 Blackberry av, h 322 Chestnut DOONE GEORGE, brewer, 319 Blackberry ay, h 322 Chestnut Doehne George L .. machinist, h 322 Chestnut DOt'lker George W., brakeman, h 6M Boas Doherty Robert 1\1., machinist, h 141:3 Market Dohner Ellen M. :Mrs., dressmkr, 43 N 13th, h do Dehner Levi, h 43 N 1:3th Dohooey Annie, h 623 Forster Dohooey Dennis, driver, h 619 Forster Dohoney Edward, molder, h 617 Forster Dohoney John P., repolter, h 204 Herr Dohoney Patrick, laburer, h 619 Forster Dohoney Thomas, watchman, h 623 Forster Dohoney Thomas, jr., molder, h 623 Forster Doleman Elizabeth, wid Benjamin, h 106 Filbert Dol"eman James T., lahorer, h 438 S Cameron Dull Sarah M., wid William H., h 13 S Front Doll, see also Dull Dollar John, janitor, h 1635 N 3d Dohnan Cresar, laborer, b 522 North av Dolman Edward, lahorer, h 1148 S Cameron Dolman John, laborer, h 1148 S Cameroll Domoough Martin, (.'Oupt'r, h 179 Paxton Dominick Thomas, peddll'r, h 1418 Margaret Donaghue Thomas, engineer, h 514 Cowden Donaldsoll William M., (Johnston & Co.), It 2005 N 3d Donbrovr Bertha, domestic, 511 Walnut Donlt'Sy Elizabeth, wid James W., h 1413 N 2d Donlt'Sy Ida. h 1413 N 2d Donleay William, machinist, h 1413 N 2d Donmoyer Josiah W.o hotel, 200 S 3d, h do Donnell Joseph, laborer, h 319 Hayay Donnt'lly Catharine, wid Patrick, h 651 Boas Donnelly Charles, painter, h 9 S 2d Donnelly .James, operator, h 524 Filbert Donnelly John M., yardmaster, h 629 Muench Donnelly John M., jr., cleaner, h 629 Muench

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A. B. TACK, Wall Paper and Window Shades. {72~:~o!;,R.2~t~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory. 189
Donnelly John T., laburer, h 651 Boas Donnelly Mary C., domestic, 108 N2d Donner Frederick W., h 1168 Court av Donner Julius, h 209 Cherry av Donohue Jobn, lahorel', II 231 8 River av Donohue Thomas, engineer, b 514 Cowden Donohue WilliaJl), laborer, h 1812 Wood av Donovan Kate, domestic, 1820 Mnrk{lt Donson Carrie E., press feeder. h 22 N 5tb Donson Dillie M., laundress, h 22 N 5th Donson Lizzie M., dressmkr, h 22 N 5th Douson Lydia A., wid John. h 22 N 5th Doran Thomas, roller, h 1403 8 12th Dorman Isaiah. laborer, h 1209 N III Dorn Georg{l M., barher, 319 Market, h 3 N 4th Dorsey Charles A., laborer, h 1607 Apricot av DorMeY Charles H., polisher, h 1330 Mayflower Dorsey Herbert, laborer, h 3328 15th Dorsey John, catcher, h 11688 Cameron Dorsey John W., carter, h 1622 Elm Dorsey Samuel, laborer, h 10 Paxton Cottage Row Dorsey Samuel W., laborer, h 1622 Elm Dortley Susan A. MrR., h 1013 ~ 2d

FRANK M. WAL TERS, lj~~r~:aty: FOOTWEAR, N.7::~r.

Dorsey William, laborer, h J 5th nr Brigli!:~ Dorsey William A., barber, 440 South, h do Dorty Edgar S., cutter, b 242 Hummel Dorwart James C., machinist, h 1402 N 6th Dorwart John 8., blacksmith, h 1512 Hunter Dorwart Mame C., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1739 N 6tb Dorwart MargarE:t E., dressmkr, h 1739 N 6th Dorwart William A., machinist, h 1739 N 6th Dostman Catharine, wid J()nas, h 534 Maclay Dostman George. h 2013 8watara Dotrow Harry, brakeman, b 17301 N 5th Dougherty AI{lxallder H . boiIermkr, h 115 Linden Dougberty Benjamin F. Rev., h 343 Reily Dougherty Ch,:,rlE's, cntter, h 109 ~ulberry DougheJty Daniel, bridge builder, h 109 Mulberry Dougherty Daniel, engineer, h 1336 N 7th Dougherty Edward, laborer, h ] 824 N Cameron Dougherty Edward .T., brickmkr, h 1826 N Cameron Dougherty EliZllbeth G., h 1824 N Cameron Dougherty Eliza. wid Hugh, h 13:36 N 7th Dougherty Frank H., laborer. h 1527 N 6th Douli!:herty Hllgh, laborer, h 1!l36 N 7th Dougherty Hugh A., lDachinist, h 1312 Shrub av

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Icleil's Pain Exterminator J'u!~O:a: =~~~Dlt {"TrlJJ L.

190 Boyd'. Harrisburg (D) City Directory. Dougherty James F., puddler, b 1412 S 13th Dougherty James W., operator, h 109 Mulberry Dougherty John, laborer, h 1324 N 7th Dougherty John, laborer, h 1824 N Cameron Dougherty John, puddler, b 765 S 19th Dougherty John E., grocer, 1412 S 13th, b do Dougherty John P., varieties, 346 Verbeke, shoes, 352 do, h 1336 N 7th Dougherty Philip, laborer, h 109 Mulberry Dougherty Robt'rt W., laborer, h 115 Liuden DOl1f!therty SURan, domestic, 121 Locust Dougherty William, engineer, h 1336 N 7th Dougherty William, laborer, h 1904 N 5th Dougherty, see also Daughel'ty Doughty Charles, elk P. R. R., h rear 212 Walnut Doughty Lillie, housekeep~r, rear 212 Walnut Douglas Catharine, wid Benjamin F., h 526 Filbert Douglas Robert L., cigarmkr, h 1315 Maple av Douglass Annie, wid Michael, h 138 Linden Douglass Benjamin J. H., clk, 128 Short, h 1137 Derry Douglass Carrie, wid Benjamin P., h 1137 Derry Douglass George E., bouseman Lochiel, h 119 Short Douglass Hezekiah, houseman, h 130 Tanuer's av Douglass James E., barber, h 119 Short Douglass James 'V., coachman, h 128 S River av Douglass Mary A., bookkpr, 142:3 N 3d, h 1315Cowden Douglass Samuel McC., expre...a messenger, h 338 Market Douglass Thomas, laborer, h 6 Cottage Rpw Douglass William, laborer, h 1015 SlOth Douglass William T., elk, h 1137 Derry Douty Ida A. 1\1rs., h 1735 N 7th Dovel Hiram, laborer, h 1113 N Dovel Hubert, laborer, b 1113 N III Dovel Joanna, domestic, 16171 N 3d Dovel Peter, htborel', h 1253 N III Dovel Silva, wid Charles, II 1127 N 11k Dow Frank M., h 921 N 2d Dowhouer John l\f., cigar mfr, 322 Verbeke, h do Dowhouer John S., carpenter, b 322 Verbeke Dowhuuer Stephen S., brakeman, h 414 Harris Dowhower Micbael, fOl-emall, b 258 Colder Downey Charles E., laborer, h 448 S Cameron Downey Daniel, laborer, h 1278 S Cameron Downey David, laborer, II 448 S Cameron Downey Elizabeth A., wid James H., h 1502 Apricot uv Downey Frank H., huckster, h 1278 S Cameron Downey Mary C., domestic, 448 S Cameron Downey Mary E. Mrs., h South bel Filbert


Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Pine Irt WaIl Paper. {~C3~~~} 1210 . 3d.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (D) City Directo17' 191
Downey Samuel. laborer, b 448 S Cameron Downie Annie E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1316 N 6th Downie Catharine E. Mrs., h 1316 N 6th Downie Charles L., elk, 924 Capital, h 1316 N 6th Downie James R., machinist, h 1316 N 6th . Downie Margaret, wid James, h 312 Muench Downie Seth R., student, h 1316 N 6th Doyle Bridget, domestic The Bolton Doyle Carrie M., shoe operator, h 501 Hamilton Doyle Cornelius, watchman, h 229 Liberty Doyle Edward, flagman, h 1231 N 6th Doyle Edward J., painter, h 229 Liberty Doyle Harry C., salesman, 26 S 2d, h 1308 N Front Doyle Henrv H., driver, h 1107 Montgomery Doyle JameS W., hostler, h 501 Hamilton Doyle John M., laborer, h 1328 Wyeth av Doyle Katie T., saleslady, 202 Market, h 13 S River av Doyle Mary, wid James, h 13 S River av Doyle Matthias J., artist, h 501 Hamilton Drabenstadt Amos, laborer, h 809 S Front Drabenstadt Oscar, laborer, h 809 S Front Drabenstadt Simon, lallorer, h 809 S Front Drabcnstadt William, laborer, h 809 S Front Drake Benjamin F., labOl'er, h 109 Hanna Drake Graffius, engineer. h 1326 N 3d Drake Henry, foreman P. & R., h 1617 Swatara Drake Jame.'1 B., fireman, h 1011 N 7th Drake Joh~ R., fireman, h 919 Grand Drake Pleasant H., laborer, h 139 Hauna Drake Robert, laborer, h 139 Hanna Drake Sallie, h 1011 N 7th Droke William F., elk, 444 S 2d, h 139 Hanna Drake William K., engineer, h 614 Muench Draper Nathaniel, laborer, h 16 Haehnlen av Draucker George B., tinner, h 212 Verbeke Dravenstadt Alfred S., laborer, h 3) 81 Reily Dravenstadt Emma ~., wid Alfred A., h 318i Reily Drawbaugh Alice, winder, h 323 Colder Drawbaugh David H., carpenter, h 1929 N 4th Drawbaugh Elmer, laster, h 1431 Derry Drawbaugh Harry C., warehouseman, h 712 South Drawbaugh Henry, laborer, h 323 Colder Drawbaugh John, laborer, h 336 Cherry av Drawbaugh ,Joseph E., warehouseman, h 712 South Drawbaugh Sarah J., wid John, h 712 South Dreese Ira, laborer, h Verbeke c 14th Dreese Margaret, wid Joseph, h 1132 N Cameron Dreese William A., laborer, h 1132 N Cameron

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 192 Boyd'. Harrisburg (J) City Directory.
Dreher Charles C., telegrapher, h 617 Boas Dress Mary, wid George, h 120 Conoy DresKel Christopher A., saloon, 20i Chestnut, h do Drew Henry, waiter, b 130 Liberty Drew John W., hal'ber, h 123 Short Drewett A lice, domeKtie, 1416 N 2d Drewett Catharine S., h 501 North Drewett David H., laborer, h 501 North Drewett George W., hostler, h 1334 Penn Drewett James A., elevatorman, h 1404. James Drewett Louisa E., saleslady, 3:34 Market, h 501 North Drewett Olivia, will James, h 3;U~ Boyd av Drexler Catharine Mrs., confectioner, 1301 N 3d, h do Drexler Elvernia Mrs., h 1531 N 6th Drexler George, brakeman, h 617 Walnut Drt'xler Irene, printer, h 606 Peffer Drexler John S., dl'iver, h 1301 N 3d Drinkwater Edward, cigars, h 538 Race, h do Drinkwater Joseph H., elk, h 638 Ratce Driscoll Jeremiah M., collector, h 626 Boas Drumheller Lewis A., piano tuner, h 336 Market Drummond Melinda, wid Henry, h 406 Walnut Dubhs Alonzo, laborer, h 1208 N 12th DUBBS CBAlIIBEBS, h 800 N 3d Dubbs Charles C., fruit, &c., 800 N 3d, h do Dubbs Edward W., salesman, h 800 N 3d Dnbbs Frank, laborer, h 1230 N Cameron Dubbs Frank R., sal~man, h 800 N 3d Dubbs Harry K., h 800 N 3d Dubbs Harry K., salesman, h 1121 N 3d Dubbs Harry L., bartender, 309 Market, h do Dubbs John H., laborer, h 1750 N Cameron Dubbs Joseph, shoemkr, h 1126 N Cameron Dubbs Joseph, jr., laborer, h 1124 N Cameron Dubbs Tyrus 8., freight sol P. & R., 604 Market, h Bolton House Dudley Albert, driver; h 631l Walnut Dudley John, locktender, h Canal ft Walnut Dney C. Raymond, elk, 418 Market, h 108 BJas Dney Frank A., painter, h 1111 Colder Duey George S., cabinetmkr, h 1729 Walnut Duey Jacob P., blacksmith, h 108 Boas Duey John W., laborer, h 1111 Colder Dlley Simon, h 104 S t:3th Duey William H., carpenter, h 551 SlOth Duey Edmund L., student, II 823 N 6th Duff William L., physicilln, 823 N 6th, h do Duffield Sarab, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

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I. B. TICK, PrOCIICOI Paper Hanger.


Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory. 193

Duffield William, roller, h 2144 Howard Duffin ThomM, mason, h 1235 N III Duffins Harrv R., hostler. h 510 Brown av Duffin. Joseph H., mason, h 1)10 Brown av Dufner Kate C., saleslady, 414 Market, h 809l S Front Dugan James, laborer, Ii 21 N 6th Duke Henry J., (Jelley & Duke), fresco painters, 217 Mulberry, h do Duke Jane, wid Patrick, h 213 Blackberry av Duke Mollie E., domestic, h 213 Blackberry av Duke William F., brakeman, h 232 N 3d Dukes Edgar S., packer, h 36 Linden Dukes Maud, elk, 1304 Market, II 1257 Walnut Dulaney Annie Mrs., h 1303 Wallace Dull Andrew J., h 101 S }i'ront Dull Casper, lawyer, 26 N 3d, h 227 N Front Dull Daniel M., h 227 N Front Dull Emory, fiagtnun, h 559 Hunter Dull James J., h 227 N [i'runt Dull William H., engineer, h 130 Linden Dull, see also Doll DuMars Cornelius K., \\"atertender, h 209 Mulberry DuMars Elizabeth J., seamstress, h 206 Locust

tiL'}:L;-=~~:;,eb~:B~ FOOTWEAR 01 Walters', 1012 N. 3d 81. DuMars James K. P., pension agt, h 206 Locust Dumars M8J?:gie, II 206 Locust Dumbrowa Augustus, laborer, h 810 S 0ameron av D1JlI( R. G. & CO., mercantile aJ?:ency, J. F. Daniell, jr., mgr, office at Reading, Pa. Dunavan Samuel C., mt!s.~r Dauphin Dep.. Bank, h 16 Abeldeen av Dunbar Harry M., laborer, h 1635 Mi.tBin av Dunbar Henry P., stationmaster P. R. R., h 420 Market Duncan Charles C., conductor, h 11011 N 7th Duncan Dauphin L., (est), tobacconist, 3d c Walnut Duncan David H., elk, h ;H6 Herr Duncan Edward C., driller, h 1402 Regina DUllcan Eliza, wid James, h 316 Herr Duncan George S. Rev., h 1208 N 2d Duncan John ];'., carpenter, h 316 Herr Duncan Maria, domestic, 132 Ldcust Duncan Samuel L., repai!:sruan, h 616 Reily Duncan William, hostlef, h 333 Colder Duncan William D., elk, 46 N 3d, h 719 N 6th DUliCANNON PLANING MILL CO., ltd, lumber and mill work, 18 N 3d, F. A. Gibson, chairman (see adv) Dunkel Daniel E., laborer, h 2026 Kensington



Dice McNeil's Medicine Co. {Ea~s!eed} N~~d..

194 Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.
Dunkel John S., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h.. do Dunkel JOlles, laburer, h 645 Maclay Dunkel Michael H., asst gnrdener Lunatic Hospital, h do Dunkel Pauline H., wid Aaron K., h 1316 Derry Dunkelberger Lou, rentre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do DunkleGeorge 0., laborer, h rear Cameron nr Muench Dunkle George W., motorman, h 17:35 N 4th Dunkle Josiah A., (Dunkle & Ewing), h at Steelton Dunkle Samuel F., elk Hbg Mfg. and Boiler Co. DUNKLE" EWING, (Josiah A. Dunkle and Mary Jr K. Ewing), real e8tat~, 222 Marlcet Dunlap Charles W., fireman, h 1829 N 7th Dunlap David, h 1829 N 7th Dunlap David, jr., conductor, h 633 Verbeke Dunlap Emory B., painter, h 323 Hamilton Dunlap Fanny A., teacher, h 817 llieen Dunlap James, fireman State HlJepital, h 635 Verbeke Dunlap James G., plasterer, h 1127 Grape a\1 Dunlap Robert, attendant State Hospital, h 637 VerbekeDunlap Samuel, h 638 Verbeke Dunlap William, fireman State HObpital, II 641 VerbekeDunlap William J., machinist, h 1908 N 6th Dunlevy James E., blacksmith, h 1062 S Cameron Dunlevy Maggie, wid William, h 1062 S Cameron Dunmire Herbert G., bookkpr, h 1619 N 3d Dunmire John W., engineer, h 1619 N 3d Dunmore William B., driver, h 1509 Derry Dunn Alfred L., telegraph repairel' P. R. R., h 112 S 13th Dunn Catharine, weaver, h 138 Linden Dunn Catharine, wid Edward J., h 1224 N Cameron Dunn Dennis, .laborer, h 138 Linden Dunn Edward L., lineman, h 112 S 13th Dunn Eliza, wid James, h 1221 Cowden Dunn Harriet E., booksewer, h 282 Union av Dunn John, Bagman, h 1212 N 7th Dunn John A., hostler, h 282 Union av Dunn John E., laborer, h 1224 N Cameron Dunn John M., laborer, h 1340 N 7th
OFFICE, 18 N. Third St.

YARDS AND .'LLS. Duncannon, Perf7 Co., I'll.



lUmBER I mill W[]RK.

F. A. GIBSON, Chairman. JOHN A. HARTMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. E. B. HARTMAN, General

Address all Correspondence to HARRISBURG. PA.

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B. TIIIK, 11\1

1210 {EmPlOys none but lIrstclaNIworkmeD, ht'nceonlyllrst-clul N, 3d St, work, and II18Dres 11. Work done In any part of the State.

Boyd's Harrisburg In) City Directory. 195

Dunn .J useph, mal'lOI1, h 810 Cowden Dunn Laura M. Mrs., bonk!'ewer, h 609 Herr Duon Mary, weaver, h 1:38 Linden Dt'loll Mary A., d ..essrukr, h 1224 N Cumeroo Duon Rose, laundrt'ss, h 512 N 5th Dunn .Sadie, couk, 19th c SWlltltra Dunn Thomas, bartender, h :325 Reily, h do Dunn William, laborer, h 1340 N 7th Dunott Daniel Z., physician, 132 Walnut, h do Dunott Elizabeth, wid TllllnIa8 J., II 132 Walnut DUliott Justus, h 132 Walnut . Dunott Sydney P., stllclent, h 132 Walnut Dunsmo~ Benjamin A., laborer, h 3 Ziegler av Dunsmore Rachel, wicl Jamt':!, h 3 Ziegler av Dunsmore William B.. watchman, h 1005 N Front DURBIN JAMES C., lawyer, 6 N Court av, h 717 N 6th Durbin Minnie A., domeRtic, 23 S Front Durbin Stanton C., mail elk, h 717 N 6th Durborrow Jacob A., flagman, h 1520 Wallace Durkees Margaret .1., wid Jobn D . h 314 S 2d Durnballgh Hiram, ins. solicitor, h 269 Verbeke Dllrnbaugh Martin, cooper, h 179 Paxton Durnbaugh Robert, agt, h .269 Verbeke Dustin Leonora, teacher, 9 N Front, h do Dustman Lydia, h 1322 N 6th Duston .John H., boiler inspector, h 3 N 4th Duttenhofer Christian J., tobacconist, 1520 N 6th, h do Duttenhofer George W., helper, b 1119 Grape Duttenboft'er Edward C., belper, h 105 S River av Dutton Jobn A., machinist, h 412 Delaware av Dutton Thomas F., laborer, h 412 Delaware av Duval Annie, wid John, h 334 S 16th Duval John, cooper, h 908 S 9th Duvall Annie, wid George W., h 908 S 9th Duvall George W., laborer, h 123 Dock Dwyer Daniel, machinist, h ] 13 Tuscarora Dwyer John, laborer, h 508 SlOth Dwyer Mary A., dressmkr, h 508 SlOth Dwyer Michael F., printer Telegraph, h 1207 N Front DybJie Emil E., puddler, h 420 S 16th Dye John S., engineer, h 1934 Wood av Dyer Franklin H., painter, h 262 Colder Dyer George H., h 119 Cumberland Dyer Harry H., fireman, h 262 Colder Dyer Margaretta. operator, 222 Market, h 262 ColderDysert William M., boilermkr, h 245 CrtBcent

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 196 Boyd's Harrisburg (}~) City Directory.


Eagle Thomas W., cigarll, 1272 Market., h 1:326 Vernon

EAGLE WORKS, (W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co.), Canal c

North (see aelv) Earhart Alva E., domestic, 132 Locllst Ea.hart Samuel Y., engineer, h 1718 N 6th Earle Thomas, civil engineer, II 204 Walnut Earley Currie, housekeeper, h 309 Boas Earley Harry L., brakeman, h 105 Washington Earley James M., herdsman Lunatic Hospital, h 1905 N Cameron Earley John B., salesman, 104 N 2d, b 105 Washington Earley Laura J., h 1905 N Cameron Earley L. Vance, waiter, h 122 Short Earley Morris L., paver, h 105 Washington }~arley Stella S., teacher, h 1905 N Cameron Early Augustus A., clk Hershey House, h 416 N 3d Early Daniel S., inventor, h 1740 N 6th Early John H., messenger executive dept, h 912 Green Early Mary, wid Amos, h 421 Forster Earnest George, gas fitter, h 229 North Earnest James D., (Earnest & Co.), h 206 Locust Earnest John C., switchtender, h 601 Dauphin av .Earnest May 0., saleslady, 334 Market, h at Steelton Earnest Oliver D., painter, h 229 North Earnest Thomas J., (Earnest & Co.), b 550 Race Earnest William D., h 206 LOCllst Earnest Wi Isie 1\1 rs., h 1120 N 6t h Earnest & Co., (T. J. and J. D. Earnest and H. C. Rotb), fish, 211 S Court BV Earp Benjamin M., flagman, h 1251 Mulberry Earp Harry E., printer, h 109 Paxton Earp James E., nail feeder, h 109 Paxton East Harrisburg Cemetery Co., 331 Market


Eastern Book Store, (W. F. Becker & Co.), 315 Market Eastman Frank M., clk auditor Il:enl's dept, h 227 Boas Eastwright Alexander H., conductor, h 531 Peffer Eaton Eben F., crayon artist, h 24 N 4th Eaton Frank S., postal elk, h 1731 Market EATOX JOBK F., mgr Nortbwestern Mutual Life 108. Co., 226 N 3d, b do Ebbert Edgar E., printer, h 422 Market Ebberts Curtis, laborer, h 1323 James av Ebel Christian F., blacksmith, h 141 Paxton EBEL FRED W., com'sr State Fisheries, Natiooal Hotel State c 4th, b do

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~~Ub-:~\~:;~~~ 1011 PUDer ond IIndowsnodeS lrom I. B. T leK, N.7::~

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory.


Eberle Amanda, wid Benjamin F h 12:39 Cowdeu Eberle Elmer E .. brakenllUl, h 650 Cumbel'land Eberle William F . fiireman, h 906 Green Eberly George F., boill'rmkr, h 229 Crescent Eberly Mary C., wid Christophel', h 90S Cowden Eberly Samnel, !'tuvell, &c., ] 317 N 6th, b do Eberly William E.. timler, h ] 317 N 6th Eberly William H., blacksmith, h 1802 N 3d Ebersol Annie G., II 29 S 13th Eber80l Franklin, machinist, h 1549 Vernon Ebersol George A., hostler, h 1117 Capital Ebersol Ida M., booki<pr, h 1117 Capital Ebersol Mary A., wid Henry, h 29 S 13th Ebersol Samuel M., machinist, h 1117 Capital Ebersole Gt'Orge H., carpenter, h 1956 Swatara Ebersole Juliann, wid John H., h 1612 Swatara Ebert William, stoves, &c., 418t Reily, h do Ebner George F., flagman, h 1810 Elizabeth av Ebright William 0 .. brakeman, h 643 Maclay Eby Arthur F., stndent, h 1:321 Derr.v Eby Barbara, wid Elias, h 404l Verbeke EBY BENJAMIN F., insurance, rcal estate and rent agent, 1:3~.!J?erry,~ do
""':-=-A-ll-tbe-Late&t Styles InNEUABLE and FASHIONABLE

FOOTW EAR 01 fRANK M [ , N.7072 WALT[RS' 8d 8t.

Fannie M., h 3d c Maclay Henry, blacksmith, h 647 Cumberland Irene, I~ ad c Maclay John A., hostler, b 636 Boas EBY MA.URICE BON., mayor, grocer, 443 Market, h 3d c Maday Eby Oliver, cigarmkr, h 404, Verbeke Eby Samuel~ laborer, h rear 1857 N 7th Eby Samuel, repairsruan, h 1119 Colder Eby W. Howard, real esq.te, h 3d c Maclay Eckord Annie, seamstress, h 105 S Cameron Eckard Jacob, painter, h 105 S Cameron Eckard Sylvester M., brakeman, h 322 Clinton Eckard William B., laborer, h 1733 N 7th Eckelman Frank H., collector, h 48 N 10th Eckels Charles, laborer, h 403 Reily Eckels Jonathan H., bookkpr, 323 Verbeke, h 1642 N 3d Eckels Susan, wid Hagan K h 1410 Penn ECKELS WILBERT G., mgr, 222 Market, h at Mechanicsburg Eckelston Robert, heater, h 1310 S 12th F..ckenrooe George W., driller, h 1055 S 9tb Eckenrude John F., engineer, h 1216 Cowden

Eby Eby Eby Eby


Digitized by


LIver and Blood Purlfylne McNEIL'S D,8pepsla, Llnr, BlOOd and KidneyPills Cure JIIIII 3d St Complaints. l n,

198 Boyd's Harrisburg

(E> City Directory.

Eckenroth Bessie L., finisher, h 313 S FI'out Eckenroth Jacob F., piler, h :H3 S It''ront Eckerd John M., mgr, 306 Verbeke, h do Eckert Annie, starcher, b 1315 Maple Eckert Barbara, domestic, 609 N Front Eckert Bertha M. Mrs., h 1130 N Front Eckert Clarence, cutter, h 66 N 14th Eckert David \V., gasmkr, h 66 N 14th Eckert H. J., printel' Star, h at Steelton Eckert John M., brakeman, h 331 Kelkei' Eckert Maud S., bookfolder, h 331 Kelker ECKIlfGER HARRY F., Paxton Hotel, 1108 Market, h do Eckinger Jacob, bartender, h 601 Boas Eckinger Josephine, header, h 601 Boas Eckman Rosa B., wid Charles T., h 40 N 13th F..ckrich Conrad, engineer, h 1138 S Cameron Eden Musee, John G. Foley, mgr, 214 Locnst EDGE THOMAS J., sec State Board of Agriculture, Ca pitol, h 707 N 6th Edingear Isabella, wid Thomas, h 1407 Margaret Edmonds Charles J., supt Hbg Mfg. and Boiler Co., h The Bolton ,Edmondson James M., p{)stal clk; h 238 Hummel Edmund" William T., helper, h 1849 Berryhill Edmundson Charles, fireman, h 313 Vel'beke Edwards Abraham L., machinist, h 1208 Fulton Edwards Annie, stripper, h 16371 N 3d Edwards Aunie E. Mrs., cigars, 117 Dewberry av, h do Edwards Annie 8., domeatil', Front c Reily Edwards Bertha, shoe operator, h 345 S Catneron Edwards Bessie, forelady, h 345 S Cameron Edwards Blancbe V., milliner, h 223 Union Edwards Caradoc, fireman, h 1604 Logan av Edwards Charles \V., laborer, h ]812 Rudy Edwards Ella, domestic, 116 Pine EDWARDS FERNANDO E., pianos, organs, &c., 113 Market, h 2] 6 N 2d Edwards Harrv, butcbel', h 22:3 Uninn av Edwards John; boots and shoes, 32l 8 21\, h 22:3 Union av Edwards John, jr., helper, h 22:3 U nilln av Edwards Josephine H., stripper, h 16:37! N 3d Edwards Martha Mrs., h 345 S Cameroll Edwards Mary L., domestic, 25 S ji"rllllt Edwards Mary G., teacher, h 22:~ N 2c1 Edwards 8arah A., wid John, II ] 208 Fultoll Edwards Sophia, wid Joseph, h ]716 Walnut Edwards Tryon H., lawyer, 212 Walnut, h 507 Front

Digitized by


J. B. TACK .::"'~tyaOf frescalng PI~lIe Buildings In Plaia TIDls. Hti~~~r;.::

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory. 199
John. baker, 324 Reily, h do Egenrieder Augustns, bartender The Bolton, h do Egenrieder John H., baker, h 1811 N 3d Egenrieder Thomas, baker, h 1811 N 3d, h do Egle Addie, h 107 Mulberry . Egle Hiram, carpenter, h 131 S 3d EGLE WILLIAM H. DR., State Libral'ia,n, It 305 N 2d EGOLF ADAM D., contractOl', 503 ij.eily, h do Egolf David P., carpenter, h 518 Hunter Egolf Samuel J., machinist, h ] 630 Wallace Ehlen S. Fannie Mrs., dres.'lmkr, h 60!) Race Ehler C. Amandus, elk, NOlth c 2d, h 618 N 3d Ehler :Eliza, wid William G., h 905 Capital Ehler George B., lineman, h 12~5 Cowden Ehler George \V., helper, h 1305 Fulton Ehler George \V., machine hand, h 545 S Front Ehler Harry, driver, h 122 Strawberry av Ehler Lanra, milliner, h 905 Elder Eitliult Annie, wid William, h 822 Cowden Ehling Harvey M., brakeman, h 822 Cowden Ehling Henry, laborer, h 2 Chesapeake av Ehlman Albert W., cooper, h 2026 N 7th Ehman Sadie E., wid John, h 1116 Bartine av Ehrisman George M., huckster. h 1005 Paxton Ebrisman Snsan, wid J. George, h 1612 Logan av Ehrman Colonel, elk The Central, h do Eichelberger Frank P., carter, b 1721i N 4th Eichelberger George B., laborer, h 614 Verbeke Eicbelberger .Joseph, laborer, h 1212 Apple Eichelberger Josiah M., molder, b 1212 Apple Eichelberger Mary C., wid .Ja<.'Ob, h 327 Hamilton Eichenberger Elmer. laborer, h 165 Indian av Eichenburg Charles, brakeman, h IM27 N 7th Eiler Sarah, domestic, 1443 Vernon EmSTEIN BROS. (Joseph V. aud Edgar V.), drygoods, . 223 Market Einstein Catharine V., wid Morris G., h 1122 N 3d Eillstein Edgar V., (~~instein Bros.), h 226 Herr Einstein Joseph V., (Einl!tein Bros.). h 707 N 2d }~inzig Harman, brnshmkr, 1316 William, h do Eisely Edward }4'., dty agt Telegraph, h 1301 BerryJaiH Eist'nberg Annie, domestic The Commercial Eisenberg Charle. baker, h 1101i Capital Eisenberg Horace T., new" agt, h 104 State Eisenberger Grant, hricklayer, h 806 S Cameron Eisenberger Harn', luhllrer, b 806 S Cameron Eisenberger .Jacob B., tlreman, h 640 Herr Eisenherger Samuel, bricklayer, h 806S Cameron


Digitized by


" To find a name you must know "ow to spell it.'~ 200 Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory.
Eisenhower John, laborer, h 203 S 3d Eieenhower Leah, h 1319 N 2d Eisenhower William E., l!lborer, h 203 S 3d Eisner Mildred, cook Lu.natie Hospital, h do Eissner Charles M., baker, h 1637 N 7th Eissner Pf'ter, tailor, 326 Strawberry av, h do Ei88ner William, steel worker, h 1317 MiJllin av Eitelbush Frank, iron worker, h 301 Chestnut Eitlebush Peter F., shoemkr, 301 Chestnut, h do Eitnier Samuel, briekmkr, h 225 S 191 Elberti Anna E., wid John N., h 1318 GreeD Elberti John W., laborer, h 1834 N 7th Elder Charles M., fireman, h 1221 Wallace Elder David R., collector P. R. R., h 1325 N Front Elder Elenor S., h 1325 N Front Elder Harry W., elk,1300 N 3d, h 1114 N Front Elder Herbert, (Entrekin-Elder Electric Co.), h 1104 N 2dl Elder J. Wallace, elk, 4~1 N 2d, h 1325 N ~"'ront Elder Margaret, elk, h 1631 N 3d Elder Margat'etta W., wid Thomas, h 109 Chestnut Elder Mary, wid James, h 12~1 Wallace Elder Mary A., wid Jacob, h 1631 N 3d ELDER MATTHEW B., plumber and gas fitter, 202 N 2d, h Derry ab 23d Elder Perry G., fireman, h 1114 N Front Elder William C., elk, 303 Market., h 1325 N FI'ont Elder Wilson, agt, h lO9 Chestnut Eldridge George H., fireman, h 332 Hamilton Eldridge Geor~e T., cUt, 24 S 3d, h 1~24 N 3d Eldridge Harriet, housekeeper, 3d c Maclay Eldridge Theodoric R. B., cashier, 1 S 3d, h 271 Herr Elicker Charles I.., fla~man, It 2146 N 6th Elicker J. Calvin, elk, h 216 Mulbel'ry Elicker W' illiam, hrakeman, h 654 Colder Elicker William E., motorman, h H16 S Cameron Ellenberger Charles A., music teacher, h 147 N 13th Ellenberger Henry I.., hrakeman, h 307 Verbeke Ellenberger Isrllel. filrnitllre, 2:33 State, h 1809 N 3d ELLENBERGER J. WESLEY, physician, 1312 N 3d~ h do Ellenberger Samuel E., teacher, h 258 Verbeke ELLENBERGER SAMUEL E., boots and shoes, 301 Verbeke (Broad), h do Ellenberger Wesley J., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Ellinger David H., motorman, h 40:3 Boas Ellinger Elizabeth, wid William, h 12011 Derry Ellinger George W., tel('~ra(lher, It 4(13 Boas Ellinger Harry, laborer, h 1600 Logall av

Digitized by


A. B. TACK ~t::!=~~ I~I Paper lod Ilod Shares {12m ~:d~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory. 201
Ellinger J. Harry, telegrapher, h 403 Boas Ellinger Joseph H., brickmkr, h 921 S 19th Ellinger Nathaniel, laborer, h 14th c Paxton Ellinger Robert, laborer, h 1600 Logan av Ellinsworth Christian, laborer, h rear 1843 N 7th Elliott James, Machinist, h 810 East Elliott John, laborer, h 3:34 Hummel Elliott John G., molder, h 810 East Elliott Mary A., wid Daniel, h 816 N 3d Elliott Patrick, cupolatender, b 810 East Ellis Edward, laborer, h 639 Herr Ellis Frank }I'., machinist, h 1114 Currant av Ellis George D., puddler, h 1114 Currant av Ellis Lillian R., dressmkr, h 1346 Vernon Ellis William, laborer, h 1314 Susquehanna Ellis William H., machinist, h 107 Linden Ellis William W., blacksmith. h 1346 Vernon Ellis William W., jr., blacksmith, h 1346 Vernon Ellison Jane, wid John, h 121 S 2d Ellitts Sarah. domestic, ] 20 S 2d ELL.ARER FRANK, supt middle division, P. R. R. depot, h The Commonwealth Ells"orth Frederick W., clk in~. dept, Capitol, h 212 N 2d

;ia0~:!:\~a~ FOOT WE A R gO 10 WALTERS', N.3~O~~;;.. EIscheid Annie Mrs., h 1417 Fulton EIscheid Augustus K., bartender The Commercial, h 334 Strawberry av . EIscheid John R., baker, h 334 Strawberry av EIscheid Richard, tailor, 334 Strawberry av, h do Ely Jacob, beater, h 411 S 2d Ely Leallder, laborer, h 744 S 19th Ely Lydia N. Mrs., h 528 West av Ely Samuel, laborer, h 439 S 2d Emanuel Daniel, molder, h 521 North . Emanuel Harry, coremkr, h 611 State Emanuel Kate, dressmkr, h 519 State Emanuel Solomon, coremkr, h 521 North Emanuel Solomoll, jr., molder, h 521 North Embich Frederick, h 1000 Fox av Embich Jacob, laborer, h 1000 Fox av Emerick Charles W., dk, 601 State, h 511 do Emerick Ellen B., domestic, 23 S Front Emerick George C., shoemkr, 425 Harrid, h do Emerick John A., plasterer. h 624 Walnut Emerick Levi, hI] 8 Dock Emerick Morris, clk Dauphin Dep. Bank, h 1249 Mulber..,. Emerick W. Robert, salesman, :126 Market, h 2 S 4th

Digitized by


Mcl.n', PaIn btermlnalor ooree (''bolera Morbaa, DJlMlnterJ. Crampa, Dlarrh~ Colda,. Qull1I1. Rheamatllm. Tooth~h.. Bore Throllt. AgDe.l>JlpepaIa,"~ tttt 3d.

202 Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory. Emerson Harry \V., musician, h 110 South Emery Ellen M. Mrs., h 29 S 2d Emery John H., telegrapher C. V. R. R.. h 559 Hunter Emig Elizabeth, housekeeper, 4:~4 State Emmert John, news ngt, h 405 Strawberry av Emminger George W., electrician, h 1105 Montgomery Emminger James P., lineman, h 25 N 15th Emminger John, h 1 lO5 Montgomel'Y EMPIRE GRANITE CO., John K. Stewart, mgr, monumental and building wode, 117-121 S 3d Emrick Twight J., baker, !J 511 State Emrick William H., shaver, h 62 N 16th Enck Argyle, transfer driver, h 122 Strawberry av Enck Benjamin F., messenger Lunatic Hospital, h do Enck CI'8yton H., carpenter, h 415 S 14th Enck Henry T., yeast mfr, 415 S 14th, h do Enck Minnie E . vamper, h 415 S.14th ENDERS AliOS E., grocer, 70 N 13th, h do Endel'fl Annie E., William, h 912 N 6th Enders Della M., dl'essmkr, h 1539 Swatara Enders Edward A., engineer, h 52:3 N 5th ENDERS ISAIAHT., grocer, 1801 N 6th, h do Enders John H.; piler, h 110 Hanna Enders Nelson, carpenter, h 1539 Swatara Enders Robert A., elk, 1801 N 6th, h do Endress Henry, foreman, h 1122 Cowden Endre.'!8 John, cabinetmkr: h 140 Indian av Endress John, jr., heater, h 140 Indian av EudreS8 una, housekeeper, 140 Indian av Endresa Theodore, conductor, II 1073 S 9th Endress Zarbarias, coil bender, h ] 221 Fulton Endy Hattie, dumestic, 228 Blackberry av Endy Mary M. Mrs., h 23 Lochiel 2d Row Engel Ferdinand, tailor, 432 BIIBS, h do Engle Benjamin H., (Hershey Bros. & Co.), h ~"'ront c Reily Engle Charles A., engineer Telegraph, h 231 Liberty Engle Charles H., iron bl'Oker, h 17 Cowden Engler Daniel, railroader, h 17 Cowden Engler Franklin A., aast dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do English B. Miller, flagman, h II04 N 7th . English E. May, pres!! feeder, h 220 Verbeke English George 'V., fireman, h 474 S Cameron English Isaac L., grocer, h Peffer c Fulton English John J., flagman, h 1125 Cowden English John S., student, Peffer c Fulton English Sarah J., wid John, h 1104 N 7th Enney George W., fOllndryman, h 1113 N Front Ennis Annie, wid William, h 219 Herr

Digitized by


IIIV belt and lowest 1 B. T {Wall Paper. Thewith Ftxtnrea aDd Jlrlces. Window { N. 7270St. IIUI\ Shades oomplete, FrID&e, for 8G cta. lid

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory. 203

Ennis John J., paperhnnger, h 1335 N 2d Enright JamP.ll, supt Catliolic Cenll'tery, h 344 S 14th Enright Stephen J., hoilermkr, h 344 S 14th Ensinger Samuel D., stove8, tinware, &c., 600 Race, h dO' Ellsingel' William H., cnhinetlllkr, 1611 N 6th, h du En~minger Eugene M., III gr. 17th c DE-rry, h 1900 Derry Ensminger Hannah. wid Samuel S., h616 Granite av ENSMINGER JOHN T., OIwtioneel', furniture, 100-104 S 2d, pres Hhg Cusket and :\1"" Co., h 131 Chestnut Ensminger Joseph. farmer, h 1900 Deny Ensminger JOReph, timler, h 616 Gl'anite uv Ensminger Oliver F., )'Oller, h 604 Race Enterline Ke!liuh, ('fIok State Hospital. h 1611 Fulton ElfTREKIN-ELDER ELECTRIC CO., (S. Winfield Entrekin and Herbert Elder), electrical supplies, 204 N 2d (sec adv) Entrekin S. Winfield, (~~ntrekin-Elder Elect.-ic Co.), h 206 N 2d Entrekin W. Frank, engineer, h 1644 N 3d Entrekin William F., painter, h 801 East Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1 S 3d Erb Abrahllm P., c1ockmkr, 269 Colder, h do Erb Caroline, wid John F., It :311 S River av Erb Elmer E., bookbinrler. Ii 269 Colder Erb Frederick J., h 130 Mulberry Erb George H., laborer, h 213 Crescent Erb Harry S., (Potts'& Erb), h 1820 Derry Erb Henry, hellter, h. 8091 S Front Erb Henry, machinist, h 311 S River av Erb Isaac, motorman, h 335 Peffer Erb John M., nailer, h 8091 S ~"'ront Erb Sarah M., domestic, 1304 Derry Erb Theodore, hostler. h 311 S River IV Erb Theodore C., machi~ijolt,'h 273 Briggs Erdman Louisa, domestic, 1433 Market Erion Lewis, hlhorer, h 1406 Green Erisman ~'rnnk H., painter, h :311 HUnlnll Erisman Percy H., salesman, 1259 Derry, It 311 Hummel

~!~.~~~~~: E~~~~~~NCO ~~~~.~~~~



The Keystone Electrical Works,

AnnnDclatol'll. Watchman Rea\8tel'8, Heat Relrnlatol'll. Bnrg lar Alarm 8,atema, Electric BellI, PrlYate Line TelephoDeB. SI>eaklDgTnbes, Etc. Wboleale and Retail COD8lructiOD and Repairing a 8pec!aIt1.
EY~tblDg Electrical.

Digitized by


" To find a nallle you must iI/ow how to spell it." 204 Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory.
Eschelman Jacob F .. ff'legl'apher, h 1241 KittatinllY Esenweio Joseph B. Rev . h ;H8 N 2cl Eshelman Adeline M re., It 604 CUnlllerhllld Eshenauer Cbristian, bricklayer, h 18:3;~ N 4th Es~elman William, butcher, b 604 Cu",berlllnd Eshelman William, engineer, h 5tH Hunter av Esbenauer Joseph, driver, h 16:31 Derry Esbenauer Joseph H., brakeman, h 18:33 N 4tlt Esbeoauer Laura .J., tUrtlel', It 1631 Derry Eshenauer Levi, fence builder, It 1314 James Eshenauer Lizzie, wid Addison, h 1314 James Eshenaur William I., elk, 18 S 3d,' h at Oberliu Esbenbaugh Elmer, miller, h 27 S 4th Eshenbaugh Lizzie, domestic, 1635 Derry Esheoonr Elmer E . painter, h 14:35! Regina Eslinger Annie, h Home fiJI' the 1"riendlellS Eslinger Beckie F., tailoresR, h 134 Vine Eslinger Edwin L. Rev., It 2\06 Derry Eslinger Johll W., laborer, It Verbel<e nr 19th Eslinger Joseph 1"., painter, h :39 Linden Eslinger J~izzie, It 63:3 Muench Eslinger William, g"inller, h 70:3 N 2cl Espenshade K Jennie, snle"lady, h 26:3 lierr Espenshade Margaret E., wid Willialll H. H., h 26:3 Herr Espenshade H. Gl'Uee, I'tcnograplter TreaslIl'Y, It 415 Briggs Espenshade Sal'ah A., bookfl.lct"r, h 26:3 Hen Espell!lhllde William H., elk Telegraph, b 263 Herr Espy Helen K, h 107 Chestnut Espy Mary, h :321 N }<'rullt Espy Mary, wid Josiah, It lOi Che;;tnllt Espy Mary H., wid James S., h 321 N J<"'runt Espy Retina, wid William K., h 321 N Front Essex Will H., motorman, h 2019 Fulton Essing Charles E., collE'Ctor, h 2:l2 S 2(1 Essig Frederick, bartender, aOI S 2{1, II do Essig John L., driver, 13 N 2li, b 822 S Camel'on Eswortb y Rebecca, wid Thomas, II 215 South Esworthy Romulus W., plasterer, b 120 N River Etnoyer Elizabeth Mr~., tailOl'el's, h 924 Penn Etnoyer Harriet, hnll~ekeeper, 501 Market ETTER BENJAIDN F., lawyer. 212 Walnut, h 208 Pine Etter Calvin, grocer, 601 State. h 251 Boas Etter Carrie, wid Daniel, h 605 South av Etter Charles, engineer, It 163 Paxton Etter Charles .If., paying teller 1st Nat. Bank, b 208 Pine Etter C. Ross, elk, 601 State. h 251 Boas Etter David, puddler, h 114 Hanna

Digitized by


I. B. TACK, lallPaperandlindowShades. {72~:~o~R2~~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory. 205
Etter George E., lawyer, 212 Walnnt, h 1228 N 3d Etter George W., puddler, h 1314 S 12th Etter Harry H., butcher, h 303 Briggs Etter Helen M. MI'8., h 201 Briggs Etter Jacob, agt, h 1802 Derry Etter James II., waiter, h European Hotel Etter Josephine, housckef.>per, h 1802 Derry Etter Mandaville W., solicitor Call, h 814 East Etter Samuf.>l S., elk, 443 Market, h 307 S 15th Ettl]r Sarah J., weaver, h 314 N Court av Etter Theodore r., bookkpr, 301 Chestnut, h 814 East Etter Waf:lhington J., laburer, h 123 Mulberry Etter Weslf.>Y, solicitor, h 814 East Etter William G., warehouseman, h 303 Briggs Etter William H., conductor, h 1911 N 7th Etter William H., drivE'r, h 303 Briggs Ettien Lizzie, laundress, h 114 Barbara Ettiuger Elizabeth, wid William, h 524 Filbert Ettinger Elmer E., operator P. R R, b 524 Filbert Ettinger Jesse M., editor, 201 N 2d, h 228 Verbeke Ettinger Maggie, domestic, 104 Chestnut Ettinger William J., jr., hostler, h 1117 N 2d Ettla Anna C., h 5t.7 N 2d

FRINK M. WIL TERS, ~~:r~:a~~: FOOTWEAR, N.7:J~t.

Ettla Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 517 N 2J. Ettla Joseph L., clk, h 251 Liberty European Hotel, P. R. H.. c Market



Wiest, mgr, 201 aud 203 N 2d Evans Barton D., hIll N }i'ront Evans David, blacksmith, h 516 Filbert . Evans Edward, hostler, h 159 N 4th Evaoll Hattie E., dome~tic, 111 S Front Evans John, machinist, h 516 Filbert Evan8 John, molder, h 114 S 13th Evans John J., maehinist, h 306 Boas Evans John W., machinist, h 1838 N 6th Evan8 Lorena G., teacher, h 802 N 6th Evans Mahlon, (Witman, Schwarz & Co.), h 412 N 2d Evans Rachel, wid William, h 1838 N 6th Evans Sarah H., teacher, h 802 N 6th E\Tans Thomas F., mgr, 221 Market, h 227 State Evans Wesley, laborer, h 13 Lochiel 2d Row EVANS WILLIAM C., foreman binder, 22 S 3d, h 306 Boas Evans William W. Rev., h 925 N 3d Everett Moses, laborer, h 418 Crescent

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wel'l's Pal'n Exterml'nator mJIIlon8 ha't'e appetite. Many Jl77TRY IT ~. l(I't'eB you an I le,11 been cured by It. 77 No;u,

Boyd's Harrisburg (Ii"') City DUectory.

Ewing Edward E., engineer, h 104 Colder Ewing Juhn R., fil'eman, h lIO!)! Cowden Ewing Joseph G .. real estate, 222 Market, h 113 S Front Ewing Mary J. K., (Dunkle & Ewing), h 113 S Front Ewing Maud, trimmer, h 1105! {)uwden Ewing T. Byron, law student, ~22 Market, h 14 S 2d EXCELSIOR COpnNG HOUSE, (Schriver & Kibler), 718 N 7th Exline Abraham M., ins. sol, h 343 S 16th Eyer Edward D., conductor, h 916 N 3d Eyer Minnie Mrs., h 1525 N 6th Eyler Andrew J., salesman, h 31 N 13th Eyler Frank A., pressman, h 31 N 13th Eyre T. Lawrence, elk dept into affairs, h The CommoD\vealth Eyster Alfred E., optician, 811! N 3d, h 903 do Eyster Jacob M., h 914 Grand Eyster, see also Oyster Eyth William F., shoemkr, h 1913 Moltke av

Fackler David A., elk, h 1201 N 6th Fackler Elias .J., news stand P. & R., h 1410 Penn Fackler Emma J . wid Moses F., h 1944.8tate Fackler Ezra L., furniture, &c., 1312 Derry, h 1314 do Fackler John, laborer, h 300 Verbeke Fackler Samuel S., carpenter, h 1936 Berryhill Fackler Wendal, news agt P. R. R. depot, h 1429 Market Fadden James A., asst State Librarian, b The Commercial Fa:sel George, fireman, h 1136 S Cameron Fagan Elmer E., brakeman, b 1631 Logan av Fagan John, salesman, h 1631 Logan av Fagan Kate, domestic, 9 S 2d Fagan Lawrence E., driver, h 409 Strawberry av Fagan Mary, housekeeper, 239 State Fager Albert, elk, 12 N 3d, b 922 N 2d FAGER ALBERT J., alderman, 1202 N 3d, h 922 N 2d Fager Annie E., h 105 Locust Fagel' Bella F., artist,.h 122 Walnut FAGER CHARLES B., physician, 120 Walnut, h do Fager Charles B., jr., physician, 120 Walnut, h do FAGER CHRISTIAN It., It. D., druggist, 1223 N 6th, h 1308 do Fager Edwin F., engineer, h 277 Hamilton Fager Edwin J., insurance solicitor, h 229 S 2d Fager Eugene F., plumber, h 277 Hamiltoll Fager George C., (Fager & Maeyer), h 105 Locust Fager George C., jr., elk, 108 Market, h 1200 Penn Fager John H., physician, 1234 N 6th, h do

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {D.!=~~~~I~I~~}I210 I. 3d.

Boyd'.. Harrisburg (F) City Directory. 207
Lillie, b 122 Walnut Margaret J., trimmer, h 922 N 2d Martin W., bookkpr, 219 Market, h 133 State Norman A., molder, h 277 Hamilton Samuel, tinner, h 1:305 Green V. HlImmel. phYllician, 120 Walnut, h 112 do FAGER" hEYER, (G. C. Fager and D. Maeyer), stoves, tiuwar(>, &c., 108 Market ' }"ahnestock Charles A., h 114 N 2d Fabnestock Derrick G., shoemkr, b 119 Paxton . Fahnestock Frank G., civil engineer, h 106 South Fahnestock Harry, elk, 200 Market, h 109 N Summit Fahnestock Howard, cigarmkr, h 242 Hummel Fahnestock Louisa C., wid Walter F., h 106 South FAHNESTOCK WILLIA. E., drygoods, &c., 308 Market, h 803 N 2d Fahnestock William M., teacher, h 1735 N 3d Fahrney Elmar, physician, h 1224 Dtlrry Fabs Henry, laborer, h 1328 Mapleav Fahs Philip, laborer, h 231 Hummel Failey Thomas, laborer, h 524 North . Failey Thomas, jr., clk~ b 524 Nortb Failey William B. telegrapher P. R. R., h 524 North Failor Frank, watchman, h 1612 N 5th Failor Frederick, blacksmith, h 1612 N 5th Failor Wilson, speeial officer, b 1612 N 5th Fair Grace, domestic Stock Yard Hotel Fair John, carpenter, h 18:l8 N lith Fair Naomi, domestic, 717 Capital Faircbild Abigail, wid Walter, h 414 Briggs Fairlamb Robert V., tobacconist, 210 Market, b at Steelton Fairman Kate, h 313 Walnut Itairs Amelia, wid 188m, h 413 Cranberry Faley James, laborer, h 634 Woodbine Faling Rachel E., wid Michael. b 511 Briggs Falk Charles A., bartender, b 601 Race Falter Annie M., wid George B., h 707 Race Falter Edward, barber, 707 Race, h do , Famous John S., dray man, h 546 Woodbine Famous Rachel, wid John, b 333 Clinton Famous William, warehouseman, h 29 N 10th Fardy Edward J., puddler, h 1323 S 12th Fardy Ellen, wid Patrick, h 1307 S 12th Fardy John J., laborer, h 1307 S 12th Fardy Mary G., housekeeper, h 111 State Fardy William M., laborer, b 1216 Wallace Faries Carrie L., teacher, b 428 State Farley Michael, salesman, b 610 N 3d Fager Fager Fager Fager Fager Fager

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know "ow to spell it." j08 Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.
Farling John, fiagrna'l, h 1611 N 5th Farling Lydia, wid David, h 1325 Bartine av Farmer Alfred, machinist, h 419 S 14tb Farmer John H., machiuist, h 614 Granite av Farmer WiIlillm H., boilerrukr, h 525 Cowden Farner William MeH., blacksmith, h 1603 Logan av Farnsworth Frances, wid Duke, h 27 S 4th FARNSWORTH WILLIAM C., lawyer, 32 N 3d, h at Halifllx Farrell Michael, E'ngineer, h 35 N 12th Farrell William F., fireman, h 35 N 12th Fasick Augustus S. Re\,., h 556 Woodbine Fasick William E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1254 Walnut Fasnacht Charles H., elk dept into affairs, hat I ..ancaster Fasnacht, see also Fosnallght Fast J.eese B., postal elk, h 31 N 12th Faster Abraham, laborer, h 660 Verbeke Faster Anni(' C., weaver, h 516 South Faster George W., electrician, h 516 South Faster John G., cabinetmkr, h 533 Maclay Faster John H., bartender, h 516 South Faster RachE'l, wid William, h 016 South Faster William C., loom fixer, h 516 South Fauber Geor~e E., laborer, h 725 S 19th Fauber Priscilla, domestic, 2 S 4th Faucett Unity, wid Daniel, h 351 Hayav Faughender Mary Mrs., h 1212 Cowden Faught Miles A., printer, h 218 Boas Faunce .Jacob A., It 2011 N 5th Faunce Lawrence A., jeweler, 1221 N 3d, h 2011 N 5th Faus Andew W., cigarmkr, h 1628 New 5th Faus Jacob, carpenter, h 1628 N 5th Faus Jacob, Jr., laborer, h 707 21st Faus William A., cigarmkr, h 1628 N 5th Faust Harvey J., hostler, h 520 Peffer Faust William, miller, h 125 Liberty Favorite Charle.OJ W., (Finton & Favorite), h 527 Peffer Favorite Mary E., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Fay Francis, laborer, h 30 N 5th Fay William, salesman, h 30 N 5th Fayman George F., checkman P. R. R., h 436 S 16th Feagley Harl'y, carpenter, h 622 Colder Fear William K., mgr, h 410 Briggs Feass Harry, jr., baker, h 1115 N 7th Feass Henry, h 1503 N 6th Featherston James P., laborer, h 1722 Walnut Feehrer Henry, huckster, 1514 N 4th, h do Feehrer J obn A., h 110 1.00ust

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, PJOcIICOI Paper Hanger. {7~'~~o:'Ra~

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 209
Feernan Frank, carpenter, h 439 S 16th Feeman Ida Mrs., h 118 Short Feeman John A., foremaQ, h 441 S 16th Feeman Nancy, wid Adam, h 439 S 16th Feeman Percy, fireman, h 118 Short Feeney Mary, wid John, h 112 S 13th Feeser Harry, laborer, h 607 Myrtle av Feeser Jacob F., shoemkr, 626 Verbeke, h do Feeser .John D., engineer, h 271 Verbeke Feeser Joshua B., carpenter, h 321 Hayav }'eeser William, laborer, h 1327 Susquehanna Feevey George, laborer, h 228 Cherry av Feevey Samuel, lliborer, h 228 Cherry av Feevy Augustus, puddler. h 318 Hummel }'eger, see Fager . Fegley Harry J., laborer, h 660 Sayford av Fegley Henry, carpenter, h Colder nr 6th Fegley Henry, driver, h 1553 Vernon ~ehl John C., caller, h 1631 Mifllin av lehI Kate S., weaver, h 13a3 Bartine av }'ehl Minnie, weaver, h 1333 Bartine av Fehl Nicholas, tailor, h 133:J Bartine av Fehleisen Herman L., printer Patriot, h 522 North


FOOTWEAR 01 Jalters', 10121. ;sa St.

Fehleisen John B., laborer, h 1119 N Cameron Fehleisen Theodore, conductor, h 21 Linden Feig George, painter, h 1224 N l!'ront Feig Rebecca Mrs., h 1224 N Front Feilldt William F., brakeman, h 825 N 3d Feister Charity A., h 335 Walnnt Felix Adelaide H., h 10 N 2d Felix Agnes E., Ladies' Art Exchange, 10 N 2d, h do Felix Henry K., clk, 11 N 3d, h 125 Herr }'elix John L., elk, 440 Market, h 426 Cranberry av Felix Maria Mrs., nurse, h 125 Herr Felix Mary B . h 10 N 2d Felker Da'niel W., brakeman, h 1817l N 7th Felker Harry, brakeman, h 621 Dauphin av Fellabaum Henry J., laborer, h 319 Reily }'ellabaum 1118ac, laborer, h 319 Reily Fells Augustus H., painter, h Forster ab 20th Fells Barbara 0., wid Henry, h 614 Muench Fells George F., flagman, h 614 Muench }'ells L".ura I., domestic, 11 S Front Felsinger John, cigarmkr, h 203 Sassafraij av Feltenberger Harry J., brakeman, h 1507 Wallace Felty Catharine Mrs., h 1114 James av

Digitized by


Olce MeN eil's Medicine Co. {Es~=~} No~~. 210 Boyd's Harrisburg' (F> City Directory.
Felty Elizabeth, wid John E., h 7 N 13th Felty John G., salesman, 428 Market, h at Fort Hunter F~lty John H., meat market, 4]7 Colder, II 1114 James av Felty J. Solomon, machinist, h 14:35 Regina Feltz John, h 1223 N 6th Fenical CharIeR E., foreman, h 114 S 14th Fenical Ella F., header, h 1339 Vt'rnoll Fellical Mary A., dressmkr, h 13:39 Vernon Ff'nical William, coachmkr, h 13:39 Vel"non Fenll Julia E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 224 Forster Fenner Joseph C., carver, h 406 Chestnut Fenson John, laborer, h Angle av nr Short Fenstemacher Charles W., printer Patriot, h 402 State Fen~temacher Mary Mrs., dres.<lmkr, 402 N 4th, h do Fenstemaker Lydia, saleslady, 215 Markf't, II 1212 N 2<1 Fenstel'mocher William H., paperhanger, h 328 Reily Fenzel Louisa. h Home fi)r the Friendless Ferdenbaugh Samuel F., laborer, h 29 SaASllfras av Ferguson Agnes, domestic, 237 South Ferguson AnnilV domestic, 723 Capital Ferguson HenrY'F., fireman, h 1638 N 5th Ferguson John, printer, h 306 Chestuut Ferguson Joseph F., printer, h 8 N 2d Ferguson Mary, domestic, 325 N Front Ferguson Mary, wid William, h 237 South Ferguson Myron S., conductor, h 823 N 3d Ferguson, see also Furgason Fernsler Sallie, operator, h 1410 Margaret Ferree Oliver F., carpenter, h 1)02 Camp Ferree Thomas, carpenter, h 502 Camp Ferree William, watchman, h 523 Muench Ferrell Joseph, laborer, h 1618 Elm FERRIDAY A. REEDER, paper box mfr, 101-107 N Cameron, h 207 S Front Ferriday Mary, domestic, 325 N Fl'Ont Ferry Charles E., plasterer, h 338 Hamilton Ferry Harvey S., syphons, 222 Meadow la, h Hershey HouseFerry John B., plasterer, h 338 Hamilton Ferry John M., teamster, h.338 Hamilton Fesler James, yardmaster, h 1807 N 6th Fesler James G., barber, 662 Verbeke, h 1126 Cowden Feslel' Joseph C., machinist, h 1420 N 6th }'eslel' Lizzie H., 8Illeslady, 334 Market, h 1807 N 6th Fesl!'r Mary, elk, 202M N 6th, h 1420 do Feslet' Mary E. Mrs., grocer, 202M N 6th, h 1420 do Fesler William U., flagman, h 1807 N 6th Fessler James M., laborer, h 1508 Hunter Fessler Margaret E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1508 Hunter

Digitized by


I n.

B. liCK n,

1210 {EmPlOYS none but 1I1'9!elaNI workmen. hence only III'1Jt-clu. N, 3d St, work, and Insures II. Work done In any part of the Slate.

Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory. 211

Fes'-iler l\iargaret .J., wid GeOl'ge W" h 1508 Huutel' Fessler William, labol'er, It 4~1 Pear av Fetrow Amps E., sexton, h 4()8 Sp"iug av Fetrow Annie M., domestic, 1906 N 6th }'etrow Charle~ M., urllkPmllll, h 1819 N 7th Fetrow Daniel, laborer, h 217 South Fetterhoff Hiraol R., physician, 1:306 Market, h do Fetterhoff .Jacob, milk, h 1817 N Cameron }'ette"hofi' L. Alfred, hrakeman, h 6;35 Peffer Fetterhoff MichllE'1 S., elk, II 6:35 Peffer Fetterhoff Rachel D. Mrs., WIlX worker, h 1306 Market Fetterhoff Sllmuel J., repairsmau, h 635 Peffer Fetterman John .J., boilermkr, h 660 Colder Fetterman Margaret, wid Anthony, h 660 Colder FETTEROLF A. D., resident clk House of Reps., h The Lochiel Fiches Silas S., carver, h 1356 Vernon Fiches William A., cabinetmkr, h 1356 Veruon Fickes Andrew J., (Fickes & Bro.), h 2017 N 6th Fickes Anna S., photo finisher, h 65(l Verbeke Fickes Benjamin H., (Fickes & Bro.), h at Newport Fickes Bertha, domestic, 1329 Green Fickes Charles, fireman, h 642 Boas Fickes Dollie, domt'Stic Stock Yard Hotel Fickes Florence, bookkpr, h 650 Verheke Fickes Frank, laborer, h P. R. R. ft Walnut Fickes Harry S., laborer, h 1317 Penn Fickes Harry S., laborer, h 427 Strawberry a\' Fickes John E., mason, h Canal ft Walnut Fickes John S.,engineer, h 926 N 3d Fickes Rachel Mrs., h 650 Verbeke Fickes William, foreman, h Canal ft Walnut Fickes William, jr., h Canal ft Walnut Fickes William H., dispatcher, h 650 Verbeke FICKES & BRO., (B. H. and A. J.), grain elevator, 7tb ab Maolav Fickle Curtis C., elk, 11 S 3d, h 1111 Montgomery Fickle Ella Mrs., h 1113 Montgomery Ficklin Marshall, laborer, h 1409 Marion Fidler Ella, WE'8ver, h 414 Boas Fields Catharine J., wid Oather, b 814 Green Fields Edward L., brakeman, h 46 Linden Fields Ella, domestic Hershey House Fields Emanuel, laborer, h 1705 Elm Fields Henry, fireman, h 403 N 5th Fields John W., engineer, h 1052 S 9th Fields l.ewis, laborer, h 332 Muench Fields Mary C. Mrs., h 1229 N 111

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 212 Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.
Fielcls Parker, laborer, h 2001 N 3d Field!! Robert, laborer, h 1634 Walnut Fife Sumnel, brakeman, II 333 Hamilton Figg George, h 1224 N Front Filbey .Jennie W., h 12th ab Reily Filbey Lillie A., h ] 2th ab Reily Filbey Thomas G., potter, h 12th ab Reily Filbey William W., helper, h 12th ab Reily File Harry I., pastry cook The Bolton Filling Frank E., tinner, 1939 N 6th, h do Filling Frederick, laborer, h Boas ab 21st Filling John W., driver, h a05 Cumberland }'ilIing Maggie R., milliuer, h 510 Colder Filling William, laborer, h 510 Colder Filling William H., engineer, 11 510 Colder Fillmore Jacob A., laborer, h 1431 SUtK{uehanna }"'illmore John, (Simpson & Fillmore), h 327 S Front Filson John S., laborer, h 221 ab Derry Filson Robert F., florist, h 330 Hummel Filson Samuel, laborer, h 1920 Swatara Findley Clara, h 223 N Front Findley Isabella A., wid Benjamin H., h 626 Hamilton Findley John T., engineer, h 626 Hamilton Findley Laura, trimmer, 208 Market, h 626 Hamilton Findley Milton H., engineer, h 313 Verbeke Finegan Irvin E., elk, h 416 S Cameron Finfrock Edwin W . brakeman, h 1330 N 7th Finfrock Lewis, laborer Capitol, h 1330 N 7th Finfrock Lewis, jr., brakeman, h 1330 N 7th Finicle Joshua, hostler, h 308 Reily Fink Charles Y., watchmkr, ~14 N 3d, h 1119 Green Fink Frederick J., elk, 312 Forster, h 928 N 3d Fink Harry H., fireman, h 1842 N 7th nn BElfRY, ale, porter and beer brewer, 312 to 320 Forster, h 928 N 3d (see adv) Fink Henry C., bookkpr, 312 Forster, h 928 N 3d Fink John W., cabinetmkr, h 9 S 2d Fink Margaret, housekeeper, 309 Hamilton Fink Robert B.. , brewer, 312 Forster, h 928 N 3d Finkenbinder David, laborer, h 521 Muench Finley Hannah J., h 1428 Marion Finley Howard, engineer, h 313 Verlleke Finn James, hostler, h 1811 N 7th Finn John, laborer, h 1811 N 7th Finnen Daniel, laborer, h 478 S Cameron Finnen Ellen, wid Michael, h ~78 S Cameron FinneD James, brickmkr, h Cameron ab Maclay Finnen James, laborer, h 478 S Cameron

Digitized by


~~Ub~~M:;~:';WOII POperOndWlndOWSI1ot1eS lrom A. B. TACK,N.7::~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.


Finnen James E., fireman. h 446 S Camt'ron "Finnen Michael, laborer, h 509 State Finnen Sarah, wid William, II 509 State Finney Elspey, wid George, h 224 Pine Finney George, labo~r, h 914 Iron Finney Jacob E., nail ft.>eder, h 105 Ann av Finney John W.o laborer, h 933 S 9th Finney Maurice E., elk Hbg Nat. Bank, h 224 Pine nNOY THOIlAS J., grocer, 2 N Market sq c Market, . ' h 224 PiDe Finton John \V., (Finton & Favorite), h 509 Hamilton Finton & Favorite, (John W. Finton and Charles W.Favorite), shoes, &c., 1645 N 6th Firestine L~vere G., mgr, 227 Walnut, h at Mechanicsburg Firring Harrison, puddler, h 1233 N 7th First Abraham F., pressman Telegram, h 628 Boas First Vharles B., helper, h 127 Dock First Edward L., brakeman, h 415 Reily First Eli, h 1200 Bailey First Ell1auuel, laborer, h 930 201 First George W., laborer, h 455 S CameroN First Grace, domestic The Commonwealth First Levi, jr., heater, h 320 S River av
-All the Latest SlylealnNEUABLE and FA8HII)NABLE



, N. 7072 ad 8t.



h 815 Market


(see adv) First Samuel, conductor, b 603 Peffer First Sarah E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 202 Mulberry First Theodore, messenger C. V. R. R., h 202 Mulberry First William, ehearsman, h 127 Dock First William W., brakeman, h 1110 Cowden Firth Charles, roller, h 644 Woodbine l"irth Clara, tailoress, h 644 Woodbine Fi&h George S., blacksmith, h 239 State Fi.hburn Benjamin B., elk, 103 N 2d, h 718 Capital Fishburn Ephraim G., asst supt, h 718 Capital Fishburn Samuel A., mgr, 409 8 2<1, h Pembrook Fisher Adam, boat builder, h 1102 Paxton Fitlher Adam, jr., engineer, h 802 Salmon Fisher Albert S., (Fisher Bros)., h 1305 N 2d Fisher Amanda, wid Reuben E., h 1823 N 5th }'isher Anna M., wid William M., h 223 Boas Fisher Anna R., binder, h 609 North Fisher Aunie, feeder, b 609 North Fisber Brenneman, barber, 517 Race, h 132 Indian av nSHEB BROS., (Albert S. and Curtil5 W.), plumbers, stoves and tinware, 1114 Capital

Digitized by



1>:~~r,.~~?I:!~?gt!!~:Afll'rn~t~:p~~: {1II1 N. &I


'214 Boyd'8 Harri8burg (F) City Directory.

Fisher Catharine, wid Frank, h 1121 N 3d Fisher Ce<.-elia, domestic, 1102 PtlXton Fisher Charles, bricklayer, h 1129 Front 1i'isher Charles, brickmkr, h 1102 Paxton Fisher Charles; laborer, h 519 South Fisher Cha1'les S., brakeman. h 235 S 2d Fisher Clara M., teachpr, h 621 S Front Fisher Curtis W., (Fisher Bl'o".), h 223 BoaR Fisher Daniel, laborer, h Walnut c 15th Fisher Daniel, jr., laborer, h 1411 Margaret Fisher David W., tillller, 304 Colder, h do Fisher Emma M., teacher, h 223 Boas FISHER EMORY A., wall paper, painter amI decorator, . 923 Capital, h 313 Cumberland (see adv) Fisber Frank C., cigars, &c., 81R Swatara, h do Fisher Frank D., bookbinder, 329 Market, h 1121 N 3d Fisher George W., dispatcher, h 1808 N 3d Fisher George W., laborer, h 937 S 19th Fisher Geurge W., laborer, h Wulnut c 15th Fisher Henry, laborer, h Walnut c 15th Fisher Henry, laborer, h 1821 N Cameron Fisher Jacob, farmer, h Cameron ab Maclay Fisher James B., h 1922 N 4th Fisher J. Barkley, elk P. R. R. depot, b 1614 N 4th Fisher Jennie G., h 12 N 4th Fisher Jeremiah W., elk, 224 Market, h 209 Blackberry av Fisher John, elk. 1510l Logan a\' Fisher John A., conductor, h 514 Coldf'r Fisher John B., tinner, h 410 Strawberry av Fisher John F., hnckster, h 1I0l! Capital Fisher John L., laborer, h 416 S 17th Fisher Joseph, waiter, 401 N 5th, h 519 South Fisher Joseph H. t 8('rewsman, h 517 Ruce Fisher Josiah, lahorer, h Walnut c 15th Fisher Lila R., elk, 92:J Capital, h 313 Cumberland Fisher t..ouis C., artist, h 29 N 15th Fisber Maggie, student, h 22:J BllIu" Fisher Marshall, sheal'!!man, h 349 S Cameron

E . .A.



Painter and Paper Hanger.

STORE. 923 Capital Street. RESIDENCE, 313 Cumberland Street.
Digitized by

Dealer In PaInters' SappllEl8~ Wall Paper, PaInt&, 0111, Varnl8hPll, etc, Paper HanKIDr and Decorating. Alliinas or work In botb branches attended to.


j. B. TACK ~-:"Of FraCIII~ P Uc 8111dlll' II PIIiI Tluts. {mmr~~:

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory. 215
Fisher Martin, laborer, h Cameron ab Maclay Fisher Mary, operator, h 1324 Vernon Fisher Matilda, dressmkr, h 1004 Green Fisher Minnie, domestic, Front c Reily Fisher Nettie, dnmesti(', 919 Ash Fisher Peter, flumer, h Cameron ab Maclay Fisher Rebeccll, II 12 N 4th . Fisher Rebecca, wid John, h 609 North Fisher Hobert E., leverman, II 2130 Moore li'isher Samuel H., molder, h 159 N 15th Fisher Susan, wid Geot'ge, h 606 Forster Fisher Thomas J., laborer, h 9:n S 19th Fisher Viola B., clk, h 29 N 15th Fisher Walter, operator, h 1804 N 3d Fisber Wesley, grocer, 128 Dock, h do Fisher William C., elk, h 209 Blackberry av Fisher William C., plallterer, h 151O! IJogall av Fisher William H., engineer, It 621 S Front Fisher William H., yardmaster P. R. R., h 1804 N 3d Fisher William L., plasterer, It 1808 N 3d Fisher William S., foreman, It 324 North Fishiuger George, watchman, h 35 S Court av Fisler J. Elias, contractor, l:n 9 Howard, h do Fisler Levill F., laborer, h VU9 Howard Fisler Luther, farmer, h Bellevue Farm . Fisler Matilda M., wid Luther J., h 218 S Court av Fisler William H., ronductor, h 300 Chestnut Fissel George, machillist, h 183 N 15th .Fissel Levi B., carpenter, h 125 V E'rbeke .Fissel Sylvester, enjl:ineer, h 223 CreACent Fitting Annie, wid Leon, h 808 East Fitting David W., carpenter, h 1250 Market Fittillg John W., carpenter, It 1460 Regilla Fitz Edward G., painter, h 1619 LOjl8u av Fitzgerald Catharine D., wid James K., h 505 Hamilton Fitzgerald Charles B., firemall, h 1620 Wallace Fitzgerald Charles M., pla,;terer, h 917 Myrtle av Fitzgerald Clara, warper, h 1327 Jllmes Fitzgerald David M. sign painter, h 640 Walnut Fitzgerald Ella, wid Michael, h 1327 .James Fitzgerald EugenE', builermkr, h 936 Cllmmerce Fitzgerald Jllhn }4'., madlinist, h 9:l6 Commerce Fitzgerald .John M., elk P. & R., h 1621 N 6th 'Fitzgerald Mary E .. h 9:36 Commerce Fitz~.. rald Pat.ri(~k, lahClrer. It 9!J6 CUlllmerce :FITZGERALD SAMUEL W., jeweler, 1307 N 6th, h 1621 du Fitzgerald WaUace W., huuseman, h 322 Colder

Digitized by


" To find a flame you must know

to 'spell it.'" 216 Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.


Fi~rald William T., motorman, h 506 Hamilton Fitzlmons Lillian, teacher, h 1726 N 6th . Fitzimons Lizette, wid Thomas, h 1726 N 6th Fitzimons William H., student, h 1726 N 6th Fitzkee Harry F., laborer, h 2007 N 7th Fitzpatrick John, foreman, h 1231 Cowden Fitzpatrick John, laborer, h 1126 N 6th Fitzpatrick Mary, domestic, 227 N Front Fitzpatrick Michael, foreman, h 1231 Cowden Fitzpatrick Peter F., machinist, h 607 Bril!'g3 Fitzpatrick Thomas, laborer, II 1231 Cowden Fitzpatrick W. Righter, electrician, 163 N 4th, h 11 de) Flaherty Mary, domestic, 313 N Front Flanagan Jane E., h 2026 N 7th Flanagan Matthew, cOntractor, h 105 Hanna Flanders Lucinda, wid James M., h 119 Chestnut Flanders Renee, teacher, h 119 Chestnut li'leck Adam, coremkr, h 1947 Rudy Fleck A. Murray, brakeman, h 615 Dauphin av Fleck Annetta,' attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Fleck Charlea T., bartender, 324 Verbeke, h 132 do Fleck Dora, attendant Lunatic aospital, h do Fleck George W., engineer, h 1208 N 7th Fleck Harry B., fireman, II 1914 N 5th Fleck Henry P., driver, h 413 Reily Fleck .Jacob T:, brakeman, h 1024 Commerce Fleck John H., enJ!:ineer, h 428 Harrill Fleck Sallie, wid William, h 1605 WlIllace Fleck Samuel, conductor, h 2003 N 7th Fleck Susan, wid John T., h 1024 Commerce Fleck William, laborer, h 1947 Rndy Flegeal Forster F., fhreman P. R. R. frgt depot, h 206 S 3d FLEISCHMANN & CO., compressed yeast, 1940 Derry FleishDllI1I Gertrude, saleslady, 34 N 3d, h 10 N 6th Fleishman Hilda, bookkpr, 34 N 3d, h 10 N 5th }"leishman Regina. wid Abraham 8., h 10 N 5th }'leming Amy, elk, CreSl!ent c Mulberry, h 1211 Derry Fleming Bertie M., shoe operator, h ] 211 Derry }'Ieming David, jr., trea!! F. and M. Works, h 325 N Front Fleming GeofJ!:e R., lawyer, 105 N 2d, h III State Fleming Harry C., laborer, h 462 S Cameron Fleming Jennie M., wid Millard F., h 115 Cumberland Flemiog Joseph M., casketmkr, h 462 8 Cameron Fleming Lewis J., stone maSOll, h 713 State Fleming Millard F., car clt-llDer, h ] 211 Derry FLElIIlIG SAMUEL W;, bookseller, statinner and job printer, also notary public, 32 N 3d, h 104 South (see adv front cover)

Digitized by


l. B. Tlei l::t'::.o~:':,1'aJl PI"r an. II.d.. Shades {12~ ~~dcyrtr8et.

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory. 217
Fleming Susan, wid David, h 108 N 2d Flesh Charles, laborer, h 660 Sayford av Flereher Erne,.t, laborer, h 1020 North av Fletcher James, engineer, h 201 S Front Fletcher James, caller. h 1316 }1"ulton Fletcher J. Rowe, bookkpr, h 31 S 3d Fletcher Turner, laborer, h 638 Verbeke Fletcher William E., botel, 1235 N 6th, h do Flickinger Annie S., laundre88 Tbe Bolton Flickinger Bessie, domestic The Bolton Flickinger B. Franklin, brakeman, h 416 Harris Flickinger Daniel R., ins, h 908 Green Flickinger Edward, elk, h 1623 N 3d Flickinger George H., h 1234 Bailey Flickinger Harry H., telegrapher, h 103 Wasbington av Flickinger John W .. flagman, h 170.. N 5th Flickinger Minnie M., dressmkr, h 1815 Berryhill Flickinger Ora A., laundress, h 37 Balm Flickinger Sophia, wid John, h ]07 Washington av Flickinger William J., hrakeman, h 320 Harris Flowers Elmer, clk P.O., h 307 Briggs Flowers Emanuel W., baker, 332 Reily, h do Flowers Harriet, dresslllkr, h 332 Reily

;-~o~~roa~ FOOTWEAR go 10 WAlTERS', N.idO~~ Flowel'H Hiram, baker, 1116 N 6th, h a:33 Reily Flowers Mary L., wid Milton Y., It 235 S 2d Flowers Ralph J., plumber, 31 N 13th, h 1240 Market Floyd Alice, apprentice, h 1400 Market Floyd Aliee E., dressmkr. h 1221t Bailey Floyd Andrew J., laborer, h 4]6 S 17th Floyd Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 202 S 13th }"loyd Geot'ge A., machinist, It 1436 Derry Floyd Helen T., h 217 Pi~e Floyd .James B., screwsman, h 927 N 6th }"Ioyd Mary, dOlUestit', 503 N Front Floyd Michael A., carpenter, h 235 Briggs FLOYD SAMUEL A., wholesale confectioner, 202 S 13th c Derry, h do Fluss Annit! M . wid Julius 8., h 303 S 2d }"Iynn Annie, wid Jam~, h 118 S 2d Flynn Harry, It 515 N 5th Flynn John A., printer, h 515 N 5th Focht George H., bottler, h 629 Walnut Focht Mary A., h 74 N 14th Foerster George, h 530 Race Foel'l!ter George, jr., grocer, 540 Race, h 117 Wasb ington av Fogarty Ann, wid William, h 1309 S 12th

Digitized by


Rell's PaiD Exterminator curee CholllJ'& MorbUs, D:rseutery, Cramps, DlalI'hcaa, tloldl, QuiDBY, Rheamatllm. Tooth~he, Sore Throat, Ague, Dyapepel&, &c. UU R. N.


Boyd'8 Harri8burg (F) City Directory.

Fogarty Edward, baker, 113 Dock, h do Fogarty Edward, jr., baker, h 11 =3 Dock Fogarty John ,L, piler, h 117 Hallna Fohl Charles S., harnessmkr, h 4271 Vel'beke Fohl Willard E., night mgr, 71 N 3d, h 212 Colder Foley Cecelia, h 1:~ S River av FOLEY EDMUND, hotel, 451 State, h 508 do Foley John, laborer, h 518 Maclay Foley John G., m~r, 214 Locust., h 12 N 2d Foley John T., clk, Cowden c Y OJ'k, h 518 Maclay Foley Michael, laborer, h 1309 N Cameron Fol('y Michael C., brakeman, h 211 Meadow la }'oley SU88n, dressmkr, h 518 Maclay Foley William F., clk sec comm'th, Capitol, h 30 S 3d Folk Amanda, domestic, 715 N 2d Folk Charles D., bookbinder, 11 618 N 3d Folk George, Illborer. h 1228 C()wden Follett William H., laborer, h 941 S 191 Foltz Andrew, grocer, 220 N 2d, h 222 do Foltz Andrew B., 11 114 South Foltz Augustus C., a~ Adams Express Co., h 708 N 6th Foltz Augustus It. coal shipper. 815 N 2d, h do Foltz Charles'}1'., clk P. R. R. frgt depot, h 411 Walnut FOLTZ JOHN B., dru~gist, mfr Keller's Catarrh Remedy, 1839 N 6th, h 624 Muench (see udv front cover) Foltz William, h 112 Market Foose Agnes, dressmkr, h 1983 N 7th Foose Albert E., clk, 336 Che.~tnut, h 705 N 2d Foose Charles J., (Foose & Lloyd), h 705 N 2d Foose Jacob A., foreman, P. R. R. cHeri', h 1616 HUDter FOOSE JAIIES M., blacksmith, 115 Filbert, h 407 Marktt Foose James 0., loachinist, h 1413 Market Foose Kate, domestic, 801 N 3d Foose Lemuel 0., city supt, 12:l Chestnut, h 706 N 2d Foose Lulu, dressmkr, h 1983 N 7th , FOOSE &: LLOYD, (Charles J. Foose and C. Howard Lloyd), architects, 15 S 2d (see adv) Foote Alfred G., waiter, h 626 Walnut


c:J. ~~e.

c. d;UJte4'/ f&?~

~it;;Ur: .

Digitized by


best and lowl!llt WIndow A B. TACK { Wall Paper. Thewith Fixtures and prices. for 86 clB. { N. 12106t. Shades oomplete. Fringe, 3d

City Dired:$y.
Foote Benjamin J., porter, II 626 Walnut Foote Fanny, domestic, 626 Walnut George B., b,!i't,,'r, 101 tturket, H26 W,tinut Sumn!'! .J., Wg11'/', h 6gfl W ulnu0: Forbes Cecil, planter, II 803 Green F"R'bes Harry machiuir,t, It 1:310 N Hi Forbes .John, IOremiAttt 100h 7th ti'orR.Jes J. Wutson, engine prnpJHH, h N 7th Forbes Mary, wid Thomas, h 80:3 Green Fm'bes RUe;!; W., labu'H, h 647 Colder WiIIiJikn H., policeman, 1126 Hllace Force Hannah, wid Yhomas ., h 647 Verbeke Force HurrY, fireman, h 647 Verbeke Elli" \p" gn>e;'r 826 N h do Geor!.e!,. labor!.:!], 310 :F'ord .Johni'i'H., labllr~r. h 1744 Logan nv Ford Martin .J., in~Jlf'<tor, h ,50:~ Briggs

~~~~l'tj~~, ~bntin" ~l ~O~l H\~~~~mt

Ford William H., brakeman, h 1623 N ;lth Ford William H., laborer, h 114 Barbara jj"~,!.,o,, PPilip, inspect"i' h 12hl 7th ,h'Oi'liman DHniel, 3h!5 do Foreman Ella, domestic, 52:3 State Foreman Isaac, laborer, h 647 V t-rbeke h\H'Hman H., IHillrer, h 8 S lath h'm'nman Dzs"tna G.. Lezsi, 1913 Voltke Foreman Rohert C., labort'r, h 1817 Bern'hill Foreman William E., varieties, 1520 D,er~y, h do Dorman furnitm'!!, 1101 7th, In die fllfllDNEY fllROS. CO., (;., C. and C, Forno~ J, \vhulesale boot and shoe mfrs, 428 Market Forney Charles 1\1., (Fomey & Knouse), h at Paxtang , (Fe.roe), & en,). h 160\ Hwataro C. H. ediftu! II };f;sd Derry Forney Clayton C., (Forney Bros. & Cu.), h at Paxtang Forney Clinton, lahurer, h 38 Linden C., h Nagh.. J., (IIh\ Co., h atPombrook Forney .Jeremiah C., laborer, h :38 Lindell Forney John C., (Forney Bl"Os. & Co.), h 1334 Derry H., fb(nl7t11, h Applo rv Lit11'" A., dk, 428 MOE'helt, II la;~fl Deny Forney Lydia A., wusic teacher, h 1336 Derry j"iirnBE'Y 1\1 '!\hil', domesti(', 4):3 N 2d ~hi'a E., wid GeOl'gE', 08 ("orney Michael W., tid;et sgt, 421 Forney Sadie, wid John W., h 202 S 1:3th

" To find a name yotl must lmow how to spell it.'~ 220 Boyd'. Harrisburg (F) City Direcl;ory..
Forney Susan, attendant Lnnatio Hospitlll, h do FORNEY WEIlf, I'ditor Star-Illoepemient. h 410 N 2d FORNEY "KNOUSE. (Charles M. ~'orney and Jacob H. Knouse), drllggistl5, 426 Market FORNEY & STEWART, (.J. Wilson Forney (est) and Henry J. Stewart), boots and shoes, 321 Market FORNWALD JOSEPH, carpets, oil cloths, rugs, &c., 1401) N 6th, h 507 Cowden l,"ornwalt Dawson A., clk, 334 Mal'ket, h 1427 N 3d Fornwalt Henry B., brakeman, h 1234 N 7th Forrer Hannah, wid John, h Home for the Friendless Forrer Julia A., wid Tempest L . h 1532 N 6th Forrer V. Grant, drug elk, i24 N 6th, h 442 Milench Forrer Winfield S . conductor, h 442 Muench }"orrest Abner B., carpenter, h 313 Hamilton Forrestf'r George, carpenter, hIlI N Summit Forry John L., student, h 1860 Walnut Forster Benjamin L., lawyer, 30! N ~d, h 7 S Front Forster Elizabeth E., teachel', h 261 Cumberland Forster J. Douglass, Civil engineer, h 121 State Forster J. Montgomery, h 303 S Front Forster Robert H., elk dept into affairs, h 261 Cumberland Forster, ~ee ulso F08ter Forsyth Charles N., motorman, II 1008 Berryhill Forsyth William H., stoves, &c., 1220 Mal'ket, h do Forsythe ,Joseph, labort'r, h 331 Dauphin av }"ortenbaugh Anna E., dressmkr, h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh C. Elizabeth, witl JohnA., h 120 WallhingtoD Fortenbaugh Hurry W., timler, h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh Ida, domestic, 417 Herr Fortenbaugh Jame.'i P., tinner, h 108 Colder Fortenbaugh John, lastE'r, h 1618 N 4th Fortenbaugh Phoebe, wid Peter W., h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh Steahley, barber, h 4th ab Harris Fortenbaugh William S., bra.keman, h 1618 N 4th Fortenbaugh William W., filreman, h 265 North Fortna Chas. A., (Chas. A. Fortna &: Co.), h 1211 Mnlberry FORTNA CHARLES A. " CO., (George K Shaffer), fruits and vegetables, Triangle GI'oeery, Mulberry c Derry Fortna David L., meat mkt, Mary av c River a\', b 218 S 2d Fortnu George E., contractor, h 6 S 18th Fortna Rudolph K., bookbinder, h 218 S 2<1 Fortney Charles H., laborer, h 1739 N 3d Fortney David E., h 1312 Green Fortney Edward, cigars; h 1934 Derry Fortney Elizabeth Mrs., h 325 Reily Fortney Ella V., sale!llady, 223 Mltl"ket, h 810 GreeD

Digitized by


A. B. TAeK, I all Paper and Window Shades. {72~:IJ':"R2rt~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (F.') City Directory. 221
FortD'ey Isaac, carter, h ] 934 Derry Fortney John W., apprentice, h 34 Balm Fortney Laura A., dressmkr, h 810 Green Fortney Lizzie, housekeeper, 810 Green Fortney Sylvester T., grocer, 234 North, b 227 Reily Ifosnaught John R., yardmaster P. R. R., b 522 Peffer Fosnaught, see also Fasnacht Fosnot Charles D., painter, b 453 Verbeke Fosnot .Edward M., beamer, h 335 Harris Fosnot George N., elk C. V. R. R., hat Cbambersburj;( Fosnot Joseph J., carpenter, h 413 Verbeke F08not Maggie, h 1121 N 6th Fosnot Maggie Mrs., h 335 Harris Foster Albert, laborer, h 1407 Marion Foster Amos, carter, h 1413 N Cameron Foster Benjamin R., machinist, h 70 N 14th Foster Charles G., car cleaner, h 608 Granite av Foster Charles H., flagman, h 1503 Wallace Foster Charles W., elk, 223 Market, h 114 Washington av Foster Charles W., engineer, h 1316 N 7th Fostel' Eliza J., wid Wesley M., h 608 Granite av Foster Frank F., elk, 326 Market, h 722 N 6th Foster George M., genl mgr, 326 Market, h 722 N 6th

fRANK M. WALTERS, 'i~~r~:a~~: FOOTWEAR, N.'::~

Foster Harry R., elk P. R. R. depot, b 30 SlOth Foster Henry, laborer, h 330 S 15th Foster Jordon R., (Williamson & Foster), h at Lancaster Foster Robert R., machinist, h 70 N 14th Foster Warren, librarian Court House, h 261 N 5th Foster Wesley E., fireman, h 608 Granite av Foster William B., h 30 SlOth }'08ter, see also Forster Fought Emma, wid Harry B., h 307 Briggs }'ought James E., h 316 N 2d . Fought Robert R., blacksmith, h 1391 S 3d Fought Verda M., saleslady, 326 Market, h 307 Briggs Foulk Amos, carpenter, h 2023 N 5th Foulk Hattie E., cashier, 426 Market, h 514 Filbert Foulk Lillie, shirtmkr, h 514 Filbert Foulk William H., conductor, h 1424 Green Foulke Mary, domestic, 819 N 2d Foultz William G., brakeman, h 511 Colder Fountain Elizabeth, wid Oliver, h 825 S Front Fountain James, cook, h 503 South Fountain Nelson, laborer, h 825 S Front Fountain Nelson, sr., nailer, h 205 S 2d Fountain Oliver, nailer, h 119 Paxton

Digitiz~d by Coogle

IcNeil's Pain Exterminator .:l1~:D~o~~~~ ~:t~':i-ed~~~{ {77Trl.JJ~.


Boyd's Harrisburg (Ii") City Directory.

Fountain Willis, nlliler, II 59:3 S Front Foust Harry, molder, h 1525 Del'ry }""'Ol1st Samuel C., boilermkr, h 1525 Dt.'rry Fox Adelaide, wid Richard, h 129 WIllnut Fox Adeline, wid JOIIII, h 1505 WallaL'C Fox AlOOf! R., flagman, h 56:3 Hunter Fox Clara D., domestic, 209 S Frullt Fox David, laborer, II 1:320 Margaret }'ox Della C., domeRtic, 1305 Green Fox Ella E., teach'r, h 1440 Derry Fox Elmira, wid Emalluel, h 1.327 Thompson Fox Emma, domestic, 20()1 Mulberry Fox Emma L., 1:. 1505 Wallace Fox Gideon, iron worker, h 116 Ann av Fox Gideon W., laborer, h 116 Hanna Fox Henry, mason, h 602 Race Fox James M., fireman, h 1505 Wallace Fox Jennie R., weaver, h 1820 Wood av FOX JOHN E., lawyer, 1 N 2d, h 122 Chestnut }"ox .John H., laborer, h 1206 Penn . Fox John T., elk, h 124 Sayford a\' Fox Laura, domestie, 315 Chestnut Fox Otto, roller, h 1531 N 3d Fox Peter, iron worker, h 116 Ann av Fox Richard M., painter, h 124 Sayford av }'ox Richard V., h 129 Walnut . . Fox Stewart, motorman, h 543 Woodbine Fox Uriah, conductor, h 1820 Wood av Fox Walter U., driver, h 1820 Wood av Fox William, bl'ickmkr, h 116 Ann av Fox Wilson C., genl agt, 227 Walnut, h 144:0 Derry Foy Patrick F., clk The Commercial, h 1219 Bailey Foy William M., 8witchman, h 1211 N 7th Fraelich Daniel S., fireman, h 1906 N 5th Fraelich Emlin F., fireman, h 618 Reily Fraelich Henry, fireman, h 1340 Fulton Fraelich Sherman W., flagman, h 1202 Penn Frailey Robert T., foreman, Herr c Plum av, h 114 Colder Fraim Alice, wid Walter M., h 304 Reily Fraim Alvin H., barber, 2001 ~ N 5th, h 2005 do Fraim Charles F., tray salesman, h 1108 N 2d . Fraim Charlotte, wid .Jeremiah S., 11 I ~04 N 2d Fraim Henry S., (Shupe &: Fraim), h 2005 N 5th Fraim John B., supt, h 824 N 3d Fraim Mary E., h 1304 N 2d Fraim William A., gas fitter, h 1329 Green f4"raley Henry, (W. H. Fraley & Co.), mgr Capital City Oil Co., h 28 S2d

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {~~A~~~I~~~~} 1210 l 3d.


Harrisburg (F) City Directory.


Fraley John, engineer, h 1641 N 6th lamps, 28 S 2ci Fraley William H., (W. H. Fraley & Co.), h 28 S 2d Fralich George, conductor, h 634 Colder Fralich Daniel R., baggagemaster, h 913 N 6th Fralich John H., brakeman, h 2029 N 5th Fralich Lewis L., brakeman, 11 6:36 Colder Fralich Lizzie, h 634 Colder Fralich Samuel K., brakeman, h 625 Dauphin av Fralich Sarah M., wid Jacob, h 634 Colder Fralick Levi B., brakeman, h 1825 N 4th Franck George J., heater, h 1046 S 9th Franck Jacob J., foreman, h 131 Dock Frank Aunie, weaver, h 1324 N 3d Frank Charles, shoes, &c., 107 S 2d, h do Frank Charles H., brakeman, h 1'14 Mulberry Frank Charles W., lumber piler, h 623 Race Frank Clara, dressmkr, h 1729 N 6th Frank Emily, wid John, h 1324 N 3d Frank Frederick, mason, h Boas ab 18th Frank Georgiana A. Mrs., dressmkr, 114 Mulberry, h do Frank Harrison E., elk, h 623 Race Frank Harry M., laborer, h 936 Commerce Frank Il!8ac, peddler, h 624 Herr Frank Jacob W., conductor, h 130:1 Wallace Frank James L., brakeman, b 425 Muench Frank Lewis, peddler, h 532 West Frank Lillie, tea(:her, h 1324.N 3d Frank Lillie M., weaver, h 623 Race Frank R. Bertram, laborer, h 19i bel Derry Frank Rebecca, wid Michael, h 938 Commerce Frank Robert C., foreman, h 2005 ~ 7th Frank Samuel E., brakeman, h 655 Dauphin av Frank Sarah Mrs., h 129 N 4th Frank William G., engineer, h 938 Commerce PBANKEM AUGUSTUS H., tax receiver, 608 North Cowden, h do Frankem Clara, retoucher, h 6 S 4th Frallkem E. Lawrence, elk, h 6 S 4th Frankem Lillie, retoucher, h 608 North Frankem Sarah A., wid Edward L., h 6 S 4th Frankford David, tobacconist, 268 Verbeke, h do Franklin Benjamiu, laborel', h 11]2 N 12th Franklin Caroline, wid Samuel, h 241 SOllth Franklin Charlotte, wid Albert, h 1407 Marion Franklin Columbus, houseman, h 232 Liberty Franklin Dewitt W., h 241 South

FRALEY W. H. & CO., (Henry Fraley), china, glass and


Digitized by


" To find a nam, you must 'mow hOW to sp,ll it." 224 Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.
Franklin Eaten, laborer, h 1112 N 12th Franklin George C., carpenter, h 306 Harris Franklin Harvev, helper, b Hamilton nr 3d FRANKLIN HOUSE, F. Dietrich, 217 Walnut Franklin Maud, gold layer, h 241 South Frantz Charles 0., laborer, h 32 S 13th Frantz C. Irvin, brakeman, h 16401 Wallace ~'rantz Ezra W., engineer, h 130 Verbeke Frantz George, blacksmith, h 268 Verbeke Frantz John, carpenter, h 32 S 13th Frantz Mary H., teacher, h 1017 Green Frantz SUbRn, h 624 Walnut Frasch Alwine, dres.'Jmkr, h 1521 Vernon Frasch Elizabeth C., h 319 Walnut . Frasch Frederick, machinist, h J521 Vernon FraQCh Frederick C., ice cream, 319 Walnut, h do Frasch Frederick D., ice creammkr, h 319 Walnut Frasch William F., elk, 319 Walnu~, h do FRASER JOHN S., Borist Capitol, h 514 N 5th Fray Benjamin S., elk, 119 Market, h 53 N Summit Fray Simon G., brnss finisher, h 53 N Summit FRAZER ISAAC, lumber, room 23, Trust Co. bldg, b 419 Forster (see adv) Frazer Peter B., iron worker, h 1721 Logan av }4'razer Simon, laborer, h 1209 N III Frazier Edward C., helper, h 1307 S 12th Freaner Elizabeth, h 604 N 3d Freaner William, huckster, h 123 N 10th Frear Wilmot C., mgr, 406 Market, h 410 Briggs Frederick Clara, weaver, h 507 Race Free Benjamin F., machinist, h 1:116 N 6th Free Charles F., plasterer, h 1212 Susquehanna Free Daniel, elk, 435 Market, h 1254 Derry Free George, salesman: h 45 N 14th FREE GEORGE B. )I., physician, 17 S 2d, h do; office . hours, 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m., 6.30 to 7.30 p. m. Free George H., Bagman, h 1637 N 6th Free Harry S., engineer, h 1320 N 7th Free Isaac, agt, h 1212 SU'3quehanna

ZB.a..a.C ..a.a.BBa. kfncr. 01-".lIol_fIle ...."e.ot for till

Fancy n ..... Wood, Willte .... Yelle"" Pine, HelDleek, Oak and W. Va. a.d Poplar. ShlI.. oran kl e, While Pine, Cyp.... a Cedar. Mlc..I.... Willie a.d Norway PI.e a Specialty. Florida G.U Cyp_ L


Digitized by


A. B. TACK, PrOcncOl Paper Hanger.

{7~7'!lo!.~~r~ Boyd'. Harrisburg (F) City Directory. 225

Free John A., bookbinder, h 1254 Derry Free Kate, wid Benjamin F., h 916 N 6th Free Mahala, wid George W., h 625 Peffer Free Margaret. cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Free Robert R., shipping clk, b 45 N 14th Free Samuel M., engineer, h 1729 N 3d }'reeburn Annie M., bookkpr, h 528 Peffer Freeburn Charles W., fireman, h 528 Peffer Freeburn VhristiVi E., pressman, h 531 Cowden Freeburn Edwin M., elk, 140] N 3d, h 528 Peffer FREEBURN HABRY H., insurance and real estate, 1401 N 3d, h 1408 N 2d (see adv) Freeburn John C., machinist, h 1237 N 7th Freeburn John M., uleslUan, 214 Market, h at Steelton Freebnrn Lillie, seamstress, h 661 Sayfolrd av Freeburn Richard H., engineer, h 628 Peffer Freehurn Robert, watertender, h 125 S 3d Freed Henry F., h 1337 N Front l!'ret!d Isaac, agt, h 1337 N Front Freed John M., driver, h 331 Buyd av Freeland Anna C., wid Albert H., h 1348 Vernon Freeland William, carpenter, h 1002 Berryhill FI-eemanWinney. wid Henry, h 173 .Indian av


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 I. 3d 81.

Frees Anna, wid Isaac M., h 12:3:1 Derry Freese Joseph B., ticket examiner, h 262 North l!'reese Mary A., wid Jeremiah, h 14 S Court a,' Freet Alice M., domestic, 1335 N 6th Freidberg Nathan, peddler, h 110 Short Freigh Charles, brakeman, h 1224 WaUaee Fremell Carrie A., wid Theodure, h 1520 N 5th Fremell Edith E., cashier, 334 Market, h 1520 N 5th Fremell Laura C., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1520 N 5th Fremell Lillie M., clk. 209 Walnut, h 1520 N 5th French J. Smith, hc)ilermkr, h 1426 Regina RENCH JUCHAEL W., cigar mfr and tobacconist, 416 . Mal'ket, h do Frenie Anthony, barber, 18 N 3d, h 213 Mulberry

Real *Estate,
OFFICE: No. 1401 North Third St., - HARRISBURG, PAl


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DIce McN en's Medicine Co. {Jra~~~} No!1t:~d.


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.

Fret George, feerler, h 110 Ann av Frey Edwin V., printer TelE'gfilph. h 1412 Market Frey George M., printer, h 1412 Market Frey Jerome F., brakeman, h 1:310 Susquehanna Frey Mary R. l\Jr8., h 164 Indilln av Frey, Retl also Fry Frick Augustus \V., grocer, 428 Reily, h do Ft:ick Charles A., tailor; h 428 Reily Frick William I . , I'ltereotyper. h 428 Reily. Frickman Henry,labllrer. h 1726 N 3d Frickman John R., boilermkr, h 1726 N 3d Fridman Henry, pedlilt'r, h 641 BriggR FriebergE'r Murris, t;hllemkr, 621 Reily. h 1332 Margaret Friese David A., car inspector, h 2131 Moore ~"'riese Frerleriek 0., laborf.'r, h 1627 Logan IlV Friese Venie C., musician Lunatic Hospital, h do Friese Wells H., barber, h 1627 Logan av Frisch BE-rnhart, hotel, 501 Market, h do Friskey Jacob S., engineer, h 8 Lochiel 1st Row Fritchey Charles A., student, h 338 S 2d Fritchey Elmer E., n)ller, h 3:38 S 2d Fritchey Geneva, teacher, h 338 S 2d nITCHEY JOlIN A., physician, 338 S 2d, h do Fritchey John F., engineer, h a38 S 2d Fritchey Ro88 H., machinist, h 338 S 2d Fritz Augnstus, laborer, h 1716 Briggs Fritz Charles L., carpenter, h 1155 Derry Fritz Frank, bartender The Commercial, h de . Fritz Harry C., agt, h 906 Cowden Fritz Jacob, puddler, b 49 Lochiel Cottage Row Fritz John, laborer, h 1716 Briggs Fritz Joseph, laborer, h 1716 Briggs Fritz Lulu, milliner, 38 N :3d, h at Steelton Fritz Mary, h 53 Lochiel nr store Fritz William H., buok agt, h 1331 N 6th Froehlich Albe.t, elk, h 910 N 3d Froehlich Charles M., plumber, h 910 N 3d Froehlich Edward H., elk, 4 N 2d, h 910 N 3d Froehlich F. William, (J. Froehlich & Son), h 3U Peffer Froehlich John, (J. Froehlich & Sun), h 910 N 3d Froehlich John H., artist, h 41 i) Cumberland FROEHLICH J. &: SON, (John and. F. William-Froeb lieh), mel'chant tailorl!, 901 N 3d Fromm G..Joseph, laborer, h ] 69 N 15th Fromm William H., baker, 1627 Swatara, h do Fronder Michael, laborer, h 113 Cuwden Frost Howard V., lahorer, h 122 Nagle }"'rost John L., nail feedel', h 122 Nagle

Digitized by



N. 3d St. l work, 1Ul'" Insures it. Wllrt ",.,ne In any part of tbe State.

1210 IEmploYlllone but Orsrclal'll'll'orkmen, hl'Dceonly IIrstclau

Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory. 227

Frost .Jllhn W., .Il1Jddl~r, h 122 ~lIgle Frost I .. izzie, dOIlIC"ti(~ Hurris HIlIIl"e Frost Robert G., )'oller, h 122 Nu/!Ie Frowelt Charles E., tlpedlll otH!..'f!I P. R. R., h 609 Maclay Frowert Lucretia H., !Ot'UllllltJt!l"~, h 609 Maclay Frowert Spencel' G., (lk. I()(H N :~d, It 609 Maclay Fry A. Ad<lessa, cashier, 22:l ~Ial'ket, h 139 Plixton Fry Allron, puC\clll'r, h 121 Hllllnn Fl'v Albert 0., III borer, h 625 Delawllre av Fry A mos F., all(ti(lIlCer and fllrnitllre, 210 S 2d, h do Fry Annie M., milliner, !l:34 Market, h 20:3 B"i~gs Fry Arthur ji"., fireman, h 122 M ulherry Fry Caroline Mrs., laundres.~, h 203 Briggs ji'ry Catharine, seamstres.'I, h 1402 Regina Fry Charles G., laborer, h 2031 Kensington Fry Dllniel W., fireman, h 820 S Cameron Fry De Witt A., elk Central Iron Works, h 1303 8 Cameroll Fry Edward, patternmkr, h 209 Mulberry Fry Edwin L., heater, h 6la S Front Fry Elias E., geul delivery clk P.O., h 536 Race Fry Elmer E., conductor, h 210 S 2d Fry Frank, engineer, h 1319 Wallace Fry George W., harber, 142 S 2<1, h 1000 Berryhill Fry George W., laborer, h 403 N 5th ji'ry G. Washington, brakeman, h 422 Muench Fry Harrison, screwsman, h 108 Dock Fry HarrilOn, jr., iron worker, h 108 Dock Fry Harry 8., tailor, b 164 Indian av Fry Hattie, domestic The Bolton Fry Huward, watchman, h 1003 Hemlock Fry Howard C., student, h l329 S Cameron Fry Jacob B., laborer, h looo Berryhill Fry Jacob G., machinist, h 518 N 5th Fry Jeremiah, rougher, h 911 SlOth Fry John G., engineer, h 1103 Capital Fry John L., l'Oller, b 100 Hanna Fry John P., brakeman, h 507 Hamilton Fry Joseph, carpenter, h 1109 N Cameron Fry Levi S., fireman, h 1109 Cowden Fry Maggie J., ironer, h 127 S 3d Fry Malcolm A., elk, h 1003 Green Fry Margaret, b 911 SlOth Fry Martha M. Mrs., b 347 Harris Fry Mary E., teacher, b 1329 S Cameron Fry Matilda A., wid Henry A., h 1314 William Fry Miles D., iron worker, h 115 Dock Fry Miunie, forelady, b 203 Briggs . Fry Nellie A., elk, b 349 Harris

Digitized by


" To find a na'me you must know how to spell il." 228 Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.
Fry Nellie P., elk, 1006 N 3d, h 347 Herr Fry Peter, weighmaster, h 139 Paxton Fry Phoebe A., wid .'ohn B., h 115 Dock J.'ry Sarah E., dom('8tic, 11 N 13th Fry Susanna, wid George N., h 1329 S Cameron Fry William B., molder, h 1314 William Fry William C., conductor, h 645 Colder ~'ry William C., foreman, h 1014 Hemlock Fry William H., bookkpr, 222 Market, h 205 State Fry 'Villiam M., waiter, h 403 N 5th Fry, see also Frey Fryer William B., molder, h 320 Sayford av Fuhrman Aaron, brakeman, h 323 S 14th FuhrrQan Elizabeth, wid Ant-houy, h 1403j Regina Fuhrmau Philip D., brakeman, h 223 Crescent Fuhrmann Amelia, wid Ernst, h 1318 N 2d Fuhrmann Emil E., machinist, h 1318 N 2d Fullerton Capitola, wid John F., h 1318 Susquehanna Fullman Mattie Mrs., h 169 Indian av Fulmer Henry, messenger dept into aftairs, h 809 Green Fulmer William, carter, h 1109 N Cameron Fulton Ross A., ooltmkr, h 516 Primrose av Fulton William M., brakeman, h 430 Hamilton Fultz Harry M., operator P. R. R. depot, h 1322 Vernon Fultz 1\Iary A., dome-'>tic, 260 Herr Fulweiler Cyrenius H., elk, h 708 Capital Fulweiler Jacob, tailor, h 708 Capital Funk Alfred .1., fireman, h 1100 Wallace Funk Alice V., saleslady, 308 Market, h 24 S 3d Funk Amos, laborer, h 602 Delaware av Fun,k Benjamin F., laborer, h 503 Cumberland Funk Benjamin F., laborer, h 3 N 9th Funk Christian S., h 24 S 3d . FUNK DAVID S., physician, 228 N 3d, h do Funk Franklin 1\1., express messenger, h 260 Cumberland Funk George K., engineer, h 627 Peffer Funk Graoo, h 325 Cherry av Funk Harrison, engineer, h 1419 N 6th ltunk Harry A., elk, 627 Walnut, h 17u3 N 7th Funk Howard, machinist, h 1419 N 6th Funk Jacob, brakeman, h 1322 N 7th Funk John A., engiueer, h 1703 N 7th Funk Laura P., saleslady, 308 Market, h 24 S 3d Funk William R., baggagemaster, h 1419 N 6th Funkhouser Orville C.~ mgr, 326 Market, h 1931 Wood av Funston Emma E., dressmkr, h 121 Cowden Funston Sarah, wid William, baker, 1422 William, h do }i'uqua John, laborer, h 1229 N llj

Digitized by


~~Ob~~\~-:;::;~WOII PoperOndlindOWShOdeS lrom A.

B. TACK,N.'::~t

Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory. 229 FURBER IGNATZ. saloClD, Cnurt av c Cherry av, h do
Furbush Charles E., labnrer, h 724 RaCE' Furgason Richard, blacksmith, h 910 N 6th Furman Samuel K., pn@tall'lk, h 504 North Fusselman John, switchman, b 624 Harris

Gable Albert, messenger, 406 Market., h do Gable Henry A., hardware, ft 3d, h a21 N Front Gable Henry C., shoemkr, 651 Cumberland, h 611 Colder Gable [Amore M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 61 I Colder Gable Mary, wid Philip, h 21 Lochiel 2d Row Gable Sophia, wid Isaac, h 638 Herr Gabler Mary, domt'Stic, 256 Cnmberlancl Gabriel George, laborer, h Verbeke ab 1Ii Gabriel John, laborer, h Verbeke ab 111 Gabriel William, laborer, h 1756 N CameroD Gaebler Maurice, laborer, h 1311 Bartine av Gaffney Alice G., saleslady, 44 N 3cl, h 946 Paxton Gaffney Celia, wid Charlt'S, h 946 Paxton Gaffney Maggie, h 946 Paxton Gaffney Mary T., book cutter, h 946 Paxton Gail Catharine, wid Matthias, h 602 Showers av
-AlIlbe Latest Styles 10RELIABLE and FASHIONABLE

FOOTW EAR 01 FRAIIK M . , N.1012 WALTERS' 3d St. n

Gailbaugh Abraham, flagman, h 1424 Marion Gaines Eliy.abeth MrR., laundress, h 1416 Marion ('J1lines Henry, steel worker, h 345 Strawbeny av Gaitor John, confectioner, 435 State, h do Gaitor Joseph H., restaurant, 437 State, h do Gajlo George, laborer, h 189 Paxton Galbraith Bertram G., (Galbraith Brol.), h 266 Briggs Galbraitb Bros., (F. G. and B. G.), cement pavers, 266 Briggs Galbraith Frank G., (Galbraith Bros.), h 706 GreeD Galbraith Hannah, saleslady, 334 Market, h 260 Liberty Galbraith Herbert L., agt, h Franklin House Galbraith James, plaFlterer, h 260 Liberty Galbraith Lottie, saleslady, 334 Market, h 260 Liberty Galbreath George, pool room, 407 N 4th, h 402 Filbert Gale Mfg. Co., (Tbe), agrl implts, 627 Walnut Gallagher Charles M., puddler, h 943 S 19th Gallagher Eliza, wid Samuel, b 1224 N 7th Gallagher Ella, domestic, 207 S Front. Gallagher Ellen, domestic, 624 Walnut Gallagher Emma, shoe operator, h 239 State Gallagher J. Norton, machinist, h 1831 N 6th Gallagher John, engint*'r, h 1516 N 6th

Digitized by


' LlveranCl Blood Purlfylns ComplalDI8. McNEIL's D,8pepel&, Llnr, BlOOd and KidneyPilla Cure 'l11111 3d SI

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

Gallagher ~farthn, wid Thumas, h 641 CClldt'r Gallagher Samuel, fireman, h 1224 N 7th Gallagher Samuel D., elk F. and M. Worh, h 943 S 19th Gallagher William M., brakeman, h 1627 Mimin a\' Gallagher Mary W., wid Jat.'ob, h 1407 N 6th Galvin Grant L., notions, h 13 Cowden Galvin John W., sale:;111an, h ] 3 Cowden Galya George, laborer, h 189 Paxton Gambal John, h 1118 N Cameron Gamb~l Kate A., dressmkr, h 1432 N 6th Gambal 'Villialll, laborer, h 1118 N Cameron Gamber Frank, engineer, h 10 Aberdeen av Gamber Harry F., mattressmkr. h 1218! Derry Gamber William L., mattressmkr, h 10 Aberdeen av Gamble Robert, check man P. R. R, h 235 Sayford av Ganstlin Minnie, dClmestic, 123 South Gant Annie, wid William, h 502 Strawberry av Gaut Henrietta, h 500 Strawberry av . Gant William H., contractor, h rear 104 Filbert Gantt Amos L., brakeman, h 425 Muench Gantt Laura, domestic, 345 Muench Garaghty C. F., agrl implts, 627 Walnut, II The Lochiel Garber Samuel I., ins, h 144 Linden Garberich Charles H., machinist, h 130 Herr Garberich Eliza, wid Levi. h 2004 PE'nn Garberich John E., shoernkr, h 25 S Court av, h do Garberich Warren, laborer, h 2004 Penu Garberich, see also Garverich Garbrick Ella, h 1611 N 6th Gardner Alfred B., (S. Gardner & Bro.), h 1309 N 3d Gardner Andrew J., engineer, h 16 Moore Gardner Annie M., typewriter Lunatic Ho"pital, h do Gardner Benjamin 1"'., carpenter, h 1311 N 6th Gardner Caroline, h 16 N 4th Gardner David L., car inspector, h Boas ab 18th Gardner Eliza A., bookkpr. 3:32 Market, h at Steelton Gardner Elizabeth, h 214 Forstel' Gardner Ella N., h 1425 Regina Gardner Emma R. M 1'8., matl'oll P. R. dep<!t, h 62:3 Reily Gardller George V., po,,;tul dk, h :l-t S ;3d Gardner Harry E., brakemHn, h 16 Moore Gardner Henry, moldel', h 1425 Reg-ina Gardner James ~-'., c()ndu(,tl'll', h ]~i06 N Front Gardner Jobn, laLol'er, h la06 CII ....ant av Gardner .John A., exp.'e!lsmall, II 1417 William Gardner Joh" S., engillE'er, It 414 R('ily Gardner John W., nailer, It 106 o.K~k Gardner l\-Iary V., housekeeper, h 244 Meadow III

Digitized by


A. B. TACK .~&Of fracallg PI~lIc BIO.IIIIII Plail Tills. {=r:ru:t

Boyd's Barrisburg (6) City Directory. 231
Gardner Minnie, botlkkpr, 1311 N 3d, h do Gardner Peter, watchman, b 1411 Maple Gardner Regina F., h 214 Forster Gardner Rena, !!Illeslaoy, 412 Market, h 1425 Regina 'Gardner Samuel, (S. Gardner & Bro.), h 1311 N 3d Gardner Sarah J., wid Francis C., h 183;J Fulton Gardner S. Lizzie, h 548 Woodbine Gardner S. & Bro., (Alfred R.), prnduce, 1311 N 3d Gardner Thomas, waiter, h 301 .N Front Gardner William B., laborer. h 1306 CUI'rant Gardner William H . engineer, h 414! Harris Gardner William H., hnc\(ster. b 1:J08 Penn Gartlner William I.., grocer, 1310 N 6th, h do -Gardner William 1\1., molder, h 1423 Green Gardner William S., huckster, h 1322! James Garland Samuel H., foreman P. R R., h 2000 N 5th Garlin Michael H., huckster, h 630 Woodbine -Garman Christian J., laborer, h 1313 Fulton Garman Edward R., h 26 N 5th Garman Elwood G., laborer, h 1426 N 3d Garman Francis H., laborer, h 1411 Regina Garman Harry, bl".lkeman, h 1806 Elizabeth BV Garman Harry A., driver. h 1210 Bailey Garman John M., carpenter, h 1935 State Garman Kate, domestic, 511 N 2d Garman Margaret. wid Levi, h 1426 N 3d Garman Morris W., printer, h 1426 N. 3d Garman Stewart F., car inpector, h 2023 Wood av -Garman Theodore P., special agt, b 26 N 5th Garman Uriah B .. conductor, It 620 Hamilton 'Garman William F., flagmlln, It 1914 N 5th Garman William H., laborer, h 1827 Ruoy Garmhansen Frederick C., val'ieties, 1740 N 4th, h do 'Garmhausen Savilla Mrs., h 1631 Logan av Garner Alfred, porter, h 512 South av Garner Charles. laborer, It Mulberry nr Canal GARJIER JOHN E., Hbg Business College, 330 Market, h 1112 Green 'Garner Lettie, wid Joseph, h 1:324 FultoD Garner 'Villiam T., lltltter, h Cumberland bel 9th Garnet Richard, laborer, h 50P Nurth av Garonzick Davirl, oryF:()()d~, 13:38 Murgaret, h 321 Colder Garonzik Michael, veddler. II 1210 Wallace Garl't'tt Hiram P.,labort:'r, h 1412 N 6th -Garrett Sumut'l S., maellillist, h 502 Woodbine Garrison Mary, wid .'ame.'!, h 16:~ Paxton -Garro\v Edwin E., IIhot'mkr, h 1238 Herr (jarver Jane'K., ph~'8iciall Stllte Lunatic Hospital, Ii do

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 282 Boyd's Barrisburg (G) City Directory.
Garver Mary E., seamstress, h 121 Locust Garverich Charles A., car~nter, h 1321 Howard Garverich Elias L., (Garverich & Co.), h 10 S 13th Garverich Ella J., (Garverich & Co.), h 34 S 13th Garverich Fannie, wid Harry, h 1232 Bailey Garverich GeQrge, II 1223 Derty Garverich Harry M., machinist, h 1228 Derry Garverich John E., check man P. R. R., h 610 State Garverich Morris P., elk, h 615 State Garverich Susan, wid George, h 615 State Garverich William E., laborer, h 1519 Fnlton GARVERICB " CO., (Elias L. and Ella J.), heaters~ ranges, tin roofing, &c., 34 S 13th Garverick Catharine, wid John, h 1641 N 7th Garverick Franklin L., laborer, h 1641 N 7th Garverick George F., carpenter, h 627 Dauphin av Garverick John M., foreman P. R. R., h 629 Dauphin av Garverick Sallie A., seamstress, h 629 Dauphin av Garverick, see also Garberich Gaskin James, laborer, II 1421 William Gaskins Charle.'!, h 124 Locust Gaskins Max, laborer, h 1405 Marion Gasner Arthur, .huckster, h ] 4 S 2d Gastel Mary, domestic, ]27 State Gastrock Emma R., operatOl', h 307 Herr Gastrock Frederick, elk, 1215 N 3d, h 307 Herr Gastrock Frederick J., confectioner, h 307 Herr Gastrock Heury, elk, h 415 North Gastrock John, purchasing agt F. and M. Wks, h 415 Nortb Gastrock Levi, jr., printer Patriot, h 717 Ash av Gastrock Lewis, h 415 North Gastrock Mary A., wid I..evi, h 717 Ash av Gastrock Rosa, elk, 516 State, h 404 do Gastrock Rosa, wid B., h 415 North Gastrock William, tailor, 3:37 Walnut, b do Gastrock William A., elk, 337 Walnut, h do Gastrock William M., varieties, 404 EState, h do Gately Mary, h 135 S 2~ GA.TELY & FITZGERALD, M. J. Melville, mgr, installment house, ] 20X N 6th Gates James, waiter, h 13 S Court IlV Gates William, carpenter, N 10th nr Market, h 24 S 3d Gaugler E. Kurtz, photographer, 408 Market, h do Gauker Adam, brakeman, h ]221 N 6th Gauker Edward, conductor, h 270 Verbeke Gaul Clara .J., salet&hldy, 3:~4 Market, h at Paxtang Gault W,iIliam S., elk, 4!l7 Strawbeny a\', h 132 l.inden Gause Lanra, teachel', h 122 Colder

Digitized by


I. B. T =t':.o~r::} 1111 Plpt( lid Illdll Sbldu {12~~ ~~fd<j~. lei

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.
Gause Lewis H., teacher, II 122 Colder Gavini Fabis, cook Hotel Columbus Gawran Michael, tailor, h 1949 Rudy Gaylor Michael, h 626 Reily Gaymall Lewis, laborer, h Forster ab 19th Gazette Ella, saleslady, 334 Market, h 409 Walnut Gearhart Wilson M., clk Board of Pardons, h 230 N 2d Gearinger Jacob Rev., h 121 Nagle Geary Alexander, bricklayer, Ii 518 State Geary Alexander, jr., baker, h 518 State Geary Alice V., milliner, h 182& Fulton Geary Edward, bricklayer, h 518 State Geary Edwal-d L., car inspector, h 1825 Fulton Geary Edward L., jr., barber, b 1825 Fulton Geary Evans, conductor, h 229 Crescent Geary Evans, jr., brakeman, h 229 Crescent Gebert Adele M IS., hoarding, 618 N 3d, h do Gebert Annie M., h 618 N 3d . Gebert Charles A., cigarmkr, h 253 Liherty Gebhardt Carrie D., teacher, h 430 S 13th Gebhardt Henry C.,. harber, 206 Chestnut, h 430 S 13th Gebhart George, brewer, h Cumberland ab 9th Gebhart George, jr. laborer, h Cumberland bel 9th



gO 10 WALTERS', N.3IdO~;.t.

Gebhart John, laborel', h 62~ Shuwers ltV Gebhart John F., f",eder, h 622 Showers av Gee Sam, laundry, 402 Waluut, h do Get-sey John H., laborer, h 912 Iron av Geety Henrif'tta A . wid William, h 51 N 14th Geety Julia W., h 51 N 14th Gehrett Amon,car inspector, h 525 Dauphin av Gehrett George A., brakeman, h 1908 Elizabeth av Gehrett .fohn J., carpenter, h 1908 Elizabeth av Gehrett .John W., brakeman, h 1908 ~~lizabeth llV Gehrett William B., car inspector, h 405 Woodbine Gehring Charlcs, hrakeman, h 1230 Cowden Gehring Frederick, laborer, h rear 1415 N 5th Geiger Addie L., booksewer, h 703 Showers av Geiger Allison, laborer, h 315 Cherry av Geiger Ann, wid Peter, h 112 Nagle Geiger Christian, laborer, h 1710 ~"ulton Geiger Elias K., help<-r, h 70S Showers av Geiger George, helper, h :315 Cherry BV Geiger George B., engineer, h 247 Crescent Geiger Harry P., engineer, b Walnut c 15th Geiger James, h 112 Nagle G~iger James W., helper, h 247 Crescent

Digitized by


Melell', Pain Exterminator CQreII Cholera Morbul, Dyaentel'1. CremPl. Dlarrh_, Colds, Quinsy, RheumatluD. Toothache, Sore Throat, Ague, DYBpepsI&,.tC; lUI I. 3d.


Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

Geiger John, machinist, h 1318 Penn Geiger John A., letter carrier, h 225 Crescent Geiger Sophia, wid Edward, h 102 Sh"rt Geiger William A .. elk, 7 S :3<1, h :315 {)herry av Geiger William G., elk, 13th c Del'ry, h 247 Crescent Geise R. S., attendant State Hospital, h do Geisel August G., inspector, h 1928 N 4th Gei8t'1 Henry, (Geisel & Kohler), Ia 228 Peffer Geisel John F., repairsman, h 2018 Elizabeth av Geisel Richard, painter, h 9 N Cameron GEISEL & KOBLER, (Henry Geisel and William H. Kohler), planing mill, 7th c Emerald (see adv) Geiser Dixon H. Rev., h 612 Kelker Geiser J. Lewis, painter, h 17]8 Brilrgs Geisking Charles, carpenter, h 514 Hamilton Geisking William, jr., machinil-;t, h 19:H N 5th Geistwhite Benjamill F., laborer, h 832 S Cameron I Geistwite Mary E., h 10]8 Green Geistwite Sarah, h 1018 Green Gelbarth Thedora, h 1205 N 7th Gembe Ch"ristian C., paperhan~r, h 1239 Bailey Gembe li'rallk M., paperhanger, h 37 S Court av Gembe Marne E., dressmkr, h 37 S COUlt av Gemmill John, notions, h 523 South Gemmill Lollis A., baker, h 1311 Penn Gemmill William N., engineer, h 1311 Penn Gemperling Albert R., conductor, h 328 Hamilton Gemperling FI'ank, brakeman, h 424 Kelker Gemperling Frank A., conductor, h 424 Kelker Genovesi Matteo, carpenter, h Hotel Columbus Genovoni Josephine, h 331 Strawberryav Gensemer Abram B., lab"rer, h 102 S 4th Gensemer Elizabeth F., tailort's.~, h 102 S 4th Gensler Elias, tailor, h 1329 Derry Gensler Joseph, shoemkr, 1531 Derl,)" h 1523 do GeDtslider Frederick, laborer, h :327 Sayfiu'd av GeDtslider Jacob J., coremkr, h 12:1 Sayford av Gentslider Mary, shoe operator, h l:l21 James nv

cal.aL " ao~t., Lumber and Mill Work,





4 G _ _l 4 .......,...... ' 01 Btcfld'ng X.terfcd.

Telepbone Call 10, 1774, .:. OFFICE, MILL AND Y!RD: 7th ILd Emerald ~ta.

Digitized by


IIIK Shades oomplete. b8t and lO1feat Fringe, for 85 ets. 3d l BT {wan Paper. The1fItb Ftxtnre& and "rices. Window { N. 1210bt. l1li
Boyd'. Harrisburg (6) City Directory.


George Annie M., laundrt'ss, Ii 1,27 Fultou Charlt's L., l'8ITier, h 10-10 S Cameron GEORGE CHABI.'ES T., druggist, 1306 N 3d, h do (see adv) George John C., cOlldu<'tor, h 10-10 S Camel'Oll George John H., lal)(H'er, h 1827 ~"'nltoll George Lile, tf'8cher, h 250 North George Samuel A., fireman, h 1911 MolLke R\' George Theodore 1<'. H .. dllI~gisl. 1:J06 N ad, h 202 Verbeke George Thomas G., IIgt, h 927 N 3d George William .J. Cnpt., silk !ialt'sman, h \j27 N 3d Gerber John S., 1llt'Sl'ellger adjt gf>nl's dept, h 1642 N 3d Gerberich Enos A., phy!!i{'itlll, 311 Market, h do Gerdes Anna, wid Bemanl, Ii 216 Herr Gerd~ AUglJ!ltllS H, maeliilliKt, h 117 S 13th Gerdt's Bernard J., jr., ('lk, 4 8 2<1, h 216 Herr Gerdes CharleH, boukhindel, h 70a 8tate Gerdes Harry B., cigarmki-, h 216 Herr Gerdes William, drivt'r, h 122 N Hiver av Gerhard Jerome Z., physician, 29 8 3d, h do . Gerhard Mary, wid Jacob, h BOR Cresc.:ent Gerhardt Harry B., bookkpr, 5 N 2d, h 904 GreeD Gerhart Charles, motorman, II 1428 N 6th Gerhart Frank P., laborer, h ]428 N 6th Gerhart George, hnckster, h 522 Woodbine Gerhart Mary R., domestic, 1441 Shoop Gerlock ~"'rank G., (Gerlock & Lntz), h 1138 13th Gerlock & Lutz, (F. G. Gerlock and R. L. Lutz), stoDe, 812 Market . German Caroline J., h 816 N 3d German Emanuel S., printer. 105 S 2d, h 1013 N 2d German f1"1orf'!ncc, ironer, h 1426 N 3d GERMA.N JOHN W., agot Mutual Lif~ Ins. Cn. of N. Y., Board of Trade bldg, h 253 Boas German Mabel, h 25 N 4th German Philip, bookseller, J05 S 2d, h 25 N 4th German WUliam H., dk, 24 S 3d. b 25 N 4th Germer Christopher,jr., blacksmith, h H08 Penn Germer George W., printer Patriot, It 31 Bulm Germer J. A. Christopher, (''llr inspt'ctm', II 502 Reily Germer Joseph H., machinist, h 502 Reily Germer Mary, wid GeOl'J1:c, h 2:~0 8 Court av Germer William, h 220 8 Court av Gettys Harry, expreSRmall, !J:3B Market, h do Getz Dorothea. wid Henr~', h 226 Pe:ff,~r Getz Jennie Mr.I., laundrCSK, h J87 Angle av Getzman Harry, salesman, h 102 Cowden Geyer Albert L., brakeman, h ~OO Dauphin av

Digitized by


" To find a name YOII must Imow how to spell,:t." 286 Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.
Geyer George W., p8f'kpr, h 821 SlOth Giannelli John, l.'1lOk Hotel Columbus Gibbens JOBE'ph E., expressman, h 142 Granberry av Gibbins Alexander, puddler, h 831 S Front Gibbins Charles .E., feeder, h 813 S Front Gibbins George, puddler, b 813 S Front Gibbins James, puddler, h 104 Ann av Gibbins John S .. puddler, h 1214 Kittatinny Gibbous Harry D., elk, 15 N 2<1, h 142 Cranbtorry av Gibbons .John A., brakeman, h 622 Peifl'r Gibbons Martha, wid Patrick, h 15:17 N :3d Gibbons William B., (.'onductllr, h 622 Peifer Gibhs Alexander, carter, h rear 110 Short Gibbs He~ry, waiter, h 1310 Maple av Gibbs JoSt'ph, driver, h 105 Tanner's av Gibbs William H., motormau. h 527i Peifer Gibson Allison, laborer, h 7 Haehnlell av Gibson Andrew, coachman, h 247 N River av Gibson Charlt's a., helper, h 1117 S 9th GIBSON FRANK A.., mgr Dllnl.'IllHl()n Planing Mill Co., h 1007 N 3e1 Gibson George, laborer, h 327 Mnench Gibson Hampton, laborer, " 5:H Brown IIV Gibson Hampton, j''.' lahuret, It 517 South Gibson John H" puddle,', It law S Cameron Gibsou Nancy Mr~., It 1:324 Margaret Gibson Peter, laborer, h )!)U2 Apl'icot av Gibson Reuben, laborer. h ] 406 Marion Gib~oll W. H., waiter, h 517 South Gibson William H., lab()r~r. h 1219 N 11i Gibson William L., laborer, h 1126 S 9th Giddens Ellen, doml'stic, 9] 6 N 6th Giddens Lewis, laboret', h ] 22a ~ III Giede Christian, carpenteJ': h 260 V I'l'beke Giede George W., feeder Teltgruvh, h 260 Verbeke Giede John C., carventer, h ] 5U9 WHllat'e Giffin James W., feeder, h 248 MeHdow III Giffin Mary, wid Hellry, h 248 Meadow la Gilberg Mary E., wid Benjamin, h 5071 Muench Gilbert Carlton P., flagmall, h 615 Humiltou Gilbert Clara L., marker, h 15th eState Gilbert David M. Rev., h 311 Walnut Gilbert Forrest H., laborer, h 415 State Gilbert Fredet'ick M., elk, h 311 Walnut Gilbert George E., machiaist, h 12M Mulberry Gilbert Harv~ E., brakemall.hI845~.. lllton GILBERT HENRY & SON, (Henry Gilbert's est and Spencer C.), hardware and oils, 219 Market

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, lall Paper and I'indow Shades. {'2~:~.x,R2~~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory. 237
Gilbert Isaac S., laborer, h 128 av Gilbert Jacob S., painter, h 1418 William Gilbert John G., lawyer, h 311 Walnut Gilbert Lillie Mrs., dressrukr, 426 Herr, h do GillJert Louis, cutter, h 1213 Yarket Gilbert Lyman D., (Weiss & Gilbert), h 203 N Front Gilbert Spencer C., (H. Gilbert. & SOD), h 107 N Front Gilbert Susan, domt'lStic, 517 Walnut Gilbert W. Kent, elk, 5 S 3d, h 311 Walnut Gilchrist Charles W., laster, h 6091 North Gilchrist Lydia M., liner, h 6091 NOI'th Gilchrist Margaret Mrs., h 6091 North Gilchrist Robert M., laster, h 609~ North . Gilohrist Sallie J., milliner, h 6091 North Gilchrist S. Wiestling, elk, 600 Nortb, b 609, do Gilchrist ThomasW., pressman Call, h 609, North Giles Benjamin, driver, h Mary's av nr 2d Giles Daniel, laborer, h 412 Sonth Giles Ellen, wid Jobu, h 412 South Giles George, laborer, b 143 S 3d Gill Harry, engineer, h 1208 N 6th Gill Thomas P., ins, h 342 Hamilton Gillen Wilson, brakeman, h 1723 Logan av

FRANK M. WALTERS, Ij.~~r~:aty: FOOTWEAR, N.':':~t.

Gillet George, laborer, h 174~ N Cameron Gillet Juseph, laborer, h 1148 Cumberland Gilliford Fannie, domestic, 601 Walnut Gilliland Frank P., bl"8keman, h,646 Boas Gilliland Howard A., caller, h 614 Reily Gilliland Thomas B., conductor, h 614 .Reily Gilliland William 1\1., conductor, h 646 Boas Gillingham Tbomas E., fireman, h 428 Cumberland Gillis Walter A., laborer, b 444 S Cameron Gillums Ellwood T., conductor, h 635 Muench Gillums John, conductor, h 616 Forster Gillums William H., conductor, b 935 N 7th Gilman Harry E., elk, h 1007 Green Gilman Helen M., booksewer, h 119 S 13tb Gilman Mary B., booksewel', h 119 S 13th Gilman Reuben H., baggagemaster, h 119 S 13tb Gilman Samuel M., express messenger, h 141 N 13th Gilman Thomas J., conductor, b 1007 Green Gilmer Charles G., plumber, b 1009 N 2d Gilmer Charles R., baggagemaster, h 1009 N 2d Gilmore James A., carpenter, b 302 Chestnut Gilmore Jobn A., machinist, h 302 Chestnut Gilner James, carpenter, h 413 State

Digitized by


IcNeil's Pain ExtermiDator n~I~~D!O~a~~ :!:t~r:red~~~{ .: 77T~lo~ 1c,.


Boyd'. Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

Gilne!" Mary A .. h 41;~ Stille Gilner Pattick. laburer, h .. I a State Gilpin Annie, h 400 BIij!j!s Ginder Barbara, h 1643 Mifflin av Gingher Bertha M., buoksewt'r, II 201 S ]front Gingher Juhn R., barber, h 201 S Front Gingher Paruelia, wid David. h 201 S Front Gingher Ralph R., helptr, h 911 S Front Gingrich Charles, telegrapher P. R. depot, h at MarY8ville Gingrich Charles A., elk, 201 N 211, h 1619 N 5th Ginglich David C., hrllkeman. h 1421 RegiLla Gingrich Elias S., I:!8lesnlan, h 78 N 14th . Gingrich Henry M., laborer, h 1408 PE'nn Gingrich Howard M., wiper, h 631 Peffer Gingrich Jacob S., laborer, h 1619 N 5th Gingrich James H., telegrapher, 71 N 3d, h 14 N 13th Gingrich John, shoe operator, h 418 Market Gingrich Joseph L., fll;l'nler, h 19th ab Magnolia Gingrich Lulu K., saleslady, 215 Market, h 78 N 14th Gingrich William M., brakeman, h 427 Kelker Ginkinger Alice Mrs., h 236 Liberty . Ginsburg Florence Mrs., h 124 Hoyer Ginther Emma Mrs., h 226 North Ginther Frank W., postal clk, h Hotel Columbus Gintzer Harry C., teamster, h 807 East Gipe B. Franklin, painter, 109 S River av, h do Gipe Kate, wid Emanuel, II 109 S River av Gipe Ll'vi, bricklayer, h Metropolitan Hotel Gipe William H., prioter, h 109 S River av Gipple Albert N., telegrapher P. R. R., h The Commercial Gipple John EI, teacher, h North ab Linden Gipple Samuel H., carpenter, h North ab Linden Girvin Ovid R., clk, 17 N 3d, h 147 Paxton Giae William E., car inspector, h 1436 Vernon Gish Jacob M., (Black & Gish), h 307 Walnut Gish Samuel C., hartender Park Hotel, h do Gitt Edward C., clk P. R R, h 1804 N 3d Gitt Martha E., wid HE'llry, h 930 N 6t.h Gitt Rosanna, wid Thomas W., h 1804 N 3d Given David E . laborer, h 937 S 19th Gh-en Eliza R., wid .Jamee, h 806 N 3d Given Elizabeth T., typewriter, 10th Dr :Market, h 806 N 3d Given Harry R., engineer, II 644 :Muench . Given John R, glazier, h 806 N 3d Given Laura, saleslady, 34 N 3d, h 644 Muench Given Louisa, dressmkr, h 806 N 3d Given Lydia, wid William, h 7th c Moench Given Mary 1_, saleslady, 38 N 3d, h 644 Muench'

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {D-!.c3:~I*~~}l210 N. 3d.

Boyd'. Harri811urg (6) City Directory.

Given Natllaniel. wllrehousemlUl, h 16 S Dewberry av Given William, car inspedor. h 1915 Elizabeth av Givler Adam, usher. h 525 Muench Givler Jennie F., h 1400 N 2<1 Givler John, carpenter, b ] 220 N 6th Givler Theodore, lahorer. h 1109 Plum IIV Glace Gem'ge, carpenter. h 2021 Fulton Gladfelter Homer L., grorer, ] 100 N 7th, h 1105 do Gladford John S., h ] 17 Cowden Glancey Edward J., elk 1st Nat. Bank, h 906 Hemlock Glancey Michael, laborer, h 906 Hemlock Glancy Annie, vestmkr, h 133 N 4th Glancy Lizzie, h ] 33 N .. th Gland Entlch S., l'Onductor. II 190] I N 3d Giant James H., engineer, h 15:~3 N 3d GlaRe Isaac R, brakeman, h 1004 Cowden Glaser John, tailor, h 415 Harris Glaser Walter, fireman, h 645 Colder G1allgow Alice, dressmkr, h 1333 N 6th Glasgow George, laborer. h 1408 Fulton Glass Alice A., dl't'SSmkr, h 911 S Front Glass Bt>.ssie, milliner, h 911 S Front Glass Delana, wid Peter, h 911 S Front G1aliS D. Webster, laborer, h 1243 Kittatinny Glass Ella, shoe operator, h 147] Regina Glass John H., roller, h 1635 N 7th Glass Margaret, ",hoe operator, h 1471 Regina G1assmyer Martin L., laborer, b 1017 SlOth Gleason Joseph F., boilermkr, h 1348 Vernon Gleickler Evo, laborer, h 319 S Cameron Gleim Anna, wid George, h 162] N 3rl I . Gleim Silas W . check man P. & R., h 1621 N 3d Glenn Archy D., clk dept public instruction, h U. S. Hotel Glenn Channcey D., elk, 26 S 2c1, h 110 Evergreen Glenn Frank W., elk, 116 Market, h 110 EvergreeD Glenn Millie E. Mrs., dressmkr, h 110 Evergreen Glennen Nellie G., teacher, h 547 S Ji'ront Glennen Philip, blacksmith, h 547 S Front G1enney Susan, domestic, 7]6 N 6th Glessner Henry, gardener, h 2]6 Verbeke Glessner Samuel S., telegrapher,.h 606 South Gloss Franklin, shoemkr. h 1038 S 9th Glover Beverly W., clk, h 223 Pine Glover John W., merchant tailor,3 N 3d, h 223 Pine Glover Morris E., merchant tailor, 3 N 3d, h at Steelton Godshall Sylvester E., fireman, h 529 Violet av Goekler Frederick P., laborer, h 1017 S 9th Goelzenleuchter Adam, mason, b 1413 William

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 240 Boyd's Harrisburg (Q) City Directory.
Goetze Augustus T., painter, 1320 N 3d, h do Goetze Theodore, painter, h 1320 N 3d Gohl Charles, baker, h 2] 9 S 2d GOBL CHRISTIAN F., ~)ftker, 511 Walnut, h do Gohl Frederick Mrs., baker, 219 S 2<1, h do Gohl George, baker, h 4121 Spring av Gohl Henry, painter, 2,( N Court av, h 219 S 2d GOBL JOHN P., house and sign painter, 317 Strswberry av, h 14]6 N 2d Gohl Mary V., elk, h 219 S 2d Gohu Edward G., carpenter, h 36 Balm Gobn Rebecca J., domestic, 1 S Front Gohn Susan C., domesti(', 804 N 2d Goldberg David, agt, h ] 21 2 Bailey Golden Fannie E., elk, 720 Race, h do Golden George F .. varieties, 720 Race, b do Golden Harriet, wid Dauiel, h 720 Race Golden John, laborer, h 1513 Hunter av Golden )fartin L., groc'er, 234 Verbeke, b do Golden :Mary E., polisber, h ]513 Hunter av Goldsmith Abraham, (,Iothier, 329 Market, h 706 N 6th Goldsmith Bertha, h 146 S 3d . GOLDSlIIITH JOSEPH, upholstering aud furniture, 209 Locust, h do Gonder Elizabeth, wid Daniel, h 279 Hamilton Gonder Frederick, blacksmith, h 1950 Swatara Gonder George W., laborer, h 1950 Swatara Gonelli Pietro, bartender Grand Hotel, h do Good Clarence A., laster, II 1425 Vernon Good George, grocer, 429 Verbeke, h do Good Hannah L., h 1871 N 15th Good Jacob M., engineer, h 6] 1 Forster Good .Tobn A., ,brakeman, h 1871 N 15th Good JORiah D., patternmkr, h ]425 Vernon Goodall George W., nail feeder, h 725 Showers av Goodall Maggie Mrs., h 1215 S 9th Gooden Sarah, wid William H., h 104 Tanner's av Goodman Benedict, mgr, 400 Market, h 702 N 6th Goodman Clothing Co., B. Goodman, mgr, 400 Market Goodman Ephraim, h 702 N 6th Goodman Heber, laborer, h 2019 Fulton Goodman ,John A., grocer, 1247 Mnlberry, h 1205 Derry Goooman .Julia, wid George, h 405 Reily Goodman Latimer 0., brakeman, h 405 Reily Goodman Matilda, wid Henry E., h 702 N 6th Goodman S. Catharine, wid Franklin P., h 1213 Cowden Goodman Simon, hatter, 418 Market, h 702 N 6th Goodman Stella, bookkpr, 329 Strawberry av, h 405 Reily

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I. B. TACK, prOCIICOI Paper Hanger,

{7~7'~O~~9~t. Boyd's Harrisburg 1) City Directory. 241

Goodman Thomas J., laborer, h 140 Dock Goodyear Addison L., ht'lper, h 812 8 Cameron Goodyear Anna M., wid Harry M., h 1 N Front Goodyear Annie L., tailoress, h 421 8 l-ith Goodyear Clara E., saleslady, 223 Market, h 1 N Front Goodyear Fl'Ilnk J" Illborer, h 1734 N 7th Goodyear Frederick A., warehouseman, h 227 Crescent Goodyear George W., puddler, h 421 8 14th Goodyear Lizzie, domestic, 120 Walnut Goodyear Marcus A" car builder, h 1321 N 3d Goodyear Martha, domestic, 106 8tate Goodyear 8amuel M., clk P. & R. R. R., h 12 Moore Goodyear William A., express messenger, h 338 Market Goodyear WilJ.iam J., watchman, h 1334 Maple av Gordon Francis, boxmkr, h 439 Herr Gordon Joseph, cigarbox mfr, 441 Hel'r, h 439 do Gordon Mary, wid James, h 1322 Marion Gordon William A., elk, h 439 Herr GORE F. C" chief clk R. M. 8., P. O. bldg, h 1634: N 3d Gore James W" laborer. h 324 8 15th Gorgas Albert R., carpenter, h 617 Herr Gorgas Benjamin F., machinist, h 41 N 14th Gorga!! Eliy.a, wid Beujami n R., h 135R V ('rnon


FOOTWEAR 01 Walters', 1012 I. 3d 81.

Gorjl;al! Elizabeth, wid William R., 11 904 N 3d GORGAS GEORGE A., druggist, 16 N 3d, h 262 Forster Gorgas Jacob P., carpenter, h 1308 13th Gorgas Mary B. Mrs., h 1313 Howard Gorgas Mary E., tailoress, h 1358 Vernon Gorgas :Mary L. Mrs., h 1237 Kittatinny GORGAS S. R., physician, 902 N 3d, h 904 do Gorgas William }'., bookkpr P. & R., h 1237 Kittatinny Gorgas William L., <'ashier Hbg Nat. Bank and t~s Hbg Trust Co., h 904 N 3d Gorkes Chl\rles, foreman carpenter P. & R. R. R., h 1014 Green Gorman ElIeu, domestic, 511 N 2d Gorman John }'., blacksmith, h 1236 Derry Goronzek Harry, picture fl'ames, 349 Reily, h do Gorsuch B. Fl'Ilnk, blacksmith, h 438 8 16th Goss John M., laborer, h 1332 Thompson av Goss May, se8mstre!!8, 11 1332 Thompson av Gotta Emmll J., wid 8010mon D., 11 1332 N 3d Gottll Minnie E., teacher, h 1332 N 3d Gottschall Amos H., patent medicine, 250 Humme], h do Gottschall Edwin H., telegrapher Pa. depot, h Hbg Cemete1y Gottschall Frank E., photographer, h 408 Market

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Olce McN eirs Medicine Co. {Ea~~~} NO~~d. 242 Boyd'. Harrisburg (G) City Directory.
Gottschall Jennie, dressmkr, h 263 Cumberland Gottshall Elmt'r F., molder, h 110 Tnscarora Goudy George H., shoernkr, h 1473 Rt'~ina Goud y Lou isa .M 1'8., h ] 475 Rt'gi Ila Goudy William E., pnddler, h 20 Chesapeake av Gong!1 Henry W., bookkpr, 119 Market, h 1400 B 13th Gough Martiu, fla!(man, II 1320 N 7th Goughler Beuton :r., brakeman, h 8 Aberdeen av Gould Amanda J., h 1527 Fulton Gould Christophel', conductor, II 619 Briggs GOULD GEORGE W., J!'rocer, 431 North, h do Guuld Lewis, waiter, h 517 Btate Graber Leon K., physician, 700 N 3d, h do Grady Annie, domestic, 301 N }4'ront Graeff Annie, seamstress, h 4:34 Ht'rr Graeff Charles C., (Robinson & Graeff), h 1407 N 2d Gl'Ileff Isaac E. Rev., h 107 Culder Graffius Martin V., watchman, h 1226 N 6th Graham Bessie M., weaver, 11 703 Herr Graham Daniel H., heater, h 830 B Cameron Graham David, L'IlnVaS8Cr, h 274 Briggs Graham Duncan 1\1., clk atty genl's dept, h at Carlisle Graham }4'rauk, canvasser, h 274 Brigg8 Graham Franklin B., fireman, h 1232 N 7th Graham George D., fireman, h 1326 Busquehanna Graham George R., clk Btate Treasury, h 5 B Front Graham Harry H., laborer, h 458 B Cameron Graham Hiram, carter, h 830 B Cameron Graham Hiram M., jr., catcher, h 98 Tuscarora Graham Howard C., piler, h 830 B Cameron Graham Jehn, watchman, h 8 B 4th Graham John L., brakeman, h 316 B River av' Graham Margaret, wid Archibald, h 1929 N Cameron Graham. Miuzie, asst machinist Lunatic Hospital, h 923!N Cameron Graham Nannie, h 610 Church av Graham Nellie, dressrnkr, 11 830 B Cameron Graham Robert, florist, 19]3 N Cameron, h do Graham Bamuel, laborer, h 458 B Cameron Graham W. Brtwe, salesman, 1001 N 3d, h :l08 Locust Graham William n, car inspector, h 510 Filbert Graham William C., fireman, b 1232 N 7th Graham William J., h 510 Filbert Gramm Adam B., molder, h 1019 N 7th Gramm Calviu F., patternmkr, h 1457 Regina Gramm Elmira, wid Jacob B., h 1819 Berryhill Gramm Harry Ii"., paver, h 706 Green Gramm Irving, baker, h 1934 N 4th

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l{ A B. YAen.

N, 3d St. work, lln.111l8urea IL Work <lune in any pout 01 the Slale.

1210 {EmPlOYS none but IIrst,,111A8 workmen, hl'nceonly IIrstclasa

Boyd's Harrisburg IG) City Directory.


Gramm Jacob A., stenogl'lIpht!I' Hbg Rolling Mill Coo, h 181!J Bel'n'hill Gramm Jacob iI., brllkt'man, h 1611 N ;~d Gramm John H., ci~lIrmh, h 1611 N 3d GI'IUlIlIl Mary A., wid Juhn A., It 1019 N 7th Gramm Simon S., conductOl', h 19:J-l N 4th Gramm William F., pressman, h ] 819 Berryhill Gramm William G., conductor, h 10 Moore Grand Army Republic Hall, 26 N 3d GRAND HOTEL, Lewis, 312 and 314 Market Grand Operll House, Walnut c :ld Grundy }<~rederick K., agt. h 608 N 2d Granuison Charles, labol'e)', b ] 106 KittutiDny Grallllisoll Edward, driver, h lJ06 KittatiADY Graunison George C., waiter, b 1106 Kittatinny Grant James W., messenger, 41:3 Market, h 228 Liberty Grant Louisa B., domestit:, 5 S Front Grass Henry, carpenter, h 1114 N Cameron Grass John Fo, conductor, h 1807l N 5th Grass John Wo, carpenter, h 1114 N Cameron Grass Pt'U!r Ao, brakeman, h 1111 Plum av Grass Ralph M., plasterer, h 1807l N 5th Grass William Co, laborer, h 1807l N 5th Grass William Ho, conductor, h 414 Boas Gratz John Wo, bookkpr, 336 Chest.nut, b 14021Market Grau Paulu!!, laborer, h 1410 Green Graul Joseph Co, baker, 1902 N 6th;h do Graupner Otto B., laborer, h 142 S Cameron Graupner Robert, brewer, 261-263 S Cameron, h 267 do Gray Andrew Co, laborer, h 217 Meadow la Gray Anna V., dressmkr, h 619 Briggs Gray James Co, boilermkr, h 306 Muench Gray Jane, h 419 Harris Gray John W., foreman boilermkr, h 419 Harris Gray John Wo, jro, boilermkr, b 419 Harris Gray Maggie, wid Charles H., h 227 Hummel Gray Mary A., elk, h 227 Hummel Gray Nellie, h 12 Cowden G1'8Y Samuel, repair. shop, 24 S Court av, h 1I8.Mulberry Gray Simon, waiter, h 119 Mulberry Gray Thompson Wo, grocer, 501 Muench, h do Gray William Ho, laborer, h ] 229 Cowden Gray William Mo, porter, h 119 Mulberry Gray Zenas Jo, correspondeut, b 2043 N 5th Gray, see also Grey Graybill Elizabeth Eo, teacher, h 1005 N 3d Graybill Margaret, wid Jacob, h 1424 Regina Graydon Ho Murray, lawyer, 208 Chestnut,.h 210 do

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 244 Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.
. Grayson John H., filreman, II 8 end 8 Cameron Graysoll Maud P., teacher, h 8 end 8 Cllmeron Grayson Rebecca M., h 8 end 8 Cameron Grayson William C., laborer, h 8 end 8 Cameron Greager Minnie, h 402 N 3d Greak James H., furniture, 231 South, h 213 Barbara av Great Atlllntic and Pacific Tea Co., T. F. Evans, mgr, 221 Market GREAT SOUTHERN DESPATCH, 200 S 2d Greegar Cyrus, laborer, h SWlltara ab 20th Green Alhert P., watchman aud genl, h 618 N 2d Green Alfred, laborer, h 326 S 15th Green Ananias, houseman, h 512 South Green Anderson, laborer, h 1511 Derry Green Bertha Mrs., h 1156 Cumberland Green Boyd C., laborer, h 1199 Bailey Green Charles, lahorer, h 503 North 'av Green Charles, laborer, h 5J 7 State Green Chllrles F .. laborer. h 1048 89th Green Charles H: A., waiter, h 426 8tate Green Daniel, musician, h 1328 Marion Green Elizabeth, 11 511 N 5th Green Elizabeth, wid .Jeremiah, h rear 123 N Cameron Green Ella, h rear 123 N Cameron Green Eva B., housekeeper, 710 Race Green Florence E., dressmkr, h 1199 Bailey Green Gabriel W., carpenter, h 1845 Herr Green George, carpenter, h 1915 N 7th Green HenrY, laborer, h 1409 Margaret Green John -B., shearsman, h 42 Lochiel 4th Row Green John D., laborer, h 122 Short Green John W., waiter Lochiel, h 130 Liberty Green Levi, oysterman Grand Hotel,'h 215 Cranberry av Green Lizzie Mrs., h 630 North av Green Martha, cook, h 608 North av Green Mary I., wid Christ, h 122 Short Green Nancy, wid Charles, h 608 North av Green Nelson T., musician, b rear 1843 N 7th Green Philip 8., collector, h State c Canal Green Robert W., laborer, h 1048 S 9th Green Rolland C., waiter, h 215 Cranberry av Green Sallie, dressmkr, h 516 N 3d . Green Samuel, laborer, h 351 S Cameron Green Samuel B., laborer. h 646 York Green 8usan, wid Lexington, h rear 1843 N 7th Green W. Edward, coach trimmer, h 1199 Bailey Green William, laborer, h 1322 Fulton Green William F., paperhang'r, h 1199 Bailey

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~~Ub~lo':;~~~WOII POperondWlndOWSnOI!eS nom A. B. TACK,N.7:J~t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (0) City Directory.


Green Wilsou, (.'arpenter, b 12:16 Herr Greenabaum Geurge B., laborer, h 624 Delaware av Greenabaum George W., yardmaster, h 1730 N 6th Greenawalt Aaron S., engiueer, h 31 N Cameron Greenawalt Edwin J., clk P\l~t Office, h 127 Walnut Greenawalt Elizabeth, h 130 Walnut Greenawalt Harry J., engineer, b 1111 Wallace Greenawalt Jacob, b 224 Locust Greenawalt Jeremiah K., b 127 Walnut Greenawalt Jeremiab K., jr., stenographer, 118 Market, h ]27 Walnut Greenawalt Theodore D., h 130 Walnut Greenbaum Ellis L., salesman, 308 Market, b 10 N 5th Greene John R., cigarmkr, h 1132 Market Greene William R., salellman, 15 S 2d, h 1132 Market Greenewalt Harry C., clk State Treasury, h 19 S 4th Greenfield Irwin W., teamster, b 1004 Cowden GREENLAND WALTER W., adjutant general, Capitol, h The Commonwealth Greenlee Lennie, elk, h 208 S 13th Greenour Catharine, wid John, h 527i Kelker av Greenour GeOl"ge, molder, h 1211 Penn Greenour John, tinner, h 1724 Logan av
-Alllhe Latest Styles InNEUABLE and FASHIONABLE

FOOTW EAR 01 FRANK MWALT[R8' N.7072 [. 3d St.

Greenour Rosa, seamstress, h 5271 Kelker av Greenslate Samuel S., laborer, h 211 Sharon , Gregg David M., elk aud genl, h 6 S 2d GREGG DAVID lIell., auditor general, Capitol, h 6 S 2d Gregg Giorge S., h 6 S 2d Gregg Harry R., elk, 37 N 3d, h 13 N 2d Gregory Frank H., genl sec P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., b 1128 N 6th Gregory Henry, notions, 325 Market, h 1019 Green Gregory William H., elk, 325 Market, h 1021 Green Greider Christian S., bookkpr, h 66 N 16tb Greist Jennie, domestic Hot.el Columbus Grey Benjamin F., waiter, h 119 Mulberry Grey Eli, barber, 405 State, h 414 Walnut Grey Mary E., wid Singleton M., h 414 Walnut Grey William M., porter, h 119 Mnlberry Grey, !lee also Gray Gribbens William, oygter barman Grand Hotel, h 1103 S 9th Gribbin Ellen, wid Jobn, b 713 State Gribbin John H., laborer, h lll3 S 9th Gribbin Mary, domestic, 131 Walnut Gribbin Mary, dressmkr, h 1046 S 9th Gribbin Mary, .hoe finisber, h 713 State

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Liver and Blood Purlfylnll' McNEIL'S DY8pepala, L1vrr. BlOOd and B:ldneyPills Cure 11111 N3d 81 ComplalDI8. l


Boyd'. Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

Gribbins Mary A., wid Hngh, h ] 113 S 9th Gribble Jaeob I.., laborer, h 1070 S Cameron Grier Charles H., painter, h 1812 N 5th Grier Edward W., harber, 20:~ Walnut, h 252 Libertv GBIER WM. BAYES, slIpt public printing aud binding, Herr c Plum a\', h Hotel Russ Grieshaber Emma, h 927 N 2d Grieshaber Johanna, wid Max, h 927 N 2d Grieshaber .Joseph A., clk Dauphin Dep. Bank, h 92; N 2d GBIEST FRANK S., fUl"nitllre repairer, upholsterer, 212 Mulberry, h 305 Market . Grieve!:! Morris R., lahorer, h 1440 Vernon Grie\'es Robert, yard bnss, h 1440 Vernon Griffee John J., squeezerman, h 614 Boa~ Griffee Katie L., booksewer, h 614 Boas Griffey Charles, shearsman, h 7] 5 Showers av Griffin John T., fireman, h 1102 Wallace Griffin Sarah, wid John, h 418 Mark~t Griffith. .John 0., contractor, h 13 N 5th Griggs Cla"a Mrs., h 1124 Cowden Griggs D. Henry, boilermkr, h 130 Hoyer av Grimes Eust.ace B., stenographer !If'C comm'th, h 12 S 2d Grimminger Adam, laborer, h 313 Verbeke Grimwood Sarah C., wid Wi\liam H., h 10 S Court av Grimwood William H., railroader, h 638 Briggs Grissinger Alice M., weaver, h 228 Sayfi,rd av . Grissinger Charles B., agt, h 405 Verbeke Grissinger Daniel H., county auditor, h 14;32 Green Grissinger Homer M., machinist, h 458 Cumberlan~ Grissinger Jennie, nurse, h 1103 Capital Grissinger John D., boile.mkr, h 1400 Penn Grissinger Samuel, postal elk, b 1412 Derry Grissinger Susanna, wid Levi, h 1417 N F,ollt Grissinger William B.~ letter carrit'r, h 228 Sayfi,rd av Griswold Annie K., milliner, a:34 Market, b 1249 Bailey Griswold Chal"les M., elk, ] 225 N ad, h I ~49 Bailey Griswold John K., molder. h 1249 Bailey Groce James E., wheelwrig-ht, Ii 116 LiI;den Groff Abram L., chiefclk }"'. and M. Wks, h 1617 Derry Groff Alfred S., engineel, h :n:i Hera GroffChlirles, laborer. h renl' IM57 N 7th Gruff CIIl'istian C., clk, lUOO N ael. h I a05 Green Gruff Edward L., stenographer, ~22 Mlirket, h 256 North . Groff Emma, ~C1()k, 421 Walnnt Groff George E., barher, 142.')! D.'''''y, h ] 1M do Groff Geulge M., shill! mfr, 7]2 M.vrtle nY, h 256 Nurth Groff Jacob B., carpenter, h 1119 Gl't'en Groff Leander L., grocer, 9;~6 S 21st, h ,II)

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Bulldlnls PlaiR {rm~ii~ttrii\S,' Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory. 247


Pek<'f puddler, h TUfFZltora Groff Wesley K., leather, &c., 211 N 2(1, h 261 Briggs Gry}ff William D,y fireman, h 1400 Green labo,es h I e Y sY'trwn Groft William, brakeman, h 1010 Berryhill Gfogg Clara V. y YSfzlesboy, :3:34 Market, h 60,5 Boas Grtrfh SimYSEi, labnru, h 1 16 veth Groninger Stewart, engineer, h 1511 N 6th Grors Aarzse, fh'ysmall, h 1223 N 6th GE'ors Dsnid W 12:i Routh GROSS EDWARD Z., druggiilt, 119 Market, h 23 N Front (see GROSS A" E'eal eniste, isturanysS md itrRnsrtmeot securities, at N 3d, h 114 State


h I

'V uHfll,e

G,GGS .Jonhila W" hootH, she., 20h MudYvst, h South Gross Margaret .T., wid Jacob, II 228 Chestnut Thonas, laborer, 5:35 PS'imroyr' lV sezy llso Grossman James S., Cllrpenter, h 109 Linden G,ukevent Prederiek J., S. R. h N Grooe AhR'uham, Pgarmhs, 13hO Fulton, h hsh9 die Grove Andrew, h 1323 Penn GtilUe Cntharim ' Grove Elizahethmome the Prietrsdless Grove Ellen L., domestic, 612 Briggs -Geoue. GeErge, hkhs?rel',I ~328 Penn -Grove George ., (Grove & Strite), h aft Hummelstuum Grove Howard M., plumber. It Stock Yard Hotel Groue Mrs.; dnmps$i's, 709 2<1 Grove Jennie, h 218 S 13th Grove John K., cigarmkr, h 1~29 Fulton -Grone .John L., hf:lper. 12 hhEmna -Grove Laura A .. h 902 Capital GROVE, MICH~EL sup~ st<><:k yar<!, propr Stock YarKl k5th c fiKlaclah, n do (fr-e ado) Grove :\Iorgan W., cigarlllkr, h 1329 Fulton Grove Nellie, waitrt'ss The Bolton 'Gn:we wid Willizzm, h z~h3 PeZSTl -Grove Simon H" engint'er, h ~15 Furster -Grove U, Grants elk Stock Yard Hotel, h 539 Maclay Grone \fiKdIII C., lenermsan, h N -Grove William H . C'i~rnlkr, 11 429 North GROVE & STRITE, (George H. Grove and George W. Strite), urehi$:'Ct~, d N 3d (see Groves Anna F., tE-Heher, h 1400 N 2<1 <irZThh ElirZlbeth, Zls:leshadv, h 415 Brid~s Gruhb Elir3lbethl wid ,kfiah, h15 driggs



" To find a name you must. know how to spell it." 248 Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.
Grubb Ida, saleslady, h 415 Briggs Grubb Leonard, conductor, h 657 Boas Grubb William, car inspector, h 631 Dauphin av Gruber Alice, dressmkr, 912 Green, h do Gruber Edwin, laborer, b 1233 Currant av Gruber Fannie S., elk, h 808 East Gruber John, laborer, h P. R. R. R. ft Walnut. Gruber John H., shoemkr, h 928 James av Gruber Mary A., wid John G., b 808 East Gruber William, laborer, h 1215 S 9th Gruff John B., puddler, h 20 Locbiel 2d Row Gruff Reuben Y., puddler, h 20 Locbiel 2d Row Grunden Ellen, domestic, 1847 Herr Grunden Percy E., clk, 16 N 3d, h at Steelton Gruver Amelia J., shirtmkr, b 1135 Market Gruver Daniel P., shuemkr, h 1135 Market Gruver George H., helper, h J ISo Market Gsell John E., foreman, b 714 Showers av Gsell William E .. lineman, h 714 Showers av Gllariu Edward P., laborer, h 1205 N 6th Guerin Charles M., fireman, h 1230 Cowden Guerpillon Marguerite C. Madame. teacher, h 221 l"Iarket Guest Damley A.; engineer, h 344 Hamilton Guiles Charles H., pl'e!olS f~er, h 1102 N 2d Guiles Isallc W., (Guiles & Wensell), h 215 Hummel Guiles Marv E., wid William, h 1102 N 2d Guiles Ulysses B . heP.ler, h 215 Hummel GUILES & WENSELL. (Isaac W. Guiles and Isaac R. WenRell), real estate ann insurance, 10:3-105 N.2u Guise Henry A., labOl'er, h 217 S 191 Guise Jacob, helper, h 411 Delaware av Guise John B., laborel', II 19031 N 3d Guise Mal'y A., wid William E., b 320 Muench Guissinger Henrietta, h 327 Chestnut Guistwhite Irene, dressmkr, h 40 S Court av Guistwhite Lizzie Mrs., h 13 N 5th Gully James R., laborer, II J 722 N 5th Gully John G., elk, h ] 722 N 51h Gully May, saleslady, 406 Market, h 1722 N 5th Gully Nadel D., brakeman, h 25 S 13th Gummll EUward W., foreman, h 2029 Kensington Gummo Thomas, viler, h 1947 Swatara Gummo William, h 1947 Swatara Gummo William H., motorman, h 1947 Swatara Gumpert Charles R., conductor, It 17201 N 3d Gumpert Charles W., apprentice, h 17201 N 3d Gumpert Harry S., labo1't'r, h 17201 N :~d Gumpert Harvey M., l'Ullfectioner, h 1720! N 3d

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A. B. rACK =tt::.o~f:,1 lall Piper IDd IIDd.. Shues {12m ~~d'1~

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 249
Gumpert William, elk, 440 Market, h 334 Hamilton Gumpher H. Wesley, brakeman, h rear 1841 N 7th Gumphert Jane, wid Fred, h rear 1845 N 7th GU88 Charles S., machinist, h 218 S 13th GU88 Laura R., music teacher, h 218 S 13tb GU88 Samuel, foreman Central I~un Works, b 228 S 13th GU88 William E. C. C., apprentice, h 218 S ] 3th Guteliu8 Ellen L., saleslady, 28 N 2d, h do Gutelius S. Jennie, notions, 28 N 2d, h do Gutshall Daniel C., agt., h 1400 N 6th Gutshall George F., boltheader, h 1400 N 6th Gutshall Wilson, hlacksmith, h 1400 N 6th Gushard William I., machinist, h ]001 N 7th Guy James, laborer, h 1229 N 11! Guyon Lucian J., engineer, h 211 Verbeke Gwinner Jacob, teamster, h 218 Mulberry Gyter Collin, laborer, h 428 North av

Haak Chas. V., telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h Metropolitan Hotel Haak Sallie A., domestic, 115 Locust Haak William, maSflD, h 23d hel Derry Haas Charles A., brakeman, II 273 Verheke

~~o~~~~a~ FOOT WE A R go 10 WALTERS', N.-JdO~~;.t. Haas Conrad, ins, h 19 N 15th Haas Cora V., milliner, 34 N 3d, b 1400 do HailS George, expressman, h 21 N 15th Haas Harry A., linemlln, h 122:3 Mulherl'y HailS Henr~' M., basketmkr, 1:.l25 Susquehanna, h do Haas Horal.'e E., laborer, h 1223 Mulberry Haas John, blacksmith, h 31:3 Verbeke Haas John A., elk, 1201 N 3d, h 271 Briggs Haas John Frederick, Grape Hutel, 559 Race, h do Haas Samuel B., repairsman, h rear 1400 N 3d Haas William, dyer, h 151:3 N 3d HaberstrJh Ida, cashier, 214 Market, b 228 South Haberst.roh Julius, elk, J3 N 2d, h 228 South Hackett George E., b 1115 N 3d Hackett L. May, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Haehnlen Adelaide E., h Wlllnut c 12th Haehnlen Davin, rail straightener, h 1229 N 7th Haehnlen Edward W., upbolstel'er, h Walnut c 12th Haehnlen Frederick A., agt, h 1140 Jonestown rd Haehnlen Hannah F., wid Fred'rick P., h Walnut c 12th Haehnlen Jennie S" clk, h 12th c Walnut. Haeholen John R, f)Clrist, h Walnut c 12tb

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McWen', Pain Exterminator ooree Cholera Morboa, Dyaenter,r. Cramps. Dlarrh_ Col&, Qulnay. RheumatlD, Toothache, Bore Tbroat, Agoe, Dyspepsia, ,,"c. UIIII.IeI.


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. BAEBNLEN' LOUIS F., Bellevue Grapery, Holly beyond limit'! (see allv) Haehnlen Lottie R., teacher, h 1229 N 7th Haehnlen Margaret C., wid .Jacoh. II Bellevue Grapery Haehnlen Peter J., c!igar mf,', 150 Linden, h do Haehnlen Rose M., shil1mkr. h 146 Linden Haehnlen Sophiu, h 1407 N ad Haehnlen William, machinist, h ] 229 N 7th Haehnlen William H., laborer, h 150 Linden Hafer Hart'y, fittel', h ] 449 Vemon Hafer Jobn V., laborer, h 159 Indian av Hafer William E., engineer, h ] 449 Vernon Hagan Esther, wid Dennis. h ] 423 Margaret Hagan James, meSSf'nger insurance dept. h 7 N 2rl Hagan Thf'retI8, wid Clarence, It 338 S 2d Hage G. Marie, h 717 N 2d Ha~e Hother B., salesman, 439 Market, h 717 N 2d Hagen Lizzie, h 120 Conoy Haggerty Geo. W., elk dept public instruction, h 411 Walnut Hahn Carrie, cook, 2:31 Strawberryav Hahn Christie, wid ~"rederick, h 1118 Kittationy Hahn Herman }< elk, 37 S 3d, h 915 do .... Hahn Kate, wirl Edward, h 262 Herr Hahn Mal'y M . h 1118 Kittatinny Hahn Sophia, wid Thoma~, h 2] 9 Briggs Hahn Tillie M., h 915 N 3d Haifteigh Isaac, watchman. h 13:37 Penn Haifteigh Jesse Rev . clk, 335 Mal'ket, h 1115 GreeD Haifteigh Kate E . teacher, h 11] 5 Green Haigh Joseph, brakeman, II ] 736 N 7th Haigh Mary C., wid Joseph, h 1736 N 7th Hain Edwin S., 88lellman, 304 Market, h 12 S 2d Hain George, laborer, h 431 S lath Hain Harry F . salesman, 334 Market, h 7 N 2d BAIN' WILLIAlIIlII., lawyer. 306 Market, h 7 N 211 Haines Augustus, puddler, h 1015 Hemlock Haines Charles C . barber, h 267 SlIssafras av Haines Emsollt'l P., cigarmkr, 11 500 Cowden Haines John, blackRmitll. h 1015 Ht'mltlck


... .f.lfD . . .


Bellevue Nurseries
L. F. HAEHNLEN, Proprietor.
P. O. Box 169. HARRISBURG, PAt
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I/II( bl'lt aDd loweat I. B. T {wan Paper. Thewith FIxture. aDd Jlrtcee. WIndow { N. 7:1706t. ""1\ Shadea oomplete. FriDge, tor 86 eta. 8d

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 251

Haines .John Q. A., lahorer, II 1015 Hemlock Haines Laura J., wid Willilim \V., h :!67 Sassafia8 av Haim's Lewis, firellIlln, h 62:l p ..ifer Haines Lindley L . barber, :HO H,eily, II do Haines William B, Illborer, h 1206 N 12th Haines William D., Ih'ery, :324 Blackberry av, h 1811 N 6th Haines William H., I,rakemall, h 417 Hamiltou Hake Alfred, cigar mfl', 505 Cowden, h do Hake Eliza, wid Andrew F., h 1620 N .5th Hake Oscar, news lI~t, h 505 State Halbert Edward, elk. 6 N 3d, h 924 N 2d Halbert Ellen, wid Robert S., h 924 N 2d Halbert William C., elk, 2aO l\1arket, h 924 N 2d Halhleib John J., flagman, h lat.5 f<'ulton Haldeman Alhert G., couper, h 1068 S Cameron Haldeman Caroline R., wid Jacob, h The Cummonwealth Haldeman Daniel H., fil'eman, h ;342 Reily Haldeman Donald C., law student, h 219 S Front Haldeman Edward M., IllwJel', h 7 N Front Haldeman Edwa'rd S., lutil feeder, h 1068 S Cameron Haldeman Eloise E., h 219 S }i'ront Haldeman Filmore, helper, h ) 068 S Cameron HaldemaD Jerome L., elk, 401 Market, h 270 North Haldeman Mar~arelta C., witl Richard J., h 219 S Front Haldeman Maria, witl John, h 7 N Front Haldeman Richard C., student, h 219 S Front Haldeman Robert R., h 7 N Front Hale George L., tinsmith, h 22 Balm Hale John E., butcher, h 915 N 3d Hale Lewis H., butcher, h 105 South Haley Usey, SPIlmstress, h Susquehanna nr Verbeke Halfpenny Wi11iam, conductor, h 63!l Boas Hall A nnif', domestic, 1213 Kittatinny Hall Daniel W., tlairyman, h 1311 Market Hall Edward, laborer, h 1152 S Cameron Hall ~'rances 0., witl Juhn, h 606 Dauphin av Hall Frank, machinist, h 163R! Wallace Hall Frank, stenographer dept into aifllinl, h 108 Walnut Hall George H., laborer, h 1420! Mal'ion Hall Henry E., swite/lman, h 15th c State Hall Ht-nry H., labOl'er, h 151 S 14th Hall H. Newman, stock fitter, h 1311 Mal'ket Hall Jacob R . cleaner, h 606 Daurhin av Hall Jane, wid .John, h 120 Tanner's av Hall John, laborer, h 510 North av Hall John A., enllineel', h 18(1) N 5th Hall J. Pillknt-y, laborer, It 510 North av Hall Lizzie, wid Samuel, h 70:3 N,,.,th nv

Digitized by


" To find a name yotl must know now to spell it." 959 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
Hall Lou)1I W., (Hall & J or,lun), h 324 N 2d ,Hall N. Herbert, laborer, h 1311 Market Hall Robert, brakeman, h 640 W(Kldbillt" Hall Robert, driver, h 1124 Cumberlund Hall Robert, laborer, h 669 Bri~ Hall Robert, trackman, h 2022 Elizabeth av Hall Samuel F., laborer, h 410 Cowdell Hall Samllel S., police, h 1:309 N 6th Hall Sarah J., domestic The Comlllercial Hall W. Henry, laborer, h 251 S 14th Hall William, fireman, h 1M3] N 4th Hall William C., dl'iver, h 130 Tanner's uv Hall William H., ell5rineer, h 15071 . N 5th HALL " JORDAN, (L. W. Hall and Fraucis Jordan), lawyers, 210 Waluut. Hallman Fannie, h ]609 Logau av Hallman Mary A., wid Daniel, h 1609 I.ogan av Halter Fianna Mrll., (Hartzell & Halter), h 1313 N 3d Haltermun John H., engineer, h 622 Reily Haly Sarah J., witl William \V., h 27 N Front Hamacher Abrahllm G., h 1215 N 6th Hamacher J. Irwin, laborer, h 1215 N 6th Hamaker Harrison H , luhorer, h 1022 Fox av Hamaker Jacob, labmet, h 1914 Elizllbellt av Hamaket J. MIIY. It 9 N Cameron Hambley Rich.ard, lahurer, h 1al8 Mllple av Hambright Chllrle!'l E., elk P. R. R, h 505 Colder Hambright Charles K., telegrllphet, 11 N 3d, h :Metropolitan Hotel Hambright C. Howard, elk P. R. R., It ] il2 N 5th Hambright C. Keesey, watchman, h 18:36 N 7th Hambright Hora<.'C K., fireman, h 18:36 N 7th Hamburg H. Frank, cigarmkr, h 140 S 13th Hamelbaugh CharlCl'l, l\Iulder, It 14:H N 2d Hamel' Albert, clk, 20 N 2d, h 1212 do Hamer William K., butdler, It 149 Paxton Hamer William M .. meat, Indian av cRace, h 1100 N 2d Hamill Andrew J., fireman, h 640 BOIII~ Hamill F..dward J., elk, h 634 Boas Hamill Harry ~-;, dk, h 1114 Montgomery Hamill Kate, wid Madison, h 640 Boas Hamill Martin, nail feeder, h 122 Ann av Hamill Robert S., conductor, h 634 Boas Hamill Sylvester F., (l(mductor. h 648 Boas Hamill William, caller, b 648 Boos Hamilton A. Boyd, h :3] 5 Waluut HAIIILTON A. BOYD, jr., reporter Patriot, h 214 S 2d Hamilton Amanda, wid William, h 648 Colder

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A. B. TACK, WallPaperaod WiodowShades. {72~:~o!;.R.2~t~,

,Boyd'. HarrisbUrg CH) City Directory.
Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton

Catharine, wid John N., h 1736 N 7th Charles C., painter, h 1736 N 7th Ellen, wid WiIlia'm, h 1815 Howard George W., laborer, h 1725 Logan av llAllILTON HUGH, physician, 212 S 2<1, h 214 do Hamilton Jennie, wid Charles, h 1] 20 N Cameron Hamilton John B., fireman, h 1007 Hemlock Hamilton John R., motorman, h 320 Hamilton Hamilton Lewis J., meesenger, h 648 Colder Hamilton Lucinda, wid Cyrus, h 718 Capital Hamilton Martha, wid Thomas, h 1825 N 5th llAlrlILTOlf NAUDAIlf, inveRtments aud real estate, 222 Market, h 315 Walnut Hamilton N elsoll, flagman, h 1736 N 7th Hamiltl)O Thomas H., architect, h 932, S 2IRt. Hamilton Thomas W., elk, 222 Market, h 208 N 2d Hamilton William, engineer, h 1141 S 9th Hamilton William B., machinist, h 559 Woodbine Hamlin Alberta M., 88leslady, 1201 N 3d, II 655 Boas llAMLIlf BENJAlIrtIN B., jr., pharmacist, 824 N 6th, h 822 do Hamlin Benjamin B. Rev .. h 1000 N 6th Hamlin Orin W., laborer, h 655 Boas

FRANK M. WAL TERS, Ij~~::::.t~: FOOTWEAR, N.7::~

Hamlin Paul G., agt, h 655 Boas Hammelbacb Daniel, machinist, h 606 Forster Hammelbaugh D. Daniel, clk, 123 Chestuut, h 1437 N 2d Hammelbaugh George B., clk, 222 Market, h 1437 N 2d Hammelbaugb Kate G., teacher, h 1437 N 2d Hammelbaugh P. Jackson, molder, h 1437 N 2d HammerHley .Emma, wid Thomas, h 614 N 2d Hammond John W., express messenger, h 438 Market Hammond William B., (Hammond & Bailey), h Front ab Harris HAMMOND "BAILEY, (W. B. Hammond and Edward Bailey), genl insurance, 213 Walnut Hampton Charles S., laborer, h 1323 Bartine av Hamsher Bernard Y., elk sec comm'th, b 26 S 3d Hamsher John W., driver, b 1736 N Sd Hamsher William R., printer Telegraph, h 1736 N 3d HunaCan John, laborer, b 195 Paxton Hanawalt Catharine M., dressmkr, h 1728 N 7th Hanawalt Edgar A., machinist, h 1728 N 7th Hanawalt Elizabeth M., governess, b 1728 N 7th Hanawalt .John S., grocer, 1728 N 7th, h do Hand Charles B., driver, h 50 N 10th Hand Lydia, wid Harry H., h 233 ~yCord av


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elves you an TRY IT' lewel'l's Pal'n Exterml'nator mllllun8 havtI Appetite. Man, Jl"" Norllt!N. 11 b""n cured b, it.


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Hand ~laria. h 1M;~ N 6th Handihoe Elizabeth. wid Juhn, h 221 South HANDIBOE JOHN,.u~u'te editor Patriot, h 1404 Market Handib/Je Mary, wt'aver, h 1961 Multke IIV Handiboe William, shaper, II 221 South Handshaw Harry J., elk. h 227 Pille Haudshaw Henrv, h 227 Pine Handshaw Henry P., h :319 Reily Handshaw James Q .. lIalesmuu, 222 Market, h 801 Green Handshaw William T. H., machiuist, b 816 Cowden Hanlen Annie C., h 22 S 4th HANLEN BROS., (C. and I. Haulen), wholesale winesand liquors, :330 Market Hanleu Christian, (Hanlen Bros.), h 120 Chestnut Hanlen Frederick, elk, 330 Market, h 120 Chestnut Hanlen Irvin B., elk, h 120 Chestnut Hanlen Israel, (Hanlen Bros.), h 22 S 4th Hanlen Walter C., elk, 330 Market, h 22 S 4th Hann Frank L., elk, 1201 N 3d, h 1209 Kittationy Hanshaw Charles E"J>l~terer, h 1621 N 4th HANSHAW DANIEL II., coal and wood, 1600 N 4th, h 1621 do HanRhaw David, mrpenter, 420 Clinton av, h 1642 Fulton Hanson John C., conductor, h 12 N 5th Hants Laldeman, machinist, h 524 West BV Hantzman Charles F., salesman, 334 Market, h 613 Forster Hantzman Ella M., operator, h 613 Forster Hantzman Frederick H., agt lumber, 652 Cowden, h 613 Forster Happle Charles W., brakeman, h 1997 N 7th Happle Elliott E., brakeman, h 2021 N 6th HAPPOLD JOSHUA, propr Quiucy Granite Works, 436437 S 2d, h 138 do Harbold John, brickmkr, h 744 S 19th Harbold Mary M. Mrs., houseket-per, 744 S 19th Harbuld William, laborer, h 915 S 19th Harclerode George A., frogmkr, h 1505 Derry Harden NicholaR G., salesman, 627 Walnut, h 207 State Harding John E., cooper, b 821 S Front Hardy Andrew, molder, h 634 Cumberland Hardy Benjamin F., laborer, h 25 N 16th Hardv Edgar J., salesman, 23 N 3d, h 716 N 6th Hardy Isaac, car inspector, h 632 Cumberland Hardy Lucetta R., 11 116 State Hare Henry H., bartender, 421 Walnut, h 254 North Hare William, cooper, h 806 S Cameron Hargest Rachel A., wid William E., b 319 Hummel

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A. B. TACK, Pine Irt Wall Paper. {~"'~~:I~I*~~}I210 N. 311.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 255 HARGEST THOMAS S., lawyer, 222 Market, h 1249

.HUGEST WILLIAMM., lawyer, notary, 222 Market,

h 1249 Kittatinnv Harglerude Samuel H:, telegrapher, h 20 N Cameron Harkins William H., collarrukr, h 9 S 2d Harlacker Johll C., grClcl'r, 17 N 3d, h 801 N 2d Harlan John, fireman Lunatic Ho~pital, h do Harley Daniel, hostlel', b 420 SUllth Harley Edward, lahorel', h 1417 Marion Harley Joseph, waiter, II 434 S !:ld Harley William T., bal'her, 12:36 N.7th, h do Harling Dalliel R, puddler, h 2015 Kensington Harling Edward F., driver, h 2034 Kensingtoa Harling Frederick A., laborer. b 504 Woodbine Harling Lewis C., pumpmkr", h 435 S 16th Harling Maggie, weaver, h 1108 Penn Harling Mary E., weaver, b 530 Woodbine HARM BARBARA, coal and wood, 286 S Cameron, h do Harm Frederick, machinist, h 43 Balm Harm Herman, mgr, 286 S CllIneron, b do Harm William F., blacksmith, h 1227 Bailey Harman David W., lineman, h 305 Dauphin av Harman Fred L., librarian, 12.') Locust, h 2 S 4th Harman Harry W., barber, h 532 Peffer Harman H. V., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Harman Jacob, carpenter, h 1530 Derry Harman Katie, domestic, 1405 N Front Harman Rebet'C8 Mrs., h 209 Hummel Harman Rebecca, weaver, h 1733 Fulton Harner Charles M., firewan, h 1644 N 3d Harner Daniel W., physician, 204 Walnut, h at New Holland Harner John, court crier, h 1417 N ~-id . Harner John B., salesman, h 208 Colder Harner John Mrs., notions, 1417 N 3d, h do Harner J()hn T., carpenter, h 608 Muench Harner Mary, saleslady, 38 N 3d, h 134 S 3d Harner William H., engineer, h 432 Harris Harnish Amos, coachmkr, h 1206 Bailey Harnish Annie B., forelady, h 1206 Bailey Harnish R. S., trav salesman, 26 S 2d, h do Harp Frederick, laborer, h 1908 N Cameron Harp John C . waiter, h 112 Short Harper Alfred J., brakeman, h 17031 N 4th Harper Anna M., vamper, h 1518 Hunter Harper Anora E., stitcher, h 1518 Hunter Harper Edward, cabinetmkr, h 113 Cumberland Harper George H., coremkr, h 113 Cumberland

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" To find a name you must know how to spell z't." 256 BarriEJRb7171EJRg (H) Directm:y
Harpeill w., Harpeill iTRlacllini71t, Harper James, tiHner, b 1618 N 4th Harper John H., cabinetmkr, h 113 Cumberland Harper John H., plumber, h 131] N 2d Har~ill ~~illiam E., h ~_ 7th Harpe71 WlUlam H., h ]5] thwter Harr Willilml, eondmlnill, Stillzzwlmrryav Harrigan Daniel J., brakeman, h 1216 Wallace Harrigan Mark J., laborer, h 1216 Wallace HarrinEJRton Charles W~, l>ostal elk, " ]619 Swata71111i1 Harringtmz ,Fohn, SIHW ~~"~ter, h 43tll Mlsrket ~ I,lordaullt dk, h 11 I71ront Harris iron worker, h ] 27 Harris Charle'l, brakeman, h 6! nr Maclay Harris Charles, driver, h 404 Crllnberry av Harris DHHi,), laboreR' h 12 Tllrmlill Harris H., II ]69 Harris h 1 7th Harris Emma wellver, h 20:l S 2d Ha.-ris E!Otella, domestic, 508 N 2d Harris George W., cigar mfr, 339 Hllrris, b do Harri" hlDlDl"iet, will Clmdps, h 51 'sinHose av Harris laborill Moll\, limit.'.! Harri" hllllillY L., operatnlli', 7 S Flli'GDzt HARRIS HOUSE, W. Bracken, 20 N 3d (see adv) Harris James, builermkr, h 516 Strawberry av Harris ,Tames A., laborer, h 203 S 2d Harrilli' H., 2102 N 4th Harrilli' Harrin lahorer, North Harris J. Porter, (J. Porter Harris & Son), h 621 Briggs Harris Jacob R., conductor, h 538 Maclay Harris John, laborer, h 1123 N 11 BARRIb b PORTRM SON, Bomer), Iii Harrill T., h 20% Harris Mary A. Mrs., notions, 2038 2d, h do Harris Mllttie V., h 223 Reily Harris Nathan N., laborer, h ] 215 Bailey Harrin L., h 1 Trone. Harrilli' Ii>ml,lel, brakemnITili, h 1333 Harrin U>qmlZel, elk, "Maclau Harris Samuel F., clk ins. dept, Capitol, h 601 Maclay Harris Samuel H., grocer, 1923 N 6th, h do Harr!s Sara~ R., wi~ ~obert, h 223


IRi:on~e:~b~~l"ll~:'jillt~~f!aM:l~'ioHoon), h




A. B. TACK, practlcnl Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Harris William, tobacconist, 7th c Maclay, h do Harris William H., hostler, h 117 Linden Harrisburg Academy, J. F. Seiler, principal, 405 N j."ront Harrisburg Beef Co., Canal and Paxton lIAB.RISBURG BOARD OF TRADE, John W. German, sec, 2:m Strawberry av 1402 to 1420 Vernon, C. A. Disbrow, pres and mgr; J. A. AfHeck, treas Harrisburg Bridge Co., Dr. H. B. Buehler, sec, 200 Walnut Harrishurg Burial CaRe Co., 10th bel Market HARRISBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE, (.John E. Garner), 330 Market Harrisburg (Jllr ~1fg. Co., W. T. Hildrup, jr., sec, Pa. R. R. c Herr Harrisburg Casket and Mfg. Co., John Ensminger, pres; E. J. l\liller, sec and tress, Race bel Vine Harrisburg Cemetery Association, 208 ()hestnut Harrisbllrg City Pat!Henger Railway Co., William L. Gorgas, treas, 27 S 2d lIARRISBURG CLUB, D.". H. M. Stine, sec, 213 Walnut HARRISBURG DmECTORY OFFICE, 32 N 3d


~l~J}:L~~~;;:;~J~:Bl~ FOOTWEAR 01 I alters" !012 N. 3d 81. HARRISBURG ELECTRIC CO., E. Z. Wullowel', pre8;
office, 153 N 4th; !ltationil, 4th c South, 9th c Walnut Harrishurg Fire Brick Co., J. K. Greenawalt, jr., supt, 445 S2d Harrisburg Flour Sack l\lfy., E. Z. Wa])ower, 8 N 4th


Harrisburg J<'urniture Mfg. Co., 10th bel Market Harrisburg Gas Co., F. Asbury Awl, treas; office, 24 S 3d


wholesale grO<'ers, 222 to 230 Mulberry

(H. B. Bt'ard and N. A. Walmer), 26 S 3d
Front c Mulberry Harrisburg Manufacturing and Boiler Co., C. A. Disbrow, pres; J. A. AfHeck, tress, 19th c Derry Harrisburg Mfg. Co" (N. 1. and S. A. Hellch and Morrett Coover), overalls, 3iO Market Harrisburg Nail WorkR, H. McCormick. jr., treas, 223 :Mkt :HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANX, 16 S 2d (see adv) :HARRISBURG PIPE BENDING CO., ltd, J. Hervey Pattllll, chllirman; W. T. Hildrup, jr., trea'l; D. E. Tracy, supt, P. R. R c Herr

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Olce McN eil's Medicine Co. {Es~~~ed} No::"l~d.


Boyd's Harrisburg (II) City Directory.


Harrisburg Portrait Co., 5} S Sd


423, 425 and 427 S 2J Hartjsburg Public Library A~so., C. L. Bailey, pres; L. O. Foose, sec; W. K. Alrick .. , t.reas, ]25 Locust HARRISBURG PUBLISHING CO., 8 N 3d (foee adv)

pres and treas; J. W. CO\'ert, sec; mfrs of skelp iron, Locbiel HARRISBURG SCHOOL BOARD, offices 12] and 123Chestnut Harrisburg School of'Design, ] 17 Market



W. Jennings,


and trE'as; T. Adams, I:iUpt, 128 Sbori HAB.B.ISBURG STEAM LAUNDRY, E. S. Westenhaver, 1004 N 3d Harrisburg Stock Yard, M. M. Grove, supt, Maclay nr 8tb Harrisburg StoraF:e and Transfer Co., opp P. R. R. frgt deput, T. L. Wallace, mgr HARRISBURG TELEGRAM, WiIl.F. Jordan, pub, 221 Walnut (Ree adv) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH, Hanisburg Publishing Co., 8 ~ 3d (SQe adv) Harrisburg Tim~, J. W. Simp80n, pub, 665 Briggs Harrisburg Tinsmith Co., ltd, J. H. Patton, chairman; W. T. Hildrup, jr., treas; D. E. Tracy, supt, P. R. R. cHerI' Harrisburg Transfer 00., P. R. R. frt,ight depot, ft 3d HARRISBURG TRUST CO., ] 6 S 2d (see adv)


W. C. ArmOl', sec, 4 N Court av . Harrisburg Varnish Co., ltd, (H. J. Forney, D. M. Beck and J. Reinoehl), varnish, 13 N 14th


Edmuud Mather, pres, Court House Hart'ishurg Wbeel Club, 107 N 2d Harrisburg & Mechanicsburg Electric St. Rwy. Co., E. Z. Wallower, prt's; S. W. Fleming, sec, 8 N 4th Harrison Abraham, laborel', h 1206 Apple av Harrison Alfred, laboret, h ]84 Indian av Harrison Caroliue M. Mts., h 271 Herr Harrison Henry, laborer, It 2 Angle av Harrison Jacob, peddler, it 532 West Harrison Lewis, elk, 600 State, h 532 West Harrison Ralpb F .. laborer, h 1628 Walnut Harrison William H., asst physician Lunatic Hospital, b ell)

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I n, n. B. TICK

1210 {Em p)OY81l0ne bot t1rstc)a... workmen, benueonlyl1rwt-clue N. 3d St. work, Mnd Inslt_it. Work tione In any part of the Slate

. Boyd's Harrisburg t H) City Directory. 261

HARRITY WILLIAM F., I\ec cUllIm'th, Capitul, h The
COIUIDOnWt'lIlth Harro HarrislIlI, lahllrt'r, II 120 ~ I]! Harro Salinda, nur...e, II 8 N 1ath Harry .Jamt'K B., l1Iusic leuIher, 1009 N 2d, h do Halt Amelia, wid .John, h 511'1 Suuth Hart Annie, domesti(', 1226 Mulberry Hart Corllt'liul:! H., lahorel" II 11 :l6 S 9th Hart Edward, ellginet'r, h 1151 Mal'ket Hart Ella L., h 807 N 2d lIart Franklin J., lobul'i'r, h 1l:l8 S 9th Hart James, molder, h 1310 N ] Ii Hart John, laborer, h 1310 N lli Hart John L., motorman, h GI'et'liwood bel 21st HART LANE S., pres lst Nae. Bank, pres Commonwealth Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit CII., h 400 N 3d Hart Lane S., jr., lime and stone, It 809 N 2d Hart Lilly, se8mMtress, h 515 South Hart Salome, wid William B., h 80; N 2d Hart William }~., blacksmith, h 1138 S 9th Hartenstine Chal'les H., heater, h 1086 S 9th Harter Aaron H., engineer, b 1256 Walnut . Hartline Rosella, wid GeorJee, h 610 Church av Hartman Barbara Mrs., h rear 1308 Wallace Hartman Daisy J., housekeeper, .227 S River av . HARTMAN ELBRmGE B., genl mgr Duncannon Planing Mill Co., h 127 S 14th Hartman Elbridge B., jr., dk, 18 N 3d, h 127 S 14th Hartman Harry A., laborer, h ~65 Summit Hartman Jacob A., elk, 4 S 2d, h 227 S River av Hartman Jacob R., (Morsch & Hurtman), h 803 N 3d Hartman Jerry J., painter, h 513 Muench HARTIIAN JOHN A., sec and treas Duncannon Planing Mill Co., h 127 S ]4th Hartman John H., agt livery, 331 Blackberry av, h 3 N 4th Hartman John H., machinist, b 14 N Cameron Hartman Josiah, watchman, h 1710 N 4th Hartman J. Stewart Rev., h 1225 Green Hartman Laura A. Mrs., nurse, h 215 Boas Hartman Louisa, wid Jacob, h 517 North Hartman Mame A. Mrs., h 501 Hamilton Hartman Margaret A., boarding, 3 N 4th, h do Hartman Michael, h 3 N 4th HARTIIAN' PAUL A., physician, 514 N 3d, h do Hartman Rufus A., grocer, 1726 N 4th, b do Harton J ohn, repai~r, h 1521 Vernon Hartranft H. Howard, salesman, 11 230 N 2d Hartwick Annie, elk, h 102 Tuscarora

Digitized by


" To find a name you musl know now 10 spell il." 262 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
Hartwick Charles W., labtlrer, h 102 Tuscarora Hartwick Edward, cooper. h 102 Tuscarllra Hartwick Elizabeth. wid Augl1stus, h 102 Tuscarora Hartz Adam. barteuder, :l19 Blackberry av, h 1411 Peno Hartz Adam, laborer, b 1411 Wyeth av Hartz Annie, wid John, h 1411 Penn Hartz Charles A., l5811dflatter, h 1322 Bartiue av Hartz David, bartender Grand Hotel, h :n9 Strawberry av Hartz Edgar W., iron worker, h 127 S 3d Hartz Frank, sandftatter, h 1322 Bartine av Hartz Jacob, laborer, h 1411 Wyeth av Hartz John, laborer, h 118 Charles av Hartz Lewis, sandflatter, hI] 8 Charles IlV Hartz Mary R., dressmkr, h 1411 Penn Hartz Samnel, engineer, h 127 S 3d Hartz Samnel, h 1322 Bartille av Hartz Sophia, domestic, 324 Broad Hartzell Amanda Mrs., (Hartzell & Halter), h 1313 N 3d Hartzell George L., conductor, h 1501! N 6tb Hartzell .Jacob S., brakeman, h 624. Reily Hartzell Keziah, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hartzell Lorenzo I"., brakeman, h 624 Reily Hartzell Mary, attendant Lunatic HOMpital, h do Hartzell W. Elton, brakeman, h 1414 Wallace Hartzell William H., brakeman. h 624 Re,ily Hartzell &' Halter, (A. Hartzell and F. Halter), millioers, 1313 N 3d Harvey Catharine, domestic, 1710 N 5th Harvey Frank C., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 64 N 16th Harvey Gwin M., elk aud general, h 118 Cumberland Harvey John C., sec and treas Charles L. Bailey & Co., Ioc., h 106 South Harvey Mason M., brakeman, h 1961 Moltke av Harvie John C., (Harvie & Bickley), b 12 N 15th Harvie John D., beltmkr, h 12 N 15tb Harvie & Bickley, (J. C. Harvie and W. H. Bickley), machinists, 11 S 10tb Haselet John S., hostler, h 1901 N 3d Hassler David B., laborer, h 316 Harris Hassler Eli M., grocer, 1424 Regina, h do Hassler Gilbert H., clk sec comm'th. Capitol, b at Carlisle Haseler Hervey G., carpenter, h 1424 Regina Hassler H. L., printer, h 276 Briggs Hassler Jacob, laborer, h 316 Harris Hassler Jacob E., clk, h 1424 Regina Hassler Richard L., printer, b 276 Briggs ' Hasson Elizabeth, b 1:301 Wallace Hasson Harry M., brakeman, b ] 222 Currant ay

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~~\~M:;:::~ 1011 puper 0I10llndOWShOl\eS from I. B. Tiel, N. 7::~t. Boyd's Harrisburg (II) City Directory. 263
Hllsson Mary A., wid .Joseph D., II 1:l01 Wallace Hasson Samuel A., flagman, h 1417 Wyeth av Hasson William H., fl89:mall, h laOI Wallace Hatcher Thomas V., hricklayer, h 241 North Hatfield Annie, wid William R., h 1112 Culder Hatfield Brus., (D. W. aud G. W.), frame mfrs, 329 S 16th Hatfield Carenel A., brakeman, h 1003 N 7th Hatfield Daniel W., (Hatfield Bros.), h 329 S 16th Hatfield EliZilbeth, wid Llewellyn, h 329 S 16th Hatfield Emmll, h 517 Brown Hatfield George W., (Hatfield Bros.), h 1527 Swatara Hatfield George \V., laborer, h 1313 N Cameron Hatfield William D., fireman, h 13 N Cameron, Hathaway G. Philip. bartender, 200 S :3d. h do HATTON WILLIAM H. D. Rev., pianos and organs, 1602 N 5th, h do Hauck Alfred B., foreman, h 1209 Mulberry Hauck Davia, electrician, h 9 S 2d Hauck Harry, iron worker, h 9 t;; 2d Haudenschild Ja<.'Ob, laborer, h 1718 N 4th Hauer Annie E., wid.John M., h 11;3 N 4th Hauer George W., engineer, h 113 N 4th Hauer Harty W., fireman, h 113 N 4th
-All tbe Latest Styles InREUABLE and FASHIONABLE

FOOTW EAR 01 fRANK 1WALTERS', N. ad St. II 1 ' .


Hauer J. Edward, plumber, h 60:3 North Hauer Mary, elk, 1402 Vernon, h 113 N 4th Haupt Lester A., brakeman, h 235 S 2d Hautzmall Charles F., salesman, h 613 Ii'orster Haverstick Charles A., optician, :333 Market, h 32 N 2d Haverstick Emma A., wid Henry, h 914 S 20i Hawbaker Anna B., h Hbg Cemetery Hawk James B., carpenter, h 114 Linden Hawk Robert, puller, h 48 Linden Haw k Seymour, engineer, h 1333 William Hawk William J., plasterer, h 1331 Howard Hawkins James, laborer, h 1524 Vernon Hawkins James, jr., laborer, h 1524 Vernon Hawkins James D., undertaker, 300 Cumberland, h 423 Herr Hawkins Nancy, wid Archibald A., h 42:3 Herr Hawkins William, laborer, h 943 Paxton Hawley Joseph, butlE'r, h real' 434 S 2d Hawn Alfred M., elk R. M. S., h 404 N 3d Hawthorn Adam C., laster, h 27 Balm Hawt.horn Bertha C., wesver, h 27 Balm Hawthorn FAwin C., bakel', h 1042 Herr Hawthorn Gertrude M., domestic, 124 Pine Hawthorn .James W., bllggagemaster, h 112 Boas

Digitized by


Liver and Blood Purlfylnlr MoNElL'S DyspepsIa, Llvrr. BlOOd and KIdneyPills Cure JIIIIII 3d Sf Complainla. t n.


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Hawthorn .Joseph G . black~mith. h 27 Balm Hawthorn 1\Iary, dome&tic. 124 Pille Hay Frank B., mgr, State (~ Canal, II 807 N 3d Hay John W., physician, al~u druggist, 1402 N 3d, b do Hayes Ellen, wid .J useI'll, h 1537 Hunter Hayes Franklin F., plasterer, h 15:37 Hunter Hayes H. J., laborer, h 53 Lochiel nr store Hayes John R., laburer, h 1242 Herr Hayes Michael W., carpenter, h 1925 N Cameron Hayes SamuE'l P., II 449 State Hayman John W., car inspector, h 637 Dauphin av Haynes Eliza J., wid William H., h 1316 Derry Haynes I. \\;arren, (~r agt, h 1:316 Del'ry Hays Harry F., tilineI', h 418 S 16th Hayward Richard W., employee Arsenal, h 1416 N 7th Hayward Richard W., jr., paJlf>rhanger, h 1422 William Hazzard Anna E . wid John H .. II 1308 N 7th Hazzal'Cl Edward E., laborer, h 1:308 N 7th Hazzard Miller, watchman, II 1:108 N' 7th Heacock William H., macl.iilist, 111226 N 7th Heagy Abram L.,laborer, h 1522 N 4th Heagy Clark G., driver. h 18:33 Deny Heagy George W., teamster. h 18:~3 Derry Heagy Harry. sawyer, h 140:3 Regina Heagy John, blacksmith. h 1425 Wyeth av Heagy Levi, cnrpenter, II 1522 N 4th Heagy Marie E., saleslady, 3:34 !\turket, h 1833 Derry Hellgy Mina S., snleslady, 334 Market, h lR3:l Derry Heagy Robert M., lahorer, h 1833 Derry Heagy William H., engineer, h 1516 N 4th HEARD FRANK S., merchant tailor, 11 S 3d, h 606 Briggs Heart Catharine, wid Milt()n, h 1118 N 3d Hearty Annie, domestie, 11:3 Market Heater Cbri!'ltian, h 241 NOI'th Hebeisen .Jacob, laborer. h 2:34 Charles av Hebel'lig George Z., carpenter. ~ 144 S 3d Hebner John H . ele<tlutypt>r. It 1209 Penn Heck Alvie M. HIlleslad", :3:34 Market. h 945 X ith Heck Andrew J" firema'lI, h 27:{ He .... Heck GrallviJI H., puintt'r, h 1254 Mnrket Heck John, cundu('tlll. h J~17 \\'allut.'e Heck 1\Iay E., h 523 BrowlI av Heck Permilla, dome,.;tie, :n 4 S 2d Heck Susan Mrs., h 945 N ith Heckard ~"rank W., lll'akemun, h lfIU N Cumel'llll He<'kard John H., lahorer, h 22 L'lI'hiel 2<1 Ruw Heckard Samuel R., laborel', h 112:1 Grupe 11\'

Digitized by


A. B. TIC K .::I~Jaot Freacolng Plbllc Bull~lngs In PlaiD Tints, {~~N~~ r;.e::

Boyd's Harrisburg (J-n City Directory. 265
Heckendol'D Abraham, agt, h 522 Filbert HeckeDd()J"n Luura C., housekeeper, 1:l2 Dock Heckclt Elizabeth, wid Theodore, II l!~24 Derry Heckert Elmer E., hrakeman, II 15:32 Wallace Heckman Hurry A., condnctor, h 1521 N 3d Hedricks .John \V., lllhorf'r, II 18:39 ~ 7th Hrefner Mal'ion A., clk P. R. H.. depot, h 1105 N 6th HEFFELFINGER EDWARD A., (Heffelfinger & Hoak), . gro<''er, ]3th c Derry, h 120 S lath Heffdfinger & HOlik, (E. A. Heffelfinger and J. F. Hoak), pl'inters, 1:~th c Derry HeffkelJ Alic'e 1\1., Wf'aver, b 1127 N Front Heffken Annie K, wid Jacub, h 422 CranlX'rry av Heffiefinger T. Milton, cooper, h 106~ S 9th Ht'ffner ChJ'istian, baker, 627 Boas, h do Heff'ller Daniel F., express messenge!', h 302 North Hefkin Samuel P., grocer, 417 Reily, h do Hefkins Alice, weaver, h 1127 N Front Reicher Harry H., printer, h 409 Herr Reicher Marian V., cashier, 15 N 2d, h 409 Herr Heicher Michael U., salel'lman, 15 N 211, h 409 Herr Heidler Abraham, c.arpenter, h I.J 15 Margaret Heiges Annie, domestic, 1920 N 6th Heiges .Juhn C., SIlle!lman Hbg Beef Cu., h 705 Showers av Heiges S. C., al'!st baker Lllnatic Hospital, h 1928 N 5th Heikel Elizabeth, wiel Christian, h 147 N 13th Heikes Getlrgt! D., tinner, h 222 Boas Heilbrollner Ida, h 400 Verbeke Heilman Harry C., elk, 7th c North, h 21 S 3d Heilman Su~n, domestic, 205 Pine Heilman ThoJUas, h 10 S Court av HeiDl George W., elk, h 236 N Court av Heim Levi, driver, h 2:36 N Court av Heim Oscar, dl'iver, h 236 N Court BV Heim Willium S., drivH, h 65 N 10th Heinaman Joseph G., engineer, h 1432 N 6th Heineman Mo"es, elk, 226 Market, h 7] 1 Capital Heiner Anna E., h 16:~3i N 4th . Heiner Frederick. sitot.'mkr, 1628 N 4th, h 16:33i do Heiner John C., brakeman, h 1633i N 4th Reiner William D., bJ'8kemau, h 16~3i N 4th Heiney BarLara. h 204 S 2d Heinev Catharine, wid Jacob, h 132 Verbeke Heine;- Charles W., ragK, h 1510 Howard av Heiney William W., driver, h 1510 Huward av Heinly Benlle,-ilIe. h :337 S 14th Heinly J;"rank J., C81'llenter, h 339 S Uth Heinly John W., mattres... mkr, h 339 S 14th

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" To find a name you must how to spell it." 266 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
Heinly Mary A., dressmkr, h 339 S 14th Heinly William, driver, h 1314 Derry Heintzman Mary, domestic, 101 N Front Heiser .James, laborer, h 9 S 2d Heisey Daniel H., ioe cream mfr, 413 N 2d, b do Heisey Jobn M., foreman, h 1222 N 6th Heisler Florence A., milliner, h 1211 Kittatinny Heisler Helen, elk, 1402 Vernon, b 1211 Kittatinny Heisler Martin L. Rev., ins. agt, 13th c Derry, h 1211 Kittatinny Heisler M. Cotta, dressmkr, h ]211 Kittatinny Heisler Newton, porter, 326 Market, h 341 S 16th Heisler Washington L. Rev., h 2004 Kensington Heist Cbarles H., jr., Eagle House, 625 Race, h do Heist Frederick J., bat'ber, 61:l Race, h do Heist George C., bartender. h 559 Race HEIST THOMAS H., The Bolton, 2d c Strawberry av Helfrich Henry R., brakeman, h 404 Muench Heller Abraham S., watchman, h 1217 Derry Heller Barbara A., wid Edward L., h 553 Race Heller Daniel, laborer, h 420 South Heller Edward L., brakeman, h 254 Boas Heller George W., bookkpr, 405 Market, h 254 Boas Heller Jacob, varieties, 1411 William, h do Heller Johu C., driver, h 1122 Market Heller ~lartill, laborer, b 1319 James Heller Rebe<.'Cll I., wid Elijah, h Green nr Herr Heller William B., operator, h 121'; Derry Hellet'mall Emory G., turner, h 1127 N 6th Hellerman Hiram, fot'eman blacksmith. h 1127 N 6th Hellerman Joseph I., clk P. R. R., h i127 N 6tl;l Hellerman Sallie E., teacher, h 1127 N 6th Helman Eli K., machinist, h 737 S 21! Helms Mattie, domestic. 1419 ~"ultl)n HEIILER HAMILTON D., (Hemler & Dellone), pres Merchants' Nat. Bank, pres Central Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co. h 918 N 3d Hemler & Delllllle, (H. D. Hemler and Louis Dellone), stoCk dealers. MachlY nr 8th Hempel Ernest, carpenter, h 35 N' lath Hemperley Julius A., laborer, h 625 Peffer Hemperley Sarah R., teacher, h 1425 Market Hemperly Ella V., housekeeper, 142;') Market Hemperly George W., salesman, h 271 Hamilton Hemperly .John E., gents' ~()()d8, 1117 N 3d, h 110 Colder lIEMPOLY JOHN M., notions, wholesale, 1001 N 3d~ h 1900 do Hemperly Leila A. :M l'l4., (Woods & Co.), h 110 Colder

Digitized by


I. B. TleK ~'!:.o~ro~ Wall Piper u. WI.... Shu" {12~ ~~:dT~

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 267
Hemperly W. Scott, conductor, h 1425 Market HeDaman Carrie, h Home fj,r the Friendless Hench Frame H., elk, 310 Market, h 404 Boas Hench Harry F., bookkpr, 26 S 2<1, h 209 North HeDcb McClellan T., fireman, h 609 Danphin av Hench Nicholas I., {Hench & Stuart), (Hbg Mfg. Co.), (Hench & Weakley), h 936 N 2d HeDch Ralph W., student, 3d c Market, h 417 N 2d HeDch Samuel A., (S. A. Hench & Co.), (Hbg Mfg. Co.), h 417 N 2d Hencb S. A. & Co., (S. A. Hench), notions, 225 Market Hench & Stuart, (N. I. Hench and W. C. Stuart), notions, 26 S2d HeDch & Weakley, (N. 1. Hench and C. S. Weakley), stables, 312 Blackberry av Henderson Ellen, wid Nathan, h 418 Harris Henderson Harry C., printer Patriot, h 2 S 4th Henderson Hopkins L., elk, h 26 S 3d Henderson James, painter, h 2 S 4th Henderson Louisa A., wid Charles, h 229 Blackberry av Henderson Sadie, ironer, h 418 Harris Henderson Susan Mrs., boarding, 2 S 4th, h do Henderson Viola, ironer, h 418 Harris

;ia~~~~~ FOOTWEAR go 10 WALTERS', N,3~O~~;;.t. Hender:;on William, laborer, h 1:!34 Marioll Henderson William H., ticket agt P. R. R., h 211 ~"orster Hendricks Charles, barl'el dealer, h 1 N 9tb Henery John S., moldel', h 1907 Moltke av Henneberger H. Fronk, cigarmkr, h 13th c Derry Hennecke Frederick L., huckster, II 317 Forster Hennecke Jobn A., produce, 1:3:J9 James, h do Hennig Charles J . fOI'eman. II 908 Capital Henning Elmer, heater, h 924 Penn Henning Joseph, hooker, h 138 Indian av Henrichs Gustave, mgr, 226 Market, h 711 Capital Henry Amos F., repairsman, h 1918 State Henry Brine D., laborer, h 1825 N Cameron Henry Cortilia, h 1452 Regina Henry George E.,.laster, h 1452 Regina Henry John, carpenter, 731 S 19th, h 913 do Henry Lizzie, housekeeper, 7 N 9th Henry Mary A., wid Thomas, h 1310 Green Henry Milligan, brakeman, h 623 Kelker Henry Owen, oils, h Greenwood bel 211 Henry Reuben C., leveler, h 1248 Market Heory Robert S., dentist, 215 Market, h 506 do Henry SaJlie A" stitcber, h 1452 R.t>gina ,


Digitized by


McKell's Pain Exterminator OUl'ell Cholera MorbU8, Dysentery, Cram(ll, Dlarrhcea, Cold.. Qulnay, Rheumatl8m, Toothache, Bore Throat, Ague, Dyspepsia, &0, tilt., 3d,


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Hensel Philip K .. SIIlet!man, h 30 S 3d, h 2:33 North

HENSEL WILLIAM: U" aUy genl, Capitol, h 7 N 2d

Hent.o;chel Frederick, labor'er, h 429 Kelker' av Hepford David, railroader, h 2012 ~ 5th He!Jford .Tulia, wid ,John, h 12-12 N Cameron Hepford Laura E., .teacher, h 2012 N 5th Hepfurd M. Gertrud .., teacher, h 2012 N atb HepfilfCl Samnel, engineer, h 1805 N 6th Hepkins Jacob, insurance, h 402 N 2d Hepler Bertha, domestie, 14 N 4th Hepler Carrie, domestic, 228 Blackherry av Hepler Jennie M" laundres... , h 32 SlOth Hepler Mary, clk, h 32 SlOth Hepler W. George, steel \VOI'ker, h 32 SlOth Hepner 1\1ary J., feeder, II 1100 Wallace Heppensteel Juseph H., lahoreI', h 107 Tuscarora Hepperle George, h 563 SlOth Hepperle John, butcher, 532 S Cameron, h do Hepperle William C" electrician, h 530 S Cameron Herald Publishing Co" (The), pubs The Herald, 31 N 3d Herb J. Newton, postal clk, h 1418 Derry Herbert Charles, laburer, h 1423 Mar'ion Herbert Charles, l'igger, h 1030 Herr Herbert Edgar J " levermall, h 1107 N 6th Herbert Geor'ge D" editor, h 323 Maclay Herbert Henry, dr'iver, h 118 Tallner'R av Herbert John, stableman, h 323 Maclay Herbig Frederick C., h 357 S Cameron Heritz William, asst engineer, h 412 Forster Herman Caroline, 'Wid Jacob, h 514 Filbert Herman Christian L" elk, h 1731 N 3d Herman Edwin, cook The Bolton Herman Edwin S., (.J. C, Herman & Co.), h 801 N 3d , Herman Ettie, honsekeeper, 1214 Apple av Herman Fr'ances .J., (J. C. Herman & Cn,), h 801 N ad Herman Harry J" elk. 331 Market, h 1730 N 7tb Hel'man Jacob ('ohductor, II 1221 Mulbt:rry Herman John, laoorf'r, h 557 S Front HERIIAN JOHN ARMSTRONG, law,ver, 306 Market, sec Rivel'ton Watt'r Co" sec MeKee Water Co., h 821 N 2d Herman John C. & Co., (F. J. and E. S. Herman), cigars and tobacc(l, 22 N 3d Herman Lihhy, b(lxmkr, h 1730 N 7th HERIIAN II" flour, ft'ed, hay, &c., 340 Verbeke (Broad) h 13:l8 N 3d Herwan Manasseh H., cl1(, a40 Verbeke, h 1338 N 8th Hel'wllD Mary ~" wid Christian B., h 821 N 2d


Digitized by


IIIK Shades complete. bt>,t and lowest Fringe. tor 86 eta. 1 B. T {Wall Paper. TheWllh Flxtores and pJ1cea. Window { N. 7270 l1li

Btl /)it.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 269

Herman Meh'in P., machinist, h 2:3 N 15th Herman Paul, h 524 W t'l"t u,' Hermon William H., (~(11l!hl('tor, h 514 ~~ilbt>rt Hermansderfer Elizabeth, h 529 Race Herr Annie G., wid Andrew J .. h 19 N Front Herr Daniel C., lawyer, 205 Walnut, 11'19 N Front Herr David, baker, h 13:14 Vernon Herr Edwin C., farmer, h Verbeke c 1~tb Herl' Elizabeth, h .125 N 4th Herr lela M., saleslady, 406 Mllrket, h 1847 }l~II1tOIl Herr John B., stune lIIuson, h 1!3:H 'Yyeth ttV Herr John B., engineer', h 1847 Fultoll Herr ~Ianton M . ho;;tler. h 18 N Cameron Herr Sadie E., wid Daniel B.. h 18 N Cameron Hen Sarah A., will Davi(ll;.. h 1 t5 Locllst Herr Sarah G . elk, 440 Mllrkf't, h 18 N Comeron Herre Lewis, laburer, h 5:W Hllnler Herrmann Anna B., wid .Jacob F., h ~l Balm HE'rt'mann Augustus W., lUoldel', h 21 Balm Herrmann Harry, labmer. h 21 Balm Herrmann 'WiIliam F., laborer, h 21 Balm Herschley Winfield S., luborer, h 107 S River a\' Hershberger Irvin J., printel', 201 N 2d, h 112 Market HEllSHEY BROS." CO., (Clinton M. and William A. Hershey and Benjamin H. Engle), real estate and insurance, 25 N 2d Hershey Chri~tian W., wllodtut'ner, h 1110 N 3d Hershey Clinton M., (Hershey Bros. & Co.), h 1336 N 2d . Hershey Daniel E., c()nductor, h 217 Herr Hershey David W., dl'fiftsman, h 1110 N 3d HERSHEY HARRY E" Hershey House, 327 Market Hershey Harry L., ret'Order, ClIlllt Honse, h 122 Chest.nut Hershey Martin E., geul mgr F. and M. Wks, h 113 Locust Herlihey Pett'r S., carpenter, h 122 Dock Hershey William A., (Hef!~hey Bros. & Co,), h 101 N 13th Hertz Mal'Y Mrs., c()nf~tion~r, 412 Forslel', h do Hertz 'Villiam H., engineer, h 412 I<~I/rl!ter Hertzler Davis, flagmon, h 32] Herr Hertzler Samuel MOo engi"ecl', It 1401 N 6th Hesline Nora, wid .Joh", h 1:J5 N 4th Hess Ahraham M" rollt'I', It ] 421 N 2d Ht'ss Annie, wid George, It 1426 Marion Hess Ann Margaretta, wid Hillup J., h 6001 Boas Hess AUgl1l~tllll, puddler, It 1327 SIIt;quehanlla HeM Benjainin, roller, h 522 Basin Hess Bertha S., h 112:3 N :M Hess Charles K., laborer, h 8 Chesapeake aT Hess Christiau, baker, h 1225 Bailey

Digitized by


" To find a name yote musl kllow how 10 spell ,,'1." 270 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
Hess David, <RPM & Kinnesd), h 100R N 3d Hess David L., pnddler, h 617 Cumherland Hess Delilah, wid John, h 8 Che8ltpeake av Hess Earl T., tel~raJlher, h P. & R. dt'pot Hess Edward K., (Whitcomb & Ht's"I), h 1:307 Green Hess Edwin H., druggist, 1530 N 6th, h do Hess Emma, domestic, 1321 N 6th Hess Fronk J., dry~()4Ids, 1201 'N 3d, h 1006 N 6th Hess Frank T., elk, 628 Verbeke, h 1307 Green Hess George B., mason, h 137 Balm Hess George E.,brakemall, h 509 MUE'nch Hess George H., ~hesrsman, It 1421 N 2d Hess Hannah, wid Amos, h 1321 N 6th Hess Henry, maSOll, h 1427 Shoop Hess Hiram W.o engineer, h 15*~ N 5th, Hess Howard M., shearsman, h 2421 N 2d Hess Ida E., d()mestic, 1005 N 3d Hess Jacob, baker, II 627 Boas Hess Jacob, h 1008 N 3d Hess James B., shoemkr, h 40 Linden Ht'SI! James C., attendant Lunatic Hospital, II do Hess Janws T. fl., brakemall, hIll S"( :lImeron Hess John, umblt>llas, 3:~9 Walnut, h do Hess John J", engineer, h 600! Boas Hess John W., h 8 Chesapeake Hess Kate 1., wid AIII os W.. h 112:3 N !3d HE'SS Mabel H., h 112:1 N ;ld HE'SS Minnie E. Mrs., domestic Th~ Commercial Hess Philip. laborer, h 620 Mnelwh HE'SS Samuel, baker, h 627 Boa~ Hess S. Irvin, heeler, h 14~i Shoop Hess William C., apprentice, h 1427 Shoop Hess William S., laborer. II 620 Muench Hess Winfield S . teleJ!raphel' P. R R. depot, h 51 N 13th HESS W. STEWART, (Hess & Thornton), h 1208 N 2<1 Hess & Kinlleard, (D. Hess and H. H. Kinnesrd), grocers, 1008 N ad Hess & Thornton, (W. S. He~s and E. P. Thornton), Pa. Dental Operating Rooms, 412 Market Hessenberger Charles F., elk, h 311 Herr Hessenberger Mary, wid Cha ..les ~~., h :311 Herr Hesser Allen, haggage tlansft.'r, h 1118 Montgomery Hesser Frank S., I18leslllan, 3:~4 Market, h 221 Crescent Hesser Mary E., seamst.ress, h 221 C"esceut Hession Martin, laborer, h 113 Hanna Hession Michael J., laborer, h 113 Hanna Hetherman James, laborel', h 1620 Fulton av IIetrich Anua T.. wid John, h 705 S ~~rout

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, WallPaper and Window Shades. {72~:~o~Rg~;~8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg CH) City Directory. 271
Hetrick Aaron, carpenter, h State ab 19th Hetrick David H., carpenter, h 1459 Regina Hetrick Edward N., laster, h 15th ab State Hetrick Harvey E., foreman, h 54 N 13tb Hetrick .Jetome 1., elk, h 14051 Regina Hetrick Mary A., wid John, h 616 }4'orster Hetrick Mary Mrs., h 171 2 Briggs Hetrick Miley, laborer, h 264 Verbeke Hetrick Sarah, wid Abraham, h 656 Cnmberland Hetrick William A., bookkpr, 222 Mulberry, h 14051 Regina Hetrick William S.,-carpenter, h 1501 North Hetterman John, puddler. It 1120 N Cameron Hewley Andrew S., porter, h 1339 Flllton Heyer John M., blacksmith, b 1132 N Cameron Heyser Jacob, elk dept ofpubJic instruction, h 19 S 4th HEYWOOD BENJA1ItIIlf J., cashier State Treasury, b -The Lochiel Hibsman Hattie, h 921 N 3d Hibsman May, ruler, h 921 N 3d Hickey John, laborer, h 404 Filbert Hickman Jolin, conductor. h 62:3 KEllker Hickok Caroline L., wid William 0., h 115 S Front Hickok Louisa, wid William 0 .. jr., h 508 N 2d MFG. co., R. Snodgrass, pres; L. S. Bigelow, sec and genl mgr; S. Schriver, treae, Canal c North (see adv) Hicks Effie, domestic, 110 State Hicks Elizabetb, operator, h 135 N 13th Hicks Jacob C., c1k, 1007 N 3d, h 111 1 Green Hicks James, laborer, h 536 Maclay Hicks ,Tames N., laborer, h 524 Hunter Hicks John, heater, b 536 Maclay Hicks Lerov S., laborer. h 524 Hunter Hicks Philemon N., laborer, h 524 Hunter Hicks William J., foreman, b 135 N 13th . Hicks William L., heater, h 135 N 13tb Hicks William :Y., laborer, h 1951 State Hiester Belle, housekeeper, 130 Walnut Higgins Annie V., dressmkr, b 321 Muench Higgins Carrie E., dressmkr, b 321 Muench Higgins Charles H., elk, h 109 S 3d Higgins Josiah, watchman Senate, h 321 Muench Higgins Julia, wid HenIT, h 607 Cedar av Highlands Charles A., laborer, h 1712 Briggs Highlands }4"rank W. A., laborer, h rear 229 Verbeke Highlands Harriet E., wid WilJiam A., b 1712 Briggs

BICKolt-W:- o.

FRANK M. WAL TERS, ~~~~~~: FOOTWEAR, /f.7:l~

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IcNeil's Pain Exterminator ftl~::!'D~o:a~~ =t~:~~~~. {77T~l,JJ~.


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

HighlondsJohll W. B . printer', h 1622 WlIlllut Hikes E. H., att~nditnt LUUlltill H,,"pirol, h do Hilbish JlJhn K,Ju'Ukt'lJlllll, h 19:35 N .fith Hildehrand Beujamin, lahorer, h 1069 S 9th Hildebrand Eva M., press f\!~lt'r. h 1069 S 9th Hildt'br~lId Jom'S A., l,'onductor! h 319 Hamilton Hiltlt'braml Minnie, h 1069 S 9th Hildebrandt Alice C., tailoress, h 268 North Hildrnp Johu J., iilreman Hbg Cal' Co., h 1251 Kittatinny HILDRUP WILLIAM T., Bellevue Fal'/l} ab limits HILDRUP WILLIAM T., jr., sec ami treas Hbg Pipe Beuding Co., ltd, h The COlli ilion wealth Hill Albert H., plumber, h 1607 Apricot av Hill Benjamin P. S. A., driver, h 1609 Apricot av Hill Catharine, domestic, 2()Ol N 3d Hill Charles E., flagman, b 1735 N 5tb Hill Charles H., laborer, h 539 Priml'ose av Hill Edward, laborer, h 1403 Marion Hill Ezra, bostler, h 112 Short Hill Frank, weighmaster, b 1466 Regina Hill George B., laborer,. h 1403 Milrion Hill Harry, molder, h 1466 Regina Hill Jenkin, elk aud genl, Capitol, h Hotel Columbus Hill Joseph, laborer, h 26 Lochiel 3d Row Hill Julia, wid Richard, h 1324 Fulton Hill Lydia M. Mrs., h Walnl1t bel 5th Hill Maggie C., wid Malilon, h 1466 Regina Hill Peter F., pl1ddler, h 14 Lochiel 2d Row Hill Sarah J., wid Louis, h 1403 Marion Hill William H., laborer, h 1607 Apricot av Hillegas Bertha, winder, h 438 Boyd av Hillegas Frank R., painter, h 315 Clinton av Hillegas Harriet, wid Henry, h 315 Clil\ton av Hillega!:l Harry B., painter, h 315 Clinton av Hillegas JO!:liah H., !:ItmJent, h 1206 N 6th . Hillegas Louisa, wid J oRiah, h ] 206 N 6th Hillegas Lydia, wid Frank, h 438 Boyd av Hiller George, jr., butcher, h 2:39 North Hiller George J., meat market, 239 North, h do Hiller John, laborer, h 1420 Susqnehanna Hiller Mahlon, (Berge & Hiller), h 5 N 13th Hilmer Henry, laborer, h 1533 Logan av Hills I. E. L., h 917 N 6th Hilton Charles H., warehouseman, h 1327 Howard ay Hilton Edward, hilliard elk The Bolton, h do Hilton Sarah A., wid Joseph J., h 3]3 Hummel Himes Cloyd, brakeman, h 2017! N 6th Himes George A., conductor, h 505! Muench

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A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {o.!.cr,~E~~iN~~}J2\O N. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 213
Himes George W., (Kline & Himes), h 916 N 3d Himes MIU'Y Mrs., b 1231 N 11! Himes Samuel, t'nginet'r, h 2017! N 6th Himmell'ich Elizabeth M., wid John, h 1003 Green Himmelrich William, tailor, b :309 CU'lllberland Hinds Susanna E., restaurant, Bmacl St. Mkt, h 316 Verbeke Hiner Maltin M., machinist, h 2112 N 6th Hiner Samuel, l'taC'k inspector, h 2108 N 6th HiullY Anna B., wid HIlI'ace, h 241 Crescent Hiney Catharine, wid JUl'OU, h 1130 N Front Hiney Daniel W., flagman, h 113:l Wallace Hiney Elmer M., labllrer, h 12.3 N Cameron Hiney FI'e~erick H., flagman, h 1:315 Wallace Hiney Juhn W., brickmkr, h 1121 N Cameroo Hing Jung, laundry, 420 N 3d, h do Hinkle Andrew .J., shoe cutter, h 1415 Shoop Hinkle Charl~ B., helper, h 1338 N 7th Hinkle David E., brakeman, h 17:34! N 5th Hinkl~ John, shoemkr, 419 Reily, h 1531 N 4th Hinkle John, brakeman, h 1513 Wallace Hinkle .loReph H., warehouseman, h 526 Filbert Hinkle Samuel B., foreman, II 464 S Cameron Hinkle Warren W., photographer. b 1415 Shoop Hinkle William H., puddler, h 1104 N Cameron Hinkley William H., ('onductor, h 1219 Market Hinkley W. Hays, operator, b 1219 Market Hinton Charles E., labOl'er, II 1115 N Cameron Hipple Beckie C., veatmkr, h 1315 N 2d Hipple Benjamin, driver, h 1839 8watara Hipple Elizabeth, domestic. 213 Locust Hipple Frank B., ins agt, h 1002 Cowden Hipple Harry, laborer, h 1839 Swatara Hipple Jacob A., helper, h 1123 N 7th Hipple Lewis, packer, h 531 Race Hipple Margaret, wid John, b 437 Walnut Hipple Minnie A., dressmkr, h 623 Cumberland Hipple Parris C . fireman, h Dauphin av nr 6th Hipple Sarah, wid Willialn, h 1002 Cowden Hipple rimothy, foundryman, h 2012 Penn Hirsch Max M., tray agt, h Hotel Columbus Hirsch Simon, elk, 401 Market, h Hershey House Hirschler August, (8010mon Kuhn & Co.), h 29 N ~ Hirst Edward, fireman, h 641 Colder Hirtley Emma H" h 8:37 8 10th "Hirtley John, roller, h 837 8 10tll Hirtley Juhu, jr., laborer, h 831 SlOth Hirtley William F., fireman, h 8258 10th Hitz Charles, machinist, h 1111 Capital

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" To find a name you must know how to spell 'it." 274- Boyd's Harrisburg .(].. ) City Directory.
Hitz Jacob, h 266 Cumberlaud Hitz Jacob, jr., bookbinder, h 1337 N 2d Hh'ner John W., laborer, h S Cameron nr toll gate Hoagland Deborah W., wid Richard, h 1401 N Front Hoagland Fannie G., h 1401 N Front Hoagland Virginia, teacher, h 1401 N Front Hoak Andrew A., h 1430 Regina Hoak Ella J., h 14:30 Rf'gina Hoak Grace M., seamstress, h 1311 Howard Hoak Ida E., dres..o:;mkr, h 1311 Howard Hoak Ja<..'Ob D., car inspector, h ]:31 1 Howard Hoak Jacob F., (Heffl!lfinger & Huak), h 1430 Regina Hoak May F., milliner, 34 N 3d, h 1430 Regina Hoak, see alRo Hoke Hoar Harry E., flagman, h 1103 Cowden Hobbs Amos, feeder, h 320 S River 8\' Hobhs James, Ilt~lper, h 613 Race Hobbs Levi, leverman, h 320 S River av Hobbs Warner, laborer, h ti13 Race Hobday C. William, cooper, h lU6 Dock Hobday Mary S., domestic, 213 Forster Hoch Edward J., printer, h 1307 Market H och Margaret Mrs., h 1307 Market Hochlander Carrie M., saleslady, h ]21 Cumberland Hochlander Ida G., saleslady, 1201 N 3d, h ]21 Cumberland Hochlander Letitia B., h 121 Cumberland Hockensmith Calvin H., grinder, h ] 324 N 7th Hocker Albert C., carpenter, h 23d ab Derry Hocker AmaDda, dome:.tic, 903 N 3d Hocker Anna; wid Levi, h 110 Herr Hocker Daniel G., repairsman, h 1027 Paxton Hocker George, barbel', h 1018 Paxton Hocker George, brickmkr, h 1018 Puxton Hocker Herdhey, elk, h 110 Herr Hocker, wid David, h 1833 Rudy Hocker John A., policeman, h 1027 Paxton Hocker Kate, forelady, h 1~11 Bailey Hocker Mary E., wid Daniel, h 484 S Cameron Hocker Ollie, domestic, 15 S 3d Hocker Rebecca, seamstress, h 1211 Bailey Hocker SUBaU, wid Joseph, h 1211 Bailey Hockley Adam, janitor, h 444 Cumberland Hockley Art.hur E., brakeman, h 610 Harris Hockley CharieR, machinist, h 444 Cumberland Hockley Harris, machinist, h 444 Cumberland Hockley Jessie V., stenographer, 222 Market, h 610 Barria Hockley Laura M., dressmkr, h 444 Cumberland Hockley Samuel S., conductor, h 610 Harris

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I. B. TleK, pruelleDI Paper Hanger,

{'~"~o~R3~ Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 275

Hockley Thomas, machinist, h 444 Cumberland Hockley Thomas Z., h 610 Harris Hodge Anna S., wid Alfred G., b 1425 Margaret Hodge Annie E., laundress, h 1427 Margaret Hodge 'Archibald, foreman, h 1701 N 5th Hodge Archibald, jr., laborer, h 1506 Howard Hodge J?avid, barber, 1701 N 5th. h 15361 Wallace Hodge Robert, waiter, h 1425 Margaret Hodge William \V., laborer, h 1603 Apricot av Hoelle Charles, laborer, h 123 Mulberry Hoelle Lucas A., driver, h 123 Mulberry Hoelle Lucas A., jr., car cleaner, h 123 Mulberry Hoelle Martin R., bartender, h 1143} Derry Hoepfer Cbristopher, tailor, 20 N Court av, h do Hoepfer ~"rederick, printer Star-Indepentlent. h 20 N Court av Hoerner David S., watertender, h 5511 SlOth Hoerner George A., laborer, h 551} SlOth Hoerner J. Earle, printer Telegraph, h 1538 N 4th Hoerner John H., wal'ehouseman, II 1244 Bailey Hoerner John W.o grocer, 1538 N 4th, h do Hoerner Joseph W., laborer. h 640 BriggM Hoerner Lillian G., elk, 1538 N 4th, h do Hoerner Marclls D . printer Telegraph. h 1110 N Front

:A:::L~~~~~:;rJ~~':,l; FOOTWEAR 01 Walters', 1012 I. 3d 31. Hoerner Mary J' t wid Joseph-, h 1244 Hailey Hoerner Oscar D. laborer, h 551! SlOth .HOERNER WILLIAM M., wall paper, 1274 Market, h 1,(05 do Homay Richard, puddler. h 53 Locbiel nr store Hoff William K.o clk aud genl, Capitol, h 31 S 3d Hoffa J. Wilson, pharmacist, 1342 N 6th, h do Hoffa W. G. & Co., barbers' supplies, 500 Market Hoffa William G., (W. G. Hoffll & Co.), h 1005 Market Hoffet John, mgr Paxton and Steelton Flouring Mills Co., Sycamore bet Pa. R. R. and canal, h 24 N 2d Hoffer Maggie, domestic, 1800 N 3d Hoffman Adam, postal elk. h 1205 N 2d 1I0FFIIAN ARTHUR H., propr U: S. Hotel, 514 Market, h do Hoffman Bertha M., h 710 Green Hoffman Charles C., bookkpr, 113 N 2d, h 233 Verbeke Hoffmllll Charles H., supt ClJtI'iers, P.O., h 1008 S 9th Hoffman Charles R., clk Lochiel llews stalld, h 221 Market Hoffman F..dgar G., elk, 630 Walnut, h 1205 N 2d Hoffmall Erastus B., machinist, h 1223 Green Hoffman Frank C printer Telegraph, h 312 Herr Hoffman George M., brakemall, It 428 Cumberland

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DIce McNell's Medicine Co. {EB~s!eed} No~~d.


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

Hoffman Gertrude M., teacher, h 1205 N 2d Hoffman Grace M., elk, 440 Market, h 710 Green Hoffman Hannah, domestic, Angle av nr South Hoffman Harry, bricklayer, h 1:316 Green Hoffman Harry, tailor, h 1036 Herr Hoffman Harry C., ins. agt, h 1413 Zarker Hoffman Harry C., physical director y~ M. C. A., h 114N 2tl Hoffman Harvey J., brakeman, h 428 Cumberland Hoffman Henry W., elk, h 1316 Green Hoffman Jacob 0., brakeman, h 112 Market Hoffman John A., musician, h :l31 Hamilton Hoffman John G., boilermkr, h 141:~ Zarker Hoffman John H., painter, 631 Dauphin av~ h do Hoffman John H., printer, h 710 Green Hoffman John W., lawyer, 26 .N 3d, h 221 Market Hoffmlln Joseph H., laborer, h 332 Blackberry av. Hoffman Lizzie M., dressmkr. h 1829 N 4th Hoffman Louis, shoemkr, 14301 N 6th, h 1623 Fulton Hoffman Maggie F., wid William S., h 210 Verbeke Hoffman Mary, domestic, 112 Market Hoffman Mary J., cook. h 167 Iudian av Hoffman Mary L., dressmkr, h 1413 Zarker Hoffman Michael B., boilermkr. h 7368211 Hoffman Moses, tailor, h 921 Penn Hoffman Nelson, elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 114 VineHoffman Philip M., conductor, h 428 Muench Hoffman Rebecca, h 214 State Hoffman R. Wilson, ins, 1 8 3d, h 113 Colder Hoffman Sadie C., h 415 Hamilton Hoffman Samuel, fireman, h 411 Muench Hoffman Samuel, laborer, Jt 8 8 18th Huffman Sophia Mrs., h 317 8 River av Hoffman 8usan, wid Henry, h 631 Dauphin Hoffman Theresa, wid George, h 1008 89th Hoffman Vinnardia T., h 1213 Derry Hoffman William, laborer, h Curtis av c Angle av Hoffman William, molder, h 8 8 18th Hoffman William E:, fireman, h 1333 PenD HOFFMA.N WILLIA.M H., boots aud shoes, 1531 Derry, h 1529 do Hoffman William M., contractor, h 129 Hanna Hoffman William R., cigarmkr, h 1413 Zarker Hoffmaster Ann C., wid George, Ii 1211 Apple av Hoffmaster Emma E., domestic, 21 N Front Hoffnagle Jerome, weaver, h 44 S Court av Hoftnagle J. Frank, brakeman, h 1120 Wallace Hoffnagle Mary, wid Jacob W., h 448 Court av

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I B. tACIf ft,

N. 3d St. "ork, and Insnrea IL Work 1I0ne In any

1210 {EmPloye none bot tlnt-cl..... workmen, benue only tllllt-ciau part of the ill ate.

Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory. 277

Hotl'nllJrle Winfit'I,1 S., bill bt'r, 945 N 7th, II 44 S Court BV Hotl'stot Harvey, bagman, h I ~09 ~ 5th Hofmann Peter, hakt'r, h :l24 Rt'ilv Hogan Mary H., tea(her, II 111 V'jnp . Hogan Rebe<.oca, wid Ri(oIuml, It III Vine Hogelllnd Virginia, teacher, h ] 401 N Front Hogentogler Bros., (C. C. allll H. G.). laundry, h 1423 N 3d Hogentogler Chalmers C. (Hugentogler Bros.), hardware, 1000 N 3d, h 1201 Green HogentoJrler Edward 0., catcher, h 1076 S Cameron Hogentugler Est.her, wid .Jnlleph, h 1305! Green Hogentogler Harr~' G., (Hogentogler Bros.), livery, I~08 Green, h 2:3~ Verbeke Hogentogler Oswell, laborer, h 1076 S Cameron HOItentogler Pearl E., preas feeder, h lOi6 S Cameron Hohellshelt Annie, forelady, h 603 Maclay Hohenshelt Harry L., flagman, h 603 Maclay Hobenshelt Knrtz G., brakeman, h 603 Maclay Hohenshield Carrie E., domestic, 213 Chestnut Hohl Henry, lamp cleaner, h 326 Soyford av Hoke Adam, b 316 N Court av Hoke Christian, laborer, h 1412 Margaret Hoke Daniel L., ins. sol, h 620 N 2d Hoke Flora E., domestic, 1412 Margaret Hoke Godfrey, laborer, h 1229 N 6th Hoke Howani A., machinist, h 1719 Logan av Hoke Howard M., steuographer aUy genl dept, b 208 Walnut Hoke Joel, car inllpectur, b 558 SlOth Hoke Philip, laborer, h 500 N 13th Hoke Sarah A. Mrs., h 1412 Margaret Hoke William G., foreman, h 1621 N 7th Hoke William H., laborer, h 316Court. av . Hoke, see also Hook Holbert Elmer, elk P. R ..,R., h 1624 Wallace Holbert Harry A., helper, h 1114 N Cameron Holbert Jacob C., foreman, h 1635 N 7th ftplbert Jacob C., jr., baker, h 1636 Wallace Holbert John T., haker, 1637 N 7th, h do Holcomb Harry W., elk, 325 Market, h 1126 Montgomery Hollaban James R., flagman, h 1942 N 5th Hollaban Thomas H., plumber, h 1942 N 6th Hollands Stephen, milk, 1331 PenD, h do Hollebaugh Lillie, (L. Hollebaugh & Co.), h 345l{elker Hollebaugh L. & Co., (D. F. Pitt.enturf), cigars, 1744 N 4th Hollebaugh William, cigarmkr, h 345 Kelker Hollem Isaac, clothier, h 1416 Margaret Hollern Samuel, h 1416 Margaret Hollem Sa~h, wid Moses, h 1416 Margaret

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 278 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
Hollern Tobias, elk, 3:l9 Market, h 1416 Margaret Hollenbaugh Benjamin T., brakelllan, h 142] Wallace Hollenbaugh Willard S. M., h ] 934 N 4th Hollenbaugh William, elk, 325 Market, h 1535 N 6th Hollenbaugh, see also Hollebaugh Holler Charles F., stationery, 1229 Mulberry, h do Holler Henry F., dept prothonot'y, C. H., h at Hummelstown Holliday Lavina, wid James, h 110 Christie's av Hollinger Charles H., student, h 225 Pine Hollinger Eli, carpenter, h 619 North Hollinger Eli, painting, music teacher, h 1321 Marion Hollinger Eli D., blacksmith, h 2024 Kensington Hollinger George A., teacher, h 1321 Marion Hollinger George S., carpenter, h 1319 N 2d Hollinger Mary C., wid William, h 1851 Berryhill Hollinger Rebecca, wid Elias, h 225 Pine Hollingsworth Curtin E., milk dealer, h ] 609 Hunter Hollinshend Thomas S., dk, 407 Market, h 129 S 3d Hollis Annie J., h 1404 James Holly Franc:es, charwomau, h ]219 N 111 Holly John I., postal clk, h 1105 Cowdt'n Holmes Abraham, laborer, h 1233 N III Holmes Edward, laborer, h ]233 N 11! Holmes Isaiah S., laborer, h 1821 N 7th Holmes Mary, domestic, 606 Forster Holmes Nancy, laundress, h 1408 Fulton Holsberger William, blacksmith, h 1812 N Cameron Holstine Harry M., blacksmith, 117 Verbeke, h 116 do Holstine Howurd 0., policeman, h 127 Verbeke Holstine John H., car inspector, h 1915 Moltke av Holthaus Theodore, elk F. and M. Works, h 1521 Derry Holtry Samuel M., fireman, h 1838 N 7th Holtz Emanuel, h 514 Maclay Holtz Samuel A., janitor, 38 N 3d, h at Wormleysburg Holtzendollar Frederick J., hostler, h Stock Yard Hotel Holtzeudollar Mary A., wid John I., h 528 North ~ Holtzinger John H., h 810 N 6th , Holtzman Agnes, h 916 N 6th Holtzman Alice C., domestic, 1428 Green Holtzman Aunie E., dressmkr, h 305 Herr Holtzman Charles F., driver, h 78 N 10th Holtzman Frank J., butcher, h 1329 Bartine av HOLTZMAN GEORGE . , tobacconist, 337 Market, h 335 do Holtzman Lida, wid Daniel, h 1837- N 6th Holtzman William, bartender, 401 Verbeke, h do Homan Fred, laborer, h 110 Mary's av 'Home for the Friendless, 5th c Muench

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~c;b~\~':;::;~'OIl POperOndlindOWShOdeS lrom A. B. TACK, N.7::~t. Boyd's Harrisburg (II) City Directory. 279
Homsher Frank C., aSllt supt, h 411 Market Hooafi)U~ John. Jllb(lI't~r, h 1:312 Vernon Hooafous Percival, paintt>r, h 1312 Vernun Honeywell Eugene C. dEllltist, 25 N ~d, h at Phila. Hooper Marlha M., wid Henry, h 5]0 Reily Hoopes C. Alf"t.>el, apprentil'e. h 917 N 3d HoopeS Carrie V., nul'Rl', h 1531 N 6th HOOPES HARRY A., Mantel, Tile and Grate Works, 502-504 Market, h 917 N 3d Hoopes Jacob B., tobal'Cfmist, 1021 N 3d, h do Hoopes W. Franklin, steam flUE-r, h 9]7 :N 3d Hoot Charles T .. brakeman, h 2021 N 6th Hoover Alf"ed W., carpenter, h 1921 Derry H()()\'er Alk'e Mrs., h 209 Kline av Hoover Anna, wid .Jacob F., h 2 S 18th Hoover Benjamin H., coachman, h 222 N River av HOOVER CHARLES F., l'8rpets, furniture, &c., 1417 and 1419 N 2d, h do Hoover Christie A., domestic, 1315 N 2d Hoover Cyrlls, brick burnE-r, h 154:~ Swatara Hoover David, laborer, h Slate ab 20th Hoover Elizabeth, h 1308 N 2d . HOOVER ELLSWORTH G., jeweler, 23 N 3d, h 1431 Shoop
-All the Latest Styles InREUABL and FASHIONABLE


N. 7072 8d St.

H(lover Frederick C., laburer, h State ab 20th Hoover George B., hucksrer. h 49 N 14th Hoover George E., elk, 9th c Paxton, h The Lochiel Hoover Harry, driver, h 1112 N Cameron Hoover Harry W., asst yardmaster, h 524 Maclay Hoover Howard C., brakeman, h 333 Dauphin av Hoover Ida A., weavel" h 1934 N 5th Hoover Ida M., vamper, h 2 S 18th Hoover Isaac W., h 1431 Shoop Hoover Ja(.'Ob, stoves, &c., 337 Reily, h a31 Clinton BV Hoover Jacob G., laburer, h 1112 N Cameron Hoover James L., brakeman, h 1514 N 5th Hoover John, butcher, Drummond c 16th, h 322 S 16th Hoover John F., brakeman, h 1326 Green Hoover John H., clk, 716 State, h 513 Walnut Hoover John W., blacksmith, h 1524 N 5th Hoo\'er JOSE'ph A., blacksmith, Verbeke c Cnrrant av, h 934 Penn Hoover Joseph W., expressman. h 1323 Green Hoover J. Wesley, lal)(lrer, h 1523 Swatara Hoover J. Wez;ley, operator, h 26 N 13th Hoover LouiK A., machinist, h 934 Penn

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Liver and Blood Purltvlne Ot McNEIL'S ]}JIpepebl, Lin!', Blood and ltIdJieyPills Cure {Un I 3d cJI. Complain...


Boyd's ;Harrisburg (H-) City Directory.

Hoover Mal'Y A., wid Joel, h ] 400 N 3d Hoover Milton, lahorer, h 1125 Cumberland Hoover Olive A., tailore4S, h 206 S 13th Hoover Rose A., dressmkr, h 331 Clinton av Hoover Sophia, wid John, nurse, It 719 N 2d Hoover Uriah, foreman, h 929 S 19th Hoover William G., clk, 23 N 3d, h 1431 Shoop Hoover William H . foreman. It 1428 N 6th Hoover, see also Hover Hopkins Abraham L., laborer, h 636 BI'iggs Hopkins Harry, machinetender, II 624 Walnut Hopkins John, laborer, h 1619 Fulton av Hopkins John, laborer; h 473 Dauphin av Hopkins Rachel, wid John, h 341.8 River a\' Hopper Sarah Eo Mrs., h 112 Colder Hopple Do C., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hopple Jametl, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hopple Michael Ho, fireman, h 42u Harrill Hopple William Ho, laborer, It 121 S Cameron Hopton Ge(lrge 8., telegrapher Po R. R., h 42 N 10th Horan Edward. brakeman, h 1102 Wallace Horchler John, bricklayer, h 414 S Cameron Horchler Josephine, wid Cameron, h 4]4 S Cameron Horgan Danif'l J., brakeman, h 1216 Wallace Horgan Mark, laborer, h 1216 Wallace Horn AlexllDder, draftsman, h 401 N 2d Horn David, jro, druggist, h The Commonwealth Hornberger Minerva, wid Zachariah, h 1054 S 9th Horne Mary, wid Alexander, h 564 Showers av Horner Eli So, laborer, h 1841 Swatara Horner Margaret A., wid George-, h 112 TURC8rora Horner WiIliaDl H., printer Star, h at Oberlin Horning George H., caller, h 314 Clinton av Horning John Ho, conductor, h 1731 N 3d Horning John H., jr., hrakeman, h 1731 N 3tl Horning Maggie, h 268 CoMer Horning Rebecca, h 268 Colder Hornstein Anton, shoe cutter, h ] 440 Vernon Horsely John, laborer, h 1124 Cumberland Horst Janet M., saleslady, 8 S 2c1. h H44 S Cameron Horst .Juhn, machinetemler, h H-t-I S Cameron Horst William, blacksmith, h 1058 S 9th Horstick A. Marion, I'I8leslal(ly, 22:J Market, h at Paxtang HortinK Annie Ko, teadwr, II 632 Hllrris Horting Harry C., ell~int'el', h 6:12 Harris Hortinll Matilda. wid David, h 1817 Cameron HO!l8.I1 Harl'Y W., laborer, h 1302 N Cameron Hosall Henry, laborer, h 1:3(10 N Cameron

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,t@ R@TACR l@&=l!rtto

Boyd"8 Harri8burg (

B~lIdlnR' I~

TIlls, {~@~:~ll~:~:

City Directory.

Hosler John T., carpenter, h 915 N 6th , see Hassl4?l" H04?t4>tJer Ad4?, seaDl4?trO"0l@, h 2d briggs Hostetler Jacob, earpenter. h 5:~2 Peffer HORtetter Che~ter D.@ bookbinder. h 1843 Fulton HT,l@tf'Her J~bbl)rer, h 1~13 Fubm Hn~tpYJer E., dn,tyl@mkr, 14:3 Fulton, h de> H()~tetter Sarllb J., wid Jacob C., h 1843 Fulton HOTEL COLUMBUS@ N. Rufl.~, 229-233 Walnut BDDEL RDDd, P. 42;~ Ivbrrket Honcb ChaR'lntte. wid 129 pv'beke Houck Charles A" brakeman. h 1705i N 5th Honek Fra"k D., h 307 N 2d HOD OR hlDNRY, I!Upt dZlblic lRlPtruction, bolumbus Houck H. W attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do .Jamr, h 1425 Willh,ttn .J O~+'I'lf, labof'el~, 134 bmden Houck Samuel, h 1417 Wyeth av Houck Samuel M., hricklayer, h 317 Hummel Hough Frances C., quilter, h 1532 N 4th Hough Nellie V picker, b 1532 N 4th



~~; ;~t


'ni\JSh;:~I, ~1~142 Barti:~

lIouTtzburger Susan, dra'lmkr, h 256 Liberty Houltzhurger William G., laundryman, h 256 Liberty HTRmrtine ,J "h II P., bV'ttfbemllD, ;,b)6 M ellneh HTgRRennl Lt,Rit ,J., tllilo' b 40d boas Houseal William H., machinist, h 106 Dock Houseman Christian, elk, 1643 N 6th. h 1744 N 3d ...... ,.,,"',.. Betrmooille, tHoo', b 3d JtIacla1' dressmh, h 1 COWdTgyg Houser Carrie, domestic. :lOa S Front Houser Cornelius, laborer, h 1084 S 9th hRbllrer, 084 S HUiTT'r Eliuubuth, N 3d Houser Emma K., domeAtic. 51 ] State Houser Frank. laborer, b ] 109 Plum 8V 3:~~~g ~~:vgcr 2281feTTberry

. . . ., , ,'"'"

Houser Henry, dliver. 127 Paxton Houser Henry S3ndflattel'. h 1016 S 9th H"trpe-er Issf:, h 14:,\1 Regiliu Hmuo[~ Jacob, ma(:hiniHt, h I :30H ,\1reen Houser James H., puinter. h 12:3 Herr Hnuser John G., painter, It 1803 Bt'rrybill

" To find a name you must know ROW to spell it." 282 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
Houser Lizzie, wid John, h 712 Cowden Houser Maggie, domestic, 303 S Front Houser Maria, nurse, h 528 West av Houser Mary, h 1930 Fnlton Houser Robert M., laborer, h 1329 Penn Houser William C., fireman, h 104 Dock Houser William S., carpenter, h 1324 James Housholder Charles E., elk, 433 Market, h 1224 GreeD Housholder Charles F., letter carrier, h 417 Pear av Housholder Edwin M., watchmau Capitol, h 412 Boas Housholder Ella J. Mrs., dressmkr, h 1224 Green Housholder Elmer E., carpenter, b 412 Boa8 Housholder Frederick, poiJceman, h 1317 Bartine av Housholder Jacob A., clk, h 412 Boas Housholder John C., carpenter, h 1224 Green Housholder William, carpenter, b 412 Boas Housholder William T., laborer, h 1104 Plum av Houston Hugh Me., carpenter, h 258 Cumberland Honston William A., civil engineer. h 19 N 4th Houtz AdaDl D., tailor, h 1629 N 6th' Houtz Etta L., wid Oscar S., h 408 North Houtz Harry C., stenogl'apher, 7 N :3d, h 408 Nortb Hontz Joseph C., typewriter. h 408 North Houtz William H., tailor, 310 Verbeke, h do Hoverter Abner 8., coach painter, h 1832 Fulton Hoverter Annie, domf'Slic, 119 State Hoverter Annie, wid George W h 1310 Market Hoverter CharieR A., painter, h 307 CI'escent Hoverter Clara Mrs., h 308 Mulberry Hoverter George A., bartender The Lochiel, h 1310 Market Hoverter Harry R., bartender, h 1310 Market Hoverter John 8., trimmel', h 307 CreS<'ent Howard Alice, dom~tic, 1420 Fulton Howard Benjamin B., fureman }'-'. alld M. Wks, h Holly nr limits Howal'd George 8., teamster, h 336 Cherry av Howard Hamilton, cook, h 450 West av Howard Henrietta, wid CharleH, h 511 South Howard Jllmel:l H. W., mess sec comm'th, h 306 S 15th Howard John, labore'r, h 5J 1 SOllth Howard John E., dk, 426 MarkE"t. h 1411 do Howard John H., laborer, h 4] 2 SOllth Howard Joseph F., hod carrier, h 703 South av Howard Lillie, IIhoe finillher, h 1403l Regina Howard Mary, domestic, 141 Short Howard Sarah A., shoe finisher, h ] 4031 Regina Howard Susan, wid Thomall, h 51] SOllth Howard Susan E., wid Frank E., h 6 S 2d


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I. B. TleK =t~~~~ Iall Piper lnd 111 Shoes {t2~~ ~~:d~~

Boyd'. Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 283
Howard TayIOl', janitor, h 5 Haehnlen av Howard William T., salesma.l. h 1411 Market Howe Jesse K., telfOgrapher P. R. R., h 114 N 2d Hower Lillie A., laundry maid J..llnatic Hospital, h do Hoy Francis H., coroner, h 251 Briggs Hoy Francis H., jr., barber, 424 N 3d, h 223 Briggs Hoy George K., wireman, h 918 Penn Hoy Robert W., wireman, h 251 Briggs Hoyer B. }1'rank, II 229 Forster Hoyer George, (Hoyer & Milnor), b at York Hoyer George, h 113 Chestllut Hoyer George R., elk C. V. R. R. frgt office, h at Riverton HOYER & lIILNOR, (G. Hoyer anll G. W. Milnor), fallcy good It, 29 N 3d Hoyel't Elizabeth, dressmkr, h 1021 N 7th Hoyert ,John, fireman, h 2027 Fulton Hoyert Lawrence, h 2027 Fulton Hoyler Andrew, m~lIger United Press, h 673 Race Hoyler Vatharine, wid J. Frederick, h 305 S 2d Hoyler Christina C., wid Gottfried, h 57;~ Race Hoyler Doroethea, saleslady, 318 Market, h 573 Race Hoyler Doroethea M., wid John M . II 601 Race Hoyler Frederick J., mi!It':, h:=:-10-:-9--=T::-u_lIC_a_ru_ra _ _ _~:__ _



gO 10 WALTERS', N.3IdO~~.

H')yler Herman G., tt'lt:grapher, h :iUo S 2d Hoyler John, laborer, b 57a Ra<.'e HoyleI' John C., barber, h 518 N 2d Hoyler Mary K., trimmer, h 573 Ral'e Hoyt William H., trav frgt agt P. & R., h Bolton House Hubbs Emma J., wid George. II 2015 Kensington Hubbs Lewis B., brakeman, h 431 Kelker Hubor Annie E., packer, h 224 Hummel Huber Benjamin F., fireman, II 1716 N 5th Huber Charles, fineman, h 1326 Penn Huber Charles A., laborer, h 127 Vine Huber David, carpenter, h 1303 Fulton Huber Edwin T., motorman, h 190a Wood Huber E. Ivy, elk, 233 Walnut, h 1221 N 6th Huber Felix, meat market, 210 South, h 208 do Huber Frank B., rougher, h 137 Hanlla Huber Frank J., elk, 2:33 Walnut, h 1221 N 6th Huber George C., optician, h 2 S 4th . Huber Harry A., brakeman, h 1221 N 6th Huber Howard, h 14211 Regina Huber James H., Bagr;nun, h 1215 Fulton Huber Lydia E., wid George M., h 1421 Regiua Huber Mary E., housekeeper, 208 South

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etIeII'....... Sa-Illafer cane Cholera XorbaII, DJIIent.el7. enm... DIarrhaIII, COId8, QulD17, Jlbeallllllllm, Toothache,, Ape, J)yIP8IJBIa, k ItU



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Huber Maud E., ql1il1l'r. h 1421l &-gina Huber Susan, wid Danil'l P., h 224 Hummel Huber U. Grant, elk, b 224 Hummel Huber Washington. laborer, h 1221 N 6th Huber William H., butcher, h 206 Sollth Huber William H., IllItchl'r. 15 N 2d, h 127 Vine HUBEBTIS STEPHEN, 1)lIlI~furnishing goods, 1216 N 3d, h 228 Boas Hubler Josepb, Bagman, h 626 Culder Hubley Alpheus T., (Weaver & Huhley), h 508 N 3d Hubley Thomas H., paintet, It !H9 Rose a\' Hubley Thomas J., laborer, h 919 Rose av Hudgins Charles R., blacksmith, h 1426 Green Hudgins Florence, fi.rl'lady, h ]426 Green Hudgins .John D., laborer, h 14:35 Susquf'hanna Hudgins Thomas J., bricklayer, h 1415 N 2d Huehner John, shoemkr, 704 Race. h 702 do Huff Annie M., vamper, h 1601 Derry . Huff Elizabeth, wid Eli S., h 1601 Derry Huff Emma J., wid Elias, h 1814 N 5th Huff Kate E., elk, h 1601 Derry Huggins Edgar J., tailor, h 207 N 2d Huggins Joseph S., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Huggins William, tailor, :lU9 N 2d, h 207 do Hugbe8 Albert, carpenter, h 238 2d . Hughes Benjamin B., huckster, h 3 Lochiel 1st Row Hughes David, laborer, h ] 439 Shoop Hughes James, livery, 416 Strawberry BY, h 415 Walnut Hughes John 0., student. h 1327 Thompson Hughes Robert, elk, h 415 Walnut Hughes Tbomas, laborer, h 412 South. Hughe8 U. Grant. laborer. h 1409 Susquehanna HUGHES W ASlIINGTON :a, wall paper and window shades, 23 8 2d, h Reily c Penn HUGHES WILLIAM: E., wines and liquors, 5]0 Market, h 604 State Hughes W. Jon8e, with Rochester Bottliug Works, h 924

HulinK Rebecca D., wid Charles, h 715 Capital Hull Kate. h 4:l5 Strawberry av Hulsman Annie, drl'ssmkr, h :305 Herr Humbert Andrew, '-abo ret', h rear 4:32 S 13th Humbert Nancy, wid James, h 215 Cranberry av Humbert Randolph, purter, h ] 22 Shurt H umelsteiu Aaron, conductor, h ] 4 t 7 Snsquehanna Humer Car!1On S., (~rpenter. h 1236 BailE'Y Humer Edwin C., elk, 334 Market, h 1456 Regina Humer Eleanor A., crimper, h 1456 Regina

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WIndow for 86 CYib~

7270 3t/ ot.

Harribub (H)



Humer John, laborer, h 1456 Regina Humes Lizzie, laundress, h 810 Jamf'lol IIV Humes Lyman, hostler, h 15:l6! Wnllllce Humes A., bahr 53:3 Vitile%: Humes ., SIIlesl&kih 200 N 728 N Hummel lhiift, (t>St) , :W:l Hummel Albert H., mgr, 3():3 Verbeke, h 1632 N 3d Hummel Alfrp<l, carpenter, h 62:J Briggs Hummpl Annie P., II 1632 N :M Hummel Cliiidotte M., 'Il Homi; the Friendlnfe Hummel C., ndel'iff, II iimlllellitown Hummel Yibiild F., Almshuuei~'~ do Hummel Edward W., elk, 116 Market, h 21 S 4th Hummel Eliza R, wirl Ri('hard H., II 107 S Front Hummel Elnlt'r C., ('Ik county cOIllIll'rs, Co Ho, h at Steelton Hummel h 70h ' Hummel h 62:) Hummel Crtuliil'ick Eo, ulberry, Hummel George W., h 21 S 4th Hummel Ja('ob G., buggy runner, h ] !l28 S 13th Hummel J, Frt'd, tillller, h 9] 6 Capital Hummel K., II 2 Hummel :~26 Mardtt, tt Hummelet,rzwo uumme: rzTIllrgaret, WI(] II Hunter Hummel Philip T., train receiver, h 2120 N 6th Hummel Revery, hostler, h 7th c Maclay Hummel Hichrzrd H., elk, h 07 S Hummel hrzktTIli, wid DatTIi~I, 31 N mummeg H., h 16::sd H hd Hummel Valentine, h 105 S Front Hummer Frank H., helper, h 320 Hummel . Hummer Samuel R., Illborer, h 320 Hummel Humphrzrzh Hzmie E. 124 IIumphtrzh IHrry B., h 64::S Humpbtiib Jdm P., CIlrl&k'ii&iir, h 66h Humphrey Thomas, fiuriKt, h 50 N Snmmit Humphreys Nellie B, apronmkr, h 32:3 Nectarine av Humphreys SUl'an Mr~., h :J23 Nectal'ine av Hunt Hiiiiin., h17 N unt Williiim H., 6:H KCJiiii unlt'r P., wid John, dalm Hnnter Charles, (!Oachman, h 119 Short Huuier Charles W., waiter, h 169 Indian av Hunter Edward A., che<!kmlln P. R. R., h 1127 Cowden IIUNTEt:St:S llldBREST, J.,ochid, }g}zztket c Hunter W., h 15m tiTh uoter coachnHiiL d45 N iiV Hunter James constal,le, II 512 North IlV


-" To find a name you must Imow how to spell it." 286 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
lIJJntel' Mary! wid Gt-urge W . h 206 Wnlnut Hlluter Rubt-rt L., I:ngill~r, h 1528 N 61b Hunter Victoria, h 112 Liherty Hunter WiIliaOl C., ~touecutter, h 316 S 2d Huntsberger Dlivid G., brak~man, h J834 Fulton Huntsberger Fannie, dumestic, 4 N l:3th Huntaberger Lizzie, h 1115 N &1 Huntllber2er Margaret A., wid Ephraim, h 436 Muench Huntzinger Benjamin K., sec, I S 3d. h 920 Green . Huntzinger JOI~hua, carpenter, h 52:3 Cuwden Hunl Charles, hostler, h 112 Libel'ty Hurley Wesley F., undertaker, 402 Wliinot, h 300 Boas Hurley William M., grocer, 1742 N 4th, h 1826 Fulton Hurlock W. SPI'Y, dPlltist, 25 N 3rl, h 720 N 6th Hursh Ada, M ., music teacher, h I 705 N 4th Hursh Caroline, wid AbrahllOl, h 208 Locust. Hursh Daniel F., elk, h 1705 N 4th Hursh Ella R., h 208 Locust Hursh Elmira J., wid Augustlls L., II 1705 N 4th Hursh Flurence M., typewriter, 22 S 3d, h 300 Furster Hursh l<"rank J., dk The LI)(lIiel, h 414 Forster Hursh Harry. hOI'se dealer, 10th Ill' Markel, h 208 Locust Hursh James, jr., eal' ill~pector, h 211 Reily Hursh Nicholas, jlKkpy, hlll:3 .Jum~s av Hursh Samh, wid George R., h 212 N 211 H urc:;t Joseph, hmkemall, h 2:3:3 C'1'e!'(~ellt Huston eanie L., cftndymkr, h 2:30 Liherty Huston Charles, (lJiver, h Mulberry nr Canal Huston Frederiek W., (hivel', b 2:m Lil~rtv Huston George M., engin~r, h 1229 Fullo~ Huston John, h 1111 N 7th Huston John B., firemlln, h 1223 Fulton Huston John L., planel', h 2:30 Liberty Huston Levi A., brakeman, h 1114 Plum av HLlston Man' L., wid John, II US Hel'r Huston Wiliiam H., uaggagelll3stt'r, h ] 427 N 6th Hutchf'son John L., ('Ill penter, h 1407 Pelln Hutchinson Christiana, wid IsI'ael C., h 1111 Capital Hutchinson Emma M., wid JOdeph, h 902 Gl'eeu Hutchison Calvin P., fireman, h 406 Mm.'lIch Hutchison Elmel' E., L'tlllductllr, h 1060 S Cameron H utchisoll Harrv. h 600 N 3d Hutchison James W., elk Adams Express, h 1002 Green Hutchisoll J. Frank, elk. h 118 Chestnut HutchiROn .Joseph B., clk State Library, h 902 Green HUTCHISON JULIAN W., foreman printer, Herr c Plum, h 1107 Capital HutchillOlI Matilda, wid Edward, h 406 Muench

Digitized by


I. B. TACK, lall Paper and l'indowShades. {'2~:lj/oX.R2'11~

Boyd's Harrisburg (l) City Directory;
287 Hutchison Sarah Lo. wid David Ho, h 600 N 3d Hutchison William Ro, express messenger, h 1303 Green Hutchison William So, tel~raphel', h 181 N 15th Hutchman Wmo, shoemkr Lunatic Hospital, b 2023 }'olton Hutman George A., watchmkr, &00, 807 N 3d, h 1703 do Hutman Martha Jo, wid William Eo, h 1412 N 3d Hutnam Henry H. o machinist, h 1144 Market Hotsler CharieR W. Rev., h 1508 Derry BUttER FRAN][ L., bookbinder, blank book mfr, printer and ruler, 329 Market, h 806 N 6th (see adv) Hotter John R., machinist, h 550 Woodbine Hotton Geol'ge J., grocer, 345 Muencb, h do Hutton James F.o adv agt, 21 N 3d, h 105 Market' HUttON JOHN C., physician, 5 S 4th, h do HYDRAULIC CEIlENT PIPE WORKS, (G. Irwin and Henry J. Beatty), (Irain pipes, Herr c Pao Canal Hyers Alkoe M., wid William E., 11 1333 William Hyers Annie; dressmkr, h 515 Walnut Hyers Charles L., fireman, h 515 Walnot Hyers So E., wid William, h 515 Walnut Hyland Michael J., Iit-eman, h 946 N 7th Hyoicka Edward 0., cigarmkr, h 115 Balm Hynicka Geo~, contractor, h Hotel Columbus


Hynicka George W., molder~ h 115 Balm Bynicka Harry R., cigar mfr, 401 Boas, b do Hynicka Mary, h 129 Walnut

Ibacb .Toseph W., clk, 340 Chestnut, b 419 Strawberry av Ibach Lydia Mrs., h 419 Strawberry av Ibach Mark B., prilltt'r, b 561 S Front Ibacb William, jro, iron worker, h 561 S }'ront Idail Jacob, cigarmkr, b 107 N 2d Imes William S., laborer, b 1432 Margaret Imfang Anna Mo, wid Henry, b 10 S Court'av Ingle Frank Ho, printt'r Call, h 1013 Hemlock Ingle Samut'l Ho, patent medi('ille, b 1013 Hemlock Ingram Clura Vo, wid J. Geiger, h 419 North Ingram Jacob A., tailor, b 713 Capital Ingram J. Geiger, elk, 425 S 2d. b 419 North IXGRA. SAIlUEL D., h 113 Market Iron and Steel Workers' Branch Christian Asso., U4 N 2d Iron!! Robert, elk, h 117 Mulberry Irvin John H., laborer, h 1218 Wallace Irvin John Wo, salesman, h 2 S 4th Irvin Sarah, wid James, b 1218 Wallace

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leleil's Pail !lteJ'llilator .~~':.~ =~~~t {l1T~lJI~.


Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory.

Irvin Thomas J., lahorer, II J92X "'nltnn Irwin Charles M., baggagemaster, h 6.J5 Boas Irwin Chester W., brakemau. h 52 Balm Irwiu Emily, \vid Henry, h 1702 Lugan av Irwill Ida, !IOrter, h ] 702 Logan av Irwin James B., machinist, h 12]6 Hickory av Irwin John E, enginf'er, h 11:~O Muntgomery Irwin Mar~ E., houseket'per, 12]6 Hickory av Irwiu William, laborer, h 1426 Penn Isenberg Hannah, domestic, 13 S Front Isenberg William J., lineman, 11 N 3d, h 1823 Fulton Isenman Catharine, wid Joseph, b 1820 N 6th lsenman Moses, peddler, h 708 Cowden Ieett Harry C., brakeman, h 6:l1 Buas . hhey Cbristiall, brakeman. h 1726 Logan av Iungerich Calviu L., plumber, h 49 N 10th Iungerich Daniel, harness, 1022 Market, II do Iungerich Isaac S., rail cutter. h 1607 N 3d Iungerich Martha Mrs., h 1024 Herr

Jack George C., printer, h 342 Cherry av Jack Theresa C., wid Joseph L., h 342 Cherry av Jack William D., driver, h 1422 Margaret Jackson Andrew, druggist, 1000 N 5th, h do Jackson Andrew, trimmer, b 418 S Cameron Jackson Andrew L., waiter, h 901 Capital Jackson Annie, domestic, 20 N 16th Jackson Benjamin, laborer, h 1122 Cumberland Jackl!On Catharine, wid Bartlev, h 11091 Montgomery Jackson Champion, bOtltler, h "235 Blackberry av Jackson Charles, driver, h 331 S 15th:. Jackson Charles A., barber, h 109 N 4th Jackl!On Charles A., waiter, h 116 Tannel', av .Jackson Charles H., laborer, h 331 Colder Jackson Charles W., waiter, h 327 S 15th Jackson Daniel,driver, h 340 Muench Jackson David, laborer. h 9th c Paxton Jacksoll Edward, laborer, h 115 S River av .Tackl!On Edward, laborer, h 10 Haehnlen Jackson Edward, porter The Bolton Jackson Edward S., laborer, h 4;30 North JACKSON EDWIN W., lawyer, 222 Market, h 117 Chestnut Jackson Eliza, laundress. h 423 South av Jackson Eliza K., h 14 S 2d Jackson Elizabeth A., wid Benjamin, h 1115 N Cameron Jackson Ella G., press feeder, h 11091 Montgomery

Digitized by


I. B. TICK, Pine Irt Wall Paper. {~c.M~~}12I0 N. 3d.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (J) City Directory.

Jackson Elma L., teacher, II 50 N 13th Jackson Emma, cook, 321 N Front Jackson Fenton, laborer, b 1122 CnruberlaDd Jackson George, laborer, b 1524 Vernon Jackson George W., aldermau, 1 S 4th, h 1258 Market Jackson George W., portel', b 108 Short Jackson Horace, laborer, h 337 S Cameron Jackson Ill8iah, flagman, h 1114 Cowden JacklH>n James, laborer, b 1428 Marion Jackson .Jobn, barber, h 515 South Jacksoll Jobn, laborer, h 10 Cottage Rl)W Jackson .John, teamster, h 515 South Jacksoll John H., laborer, h 234 Mcadow la Jackson John T., barber, 1220 N 7th, h 12;') Short Jackson John T., carpenter, h 1108 Colder Jackson John W., laborer, h 813 SlOth Jat'kson Joseph H .. barber, b 509 South av Jackson Kate C., "lk, 46 N 3ci, h 11091 Montgomery JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO., steel harrows, mining wagons, chain hoists, &c., Harry J enDings, sec and treas, 4tb c Boyd av (~ adv) JacksCln Mary A. F., proof reader, b 1109, Mon!'gomery Jackson M. Foster, clk, 2028 N 6th, b do Jackson MoReS, laborer, h 713 Race Jackson N. Thomas, carpet cleaner,. h 321 Herr JACKSON SAMUEL M., State Treasurer, Capitol, h The Commonwealt.h Jackson Thomas, laborer, h 540 Briggs Jackson Thomas ~., laborer, h 173 Indian av Jackson William, waiter, h 9tb c Paxton Jacobs Catharine M., bookkpr, :l9 N 2d, h 806 Green Jacobs Ella I., saleslady, 406 Market, h 1326 N 2d Jacobs Emma, wid John, h 1200 Christian Jacobs Eva, domestic, 719 Capital Jacobs George, h 1226 N Front Jacobs Harry D., salesman, 39 N 2d, h 276 Briggs Jacobs John A., carpellter, h 1326 N 2d Jacobs John C., stable boss, h 403 Filbert


S"tttu + ~lRRQWS
a;rMinina" Care, Ch8.l'lJlna Barrows, Chain Blooks, Wire Rope, Thimbles, Washers, Etc.
Digitized by

r Coogle

" To find a name you must know to spell it." 290 Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory.
Jacobs John F., painter, h 911 Capital Jacobs John H., cabioetmkr. h 1226 N Front Jacobs John 1\1., flagman, h 2024 N 6th Jacobs Lillie, laundry maid Lunatic Hospital, h do Jacobs Mary, wid George L., h 1512 Logan av Jacobs ~L William, lawyer, 222 Market, h 813 N 2d Jacobs Oliver W., brakeman, h 1212 N 6th Jacobs Samuel S., brakeman, h 15:15 Fulton Jacobson Monis E., elk, 6 N 2ft, J. 128 S 2d Jacohy Arthur M., elk, h 266 Verbeke Jacobv ~IRrv E. Mrs., h 266 Verbeke Jailes"Benjamin, laborer, h 210 Mary's av Jam~ Charles G., sand shipper, h 317 Cherry av James E. H., physician, 608 N 3d, h do James George P., printer Telegraph, h 1404 N 3d Jamieson William, photographer, h 638 Boas Jamison Benjamin H., painter, h 1331 N 6th .Jamison Charles S., printer, h 1:131 N 6th Jamison W. Grant, fireman, h 1705 N 7th Janss Alln C., wid Christian E., h 1 I 15 N 6th Jal1l"s Ch"istian E . physician, 132:1 N 6~h, h do JAUSS DAVm F., st.oves and tinware, 202 S 2d, h do Jails!! David F., jr., cigar mfr, 203 Chestnut, h 202 S 2d Jauss D. Luther, (D. L. Jauss & Co.). ore, 701 Race, h 310 Chestnut JAUSS D. L. " CO., coal and wood. 701 Race Jauss Edward E., stenographer, 219 Market, h at Wormleysburg Jaus.'! J. Ross, conductor, h 111 S River av Jauss Lizzie F., teacher, h 202 S 2d .Jauss Owen F. C., printer, h 1115 N 6tb Jauss William L., tinner, h 28 S Cameron Jay William, machinist, h 635 Boas Jefferies Charles A., laborer, h 208 Charles av Jefferies Elizabetb, wid Joseph C., b 208 Charles av Jefferis Mary, wid James, h 209 S 2d Jefferis William 1\1., meter inspector, h 209 S 2d Jeffers James C., draftsman internal dept, h 12 S 2d Jeffries Christopher, roller, h 2137 Moore Jeffries Clarence, catcher, h 2204 N 6th Jeffries Fyanna, wid James M., h 422 Cranberry ay .Jeffries George E . piler, h 2204 N 6th Jeffdes IS'-lac, heater, h 2204 N 6th Jeffries William M., baker, h 4~2 Cranberry av Jelley Wmiam E., (Jelley & Duke), h 24 S 4th Jelley & Duke, (W. E. Jelley and H. S. DukE'), copying house. 24 S 4th Jenkins Annie. kindergarten, h 825 Green


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A. B. TACK, ProCtlCOI Paper Hanger.


Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory. 291

Jenkins Edward, h rear 1145 Cumberland Jenkins Harry C., clk, h 825 Green Jenkins John, waiter, h 414 South Jenkins John W., molder, h 9th ab Reily Jenkins Lewis D., roller, h 1336 S 13th Jennings Andrew, elk, h 1211 N 6th Jennings Emma J., wid WilIiaDl W., h 826 N 3d Jennings George W., laborer, h 167 Indian av Jennings Harry, sec and tress Jacksoll Mfg. Co., h ~26 N 3d Jennings Harry E., iron worker, h 1208 Wallace Jennings Joh~ J., showman, h 1836 N 3d Jennings Marion A., brakt'man, h 1208 Wallace Jennings William. sec and tress Hbg Steam Heat and Power . Co., h 406 Briggs Jerauld Adeline W., wid Alfl'ed, h 26 N 14th Jeranld Arthur K., trimmer, h 26 N 14th Jerauld Dwight P., (Jerauld & Co., ltd), h 26 N 14th JERAULD & CO., ltd, boots, shoes, &c., 310 Market Jinkins John, waitl'r, h 414 Soutb Jobson John, h 20:30 N '(th Johannes William. laborer, h 1116 S Cameron Johns Ellis A., brakemall, h 715 N 3d Johns Franklin H., policeman, h 1319 Bartine av

tmf:LELa=F~3;TJ~:'1~ FOOTWEAR 01 laltefs'.IOI2 N. 3d Johns Laviuia, drel!8mkr, h IOQ9 S 9th Johns Milton C., cooper, h 1006 S 9th Johnson AEnes Mrs., h 224 Blackberry av Johuson Albert J., laborer, h 1213 N III Johnson Alfred, laborer, b rear 104 Filbert Johnson Amos, laborer, h 520 South av Johnsoll Andrew, laborer, h 1913 N 7th Johnson Benner, enltineer, h 1605 N 6th Johnson Charles, engineer, h 402 Filbert Johnson Charles, laborer, h 1326 Marion Jobuson Charles A., brakeman, h 2129 Moore Johnson Charlps C:, h 1605 N 6th Johnson Charles E., laborer, h 1507 Derry Johnson Charles G., supervisor, h 126 Linden Johnson Charles I., elk P. & R. frgt depot, h 1512 N 5th Johnson Charles W., engineer, h 402 Filbert Johnson Charles W., laborer, h 1240 Herr Johnson Clement B., (RI188 & Johnson), h 913 N 2d Jobnson David E., machinist, b 824 Cowden Johnson Edward C., laborer, h 1507 Derry Jobnson Elenora, domestic, rear 112 Christie's av Johnson Ella N., dressmkr, 510 South, b do Johnson Ellen, wid Henry, b 109 Tanner'1i av


Digitized by


Dice MeN en's Medicine Co. {EI~~~} N~~d.


Boyd'. HarrisbUrg (J) City Directory.

Johnson Elmer B., elk, 222 Mulberry, h 1512 N 5th Jolmson Fannie L., teacher, h 819 N 3d Johnson Frances, charwoman, h 126 Liberty Johnson George Q., conductor, h 611 Maclay Johnson George ,W., waiter, h 410 South Johnson Helen, wid Frederick, grocer, 519 State, h do Johnson James, laborer, h lJ 24 Cumberland Johnson James A., clk, h 819 N 3d Johnson James C., boilermkr, b 1825 Berryhill Johnson James H., conductor, h 1609l N :3<1 Johnson James H., laborer, h 106 Christie's av Johnson ;Jennie M., mu&ic teacher, h 1512 N 5th Johnson Jeremiah R., blacksmith, h 1638 N 4th Johnson John, lahorer, h 30 Lochiel 3d Row Johnson John, laborer, h 1605 Elm John80n John, waiter, h 437 State Johnson John S., laborer, h 428 South Johnson John W., laborer, h 1605 Elm Johnson Joseph C., elk, h 1605 N 6th Johnson Julia A., teacher, h 708 F;ast Juhnson Leonard. C., teacher, h 429 South av Johnson Levi M., furniture, &c., 114 Short, h do Johnson Lewis. houseman, b 515 State Johnson Lewis C., blacksmith, Margaret nr Verbeke, h 432 Reily Johnson Lizzie, h 519 State. Johnson Lloyd, laborer, b 420 South Johnson Mary A. Mrs., dressmkr, 1609! N 3d, h do Johnson Mary E., domestic, 407 N 5th Johnson Matthew, cabinetlDkr, h 1605 N 6th JOHNSON MAX P., bottler, 26 Grace av, h 328 S 14th Johnson Nelson M., elk, 113 N 2d, h 1327 Green Johnson Oscar G., boilet'mkr, h 635 Herr Johnson Peyton, blackRmith, S Cameron nr toll gate, h do Johnson Richard, laborer, h 1118 Cumberland Johnson Rosetta, h rear 112 Ohristie's :1\' Johnson Samuel, laborer, h 1301 N lIt Johnson Sarah, wid John, h 1228 N Cameron Johnson S. Benner, engineer, h 1605 N 6th Johnson Selina, wid William, h 410 South Johnson Stewart, h 1605 N 6th Johnson Stewart M., t'8llvasser, h 1429 Regina Johnson Warren K., postal agt, h 109 S 2d Johnson Wesley, h rear 113 Vbritltie's av Johnson Wilbert, molder, h 1315 N Cameron Johnson William B., blacksmith, h 502 Cumberland Johnson William H., car inspector P. & R., h 1512 N 5th Johnson William H., laborer, h 340 S 14th

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I/lK, I B. T N.1210 {Em P andnone bqt 1lrBt-claa workmen, b8lloe oDl'lllrat-clua nu 3d St. work, 1nB1UeI1I.. Work done In an, part 0 the Slate.

Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory.


Johnson William T., boilermkr, h 1512 N 5th JohnKton Adah M., wid Charles, h 216 Mulberry Johnston Ada M. Mrs., confectioner, 1340 N 3d, h do Johnston Andrew, carpenter, h 327 Granite av Johnston Andrew P. \V., engineer P. R. R., h 405 N 2d Johnston Florian F., brakeman, h 622 Hamilton Johnst.on Frank, salesman, h 1408 Vernon Johnston John T., elk dept int. affairs, h 424 Market Johnston Joseph, baker, h 332 Reily Johnston Margaret M., housekeeper, h 1430 Fulton Johnston Paul, salesman, 113 N 2d, h 202 Locust Johnston Reginald, (lk, h 117 Colder Johnston Reoben, laborer, h 186 Indian av Johnston Robert A., (Johnston & Co.), h 202 Locust Johnston Robert A., jr., student, h 202 .Locust Juhnston Thomas H., engraver, 418 N 3d, h 117 Colder Johnston Thomas 0., clk The Commonwealth, h do Johnston Zachariah, white\Vasher, h 42lS South ay Johnston W. Donald, clk, 307 Market, h 6 N 2d Johnston & Co., (R. A. Johnfilton and W. M. Donaldson), paper and printers' snpplies, 113 N 2d Jone!! Albert, coachman, 230 Sonth, It 404- Spring ay Jont'S Albert 0., brakeman, h 1957 Multke ay JODes Annie C., wid Josiah, h 1:328 Fulton Jones Annie M., domestic, 253 Cumberland Jones Arthur B., upholsterer, h 621 Boas Jones Catherine M. Mrs., h 229 Blackberry ay Junes C. Edward, molder, h 920 Grand JODes Charles, shoemkr, h 221 ab Derry JODes Charles B., flagman, h 624 Peffer Jones Charles E., brakeman, h 406! Reily Jones Charles H. R., waiter, h 708 N 7th Jones Charled T., elk, I, 1017 N 6th, Jones Charlotte, wid Samuel, h 11~ Short JODes Clifton, laborer, h 500 Primrose av JODes Crawford, policeman, h 533 Primrose ay Jones E. J., bookkpr, 716 State, h 804 Green JUDes Eliza B., wid William H., h 708 N 7th Jones Elizabeth, wid George P., h 114 Charles JODes EUen, drell8mkr, h 112 Market Jones Emma, saleslady, 5 N 2d, h 621 Boas JODes Emma Mrs., h 322 N 2d JODes Emma, wid Richard, h 1217 Susquehanna Jones Ephraim N., engineer, h 604 Colder Jones Eva, domestic, 310 Market Jones Fannie, la 268 Colder JODes Frederick, paperhanger, h 621 Boas Jones George K., laborer, h 618 Muench

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know ROW to spell it." 294 Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory.
Joues George R., laborer, h 1603 Elm Jones George T., laborer, h 709 North av Jones G. Leroy, laborer, h III Anf!!le av Jones Gustavus A., machinist., h 636 P~ft'er Jones Hannah Mrs., music teacher. II 134 Tanner's av Jones Harry C., musician. h 7 N 2d Jones Harry V., printer Telegraph, h 621 Boas J<tnes Henry, laborer, h 1722 Walnut Jones Henry, laborer, h 1428 Fulton Jones Henry, wood turner, h 603 Boas Jones Hiram D., painter, h 3u6 North Jones Howard W., insllrance, II 407 Filbert Jonet! James, laborer, h 142A Fulton Jones James J., barher, 1610 Walnut, h 1608 do Jones James U., sale>lman, 334 Market, h 236 Sharon Jones Jane, dressmkr, h 1217 N 6th Jones J. Miley, teller 1st Nat. Bank. h 214 N 3d Jones Joanna Mrs., h 1242 Herr Jones John, enjl;ineer, h 429 Pear av Jones John, lahorer, h 1444 Derry Junes John, roller, h 5:i Lochiel nr store Jones John G., h 622 North av Junes John I., brakt'mall, h 1711 N 4th Jones John L., shea reI', h 21:38 Moore .Jones Juhn W., Illllldler. h 1102 Commerce Jones John W. Rev., h 1229 N 11 f Jones Joseph, houseman, h 426 North BV .Tunt'S J""t'ph G., t'llgillt'er. h 414 Hamilton Jones Jushua W., h 214 N 3d Jon~s LaUl'l1 L., wid William, h 610 Wi1I<tw av Jones Lallrent.'e S., The Sun, and dentist, 10 S 4th, h do Jont's Lt'wis W., laborer, h 1816 Rlldy Jones Lillie, wid Samllt'l M., h 1521 Fulton JlIlI~S Lluyd, Iwater, II 1076 S 9th. Jones ;\IIII'CIIS, lllburer, h IUX Wyeth BV Jones Margaret A.. wid Thomas H., h 514 Colder Junes Margaret Mrs., h 430 Suuth av Junes Maria Mrs., h 812 James av .Jolles Martha E. Mrs., h 1109 Grape BV Jones Martha Mrs., cook Grand Hutel, h 612 'Vest aV Jones Martin, porter, h 1608 Walnut JUlles Mary, wid Jert'ruillh, h 418 Crescent JOIlt'S Mary A., wid Josillh, h 1122 N 3d Jones OS<'.ar, Illburer, h 128 Indillll av .Jones Pett'r, lahorer, h 121 Short Jones Richard A., brakeman. h 515 Kelker Jones Ri,bert, laoorer, h 1709 Elm Jones Robert R., electrician, h 214 N 3d

Digitized by


\~Ub~ll~:;:~ID" POperondwindOIShOde31rom A. B. TACK,No7:':~

Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 295

Jones Samuel, laborer, It 1626 N 5th Jones Samuel, jr., laborer, h 9 Cottage Row Jones Samuel, laborer, h 1415 Marion Jones Thomas I., laborer, h 418 Crescent Jones Thomas 1\-1., elk, 1021 Green, h 2:35 Sharon IONES THOIlAS B., editor Telegraph; b 82!l N 2<1 IONES WELLINGTON G., city editor Call, h 504 Colder Jones William, iron worker, h 9 S 2d Jones William, laLorer, h 508 Boyd av Jones William. shoe finisher, b 22i ab Derry Jones William, wood ttlrnt'r, h 621 Boas Jones William Co, molder, h 1420 PenD Jones William D" draftsman, h 214 N 3d Jones William E., hOKtlt'r. h i06 North av Jont'S William H., brakeman, h 1205 N Front IONES WILLIAB B., tobacconist, 1901 N 6th, h 630 1\-Iu~nch . Jones William H., driver, h 418 Cre~nt Jones William H" laborer, h 2007 Kensington Jones William H., physician, ] 59 N 4th. h do Jones William, jr., ]>aperhaI1Jler, h 621 Bons Jones William T., printer TeleK,oaph. It 2:35 Sharon
-All !be Latel!t Slylea1nRELIABLE anti FA8Hl0NABLE

FOOT WEA R01 FRINK 11'. WALTEDO' .7072 II no,


Jopp Henry, laborer, h 162 Indian av Jordan Francis, (Hall & Jordan), h 202 State Jordan Stephen. laborer, h 127 Cranberry av IORDA.N WILL F" pnblillher Harritiburg Telegram, 227 Walnut, h The Lochiel (see adv) Joselwick John, agt, h 108 Court Journey William, loom fixer, h 271 Brill:gM Joyce William H., car inspector, h 165 N 15th Judge John, laborer, h 216 Cranberry av ,Julius George H., painter, h 25 Balm Julius Jacob T., expressman, 15 N 3d, h 136 S 3d Julius O. Lincoln, warehouseman, h 136 S 3d Jupee Ellen, wid Jobn,h 1:~32 Marion. Jupee P~rry, laborer, b 1125 N III Jupee Sarah, wid Joseph, h 1301 N III J nricks Caroline C., cbarwoman, h 1705 Elm Juricks John W., h 216 Cranberry av Jury Hiram, brakeman, h 1407 Currant av Jury Samuel H., (.'oochmkr, h 110 Linden

Kable Levi, brakeman, h 1342 N 7th Kadesk Harry, peddler, h 713 Ash

Digitized by


Ltverand Blood Purlfylnlr McNEIL'S DYlpepala, Liver, BlOOd and IdneyPills Cure JIIII N3d 81 Comp1&lnta. t


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

Kading John, fireman, h 510 State Kahle Bertha, domestic, 333 Mllrket Kahler Margaret, wid Adam, h 1116 N Cllmeron Kahn Amelia, domestic, 211 Forster Kahn Jost'ph, clothier, 304 Market, h 922 N 3d Kahney Margaret, ~olDestic, 301 S 2d Kahney Marjorie, laundress. h 1426 Marion Kahnweiler J08('ph, h 403 Walnut Kahuweiler Levi, druggist, h 403 Walnut Kail Harl'y, lahorer, h 606 Cumberland Rail Joseph, h 606 Cumberland Kain Katie, waitres.q , Front c State Kaiser Frederick, piler, h 11~4 S 9th Kaiser ,John H., relller, h 1109 S 9th KaiRer Mis.'Souri, h 1124 S 9th Kalbfus Jnst'ph, dentist, 818 N 6th, h do Kaltwasser Mary A., wid Frederick W.,h 1228 BaiJE'Y Kaltwassel' Wm. J., meat, Bailey c Summit, h 1228 Bailey Kambeitz Lee, milk, 124 Linden, h do Kamerer Andrew, lmilder, II 17 N ]:lth Kammerer Alvurda, wid Matthias, II :l20 Kelker Kamp Adam, conductor, h 105 Linden Kamp Mary A., wid Reuben, It 105 Linden Kane Bridget, wid John, It 33,( Hummel Kane Dennis, laborer, h 1311 S ] 2th Kane Edward J., lahorer, h ]311 S 12th Kane Ellen, domestic, 309 N Front Kane Ellen J., twister, h ] 194 Christian Kane John, laborer. h 334 Hummel Kane John, laborer, It Mary ab 2d Kane J'Clhn 1\1., lahorer, h ]] 94 Christian Kane Kate, d()me~tic The Commonwealth Kane Maggie, domestic, 105 N Front Kane Martin R., blacksmith, h 1134 S Cameron Kane Mary, domestic, 3 S Front Kane Nora, housekeeper, 1134 S Cameron Kane Patrick, laborer, h 1194 Chri!oltiau Kane Sarah, operator, h 1194 Christian Kane William J., machinist,' h ] 134 S Cameron Kane, see .also Oain Kalin Ralph I.., student, 233 Blackberry av, h at Lisburn Kantner Julius, h 520 Filbelt Kantner Mary, grocer, 520 Filbert, h do Kapp George C., sawyer, h 200l Mulberry Kapp Lillie, forelady, h 200l Mulberry Kapp Rebe<.'('8, domestic, 221 N Front Kapp Sarah, wid Lewis, II 200i Mulberry Kapp William F., inspector P. R. R., h 720 N 6th

Digitized by


A. B. TACK 8~~~f FlBlcolDg P llc Bilidloll In Pial. TIDtS. {~~3,:r~f:

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 297 KAPPHAN CHARLES L., hotel, 324 Verbeke (Broad),
h do Kapphan Dorothy, wid Louis, h 410 Verbeke Karle Augustus, laborer, h 532 Filbert Karmany A nna, typewriter, 716 State, h 622 North Karmany FlOl"ence, b 622 North Karmany Kate Mrs., housekeeper, 411 S 2d Karns William, brakeman, h 1204 Christiali Karper Barnet H., hardware, 1845 Berryhill, h 1847 do Kasscn George W., laborer, h 1242 N Cameron Kasscn J8~es, laborer, h 1125 N Cameron Kassen John, laborer, h 1125 N Cameron KAST LUTHER F., carpenter and builder, 1331 Susquehanna, h do Katz George, elk, 506 Market, h 701 Soutb Katz Joseph G., shoemkr, h 123 S Dewberry av Katz Henry, elk, :~31 Market, h Hershey House Katz Herman, clk, 506 Market, h 701 South Katz Myer, notions, 506 Market, h 701 Soutb Katzen Simon, tailor, h 720 N 7th Katzman Adolph, grocer, 1531 N 3d, h do Katzman Lena, elk, h 1113 N Cameron Katzman Moses, grocer, 11:30 N Cameron, b 1113 de Kauffman Adam, engineer, h 1810 N 5th Kauftman Annie M., weaver, h 3:35 Boyd av Kauffman Bertha Mrs., h 324 Clintou av Kauffman B. Frank, brakeman, h 421 Kelker Kauffman Daniel, stone mason, h 335 Boyd av Kauffmau David A., brakeman, h 52:l Woodbine Kauffman Elizabetb, wid Isaac, h 232 N 2d Kauffman Ella J., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1244 Market Kauffman Emanuel H., broommkr, h 232 Sharon Kauffman ~"rank D., flagman, h 508 Reily Kauffman Frank G., laborer, h 335 Boyd av Kauffman FrIlnklin, trnck, 329 Harris, h do Kauffman George B., bookkpr, Race bel Vine, h 1423 N 2d Kauffman George H., cabinetmkr, h 32 SlOth Kauffman George W., repairsman, b 306 Muench Kauffman Hannah, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kauffman Harry E. C., music teacher, h 247 North Kallffman Jacob, broommkr, h 1407 Zarker Kauffman Jacob B., fireman, b 613 Delaware av Kauffman Jacob C., conductor, h 510 Reily Kauffman Jacob L., brakeman, h 247 North Kauffman James H., fireman, h 1718 N 5th Kauffman John, brooms, State c Linden, h do Kauff"man John C., conductor, h 1821 Flllton Kauffman Martha, wid Samuel, h 1810 N 5th

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 298 Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.
Kauffman Mary A.., ircmer, h 421 Tucker . Kauffman Sarab A., dressmkr, h 247 North Kauffman Stf'phen J., carpenter, h 247 North Kauffman William 1<'., brakeman, b 1102 N Kautl'man William H., fireman, b 1710 N 6th Kauffmau William M., enJ[ineer, h 1710 N 5tb Kautl'man, see Osuffman, also Q1ffman Kautl'mann William F., brakeman, b 1702 N 6tb Kaufbold Bartlet, watchman, h 6:l1 Walnut Kaufbold Pett'r, laborer, b 631 Walnut Kaufhold Tht're8a A., centre atlSt Lunatic Hospital, b do KAUFIIAN DAVID L., lawy~r, 321 Market, b Highspire KAUFIIAN GEORGE W., Star Hotel, 325 Reily Kaufinan Jus. I~., (Sadler & Kaufman), h New Cumberland Kaufman Levi, jlrocer, 330 Reily, h do Kaufman WilliH G., 8Illesman, h 7 S 4th Kautz Christian, conductor, h 4()9 Kelker Kautz Christian L., foreman, h 512 Hamilton Kautz Edwin J., engineer, h 300! Reily Kautz Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 25 S 13th Kautz George H., machinist, h 1815 Wood Kautz George M., laborer, h 327 Reily Kautz George W., laborer, h 327 Reily Kautz Jacob F., carter, h 512 Hamilton Kautz James B., detective, h 515 Race Kautz James B., jr., warehl)useman, b f)15 Race Kautz John M., h 25 S 13th Kautz John S., brakeman, h 514 Maclay Kautz Lizzie, ironer, h 327 Reily Kautz Samuel H., hardware, 27 S 13th, h do Kautz S. Herman, barber, h 515 Ract' Kautz Susan S., wid Jacob, b 512 Hamilton Kautz Thaddeus S., dispatcber, h 341 S 14th Kautz William H., elk, b 515 Race Kautz William S., fireman, h 512 Hamilton Kawel John H., shoemkr, 1257! Derry, h 241 Crescent:. Kay George, macbinist, h 6:35 Boas Kay Henry, machinist, h 635 Boas Kay Lillie, h 635 Buas Kay Mary C., saleslady, 334 Market, h 635 Boas Keagel Edward, watchman, h 1421 Green Keagel John E., conductor, h 420 Kelker Keagle Thomas L., teamster, h 1115 Plum av Keagle William L., elle, 1216 N 3d, b 1115 Plum av Keamerer John, laborer, h 2146 Howard Keane Dennis, fireman, h 5J 6 Maclay Keane James, fireman, h 516 Maclay Keane John, engineer, h 621i Harris

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A. B. TACK ~t:::~~~1 1.11 Piper IDd IlodOl S."es {12m r:dcrtriet.

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 299
Keane Nora, wid John, h 516 Maclay Keane Patrick, lahorer, h 516 Maclay Kearney James, penHion examiner, h Hotel Columbus Kearney Laurence E., puddler, h 1443 Rt'giDa Kearns Mary, dometltic, 325 N Front Keath Alice E., tailol'e88, h 1609 N 4th Keath John H., carpenter, h 1609 N 4th Keath John H., jr., pointer, h 1603 N 4th Keath May E., I:Ie&mstress, h 1609 N 4th KeatiDJr BerDard J., (Zit'gler & Keating), h at Mechanicsburg Keech William G., conductor, h 1509 N 6th Keefauver John W., platlterer, h 1:31 Vine Keefauver Parker J., plasterer, h 214 S River av Keefe Annie J., dressmkr, h 114 NaJrle Keefe Maggie C., asaleslady, 334 Market, h 114 Nagle Keefe Mary J., h 114 Nagle Keefe Michael, pllddler, h 53 Ltlchiel nr store Keefe Richard, laborer, h 114 ~agle Keefe Rose E., t\8leslady, 334 Market, h 114 Nagle Keefer Angeline, h real' 709 Green Keefer Elmer E., drullgist, h 411 N 2d Keefer Heilman H., elk, h 1601 Derry Keefer Ht'zekiah, painter, h 411 N 2d



DO to WAlTERS', N.3~YZ_

Keefer Jacob K., printer, h 435 Walnut Keefer Maggie, seftD1streH.~, h 647 Colder Keefer William F., car in!lpt:ctor. h 336 Dauphin av Keel Charles, hrakeman, h 656 Co,lder Keel Harry E., repairsman, h 1736 N 5th Keel Jacob E., brakeman, h 656 Colder Keel Jacob E., nailer, h 656 Colder Keel John, puddler. h 1312 Currant av 'KEELEY INSTITOTE, W. B. Thomas, mgr, 4th c North Keely Charles C., conductor, h 2136 Moore . Keen Theophihl!~, lahorer, h 446 B 10th Keenan James M., wid FranciH, h 239 Btate Keene C. Edward L., physician, 1849 Berryhill, h do Keene Celia C., wid John B., h 122) Green Keene George W., photographer, 206 Market, h 1221 Green Keeneu Elmira E., wid James, h 139 N Cameron Keener Annie L., h 215 Blackberry av Keener Elizabeth, housekeeper, 68 N 13th Keener Ellwood F., tohacronist, 1328 N 3d, h do . Keener George 'H. t labol't'r, h 4) 8 Hamilton Keener John, helper, h 117 Mulberry Keener John H., teacher, h 68 N 13th Keener John J., ruason, h 68 N 13th

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Oolcb, QuID8J. B.bea1lWlmL, Toothacbe, SoreTbnJal, Acu DylpepaIa, Ae. tHt 341.

"'1'. Pal. 111'-1.... ears ('''holera Jlon.,

n,.eater:r, Cram,., DIarrtIGea.

300 Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. Keener Rebecca, wid John, h 524 Race Keener Sarah, wid George W., h 1325 FultoD Keener William H., helper, h 320 Strawberry av Keenev Frederick, motorman, II 1409 Zarker Keeney Martin L., h ~36 S 2d Keeney William L., hookkpr, II 236 S 2d Keenportz WiJliam H., contractor, 504 Camp, h do Keelf!r8 Stephen, tinware, 502 Cumberland, h do Keepers Susanna, tailoress, h 602 Cumberland Keesberry John H., caller, h 2022 N 6th Keesberry Mariou E .. wid John H., h 2022 N 6th Keeseman William H., bl"lkeman, h 656 Woodbine Kee!eman William H., tinsmith, 1731 N 6th, h do Keet Alphonso G., printer Independent, h at Oberlin Kt!et Cbarlea R., chiefclk, 448 Market, b 7]0 N 3d Keet Fannie, wid Ashel, h 7JO N 3d Keet Frank S., druggist, 4:38 Market, It 23 S 3d Keets George T .. lal>orer, h r('8r 1845 N 7th Keever Albert K., molder, h 12011 Derry Keever George 1\J., machinist, h 1423 VernoD Keever John A., machinist, b 227 Sharon Keever William H., fireman, h 918 Capital Keever William H., jr., brakeman, h 918 Capital Keffer Annie ~I., wid Peter B., h 222 Cumberland Keft'er CharIeR F., cigarmkr, b 222 Cumberland Keft'er John .J., (Smith & Kt'ft'er), h 1432 N 2d Keift"r Wash. B., cigarrukr, It 222 Cumberland Keffer, see also Keefer, also Kiefer Kegg Elizabeth, wid James P., b 514 Primrose av Kehl Caroline, Mlool~ 701 North, h dn Kehr Charlt"s H., jewt'ler, 206 Market, h 270 Colder Kehr Henry, mason, h 270 Colder Kehr Jacob, mason. h 270 ClIlder Keicher Christian, labol-er, h 418 Clinton av Keicher Oscar J., labort"r, h 1528 N 5th Kei.! Benjamin F., barber, ]029 Market, h 238 S 13tb Keil Benjaruin I"., jl., barber, h 2;~8 S lath Kei! Catharine E., saleslady, 80R Market, h 637 Race Kei! Charles E., barber, b 1611 Derry Keil }4'lorence D., saleslady, 33,( Market, h 238 S ]3th Keil George D., cabinetmkr, b ] 6] 1 Derry Keil George W., barber, h 238 S 13th Kei! J. George, planer, h 545 Race Keil John, blacksmith, h 1611 Derry . Keil John, meat market, 135 Indian a\, h 537 Race Keil Jtlhn, jr., machinist, h 539 RaCl! Kei) John L., engineer, h 1107 N 7th Keil Mary, h 537 Race


by Coogle

I/lK Shad complete, belt aDd lowest FrIDlLe. for 86 eta. Btl I. BT {Wall Paper. ThewIth FIxtures aDd prices. WIndow {It, 7210ht. /III
Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 301
Keil William, harber, h 238 8 13th Keiler George W., milk dE'.alf'r, 618 Cumberland, b do Keiler John F., 'laborer, h ] 109 N 6tb Keilholtz James Me., operator, h 331 Kelker Keim John G., contractor, b 1524 N 5th Keim Samuel 8., carpenter, h 3] 1 Reily Keim William H., lllborer, h 331 Reily Keiper Reb~, saleslady, h 1108 Wallace Keiser Annie, wid Dominicus, b 530 Filbert Keiser Ella J., honsekeeper, 29 8 13th Keiser George G., fireman, h 525 P"fi'er Keiser .Harrison E., machinist, h 1938 Berryhill Keiser John, waiter, h III Tanner's av Keiser Joseph T., flaJeman, h 639 Colder Kei!!er Kate E., wid P. Ebert, h 1102 Wallace KeiKler Catharinp, wid John B., h 604 8tate KEISTER DANIEL L., foreman printer, 22 8 3d, b 606 Nortb av Keister Harry, elk, 5]0 Market, h 604 State Keister Julius, laborer, h 9 8 2d Keister LouiM, dressmkr, h 263 Briggs Keith Henry C., laborer, b :337 Muench Kelker Frederick, (Kelker & Sons), h 226 N 2d Kelker George B., (Kelker & 80ns), h 309 Walnut Kelker Henry A., h 25 8 2~ Kelker Henry A., jr., h 258 2d Kelker Luther R., itlKUI'8llce, 200 Walnut, h 128 do Kelker Marv A. J., wid Immanuel M., h 5 N Front KELKER 'RUDOLPH F., h 98 Front Kelker Rudolph F., jr.. student, h 128 Walnut Kelker 8treet Market, Kelker c 4th Kelker William A., h 9 8 Front . KELKER" SONS, (George B. and ~"rederick), hardware, 178 E c Market sq Ken Catharint', wid William, h 17]0 N 4th Kell Elmer J., laborer, h 1710 N 4tb Kell HE'nry A., bricklayer, h 1216 N Front Kell Jacob L., conductor, h 826 8 Cameron Kell Lizzie L., attendaut Lunatic Hospital, h do Kella.m Jebu C., foreman, h 1805 Ikrryhill Kellberg John C., supt Tt'legram. h 203, Hummel Keller Anthony, engraver, !i34 Market, h 239 8tate Kell('r Bertha M., bookfiJlder, h 1322 N 2d Keller Catharine, wid Valentine, h 1522 Vernon Keller Charles H., apprentite, h 1933 Logan av Keller Cbarles W., florist, h 1322 N 2d Keller ChristiaD K., druggillt, 405 Market, h The BoltoD Keller Chri~tiall K.,jr., elk, h 37 N 2d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must 'mow how to spell it." 302 Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.
Keller Croll, druggist, 405 Market, h 37 N 2d Keller Elmer E . brakeman, h 1805 Market Keller Francis J., engineer, h 1537 N 6th Keller George F., helper. h 120 S 14th Keller Harry E., agt, b 216 S 13th Keller Harry L., patternmkr, h 1933 Logan av Keller Hermann, J'epairsman, h 145 Ann av Keller Horace P . stonecutter, h 1314 N 6th KeJler J. Frank, brakeman, h 100:3 Cowden Keller Juhn, laborer, h 617 Cumbtrland Keller John, laborer, h 318 S River BV Keller John J., deputy sheriff, b 609 Forster Keller John P., It 37 N 2d Keller John P., jr., h 37 N 2d Keller John W., CBI'penter, h 1322 N 2d Kelle. Kate A" dresslUkr, h 1:322 N 2d Keller Maria, wid John, h 710 Ellst Keller Mary, wid John, h 216 S l:3th Keller Mary, wid John H., h 1158 Cumberland Keller Mary A., wid Jacob, h 17:35 N 6th Keller Michael S., undertaker, 136 Indian BV, h do Keller Oliver P., engineer, h 1735 N 6th Kt'ller SlIlllllel C.. nlliehinist, h 1537 N 6th Keller William H., brakeman, b Boas c Linden Keller William H., orderly Hbg Hospital, h 118 Mulberry Keller William L., h 37 N 2d KELLER'S CATARRH REMEDY, John B. Foltz, mfr, 1839 N 6th (see atlv front cover) 'Kelley Annie M., wid John, h 828 James av Kelley Carpenter H., heater, h 460l S Cameron Kell!>y Cbarles D., laborer, b 1 Haehnlen av Kelley Charles E., brakeman, h 1006 Cuwden Kell!!y Edward, hotel, 208 S 3d, h d" Kelley E~tler S., laborer, h 1419 Fulton Kelley George E., fireman, h 1008 Fox av Kelley George W., blllcksmith, h 1214 N Cameron Kelley Harry S., (H. M. Kelley & Co.), h 1545 Vernon Kelley Henry M., (H. 1\1. Kelley & Co.), mgr Bay Shoe Co., h 1545 Verno I) KELLEY B. M. " CO .. (Henry M. and Harry S. Kelley), coal and wood. 10tll c State and 702 State (see adv) Kelley James, laborer, h 1011 Bel'ryhill Kelley James H., laster, h 828 James av Kelley Jallled W., stonecntter, h 1011 Berryhill Kelley .Jerome, plumber. h 1011 Bt'rryhill Kelley John, student, h lOll Berryhill Kelley .John J., roelter, h 130 S 3d Kelley John R., laborer, h 731 State

Digitized by


A. B. TAtK, I all Paper aDd lindow Shades. {'2~:lilo!:.R2r:tT.d.

Boyd's HanisburR (K) City Directory.
303 .. Kelley John R., laborer, h 1332 Marion Kelley Josepb H., shoemkr, 903 N 7th, h 1006 Cowden Kelley Joeeph H., jr., brakeman, h 1006 Cowden Kelley Kate A., weaver, h 828 Jamp.8 av Kelley Maggie E" weaver, h 828 James av Kelley Richard T., hostler, h 1626 N 6th KeJley ThomaH P., wiper, h 4601 S Cameron Kelly Alonzo, fireman, h 607 Herr Kelly Annie, domestic The B"ltoll Kelly Charles, printer Star-Independent, h 1209 N 7th Kelly Charles E., bricklayer, h 2:l Linden Kelly Edward, fireman, h 2216 N 6th Kellv Elizabeth, wid Edwin. h 642 Woodbine GEORGE C., chief clk adjutant general's dept, 'h 315 N 2d Kelly H. Nora, domestic, 307 N 2d Kelly .James, agt, h 1196 Christian . Kt'lly Nicholafol, tobacconist, 1137 N 6th, h 929 Rose av Kelly Peter \V., pipe bender, h 605 Cumberland Kelly Rachel :Mrs., h 8] 8 James ftV Kelly Richard, coachman, h :U3 N Front Kelly Sarah, wid John, h 1125 N 6th Kt'lly Walter, labllrer. II 426 SI)\1th


FRANK M. WALTERS, w;.~~:..t:l: FOOTWEAR, 1f.'3J~t.

Kdly William L . fireman, b Itl:~M Wallace Kemerer GeoJ'gt', barber, h 32() Kelker Kemp A!I;neK Mrs., h 600 N 3d Kemp Clara, tailoress, h ] 101 N 6th , Kendall Amos B., ctlufe<:tioner. 1740 Walnut, h do Kendall }4~rank D., labort'r, h ]507 Market Kendall Lizzie B., wit) Henry, h 1507 Market Kendig Benjamin F., dk, h 109 Colder Kendig Dalliel W., huckster, h Herr nr limits Kendig Elizabeth, II 717 N 2d Kendig Samuel, (M. G. Reiher & Co.), h 13IS N 6th Kendig Walter H., (Kendig & Lauman), h at Middletown

Whol_l nd R.t.1I D I... in


For Stearn and Family Uee.

, OffiCES I gg:.h8~::e 8J:te 8ta.

Tel."".". Conneion.

YAROS AID WHARf I {10th .nd 8tate 8t..


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Icleil's Pain Exterminator .:M:~o:,,~~=~~If,~~{ {"TrlUL.


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

XENDIG " LAUlIIAlf, (W. H. Kendig and W. M. Lauman), lumber, ] 7th c Derry (see adv) Kennard James D., h 1820 N 6th Kennedy Calviu, tinner, h 141:i N Cameron Kennedy Carrie A., domestic Hotel Columbus Kennedy Charles G., ('lk, h 207 Briggs Kennedy Charlotte, housekeeper,3 North av Kennedy Eva T. Mrs., tailoress, h 416 State KENNEDY GEORGE G., sec Water and Lighting Dept, h 508 Colder Kenuedy George M., conductor, h 1614 N 6th Kennedy George W., roller, h 701 S l!-'ront Kennedy James P., driver, h 43 N Summit Kennedy J. Lemuel, engineer. h 508 Colder Kflnnedy John E., brakeman, h 642 Woodhine Kennedy John N., millwright, h 726 Race KENNEDY lOKN W., groceries, produce, &0., 1082 S Cameron, h do Kennedy Jnseph, watchman, h 207 Brill:gs Kennedy Kate A., dres.~mkr, h 1308 Maple Kennedy Kate A., wid Patrit!k, h 328 S 14th Kennedy Luther R, laburer, h 119 Hanna Kennedy Mande, teaeher, h 508 Colder Kenne<ry Nancy J. Mrs., h 914 Grand Kennedy Robert J., laborer, h 1709 Fulton Kennedy S. Alter, chemist, h 224 Cumberland Kennedy Samuel H., policeman, h 1403 Green Kennedy Shelburn, carpenter, h 1912 Elizabeth av ,Kennedy Thomas A . shoemkr, h 12th c Bailey Kennedy William H., medicines. 30 S 3d, h 1110 N 2d Kenney Anderson, laborer, h III Cherry Kenney Annie, chambermaid, 423 Market Kenny Frank, charger, h 70:3 Race Kenny James, laborer, h 705 Race Kenny Maggie, h 705 Race Kenny Patrick J., piler, h 705 Race Kenny Peter, jr., laborer, h 705 Race Kenny William, laborer, h 705 Race


u\lI\Bi.R \li.lui.RS
Planing Mills, Door and Sash Factory,

HARRISBURG YARDS: Corner 17th and Derry Sts.

Digitized by


A. B. TAel, FiDe Irt Wall Paper. {~C3~*r:-~} 1210 N. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 305
Kent Orion H., motorman, h 1615 Derry Kent Zacharias B., veterinary surgeon, h 1615 Derry Kepford A. Clayston, nail feeder, h 619 Showers av Kepford William, collector, h 589 Showers av Kepner Annie M., vamper, h 125 S 14th Kepner Cassandra, wid William H., h 110 State Kepner Ch!lrles A., Jaster, h 125 S 14th Kepner Edward A., salesman" 307 Marlret, h 407 do Kepner Edward W., shoe operator, h ]25 S 14th Kepner Frauk, puddler, h 19 Luchiel 2d Row Kepner George L., millstones, 1141 Liberty, h 110 State Kepner Harriet, wid Philip, h 268 Herr Kepner John A., bookkpr, 1402 Vernon, h 125 S 14th Kepner Mary E., wid Samuel, h 1200 N 12th Kepner Rebecca A., h 422 Hamilton Kepner Sallie R., wid Smith C., h 2020 N 6th Kepner Susan N., h 125 S ]4th Kepner William F., edge setter, h 1435 Market Kepner William T., carpenter, h Kepner nr Reily Kepple Edwin C., elk, 27 N 3d, h 226 State Kepple Emily 0., teacher, h 253 Reily Kepple Henry L., ma('hinist, h 253 Reily Kepple John, tobacconist, 27 N 3d, h 226 State Kerby George W., nailer, h, 5 Chesapeake av Kerby Ge()rge W" jr., uai! feedel', h 5 Chesapeake av Kerby, see Kirby Kerchner Lizzie, wid Charles S., h 418 Cumberland Kern Franklin, waterman, h 919 Penn Kern Frederick J., blacksmith, It 238 Crescent Kern Horace, etcher, h 246 North Kern Luther, hostler, h 212 N 10th Kern Philip, watchman, h 212 N 10th Kern Rachel, wid Jacob, h 919 Penn Kern Samuel P., shoemkr, h 212 N 10th Kernan Elizabeth, h 417 Walnut Kerns Annie E., news agt P. R. R. depot, h 122 South Kerns Charles, news dealer, h 122 South Kerns Edward, laborer, h 1312 Fulton Kerns Mary E. Mrs., h 919 James BV Kerns Michael, laborer, h 1312 Fulton Kerns Michael, jr., laborer, h 1312 Fulton Kerus Sallie, wid John H., h 122 South Kerns William H., engineer, h :!20 North Kerper Harry W., elk, 222 Market, h 2212 N 6th Kerper John F., h 308 Market Kerper Maria H., wid Samuel F., h 1316 Penn Kerr Alice S., domeKtic, 417 North KERB. CHABLES A., meat market, 54 Linden, h do

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I, To find a name you must know ROW to spell it."


Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

Kerr Harria, clk, 222 Market, h 1936 N 3d Kerr Harry, bartender, 527 Race, h do Kerr Isabella S., wid William, h 25 S Front Kerr J. Albert, printer, h 506 Cowden Kerr Jollt'ph, <,'ondtwtor, h 930 N 2d Kerr William, flagman, h 313 Verbeke Kerwin Maggie A., domestic, 276 Briggs Kel!8llck Caroline Mrs., h 208 Locust Kessack George G., machinist, h 434 State Kessack James, mason, h 208 Locust Kettner George W., blacksmith, h 112 Mary's av Kettner Lena, wid Casper, h 112 Mary's av Keys Alfred C . nailer, h 115 Tuscarora Keys Arthur, feeder, h 115 Tuscarora Keys Charles H., houseman, h 408 Cranberry av Keys David, h 344 S River av Keys Edward, laborer, h 434 Kelker Kevs Edward, laborer. b 1204 Penn Keys Eliza, h 1 North Keys Geurge F., brakeman, h 637 Herr Keys James W., pattt'rnmkr. h 637 Herr Keys John, sllllernkr, h 434 Kelker Keys Samuel T., brakeman, h 434 Kelker Keyser .John, waiter, hIlI Tanner's av KEYSTONE BOTTLING WORKS, (William G. Schooley and James D. Moore), soda water bottlers, 207 Cherry av KEYSTONE BREW.EB.Y, H. Fink, 312 Forster (see adv) KEYSTONE ELECTRIC WORKS, 204 N 2d (see adv) KEYSTONE HOTEL. Mrs, R. Sollers, propr, 7271and 729 State (~ adv) ,


Beatty & Bro. Market c 10th (see front cover) Kibler Calvin M., (Schriver & Kibler), h 607 Forster f._ Kichmann Conrad, laborer, h 1435 Vernon Kichmann George, driver, h 14!l3 Vernon Kichmann John, brewer, h 261 S Cameron Kidrick Anthony, laborer, h 115:3 Cumberland Kiefer Stewart, laborer, h 1026 North av Ki~ Albert, h 610 N 3d Kies Clara L., confectioner, 610 N 3d, h do Kies George, huckster, h 1311 N 3d Kiester Herbert E., inspector. h ]]0 Dock Kiellter Robert E., coachsmith. h 110 Dock Ki~r Willillrn ,1., engineer, h 1:309 N 2d KILDUFF & CO." stock broker"" room 22, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market (see adv) Kilgore Frank D., clk Eagle Works, h 206 S 2d

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I. B. Tiel, pmellenl Paper Hanger.


Boyd's Harrisburg (K> City Directory. 307

Kilgore William N., elk, 2 N 2d, h 206 S 2d Ki11ian Edward, sboemkr, 190 N 15th, h 1225 Bailey Killian Elizabeth MnI., boarding, 215 N 2d, h do Killinger Amos D. E., teacber, h 1943 State Killinger George H., elk, h 138 S 2tl Killinger JO)lD, wheelwright, h 339 S 14th Killinger Jobn H., nrieties, 1314 S Cameron, b do Killinger Sarah A., restaurant. 138 S 2d, h do Killinger William H., h 1018 N 7th Killmore Emily, saleslady, 834 Market, h 125 Verbeke Killough John, cofl'~ roaster, 203 Pine, b do Kilpatrick Jennie, wid Squire, h 428 South Kilpatrick Thoma", flagman, h 1615 N 5th Kim Wong, laundry, 1305 N 6th, h do Kime Alice, domestic, 1228 N 3d Kime Henry B., baker. 1401 William, h do Kimes Benjamin F., carpenter, b ] 224 N 6th Kimes Joshua F., laborer, h 1224 N 6th Kimes Mary W., dreRSmkr, h 1224 N 6th KiQ(~h Charles H., brakt'man, b 1912 N 7th Kinch Clara F . wid Jefl'erllOn, h 16~4 N 5th Kinch ~"rauk H., elk, h 1634 N 5th ' Kinch Harry G., driver, h 1634 N 5th


FOOTWEAR Ol.alters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Kind Blanche H., operator, hI] 2 Colder Kind Hudsou A., fireman, h 112 Colder Kindal David S., fireman, h 1300 N 7th Kinderman Charles, laborer, h 339 Granite av Kindler Charles A., haker, h 1110 James av Kindler John C., baker, 618 N 2d, h do Kines Carrie B., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kines Susie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do King Annie M. Mrs., h 1819 N 5th King Cbarles, varieties, 1400 Marion. h do KinJ[ Cbarles. jr., motorman. h 1233 Fulton KIlfG EDGAR L., lawyer alld notary, 219 Market, h 1007 N 2d King Elizabeth, wid John, h 640 Verbeke

BZLDU . . . . . . . CO
IIoom ff, T,.ull Building, 110. fH M",.ket St.,

Sfuck~ Bon~s,

Gmin, Provisions.
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Direct Private Wire with Principal Exchanges. Telephone 2362.


Ollce McN eil's Medicine Co. {~~~} No~~d. 308 Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.
King Frederick C., brakeman, h 1528 N 5th King George J., flagman, h 617 Delaware av King George K., hardware, 303 Market, b 19 S 3d King George \V., 8upl:'rvisor P. R. R., h at M8I"ysville King Rebecca S., b 19 S 3d Kin~ Samuel, h 1112 Bartine av King Samuel, jr., watchmkr, 1405 N 3d, h do King William, laborer, h 1112 Bartine av King William, laborer, h 1421 Marion Kingport Abraham E., mgr, 26 N 3d, h 308 N 2d Kingsbury Walter E., music teacber, h 1523 N 6th Kinnard John N., dk, 305 Verbeke, h 1118 N 3d KINNARD LEONARD B., hats and caps, 305 Verbeke (Broad), h 1118 N 3d Kinnard Leonard H., jr., mgr Pa. Tel. Co., h 1116 N 3d Kinneard Frauk B., mgr, 329 Market, h 133 N 13th Kinneard Henry H., (Hesii & Kinneard). h 1008 N 3d Kinneard J. Albert. printer Telegraph, h 2:33 Hummel KlnEARD JOBN D., alderman, 21 N 3d,.h 313 Chestnut Killneard Willialp S., job pressman, h 133 N 13th Kinports Charles T., cabilletmkr, h 15te Derry Kinsey John R., elk, 818 Market, b 12:30 Bailey Kinsey William J., fireman, h 618 Kelker Kinsinger Clara, domestic, 313 Cumberland Kinter Annie E., weaver, h 126 Linden Kinter Charles H., mgr, 153 N 4th, b 229 Briggs Kinter D. Harry, car inspector, h 5:l8 Violet av Kinter Elizabeth, wid John, h 1312 Penn Kinter George, tl'ainmaster P. R. Mid. Div., h 13 N 4th Kinter George D., engineer, h 649 Verbeke Kinter George H., gRteman, h 13 N 4th .Kinter J. Carroll, conductor, h 13 N 4th Kinter John F., engineer, h 1312 Penn Kinter Joseph H., car inspector, h 527 Violet Kinter Katie M., !l8.leslady. 225 Market, h 1312 Penn Kinter Lizzie, shoe operator, b 126 Linden .KinU!r LOllis, watertender, h 1218 Mulberry Kinter Lydia A., boxmkr, h 1312 Penn Kinter S. Wilt, conductor, h 1430 N 2d Kinzer John D., baker, 420 Reily, h do Kipp George H., fireman, h 612 Cumbel'land Kipple Emma E., h 25R Colder Kipple George F., laborer, h 1528 Logan av Kipple Jennie, wid Samuel A., h 419 Boyd av Kipple John P., blacksmith, h 1327 James IlV Kipple Levi, laborer, h 1413 Penn Kipple Maud P., h 419 Boyd av

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B. 11"K, ""

121 0 {EmPlOYS none bnt IIl11t-olllllll workmen, hence only Jlret-olau N, 3d St. work, and lnanl'lll iL Work done in any part of the SlAte.

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Direotory. 309

Kipple Peter, agt, h 258 Colder Kirby Cnllrles A., plumber, h 922 N 6th Kirby Harry J., student, h 922 N 6th Kirby Jobn A., stenographer Adam~ Ex. Co., h 922 N 6th Kirby William A., hurse dealer, h 922 N 6th Kirby William C., horse-dealer, 9:33 Rose av, h 922 N 6th Kirby, see all) Kerhy Kirchner Henry, engineer, h 1725 N 6th Kit'k George W., plallterer, h 300 Boyd av Kirk Jacob, plasterer, h 607 Colder Kirk John C., plasterer, h 914 S 9th Kirk John D., rollel', h 1007 S 9th Kirk Joseph Y., checkman P. R. R., h 23:3 Sayford av Kirk Martha, picker, b 914 S 9th Kirk Peter E., brakeman, h 1907 N 7th Kirk SamuElI S., engineer, h 518 Peffer Kirk William C., brakeman, h 1958 N 7th Kirk William E., teacher, h 704 Race Kirk W. Scott, brakeman, h J 226 Currant av Kirkland Joseph A., elk, h i33 Vine Kirklllnd Leander, laborer, b 133 Vine Kirkpatrick John A., fi,reman, h 629 Maclay Kirkup Robert, laborer, h 1022 S 9th Kirkwood John, laborer, h 9 Lochiel lst Row Kirkwood William S., printer, h 130 Market Kiser Jesse E., fireman, h 7th c Maclay Kishpaugh Cory M.,.elk dept into affairs, h 215 Forster Kissinger Dora, domestic, 102 State Kissinger Emalluel, laborer, h 15th c Briggs Kissinger Irvin M., laborer, h 15th c Briggs Kissinger Mary, domestic, 106 N 2d Kiltllinger William H., fireman, b 1110 James av Kister Harry E., tillller, h 215 Crescent Kister I. Vernon, elk, h 19:37 State Kister Julius, warebouseman, h 9 S 2d Killter William H., lawyer,26 N ad, It Franklin House Kistler A. J., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Killtler Carrie, asst cook Lunutic Hospital, h do Kistler Elizabeth, wid William H., h 423 Muench Kistler Rebecca, domestic, 1310 N 6th Kitchen Clemuel B., engineer, h 2015 N 7th Kitner Charles S., printer Call, h 28 N 13th Kittell Joseph E., baker, h 305 Market Kitzel Charles F., checker, h 1235 Bailey Kitz!!lman C. Elmer, stud!!nt, h ]20] Wallace Kitzelman Chllrl~ H., carpenter, h 1201 Wallact' Kitzmiller Clarence A., laborer, h 740 S 19tb Kitzmiller Clineff A., laborer, h 740 S 19th

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" To find a name you must know "0111 to spell it." 810 Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.
Kitzmiller Dixon G., elk P. &: R. R. R., b 133 S 14th Kitzmiller Frank, K., elk, 119 Mllrkpt, b 1143 Derry Kitzmiller Mary J., wid David, h 1466 RPgiDa Kitzmiller Sarah M., wid Daniel, h )143 Derry Kitzmiller William A., patternmkr, h 1405 RPgina Kiz~r J~ E., fireman, b 20:30 N 7tb Klawallsky Louis, peddler, h 132u Maple Klawansky Midlael, peddler, h 1326 Map)e KIt'CkDPr John P., RIIlt:elJlan, h 9:31 N 6th ... Klpii>er JOllt'plt C., sa)tlIiman, 118 Market, h The Lochiel Klein EliZll D. Mrs., It 8 S 2cl Klein TheudOl'e B., ()k dept illt. affairs, h 704 N 3d Kleindupf William H., veterinarian, h Market c Cameron Klemm CharIeR A., attendant, h 939 S 191 h Klepfer Mary J., wid Juhn, h 217 Mnlberry Klepper John A., printer. h 12th c Baill'Y Klepper Theodore, ehar~r, h 12th c Bailey Klewanski G., glo(.'er, 329 Colder, h do Kline Abraham, driller, h 625 Cumlx-rland Kline Allan H., carpenter, h 902 Capital Kline Andrew J., huyer, 3:34 Markt't, h 105 Ev~rgreen Kline Challt.'fl, hrllkemun, h 1:30a WaJ)aee Kline Charle!<, fluKmlln, h 15061 N 5th Kline eharlel'l P., clI\uhwtllr, It 1300 N 7tb Kline Cllal'les R., elk, 12:H N 7th, h do Kline (~lInrucl, jr., planer, h 4:32 S 2<1 Kline Daniel, (Kline & Himes), It 24 & lOtb Kline Ephraim, hl'i(khlyer, h 16:n ~ult()n Kline Fl'edericl(, ('o"pel', h 322 Hay av Kline GeUl'W, h 1631 Fulton Kline Gelll'ge. W. t'ngineer, It 19 Cowden Kline Harry E., bal'her, h 1631 Fnltun Kline H~nry. ('arptmter, It 1208 N 6th Kline Herlwrt W., pllperhullger, h 19 Cowden Kline Hel'IIlIUl E., Male,,;lIlan, 8:~4 Market, h 538 Maclay Kline James A., IIptitian, h 105 Evergreen Kline John, engineer. II 4:l2 S 2d Kline .John, tulll!(.'(;'oniloOt, jOli N 3d, b 510 do Kline Kate, It 510 N 3d Kline Maggie J., tlhirtmkr, It 1682 WuUaee Kline Mllry .A., drt'ssrnkr, 510 N 3d, h do Kline Milton S., lal'lter, h lR25 Rudy . Kline ReileCC8, Hume fi.r the Friendless, 5th c Muench Kline Rubert M., (''Ilrpel1ter, h ]928 Briggs Kline Samuel, plasterer, h 436 Verbeke Kline William, helper, h 4:~2 S 2t1 Kline William, hutl'l, 12:37 N 7th, h d" Kline William B., Ill'" student, h 410 Market

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';,~~I~~;::=.' 1011 RIDer ODd IIndOW ShOdes lrom I. B. T lei, II. '::~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 311

Kline Kline Kline Kline William E., carpenter, h ]6 ..0 Market William E., jeweler, h 410 Markt't William H., machinist, h 49 N 13th Wilson W., bartender, h 1237 N 7th XLIKE & HIIIES. (Daniel Kline and George W. Himel'), I5WVe!:I and h~uBefurnisbing gondl5, 10 N 2d Kline, see also Oline, al80 Klein Klinedinst Fannie, wid Charles, h 23 N 4th Klinedinst Joseph, clk P. & R. frgt depot, h 2:J N .. th Klinepeter Bessie E., dre..,mkr, h 611 Walnut Klinepeter Ja<"ub, brakl'man, h 520 MlJench KHnepeter William, flagman, h 426 Kt:lker Klinftlmith AugustlJs, labClrer, h 1106 N Cameron Kling Albert, laoore.. h 1118 Market Kling James, clk, II 667 BriJrg8 Kling .J()l!('ph, shoemkr. h 12;~2 N CaD1t'ron Kling TiIlip, domeHtic, 27 N Front Kling William H., conductllr. h 6] 7 North Klingt'r Ch8l'les, laboreI', h 8) 9 S Front Klinger Chade8, jr., lahorer, h 819 S Front Klinger GeOlxe W., lab()rer, h North ab Linden Klingt'r J(Jlleph H., brakeman, h 1616 N 6th Klingler Lewis N., brakemall.1I1905 N 7th

NE-w..~~~ ~te;~:~r~*:At;ii


Klitch Harry, tailor, II 439 Buyli.av Klopp Rebet.'<.'Il Mrs., mat.rllll Home ft,r the Friendless Klotz Genrgt>, brakeman, h 12:l7 N 7th Klucht'r I..ewil5 J., mulder, h 167 N 15th Klucht'r Mary, wid Bltrth()loIlJeW, h 16:~8 N 3d Kluckt'r John, helper, h 6 Lochiel 1st Ruw Klugh Charle&t H., laborer. h 1313 ~ ]frollt Klugh GeorJ?e A., h 404 Market Klugh Harry R., brakf'man, h 6:16 Woodbine Klugh Henry E., weigher, h 125 N Cameron Klugh John, blackzuni1.h. h 125 N Cameron Klugh Peter, carpenter, h 1!l13 N Front Knabb Jacob W., check man P. R. R., h 246 Crescent Knabe Charles H., firemau, h 1105 Wallace Knabe Harman W., laborer, h nUR Currant av Knadler Samuel J., cooper, h 908 Hemlock Knapp Juhn S., salesman, h 263 Herr Knaub Frank K., brakeman, h 1529 N 6th Knaub Jacob W., carpentt-r, h 1632 N 4th Knaub John E., trncker, h 1907 N 3d Knaub Theresa, wid William, h 1721 N 4th Knauss Franklin, chinaware, 14 N 2d, h do Knauss Henry, elk, 14 N 2d, h dll

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Coogle -'

Liver and Blood Purifying McNEIL'S Dyspepela. Liver. BlooJ and KidneyPilla Cure JIIIIII 3d 81 Complalnta. l n.


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Direotory.

Knauss Sarah, housekeeper, 14 N 2cl Kneisley Danit'l, carpenter, h 205 Sayfurd av Kneisley Harry, carpenter, h 206 Verbeke Kneisley John, tl'amster, h 206 Verbeke Knell John B., stonecutter, h 2014 N 5th Knepley George V., machinist, h 541 Maclay Knepley Joseph H., laborer, h 622 Verbeke Knepley Susan, wid William J., h 622 Verbeke Knettle Harry H., elk, h 1217 N 6th Knier Frank G., apprentil'e, h 311 Dauphin a\" Knier Rachel A., wid Harry L., h 311 Dauphin Knight Esekias, cooper;h 1053 S 9th Knight. Harry W., agt, h :~05 S Front Knight Samlll'l, cooper, II 1064 S 9th Knighton Bernie; saleslady, :3:3-1 Market, h ] 026 S 9th Knighton Charles l?, mattress Wl'Ilver, h 39 N Summit Knighton George, pnddler, h :39 N Summit Knighton JameH A . pudtlll'r, h 1026 S 9th Knighton Mary E., dressmkr, Ir 1026 S 9th Knighton William. agt, h 39 N SUlllmit Knisely Abraham H., cigarmkr, h 306 ~()rth KniSt'ly Arch G., real estatc, N ad c Mar'ket, h 406 N 3d Kni~ely Dllt, h 2:n Pine KNISELY J. BERMAN, elk Select Couocil, h 231 Pine Knisely John U .. laborer, h IH22 Swatara Knisely Lincoln L., (Knisely & Bro.), h 231 Pine Knisely Martha, Ir 13 N 5th Kniselv Samuel H., hatter, 300 Market, h '231 Pine KNISELY WILLIAM N., (Knisely & Bro.), tobaccoDist~ 200 Market, h 221 Pine Knisely & BI"O., (W. N. anrl L. L.), toba(.'coni@ts, 230 Mkt; KNISELY & CO., hat~, ('BPS, &., 300 Market c 3d Koobi Andrew, piler, h 938 Paxton Knohl Andrew M., roller, b rear 938 Paxton Knohl Frank, barber, h real' 938 Paxton Knobl Frank J., piler, h 938 Paxton Knobl John, bartender, 5th (~ Canal, h 938 Paxton Knobl Joseph, roller, h 93& Paxton Knohl Martin, laborer, h 1630 Fulton Knoble .Joho, steam fitter, h 624 Colder Knoche Frank, piano!!, &c., 6! N 2r1, h 308 Hummel KNOCHE WILLIAM, piallos, 6~ N 2d, b J 211 do Knode ,J. Troxell, inspector, 222 Market, h 24 Balm Knoll George, watchmall, It 3U5 Market Knouff .John H., plasterer, h 279 Colder Knouff S. Kate l\l~., h 279 Colder Knouse Ira P., bla(ksmith, h ] 248 Bailey Kuouse Jacob H., (Forney & Knouse), h 23 N 13th

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I. B. Tiel ';!I!te:,.&ot Frescoing Pa~lIc Balldllllil PlaiD TInts. {~~'r.~7ru:r:

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 313
Knouse .Jobn: shoemkr, h 1250 Bailey Knox Elizabeth S., teacher. h 2511 Boas Knox FranL'E:S J., wid Hiram, h 259 Boas Knox J. Lewis, tiDller, plumrn-r, 1822 Derry, It do Knox Rachel, attendaut Lunatic Hospital, h do Knox Samuel, bnat builder, h Friendl!hip Engine House Knox William R., (Knox & Meckley), h 259 Boas KNOX & DCELEY, (W. R. Knox and F. B. Meckley), grocers, 1302 and 1304 N 3d Knull Adam L., (Knull & Co.), h 809 N 3d Knull Harry C., cigar mfr, 422 N 3d, h 1020 Green KNOLL" CO., (A. L. Knull and John Pyne), bats, caps and ruen's filroishing gOOdR, 33 N 3d Knupp Daniel W., painter, h Herr c 22d Knupp Jacob, h Boas e Cherry av Knuth Louisa, domeRtic, 937 N 3d Kobler George, tobacconist, 1300 N 7th, It 674 Boas Kocb C. }4'redk., blackl!mith, 7th ab Maclay, h 647 Maclay Koch Charles H., tinner, h 123 Verbeke Koch Eli, car builder, h 1639 Market Koch Gottlieb, helper, h 647 Maclay Koch Henry, h 511i Kelker Koch .James, engineer, h 207 Sayford av Koch Juhn, cigarmkr, h 614 Verbeke Koch John H. J., baker, h 1417 James Koch Lincoln, butcher, h 1314 Fulton Kocb Maria, wid Da\'id W. J., h 614 Verbeke Kocb Pauline M., wid Charles, h 5111 Kelker Kocheuour Addie M. Mrs., h 1613 Logan av Kochenour-Amanda, domestic, 810 'N 6th . Kochenour David N., blacksmith, h 2014 Penn Kocbenour George E., h 2018 Penn Kochenour Jacob F., baker, h 512 Peffer Kochenour Joseph C., brakeman, h 660 Boas Kochenour Samuel D., carpenter, h 2016 N 5th Kocher Amelia, wid Josiah, h 1926 Kensington Kocber Gertrude J., cloSer, h 1926 Kensington Kocher Milton, laborer, h 1941 Kensington Koehler Benjamin, operator, 34 N 3e1, h 109 Evergreeo Koehler Casper, brewer, h 205 Meadow la Koehler Charles, elk, 11 N 3d, h 205 Meadow la Koehler Conrad, h 205 Meadow la Koenig Amelia, domestic, 313 Verbeke Koeni2 Edward, check man P. R. R., h 24 S 3d KOENIG ELIZABETH JrIRS., Penna. Hotel, 313 Verheke (Broad), h do KOElfIG FBEDERICK L., wholesale agent Bergner & Engle Brewing Co., 1 Sarah av, h do

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Coogle '

" To find a name you must know how to spell ':t." 314 Boyd's Harrisburg ex) City Directory.
Koenig George R., laborer, h 571 S Front Koenig John, butcher, h 571 S Front Koenig Louis, elk, h 24 S 3d KoeniJ1: Margaret, wid Lollill, h 573 S Front KOHL GERMANUS REV., h 212 State Kohlenkamp Nicholas, tobaa.'onist, 411 Market, h do Kohler Agnes R., wid Edwllrd, h 1316 James Kohler Charles, foreman, h 1539 N 4th Kohler Edward, barber, h 162:1 N 4th Kohler Elmer B., expressman, h 3]4 N Court av Kohler George, h 227 Verbeke Kohler George F., Dlolder, h 230 Verheke Kohler Jacob C., carpenter, h 327 Hamilton Kohler Jacob G., carpenter, h 230 Verbeke Kohler Kate, domestic, 104 Chednut Kohler Rosie C., twistf>r, h 227 Verbeke Kohler William H., (Geisel & Kohler), h 1539 N 4th Kohler, see also Koller Kohlhass George V., tailor, 215 S 2<1, h at Steelton Kohli Frederick J., laborer, h 1327 Bartine av Kohn Israel, peddler, h 523 West av Kohnlein August, laborer, h 321 S Cameron Kohr Martin S., Dlail agt, h ]628 N 6th Kohr Sarah, \vid Samuel, h 1628 N 6th Kolbenschlag Anna E., trimmer, h 205 Mulberry Koller Adam, carpenter, h 9] 1 N 6th Koller Frank L., firemon, h 911 N 6th Koller George W., fireman, h 911 N 6t1r Koller Harry M., carpenter, h 1004 Green Koller, see also Kohler . Kolp }1"'annie E., saleslady, 326 Market, h 5 S 13th Konn Miles, salesman, 326 Market, h at Camp Hill Koomes John W., tinner, h 228 Charles av Koomes McClelland J., brakeman, h 625 Herr Koons Bertha V., saleslady, 334 Market, h 2!l9 State Koons Calvin H., carpenter, h 1350. Vernon Koons Charles P., butcher, h North bel Linden Koons David C., laborer, h 230 Sharon Koons Elizabeth J., wid David, h ]021 N 7th Koons Harry, laborer, h State ab 2]lIt Koons Hany H., postal elk, h 1406 Derry Koons Harvey C., meat mkt; 269 Cumberland, h State Dr 20th Koons Ida M., milliner, 334 Market, h 152 Linden Koons IRaac M., postal elk, h ] 246 Market Koons Jacob, h 201 Hllmmfll Koons Jacob R, C8I'pcnter, h State nr 20th Koons Jacob B., farmer, h State ab 21st Koon~ Jacob L., h 1247 Mulberry

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A. B. T t:tt::=~ Iail Paper lid 111 Shues {12;S ~d~. lei

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Direotory.
Koons James J., carpenter, h 50 Linden Koons James L., painter, h 239 8tate Koons J. Grant, elk, h 201 Hummt'l Koons John J . engineer, h 1021 N 7th Koons John \V., carpenter, h 48 18th Koons Maria A., wid Jacob, h 2:39 8tate Koons McClellan, carpenter, h 127 8 3d Koons McClellan J., brakeman, h 625 Herr Koons Th()mall R., fil't'man, h 606 Kelker Kouns Tillie D., 88leslady, :33-1 Market, h 449 8tate Koons W. Turner, stonecuttel', II 152 Linden Koons, see also Kuhn, also Coon Kope David M., brakeman, h 1505 Derry Kopinsky Louis, tailor, 319 Cherry av, h do Koppenhaver Amos L., plasterer, h 925 8 19th Laura, domestic, 910 N 3d Kopplin Samuel, peddler, h 1236 N Cameron Koser Andrew, (''Ilrpenter. h 1112 N 6th Koser A. Stewart, dentist, h 915 N 2d Koser Charles F., bookbinder, h 3-15 8 River av Koser Charles \V., blacksmith, h 1 Jl2 N 6th Koser Florence Mrs., milliner, h 1426 N 3d Koser George L., expl'essman, ] 5 N !ld, h 52 N 10th



0010 WALTERS', N.3'c!~~

Koser Gertie, book sewer, h :345 S River av Koser Henry J., elk, 22:3 Market, h 345 S River av KOfIel' John, boltmkr, h ] 112 N 6th Koser John A., meat, River av c Mary'8 av, h 3458 River av Koser Josephine R., teacher, h 1112 N 6th Koser Sarah, saleslady, h ] 112 N 6th Koser 8u88n, wid Harry, h 1117 Plum Kosber Lucy A., wid John, h 1221 Market Kost Samuel, brakeman, h 5:371 WoOdbine Kosure Bertie, elk, h 28 8 2d, h do Kasure Charles B., mest market, 1407 Regina, h do Kough Jacob R., engineer, h ]501 N 6th Kowaski Ludwi~. laborer, h 605 8 Front Kozel John, catclier, h ]35 PaxtonKraber Alcinda, wid Christopher, h 629 8 Front Kraber Charles L., nailer, h 6298 Front Kraber Cora, h 6278 Front Kraber Edith, saleslady, 326 Market, h 627 8 Front Kraber George E., carpenter, h 629 8 }i~ront Kraber Howard C., nail feeder, h 627 8 Fron~ Kraber John H., clk. 700 Race, h 627 8 Front Kraber John 0., nailer, it 627 S Front Kraber Mary E., saleslady, 29 N 3d, b 629 S Front

Digitized by


Ien l Pain htennlnltor cores <-'holer. Morbilli, DyBelltery, CramPlo Dlurhca.. Colda, Qulnay, Rheama&llm, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ague, Dylpepela, .c. tIti I. 3d.


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Direotory.

Kraft John, laborer, h 1331 Bartine av Kraft Lndwig, bookbinder, h 504 S Cameron Krall Charle... U., machiniHt, h 214 N 10th Krall Ella 1\1., h 1720~ N 5th Krall John C., laborer, h 112 Mulberry Krall Joseph H., carptmter, h 1720l N 5th Kramer Adam, shoemkr, b 14311 James av, h do Kramer Adam H., barber, 307 Reily, b 1429 N 3d Kramer Agnes M., elk, 1429 N 3d,lh do Kramer Ambrose, plnmher, 1217 N 3d, h 1429 do XRAIIER CHARI.ES F., druggist, 3d c Verbeke (Broad),. h 16:38 N 3t! Kramer Christian D., varieties, 1429 N ad, b do Kramer Florence G., titter, b 212 ~Iulberry Kramer Ira W., grocer, 400 Cumberland, b do Kramer .James F., haker, h 1429 X 3d . BAIlER JOHN A., plumber, 912 N 3d, b do Kramer John F., haggage transfer, h 909 Penn Kramer Joseph, b 217 He!;r Kramer Martha, wid John 1\1., h 212 Mulberry Kramer Sarah 1\1 rs., b 1236 N Cameron Kramer, see also Cramer, als/) Creamer Krater Mutt ie M., dome.~ti~, 642 Colder Kraus Isaac B., elk, 408 Market, h 600 State Krause Andrew J., cigatrmkr, h 1115 Capital Krause Aunie E., saleslady, 215 Market, h 649 Dauphi ~ ." Krause Barbara, h 116 Short Krause DelphiAe, starcher, b 649 Dauphin av Krause George C., livery, 316 Strawberry av, h 116 Sa:. c:.>rt Krause George W , cigar mfr, 419 State, b do Krause Hannah A. Mrs., dressmkr, 11 15 Capital, h d~ Krau~ Leonard, laborer, h 649 Dauphin BV Kran8e Lydia, domesti(\ 439 Verbeke Krause Sarah B., wid David G., b 210 Herr Krause Susan, wid John A., h 116 Short Krause, see also Crouse Kreamer A. Elsworth, clk, h 108 Hanna Krebs Auguitus, lahorer, h 1217 N 7th Kreider Anna :M. MIS., h 609 Ct'dar BV Kreider Edwal'(l C., fireman, h 612l Colder Kreider Emma E, It 1712 N 6th Kreider George W., hostler. h 1712 N 6th Kreider Grace L., b 15:35 N 5th Kreider Harry E., cleaner, h 1535 N 4th Kreider Peter H., contractur, h ] 708 N 6th Kreider Samuel W., fireman, h 1535 N 5th Kreider Sara E., bookkpr, 20 N 2d, h 1712 N 6th Kreider Solomon, hostler, h 1535 N 5th

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Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 317

Kreid"r carpenilier, h H28 nllace Kreider Tobias, engineer, h 612! Colder Kreider Willi14rr, H., hdper, 171 6th Kreidl"14 A. Bro., \ A. . and .), gr,1414,rs, N Kreidler Augustus, sboemkr, 809 Capital, h do ,eidl4'14 AU&?:RBlUS (A, H. ",idler Bz' ',), h h09 Capital Kreidler Edward J., elk, 219 Market, II 809 Capital reidlz'14 Ferdiuund, BllgGnmh , h 2304 Penn Kreidler Harry, (A. Kreidler & Bro.), h 409 Capital Kreidler Lawrence F., driver, h 904 Penn "eidl",' Marl? boni,kpr TS)() N h Ca",E'''1 K~eidl;; Mary. Mrs., ~~'nft.'Cti~nery, 804 (;apital, b';lo Kreidler Robert S., elk, 17 N 3d, h 904 Penn C'l1h, 614 Front Kreiter Wilmina, wid J. Monroe, h 614 N .Front Kremer Charles S., h 23:3 S 2d KreOlel1 ClIis Reo" 23:~ 2d Kremer John, dk, h 2:33 S 2d Kreutz George, shnemkr, 1210 Flllton, h 622 Herr Krentz Karyh;" oiganmkr, 4:522 Krentzlllan Henry, peddler, h 1032 Herr Krentzman Nathan, h 10:32 Herr reps zry, domestie HULzz,*f Krichbaum Emma R., h 11 N 2d Kriehbemn G"Fge, h 1121 N 2d C,mchb,Hzm MUdOie 8IIleslf,dy, h 121 Krieg Adam, meat market, 130 Charles av, h 129 Verbeke K::i:: h 1371



Krieg Ludwig, laborer, h 129 Sayford av 1hz'iegee HZH''4 F., e,u h 1814 N Can"t{Ju l'iner Il,zrveyC., Swah,ra Kroft, see Kraft Kz'oh J,'o"nf T" Hatchmun, h h89 4th Kuoh ?t23%Zty M, Mrs., 215 Chestnut Kroh Samuel J., brakeman, h 621 Delaware av Kuuh William Ct, 1 MohIl av Cutharine, Hid. 136 CameR'un Krontz .John, paint~r, II 22 N COllrt av Krutzef' Kubecul1f, wid Cuter, 412 horsteu Krotzel' humu,d, plask*'l'*'r, h N Krouse John W., h 2144 N 6th Kruuse lalxnez' h 6 P",nn Co},I4"" IiIrouser hlflwin, klremaH, h Krug Ew&;t, laborer, h 8-10 S Cameron JIi111UMihHAhll. CliIhRLliIhd H" 4,ilpt dept, Locust, h Commonwealth

" To find a name you must kn07J1 R07J1 to spell it."


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

Kuebler Catharine, wid Adam, It 326 S River av Kuebler Frederick, baker, h 1420 Green Kuebler George, gardener State Ho~pital, b do Kuebler John, paperhanger, h 326 S River av Kuebler Lizzie warpt'r, h 326 S River BV Kugle Ezra, flagman, h 1408 N 7th . Kugle George, telt'grapher, h 651 Dauphin av KuhJwind Augustus, machinist, h :112 Clinton Kublwind George, cleaner, b 672 Boas Kuhlwind Harry, engineer, h 672 Boas Kublwind William, brakeman, h 312 Clinton Kuhn Amos K., elk, h 203 State Kuhn Charles F., barber, Linden ab State, b 1038 S Cameron Kuhn Earnest, laborer, h 107 Filbert Kuhn Grace K., h 1818 N Cameron Kuhn Jacob, paiqter, h 1;314 Penn Kubn JIIIIII L. L., barber, 919 S 9th, h do Kuhn Mary, wid William, h 1309 Market Kuhn Mary E., wid Albert T., h 18]8 N Cameron Kuhn Napoleon B . boilermkr, h 1038 S Camerou Kuall' SAMUEL, clothier, 6 N 21, h 29 do Kuhn Smith A., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kuhn Solomon, (Solomon Kuhn & Co.), h 29 N 2d Kuhn Solomon & Co., (A. Hirschler), carpt'tH, 2 S 2d Kuhn, see also Coon Kuhns Elizabeth H., wid Joseph L., h 1019 N :ld Kuhns, see alllO Koons Kulp Edwin T., engineer, h 16] 7 N 3d Kulp .James C., P. R. R. storekeeper, h 211 Herr Kulp Johu D., train receiver, h 6:31 Muench . Kulp Robert L., foreman, h 625 Muench Kulp William, shoemkr, h 625 Muench Kunkel Charles A., al!St cashier Mechanics' Bank, 11 ]05 Chestnut Kunkel Elizabeth, wid George G., h ] 113 N 3d Kunk~l Elmer E., conductor, h 607 Maclay KUlI'KEL GEORGE, lawyer, a:l N 21, h 131 Walo ut Kunkel George B., 8tudent, h 1113 N 3d Kunkel George Z., M('('hanil'S' Bank, h 21 S Front Kunkel John C., II 11 S Front Kunkel Mar.v E .. wid Samnel A., h l:UO N 3d KUNKEL PAUL A., lawyer, notary public, 216 lCarket,

h 21 lib HlIl"ris
Kunkel Samuel, clk Mechanics' Bank, b 901 N 2d Kunkel, see also Conkle Kunkle Edward D., lineman, 71 N 3d, h 124 Verbeke Kunkle Elizabeth, wid Jacob C., It 1126 Montgomery Kunkle Elizabeth, wid John C., h 17 S Front

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Wall Paper aod Window Shades. {t2~:~..tR2~~.

Boyd'. Harrisbura (L) City Directory.
819 Kunkle Harriet, wid Samuel, h 1801 N 3d Kunkle Harry .T., b 1801 N 3d Kunkle Henry 0., (J. W. Meixell & Co.), h I) S 2d Kunkle Isaao G., plasterer, h 1801 N 3d Kunkle MarJ,E., teacher, h 1801 N 3d KUDselman Mary MI'M., h 50M N Camelon Kuntz Clara, dreH8mkr, h 17 N 15th Kuntz George B., puddler, h 1409 N 2d Kuntz Rebecca, wid George. nul'tie, h 17 N 15th KUllz Emma, clrt'SSmkr, h 222 S 17th Ruppert Jllcob, rags, h 24 Aberdeen av Kurtz Charles, carpenter. h 573 Showers av Kurtz Clarelwe S., a&lt medical examiner, 413 Market, h HerKhey Houlle Kurtz D. Charles, weighmaster, h 312 N 2d , Kurtz Edward J., team~ter, h 330 Blal(~kberry av Kurtz Juhn L., tailor, h 3:~O Blackbera-y av Kurtz r..ydia, wid John, h 1114 N 7th Kurtz William, brakeman, h 1114 N 7th Kurtz William C., carpenter, h 312 N 2d Knrutz Stephen, laborer, h 11 Paxton Row Kllrzenknahe Flora F., h 1010 N 3d KurzE'nkllabe Georw. J., dk P.O.. h 1428 Green

tlly~, 302 Verbeke (Bmad), h do Knrzellknabe Juhn E., dk, 22 N 2d, h 1300 N Front Kurzenknabe Juhn H., (J. H. KUI'zenknabe & Suns), h 1010 N ~fl ' KURZENDABE J. H. " SONS, (John H.), pianos sud mUtii('81 gO(Jd~, 22 N :ld and 1010 N 3d KUfzellknabe Lillie E., bookkpr, 22 N 2d, h 1010 N 3d Kl1rzenknahe Norman B., pianCl tuner, 1010 N 3d, h do Kurzenkuabe Richal"d L., elk, 1010 N 3d, h do Kutz F~ter L., sal~man, 308 Market, h 2 S 4th Klitz John M., mi88iollal'Y, h 2108 Derry Kutz Willi:un V., engineer, h 1329 N 6th K vIe EliZ:lbeth Mrs., h :n 7 :; River av Kyle Juhn }4"., engineer. h 1107 N 7th

FRANK M. WAL TERS, ~!:~:aty: fOOTWEAR, N.':J~ KUBZERNABE HARRY J., I!tllliullery, galU~ aud

LaCily Elizabeth, wid Wilson, h 612 N 2d Lack Charles H., tailor, 404 Walnut, h do Lack John C., engineer, h 502 Cumberland Lack(&y John, engineer, h 6a6 Peffer lAckey John A., brickmkr, b 1953 Rudy LaCrosse Francefl, wid Edward, h 919 Asb

Digitized by


Icleil's Pain Exterminator :~:~o:'~:=~~~l1l{ {"TrlJJL.


Boyd's Jlarrisburg (J..J) City Directory.

Ladenberger J. Philip, driver, h 142 S Cameron Lady Albertha, stitcher. h 141fj Greeu Lady Amos, carpent~r, h 1415 Green Lady Charles W., mrpent~r. h 1415 Green Lady Mary E., dressmkr, h 1415 Green Lahn William H., shoemkr. 1027 Market, h 1809 Wyeth av Laird Jane, wid Andrew, h 236 N Court av Laird Mary A., wid John, h 626 Herr Laird Minerva, sall'Slady, 326 Market, b 123 S 13th Lamar Oliver C., U. S. A., h 2 S 2d Lamb David E., painter, h 507 Colder Lamb H. Mervin, salesman, 223 Market. h at Mechanicsburg Lamberson David, brakeman, h 1118 Cowden LamlX'r80n Oscar W., brakeman, h 1118 Cowden Lambert Heury, laborer, h 530 Woodbine Lambert Lizzie, domestic, 328 North Lamberton Annie, wid R. E . hIll N Front LAIIB.EB.TON WILLIAII B., lawyer, 216 Market c Court av, hIll N Front Lamby Charles. fireman, h 1719l N 5th Lampas Theodore J., baker, 414 Market, h do Lampkins Benjamin, Illborer, h 1103 N Caml'ron LANCASTER HOUSE, Bertha Meyer, 21 Cowden LANDIS AARON II., alderman, 1420 N 3d, h do Landis Abraham \V., painter, h 631 Sayford av Landis Addison H., steam fitter, h 1809 Berryhill Landis Annie M., wid Reuben, h 2011 Penu Landis Arthur F., laborer, h 1809 Berryhill Landis Carrie I., 8eIlmstl'l'SS, h 1420 N 3d LANDIS CHARLES E., reporter Telegraph, h 330 p~trt!r Landil! Charles F., prlldnce, 2011 Pelln, b do Landis David D., laborer, h 1809 Berryhill Landis Edward D., huckster, 221 S 2d, h do Landis George S., clk, 405 Market, h 63 N 10th Landis Harry, carpenter, h ],(12 Susqnehanna Landis Harry R., elk The Llchiel, h 12 N 2d Landis Htmry, mason, h 1809 Berryhill Landis Henry B., h 6:1 N 10th Landis Howard S., machinist, h 1014 N 7th Landis John L., h 1:308 Wallace Landis Ledyard A., elk, 33~ Chestnut, h 63 N 10th Landis Mal'tha~ wid Abraham, h 33:1 S j4'ront Landis Mllry A., tailoress, h 1809 Berryhill Landi~ Oliver T., printer, h 1125 N j4"'ront Landis Pearl S., h lOJ 2 State Landis Priscilla, wid Abram, h 1014 N 7th Landis Rebe<..'C8, wid John L., h 521 Ral'e Landis W. Ellis, l'8l'pellter, h 1308 Wallace

Digitized by


I. B. TACK:Plnelrt Wall Paper. {~\C3~~~~~}12I0 N. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory. 321
Landis William C., elk, h 1014 N 7th Lane Alexander R., carpenter, h 1707 N 4th Lane Charles, laborer, h 1422 FlIlton Lane George A., hostler, h 1432 )Iargaret Lane Henry, laborer, h ] 418 Fultnn LaDe Margaret R., domestic, ] 432 Margaret Lane Roland, carter, h 1419 Marion Lang John., tailor, h 310 Forster Lan~ Josephine, domest.ic. 211 N Front LANGDON AVERETT L., general freiglit agent C. V. R. R., eastern agent Great Southern Despatch Fast Freight Line, 200 S 2d, h at Chambersburg. Langdon John F., laborer, h ] 114 N 7th Langdon, see also Longdon Langletz Annie M., elk, 615 Race, h do Langletz Catharin~, wid CIl!lper. h 419 Kelker Lan~letz Charles W. H., cigar mfr, ] 542 N 6tb, h do Lan~letz Emma C., dressmkr, h 4] 9 Kt'lker LANGLETZ GEORGE W., planing mill, York av cAsh av, office 913 Cowden, h 6311 Boas Langletz Harry; elk, 611 Race, h 615 do LaD~letz Hattie, milliner, h 419 Kelker Laugletz Henry, baker, 611 Race, grocer, 615 Race, b do Langletz John, tobacconist, 329 Herr, h do Langletz Minnie C., stenographt'r, h 419 Kelker Lan~lotz Agnes, housekeeper, :l24 S River av Langlotz Annie, domestic, 31 S 3d Langlotz John, fireman, b 324 S River av LaDglotz Martha E., domestic, 322 Chestnut LIlDglotz Martin, grocer, 400 S 2d, b do Lanker Daniel, packer, h 1825 Rndy LanlJeY William P., steward The Club, .27 Market, h do Lantz J. Harper, elk, 110 Market, h 57 N 13th Lantz Joseph, fruits, 235 Walnut, h 117 Paxton Lantz Sarah Mrs., domestic, 322 Sayford av Lantz William L., ~rooer, 110 Market, h 57 N 13th LAPPLEY IOHN, boots and shoes, 1720 N 4th, h do LaROSS ROBERT F. P., editor aud manager The Herald, h 927 N 2d . Lasarini David, bartender The Commonwealth, h do Latchaw William, painter, h 333 Strawberry av Lawhford Orwin L., elk, 1704 N 6th, h 512 Reily Lathe Howard W., h 5th c Woodbine Lathe William H., h 5th c Woodbine Lau Henry, constable, h 18 Cowden .. Lau John, laborer, h 712 Showers av Laube Moritz, bartender, b 205 Meadow la Laubenstein Ambrose M., confectioner, h 1238 Kittatinny

Digitized by


" To find a name you must }mow ROW'to spell it." 322 Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.
Ezekias, cunfectioner, h 328 S 16th Laubenstein Peter, pavement layer, h 1519 Derry Laube.Rtein William, elk Peipher Line, h 328 S 16tb Laudenberger Daniel, puddler, h 10 Lochiel 1st Row Laudenherg~r Philip, laborer, h 142 8 Cameron Landenberger, 8('f: 11111(1 Londenherger Landermilch Robert G., tailor, b 424 Forster Lauer Hannab F., h 1004 N 7t.h LAUER IACOB F., livery, 1122 Green, b 1004 N 7th Lauer William M .. livery, h 1124 Green LAUFLE GEBHARD, hotel, 14J5 N 3d, h do Laughlin John, engineer, h 1419 Wallace Langhran John, engineer, h 1421 Wallace Lauman Carrie A., h 1121 Green Lauman Elizabeth Mrs., h Home for the Friendless Lauman William M., (Kendig & Lanman), b at Middletown Laurie Annie E. K., teacher, h 216 North Laurie John B. F., bookkpr, h 216 Nol'tb Laurie Mary A., wid John, h 216 North Lauscb Lihcoln A., labo~r, b 1327 James Lauster Frederick, haker, h 627 Boas Lautsooul(h Carrie, domestic, 225 S 2d Lallt!'bau~h Geor~, salesmau, :31 9 Market, h 225 S ,211 Lautshaugh Minnie M., seamstress, h 117 Verbeke Lautshallgh R.ebecca L., shirtlllkr, h 225 S 2d Lautsoough Samuel, laborer, h 413 State Lautsbaug'h Samuel, jr.. laborer, h 1021 S 9th Lauver William E. E., brakeman, h 605 Dauphin av Lavender Charles, luborer, h State Dr Cameron LU\'enia Robert, driver, h 1426 Fultou Laverty A lice L., h 11 S 2d Laverty Annie L., saleslady, 1201 N 3d, h 11 S 2d Lavt'rty Charles K . drug elk, 426 Market, h 5 S 13th Laverty Ella K., h 11 S 2d IJuverty JI"'rank R., junk, 1520 Fulton, h 1532 do Laverty Joseph D., medicines, h 40::\ Herr Laverty Maggie. laundress, h 1320 N 6th Laverty Mary A., wid Daniel, h 11 S 2d Laverty Ralph, printer Tele~raph, h 11 S 2d Laverty William A., supt, 335 Market., h 122 Locust Laverty William J., Ba'Ond-hand gooos, 1320 N 6th, h do Law Henry, evangeli~t, h 331 Granite av Lawler John, heater. h 121 Hanna Lawler John W., machinist, h 405 Verbeke Lawless Margaret E., h 542 Race , Lawle88 Marv J., dressmkr, h 542 Race Lawless Mich.el, heater, h 542 Race Lawless Sadie C., teacher, b 542 Race

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, pracllcal Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory. 328

Lawless Thomas, foreman, h 5~2 Rac.-e Lawrence Jefferson, laborer, h 1116 Bartine av Lawrence John }'., brakeman, h 610 Granite av Lawrence WilHam, laborer, h 206 Cbarles Lawrie Fannie Mrs., h 139 S 3d . Lawser William H., gunsmith, 407 Market, b 406 do Lawson Frederick, laborer, h 404 Cranberry av Lawyer Albert E., nail feeder, h 237 North Lawyer Mallgie, b 433 Strawberry av Laylon Harry, enginet'r, h 1787 N 6th Laylon Hownrd, inspector, b 604 Granite av . Laylon William, cleaner, h 1737 N 6th Layton Morris H., teacher, h 520 N 5th Layton William H., trackman, h 8 Commerce Layton William H., jr., trackman. h 17 Brady Leach Albert G., laborer, h 1825 N 4th Leach James W., general sec, h 1825 N 4th Leach Julia, laundress, h 126 Liberty LEADER GEORGE H., editor Harrisburg Telegram, b Hotel Columbus . Leahy John, stone mason, h 118 S 2d Leahy William, laborer, h 1227 N 7th I.eak Emma, h 602 State

:fu~:L~~~~3;m~~Bl~ FOOTWEAR ot lalters', 1012 I. Leakway Elizabeth Mrs., boarding, h 117 Mulberry Leaman Ella S. Mrs., h 1210 N 7th Leaman George F., brakeman, h 225 Verbeke Leaman George W., fireman, h 1425 Green Leaman John H., engineer, h 225 Verbeke Leaman Warren H., fireman, h 230 Cbarles av Learnen Joseph, painter, 11 1002 Cowden Leavell Kate, domestic, 116 Pine Leavy. Nathaniel H., telegrapher, h Metropolitan Hot21 Lebo Emanuel N., CQntractor, 1922 Berryhill, h do Lebo Samuel, fireman Lunatic Hospital, h 2019 N 5th Lebo Thomas E., laster,'h 142 Linden LeDane Annie, trimmer, h State nr 5tb Lee Annie M., wid .Jat.'ob. h 408 Cranbelry av Lee Charles A. buokkpr, 222 Market, b 125 P,ne Lee Edward, laborer, h 1247 N IIi Lee Geor~, laborer, h 1218 N 12th Lee Harriet, h 408 Cranberry av Ie Henry C., laborer, h 234 N Court av Lee Hugh, tailor, h 931 S 9tb Lee James, laborer, h 171 Indian 'av Lee' Joho, laborer, h 703 North Lee Kwong, laundry, 416 Walnut, b do

3d 81.

Qigitized by


Oil McNen's Medicine Co. {~~~} N~~d. 324 Boyd'. Harrisburg (Ll City Directory.
Lee Leathe, wid Richard. b 232 ~ Court av Lee Mary J., b 125 Pine Lee Robert, laborer, h 19 N 16th Lee Tbomas, laundryman, h 312 Reily Lee William T., laborer, h 408 Cranberry av Leebrich Hannah, h 600 N 3d Lft:Ch William, tailor, b 534 Maclay Leecb William A., potter, 11 5:34 Maclay Leeds Daniel, engine cleaner, b 476 S Cameron Leeds George W., fireman, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Maliuda, wid Ricbard, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Richard, fireman, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Tbomas, blacksmith, h 476 S Cameron Leedy Charles D., elk, 44:3 Market, b 422 Herr Leedy David E., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Leedy Dilvid S., caller, b 1634 N 4th Leedy George, heater, h 1111 S 9th Leedy Grant, laborer, h 6:31 Kelker Leedy Helen, dressmkr, h 422 Herr Leedy John H., grocoer, 1827 N 7th, h do Leedy John W.,. bricb, 19th bel Derry, h 11 N 5th Leedy Louisa, wid Daniel, h 11 N 5tb Leedy M. Louisa, wid William, h 422 Herr Leedy Samuel K., h 631 Kelker Leepard Julia, wid John, h 314 S 2d Leese Edward, cooper, b 1060 S 9th Leeser Horace G., mgr, 312 Market, h 602 Race Lefever Benjamin G., agt, h 2015 Fulton Lefever Charles L., harness, 427 t Verbeke, h do Lefever Charles W., operator, h 411 Cumberland Lefever Emily C., wid David G., h 1903 N 3d I~efever Emma R., teacher, b 411 Cumberland Lefever Nancy A., wid ll18ac, h 411 Cumberland LeFevre Beryl E., stndent, h 1246 Del'ry Leffingwell Wilma, stenographer ins. dept, b 902 N 3c:I Lego Alfred P., wood dealer, h Cumberland ab 12tb ~o Frank, laborer, h 1829 Berrybill Lego Martin L., laborer, It 103 S River av Lego Rachel A. Mrs., janitor, h Herr ab 12th Lego Samuel W., blacksmith, h 615 Hamilton Lego Sopbia, wid Stephen, h Cumberland ab 12th Lego Stephen R, conductor, h 303 Colder .Lehman Albert, printer, h 119 Strawberry av Lebman Alonzo G., elk, 334 MIll'ket, h 922 Grand Lehman Henry 0., h 646 York Lehman Jacob B., ins, h 119 Strawberry av Lehman Kate I., tailoress, h 1526 Wallace Lehman Mary A., wid Jobn, It 127 Sayford av

Digitized by


,". B. TACit n,

1210 {EmP10)'ll none but Ilrat-clBIIII workmeu, benoa only llrat-clua N. 3d St. work, and Insurea II.. Work dona In any part of the Slale.

Boyd's Harrisburg (J.J) City Directory.


Lehman Samuel W., flagman, b 127 Sayford av Lehman William D., molder. h 127 &yford av Lehr James M., laborer, h 92. S 9th Lehr Joseph W., engineer, h 544 Maclay Lehr Philip, heater, h 557 SlOth Lehr Sarah, wid Andrew B., h 924 S 9th . Lehr William H., fireman, h 1012 Paxtou Leib Charles F., elk, h 817 N 2d Leib Elizabeth A., wid Christian, h 310 Cumberland Leib Emma E . stenographer, h 10 N 16th LEIB FRANX B.., insurance and real estate, 12 N 3d, b 817 N 2d Leib Margaret, wid Georgt', h 1637! N 3d Leib Oliver M., machinist. h 10 N 16th Leib Saruh, wid John, It 10 N 16th Leib Sobieskie, (. ondllctor, h :310 Cumberland I..eibengood John C., carpentel', h 1439 Vernon IA!iby Percival, laborer, h 1908 N Cameron Leidich Percy G., druggist, 33:3 S Front, h do Leidig John B . carpenter, h 324 Kelker Leidy J. C., Ostal c1k, h 325 Hummel Leifter Isaac, peddler, h 11 Grace Leifter Murris A., motorman, h 11 Grace Leightner William. machinist, h 1943 Rudy LEIGHTON DAVID E., Hotel Arcade, 1023 N 7th, h do Leighton Edgar C., pr~ruan Tel~r8ph, h 1924 Berryhill Leighton George F., carpenter, h 1722 Logan av Leighton Joseph W., carpenter, h 1924 Berryhill Leighton Samuel, 1023 N 7th, h 126 Evergreen Leinbach Frank D., bicycles, 101 Market, h 4th c Maclay Leinbach Har,'ey D., bicycles, 20 N River av, h 4th c Maclay Leinbach Oliver T., collector, h 224 "South Leinbach Riohai-d A., h" 4th c Maclay Leiprulill Benjaruin H., uphohcterer, h 619 Herr LeisnulD August, filler, b 1120 S Cameroll Leillruan Frederick, fireman. h 1120 S Cameron Leisman Herman. fireman, "h I) 20 S Cameron Leitt.'r Elizabeth S . doruestic, 214 S 2<1 Leitzel Thumas, painter, h 1330 Fulton Leitzell Wilson H., painter, h 1762 Logan BV Lerner .John D., photographer, 1.213 N 3d, h 1109 N 2d LEIIEB. LEIlUE, photographer, 206 Market, h 213 S FlOat (see adv) Lem~r LeRue,jr., photographer, 206 Market. h 213 S Front LEMEB. IIILTON II., lawyer, room 3, 6 N COUlt av, h 21a S Front Lemer Mary A . teacher, h 213 S Front Lerner Minnie, kacher, h 213 S Front

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spelt it." 321} Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.
Lendle RolDan, laborer, h S Cameron bel toll gate Lengle Frank, lahorer, h 3-1 Balm IAlnhart David L, laborer, h 1323 Jamt'S Lenhart Geol'Jrt' W., laborer, h 1644 Fulton Lenbart Harry S., printer, h 1730 N 3d Lenhart Lewis, ht'lper, h 1117 S 9th Lenhart SUBan C., (~omesti," 16:~7 N 7th Lenig Grant C., pohceman, h 1227 Bailey Lenig Grant. W" puddler, h 1109 Colder Lenig John G., labl/rer, h I20!l Wallace I..enig John S., special offit't'r, b 1203 Wallace Lenig Lydia E., domestic, 2020 N 5th Lenig William "~., machinist, h 1229 Bailey Lenker Amelia J., domestic, 1304 N 3d I..enker Elizabeth. h 928 N 2d unker George M" watchman Court House, b The Central Lennox Bes.;ie E, ta(~ker, h 1470 Regina Lentz Cyrus M., laborer, 11 948 21st Lentz George, urukeman, h 120 Evergreen I..entz Jame~ J., puddler, h 31:3 Clinton J..entz Joseph }t~., grucer, 4:39 Vel'beke, h do Ijentz .Joseph M., elk, 439 Verheke, h do Lentz Mil'illlel, brakeman, h 1985 N 7th Lentz Viola R., domt'lSti(', 11 N Front Leonard A lien A., brakeman, h 607 Muench Leonard Della B., milliller, :j~ N ;}tl, h 609 Forster Leonard Hany, ctlnductor, h 1729 N 6th Leonard Jlunes L., waliter, h 227 N River av Leonard .Jllllles W .. mllthinist, h 517 N 5th Leonard Johnson, (.J. Leonard & CIl.), h Mulberry c Crescent Leonard J. & Co., patent medicineR, Mulberry c CretlCellt Leonarl\ Martha, dorne~tic, 18:39 N' 6th . Leonard Martin C., engineer, h 6:34 Muench Lellnal'd William, waiter, h 227 N River av Lepmall Morris, teadJ(~:r, h 509 Filbert Lerch Reuben, undt>rkeeper Co. prilS(lII, h at Middletown J..erch Thomas, coutl'llctClI', h lO06l N 3cI Lerew Francis. boarding house, 9 lS 2d, h do Lerew HUrI'Y M., carpenter, h Bllas ab 18th Les<:ure David P., I>ltlesman, h :31 5 Chestnut Lcscllre Emma, houseket'per, 204 Charles av Le~c\lre JOlSeph A" papel'hun~er, h 1310 Green Lescure J. WillialU, employee ArlSenal, h 1310 Gl't'en Lescnre Wm. J., teller Dauphin Dep. Bllnk, h 315 Chestnut Lesh Annie D., ealeslady, 3:34 Market, h 118 State Lesh Daniel, IDgr, II 118 State . Lesher Annie, supervi!lOr clothing Lunat.ic Hospital, h do Lesley Margaret, h 324 S Court av

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~~b~~:;::=' lOll Plloor ond IIndOWShOIleS lroll I. B. T ICI, N. 7::~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory. 327

Lesshafft Franz, tfoacher drawing. ]] 22 N Front, h do Lester Jamell M., insurance, 200 Wlllnut, h 910 Green Letford Clara, wid Richllrd K, h 321 Reily Letford J..izzie Mrs., h 27 N 5th Lett James, )Jhotograpiai(l gc.oo!!, 27 N 2d, h 218 Pine Lett Jatne!!, jr., elk, 27 N 211, h 2] 8 Pin~ Levan Garrett fl., machiniMt, h The Cmllmonwealth Levan Howard A., brakeman, h 211 Hummel Levan Erskin N., engint'er, h 1421 Vernon Levan William F., engineer, h 170:3 Dt-rry Levelle Rosa, dome!!tic, l<"ront ab HarriH Levenbary Blanche, domesti(', 1718 N 3d Levi Benjamin F., lahon>r, h 17:l4 Walnut Levi Franklin, h 1734 Walnut Levin Hermnn, lalJ(lrI'r, h 516 Walnut Levin Isaac, laborer, h 708 SOllth Levin Max, peddlel', h 708 Cowden Lewal'lJ Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 14:34 Green Lewis Annie, dome!!tic, ] 5 N Front Lewis Annie, wid Andrew, h 704 North av Lewis Annie M., wid George, h 51:3 North Lewis Beltha, dressmkr, h 114 Mary's av Lewis HetMy Mrs., h Home {.,r the FriendlE'ss -A1l1he lAtest Blyleeln- FOOTWEAR OlfRAtKJ IALIEDf' N. 7072 RfUABL and FA8HIIJNABL n. no, III St. Lewis Charles H., laborer, h 1:J2:J Mariou Lewid Christopher, h 1401 S Cameron Lewis Chril'ltopher,jr., ~ardener, h 1401 S Cameron Lewil'l Daniel, laborer, h 323 S 15th Lewi!l David E., labol'pr, h 642 Bri~gH Lewis Emily, wid Alexander, h 718 North av Lewis George H., engraver, h 515 Nm'th av Lewis George W., notiuns, 121:3 N 6th, h do Lewis Granville, laborer, h 516 West Lewis Harry A. wltrehou!iemall, h 1415 Zarker Lewis Henry. laborer, II 712 Nurth av Lewis I. Alfred, engineer, h 17]4 N 5th Lewis James, laborer, h 1 154 S Cameron Lewis .John, lab()rer, h 140:3 Margaret Lewitl .John, catcher, h 109 Ann av Lewis John W., waiter. h 106 Filbert Lewis Kate, wid William H., h 1066 S Cameron Lewi!! Mary, wid Pheannis, h 34 SlOth Lewis Mal'Y A., wid William, h 1203 N 111 Lewis Mary M., charwoman, h 1203 N III Lewis Robert, waiter, h 016 WesL Lewis Robert D., laborer, h 02:3 South I..ewis Walter L., coremkr, h 513 North

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McNEIL'S 1>~~~~~t,~~~~~,rJflM~'t~~~p?aI~:' {1II1 N. 3d 31.


Boyd'. Harrisburg (I.) City Directory.

Lewis William, brakeman, h 1303 Fulton Lewis William C., apprentice, h 51:" North Lewis William E., draf[small dept into affairs, h 709 Capital Lewis William H., coachman. h 114 Marv's av Leyder James S., (Caveny & Lf>yder), h 444 Muench Lickel Lewis H., ins. agt, h 1310 N 7th Liddick David A., brakeman, h 1849 N 7th Liddick Harvey S., brakeman, h 1102 N 7th Liddick Jacob L., blacksmith, h 1418 N 7th Liddick Jacob L., brakeman, h 1849 N 7th Liddick Jollll E., brakeman. h 1116 Wallace Liddi('k Jt9Reph E . carppnter. h 3d c Maclay LIEBTREU CODAD H., Fifdl Ward Hotel, 937 N 3d,

LiebtrolJ Henry, hartender, 9:37 N


h 602 Forster

8 ,m), pub PII. Stuats-Zeitung lind Dauphiu Co. Journal, 5:H Ral't', h do Liesmann F. W. & SlIn, (George 'V.). in8urall<'t!, 534 Race Liesmann Ueorge W . (1<'. W. Lieslllann & 80u), h 534 Race Light Benjamin F., motorman, h :~29 Gruuile av Light Cy1'lls M., h 4S 8alm Light Daniel So, stenographer P. R. R., h 27 ~ 12th Light George W., printer, h 617 Bros . Light Isaac, laborer, h 1108 .James Light Jacob F., bricklayer, h 19:1U Slate Light Magdalena, wic! Helll'Y .1 . h 48 Balm Light RIISd 0., hotel. 130:l N 3d, h dl) Light Sarah A . h 1112 N 7th Light Stephen H., lahorer, h 48 Balm Light William H., laborer, h 328 Kelker Lightner Andrew C., (.()ndu(tor, h 619 Pt'ffer Lil'htner Augustus J., elk. 1622 N 4th, h 619 Peffer Lightner Charles M .. confec'r, 1909 N 6th, notary, 1904, h do Lightner Jamos B., molder, It 619 Peffer Lightner .Jennie Mrs.. Ilressmkt-, 1904 N 6th, h do Lightner Kate E.. (lJ'essmkr, h 926 Capital Lightner Richard, engineer, h 1229 Wallace Lightner Willianl,.grinder. h 19th ab Derry Lightner, see also Leightner Lighty Annie M., dres.'Illlkr, h 739 S 21l J../ighty Lt!ah Mr~., 739 h S 211 Liken Eliza Mrs., grocer, 1:322 N 6th, h do Liken Thomas, h ] 322 N 6th Likins Henry M., blacksmith, h 1127 Capital Likin~ Robert H., clk, 400 Market, h 1127 Capital Lilley Elizabeth, wid Abnet, h 2023 N 5th Lily Ellis, puddler, h 171 Paxton


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A. B. TACK .':'!rty"Of Frescolog p.,nc Bundlnl' 10 Plaia TlIIL {lrs~~37t:;:t

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory. 329
Linbill Harry K., engineer, h 1521 N 6th Lindemuth Henry H." supt, h 1853 Berryhill Lindemuth Jacob, macl~inist, h 185:~ BerJ'yhill Lindenberger Charlt>8 F .. car inspector, II 1929 N Cameron LIlfDENIIUTB BRIGHT C., gl'ocer, 235 Crescent, it do Lindsay Alexander, h 1418 Penn Lindsay Ambrose p" laborer, h 1154 S Cameron Lindsay Christopher R., retoucher, h 1418 Penn Lindsay George R., shoemkr. 1418 Penn, h do Lindsay John, laborer, h 15th bel Derry Lindsay John R., manager, h 1200 Market Line Albert A., timekeeper, b 1 Chesapeake av Line William, shipper, h 913 S 20th J.. ineaweaver Harrv A., salesman. h 2 S 4th LineaweB\,er Sy bilia, domestic, 125 S 2d Linehan Edwllrd, h 517 Walnut Liness Carrie W.. dressmkr, h 710 N 3d Liness Emma .T., h 710 N :3d Liness Helen G., saleslady, 223 Market, h 710 N 3d LinaM Kate E., bookkpr, 26 S 2d. h 710 N 3d Lingle Benjamin I., painter, h 312 Boas Lingle Charles S., (Montgomery & Co.), h 1338 Derry Lingle Edward 0" mgr P. R. Tel. Co., h 1119 N 6th Lingle George W., flagman, h 308 Colder Lingle Harry H., lime, &c,. Market nr Canal, h 218 N 2d Lingle .Josiah F., grocer,648 Muench, h do Lingle Minnie B., h 312 Boas Lingle Ruth A., wid Levi, h 1119 N 6th Lingle Sarah E., wid Joseph H., h 103 Washingtoll Lingle Thomas H., laborer, h 328 Sayfilrd av Lingle William, painter, h 312 B08s l ..inn Alexander, conductor, h 253 North Linn Philip E., salesman, h 24 S 4th Linnann Micbael, puddler, h 1112 S 9th Linsellmayer Jacob. jr., puddler, h 165 Paxton Lill8t'nmayer Magdaleua. wid Christiall, h rear 563 Race Linsenmayer William, machinist, h 165 Paxton Linville Harry, t'ngineel', h 1521 N 6th Lipman Joseph. grocer, 619 Herr, h do Lippe'rt Sylvester D., roller, h 1310 S Cameron Lippi Benjamin }i'., brakeman, h 1505 Wallace Lippman Fannie, domestic, 431 Market Lippman Mol!eS, IIlborer, h 720 N 7th Lipsoom Dennis, hostler, h 11 N Front Litch Jobn B., (C. G. Sinith & Co.). h at SteeltoD Little AUjitustus, carpenter, h 12191 Bailey Little G. FI'8nk, salesman, 114 S 2d, b 103 South I ..ittle May, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

Digitized by


To find a name you must know now to spell,t." 330 Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.

Little Milton C., candymkr, II 12191 Bailey Little, see also Lytle I ..ivezey William H., brakeman, h 64~ Colder Livingston Amanda, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Livingston Esther, wid Benjamiu, b 1816 N 3d Livingston J. B., steward Lunatic Hospital, b Cameron c Maclay Livingston Samuel J., engineer, b 1228 N 6th Livzeys Jennie, wid Charles W., h 602' Cumberland Lloyd Agnes Mrs., h 312 Hummel Lloyd Charles ,R, cooper, II 827 8 Front Lloyd Charles M., laMter, h 1276 8tate Lloyd C. Howard, (Fllose & Lloyd). h 1707 N 3d Lloyd Fannie E., artist, h 1707 N 3d Lloyd .Isaac, teacher, h 1707 N 3d Lloyd Mary, houH(lkeE'per, l:l7 N 4th Lloyd Thomas, laborer, h 632 Woodbine Lloyd, dee also Loyd Loban I8I1OO1la, wid John, h 622 Muench Lobsn John, florist, b 622 Muencb Lochiel Flouring Mill, 8 Cameron nr city limits Locbif>l Furnace Co., H. B. MloCormick, sec, 223 Market LOCHIEL, (THE), Forrest H ullter, Market c 3d LOCKHART .JOHII, supt public buildings, Capitol, b 209 Chestnut Lockley David W., barl>E'I', h 510 West ftV Lod~ G. Hora(!e, jl!rncer, 1622 N 4th, h do LOEFFLER LUDWIG, house and sign painter, 119 Cowden, h 624 Walnut Logan Annie, domt'lItiC', 801 N 6tb Logan C. AI'bmH', elk Hbg Rolling Mill, h 1308 2cJ Lomax John, laborer, h 120 Liberty Long Andrew, stone mUI'IOIl, h 4021 Reily Lonjl! Annie E., elk, h 2118 Turner av Long Aunie T., h 705 8 Front Long Arthur A., brakeman, h 717 Cowden Long Benjamin F., bricklayer, h l:l2:3 Fulton Long Charles W., machinist, h 259 CnmiJerlaml Long CY1'US W., laborer, h 1220 Derry Long David B., laborer, h 1605 Apri<:ot av Long David L., engineer, h 614 Cumbf>rland Long Elizabeth 8., stitcher, h 1941 Kensington Long Fannie, wid Jacob, h 16 N 14th Long Forrest W., bookkpr Tyrone Iron Co., h 200 Cbestnut Long Frederick, fireman, h 318 Hummel Long George D., conductor, h 11 82d Long George H., brakeman, h 641 Dauphin av Long Harry A., carpenter, h 607 Briggs

Digitized by


I. B. Tlei =tt::.!,=~~ Wall Piper Ind lIad.1 Shadu {'2m rfd~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory. 831
Long Harry B., carter, h 18381 N 5tb Long Harry J., hostler, h 1426 Y 6th Long Jacob M., h 2118 Turner av Long Jacob W., carpenter. h ] 6 N 14th Long Jane, seamstreSE!, h 210 Herr Long Jennie, wid William, h 406 Cranberry BV Long .Jennie S., weaver, h lR!l8i N 5tb Long Jerome, bartender, 401 Vt'rheke, h 1224 N Front Long John J., engint'er, h 6:32 Colder Long Jollll R., h 1802 N 4th Long John W., hOfltler, b 2041 N 5th Long Kate, wid John ~"'., h 926 Grand . Long Lewis, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Long LewiH A.. mattressmkr, h 16 N 14th Long Malcolm W., electrician, II 259 Cumberland Long Margaret, Ii 413 Boss Long Martin, h 22:1 N 2c1 Long Mary, h :~18 Hummt'l Long Michael G., laborer. h 18381 N 5t.h Long Minnie F., It 222 South Long William, shoemkr, h ]309 Wyeth av Long Wiiliam F., printer Tele~ram, h 926 Graml Long William H., laborer, h 120 l . iberty




Long .William R., elk, 1; N :3d, h 117 N River av Longa<'re Myrtie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Longdon. see Langdon Lon~necker David. Mlf'Rman, b 111 Locllst LONGENECXEB .JOBN S., warden Danphin Co. Prison, h do Longenecker Louis L., machinist, Ii 1329 James Longenecker Margaret MrK., matron Danphin Co. Prison, h do Longenecker Reuben H .. night watchman, h'1710 N 3d LongelJecker Torrence H., (Lungenecker & Weigel), b 171 0 N 3d Longenecker William, watcbman, h 1333 James av Lon~necker Willillm G., barber, h 1329 James av LONGENECKER &: WEIGEL, (T. H. Longenecker and J. F. Weigel), book and job printers. 1406 N 3d Longfeld Frederick L., piler, h 1082 S 9th Longnecker Edwin, U. S. N., h 300 N 2d Longsdorf Curie F., 8Il1et!lady, 334 Mkt, h at Mechanicsburg Long8dorf Elizabeth, wid Benjamin. h 17J9! N 5th Longsdorf G~orge, laborer, h 1129 N 6th Longsdorf Horace Bo, engineer, h 1620! N 5th LongsdorfMlugaret A., dre&imkr, II 17191 N 5th Look William, director cl poor, V. H., Ii at Linglestown

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Colds, Qulnay. Rheumattam, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ague, J)yspepela, &0. Itlt 3d.

lIelell'. Pain Elltermlnator coree Cholera Morbus, DyaenteJy, CramJll, Dtarrhma.


Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.

Lookenhill David C., warehouseman, h 605 Walnut Looker Char:les H., clk, h 703 FAst Looker Edward. pl"Oduce, 501 Nortlr, h 514 do Looker Edward B., driver, h 501 North Looker Geo. W., IG. W. Looker & Son), h 144 Cranberry av Looker George W., jl., (G.W: Looker & Son), h 144 Cranberry av Looker G. W. & Son, (George W., jr.), fish, &c., 139 CI'8nberryav Lookt'r John A., lahorer, h 1008 Cowden Looker Samuel W., bl'akeman, h 1328 N Front Loomis John C., caterer, h 120 Lillf'rty Loomis Samuel, engineer, h 1808 Elizabeth av Loomis William A., painter, h Mary's av (! S River av Loper Christian F., brakeman, h 1107 Wallace Loper Isaac K., brakeman, h 1107 Wallace Lopetri John. huckster, h 416 S River av Lort'nz Charle~, laborer, h 1313 Bartine av Lorenz Theuelore A., mill hanel, h 1:320 N 3d Lorey Charlt's, laborer, h ] 174'S Cameron Lort'y Fl't'<lerick W., heater, It 1174 S Cameron Lorey John, laborer, It 1174 S Cameron Lort'y Kate, domestiC', 1423 S Cameron LorinJl; Jennie, wid Joseph, It ]409 Wyeth av Lory William H., brakeman, h 17361 N 5th Losch Jacob J., Illbort'r, h 1207 Wallace .Loser ,Jonathan W., IIhoemkr, h 76 N 10th LOKer Ma~gie, weaver, h 76 N 10th Loser William A., barher, h 76 N 10th Losh John, laborer, h 620 Verbeke Lossmann Arnold, h 216 Ht'rr Lotz Harry E., miller, It 1066 S 9th Lotz John D., a~t, 66:3 Verbeke, It do Londell berger Jill ia l\I rs., l!tlllfl!Ctionel', 813 N 3d, h df? Loudenbergel', 8t'e also Lnudenberger Loudenslager Charles E., cuhinetmkr, h 142:3 Regina Loudermilch David R., laborer, h J;~orster c 20tb Loudon SIIRan, wid John, h 1809 N 6th Loughran ,James E., flagman, h ]216 N 7th Lonsch John, hostlt'r Hershey Honse, h do Lo"e Gt'orge, (Love & Spencer), baker, 1409 N ~d, h do Love & Spencer, (G. Love and O. J. Spencer), painters, 1408 James Lovett Willium, agt, h 1009 Cowden Low Daniel S., tinsmith, h 1240 Cowden Low PI'estnn V . apprelltice, h 60:3 N Cameron LOW WILLIA.M B., marble and granite works, 509 N Cameron c State, h 603 do

Digitized by


beet and lowest priCeL Window I. B. TACK} Wall Paper. TheWith Fixtores &DdFrloge, for 86 etB. { N. 7210bt. Shades complete. 8d

Boyd'. BarriBbmg (L) City Directory. 333


Low W.iIlis B., laborer, II 1409 Currant av Lowe David, laborer,.b 7] 5 State Lowe David, labor('r, h 19:331 Logan av Lowe Edward. bookbiu<iel, h 193:~1 Logan av Lowe Ella J. Mrs. housekeeper. 200 Pine Lowe Frances, domestic, 1991 N 7th Lowengard Joseph, h 416 Briggs I..ower Hannali, h ]]]() Currant av Lowel Lewis N., brakeman, h 624 Reily Lowery DeWitt D. Rev . h :324 S ]6th Lowman Sarah P., wid William M . h 220 Pine Lowrey Vllal'les P., clk, h 12:35 N 6th Lowry E<hvard, porter The Boltrm, h 1330 Marion Lowry Joseph, labort'r, h 1330 Mariou Lowry Sad it', domestic,119 S Front Lowry William C., inspectOl, h 910 Capital Loy Albert H., iron worker, h ]211 Fulton Loy Christian, tanner, h 609 MYI,tle BV Loy Emma, II 609 Myrtle a\' Loy J"ohanna, wid Matthias, h 2]8 SOllth Loyd Ft'lix G., tailor, h 210 Liberty Loyd Patrick, salooll, ] 37 N 4th, h do Loyd, see also Lloyd Loyer Catharine M., wid Jacub, h 1334 Margaret Loyer George W., engineer, h 419 Harris Lucas Addison, laborer, h 416 Cranberry av Lucal! Charles, laborer, h 118 Liberty Lucas, wid i,ubert, h 2037 Kensington LU('"8S Florence, dressrnkr, h 118 Liberty Lu<'as George, laborer, h 607 Cedar a\' Lucas Hf'nry H., blacksmith, h 20:37 Kensington Lums Hile, laborer, hI) 8 Liberty Lucas Howard S., laborer, h 1119 N 1] 1 Lncas Isaac N., brakeman, h 20:37 Kensington Lucas Jane, wid Charles, II 118 Liberty Lucas Robert A., mail agt;o h 916 N 3d LnCfts Sa rah L., houseka-per, 14] 7 ~lttrgllret Lucas William A., laborer, h 1119 N 1] 1 Luce John H., h 1916 N 6th Lnce Joseph P., bookkpr, h 19]6 N 6th Ludwick Albert C., plumbel', h 122 Verbeke Ludwif;k John H . t'Hrpent('r, h 122 Verbeke Ludwick Sarah E., hlluseket'per, JO S 2<1 Ludwig Emanuel, agt, 409 S 2d, hat Pembrook, Pa. Ludwig Nnrall, waitress The Bulton Lukens Andrew N., conf~tioner, :102 Reily, h do Lukens Frank S., molder, h 3u2 Reily Lukens Herbert, finisher, h 108 Linden

Digitized by


" To find a name YOZI must 'mow how to spell z't." 334 Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.
Lukens .John S., laborer, h 108 Linden Lukens Martha A., \vid William H., h 108 Linden Lukens Morris, missionary, h 2108 Derry Lukens Nelson C., puddler, hI] I) N Summit Lukens William, carpenter. II 14~4 N 3d J..,um David, laborer, h 1101 N Cameron Lum Susan, wid David, h 319 Colder Lundy Benjamin, laburer, h 1409 N Cameron LUPER GEORGE B., insurIlnt.'e('om'sr. Capitol, h 902 N 3d Lupfer Benjamin B., jewelet, 410 Market, It 407 do Lupfer .James H., h 402 MUench Lupfer Sarah L., Wl'Sver, h 402 Muench LupoId John, scale inspector. h 64:1 Boas Lusk Charles P., shirt mfr, :~07 Market, h 412 N 3d Lusk E. May, operator, h 170] l N 4th Lusk .James C., carpenter, h ] 7011 N 4th Lusk Robet"t E., jr., eonductor, h 346 Hamilton Lusk Robert W., brakemall, h 17011 N 4th Lutes Britton H., warellClu'K!man. h :lll Verbeke Lutz Amanda M., wid William F., h 119 Herr Lutz Augustus, t'lk. h 119 He"r Lutz Bessie L . h 220 Cumberland Lutz David A., ('Srpe.lter, h 30 N l:1th Lutz Edward E., milk dealer, h ) 71 N ] 5th Lutz Frank L., student, h 1:345 Howard Lutz George W., machinist, h 1700 N 5th Lntz Harry, firemau, h 641 Coldt'r LUTZ BARBY S., plumber, l:l02 Green, b 1324 Penn Lutz Henry F., watchman, h II j:I Herr Lutz Horace, transf~t clk R. M. S., h ]3:1 Herr Lutz Isaac D., druggist Lunatic Hospital. h do Lutz Jacoh A., groc'Cr, 1849 Derry, h dll Lutz .Jacob D., carpenter, h 2006 Kensington Lutz James H., plumber, 2:32 SlllIth. h 220 Cumberland Lutz James H., jr., elk, 11 N :ld, h 220 Cumberland Lutz Joltn L., enginet'r, h 15:15 N 6th Lutz John S., ins. agt, h 1811 Berryhill Lutz Joseph, packer, II G"eellwood c 211 Lutz Mary, will Samuel. II 7 N 14th Lutz Minnie E., dtt'SSIIIkt-, h 119 Herr Lutz Richard L . (Gel'lock & Lutz), h 1345 Howard Lutz StimDl~I. " 220 Cumberland Lutz Susan H., wid Amos, h 1811 Berryhill Lutz William, s"OE'mkr, 1 004 Capital, h 119 Herr Lutz William D., engineer, h 4:30 Harris Lutz William F., elk, h 1700 N 5th Lutz William \V., brakeman. h 1204 Market Lyman Nicholas, master mpchanic, h 259 Herr

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, I all Paper and lindowShades. {'2~:!lo!;.R2~~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory. 335
Lyme Adam H., l'arpenter, Ii GI-eenwood bel 21st Lyme Edwin L., laster, h 1310 H()ward Lyme Harry S., brakeman, h 91:J Grand Lyme Irvin, plumber, II 130 Balm Lyme John C., director of poor, C. H., h 1310 Howard Lyme .John H., mason, h 1~7 Balm Lvme William J., molder, h 1314 Howard Lynch Annie, nurse, h :l05 S Front Lynch Catherin~ E., stenographer, h 1609 Swatara Lynch Charles, lock tender, h Send S Cameron Lynch Charles A., leather, h 1209 N 6th . Lynco" CllluleK M.. dgarm'kr, h 1609 Swatara LYNCH CJlB.ISTIAIf W., lawyer. 1 .N 2d, county treasurer, Court House, h 224 North Lvnch Eliza A., wid James S., h 1:31 1 FlIlton Lynch JllbleH J., brick mallOn, h l:n 1 Fulton Lynch .Jesse J., puddler, II 1319 S 12th Lynch John D., janitor, II 404 FUI'ster Lvnch .John S., h 224 North Lynch John T., h 1209 N 6th Lynch John W., tobacconist, 1200 N 6th, h 1209 do J..ynch Mary E., shr()lIdmkr, h 1206 Chri~tian Lyndl Mar.v E.. wid Mic~hael C., II 1609 Swatara

FRANK M. WALTERS, \~~r~:.ty: 'FOOTWEAR, ".7:':~t.

Lyllch Patrick G., pitmall. h lIJ~;i S !Jth Lvnch Rt'lIUen L .. ft'l't!IIIOn, h 1004 N 3d IJYllch S. GI'aloe, elk. a07 Market, h 1609 Swatara Lynch Willialll H., ell~ineer treasury tlt'pt, h 402 Boas Lvnch William W . rollel', b 1206 Chriloltian Lj"ue Emma, h 212 Mulherry Lyne John M., nail packer, II 6]2 Race Lyne Juhn W., labUl-er, h 614 Shmvt'rs av Lynu Annie M., c1ullIestic, 1500 N 6th Lynn Sallie N., dOIllt'Stic, 1512 N 6tb Lyou Chades C., clk P. R. R. depot. h 60C) Forster Lyons Jonathall J. F. L. Rev., h la21 Margaret Lyons Margaret Miss, h 14] 7 N ad Lyou8 Robert,luborer, h 1125 (h'8pe av Lyons William S., machinist, b 1522 N 4th Lyter Emma Mrs., h 130 S Dewbeny av Lytt'r Harvey F . (''8r cleaner, h 206 Cherry av . LY'.I!EB ISAAC, county com'sr, Conrt House, h at Halifax Lyter .John F., salesman, 308 Market, h 220 Forstt'r Lyter Rudy W., elk, 104: COllrt av, h 1151 Market Lyter Samuel J., carpentel', h Boas c Linden Lyter Sarah A., wid MCI8e8, h 1151 Market Lyter William H., h 1006 N 2d

Digitized by


~Vell yoo an TRY IT r It-el'l's Pal'n Ext-rml'nator "mUlIoD8 have appeUle. Maoy { 1717 No". td. 11 " beeD cored b,lt,


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

Lytle Charles H., plallterer, h 1716' Fulton Lytle George.D., timler, h 1331 Green Lytle Harry E., paintel', h 701 Herr Lytle James H., (.'arpenter, h 1331 Green Lytle Maud L., booksewer, h 1831 Green Lytle William J., elk, 113 N 2d, h 1331 Green

MAAS MARTIN, insurance broker and adjuster. 22 N 2d,
h the Communwealth MacAv(lY Thomas D., clk P. R. R. shops, h 1938 N 6th Mac~tll Martha, dressmkr, II 13~1 Vemon MacDowell Calvin M., printel', h 230 N 3d MacDowell Thomas C., apprentiCf, h 230 N 3d Ma<.'eY James, laburf'r, h 16 Haehnlen av Macey WilJiuDl, barber. 1025 N 7th. h 129 Cranberry av MacFarland Luuisa. milliner, 1017 N 3d, h do MacFarland Samuel T., foreman, II lu17 N 3d Machamt!r David J., el,gineer, h lA28 N 7th Machllmf'r Frank, fireman, II 1225 Wallace Machamer Hlm'Y H., laborer, h 1119 Wallace Machamer John S . carpenter, h 1119 Wallace Machamer Samnel K., helper. h 1119 Wallace Machamer William 0 .. brakeman, h 1817 Wood BV Machett Ralph H., bl'akeman, II 421 Boyd av Machlan Ida K., dressmkr, h 813 East Machlan James A., driv('r, h 908 Penn Macblan Susan M., milliner, h 813 East MACKLIN A. B., mgr Melrose Seed aDd Floral Co., 32 S 3d, h at Melrose, 28th and Derry Machlin Alfred J., laborer, h 28th nr Derry Machlin Charlell, transfer driver. h 122 Strawberry IlV Machlin Sylvan \V., florist, h at MelroSE', 28th and Derry MACKLIN W. E. & A. B., Melrose Seed and Floral Co., 32 S :3d Ilnd 28th and Derry (see adv) MACKLIN WILLIAM E., (Melrose Seed and Floral Co.), rag wal'~lIouse, Mulberry c 11th, h Hummelstown pike, Paxtang (see adv) Mack John H., boilermkr, h 1014 Market

Bring" all your Woolen and Cotton Rags, Paper, &c.,

. . . '1'0 . . .

.... 8 .. _.aC&LZ....

Rag .:. Warehouse,

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Itt WaU Paper. {D~C3;~l~':'~} 1210 3d.


. Boyd's Harrisburl (M) City Directory. 337

Mackell80n Clarence T., grocer, 118 Paxton, h 436 S 2<1. Mllckeneon John S., h 2d c Mulberry . Mackey John W., traY saleRman. h 221 Boas Mack'ey Lort'nzo D., cabinetmkr, h 605 North Mackey Virginia E., sal{'8lady, h 605 North Mackley Jobn W., brakeman, h 329 Buyd av Mackley Samuel. brakeman, h 329 Boyd av Mackley Samuel T., laborer, h 329 Boyd av Macklin Calvin, transfer driver, h 122 Strawbt>rry av Macklin John S., printer. h 7th nr Colder MACQUEEN J AllIES M., architect, 237 S 2d, h at Hum'" melstown (see adv) Madden Alexander C., fireman, h 1642 N 3d Madden Annie, dressmkr, h 1718l N 5th Mlidden Bridget. domestic Europt>Bn Hotel Madden Edward W., asst trainmastt'r, It 205 Mulberry Madden Hattie, domestic, 3:33 Colder Madden Honora, wid Patrick, h 1103 S 9th Madden John, bartender Grund Hotel, h 1103 S 9th Madden Lizzie M., bookfolder, h 1103 S 9th Madden Marx, domestic, 101 N F,'ont Madden Mary, wid John, h 318 .N Court av Madden Mary, wid Peter, h 216 S River av Madden Michael, car inspector, h 171K1 N 5th Madden Regina S., wid William B., h 343 S 16th Madden Robert J., printer, h 17181 N 5th Madden Sophia, wid Abraham, h :333 C(llder Madden William J.,laborer, h 1103 S 9th Maddox Sarah, domestic, 1422 Wyeth av Maddox Theresa Mrs., h 1422 Wveth a\' Maddux George, shoe cutter, h 267 ForRter Madenfurd Franklin B., bricklayer, h 937 N 7th Madenfort Kate, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Mader Stylet! B., laborer, h 761 S 19th Mader William, fireman, h 1419 Regina Madison Charles L., houseman, h 3491 S Camerou Madison Fannie, domesti(!, 131 Short lIaeyer David, (Fagt'r & Maeyer), h 1102 N 3d


237 S. Second Street,


Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 338 Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.
Maeyer Hummel K., elk, 108 Market, h 213 Cumberland Maeyer John W., tinner, h 33 Sassafrus av Magaha John W., laborer, h 1219 Fulton MaJ!1llski Eva, wid Michael, h rear 802 Salmon Ma~r Geurge, laborer, h Cameron ab Markt't MIIJ!ar Midulel. r~tallrant, 813 Market, h do Magaro Peter, laborer, h rear 26 N 4th Magaro Salvatort', elk, 322 Market, II rear 26 N 4th Magee .J. Roberts, screwsman, h 806 Green Mages Humphrey, laborer, h 1424 Fulton Magill Abraham, brakeman, h 1309 Wanaoo Magill Dav1d. machinist, h 421 Harris Magill Maf!gie, dressmkr, h 1309 Wallace Magill Margaret, wid David, h 421 Harris Maglauchliu Jacob, painter, h 121 North Maglaucblin Robert C., wall paper, 1414 N 3d"h do Maglauchlin William, cigaNl, 701 N 2d, b 121 North Magnani Antonio, waiter Europeau Hotel Magruder Hugh, waiter, h 119 Short Magruder Samlll'l D., hrakeman, h 417 Cumberland Magrnder William A., laborer, h 1442 Derry Maguire Eliza, domestic, 124 Pille Maguire Juhn .J., watchmkr, 26 N Dewberry av, h do Mliguirt', !lee al~o M(:Guire, also Megnire Mahan Frank R., engineer, h 1433 N 2d Mahan Ida, domestic, 209 Hummel Mllbauey Clara V., stenogra'r F. and M. Wks, h 1213 Mkt Mahaney Curtis J., machinist, h 419 Cumherland Mahaney Edith, wid William J., h 1213 Market Mllhaney Harrit'tte E., teacher, h 1213 Market Mahlin James, flagman, h 7th c Maclay Mahon J. Montgomt'ry, chi('f elk, 413 Market, h at Carlisle Mahon Kat(', seamstrt's~, h 110 Nagle Mahou Patrick C., fiJreman, h ] 10 Nagle Mahon Patrick H., laborer, h 110 Nagle Mahon ThomaK F., lliborer, h 110 Nagle Mahont'y Annie, domestic, 104 Walnut Mahoney Edward, engineer, h 1237 N 7th Mah()ney Mllry, domestic, 131 Walnut Maier CIII'i!ltian, butcher, h 238 Charles Mailey Amos A., huckster, h 814 S Cameron Mailt'y D. Miller Mrtl., h 242 Meadow la Mailey EliZllbeth, wid William, h 212 S River a\' Mailey Emt'ry M., fireman, h 212 S River av Mailey Emma, h 910 Penn :Mailey William M., collector, h 910 Penn Mllin John W., laborer, h 405 Verbeke Maines Mollie E., bookfolder, h 319 Chestnut

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, pmetlcal Paper Hanger.

{'~'~~o~~::!i. Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Direotory. 839

Maines Thomas B., watchman, h 319 Chestnut Major David R., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 438 S 16th Major Edgar M., elk, h 1635 Derry Major Jacob M., watchmkr, 431' Market, h 1203 Mulberry Major John M . notary, 331 Market, h 1535 Derry Major William A., elk, h 1203 Mulberry Makibbin Charles, dl'Rftsman, h 644 Muench Makibbin .JameM G.\ engint'er. h 1912 N 5th Makibbin Roland, telegraph <'perator, h 1806 N 6th Makibbin William J. A., h l806 'N 6th Malaney Annie B., h 223 Briggs Malanl'Y John, watchman P. & R. depot, h 223 Briggs Malester William, brakeman, h 1300 N 7th Maley Charles W., laborer, h 437 SlOth Maley Eli A" puddler, h 437 SlOth Maley George W., fireman, h 446 SlOth Maley James, janitor, h 561 SlOth Maley John, shoemkr, h 061 SlOth Maley Thomas J., (''Onductor, h 1006 Berryhill Maley W. Harry, conductor, h 448 SlOth Malick Daniel E., fireman, h 1322 Margaret Mall Moses, tailor, hI;)] 6 Maple Malone James, inll. agt, h 1123 Capital


FOOTWEAR Ollalters" 1012 N. 311 81.

Malone William, ball player, h ] 18 Cowden Maloney Ellen C., wid Thomas F., h 808 N 6th Maloney Juhn H., h 11031 Cuwden Maloriey Michael, brakeman, h 641 Colder Maloy Annie M., booksewer, h 320 Blackberry av Maloy Harry C., bookbinder, h 320 Blackberry av Maloy John, puddler, h 53 I..ochiel nr store Malseed Charles, letter carrier, h 142 Dock Malseed Harry F., laborer, h 142 Dock Mal'*!ed J. BruCt', laborer, h 124 Nagle M.lseetI Myrtle S . nurse, h 142 Dock Maltleed William, puddler, h 635 S F.'out Manahan George, jr. conductur, h 1619 N 4th Manahan WiIliaDl L., conductor, h 27:3 Hamilton Manahan William L., jr" clk, 334 Market, h 273 Hamilton Manbeck }"rank J., painter, h 705 FAst Manbeck Wellington M., bookkpr, h 1926 N 6th Mangel Daniel, h 551 Race Mangt'l Kate, warper, h 51)] Race Manfrel Mary, weaver, h 551 Race Maogt'l Samut'I, machinist, h 651 Race Mangeld Karl. carpenter, h 1714 Fult( n Manion John J., tranllfer agt, h 507 Baig~


Digitized by


Ollce McN eil's Medicine CO. {Es~~~} No~~d. 340 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
Manion Jillia, wid Patrick, h 507 Bri~ Manley Abner B., contractor, h 311 Clinton av Mllnley Benjamin F., laborer, -h 1427 Derry Manley George H., carpenter; 425 Strawberryav, h 12 Aberdeen av Manley Jobn B .. carpenter, h 1129' Wallace Manley Lealon E., waiter The Lochiel, h 119 Mulberl'y Manley Levi H., laborer, h 1300 N 2d Manley Norman S., steel worker, h 1147 Derrv Manley Washington S., operator, h 2022 N 5th Manly William G., collarmkr, h 412 Walnut Mann Matilda, wid Samuel F., h 217 S 2d Mann Samuel, jr., butler. 211 N Front Mauuil1g Anna, wid John, h 509 Walnut Manning Charles .1., physician, ] 500 N 6th, h do Manning Jennie Mrs., h 1012 James av Manning John, heater, h 729 State Manning Samuel S., (Bierbower & Manning), h 1536 N 6th Manuel Samnel N., driver, h 229 N River av Manuels Leland, waiter, h 119 Mulberry ManuO) Clarence, roller, h 1014 Paxtou Manum Lenus G., driver, h 449 S 2d Marburger George, driver, h 3J 6 Briggs Marburger John C., bartender, 309 Market, h 106 Balm March Charla. E., machinist, h 422 S 13th March Daniel, blacksmith, h 422 S 13th March Jesse, fireman, h 412 Hamilton March Joshua, iron worker, h 9 S 2d Marchand Carolint', wid Frederick, h 317 S 2d Marion Bullion Co., J. Young, pres; W. E. Machlin, treas j H. C. Demming, sec, ] 7 N 3d Marion Improvement Co., William T. Hildrup, pres; H. C. Demming, treas and genl mgr; S. J. M. McCarrell, sec, 17 N 3d Marion Nora, domt'Stic, 503 N }4'ront Markell Charles I., express messenger, h 311 Cumberland Markey James, teamster, h 263 Sayford av Markham Lizzie, wid John, h 1703 N 7th Markley Charles F., warehouseman, h 1742 N 3d Markley David M., ins. solicitor, h 244 North Markley George F., engineer, h 628 Colder lIABXLEY G. H. Dr., (Markley & Co.), pharmacist, 3d c Walnut, h 108 Locust Markley & Co., (Dr. G. H. Markley and N. Appell), local mJl:rs and bill posters, 3d c Walnut lIARKS DANIEL B., carpet cleaner, 1115 Montgomery, h 1914 N 6th IrIARKS BEalllA., clothier, 401-403 Market, h 435 do

Digitized by



B. TAC' n,

PIO:Y8 none bnt IIl'11tcl&911 workmen, hence onlylll'llt-clau 1210 N. 3d St. work, and lnaurea 11.. Work done In any part of the Slate.


Boyd'. HarriBburg (M) City. Directory. 341

Marks John, machinist. h 1539 N 4th Marks Leonard S., fi)reman, II 1103 Hickory av Marks Loretta C . cigllrmkr, h 1637 Fulton Marks P. Bruce, fireman, h ]637 Fulton Marks Peter A., laborer. h ] 225 Apple'av Marlatt Wilson, h 2012 N 3d Marple Joseph G . dt'ntist, 225 N 2d, h do Marquart J.i"rances S., wid Abram, h :342 Hamilton Marquart .John A., fireman, h 342 Hamilton Marquart Samuel C., paintt'r, h 342 Hamilton .Marquette George S., hammerman. h 406 Boas Marquette Rosa, b()xmkr, h 14] Blilm Marquette Rosa. wid William h 14] Baltn Marquette Willillm, cigarmkr, Ii 141 Balm Marrow William H., labOl-er, hI] 16 N Cameron. Mars CallSius, wlliter, h :34:~ Colder Marsh Ellen, chambt'rmaid Graud Hotel Marsh Fannie R., elk, Crescent c Mulberry, 'h 255 North Mllrsli Fred H., agrl implts, 627 Walnut, h 1115 Market Marsh Harry: farmer, h 21st c Market MaNlh Jt'unie A., bookkpr, h 255 North Mllrsh Maria A., wid Dllvid, h 1115 Market Marsh Mirna K., h 255 North Marsh Sarah J., wid Elisha C . h 255 North Marsh Thomas, farmer, h Markt't c 21st Marsh William T., laborer, h 12]8 James Marshall Annie M., wid John, h 1:306 N 6th Marshall Charles A., insurance, h 1:37 Lindf'n Marilhall Charles G., plumber, h 1306 N 6th Marshall Edward, porter The Bolton Marshall Elisha B.. porter, h 708 Eallt Marshall Henry, h 159 N 4th Marshall Ida E., saleslady, 15 S 2d, h 315 Herr Marshall John, laborer, h 319 S 15th Marshall John A., insurance, 1202 N 3d, h 419 Muench Mal'Khllll John S., pJumher, 1306 N 6th, h do KABSHALL SAMUEL M., insurance, 7 N 3d, h 403 N 2d MaJ':4hall Stanl(y, fh-eman, h Violet nr Wood av Marshall VietOl', tanner, h 124 Hoyer av Marshall Willialll H., teacher, b 516 N 5th Marshall William H. S., machinist, h ]306 N 6th Mal':;hbank Alexundel', molder, h 128 S 3d Marshbank Annie, teacher, h 1013 Green MaNlhbank ~lara, h 115 S Front Marshbank Edgar W., steam fitter, h 607 Boos Msrsbbank Lottie, hottler, h 412 Strawberry av Marshhank William T., bookbilldt'r. h 412 Strawberry av

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spelt it." 342 Boyd's lIarrisburg (M) City Direotory.
Marsili Arturo, bartender, 2:33 Walnut, h do Marsili Charles L., bartemler, 441 Mlll'ket, h 7 N 5th Marsili Eugene, restaurant, 441 Market., h 7 N 5th Marsili Harry, baltender, 441 Market,' h 7 N 5th Marsili Julin, bartender, :l3:3 Walnut, 11 do Martin Abraham L. B., ('lk, 234 Market, h 12 Moore Martin Alonz(I, engineer, h 621 Muench Martin Ancel, nailt'r, h 1601 Derry Martin Annie, h 5:35 Violet Mal,tin CIIIU]e..~, helper, h rear 1827 N 7th Martin Chnrle.<i, re:otaurant, 5th c Canal. h 512 Filbert Murthl Charles E., Olattressmkr, h 1425 Derry Martin Uharles L., bartender, h aoo Verllt'ke Martin Chade~ L" upllllsterer, 130 Mulberry, h do Martin Charles L., jl'., printer, h 130 Mulberry Martin Cliffi,rd T., elk, h 427 Muench Martin David H., carriage"", 107 Clu'rl'y av, h 306 S 2d Martin Davit! K., carpentel', 11 412 Muench Martin D. FI'8uk, brakenlan, h 1705 N 7th Martin Edmund S., saletlflllln, h 160:3 N 3d Martin Emma, (:u()k Lunatic Ho~pitlll, II do Martiu ~'nlnk~ real est.ate, 22:l Market, h at West Fairview Martin GeOl'ge W., IIgt, h 1425 Dt'rry . Martin George W., fl'llj! IJlanel', h 911 Penn Martin Hany E" attendallt Lnnatic HlJspital, h do Martin Hany .J., elk, II 117 Pine Martin Hnrl'Y X., Imj.(int't'r, h Derry e 19th . Martin Jalllt's. lahul'tol', h 1509 Derrv Mal,tin .Jame.", lablJl'er. II rl'ur 1827 N ith Martin .Jennie, h 1300 Wlilla('e Mal,tin Jenllie, laundre"s. h .)02 Briggs Martin .lemme, cUllfet"tioner, :):~H Mkt. h 30 N Dewberry av Martiu John W., wal'elWUselllHII. II 1425 Dt'rry Maltin J""t'ph, lIt'ater. h 1016 Paxton Mal,tin J. Randulph, jr., wuiter, h 711 North av Martin Kate, wid Juhn C., h 1:30 Market Martin Kat~ E., clumel'ltic, III N Front Martin Laura S., tl'Hdlt'r, h 437 Muench Martin Levi E., h 5:3:3 Violet av MUI'tin Levi G., flagman, h 4:37 l\f uench Martin Maille E., seamstrf'!'s, h 17021 N 5th Martin Mar~1'et C., wid S. Boyd, h i 17 Pine Martin Mary L, h 130 Mulberry Murtin MIiIOY M . domestic, 217 Verbeke Mllrtin Mlltilda, h 321 Mllt'nch Martin Pearl E., h 1615 N 6th Mllrtin Randolph, housemall, h 711 North Martin Saml. K., cigars; &c., 1498 N 7th, h 604 Dauphin av

Digitized by


\';'b~lD~;::='WOII POperODIIWlOdOWSnOI!eS nom A. B. TACK,No7:':~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 343

Martin Sarah J., wid William H., h 17021 N 5th Martin Sophia, wid Philip, h 218 South Martin Thollla!! H., engineer, h sas S Cam~ron Martin William J.3., expl'ess mes.'H!nger, h 2:3 S 4th Martin William B., exprt'SI! meSllenger, h 23 S 4th Martin Willillm D" h 416 N 3d Martin William E. Rev., h 212 State Mllrtin Willillm Ho, florist, h :319 BOils Marttis William F., Illborer, h 2022 KemoJington Martz Adam, car inspe<'t(lr, h 51 ~ Woodbine Martz Calvin, te:lChel', h 1847 Herr Martz Catharine E., wid Danit'l. h 1R47 Herr Martz Edward M .. printer, h 1847 Herr Martz George Eo, elk, 300 North, II 312 do Martz Grant A., (Ik. 1220 N 3d, h 1303 N Front Martz Kate L., h Front c Hllmilton Mart? Sulnmon, cal' inspector, h 1927 N 5th Marzolf F..dwarcl, bricklayer, h 18:l3 N :lcl M8I'zulf Frederick G., lllhorel', h 1108 Plum IlV Marzolf George M., meat Illarkt>t, 1003 Capital, h 400 Boas Marzolf G, Herbert, butcher, h 400 Boas Marzolf Jacoh, boil~rmkr, h 1:316 Susquehanna Marzolf .John. boilermkr, h 9:n Gl'and -Allibe I.lItfoIot Slylealn- FOOT WEA R 01 fDuK III. W'LT[RS' N,7072 REUABLE and FA8HluNABLE nIln II n [ Id 8t.

Marzolf Juhu, jr., builermkr, h 931 urlwd Marzl)lf John A., fireman, h 624 Forster Marzolf Michat'l, RtOVe!'l, 309 Verl~k~, h 1112 Capital Marzolf William Ho, butcher, h 514 N 2d Maskari FnUlk, (Scalia & Maskari), h 416 S River av Masner SlIlIie Mrs., seamstress, h 1935 North av Mason Annie J., tailores.~. h 49 S Court. av Mason Annie R., houReket'per, I:321 S Camerou Mason Emma, b I:l21 S Cam~run Mason Fred G., ih:4urallre, h 410 Brig~ Mason John, puddler, h :3 LOC'hiel 1st Row Mason Joseph, tailor, h 49 S Court av Mason Mary E., h l:l21 S Cameron MaROn Sallie J., h 1321 S Cameron ItASON WILLIAM C., contractor, 1321 S Cameron, h {Io Masoner Charlt'S, Cftrpent~r, h 1952 Boas Masoner John H., foreman, h 1309 Burtine av Mason~r William H., laborer, h 1309 Bartine av Massner John, machinist. h 1328 N 7th Massner William H., engine in~pector, h 120 Colder Masterson Elizabeth Mrs., h 1727 Fulton Mast~rson Rohert D., janitor, h 1981 N 7th Masterson W. Edgar, laborer, h 1981 N 7th

Digitized by


Liver anCl Blood Purlfylnlf 211 McNEIL'S D1Spepala, Liver. BlOOd and KIdneyPille Cure JIIIII W 81 Complainla. t


Boyd's HarriBburg


City Directory.

Matcheri Frank, huckst:'r, h 416 S River av Matcheri Tony, huckster, h 4lfi S River av Matchett Isaac N., en2"ineer, t. 621 Kdker Matchett John I., elk ~P. R. R., h 822 Cowden Matchett Samuel G" laborer, h 1717 Logan av Matchett Winfield L., brakeman, h 151:3 Wallace Mateer John A., engineer, b 621 Cumberland Mateet John A., laborel', h 1127 N 7th Mateer Robert B., hardware, 1220 N 3d, h 900 do Mater John A. B., III borer, h 1631 N 7th MATHER ED.MUND, ~team applian(.'es, 36 N 2d, h 133 Walnut Mathews Lewis W" waiter, h 119 Mulberry Mathews Margaret A., wid Charles A" h 314 N 2d Mllthews Thollla,.., lahul'pr, h 1416 Marion Mathews W ill ill III , laburet', h 72:3 State Mat hias Gl'lIry N., In"JkelllaJl, h 1717 ~ 7tt. Mathiot Just-pI. H . railroader, h 41:l Cumberland Mathiut OWl:.'n G., labuI'pr, II 1426 Penll Mathiot Samuel H., machinist, h 1426 Penn Mathiot WiIlilllll H., music te:\('hel', h 1426 Penn Matlack Sarah, dOIlll'l-tie, 70:3 :N 6th Mattei' Amllnda, housekeeper, h 19:1:3 Derl'Y Matter Edwin, plasterer, h 916 S 21 st Matter Harry F., caller. h 1625 Wallllce Matter Harry S., painter, h 1945 Moltke av Matter Homer H., (lk State Library, h at Paxtang Matter Jacob 0., plasterel', h 1fJ:U Derry Matter Jeremiah S., carter, h 1933 Derry Matter Jonathun R., carpentel', h 920 S 21st Matter N. Frank, brakeman, h 1204 Bailey Matter, see also Mott"' Mattern Harry 0" carpenter, h ] 101 Colder Mattes Willillm, flagmllll, h 16:3:3 MifHin av Matthew Charles F., fireman, h 1114 Wallace Matthews George, bell boy. h 119 l\IlIlherry Matthew!I George E , portel', h 119 1\-1 ulberry MATTHEWS JAMES V" merchant tailor, 1507 N 3d, h at New Cumbe.lsnd )IattJ.ews Lewis, waiter, h 119 Mulberrv Matthews William F., teamster, h 1510 Vernon Matthias Ernest I." tailor, h 1009 Green Mattis Charles S., tl)baccunist, 17;~9 N 5th, h 5071 Muench Mattock Frank, in!l. agt, h 1005 Market Matzinger John W., huckster, h 1128 S Cameron Manck Emma, domestic, 115 S Front Mlluger Ella Mrs., h ]32 Balm Mauger Ettie M., h 259 Buas

Digitized by


B. AeK ""!!!a!ft ,,,z frescnlng Mile


10 Tints, li,:t Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 345


HezH'Y, C8qHfnter, 408 Y'ilbert Mauger James A., bartender, h rear .326 Cheri"), av dre8.nKnkr. h 408 Filbert H., funer1kI dir?,1kfor anY embl%h,'er, 1700 N 6th, 567 Race, h 1700 N 6th 91 CapiYTI Manlfair Edward W .. watchman, h 804 S Cameron 'MAURER Co, aldel'lmm 4th Ward, YhO W'l.lnut, 18 Manrer Frederick C., genl agt, h 1214 N 2d YIaxKrl%1I A. SIlle.rll%dy, Mal%Y':t., h 456 CaxKrl%n Cat2mriue wid 4YiIlil%"', h 1,HU N Maxwell David, carpent('r, h 412 Harris Jacoh B., z'zmdnctm: h 1 N Maxwell Oli",'!'l' P., h HI0 N Sikh Maxwell Sarah, rlomestic, 11 S 2<1 Maxmd Sarflh B . ieecher, 412 darrir IlIaxwell William roller, 124 Y'axtml Maxwell Wilmer B., s:\!esman, 334 Market, h 1456 Regina nIay zmie, 127 nlnuk May Florenc'e, domestic, 1 N May Hal'ry, laborer, h 1530 Vernon ffilay zirry II braHeznan, 32 Fulto21 lIlAY JOHN X., (May & Reed), grocer, 305 Market, coal, 14 S 13th, h 16 do ethall z l;ninkfi, 13fp Camfii'oll May Samnel H., brakeman, h 63~ Peffer May William F., brakeman, h ]:317 .James Reed, (,J. K Phihp Reed), brieh mfrr, h02 Market, 14 S 1:3th and 18th bt'l Berrvhill ' Mayer Thomas, coilfectioner, ]302 N 6th;h 1313 do stezHn fitteR', h 35.lz Camz'mn Mayers Abraham, mgr, 400 Verbeke, h 402 do JlAYERS FURNITURE CO. z luI, A, Mayers, mgr, 400 i'nbekt, (Broad; Mayers~Israel,'(May~rM & Co.), 11 402 Verbeke Mayen15 John, h 517 Woodbine ,John "boHnrmkr, 62H ~!ayers & Co,! (1. Mayers), clothiers, 329 Market

~!:~~ H~:;y H,,~~):::~::~x~~1



n7 A"ple


Mayser Harry J. F., music teacher, 227 State, h do Arlam, h 4~H Mark"k "U;Az,m Barril M., 204 :tz\ McAfee Jacob M., barber, h 204 S 3r1 McAfH21 Marn wid ,breph, 180 3d lluzrna ,., teach"", h N

" To find a name you must know how 10 spell it." 346 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
McAlarney .Joseph C., lawyer, 301 N 3d, h 219 N 2d

McALABNEY MA'l'TJIIAS W., mgr Harrisburg TeleICraph, h 214 State

McALABNEY ROBERT E., reporter Telegraph, h 219

N 2d McAlicher Alexanot'r, engineer, h 1910 N 5th McAlicher George K .. laborer, h 1910 N 5th McAlicher Howard W., laborer, h 1335 Penn McAlicher .John, laborer, h 13:35 Penn McAlicher William H., elk, 35 N 3d, h 17101 Wood McAlister James P., car inspector, h 1702 N 6th McAlister John B., physician, 2;l4 N :3d, h do McAlister John J., pressman, h 1702 N 6th McAllister Bernhart, h 520 Basin av McAlIi8ter CatharillP, wid Dllniel, h 16 Chesapeake av McAllister Edward C., puddler, h 316 Cumberland McAllister Fran<.'e8 A., ironer, h 2013 Fnlton McAllister James H., elk ami genl, h at Flirt Huntel' McAllister .James P., engineer, II 1:300 N 7th McAllister Juhn C., fi)reman F. and M. Wnrks, h 237 Sharon McAlIistel' William, laborer, h 16 Chusapeake av McAliistt'r William' A., printer, h 2 S 4th McAtee Frallk, laburer, It 1119 S 9th McAtee Luuilill, domestic, 313 Verbeke. McBlair Annie, wid Jamell, h 1929 N 5th McBrl:ltney William, shearsman, II 41 N 13th McBride Frank, puddlpr, h 1411 S 12th McBride .Jane C., wid Geurge W., h 607 Muench McBride Lewis, laborer. h 1106 CreS<~nt McCabe Annie, wid Sumnel, h 909 Capital McCabe Frank, hoh-l, 542 North, h do McCabe Harriet, lltarcher, h :340 Reily McCabe James A., laborer, h 607 Showers av McCabe .Joseph, painter, h 314 Boyd av McCabe Owen P., watertender, h 1330 S 13th McCabe Thomas, hostler, h 340 Reily McCabe William D., laborer, h 909 Capital McCahan George, laborer, h 612 Boas McCahan William A., eugineel', h 612 Boas McCaleb William B., Ilsst engineer P. R., h 413 l\fur- lceti McCall Cot'mick, l'oller, h luM S Cameron McCallister Jame~, engineer, h '1:300 N 7th McCalley James B., (lk adjt genl'!I dept, h 1144 DerrY McCamant H. Clay, elk aud geul, h 610 Britl:gs McCamant Samuel, elk, 226 Mulberry, h 5ll N 2d McCamant Thomas, lawyer, 18 N 3d, h 5] 1 N 2d McCandlish 1\1. M., matron Lunatic HOKpital, h do McCann Alexander, pipe line, h ] 14 Dock

Digitized by


A. B. TleI =tt::!=~~ w,n Pa.. a Ilnd.1 Sk,dli {12m ~;d~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 34:1
McCann James, police sergeant, h 572 Race McCann James P., plumber, h 572 Race McCann John, engineer, h 1068 S 9th McCann John, fireman, h 1009 N 7th McCann John, Iluckstcr, h 326 Bllsin av McCann John H., (h'iver, h 12:3 N Cllmeron McCanna George P., brakeman, h 652 Cumberlllnd McCaulI Wilsoll S., plalltt'rer, h 17:i4 Logan BV McCal'f.'hy .Joanna, domestic, 108 N 2d IIcCARB.ELL SAIIUEL J. II, lawyer, (surviving partner of Fleming'& M<:Carrell), 105 N 2d, h 121 Locust . McCarroll Beatrice, wid Hugh, h 1316 N 2d . McCarroll Benjamin, painter, h 430 Herr McCarroll James, cigarmkr, h 2:39 State MdJarroli JametJ W., cigarmkr, h 1316 N 2rl McCarroll Mary M. Mrs., dl'essmkr, h 259 Forster McCarrull 'Villiam, toba(:coni~t, 1222 N 3d, h 259 Forster l\f(oCarthy Annit', dllmestie, 307 S FI'out McCARTHY CALLAUGHAN C., hotel, 524 State, h do McCarthy Charl~, it/remlln, II 806 Cowden Mc.oCartby Charles F., oortt'ndt'r. 524 State, h do M(:Carthy Cornelius A., machinist, h 806 Cowden McCarthy Dennis, mason, h 501 State



DO 10 WALTERS', N.3~O~~.

McCarthv .Deunil! F .. IIbue cutter, h 524 State l{c.oCarthY .James B., laster, h 524 State McCarthv Jeremiah, laborer, h 1107 S 9th McCarthy Jerome F., machinist, h 806 Cowden M<.oCarthy John J., bl'8keman, h 1417 Fulton McCarthy John J., paperhanger, h 719 Cowden Mc..oCartby Julia, domestic Grand Hotel McCarthy Loretta G., housekeeper, 806 Cowden McCarthy Mag-gie E., domestic, :326 Reily McCartby Mary, domestic, 509 N 2d McCarthy Mary A., dressmkr, b 806 Cowden McCarthy William F., machinist, h 806 Cowdeu McCartney Annie, h 610 Buttonwuod McCartney Eliza, dretJl!mkr, h 915 Myrtle av McCartney John L., carpenter, h 258 Liberty McCartney Maria, dometJtic. 25 S ~"'rollt McCarty Bridget, domestic The Bulton McCarty Edward, puddler, h 1310 S 12th McCarty John A., hal'tender U. S. Hotel, h do McCarty Mary, wid Charles, h 121:3 N Cameron McCarty Mary, wid Michael, h 1:31 Linden McCarty Richanf A., firemalJ, II 1:334 N 7th McCarty WiI)jam J., Iliborer, b 521 Dlluphin av

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MelleU's Pain Exterminator coree Cholera Morblll, Dyeentel'7. Crampe, Dlarrha!&, Colds, Qulnay, Rheumauam. Toothache, Sore Throat, Ague, Dyapepela, &e. UU I. 3d.


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

McCarnl Edward, helper, h' 1115 89th McCarvel TerrenCE', labul'er, h 1115 89th MeCarvel Terrence, jr., machinist, h 11] 5 S 9th McCarvill William, heatel', h 1230 Wallaee McCauley Charle!! E., foremall, h 5-18 Raee McCauley Elmer E., brakeman, h 1704 N 7th McCAULEY G. M.. sec and treas Central I ron Works and pres F. and M. Machine Works, h 138 Front McClain Bridget, wid William, h 713 8tate McClain Geor~e, lahorer, It 472 8 Cameron MeClliin Willillm, laborer. h 420 S Cameron McCleaf Flora, shirtmkr, h 939 N 7th l\fcClean Michael, laborer, h PH 7 N 3d McClean William M., machinist, h 1517 N 3(1 McCleary Ahraham 8., boilermkr, II 1831 Rudy McCleary Ephraim, engineer, h 237 8 14th l\1cCleaster A lexander, foreman, h 1:l23 N Cameron McCleaster Annie, salel'lady, 1300 N 3.1, h 2038 N 5th McCleaster Catharine E .. dressmkr, h 20:38 N 5th McCleaster Chades F., fOI'eman, h 1:321 N Cllmeron McClea:o;tel' James, hricks, 16th c Herr, h 2038 N 5th McClea:o;ter James E . brickmkr, h 20:38 N 5th McClellan Edward H,~ tinner, h 54 Balm McClellan John, laborer, h 54 Balm McClellan Kate \V., artist, h 54 Balm McClellan Percy W., sec Forrestry Commission, Capitol, b 10 N 2(] l\fcClint{)ck Benjamin, carpenter, h 10138 Camf'ron McClintock Charles W. asst trainmaster p, R. R., h 32 S 2d McClintock Jennie !\Ir!'. It 415 State McCLINTOCK LOGAN E., florist and seedsman; store~ 8 S 2<1; greenhouses, 102:3 S Cameron, h 101:1 do (see ad\') . McClintock Mary, milliner, h 605 Boas McClintock Thomas J., fireman, It 1106 N 5th

Paxton Green Houses.




Florist an~ See~sman

Greenhouses, 1023 South Cameron st. Store,18 South Second Street. Harrisburg, Pa.
Cta Flo,e"" ""', De"/u,," II 81'l4lt". .:. On Steelton Motor LIne. Ge"..rnl Col1""tion o{U,..,., .. H _ PI....,..
l<'ttn'GI ..,." Tropfcal-rcaHo_.
Digitized by

Coog Ie

IIIK} Shades complete, beet IUId lowest Fringe, tor 86 eta. ad lit. 1 B. T Wan Paper. The1I'1th Fixtures and prices. Window { N. 7270 IIU Boyd's Harrisburg CM) City Dir~ctory. 349
McClintock William, heater, h 1005 Hemlock McClintock William J., fireman; h 1713 N 5th McCloskey Anna E., notions, 1236 Market, McCloRkt'y Edward, shoe fiuisher, h 529 Filbert McCloskey Hugh J., clk, 1004 N 3d, h 118 Boas M<.oCloskey Juhn J., stuoent, h 1236 Market McCloskey Michael, h 1236 Market McClune Charle~. brakeman, h 1a14 Wallace McClullp. Edward H., blacksmith, h 2:38 Cbarles av McClune Lottie, teaC'ber, h 616 Reily McClune 8arah, cashier, 318 Market, h 616 Reily McCLUNE THOMAS R., pictnres and fl-ames, 1322 N 3d, h 616 Reily (see adv) McCLURE ADONlJ'AH S., physician and Slll'geoll, 1016 MllI'ket, h 1137 Derry McClure Alict', domestic, 324 N 2<1 McClure Amt'lia, grocer, 1028 89th, h on McClure Elizabeth, wid George, h 12:3 83d McClure Elmer A., pres:;mall, h 10288 9th McClure Elwood 8., laborer, h 232 Mulberry McClure Georf(e 8., tl'Bcher, 15 8 2<1, h 402 N 2d McClure Harry, agt, h 1329 8ufo,'tluebann8 McClure James E., laborer, h 1223 S 9th McClure John A., plal!tert'r, h 41:l Woodbine McClure John M., a~t, h 257 Liberty M<.oClure Margaretta B., wid Robert, b 1017 GreeD McClure Sue A., wid John A., h 26! N 5th McChll'e T. Hayes, machinist, h 1125 N 6th l\IloClure William, laborl:'r, h 510 Cllwdf'n McClure William F.L., driver, h 12:3 8 3d McClure Wm. R., asst (:ustodiau P. O. bldg, h 1017 Green McCollum Michael, engineer, h 1922 N 6th McCollum Wilhelmina 1\1., wid Samuel, h 430 Reily McComas John F., lab()rer, h 14:39 Susquehanna McComas William J., brakeman, h 1816 N 5th :MloComb~ Albert H., brakeman, It 195u N 7th McCumbs David J., brakeman, h 195U N 7th McComsey Harry. bartender, 5th c Canal. h 406 Waluut McCONKEY CHARLES B., lawyer aDd notary, 219 Market, h 209 S Front McConkey Fannie, wid Elbridge, h 209 S Front McConkey .John, dt'p revenue col, P. O. bldg, b 209 8 Front l\lloCoukey Sarah, b 209 S Frunt McConnel Mary E., h 1835 8watara M<.oCounell Lavinia. matron, 712 N 3d, b do McConnell Minnie K., teachel', h 1:39 N 13th McCord Annie M., teacht'r, II 1~3 North McCord Chal'lel:! H., brakeman, h 618 Dauphin

Digitized by


" To find a name yote must 'mow how to spell it." 350 Boyd'. Harri.burg (M) City Directory.
McCord James W., grocer, 1603 N 6th, h do McCord John, huckstt-r, II ]23 North McCord John !\., plumber, h 613 Cf'dar av McCord ~lRry A., wid Joseph, h ] 737 N 7tb McCord Samuel, carpentel', h 1603 N 6th Mc..'Cord S. Stewart, printer Patriot, b 405 Strawberry av McCord Thoma" B., huckster, h 218 North McCOI'mick Bush, stnne mason, h 410 Cranherry av M<:Curmick Charles E., m.)torlOan, h 17] 6 N 6th McCormick Christina, wid William, h 1519 N 6th McCurmick David M., (Da\id M. M<:Cormick & Co.), b il8 N 3d McCormick David M. & Co., hal'dware, 30 N 3d McCormick Donald, elk Dauphin Deposit Bank, biOI N Front McCormick Eliza F" b 25 S :3d McCormick Frank H., pl'el!lSrnan, h 524 Muench McCol'mick George \V., ('onductor, h 1625 N 6th McCormick Harris B., clk Merchants' Nat. Bank, h 1226 Green McCormick Harry E., brakeman, h ]829 Flllton McCormick Harvesting Machine Cu., ] 18 Market McCormick Henry, 22:3 Market, h 301 N F,'ont McCormick Henry, jr., sec, 22:3 Market, biOI N Front McCurmick Henry B., sec.', 22:l Market, h 301 N Front McCormick Howard, conductor, h 623 Kt'lker McCormick Jllt'Ob H., a!'st yanlmaster, h 2:~2 Cherry av Mc..'Cnrmick James, 22:l Market, h WI N ~'ruJ)t McCormick Jllrue.04, jr., sec P. & S. F. Mills, h 101 N Front McCurmick James P.,actnr, h ]716 N 6th McCormick John L., clk, 20 X 2d, h ].1)19 N 6th McCormick Kate, dr~mkr, h 521 Brown av McC(lrruick Kate Mrs., h 501) BriJrgs . McCormick Margaret Mrs., h ]829 Fulton "McCurmick Park, (andyruk .., h :338 Market McCormick Sarah Mrs., clressmkr, h ]409 N Cilmeron McCormick Sarah, wid Geurge T., h 6] 2 Dauphin M(:Cormick S. Cilmeroll, ('arpenter, h 1716 N 6th MtoCormick Sbel'idan S., clk, 1117 N 3d, h 1829 Fulton ~koCf)rmick S"~J) M 1'l'I" Illmsekt'eper, 4] 7 Hllrris McCortnick Van\-'e C., St'C, 223 Market, h 301 N Front McCormick Walter M., ele\'lltor operator, It 612 Dauphin av McCormick W. Elmel', pressman, h 6]2 Danphiu av McCormick Willillm, haggagemaster, h 412 Market McCormick & Co., (Henry and James M<:Cormick, J. Donald Cameron), trll!!t~l4 estate of James McCormick, dec'd, Paxtull Furnace, P. R. R. and Shaonil5, 223 Market McCoy Alice, wid Jacob It, Ii 1114 N 7th

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I. B. TACK, lallPaperudlilldowShad~ {7t1~:~.!R.2~J.;.,.

Boyd'. Harri.burl (M) City Directory. 851
AmnR E., laborer, h 1126 S Cameron April, restaurant. 442 Sonth, h do Hlury, IIn~tler, h ~69 Fonter Jacob F . plaMterer, b 1126 S Cameron James F., ooudul,1or, II 1219 Cowden Jesse C lahtll't'r, II 1126 S Cameron Mary E., seamstl'efl8 Lunatic Hospital, b do William C., plumber, b 261 Forster William F., machiuiHt~ h 261 Forzlter ~r(oCray .J. HarrizlOn, laborer, b Herr lib 19th McoC1'lI\' John, watcbman, h Herr all 19tb }Ic.'Cr~ Harry. hr'8kf'mall, h 1414 Herr Mc,'Crea Kate. seam"tress, h Walnut c 16th MloCreary Harvey A., engineer, h 1715 N ith McCreary Jost'pb ~'., laburer, h 465 S Cameron Mc.oCreary Mal'Y, \veaver, b 264 Cnlder McCreath Andrew S., chemiKt. 22:1 Market, h 321 N Front ~hoCreery George J., tailor. 205 Locust. h 118 do llcCrune F..d~r L., appl't'ntil'e, h 579 S Frunt Mc.-cr\llle Florence. wid Willialll, h 914 S 9th MloCrune Juhn A . nailer, h 579 S Frnnt MloCrClry James W . printer, h 1006 N 7th McCru"key Jallle!l H. C., printer, h 1425 av Mc.'Coy McCoy McC(IY Mc:Co,Y McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCuy

FRINK M. WALTERS, lj~:~:.ty: FOOTWEAR, N.7'::~

}fl{;l'Ill'lkey Juhn, driver, h 1a16 ti 12th MloClIlIa Cathal'ille G., cashier, 1:300 N 3d, h 547 S Front McCulla 1\1 iclulel, huckster. :J4 S 2d, h do McCulley Thomas .J . drt'''-OoIJllkr, 106 Shllrt, II do McCulloch Jnhn N., elk, 222 ~1urk ..t, h 257 Cumherland Mc{;ulluch Margaret, wicl Stewart T . h 1202 N 2d . MloClIlIlJch SlImuel W., elk immralll'e dept, h 1202 N 2d MloCullough .'Hmes P., buokkpr Plltriot, h 92:1 N 2d McClIllon~h Mllry, wid Richard, h 1024 PlixtOIl MloClIlIongh Mattie. Hhlle finisher, h W24 Paxton Ml'Cnllulll Edward. apprentice, h 1922 N 6th MloCUrdy George W.o puddler, h 618 Rllce McCurdy William E., laborer, h 620 Race . Mc.oCutcheoo Harry J.F., brakemall, b 503! Muench McCutcheon Robert, engineer. h 50:li Muench McDannald James A., lahorer, h 1256 Market McDevitt John J., bnilermkr, b 626 Herr McDevitt SlIl'8h, wid Jobn, h 132U N 7th McDevitt Thomas H., elk P. R. R., h 721 N 6th McDevitt WilliaOl H., machini~t, h 626 Herr McDonald Charles, laborer, h :iO Linden McDonald Charles, messenger P. R. R., h 1304 N 61h McDonald Harry, car inspector, h 2018 Elizabeth av

Digitized by


Icleil's Pain Exteminator :w::~o:a~:=~~~~DI{ {"T~IJJ~.

352 Boyd'.
~arri8burg (M)

City Directory.

McDonald Hany H., brakeman, h 1606 N 5th McDonald James, watertender, II III /j S 9th Mf!Donald Josepb, laborer, h 503 Walnut McDonald Mary, domestic, 219 S }"ront McDonald H.achel, wid Archibald, h 118 Dock McDonald Samuel A" engineer, h 1202 Penn McDonald Thomas B., laborer, h 30 Linden McDonnell Alfred A., plasterer, h 1413 Green McDCJnnell C. Hilbert, molder, h 1413 Green McDonnell David B., special officel', b 322 North McDonnell Ella, b 141:3 Green McDonnell Harry, butcher, h 2021 Elizabetb McDonnell Laura L. Mrs., h 658 Verbeke McDonnell William K., stone mason, h 1413 Green McDonnell William K., jl., laborer, h 2021 Elizabeth av McDonough Anna J., domestic, 104 South McDONOUGH JOHN, groc'er, 200 Herr c 2d, h do McDougal Willis D., fireman, h.190il N 7th McDowt'1I Joseph H., laborer, h 647 Verbeke McElbaire .Jam('8, flagman, h 1133 N 6th McElheny Hel~n F., domestic, 409 Market McElheny William, farmer, h Lllchiel Farm McElroy Susan, quilter, It 1630 N 6th McElwee Andrew J., plasterer, h 1608 Logan av McElwee Frank B., plasterer, h 304 Boyd av McElwee William H., plaRterer, h 1608 Logan av McEnroe Charles H., machinist, h 10 N 13th McEvoy Thomas, machinist, h 18 N 14th McEvoy William, apprelltice, b 18 N 14th McFadden Andrew B., furniture, 327 Verbeke, h 1321 Green McFadden Alltla B.. elk, 625 Cumberland, h do McFadden Annie, (Braun & McFadden), h 819 N 3d McFadden Belle, elk, 625 Cumberland, h do . McFadden David, grocer, 1409 Penn. h do McFadden Frank, conductor, h 340 S 17th McFadden Henry, foreman, h 231 Crescent McFadden James, grocer, 500 N Cameron, h do McFadden .James F., fireman, h 1959 Moltke av Mc}4'adden John, engineer, h 510 Maclay M(Fadden John C., bl'ftkeman, h 1106 Montgomery McFadden John E., stollecutter. b 1106 MOlltgomery McFadden John W., grocer, 131 Verbeke, h do Md'adden Margaret J., fj,reludy, h 2:U Crescent Mc""addeo Maria, wid Henry, h 61 Balm McFadden Mary Mrs., grocer, 625 Cumberland, It do McF:ldden Mason S e,,~ineer, h 632 Reily McFADDEN THOMAS F., marble works, Market and Pa. Call1ll, It 921 N 3d (!ire adv)

Digitized by


A. B. TACK: Pine lrt Wall Paper. {D~CJEMlA.~~} 1210 K. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory. 353
McFadden William C., baggage agt P. R:R., h 263 North McFadden William F., check man; h 1106 Montgomery McFadden William H., conductor, h 61 Balm McFadd~ William J., transfer ('lk P. R. R., h 819 N 3d Mcli'arlan Meily M., printer Plltriot~ h 815 Market McFarland Charles A., hostler, h 29 N 10th McFarlllnd Charles E., puddl~r, h 224 Peffer McFarland Daniel A., laborer, h 1116 N Cllmer')O McFarland Edward 8., pllperhanger, h 1608 N 4th McFarland Elizaheth, milliner, h 160R N 4th McFarlalld Elmer E., salesman, h 321 t Chestnut McFarland George, molder, h 1935 North JlcFABLAND GEORGE G., floral caterer, 1116 and 1118 N 3d, b 1412 N 2d (see adv) McFarland J. Horace, treas J. Horace McFarland Co., h 129 813th JlcFARLAND J. HORACE CO., J. Horace McFarland, treas; printers and E'lectrot.vpers, Crescent c Mulberry McFarland James R., reapers, 10th c Market, h 325 Chestnut McFarland Samuel, salesman, h 1309 Market McFarland William C., elk P.O., h 1608 N 4th McFeeteJ'8 Daniel, h 1218 N 6th McGaghey Addie B. h 426 North McGllghey Barbara E., wid .Jerome, h 426 North McGagbey Samuel, machinist, h 426 North McGann Albert W., watchman, h 1933 N 5th McGann Anna J., seamstre&!, h 44 N 10th McGann Dora, seamstress. h 44 N 10th McGann Frances, h 60a Herr . McGann Maggie, housekeeper, 1122 Wallace McGann Mary A., dre8llOlkr, .h 603 Herr McGann 8usan, wid James R., h 44 N 10th McGann Thomas, planer, b 44 N 10th McGann William C., alderman, 603 Herr, h do McGarvey Hugh, clk sec comm'th, Capitol, h 18 Moore McGarvey John A., laborer, h 911 N ad McGarvey .John C., helper, h 1308 8 l~th McGarvey Margaret, wid John A., h 911 N 3d McGary Harry W., dJiver, h 401 Filbert MeGee AbralMlm, driver, h 615 Herr McGee Edward, ice cream, 615 Herr, h do McGee Harry 1<., carpenter, h 615 Herr McGill Blanche, stenographer, 42:') 8 2d, h 402 Forster McGill Mary A., wid John, h 402 Forster .cGILL PHILIP F., hotel, 400 Forster. h do }I(,-Giuley Daniel ~::, CIlrpeoter, h 56 N 14th McGinley Daniel W., news agt, h 1268 Jllniper ~lcGinley John, laborer, h 16 Lochiel 2d Row

Digitized by


" To find a name you musl know how to spell it." 354 Boyd'. Harrilburg eM) City Directory.
Mt-Ginley Juhn K., laborer, h 1268 Juniper McGinnis Mary, cook, 1413 N 3d McGinnis SU8:.ln, wid William, h 1207 Apple av McGlinn ElizalX'th, wid Anthony, h 1528 N 6th Mt-Glinn U. S. Gruut, laborer, h 1528 !II 5th M,GlInel Sherman, brakeDlan, h 1237 N 7th M (oGunigal Edward, labol'er, h 1825 N 7th ~l<.-Goni~al James, laLorer, h 1825 N 7th . McGonigal William A., hardware, 1228 N 3d, h do McGovern Bridget, wid Patrick~ h 731 State McGovern Edward, laborer, h 731 State' McGovern Michael, poliC'eman, II 713 North Mt-Govern Peter, sllllt!mkr, h 731 State IIcGOVEllN THOIIAS Rt. Rev., D. D., Bishop of HarrisburJr, h Sylvan Heights McGowan Annie E., dllmestic, 1 I I State McGowan Edward, confectioner, h 452 Cumberland McGowan_ EUa, weaver, h 1:315 N :kl . McGuwlln Georjl(l S., cllnft!Ctioner, 452 Cumberland, h do IIcGOW AN HmAII, physician, 2~6 State, h do McGowan .Iuhu, puddler, h 13:3 Hanna McGowan .John W., engineer, h 316 North McG .. \VulI .J fI>'t'phine, header, h 13:3 Hallna M('Gran Juhn S., grncer, 1808 Walnut, h 1604 do McGrallagan Annie G., nurtle, h 921 Bartille av McGranagan Jame" "'., machinist, h 921 Dartine av McGrunaj!lln John E., machinist, h 921 Dartine av MC'Grath Mary A., nurse, h 412 N 3d Mt-Graw James, fireman, h 641 Cllidoc MeGm,,' Mary, dome.'!tic, Sylvan Height!;; McGreevy Parthenia, wid James, h 110 N 2d Mt-Guffiu Lee, laborer, h 207 Nectarine BV McGuigan Charlell, haker, h 13 Cowden McGuigan Thomal:l, bartender The Loc\liel, h do M(:Guire Bernard J., caller, h 444 SlOth McGuire Ellit!, laborer, h 1113 Cuwden McGuire John, brakeman, h 1810 N 6th McGuire .John, helper, h 444 SlOth McGuire Margaret, dome.'!tic, Front ab Hanis McGuire William, blackMruith, h 929 Rose av McGuirt', St~e also Maguire, also MeGuire McHale Mary, domestic, :313 N Front McHazell Ella N., domestic, 915 N 2d McHenery Catharine A., wid William, h 223 Sharon McHE'nery Mary M.,h 223 S 15tb McHenery Millard, mgr, 231 State, h 223 Sharon McHenery William H., tlhearsman, h 227 Hummel McIlhenny George W., student, h 1316 Howard

Digitized by


A. B. TICK, PfOCtlCOI Paper Hanger,

{'~"~o,tRB9~. Boyd'. Harriaburg (M) City Directory. 3lSlS

McIlhenny William A., dept register, C. H., h ] 217 Market McIntyre Elmira, wid William, h Greenwood bel 21st McIntyre James, bricklayer, h 427 Strawberry av McIntyre Mary C., h 51~ N 5th McIntyre Rose, wid John, h 515 N 5th McKalvain James P., laborer, h rear 1855 N 7th McKane William, lineman, h 343 Strawberry av McKay Sylvester, puddler, h 823 S Front McKay William S. feeder, h 823 S Front McKEE ABNER C., city treas, Court House,h 116 S 13th McKee Andrew J., laborer Capitol~ h 335 Walnut McKee Barbara, wid John J., b 319 Market McKee Edwin E., plumber, h 1335 Fulton McKee George W., h 319 Market McKee Howard, fireman, h 1335 Fulton McKee James T., engineer, h ] 718 N 3d McKee James T., jr., fireman, h 13:35 Fulton McKee Rudolph F., machinist, h 335 Walnut r306 Market McKee Thomas A., h 642 Verbeke McKee Water Cu., W. K. Alricks, pres; J. A. lIerman, sec, .cOLVEY CLYDE M., surgeon dentist, 15 S 2d, h do; office hours, 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. McKelvey H. Albt>rt, salesman, 334 Market, h 609 Harris


FOOTWEAR ot Walters'. 1012 I. 3d 81.

McKehey Henderson S., helper, h 235 Hummel McKELVY lACOB 1., carpenter and contractor, 1316 Bartine av, h 1311 N Front McKelvy J. Alfred, carpenter, h 1311 N Front McKelvy Jennie S., h 13] 1 N Front McKelvy L. Ellen, domestic, 415 Briggs McKILLIPS ALEXANDER, organ mfr and tuner, also dealer in machinery, 421 South, h 662 Boas (see adv) McKiJlips Andrew G., laborer, h 604 South av McKILLIPS HOWARD M., job printer, rubber stamps, &c., 421 South, h 662 Boas McKillips John E., baker, h 604 South av McKinley Carrie, wid Ellsworth, h 535 Race McKinney Hertha R., weaver, b 621 North McKinney Jennie S., wid John W., b 621 North McKune Hugh J., laborer, h 1222 Cowden . McLain Bridget, wid William, h 713 State McLain David C., elk, h 106 Chestnut McLaine Harvey, laborer, h 312 S 2d McLaine John, laborer, h 312 S 2d . McLaoichao Christian, shuemkr, h 1718 Fulton McLaoicban Emma G., knitter, h 1718 Fulton McLaren Daniel, laborer, b 304 Cherry av ss

Digitized by


Olce McNeil's Medicine Co. {~~} No:lt:~. 356 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
McLaughlin Andrew E., laborer, h 1220 Wallace McLaughlin Charlotte T., wid John V . h 1602 N 6th McLaughlin Frederick, brakeman, h 112 Market McLaughlin Grant M., carpenter, h 1324 Maple McLaughlin James, engine hostler, h 262 Verbeke McLaughlin James A., clk Merchants' Nat. Bank, h 262 Verbeke McLaughlin James H laborer, h 1215 N 7th McLaughlin John, brakeman, h 640 Colder McLaughlin John G., operator, h 1602 N 6th McLAUGHLIN J. T. W., screen doors, patternmkr, 421 and 423 South, h 1106 N 6th McLaughlin Lemuel B., cigarmkr, h 273 Herr McLaughlin Lutber H., laborer, h 1227 Cowden McLaughlin Sidney, wid Andrew, h 1222 Wallace McLaugblin William H., brakeman, b 1222 Wallace McLaughlin, see also Maglauchlin McLaurin Johu J., h 214 Pine McLinu SUsall J., wid Ezra, h 236 S 13th McMahon Mary, domestic, 233 Pine McMabon Nora, cook, 202 Walnut McMahon Thomas P., plumber, b 407 Hamilton McManamy George N., helper, h 637 Herr McManamy Omer, carpenter, h Mt. Pleasant Hotel McMallDas Mary, wid John, h 1215 Apple av . McManus Edward, laborer, h 424 State McManus James B., II 511 South av McManus Mary A., wid Edward, b 1501 N 4th McManus Patrick, laborer, h 424 State McManus Terrence, laborer, h 424 State McMechen Geol'Kt' E., laborer, 11 450 S Cameron McMechen George E., jr., laborer, h 450 S Cameron McMeen John A., brakeman, h 1938 N 5tb McMichael Houston C., corrugator, h 119 Vine McMilan JohA R., postal elk, h 109 S 2d McMorris William J., motorman, b 411 Reily McMullen Charles, ins, b 481 Market McMullen Elizabeth, domestic, 208 N 2d McMullen George H., laborer, ), 549 Primrose av .McMurtrie Ellen, h Home for tbe Friendless McNaer Sarah I., wid Joseph, h 115 Colder .McNaigbt Jobn G., brakeman, h 1637 Mimin av .McNair Howard S., laborer, h 21 N 6th McNally Andrew, fireman, h 516 Filbert .McNally Annie E., dOQlestic, 301 N Front McNally Annie E., wid Eugene C., h 1409 Wallace McNally Harry G., engineer, h 1305 Wallace McNamara Catharine, sbirtmkr, h 1020 Commerce

Digitized by



1210 {EmP10)'B none bnt lI\'11toclU8workmen, benceOnl'lIlI\1t-cl._ N, 3d St. work, and Insures II.. Work done In any part 0 the Slate.

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 357

McNamara Martin, laborer, h 1020 C9mmerce McNamara Patrick, laborer, h 1020 Commerce McN ary Ellen. domestic, 309 Chestnut McNaughton Charles M., bookkpr, 22 N 3d, h 422 Boas McNaughton James, puddler, h 1232 Bartiue av lIcNeal Annie, h 5021 Briggs McNeal Daniel W., engineer, h Briggs c Linden McNeal Harry, engineer, h 629 Kelker McNeal Jacob F., brakeman, h 1840 N 7th McNeal Philip D., butcher, h 1219 Derry McNeal Wi.\liam D., laborer, h 609 S Front McNeil David R., painter, h Boas c Cherry JlcNEIL IlEDICINE CO., Edward F. D. Swarger, . pres; Dr. J. N. Clark, sec apd tress; patent medicine, 1111 N 3d (see'8dv top lines) McNemar Nora, attendant Lunatic HOllpital, h do McNiff Caroline M., teacher, h 605 N 2d McNiff M. Katharine, teacher, b 605 N 2d McNiff Patrick, h 605 N 2d McNinch J. S., agrl implts, 627 Walnut. b The Loohiel McPherran Jobn P., conductor, h 823 N 6th McPherson John R, add'l law judge, C. H., h 217 S Front McPherson William, laborer, h 809 SlOth McQuaid John J., roller, h 1340 S 13th McQuaid Partitious, laborer, h 177 Paxtou McQuaid Peter, puddler, h 177 Paxton McReynolds Mary Y., stenographer, 13 N 3d, h 201 State McReynolds Sarah C., wid H.14'rankJin, h 201 State McTiernan Martin, laborer, h 1337 Howard. av M('WiIliams Amanda J., wid John P., h 1244 Market McWilliams E. Mabel, stenog'r, 1402 Vernon, h 1244 Mkt McWilliams John P., carpelJter, h 15191 N 5th McWilliams Martha, wid John, h 117 North McWilliams Ralph, h 117 North McWilliams Robert S. Rev., h 1729 N 6th Mead Mary, wid Ebenezer, b 1219 Susquehanna Mead Tbeodore D., moldel', h 1219 Susquehanna Meadath Annie M., h 1552 Fulton Meadath Jesse, carpenter, h 1552 Fulton . Meadows Clinton A., laster, II 1426 Derry Meadows Emanuel, sboemkr, b 1426 Derry Meals Ezra S., physician, 3d c Nortb, h do Meals Jessie, tel~raph operator, 222 Market, h 711 N 2d MEALS THEODORE S., ice cream, &c., 909 N 3d, h do Means JQ8eph M., salesmall, 5 N 2d. h 24g North Means Maggie, domestic. 1201 N 6th DCBAlUCS' BANK, Market c 3d . Meek Charles P., foreman Telegraph, h 323 Walnut

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it.' 358 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
Meck Charles S., (Roberta & Meck), h 1230 N 6th Meek FaDnie, wid Alexander, b rear 1812 Fulton Meck George E., painter, h 259 Sayfi>rd av Meck Harry, fireman, h 1642 N 3,j Meek Harv~y E., CIlsketmkr, h 239 Crescent Meck Henry E., elk, b 320 Boas Meck Hiram, fireman, h 1642 N 3d Meck JotM!ph H., printer Telegram, h 1205 Green Meck Lewis S., carder, b 239 Crescent Meek Mary, h ]406 N 3d Meek Mary R. Mrs., layer out of the dead, h 827 N 3d Meek Warren Z., bookkpr, h 1205 Green Meck William J., flagman, h 1109 Wallace Meckley Barbara A., housekeeper, 601 Briggs Meekley Cbarle.'l D., laborer, h 654 Sayford IiV Meckley Frank B.. (Knox & Meckley), h 1313 WallaCe Meckley Lillie, milliner, b 1311 Wallace Meckley Michael, blacksmith, h 1:311 Wallace Meckley Sarah J., wid Samnel, h 1900 N 6th Medlar Sarah, h Home for the Friendlet18 Meehan Daniel, civil engineer, 405 Market, b 126.S 2d Meese Horace S . (.'lIal and wood, 37 S 3d, h 1013 Green KEESE JACOB W., asst postmaster, h 1013 Green Megary Su~an, nurse, h 262 Verheke ' Meguire, see MnlZllire, Ili!:!o l\I(oGuire Mebaffie Charles, laborer, h 1922 N 5tb Mehaffie David I .. janitor, h 1114, Wallace Mehnffie George W . IoIhoemkr, 16:39 Fulton, h 1922 N 5th Mehaffie James A., lahurer, h 101 Mull>erry Mehaffie James 0., flagman, h 11141 Wallace Mehllffie Stephen R., flagman, h 643 Dauphin av Mehaffie Thomas M., laborer, h 1841 N 7th Mehaffie Viola M., elk, h 11141 Wallace Mehaffie William B., molder, h 1114, Wallace Mehaffie William S . laborer, h 1841 N 7th Mehring Harry L., tailor, b 411 Harris lIIEBRING JACOB C., merchant. tailor, 1217 N 3d, b do MEHRING JOHN, bakt'r, 1042 Herr, b do Mehring Louis W .. plumber, b J217 N 3d Mebring William J., sbnerukr, 4011 Boos, h 410 do Meikrantz Herman, blacksmith, h 1116 Kittatinny Meily AlIlt'rt E., rml estate, 2 N Conrt avo h 1!l2 Locust Meily Catharine, wid Samuel, h 209 Barbara av Meily Charles W., AIlle!lman, h 132 Locust Meily George W., (G. W. Meily & Co.), h 132 Locust Meily George W. & Co., sboes, &c., 214 Market Meily John H., laborer, h 209 Barbara av Meisenhelder George W., laborer, h 703 Herr

Digitized by


';,~b~I~:;::;~IOIi POoorondWlOdOWShOdeS lrom I. B. T ICK,N.':J'k.

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.


Meisenhelder Mary A., wid George W., h 703 Herr Meisenhelder Viola, h 703 Herr Meixel C. Lyman, student, h 12]6 N 3d Meixel Zach. Taylor, teacher, h 1216 N 3d MeixeU .Jobn W., (J. W. Meixell & Co.), h 6 S 2d IlEIXET,J, J. W. & CO., (.John W. Meixell and H. O. Kunkle), bicycles. &c., ] 24 Market Melcher Harry, laoorer, h 165 Indian av Melhorn Albert E., draftsman. h 406 Market Melhorn Edward, templinmkr, h 406 Market Melick Emi!y D., "id .J ustus A., h 800 Capital MELICK .JOlIN P., prothonotary, C. H., h 804 N 2d Mell Aaron, baker, h 13:3:3 Howard Mell Edward A., carpenter, h 1337 Susquehanna Mell Harry, mill hand,' h ] 337 Susquehanna Mell Harvey L., elk, h 149 Paxton Mell Samllel S., druggist, 2:37 S 2d, h ] 49 Paxton Mell William C., nailer, h 137 Paxton Mellen Bertha A., clk, h 1252 Derry Mellen William A., car inllpector, h 1252 Derry Mellen William A., jr., elk Pipllt'r Line, h 1252 Derry Mellon A. Katie, dressmkr, h 1530 N 4th Mellon .Jeremillh B., carpentt'r, h 1530 N 4th
-Alltbe Latel!t 8tyleelnREUABLE and FABHIUNABLE

FOOTW EAR 01 fRANK" WALTERS', N. 7072 III. Itt St.

Mellon Mal'y, tailOl'eSS, h 1630 N 4th Meloy Andrew D., mgr, 227 Walnut, h 420 North Meloy Charles L., elk, 334 Market, h 420 North Meloy Eva L., header, b 1707 N 7th Meloy Philip K., flagman, h 1707' N 7th Meloy Samuel L., telegrapher P. R. R., h 12:38 Market Meloy Thomas, telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 701 N 6th Meloy William, lallI/reI', h 1707 N 7th MELROSE FLORAL CO., (W. E. and A. B. Machlin), 32 S 3d (I!t'e sdv) MELVILtE MICHAEL J., mgr Gately & Fitzgeral<l, ] 208 N 6th, h 1203 N Front Melvin Michat'l H., brakeman, h 147 Balm Menchey William F., plasterer, h 630 Cumberland Mendenha)) Anna J., saleslady, 334 Market, h 218 Locust Mendenhall Joshua, cabinetmkr, h 218 Locust Mendenhall Walter B., a8.'1t sec Y. M. C. A., h 114 N 2d Menear George H., sand flatter, h 1325 Penn Menear Samuel, h 1613 N 3d Mengel D!lniel, h 551 Race Mengel Samuel H., machinist, II 551 Race Menges Ella, wid William, h 512 Brown av Menges Michael H., laborer, h 1223 N 6th

Digitized by


MeN EI L'S LIver and Blood Purlfylnar Pills Cure JIIII N3d 81 LIver, BlOOd and 8:ldney Compla1nta. t


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

Menges Millard F., laborer, h 823 SlOth Meuke Frederick H., brakeman, h 1706 Briggs Mentzer Edward G. carpenter. h 1936 State Mentzer John C., salesman. h 610 N 3d Mentzer Margaretta Mrs., dressmkr, 506 N 3d, h do Mentzer Samuel F., contractor. 1936 State, h do KERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANX, 1230 N 3d (see adv) Meredith Albert S., machinist, h 609 N Cameron Mert!<lith Annie J . weaver, h ) 108 Penn Meredith Arthur R., student, h 415 N 2d Meredith Benjamin W., laborer, h 337 Boyd av Meredith Charles W., elk P. R. R. depot, h 415 N 2d Meredith Clara L., teacher, II 4) 5 N 2d Meredith Eli7.aneth, wid Adrian, h 635 Walnut Mert!<lith F .Josephus, elk. 7th all Maclay, It 1108 Penn Meredith Frank C., bookbinder, h 1729 Market Meredith George. engineer, h 642 Muench Meredith J,.abella, trimmer, h 14] 7 Regina Meredith Israel S., gas fitter, h ] 417 Regina Meredith John H., laborer, t. 200 Charleli av Meredith Sarah D., II ]011) N 6th Meredith Sue A., wid Kirk F . h 1106 N 7th Meredith William N .. h 415 N 2d Merkle Philip A., laborer, h 1722 N 6th Merkle Silas A., expressman, 15 N 311, h 409 Hamilton Merrill Ansel, tray agt, b 3 N 2ti Merrill Eugene A., student, h 3 N 2d Mersereau James B., clk P. R. R., h ) 15 State Mersereau Mary M., wid JamC8 S., h 115 State


No. 32 South Third St., Harridurg, P. ,

Flor~ Decorations and Designs.

Oeneral Collection of Oreen House and Vearetable Plants.


Choicest ~ Cut ~ JloweFs

"on.tontly on hand.
Jobbfng "nd DecoroUnll promptl"


Green Houses at lei rose, Derry Street

Q-Paxtang Cars atop at Entrance.

Digitized by

Coog Ie

A. B. Tlei 8::S~traOf F g".lIc BolI~111l11 Pllia naIL {mb'T.~e;r;:.t

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 361
MeflSerschmidt Barbara, wid John, h 712 N 6th MeI:l8ersmith J. Harry, clk, 228 Market, h 422 Boas }Iessimer A. C. Mrs., layer out of the dead, h 321 Strawberry av Messimer Benjamin F., blacksmith, 329 Cherry av, h 321 Strawberry av . Messimer George L., boilermkr, h 525 N 4th Messimer Israel, b 321 Strawberry av Messimer Rebecca, domE'.sti(', 420 Ueily Messinger Emma, domestic, real' 334 S 2d ME'ssinger Jacob, fireman, h 1:J241 James Margaret, wid Ja<.'Ob, h rear 3:34 S 2d Messinger Margaret, wid Ja('ub, h 205 North Messinger Regina, wid Frederick, h 833 SlOth Messner Kate Mrs., dressmkr, 410 Briggs, h do Messner Philip, carpenter, h 6:~0 Reily Mester Frederick, tailur, 310 Blackberry av, h do 1lETB0DIST BOOK ROOD, books and stationerv. Revs. S. C. Swallow and M. L. Smyser, snpts, 20 N 2d METROPOLITAN HOTEL, W. W. Ri!'!hell, 517 Walnut METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., Alex. Adams, supt, 307 Market . Metz Elmer H., real estate alCt, 316 S 211, h 13 N 13tb Metz Frank S., laborer, h 31 Lochiel 3d Row Metz Mary, h 1321 Green Metzger Abbott R., drygoods, 9 S 2d, h 804 N 3d Metzger Albert J., molder, h 1008 Hemlock Metzger Amelia, waitress The Bolton Metzger Anna, b 506 Filbert . Metzger Charles E., h 23 N 4th Metzger Edwam, carpenter, h 1008 Hemlock Metzger Emma, wid William B., h 1203, Mulberry Metzger Frank C., molder, h 1851 Berryhill Metzger Hannah, wid Jesse, h 1756 N Cameron Metzger Harry G., clk, 223 Market, h 1203, Mulberry Metzger Harry G., molder, h 1851 Berryhill Metzger Helena L., h 315 S Front Metzger John A.,laborer, h 1417 Vernon Metzger John H., laborer, h 1756 N Cameron Metzger John L., h 315 S Front Metzger LaRue, clk, 16 N 2d, h 609 N Front Metzger LaRuE', jr., printer, h 247 Hummel Metzgt'r Wesley, lahorer, h 1756 N Cameron Metzger William, fireman, h 13Q6 Maple Metzger William H., molder, h 1851 Berryhill Met~r William H., !IeC and treas Commonwealth Gnarantee Trust ancl Safe Deposit Co., h 301 S Front Metzger William H., jr., molder, 11 1851 Berryhill

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it," 362 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. lIIEYEB BERTHA, Lancaster House, 21 Cowden, h do

Meyer Bertha R, h 21 Cowden Meyer Charles, laborer, h 137 Hanna Meyer Edward A., mgr, 21 Cowden, h 1943 Moltke av Meyer Grace, bookkpr Grand Hotel, b 140 S 2d Meyer Harry L., clk, 21 Cowden, h 106 do Meyer Mary E., teacher, h 140 S 2d Meyer Robert L., machinist, h 140 S 2d Meyer Sybilla, bottler, 140 S 2d, h 'do Meyer Theodore W., laborer, h 137 Hanna Meyer Wilhelm, laborer, b Whitehall nr Walnut Meyer William H., bartender, 21 Cowden, b 1121 Capital DYERS BENJAMIN F., pub Star-Independent, 8 N 4th, h 11 N Front MEYERS EDWIN E., printer and boOkbinder, 18-22 S 3d, h at LUf'know (see adv) Meyers George B., grO<'er, 357 S Cameron, h do Meyers Henry F., baker, 6]4 Briggs, h do Meyers Henry "8., elk, 22 S :ld, h 11 N Front

Meyers William L., motorman, h 579 Showers av Meyers, see Illso Mayers, also Myers Micbael Abraham, Illborer, b ] 208 N 12th Michael CharleK N., warehouseman, h 424 N 2d Micbl,lel Elias J., weighmaster, h 1925 N Cameron Michael George D., conductt)r, h 409 Filbert Michael Hllrry, laborer, Ii 535 Race Michael John H., engineer, h 641 Colder Micblld John L., elk, 5 N 2d, h 1702j. N 5th Michael John S., laborer, h 535 Race Michael Mllry, lx)xmkr, h 153 Paxton Michael Samuel R., engineer, h 153 Paxton Michael Samuel R., jr., laborer, h 11)3 Paxton Michael William C., apprentice, h 535 Race Michael William H., laborer, h 12()8 N 12th Michalowitz JOAeph, peddler, h 714 South Mickey Christiall H., plasterer, h 320 Nurth Mickey Edward W., brakeman, h 400t Reily Mickey Frank B., elk, h 310 S 2d Mickey George W., flagman, h 422 Kelker Mickey John E., floor walker, 33! Market, h 1437 do Mickey Mollie, teacher, h 320 North Middaugh Pitch K., conductor, h 62M Peffer Middleton Burrel F., policeman, h 249 S 14th Middleton William A., ink mfr, 412 N 3d, h do 18-22 S :Jd (see adv) .

Digitized by


18, 20 fP 22

t. K. l\tltllS

S. Third Street,


Ph iladelphia O ffice :


Room 204 Penn Mutual Building.



T0U WELl Know-..

E . K.

Th at llO h n s i llc~s hnnsc ha s c Y(' r cxI'ted , or c nll c " ist . withont a c('rtnin " m olln t of

Fine Printing

A wcll - print c(1 nn< " 'cll - a rrang('<\ 1

pi f' c C of wor k - hc it yonr offlcc stationc ry or advc rt ising m a tt cr-has its mi ssion to j1t" [,'rlll Rlln can p c rform i1.

19.20 ' .. 0 2 2
S .

r ~ sJ)('cl ,llly \\"c ll-cCjnippe<1 in all dcr a rllll e ll h tn m cct fin)" demRnd . and YOll r i ll fju iri ('s or onlf'rs sh all r cc('i,' c i ll l(' II1),: <' nt a nd





Prom pt Attention

If Y011 (10 not Ii 11(1 it cOll\"c n icn t t o c a ll a t our n O c. J1l ;,ke k"o\\'n YOllr wnn ts ic \ il h er hy 111ftil or t elephone.. . .

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I. B. Tlei =tt~=fo1lll1 Piper and Ilad ShUll {12m ~:d~.

.Boyd'. Barrilburg <M) City Directory. 365 IIIDDLETON WILLIAK H., city solicitor, lawyer,
Trust Co. bldg, h 222t North Midlam' Albert S., puddler, h 616 Boas Midlam Anna M., teacber, h 616 Blla!'! Midlam Frank E., bricklayer, b 616 Boas Midlam J. Edwin, macbiuist, h 1126 N 6th Midlam Mary A., wid John F., h 616 Boas Miincb George, barber, b 567 Race Miincb William, barber, 567 Race, b do' Mikle Frank H., brakeman, h 3] 5 Maclay Mikle John 0., dmggist, 407 Kelker, h 2019 Fulton Mikle John S., carpenter, h 414- Muench Miles Alfred G., supt Jacksoll Mfg. Co., h 404 Reily Miles Geary, brakeman, h 1530 Wallace Miles George W., cabinetinkr, h 916 Penn Miles Giles, laborer, b 1329 Margaret Miles Jaeob J., laborer, h 11 13 N lIt Miles John G., h 1427 N 2d Miles Richard, clk Eagle Works, h 1427 N 2d Miley Susan E., wid Jacoh, h 256 Verbeke MILLAR ALBERT, county solicitor, also lawyer, 33 N 2d, b 116 Colder Millar Emma E., hI] 5 Colder



Millar George W., laborer, h 14tl Susquehanna Millar Hany, laborer, h 1421 Susquehanna Millar William D., elk, h 115 Colder Millard Adam H., machinist, h 1304 Market Millard Sue, weaver, h 1127 N Front Millard Sylvia, saleslady, 223 Market, b 806 Green MilIeiiP.n G. Frank, mgr, 1127 N 3d, b 231 Boas Milleisen Jacob M., laborer, h 1104 Market M ilIeiAen J uIia A., wid George A., b 1209 N 3d Millenaugh Eliza Mrs., housekeeper, 1714 N 5th Miller Abner, laborer, h 252 Nectarine av Miller Abraham C., grocer, 601 Walnut, h do Miller Abraham IJ., plumber, h 115 Everjl;reen Miller Abraham P., teamster, h 346 S 14th Miller AdaDl R., laster, h 7 N 14th Miller A. Gertmde, teacher, h 1802 N 4th Miller Agnes, wid Samll!!l, h 1310 N Front Miller Agnes M., booksewer, h 675 S Front Miller Albert, laborer, b 240 S 13th Miller Albert, laborer, b 2020 Wood av Miller Albert A., laster, h 605 Walnut Miller Albert Y., laborer, h 1405 N Cameron Miller Alma, clk, 619 Walnut, h 115 Evergreen

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IIcII'. Pain Edemalnator oores ('''holera Morbas, DJBeotery, Crampe, Dlarrh~ Cold!!, Quinsy, Rheomatl8m, Toothache, Sore Throat, Agoe, Dyspepsia, &c. tftf 311.


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

Alvin I., physician, 15 S 2d, h 116 do Amanda .J., domestic, 12:30 Herr Andrt'w M., brakeman, h 1411 Green Anna, elk, 619 Walnnt, h 115 Evergreen Annie E., housekeeper The Bolton Annie M., h 425 Verbeke Augustus G., meat mkt, 1520 Logan av, h 1519 N 3d Benjamin F., carpenter, h 129 N 13th Benjamin F., fireman, h 1226 Wallace Benjamin F., fireman, h 12:37 N 7th Benjamin H., fireman, h 1233 Cowden Bertie, teacher, h 1924 N 4th . Caroline Mrs., dressmkr, h 139 N 13th Caroline, wid Daniel, h 537 Race Charles, butcher, h 1519 N 3d CharieR. laborer, h rear 1821 N 7th MILLER CHARLES A.. city elk, C. H., h 615 Briggs Miller Charles A., engineer, h 305 Cumberland MILLER CHARLES A. & CO.. Star Carpet Cleaning Works. James Butler, mgr, 28 to :34 N Cameron Miller Charles E., brakeman, h 1914 N 7th Miller Charles F., carpenter, b 998 Cowden Miller Charles F., fireman, h 619 Boas Miller Charles F . .ir., carp~nter, h 1226 Bailey MILLER CHARLES B., cont.ractor and builder, 1 S 18th. h do (see adv) Miller Charles H., stone mason, h rear 1819 N 3d Miller Charles L., fireman, h 2134 Moore Miller Charl~ R.. plasterer, h 1447 Regina Miller Charles R.. trimmer, h -!24 Herr Miller Chauncy, driver, h 13lO N Front Miller Christian, stonecutter, h 306 S River av Miller Clara L., milliner, 38 N 3d, h 346 S 14th Miller Conrad, carpenter, h 425 Verbeke Miller Conrail, tailor, h 1317 Penn Millet Constantine. laborer. h 575 S Front Miller Cora V . h 1513 Wallace Miller CyruR W . painter, h 104 Conoy

Miller Miller Miller Miller MillE'r Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller

c. '1--1.


Contractor and Builder

............ AND JOBBER ../"
All Work PY-ompU" ...." Bea.n-W" Bzecut6d. Your pGtro_". _loll.... PIG... a .." SpeeilletJtfo... fur ..fll1aed 0 . . ."ore tIOICee.

OFFICE: No.1 South 18th St., -


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IIIK} Shades complete. belt and lowest prices. Window 8d I. B. T Wall Paper. TheWith FIxtures and-Frlole, for 86 eta. { N. 7270lit. IN Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 367
}filler Daniel F., produce, 1260 Market,h 12301 Derry Miller Daniel S., confectioner. 1613 N 3d, h do Miller David C., molder, h 114 Conoy Miller David G., molder, b 114 Conoy Miller David H., brakeman, h 335 Clinton Miller David H., laborer, h 1467 Walnut Miller D3vid H., notions, 1925 N 6th, b do Miller David I., engineer, h 634 Reily .. Miller David R, (D. R. }filler & Co.), h 119 Vine Miller David T., carp('uter, h 125 S 13th Miller David W., painter, rear 825 Market, h 506 do Miller David W., patt('rnmkr, h 14581 Regina :MILLER D. R. & CO., (David R Miller), architects, 219 Market (see adv) Miller Edgar S., brakeman, b 1991 N 7th Miller Edmund J., sec Hbg Casket nnd Mfg. Co., h 102 Conoy Miller Edward, bricklayer, h 1310 N Front Miller Edward A., bookkpr, 261 S Cameron, h 1421 Zarkel' Miller Edwin S., elk, h 309 Market . Miller Eliza A., \vid William, h 143; N 2d Miller Elizabeth, wid Conrad, h 1010 James av Miller Elizabeth A., wid Xavier, h 906 Penn Miller Elizabeth P., wid David H., h 123 Paxton Miller Ellen Mrs., h 1110 Crescent Miller Emanuel H., salesman, h 707 N 3d Miller Emerson, car inspector, h 2120 Turner av Miller Emma E., vamper, h 605 Walnut Miller Emmett S. B., l'abinetmkr, h 1622 N 5th }filler Ernest A., pressman Telegraph, h 425 Verbeke Miller Eva, wid Gottlieb, h 135 S 3d Miller Eugene W.o cJk, 1300 Market, h 229 Crescent Miller Frances, wid John, h 1009 Green Miller Francis, weaver, h 2:39 State Miller Fl'8nk H., carpenter, h Cowden nr Boas Miller Frank X., clk freight dept P. R R., h 906 Penn Mi1ler Franklin, laborer, h 1210 Pelln Miller Franklin B., fireman, h 12:17 N 7th

8. _11.1. CO.,

Plans aod SpecUlcatlona made for all kinds of Bulldlnp. and will al80 superInteDd tile erel"tloo. Traclnp copied for othel'l bJ the blue print Pl'OCMI at abort notice Bod reasouable Ilbara:ee. 8peel A.U U Gly to PIRE-PROO. CONSTRUCTION.

OFFICE. 211 lark.t St opp. Court HOUIO, Harrll.arl, Pa.

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" To find a name yo,,, must know how to spell lI." 368 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
Miller Franklin F., conductor, h 1105 N Front Miller Fl"8.nklin N., plasterer, h ] 5:39 Swatara Miller Frederick, machinist, h J 519 N 3d Miller J.4"'rederiek K., engineer, h 612 Reily .Miller Frederick A., varieties, 1312 N Cameron, h 1304 do Miller Frederick J., baker, 500 EState, h do . Miller Frederick J., barber, 11 S 2d, h 220 Chestnut lIrIILLEB. FREDERICK W., florist, 912 S 20th, h do Miller George B., helper, h 1489 Susquehanna Miller George E., bricklayer, h 1310 N Front Miller George E., elk, h 1826 Fulton Miller George F., ball player, h 804 Capital Miller George F., pressman, h 408 R.eily Miller George G . brakeman, h 1816, N 5th Miller George J., apprentice, h 425 Verbeke Miller George M., t.ailor, h 1011 Green Miller George P. W., pndiller, h 1051 S 9th Miller George R., postal elk, h 346 S 14th Miller George S., (Rnch & Miller), h 213 Verbeke Miller George W., carpenter, h ] 401 N 6th Miller George W., laborel, h 17:30 N 5th Miller George W., maehinillt, II 609 Briggs Miller George W" telegrapher C. V. R. R., h 227 Mulberry Miller Geraldeous N., brakeman, h 215 Reily Miller Gertl"tlde, warper, h 1010 James av Miller Grace Mrs., h 252 Nectarine av Miller Harper I., plasterer, h 1539 SWlltara Miller Harriet, wid David Z., h 115 Evergreen Miller Harriet P., teacher, h 1733 N 3d MiI1er Harry, elk, h 10 S Cameron A-IiIler Harry, engineer, h 60:3 South av Miller Harry, engineer, h 213 Verbeke Miller Harry, laborer, h 433 State Miller Harry, printer, h 115 Evergreen Miller Harry C., elk, h 1205 N 3d Miller Harry G., molder, h 114 Conoy Miller Harry J., mgr, h 1625 Logan av Miller Harry W., brllkeman, h 6:l6 Harris Miller Harry W., elk, h 707 N 3d Miller Harvey, lal'lter, h 7 N 14th Miller Harvey J., eigarmkr, h 135 S 3d Miller Harvey 0., elk Merchants' Nat. Bank, h 1537 N 3d Miller Hattie, wid Harry, h 824 Jametl av Miller Hattie P., teacher, h 1733 N 3d Miller Henrietta, charwoman, h 1700 Walnut Miller Henry, laborer, h 225 Meadow la Millel' Henry B., engineer, h 614 Kelker Miller Henry F., laborer, h 1004 S 9th

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A. B. TACK, Wall Paper and Window Shades. {72~;~o~R2~~.

HarriERlb~ERlb (M)



Miller Hm",,, W jl;ril'f5'''' 4J 8 IIILLiii'ilERMANz"P., Senate J.ibrarian, Capitol, also agt Remington Typewriter Machines and supplies, 1001 N Front, h do Miller laborer, 518 Miller ltiL% r,L dressmh, 15 Miller tiroker, 2ti tid, h Miller I versou, laster, h 1342 Vern!)n Miller Jackson, brakeman. h 1333 8usquehanna Miller Jacob, brakemal1, h 1914 N 7th r,riller ' 'zrpellte ' 8assafn 4ti6 8 Miller JzenA zHpente MILLE4I b A COB dru~git, :~5 8 2d, 427 Chestnnt Miller Jacob F., laborer, h 456 8 Cameron Miller R., cOlldudul h 1627 N 6th Atiiller livery, Verbeku, ra16 N 6th 1l iller .J, labortl 18 M uenuh Miller James, copying house, 516 8tate, h 109 Cowden Miller James A., salesman, h 418 Muench Miller James D., elk, 901 S 9th, h 100-1 do Miller H., carpet dnnner,Jl 44Jh dnlberry :MILLER HMES hz, zznhier h 121 (3th




Miller .Jaue M 1'8., h 1422 Marioll Miller Jennie Mrs., II 309 Angle av Miller Jnz' puddlnz d:'8 Ral"e Miller J, laborer drigg8 ab driller wid zChnknpher, h halnut Miller John, depot master C: V. R. R., h 1313 Derry Miller .Joho, h 114 Verbeke Miller .John, restaurant, 5th c Canal, II 23 N 5th Miller zzDd, h 10 Miller Jnhn driver, 1liller Jnhkl laboreR' Cowden Miller John E., foreman, h 609 Brig~s . Miller John ~"., laborer, h 34lt 8 14th Miller Joho F., laborer, h 114 Verbeke Miller Jzhz carpenter 1825 N rliller laborer, 2 Vine Miller Jklh labore~, tIl 7 Penn Miller John J., carpentir, h 120 Linden .Miller John L., engineer, h 421 Hamilton Miller John P., dep recorder, Court House, h 111 South :1liller " fireman, a33 N 3d :1liller Rev., h 4Jti4J Herr dmler <'Ilrpeott 1342


leJell's Pain Exterminator .:'.ri::~o:&: =~':r.Jf,~Dl{ {"T~l,JJ -. 370 Boyd's Harrisburg CM) City Directory.
Miller John R., (Miller & Urich), h 1116 N 2d Miller John S.: laborer, h 244 Hummel Miller John S., student, h 20:3 Pine Miller John W., laborer, h 124 Charles av Miller John W.,laborer, h 320 Angle av Miller Joseph E., shoemkr, h 1]8 Linden Miller Joseph F., salesman, h 263 Cnmberland Miller Joseph J., flagman, h 1617 N 6th Miller Joseph L., agt, h 332 Cht'Stnut Miller JO&eph L., engineer, h 203 Mulberry Miller Joshua, laborer, 11 ] 245 N 11 i Miller Julius, salesman, 1204 N 3d, h 718 N 7th Miller J. Wesley, watchman, h 113 Mulberry Miller Kate, tailore8.'I, h 425 Verbeke Miller Lena, weaver, h 1317 Penn Miller Levi L., laborer, h 3411 S 14th Miller Lewis, elk, h 1102 Cowden Miller Lillie M., teacher, h 251 Hummel Miller Louis, elk, 925 N 3d, h ]002 Cowden Miller Luther, laborer, h 1002 N 15th Miller Mabel C., saleslady, 11 Reily nr Front Miller Maggie, saleslady, 11 725 S 21st Miller Maggie, seamstress, h 1519 N 3d Miller Maggie, ,vid Shuman, h 611 Peffer Miller Maggie E., dressmkr, h 218 Cumberland Miller Margaret, searustress, h 1336 Penn Miller Marcy I., warehQuseruan, h 450 SlOth MiIler Margaret P., wid David R., h 104 Boas Miller Margery, saleslady, 326 Market, h 304 Boas Miller Maria S., wid David M., h 1023 N 7th Miller Maria H., dressmkr, h 1733 N 3d Miller Mary, warper, h 1317 Penn Miller Marv A., operator, h 306 S River av Miller Mary A. Mrs., h 816 Myrtle av Miller Mary A., wid David G., 11 251 Hummel Miller Mary C., charworuan, h 1700 Walnut Miller Mary E., domestic, 215 S Front Miller Mary E., h 241 S 14th Miller M. Chaunce, laborer, b 1310 N Front Miller Michael, conductor, h 440 Muench Miller Minnie, weaver, b 1010 James av Miller Morris P., night fill'eruan, h 1733 N 3d Miller MoSf'8, carpenter, h 315 Reily Miller Olin W., vocal teacher, h 220 Locust Miller Oscar K., engineer, h 1413 N 6th Miller Oscar L. t fireman, h 525 Peffer Miller Peter, laborer, h 1016 N 7th Miller Philip, carpet cleaner, h 1014 James av

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Pine Irt Wall Paper. {~~C3:~J,!~~} 12\0 I. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory. 371
Miller Rachel, wid William, h 603 South av Miller Rebecca L., wid Jonatban~ b 1207 N 3d Miller Richard, installment house, 926 N 6th, h at Phila. Miller Richard C., elk, 320 Mal'ket, h 412 Briggs Miller Richard Eo, IIIllesman, h 10 S Cameron Miller Robert, bartender, 517 Walnut, h 618 South Miller Robert, upholsterer, h 1116 Pelln Miller Robert Po, laborer, h 346 S 14th Miller Sallie, \vid William H., h 101 Hanna Miller Sallie J 0, teacher, h 123 Paxton Miller Samuel, driver, h 628 Delaware av Miller Samnel C., proof reader, h 203 Pine Miller Samuel D., switchtellder, h 1991 N 7th Miller Samuel H., conductor, h 526 Muench Miller Sarah, domestic, 1312 N 3d Miller Sarah J., beader, h 7 N 14th Miller Sarah Jo, teacher, h 12J Paxton Miller Sarah J., wid James, h 1439 Susquehanna Miller Shelley E., train disp'r P. R. R. deopt, h 1316 N 6th Miller Simon L., watchm$lI, h 14231 Regina Miller &ue B., b 25 N 6th Miller Thomas H., h 408 North Miller Thomas J., coffee roaster, h 324 Muench Miller Thomas Jo, conductor, h 120 Colder Miller Thomas N., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Miller Walter B., clk P. R. R., h 638 Muench Miller Wesley J., barber, h 1219 N Front Miller Wilhelmina Mrs., h 614 N 3d Miller Willillm, furniture. 216 South, h do Miller William A., clk, 334 Market, h 27 N 16th Miller William A., machinist, h 425 Verbeke Miller William A. B., elk, 222 Mulberry, h 1205 N 3d Miller William B. t asst mgr, 222 Mulberry, h 1206 N 3d . Miller William D., braJceman, h 1233 Cowden Miller William D., laborer, h 1006 Myrtle av Miller William Ed., collector, h 611 Boas MILLER WILLIA.M F., grocer, 817 N 3d, h 257 Forster Miller William H., brakemlln, h 1930 Elizabeth Miller Wi1liam H., car cleaner, 11 1237 Bailey Miller William H., conductor, h 636 Harris Miller William H., fireman, h 612 Reily Miller WiJliam H., foreman, h 1914 N 7th Miller William J., bartender, 6th c Canal, h 23 N 6th Miller William K., driver, h 462 S Cameron Miller William N., carpenter, b 15th c Cmbapple av Miller William 0., fireman, h 632 Woodbine Miller William P., clk Senate Library, 11 104 Boas Miller William R., postal elk, h 11.4 N 2d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell,it." 372 Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.
Miller William S., carpenter, h 12131 N Front Miller William S., engineer, h 1802 N 4th Miller & Urich, (J. R. Miller and W. Urich), carpenters, 1108 Bartine av Millhouse Augustuh S. foreman, b 1326 Derry Millhouse James W., dk, h 1326 Derry Millhouse Mabel, music teacher, h 1326 Derry Milliesen, see Milleisen Milligan Ella D., fitter, h 1924 Wood av Milligan Ellen, wid John, h 1924 Wood av Milligan Harry, painter, h 1924 Wood av Milligan Samuel A., puddler, h 635 S Front Milliken Harry I., printer, h 1219 Wallace Milliken James T., flagman, h 538 Peffer Milliken John, laborer, h 1219 Wallace Milliken Lizzie, dODleAtic, 1311 N 3d Mills Alfreda, domestic, 822 N 3d Mills Edgar P., h 1606 N 5th Mills Lillie M., domestic, 612 Front Mills Thumas, laborer, h 611 Muench' Milnor Georl!e W., (Hoyer & Milnor), h 719 Capital Mimnaugh Michael, laborer, h 1023 S 9th Minahan Catharine, janitress, h 1217 Apple av Minichan Hannah M., wid Emanuel, h 2039 N 5th Minichan Harry B., engineer, h .2039 N 5th Minichan Kate, wid Samuel, h 2039 N 5th Minichon Lottie R., h 1806 Elizabeth av Minichan Margaret B., wid David P., h 1806 Elizabeth av Minichan Samuel E., hostler, h 1105 N 7th Minick Benjamin F., carpenter, h 2148 N 6th Minick Chal'les, heater. h 1630 N 4th Minick David B., car inspector, h 2150 N 6th Minick Harry R.. plasterer, h 121 Sayford av lIrIINICK JERElIrIIAH, cigars, 1628 N 4th, h 1630 do Minick J. Henry, laborer, h 121 Sayford av Minick William N., blacksmith, h 128 Sayford aVo Minium John, fireman, h 525 Peffer Minnich Catharine, wid Benjamin, h 1526 N 5th Minnich George, brakeman, h 14lCl N 6th Minnich Harry W., law stndent, h 408 Harris Minnich John H., conductor, h 408 Harris Minnich Joseph, laborer, h 1917 Moltke av Minnich Kate E., teacher, h 408 Harris Minnich, see also Muench Minnick Annie M rs., boardin~, 1126 Market, h do Minnick Charles, cutter, h 1138 Market Minnick Francis, baggage master, h 1138 Market Minnick LaVerne, elk, h 1138 Market

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Goog Ie

I. B. TACK, pmCIICOI Paper Hanger.


Boyd'. Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 373

Minnick Luther B., h 1126 Market Minnick Michaeol E., (Minnick & Bro.), h Cameron ab Maclay Minnick Thomas J . (Minnick & Bro.), h at Phila. Minnick & Bro., (T. J. and M. E.), brick mfrs, Cameron ab Maclay' Minnier Charles }1.... printer, h 1406 N 6th Minnier William T., engineer. h 1406 N 6th Minnis Emerson S., laborer, h 1341 Howard av Minnis Timothy D., heater, h 555 S Front Minnis Vernon R., letter carrier, h 555 S Front Minor James L., laborer, h 38 Lochiel 4th Row Miul!ker Emma F., wid Henry L., h 516 Hamilton ?linsker Harriet, c1ressmkr, h 1264 Market . lIinskey Elizabeth E. M~., truck, &c., 426 Walnut, h do l-linskey John, check man P. R. R., h 19! c Brookwood llinskey Joseph, produce, h 426 Walnut Min@key Joseph, jr., laborer, h 426 Walnut Minter Ja<.'Ob, miller, h 563 S Front Minter Luther, agt, h 1535 N 4th Minter Michael, h 1635 N 4th Minter Stella, saleslady, 1015 N 3d, h 1535 New 4th Miraglia Leonard, shoemkr, 303 Ch~tnut, h do

tP,ff:Li':.~~~;7J~~"'1~ FOOT WEA R 01 W alters', 1012 I. 3d Sf. MiRenhelter Margaret A., domestic, 1223 Market Mishler Michael J., driver, h 191 ab Derry Mitchell A. Ellen, milliner, h 824 N 3d Mitchell Alexander H., watchman, h 230 Forster Mitchell Annie E., bookkpr, 201 N. 2d, h 824 N 3d Mitchell Catharine B., wid George, h 842 S Cameron Mitchell Edgar H., driver, h 925 Grand MITCHELL EBBMAN B., lawyer, N 3d c Market, h 315 N Front Mitchell Elisha B., engineer, h 1811 N 6th Mitchell Fannie, cook Hbg Hospital Mitchell George B., machinist, h 824 N 3d MITCHELL H. B. &; CO., coal dealers, 5 N 2d Mitchell Horace B., (H. B. Mitchell & Co.), h 929 N 3d Mitchell Isaac, laborer, h 1524 Vernon Mitchell Jennie F., teacher, h 842 S Cameron Mitchell Jennie \V., artist, h 230 Forster Mitchell Joseph C., motorman, h 515 Colder Mitchf'll Kate, domestic, Verbeke c 14th Mitchell.Margaret E., wid William, h 611 Dauphin av Mitcbell Mary, h 842 S Cameron Mitchell Matilda, wid James, h 701 State Mitchell Percival, laborer, b 520 North av

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Ollce McN en's Medicine Co. {EB~~ed} N~~d. 374 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
Mitchell Sarah E., wid ;Tohn D., h 824 N 3d Mitchell S. M., watch mall Lunatic Hospital, h do Mitchell ThulDas J., laborer, h 1812 Rudy Mitchell Thornton, laboler. h 1141 Lillt'rty Mitchell William A . laborer. h 1110 Creseent Mitterlehner Ferdinand. cabinetmkl-, h ) 328 N 2d Mixell Jacob. laborer, h 10 Lochil:'l ) at Row Mixell Lewis H., laborer. h 10 Lochiel 1st Row Mixell Parker, labol'er, h 9] 2 Cowden Mobley Clinton, laborer, h 505 South av Mocherman Matilda-. wid William, h ]829 N 5th Mock Gung, launliry. 103 S 211, h lio Moeller Agnes. saleslali y. 120R N 3d. h 33 N 12th Moeller C. Adolfh F . dl'U~ elk. :35 S 2d. h 33 .x 12th Moeller Carl E. ~". clk, h :~:3 N 12th Moeller Catharine, wid Detri('h, h 33 N 12th Moeller Mlltilda E . tE-acher, h 33 N 12th Moeslt'im Christian, helper. h 704 East :MOESLEIN EDWARD, contractor, 18 N 3d,428 Cranberry av, h 422 North . Moeslein Edward, jr., carpenter, h 424 Cranberry av Moeslein Ferdinand. bartender, 12:35 N 6th, h do Moeslein Pauline. dres.'Imkr, h 704 East Moesleiu William. bricklayer, h 504 N 5th Moessner John G., h 614 N :jd Moessner Josephine Mrs., milliner, 614 N 3d, h do Moffit Robert, engineer, h 51H Hunter Moffitt John J., student, h 200 Pine Moffitt Luthel' R., stulit'nt, 200 Pine, h do Moffitt Robert H., dentist. 200 Pine, h do Mohler Kate Mrs., h 1725 Fulton Mohler William D., loom fixer, h 1315 Green Mohn David, steel worker, h 10 19 S 211 Mohoney Hannah S. Mrs., h 500 Strawberry BY Molson June, wid Daniel. h 1327 William Monaghan James, h 917 Green Monaghan Mary, wid Michael, h 1217 Apple av Monatb Frank, clk Peipber Line, h 215 Mulberry



OFFICE: 36 South Third St., Comer Chestnut..
.Lykens Valley. Brookside and Lincoln Coal a Specialty. Beat Grades of Hard Whlle AlIh, Bituminous and Blacksmith Ooala In alock.


YARD I PI & H. H. Tracts. Deaf Street Brt~p.

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1210 {EmPlOYS none but ftrat-clalBworkmea, beaC6onlYl1lrsklase N. 3d St. work, and Insures II. Work done In any part ofibe State.

Boyd'. Harrisburg ()I) City Directory. 375 Mon~th Geurge; enl!'ineer, II 215 Mnlberry
,Monestiet Annais Mrs., furelady. h 201 Mulberry Mongan Rllsa, wid Michael, h 1018 Commerce Mongan William E., shoomkr, II 275 Colder Mongold Charle!C, carpenter, h 1714 Fulton Monroe Carrie E., elk, 2U N 211, II 16:31 N 6th Monroe Harry C., fireman, h 1702 N 6th Monroe John L., fireman. h 17;n N 6th Monroe W. Sclllt, conductor, h 17:31 N 6th ?tlontgomery David, laborer, h 525 Brown av Montgomery George P., elk, 36 S 3d, h 309 Chestnut Montgomery George W., porter Stock Y Ilrk Hotel Montgomery Harry 8., haggagemllstE'r, h :327 S 14th Mnntj!llmery Harry B., hIlOkkpl', h :314 S 2d MONTGOMERY JAMES B., (MontgoDlery & Cn.), coal, 36 S :3d c Che!oltllut, It aou Chestnut (see allv) Montgomery JostOl'h, painhr. h 109 Cherry av MontglllllE'rY .JII!'eph, (Molltj!omery & Co.), h 25 S3d Montgonu-ry Olivel' 8., elk. h :309 Chel'tnut MontgeJlllt'ry Pt'ter H., warehouseman, h 512 Nurth Montg()mel'y Samnel, anctiolleer, 1338 Margaret, h 458 Cumberland Montgomery Sarah E.. wid Malcomb, h 1006 Green Montgomery Walter L., elk, 16 N 3d. h 309 Chestnut Montgomery Wm., furniture, 1475 Walnut, h 1466 Regina MONTGOMERY" CO., (Joseph and James B. Montgomery, William K. Alricks and Charles S. Lingle), Peipher Phila. and New York Daily Line, ft of Market (set' odv) MONTGOlllERY " CO., storage warehouses, general transfer and distributing agents of agrl implements, &c., 625627 Walnut (see ad\) Muntoe .James, peddler, h 1418 Margaret' Moody Charles, tillDer, h Turner av nr Walnut Moody Washington, trucker, h 5th ab Seneca Moolt It'erdinalld, boots and shoes, 13 S 3d, h do Moog John F., 'elk, 13 S 3d, h do Moog Louis, cik, 13 S 3d, h do

General Traosfer and Dlstributlag Agenta. Agricultural Implemeata, Machinery, and Repalre for same, and General -Yercband1se receiVed. stored aud promptly torwardoct upon order of owoers ot authorized agenls. Separate locked rooms tor Housebold Goods. Low Rates of Fire Insurance. Flrst-clalB Teama for Haullng and MOVing Goods. Dealers In Hay. Straw and Oats.
OFFICE. No. 6111' WALNUT STRBBT. WAREHOUSES. N_ 8116 d 8111' Walaa' Street, C.aaJ Stree& ab....e lII.rket .... Teall. Street below lIIarket.

Digitized by


" CO.,


" To find a name you must know how to spell it.' 376 Boyd'. Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
Moore Alexander S., elk, 7 N ad, h 505 Cumberland Moore Annie, dome8tic, 319 Hay ltV Moore Austin A., cntter, 9 N 3d, h 1202 Market MO(lI'e Blanche, tailoress, h 1420 Zarker Moore Charles W., janitor, h 125 Cranberry av Moore Clareuce C., h 312 Chestnut Moore Cordelia J., wid William, h 1420 Zarker Moore Curtin, engineer, h 1403 N 3d Moore Cyrus C., brakeman, It 1206 Market Moore Edward, blacksmith, h 1740 Herr Moore Edwin, barber, h 421 South av Moore Elizabeth, domestie, 80a N 3d \ Moore Eliza D., wid Ernst, h 505 Cumberland Moore Emma B., sec Y. M. C. A., 712 N 3d, h do Moore Eva J., tailoress, h 1420 Zarker Moore Fannie 1\'1 rs., h 4:33 State Moore George, fireman, Ii 1202 N 7th Moore George F., waiter, h J434 Margaret Moore George S., brakeman, h Greenwood bel 21st Moore Grace. h 112 S 4th Moore Ira, tinner, h 1202 N 7th Moore Jacob Rev., h 507 N 5th Moore James, laborel', h 3 Chesapeake a\' Moore .James, laborer, h 1525 Vernon Moore James D., (Keystone Bottling Works), h 218 Locust. Moore James S., shoemkr, 1238 N Cameron, h do Moore Jane, h 256 Boas Moore Jeremiah, laborer, h 205 Nectarine av Moore J. E. W. Rev., h Filbert 01' North Moore John, dri\Ter, h 1412 James Moore John, laborer, h 1328 William Moore John H., engineer. h 1317 N Cameron Moore John H., plasterer, h 321 S 15th Moore John H., jr., laborer, h 1410 N 7th Moore John W., laborer, h 2116 Turner av Moore Joseph H., puddler, h 1012 S 9th Moore Leedom K., engineer, h 640 Muench Moore Lisle Mrs., h 505 Cumberland

Peipher Daily Line of Transportation.

*-KU'k GeedlI Care .t P.lpber LI.e.-*

FAST F~EIGI1T PhU;d~phdi~:York.

J;ou. Batu, Bapfcl 2'rcIIY" .,," Prompt Delf..".

PHIUDElPHIA DEPOT, Wlllal St, Wharf, lEW YORI DEPOTS, Piers Zlid 51 (ali) lort. RIll'.

Digitized by


~c;b~i:':;:::~ WOII puper ond WIndOW snOdes nom A. B. T CI, N. 7::~ A

Boyd's Harrisburg

eM) City Directory.


Moore Lizzie Mrs., h 628 Hamilton Moore Louisa A., wid WilliaQl, h 319 Hay av Moore Maggie, domestic, 319 N }"'rllnt Moore Mar~ret Mrs., h 123 South Moore Maria, lanndress, h 204 Mary's av Moore Martin, tobacronist, 714 Cowden., h 502 Brown av Moore Mary, domestic, 1412 N 2d Moore Mattie B., wid Frank, h 340 Cherry av Moore Michael J., dispatcher, h 118 Evergreen Moore Sallie, domestic, 1839 N 7th . Moore Samnel A., laborer, h 123 Sycamore Moore Upton, painter, h 124 Nagle Moore W. Brooke, pBIIS. trainmaster P. R., h 312- Chestnut Moore William, flour, 1016 Myrtle av, II 256 Boas Moore William A., stndent, h 256 Boas Moore William H., grocer, 1217 N 6th, h do Moore William H., machinist, h 2116 Turner av Moore William L., huckster, h 1317 N Cameron MOOREHOUSE GEORGE H., asst supt Adams Express . Co., 338 Market, h The Commonwealth Moorehouse G. H. Mrs., h 219 Pine Moorhead Geor/l:e H., clk: h 1911 Elizabeth av Moorhead .J. Milton, laborer, h 1430 N 6th

RE-WA:~~"~:JftC:i:u FOOTWEAR 01 FRANK M. WALTERS', N.7::~

Moorliead Joseph S., fireman, h J326 N 7th Moorhead Robert S., clk aud genl office, h 918 N 6th Moorhead William A., h 1430 N 6th Moran Bridget, wid Thomas, h 316 Clinton Moran George, fireman, h 428 Hamilton Moran James, laborer, h 1501 N 4th Moran Joseph, brakeman, h 316 Clinton Moreland Mary, wid Herman, h 1465 Walnut }Ioreland Newell, conductor, h 341 Kelker Morgan Annie L., teacher, h 268 North Morgan Christian H., elk P. & R., h 3 S 18th Morgan David, laborer, h 1) Angle av l'-!organ David S., laborer, h 1166 S Cameron Morgan Frank, printer, h 122 Hoyer av Morgan Ida M., domestic, 1318 Maple av Morgan John P., elk revenue dt>pt P.O., h 1215 N Front Morgan Margaret Mrs., h 201 BI'iggs Morgan Martha, phYRician State Lunatic Hospital, h do Morgan Rubert, laborer, h 116 Angle av Morgan Robert R., inspt'Ctor, h ION 2d Morgan Rosanna, wid David, h 1166 S Cameron ~IorgaD Sussn F., wid .JalDe.'! W., h 34 S 2d l'-lorganthal Edward H., brakema'l, h 818 Cowden

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Llv.rand Blood purlfllnlr 01 MoNElL'S D,apepeta, Ltver. BlOod and tdneyPills Cure JIIIIII 3d 01. l n.

378 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

Morgantbal Fredurick, laborer, h Cameron c Derry MOl'ganthaler Christian, electrotyper. h 1123 Green Morganthaler Frederick I.., elk, 627 Walnut, h 1123 Green Morganthaler Ida, Sllletollady, 3:34 Market, h 1123 Green :Morgantltaler .John L., bartender, 42:3 Market, b 1123 Green Morganthaler Mary R., salt-Klady, :>:34 Market, b 1123 Gr~n Morgenthal Edward, It 103 S Cameron Morley Caroline, wid Thomas, h :>12 Reily Morley Elmer W., cigar boxes, 1424 Susquebanna, h 1422 do Morne William H., engineer, h 628 Reily MORNING CALL, (Mumma & BautU). aOl Chef'ltnut Morningstar Lawrellee E., cooper, h ] 0:l9 S 9th MorDings~r William H., cooper. h 1039 S 9th Morningwake ADnie, dre!!smkr, h 523 Race Morr C. Anthony, shoerukr, 1123 N Cameron, h do Morrett Carrie, dressmkr, h 1414 Derry Morrett Clarence, machinist, h 1414 Derry Morrett Frank W., carpenter, b 608 Forster Morrett John W., carpenter. h 608 Briggs :MORRET!' REUBD, contractor and builder, 608 Forster, h do Morrett Slimnel T., plumber, 609 York, h 1430 Susquehanna Morrett Sarah A., wid Oliver F., It 1414 Derry Morris Elizabeth Mrs., h 1709! N 7th Morris Emma, It 270 Briggs Morris George C., conductor, h 1504 N 5th Morris Jacob, peddler, h 6:34 Walnut MorriE! John, laborer. h HIlS 10th Morris John W., nlllttJrman, h 1605 Logan flV :Morris Lewis, conductor, h J 7091 N ith Morris Mary E., wid Adon I., h 216 N 2d Morris Thomas L., flagman, h 1619 N 5th Morris William N., 6rt'man~ h 510 Woodhine Morrison Alexandf:'r. ,reman nail works, h 411 Mlllket l\Iort"ison Harry. labOler, h 744 S 19th MORBISON J. RALPH, gelll agt Phrenix Mutual Life Ins. Co., 105 N 2d, It The Commonwealth Morrison Lenher 1\1., elk, 221 Murket, h 1406 Reginll MOfl"issey Agnes, domestic, 219 S !i'mllt Morrissey James, foreman, It ).J05 S 12th Morrissey N elJie E., dOlnest ii" 124 Pi lit' Morr/)w Edward M., boilermkt-, h 519 N 5th Morrow Frank G., music teacher, 114 N 2d, h 1429 do Morrow Hannah L., teachet, h 424 Forstt't Morrow Herbert A., tllba('('olli~t, 20i 8 :old, It tin Morrow Milton W., elk, :38 N 3d, h !J:m N 61h Morrow Richard W., salesmall, h 207 S 2tl Morrow Samuel H., oysterR, &e., 703 N ;~t1, h 705 du

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I. B. TACK .::s~a"f F_I~ pnc H.Ullpoll .lil Tiab. {rIt~tt~t

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 379
Morrow William W., h 1429 N 2d Morsch Jacob, carpenter, h 438 South Morsch Sophia, fi)relady ESJlle Works, h 436 South .OUCH &; HARTMAN, (estate of John Morsch and Jacob R. Hartman), tanners, 10th ur State Mortimer Anna M., saleslady, 38 N 3d, h 1416 N 6th :Mortimer James N .. ins. agt, h ]416 N 6th Morton Annie, wid Edward, h 601 Forster Morton Harry G., machinist, h 601 Forster Morton Jennie, h 718 South Morton Joseph S., cook, h 1411 James Morton Lillie, h 12th c Bailey Morton Lydia, wid Edward, h 718 South Morton William J., jr., teamster, h 12th c Bailey Morton William J., molder, h 12th c Bailey Moses Annie, wid Benjamin, h 329 Dauphin av Moses Annie, elk, 501 Hamilton, h 534 Hunter Moses Annie Mrs., laundress, h 1607 Logan av Moses Benjamin F., meat mkt, 19071- N 6th, h 634 Hnnter Moses James B., brakeman, h 1127 Wallace Moses John W., stone mason, h 1127 Wallace Moses Penfield D., butcher, h 329 Dauphin av Moses William C., butcher, h 534 Hunter . Moses William S., meat market, i827 N 6th, h 1917 do MO!'Iey Daniel M., warehouseman, It 2:3 N 13th Mosey Harry P., warehouseman, h 31 N 13th Mosher Ida, wid William, h 1011 Market MOAS Richard, messenger Court Honse, b at Steelton Mosser Agnes, tailoress. h 229 Liberty KOSSER J. CHARLES. investment broker, 15 S Market sq, h at New Cumberland (see adv front cover) Mosser S. Wirt, I!8lesman, h 2001 N ;~d Mossey Ira J., engineer, h 221 Velbeke Moten Harriet, h 211 S River av Moten Mary, wid .James, h 211 S River av Motter Harvey 0., engineer, h 1945 Moltke av Motter John, sales stahles, 336 Blackberry avo h 333 Market Motter Lydia A., wid Harry B.. h 20:36 Kensington Motter, see also Matter Moulder Bertie, seamstrt'&l, h 606 South Mount Albert, brickmkr, h 438 S Cameron Mount Frank G., lunl"h har The CIIIDlllllllwealth, h do .OUNT PLEASANT HOTEL, Sebastian Cozzoli, Markf't c Cameron (see adv) Mountz Daniel, laborer, h 1949 State Mountz Josiah, shoemkr, h Herr c Cherry av Mourer Alt'xander, cooper, h 602 Church Mourer, see also Manrer

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" To find a name you must lmow .low to spell it.'~ 380 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
Mowers Cbarles F., sboemkr, h 32 S 10tb . Mowery Harvey S., laborer, b 600 Showers av Mowry Jane, b 108 N 2d Mowry Margaret B., b 108 N 2d Mowry Morgan A., elk, 329 Strawberry av, b 239 Souto Mowry Napoleon B., stone mason, b 208 Herr Moyer Albert G., operator P. R. R. depot, b 1108 N 6th Moyer Alfred, fireman, b 536 Peffer Moyer Andrew, laborer, h 1439 Susquehanna Moyer Andrew, sboes, 40t Market, h 705 N 6th Moyer Andrew K., fireman, h 1929 N 5th Moyer Annie M., press feeder, h 536 Peffer Moyer Bros., (W. S., M. S. and N. S), meat, 20th c Brookwood, 1014 Market Moyer Caroline, wid George, h 1529 Fulton Moyer David, brakeman, h 1422 Herr Moyer Frances, cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Moyer Frances B., teacher, h 705 N 6th Moyer Frank, laborer, h 1116 James Moyer Harry E., riveter, h 536 Peffer Moyer Harry S., bookkpr, h 208 Walnut Moyer Havard D., telegrapher, 222 Market, h 268 Colder Moyer Henry, laborer, h 1211 S 9th Moyer Isaac, blacksmith, h 1108 N 6th Moyer Jacob N . h 42 N 13th Moyet Jennie E., elk, h 705 N 6th Moyer John A., electrician, h 705 N 6th Moyer John H., baker, h 1042 Herr Moyer John H., brakeman, h 1735 Fulton Moyer John W., brakeman, h 414 Clinton av Moyer Jobn W., electrician, h VU2 Susquehanna Moyer John W., laborer, h 1735 Fulton Moyer Joseph W., elk P. R. R. depot., h 436 :Market Moyer Luther, brakeman, h 1334 N 3d Moyer Mary, wid Henry, h 16:33 Fulton Moyer Matilda, tailoress, h 1529 Fulton Moyer Michael S., (Moyer Bros.), h 20th c Brookwood Moyer Noah S., (Moyer Bros.), h 20th c Brookwood Moyer Rosa G., teacher. h 11U8 N 6th Moyer Sadie E., press feeilel', h 1334 N 3d Moyer Solomon, puddler, h 1211 S 9th Moyer William, brakeman, h 1]08 N 6th .Moyer William. tailor, h 1529 Fulton Moyer Willium I"., dk, 404 Market, h 617 Boa8 Moyer Wil}iam S. (Moyer Bros.), h 20th c Brookwood MuckIer George H., brakeman, h 308 Muench Mudd Benjamiu H., blacksmith. h 513 Strawberry av Mudd Kate, wid Harrison, h 224 Blackberry nv

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I. B. TACK ~~r:,~'alIPaper '1.... S".1l{12ro~U~.

Boyd's Harrisburg <M) City Directory. 381
Muddy P. J., yardmaster, h 418 Market Mueller Henry H., barber, h 129 N 4th Mueller Henry H., jr., tailor, 5031- Briggs, h do Mueller Julia, tailoress, h 129 N 4th MueDch Emma L. MI'S., h 1207 N 2d Muench 188ac S., caBhier P. R. R. freight depot, h 929 N 6th Muench, see also MiuDich Muffett Sarah A., nurse, h 1402 Penn Mulcahy Joanna, wid Michael, h 416 BoaB Mulcahy Michael I., engineer, h 416 Boas Mull George D., tinDer, h 16351- N 4th Mull Jacob R., tinner, h 16:351- N 4th Mull George W., tinware, 4:39 State, h 16351- N 4th Mullen Bridget, wid P(lter, h 709 East Mullen Cbristian, hostler, h 213 Cranl)erry av MulleD James C., telegrapher, 11 N 3d, b 229 S River av Mullen John B., engineer, h 119 SycalDore Mullen John J., pressman, h 709 East Mullen Jobn Y., paperhanger, h 133 LindeD Mullen Joseph A., hostler, h 213 Cranberry av :Mullen Lizzie, domestic, 19 N Front Mullen Mary, booksewer, h 424 Briggs Mullen Mary A., operator, h 709 East


FOOTWEA R 0010 IALTERS', N.3~\a;..,

Mullen Mary, wid brael, h Cranberry av Dr 2d Mullen Peter J., printer, h 709 East Mullen Sarah E., wid Thomas F., h 109 Filbert Mullen Susan, cook, b 120 Tanner's av MDlIen T. Clarence, paperhan~, b 109 Filbert Mullin Eliza, bookfolder, h 424 Briggs }Iullin Elizabeth, wid Michael, h 424 Briggs Mullin Kate A., bookkpr, h 424 Briggs ~Iullin Mal'y A., booksewer, h 424 Briggs Mulliner Marshall L., bartender Bolton House, b do Mumma Amos C., telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 1621 Swatara Mumma Cbarles, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do }Iumma David C., elk, III Market, h 1008 Green :Mumma David D., patent attorney, 5 N 2<1, h 210 N 3d Mumma Edward C., foreman Star-Indepenrlcnt, h The Commonwealth Mumma Ellis L., (Mumma & Baum), h 21 N Front Mumma George W., bricklayer, h 613 Colder Mumma Hannah, wid Elias, h 1:331 Maple av Mumma Harvey W., brakeman, h 1956 N 7th Mumma Ja<.'Ob W., conductor, h 1956 N 7th Mumma .John A., printer Piltriot, h 2013 Fulton Mumma John M., laborer, h 1526 Derry

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Cold!!, QuInBy, Rhenmatllm, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ague, DyapepsIa, "c. Itlt N.

Melell'. PaID btermlnator curee (,'I101e,. Marbu, DJII8Diet7, Cram... DWTh.,


Boyd's Harrisburg(M) City Directory.

Joseph M., brakeman, h 1512 Walla~ Lucy A.~ wid David M., h 104 S l!lth Lydia, wid David, h 210 N 3d Mark, clk, 210 Market, h at StepIton May S., telephone oper:ltor, h 1956 N 7th Nancy, wid ,Jacub, h 109 N 2d Thumas 1<'., letter carJ'ier, h 276 Briggli MUMMA" BAUM, (Ellis L. Mumma and Edward F. Baum), publishers Morning Call, 301 Chestnut Murdock Bertha, domestic, 107 Chestnut Murdock William B., postal clk, h 1409 N 2<1 Murlatt William H., brakeman, h 1818 Wood av Murnane John, lahorer, h 580 Showf>rs av Murnane Mary, wid Patrick, h 580 Showers av Murnane Mary C., h 580 Showers av Murnant! Minhael, artist, h 580 Showers av Murnane Patrick, jr., laborer, h MO Showers BV Murphy Andrew E., bQilermkr, h 306 Boyd av Mut'phy Bridget, saleslady, 5 S 2d, h The Commonwealth Murphy Charles, hostler, h ].434 Margaret Murphy Emma W., teacher, h 256 Cumberland Murphy Garret, gatekeeper, h 915 Capital Murphy George, shoemkr, h 144 S 3d Murphy James, laborer, h 44 Lochiel 4th Row Murphy JaDles, puddler, h 1006 Hemlbck Murphy Jane C., boarding, 144 S 3d, h do Murphy Jennie, dressmkr, h 1416 Susquehanna Murphy John, bartender, h 201 Verbeke Murphy Maria, wid Andl'ew E., h 1416 Susquehanna Murphy Marv, domestic, 25 S :3d Murphy Mary, domestic The Commonwealth Murphy Minnie, winder, h 601 Boas Murphy Peter, labol't'l', h 1332 S 13th Murphy Robert G., h 1228 Cowden Murphy Samuel E., n)reman Teh.graph, h 256 Cumberland Murphy Thomas, plumber, h 1416 Susquehanna Murphy 'Villiam P., watchman, h rear 8 CommerCe Murrav Albert G., warehou!!emnn, h 51 N Summit Murray Amanda, domestic, 278 Brigg-s Murray Annie, wid William, h 1326 Marion Murray Charles E., watchman, h 203 S River av Murray David E., painter, h 611 Bllas Murray EmlDa 1\1., elk, 9 S 3d, h 225 Boa~ Murray Flora Mrs., drewsmkr, h 12.') Mulberry Murray Francis M., switchman, h 306 Mulberry Murray Frank A., laborer, h 61)6 Verbeke Murray Frederick, painter, h 326 Kelker Murray George C., watchman, h 1424 Penn Mumma Mumma Mumma Mumma Mumma Mumma Mumma

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I B.



IIIV} Wall Paper. The bee, aDd Iowa, prtcee. Window { 12ro Shad oomplete. With fixtures aDd~ID&e. tor 86 eta. II. IkI bt.

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 383

Murray George C.,jr., h 1424 Penn Murray George T., Ilgrl implts, 674 Briggs, h 225 Boas Murray James H., driver, h 28 Balm MurrllY J. Edward, lIla(~hinist, h 225 BOils Murray Mary A., h 505 WllllIUt Murray Porter, flllgman, h 62:Jl Pt"ffer Murray Simon 8., brakemllll, h :~n Boyd av MurrllY Stt.'phen, lahorel', h 513 NIlI'th Il\' 1\1 Url'lly Suslln, domestic, 31 i H 1I1lI1IIt.'1 Murray Tbomas,Jllborer"h 128 Tanner's av .M l1rray William E., di!'patcher, h 1619 Swatarll Murtty James P., dispatlher, b 418 Market Musgrove Aliee M., IlIlleslady, 215 Market, h 1212 N 2d Musgrove Effie S., domestil', 118 Cllmberland Musgrove Sarah N., wid William, h 1212 N 2d Mu~grove William H., h 1212 N 2d MUl'\.'ier Agnes, tllil()rel'\.~, h 229 Liberty MUlt<;er Benjamin F., muttres.'flllkr, h 15 N 1:3th Mu~r Charles E., l'8I1VaMSeI', h 15 N 13th M uSI;(:r Emma F., saleslad.v, 16 N ad, h 7 do Musser Frank B., Impt E Hhg Pas.'1. Rwy, h 220 S 13th Musser Frank E., phot(lgrapber, 16 N :~d, ~ 709 N 6th MUAAer Henry, l'8rpenter, h 11) N 13th ltI1JSSEB JAItES B., lllwyer, rl'B1 estate and insurance, 209 Waln"t, II Mnsser John W., inl', h 135 Linden Musser Silsan E., wid B~njamill, h 7 N 3d Musser William H., stuclent, h 209 Walnut Mutch John D., hrllkemllll, h 4:J2 Muench Mutzehllugh A. Mary, wid John, h 1016 Hemlock Mutzebllllgh David L., pl'inter, b 1214 MlIlllel'ry Mlltzt'bllllgh E\'1t G., 1III1t'lIludy, :lR N :M. h 1214 Mulbefl'Y Mlltzt'hau~h Ira 1"., hl'llkellllln, h 7th c Ma,lay MUlzehllugh IMBuc, luhurer, It ] Ii Alln ltV Mutzebaugh Johll W., lahorer, h 1016 Ht"mlock Mlltzehsugh ,JlIst>ph, roller. h 1214 Mulberry MlltzeblluJCh f...angho,nt', IlI"llkellllln, It 19:J5 N 6th Mutzt'hllugh Lorenll, dumer't il', 119 S Fr(lnt l\Iutzebaugh Mary N., pres.'! fi't"ller, h 1016 Heml()('k Mlltzebllu~h Ralph, brllkemlln, h 19:35 N 6th Myf'fII Ahraham U., mete,' ill!'Jlel!tor, h ] 12 Herr Myers Adllm 1.. firt'mBn, h :334 Ht'il)' Myers Albert, plllstel'er, h 161:3 Derry Myefli Alfred E., lah(l~I', h 1415 J8IUetJ a\' lIYEBS AliOS Z., iDlml"ltlll'e and real estate, 12 S Market, Mechanicsburg, PIl., ~'I"t'(It'I'ick c Coover, h do (see adv) Myers Annie, dOIJlt'stic, 12a7 N 7th Myers Annie B., boxmkr, h 13~9 Penn


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" To find a name you musl kflow how to spell it." 384 Boyd'. Harrisburg (M) City Directory.
Myers AUgustlis H" pl1d,lhr. h l:l29 PE'lIn Myers Barbara 1\r.-s., 11 6 W BlIttllllWtllKI Myers Benedict P., engineer, 11 ) 130 N ""'ront. Myers Caroline, h 109 Tallllt'r'H IlV Myers Catharine A., stenllKl'apller, 17 N &1, h 2)) M III berry Myers Catharine V., wid Samuel W., h 16 N 4th MyE'rs Charles, merchant tailur, 10) 4 N :i4I, h 1646 do . Myers Charles E., mll!licillll, h 261 SIl~llfras av )Iyers Charles H., ftll~man, h 1107 N 7th Myers Charles H., walter, h 512 Strawberry av Myers Christian, mellt mllrkf't, 61 :l-Herr. h 328 Green Myers Christilln W., (lk IIl1d ~elll, h 251 Cumberlllnd Myers Cora, elk, h 251 Cumberland Myers Daniel B., operutor, h 1625 N 6th Myers Duvid H., policeman P. R. R., h 436 Cumberlsnd Myers Edward, laborer, h 53 Lochiel nr store , Myers Ellen Mrs., h 274 North }lvers Fllnnie, domestic, 402 N 3d Myers F. E. & Bro., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Myers Forrest J., clk, 313 Market, h 7 N 2d Myers Frank A., t'xpres!I mes,'It!n~er, h 1324 Vernon Myers George H., shoemkl', 610 Buttonwood Myers George W., clk, 320 Mllrket, h 719 N 2d Myers George W., ftagllllln, h 1432 N 6th Myers Ht'nry V., c..'onductor, h 18:30 N 6th Myers Henry W., coachHmith, h 141 N Cllmeron :Myers Howard S., blacksmith, h 14:30 N 3d 1\Iyers Jacob 0., brllkeman, h 1:,:3:3 Fliltoll Myers Jacob P., !lhifter, h 1322 Peim Myers J. Milton, painter, h 1129 Wallace 1\Iyers John, brakeman, h 12)5 Penn Myers John, cook, h 636 Brigl!s Myers John M., shoemkr, lOll Hanna, h do Myers Joseph, engineer, h 1237 N 7th Myers Joseph, laborer, h 236 Chlll'les av ~Iyers Joseph F., engineer, h 1511 N 4th }lyers Kate Mrs., h 1333 Penn 1\Iyers Katherine F., saleslady, :334 Market, h 1646 N 3d )Iyers Louisa, domestic Hotel Cullllnbll!l )Iyers Mary I., housekreper. 1524 \\' Illlace ~Iyers May A. 1\Irs., shirtmkr, h 940 Commerl!e Myers Michael, laborer, It 1407 Susquehanna. ~lyers Parker C., barber, 5 N 3d, h 1015 Market MYEBS ROBERT L., mgr Gllzette Publishing CQ., 310 Market, hilt CalDp Hill Myerl! Samuel 1\1., engineer, h 442 Peffer Myers ThomplIolI, h 13 N 2d Myers William, laborer, h 200 S 3d

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I. B. TACK, i'allPaperandWindowShades. {'2~::~o~R2~~.

Boyd's. Harrisburg (N) City Directory. 385
Myers William, lahorer, h 1535 Logan av Myers William, shoes, 30 S 211, h 211 Mulberry Myers William, waiter, h 1411 James Myers William D., ice cream, 1323 N 3d, h do Myers William H., collector, h 719 N 2d Myers William J., conductor, h 2007 N 6th Myers Wilson, blacksmith, h 1274 State Myers Wilson J., carpenter, h 1628 Fulton Myers, see also Meyet's

Naas Henry W., bookkpr, 619 Walnut, h 1257 Mulberry Nace Harry R., laborer, h 243 S 14th Nace Isaac, carpenter, h 425 Forster Nace Samuel, helper, h 4 Lochiel1st Row Nagle Christian M., chief engineer, h 1816 N 3d Nagle George F., laborer, b 1114 S Cameron Nagle John, h 16 N 5th Nagle John, founder, h 1314 S 12th. Nagle John F., baker, h 16 N5th Nagle John H., machinist, h 1814 N 3d Nagle Louisa, seamstress, h 1110 N 3d Nailer Sophia, h 1417 Margaret


Nalen James, contractor, h 500 North Nalen James J., conductor, h 531 Filbert Nalen Michael, h 610 N 3d . Nalen Patrick, laborer, h 725 State Nalen, see also Nolen NalJ Edward, laborer, h 1024 North av Nail John, laborer, h 1024 North av Napier Irene, wid Robert W., h 826 James av Napier Johu, plasterer, h 323 Verbeke Napier Robert W., elk, h 826 James av Napier Sarah, h 1437 N 2d Napper Charles N., porter, h 719 State Nary Maggie, domestic, 126 Walnut Nash Thomas D., elk sec comm'th, h 823 N 6th Natber Charles, laborer, h 243 Crescent Nather Robert C., molder, h 243 Crescent lfATIONAL HOTEL, F. W. Ebel, propr, State o 4th l!anghton Mic!lael, laborer, h 1234 Cowden Naughton Timothy, laborer, h 1236 Cowden Nauss Charles, boilermkr, h 30i! S 2d . lfAUSS CBRISTIA.N, plumber and gas fitter, 9 S 3d, h do Nauss Christianna, wid Christian, h 3071 S 2d Naylor Joseph, laborer, h 1110 Cowden


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IcKeil's Pain Exterminator fu~:~O:a~=~~~?t. {17Trl.JJ~.

386 Boyd'8 Harrisburg (N) City Directory.

nAD BENJAIIIN' M., lawyer, 209 Walnut, h 417

Briggs Addie P., elk, h 516 Nurth Albert S . driver, h 1107 Plum av B. Franklin, laborer, h 1410 Swsquehanna Cyrus, laborer, hI] 11 N Camenm Dora, dressmkr. h 516 North Emma. domet!tic. 125 Pine NEAL ROBERT C., pres Hbg Rolling Mill Co., sec aDd treas Tyrone Iron Co., h 115 Pine Nebinger Andrew, ('.arpenter, hI] 23 N 6th Nebinger Lewis M., carpenter, h 1302 N 2d Nebin~r Rustlel H., laborer, h Greenwood bel 21st NEDERLAND LIFE INSUB.A.NCE CO., George W. Beck, mgr, 227 Walnut , Nee John, laborer, h 1l0R S 9th Nee Martin, labOl'er, h. 1108 S 9th Nee Marv, domestic. 101 N Front Neely FI7 ancis e., (W. F. ,Neely &: Son), expressman, h 328Chestnut Neely James, cabinetmkr, h 1409 James NEELY JAMES .. livery, 437 Strawberry av, h 60) Briggs Neely W. F. & Son, (F. C. Neely), undertakers, 806 N 3d Neely William F., (W. F. Neely & Son), h 806 N 3d Neeter George F., engineer, h 627 Muench Neeter John H., III borer, h 627 Muench Neeter Willillm L., engineer. h 1415 Wal~ace Neff Amos, brakeman, h 1626! Wallace Neff Augusta A., painter, h 1600 N 6th Neff Charles R., elk, h 1820 N 5th Neff David H., laborer, h 20]4 N 5th NEFF ISAAC, r;rrocer. 1820 N 5th', h do Neff James, laborer, h 1734 Wood av Neff John D., laborer, h 531 Violet Neff Mary,h429 State Neff Mary M., wid Dr. Henry K., II 108 Walnut Negley I. Milton, driver, h 215 North Neidig Harry~ notions, 415 Kelker, h do Neidig Jacob, elk, 307 Strawberry av, h 26:1 Liberty Neidig- John, carpentel', h 232 North KEIFFER LEWIS . , lawyer, 18 N 3d, h 1509 Market Neiffer Saul, druggist. h 1428 N 6th Neiffer Solomon H., elk, 9:l3 X 6th. h do Neill Harry A., elk, 4;39 Market, h 280 Briggs Neill John 'Wesley, plumber, 308 Strawberry av, h 280 BriggsNeill Robert, engineer, h 413 Hamilton Neill Wesley M., plumber, II 280 Briggs Neal Neal Neal .Neal Neal Neal

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A. B. TACK, Fine lrt Wall Paper. {D~Ac:E~I*~~}J2IO . 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory. 387
Neilson Annie Mo, weu\'er. h 1121 Grape Neilson Carrie, \rid Alvin, h 1121 Grllpe Neiss John Ho, C8I'pf'nter, h 3:39 Hummel NELL LEVI H" county eom'!!r, Cuurt House, II at Steelton Nelley John Mo, wac,hinist, h 126 NaF:le Nelley l\Jichad, en~ineer, h 126 Nagle Nelligan Thomas Wo, fireman. h 128 Hoyer a~ Nelly Mary Eo, millinel'; h 1:~:~ N 4th Nelson A rthlll' .Fo, mil turner. h III:~ Market Nelson George 0 , hutcher, II 1420 Derry Nelson Randolph,lahorer, h lIlt TtHlller's av Nelson Thomas Po, nailer, bIll Paxtull NelsClII Willilim Co, boss nailer, II 557 Ra<.'e ~el8oll William N,. butcher. 1420 Derry, II do Nt'88nger Enoch, engineer, h 1609 N 6th Nesbit Joseph B., lahorer, h 442 S 2d Neibit JO!leph Co, (Nesbit & Coder). h 6th c Maclay NESBIT" CODER, (Josf'ph C. Nesbit and John G. Codel'), genl contradors and bldrs, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market Ness JO!liah K., carpenter, h 220 Peifer Nessel Walter, elk, 440 Market, h 950 Paxton NessIe Margaret J., hookkpr, Race bel Vine, h 609 N Front .Nestor John L., brakeman, h 1204 Market Netrow John, carpenter, h 1607! N 4th Nellbaum Mary, domestic, 4:35 Market Neuer Annie, dressmkr, h 1220 Derry . Neuer Edward F., laborer, h 238 Charles Neuer .Jennie, wid Edward, b 717 Vowden Neuer John G., puddler, b 1220 Derry Neuer William W., cigal'mkr, h 1220 Derry Neumyer Hermall, musician, h 320 Peifer Neumyer Kate L. Mrs., tobacconist, 1305 N 3d, h 320 Pefter Neumyer Oscar, cigarmkr, h 320 Peffer Neuroth George, laborer, h 502 SlOth Neuse Kate. h 239 State Nevell Wiliiam H., cigars, 1835 N 7th, h do Neville Edward, coachman, h 110 Bal'bara av Nevinger Audrew, h 1123 N 6th Newby James, head milll'r, h 607 N Front Newby T. Frank, mgr, 142 Sbort, h 703 N 2d New(!omel' Andl'ew F., salesman, h 1007 Market Newcomer Harlan G., bookkpr, b 1007 Market ~ewell John A" flagmall. h 321 Kelker


Shick, distl'ict sgt, 18 N 3d

NEWHARD mWIN C., veterinary surgeon, 207! N

do (see adv) Ne\vlin Edward P., fireman, h 408


Digitized by


" To find a name you 1I1usl know how to spell it." 388 Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory.
Newman Carrie, domestic, 801 N 2d Newman Daniel, laborer, h 506 Strawberry av Newman Daniel E., pres.~man, h 1211 Bailey Newman Edward, labort'r, h 504 Strawberry av Newman Eli, laborer, h 1324 Fulton Newman Frances F., domestic, 810 N 2d Newman George W., policeman, h 1314 N Ji'ront Newman Harry W., electrician, h 1213 Bailey Ne\vman John, lahorer, h 1324 Fulton Newman John A., luborer, h 1:310 N Front Newmllll John F., laburel', h 6]3 State Newman Luther W., laborpr, h 621 Forster Newman Michael, h 121 Verbeke Newman Thomas, lineman, h 731 State Newman William 0., coachman, h 231 N River av Newman William S., h(KI carrier, h ]416 William Newmver Frank, f()reman, h 3:J N Cameron Newmjer George, driver, h 811 East Newmyer Joseph. laborer, h 35 N Cameron Newton Nancy, domestic, 105 Che8tllut Ney George H., engineer, h ]6:35 N 6th Ney Howard J., elk, 1225 N ad. h 1428 Regina Ney.Tohn W., fla~mall, h 18:n }i"ulton Nf:-Y Solomon, cabinetmkr, h 1428 Regina Ney William H., fireman, h 610 Mnench Ney William W., postal elk, h 1208 Derry Nichol George B., flagman, h 1621 N 5th Nicholas David, laborer, h 315 Hummel Nichoills George H., laborer, h 1112 N 2d Nicholas Harvev E., brakeman, h 1833 Fulton Nicholas Jaoob,'pnmpmkr, h 621 Race Nicholas John B., alderman, druggist, 621 Race, h do Nichols Elizabeth, dressmkr, h 705 State Nichols William S., postmaster P. R. R.. h 705 State Nichols & Shephard Co., (The), agrl implts, 627 Walnut Nicholson Eliza, wid James, h 304 Mulberry Nicholsoll Irvin, elk, h 1319 Fulton Nicholson Irwin, sewing machines, 1319 Fulton, h do

(Honorary Graduate of the New York Veterlnary College.)

Vererinary Surgeon an~ Dentist

Diseases of every name and nature that horae1ieah 18 ht'llr to medicinally treated. All the lateet Improved methods of operattq.


Digitized by


I. B. TICK, pruelleol Paper Hanger. {'7~7~~o!'R8~t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (N) City Directory. 389
Nicholson John, laborer, h 520 South av Nicholson William, hostler, h 1319 Fulton Nickels Clara B. Mrs., val'ieties, 1912 N 7th, h do Nickels Frank, pumpmall, h 1912 N 7th Nieman George W., conductor, h 1727 N 6th Nieman Georgia W., teacher, h 1727 N 6th Nieman Virginia J., asst cashier, 326 Market, h 1727 N 6th Nies Daniel M., puddler, h 320 S Court av Nies Harry, laborer, h 471 S Cameron Nies Martin L., laborer, h 320 Court av Nies Montgomery, laborer, h 471 S Oameron Nies William J., engineer, h 471 S Cameron Niess Ellie. domestic, 411 Market Niess Ephraim H., bricklayer, h 117 Dock Niess GraL'e D., tippel', h 1003 Paxton . Niess Harry H., laborer, h 1003 Paxton Niess Meredith, milliner, h 1003 Paxton Niess Susan E., tailoress, h 1003 Paxton Nieth. Charles C., conduc,,)r, h 515 Cowden Nieth Jost'ph D., baker, h 338 Reily Nipple Caroline, housekeeper, 1317 William Nipple Clara, feeder, h 815 S Front Nipple Jeremiah, heater. h 815 S Front
All the Latest Novelties In RELIABLE find FA8HIONABLE

FOOTW ~AR 01 Walters' 1012 I 3d St


, . .

Nipple Jeremiah, jr., helper, h 815 S Front Nisbet Margaret, wid John, h 1136 Market lOSSLEY BARMON L., la\vyer and notary, 7 N 3d, h 306 N 2d lUSSLEY JOHN C., lawyer, 29 N 2d, h 114 do N!ssley Lincoln, mechanical engineer, h 1332 N 2d Nissley Samuel G., laborer, h 1404 Zarkel' Nixdorf Annie M., wid Emanuel, h 2039 N 5th Noaker John H., salesman, 326 Market, h 1425 Derry Noalde Anna,domestit', 714 N 3d Noel Catharine, domestic, 27 S Front Noel Charles W., carpenter, h 1214 Derry Nuel Michael J., brakeman, h 440 North Noell George W., carpenter, h 1156 Derry Noell W. Edward, barber, h 1156 Derry Nolan Annie, wid Charles, h 1307 Wallace Nolan George T., boilermkr, h 1307 Wallace Nolan Maggie M., booksewer, h 1307 Wallace Nolan Mary A., booksewer, h 1307 Wallace Nolde Charles F., barber, 433 Verbeke, h 273 Herr Nolen Frank, puddler, h 1411 S 12th Nolen M. Louisa, teacher, b 14 N 3d Nolen, see also Naleu

Digitized by


DIce McN en's Medicine Co. {l!''''~~~ed} N~13d.


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

~oll Edwl1rd W., bdekJayer, h 1731 X 5th Noll Frank, dk Stock Yark Hotel, h 2:39 State ~oll Willil1m E" IJl'ickll1yer, h 1731 N .5th Nolte .John S., tmin dispatchel' P. R. It, h 612 Briggs Nolty Lizzie, domestiC', 310 Cht'!'tnllt Noon Margaret, domestic, 113 S Front X oon Sl1rah E., dOIlH'!:1tic', 1;~29 M 8r~arpt Xophskel' Ellen ~., wid Henry, h 1601 N 6th ~ophsker John W., Ilpel'atur, It 627 Macl:lY Nor Joseph, tl1ilol', g GI8l'C, h do Ncmlfelt Henr\", mac'hinist, II 1242 Mal'ket NORRIS A .. WILSON. (Calder & NIlI'ris), h 119 S Front Norris J lilia, Jomest ie, HI N Front Norris Mal'Y M., witl Alexander B, h 119 S Front Norris Mirtie M., wi,l A. Wil~lln, h 119 S Front North British allli Mercantile IllS, Co., 1401 N 3d North James. elk sec comm'th, h 7 N 2d Northamer Henry G., condul'lor, h 1637 N 4th Northamer I~rael, mason, h 1117' Plu m av Northalll('r \Vm. H., bookkpr Geisel & Kohler, h 1637 N 4th Northern Central Railway Passenger Depot, ft ChCl:!tnut; entranc.oe, 41:3 Market; freight d.. ~)ot, ft 3d


Note Frank, engineer, h 1528! N 4th N otesti ne Ida J., seamstress, h 540 North Notestine Lucian B., elk, h 540 North Notestine Samuel R., carpenter, h 540 North Notestine Sherman E., elk P. R. R. frgt depot, h 540 North Novinger Maggie M., clk, 912 N 3d, h do ~oviock John H., ('urpenter, h 1429 Shoop Noy Andrew S., painter, h 1519 Vernun Yoyes Lizzie, weaver, h 1709 N 4th Nugent Levi E., coachman, h 211 N River BV Null Claru E.,dressmkr, h 1329 N 2d Null Funny J., asst uookkpr Eagle Works, h 1527 Derry NULL JOHN R., carpenter and huilder, 310 Strawberry avp h 1329 N 2d Null Mar~al'et, wid George, h 1527 Derry Numbers Edith, milliner, h 318 Nurth Numbers Thomas, bridgetender, h 318 North Nunemacher Amanda, h 312 North N unemacher Ambrose W., drugKist, 300 North, h 268 Briggs Nunemacher Samuel, printer, h 312 ~orth Nunemaker Daniel H., plows, 23 N 3d, h at Mechanicsburg YUllcmaker John, stockkeeper, h 1221 Bailey N use Kate, h 239 State Nutt Frank S., machinist, h 1537 N 4th

,Digitized by


" A B. TACI\,

1210 {Employs none but llrstcl8.98 workmen, henoeonlYlllrst-claaa N. 3d St. work, and Insures It.. Worlr: done In any part ot -the Slate.

loyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory. 391

Nye Edward J., helper, h Clinton nr Hamilton Nye Emma J., weuvel', h 19:~6 Berryhill Nye John A., carpenter, h :314 Muench Nye Leah M., domestic, 229 S ~rl Nye Lizzie, domestic, 1614 N 4th Nye Noah, laborer, h 18 Chesapeake av Nye Solomon, labot'er, h J 935 Berryhill Nye William, laborer, h 18 Chesappake av

Ober B. Frank, livery, 216 Stl'awberry av, h at Pembrook Ober David, foreman, 216 Strawberry av, h do Ober Isaac M., trav Raleslllan, h 128 S 13th Oberhaltzer John H., hoilprmkr, h 211 ab Derry Oberholtzpr Bertha, dOIllt'",ti<" IH 2 N 6th Oberh.)ltzer Harvey, engineer, h 1524 Derry Oberholtzer Samuel, ch'iwr, h J524 Derry Oberhoit? Samuel C., \milt'rmkr, h 205 Verbeke Oberly Sullie A., domestic, Sylvun Heights O'Brien Bella J., h 2113 Dt'rry O'Brien Catharine K, wid James, h 630 Race O'Brien Jumes, jr. luster, h 6:30 Ra<.'e O'Brien .fohn, policeman, h 1627 N 6th O'Brien Mary, domestic, 400 Filbert O'Brien May, h 1710 Walnut O'BI'ine William H., cutter, h 533 Race Och John, elk, 422 Mal'ket, h 1111 Grand Och Sylvester, carpet weaver, h 1110 Plum av O'Connell Annie G., teucher, h 334 S 16th O'Connell Catherine M., teacher, h 334 S 16th O'Connell Dennis, inspector water dept, h 334 S 16th O'Connell Ellen, wid Matthew, h 1:1] 7 S 12th O'Connell John, clk, h 334 S 16th O'CoAnell Luwrence, labol'er, h 1317 S 12th O'Connor Delia, dressmkr, h 905! Capital O'Connor Ellen, dressmkr, 900, Capital, h do O'Connor Halderman J., h 25 N Front O'Connor Margaret, h 1011 Berryhill O'Connor William, b 421 North Oden Annie E., cook, h '714 N 7th O'Donnell Charles J., molder, h 107 North O'Donnell Edward J., laborer, h 213 Sharon O'Dounell James, laborer, h 519 Woodbine O'Donnell J. Donald, foreman, h 911 N 3d O'Donnell Joannah. wid Robert, h 1107 S 9th O'Donnell Mary B., bookkpr, 1204 N 3d, h 118 Verbeke O'Donnell Michael, cigars, 518 South, h do O'Donnell Thomas, laborer, h 118 Verbeke

Digitized by


" To lind tl fftaZ'!le yZilt lnzTW lo spell it." 392 Boyd0s Harrisburg (0) Oity Directory.
O'Donnell William, lahorer, h 518 Filbert Oen!!lager Georj!'e, student, h 1826 N 7th Oenslager John, h 1826 N 7th Oenelagel' John, jr., student, h 1826 N 7th Olferd lI0r0c h 06 CbriFftir0's av ry, Ogden R0be&t,eabinetmkr, h 33] R] 3th Ogelsby Eli&gb0th, wid Geurgr h 1223 Derry OGELSBY JOSEPH J., furnitu2'e underbkizig0 111 N 2d, h 109 do Ogeisby Jo~pb N., clk, 111 N 2d, h 109 do Ogelsby 10NaR'wi00k M., teller Trust Co., h 919 N 2d Ogle ,Villiam phhSida2%, 1106 N 2.1 Ohait ,James N" 80ilesEllrn, 11 114 N 2d Ohl Florenzc bbo&er, h 334 R 2d Ohlingel William, laborer h 1910 Moltke f%V O'LaITv Kate, domestic, 101 S Front O'Leary Cornelius, laborer, h 928 (iI'and O'L0aR'Y Edward, ma%0hinisi, h 1539 l~ 4tb f

g:t~::;. i~)!~%;: drrrsg~t~~l ~\%~;%N' ~t~G

O'Leary O'Leary O'Leary 0'L00a07

g:::~: t}~~2~:r,~0'%;R~1It0~i/161~ I~:::e~~o~

Raill'ry R, operator, 6::13 !vLen%0h Olewine Howard R., ffiutO%mRm, h 1107 N Fruut Olewine Rebec<-'a L., restaurant, 217 CheRtnut, h 1005 S 9th Olewine \Valter S. conductor, h ]005 S 9th Olewing William H., operator, h 633 Muench Olmstnrd L., drafU31U8n, h 114 N 2d OLIISTED MARLIN E., lawyrr, I) fmd 7 N 3d, h 215 'Val%mt Olphin Henry, carter% h 9th hel Swte Olsen Bessie, booksewerc h 302 Roas Olsen IIii'lln; R., boilermkr, h 302 Boas Olscn ~ol.i.n. H. F., engi<n~ ~leanel} ~ 3~2 BORS 0180en WRRll0im B, mrchlDillrt, h 30:.:; Boas Ols%'n Willinn W" hoi\;0rmkr. h 302 Boor O'Nril! Bddget, wid Mi00bgd, It 1309 N Camen;)n O'Neal Millard F, expres.'9 messnnger, h 1225 ME:dl~rry O'NEILL CHRISTOPHER T., surt State Al'Ienrt, h 1011 N 3d On'>low JGmes, elk dept into affairs, h 702 East Opp(~r011aU He&Z&Y, stun'> roliSOn, h 133 Paxton Opperman HenrY0 jr" CGllbll00toZ', h 131 PautoG h Opperma G Karl T" d raftsrn8ZZ 1 219 M erk et %


Patl'ick, lm%keman, Ii 605 C0lmberland TimothY0 laborer, b 1214 N 7th Timothy, jr., helper, It 1214 N 7th William C., plumber, II 928 Grand


POperOlldIl.snotm'rom I. B. TICK,N.7:':~t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (0) City: Directory. 393

Opperman Linn S., fnncy guods, 1208 N 3d, h ] 3:3 Paxton Opperman William H., mason, h ] 33 Paxton ORCUTT CALVIN H., ~I eHtate, rent nnd in!luran(.'t', 267 Cumberland, h 110 do Orcutt Jennie E., saleslady, !l:14 Mal'ket, hI] 0 Cl1mberiand Orcutt William L., pBperhanJler, h 82:l Myrtle av Ord ....ein John, barber, 437 Market, b 514 Walnut Orem Thomas J., car~nter, h 1528 N 4th Orner Charles E., painter, h 918 Cowden Orner John, painter, h 918 Cowden Orner Sallie, domestic, 1820 N 6th Orner Samuel, carpenter, h 2014 N 5th O'Rourke Martin, firelDan, h 1306 S Cameron Orr Anuie E., wid Joseph, h 1705 N 7th Orr Charlt'B W., laborer, h ] 729 N 5th OD DA.VID A., pres The Patriot Co., 320 Market, h 15 N Frout Orr Elizabeth, stitcher, h 17 S 13th / Orr Ellis C., I'I8lesmnn, h 218 Cumberland Orr Emma L., attendant Lunatic Hot1pital, h do Orr Harry B., (H. B. Orr & Co.), h 203 North OD H. B. & CO., (Henry B. Orr and Charles E. Aughinball!!h), Telegraph Bindery, 4 N 3d (see adv)
-All tbe Latest StyleelnRELIABLE .IId FA8HIUNABLE


Orr James C., janitor, h 203 North Orr John, stationery, &c., 623 N 2d, h do OD JOHN G., tress The Patriot Co., 320 Market, h 923 N2d Orr Joseph A., messenger, h 1705 N 7th Orrick Ida, laundress, h 107 Angle av Orris Elizabeth Mrs., h 5371 Woodbine Orris Theodore, laborer, h 148 Linden Orsin~er Lillie, h 447 Verbeke OBSIl'fGER VINCENT, hotel, 300 Verbeke (Broad), h do Ort Lydia, domestic, 922 N 6th ORT PETER M., news and cigar stand, The Lochiel, wholesale liquors, 109 S 2d. h 221 Market (see adv) Orth Barbara, wid Leonard, h 101 S River av

~elegrapb :fJ3tnber~t
H. B. ORR 6: CO.
Corner Third and Market Streeta. }

Entrance No. " Nonh ThIrd Street.

Harrl.sburg, Pa.


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Liver and Blood Purlfylnlf Pills Cure D,Bpepela, LlYl'r, Blood and Kidney Complainta. t

JIIIII. 3d 81 '

Boyd'. Harrisburg (0) City Directory.


Orth Carrie L., teacher, h 237

ORTH CHARLES. foreman electrotyper, h 415 Cumberland Orth C. Mary. wid George, h 219 Verbeke Orth Conrad, blacksmith, Court av IIr J.Jocust, h 323 N 2d Orth George J., l'hoemkr. :~20 Briggs, h 1322 GrPeIl Orth George L., printer, h 1225 Derry Orth George W., baker, 423 St:lte, h d" Orth Hannah W . wid John, h 2:l9 State Orth Harry, tailor. h 419 Strawllel'ry av ORTH HENRY C., piano, organ and music denier, fire, life and accident insuran(.'e. 1Ii S 4th, h 20) Chestnut ORTH HERMAN A., wholesale and retail dealer in spring water ice, 229 Verbeke (Bmad), h 1317 ~ 2d ORTH H. L .. M. D., supt and physinian Pat State Lunatic Hospital, b do Orth J. Andrew. machinist. h 62:3 S Front ORTH J. DEDERICK, grol'er. 1401 N 2d, h do Orth J. Harry, CIlrpenter, h 2:l7 Briggs Orth John A., labort'r, h 712 South BV . Orth John G., h 17 S 3d Orth MalDe R., t'llshier, 334 Market, h 415 Cumberland Orth Mary C., h 219 Verbeke Orth Reberea, teacher, h 101 S River av Orth Susannah. wid John, h 278 SlOth Orth William H., tailor, 21 N !Jd, h 419 Sh'8wbel'ry av Osborn Amt'lia G., dOOlestic. 15 S Frollt Oshnrn James, hUller, M26 N ;311 Osborne Jerome B., waiter, h 21 N 16th Osler Agues, wid John J .. h 143$l SU:<CJnehalilla OilIer Allell 0 .. plullterer, h 1905 N 6th . OSLER CHARLES F., plasterer, real estate, insurance aod rent agt, 190:3 N 6th, h 1905 do (St'eadv) Osler G. Baile,', ster~CltJper, h 1901) N 6th Osler G~urge W., SIlliital'Y offi(,t'I. h 1905 N 6th Oslt'r .John C., molder, h 14:~9 SlIl'qllt'halllla Osler MIlI'v C., seamstress, II 1905 N 6th Osler Oliv'~r E., printer, h 917 Penn Osman Cal'Olint'. witl Benjalllin, h 126 Adallls BV

P . .M.

-- ------ -=--OR.&I~"


Whiskies, Brandies
WINES, GINS. &c., &c.,

I 09 South Second St., Harrisburg. Pa.

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I. B. Tlei .:!t~;Of Framllg PI~lIc 8ull.111I II PlaiD Tills. {~b~~t~:

Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory. 395
Osman Charle.8 W., carpenter, h 423 S 14th Osman.Edwin C., molder. h 1918 Swatara Osman Henry, brakeman, h 531 Woodbine Osman Hemy, laborer, II 126 Adams av Osman Horace K., CrHneman, h 423 S 14th Osman :Mary B., teacher, h 42:3 S ] 4th Osman Mary E., dreASmkr, h 531 Woodbine Osman William, carpt'nter, h 42:3 S 14th Ossman Charles, carpenter, h 707 State Ossman Charles H., shipper, 336 Chestnut, h 413 Filbert Ossman John R, cashier P. & R. frgt office, h 814 N 6th Ossman Mary H., housekeeper The Lochiel Ossman Sarah. stenographer Hbg Telegram, h The Locbiel O'Sullivan Jeremiah F., policeman, h 1011 Cowden O'Sullivan Joseph, bartender, 501 State, h 1011 Cowden O'Sullivan Margaret M., teacher, h 1011 Cowden O'Sullivan Mary, teacher, h lOll Cowden O'SULLIVAN PATRICK, saloon, 601, restaurant, 503 E State, h do Oswald Frederick H., mattressmkr, h 1334 N 2d Oswald Josephine, warper, h 1332 N 2d ' Oswald Julia A., wid Samuel, Ii 1332, N 2d Oswald Sadie J., "iomestic. h 1226 Currant av O'Toole John, clk sec comm'th, Capitol, h 114 Boas O'Toole Martin J., adv agt, h FI'8nklin House Otstot Benjamin, laborer, h 17321 N 5th Otstot Benjamin F., jr., flagman, h 1511 N 5th Otstot Harry R., engineer, h 1531 N 6th Otstot :Murvin J., laborer, h State Hospital Ott AnniE', wid Louis, h ]327 N Front Ott Carrie, wid David, h 123 Strawberry av Ott Carrie, wid David, h 522 Brown Ott ChadeR M., shearsman, h 3] 2 Verbeke OTT nEDDICK M., lawyer, notary, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Mal'ket, h in SlIRquehanna twp Ott Louis, machinillt, h 1327 N Front Ott Louisa C., domestic, 1303 N 3d Ott Mary Mrs., h Brown nr East

c:::? a EN E R A L =S::9

Insurance, Real Estate an~ Rent Agent

Pla.terer and (Jeneral Contractor. Jobbing promptly attended to.

No, 1903 N. Sixth Street, -


Digitized by


" To find a name you must know "ow to spell it." 396 Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.
Ott Susanna, wid John, h 278 SlOth Ott William, laborer, b Brow!} nr East Overholtzer Luke, laborer, b 1900 N 6tb Overmiller James C stenographer, 227 Walnut, b 802 N 6ti. Oves Harry F., (H. F. Oves & Co.), h 116 Washington OVES H .. CO., (C. O. Zimmerman), coal, 5 S 3d Owen Charles E., elk, 191 N 15th, h 1462 Regina Owen Charles M., plasterer, h 1454 Regina Owen Cbristian B., cutter, h 1462 Regina Owen David, aRt, b 1462 Reilina Owen Eleazer, laborer, b 1905 Wood Owen Ezra G., car inspector, h 348 Reily Owens. Florence M., h ~75 Briggs . Owens George, clk, 1031 Market, h 811 Chestnut Owens George R., machinist, h 811 Chestnut OweDs H. Morris, foremaD, State nr 18th, h 1120 Moutgy Oweus J. Lewis, bricklayer, h 275 Briggs Owens John L.,. brick mfr, State nr 18th, h 275 Briggs Owens Paul, bricklayer, h 275 Brij[gs Owens Ralpb C. watchmkr, 211 Market, b 275 Briggs Oxborough Charlf!fl E., bridge bnilder, h 610 N 3d 0r!~':J. Clayton, elk, 308 Market, h 120 Balm OYLER JOHN H., veterinarian, 233 Blackberry av, h 19 Oyster Albert L., Ktables, 230 South, h ] 26 State Oyster,Eliza A., wid Simon R., h 275 Hamilton Oyster Elmira J., teacher, 330 Market, h 275 HamiltoD Oyster John H., salesman, 207 Market, h 17371 N 3d Oyster Laura L., drp88Dlkr, 275 Hamilton, h do Oyster Lottie M., saleslady, 223 Market, h 275 Hamilton Oyster Margaret, wid Simon, h 222 Pine Oyster Napoleon K., h 222 Pine Oyster Simon W., saleRman, h 914 Green 0rater, see also Eyster

:r. "

Paganelli Anna P., press feeder, h 234 Cranberry av Paganelli Lewis, huckster, h 234 Cranberry av Page Elias, laborer, h 38 N 13th Page Harry G., laborer, h 508 SlOth Page John, potter, II 1603 N 5th Page John J., driver, h ]434 Regina Page Mary L., wid Christian, h 1603 N 5th Paget Alice, laundry maid J~l\natic Hospitul, h do Paget John, gardener Lunatic H"!lpital, h do Pague Christiannn G., wid Peter D., h 1218 N Front Pain Robert, laborer, h ttlwpath bel Hamiltou Paine Frooerick J., baker, h ] 6] 7 Logan nv

Digitized by


A. B. Tlei =t~=r:r Iail

Boyd's Harrisburg

h,. <P)

ad II.... nUll {12m r.'fll~.

City Directory. 897

Paine George F., laborer, h 1617 Logan av Paine William J., laborer, h 1617 Logan av Painter Ebenezer G., wlltchman, h 21 S 3d Painter Henry B., grocer, Derry c 19th, h do Painter Henry H., painter, h 1:317 Howard Painter Jacob E., bridge builder, h 261 Forster Painter Lovina J., shirtmkr, h Boas c 18th Painter Mary, domestic, 221 Pine Painter Mary D . domestic, 599 S Front Painter Mary M. Mrs., h Pa. Canal ab Colder Painter WilHam, railroader, h 212 Hummel Painter William H., dentist, 21 S 3d, h do Paisley John R., employee State Arsenal, h 904 Cowden Paletou John, cook, h 201 Mulbt-rry -Palm Cyrus, caroullsel, h Cumberland c 9th Palm William, junk, h 1102 N Cameron Palmatary Susan, wid James, h 1331 James av Palmer Alfred S., laborer, h 115 Mulberry Palmer Charles, blackMmith. h 115 Mulberry Palmer Charles W., laborer, h 121 S 13th Palmer Clayton W., laborer.. h 125 Mulberry Palmer Daisy, h 13 S Court av Palmer Elmer E. engineer, h 1640 N 3d




Palmet' George W., carpenter, h 1108 Commerce Palmer Harry C., laborer, h 21 N .16th Palmer J. Frank, clk Hbg Nat. Bank, h 1422 Derry Palmer John W., brakeman, h 1938 Fulton Palmer Lafayette, grocer, 1407 N 6th, h do Palmer Michst'l, laborer, h 1211 Apple av Palmer Rollf:'rt-, laborer, h 1617 Elm Palmer Thomas C., driver, h 1617 Elm Palmer William, machinist, h 1422 Derry Palmer William L., brnkeman, h 65:3- Dauphin av Pancake Albert L., motorman, h 234 Mulberry Pancake Alfred A., h 331 S Front Pancake Edwin, machinist, h 234 Mulberry Pancake Elhvood L., carpellter, h 1513 Logan av Pancake George, II 705 S Front Pancake Henrietta, turner, h 313 S Front Pancake Howard K, machinist, h 23. Mulberry Pannebecker Enos, grocer, 1948 N 6tb, h do Pannebecker Fannie, stenographer, 22 N 3d, h Green Pannebecker George F., grocer, 444 S 2d, h 442 do Pannebecker Samut'l, conper, h 203 State Papsch Gustav, floral designer and decorator, 32 S 3d, h 28th and Derry

Digitized by


Cold, QuInBy, Rh8llmatlBm. Toothaohe, Sore Throat, Ague, Dyspepela, &c. UU W. N.

McWeU's Pain Exterminator


Cholera Morbua. D)'Bentery. Crampe, DlarrhCll&,


Boyd'. Harrisburg (P) City Directory.

Purk Arthur, laborer. h 634 Herr Park G. William, student, h 634 Herr Park Hotel, Black & Gish, a07 Walnut Park J. Walter, physician, 32 N 2d, h do POI'k Lizzie, buoksewel', h 632 Race Parker Alexander, laborer, h 1106 S Cameron Porker Andrew. laborer, h 12M N III Parker Cloyd M., paver, h 1626 Wallace Parker Edward, lahorer, h 522 North av Parker Edward, jr., hostler, h 522 North av Parker Edward L., ngt, h 321 Reily Parker Elizabeth, housekeeper, 1428 Fulton Parker Elizabeth, wid Gilbert, h 1424 Margaret Parker Eugene,, h 522 North av Parker Harry C., II 59 Balm Parker Hiram, receiver, 334 MIII'ket, h 8 N 5th Parker James, laborer, h 1251 N III Parker John, waiter, II 305 Vhf'stnut Parker John R., laborer, h 319 S 15th Parker Joseph, lahorer, II 1245 N III Parker Joseph B., laborer, h 121)1 N III Parker Marcus, lahorer, h 182 Indian av Parker Margaret L., dressmkr, h 933 N 2d Parker Nathaniel, lahorer, h 1620 Elm . Parker Pauline Mrs., h 321 Reily Parker Robert I., laborer, h 1507 Derry Parker Sarah R., vestmkr, h 428 State Parker Viola, h 137 S 3d Parker William H., conductor, h 436 Muen('h Parkhill Catharine. wid Washington, II 1255 Derry Parkhill Charles H., postal elk, h 300 Chest.nut Parkhill Eliza J., wid William A., II 211 Mary'S av Pltrkhill George W., filreman, h 1255 Derry Parkhill John F., coachmkr, h 44 Linden Parkhill William D., coachmkr, h 41 Linden Parks Frank B . fertilizer, 625 Walnut, h 121 N 13th Parks Jacob V., agrl implts, 625 Walnut, h 121 N 13th Parks .John H., engineer, h 632 Race Parks Lizzie L., dressmkr, h 6:32 Raee Parlett David, horse eollllrmkr, h 15 S River av Parmer Thomas P., inSlIntllce agt, ] 7 S 2d, h 1231 Bailey Par~ns George B., brakeman, h 617 Peffer Parsons Heurv G., h 204 Ml1rv'~ av Parsons Henry G . lahorer, h 5 Cottage Row Plirsons Isaiah, lahurer, .. 5 Cottage Row Parsons Mary A., wid Jamh, 11 511 N 5th Parsons William H., horseshoer. h i]8 S River av Parthemore Albert, elk, ]218 N 3d, h at Highspire

Di9itiz'ed by


bt>It and lowest l B. TA li'} Wall Paper. Thewith F1J:tures aDd prices. Window {N. 7270lit. \11\ Shades complete. FriDge, tor 86 cte. 8d

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.


Parthemore Annie, domestic, 20a N ji""r<lnt Parthemore Edward, flllgman, h 92:3 GI'ulld Parthemore Elizabeth, wid }<'I'ecferiek, h'l00l Hemlock Parthemore FAwin S., ihemall. h 270 V ~rheke Parthemore ~. W. Scott, (Parthemol'e & Quigley), h 1738 N 6th Parthemore John G., SIIlesmall, 1206 N :3d, h 420 S 17th Parthemnre Lincoln, tinsmith, :37 N ] :1ih, h do Parthemore.Lovier H .. musieal agt, h 68 N 14th ParthemnreRiiy F . fil'enlltn, h 6:~() Reily PARTHEltORE & QUIGLEY, (E: \V. S. Parthemol'e and John X. Ql1iglt'y), inslIram!e, 1219 N ad Pass Charles E., F. and M. \VOI'ka, h :327 Hummel PaltS George r~., operator, h The Commercial Pass Harry E., iron worker, h :327 Hummel Pass Murris L., apprentice, 11 327 Hummel Passaponti Angt'lo, (~llfIf~tioner, :322 Market, h 3:31 Strawberrvav Passmore Clarem'e, printer, h 320 Herr Pastor Charles H., ('olllindor, h 1119 N 2d Patrick Cora MrR., h 4 N 9th Patrick Edwar<i, brakeman, h 2128 Moore . Patrick James, market master, h 925 N 2d Patrick JameM M., driver, h ] 230 Derry Patrick John M., painter, h 503 Hamilton Patrick Mary J., dlllllestie, 407 N [i""rnnt Patrick Robert, huckster, ]2:30 Deny, h do Patrick William, MU" d~llIler, h 4 N 9th Patrick William H., flngnlltll, h ]3:~5 N 6th PATRIOT CO .. (THE), publishers The Patriot, David A. Orr, pre!; .Jllhn G. Orr, treas, :120 Market. PATRIOT, (THE), The Patrillt CII. publishers, 320 Mkt Patterson Andrew S., dk Dauphin Del'. Bunk, h 105 S 2<1 PaUcl'soil Cillra A" dllnlf:'sti(', 21.J N 2d Pattel'bon FI'lInk S., hClllrtlill~, :12 SlOth, h do Pllttersoll Grallt, ctnlt"hllJlln, h 506 South av Pattersoll Ht'III'ietta, h 1505 N 6th Patterson Henrv R., eOJldul,tIJr, h 20H S 1ath Patterson Jall1~ C., 1':11' illspt'l~tI'I', h 6]6 Pt'fl~r Pattersoll .Jallle'" H. (lk P. H.. R. fl'eight otli<!e, h 105 S 2d Patterson .J811e, wid Davill, h 1016 S 9th Patterson J. Frank, timekeeper, Park la Cl P. R. R., h Stock Yard Hotel Patterson .Joliu, lablll'pr, h 506 ~Iluth av PATTERSON JOHN D.. elk comruissioner S. O. schools. h 251 North PATTERSON JOHN E .. lawyel', Tl"Ust Co. bldg, 222Market, h 272 Cumberland

Digitized by


" To find a name YOIl 1Ilusllmowhow to spell il." 400 Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.
Pntterson Mamie, h 224 Bhll'ld)(>rrv MV Pattet'son Thumlls,lulilller, It Stude Yurtl Huh-I Patterson William p, Rev., h J62:l Dt'rry . Pattison John M., photojlraphl'I', h ) :i27 Pt'nn PATTISON ROBERT E., K"vernur, Capitul, h EXI'CutiveMansion, 311-:313 N Front . Patton Ann, wid John, It ]927 WucMlav Patton Edwin F., barber, 205 S 211, h du :Patton Jennie, dumestic, 4~2 l\IlIrkt't Patton J. Hervey, cllr'n HbK Pipe Bendinjl Cu., h 713 X 2cl Patton J. Her\'ey & Cu., lttmlx~r, 71:~ N 2d Patton Mary A., wid Willilltll, h ]:l25 Fulton Patton Robert, (:heckman P. R. R., It 2201 Mulberry Patton Walter E., barber, 1712 N 3d, II I:US Willillm Patty John D., messenger trea!mry, Cllpitnl, h 1204 Penn Paul Clinton P., brakeman, h 6) 6 Dauphin av Paul Edwin F., elk, 13 N 2d, h 313 do Paul William }i'., ('lk, 2]6 Market, h 132 Locust Paules Sadie J., tl81eslady: 3~6 Market, h 517 North Pavord William, foreman, h 1244 Market Paxton Alexis R. Lieut., recruiting officer, 2 S 211, h'127 PinePaxton and Steel tun Fluuring Mills Co" James McCormick, preR; John Huffer, llI~r, Sycamlll'e lind P. R. R. PAXTON FLOUR FEED CO., {McCormick estateand Levi BI'andl), Canlll bel State Paxton Furnal'es, MLoCul'Dlick & Cu., P. R. R. and Shaonis Paxton Geor~ A., brakt'ruan, h 606 Granite av PAXTON HOTEL, Harry F. Eckinlll'r, 1108 Market PAXTON ROLLING IrIILLS, PII. R. R. and Shaonis Payne Aaron S" screwsman, h 581 Showers av PaYIUl...Bertha M., milliner, h 1018 S 9th Payne Elwood R., irou inspector, h lOIS S 9th Payne Frank G., conductot" h 654 Verbeke Payne GeOl'ge H., laborl'r, h 1328 Mayflower av Payne Hplen, dl'essmkr, II 1018 S 9th Payne Jefferson, iron inspE'CtOl', h lOIS S 9th Payne Lewis, laborer, h 212 Meadow lu PaYlle Lucy, domestic, 1124 N :3d Payton Albert, hostler, h 416 Strawberry av Payton Charles, labnrer, h 416 Cranherry av Payton Charles H" driver, h 1408 Fulton Payton John H" lahorer, h 1322 Marion Payton Mahalia, wid Richard, h 1:322 Marion Payton Michael, tinner, h 115 Christie's ltV Payton Sallie Mrs., b 1.408 Fulton Payton William, laborer, h 416 Cranberry BV Peace Ashton D" tester, h 310 S 2d Peal.'e Clifton M., piler, h 811 S Front


Digitized by


I. B. TAel, I all Paper and Window Shades. {'2~:~o~R2~~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory. 401
Peace Samuel S, heater, h 905 S Front Peach Au~ustus. carpenter, h 19! ab Rrookwood Peach William, laborer, h 404 Cranberry av Peale Theresa E., h 112 State Pearce, see Pierce, also Peir~ Pearl Harry W., laborer, h 1609 Logan av Pearse Horatio, ins. agt, h 1537 Swatara Pearson Anna E., clk, h 585 Showt!rs av Pearson Frederick J., catcher, It 1164 S Cameron Pearson Ida M., bookAewer, h 1164 S Cameron Pearson Isaiah, taxidermist, h 1164 S Cameron Pearson John, puddler, h 585 Showers av Pearson Maggie, domestic, 234 S 2d Pearl!on Maggie. ironer,.h 1606! Logan av Pearson Mary H., wid .John J., h 27 S Front Pearsoll Mary .J.. music teacher, h 585 Showers av Pearson Sarah E . wid John, h 1606! Logan av Pearson Thomas 1'-'., iron worker, h 585 Showers a,' Pearson Thomas V., driver, h 1606! Logan av PEARSON WILLIAM, lawyer,2 N Court av, h 27 S Front Pearson, see also Pierson Peck Harry, molder, h 127 Verbeke

FRANK M. WAL TERS, l}~~:::~aty: FOOTWEAR, N.':J~

Peck John E., shoemkr, 142~ N 3d, h do Peckover James, stonecutter, h 2113 D~rry Peddicord Fletcher M., painter. h 1427 Susquehanna Pee SU!l8n, wid Benjamin, h 640 Harris Pee Walter, engineer, h 640 Harris Peebles Truman, carpenter, h 424 S 2d Peebles William F., carpenter, h 424 S 2d Peebles WilliamM., carpenter, h 424 S 2d Peeples Hannah E. Mrs., cigars, &CO, 645 Verbeke, h do Peffer Cilroline, wid Jacob, h 1605 Elizabeth av Peffer Franklin W., brakeman, h 602 Granite av Peffer I. Newton, laborer, h 61 ab Maclay Peffer Jasper 0., brakeman, h 6~ ab Maclay Peffer John C., painter, h 1606 Wallace Peffer Kif'ffer, laborer. h 61 ab Maclay Peffer Louis W., engineer, h 662 Woodbine Pder Raymond H., barber, h 506 Market Peffer Thomas B., laborer, h 6! ab Maclay PefBeyJohn H., fireman, h 424 Hamilton Peifer Annie, houa.ekeeper, 1614 N 5th Peifer Charles F., optician, h 1614 N 5th Peifer John, stone mason, h 322 Reily Peifer John, jr., butcher, h 322 Reily

Digitized by


Icleil's Pain Exterminator ,::,~::~o:a~~ =~t~~~~{ {7 7TI'1.~ L..


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Direotory.

Peifer John, sr., h 322 Rpily Peift>I' John C., (J. C. Peifer &. Co.). h 1614 N 5th Peifl'r John C. &. Co., (AlphonsonlJ Zaepfl'I), bakers, 1614 N 5th Peifer Julia. domestic. 1415 N 3d Peifer l\Ial')~ F., weat'er, h 322 Reil)' Peifl'r Michael, COdr ins}X'Ct(lr. h 16]..1 N 5th Peifer OIJCaI', lahOl'er, h 5 N 9th Peifel' Thoma::!, bartender, ].(}.'j N ad, h do Peifer Tracey, war~r, h :322 Reily Peifer William, laborer, h 237 Sayford av Peifer William H., laborer, h 1112 Plum av Peifer, lJee also Piper Peiffer Darius, sawyer, h 1260 Juniper Peiffel' Elmer, laborel', h 23,( Hummel Peiffer .J/lcob D" f'lk Paxton Hotel. h do


ft of Market (:;ee ad\'}


Henry, pt'ddlel', h 40R CurnberhlUd Harry M., stonecutter, h 408 Cumberland John W., machinist, h 1208 N 6th John W., jr., apprentice, h 1208 N 6th Kate. K8lelJlady, 318 Marht, h 1208 N 6th Samuel L .. bricklayer, h 32 N 13tb PELGRAM & MEYER, (estate C. R. Pelgram, Isaias Meyer, Alfred and Herman Schifft!r), silk: mill, North c 2d Pelham Edward E., elk Hershey House, b 2212 N 6th Penacove William 1\1., farmer, h Verbeke nr 19th Pencil Lizzie, domestic, 7 N 2d Pendergast .J ames, brakeman, h 1627 N 3d Pendergast .Joseph, press feeder Patriot, h 1627 N 3d Pendel'gast Peter, engineel', h 651 Boas Pendergast Rolle, wid Peter, h 113 Dock PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Colt & Todd, genl agt.~, 103 N 2d Penn Pottery Co., S. A. FilJhburn. mgr, 409 S 2d Penn Theudore W., machinist, b 1646 Market Pennebaker, see Pennebecker Pennell James, flagman, h 1615 N 6th Pennell John, foreman, h 629 P~ffl'r Pennell John A., fheman, h 629 Peffer Pennell Juhn H" boilel'mkr, h 423 Kelker Pennell William B. H., labot'er, h 423 Kelker Pennington Albert, laborer, h 135 Shurt Pelen Pelell Pelell Pelen Pelen Pelen

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {D~AC8~1l~1~1,Jy~~} 12\0 N. 311.

BOJd'. Harrisburg (P) City Directory. 403 Pt!nna. Ammonia snd Fertilizcl' Co., .J. G. M. B:ly, pres; E.
Bailey, treas; John offiee 405 Market
~lcConkey. ~(',

P. R. R. ab Maclay

PENNA. CANAL CO., T. T. Wicrman, jr., chief eng, PENNA. DENTAL OPERATING ROOMS, Hess &
Thornton, 412 Market Pel:na. Methodist, Rev. S. C. Swullow, !?flitor, 20 N 2d Penna. Pllhlishil1~ Co., 40R ~orth Pennu. R. R. Pa,;,;. Depot. f[ Clw"tnut, entrance. 414 Market


41:l MSIket Penna. R. R. Dilling Ronn'l~, passen~er depot Penna. R. R. Freight Depot" f( S 3d Penna. R. R. VolunhU'Y Relit'f' Dept, 413 Mlnket Penna. Stuats-Zeitullg allll Dauphin Co. Journal, F. \V. Liesmann, pllb, 534 RU('e Penna. State AJl:rir.l1ltural Society, 227 Walnllt PENNA. STEEL CO., L. S. Bent. pres; E. C. Felton, J!enl m~r, Steelton (Sf'e allv back cover) PENNA. TELEPHONE CO., F. Jordan, pres; J. H. Crosman, sec and trens; M. H. Buehler, genl mgr, 222 Market Pensinger Wiiliftm, motorman, h Derry ab limits Pentz Charles H, machilli:;t, h 517 Colder Pentz David G., telegrapher C. V. R. R., h 9 S 2d Pentz J. H., agt, h 273 Herr Pentz Joseph, salesman, 39 N 2d, h Hershey House Pentz Silas W., printer, h 517 Culder Pentz William, leverman, h 517 Colder People's Bridge Co., E. Z. Wallower, pres; S. W. Fleming, sec; F. ll. Leib, treas, 12 N 3d PEOPLE'S FURNISHING CO., (THE), furniture and carpets, W. H. Brown, mgr, 926 N 6th People's Gas and Gaseous Fuel Co., 24 S 3d People's Tea Co., F. A. GibRun, mgr, 1007 N 3d Peoples .John W., carpet weaver, h 28 S 13th Perdue William, blacksmith, h 1705 N 4th Perkey David F., stone mas"n, h 1318 Margaret Perkey John I., maSOll, h 1:318 Margaret Perkey William S., mason, h 1318 Mllrgaret Perrine Annie Mrs., h 1112 Montgomel'Y PE'rrington Florence Mrs., h 123 Mulberry Perry CharlE's F. A., carpenter, b 1030 S 9th Perry Charles P" burnisher, h 1521! N 3d Perry Dani. . l W., fureman, h 1019 N 6th Perry Oliver H" clk, It ]521! N 3d Pel'ry Richard R .. car inspector. h 1521l N 3d Pessagno Louis M., bartender,421 Walnut, h 9]8 Grand

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 404 Boyd's Harrisburg (P) Oity Directory.
Peters Adam, laborer, h 524 Race Peters Albert H., pUtldlel', h 1338 N 7th Peterl:l Ann, wid Benjamin G., h 32 S 3d Peters Charles E., laborer, h 220 S River av Peters Charles F., driver, h 1124 Cuwden Peters Charles F., laborer, h 220 S River av Peters Charles G., print('r, h 1112 Pelln Peters Charles H., buokbinder, h 32 S 3d Peters Dallas T., brakeman, h 51 N 10th Peters Dallas W., muldel', h 1323 William Petel's Edgar M., printer, h 664 Boas Peters EIl('n M., wid Aaron, h 525 N 6th Peters George T., agt, h 2:3d ab Dt'rry Peters George W., printer Telegram, h 502 North Peters Harry C., ooggagemaster, It 105 North Peters Harry M., dk, 336 Ch('stnut, II 664 Boas Peters Henrietta M., wid Henry, h 137 N 13th Peters Henry, gllsmkr, h 211 Mary's BV Peters James J., helper, It 1201 Cowden Peters John, mason, h 175 N 15th Peters John E., laborer, h 13i N 13th Peters .Juseph M., transitman, 222 Mal'ket, h 910 Hemlock P('t('rs Levi, laborer, h 15th ab Briggs Peters Lydia M. wid Philip, It 335 Granite av Peters :Mervin C., (R. J. Peters & Son), h 308 North Petel's l\Iima, domeFltic, 131 N 13th Peters Richard J., (R. J. Peters & Son), h 267 North Peters R. J. & Son, (Mervin C.), grocers, 620 N 3d Peters Sadie, domestic, 21 S Front Peters Sarah N., feeder, h 664 Boas PETERS THOMAS S., r('al estate, rent and insurance agt, 3d c Chestnnt, h 330 Chestuut Peters William, hostler, it 31 S Court av Peterson Mary, dom~stic, 133 Walnut Petticord Fletcher M., painter, h 1427 Susquehanna Pettit Harry W., foreman, h 1618 Swatara Pettit Laura M., bookbinder, h 1618 Swatara Pettit William H. H., foreman, h 1618 Swatara Pfouts William C., druggist, 133 State, h 502 N 2d PFOHL J. GEORGE nv., pastor St. Michael's German Lutheran Church, h 317 S 2d Phelps Anson H., machinist, h a23 Walnut Phelps Harvey, produce, 120 S Conrt av, h 207 Mulberry Phelps Wheeler H., printer Telegmph, h 323 Walnut Phila., Reading & Pottaville Tel. Co., P. & R. depot Phila. & Rdg. R. R., Division Freight Agent Office, 606 Mkt Phila. & Rll8ding R. R. Freight Depots, Market c Canal Phila. & Reading R. R. Passenger Depot, Market c Canal

Digitized by


Positive Cure for all irritation of the 8calp and a Preventive against

For 8ale by all Druggists or

Aue Manufacturing Co., Phlladelphia,Pa.

I. B. TACK, pmCtlCOI Paper Hanger.


Bo~d'i Harrilburg (P) City Directory. 407 Phila. & Reading R. R. Round House, Paxton nr S Cameron ' Phillips Alfred, lab(lrer, h 231 Blackberry av PhiJIips Charles, laborer, h 3 Haehnlen av Phillips Clarence R., teacher, h 706 Race Phillips George C. S., letter carrier, h:n Sassafras av Phillips George E., waiter, h 665 Briggs ~its George W., elk, h 132 Liberty LIPS LEWIS 0., coal and wood, Derry c 18th, h 116 Locust

PH(ENIX MUTUAL LIFE mSUllANCE CO., Hart. ford, COUll., .J. Ralph Morrison, genl agt, 105 N 2d Pickel Grace A., dressmkr, h 1813 X 7th Pickt"l William H., caller, h 181~ N 7th Pierce Lizzie B., wid Daniel, h 502, Briggs Pie~ Robert, machinist, 11 1610 N 6th Pierce William, railroader, h 106 Conoy Pierson .John I., bcokkpr, Stat~ c Cunal, h 418 Market Pierson Phoebe, domestic, 503 N Front Pierson, see alsll Pearson Pilkay Bertha N., teacher, h 308 Chestnut Pilkay Joseph J., elk Hbg Nat. Bank, h 308 Chestnut Pilkay Mary R., teacher, h 308 Chestnut Pinkard Amos, carter, h 1413 N Camel"On

~lV::Li"'::~~:JrJ~Ts12 FOOTWEAR 0I11alters'.10I2 N. 311 St. Pinkard S!trah A. Mrs., h 142frFulton Pinkert William, laborer, h 503 North av Pinkerton )i'rank, clk, 1310 N 6th, h do Pinkney Columbus, laborer, h 1409 Marion Pinkney Kate, laundress, h 202 Mary's av Pinkney Margaret H. Mrs., h 202 Mary's av Piper Catharine, wid James R., h 34 N 2d Piper Franklin D., engineer, h 243 Hummel Piper, see also Peiper, also Peifer, also Peipher Pipes Harry, boilermkr, h 237 Crescent Pipes William S., foreman, h 425 S 13th P!PJ> Henry, laborer, b 410 Hamilton PITCAmN HUGH, M. D., physician, 206 State, h 204 do Pittenturf Daniel F., (L. Hollenbaugh & Co.), h 345 Kelker Place Rosa M., stenographer dept into affairs, h 719 N 6th Plack Anna, mllsic teacher, h 1013 N ad Plack Bertha, elk, 1013 N 3d, h do Plack :It'erdinand T., watchmkr, &c., 1332 N 6th, h do Plack Gustav, machinist, h 1731 Mimin av Plack Herman, watehmkr, &c., 1013 N 3d, h do Plack Herman F. W.O., plumber, h 1731 Miftlin av PLACK OTTO, boots and shoes, 11 01 Capital, h do Plack Otto,jr., watchmkr, h 1101 Capital

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DIce McNeirs Medicine Co. {EB~~~} N~~II.


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Direotory.

Plack Otto W., clk, 1201 N 3d, h 1731 Mimin av Plack Wilhelm, jewel~r. 119 S 2d. h 209 Chestnut Plack William, elk, h 1101 Capital Plack William O. H. R., weaver, h 1731 Mimin av Plank Jacob J., brakeman, h 2006 N 5th Plank Milton H., clk, 1106 PII1Dl av, h The Bolton Plank Sherman A., uiler, b 1407 Green Plant Lillie M., attendant Lunatic HO!lpital, h do Plant Lovina, wid William, h 1921 N CaDl~ron Plant William J., laborer, h 1921 N Cameron PIaU Clarence N., busineR8 agt Patriot, h 923 N 2d rletcher Flora D. Mrs. music teacher, h 921 Grand Pletcher Mark H., agt, h 921 Grand Pletz Ida C. G., h 118 Colder Pletz Ka~, warper, h 118 Colder Pletz Lizzie, h 118 Colder . Pletz Theodore, messenger Hbg Nat. Bank, h 118 Coldel."' Plowman Daniel C., machinist, h 241 Crescent Amos J., telegrapher P. R. R., h 15 S 13th Plummer Clara E. Mrs., hairdresser, h 552 Primrose Plunkett. Charles, waiter, h 1331 Maple av Plunkett James, laborer, h 1331 Maple av Plunkett Kate, attendant Lunatic Ho"pital, h do Pob Mary c., h rear 326 Cherry av Poet Harry G., elk, h 19171 N 6th Poet Jennie H., grocer, 19171 N 6th, h do Poet Samuel T., engineer, h 19171 N 6th Poffenberger Charles H., Bagman, h 1227 N 6th Poffenberger Isaac R., conductor, h 112 Cumberland Poffenberger John F., conductor, h 48 N 13th . Poffenberger Lewis R., ius, 21 N 3d, h 101 Evergreen Poffenberger Martha M., wid William II., h 406 Market Poffenberger Mary E., cashier, 3:34 Market, h 48 N 13th Poffenberger Millard, shoe leveler, h 122 Balm Poffenberger Thomas M. L., dentist, 10 N 4th, h do Poffenberger Uriah A., conductor, h 1942 N 6th Pogue Elmer, laborer, h 1211 Bartine av Pogue George A., laborer, h 1211 Bartine av Pogue Henry, laborer, h ] 211 Bartine av Pogue .Jennie Mrs., housekeeper, 1502 Howard Pogue John H., laborer, h 1211 Bartine av Pogue Solomon E., laborer, h 1211 Bartiue BV Pohl Laurence. blacksmith, h 704 East Poindexter Jesse, laborer, h 351 S Cameron Poindexter William H., laborer; h 10th nr State Poist Alexander, helper, h 1326 S 13th Poist David F., laborer, h 546 Huuter Poist Jacob A., painter, h 546 Hunter

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I"K. I B. IIftI

1210 {EmPIO)'ll none but arat-clau workmen, hence onlYl4rat-clau N. 3d St; worl, and Insul1lB 11.. Worl done In lUI)' part of"the State.

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory. 409

Poist Rachel, wid Jacob, h 610 Buttonwood Polick Michael. laborer, h 12 Paxtun Row Pollard Lidia Mrs., h 512 Maclay . Pollard Luttie Mrs., cook, h 216 Meadow la Pollard Thomas, laborer, II 1219 N 7th Pollinger Annie E., dressmkr, h 1417 William Pollock Frank H., baggageDlastf>r, h 1619 Derry Pollock Joseph B., laborer, h 1323 S 12th Pollock Joseph E., laborer. h 132:3 S 12th Pollock Martha H., physician, 210 Pine, h do Pollock Rachel, h 210 Pine Polson James 0., laborer, h 1810 Rudy Pomeroy G. S., (pivf>s. Pomeroy & Stewart), h at Reading POMEROY JOSEPH. chief elk t'Ommis.'1ion of soldiers' orphau schools, h 4:38 Market Pond Annie E., wid Jamf>~ S., h 211 Colder Pond JIIIDles S., h 211 Culder Pond Mary E., h 2Jl Coldt'r Poole Annie E., domestic, 622 Muench Poole Fanny, wid Charles, h 19171 N 6th Poole John R., engineer, h 515 Hamilton Poole Washington I., plumber, &c., 317 Chestnut, b do Poolman Augustus, laborer, h 1015 S 9th Poolman Frederick, h 1015 S 9th Poorman Charles, molder,1I 1718 Logan av Poorman Fannie K., weaver,.h 264 Colder Poorman James B., musician, h 264 Colder Poorman Joseph O. S., bookkpr 18t Nat. Bank, h Highspire Poorman Lydia A., wid William F., h 264 Colder Poorman Samuel A., painter, h 264 Colder Poorman Sussn, domestic, 419 Forster Poorman William, yardmaster, b 1423 N 6th Poorman William A., laborer, h 1718 Logan av :Pope George K., bookkpr, 118 Market, h 116 Evergreen Pope Rachel, wid John, h 654 Verbeke Popel Charles S., shoemkr, h 508 South Popel Joseph B., h 710 N 7th . Popel Joseph G., letter <'8rrier, h 710 N 7th Popel Laura, domestic, 7 N Front Popel Samuel W., cigars, 108 Filbert, h 110 do Popel William H., waiter, h 710 N 7th Porr Alfred L., stonecutter, h 2131 Swatara Porr Irvin, stonecutter, h 2127 Swatara Porr Lewis S., horse tf!l,iner, h 2131 Swatara Porr William C., stonecutter, h 2131 Swatara Porr William S. Rev., 11 339 S 16th Porter Charles L., puddler, h 1128 Cowden Porter Charlotte A., wid Charles L., h Short nr Sout,h

Digitized by



To find a name you must know how to spell it." 410 Boyd's Harri.burg <P) City Directory.
Porter George W., phy.-iiciall, h l<""'ront ab Harris Porter Jennie, h 1200 N 2<) Porter Joshua, stocker, h 926 S 9th , Porter John, molder, h 314 Boss Porter John A., insurance sgt, b 1824 Fulton Porter Joseph D., engineer, h 716 North av Porter Rus.~el C., watchmkr, h 235 North Porter William R., laborer, h 509 Race Porterfield William M., trav salesman, h 1431 Market Posey Rufus R., laborer, h 813 SlOth POST OFFICE, A. K. ~Iack, P. M., 3d c Walnut POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE CO., Clark E. Diehl, . mgr, 71 N 3d Pott'iger Aaron A., laborer, h Forster c Linden Potteiger Amandus, fireman, h 2020 N 6th Potteiger Jacob, grocer, 24 N 13th, h do Potteiger James H., laborer, h 939 S 21st Potteiger John J., carpent'r, h For!lter bel Linden Potter Alfred A., plasterer, h 1366! Vernon Potter Aunie, wid Frank, h 1704 N 6th Potter Cardi!", domestic, 212 Ch'8tnllt Potter Chal'les C., painter, h 1366! Vernon Potter Charles H., laborer, h 328 Colder Potter Dauiel, laborer Capitol, h 328 Colder Potter Edwin S., (E. S. Potter & Bro.), b 149 Balm Potter E. S. & Bro., (Ira C.), wall paper, &c., 1238 Market Potter Geol'ge, waiter Grand Hotel, Ii 1324 Marion Potter Ira C., (E. S. Potter & Bro.), h 111 S 14th Potter Irvin L., paperhanger, h 1366! Vernon Potter James, brakeman, h 1504 Wallace Potter Kate, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Potter Levi, laborer, h 1366! Vernon Potter Lizzie S., domestic, ~ 20 Chestnut Potter Oscar R., painter, h 44 Balm Potter Richard, waiter, h 326 Colder Potter Sue R., saleslady, 1201 N 3d, h 655 Boas Potter Thomas H., laborer, h 328 Colder Pottorff Auruba A., weaver, h 618 Boas Pottorff J. Albert, bricklayer, h 618 Boas Pottorff John W., bricklayer, b 618 Boas Potts Abraham G., (A. G. Potts & Co.), pawnbroker, 925 N . 3d, h 280 U uio'n av Potts A. G. & Co., (Peter C. Conner and A. G. Potts), picture frames, 414 State POTTS GEORGE C., druggist, 1101 N 3d, h 1624 N 5th Potts Howard D., U. S.naval engineer, h 409 Briggs Potts Jacob S., elk, 318 Market, h 414 State Potts Louis, h 414 State

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Y~a~I~-:;:= 1011 puoor uno IIndOl3hOOOS trom I. B. T leK, N. 7:J~t. Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory. 411 Potts Mary, wid George, JI 1804 N 6th
Potts Milton G., notary public, 1624 N 5th, h do Potts William C., carpenter, h 1820 Derry Potts William C., (Potts & Et'b), It 1820 Derty PO'rl'S & BABE, mfrs iron f~ncing and general machine work, Allen c High,.Mechanicsburg (see adv back cover) Potts & Erb, (William C. Potts and Harry S. E"b), physicians, 321 Verbeke Poulton Amanda Mrs., boarding, 435 Walnut, h do Poulton Azubay, wid Smith, h 454 Cumberland Poulton Blanche, milliner, 334 Market, h 435 \\ralnut Poulton Carrie L., salt'l'llady, 4()6 Market, h 804 N 6th Poulton Catharine S., h 804 N 6th Poulton Charles' W., salesman, 33 N 3d, h 804 N 6th Poulton Charlotte A., h 804 N 6th Poulton Clarence E., telegrapher, h 435 Walnut Poulton Emma, vestmkr, h 454 Cumbe..tand Poulton Joseph L., brakeman" It 804 N 6th Poulton Joseph 8., sign painter, 1219 Green, h 1217 do Poulton Lewis G., printer Patriot, h 804 N 6th Poulton Minerva I., !8leslady, 334 Market, h 435 Walnut Poulton Silas W., signs, 1216 N 3d, h 2 S 4th Poulton Susan A., wid Joseph L., h 804 N 6th



Powel Aquilla, labol'er, h 339 Muench Powel David, laborer, h 710 North av Powell Bertha, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Powell Cornelius, laborer, h 347 S Camerou Powell Evor A., engineer, h 911 S 201 Powell John, laborer, h Greenwood nr 211 Powell Rachel A., wid Enos R" h 1018 S 9th Powell Sadie, saleslady, 334 Market, h at Steelton Powell Walter L., mgr, 226 Mulberry, h 313 N 2d Powell William H., janitor, h 210 S Court av Power JIlIDe8, hostler, h 424 Harris Power Mary M., seam~tre88, h 424 Harris Power Michael, laborer, h 424 Harris Power Norah A., housekeeper, 424 Harris Power Thomas, molder, h 426 Harris Powley Joseph, conductor, h 616 Kelker Powley Sherman T., fireman, h 616 Kelker Pownall JOIieph H., express mes.'!eng'r, h 706 East Pownall Mary L., typewriter, h 706 East Pownall Phoebe, milliner, :334 Market, h 706 East Pownall Simeon B., h 706 Ea~t Powning Bessi' M., h 333 Kelker Pratt Frank W., templetmkr, h 670 Boas

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MoNElL'S h::~~~~,:!~?~~~'lI~If:m::p~': {ilil N. 3d I.


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.

Pratt Jeanne T., teacher, 9 N Front, h do Pressler Charles W., elk, 35 N 3d, h :l21 S Cameron Pressler George W., boilermkr, h 5th c Canal Pre;slcy Chester H., laborer, h 1711 N 7th Pressley George W., foreman, h 2019 Elizabeth av Pressley John P., laborer, h 1707 1\1 7th Pressley William H., engineer, h In 1 N 7th Pressley William M., fireman, h 2020 Elizabeth av Preston Fanny, wid John, II 1420 Wy~th av Preston George C., engineer, b 611 Muench Preston George H., laborer, h 1420 Wyeth av Preston John E., brakeman, h 61 I Muench Preston Kate, wid John, h 16!!5 N 4th Preston Margaret A. J.\.I rs., h 1232 Wallace Preston William G., boilermkr, h 1116 Hickory av Pretz Edward C:, laborer, h 1919 N 7th Pretz Elias, laborer, h 31a Cherry av Pretz John A., brakeman, h 1303 Wallace Pretz William H., laborer, h 1919 N 7th . Priar Louis 8., car inspector, h 1729 N 7th Price Abraham, laborer, h 209 Meadow la Price Carlton Rev., h 1906 State Price Charles A., clk P. & R. depot, h 1844 Derry Price Charles N., laborer, h 612 Cumberland Price Clarence V., janitor, h 224 N 2d Price Ellen, charwoman, It 312 Cherry av Price Franrei A., elk, 37 S 3d, h 1844 Derry Price Franklin, laborer, h 29 S Court av Price George, laborer, h 29 8 Conrt BV Price Henry, h 604 Church Price Jennie, stenographer, 222 Mulberry, h 1R44 Derry Price John H., grocer, 3:36 Muench, h do Price Julia A., wid Abraham, h 1844 Derry Price Lillie, h 613 Boas Price Mary, wid John, h 1724 N 3d Price Mary A., h 224 N 2d Price Mary A., wid John, h 1724 N 3d Price Viola, seamstres.'I, h 6 I 2 Cumberland Price William, warehol18t!man, h 1217 N Fl'Ont Priest Ellen C., domestic, 326 Chl'rrv av Priest Joseph H., art IItore, 1109 N !J~I. h do Primrose Ellen, wid Thumas H., h R09 S Front Printz Charles W., fireman, h :J:J I Harrill Pritchard George R., molcl~r, h l:n 2 Green Pritchard John, laborer, h rear 4!!1 8 1:3th Pritchard John C., lahorer, h rear 431 S l!Jth Pritchard William, lahore.', h rear 4:31 S 13th Pritchard William T., hammerman, h 1313 Green

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A. B. TACK ~f.70f FJaClIDg PIUC Bllljlap II Plale TIats. {r:~~r~~:

Boyd's Harrisburg

<P> City Directory.


.Pritchard Wilmer C., helper, h 1313 Green Pritz Benjamin B., coffee house, 210 Strawberry av, h do Prizer Benjamin H., clk dept into affairs, h 103 Evergreen Proctor Alfred, laborer, h 1120 Cumberland Prospect Hill Cemetery Co., B. M. Engle, sec, 25 N 2d Prosser Eleanor, wid Elias, h 1;31 7 Fulton Pros.'U!r John D., engineer, h 209 Colder Proud Alice, milliner, 38 N 3d, It 1148 Market Proud Harry P., ma(!hinist, h 1148 Market Proud .John, machinist, h 1148 Market .Proud Kate, b 1148 Market Prough Inez, domestic, 421 Forster Prowell Elmira J., wid Franklin R., b 215 Cresoent Prowell James N., h 627 Muench Prowell Samuel F., shoemkr, h 631 Boas Prudential Ins. Co. of America, 222 Market Pruss Benjamin, (Cooper & Pruss), h 618 Walnut Pry Halie, laundry maid Lunatic Hospital, b do Pryor J. A., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Pryor Maggie, domestic, 118 South Publishing House of tbe Churcb of God, 335 Market Pugh A. Judson, clk Central Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., h 318 Boas Pugh Elltella Mrs., h 27 N 5th . Pugb William, laborer, h 42 Lochiel 4th Row Pugh William A., plumber, b 9311 Myrtle Puller Leanna Mrs., housekeeper, 1408 Marion Puller Maria Mrs., h 1147 Cumberland Puller Susan Mrs., b 1147 Cumberland Puller Travis, laborer, h 1419 Marion Puller Warren, laborer, b 326 Colder Potnek Katie, domestic, 300 N 2d Putnom Frede,rick H., driver, h 4H Delaware av Pott Franklin, carpenter, h 227 Reily Pye Charles R., barber, 2004 N 6th, b do Pye ,John S., musician, h 1332 Penn Pye Joseph N., laborer, h 14 Cowden Pye Mary, h 1332 Peun Pye Richard D., janitor, h 261 Sassafras av Pye Samuel A., laborer, b 441 S 13tb Pye Sarab D., wid John, h 1332 Penn Pyles Andrew C., blacksmith, h 1137 S 9th Pyles David C., helper, b 1139 S 9th PRE GEORGE R. assistant rel!ident clk Hoose of Repret5eutativeI!, h 617 N 2d Pyne John, (Knull & Co.), II 819 Green Pyoe Joseph, jeweler. 227 Walnut, h 619 N 2d Pyoe Mary A., wid John, h 617 N 2d

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" To find a name you must know how to sp~ll it.' 414: Boyd's Harrisburg (QR) City Directory.

Quaid Elizabeth, wid John, h 429 S 2d Quaid Patrick, laborer, h 429 S 2d Quaid Peter W., puddler, h 429 S 2d Quaid William, laborer, h 606 Showers av Quay David, conductor, h 1338 N 6th Quay David A., laborer, h 1768 N Caneron Quay Marshall, laborer. h 1768 N Cameron Quay Mary A., domestic U. S. Hotel Quay Maud B.. domestic U. S. Hotel Quay Robert T., laborer, h 1219 Apple av Quay Thomas R., laborer, h 1768 N Cameron Quenzler Valimtine. car inspector, h 1728 N 5th Quenzler William E., laster, h 1728 N 5th Q.uickel Harry ~.,. machine works, 630 Walnut, h 123 Pine Quickel Mary J., wid John. h 315 Herr Quiggle John R., conductor, h 119 South Quigley Albert S., conductor, h 800 Green Quigley Henry C., student. h 26:3 Boas Quigley John, puddler, h 44 Lochiel 4th Row Quigley John A., conductor, h 529 Maclay Quigley John X., (Parthemore & Qnigley), h 263 Boas Quigley Lizzie. domestic, 227 N Front Quigley Sarah J . wid William. h 800 Green Qnigley Walter S., bl'akemall, h 800 Green Quigley William, U. S. A., h 2 S 2d Quilley William, cooper. h 626 Race QUINCY GRANITE WORXS, (Joshua Happoldt), 435 and 437 S 2d Quinn Kate, domestic The Commonwealth Quinn Michael, puddler, h 1001 Hemlock Quinn Sarah, wid Maurice, h 10~n Hemlock .

Raber Lewis B., h 434 Cumberland Rabuck Annie L., wid Aaron M., h 614 Briggs. Raby Maggie. domestic, 1000 N 3d Radabaugh Harry E., sign painter, h The Commercial Radcliff David, laborer, h 1419 Margaret Radcliff James, laborer, h 1814 Fulton Radcliff Joseph. laborer, h 1814 Fulton Rader Agnes 1., opel'lltor, h 127 S 3d Radel' Charles 1., h 10 N 2d Rader William H . laborer, h 18 Chesapeake av Radibaugh Alfred, carpenter, h 520 Bensinger Radibaugh Isaac, carpenter, h :l19 Boas Radibaugh M. Rebe<!C8, wid David, h 319 Boas

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A. B. TAel l::tt:::=~ Iall rife' ud IIDda. Shues {12m r.U'~. ,

Boyd's , Harrisburg ()t) City Directory. 4:15
Radibaugb, see also Raudihangh Raezer John J., elk, 19 N :ld, h 1338 Margaret Raff George, gardener, h R09! 8 Front Raffensberger William, painter, h 14 N 14th Raffensperger Adam T., driver, h 1610 Logan av Raffensperger Charles A., printer, h 14 N 14th Raffensperger Dora M., shirtmkr, h 14 N 14th RaffenAperger William I., press feedE'r, h 14 N 14th Ragans Geurge H., laborer, h 1227 N III Raglind Henry, waiter, h 130 Liberty Rahe Henry J., carpenter, h 251 Forster Rabm Ann, wid Harris. h 420 8 Cameron Rahm Edward A., marker, h430 8 Cameron Rahm John, laoorer, h 420 S Caml'ron Rahm William, laborer; h 420 8 Cameron Rahn Kate Mrs., drl'SSmkr, N 9th nr State, h do RAniER C. A., physician, 110 N 2d. h do Rahter David P., elk The Commonwealth, h do Railing John .A., helper, h 134 Hanna Railing William, shoemkr. 122 Paxton, h do Raine Charles H., grOCl'r, 571 Race, h do Raine Viola J'1 h 626 Race Raisner Ma~gie, dressmkr, h 622 Hamilton



Raisner Margaret, wid John. h 622 Hamilton RaisnE'r Mary, drellSmkr, h 622 Hamilton Raisner Rebt!cca, agt, h 622 Hamilton Ralston Miller, g~r, 1701 N 4th, h do Ralston 8arah A., wid Christopher, h 1315 S 12th Rambl~r Robert A., physieialll, 1:315 N 6th, h do Rambler Mary. wid Henry, h 1315 N 6th Ramer Daniel R., laborer, h 1406 Marion RAMO F. DANIEL. grocer, 1215 N 3d, h 224 Verbeke (Broad) Ramp Ma"garet .J. Mrs., honsekeeper, 1906 State Ramsay George D. Mrs., h 101 Locust Ramsay Sllmllel A., tailor, h 211 Briggs Ramsey Charles. janitor Hbg Hospital, h 119 Tanner's av Ramsey Isabella, wid Conrad, h 1918 N 6th Ramsey Myrtle, saleslady, 31 N 3d, h 123 Conoy Randall Daisy K., sorter, h 40 N 1:3th Randall Lizzie, vamper, h 40 N 13th Randall Mary A., wid Scott, h 40 N 13th Randall Willis, hostler, h Court c Cranberry av Randolph Annie V., domE'stie, 401 N Fmnt Randolph Cyrus W., laborer, h 1109 State Randolph John W., laborel', h 1524 Vernon

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Pain IIltermlnator ODreII L'holera Jlorbaa, DJllllltel')', Crampe. Dlarrha., tlolds, QullI81, RhlllmaUam, Toothache, Sore Thrvat, AgUe, Dyspepsla,"e. Uti I. N.



Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

Randolph Mary, domestic, 262 Forster Rank William Augustus, plasterer, h Bellevue Farm Ranson Rachel, domestic The Commercial Ranson William H., laborer, h 1157 Cumberland Rapp Burd G., printer Patriot, b 214 South Rapp Charles W., boltmkr, h 1415 Susquehanna Rapp Elmer E., saddler, DlJl:r, 334 Market, h 720 Capital Rapp Simon, laborer, h 1415 Susquehanna Rasbridge Edward, roller, h 1158 Cumberland Rathbridge James, heater, h 102 N Cameron Rau Albert 0., plate printer, h 314 Cumberland Rauch Curtis M., (Rauch & Aodersou), h 2010 State RAUCH EDWARD C., plumbllr; &c., 213 N 2d, h 120 South Rauch John, boarrling stable, Union nr 3d, h 422 Market Rauch W. Grant, elk Trust Co., h 1516 N 5th Rauch William M., carpenter, h 1516 N 5th Rauch, see also RoU!~h Raudibaugh Abram D., carpenter, h 308 HarriM Raudibaugh Alfred, carpenter, h 520 Woodbine Raudibauib Benjamin F., carpenter, h 1636 Fulton Raudibaugh Jacob G., machinist, h 337 Clinton av Raudibaugh John, laborer, b 1640 Fulton . Raudibaugh, see also Radibaugh Raver John H., brakeman, b 1330 N Front Raver Joseph, roller, h 29 Lochiel 3d Row Raver William H., brakeman, h 1319 Susquehanna Ray Calvin W., elk aud genl, h 207 State Ray Calvin W., laborer, h 502 Cowden Ray Stella, h 238 Meadow la Ray Susan B., wid Alexander, hIS Front Ray William C., conductor, h 280 SlOth Ray Willillm Stauley, printer. h 207 State RAYMOND CHARLES W., boarding stables, &c., Court av c Cranberry av, h 1101 N Frout Raymond Jumes, h 119 Washington Raymoml Kate, domestic, 1111 Cowden Raysor Forrest, machinist, h 9th c Shaonis Raysor Harry B., machinist, h 417 Harris Raysor Joseph E., usst supt, b Shaollis c 9th RAYSOR MICHAEL F. Dr., druggist, 432 Market, b do Raysor William F., printer, 300 Cumberland, h 417 Harris Raysor William H., ticket examiner, h 417 Harris Rea Charles E., letter carrier, b 211 c Greenwood Read Charles D., dk, 114 Market, h 207 North Read Mary Ellen Mrs., h 207 North Read, see also Reed, also Reid

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."I}' Shad.s l B. IIU Wan Paper.



The belt IUId low.' prleeL Window { 7270 wl\h P'lXturee andll'rloge, for 86 eta. N. 8d 6t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (R) City Directory. 417


818 Market Ready James B., fireman, h 1530 Logan av Ready There8ll V., weaver, h 1530 Logan av Reagan DaniE'l, foreman, h 1403 S Cameron Ream Annie H., saleslady, h 264 Vt!rbeke Ream Ellen, domesti(.', !l17 S Front Ream George, carpenter, h 446 Boyd av Ream Henry, bl'akeman, h 329 Hamilton Ream Israel, laborer, h 1308 Susquehanna Ream Levi, elk, h 264 Verbt>ke Ream Levi E., timler, h 446 Bovd av Ream Matilda, housekeeper. h ] il6 N Cameron Ream William, laborer, h 627 Kelker Ream William A., laster, h 1452 Regina Ream William L. t printer Tt!legram, h 1550 Fulton Reamer Alexander, paperhanger. h 1927 N 5th Reamer Harry D., elk, 1400 N 6th. h 1414 do Reamer Jesse, paperhanger, h 516 Hamilton Reamer John A" brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Reamer William A., wall paper, 1400 N 6th, h 1414 do Reamer William E., brakemall, h 1836 Fulton Rehaugh Elizabeth, wid John, h ] 25 S 2d Reber George M., brakeman. h 1231 Fulton Reber Jackson K., brooms, Fulton e Hay av, h 44:l Verbeke Reber John M., broommkr, II 452 Hay av Reber William A., teamster, h 616 Race Reber William ~~., elk ex. dept, Capitol, h' 24 S 3d Reber William M., broommkr, h 44:1 Verbeke Rebuck Charles S., student. h 1849 Derry Rebuek Harvey M., lahmer. h 1232 WaiJace Rebuck .James M., tinner, ] 849 De',..y, h do Rebuck William E., laborer, h 432 Kelker av Reckord Ellen, wid Thomas, II 316 Cheltnnt Reckord James }t~., mgr, :302 Market, h 123 Wa~hington Reckord Samuel S.,dk, 2 N 2", h 316 Chestnnt Reckord Thomas J' t dk, :305 ~Iarket, h 313 Chestnut Redding Chules E., electridall. II 1941 Moltke av Redding Frank F . electrician Lunatic Hllspital, h do Redfern Rebecca, nnl'l!eHhg Hllllpital Redington John,levermlln, h 126 N 13th Redkay, see Rodeky Redman Albert D., constable, h 258 North Redman Annie, charw\lmlln, h 321 N River av Redman James L., wat('1Iman, h ]223 Wallace Redman Joseph L., firemall. II 660 Verbeke RedmalD Louisa, wid John, h 321 N River av

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i' To find a na1lle YOte must k"ow how to spell il."

418 Hai4iabn4g (R) Citg Cire4t4ry,
C'ftrrillge, wagon and IUII'nes.'; ba1 N II 1 Fnlwttl h 1940 Fuhn7tr JOWth, Redmond Luc'. domestic lin House Redmwtrd . E. 7'1-1., h *i32 Oth Red mood TtCtrmaH carptr'trtrter, 1940Fillton Redmond Thoma:' l!~.)r:,~ fireman", II 192:~ N 4th Reed wid "nlhantrtr, h ;l( tr 4 Reed Cllrson '. Oml!! Reed Duvid, h 1418 SusqllE'llIlIIlI1I 'Reed carpentnr, h 1 Nni# II Reed :120 Front Reed Elmer E., cigarmkr. h I i32 Logan av Reed O~lora, d4, h ] 001 N REED GEOttGO admx), tobacconist, 302 Market n.eed George G., (entrt",yer Reed), h 1 N Geed (george tV., driver, h 1539 N 3d Reed Horace. laborer, h 1328 Margaret Reed donestic, [tr26 \V nn4 Reed James E., tailor, h 1:320 N Front Reed James H., laborer, II j:32M Margaret Reed ,J",mes la!trntel', h Gelkel' Cllltrtrtr'tr'on Reed Jane, domestic, 507 N Front Reed Jennie C., wid Addison, h 126 Cherro av Reed !trennitrl " 641 ~ Reed John F., carpenter, 14:3:1 Shuop Reetl John conductor, II 2041 Hel'f trimmer, It 00-11 Gel'f Heed LtrHlra Reed Levi, carpenter, h 1440 Regina Reed Lrdill R, wellver, h 15 Bradi av Reedtfargltrttr'#, h N ~ Reed Margaret B" wid GeorgI' E., h 221 Forster Reed Mary, wid Willillm, h 1320 N FfUtrtrt, Geed dretenJkr, 3~0 Frutrtrl Reed Mary E., housekeepel'~ 1440 Regina Reed Mav, dnmestic'~ 242 Lilwrte Reed Morrie, hlllckt;nith, 932 Lnlton Reed Peter, confectioner, 651 Cumberlaud. h do ~:1 ~~~~:trl;l~r., d~e1~;;;3 hN2ltl ~~ornznY' N


Reed Reuben S , car inspector p, H.. R., h 609 Maclay Reed Hobert fiY'f'Yltran, h zS26 HWlter Reed Hobert ., h1 Reed Samuel B., livery and varieties,4I 901 N 3d, h d() Reed 110 Fitrtrnt
Reed Sila8 cigaF' rzfr, tr54 MtrtrOet, Reed Thomas W., foreman, h 2041 Herr




I. B. TA Wall Paper and Window Shades. {7~:'1o!R2r:J... eK,

Boyd'. Harrisburg (R) City Directory.
Reed Reed Reed Reed
419 Wilfred S., pres.~Dlan, h 58 Balm William, laborer, h 1418 Susquehanna William, mulder, h 1516 Hunter William E., driver, h 15 Brady av Reed William H., cigar mfr, 518 Walnut, h do Reed William H., foreman, h 1516 Hunter Reed William H., waiter, h 242 Liberty .Real William M., agt, h 9:37 S 21st Reed William T., tailor, h 1320 N Front Reed, see also Read, also Reid Reedy James, brakeman, h 29 N 5th Reel Adam, b 1304 N 3d . Reel Annie C., music teacher, h 1304 N 3d Reel Augustus, h 1628 N 3d llEEL CHA.RLES, dentist, 1119 N 3d, b do Reel Charles P., machinillt, h 1119 S Cameron Reel David, aSllt city engineer, h 432 Cumberland Reel Emma, h 706 N 3d Reel Harry D., elk, 308 Market, b 1628 N 3d Reel Jacob, h 1310 N 3d Reel J. Harry, casket trimmer, h 1119 S Cameron Reel John S., machinist, h 1628 N 3d Reel Mary M., wid Geo~r.ge2,-=h~7=--=0....:.6-=N~3,,::-d-:::-::--==-=:-::-:::----:-:-::-

fRANK M. WALTERS, ~';.~r~:~~: FOOTWEAR, N.7:':~.

Reel Peter, limestone quarries, 1119 S Cameron, h do Reel Ross B., printer, h 1628 N 3d Reel Samuel 0., molder, h 1628 N 3d Reel W. Sherman, machinist, h 717 Ash av Reeme Mary, wid Thomas D., seamstress, b 314 N 2d Bees Sarah B., wid Luther, h 925 N 6th .Reese Amos W., conductor, h 1310 Wallace Reese Annie E. Mrs., h 707 North av .Reese Benjamin, engineer, h 612 Cumberland Reese Carrie W. Mrs., notions, 1419 N 3d, b do Reese Eva M., press feeder, h 1026 S 9th Reese George W., conductor, b 1120 N 6th .Reese George W., laborer, h 1933 N 6th . Reese Harry, elk, 565 Woodbine, h 1211 Wallace Reese Isaiah, machinist, h 1322 N 3d Reese Isaiah, jr., macbinist, b 1322 N 3d Reese Jacob J., machinist, h 1313 Susquehanna Reese James N., elk, h 221 Market Reese John M., car inspector, h 312 Muench Reese John M., engineer, h 1419 N 3d Reese .John S., boltmkr, h 1933 N 6th Reese I.lula A., press feeder, b 1026 S 9th Reese Richard, b 1211 Wallace

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...l"s IU" v "yea:roo an TRY IT I Iclou P!I;O Uxt-rml'oator mUllona hue appetl&e. Jlan,.{ 7777 llei1lt awe been cnred b:r I"

Boyd'8 Harri8burg (R) City Directory.

Reese Samuel F., cllnductor. h 504 Reily Reese Thomas D. Rev . h 1101 S 9th Reese ThomaR 0., ro))t'r, h 1101 S 9th Reese William A., cngineer, h 1425 N 6th Reese William D., conductor, h 1:316 Wallace Reese William G., laborer, h 4:l5 North av Reeser Elizabeth, seamstre8l:l, h 282 Colder Reeser George W., plasterer, h Front c Hamilton Reeser Richard, farmer, h Front c Hamilton Reeser Susan, housekeeper, h 1221 N 7th Regester George, laborer, h 1106 Voider Regester Helena, wid Daniel, h 1106 Colder Rehm Mary, wid Anthony, h 1128 Hickory av Rehm StfIlan A., domestic, 238 North Rehpenlling John D., turner, h 1417 James Rehrer C. M. Miss, h 223 N Front Reiber Charles, laborer, h 1905 N 4th Reiber Henry, foreman, h 924 Ash av Reiber Kate, (llnvas!~er, h 1905 N 4th Reiber Maria, wid Samnel, II 1905 N 4th B.EIBER lI. G. & CO.. (Milton G. Reiber aod Samuel Kendig), contractors and builders, 1133 Derry KElBER lIILTOlf G., (M. G. Reiber & Co.), architect and builder, 1133 Derry, h do Reiber Nt'lsolI H., brakeman, h 209 .Reily Reiber Samnel, carpenter, h 1905 N 4th Reichard Isaac, bootmkr, 130:3 N 6th, h do Reichard John S., brakeman, h 126 S 13th Reichard Wilson H., clk Franklin HoUlle, h do Reichart Jacob, jr., patternmkr, h 547 Race Reichart Rachel, wid Frederick,la 120 Paxton Reichart William, roller, h 120 Paxton Reichert Christian F., baker, 1301 Fulton, h do Reichert Georgt' B., brakeman, h 517 Woodbine Reichert John A., meat market, 622 Race, h do Reichert John S., farmer, h Calder Farm Reichert Rebecca, h 402 Forster Reicbert Sallie M., dumestic Caldel' Farm Reid. see Reed, also Read Reidinger George, engineer, h 613 Herr Reidlinger Frederick. brakeman, h 1411 N 6th Reidlinger Horace E., clpallel', h 1411 N 6th Reidlinger William M., laborer, h 1411 N 6th Reif Fulmer J., grocer, 565 Woodbine, h do Reiff Harriet, wid William, h 26 S 3d Reiff William H., elk sec com'th, Capitol, h 26 8 3d ReiffeJ:t Conrad, laborer, h 410 Reily Reiffert Henry, repairsman, h 410 Reily

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A. B. TACK, Fine Irt WaU Paper. {D~.l~~:~'!"~~} 12\0 I. 3Q.

, Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory. 421
Reimider Cnra M., elk, 401 Herr, h 318 Briggs Rei'lnider Emmit F., wid J()hn, h 318 Briggs Reifsnyder David, pecldlt'r, h 10 S Currant av Reigart. Benjamin F., carpenter, h 1501 Derry Reigel George F., brakemllll, h 71 N 10th Reigel John, laster, h 1952 Swatara Reigle Beulah, dumestic, 1215 N 7th Reigle Edwin, lahorer, h lO60 S 9th Reigle Liawu]" M., ]abnrt'r, h 1060 S 9th Reigle Mitchell, laborer, It 1060 S 9th Reilly Henry F., laborer, h 214 Mu]berry Reilly .J. Fl"eflerick, printer Star, h 1205 Bailey Reily Carrie M., h 200 Pine Reily Charle!', tahorer, h 1409 Fulton Reily Clara M.s., h 1:37 Short Reily Elizabeth H., wid GeOl'ge W., h Front c Reily Reily George W., clk Hbg Trust Co., sec Bay Shoe Co., It Front c Reilv Reily J()hn A., h' 329 S 14th Reily Joseph, watertender, h 47 Locbiel 3d Row Reily Sarah, h 308 Cherry av . Reily Susan, wid James L., h 702 N 3d Reily William H., clk Hbg Nat. Bank. h 1319 N 3d Reily, see also Riley Reimert Oliver U., conductor, h 1215 Market ReiD Harry A., tinsmith, h 18021 N 5th Reindel William H., barber, h 201 S River av Reinhard George W., h 1803 N 3d Reinhard J. Albert, engineE:r, h 214 Cumberland Reinhard Kate, dre8l!mkr, h 1202 Penn Reinhard Walter L., clk P. R. R. frgt depot, h 1803 Y 3d Reinhard Wilsoll J., physician The Kee]ey Institute, h do Reinhart John P., carpenter, II 5:15 N Cameron Reinhart Maggie, domestic, 212 State Reinhold Jennie A., h 205 N 2d Reininger Kate Mrs., h 1426 Marion Reinoehl Agnes M., housekeeper, h 1827 Berryhill" Reinoehl Charles W., salesman, h 1635 Market Reinoehl Jacob, (Hbg Varni!lh Co., ltd), h 1635 Market Reinoehl Mary R, b 1635 Market Reinoehl Nel!lOD A., planer, h 1635 Market Reisinger Emma, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Reisinger Horace W., draftsman, h 1207 Market Reissel' Charle:l, packer, II 83~ SlOth Reist Abraham B., laborer, h 917 201 Reith Karl, barteuder The Commonwealth, h 421 Herr Reitzel John W., carpenter, h 1344 Vernon Reitzel Philip A., foreman machiuist, h 1105 N 2d

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" To fi~d a name you must know how to spell it." 422 Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.
Reitzel Davirl, brakeman, h 313 Verbeke Remmel' Reuben, gl'Ocer, 50~ Walnut, h do


supplies, H. P. MiII~I', 1001 N Front Renn Bertram 1., e1Ie, 341 Reily, h do Renn Isaiah J., truck, 341 Reily, h do Renn Roland D., clk, h 341 Reily Renner Ann C., dressmkl-, II 525 Peffer Renshaw Eclmulld L., laborer, h 815 East Renshaw Isaac, laborer, h 815 Ellst Renshaw Sarepta R., c1ressmkl'! h 815 East Rentz John H., brakeman, h 1716 N 4th Renzel Ida J. Mrs., h 328 Savford av Resh, see Rush' Reside W. Edgar, elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 239 S 14th Resley Fretierick,janitor, h 6):3 C~dar av Ressing Serell! conductor, h 1330 N '6th Ressinger Ross, brakeman, II 620 Cumberland Rettberg Christie, h 1219 N 6th Rettew Charles B., conductor, h 120 Cumberland Rettew C. Vernon, student, h 120 Cumberland' Reutcr )Iartill V" conductor, b 5Il Muench Reuwel' Henry, baker, 115 S 13th. h do Reuwer Lillette Mrs., baker, 304 Verbeke, h do


w. H. Taylor, genl agt, 17 S 2d Rexl'oth Albert F., laborer, h 1913 N 3d Rexroth Kate, starcher, h 1428 N 6th Rexroth William G., mgr, h 1818 N 6th Reyndel' John V. W.,civiJ engineer, h 204 Walnut Reynolds Daniel A., carpenter, h 1709 N 4th Reynolds David C., motorman, h 1709 N 4th Reynolds G. Charles, brakeman, h 622 Muench Reynolds George B., brakeman, h 310 Muench Reynolds Harry E., fireman, h 284 Union av Reynolds James, drivel', h 334 S 15th Reypoids Jesse S., fireman, h 622 Muench Reynolds John 0., barbel', h 1709 N 4tb Reynolds Julia A., weave I', b 622 Muencb Reynolds Kate, domestic, 17 S Front . Reynolds Margaret J., wea\'er. b 622 Muench Reynolds Reuben D., conductor, h 1809 N 6th Reynolds Robert A., laborer, h 622 Muench Reynolds Scott, usher P. R. R., II 1809 N 6th Reynolds Weston, laborer, h 332 S 15th Reynolds William H., peddler, h 540 Violet av Rhan Aaron S., laborer, h 251 Sayfilrd av Rban Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 261 Sayford av

Digitized by


I. B. TleK, pmctlcnl Paper Hanger


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

RhawD Mary B., wid, h 323 Chestnut Rhine Charles A., brakeman, h 636 Muench Rhine Edward M., baker, 226 S"uth, h do Rhine FI'Ilnk. blacksmith, h 620 North Rhine .John H., laborer, h 314 Harrill Rhine Joseph M., brieklaYl"r, h 314 Harris Rhinehart Emanuel, puddler, h J20 Hanna Rhinehart Wadeley, bartender, h 561 Race Rhivet Rachel, domestic, 3:1:3 S Front Rhoacls A ugustus, It 1853 Berryhill Rhoads Benjamin, puddler, h 7 Chesapeake av Rhoads Catharine, wid J,cob, II 220 Verbeke Rhoads C. Harry, elk, Cowden c Forster, h 116 Herr Rhoads Charles L., brakeman, h 811 N 5th Rhoads Daniel, puddler, h 7 Clle8apeake av Rhoads Daniel H., bricklayer, h 82;3 Green Rhoads Ella M., press feeder, h 220 Verbeke Rhoads Frederick, track mall, h 649 Dauphin av Rhoads Ge/lrge \V., blacksmith, h 1428 N 6th Rhoads Grant, brakeman, h 1800 Wood av Rhoads Harry, puddler, h 7 Chesapeake av Rhoads Henry K., meat mkt, 224 Hummel, h 1612 Swatara Rhoads James M., (S. L. Biglet & Co.), sand and stone, }'-'orster nr 2d, h 1118 N 2c1


BJlOADS JOSEPH E:, lillle, coal, wood, terra cotta sewer

pipe, Forster nr 2d, Cowden c Forster, h 1201 N 2d Rhoads Mary L., h 228 S 13th Rhoads Peter, collductor, h 220 Verbeke Rhuads Solomon, bridgetellder, Front c Market, h do Rhoads Thomas B., car inspector, It 1324 N 2d Rhoads William D., roller, h 266 N()rth Rhoads William F., laborer, h 1701 Elm Rhoads William H., laborer, h 1701 Elm Rhoads WilIiaDl S., bricklayer, h 823 Green Rhodes W. William, brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Rice Alloa M . tailoress, h 28 N Dewberryav Rice Arthur B., pressman, h 234 S 13th Rice Christiana, wid Ed~ard, h 115 Mulberry Rice Daniel S., Iilleman, h 1711 N 4th Rice Elniira, wid William, h 28 N Dewberry av Rice Ernest J., elk, h 224 Herr Rice Frank E., stenographer P. R. R. depot, h 1121 Greea Rice George, laborer, h 115 Mulberry Rice George H., agt, h 2348 13th Rice Harry, brakeman, h 729 State Ricp. Harry W'1 fireman, h 15341 N 4th

FOOTWEAR OIl'alters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Digitized by


DIce MeN ell's Medicine Co. pra~~ed} No::':~d.


Boyd'. Harrisburg


City Directory.

Rice Hiram, laborer, h 1413 James av Rice Jacob, h 117 North Rice J. Edward, brakeman, h 115 Mulberry Rkoe Judson C., printer, h 2:34 S 13th Rice Mary E. Mrs., huusekeept'r, 15321 N 4th Rice Mary Mrs., lanndress, h 116 S RiVf~r av Rich Charles H., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1354: do Richard Wesley, brakt'Dlan. h 1618 N 4th Ricbards Carrie E., saleslarty. 3:34 Market, h 229 S 15th Richards JOSt'ph, ruugher, h 196:3 Moltke av Richards Martin, rull turner, h 1012 Hemlock Richards Rebt'('(~ M r8., h 1226 N 6th Richardson Albert P., engillet'r, h 1~66 Juniper Richardson Benjamin, driver, h 410 Cranberry av Ricbardson Canie S., h 1266 Juniper ~ RichardSon Comfort C., wid Rockwell D., h 1427 Derry Richardson Harry S., barber, h 802 Capital Ricbardson James M., waiter, h ) 23 Short Rich8l"dson J. Edwin, printer, h 1266 Juniper Richardson John M., laborer, h 1266 Juniper Richardson .John T., supt, h 18 S 13th Richardson Kate, domestic, 109 Cbestnut Richardson Mary E., teacher, h ) 8 S 13th Ricbardson Sarah M., wid Joseph W., h 802 Capital Richardson Thurlow D., pipe fitter, h 723 21st Rieber Charles W., conductor, h 1113 Green Richer Ivy C., h 1113 Green Richmond Augustus D., laborer, h 308 Reily Richmond Sarah, wid Rubert, h 1507 N 6th Richweine Ella E., milliner, 334 Market, h 212 N 2d Richwine Charles A., fireman, h 912 Cowden Richwine Samuel J., brakeman, h 1936 Fulton Richwine Susan, wid John, h 1936 Fulton Rick Alexander, laborer, h 221 Mulberry Rick Henry, laborer, h 221 Mulberry Rick John W., laborer, h 221 Mulberry Rickabaugh Emma C., h Greeuwood c 121 Rickabaugh John A., labol'er, h Greenwood c 211 . Rickabaugh Samuel, farmer, h Greenwood c 21l Rickabaugh Samuel G., labol'er, b Greenwood c 21l Ricker Rebeeca, wid Jobn S., h 1208 N 6th .~ Ricker Sadie A. Mrs., h 515 Kelker Ridd Anderson, laborer, h 1709 Elm Riddle Daniel, plumber, h 658 Verbeke Riddle Sophia, cook, h 610 Buttonwood av Ridel' .Jaeob D., printer Telegraph, h 404 Market RmEB. JACOB B.., coal and wood, Sbaonis c S 9th, b 1301 S Cameron

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. Harrisburg (R) Oity Directory. Boyd's

1210 {EmPlOYS none but C11'1t-el&!IB worlmen, hence onl'[ drat-clua N. 3d St worl, and wures 11.. Worl done In any part the Slate


Rider Mary Eo, dressmkr, h 1627 N 5th Rider Phoebe A., wid .Josiah S., h 6:30 Colder Rider Rachel, wid John, h 1627 N 5th Rieler Ralph M., ('Ik, Shanois c 9th, h 1301 S Cameron Ridgway Edwin H., elk, 222 Mllrkt't, h 225 Pine Ridgway Frank, weather bureau, P. O. bldg, h 225 Pine Ridgway George W., messenger weather bureau, h 225 Pine Riegel Hanson S., enginef'r, h 8] 2 Green Riegel Henry J., laborer, h ]:3:36 'Penn Riegel Sherman, bartender, 12:l2 N 6th, h do Riegel William A., butcher, h ] 802 N 6th Rife Harry, brakeman, h :110 Chestnut Rife Jacob ~"., are, 10th eState, h at Middletown Rife Jefferson .~., brakemall, h 11 J 1 Cowden Rife John W., pres, 10th c State, h at Middletown Rife John W. Leather CII., J. W. Rife, pres; J. F. Rife, sec; leathel', &c., 10th c State Rime Anna G., tailllress, h Sylvan Heights Riffle &4lie, tlliloress, h ::)ylvan Heights Rime William A., laborer, h Sylvlln Heights Righter John N., h 2004 Wood av Righter Nelson F., brakeman, h 2004 Wood av Riley Charles, carpenter, h 1:334 Thompson av Riley Edward L., laborer, h 1805 Berryhill Riley Harry M., elk highway commiS8ioner, h 1700 N 3d Riley John M., boilermkr, h 1364 Vernon Riley John M., lineman, h 1829 N 5th Riley Permelia, wid Peter, h 1805 Berryhill Riley Peter, h 627 Forster Riley William N., grocer, 1702 N 3d, h 1700 do Riley, see also Reily Rineer .Joseph H., laborer, h 1715 N 5th Rineer Matilda, wid John M., h 1110 Cowden Rineer Minnie, weaver, h ] 110 Cowden Rineer William A., elk, 223 Market, h 1110 Cowden Rinehart Barbara, h 120 Charles IlV Rinehart Jacob, painter, II 120 Charles av Rinehart Martha E., laundry maid Lunatic Hospital, b do Rinek William H., administrator, 1200 N 3d, h 703 N 6th Ringland John A., machinist, h 1517 N 6th RINKENBACH EDWA.BD L., watchmkr, jeweler, 1221 .N 3d, h 216 Forster Rintz John H., brakemlln, h 1716 N 4th Ripper Charlf'8 E., foreman Call, h 427 State . RISHELL WILLIS W., Metropolitan Hotel, 617 Walnut, h do Rissinger Alice Mrs., h 338 Boyd IlV Rissillger Amos, laborer, h :338 Boyd av

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Coogle )

" To find a name you must know spell it." 426 Boyd's Harrisburg (It) City Directory.
Ritchie Daniel, elk, h 12 S 13th Ritchie DOI'R L" domestic, 537 Maclay Ritchie Hal'ry T" laborel', h 18th c Magnulia Ritchie Herman A., clk, h 12 S I:lth Ritchie Jusiah, h 12 S 13th Ritchie Marion D., student, h 36 S 13th Ritchie Melanctilon M., physician, 13th c Vernon, h 36 S 13th Ritchie Simpson B., neW8 agt, h 1325 Margaret Ritner Henry C" car inspector, h 115 N 4th Ritner Ira D., tailor, h 435 Reily Ritner J. Howard, cutter, h 1303 Susqllehanna Ritner Juhn, painter, h 1303 Susquehanna Ritner Thomas M., tailor, h 1202 Capital Ritner Zulema, elk, h 110 N 4th Ritter George A., teltgrapher P. R. R., h 313 Reily Ritter Hal'ry W., teleg'r P. R. R. depot, h 253 Hummel Ritter Harvey A., marble cutter, h 1521 Swatllra Ritter R. Vinton, salesman, h 18:15 N 6th Ritter Tempest T., carpenter, h 253 Hummel Rittler George W., bricklayer, h 1634 N 6th Rittler John, stone maSOIl, h 1824 N 6th Ritts Hervey L., laborer, h 74 N lIth Ritts Howard G., laborer, h 74 N 14th Ritts .Joseph, shoemkr, ~23 Market, h 74 N 14th Rivers Susan, dresRmkr, h 428 Walnut . Rivertou Water Co., B. F. Meyers, pres; J. A. Herman, sec, 306 Market Roat Abraham B., detective, h 234 Hummel Roat Abraham B.,jr., h 302 Cumberland Roat Heiny, dep sheriff, Court House, h 302 Cumberland Roat Kate, laundress, h 228 Hummel Roath Mary E., dreRSmkr, h 1265 Bailey Robb David, blacksmith, h 1224 Currant av Robeck Sarah C., wid James A., h 925 Myrtle av Roberts Albert G. P., fluor walker, 326 Market, h 223 SOllth Roberts Alexander, civil engineer, h 10 S 2d Roberts Alexander H., (Roberts & Meek), h 10 S 2d Roberts Cordelia R., saleslady, 334 Market, h 223 South Robelts Daniel W., molder, h 549 Race Roberts Dollie, h 112 Cowden Roberts George, civil engineer, 10 S 2d, h do Roberts George S., conductor, h 1836 N 6th Roberts George W., pa:'1t'1r, h 161 N 15th Roberts Harry J., engineer, h 1315 N 2d Roberts James W., draftsman, h 10 S 2d Roberts John B., artist, 5th c Camp, h do Roberts L. Robert, helper, h 1346 S 13th Roberts RoLert, h 1346 S 13th

Digitized by


~~ab~,~:;::;~IOII POoerondlindOWShOOOS Irom A. B. TACK, N.7::~t.

Boyd'. Ha~.burg (R) City Directory. 427 ROBERTS WILLIAM B., ~ro('er, 630 BoaR, h do

ROBERTS & DOE, (Alexand .. r H. Roberts, Charles S.

Meek and Vincent W. Stanford). wholesale stationers, 10 S 2d Robertson John, mgr H.ucht'Ster BottlinJl: Wks, h 204 Walnut Robins Charles L., conciuctor, h 1610 N 4th Robins John, lahorer, h 225 Meadow la Robinson Alexander, labort'r, h 3 Haehnlen av RobinsoD Cbarles H., cook, h 1115 N 111 Robinsoll Cora M., drestlmkr, 322 Harris, h do Robinson David M., watchman Capitul, h 118 Cowden RobinsoD Elizabeth, domestic, 124 S 12tb Robinson Ella, domestic, 108 Locust Robinson Fannie, wid .John, h 406 Hay av Robinson Frank C.) laborer, h ]411 Ma".ion Robinson George K:, labOl"er, h 611 Harris Robinsoll Harry A., (Robinson & Graeff), b 1405 N 2d Robinson Harry B., barber, h 1310 N 7th Robinson Harry B., helper, b 1036 S Cameron Robinson Inglis D., salesman, 106 S 2<1, h 1217 N 6tb Robinson James, laborer, h 306 Cherry av Robinson James M., baJl:Jl:8gemaster, h 418 Reily

Roberts William H., helper, h 1;346 S 13th

1iA.~A'f~ !;::t7:~:~rAC:Al:Li FOOT WEAR 01 fRANK J. IALTER8', N.7:J~. RObinson James W., laborer, b 1615 Elm Robinsoll James W., laborer, h 3:~4 S 15th Robinson J. Harry, flagman, h 611 Harris Robinson John, laborer, h 507 Primrose av Robinson John, shademkr~ h 210 Meadow la Robinson John E., student, b 118 Cowden Robinsoll Jobn J., laborer, h 210 Meadow la Robinson John S., lahorer. h 113 Tanner's av RobinRon Joseph C., laborer, h 1122 N Cameron Robinson Katie L., housekeeper, 1639 Miftlin ft" Robinson Louise, bookkpr, h '1413 William Robinson Maria L. Mrs., chiropodist, 265 Briggs, h do Robinson Marshall, rag picker, h 1184 S Cameron Robinson Mary, wid George, h 611 Harris Robinson Richard, driver, h 511 North ftV Robinson Robert, brickmkr, h 1184 S Cameron Robinson Robert B. Rev., h 320 Coldl'r Robinson Robert M., salesman. h 814 N 2J Robinson Taylor, laborer, h 331 S 15th Robinson Thomas B., AAlesman, h 265 Briggs RobimilonWilliam, hostler, 1-119 Fnlton Robinson William H., carpenter, h 322 Harris Robinson Wil\iam R., laborer, h ] 43 S 3d

Digitized by


Ltv.rand Zit MoNElL'S D,lpepala, Blood Purlfylna PIII8CUre{11111 CAl SI BlOOd and ItIclriey


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

Robinson William 8., .>ngillE.'er, h 1806 N 5th

ROBINSON &: GIU.EFF, (H. A. Robinson and C. C.

Graeff), drygoods and notions. 1300 N 3d Robison James E., conductor, h 1507 N 6th Robison Jennie, milliner, 38 N 3d, h 322 Harris Robison John C., laborer, h rear 56] Race Robison Oat ha, laborer, h ] 2:i9 N 11 t RobisoD William, heater, h 1066 S 9th Robison William D., heatel, h W:35 S 9th Robson Charl~ E., trav sale.'1Dlan, h 18 :N 16th Roche Catharine, wid Michat'l, h 13 S River av Roche John M., h -13 8 River av Roche Richard, h 518 Filbert ROCHESTER BOTTLING WORKS, George G. Boyer, propr, 8tate c Canal . Rock Island Plow Co., (The), 627 Walnut Rock Mary Mrs., h 1019 N 7th Rockafellar D. May, h 932 N 2d Rockafellar Sarah, wid John. h 932 N 2d ROCKAFELLAB. THOIIAS B., real estate agt, 818 N 3d, h do . Rockwell James T., motorman, h 306 Muench Rodearmel Harriet, wid Henry, h 25 N 4th Rodearmel WilIiaDl, newspaper correspondent, h 604 N 3d Roden David, helper, h 11628 Cameron Rodenhaver Edward, student, h 310 BODS Rod.>nhaver Hiram, brakeDlan, h 1510 Wallace Rodeuhaver Jacob, glorer, 428 8tate, h do Rodenhaver .Joseph, watchman, h 310 Boas Rodenhaver Viola M., (,llk, h State nr 5tb Rodenheber Cbarles, foreman Fink's Brewery, h 900 Capital Rodgers Alfred P., caller, h 2141 Moore Rodgers George W., flagman, h 433 Kelker Rodgers Hettie Mrs., vari.>ties, 21U M'.>ore, h do Rodgers John, b 828 8 Camt"ron Rodgers John C., laborer, h 12th (1 Paxton Rodgers Mar, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Rodg.>rs Philip, cooper, h 122] 8 Cameron Rodgers Richal-d C., lab<lIer, h 82S 8 Cameron Rodgers Tholllas J., watchman, It 8288 Cameron Rodkey Charl.>s E., car cleant-r, h 722 Capital Rodkey George W., cigars, &c., 722 Capital, h do Rodk.>y (jeorge W., jr., cigarmkr, h 722 Capital Rodkey Harvey G., painter, It 722 Capital Rodkey John, h 2127 Muore Rodkey Maggie E., h 2127 Moore Rodkey Milton L., harlel, 1738 N 4th, It 2127 Moore Rodk.>y Theodore, painter, h 1615 N 4th

Digitized by


I. B. TACK ':=ty&o,fracoIIS P.'"c Balldlnp II Piail nats. {~f~~:

Boyd'. Harrisburg (R.) City Directory. 429
Roe Adda S., teacher, b 1255 Mulberry
Roe Carrie A., b 1255 Mulberry

Roe Edward J., (F. M. Roe & 80n), h 1233 Mulberry druggist~, 1255 Mulberry Roe Sarah A., wid Franci. M., h 1255 Mulberry Roem R08e'na Mrs., doctresR, h 46 S Court av Rogers David, foreman C. I. Works, h 1819 N 3d Rogers Jacob, fireman, h 609 Harris Rogers William G., cooper, h 910 S 9th Rogers Zephaniah, jr., blacksmith, h 604 Herr Rogner Catharine, h 1338 8usquehanna Robland John W., oiler, h 614 Dauphin av Rohm F..dward L., printer, h 116 Cumberland Rohm Ferdinand F., watchman Capitol, h 116 Cumberland Robm Frederick W., jeweler, 1:307 N 6th, b U6 Cnmberland Robm Pauline, elk, 1200 N 3d, h 1I6 Cumberland Rohr Elizabeth, wid Benedict, h 1324 William Rohr Wenzel, laborer, h 1324 William Rohrbach Adam, laborer, h 555 SlOth Rohrbach Conrad, laborer, h 506 S Cameron Rohrhach Daniel H., laborer, h 506 S Cameron .Rohrbach George, mason, h 506 8 Cameron Rohrbach George N., tailor, h 1201 Cowden Rohrbach William, barber, h 506 S Cameron Rohrer A. Edward, screwsman, h 584 Showers av Rohrer B. Frank, screwsman, b 333 Chestnut Rohrer Charles, operator, h 709 8 Front Rohrer Daniel, engineer, h 709 S Front Rohrer Elmer, screwsman, b 581 S Front Rohrer George F., glue mfr, h 1124 N 3d Rohrer George G., elk and stenographer Board of Trade, h 267 Briggs Rohrer Jacob H., engineer, h 633 Herr Rohrer J. Frank. jr., clk, h 1400 N 2d Rohl'er John C., brakeman, h 1124 N 3d Rohrer .Tohn F., real estate, h 1400 N 2d Robrer Martin, h 581 S Front Rohrer Susan, wid Abner, h 1324 N 7th Robrer William H., cigarrukr, h 709 S Front Roland Irwin S. roller, b 117 Conoy Roland Max A., fOleman, h 1419i Regina Roller Ferdinand, engineflr, h 1720 N 3d Roller George J., machinist, h 1720 N 5tb Roller Horace 1<.... waiter, h 324 Colder Roller Jane A., wid Horace, h 324 Colder Roller R. Preston, lahorer, h 324 Colder Roller William, shoemkr, 234 South, h do Rollins CharlN S., laborer, h 1243 N III

1l0E F .. " SON, (Ed. J.),

'Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 430 Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.
Rollison Charles W carpenter, h 221 ab Derry Rolston Sarah A., wid ClIristopher, h 1316 S 12th Romich Ella M., salesilldy, h 566 Race Romich George W., elk, h 665 Race Romich Harry, horse trainer, h 665 Ra~ Romicb Henry, foreman, h 665 Race Romich Herman, laborer, h 1405 N Cameron Romich Sophia B., saleslady, 34 N 3d, h 665 Race Romig William, stenographer, h 667 Dauphin av Roney Wllrren, brakemau, h 2024 N 5th Ronk Whitmer C., elk Court House, h 244 North Rooler Mary K., elk, 1720 N 3d, h do Rooney Maggie, operator P. R. R, h 628 Harris Roop J. WarreD, physician, 427 Boas, 1I do Roop Nettie B., milliuf'r, h 427 Boa" Root Sallie, domestic, 211 N Front Roots Daniel, laborer, h 330 S 16th Ropp Burd G., printer Patriot, h 214 South Ropp John C., brakeman, h loo4! N 5th Rose Benjamin ~'., brakeman, h 16:34 Wallace Rose Edward F., c11eckman P. R. R., 1I 248 Crescent Ro8e Elizabeth Mrs., h 226 Chestnut Rose Harry, jr., bottler, h 67 N 10th Rose Harvey J., div operator Pat depot. h 122] Market Rose Henry, plumber, h 426 Kelker av Rose John A., camlymkr, h 226 Chestnut . Rose Samuel, waiter COIUlllbuli Hotel, h 319 Colder Rose SlI!~ie, cigarmkr, h 226 Chestnut ROSE WILLIAM J., div freight agt Pat R. R. Co., 413. Market, h at Nantillie, Cumberland Co., Pat Roselle James. cooper, h 1062 S 9th Rosenberger George, laborer, h 1205 Cowden R08enberger George, laborer, h 1719 Fulton Rosenberger Harry, laborer, h 1719 Fulton Rosenberger Harry G., "poke finisher, h 117 Evergreen Rosenberger John F., (J. W. Rosenberger & Son), h at NeW' Market Rosenberger John W., (.J. W. Ro~~nberKer & Son), h 117 Evergreen Rosenberger J. W. & SOll, (J. F.), (,Ilrpet mfrs, 1103 N 6th Rosenbergel' Percy, earpet wea\'er, h 117 E\ergreen Rosenthal Alfred, engineer Hiekok Mfg. Co.. h 1209 N 3d Roshon J. William, photographer, 3-1 N 3d, h Green c Dauphin av Ross Albert H., labol'p.r, h 123~ N II! Ross Anllie Mrs., h 430 South ltV Ross Blanche M., wid Rob(rt. h 121:l Kittlttinny Ross Charles F., wiremlln, h 115 LOCUI!t

Digitized by


A. B. TACK =t~~:~~ '~I Pifer 1 '1.... Skl.a {12m r.~d~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory. 431

Edward S., brakeman, h 2020 N 7th

Ross George F., h 19 S :)11

ROSS HARRY C., O)Prchant tailor, 21 N 3d, h 115 Locust

Ross Howard J., IItllnt, h 1:300 N 7th Ross Jane, housekeeper, 6th Ilr Reily Ross Jane E., boarding, 7 N 2d, h do Ross John A., fireman, h 1615 LOl(llo av Ross John F., brakeman, h 2024 N 7th Ross .John M., salesman, 334 Market, h 114 N 2d Ross Joseph D., tailor, 21 N :3rJ, h 109 Walnut Ros.~ Mary, wid John, h 611 State Ross Robert F . brakeman, h 613 Delaware av Roas William K., conductor, h 1300 N 7th Rote Alph~us M., fireman, h 325 Granite av Roth Addie, milliner, h 1152 Market Roth Alice, housekeeper, 1152 Market Roth Bella, dressmkr, h 1152 Markpt Roth Charles, lahorer, h 1152 Markpt Roth Ellen. wid Girard, h 1152 Mark~t Roth Franklin J., court reporter, 105 N 2d, h 219 Hummel Roth Harry C., (Earnest & Co.), foreman Pat freight depot, h ] 60:3 Derry .

Ross Hannah M., h 7 N 2<1

FOOTW EA R gO 10 'ALTERS', N.3~O~t;.,


Roth William F., fireman, h 122 S 14th Rothrock Eustic Mrs., h 1839 Fulton Rothrock Henry, tailor, h 1338 Penn Rothrock Jane J., wid William. h 208 S 13th Rothrock John W., tailor, 619 Race, h do Rothrock William A., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rott Casper, bridge bllild~r, h 136 Linden Rott Wilhelm, piano tuner, h rear 223 S 2d Roumfort Augustus L., h 119 8 2d Roumfort C. E. & Son, (Charles E.), bakers, 340 Chestnut Roumfort Charles E., (C. E. Roumt()rt & 80n), h 1If} S 2d Rourke Bernard, engineer, h 647 Boas Rourke John J., engineer, h Greenwood nr 211 Roush GPOrge, flagman, h 620 Kelker Roush Orvis, laborer, h 620 Kplker Roush William B., conductor, h 415 Reilv Roush, see also Rauch . . ROVAI AMERICO, Hotel Americo, 421 Walnut, h do Rovai Georlle, bartender, 233 Walnut, h do Row Ella, domestic, 400 N 3d Rowe Alice M., domE'stie, 55 N ] Oth R.owe Artbur, elk, 512 Market, h 10 N 2d Rowe George A. L., elk directors of the poor, h 1469 Regina

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........ PaID bt.m'nator COrel (''bolera Jlorbo8, DJlMllltel7. Cram... DIan1la!e, QlldI, QuIJuiJ. Rheamattam, Toothache, Sore Throat. Agoe, Dyapepda, 150. Uti N.

'32 Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory. Rowe Jesse D., tmv salesman, h 10 N 2d Rowe Ka~, domestic, 916 S 2ht Rowe Peter, carpenter, h 1609 N 3d Rowe William E., printer, h 1609 N 3d Roy Alice, clomestic, h 14]5 Fulton ... Roy Robert, laborer, h 1415 Fulton . Royal John K., sec Burial Case Co., h 109 Pine Royal Mary E .. teacher, h 204 LocuAt Royal Morgan J., engineer, h 1:1 Linden Royal Rebecca E., wid Josiah S., h 204 l.OCUAt ltoyce George G., flagman, h 113 Wallace Royce Mary A., wid William P., h 519 Brown av Royer Annie, attendant State Hospital, h do Ruben Davis, tailor, h 921 Penn Rubendall Harry H., laborer, h 127 Linden Rubendall Mary, domestic, 127 Linden Rubenn Fannie, grocer, 123 Cowden, h do Ruby Annie M., wid William, h 311 Furster Ruby Charles W., grocer, 1100 N 6th, h do Ruby John I., engine cleaner, h 1100 N 6tb Ruch Harry C., (Ruch & Miller), h 1018 N 7tb RUCB & MILLER, (Harry C. Ruch and George S. Miller), grocers, ]018 N 7th Ruder Andrew, driver, h 1631 N 6th Ruder Jacob, grocer, 213 Crescent, h do Ruder Sarah, wid Andrea!!, h 343 S ) 4th Ruder William, puddler, 11 343 S 14th Rudisill Isaac P., conductor, h 1413 Green Rudolph Carrie, domestic, 214 Pine Rudolph }~rederick F., roller, h 1116 Market Rudolph Lizzie, dressmkr, h 1116 Market Rudolph Nellie Mrs., h 31 N 15th Rudolph Peter, laborer, h 1116 Market Rudy Abraham F., motorman. h 1705 Derry Rudy Adam, warehouseman, h 1417 Zarker Rudy Addie, domestic, 407 N I<~r()nt Rudy C. Day, artist, 10:3 N 2d, h 207 State Rudy Charles R., machinist, h 246 Liberty Rudy Christian Landis, h ) 1 N l!lth Rudy Darius E., molder, h 456 Cumberland Rudy David K., plaslt'rer, h 1911 State Rudy Fannie M., weaver, h 246 Libt!rty Rudy Frederick, warehouseman, h 246 Liberty Rudy Harry K., signalman, h ] 913 State Rudy Howard E., brakeman, h 456 Cumberland Rudy Jacob, laborer, h ] 940 State Rudy Jesse I., weaver, h 246 Liberty Rudy Jonas, conductor, h 2142 N 6th

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I,..,} b8t and low.' 1 B. Y Wan Paper. Thewith FIxtures pJ1ceL IlIft Sl'Iad complete.


Window { 7:110 for 86 eta. N. 14 ~t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (R) City Directory. 433

Rudy Jonas F., milkmau, h 1807 Berryhill Rudy Jooas M., student, h Derry c 19th Rudy Joseph, h Derry ab 19th Rudy Joseph, jr., it.'e d~ler, h 342 S 17th Rudy Mamie M., tel ClllerDtor, 222 Mkt, h 456 Cumberlaod Rudy Martha, dome"tie, 102 N 21 Rudy William H., conductor, h 127 Short Rudy William H., jr., caller P. R. R., h 132 Vine Rue Mary E., wid oomuel, h 220 Pine Ruggles Edward, laborer, h 422 S Cameroll Ruggles Susan, wid Alexander, h 472 S Cameron Rumberger Peter .J., patent medicine. 2019 Derry. h do Rummier John M., foreman, 7t.h c North, h 2526 N 6th Rumpf Charles, machinillt, h 1026 Market Rumpf Charles Mrs., groet>r, 1026 Market, h do' Rumpf CharlCII C., foreman, h 1526 N 6th Runk Alvin A., fireman, h 528 Muench Runk David H., machinist, h 1907 Woud av Runk Edward B., machinist. h 118 S 14th Runk George, carpenter, h ] 90i W(Mid av Runkle Daniel, grocer, 191 N ] 5th, h 187 do Runkle David, clk, 321 Market., II ]514 Derry Runkle Edwal-d D., clk. h 1925 State Runkle Enoch, milk dealer, h 1925 State Runkle George A., blacksmith. h 1943 State RtmKLE GEORGE E., gr(tCt'r, State c 20th, h 1925 State Runkle George E . operator, h 1514 Derry Runkle HarvE'Y E., studt'nt. h 187'N 1:')th Runkle .John A., driver, h ~49 BoaR Runkle Kate C., operatlll', h 1514 Dt'rry RUllkle Lillit. A., shoe operator, h 1514 Derry RUllkle M. <Tertrude, tt'8cher, h 649 Buas Runkle William K., butcher, h 1~60 Market Runkle William M., laborer, h State c 20th Rupert Bella Z., salt'l'Il:uly. 22:~ Market, h 1119 Capital Rupert John C., engineer, h 312 Cumberland Rupert John S., luburer, h 312 Cumberland Rupert John S., patterllmkr. h 1119 Capital Rupley Juhn P., wurehuusemall, h 1115 Penn Ruplev Waltt'r, hostler, h 1115 Penn Rupp 'Amos B., clk, 438 Walnut, h 109 Short Rupp Charles L., asst foreman Patriot, h 616 Muench Rupp Edith V" shlle Opellltuf, b 2015 Kensington Rupp Elizaheth, wid Levi. h 109 Short Rupp Bmma F., cushier, 221 Market, h 566 Race Rupp Frank K., brakeman. h 621 Pefter Rupp Henry, (H. Rnpp & SUII), h 566 Race

Digitized by


" To find a name YOle must kllow how tq spell it." 434 City Dir1414tOry, BUP~ H. & SON. (.Jllhll F.). curpelllers and builders, 306*
,'hE.'rrv Rupp ,pohn ., (H. Dupp & SOli). Ia 564 Race Rupp Kate E .. drt'HSmkr. h 566 Uaee Rupp )Iive h MUUkldl Rupp Pt'ter, laborer, h 612 Showers av Rupp Sadie R., tRilOles8. h 566 Race Rupp 8amoz:[ E., estklRe, 26 eM, h P25 81"lbe,,:: Rupp Sololllon S., (Major & Rllpp). lawyer, 210 Walnut, h at Shiremansto\\'n h PO N Rush 8lfrklP Rush AliCt', dOl1le;;tie. !l2l N :M Rush D. K, altendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rush Deuben, jr. driver. 114 ,4rh av Rush, see al80 Re,;b Russ Adolph B., bookkpr, 230 Mklkldow b 509 ~ 2d Russ RIE.'xamlklr, HoLy'l Coluu5hllS, Russ Augustus. bartenrler The Commercial. h do BUSS, BATES &: VAN CD. (W, Russ, William Batkls and H. ,wce), mholz:kl;de fmit, 13 15 2d Russ Charles F., laborer, h 515 S 2r1 Rus,a Clarindn: wid LOllis, 509 211 Rusehdlwaid B., h 2fjH Brihhs Russ Edward L., h 269 Briggs Russ DlIa. 13 hrl RUDC EMhDO, Cllmmerchl, 217 lBrket, do RUSS JAMES, cllnfectiont'r. 5 S 2d, The Commonwealtb, hlirkeR S Mllahet II do Russ ,hllll, .Joltnsun). It N Russ Joseph. lahorer, h 51:3 S 211 RUCC LEWIS. inmd and 4 M41tket, do Russ Louis ., mgi, 5 S hd. Conmwllwlll?h BUSS NARCISSUS, Hotel Columbus, 22923:3 Walllut, h RUCD PADDICR, Hoii'! CIISS, 4h:3 and 425 Market, do Rus:; Salvador, laborer, It 515 S 2d Russ fruii:;, 42 :3d, Hotel ColmnlHis Hus!! Willialll. (Rus,;, Bates & Vance), It 312 Market Russ William H .. tailor, h 269 Briggs RUJJS & YCHNSYN. (,[ohn and Clemnnt R ,hllD' SOil), wholesHlc bt!el', and ale, 2:30 and 2;32 Meadow la Rus;;dl A. di;;;her, 22:1 h 100 Locust Russell Elizabeth F. rs., registry elk P.O., h 103 Locust Russell Enos ~f.. l1l('ssenger Capit(~I,; h 14:35 Market Rusc;d! Fredenck, laborer 61;5 c,;edar Russell Harry P., laborer, h 329 Clinton av Russell Lizzie Mrs" h 329 Clinton av




A.B. TACK, lallPaperaudliudowShades. {'2~:~o~R2~JOt.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory: 435
Russell Samuel E., inspretor, It 1915 N 6th Rust Gi!orge E., painter, h 134 Indiao av Rust Mary F., wid JO!Ieph, h 134 Iodian av Rutan Wilber R., express messenger, h 706 East Ruth Charlotte, .Jacob, h 918 Capital . Ruth Harry, L'ar.'.;;,Jter, h 1727 Walnut Rutherford HnwaM'l A., elk Hbg Nat. Bank, h at Rutherford Rutherford J. Edlllund, supt, h Loehiel Farm Rutherford Margul'et S., h LO(hiel ~'arm Rutherford Robt"rt M., paying teller, h Lochiel Farm RUTHERFORD SAMUEL H., agt Rutherford Ice Co., 104 S Court u\,. h at Paxtang Rutter A. Charles, fireman, h 1409 Wallace Ryan David A., Olaehinist, h 1531 Fulton Ryan Edw81'd, collectur, h 924 Forster Ryan John H., laborer, h 1508 Howard av RYAlf JOSIAH P., coo1;ractor, 504 South av, h 515 N 4th (see ad v) Ryan Julia J., teacher, h 255 Boas Ryan M. Ella. teacher, h 255 Boas Rvan Patrick H., h 255 Boas R:van Samuel T., carpenter, h 225 Mulberry Ryan William F., carpenter, h 255 Boas


FRANK M. WAL TERS, ~~~:~:.~y: FOOTWEAR, N.':J~

Ryder Neva S., domestic, 34 N 2d Rynard Charles W., pharmacist. h 562 Race Rynard John A., physician, 562 Race, h do Ryoard Mary E., music teacher, h 562 Race

Sadler Charles J., brakeman, h 2027 N 5th Sadler Wilbur F., (Sadler & Kaufman), h 321 N Front SADLER & KA.UFMA.N, (Wilbur F. Sadler, jr., and Joseph L. Kaufman), lumber, &c., 7th c Briggs Saeder J. Adam, contractor, h 1712 Logan av SaladaJ Minnie, domestic, 920 N 3d Sales Edward, laborer, h 1106 Cowden Sales Edward, jr., ball player, h 1106 Cowden


515 N. Fourth 8t., Harrisburg, Pa.
Digitized by


Ic!eil's Pain Exterminator fu~::u!:a~~ =~':red~~nl{ {7 7T~1.g 1.,.




City Directory.

Sales Francis A., cuntractor, h lao State Sales John, laborer, h 1106 Cowden Sales Richard, policeman, h 1106 Cuwden Salisbury Leah. housekeeper, 1828 Swatara Salisbury Mary, shirtmkr, h 114 Burbar" .av Saltsmau Berton H., operator P. R. R., \1,)..15 N 15th Saltsman George A., clk Mechanics' Ban.., h 1719! N 4th Saltsman HelJry W., h 1643 MifBin av Saltsman James D., elk, h 1719! N 4th Saltsman William H., laborer, h 146:1 Walnut Saltzgiver Elmer 0., packer, h 52 Linden Saltzgiver James C., pictures, &c., 22:1 N 2d, h do Saltzgiver Sarah, wid Michael, h 52 Balm Sample A. & Son, (John B.), notions, 1722 N 4th Sample Alexander, (A. &mple & Son), h 1722 N 4th Sample Clara B., h 102 Colder Sample Frances A., dressmkr, 414 Verbeke, h 1722 N 4th Sample Jennie F., teacher, h 102 Colder Sample John B., (A. Sample & &n), h 1722 N 4th Sample Mary E .. boarding, 436 Market, II do Sample Minnie E., teacher, h 102 Colder Sample Peter, waiter, h 1i22 N 4th Sample Virginia F., teacher, h 102 Colder Sample Walter H., engineer, h 436 Market Sampselle'Henry J., carpenter, h 12 N 13th Sanborn William Rev., h 911 SlOth Sanders Augustus, laborer, h Drummond av ab S 15th Sanders Brisben 0., laborer, h 2115 Brookwood Sanders Charles S., cashier P. R. R. dining rooms, h do Sanders Frances, wid George W., h 526 Weat Sanders Franklin, laborer, h ] 117 Green Sanders George L., cooper, h 615 Showers av Sanders Harry F., watchman, h 906 Capital Sanders Henry K., cooper, h 615 Showers av Sanders Isaac W., h 1412 Penn Sanders Jacob, carpenter, h :l06 Colder Sanders James E., hostler, h 230 South Sanders James McF., baker, h 906 Capital Sanders John D., laborer, h 923 Bartine av Sanders IAlvi, driver, h 906 Capital Sanders Loring A., tacker, h 615 Showers av Sanders Martha, cook, h 425 South av Sanders Minerva, saleslady, 38 N 3d, h 206 Colder Sanders Samuel E. N. P., hostler, h 922 N 6th Sanders Stella H., charwoman, h 169 Indian av Sanders Susan Mrs., h 2]0 Herr SANDERSON ALFRED, news editor Star-Independent, h 118 Locust

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Pine lrt Wall Paper. {D~.P8~.MIJ,.~~}J2I0.1. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory. 437
Sandoe John L., engineer. h 1421 N 6th Sandli Emily, cook, h 115 TUIlIlt>r'S av Sands Franklin B., laborer, hIlI} Tallller's av San~ree Milt~1l1 H. Rev., h 1607 Derry SANKEY JAIIES W.. rufr 811d johUcr ill leather and saddlery hardwan, 333 Verbeke (Br(lad), h 252 Boas Sansom Joseph J.~filremall State A~ellal, h 633 Kelker Sansom Samuel Do, elk Central Iroll Works, h 228 Forster Santo Ellen, domestic, 449 Stllte Santo Isaac, laborer, h 122 Su."fimlllv San~) Jacob H., ~rOCt'r, 1643 N 6th, h 1645 do Santo Juhn L., Illburer, h Shee.;ley's Island Santo Solomon, roller, h 559 S Front Santu Wlllter M., laborer, h 122 Sayford av Sallto William H., brakeman, h Sheesley'S Island Santa Emma, wid Augustus, h 112 S 4th Salltuch lRadore, clk, 15 N 2d, h 564 S 10tb Sarch Henry C., engineer, h 505 Cumberland Sarch Jane, wid Salllllel R., h 605 Cumberland Sassaman Milton Lo, firemlln, h 1227 Wallace Sassaman Oliver, puddler, h 1010 Fox av Satciu:lI George E., installment, 1405 N 6th, b 1221 N Front Satchell Goorge P., pressman Telegraph, h 1221 N Front Sattler .Jobanna Mrs., IIIli00n, 327 Strawberry av, b do Satzler William, fireman, h 612 Dlluphin BV Saucerman Catharine, wid William, h 1008 N 6th Sauers Edward, huckster, h 816 James av Sauers Joseph M., huckster, h 1913 Wood av Saul Anna M., typewriter, h 424 Reily Saul Charles, brakemall, h 411 Delaware av Saul Charles Yo, hooker, h 216 Crescent Saul Edward H., brakeman, h 420 Muench Saul Frank, grocer, 120] N 11 i, h do Saul George P. Wo, boxmkr, h 424 Reily Saul Harvey W., laborer, 6th c Camp Saul Joseph Eo, ins. agt, h N 6th c Camp Saul Joseph Mo, engineer, h N 6th c Camp Sanl Joseph W., wlltermall, h 1916 N 5th SAUL MILLARD F., plumber and livery, 1519 N 4th, h ] 517 do (see adv) Saul Nancy, wid Samuel, h 1535 Logan av Saul Pearl, music teacher, 1719 N 5th, h do Saul Susan A., varieties, 1201 N Ill, h do Saul Wesley J., brakeman, h 1719 N 5th . Saul William S., carpenter, h 424 Reily Saunders Annie, laundress, h 133 Linden Saunders Lizzie, hou!K!keeper, Sylvan Heights Saur Christie, nurse, h 19th c Swatara

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 438 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Saurs .Jacob. warehouseman, h 211 Meadow la Saur!!! Joseph, huckster, h 1913 Wood BV SIHII'S Matthias. huckster, h 211 Meadow la Sawyer Alfrada E., <J..uilter, h 1009 S 9th Sawyel' Edgar H., heater, h 1009 S 9th Sawyer Ella, domestic, :326 Chestnut Sawyer Frank, laborer, h 612 Showers av Sawyel' Jacob, puddler, h 1009 S 9th Sawyer William A. heRtt'r, h 1042 S Cameron Sayfcml FlIllny, h 217 Stat~ Sayfiml .John M., elk Hh~ Nat. Bank, h at Paxtang Sayford .Tohn Milt., clk P. & R. depot, h 3071 S 2d Sayf(JI"d .JoSt'piJ, h 2:3 N 4th Saytord S. NewtolJ, fill't~lHull P. H.. H.. frgt depot, h 605 State Sayford William, h 217 State Sayfol'd William W" elk P. H.. H. frgt office, hat Paxtang &ylor ClintolJ B.. harber, 1937 N 6th, h 1936 do Saylor Edgar A., lahorel', h 441 S 1 ;~th Saylor Emma. T., domestic, 1806 N 5th Saylor Harry, brakeman, h 1108 Market Saylor Henry S., h 1514! N 4th Saylor Howard D., molder, h 44:3 S 13th Sealia James, (Scalia & Maskari), h 416 S River av Scalia & Maskari, (.James Sealia and Frank Maskari), fruits, &e., 101 S 2 Scanlan Michael F . div engineer P. & R., h 13 N Front Scantling Filmore, puddler, h 120 S 14th Schaefer Augustus, laborer, h 579 Showers av Schaefer George, laborer, h 579 Showers av Schaeffer Amanda, wid George G., h 8 N ]3th Schaeffer Charles, laborer, h 1925 N 5th Schaeffer Charles S., pressman, h 8 N 13th Schaeffer Edward M., brakeman, h 515 Cowden Schaeffer Franklin B., barber, II 8 N 13th Schaeffer Georl'e W., laborer, h 1729 N 5th Schaeffer Harry A., bridge builder, h 8 N 1-3tb Schaeffer Harry T., fireman, h 255 NOI'th Scheaffer Lewis J., grocer, 1528 Derry, b do

Plumber. Liveryman
lIaullD. promptly atteDded teo FIIDeral Varna.... to lUre.

lB. F.



No. 1519 New Fourth Street, HARRISBURG, P A n.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, pmCIICOI Paper Hanger,

{7~7'~O!II~9::z.t. Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 439

Schaeffer Mary E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do SCHAEFFER NATHAN C., supt public instruction, Capitol, h The Bolton Schaeffer William 0., Itpprentice, h 8 N 13th Schaeffer William 0., brakeman, h 1729 N 5th Schaeffer, see u180 Shaffer, also Scheffer Schaffner Cornelius E., painter, h 9th eState Schoffstall Edward C., brakeman, h 406 Reily Schoffstall George W., brakeman, h 1552 Logan av Schat'mei,;ter Juhn, florist, 1812 N 3d, h 1810 do Schaner Annie, wid Elhana, h 1407 N 3d Schaner Charles W., laster, h 1432 Derry Schapfar John, lablfrer, h 1712 JI'nlton Scharr Annie, wid Jacob, h 1014 Berryhill Scheele Theodore G., carpenter, h 269 Sa&;afras av Scheffer B. Frank, salesman, h 800 N 2d Scheffer Caroline C., wid Frederick C. A., h 1320 N 2d Scheffer Frederick W., elk, h 1320 N 2d Scheffer Frederick W., jr., painter, h 1320 N 2d Scheffer George W., pressman, h 21 S 2d Scheffel Louis K., foreman, 21 S 2d, h 224 N 3d Scheffer Maria, h 21 S 2d . Scheffer Martin L., printer. h 21 S 2d


SCHEFFEltTHEObORE-r~(est.ate of), bookseller, sta-

FOOTWEAR ot l'alters"IOl2 I. 3d 81.

tiOller, printer and binder, 21 S 2d (see adv) Scheffer Theodore K., h 21 S 2d Scheffer T. Jefferson, bookkpr, 21 S 2d, h do Scheffer Warren D., clk P.O., h 235 North Scheffer William T., clk The Bolton, h 800 N 2d Scheffer, see also Schaeffer, also Shaffer Scheible Kate, h 227 Verbeke Schelhas Gottlieb, tailor, 1012 Market, h do Schell Annie C., h 1135 Derry Schell Anuie M., weaver, h 1192 Christian Schell Carrie, wid Frank R., h 119 State Schell Charles A., bookkpr, 325 Market, h 1103 N 2d Schell Edward M., baker, 257 Crescent, h do Schell Ephraim, mason, h 918 S 20th Schell Herman J., student, h 1103 N 2d Schell Joseph P., engineer, h 1409 Vernon Schell Lizzie H . saleslady, 36 N ad, h 1103 N 2d Schell Margaret H., printer, h 1135 Derry Schell Mary, wid Michael, h 1192 Christian Schell Thomas, h 1135 Derry Schell William F., shoemkr; 107 S 3d, h 1103 N 2d Schell, see also Shell

Digitized by


OfIce MeN eil's Medicine Co. {F>~~~~l} No~~d. 440 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Schellenberg Otto P., machinist, h 240 Hummel Schellenberg, !See also Shellenberger Schellhase Geo. B., aSl>t laundryman Lunatic Hospital, h do Schenck Allan W., expre~s messenger. h 617 Walnllt Schiavo AugulSt, huckster, h 416 S River av Schiavo Michael. huckster, h 416 S RiY(-r uv SCHICX WILLIAM X., district agt New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., 18 N :311. h 265 Cumberlund Schilling Adalll, bUIber. 50S Market. It do Schillin~ BUI'hara, wid NidlOlas, It 922 N 6th Schilling John J . lawr!!r, h 19 N 15th Schillingel' John E.. r.m~man. h 1924 Berryhill Schimele Clemens, livery, 419 Verbeke, 1.415 do Schimele Clelllells, .ir.. hostler. II 417 Verbeke Schimele John, mulder, h 1403 William Schindler Augnstus, (heckman P. R. R.. h 1203 Derry Schire Frank, driver, It 241 S 14th Schla~'er Andrtw, (est). grocel', 1002 N 3d Schlayt1' Edward, (Scltlayer& Reed), h 204 Verbeke Schlayel' Elizaheth, wid Anol'Pw, II 413 Bolts Schlayer Emma, laundress, h 203 Verbeke Schlayer Jacob F., sand, 1O{)0 N 3d, La do Schlayer Julia N., ('ashier, 1206 N :3d, h 41:3 Boas Schlayer Lillie, bookkpr. 1002 N 3d, h 413 Boas Schlayer W. Harry, plumber, 9a!) N 3d, h 413 Boas


Binding I:d Printing


Office Stationery and Railroad Supplies.

Book Binding and Printing

For Banks. OffIces. RailNads, Insurance Companies. 'c.


BOl&nd an" Rebound in the But Style .. ud at &fUo .. aWe PrlC6ll.

C::::::--EST A T E


TtlEO. F.
21 South Second St.,



Digitized by

Coog Ie


11111( i210 {EmPloys none bat ftrst-cla.'UI workmea, henceonlY,IINt-clua 1IUft, N. 3d St. work. and lDsaree IL Work done In any part of the Slate,

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory. 441

Schlayer William H., moldel', h 12:l Sayford av Schlayer & Reed, (E, Sehlayel' and G. H. Reed), painters, 214 Verbeke Schlegel John G., h 1123 N Front. Schlegel Lillie, bool(kpr, 412 Market, h 1123 N Front Schlehr Mary, domestic, 14 .N 5th Scblebr William, shoemkr, 214 Verbeke, h 203 do Schlepfer Ulrich, blacksmith. h 1712 Fulton Schlicber Jo~ph, laborer, II 212 Mary's av Schlicher Rosa, charwomall, b 212 Mary'~ !IV Schlick Agnes G., teacher, h 1822 N 6th Schlick France H., RIIleslady, 334 Market, h 1822 N 6th Schlick John P., ('abinetmkr, 1822 N 6th, h do Schlick Katie c., drcssmkr, h 1X22 N 6th Schlick Philip, lllborer, h 1822 N 6th Schlick Rose E., drf'l!8mkr, h 1822 N 6th Schlitzer Benjamin, lllhorel', b 57:3 S Front Schlosser Emmll J., domel'lti(', 22:3 Pille Scblosser .John W" h 1225 N :3<1 Schmid Lena, salesilldy, 215 Markt't, b 607 Race Schmidt Bernard, baker, J 919 Derry, h do Schmidt Cha~. W., tailor Lunatic HO,Jpital, h 1112 James av Schmidt Chril4tina E., wid John, -h 209 Che~tnut Schmidt Clara M., b()()kkpr, a40 Chestnut, h 209 do Schmidt .F'rederil..!k R., elk Central 11'011 W (Irks, h 569 Ruce Schmidt Henry 0., boilermkr. h 569 Race Schmidt Jacol;, laborer, b ~a9 North Schmidt James H. E ., laborer, h 122 Charles av Schmidt John, laborer, h 607 Race Schmidt John, jr., laborer, h 607 Race Schmidt John, painter, h 624 Walnut SCHMIDT JOSEPH, florist, 44 N ad, h 222 Forster (see adv) Schmidt Pauline M., h 222 Forster Schmidt, see also Smith


44 North Third Street.


Floral Decorations and Designs.

CUT FLOWERS A SPECIALTV. Bouqncts, Basket. CI'O!OIIe!!. crowDa, PillOWS, &C . . for Weddlul!>I. ltt!cepUona, Commencementtll &c, Any thlna In my line promptly furnllhed or maae to order. W'Satiafactlun gll&l'&llteed,

Digitized by

Coog Ie

" To find a name you must know how to sPBll it." 442 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Scbmieclel Henry E., labOl"er, h 1837 Rudy Schmiedel Paul E., salesman, 439 Market, h 1837 Rudy Schmiedel William, laborer, h 443 Boyd a\" Schmink Henry, tailor, 225 N River av, h do Scbmink Mary, domestic, 225 N River av Schnepp Frederick, baker, h 1129 N 7th Scbnyder James W., brakeman, h 427 Harris Schnyder, see also Snyder SCHOBER FREDERICK, chief elk aud genl, h 209 Chestnut Schock Hiram B., law student, 205 Walnnt, h 214 Pine Schock Oliver B., h 517 Walnut Schoener Clarence A., molder, h 24 Linden Schoener Jonas A., foreman, h 24 Linden Schoener William S., machinist, h 24 Linden Scholl Charles G., motOl'man, h 906 S 9th Scholl Jacob S. engineer, h 712 Race Schomberg William M., tailor, 14 Aberdeen av, h do SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, J. Calvin Shumberger, 15 S 2d tsee adv back cnver) Schooley William G., (Keystone Bottling Wks), h 107 N 2d Schory John R., gardener, h 23d ab Derry Schrader Mary, seamstress, h 1217 N 7th Schray Frederick, labOl'er, h 310 Cherryav Schreadley Cbristian, h 506 Colder Schreadley Solomon T., engineer, h 4201 Reily Schreck August, laborer, b 1122 S Cameron Schreck Christiann, d()mestiC', 209 Locllst Schreck Frank, fireman, h 1635 N 4th Schreck Frederick, laborer, h 1122 S Cameron Schreck Herman, filer, h 1118 S Cameron Sc,hreck Jacob, carpenter, h 1635 N 4th Schreck .John, stone mason, h 1635 N 4th Schreck John,jr., laborer, h 1635 N 4th Schreck Lisette M., domestic, 1327 S Cameron Schreckengust Mary, wid John, h 1314 James Schreckengust Samuel W., switchman, h 123 Balm Schre1Ber Mary, shirtmkr, h 1435 Shoop Schre1Ber Tires, tanner, h 1435 Shoop Schreiner Blanchard T., elk, h 1331 N 2d Schreiner Carrie N., weaver, h 1331 N 2d Schreiner Harry J., laborer, h 1331 N 2d Schreiner Harry S., printer Patriot, h 1331 N 2d Schreiner Ira L., engineer, h 212 Cumberland SchrekeDgaust Samuel W., brakeman, b 123 Balm Schriver Charles C., (Schriver & Kibler), h 232 Forster Schriver Cornelius, toll keeper, h 607 Forster Schriver Kate, wid Martin, h 607 Forster

Digitized by


';,~\~~:~;~:;~ 1011 PUDer and WIndOW Shooes lrom A. B. TA K, w,1::~t. C Boyd's Harrisburg (8) Cit"y Directory. 443 SChriver Samuel, treas W. O. Hickok M.fg. Co., h 434 Boas
Schriver William H., express messenger,.h 260 Colder

SCJDUVER " XmLER, (Chal'lt>s C. Schriver and Calvin

M. Kibler), Excelsior C(lpyin~ Hoube, 718 N 7th Schroff Alice, dressmkr, h 622 Walnut Schroff Elizabeth Mrs., h 622 Walnut Schroff William, meAA~nger, h 622 W nlnut Schroll Elias K., carpelltel', h 181 Paxton Schrom Marion, hostler, h 235 Blackberry av Schubauer Catharine, wid John, h 228 South Schubauer Rachel, domestic, 419 N 2d Schubauer Sophia, domestic, 202 State Schuddemage Henry, h Front c Peftt>r Schuelthies Mary J., tailorestJ, h 927 N 6th Schultz, see Shultz SCHUTZENBACH ANDREW, Ridge Avenue Hotel, 1232 N 6th, h do Schutzeubach Augustus A., elk, 416 Verbeke, b 318 do Schutzenbach Hugo, boots, 318 Verbeke, h do Schutzenbach Hugo, jr., IiqUOrR, 416 Verbeke, it 318 do Scbutzeubach Theresa, elk, 318 Verbekt>, h do Schutzeubach, see also Shutzenbach Schwartz, see Swartz '

NA~~~~ ~~~:~Tbe:):iE FOOT WEAR 01 FRANK lAmaS', wo':Jito

Schwarz J. Gmnt, (Witman, Schwarz & Vo.), h 513 N 2d Schwarz John, l'hoemkr, 206 Cherry av, h do Schwarz John H., shoemkr, 30 S 2d, h 104 Balm Schwarz William, sboemkr, h 206 Cherry aV SCBWEIGART SAJrI1JEL ., patent medicine, 1331 Bartine av, h do Schweitzer Catharine, wid Christian, h 315 Cumberland Schweitzer Christian F., electrotyper, h 3] 7 Cumberland Schweitzer ~:lizabeth G., ruler, h 315 Cumberland Schweitzer Frederick, h 569 Race Schweitzer John F., ball player. h 315 Cumberland Schweitzer Rose, milliner, 334 Market, h 569 Ra<.'C Schweitzer, see also Sweitzer Scott Anna E., wid William P., h 427 South av SCott Arthur, laborer, h 1124 Cumberland Scott Charles, dental student, h 714 N 7th Scott Charles Eo, waiter, h 119 Mulberry Scott Elizaheth, h 25 S 4th Scott Ella, vamper, h 709 N 3d &'Ott Francis, luhorer, h 132 Balm Scott Ji'redeloil'k, finisher, h 25 S 4th Scott GeOlJ,Ce M., caller, h 13071 Wallare Scott Gllrllon R., fi,reman CIIIl, h 1104 Wallace

Digitized by


Liver and 7d " MeN ElL'S D,lpepe'a, Blood Purlfylnlr Pille Cure Jill 1 011 01. Blood and 1tIclJiey Compl&lnta. t


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Scott Harry C., elec.~triciall, h 1011 Market Scott Henry, laborer, h 1428 Marion Scott Howard D" elevator boy, h 552 Primrose av Scott James P., ,'eal estate, h 14lO Market Scott John A., labot'er, II 1124 Curube..Jand Scott John H., repairsruan, h 13071 Wallace Scott John P., teacher, h 605 South Scott Johu R., lahorel', h 927 Rose av Scott Joseph, fruit, 1028 Markt!t, h 59 N 10th Scott Lydia Mrso, h 1326 Market &:ott Margaretta, domestic, 2:lU North Scott Margaretta M 0, h 25 S 4th Scott Martha R., h 605 South Scott Mary, penmkr, b 656 Cumbt'rland Scott Mary Ann, wid George WoE., h 1404 Fulton Scott Michael, bt'akeman, h 13071 Wallace Scott NervoD Ho, salesman, h 1410 Market Scott Owen, helper, h 59 N 10th Scott Rebecca, housekeeper, 927 Rose av Scott Rebeotoa, wid Georgt', h 605 South Scott Samuel, laborer, b 427 South av Scott Samuel So, bootblack, h 1326 Margaret Scott Thomas, laborer, h 927 ROlle UV Scott Van, agt, b 27 S 4th Scott Walter, laborer, h 1608 Elm Scout Charles Wo, agt, b 1a25 William Scovern Ann, wid John, h 121 Cumberland Scovern Anna Go, elk, 120l N ad, h ] 21 Cumberland Scrivener Elizabeth, wid Richani, h 1208 Apple av Scull Harriet, h 1307 Green Scull William, helper, h 257 Sayford flV Scully John Do, carriagemkr, h 709 Green Seabold Edward Do, apprentiCt', h 204 S 2d Seabold Samnel, shoes, 204 S 2\1, h do Seager Dennis, laborer, h 412 S River av Seager Sophia, wid George. h 620 Boas Seal Charles Wo, clk R. Mo So, h 654 Boas Seal John B., hostler, h 615 BUDd Seaman Eustace Ao, I:llndU(~tCII', II 55 Balm Seaman Henry Go, painter, h 55 &11m Seaman Mary Eo, typewI'iter, h 55 Balm Search Nioolas, laborer, h 321 Grllnitt! av SearfauRS John, horst-shoer, 10th ab Market, h 60 N 14th Searle Charles, hookbiJldel', h 2:36 S lath Sears Frederick Do, llister, It 418 Hamilton Sears Harry Ao, insurance, It 418 Hamilton Seasholtz Mary Co, domestic, 214 N ad Sebastiani Jo:reph, bartender, Market c 11th, h do

Digitized by


A. B. TACK .;':''''''':,''01 FlllCllag ' 11, 8111.1111 II PI~I TIlls. Ht'~~t~:

Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory. '-41S Sebold Bros., (H. O. ond G. W.), stoves, &0., 1307 N 3d
Sebold George W., (Sebold Bros.), h at Frackville Sebold Harry 0., (Sebold Bros.), h 1307 N 3d .Sebolt Daniel W., brakeman, h 1952 N 7th Sebourn Charles W., caller, h 1430 ~ 3d Sebourn Harry B., repairsman, h 609 Colder .Sebourn Jacob H., grocer, 827 Green, h 226 Forster Sebourn Maggie, saleslady, 1201 N 3d, h 609 Colder .Sebourn Washington C., engineer, h 600 Colder Sechrist GeorgeH., carpentel', h 345 S 14th Seeger A.ugustus F., t'xpressmon, 15 N 3d, hIll 0 Penn .seeger Conrad, carpets, 224 Market. h 200 Verbeke Seeger Johu W., hostler, h 1l10'Penn Seel William E., bookkpr, 330 Market, h 2 S 4th .Sees 'Carrie Mrs., teacher, h 212.Chestnut .Sees David K., molder, h 1117 N Front Sefus Joeeph, laborer, h 1331 Margaret .Segelbanm Charles S., h 120 S 2d ~lbaum Samuel P., drygoods, 318 Market, h 1000 GreeD .8edlert Aunie, domestic, 1000 N 3J Seibert David S., paperhanger, h 1315 Penn Seibert Emma J. Mrs., teacher, h 1004 Green Seihert George A., alshier Adams Express Co., h 1404 Green Seibert Helen A., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1004 Green Seillert Homer G., jeweler, 1221 N 3d, h 1315 Penn .Seibert John M., paperhanger, h 319 Berr .Seibert Mary, wid Adam, h 1414 Marion .Seibert Mary E., dressmkr, h 15th nr reservoir .Seibert Matilda, h 1310 Currant av Seibert W. Frank, printer Independent, h 917 S 19th Seidel George R., clk, h 701 Green Seidel Henry H., 88lesman, h 701 Green Seidel Samuel, barber, h ] 09 Nurth Seiders Christianna P., h 1218 N Front Seider. Ida, dres.qmkr, h 614 Delaware av Seiders Israel, laborer, h 1526 Wallace Seiders Jel'emiah, ftagman, h 614 Delaware av Seiders John I. t brakeman, h 614 Delaware av Seiders Maud, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do .Seiders Rebecx~, wid Michael, h 214 Mlllberry Seiders Samuel F., ins sol, 17 S 2d, h 1261 Walnut Seiders, see also SideI'll, also Zeiders Seidle Caroline C., wid Samnel W., b 109 North .Seidle Samuel W., barller. h 109 North Seif Angeline, h 500 Colder Seif Anthony J., machinist, h 500 Colder Seif Mary, supervisor State Lunatic Hospital, h do Seif Ursula, wid Anthony, h 500 Colder

Digitized by


" To find a name you musl know now 10 spell il." 446 Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Seifert Emanuel, elk, h 320 Reily Seifert Moses K., grocer, 320 Reily, h do Seigler Charles M., laborer, h 1129 Grape av Seigrist Mary M., housekeeper, h 20th c Brookwood Seiler Bertha, saleslady, 34 N :ld, h l00!) N 7th Seiler Clarence E., messenger H. of R., h 215 South Seiler Eliza, wid Daniel W., h 117 South Seiler Frank W., ore sampler, h 117 South Seiler Galen W. Rev., b 232 N 3d Seiler George H., bricklayer, h 1005 N 7th Seiler Jacob F., principal Hbg Academy, h 401'N Front Seiler Lavinia, wid Herman, h 1005 N 7th Seiler Plummer E. W., salesman, 111 N 2d, h 1109 N Front Seiler William E., ore sampler, h 117 South Seiler William R., laborer, h 1217 Fnlton Seiler, see altlO Siler Seiple John H., driver, h 941 N 7th Seiple Simon, conductor, h 640 Walnut Seiple, see also Siple Seitz Daniel S., (Care & Seitz), h 521 Race Seitz David H., machini,.t, h 521 Race Seitz Elizabeth, wid Noah H., h 521 Race Seitz Harry G., mAchinist, h 1214 N Front Seitz John L., phY8iciaD,820 N 6th, h do Seitz Joseph, IabOl'er, b 1410 James av Seitz Mary, shlle operator, h 1214 :8 Front Seitz Reuben J., engineer, h 61:3 Harris Seitzinger Frank W., butcher, b 400 Boas Selheiruer Guy, fireman, h 612 Cumberland Selin Charlotte, wid Jacob, h 1858 Walnut Selin Harry A., ins. agt, h 263 Sassafras av Sellers Annie E., wid John H., h 1010 Cowden Sl'llers Bail F., engineer, h 507l Muench Sellers Caroline, milliner, h 1010 Cowden Sellers Carrie, h 616 Colder Sellers Cbal')es \V., engineer, h 16:l:1 N 4th Sellers Clarenee E., carpentt.'r, h 1921 N 4th Sellers David G., engineer, h 509 Muench Sellers David H., motorman, h 4:36 Hamilton Sellers Elmer, engineer, h VHOl N 5th Sellers Frank, bl'3keman, h 1912 N 7th Sellers GeOl'ge L., cal'pentf'r, h 1921 N 4th Sellers Henry, labort.'r, h 1515! N 5th Sellers Irvin S., labor'cr, h 436 Hamilton Sellers Jacob, h 218 S River IIV Sellel's .James B., helper, h 1711 N 41h Sellers John R., butcher, h 130 Imlilln av

Digitized by


A. B. TACK =t':::::n~ lall Piper .~ III~"
Boyd's Harrisburg (S)

Shull {12m ~u~ City Directory. 44'1

&llers Jonas,.engineer, h 616 Colder Sellers Julia A., wid Amos A" b 436 Hamilton Sellers Nancy, wid Solomun, h 561 Race Sellel'S RanllOm, laborer, II ~ Cottage Row Sellers T. HenrY1 yndftatter, h 11 19 N Front Sellers William G., brakeman, b 523 Kelker Sellers William H., driver, h 1:30 Indian av Sellers William L., conductor, b 506 Reily Sellers William W., brakeman, h 1010 Cowdeu Seltzer Peter E., carpenter, h 1204 N 6th . Selvey Isaac, laborer, h 1421 Marion Sener B. Frank, elk, Herr c Plum av, h Hershey House Senior Albert H., conductor, h 603 Dauphin av Senior William S., brakeman, h 944 Commerce Senseman Alfred J., drygoods, 1206 N 3d, h 266 Forster SDSEIlAN GEORGE A., pianos. organs and sewing machines, 1304 Market, h 1257 Walnut (see adv) Senseman William, engineer, h 1206 Derry Senseman William K., <'8rpenter, h 1108 Mark.t Senseney Charles L., agt, h 332 Chestnut Sensenig Isaac B., pbysicinnJ321 Verbeke, h 1206 Bartine av Sentz Alvill, puller, h 48 Linden Sentz Catharine E.. domestic, 9 S 2d

;-~o~::~::!~ FOOTWEAR go 10 WALTERS', N.3~O~_ Sentz Laura, domestic, 1925 N 6th Sentz Emma J., wid Augnst, h 1908 Elizabeth av Sergeant Eliza E., wid William, b 321 N Front Sergeant Mary,.b 321 N Front Sergeant Sarah H., h 321 N Front SesSemau James, h 1:30 State Settles Nannie. domestic. 237 Boas SEUBERT FRANCIS C. Rev., pastor St. Lawrence Catbolic Church, hIlI Short Sevems Julilt G., wid Andrew. h 1009 N 2d Sexton Richard, mulder, h 413 State Seymour F..dward F., puddler, h 709 Showers av Seymour George W., puddler, h 1041 S 9th


Pianos, Organs and Sheet Music

Sole Agent fof' the Eas, Running HOUSE HOLD SEW/NO MACHINE. Alao Needles, OIl!!, Parts and Attachments for aU Sewing Machines.

WAREROOM: 1304 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa.

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eW.II', PaID btInDlllalor corea (''holera JlorbU, D)'II8DlerJ. cnmpe, DlMrhc-., Ollde, QuJII81, RbeamatlUD, TOOlbache, Sore Throat, Agu.. ])yapep8ta. All. tltI


48 Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory. Seymour Mary, h 314 Mulberry Seymour Samuel, janitor. h 709 Showers av Seymour Samuel. jr., puddler, b 116 Nagle Seymour Sarah, It 135 Short Seymour Thomas D., puddler, h 513 Race Shade Adam, laburer, h 23d bel Derry Shade Amelia, milliner, It 305 Herr Shade Benjamin C., watchman, h 1215 Wallace Shade Emory E . brakeman, h 5:31 Muench Shade Francis R., laborer, h 407 Reily Shade Jennie E., wid Charlps F., h 27 S 4th Shade John, laborer, h 12:35 Currant av Shade Lillie, laundress, h 407 Reily Shade Susan, domestic, 517 Walnut Shade William, baker, h 3~2 Reily . Shade William H., laborer, h 1111 Cowden Shadel William A., brakeman, It 327 Herr Shader Catharine, wid John. h 13]~ Howard av Shader Frederick G., varnisher, h 259 S Cameron Shader Harry}"., laborer, h 1449 Regina Shader John H., blackllmith, h 405 S 14t.h Shader Leonard, shoe cutter, h 259 S Cameron Shadel' William B., barber, 1268 Market, h 1234 Bailey Shadle William H., tobJicconist, 826 Market, h 504 Cowden Shadow Elizabeth, h 1933i Logan av Shadow Emanuel E., laborer, b .1954 Boas Shadow George M., laborer, h &as c Poplar Shaeffer Charles, boatman, h 1228. N Cameron Shaeffer Cornelius R., h 925 Ash av Shaeffer Edward C., coach trimmer, h 514 South Shaeffer }"anllie, domestic, 217 S Front Shaeffer H. M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, b do . Shaeffer James L;, laborer, h 1~37 Regina Shaefft!r John L., brakeman, h 327 Kelker Shaeffer Kate C., booksewer, h 14:17 Regina Sbaeffer Maggie, dressrukr, h 61] Briggs Shaeffer Rettie, ~wer, h rear 1220 Market Shaeffer Samuel E., patternmkr. h ]] 13 Capital Sbaeffer Sarah C., tailuTeSH, h 925 AHh av Shaeffer William F., puddler, h 1520 N 6th Shaffer Annie M., wid Henry, h 1017 S 9th Shaffer Augustus F., ellgineer, It 19i ab Derry Shaffer Charles A., hostler, h 350 Verbeke Sbaffer Charles E., printer, b 1106 Wallace Shaffer Charles H., laborer, h rear 209 Verbeke SHAFFER CLINTON E., wheelwright, 6 N Cameron, h 1232 Derrv Shaffer David, brakeman, h 1~35 N 6th

'Digitized by


IIII} Shad oomplew. beet and low..' price&. for 86 eta. 7210 l B. T Wall Paper. Thewith FIxtures and-p'rlnp, Window { N.3tI bt. 11\1
Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 449
Shaft'er Edward, brakeman, h 1807 N 5th Shaft'er Effie A., saleslady, 406 Market, h 1232 Derry Shaffer Elizabeth N., wid Samuel, h IOj 9 Green Shaffer Frederick J., driver, h Herr al> 19th Shaffer George B., laborer, h Rudy c 20th Shaffer George E., (Charles A. Fortull & Co.), printer, h 107 Evergreen . Shaffel' Harry, laborer, h Deny c 19th Shaff~r 1. Augnstus, jl'" ('Ik, 2d 0 Locllst, h 230 N 2d Shaft'!:!r Inez C., saleslady, 3:34 Mal'ket, h 12:32 Del'ry Shaffer lsaHo N., drivE'r, h 925201 Shaff!:!r James H., rolJer, h 522 Race Shaft'er Jared, labol'er, h 19i lib Brookwood Shaffer J!:!Dnie, dODletitic, 17 Cow(len Shaft'er Jeremiah, tanner, h 14 S Dewherry av Shaffer Jofm H., condu('tor, h 1017 S 211 Shaffer Juhn H., lahorer, h 21i ab Derry Shaffer John J., shoemkr, h Deny c 19th Shaft'er .John R., labol'f'r, h 19th ab Del'ry Shaffer Katie, casemkr, h 14:n Regina Shaffel' (~~ lia A., h 12:l2 Derry Shaft'er Maggie, domestic The Comm('rcial Shaffer Michael J., laborer, b 925 S 201 Shaffer Rose, dumeKtic, 142:l Shoop Shaffer Samuel, waiter, h 515 Primrrn;e I1V Shaffer Sigmund, labol'('r, h 522 Race Shaft'er Warrell, stone mHHCID, h 1925 N 4th Shaffer William, brakemHn, h 7th ah Maclay Shaffer WilJil1lll, C'8rpenter, h 642 Woodbine Shaft'er William, laborE'r, It 191 ab Brookwood Shaffer William H., II DPrry 0 19th SIIafft!r Willillm H., lahorer, h Herr ah 19th Shaff!:!r William H., pCllildlt'r, h 1316 Fulton Shaff.. r Willilim H., woll poper, :J N 2d, h 1325 Vernon Shaffer William H. A" phot!) printer, 34 N 3d, h 1121 N Front Shaffer William M., driver, h Green,\,()()() nr 211 Shaffer William S .. pup~rhalJgt'r~ h 1:l25 Y ('rnon Shaffer, see alllli Scbllt'if!:!r, alslI Sch.-fier Shaffne .. Clyde B., druggist, h 1110 Green Shaffner Edwin 0., dry~nlldl', 317 V ('rbeke, b 916 N 3d Shaffner Emma P., elk, h 81J~nehanl1a nr Verbeke Shaffner Frank W., .Ik, h 1110 Oreen Shaffner Gertrude, salt'Rlllliy, h 1110 Green Shaffner Henry C., re-shuper. h 415 Herr Shaffner I!iIlao .1., laburer. h 1712 Briggs Shaffn('r JacoL, ins. lIolicitol', 17 S 2d, b 224 Herr Shaffner Jacob 0., butcher, h 1724 Logan av

Digitized by


" To.Jind a name yore must Ie"ow how to spell it." 450 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Jeuuie, dOIllf'!'tic B ...I1,\'ne Grapery Johu M., ~nK.'tl', I~OO N /jth. h 5th c SenC<'8 Kossuth, h Susquehanna nr V t'rheke Margaret M., wid Gllb"iel, h 401 HeT" R. Frank, t!ten()~rapher, 29 N 2c1, h 14:32 N 6th SHAFFNER ItARY C., hat bleacher, 401 Herr, h do (see adv) Shaffner Willh,m A., carpenter, h :~Ol Clillton av Shaffner Wnliam H., meat market: 509 Reily, h 1432 N 6tb Shaffner, see also Sdlaffner Shaler Charles, reporter Telc'gl'alll, h Hlltel Columbus Shambaugh Charles J. E., 11"i ve,, h 415 Kelker Shambaugh Samuel, flagman. I, 1534 WalJa('e Shambaugh Samuel G., labore,', h 15:H Wallace Shamberger Charles H., blackllmith, h 41 ~ Bulm Shammo Calder B., railroader, h 505 State Shammo Christian A., clk, 308 Market, h 1006 N 2d Shammo Clara, dOIDEl8tic, 13 S Front Shammo Luther C., meat market, 5Q5 State, h do Shamp Silas A., laborer. h 645 Colder Shamp William P., foreman. h 1801 Berryhill Shane Mary Mrs., truck, 1414 Margllret. h do Shaneor Evans B., (G. W. Shanellr & Son), h 4:n Vel'beke Shaneor George W., (G. W. Shan(Or & SlIn). h Middletown Shaneur G. W. & SIIII, (E. B.), wall paper, 431 Verbeke Shaller Jacob V., Llacksmith, It 1008 Cowden Shaner Jefferson D., bartender, 501 State, h do Shaner John, helpl'r, h 1008 Cllwden Shaner Robert S., pipe fitter, h 1008 Cowden Shaner Theodore, laborer, h 1258 Juniper Shaner Theorlore,jr., repairer, h 221 N 2d Shaner, see also Schoener Shank George, engineer, h 1533 N 4th SHANK HARRY I., pianos and organs, 1125 N 3d, h 273 Herr Shank Milton S., brakeman, II 7th c Maclay Shank Samuel S., fireman, h 1.510 N 4th Shanklin John, bricklayer, h 309 H~rr \ ---------Shaffner Shaffner Shaffner Shaffner Shaffner


Co,.. He,.,. and Capital Sis., Ha,.,.is6urg, Pa.
Digitized by


A. B. TACK, lallPaperandWindowShades. {72~:~o!;,R2r:t~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
451 Shanklin J(lhn, jl., bricklay'r, It :~09 Hprr Shanklin Marion, elk, 202 Market, h 7]0 CHpital Shanklin Sadie, h 710 Capital Shanpahan Dt!llnis, laborer, h 1001 Cowden Shannahan ,Jeremiah, lahorer, h 1001 Cowden Shaonahan Philip, laborer, h 1001 Cowden Shannessy Harry, trimmer, h 207 Briggs Shannessy Nalwy B., wid Johll G., h 1212 Christian Shannon Filmore ,J., machinist, h 1061 S 9th Shannon Joseph, laborer, h rear 1829 N 7th Shannon Laura, wic! James, h 400 Filbert Shantz Augustus G .. (Williams & Shantz), h 1140 Market Sharon Laura E., (~ook, 418 Market Sharp AI~rt R., <'Ilhinetmkr, 605 Forster, It- do Sharp Albert R., helper, h 923 N 3d Sharp Amanda, wid Joel K., h 1504 Howard av Sharp Annie E., h 1504 Howard av Sharp Charles B., driver, h 614 Church Sharp D. Bertram, driver, h 605 Forster Sharp Elizabeth G., wid Samuel W., h 15 S Front Sharp G. Frank, heater, h 556 Race Sharp George F., grocer, 321 Boas, h 605 Forster Sharp Harry G., heater, h 1538 Wallace Sharp James H., I'Oller, h 306 Colder Sharp J. Bird, h 11011 N 2ci Sharp John R., wiper, h 1116 Plum av Sharp John S., laborer, h 1504 Howard av Sharp William H., steam fitter, h 134 S 3d Sharpe Chal'les, elk, h 2026 N 6th Sharpf Augustus ho, tobacconist, 1301 N 6th, h 1314 do Sbartle Annie E., shoe operator, h 341 Strawberry av Shartle Jacob M., harnessmkr, h 341 Strawberry av Shartzer Adam B., foreman, 716 State, h 1349 Vernon Shartzer John A., carpenter, h 1211 Green Shartzer John 0., molder, h 1836 Walnut Shartzer Lizzie, h 1211 Green Shartzer Mlu'y, wid Isaac, h 1351 Vernon Shatto Benjamin F., transfer driver, h 122 Strawberry av Shatto Eugene B., telegrapher P. R. R., h 433 Hamilton Shatto George, conductor, h 500 Reily Shatto H. Brand, telegrapher P. R. R. depot Shatto Irvin A., fireman, h 1638 N 6th Shatto Solomon F., train dispatcher Pa. R. R., h 1221 Derry Shattu<.'k Sylvanus D., shoe agt, h 323 Chestnut Shaub Albert A., 100m fixer, b 1228 N Front Shaub George H., miller, h 613 Showers av

FRANK M. WALTERS, l}~~:~~.~: FOOTWEAR, 1f.7:J~

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Icleil's Pain Exterminator .:A~:D!o:a~~ =~':led~~D!t. {7 7Trl.JJ).,.


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

Shaub J. ElIswOI,th, mgr, ;J26 Market, ia 24 N 5th Shaull Joseph, blacksmith, h 6U5 N Cameron Shaub William M., brakeman, h 1713! N 3d Shauer Horace, laborer, h 27 Lnehiel 211 Row Shaum George, laborer; h 9th nr Stllte Shaver Charles N" conductor, h 668 .Boas ShaW' Joseph S., laborer, h 1403 Marion Shaw Riciaarll, enneer, h 507 South av Shay Cyru!l G., Illborer, h 37 Lochiel 4th Row SHEA-FER HENRY J., fire insurance agent, 32 N 3d, h 132 State Sheafer Wood K., insurance, 32 N 3d, h 132 State Sheaffer Albert N" fireman, h 1639 N 6th Sheaffer Charles .E" carpenter, h 517 Cowden Sheaffer David C., ('arpenter, h 517 Cowden Sheaffer Elmer E., laborer, h 435 SlOth Sheafft'r George C., bartender, :300 Verbeke, h 1733 N 5th Sheaffer George \V., laborer, h 1729 N 5th Sheaffer Hllrry H., car inspector, h 506 Woodbine Sheaffet Harry P., laburer, h 517 Cowden Sheaffer Jacob, elk, It 517 Cowden Sheaffer Jennie M., domestic, 1301 N 3d Sheaffer John B., jllnitor, h 1069 89th Sheaffer John F., carpenter, h Kl'lker c Cameron Sht'affer J oh n N., hrakeman, h 1117 Colder Sheaffer Joseph W., fireman, h 510 SlOth Sheaffer Mary E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sheaffer Michael 0., laborer, h 510 S IIIth Sheaffer Minnie E., stenographer, 227 Walnut, h 300 Reily Sheaffer Philip L., driver, h 412'Strawberry av Sheaffer Susan, wid .Jacob, h 512 N 2d Sheaffer Theodore, laborer, h 512 N 2d Sheaffer Wendel, laborer, h Kl'lker c Cameron Sheaffer William B., engineer, h 510 SlOth Sheaffer William F., brakeman, h 1903 N 7th Sheaffer, see also Schaeffer, also Shaffer Sheahan Anne B., seamlitress, h 259 Herr Sheahan Elizabeth, typewriter ex. dept, Capitol, h 259 Herr Sheahan Elizabeth, wid Malachi, h 259 Herr Sheard Hannah, domestic, 212 Pine Shearer Abraham, carpenter, h Kelker c Cameron Shearel' Amelia, wid John W., h 5!j Balm Shearer Aquilla B., marble cutter, h 1325 Green Shearer C. Harry, student, h 121 Market Shl'arer Christian C., huckster, h Cameron bel Herr Shearer Emma S, Mrs., baskets, &c., 121 Market, h do Shearer Harry W., baggage transfer, h 1308 Vernon Shearer JohtJ G., laborer, h 1727 N 7th

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Finelrt Wall Paper. {D..!=~C8~fct.IJY~~}I2IOil3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory. 453
Shearer Joseph, h 2:34 S 211 Shearer.. Joseph G., helper, h 14 Chel"opellke a\' Shearer Joseph L., gents' furnishel', 204 Market, h 18 N 4tll Shearer Julia A., wid A braham, II ] 468 Regina Shearer Peter D., baskellUkr, 121 Market, h do Shl?arE'r Rebecc..'B, wid Jacob, II 518 Huntet' Shearer Sadie, corder, II 15th nr reservoir Shearer SamU1'1 B., broommkr, 2:3-1 S 2d, h do Shearer Samuel G., machinist, h 18 N 4th Shearer William C., lIIotol'IIUlII, h 1909 N :3d Sheart'r William T., laborer, h 717 Cowden Shearer Willis, painter, b 1856 Waluut Sheasley Abraham, <-'BI'peuter, h 610 State Sheasley George W., flagman, h 1909 N 7th Sheck Eli M., laborer, h 1527 N 5th Sheck John M" painter, b 1527 N 5th Sheehey Daniel, puddler, h 1088 S 9th Sheehey George A., puddler, h 122 Hanna Sbeehey Michael, puddler, h 121 Mulberry Sheele Magdalene Mrs., h 46 S Court ftV Sheelhamer, SE'e Shellhamer Sheesley Amelia M" h 1001 S 9th Sheesley Edward J., bartender, 1308 N 7th, d do Sheesley George L., elk, Hemlock bel 9th, h 909 S 9th Sheesley Harry F., grocer, 901 S 9th, h do Sheesley Hiram, car inspectur, h 631. Kelker Sheesley John B., butcher, h 915 N 3d Sheesley Kate J., h 100] S 9th Sheesley KatE' Mrs., d~essmkr, h 622 Muench Sheesley Mary E., h 1001 S 9th Sheesley Sallie, wid Daniel, h 909 S 9th Sheesley Samuel, machinist, h 617 Race Sheesley Susftn, wid John, h 41 S 13th SHEESLEY WILLIAM, coal and wood, Hemlock Dr 9th, h 1001 S 9th Sheesley William D., machinist, h 901 S 9th Sheets Isaac, (.'Brpenter, h 31 S 13th Sheets Joseph, foreman, h 1321 Fulton Sheets Li n, watch man, h 1138 .J onestown rd Sheets Samuel, h 267 Sassafl'as av Sheets Samuel M" molder, h l1a4 Jonestown rd Sheets Thomas, lahoreI', h 11 0 South Sheetz Benjamin C., brakeman, h 1810 Wood av Sheetz Edwin J" carpenter, h 31 S 13th Sheetz .Joseph, engineel', h 330 Strawberry av Sheffer Eliza J., wid Emanuel, h 1533 N 5th Sheffield James \V" bartender, 400 Forster, h 14041 James av Sheibley Jacob E., salesman, h 310 North

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" To find a name you 11lUS! know how to spell z"t." 454 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Sheibly Harry M., brakemlln, h 1115 Grape av Shein Max, grocer, 1327 Maple av, h do Sheldon J t'llnie, wid Eli, h 1274 State Sheldon Lalll'a A., weaver, h 1274 State Sheldon :\Iurry. laborer, II 1229 N 111 Sheldon Sarah A" wid .John, h 1314 Marion Shell Catharine C., dome!'tic, 9 S Front She\l"Clayton, boilermk .., h 908 S 201 Shell Harry B .. mason, h 908 S 20! Shell John. boilerlllkr, II 906 S 20l Shell, see also SehelI SlIellenbergel' Augnstus R., h 212 N 3d Shellenberger Edwin D., mal, &c., J 8 N 3d, h The Commonwealth SHELLENBERGER HENRY H" sheriff, Court House, h at Middletown Shellenberger Jeremiah, helper, h 1618 N 6th Shellenbel'ger Leah C., dressmkt-, h 8 N 5th Shellenberger Peter, shoemkt-, 25 N Dewberry av, h do Shellenberger Wilhelmina N., wid Henry, h 1944 Kensington Shellenberger William G., candymkr, h 1618 N 6th Shellenberger, see also SchelIenbel'ger , ShelIey Elwood H.., drug elk, 1255 Derry, h 1240 Market Shelley Harry C., laborer, h ] 942 Kensington Shellhammpr Emma M., II 3 N 4th Shellheimer John F., laborer, h 53 N Summit Shellheimer Thomas F., laborer, h 53"N Summit Shelly Addie, laundress, hIlI Colder Shelly Christian \V., (C. W. Shelly & Son), h 111 Colder Shelly C. W. & Son, (E. Ray),cigarmkrs, 201 Verbeke Shelly Daniel W., cJk P.O., h 226 Peffer Shelly David M., police P. R. R. depot, h 1541 N 6th Shelly E. Ray, (C. W. Shelly & Son), h 111 Colder Shelly Isaac F., flagman, h 608 Dauphin av Shelly Irwin B., car inspector, h 303 Crescent SheHy John M., trav salesman, 22 N 3d, h 125 North Shelly Lizzie S., elk, 320 Market, h 1116 Wallace Shelly Oliver W., cigar mfr, 911 Grand, h 303 Crescent Sbelly Samuel M., salesman, 27 S 13th, b 303 Crescent Sbelly W. Howard, shipping elk, h 303 Crescent Shenk Howard H., books, &c., 1127 N 3d, h 134 S 2d Shenoffen John, bottler, h 611 Cumberland 8henoff'en Peter, h 1108 N Front Shephard Richard T., engineer, h'1504 N 6th Sbepler Alice A., h 143 N 4th Shepler Catharine E., wid Elias, h 239 State Shepler Samuel J., mail agt, h 121 Washingto:1

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, ProCIICOI Paper Hanger,
Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 455
.Shepley Edward B., carpenter, h 19i ab Derry Shepley John F., fireman, h.1237 N 7th Sheppard Joseph, pudcH!!r, h ]074 S 9th Sherbocker John 'V':', jr., laborer, h 1~ Lochiel1st Row .Sberger Agnes, h 120 Short ShergerJohn, laborer, h 120 Short Sherger John A., elk, 33:3 S Front, h 120 Short Sherger Kate l\-It-Il., dressmkr, 120 Short, h do Sheridan Mary Mr!!., groc:er, 324 Hamilton, h 322 do Sheridan Richard, laborer, h 324 Hamilton Sherk Elizllbeth, wid Michael, h 252 NUl'th Sh~rk Gal!!n A., motorman, h 1246 Walnut Sherk HUI-ry, bricklayer, h 200 S 3d Sherk Kate Mrs., h 1422 Penn Sherk Mary, wid Jacob, h 1422 Penn Sherloch Grace, housekeeper, h 1251 Kittatinny Sherlock David G., molder, b 1308 N 6th Sherlock Maria, wid Samnel, h 1214 Cowden .Shelman Norman. tinner, h 317 S Front Shertzer George E., carpenter, h ] 255 Bailey Shertzer William H., tobacconist, 519 Race, b do Shetron W. Henry, elk, 326 Market, b 1258 do Shettel Ida Mrs., pickE'r, II 1703 N 5th

~~~:::L;a'::~~;?J~~~l~ FOOTWEAR OIlaJters', 1012 Shettel .Jllcoh B., carpelltt~I. h 170a N 5th

I. 3d 81.

Shibley .Jacoh E, agrl implts, 625 Walnut, h 310 North Shettel Mary, wid Philip S., h 1321 Marion .shetter Marlatt A., grocer, 1049 S 9th, h 1054 do Shetter William N., elk, 1049 S 9th, h 1054 do Shibley John E., brakeman, h 1816 N 5th .Shields .James D., patent medicine, 211 S 2<1, h do Shields Martha, JllundreAs, 11 120 Tanner's av Shimer Eliza, 11 260 North Shiftier John, elk, h 260 North Shiffler Mary, b 260 North Shiftier William, laborer, h 260 North Shillenn George L., ins. agt, h 124 Mulberry Sbillenn Jennie, clk, 716 State, It 124 Mulberry Shillenn Thomas T., ('sbinetmkr, h 124 Mulberry ShilleDD William F., baker, h 124 Mulberry Shilling Barbara, wid Nicholas, h 922 N 6th Shillillg John E., brakeman, h 645 Dauphin av Shilp Charles J., brakeman, h 1421 Margaret Shimmell Louis S., editor, 315 Market, h 305 Crescent .SHINDLER GEORGE F., elk, h 1391 S 3d .Shindler Louis B., engineer, It 12:3 Conoy .shinglel Charles L., flagman, h 2124 Moore

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lice McN eil's Medicine Co. {&~~~} N~\d.


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

Shipe'Margaret L., salt'slady, 334 MIlI'ket, h 215 N 2d Shipley George W., (Shipley & Culp), h 1065 S 9th Shipley George \V., jr., screwsman, h 1065 S 9th Shiplt'y Joseph B., laborer, h 129 Vine Shipley Lewis E., laborer, h 1017 Hemlock Shipley Louis H., laborer, h 1017 Hemlock Shipley Robert W., laborer, h 1017 Hemlock Shipley Rosa, h 1065 S 9th Shipley Sadie E., wid William H .. h 818 S Cameron Shipley Walter' E., ht'lper, h 1017 Heomlock Shipley & Culp, (G. W. Shipley and G. A. Culp), bakers, 1067 S 9th Shipp Irvin N., motorman, h 102 Balm Shipp '.John l-1., painter, h 102 Balm Shipp :Maggie :Ml's., luilor'!IS, h 1O~ Balm Shipp Mary A., wid Jacob 1\1., h 102 Billm Shireman Clal'8 S., teacher, h 24 N 5th Shireman Daniel \V., blacksmith, h 1310 Vernon Shireman Edward L., machinist, h 1468 Regina Shireman Mary C., prf'1IS feeder, h 24 N 5th Shireman Rosa, wid John, h 24 N 5th Shireman Samuel, furniture, 1333~ I"uIton, h do SHIB.EIlAN WILLIAlII, county com'sr, Court House, h at Middletown Shirey Almer E., printer, h 404 Market Shirk Amos, teacher, h 641 Dauphin av Shirk Eugene. elk, 38 N 3d, h 110 Boyd av Shil'k Harry A., salesman, 334 Market, h 103 N 13th Shirk Ida H., laundress, h 310 Boyd av Shirk John, clk, 38 N 3d, h 110 Boyd av Shirk Lucius J., clk, h 310 Boyd av Shirk Sarepta B., wid Jacob P., h :Uo Boyd av Shirk William, laborer, h 945 N 7th Shirk William H., laborer, h 810 Boyd av Shirley John N. Rev . h 1426 Margaret Shiro Lizzie, domestic The Centl'tll Shisler Albert H., COl:lchmkr, PIimrose av nr 7th, h 1215 Susquehanna Shisler Annie, dressmkr, h 214 Herr Shisler Ellen, wid Josephus, h 216 Forster Shisler .John A., check man P. R. R.. h 1108 Capital Shisler Sllr'ah, domestic, 1310 N 3d Shisler Sarah J., matron Y. :M. C. A., h 114 N 2d Shisler Theodore E., machinist, h 1108 Capital Shissler Edward, motorman, h 332 Hamilton Shive Adolp!'us, laborer., h 835 SlOth Shive Ella P., domestic, 1623 N 6th Shneidwau Isaac, tailor, h 815 West av

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B. llCII /I no

1210 {EmP10)'ll nOlle bnt Ilrst-class workmen. hence only,J1rat-clu8 N. 3d St. work. and Insures h. Work done 10 ally part ot tbe a,ate.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory.


Shneidman Jacob, tailor, 521 ~ 4th, h do Shoaff .Jac.'ob L., flagman, h 333 Kelker Shoap Mamie E., wid TI\IIma~ E., h 219 Reily Shoemaker Charles, h 332! S 21 Shoemakel' Fredet'ick, balher Bulton House, h 913 Peun Shoemaker George J., h 30 N 2d ShoemakE'r Harry \V., elk Hbg BpefCo., h 236 S 13th SHOEIIAKER HOllO, lawyer, 9 N 3d, h do Shoemaker Ira H., div frgt office P. R. R., h 217 N 2d ShoemakE'r lsador. heater, h 1411 S 12th Shoemaker John R., ~ 914 Green Shoemaker Levi, laborE'r, h 2005 Kensington Shoemaker Lewis C., u(lokbindel', h 516 N 2d Shoemaker Mary, wid Samuel K., II J;32~ Thompson Shoemaker Samuel W., ('~rter, h 1629 N 6th Shoemaker, !WE! also Schumaker Shoeman .Edith E., weaver, h 1715 N 4th Shoeman Elmina, wid HiJ'am, h 1715 N 4th Sho('man Hiram L., lab,m'r, h 1715 N 4th Sholly John, cigarmkr, II 417 Strawberry av Shomper Annie, domestic, 719 North Shook Byron, telegrapher P. R. R., b 3 N 4th Shook Charlelf C., laborer, h 469 S Cameron Shook Lewis E., carter, h 469 S Cameron Shook Mar~halI, stretcher, h 424 S Cameron Shook William, carpenter, h 469 S Cameron Shookers Martin B., conductor, h 339 KE!lker Shoop Amos N., repairl!man, h 1914 State Shoop Bernhart J., elk, 1103 Montgomery Shoop Bernhart J., jr., bookbinder,h 1103 Montgomery Shuop Charles M., apprentice, h 1103 Montgomery Shoop Christiana Mrs., hOllsekeeper, Briggs ab 19tb Shoop Christiana, wid Zachariah, h 528 Filbert Shoop Da\id K., warehouseman, h 400 Muench Shoop Durbin C., brakeman, h 1708 N 4th Shoop Edwin H., brakeman, h :335 Hamilton Shoop Elwin H., foreman, h Walnut c ] 4th Shoop Emma A., domestic, 107 Washington Shoop George, h 2001 Mulberry Shoop George W., carpenter, h 518 S Cameron Shoop George W., clk P. R. R. frgt depot, h 218 Forster Shoop George W., jr., h 325 Dauphin av Shoop Harry B., e!asterer, h 16]3 Derry SHOOP HENRY, undertaker, Walnut 0 14th, h do Shoop Henry B . cabinetmkr, h Walnut c 14th 'Shoop John, chair caner, h 1835 Derry Shoop John W., carpenter, h 1;01'1 N 4th Shoop Lilly E., ahoelioer, h 400 Muench

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 458 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Shoop Lizzie, dumestic, 1412 Margaret Shoop Nelson L., collector, 4 S 2d, h 119 Conoy Shoop Samuel M., undertaker, h Walnut c 14th Shoop V. Mabel, saleslady, h 1I0!l Montgomery Sh()op William, laborer, h 1368 Vernon Shoup William E., laburer, h 1508 Wallace Shoop William F., brakeman, h 1220 Cnrrant av Shope Augustus B., tailor, h 131 S 14th Shope Carrie M., vestmkr, h 131 S 14th Shope Cornelius B., elk Crystal Ice Co., h 23 S 13th SHOPE GEORGE F., merchant tailor, 36 S 13th, h 206 do Shope John T., tailor, h 19 S 13th . Shope Norman G., tailor, h 131 S 14th Shope Wesley \V., flagman, h 21 S 13th Shope Wesley W., jr., operator. h 21 S 13th Shope William H., taiIOJ', h 131 S 14th SHOPP JOHN H., lawyer,331 Market, h 802 Green Shupp .John M., brakemau, h 1332 N 7th Shopp Louisa, wid .John, h 802 Green Shopp Mary J., wid William, h 1:3:32 N 7th ShOlb Clara S., taitoress, h 711 N 2d Short Charles R. t helper, h 108 Hanna SHORT ROBERT W., reportt'r Telegram, h at Mechanicsburg Shorts Ida J., dressmkr, h J 6:35 N 3d Shott Martin, heater, h Kelker ur 7th Shotwell Melancthon S., draftsman, h Front c Clinton av Shover Aunie T., shirtmkr, h 940 Commerce Shover Ida, wid Charles, h 438 Muench Shover John E., brakeman, h 940 Commerce Shover Joseph M., yardmaster, h 828 Cowden Shover William B., engineer, h 632 Boas Showalter Catharine. wid Albert. h 1114 N Cameron Shradley Christian H., piler, h 328 Hummel Shreadley Allen E., warehouseman, h 326 S Court BV Shreadley Samuel A., watchman, h 324 S Court av ShreckellgBust Charles T., flagman, h 1132 Wallace Shreffler Annie G., fiBleslady, 326 Market. h 1303 Green Shre1Ber J. Irvin, elk, 325 Verbeke, h 1303 Green Shre1Ber John H., salesman, 326 Market, h 1303 Green Shreioer Adam H., tree trimmer, h 240 S 13th Shreiner Charles 0., h 1438 Regina Shreiner Clara E., elk, 1274 Market, h 240 S 13th Shreiner Cyrus M., bookbinder, h 240 S 13th Shreiner Edwin, painter, h 279 Colder Shreiuer Florence, milliner, 3R N 3d, h 1438 Regina . Shreiuer George A., foreman F. and M. Works, h 2408 13th Shreiner Howard H., plasterer, h.1438 Regina

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Y:b~I~:;:U~IOII POperOOOlllldOlSnOOOS lrom A. B. TACK,N.'::~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 459

Shreiner Jel'ry 1.0, apprenti('(', h 1438 Regina Shreiner Mal'y Ao, teacher, h 13th c Kittatinny Shrenk Ao Hamilton, auctioneer, :J21) Verheke, h 1906 N 6tb Shr08d Andlopw H., engineer, h 13:36 N :3d Shr08d Catharine, wid Amhrose, h ]336 N 3d Shroad Harry, appl'entk't', h l:i36 N 3d Shroupe William, laborer, h 1237 N 7th Shryock Margaret Jo, wid David, h 207 State Shue Samuel R., engineer, h 1015 N 6th Shuey AdalD, carpenter, h 1324 Derry Shuey Addison Wo, laster, h 1937 State Shuey David Ko, carpenter, h rear 1900 Derry Shuey David Wo, laborer, h 1911 North Shuey Edward Lo, mnlder, h .420 Boas Shuey Elizabeth, domestic, 410 N 3d Shuey George, llIachiniRt, h 266 Cumberland Shuey Jennie Mo, dressmkr, h 1324 Derry Shuey John Ho, cigar mfr, Herr ab 20th, h do Shuey John H., laborer, h 1911 North Shuey John Jo, shoe operator, h 2060 Derry Shuey Leah, wid George, h 721 N 6th Shuey 8al'ah J., wid HelJry, h 1911 North Shuey Stanley Go, laborer, b Herr ab 20th
-All the Latest BtyleslnNEUABLE a"d FASHIONABLE


'0'2 N.'Bd 8t.

Shuey William Ro, machinist, h 266 Cumberland Shuff John, car inspector, h 20 N Cameron Shugert Clara, domestic, 121 Locust . Shuler George Wo, driver, h 144 Cranberry av Shuler James Mo, motorman, h 1738 N 3d Shuler Reuben Mo, laborer, h 228 Blackberry av Shull Andrew, engineer, h 625 Kelker Shull Edward So, driver, h 1532l N 4th Shull Samuel C., engineer, h 1543 N 6th Shull William H., engineer, h 522 Colder Shultz Addie Eo, elk, 223 Market, h at Paxtang Shultz AmoR, engineer, h 1617l N 3d Shultz Amos E., mllRician, h 1617! N 3d Shultz Byron E., conductor, h 628 Muench Shultz Daniel A., laborer, h 319 Clinton av Shultz Frank 0., fiuisher, h 29 N 12th Shultz George W., shoe operator, h 1330 Vernon Shultz Harry Wo, shoe operator, h 1330 Vernon Shultz Jacob M., conductor, h 1106 Commerce Shultz James M., apprentice, h 16171 N 3d Shultz James W., justi(!e of the pl'a(.'e, 2060 Derry, h do' Shultz Jane, h 312 Herr Shnltz Jane, wid Martin, h 628 Muench

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Liver and Blood Purlfyln&, 711 VI MoNEIL'S DJlpePllla, Liver. Blood and KidneyPille Cure JIUII W 01. Complalnta. t


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Shultz Leah J., h Herr c James Shultz Ralph E., laborer, h 1:~05 Market Shultz Saranda Mrs., h 1305 Market Shultz William J., laster, h 2060 Derry Shultz, see also Schultz Shumaker Samuel, elk, 326 Market, h 45 N Summit Shumaker S. Walter, mgr, :326 Market, h 1403l Regina I:5human El'IIcst K., firemall, h 40:3 Kelker Shuman Theodore B., brakemall. h 615 Peffer Shuman William G., brakeman, b 1926 Elizabeth av Shuman William H., fireman, h 1932 N 6th 'Shumbarger John F., carpenter, h 17 I 7 N 4th Shumberger Jacob S., laborer, h 1812 Wood av . SHUlIIBERGER J. CALVIN,School of Commerce, 15S 2d, h 402 N 2d (set! adv back cover) Shumberger Simon, carpenter, h 1139 Derry Shumberger WilsVn, laborer, II 1812 Wood av Shumway C. Dwight, physieian, 720 N 6th, h do Shunk Mary E., domeMtic, 621 Race Shupe Aat'on T., (Shupe & Fraim), h 407 Woodbine SHUPE &: FRAIlII, (Aaron T. Shupe and Henry S. Fraim), marble and granite works, 2003 N 5th and 27th c Herr Shupp Annie .T., spooler, h ]:320 Penn Shupp George, molder, b 1320 Penn Shupp George M., laborer, h ] 320 Penn Shupp George W., carpenter, II I I th nr Berryhill Shupp Ida, spooler, h 1320 Penn Shupp Newton M., Rwitellman, II 1218 Cowden Shupp William, laborer, h 1320 Penn Shur Howard W., laborer, h 557 S Front Shur lela M., domestic, 312 Chestnut Shure Austin P., brakeman, h 1207 Derry Shurtleff Roswell H., elk, 2:37 S 2cl, h 145 Paxton Shurtleff Thomas W., nailer, h 145 Paxton Shurtleff William M., elk, 1948 N 6th, h 145 Paxton Shuster Annie fl., domestic, 107 N Front Shuster CJayton, salesman, h ]413 Wallace Shuster John H., laster, h ]510 Dl'rry Shuster Mary J., wid WilIiallJ A., h 608 Kelker Shuster Maud G., operator, h 644 Cllhlt'r Shutt Blanche, domestic Hershey HOUSEl Shutt Harry, laborer, h 62:3 Peffer Shutt Jennie, domestic Her"hev Houl!e Shutt Martin M., laborer, h 623 Peffer Shutt Norman, heater, h 1411 N III Shutt Sadie, domestic Hershey House Shutzenbach, see Schutzenbaeh

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I.B. TACK .!J.":.taof FresCllo~ ,..lIc Bolldlnpl. Plaia TIots. {mwr.~r~:

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 461

Sibbett Robert E., brakeman,'h ]223 N 6th Sible CharIeR H., carpenter, h 309 Dauphin av Sible Elizabeth A., wid James W., h 321 Cumberland Sible Eugene M., paperhanger, h 1308 Market Sible George H., elk, 903 Cowden, h 259 Sassafras av .smLE JOHN 8., coal, wOod, ice and general contractor, 3d c Cumberland, also 903 Cowden, h 256 Herr Sible William H., carpenter, h 1308 Market Sible William W., painter, 307 Clinton, h do Sickel David C., elk, 327 Verbeke, h 223 Reily Sickel William, h 1631 Fulton Sicks David, laborer, h 937 N 7th .Siddall Benjamin L., plasterer, h 1104 Wallace Siders Charles W., laborer, h 1117 N Cameron Siders Edward I., laborer, h 1219 N Cameron Siders George M., laborer, h 1216 N Cameron Siders Jacob J., carpenter, h 911 S 19th Siders John E., laborer, h 1611 Logan av .siders John H., car inspector, h 2133 Moore Siders John P., watchman, h 1935 N 6th Siders, see also Seiders Sides Rebecca A., wid William H., h 1334 N 2d .sides William H., (estate), queell8ware, &c., 1200-1202 N 3d Sidle John D., grocer. Reily c Susquehanna, It do Sidney Lina, cook U. S. Hotel .sieber Addison, loader, h 1845 N 7th Sieber Alfred, motorman, h 1044 S Cameron SIEBER CHARLES F .. soap and candle mfr, 114 Cowden, h 1209 N 2d Siebel' Edoa, bleacher, h 1845 N 7th . Sieber Grafton I., drug clk, 1342 N 6th, h 1845 N 7th Sieber John J., carpet weaver, 1632 N 4th. h do Siegel George A., watchmao, h Verheke nr limits .siegel George A . jr., molder, h 1421 James Siegel John F., bookbinder, h 326 Hamilton ,siegel William H., molder, h 1408 Susquehanna Sierer John S., h 11 N Cameron Sierer Joseph, dl'iver, h 1115 N Front Sigler Charles M., brakeman. h 1619 N 4th ,sigler Clarence, elk, h 264 Herr Sigler Clarence M., elk, 11:3 Market, h 1308 N 3d Sigler George Rev., h 264 Herr Sigler Hlmy S., t'leVltlor operator C. H., h 412 Cranberry av .Sigler Martin A., notions, 1308 N 3d, h do Sigler Sarah E., clk, 3:15 Market, h 264 Herr Sigler, see also Zeigler, also Ziegler Siler, see Seiler Silk James, cigars, 1420 Margaret, h do

Digitized by


" To find a name you must kn01lJ how to sp611 it.'" 4:69 Boyd's Harrisburg '(8) City Directory.
Silk Rosie, elk, 1125 N 3d, h 1420 Margaret Sillik Bella, waitress The Bolton Silver Harry, flagman! h 1324 N 6th Silverwood Harvey M., h 625 Boas Silvius John R., tinsmith, h 1019 SlOth Simington Charles V. A., laborer, h ] 704 Walnut Simmars Alfred J., printer, h 71 0 Cowden Simmars Andrew J., pilot, b 710 Cowden Simmars John S., press feeder, h 710 Cowden Simmers Abraham P., baggage agt, h 131 S 3d Simmers Edwin B., pre88 feeder. h 131 S 3d Simmers Elizabeth Mrs., h UI24 N 4th Simmers George W., grocer. 1020 Berryhill, h 324 Hamiltoo Simmers John E., nail feeder, h 1018 Paxton Simmers Joseph H., bridge builder, h 1115 Wallace Simmers Reuben M., laborer, h 710 Cowden Simmers Rowena E., wid Joseph, h 1109 S 9th Simmers Samuel M., laborer Capitol, h 1004 Berryhill Simmers Thomas, steel worker, h 322 Hamilton Simmons Abraham, agt, grocer, 45 N 14th, h 1413 Market Simmons Charles E., patterllmkr, h 1413 Market Simmons Cha"le~ K., plumber, b 17 Linden Simmons Charlotte E., stenngrltpher, h 1413 Market Simmons Florence, blloksewer, h 509 Briggs Simmons Frank H., expressman, II 509 Briggs Simmons George W., (0. B. Simmons & Son), h 39 S 13th. Simmons Oliver B., (0. B. Simmons & &n), h 17 Linden Simmons O. B. & SOil, (Genr~e W.), plumbers, 37 S 13th Simms Albert .1., tailor, 408 Market, h 114 N 2d SIMIIS EDWARD, uphol~terer, decorator and aWllingmkr,. 11 and 13 N 2d, h 114 do . Simms George, hostler, h 416 Strawberry av Simms James S., janitor, h 302 Market Simon Charles, candymkr, h 721 North av Simon John, candYlllkr, h 7:l1 North av Simon Joseph, eaudymkr, It 721 North av Simon Mary H., wid J"hn B., h 409 MUIket Simon Mollie E., (lrf"Rsmkr, 707 East, h Oil Simonetti Jacob, (J. Simonetti & Co.), h ;j2 N 5th Simonetti Jacob, jr., elk, 408 Walnut, h 30 N 5th Simonetti J. & Co., (J. Simonetti and P. G. Baptist), fruits,. &e., 445 Walnut Simonetti Lewis, fruits, &<'., 408 W ulnut, h 30 N 5th Simonetti Maurice, elk, 445 Walnut, h 32 N 5th Simons Christianna, wid David, h 1227 Wallace Simons David, jr., puddler, h 1015 N 7th Simons Frederick, puddle.', h 1329 M:ll'le Simons Henry H., puddler, h IOJ 8 Fox BV



A. B. TACK =tt:::::: ro11111 PI,.", 1114" SM", {t2;& ~~:c.1rre.t.


BOJd's Harrisburg <H) .city Directory. .63

Simons John T., puddler, h 1012 Fox av Simons Joseph M., molder, h 312 Cumberland Simons Lillie, press feeder, b 1015 N 7th Simonton Charles A., brukeman, h 1820 N 5th Simonton Jane, h 1408 Susquebanua Simonton Jesse S., brolkeman, h 498 Kelker . Simonton John W., president judge, b 317 N Front Simouton, see also Simington Simpson Edward, bal'ber, h 1161 Liberty Simpson Elizabeth, wid Robert, b 35 N Cameron Simpson Eva, domestic, 4 N 2d Simpson James C., agt, h 4 N 2d Simpson John W., (Simpson & Fillmore), h 665 Briggs Simpson Marie A., musician, b 665 Briggs Simpson Robert W., laborer, h 35 N Cameron Simpson Theodore, h 117 Tanner's av Simpson Thomas, messenger, h 112 Market Simpson William, lal)()I'er. b 72 N 10th Simpson & Fillmore, (J. W. Simpson and J. Fillmore), printers, 327 S Front Sims Carl, laborer, b 430 Kelker av Sims Jacob, laborer, h 1336 Fulton Sims James, bartender, h 424 South

m~or~~~~ FOOTW EA R gO 10 WALTERS', N,3~Ol?_ Sims William, laborer, hI] O.{ Paxton Sims William, engineer, h 9th nr State Sing Jung, laundry, 107 Market, h do Sing Lung, laundry, 312 Reily, b do Siug Mark, laundry, 1258 Market, h do Sing Wing, lanndry, 1002 N 6th). h do Singelton Henry, laborer, h 670 ::South Singer Cbarles M., bookkpr. h 106 Colder Singer Charles W., elk, h 106 Colder Singer Edwin M., bookkeeper, h 275 Cumberland SINGER JO'G. CO., Clayton Demmy, mgr, 39 N 2d Singer Mary E., wid Joshua E., h 213 Briggs Singer Samuel, h 105 S 2d Singiser John \V., bntcher, h ]314 N 7th Singleton Emma H., domestic, 442 S ~d Singley William H. Rev., II 1314 N 3d Sinninger Henry, laborer, h 1232 Herr Sinninger Jacob L., laborer, II 1230 Herr Sinni\lger Joseph H., jr., laborer, h 1232 Herr Sinninger Kate F. Mrs., h 1232 Herr Sisters of Christian Charitv, h 113 Short ~istel'H of Mercy, h 603 N'2d Sites Albert W., conductol', h 1110 Capital

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11. PaIn latermh,ator CUI'W Chol.,. )(orbua, DJB8DteI'7, cram... DIarr~ Coles., Qulnay, RheDmetl8m, TooUlache, 8oreThroet, Ap DyIP8lJBla, k Stu I.


4,64 Boyd'. Harri.b~g (8) City Directory. Sites Daniel, cooper, h 419 Herr Sites Emma M., teacher, h 720 N 6th Sites Frank C., watchmkr, 7 N ?.d, h 419 Herr Sites Harry M., painter, h 336 Reily Sites Mary C., teacher, h 720 N 6th Sites Robert. foreman, h ~O N 6th Sivieri Vittorio, salesman,/) S 2d, h 421 Walnut Six Jacob, fireman, h 616 Delaware av Sizer Jacob D., brakeman, h 10.12 Berryhill Skane John, painter, h 405 Kelker Skane Mary E., teacher, h 405 Kelker . Skfiln James C., clk, 1iOO N 6th, b HJl7 Elizabeth av Skeen Susan, \vid William, h 1724 N 6th Skeen William E., machinist, h 1541 N 6th Skeese George, flagman, h 62;l Kelker Skiles Howard C., laborer, h 1714 Logan av Skilling David M. Rev., h 114 N 2d Skinner William H . brakeman, h 523 Dauphin av Skipper Thomas, brakeman, h 623 Kelker Slade Roman, laborer, h 14 Haehnlen av Slape John, laborer, h 616 Verbeke Slaughter David, laborer, h 521 State Slaughter Ephraim, houseman, h 208 S Court av Slaymaker Anne C., h 217 S Front Slaysman Tillie, dressmkr. h 1010 Cowden Slentz .J. Alfred, letter carrier, h 208 Verbeke Slentz Rebecca J., wid J. Alfred, b 1316 N Front Slentz William M., paperhanger, II 1316 N Front SIi~r Thomas W., carpenter, h 430 Reily Slichter Jacob, ins, h 1200 Deny SIike Mary, wid David, h 68 N 14th Sliker Arthur G., messenger, h 506 Colder Sliker Augustus H., conductor, b 506 Colder Sioad Martha. h 12 N 6th Sloan Annie L . wid Samuel, h 1727 N 3d Sloan Charles F., laborer, h 1310 Penn Sloan J. Alexander, horsesh~r, 110 Tanner's av, b 105 N 4th Sloan John S., hfJrSl'l!h~r. h 116 Verbeke Sloan Mary E., milliner, h 116 Verbeke Slnan M. J., nllrse Hbg Hospital, b do Sloan William H, salesman, h 201 9 N 6th Sloane Barbara, wid Lafayette, h 1111 Market Sloane Helen, student, b 1111 Market Sloane Jobn, h 1111 Market Sloat Alice T., wid William W., h 657 Dauphin av Sloat Clara, laundress, h 657 Dauphin av Sloat Mary J., wid Michael, b 657 Daupbin av Sloat Samuel J., conductor, h 1415 N 6th .

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-} beet aDd loweat priceL Window 1 B. T Wall Paper. TheWlIll I'Ixturea aud-prlaae. for 86 ace. {N. '2'04f. II1II\ Shad. . oomplete. &I
Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 465
Sloethaur John W., gasmkr, h 58:3 Shuwers av Sloop George W., watclllllki', 2:J ~ 3d, h at Steelton Sloihower Jacob J4~., agt, h 214 S 13th Slovanek Matthia!!, 1aborer, h 1109 N 7th Sly William, laborer, h 10th bel Mulberry Smale J. Howard, elk, 15 N 3d, h 34 N 2d Small Alice M., saleslady, :334 Mllrket, h 96 Tuscarora Small Benjamin W., heater, h 96 Tuscarora Small Bertha, fil1ishel', h 292 S Cameron Small Chark'll H., hookkpr Hhg Car Cn., h 501 N Froll~ Small George W., machinist, h 119 Chestnut Small J. Murphy, law student, 222 Market, h 501 N Front Small Mary, wid Lawrence, h 292 S Cameron Small Oscar .A., dk aud genl'!! dept, Cllpitol, h 424 Market Small Sylvester M., railroHder, h 1934 State SMALLWOOD ALBERT E., TI1I'ki~h baths and chiropodist, 207 Locust, h 118 do Smalhvooli Alvin J., elk, h 262 Herr Smallwood Ann T., wid TholllIlS. h 262 Herr Smallwood Thomas W., elk, 4:J3 Herr, h 425 Forster Smallwood William, flour mill, 43:3 Herr, h 262 do Smee George W., laborer, h 1716 Logan av Smeigh Charles W., hrakeman, h 321 Hamilton Smeltzer Chalmer F., nail ft'etler, h 12~ DI)('k Smeltzer Ira A., farmer, II Cameron bel Maclay Smeltzer John F., ins, s(llidtor. h 587 Showers av Smeltzer John W., puddler, II 827 Cherry av Smeltzer Savilla, domet!ti(!, 320! Chestnut Smideman GeorgI', shoemkr, h 211 S Cuurt av Smioeman Sumut'l, shoemk." 139 Vine, h 124 Paxton Smiley Cha,les H., fireman, h 619 Harris Smilty Get)rgt', la!!ter, h 619 HHrris Smilt'y Hl!lIdersun. lab()r~r, h 619 Harri~ Smiley LOllis F., lahorer, h 619 Hllrris Smiley Mary E., baker, 1326 N 6th. h 1328 do Smiley Thomas M., ('al'penter, h 1328 N 6th Smiley William T., laburer, h 619 Harris Smink Lizzie, seamst.,et!.~, h 31:~ Cumberland Smith Abram N . hl'akeman, h 927 Pt'nll Smith Adam, motorman, h 1428 N 6th Smith Albert, laborer, h 20:1 Nectarine av Smith Albert H., laborer, h :323 S 15tll Smith Albert W., elk, 28 S 4th, h 1827 N 4th Smith Alfred, laborer, h 712 Nurth av Smith Aigerney, lab(lrer, h 110 Christie's av Smith {\.Ipheus B., labort'r, h :J22 Kelker Smith Anua, <-'elltre Hsst Lunati(: Huspital, h 00 Smith Annie, laundress, h 512 West av

Digitized by


" To find a name yote fJI'ust k,low how to spell it."


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Smith Annie, nurl'f'. h 1:J42 Pf'Jln Smith Annie, wid EIiOCIi, h 1:m3 Wa)JIt(~ Smith Annie E. Mns., grll(.'er, 1450 Regina, h do Smith Annie L., wid Andrew, h 1229 ~ ])! Smith Austin, waitel', h 1708 Walnnt Smith Benjamin, h 506 N 5th Smith Benjamin, waiter, h 1406 Marion Smith Benjamin F., cooper, h 1076 S 9th Smith Benjamin M., driver, Ii rt'Sr 214 Verbl!ke Smith Benjamin S., condul'tlll', h 1851 Fnlton Smith Caroline, wid Jacob, h 1:J28 William Smith Catharine, dllmeHti(', 21 H Pine Smith Catharine E., wid Conrad, h 141 N Camer()n Smith C. G. & Co., (J, B. Litch), tu\.aCl'O, 439 Market Smith Charles, barber, 932 ~ 6th, h 821 Green Smith Charles, elk, 1304 N 3d, h 1628 Logan llV Smith Charles B., machinist, h 162:J N 4th Smith Charles E., brakeman, h 1410 Maple av Smith Charles E., puddler, h 608 Bllas Smith Charles E., shearsmall, h ] 7:J2 Walnnt Smith Charles F., eoaehman, h 47 Bilim Smith Charles G, (Smith & Kefi'l!r), (C. G. Smith & Co.), h 2001 N ad Smith Charles H., bal'her, h 8'22 N 3d, II do Smith Charles H., bookkpr, II 126 Mulberry Smith Charles H., bullher, 665 :::)a~til"l nv, h 1318 N 7th Smith CharIeR H., mill hlllld, II 628 Raee Smith Charles M., stenogl'8pher' Hhg Nltt. Bank, h 821 Green Smith Charles R., machinist, h Uhh c Boas Smith Charles W., dk, h 1628 Logan !IV Smith Charles W., conductor, h 192] N 5th Smith Charles W., turner, h 213 Colder Smith Chester B., waiter, II 1423 James av Smith Christian 8., engineer, h 1240 Market Sruit!. Clara J., l'lk, 1 S 3d, h at St~ltOIl Smith Clyde, elk, 1308 Walla(,'t', h dll Smith CI.ra F., ironer, h :J33 Kdker Smith Daniel A., brakeman, h 424 Hamilton Smith Daniel K., carpenter, h 19.54 Buas Smith Daniel M .. contl'8ctor, 1622 N 4th, h 618 Delaware av SMITH DAVID A., barber, 1427 N 6th, h 1517 N 5th Smith David, salesman, h 503 Muench Smith Edward, engineer, h 1642 N 3d Smith ~::dward B., brllkeman, h 1999 N 7t!. Smith Edward 8., dentist, 1007 N 3d, h v.t Lingelstown Smith Edward G., bart~ndt'r, 233 Walnut, h 513 Cowden Smith Edward N., laborer, h 434! S Cameron Smith E. Grant, arehit(,'Ct, 5 N 2d, h 503 Muench

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I. B. TACK, WallPaperand Window Shades. {'2~:~o~R2~~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith 467 Eli, eoa('hman, h 1310 Maple av Elizabl'th, h 1711 N 4th Elizabeth, laundress, h 1222 Bartine av Ella R., drellSmkr, h 1408 N 6th Elmer J., lawyer', 4 S 4th, h do Elmira, housekeeper, 1002 Fox av Emma A., dressmkr, h 670 Colder Emma C., dressmkr, h 1523 N 3d Emma E., domestic, 431 North Emmn K., wid T. Rockhill, h 307 N 2d Ephraim, laborer, 11 1730 Walnut Fanny, 11 :315 N 2tl Forrest T., elk, 312 Market, h 503 Muench Frank M., laborer, h 1999 N 7th' Freder'ick C., brickmkr, h rear 1117 N Cameron Frederick C., conductor, h 1514 N 6th Frederick C. J., asst super~isor P. R. R., h 424 Mkt SlIIITH FREDERICK J., mgr, 22 S 3d, h 424 Boas Smith Frederick K., clk C. I. Works, h 628 Race Smith }i'rederick \V., f(>remau, 425 S 2d, h 543 Race Smith GeOl'ge R, confectioner, 1302 Market, h do Smith George C., motorman, h 1428 N 6th Smith George C., plasterer. 11 255 Forster

FRANK M. WAL tERS, ~~~l'c:~~l: FOOTWEAR, N.':J~

SmitllGeorge G., storekeeper Lunatic Hospital, h do Smith George H., baker Lunatic H08pital, h 2114 N 6th Smith George S., h 1009 Market Smith George W., clk, 336 Chestnut, h 432 Hamilton Smith George W., watchman, h 451 S 2d Smith Gillison, laborer, h 17041 Walnut Smith Godfrey, laborer, h 1629 Mimin av Smith Haunah, wid Nathan N., h 434 S Cameron Smith Hannah, wid William D., h 1224 Bartine av Smith Hannah L. Mrs., housekeeper, 1461' Walnut Smith Harriet Mrs., h 1423 William Smith Harris, clothier, 338 Verbeke, h do Smith Harry D., mulder, h 1636 N 4th Smith Harry E., coachman, h 31 i Kelker Smith Harry T., fireman, h 514 Maclay Smith Harry h 506 N 5th Smith Harry M., lineman, h 618 Delaware av Smith Harvey F., student, h 34 S 3d Smith Harvey T., painter, h Crescent c Swatara Smith Helen, housekeeper, 1270 Juniper Smith Henry, driver, h 814 James av Smith Henry, fireman, h Boas c Linden Smith Henry C., agt, h 3 N 4th



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leI eil's Pain Exterminator fu~r:D~O:a~~ =~~~Dlt {"T~l.JJ).,.

468 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smitb Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith

Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

Henry Z., laborer, b 21 N 6th Ida B. Mrs., h lOO:J N 3d I!I88c, saddler, b 15 S 2d Isaac L., plasterer, h 1402 Green Isaac R., carpentel', h 21:3 Colder Jacob, h 216 Cumberland Jacob, laborer, h 635 Walnut Jacob L , carpenter, h 2003 State .Jacob S., driver, h 122 Strawberry av James, laborer, h 1429 Marioll James, teamster, b 59 Lochiel CottaJre Row James H., cabinetmkr, 103 Colder, h 1434 Green James M., molder, h 1450 Regina James M., printer, h 1921 N 5th James S., puddler, h 119 Dock James W .. laborer, It 18]6 Fulton James W., puddler, h 608 Buas Jesse B., carpenter, h 1103 Capital Jes.'Ie ~'., plasterer, h 31 i Muench Jesse G., steward Bolton, h do John A., laborer, h 809 East John A., h 19 N 13th John A., waiter Lochiel, h 4]4 South SMITH JOHN C., architect, 6l N 2d, b 225 Herr (see adv) Smith .John C., balcer, h 1523 N 3d Smith John c., baker, h 115 S 13th . Smith John C., bartender, 20 N 3d, h 306 Strawberry av Smith John C., laborer, It 29 N 13th Smith John E., helper, h 1314 S Cameron Smith John H., cigars, &c., 1014 Market, h do Smith John H., teacher, h 1846 Walnut Smith .John J., molder, 11 4a6 North SlIITH JOHN X., physician, 34 S 3d, h do; office hours, 7 to 9 a. m., 12~ to 2i and 6 to 7i p. m. Smith John M., clockmkr, h 1342 Penn Smith .John M., roller, h 608 Boas Smith John N., motorman, h 1926 N 4th Smith John R., drllg elk, h 213 Colder

~RC\\ \l.Cl


North Second St., Harrisburg, Pa,

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A. B. TACK, Pine lrt Wall Paper. {D~AC8~MIJr~} 12\0 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.
469 Smith John \V., apprentk-e, h 1140 Market Smith John W., baker, Ii 1728 Logan av Smith John \V., brakeman, h 142:3 William Smith John W., car inspt'(t(lr, h 1913 Elizabeth av Smith John W., undertaker, h 1224 Bartine av Smith John W., engineer, h 162:3 N 4th Smith JOllathan, motorman, h 216 Crescent Smith Jost'ph B., fireman, h I:U 2 N 7th Smith JClSt'ph r.. MajOl', II 266 Hen Smith Jllseph F., h 140!) N 6th Smith Joseph T., waiter, h 240 Liberty Smith J. Porter, elk, 1200 N 2 ..1, h do Smith Journey, labore., h "ear 110 Christie's av Smith Julia, presti feeder, h 1127 N Front Smith J. Warren, laborer, h 1309 N 2d Smith Kate K., weaver, h 1410 Maple av Smith Laura K., h 34 S 3d Smith Lerenza, driver, h 941 N 7tb Smith Lewis G., h 4 S 4th Smith Lillie R., saleslady, 3]8 Market, h 1523 N 3d Smith Lizzie, domestic, 1108 Market Smith Louis \V., Ii 1222 N Frout Smith Lydia, h 1222 Bartine av Smith Maggie, domtstic, 112 State Smith Maria A., wid Aaron, h 1851 Fulton Smith Martin H., baker, h State ab 20th Smith Mary, win George, h 1921 N 4th Smith Mary, wid John E., h 1272 Juniper Smith Mary A.: domestic, 211 S Front Smith Mary A., wid George Z., boarding, 1711 N 4th, h do Smith Mary A., wid James, h 624 Verbeke Smith Mary E., h 1410 Maple av Smith Mary E. Mrs., boarding, h 422 South Smith Mary E., wid Israel W., h 1720 Fulton Smith Mary J., wid David H., h 1406 Derry Smith Mary M., wid Jeremiah, h 4 S 4th Smith Malide, dressmkr, h 1926 N 4th Smith M. Augustus, teamster, h 126~ Ba.iley Smith Max, stone masnn. h 612 South av Smith Michael H., conductor, h 1222 N Front Smith Minnie, domestic, 324 N 2d Smith Minnie A., dressmkr, Ii 1408 N 6th Smith Minnie C. Mrs., Ii 22M Mary's av Smith M. J., attendant LUliatic Hospital, h do Smith Nora G., dressmkr, h 927 Penn Smith Olivia M., wid Benjamin F., h 1238 Cowden Smith Perci,'al R., brakeman, h 1839 Fulton Smith Peter, cigars, 1601 Logan av, h do

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" 'To find a name you musl know how to spell it." 470 Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Philip W., barber, 1204 N 3d, h 216 Cumberlaud Robert. machinist, h ~ N 4th Robert C., carpenter, h 534 North Romaine A., h 1200 N 2d RIll',e A., dressmkr, h 141 N Cameron Samut'l. (Marter, II 142:3 James av Samuel E .. cleaner. h 945 N 7th Samuel H~, coodu!'tor. h ] 826 N 6th Samuel R., mgr, Boas c Linden, h do Samuel \\'., eondndor, h 279 Hamilton Sander Z" weigh muster, h ] 9! ab Derry Simon, ClIr inspectlJl', h 1736 Fulton SMITH S. R. CO., nOllllle mfrs, Boas c Linden Ilr arsenal Smith Stuard W., fireman, II 642 Colder Smith Sl1san, wid Enoch, h 1303 Wallace Smith Susan C., wid Oliver. h 1999 N 7th Smith, Tate & Co., ltd, Wilfiam E. Smith, pres; Mercer B. Tate, sec Hnd t,'eas; agrl implts, \vorks at Riverton, office, State c Canal Smith Theodore, finish~r, h 1846 Walnut Smith Thomas, laborer, h 501 State Smith Thomas A., cooppr, h J J 26 Herr Smith Thomas C . hricklayer, h 16241 N 5th Smith Thomas C., huckster, h ~30 James av Smith Thumas E., lime, h :333 Granite av Smith Thomas H., waiter, h 104 Tanner's av Smith Thomas J., watchman Capitol, h 159 N 4th Smith Tillit', elevatortender, h 14]0 Maple av Smith Walter C., brakeman, h 1723 Fulton Smith W. Harrison, laborer, h 1450 Regina Smith William, driver, h 130 Cranherry av Smith William, engineer, h 1312 Howard Smith William, heater. h 51 Lochiel 5th Row Smith William, labot'er, h II! tlr Cumberland Smith William, machillist, h .534 North Smith William, shoemkr, 534 North, h do Smith William, stripper, h 1016 Market Smith William A., elk, 1001 N 3d, h 1522 N 5th Smith William D., engineer, h 506 N 5th Smith William E., pres Smith, Tate & Co., ltd, h at Riverton Smith William F., laborer, h 240 Liberty Smith William G., elk P. & R. freight depot, It 614 Briggs Smith William H., brakeman, h 1422 Green Smith William H., driver Peipher Line, h 633 Walnut Smith William H., engineer, h 1827 N 4th Smith William H., foreman, h 912 Hemlock Smith William H., h 1010 N 2d Smith William H., laborer, It 1239 N III Smith Smith Smit!. Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith

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I. B. TACK, procncol Paper Hanger.

Smith .smith Smith .smith .Smith Smith .smith Smith

{7~7~~":'R.9~.. Boyd'. Harrillburg (8) City Directory. 471

William K., carpenter, h 51i) Dauphin av William K., clk, h 1450 Regina William M., brakeman, h 401 Reily William N., flagman, h 1217 Currant av William P., engineer, h 602 Dauphin av William P., helper, h 1851 Fulton William. S., fireman, It 517 Dauphin av Willis L., l'8rpenter, h 1624 N 6th BlUTH WILSON 0 .. grocer, 1200 N 2d, h do .SMITH & KEFFER, (Charles G. Smith and John J. Kefft'r), cigar mfrs and wholE-sale tobacconists, 439 Market Smith, see also Schmid, also Schmidt, also Schmitt, also Smythe :Smock Smith, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Smothers Charles S., laborer, h 213 S River av .smothers H. William, laborer, h 213 S River av SmothE-rs Jennie, domestic, 213 S River av Smothers Simon, laborer, h 213 S River av Smucker David, painter, h 1624 Wallace Smull William P., h 402 N 3d Smyser George W., attendant Lnnatic Hospital, h do Smy!ler HenJ'y \V., conductor, h 1502 N 6th Smyser Martin I . Rev., supt, 20 N 2d, h 216 Boas


FOOTWEAR 01 Walters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Smy'*!r William H., elk, ;312 Market, b 1502 N 6th Snavely Alfred, h a31 S Front Snavely Archie L., conductor, h 408 Cumberland Snavely B. Frank, engineer, h 105 Colder BNAVELY BROS., (Samuel E. and Michael F.), livery and boarding stables, 235 Blackberry BV .Sna,oely Carrie M., saleslady, 1015 N 3d, h 577 S Front Snavely Charles W., C8ndymkr, h 577 S Front Snavely Cyrus, flagman, h 2017! N 6th Snavely Ella, domestic, H,17 N 2d . Snavely J. George, cigar mfr, 231 N 2d, h do Snavely John H., laborer, h 1110 N Cameron Snavely John W., puddler, h 577 S Front Snavely Johnston K., agt, h 805 Green Snavely Margaret, wid Frederick, h 2:n N 2d Snavely Michael F., (Snavely Bros.), h 928 N 6th Snavely Park W., laborer, h 1146 Cumberland Snavely Rosa, dressmkr, 1639 N 7th, h do Sn~vely Samuel E., (Snavely Bros.), h 15 S 2d Snavely Susanna Mrs., h 1639 N 7th Snell Aaron, laborer, h 1203 Bailey Snell Bertha, wid Harry W., h 216 S 13th Snell Charles R., laborer, h 1203 Bailey


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OIIZMcNeil's Medicine Co. {~~~ed}N~\d.


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

Snell Frank E., lalxlrer, b 41 Balm Snider Caroline, wid Daniel, b 339 Chestnut Snider Christian M., wid Henry, h 1413 Margaret Snider, see also Schneider, also Schnyder, also Snyder Snively Eveline, wid Joseph, b 219 .Meadow la Snively Philip, laborer, h 8 Cottage Ruw Snoddy Calvin S., popel'hanger, h :l23 Hay av Snoddy Deames C., hrickmkr, II 434 S Cameron Snoddy Eli7..abt-th E., wid Calvin, h 323 Hay av Snoddy Emlllll C., dreM~llIkr, h 257 Sassafras av Snoddy John, III borer, h 4:34 S Cameron Snoddy John, painter, h at Pembrook Snoddy Levi F., laborer, b 4:H S Cameron Snoddy Mary .J., wid Thoma!o', b 307 Blackberryav Snoddy William, brickmkr; h 4:H S Cameron Snoddy Zacbariah, wheelwright, h 257 Sassafras av SmKieal Charle:o! M., huckstl'r, It I) N 5th Snodgrass Anna B., grocer, 42 Balm, h 60 do Snodgrass Blanche A., h 60 Balm Snodgrass Frank P .. lawyer, 13 N :ld, h 112 State Snodgrass Hora<..'e W., chemist, h 112 State Snodgrass Marcie A., h 60 Balm SNODGRASS ROBERT, lawyer, 13 N 3d, h 112 State Snodgrass Robert D., student, h 112 State Snodgrass Robert N., boilermkr, h 45 Balm Snoke Hiram F., brakeman, b 1611 Fnlton Snuok Arthur A., brakeman, h 1510 N 5th Snook Martha Jane, wid Oliver, h 1548 Fulton Snook William H., tinner, h 1548 Fulton Snow Alfred S., labOl'er, h 420 Hamilton Snow Harry, baker, h 517 Mup-ncb Snow Jobn, luachinist, h 426 Walnut Snow Mary E., wid Nelson, h 123 Conoy Snow William, carter, h 517 .Muen~~b Sno\vden Anna R., domestic, 105 Cbest~ut Snyder Aaron H., printer Plltriot, h 1415 Zarker Snyder Agnes S., trimmer, h 423 Strawberry av Snyder Alice M., shoe operahll', h 624 North Snyder Annie S., b 437 S 10tb Snyder Artbur, laborer, h 2014 N 6th Snyder Benjamin, engineer, b 624 North Snyder Catharine, h 506 Reily Snyder Catharine, wid Abner, II J] 6 Dock Snydel' Catharine, wid Jacob, h 563 S lOtb Snyder Charles, laborer, It P. R. R. ft Walnut Snyder Charles B., brakeman, h 143 Balm Snyder Charles D., nail feeder, It 4~7 SlOth Snyder Charles F., driver, h 116 Dock

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1210 {Employs none bnt llrat-elasa workmen, henceonly.drat-clu8 N. 3d St. work, and Insnres II.. Work done In any part otthe Slate.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 473

Suyder Charlelt S., student, h 1008 N 2d Snyder ChariesT., fireman, h 1617 N 5tb Snyder Christoph, brewer. II 251 S Cameron Snyder Clara,. wid Mahlon H., h 17 S 1:3tb Snyder Daniel G., business cullegl.', :U8 Market, h 215 N 2d Snyder Dauiel W., fIlioemkr, h 1553 Vernon Snyder David F., engineer, h 1228 N 7th Snyder Edgllf E., expr(>88man, h 2 S 4th Snyder Edward, real estatl.', h 213 State Snyder Edward A., helper, h 421 S 13th Snyder Edward W., marker, h 556 SlOth Snyder Elizabeth, h 409 Cowden . Snydl.'r Elizaheth. ,vid Solumuu, II 1362 Vernon SNYDER EUGENE, lawyer, 10 N 3d, b The Common. wealth (see adv) Snyder Frank M., brakeman, h 820 Cowden Snyder George, tiullt.r, h 1204 Capital Snyder George H., engineer, h 1814 N 6th Snyder George H., laborer, h Cumbt-rland c 9th Snyder George S., barber, h 432 Nurth av Snyder Geurge W., asst 8tatiuulllaster P. R. R., b 227.Briggs SNYDER GEORGE W., rt'al estate, h 558 Woodbine Snyder Gertrude, header, h 143 Balm Snyder Harry, laborer, h 2001 N 7th Snyder Harry C., laborer, h 1835 Swatara Snyder Henry, carpenter. h 1209 Wallace Snyder Henry, rougher, h 2014 N 6tb Snyder Henry W., elk county treas, C. H., h 714 N 6th Snyder Herman E., checkmari P. R. R., h 139 Balm Snyder Jacob, carpenter, h 1854 Walnut Snyder Jacob, conductor, h 2110 N 6th Snyder Jacob J., laborer, h 36 N 13tb Snyder .Jacob T., stenographer, h 270 Briggs Snyder James B., brakeman, h 2006 N 6th Snyder JamP.M Ii'., engineer, h 611 Delaware av Snyder James H., molder, h 624 North av


fittorney= af= LauJ,

10 Nonh Thil'fl Street, Ha,.,.isbuI'g, Pa.

1'r.DeIU Col,..".... ..." B .......... Trq_"", I ......,;part tA. Europe tArotIf/" .'klf..", R ..",....w

c......,. fI.O"




u ..u.r

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 474 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Snyder John, heater, h 615 North av Snyder John A., letter carrier, h 577 Sh()wers av Snyder John B., heater, h 1521 Swatara Snyder John B., puddler, h 6 Chesapeake av Snyder John G., laborer, h 309 S River av Snyder John H., hostler, h 432 North av Snyder John P., motorman, h 1746 Logan av Snyder Joseph, driver, h 1161- Liberty Snyder Joseph H., laborer, b 553 SlOth Snyder Julia S., wid Isaiah, h 1008 N 2d Snyder Kate, wid Aaron M., h 1415 Zarkel' Snyder Kate F., dressmkr, h 1814 N 6th Snyder Kate M., domestic, 308 Market Bnyder Lulu, booksewer, b 143 Balm Snyder Malinda, wid Michael, h 1156 Cumberland Snyder Mary E., wid .Jobn, h 1428 Derry Suyder Mary E., wid Sebastian, h 423 Strawberry av Snyder Michael, laborer, h 553 SlOth Snyder Michael, jr., laborer, h 418 S 17th Snyder Minnie, dressmkr, h 250 Verbeke Snyder Moses, laborer, b 1107 N Cameron Snyder Myre Mrs., h Home for the Friendless Snyder Nelson, (.'tmductor, h 613 Dauphin av SNYDER OLIVER R., chief clk sec comm'th, Capitol, h 1424 N 2d Snyder Peter C., (e!:It), druggist. Market c 13th Snyder Rebecca, wid Frederick, h rear 212 Walnut Snyder Samuel F. W., barber, 513 South, h 432 North av Snyder Sarah, wid Jacob S., h 523 N 4th Snyder Sarah, wid John B., h 1218 Derry Snyder Simon, laborer, h 1335 SU'3quebaona Snyder Susan, wid Andrew J., h 556 SlOth Snyder Sylvester L., laborer, h 116 Dock Snyder Walter E., student, h 714 N 6th Snyder Wilhelm, laborer, h 101 Cherry av Snyder William H., druggist, Market c 13th, h 7 N 13th Suyder William H., laborer, h 246 Meadow la Snyder Wilson H., painter, h 1854 Walnut Snyder, see also Snider, also Schneider Sober Martba G., stenographer State Library, Ii 230 N 2d Soell Jobn, meat market, 424 Walnut, h 510 N 5th Sofield Alice D., dressmkr, h 263 Briggs Sofield Phoebe D., wid JO!:leph, h 263 Briggs Bohn Daniel W., cashier Merchants' Nat. Bank, tfEl&S Central Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., h 1407 N Front Soladey Eliza, wid John, h 520 Colder Soleliac Charles, mgr Pelgram & Meyer, h 319 N Front

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Y~ab~::;~IOII P\lperondlindolShBdeS /roil. B. TICK,N.'::~

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.


Soles Charles E., fireman, h 1948 Moltke av Soles Edward. laborer, h 2010 Wood a\' Sollenberger Christian F., salesman, h 268 North Sollenberger Diller S., carpenter, h 523 Peffer Sollenberger Levi M., ~hipper, II 52:1 Peffer Sollers Annie R., wid James W., h ] 136 Market Sollers Harri('t. wid Charles H., h :317 Sayford av Sollers James E., laster, h 1136 Morket Sollerlt Kate E., dressmkr, '1408 Margaret, h do SOLLOS REBECCA IIrs., propr Keystone Hotel, 727 and 729 State, h do (see adv) Solomon Harry G., gatekeeper, h 1416 Green Solomon Henry W., elk, 329 Market, h 414 Strawberry av Solomon Josepb W., brakemall, h 1514 Wallace Solomon M. Luther, flagman, h 626 Colder Solomon Nellie V., mUllic teacher, h 1416 Green Sommers Albert .T., waiter, h 505 South Soper Harry A.-,jeweler, 4 N 2d, h 1005 Green Soper Leander V. B., watchmkrs' supplies, 6 N 2d, h 1846 Derry . Sophes PariA, laborer, h 430 South Sophes W. Harry, janitor, h 129 Cranberry av Sornberger Adam, h 1217 MullK'rry .
-AU tbe Latellt Stylea InItEUABLE .tld FA8HlUNABLE


80rnberger Daniel, conductor, h 1217 Mulberry Somberger David, switchman, h 336 Hummel 80th Henry, laborer, h ]731 N 7th Souder Belle, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sol1der Minnie, elk, h 1082 S Cameron Souders Harry, brakeman, h 1113 Wanace Souders Harry, flagman, h 212 Mulberry Souders Jacob A., car~nter, h 35 S 13th Souders Kate E., domestic, 1313 N 3d Souders Mary E., wid .Joho, h 1937 North Soules Jeremiah, laborer, h 1022 North av Sourbeer Charles E., brakeman, b Greenwood bel 21st Sourbeer Edwin L., brakeman, h 5~1 Cameron SOllrbeer F. Marion, music teacher, 1814 ltJaple, h do

Keystone Hotel
REBECCA SOLLERS. Proprietress ..
727 and 729 E. State Street, - HARRISBURG, PAl
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Liver and Blood Purltvlne 1lI" McNEIL'S D,8pe..... Llnf. Blood and KIdDe,.Pilla Cure JUII 011 01. Complalnta. l


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Sourbeer George, beater, It 246 Hummel Sourbeer Henry, jr., drygnods, 1321 N 6th,b do Sourbeer Henry J., stone<'utter, h 1202 N Front Sourbeer Henrv S., heater, h 246 Hummel Sourbeer John F., janitor, h 244 Hummel Sourbeer Kate W'J milliner, It 12231 Bailey Sourheer Lila E., Hhoe finisher, h 122:l1 Bailey Sourbeer Lillie, winder, h 5:\1 N Cameron Sourbeer Mary E. Mrs., h 1245 Kittatillny Sourbeer Mary Mrs., It 1145 Derry Sourbeer Samuel J., heater, h 1614 Hunter Sourbeer Sarah E., wid Benjamin, h 531 ~ Camerlln Sourbeer William H., puddler, h 1240 N Cameron Sourbeer William W., hooker, h 12231 Bailey Sourhier Geo. H., (Geo. H. Sourbier & Sun), h 332 Verbeke SOtmBIEB. GEORGE H. & SON, (George H., jr.), undertakers, 332 Verheke (Broad) and 1833 N 6th Sourbier Geo. H., jr., (G. H. Sourbier & Sun), h 1833 N 6th Sourbier William J., (lotb (l()Verer, .. 332 Verbeke Sours William L., buckster, h 1826 Swatara South Bend Chilled Plow Co., (The), 627 Walnut South Pa. R. R. Co., F. J. Grotevent, sec, 443 Market SOUTHARD E. ALBERT, lumber, 18 N :\d, b 1709 do Southard Emily, wid A lexander I., h 1709 N 3d Southard Walter S., forellJan P. R. frgt depot, h 20 N 5tb Southard Wilbert A., salt'small, 500 Market, h 406 do Sowers Aonit', warper, h 413 Muench Sowers George, shoemkr, 503 Kelker, h 413 Muench Sowers Geol'ge W., puddlt'r, h 1012 State Sowers John A., puddler, It 20 N Cameron Sowers Joseph 0., hlborer, h 1815 Berryhill Sowel's SUsall E., h 25 S Court av Sowers William A., brakeman, h 417 Muench Spahr Blanche, dressmkr, h 1527 N 3d Spahr Catharine, wid John }<~., II 1931 N 5th Spain Charles, driver, h rear 1222 N 3d Spahr Charlt'S M., b"akeman, b 316 Cht':4tnut Spahr Harry B., pro(,f reader, h :3] 6 Clwstnut Spahr Harry L., Dl()torman, II 1915 N ad Spahr Harry W., elk st(l(!k ylml, Ii MU Maday Spahr Juhn H., (Juhn H. Rpllhr &: 131'0.), II :32:3 Kelker SPAHR JOHN H. '" BRO., (WiIliaDl A.), flour aud feed, 628 Nortb Spahr John S., nailer, h 4:17 S 13th Spahr Levi, laborer, I. 11:3-1 N CIUlie/'ll1l Spahr' Maggie Mrs.. dl'l.'S!!lIIk1', ) 521! N 3d, h ao Spahr Mary E., wid George, It 27 N I.'tl.

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I. B. TACK .=;~al~yaot Fraeollg P llc 8111.101' II Pilin TIlls. {rtJ~~7r~t

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 477 8PABR lIrtUllRAY H., merchant tailor, 9 N 3d, h at Mechanicsburg Spahr Sophia, tailoress, h 219 Herr Spahr SU!Yln, wid David, h 624 Hamilton Spahr Thomas L .. tailor. 1103 N 3d, h d" SPABR WILLIAM A., hoarding litable, 225 Sassafras av, h 15211 N 3d (see adv) S~ahr William A., (John Spahr & Bro.), h 436 North SPAHR WILLIAM B., grocer, 430 Walnut, h do Spain Mary, wid Martin, h 500 Brown av Spangler Daniel J., helper, b 939 N 7th Spangler George W., laborer, h 338 Cherry av Spangler Jacob, puddler, h 1406 Penn Spangler Lydia A., cook, 517 Walnut Spangler Matilda, dressmkr, h 81:3 N 3d Sparks Eliza J., wid George W., b 1118 N 2<1 Sparrow Charles M., puddler, h 108 Conoy Sparrow Daisy, teacher, b 1064 S Cameron Sparrow Della H., milliner, :134 Market, h 1064 S Cameron Sparrow Edward, puddler, h 110 Tuscarora Sparrow Effie, ,saleslady, 326 Market, h 110 Tuecarora Sparrow Frederick K., clk, 325 Market, h 1064 S Cameron Sparrow Jacob, hlacksmith, h 1064 S Cameron Sparrow John, laborer, h 235 Cranberry av Sparrow Thomas F., laborer, II 318 S River av Sparrow Wilhur, puddler, h l1R Nagle SparverCbarles H., fireman, h 518 Colder Sparver Leonard, engineer, h 1410 Wallace Spa rver William, fireman, b 518 Colder S~atts Sarah, wid Franklin B., h 825 Green SPAYD CLARENCE E., city editor Star-Independent, h 1611 Swatara S~yd John W., SIlleRman, h 45 N 13th SPAYD ROBERT E., ci.:ar mfr, 145 S 3d, h do Speakes Charles W., laborer, h 103 Cowden Speakes James, waiter, h 526 WeRt Spealman Abhie, dowestic, 13 Cowden Spece David, Bagman. h 521 Muench
(SIHCU ..... Ie JAMES F. KlBBY.)

Boarding Stables,
Beet of care 1r1lal'lUltee<1 to all BlOCk and special atten'lIon III yen to Ham_ and Floe c.rrtajfel. No Livery con-

nected with the Slablee. nrTeiephone Connection Teams Delivered at Customen' Resldeocee.


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Coog Ie

" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 478 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Speoe Nora E., laund1't'S8, h 621 Muencb Spece Sarah J., domestic, 1012 N 7th Specbt Rebecca J., domestic, 313 Market Speck George, tailor, b 504 State Speddy James M., telegrapber P. R. R., h 203 Hummel Speel Alexander R., lawyer, b 110 Walnut Speel Jobn N., paymaster U. S. N., b 110 Walnut Speese Charles H., ins. collector, b 117 Mulberry Speese Charles R., elk, 340 Chestnut, h 267 Herr Speese Gertrude M., bookkpr, 440 Market, h 6 N 5tb Speese Harry, painter, h 115 S Cameron Speese Harry R., tobacco agt, II 267 Herr Speese Hyde M. S., baker, h 267 Herr Speese John, machinist, h 115 S Cameron Speese Joshua M., h 6 N 5th Speese Milton D., pressman, h 236 Hummel Spease Sarimel S., salesman, 31 8 2d, b 128 Chestnut Speier Emma, wid Theodore H., h 1101 N 3d Speise Frank L., driver, h 1072 S 9th Speise Mary A., wid Lewis, h 1126 S 9th Spelling Louis, shoemkr, 446 Walnut, h 122 Cowden Spence Henry S., laborer, II 706 N 7th Spence Marshall, janitor. h 706 N 7th Spencer Gertrude, domE!l!tic, 1431 N 2<1 Spenoor Harry, hostler, h Court av c Cranberry av Spencer .James, laborer, h 669 BrigJes Spencel' John E., bl'llkeman, h 1212 Christian Spencer Oscar .J., (Love & Spencer), h 2017 Penn Spencer Sarah, domeatic, 1640 N 3d Spen(:er William C., laborer, II 1470 Regina Spencer William J., laborer, h 1470 Regina Speraw Henry H., l'llrpenter, h 1101 Cowden Spicer Charles A fUl'Ditnre, 111 S 2<1, h do Spk-er Charles F., elk, 10th nr Market, h 1288 2d Spicer J. Henry, supt Burial Case Co., h 22 N 4th Spicklel' AIi~, bookkpr. 3 S 2d, h 610 Briggs Spickler Annie, dressmkr. 318 N Court av, h do Spidel John A., laborer, h 34 Linden Spiece Henry, carpenter, h 14J 2 Maple av Spiece Mary V., dressmkr, 1412 Maple av, h do Spielman Juhn, laborer, h 421 Pear av Spies Caroline, wid Henry, h 2108 Derry Spiesberger Jacub, liquors, 109 S 2d, h 714 N 3d Spiel!e Bertha M., saleslady, 3:l-l Market. h 1207 do Spindle Armstead, h 1408 Fulton Spire Charles \V., car marker, h 932 S 201 Spire Harry A., brakeman, h 1219 Mnlberry Spitler A~fred, county detedive, 222 Market, h 1614 Swatara

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A. B. T ~'t.o~~ I,ll Pifer .. Wlnd.1 S.ues {12~ ~~fd(,~. Ael

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory. 479
Spitler Frances M., clk, h 1614 Swatara Spitler J(}hn A., conductor, h 1614 Swatara Spitler John H. A., brakeman. h 1410 N 6th Spitler Laura J., bookkpr, 1402 Vernon, h 1614 Swatara Spitz Josephine, h 416 Briggfol Splawn Lt'e, laborer, h 217 N River BV Spofford Kate R.. bookkpr, 10tb nr Market, b 411, Walnut Spofford Mary E., b 4111 Walnut Spofford S. Ella, elk, 32 N 3d, h 4111 Walnut Sponenberger Frederick, grocer, 1904 State, h do Spong Lemuel R., mgr, 223 Market, h W Fairview Sponsler Andrew, blacksmith, h 917 Capital Sponsler Catharine, wid Henry, h 917 N 2d Sponsler Emma, h 600 Race Sponsler George H., elk, 13 S 2d, h 225 Briggs Sponsler George M., saloon, 306 Strawberry av, h do Sponsler Howard C., elk, 817 N 3d, b 265 Forster Sponsler Ida M., saleslady, 38 N 3d, h 265 Forster Sponsler James K., foreman, b 141:J Margaret Sponsler J. Edward, salesman, 308 Market, b 613 Briggs Sponsler Jennie, domestic, 715 N 3d Sponsler Joseph A., engineer, b 917 N 2d Sponsler Mary J., wid Michael W., h 265 Forster




Sponsler William A., molder, h 1323 N Front Spooner Ann, h 614 N 2d S~ner Laura E., b 614 N 2d . SPOONER WILLIAII H., cbina, glass, lamps, &c., 5 N 2d, h 117 Locllst Spotts Charles, brakeman, b 426 Hamilton Spotts Harl'y C., clk, 426 M8I'ket, h 712 CaI)ital Spotts James A., packer, h 712 Capital Spotts JClbn S., fireman, h 426 Hamilton Spotts Sarah, wid Frank, h 712 Capital Spotts William A., flagman, h 425 Kelker Spotts William M., fireman, h 1012 Berryhill Spottswood Edward C., bricklayer, h ~H5 Hamilton Spotwood David C., barber, 4121 Verbeke, b 1401 Margaret Spotwood John A. J., waiter, h 517 State Spratts Emma J., h 134 Vine S~enger AuguRta, domestic, 301 S Front SPRENKEL PETER X., millinery goods, 31 N 3d, b 717 Cupital Spriggs Frank, laborer, h 710 North av Sprigga Henry W., waiter, h 1161 Liberty Springer Edwin N., grocer, 43 S 13th, b do Sllringer Emma C., elk, h 1335 VernolJ

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.oleU', PaID Eat_lllalor COl'S <-'holera MorbllI, D)'IIeIltel7. Crampe, DIMrIlGa. ColcU, QulDa1, RbeIlma&lBm, ~e, 8oraThroat, Ape, DyIpepIIa,.IIe. ttlt '.N.

4:80 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. Springer George N., t'lk. 807 N 3d, h 538 North Springer James P., flagman, h 5:38 North Springer James P., jr., laborer, h 5:38 North Springer Jennie, artist, h 1250 D'rry Spring'r John \V., carpenter, h 1250 Derry Springer Oscar, printer, h 1250 Derry Springer Sadie, clrl'ssmkl', b 1250 Derry Springer Susan C., quiller, h 538 North Springer Uriah, fireman, h 611 Herr Springer William D., blacksmith, h 1231 Mulherry Sliront Charles B., nail inspector. h 901 S Front SPROUT CHARLES E., sewing machiues, 1019 N 3d, h do Sprout Georg' B., nailer, h 928 S 201 Sprow Harry. blacksmith, h 1528 N 4th Sprucebanks George W" molder, h 312 N Court av Sprucebauks .James, molder, h 312 N Court av Sprucebanks Laura A., weaver, h 3]!! N Court a\' Sprucebanks William W., painter, h 312 N Court av Squires Thomas G., conductor, h 1708 N 5th STAAB JOlIN, carpet mfr, 402 Verbeke (Broad), h do Stabler Catharine, wid Ephraim, h 1124 Bartine av Stabler William A., shoemkr, h 1124 Bartine av Stack Thomas, bricklayer. b 1126 Market 'STACKPOLE EDWAJU) J., reporter Telegraph, correspondent, h 1930 N 3d Stackpole Oscar, paperhanger, h 12 S 2<1 Stager Leighton B., agt U. S. Expr:ess, h 1211 Market Stahl Abl'llham O. C., laborer, h 14th c Paxton Stahl John A., tobacconist, 28 S 3d, h do Stahl Mary C. Mrs., housekeeper, 111 Short Stahler Catharine, wid Adam, h 714 Capital Stahler George W., brakeman, h 1925 N 5th Stahler John, engineer, h 1137 S 9tb Stahler John A., toollmith, h 128 Mulberry Stabler Kate, laundress, b 714 Capital Stahll Catharine, domestic, 1001 N 2d Staily Alfred H., driver, h 1410 N 3d Stair George F., lahoreI', b 322 S Court av Stair George W., laborer, h 322 S Court av Stall Georlre F., brakeman, h 300 Chestnut Stallman Horat'e, cutter, h 502 Cowden Stambaugh Cyrns E., cooper, h 1003 S 9th Stambaugh Emma, dC)Rlestic, 104 Boas Stambaugh Enos F" cooper, h 1043 S 9th Stambaugh Jacob. carpenter, 815 Penn, h 220 Briggts Stambaugh Johu K., cooper, h 1043 S 9th Stambaugh Samut'l P .. teachel', h 1315 Derry STAMM A. CARSON, lawyer, 7 N 3d, h 312 Hummel

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IIIIf} beet and loweat l B. T Wall Paper. Thewith I'ixtDres aDd prloea. Window { II. 1210' IIIIR Shade. ooDlplete. Frlqe. for 16 eta. 114 6t.
Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 481
Stamm Elizabeth, wid Juhn S., h 312 Hummel Stanford A. LeRoy. agt, h 226 V E'rbeke Stanford O. Blanche, h 226 Vel'ooke Stanford Vincent W., (Robt>rts & Meek), h 226 VerhE'ke Stanforu Wesley M. Rev., h 226 Verbeke Stanley Augustus J. K .. baggagemoster, h 1615 Swatara Stansbury IHIlIlC L., lahurPor, h 1070 S 9th Stanton Emma Mrs., h 1428 Margaret Stanton JamE's, hustler, h 2:37 Cranberry BV Stanton Noah, lahorer, h 506 S()uth av Stantoll Paris, lablllt'r, h 707 North av St.ape Harriet, wid Samuel, h 1640 ifultoD Stape William H., helper, h 1640 ~'ultoD Stapf Conrad, carpE'lIter, h 4~2 S Cameron Stapf .John, carpenter, h 1022 Pllxton Staples Hattie E. Mrll., h 1l0:l Hitknryav Star Carpet Cleanin~ Works, 28 N Cameron STAR-INDEPENDENT. B. F. Meyers, pub, 8 N 4th (see atlv) Stark George W., brakeman, h 1821! N 5th Stark Leah Mrs., h 1101 N 6th Starr Aleatha, elk, 1010 N 3d, h 1118 N 6th Starr Bertha, elk, h 25 Balm Starr Frank. clk, 1010 N :3d. h 1118 N 6th STAU BIRAK, furniture and carpet.oI, 1300 N 6tb, h 11 18 do Starr ~Iorris, stoves, &<-., l:l(JO N 6th, h 1327 Fulton Starl'Y Adam, stunt' ntllSUlI, h 1327 N 2d Starry Willillm T., (!OlItral'tllr, II Brookwood ab 21st Startzman Rose, c\()mt'sti(!, 622 Hlllllilton State Mutulll l"ire 1118. Ct. , B. K. Huntzinger, sec, 1 S 3d Stauffer Annie L. 1\lI-s., hOIl8t'kt't'lwr, 446 Buyd 0\' Stauff..r Benjamin G . HJ!t, h 2102 Derry Staufft.-r Cllrl, fil'CIIIHn, It 16:37 N :Jd Stauffer Harry C., lJrHkt'mHn, II 16:J7 N 3d Stauffer Jubn H., nwldel', h 2017 Fulton. Stauffer .Juseph, ('Ill'}lelltf'r, It 1637 N 3d Stauffer Lottie, h 16:i7 N 3d Stanfft!r Magjltie A., dlesllmkr. II 1121 N 6th Staufft'r ~lay F., tailures.", It 1 118 Muntgomery Stauffer Rebe<o<'Il Mrs. h Wallllce nr Verbeke Stauffer Sallie, domestic, 224 Verbeke Staufft!r Silmuel G., telt'/ltrapller, h 21114 Derry Stauffer William A., \u'UkellllllJ, It 1802 N 5th Staup Willillm E., dk, :lOO Mllrket, h 1209 Kiltatinny St. Clair Clara M., b J405 .'amell av St. Clair Mary A., wid David, h 1405 James av Sleager AnDie, h 914 Cowden

Digitized by


" To find a name yore must let/ow how to spell it." 482 Boyd'i Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Steager John A., carllPnbr. h 914 Cowden Steck Clar~nce, Jl)uljicillll, h 339 Boyd av Steck Martha M., wid John, h 3:~9 Bovd BV Steckley Bertha, clk, 404 Verbeke, h du Steckley Elizabeth, wid Matthew, h 404 Verbeke Steckley Joseph, stonecutter, h 441 Bllyd BV Steckley William, (Steckley & SlIn), h 404 Ver~ke Steckley & Son, (William), slu)t!lol, 404 Vel'beke Steele Anna B. MI'I!., millJner, 1O() N 4th, h do Steele Cheyney, iil'eman, h 1410 N 4t.h Steele Frank M., engineer, h 329 Kelker Steele Harrv J., b IOU N 4th Steele Ida, wid Thornton. h 1413 Marion Steele J. Barry, prn.taJ clk, h 101:1 Market STEELE JOBN . , mgr The J. F. Seiberling & Co., harvesting machines, 1000 Market, h 1013 do . Steele Kate E., wid William H., h 1728 N 3d Steele Lewis H., barber, II 1413 Marion Steele S. Ada, dressmkr, 1432 N 6th, h do Steely Harry C., flagman, h Verbeke ab 16th Steely McClellan L., caller, h 1845 Fulton Stees Abraham, plasterer, h 30! N ;3<1 Stees Ellen W., wid William J., h 104 Walnut Stees George W., plasterer, h 3U! N 3d Stees Baniet, wid George W., h 115 S Camel'on Stees Harriet, wid Tbeophilu3, h 636 Muench Stees Harry, painter, h 115 8 Cameron Stees Harry H., elk, h 104 Walnut Stees Henry, plasterer, h 411 Myrtle av Stees Jaeob 0., priuter, h'323 Hay av Stees John M., machinist, It 115 S Cameron SteeS Lawren(.'e W., painter, 326 Clinton av, h do Stees Ol!CeOla, laborer, h 67' N 10th Stees Robert, bricklayer, It 1852 Walnut Stees William, engineer, It 1536 Wallace STEEVER AARON druggist, 933 N 6th c Boas, b 931 do Steever John W., carpenter, h 2011 N 7th Steever .John W., laborer, h 1818 Fulton Steever Mary L., domestic, 1410 N 6th Steever Robert, laborer, h 2011 N 7th Steever Wesley M., hrakeman, h 552 Hunter Steffey Cora J., attendant LUllatic Hospital, h do Steffey Zacharias, laborer, II rear 7th Ilr Verbeke Steffy Aunie, domestic, 13291 Howard Stehley Mary, wid .Jacob, h 1414 N 2d Steiger Henry .J., elk, 15 N 21, h 228 South SteigleD1au George F., car illt'pector, h Moore ab l\Iaclay


Digitized by



I all Paper and lindow Shades. {72~:ioJ:.R2'1~.


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Stein Lewis N., florist, Colder c N 111, h do Steinberg Frank, laborer, h 58 Lochiel Cottage Row Steinberg Joseph L., laborer, II 610 Showers BV Steinberg Martin J . laborer, h .58 Lochiel Cottage Row Steinberg William J., baker, h 107 Hanna Steiner Charles, ('8rpenter, h 2020 N 6th Steiner Charles C., printer Telegraph. it 607 Briggs Steiner James C., shoe operator, h 15 S 2d Steiner Jobn, lahorer, h 16 S Court av Steiner William IJ., carpenter, h 607 Briggs Steiner Wilson, brakeman, h 212 Mulberry Steinrueier Mary, shoe turner, h 244 Crescent Steinmeier Regina, wid John, h 244 Crescent Stein meier William R., boilerrnkr, h 244 Crescent Steinmetz Augustus S., conductor, h 620 Hamilton Steinmetz Cyrus \V., electrician, h 626 Dal1phin av Steinmetz Sarah E., wid Samuel S., h 620 Hamilton Steinmetz William B., engineer, h 626 Peft'er Stemler Frank H.; engineer, h 1954 N 7th Stence Benjamin F., baker, 905 N 3d, b do Stence Lizzie M., wid John H:, h 458 S Cameron STEl!fGER W A.LTER news editor Patriot, h 410 N 2d Stephen Annie, h 1100 N Front Stephen Hiram S., cutter. 9 N 3d, h 713 Capital



Stephen Sarah, wid William, h 1100 N Front =hens J. Kirk, elk. ] 208 N 6th, h 1631 N 4th PHEBS SHARON, coal and wood, 3d c Verbeke (Broad), 422 State, h 270 North Stephens Thomas, helper, h 1341 S 12th Stephenson Catharine, wid Jacob, h 206 S 13th Stepben!lOn Fannie, h 709 Love av Steph,"son Frank, bricklayer, h 1935 :Logan av Stephenson Ida R., wnrper, h 709 Love av Stephenson Joseph B., lumber counter, h 311 Briggs Stepbenson Kate, b 1108 N 12tb Stepbenson I.evan, contractor, h 319 Maclay Stepbent50n Thomas E., bricklayer, h 210 Colder Stephenson William, barber, 510 Strawberry av, h do Sterling Edward I., laborer, h 1106 Crescent Sterling George W., laborer, h 1106 Crescent Sterling Ruhan, wid Isaac, h 138 S Cameron Sterling Susan C. Mrs., b 1106 Crescent Sterling William B., h 1106 Crescent BTEBN EIIANtJEL, boots and shoes, 320 Market, h 412 Briggs Stern Louis, clothing, 331 Market, h 412 Briggs

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If\vea you an TRY IT I Jelel'lts Pal'n Exterml'nator mUlloD8 have appetite. MaDJ { 1111 wWtA IW. beeD cured bJI"


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

Sterrett Alexander W" gru(!el', 931 S 20!, h 929 do Sterrett Franklin G., laborer; h 929 S ~Ol Sterringer F. Blair, helper, h 501 Cumberland Sterringer JOSf>ph R, engillet'r, II 501 Cumberland Sterringer J. Rush, fureman, II 501 Cumberland Sterringer R. Elwood, laborer, II 610 Dauphin av Sterringer Susan R, domt'8tic, 561 Hunter Steube Anton G . !rluer, h 8"0 S Cameron Stevens Benjamin F. Rev., h 228 S t~1th Stevens Charll's, brakeman, h 1209 Kittatinny Stevens Charles A., brakeman, h 1215 N 7th Stevens Clarence C., elk, 22 N 3d, h 1209 Kittatinoy Steven!! Daniel E., carpenter, h 55 N 13th Stevens David, driver, h 14 t 2 Fulton Stevens Emory M. Rev., h 323 HummE'1 Stevens George W., waiter, h 816 Capital Stevens George W. Rev . II ]918 N 6lh Stevens John C., physician. 230 S 13th, h do Steve Ill! Mahala, waitr~ The Bolton Stevens Martin. machini!!t, h 1010 Hemlock Stevens Susan Z., wid Zephaniah, h 66 N 13th Stevens Thomas H., asst supt, 1202 N :ld, h 422 Market Stevenson Alonzo B., cllok, h 42 S CUl1rt It\' STEVENSON DAVID. machinist, 120l Mulberry, h do Stevenson }'rank G., painter, h 1213 N Front Stevenson Frederick S., cabilletmkr, h 46 S Court av Stevenson James E., waiter, h 714 N 7th Stevenson John F., painter, h 121:3 N Front Stevenson Mary E., housekeeper, 1730 N 7th Stevenson Theodore, sawyer, h 42 S Court av Stevenson Urith, domestic, 110 Liberty Stevick Daniel F., salesman, h 302 North Stevick David B., driver, h 7th ab Maclay Stevick Frank E., bookkpr, 223 Market, II 520 Coldet Stevick Ida V., wid Hltrvey, h 5~2 Pt!fi'er Stevick Lillc()lA A., conductor. h 13 t 3 N 3d Steward James F., elk, 1008 N ;3d, h do SteW8l't Alt'xandet, laborer, h rear 1829 N 7th Stewart Alfred C., blacksmith, h 4~0 Cumberland Stewart Ambler J. t real ('state, h 812 N 2d Stewart Augu!!tnl, h 328 Muench Stewart Benjamin F . ins. solicitor, h 224 N 2d Stewart Catharine, wid William H., h 1308 N 2d Stewart Charles, laborer, h 1428 Marion Stewart Charles W.,laborer, h 625 S Front Stewart Corinna I., wid George \V., h 10),2 N 3d Stewart Craig G., clk, 1427 N 3d, h do' Stewart Eliza, wid Samuel L., quiltmkr, h 1128 N Front

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {D~...cJE~~r*,,:,~} 1210 N. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory.
Stewart Emilv, domeMtic, 12th nr Hel'r

STEWART'FRANK B., printer and stationer, 1427 N 3d,

h do Stewart Frank S., elk, h 411 Filbf'rt Stewart George B. Rt'v., II 127 Slate Stewart Harry G., labort'r, h 1154 S Cameron Stewart Henry, laborel', II 247 S 14th Stewart Hem'Y J., (~"'Clrney & Stewal't). h 3201 Chestnut Stewart I.da M., teacher, I. 420 Cumberland Stewart James A., conductor, II 204 S 13th Stewart Jay K., elk, 117 S 3d, h 27 S 4th Stewart Jennie B. Mrs., hairdresser, 224 N 2d, h do. Stewart Juhn H., waiter, h 424 South av Stewart .John K . m~r, 117 S 3d, h 27 S 4th STEWART JOHN II., grlJCtr, 1820 N 6th, h 620 Colder STEWART JOHN Q., dep supt public instruction, h 1406 N 2d Stewart Josephine A., dressmkr, h 608 N 2<1 Stewart J. T. Crawford, molder, h 628 Herr Stewart Linsey, driver, h 1M Cranberry av Stew8I't Margaret B., wid George, h 1126 N 6th Ste\vart Marguretta, wid William, h 424 South av Stewart Matilda, wid Jeremiah, h 418 South av Stewart P. Ross, student, h 420 Cumberland Stewart Robert, hostler The Oommercial Stewart Sallie I., elk, h 420 Cumberland Stewart Sarah J., wid Thoma. R., h 9 N 5th Stewart Theodllrt', laborer, h 1106 N 12th STEWART THOMAS J., sec of illt. affitirs, b 424 Market Stewart W. Henry, houseman, 14th bel Kittatinny Stewart William, h 605 Cumberland Stewart William, track layer, h 818 Capital Stewart William, jr., carter, h 424 South av Stewart William H., laborer, h 247 S 14th Stewart William J., planer, h 1312 Vernon Stewart WilliaDl W., brakeman, h 1619 N 6th St. Genevieve's Academy, Maclay c N 5th Stibgeo Abraham, piler, h 1071 S 9th Stibgen Annit', boarding, h 1421 Wallace Stickel Danit'l, brakemall, h 137 Vine Stickel Harry 1~., physician, h Hotel Columbus Stickles Re\Je<:ca, wid John, Ii 634- Briggs Stigelman Benjamin F., sslesmall, h 123 N 13th Stikeley Allnip., dllmestic, 711 Capital Still Howard E., drivE'r, h 122 Strawberry av Stimer Andrew, puddler, h 1536 N 5th Stimer Barbara, wid Mart-in, h 1536 N 5th Stimer Robert, fireman, h 1536 N 5th

Digitized by


" To find a name you "lf~sl know how to spell it." 486 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Stimer Samuel, molder, h 1434 Derry Stimer William, engineer, h 1405 Green Stine Charles L., fireman, h 225 Reily STINE GEORGE W. Dr., surgeon dentist, 211 Locust, h do Stine Ha'!Y~W" printer, h 606 Boas STINE HENRY M. Dr., surgeon dentist, 211 Locust, h 309 N 2d Stine John W. Mrs., h 34 SlOth Stinefelt Henry, carpentt'r, h 623 Delaware av Stiner Charles, conductor, h 235 Verbeke Stingle James F., car inspt'Ctor, h 12!Jl Wallace Stinney Thomall, labol'er, II 510 South Stillson Jllmes, Iliborel', Ii 1736 N 6th Stinsou James 1\1., printer Telegram. h 1727 Wood av Stinson Maggie E., dressmkr, h 1736 N 6th Stinson Samuel, fIlachinillt Lunatic Hospital, h 1609 N 6th Stinson William H., baker, h 3:32 Reily Stintzcuu Charles, brakeman, h 323 Dauphin av Stipe Mar~ret, domestic. 116 Chestnut Stirling Martin, The Bolton Stiteler Richard E., heater. h 123 Hanna Stober Alexander L., moMer, h 1004 N 15th Stober Bertha 1\1., saleslady, 10 N 4th, h 1:30 State Stober John W., h 130 State Stober Lewis W., molder, h B'riggs c Poplar Stober Mary E., h 707 East Stober Robert S., bookbinder, h 130 State Stober Samuel, laborer, h 1004 N 15th Stober Samuel J., laborer, h State ab 20th Stock Charles, laborer, h !l06 S Court av Stock Fredericka, wid John, h 306 S Court av Stocker John H., roller, h 1930 N 6th STOCK YARD HOTEL, M. M. Grove, Maclay c 6th (see adv) Stockton David, elk, h Franklin House Stoddard Anna M., h 13 S River av Stoey Charles W. W., plasterer, h 1126 N Front Stoey George W. B., laborer, h 320 Sayford av STOEY lOHN R., paperhangings and window shadea, 1121 N 3d, h 3d nr Seneca Stoey Washington L".grocer, h 253 Cumberlan~ Stoey William W., taxidermist, 1126 N Front, h do Stokes James, driver, h 130 S Rivet' av Stone Amos, insurance agt, h 136 Linden Stone Ellen, domestic, 324 N 2d Stone Harry W., sec, h 213 Cumberland Stone Mary, wid Harry H., h 213 Cumberland

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I. B. TICK, ProCIlCOI Paper Hanger,

{7?7~~O!:'~9M~ Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 487

;Ston' R()~ C., wid Jacob, h 524 Hunter Stonebrakp.r Kate G., h 22 Aherdeen av .stonebraker MaggiE', wid Valentine, h 22 Aberdeen av .Stonebllrn J<"irederick H., elk, 321 Market, h 1625 N 3d .stonebllrn William, insuranl'e, 321 Market, h 1625 N 3d .stoner Addie G. Mrs., dres.~mkr, h 1218 Cowden Stoner Anna, wid George W., h 6:31 Herr .Stoner Annie E. Mrs., h 221 State Stonel' Arthur, salesman, h 605 Herr .stoner Delbert C., flagman, h 11 N Cameron Stoner E. Gertrude, sale."lady, h 605 Herr .ston~r Ella, domestic, 806 N 6th . .stoner Frallklin R., weighmllster, h 1413 Currant av Stoner Harry E., fOl'eman, h 16:32 Wallace Stoner Herman. hm-se dealer, h 421 Forster .stoner Hugh E., huckster, II 1927 Wood av .stonE'r .Tames C., hides, 116 S 2d, h 405 Boas STONER JOHN C., supt Fidelity Building and Loan Asso. of Washingtou, D. C., 200 N 2d, h 301 Crescent Stoner Martiu G., engineer, h 618 Colder Stoner Samuel, warehouseman, h III 0 N 6th Stoner Susan, wid Ephraim, h 605 Herr Stoner Willium E., printer Patriot, h 11011 Capital


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

StolleI' William R, condnctllr;Ti605Herr Stonesifer Cyrlls D., huckster, h 1223 Apple av Stonesifer Daniel C., huckstel', h 1109 Colder Stonesifer F"ank D., tinner, 1508 N 4th, h do Stonesifer George W., repairsman, h 1713 N 7th Stonesifer Jacob H., inspector, h 1220 N Front Stonesifer John A., laborer, b 1324 Penn Stonesifer Victor B., brakeman, h 203! Sassafras av Stonesifer William C., "epairsman, b 1713 N 7th Stonesifer William L., laborer, h 1306 l\faple av Stooss Jobn C., barber, 916 N 3d, h do Storey Adda V., wid .James B., h 1208 N 2d Storey Charle.'1 A., (Beruheisel & Storey), h 24 N 14tb Storey James \V., h 1208 N 2d Storey Maud, b 1208 N 2d Storm Adolph, shearer, h 113 Ann av Storm Gotthardt, laborer, h 17021 Fulton Stormfeltz Elizabeth, wid Harry, h 910 Cowden Stormfeltz F. May, dressmkr, h 910 Cowden StOrl' Harry S., insllrance, 412 Market, h do STOTT JOHN E., <!orporation clk State Treasury, Capitol, h 610 Briggs Stollch Adam \V., yardmaster P. & R. R., h 1201 Derry
80 .

Digitized by


DIce McN eil's Medicine Co. {EB~~ed} No::':~d.


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.

Stouffer Augustus, laborer, h 1114 Cupital Stouffer Catharine, soomstress, h 1003 Market StoufF~r Vbarles A., meat market, 449 Verbeke, .b 447 do StoufF~r Daniel H., butcher, h 12301 N 6th Stouffer Emanuel, stair builder. h 304 Reily Stouffer E<hvin H., boilermkr, h 12.1)9 Walnut Stouffer E. Susan. wid William W., h 304 Reily Stouffer George R., dyer, 815 N 3d, h do Stouffer Hellry H., mc.>at market, 114 Dewberry av, h 328 Chestnut Stouffer I. Heury, brukeman, h 1426 Green Stouffer Jacob H., meut market, 256 Colder, h 1401 Green Stouffer James M., nrt'man, h 609 Muench Stouffel' J. Hal'vflY, teamster, II 436 Vnmberland Stouffer Johu E . laborer, h 1514 Logan av Stouffer John G., wagonmkr, h 1121 N 6th Stouftel' Lemuel T., baker, II 512 Peffer Stouffel' Rebe<.'CIl Mrs., h 1225 Wullace Stoufft'r Sumuel T., cabinetmkr, h 1259 Wahiut Stouffer William, lahul'er, h 20:35 Kensington Stouffllr William S., fireman, h 1935 N 6th Stough Amos, carpenter, h Derry c 23d Stough Annie S., h 1416 Penu Stough Frank R., laborer, h '914 S 201 Stough Jacob, laborer, h 660 Verbeke Stough James K. P., sweeper, h Currant av nr Verbeke Stough John G., watchman State Library, b do Stoup Frances, stenographer, 619 Walnut, h 115 Evergreen Stover Amanda L., seamstress, h 1829 Rudy Stover Amos H., letter carrier, h 219 Crescent Stover Harry C., salesman, 334 Market, h 219 Crescent I Stover Jesse, laborer, h 1829 Rudy Stover Mary I., dressmkr, 1607 N 4th, h do Strachan James E., janitor, h 1110 N 7th Straede Kate M., teucher, h 410 N 2d Stl'8ining Andrew, lahorer, h 1752 N Cameron Straining Daniel, driver, h 34 N 13th . Stl'llining John E., h 1752 N Cameron Strainin~ William, shoemkr, 525 StIlte, h 1000 Cowden STRANAHAN lAMES A., dept Iltty genl, Capitol, b 321 ~ Front Straub Albert, barber, h 1225 Fulton Straub Alexander, laborer, h 1212 Apple av Straub Charles, elk, h 1225 Fulton Straub COlll'lid. h 110; N 3d Stl'lluh Conrad'A., cigars, 1219 N 3d, h 1107 do Straub Henry K., laborer, h 1225 Fulton Struub Johu, stolle mason, h 1319 Susquehanna

'I. Digitized by




,llIr 1210 PI0)'8 none bat Ilrst-el. . workmen, beneeonly drat-elul 1Iun, N. 3d St. wort,and Insares 11.. Wort done In any pan or tbe iIIate.


Boyd's Harrisburg l8) City, Directory. 489

Straub Joseph, laborer, h 919 B 19th Btraub Mary, wid Abraham, h 1276 Btate Btraub Samuel N., clk, 223 Market, h 1225 Fulton Straughter Fanny F., domestic, 106 Chestnut Strauser Ada, domestic, 3 S Fl'Ont Strausner Charles, huckster, It 1248 Derry Strausner Karl, printer, h 1248 Derry Strau!lS, see Strouse Strauther Charles, waiter, h 319 Colder Straw Alberta V., teacher, h 1711 N 3d Straw Clara B., housekeeper, 1711 N 3d Straw Elizabeth, wid Michael, h 2143 Herr STRA.W GEORGE W., reporter Btar-Independent, h 119 Dock Straw Jacob, carpenter, II 1711 N 3d Straw John N., laborer, h 1366 Vel"lloll Straw Michael B., labol'er, h 214:J Ht'rr Strew hIe Lawrf'nce, laburer, b 16:30 N 5th STRIBLIlfG ERNEST C., sec City Steam Laundry Co. l't'al estate, colledion amI insurance, 1204 N 3d, h .24 Forster (see adv) . Stribling Frederick, laborer, h 1605 Elm Stricker Lizzie, boarding, 132 Locullt, h do Strickland Benjamiu H., organist, h 410 Spring av Strickler Amelia, \vid Jacob, h 335 Granite av Strickler Frank S., elk MechaniCll' Bank, h at HummelstowD Strickler Joseph, laborer, h 1318 N 6th Strickler Robert A., machinist, h 1213 Mulberry Strickler Sarah Mrs., h 1215 Mulberry Strickler William H., carpenter, h 1616 Fulton Striewig Irvin E., clk, Sycamore and P. R.R., h 320 Chestnut Strine Charles, laborer, h 712 Cowden Strine Edward, brakemau, h 1120 N Cameron Strine George, labol'er, h 712 Cowdeu Strine Henry, tanner, h 1416 Herr Strine Isaac R, helper, h 1416 Herr Strine Jacob, bel per, b Cameron bel Herr Strine Jacob G., laborer, h 1416 Herr


FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Rooms 1and 2, (Second Floor,) 1204 North Third St.
Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 490 Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Strine John F., huckstel', h 1120 N Cameron Stripling Benjamin, laborer, h 217 N Rivel' av Strite George W., (Grove & Stl'ite), h 439 S 13th Strock Agnes, dressmkr, h 120 Washington Strock Frank P., elk, 308 Mal'ket, h 207 State Strock Isaac, car inspector, h 1612 N 6th Strob Charles B., brakeman, h 1935 N 6th Stroh Cbarles C., elk Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 653 Boas Stroh Edith J., music teacher, 243 North, h do Stroh Edward B., bookbinder, b 15 N Cameron Stroh Frederick, gl'Ocer, 1732 N 4th, h do Strob Harry C., fireman, h 653 Boas Stroh Harry L., pressman, h 438 Boas Stroh Henry, laborer, h 2116 N 6th STROH W. SCOTT. coal and wuod, 1715 N 6th, h do Strohm }<~Illllla J., forelady, h 129 S 14th Strohm John A., h 129 S 14th Strohm John A., jr., laster. h 129 S 14th Struhm Leah, wid Jacob, h 1320 William Strohm Morris M., plasterer, b 129 S 14th Strohm Sadie B., housekeeper, 129 S 14th Strohm Stein W" plasterer, It 129 S 14th Strominger AlbeIt, plasterer, h 406 Cumberland Strominger Bertha M., operator, h 927 Grand Strominger Elizabeth M., operator, h 927 Grand Strominger Frank, frgt agt P. & H.. depot, h 238 State Stromingel' James 1\1., plasterer, h 406 Cumberland Strominget' Joseph, plasterer, h 406 Cumberland Strominger Ralph, paperhanger, h 927 Grand Strominger William A., machinist, h 927 Grand Strother John W., laborer, h 709 North av Strothet Richard, laborer, h 720 Cowden Strother William, bell boy~ h 125 Short Strothers Charles, waiter, h 319 Colder Strothers William, laborer, h 406 Hay av Stroup Edward M., elk, h 332 S 16th Stroup J. Harry, register, Court House, h at Williamstown Stroup Mary E., honsekeeper, 1623 Derry Stroup William H., helper, h 191 ab Derry Stroup William H., jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do STROUP WILSON W., physician, 332 S 16th, h do Strouse Amelia, wid William, h 10 N 5th Strouse Benjamin, jr., elk, 329 Market, h 313 do Strouse Bros., (J. and M.), clothiers, 313, also 325 Market Strouse David K., engineer, h 413 Harris Strouse Joseph, (Strouse Broe.). h 313 Market Strouse Jushua, salesman, 325 Market, h 313 do Strouse Louisa, h 610 N 2d

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';,~ab~~;:;~WOII POperonttWlnttoWShOIleS from I. B. T leK, ~.7::$,.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 491
Strouse Michael, (Strou~ Bro.... ). h 313 l\farket Strouhe Walter A., engineer, h 340 Hamilton Strouse William, elk, 325 Market, h 413 Briggs Strunk Alfred, conductllr, h 502 N 3c1 Stuart Alhert F., bricklayer, h 1119 N 7th Stuart Daniel, barber, II 108 Cherry av Stuart Eliza, wid Hem'y, h 108 Cberry av Stuart Emma A., saleslady, 3:34 Market, h 1119 N 7th Stuart Emma M., feecler, h 1931 N 7th Stuart Geot'ge B., switchman, h 1~1 N Front Stuart Grace, h 1119 N 7th Stuart Harry F., fireman, h 1913 N 7th Stuart. Jane M., wid Hugh, It 2:l7 Boas Stuart Lavinia, wid James, It 1201 N Front Stuart Lilliau, dressmkr, 108 Cherry av, h do Stuart W. Chalmers, (Hench & Stuart), It 237 Boas Stuart William A., janitor P. O. bldg, h 1931 N 7th Stuart William P., bricklayer, h 1119 N 7th Stuart William P., h 1201 N Front Stuart William P . salesman, h 213 Boas Stubinsky .Jobn, driver, b 525 West RV Stucker Anna J., vestmkr, h 218 Herr Stucker Charles D., supt, h 115 Washington

NE1}~~~!::~~:~n':AI3tE FOOTWEAR OIFRANU. lAmaS', N.?:':~t. Stucker Elizabeth, wid Peter, h a04 S 2d Stucker George B., (Ward & Stucker), h 304 S 2d Stucker John A., bookkpr, b 304 S 2d Stucker J obn H., roller, h 1930 N 6th Stucker Levina, dressmkr, h 218 Herr Stucker Rubert, student, b 304 S 2d Stuckey Adam, carpenter, h 814 Cowden Stuckey Catharine, wid Eliphac, h 500 N Cameron Stuckey Jobn, h 1230 Bailey Stuckey William, brakeman, h 1315 N Front Studehaker Clemeut, gro(.-er, 421 N 2d, h 419 do Studebaker Nallcy; wid Jacob, h 255 Briggs Stum Sallie, laundress, h 114 Barbat'a av Stumph Jacob S., steam fitter, It 1018 Market Stuntz Edward H., genl agt, 118 Market, h 114 Evergreen Stuntz Sarah E., stenographer Eagle Works, h 112 Market Sturgeon Elmer E., brakeman, II 442 Boyd av Stnrgeon J lilian II , h Home for the Friendless Sturgeon Kate E., wid Timuthy S., h 1508! N 5th Stnrgeon Lillie y., wid B. Frank, h 520 Brown STURGEON ltOBERT ., managing editor Call, h 246

Sturgeoll William H., brakeman, h 535 Woodbine

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Liver and Blood PUl'lfylnlr lit 01 MeN ElL'S D,lpepeJa, LIYer, BlOod .nd KJdneyPille Cure {IIIII 011 01. Comp1al.nq.


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Sturgis William, laborer, h 325 S ] 5th Sturm Goodhart, straightener, h 17021 Fulton Stutsman Annie, h 1240 Cowden Stutsman Annie C., saleslady, 926 N 3d, h 1731 N 5th Stutsman David P., policeman, h 17;~1 N 5th Stutsman Frank V., engraver, h 173] N 5th Stutsman John H., brakeman, Ii 1941 Moltke av Stutsman Mary D., wid Jonas, h ] 427 N 6th Stutzman Thaddeus, coach paintt'r, h rear 607 Race Styers Emily, wid George, h 1807 N 6th Styers Mary, h 9th nr State Styers Oliver, plasterer, h 636 Cumberland Styers William A., shoemkr, 19] 1 N 6th, b do . Styles Rufus E., elk, II 1323 N 2d Styness James A., laborer, h a03 William Sullenberger John T., foreman, h 729 State Sullenberger Samuel A., labol't'r, h 1433 Susquehanna Sullenberger Thomas H., arch draftsman, h 1209 Bartine av Sullivan Annie E., starcher, h 1425 James Sullivan Bridget, domestic Grand Hotel Sullivan Cornt'liu8, laoort'r, h 1115 Cowden Sullivan Jewell M., housekeeper, 1269 S 9th Sullivan John A., brakeman, h 1425 James Sullivan Julia, laundress The Bolton Sullivan Kat~ F . booksewer, h 1269 S 9th Sullinn Maggie F., buoksewer, h 1269 S 9th Sullivan Mary, dressmkr, h 1425 JllmeoJ Sullivau Mary A., wid John D., h 1425 James Sullivan Mary E., teacher, h 1011 Cowden Sullivan Michael, h ]269 S 9th Sullivan Michael J.,jr., cashier P. R. H.. depot, h 1269 S 9th Sullivan Robert B., laborer, h 1115 Cowden Sullivan, see also O'Sullivan Summerhill John, roller, h 650 Woodbine Summers Arnold C., barber, 418 Marlcet, h 1604 Elm Summers Richard, laborer, h 1604 Elm SUN, (THE), Laurence E. JODts, publisher, 10 S 4th Sunday Kate, wid John A., h 1358 Vernon Sunday Margaret, saleslady, ;3:34 Mal klt, II 123 S 13th Sunday Sylvet>ter, expressman, h 123 S 13th Superior Drill Co., (The), agrl impltR, 627 Walnut Supplee P. Clement, engint'er, II 1217 Currant av Susong LaD/'a D., wid John M., h 142:3 Market Susquehanna Mut. Fire Iml. Co., B. K. HUlltziuger, sec, ] S 3d Susquehanna Wheelmeu, H. D. Lt'illhadl. 8e$,221 N 2d Sutch Clara M., bookfolder, h 916 Grand Sutch Robert D., engineer, h 916 Grand Sutch Robert W., plumber, b 916 Graud

Digitized by


I. B. TACK .::fuM&J&or F_IS 1111.1111 II Plall TIlts. {~~~~t~:

Boyd'i Barrilburg (8) City Directory. 4:93
Sutch Thomas, jr., printer Patriot, b 633 Daupbin av Suter Frank X., printer, b 47 N Summit Suter Harry, clk, 420 Market, b 47 N Snmmit Suthf:rland William, coachman, h 124 Adams av Sutlift'e Simeon, laborer, h 1306 Currant av Sutton William, elk, 800 N 3d, h do . Suydam Annie J., h 703 N 2d Suydam Jennie M. Mrs., h 703 N 2d S~ab George C., clk Court House, h 124 Evergreen Swab Philip C., h 1253 Market ,Swab Richard, machinist, h 802 N 6th Swab Wellington, postal elk, h 122:l Market Swallow Silas C. Rev., supt, 20 N 2d, b 816 N 6th Swamberry Jacob, boilermkr, h 341 S River av Swan Edward, dyer, h 13:30 N 2d SwaDger David, brakeman, h Cameron bel Herr Swank Samuel, h 2020 N 8th Swarger Catharine R., wid George, h 1545 N 6th Swarger Charle!' A., trimmer, h 1120 Market Swarger Edward F. D., elk, 1111 N 3d, h 1545 N 6th Swarger John H., machinist, h 1545 N 6th Swam Mary A., housekeeper,125 N CameroD Swartz Abraham, b 502 State Swartz Abram A., puddler, h 139! S 3d Swartz Anna, h 305 Briggs Swartz ADDa C., wid Edward S., h 911 N 2d Swartz ADDie, domeatic, 411 Market Swartz Augusta, domestic, 801 Green Swartz Burt E., shearsman, h 715 Showers av Swartz Charles, shearsman, b 130 Dewberry av Swartz Charles, h 229 State Swartz Charles W., elk, 326 Market, h 1427 do Swa~z Charles W.,laborer, h 2004 Wood av Swartz Dorothea M., booksewer, h 605 Showers av Swartz Edward, laborer, h 322 S River av Swartz Elmer, laborer, h 1732 Wood av Swartz Ernanuel, puddler, h 717 Showers av Swartz Frank L., s.'lleKman, h 1113 Wallace Swartz Frederick A., h 305 Briggs .Swartz Frederick J., stonecutter, h 608 Church av Swartz Frederick K., h 129 Pine Swartz Frederick K., jr., elk P. R. R., b 233 Boas Swartz George G., bridge builder, h 1300 Wallace Swartz George 0., laborer, h 1113 Wallace Swartz Geurge W., driller, h 1113 Wallace Swartz Henry A., carpenter, 912 Penn, h 121 Herr Swartz Isaac B., lawyer, 12 N 3d, h 1408 arket Swartz James C., uphollltP.rer, h 1242 Derry

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know ROW to spell it."' 494 Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.
Swartz Jane A., wid Levi, h 1113 Wallace Swartz Jennie, wid George C. B., h 60 N 14th Swartz J. L., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do SWARTZ JOSHUA W., lawyer, 12 N 3d, h 1408 Market SWARTZ J. ROSS. physician, 236 N 3d, II 233 Pine Swartz Levi F., elk, 334 Market, h 1113 Wallace Swartz Martha, wid George B., h 60 N 14th Swartz Martin, laborer, h 1024 Market Swartz Mary, h 600 N 3d Swartz Robt. H., supt J. Horace McFarland Co., h 232 S 13tB Swartz Sarah E., teacher, h 911 N 2d Swartz Sidney, h 305 Briggs Swartz Susan L., flBlE'Slady, 1300 N 3d, b 305 Briggs Swartz William, laborer, h 605 Showers av Swartz, see also Schwartz Swavely Isaac D., puddler, h 618 Cumberland Swayne Emerson B., printer Telegram, II 1849 Fulton Sweatman fl. Clement, trav salesman, h 1210 Mulberry Sweatman Hiram, b 1210 Mulberry Sweeney Annie M., dressmkr, h 13:39 S 12th Sweeney Charles, laborer. b 1233 Bailey Sweeney .Edgar, laborer, h 12:~3 Bailey Sweeney George. laborer, h 1528 Vernon Sweeney Hannah I.., warper, b ] 339 S 12th Sweeney Henrietta, wid Samuel, h 201 Nectarine aV' Sweeney J amell, puddler, h 1:l39 S 12th Sweeney James D., laborer, h 402 Forster Sweeney Jane A., wid 'fhumall. h 1419 Fulton Sweeney Malachi, tailor, II 932 Penn Sweeney Margaret, domestic, 17 S Front Sweeney Mary, domestic, 17 S Front Sweeney Mary M., domestic, 1325 Vern un Sweeney Robert W., butcher, II 1233 Bailey Sweeney Safah, domestic, 313 N Front Sweeney Sarah, wid John, h 1233 Bailey Sweeney Solomon, watehmun, h 623 Muench Sweeney Tillie R . saleslady, II 62:3 Muench Sweetwood William C., carpenter, II 1HOI Hunte .. Sweetzer Samuel G., shoeml<r. h 125 Balm Sweger AlicE', domestic. ] 315 N 3d Sweger Jacob, elk, 1733 N 5th, h 17:3:3 Fulton S\veigard Andrew, luburer, h 334 S 2(1 Sweigard Mary A., seamstrells, h 613 Walnut Sweigard Samuel, fireman, h 304 Mulhel"rY Sweigart George .1., h Briggs ab 19th S\veigart Isaac B., agrl impIts, H27 Walnut, h 9 S 2d Sweigart Jacob K., drivel', It 13:H 1."lIltllll Sweigert Abraham B., blacksmith, h 1:310 N 7th

Digitized by


A. B. TACK l:tt~~~11a11 Piper 11.llad.. Shadel {12~& ~~;d~_

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory. 495
Sweigert Catharine M., weaver, h 1310 N 7th Sweigert Fannie E., wid Andrew, h 1813 Market Sweigert John F., repairsman, II 1929 Wood av Sweitzer Annie, domesti(~, 2031 Hummel Sweitzer, Ref! also Schweitzer Sweney Annie L . salel!llldy, h 617 M Ilench Sweney Thomas J., flagman. h 650 Colder Sweney William J., conductor, h 617 Muench S"enk Ella, h 1101! N 7th Swiler Joseph, clk, 429 Verbeke, h do Swiler Lydia, wid John, h 1007 Cowden Swiler Maggie. h 429 Verbeke Swiler Robert S. P., laborer. h 1007 Cowden Swilkey Henry H, stonecutter, h 429 S 13th Swindells James K., upholsterer, h 1405 Penn Swindells Samuel, electric bellhanger, h 1200 Bartine av Swivel Adin, moHer. h 1124 Montgomery Swivel Harry C., clk, h 1124 Montgomery Swonger Elmer E., conductor. h 1304 N 6th Swonger Niles K., conductor, h 548 Woodbine Swope A. Carl, timekeel't!r P. R. R. depot, h 626 Boas Swope Annie, teacher, h 626 Boas Swope C. May, clk, ~_~26 Bo_as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _




Swope David H., driver, h 2011 N 6th Swope Emma M. Mrs., tailoress, 412 Market, h 1706 N 3d Swope Frank H., brakeman, h 626 Boas Swope Harry R., printer Tt'le,;rraph, h 127 Sayfonl av Swope Ida F., saleslady, 223 Market, h 205 Mulberry Swope Ralph R., cleaner, h 626 Boas Swords Josiah, flagman, h llH;~ Wallace SWllvelin Hal'IT N., hO!ltler, h 639 Verbeke Swoyer Thomas, painter, h 1422 Penn Syphax A lillie, domestic, 515 State Syster Andrew K., conductor, h 431 .Market

TACK ALBERT B., paperhangings and window shades,
1210 N 3d, II 127 Herr, telephone connection (see- adv top lines) Tack Albert B., jr., paperhnnger, h 127 Herr Tack Louis 8.., papt'rhangl:'r, h 127 Herr Tack ~ichola!l, paperhanger. h 632 Mlleneh Tack Sarah, elk, 1210 N 3d, II 127 Herr Tagg Alexander D., car inspector, h 121 S Cameron Tagg D. John, foreman car inspector, h 1213 Derry Tagg Martha E., wid Wilson, h 416 S Cameron

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Ien', Pain htermlflator curee L'holera Jlorbus, DJIIODteI'7, Cram.., Dlarrhal&, Coldr, QuIDQ', Jlheuma&IRa, Toothache, 8oreThroal, AgUe, DyaiJeplla, Ioc. tttt I. N. 496

Boyd'i Harrilburg (T) City Directory.

Tagg Mary E., wid James D., h 1116 N 6th Tagg Richard D., car inspector, h 1116 N 6th Tagg Sylvester W., tinner, h 1330 Green Taggart Jobn, fireman, h 1237 ~ 7th Taggart John W., brakeman, b 1226 Cowden Taggart Theodore T., blacksmith. h 1226 Cowdl!n Tait Eliza A. Mrs., dressmkr, 424 Forster, h do Tait Joseph L., machinist, b 503 Cumberland Tait Sarah A., h 503 CllmhE-rland Tait William M., reporter, h 424 Forster Tallard John H., h 125 N 4th Tangert Albert, puddler, h 613 Race Tangert Howard, motorman, h 115 Ann av Tann Catharine, wid George, h 417 West av Tann William G., waiter, h 417 West av Tarves Alexander C., stone muon, h 107 N 4th Tate Filmore, laborer, h 718 Cowden Tate George, laborer, h 436 South av TATE HUJlPID1EY D., private sec governor, Capitol, h Bolton Houlle Tate Lebanian, laborer, h 508 South Tate Mary Mrs., nurse, h rear 1308 Wallace . TATE JIBeD B., (Jobn W. Brown & Co.), (Smith, Tate & Co., ltd). b 210 N 2d Tate Moses, laborer, h N Camerou c State Tate Nathan, lllix>rer, h .9 N Cameron Taubert Frederick, filler, b 1142 S Cameron Taubert Frederick, jr., policeman, h 1142 S Cameron Taubert George, (George Taubert cit Bro.), h 1142 S Cameron Taubert George & Bro., (Michael), meat market, 1146 S Cameron Taubert Herman, lineman, h 1142 S Cameron Taubert JaL'Ob C., ball player, h 1142 S Cameron Taubert John, h 1142 S Cameron Taubert Micbael, (George Taubert & Bro.), b 1124 S Cameron Tausig Edwin F., clk, 430 Market, h 704 N 6th Tausig Herman~ (Jacob Taullig & Son), h 704 .N 6th Tausig Jacob, (Jacob Tausig & Son), b 704 N 6th Tausig Jacob & Son, (Herman), pawnbrokers, 430 Market Taylor Abraham L., brakeman, h 1111 N 6th Taylor Addie, houllekeeper,224 Pine Taylor Alice, bookbinder, h 1111 N 6th Tavlor Alice V., seamstress, h 115 Conoy Taylor Allen S., brakeman, b 1506 Wallace Taylor Antbony, machinist, h 1120 N 2d Taylor R. Edward, bookkpr, 32 N 3d, b 115 Conoy Taylor Charles, laborer, h 315 Dauphin av Taylor Charles, laborer, h 1330 N 2d

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at. Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory. 497 Taylor Charles A., waiter, h 515 State Taylor Charles E., weighmaster, h 433 Hamilton . ,Taylor Charles W.,laborer, h ] 3:iO N 2d Taylor Clark, repairllman, h J 506 Wallace Taylor Curry H., wa.iter, h 4] 7 State Taylor Edward H.; huckstt'r, L rear 15th ab Briggs Taylor Elsie, cigar boxmkr, h 41ti Cumberland Taylor Frank, liuckster, h 1309 N 3d . Taylor GeorgeC., elk, ]:311 N :l<I, II do Taylor George W., clk P. R. R. shops, h 2000 N 6th Taylor George W., agt, h 265 Sas!l8fras av Taylor Harry, brakl'man, h ]006 Fox av Taylor Hattie, II 148 S 3d Taylor Henry, laborer, h 630 North Taylor Isaac B., laborer, h 440 S Cllmercm Taylor Isaac P., caterer, 215 Walnut, h 213 do Taylor Jacob S., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Taylor James C., laborer, h ] 522 N 4tb Taylor James R.~ oailt'r, h 609 Raace Taylor James S., brakeman, hI 6~2 Reily '1'aylor James W., laborer, h rear 15th ab Briggs Taylor John A., heater, h 1120 N 2d Taylor John H., engineer, h ] 907 N 6th Taylor John H., lather, h 578 Showers av Taylor Joseph, laborer, h 1217 N 111 Taylor Kate Mrs., dressmkr, 515 Statt', h do Taylor Lorenzo, watchman Capitol, h 315 Colder Taylor Maris C., roller, h 115 Conoy Taylor Mary, wid George W., h 1506 Wallace Taylor Mary, wid John, h 1120 N 2d Taylor Mary R., h 1120 N 2d Taylor M. Harvey, laborer, h 115 Conoy Taylor Mottl'S D., sh'emkr, 1724 Walnut, h do Taylor Nathan, ('arpenter, II 315 Dauphin av Taylor Peter, lal)(.rer, h rt'Ilr 106 }"ilbert . Taylor Reuben, laborel', II 440 ~ Cameron Taylor Samuel L., bookbinder, h 1111 N 6th Taylol'Samuel M., MIIlesman, II 903 N 2d Taylor Samuel W., cooper, h 578 Sliowel"!l av Taylor Sue L., housekeelel', 418 Cumberland Taylor Thoma!!, fireman, h ] 831 N 4th Taylor Thomas E., nailt'r, II 220 S 2<1 Taylor Thomas S., laborer, h 418 Cumberland Taylor William, hostler, h 1:328 William Taylor William C., engillet'r, h 1606 N 5th Taylor William C., mgr. ll:~ S 3e1, h 311 Muench Taylor William H., brakeman, h 1006 Fox av

.I II.

B. TIIIIf} Wall Paper. Thewith I'Izcaree aDd priceL beR aDd low..' IIItI\ Shad oompleCe,

tor 8G

Window {

II. 114


Digitized by


" To find a name YOle must kt/ow how to spell it." 498 Boyd's Harrisburg (1') City Directory. TAYLOR WILLIAM H., lZ'eneml agt Reverting Fund
ASSUl'tlnl'C ASt;lIcilllioll, 17 S 2ri, h H12 Ellst Tavlor William J., h 1111 N 6th Taylor William L., carpenter; h :315 DlIllphin av Taylor Willium 1\1., luborer, h 511 Harris Taylor 'Villiam R., lahoreI', h 429 SOllth IIV TeatA Theodore W . fireman, h 1206 Cowden Techmeyer Henry' W., sewing machilll'S, 8 N 2d, h 124 Locust TELEGRAPH BINDERY, H. B. Orr & Co., 4 N 3d (see adv) Templar Frank N., elk, 219 Mal'ket, h 2] 5 Cumberland Templar Ida G., saleslady, 22:~ Markt't, h 121 Conoy Templar James E., grocer, 1:301 Market, h do Templin Catharine, domestie, 125 S 211 Templin William, h 18 N 3d Tenison Bella, hou!!Ckeeper, 6 N 9th Termin Hiram, janitor, h 1819 N 6th Terrell Edward, laborer, h 509 Primrose av Terrell O:iC8I', lahorer. h S Cameron ab Shaonis TEUPSER EllILE A., mgr Western Union Tel. Co., 11 N 3d, h 812 00 Tharp Samuel D . laborel', h 1143 S 9th THE CLUB, 427 Market Theal Kate M., hOll!!Ckeept'r, h 1945 Swatara Theilheimer Lena, wid Philip, h 434 North Theurer Petel', I'tonecnttf'r, h 213 Meaduw la Thoma Robert, labm'er, h 1106 Pllxtnn Thomas Abrah!lm, puddler, h 110 S 4th Thomas Adam, J(rncer, 1408 Regina, h do Thomas Alfred K., stmlent, h 440 S ]6th 'Phomas Annie J., wid Elijah, h 1022 Market Thomas Bertram, baker, h :333 Reily Thomas Blanche, saleslady, :l2 S 3d, h 440 S 16th Thomas Charles, agt. h 415 Briggs Thomas David N.,Inborer, h 219 Reily Thomas David W., iUSpectOl', h 110 S 4th Thomas Edward J., meat market, 1541 N 4th, h do Thomas Eliza, wid Isaac, h State bel West Thomas Eliza J., cook Grand Hotel, h 214 Meadow la Thomas Elizabeth; wid Benjamin, II 327 SlIyfOl'd av Thomas Elizabeth, wid Jacub, h 426 North Thomas Emily Mrs., h State Dr 5th Thnmas Emma Mrs., h 105 Tanner~s av Thomas Euoch S .. piano tuner, 307 Market, h 56 Balm Thomns Findlay I., teacher, h 440 S 16th Thomas Frank, laborer, h 1106 S Cameron Thomas Frederick, labol'er, hIlI Cherry av

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, I all Paper and lindow Sbades. {72~:ljlo~R2':tr..t.

Boyd's HarrisbUl'g (T) City Directory. 499
Thomas Gardner, wuitel', h 245 S 14th Thomas George F., iron inspec.-tm, h 1208 Blliley Thomas George W., eclgesetter, h ] 208 Bailey Thomas George W., (Thomas & Dennee), h 98 N 10th Thomas Harry H., enginet>r, II 610 Kelker Thomas Hllrry W., condnctor, h 4:31 Market Thomas Harry W., fireman, h 221 Reily Thomas Henry K., engineer, II 1~12! N 7th Thomas Horat'e G., brakeman: h 1830 N 6th Thomas Ida M., domestic, 115 Pine Thomas John, blu(ksmith, ]315 Vernon, b 332 Hummel Thomas John, supt, h 236 N 211 Thomas Johu A., II 1734 N 5th Thomas John J., genl mgr, h 2:36 N 2d Thomas John W., grocer, 1210 .Market, h do Thomas John W. \V., laborer, h 426 North Thomas Joseph L., waiter, h 215 Colder Thomas JotlE!ph L., waiter, h 317 Colder Thomas Julia, cook, h 434 SOllth Thomas Lee, laborer, h 34 Lochiel 3d Row Thomas Lizzie, domestic, 115 Pine Thomas Lizzie Mrs., h 707 North av Thomas Maggie!__~~~!~_stic ,!h_~_~~n_t~~ ____ _

FRANK M. WALTERS, ~~~:~:a~l~ FOOTWEAR, 1f.':J~

TIlomas :\iargal'et, dOlllestlc-Stock Yard Hotel Thomas Mark, heater, h 2124 Tnrner av Thomas Matthias, laborer, h 1018 North av Thomas Munroe, baker, h 33:1 Reily ThomM Nelson G., brakeman, h 1734 N 5th Thomas Percy, ticket receiver P. R. R. depot, h 723 Capital Thomas Susan, domestic, 216 N 2d Thomas Thomas, roBer, h 2122 Turner av Thomas \V. Duncan, treas The Keeley Institute, h 806 N 2d THOIIAS WILLIAM H., advertising, real estate and in vestments, 321 Market, h 1209 Green Thomas William H., mason, h 1200 Christian ThomllS William K., clk, 226 Mulberry, h 332 Hummel Thomas William N.,, h 1827 Berryhill THOMAS W. S., mgr The Keeley Institute, h 806 N 2d Thomas &; Dennee (G. W. Thomas and A. W. Deuuee), bar bers, 430 Market Thompson Andrew F., laborer, h 540 Primrose av Thompson Annie MrB., domestic, 112 State Thompson Annie Mrs., h 1112 Grape av' Thomp:ron A.nnie E., h 437 Verbeke Thompson Annie M. C., pastry cook, h 239 State Thompl:lOu Beniah, baggagemaster, h 404 Market

Digitized by


you an been cured by It. TRY IT r le.ail's Pal'n Extarml'nator mlUloD8 have appetite. MaDY { ,,,, IftIitJI!ll. Du u


Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory.

Thompson Benjamin P., watchman Treasury, h 535 Maclay Thompson Bessie, dmnesti(', 1327 Margaret Tbompson Charles H., policeman, h 236 Meadow Ja Thompson Edwin C., bookkpr, Crescent c Mulberry, h 1304 Delrry Thompson Emma, dome8tic, 332 Verbeke Thompson Emma, wid Abraham, h 345 Harris Thompson Evdine, domp.stic, 25 S 2d Thompson Fri!olby, laborer, h 706 State Thompson Frisby, jl., laborer, h 706 State Thompson Hannah, wid John C., h 1120 N 6th Thompson Harry, laborer, h 251 S 14th Thompson Harry, plasterer, h Holly heyond limits Thomp.~on Harry C., conductor, h 946 N 7th Thompson Henry D., sgt, h .112 Conoy Thompson James, laborer, h 502 South av Thompson James B., blacksmith, h 1:304 Derry Thompson James E., employee State Arsenal, h 1100 Cowden Thompson James C., elk, 5 N 211, h 1304 Derry Thompson Jesse, driver, h 1620 Elm Thompson John C., bartender, 451 State, b 1100 Cowden Thompson John R., h 127 State Thompson John W., barber, 616 N 3d, h 1828 Swatara Thompson Joseph P., molder, h 1109 Capital Thompson Lucy M., dressmkr, h 1100 Cowden Thompson Margaret, wid Thomas, h 1073 S 9th Thompson Maria, wid George W.o b 928 James av Thompson Mary, wid James, h 205 N 2d Thompson Robert, barber, h 1828 Swatara Thompson Samuel, waiter, h 3 Angle av Thompson Thomas E., bartender, h 1100 Cowden Thompson Thomas H., waiter, h 104 Christie's av Thompson Warrell M., fireman, h <437 Verbeke Thompson William, flagman, h 621 Muench Thompson William, laborer, h 14 S 2d Thompson William, laborer, h 928 James av Thompson William F., elk, 119 Market, h 1304 .Derry Thompson William F., florist, h HI26 N 5th Thompson William M., laborer, h 1330 N 2d . Thorley J. Harry, elk, h 931 N 3d Thorley John D., .physician, 931 N 3d, h do THORLEY THOMAS A., druggist, 449 State, h do Thorn Jacob, music teacher, h 4~l4 South Thorn .James, h 120 Mary'~ av Thorne Annie, domestic, 1 1:3 Locl1!~t Thorne Chase, upholsterer, :310 N 2d, h do Thorne P. R., tray salesman, h The Bolton Thornton Agues R., dl'el!smkr, h 712 N 7th

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I. B. Tiel, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {D~P:KMI~~.!J} 1210 I. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory. 501
Thornton Alfi'retta Mrs., hHlIIdr~ss, h 723 State Thornton David S . janitor, h 712 N 7th THORNTON EDWARD P., (Hess & Thornton), h 612 N Front Thornton Ella Mrs., laundres8, h 1411 Marion Thornton Goyn, laborer, h 1332 Mayflower Thornton Jeilllie; domestic Park Hotel Thornton Rolwrt, laborer, h 723 Statf' Thurnton William J., c()uJl~r. h 120 Dock Throne .J\lhn F., mgt, 72:j N 6th, h 108 Herr Throne Penll L., IIrtist, h 108 Herr Thru!<h Cawlinl', domeJoltic, 1015 Grf'en Thurman Lilly W. Mrs., matron Harrisburg Hospital, h do Tblll'ston Albert, labot'er, h 1605 N 4th Thurston Mat.ilda, dUDle8tic, 257 Cumberland Thur8ton MeClellan, brakeman, h ... 27 North Thurston Robert J., molder, h 518 North Thurston Virginia, wid William, h 518 North Tibbs Andrew, hostler, h 108 Christie's av Tibbs Ellen, laundress, h 1332 Mariou Tiffany George W., postal elk, h 1406 Market Tifft F. Alde~, trn salesman, h 106 Chestnut TILDEN A. L., depty sec comm'th, Capitol, b 232 N 2d ' Tilghman .John T., nailer, h 112 Tuscarora . Tilghman William J., labor~r, h 183 Paxton Timothy David J4'., laborer, h 611 }'i1bert Timothy David W., salesman, h 611 Filbert TIlO[EB. EDISON A., mgr P. R. R. Dining Rooms, h 229 Pine Tillker John H., elk, 3 S 2d, h 229 Pine Tinker Martill P., elk P. R. R., h 229 Pine Tinney Lewis, laborer, h 1200 N 12th Tippel'y George H., butcher, h 703 East Tippett .Bertha A., h 707 S Fl"Ont Tippett Claud, boilermkr, h 707 S Front Tippett George A., elk P.O., b 707 S Front Tippett Jacob, boiler inspector, h 807 S Front Tippett Mary, wid Robert, h 707 S Front Tippett Maud M., h 707 S J4"ront TipsecoeGf'orge, laborer, h 260 Kelly Tittle A. May, teacher, h 64i Boas . Tittle Clara, elk, h 641 Boas Tittle Darius J., crackers, 300 Colder, h do TITTLE E. LEVI, elk city trea!!' office, h 335 Reily Tittle Jacob J., medicine, h 1427 William Tittle Juhn C., h 641 Boas Tittle Lizzie S., teacher, h 641 Boas Tittle Mary' Ann, wid J'acob, b 1401 N 3d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know lzow to spell it." 502 Boyd's Harrisburg (1') City Directory.
Titzel Charles, warehousman, h 1261 Bailey Titzel Harry E., warehouseman, h 1261 Baile! Tobias .Tames, brakeman, h 1222 De"ry Tubias John J., elk, h 1223 Bailey Tobia Mar~' C., wid Juhn H., h 622 Delaware av Todd Flora E., h 261 Liberty Todd Graftun, labure., h 102 S Conrt av Todd I. Chester, salesman, It 410 Forster Todd Ira A., f'ngine inspt'ctor, h410 Forster Todd Joseph S., (Cult & Todd), b Commonwealth Hotel Todd Tlu)1lI8s H., puddler, h 1409 James Todd William U., machillil'lt, h 410 Forster Togal! .Jallle!!, lahorer, h I ~14 Rudy Togall Lewis, laborer, It Hll-1 Rudy Toland Charles F., fireman, h 1116 Cowden Tolbert George, coachman, h 20 S 4th Tolbert Harvey L., brakeman, II 1217 Penn Tolbert John H., laborer, h 2:34 Sharon Tuliver Wnlker, laborer, h 1420 Marion Tulver Thomas, lahorer, h 1:32i Margaret Tomkin!!on Ellen l"., teacher, h 109 Locnst Tomkinson Horace L., elk, 209 Market, h 105 Locust Tomkinson Jo!!eph, h 109 Locust Tomkinson Martha M., teacher. h 109 Locnst Tomkinson Misses, (M. 1\1. and E. F.), school, 304 N 2d Tomlinson }"'rancis E., roller, h 222 Briggs Tomlinson George W., salesman, 22 N 3d, h 259 Briggs Tomlinson Isaac R., carriages, Cowden c Forster, h 626 :Sorth av Tomlinson John K., h 319 Verbeke Tomlinson Sarah M., wid John B., h 930 Grand Tomlinson William V., messenger councils, h 51 Balm Tone.' John, steam fitter, h 123 Liberty Toner Joseph C., coachmlln, h 123 Liberty Toner Margaret. domestic, 105 N Front Toohey Daniel P., laborer, h 1104 Commerce Toohey Frank, brakeman, h 1018 Commerce Toohey Sarah, wid Patrick, b 1018 Commerce Toole Eliza, wid James, h 603 S F"ont Toole John, laborer, h 603 S Front Toomey Bridget, wid Michael, h 608 Race Toomey Charles E., fireman, h 1702 N 7th Toomey Cornelins, roller, h 608 RaL'e Toomey Garrett S., ins. solicitor, h 617 Harris Toomey George D., tinner, h 617 Harris Toomey Henry E., operator P. R. R., h 617 Harris Toomey .Jeremiah, lilborer, h 1403 S Cameron Toomey Jeremiah F., huoker, h 1315 S 12th

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I. B. TACK, PrOCIICIII Paper Hanger, {,~,~'1o~hRB:1J;t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory. 503
'Toomey Mary, wid COl'lleliu8, b 1403 S Cameron Toomey Mary E., 1.()okfolder, h 60R Race Toomey Michael, hooker, h 608 Race Toomey Nora A., llOokfoldt'r, h 608 Race Toomey Richard, h 1120 N 2d Tourney Samuel, blacksmith, h 1321 Thompson av Toomey Thomas, feeder, h 608 Race Toomey Tbomas M., roller, h 1321 S 12th Toomey Wesley A., IIgt. h 617 Harris Toop Elizabeth, wid William, h 112 Short Townsend Howard C., printer, h 1110 Montgomery Townsend Lewis, cooper, h 5th a1. Market Towsen Albert, slater, h 537 N Cameron Towsen Charles, laborer, h 1014'3 9th Towsen Chllrles W laborer, h 1014 S 9th Towsen Edward, laborer, h 1014 S 9th Towsen Harry h., elk, 5 N 2d, b 55 N 10th 'TOWSEN JAMES A., slate roofer, &c., 509 Walout. h do (see adv) Towsen Thomas F., slater, h 616 N 2d Towsen William J., slater, h 266 Oliver av Trace Charles S., elk P. R. R., h 32 S 2d Trace Emma S. Mrs., h 6 S 2d


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Trace Frederick It, conductor,h 1320-Niill - - - -- -Trace Sarah G., wid Frederick, h 32 S 2d Tracey Mary, wid Ferguson, h 603 Race Tracy Annie G., dlt'ssmkr, h 1411 Susquehanna Tracy David E., supt Hbg Pipe Bending Co., b 3 N .2d Tracy Furgm;on E., laborer, h 1411 Susquehaona Tracy Patrick, laborer, h 1411 Susquehanna Tracy Thomal", cigars~ 1408 N 3d, h do

J A. E;. A.. -rC:::::>""\l\TE;EN'.


Sl&le,..,Roofer, ""olual....
PfHMlh Bottom, .Le1afgA ....

R...u D&ler ...

V_nt Roofln"S"'.
~D:t:CCI::Z::C:!I~~!!!! Also Slate FlAgging and Black fIIoj Boardsonhand. B\&ckTlnne<iand !!!IIi"W-:..,-,-,,..,...--------- Galvanized SlaClnl!" Nalls And RoofIng Felt COUSw.utlf on nanu. Roof!! u.p,.~I"'!"'!""""'______ put on by Experienced Slaters In I!!'P any part of tile State. Repairing
dOlle aL short DoLice.

OFFICE: 509 Walnut St., Harrieburg,Pa.


Digitized by

Coog Ie

OIce McN eil's Medicine Co. {~s!a.~} N~~d. 504 Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory.
Trafford William, brakeman, h 1920 Wood BV Traver Mary, domestic, 308 Verbeke Trayer Sarah, domeetic, 808 N 6th Treadwell Charles, brakeman, h 2 IS .th Trego James S., engineer, h 211 Crescent Treist David, conductor, h 9 Commeloce Tress. Charles A., warehouseman, h 226 S 2d Tress John S., laborer, h 20i Meadow la Tress Lewis, slIpervi!lOr, h 226 S 2d Tres.., Lewis Wo, apprentice, h 1:38 S Cameron Tress William, laburer. h I a8 S Camerun Tressler David A., collductor, h 1155 Derry Trewick Patiell('e M., wid WaItt'r L., h 220 Pine Tribble Anna V., matron Childre'n's Industrial Home, h de> Tribut l.izzie, domest ie, 1418 N 2d Tribut Minnie, (Iomestic, 400 S 2d Trice Benjamin, hostler, h 3:.31 Blackberry av Triece Daniel, buggy runner, h 1 Lochiel hit Row Trimble Mervin W., stereotyper, h 1307 N 2d Trimble Samuel B., elk, 223 Market, h 1307 N 2d Trimmer George A., powder, 400 MOIket. h do Trimmer Willis B., special office I', h 135 S 3d Tripner Cora J., saleslady. 315 Market, h 326 Reily Tripner George C., elk, 312 Verbeke, h 326 Reily Tripner William A., grocer, 312 Verbeke, h 326 Reily Tripner William A.,jr., grocer, 1720 N 3d, h 1722 do Trippstein Adolph .J., IUlrness, 211 Chestnut, h 412 North Trippetein Margaretta, wid George, h 4] 2 North Tritle Fred M., printer Telegraph, h 208 Herr Tromblee Mary, wid Solomon, h 813 Market Trom blee Nelson, laborer, h 813 Market Trostle Catharine, wid Israel S., h 1727 N 3d Trostle Charll'8 A., molder, h 125 Sayford av Trostle David B., caller, h 623 Dauphin av Trostle George C., fireman, h 525 Woodbine Trostle Jemima Mrs., h 623 Dauphin av Trostle Maggie, dressmkr. II 428 Kelker Trostle Maud E., domestic, 1908 N 6th Trostle Oliver Go, attendant Lunutic HOIlpital, h do Trotter Alice L., beader, h 1506 Hunter Trotter A.lison, wid Robert, h 1506 Huuter Trotter Lila, saleslady, 5 N 2d, h 1506 Hunter Troup Ada, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Troup Elizabeth Mrs., h 1417 Penn Troup George A., baker, 507 Harris, h do Troup George B., ins. sol, 17 S 2d, h 426 Muench Troup George W., laborer, h 17181 ~ 4th Troup Harry S., brakeman, h 406 Reily

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1111( I B. 1 /lUI\,

1210 {EmP1O)"B none bat IIrstel........orllmen. ben08onl), dm-olal8 N. 3d St. wOI'k. and Insares fL. Work done In an)' part of the lIIate..

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory. 505

Troup Jacoh, carpenter, h 6 J 6 Verbeke Troup Jacob, trimmel', h 39 Sassafras av Troup John A" engineel', it 191:3 N 6th. Troup Joseph B" brakemllll, II 41)6 Reily Troup Lewis, fireman, b 1513 Wallace Troup Samuel K, carpenter, h 1921 N 4th Troup Sarah A., wid John H., II 426 Muench Troup Sites, baker, 1129 N 7th. II do Troup Wesley L., bakt'r, 51:3 Kelker, b do Troup William L., car inspector, J. 506 Harris Trout Agnes Mrs., dressmkr, h 100 Cowden Trout Alice, dressmkr, h 1538 Wllllace Trout Bt'lIe, dressmkr, 240 Mpaduw la, h do Trout Frank H., bt'lpt'r, h 1538 Wallal'e Trout Heury M., carpenter, h 616 Muench Trout Henry S., flllglDan, h 630 Hamilton Trout Homel', conductllr, h j 53R Wallace Trout Jac()b W., blacksmith, h 15:38 Wallace Truut Jessie E., h 6:m Hamilton Trout John, trimmer, h :309 Bri~ Trout John, jr" trimmer, h 309 Briggs Trout Nathaniel R.. engineer, It 1608 N 5th Trout 8ull8n, wid Nathaniel, II 6:30 Hamilton Troxel Ellen, boarding, 273 Herr, h do Trump Samuel, stolle mason, h 1909 North Trunnell Robert, laborer, h 1601 Apricot av Truss Emma J., wid Lewis, jr., h 226 S 2d Trust Co. Building, 222 Market Tucker James M., laborer, 1.1 135 Short Tuckey Maggie, domestic, 219 S Front Tulley Elizabeth J., wid William A., h 4441 Walnut Tully William, laborer, b 1323 Maple Tunis Eliza, wid Edwin T., b 610 Boas Tunis William 8., bookseller, 7 8 3d, h 610 Boas Turner Ernest F., cabinetmkr, h 1204 Bailey Turner Harriet Mrs., h 812 James av Turner James [... , waiter, b 130 Liberty Turner Jesse, fireman, h 569 Hunter Turner Lewis W., iDS, &c., 1127 N 3d, h 2020 N 5th Tumer Susan, wid Winfield, h 247 N River av Turner Thomas, laborer, h 428 North av Turns Agnes, weaver, b 1612 Logan av Turn~ Edward, carpenter, b 634 Hal'ris TurDS Katie A., domestic, 3d c Maclay Turns Martin, car inspector, h 1612 Logan av Turns Stella, winder, h 1612 Lfl~an 8V Tutm8n WillialD, laborer, h 177 Indian av Tuttle Horact', boarding, 6.2 Walnnt, h do

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know /z01!J to spell it~" 506 Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory.
Tway Amelia, domestic, 17 N Front Tway Ellen M., h()usekee~r, 607 N 2d Tyrone Iron Co., R. C. Neal, sec, Lochiel Tyson Annie, weaver~ h 519 Brown IlV Tysoll Cornelius M., h 1123 Capital . Tyson Frederick J., heeler, h 12.10 Walnut Tyson Jerome, laborer, h 1929 N 7th Tyson Lewis H., postal clk, h 135 Balm Tvson Lincoln C., brakeman, h 1920 Elizabeth av Tyson Mary R., dressmkr, h 1123 Capital Tysou Stewart, attendllnt Lunatic Hospital, h do Tyson William H., lineman P. R. R.., h 2022 N 7th

Uhler Frederick B., c()ffee, &c., 213 N 2d, h 1431 do Uhler Harvey W., clk, 1200 N 3d, h 1728 N 6th Uhler Henry, real estate, 17 S 2d, h 122 State Uhler Henry, h 115 South Uhler James M., carpenter, lJ 1808 N 6th Uhler Jeremiah, real estate, 115 South, h do Uhler Ma~gie, h 122 State Ullrich .John J., engineer, h 311 Reily Ullrich Lewis. pumpmkr, h 1931 Berryhill Ullrich William C., gasmkr, II 414 S 17th Ulrich Annie M., wid Henry, h 545 SlOth Ulrich Ella S., presser. h 545 SlOth Ulrich Frank H., barber, h 546 SlOth Ulrich Frederick S., motorman. h 15031 Derry Ulrich George E., laborer, h 547 SlOth ULRICH HENRY B., Globe Hotel, 605-607 Cumberland, h do Ulrich John C., laborer, h 545 S 10~b Ulrich Peter, hostler, h 1111 Market Ulrich Tobias B., bartender The Commonwealth, h do Ulrich William, laborer, h 15271 Derry Ulrich Wi~liam, plasterer, h 1930 State Ulrich William H., boilermkr, h 545 SlOth Ulsh Sherman W., driver, h 122 Strawberry liT Umberger Benj. F., stenographer, 306 Market, h 638 Harril Umberger Calvin, clk, h 638 Hanis Umberger Calvin S.~ h 1325 N 2d Umberger Emma, wid Benjamin B., h 226 Charles av Umberger Henry H., watchman, h 6~8 Harris Umberger Henry L., grocer, 445 Verbeke, h 422 Comberland . Umberger Jacob, carpenter; h 1735 N 7th Umberger J. Albert, conductor, h 620 Cumberland Umberger Margaret, wid Benjamin F., h 926 Capital

~i9itized by Coogle

r.;a=;~1OU A1JIerOOOIlIldOl_lrOi A. B. TACK, N.7::~ Boyd'e Harrieburg (U) City Directory. 507
Umberger William, laborer, h 413 Reily Umholtz Carrie, domestic The Central Umholtz James F., carpenter, h 1009 Cowden Umholtz Josiah P., carpenter, h 1009 Cowden Umholtz Leonard M., student, h 1009 Cowden Umholtz Mary, domestic The Central Umholtz Robert B., contractor. h 18:J61 N 6th UNDERWOOD WILLIA. G., city editor Patriot, b 1412Nad Unger Bertha M., paeker, h 1439 Derry Unger Charles D., salesman, ].l38 Derry, h 1439 do Unger Clara, operator, h 1427 Vernon Unger David, laburer, h 1427 Vernon Unger John T.,eutter, h 1427 Vernon Unger John W., presaman Telegraph, h 1439 Derry Unger Martin H., laborer, h 220 S 17th Unger Mary Mrs., h 1427 Vernon Un~r Susan, wid William E., h 1,(39 Derry UnIOn News Co., Pa. R. R. and P. & R. depots W1TED GAS DlPROVEIIEln' CO., F. Asbury Awl, agt; W. G. Chandler, supt, 24 S 3d United Press, (The), room 6, :J2O Market

RE-w..~~~~:MA':Al:iE FOOTWEAR mFRANK t. lUnAS', N.!:':it. U.l1'1:D STATES EXP:aBSS CO., L. B. Stager, sgt,
16 N 3d


United States Pension Examining Board, P. O. bldg United States Recruiting Rendezvous, Lieut.. A. R. Paxton, recruiting officer, 2 S 2d Updegraff Lizzie Mrs., h 405 Strawberry av Updegraff William B., conductor, h 1223 N 6th lJpdegrove AlbertR., driver, h 520 North av Updegrove C. May, h 120 State Updegrove Ellis, carpenter, h 658 Colder Updt'gr()v~Ellis, jl'., helper, h 668 Colder Updegrove George W., salesman, 334 Market, h 658 Colder Updegrove Maggie, elk, 329 Strawberry av, h 42 Linden Updegrove Margaret, wid Ellis, h 1124 N 6th Updegrove Mary A., weaver, h 1224 Bartine av Updegrove Mary A., wid James, h 120 State Updegrove Philip S., brakeman, h 120 State Updegrove Sadie, ruler, h 658 Colder Updegrove Thomas, carpenter, h 42 Linden Updegruve William C., molder, h 120 State Upton Edmund I., c()oper, h 1027 S 9th Urban Annie M., dressmkr, h 434 S 16th Urban Estelle M., saleslady, 3:34 Market, h 434 S 16th

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Liver and BlooCI Purlfyln .. 7lt MoNElL'S DYlpe(llla, LlYer, BlOOd and KidneyPilla Cure JIIIII IIU SI Complalnta. l


Boyd's Harrisburg (V> City Directory.

Urban John W., helper, h 1312 S 121h Urban Joseph R., iI'on inltpectCll", h 434 S 16th Urich Benjamin, rags, h ]324 N Front Urich Elwood, shoemkr, h 1~29 James Urich lola E., teacher, h S] 1 N 3d Urich Jacob, plasterer, h 1907 North av Urich John, carpenter, h North ab Linden Uricb Perry S., carpenter, hIllS BIlI-tine av URICH SAMUEL, shoemaker, 1815 N 30, h IS17 do Urich Samuel B., insural\(~, It 81 I N 3d Uricb Samuel T., plasterer, h 1907 North av U rich Sue L., b 811 N :id Urich William. (Miller & Urich), 11 929 N 2d Usaw Emma B., h 1419 Shoop Usaw Melancthon, printer Telegraph, 11 il} 9 Shoop Utz Annie M., seamstress. h 415 Strawberry av Utz~ John S., dispatcher P. R. R. depot. h 207 Hummel Utzs Susan, wid Jacob, 11 21S Meadow la

Vache Lucinda F. Mrs., teacher, 9 N Front, h do Valentine Annie, h Home for the Friendless Valentine George W., laborer. h 1418 S l:lth Valentine William, laborer. It 1618 Elm Vallance George W., motomlsn, h 1429 Susquehanna VALLEB.CHAIIP JOHN Dr., dentiKt, 8 N 2d, h do Vallerchamp William E., student, h 8 N 211 VanAkin John M., 1st 8'l!Jt State Librarian, h 8]9 N 3d Vanaman Luke T., brakem8n, h 1253 Derry VanAsdlan Chudes. painter, h 1428 N :ld VanAsdlan Gordon, painter, h 1428 N :3d VanAsdlan Jacob, engineer, h 1627 N 4th VanAsdlan John, jr., painter. h 1428 N 3d VanAsdlan William, 11I880n, h 1700 Logan av VanBaman Ernest G., stenographer adjt genl'lS dept, h Hotel Commercial . VanCamp Joseph M., policeman, h 1525 N 5th VanCamp Rebecca. wid JameH, h II>IS N 6th. VANCAIIP WILLIAM L., gt'IIL'er, ] ~HS N 6th, It do Vance Rubert, coach buil<it'r. h 424 Nurth Vance Rubert H., (RIl!:lS. Batt'!! & Vance), h ]4]0 N 2d Vancura Joseph, brickmkr. h S Call1eron bel tllllgftte Vandergrift Ilia B., wid William P h 2:l6 Hummel Vanderlip Geo. \V., peilsitlll t'xamint'r, P. O. bldg, h 407 Mkt Vanderloo Peter, tailor, h 1):3 Balm Vandling Jeannette, prel<8 feetier, II 27 S 4th Vandling Lizzie, h 107 Lucu:o;t Vandling Mary, h 107 Locust

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t. B. TACK .~~-:,.aOf F_I~ p.,nc 8Mp II PIlliTlIIJ. {m&T.:r~:

Boyd's Harrisburg (V) City Directory. 509 VanDyke T. Kittera, clk sec ,:om'th, Capitol, h 5 8 Front
VanFosen Lottie, housekeeper, 403 Filbert VanHaak Cbarle8, operator, 11 N 3d, b 28 N 5th VanHorn Elizabeth, wid CharleH, h 1700 N 7th VanHorn Harry, gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do VANHORN HAUY A., fineman job room, 22 S 3d, h 257 Briggs VanHorn John W., trucker, h 5th ab Seneca VanHorn Kate, dressmkr, h 1700 N 7th VanHorn William, ticket examiner, h 932 Grand Vanjer George P., cbief chemist, h 80R N 6th VanKirk Jennie M., tailoress, la 13]4 N 7th VanLoan David E., riveter, b 1109 Grape av Vanmeter Jacob M., eating house, 410 Chestnut, h do VanOrmer Flora C., saleslady, 334 Market, h 442 North VanOrmer Joseph, conductor, h 442 North VanOrmer S. Frank, clk Adams Expl'e88, h 1101 N 6th Vanorsdale Cyrus, laborer, h 531 Maclay VanRiper H. Thomas, paddler, h 466 S Cameron VanWagner George W., engineer, h 2025 Fulton VanZandt Harry M., mgr, 222 Market, h 22 N 2d Varnes Annie, h Wallace ab Herr Varnes Edward B., letter cal'rier, h 1701 Derry Vaughan !\Iary M., b 428 State Vaughan Phoebe W., wid George, h 428 State Vaughn Edward J., plumber, h 527 Maclay Vaughn John S., plumber, h 527 Maclay Vaughn Kate, music teacher, h 142 S 2d Vaugbn Mabel E., teacher, h 142 S 2d Vaughn Mary, b 142 S 2d V~ugbn Patrick H., plumber, &c., 1434 N 3d, h 1432 do Vaughn Robert, grocer, 201 S 2d, h 142 do Vanghn Robert D., barber, 1626 ~ 4th, h 527 Maclay Vaughn Roberta A., teacher, h 142 S 2d Vaughn Thomas, stonecutter, h 527 Maclay Velder Cbarles A., butcher, h 611 Daupbin av Velder Nannie Mrs., asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Vellis Annie C. Mrs., h 1951 Rudy Vennie JOHeph, laborer, h 522 North av Ventroli Giovllna, houseman Grand Hotel Verbeke Marion. foreman Patriot, h 507 Race VERBEKE WILLIAM X., city controller, Trust Co. bldJC, 222 Market, h 716 N 3d Verner Edward, laborer, h 512 N 5th Verner J oh n, L'8 rver, h 2:39 Cra II herry a v Verone May Mril., laundrestl, b 4251 Kelker IlV Vinson Mary E. Mrs., cigars, &c., 44) State, h do Vogel Edwin L., machinilit, h 1469 Walnut

Digitized by


" To find a name you must inO'W ~ow to spell it." 610 Boyd'. HarriIIburg (W) City Directory.
Vogel Frank, cellarman, h 312 Forster Vogel Harry G., warehoaeeman, h 33 N 13th Vogel Joeeph E., cutter, h 33 N 13th Vogel Samuel D., engineer, b 1732 N 7th Vogel Samuel H., shoe operator, h 33 N 13th Vogelsong Frank E., laborer, h 301 Boyd av Vogelsong,Harriet, wid Jobn, h 301 Boyd av Voght Charles, baker, h 32 Lochiel 3d Row Voglesong Mary A., wid Jonathan, h 1 Hi N 4th Vogt Adam, laborer, h 32 Lochiel 3d Row Vogt Frederick, laborer, h 32 Lochiel3d Row Vogt George J., tobaooonist, 129 Short, b do Vogt Guy S., cigarmkr, h 521 N 5tb Vogt Lizzie, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Vogt Marcus J., musician, h 506 State Voline Jobn, express messenger, h 706 East Voll Reinholdt, shoemkr, h 810 S Cameron Vollmer Bros., IF. H. and H. A.), upholsterers,35 N 2d Vollmer Charles F., upbolsterer, b 931 N 2d Vollmer Frank H., (Vollmer Bl'Os.), b 931 N 2d Vollmer Harry A., (Vollmer Bros.), h 931 N 2d Vollmer Mary M., teacher, h 931 N 2d VonNeidll Frank M., opeflltor P. & R., h 617 Walnut Vonsatten John, fitter, h 701 Nortb VOORHEES CHARLES E., cbiefclk H. of R., h Granel Hotel Vorndran R. Harry, barber, h 518 N 2d Vorndran Richard A., barber The Lochiel, h 518 N 2d

Wachenderfor Charles, laborer, h 1125 Grape av Wachenderfor John, 808.pmkr, h 1413 Maple av Wachter Catharine, wid Joseph, II 523 West av Wachter Elizabeth, charwoman, h 523 West av Wachtmann Christiana, fiuisher, h ]803 Berryhill Wachtmaun Doretta, wid Theodore, h 1803 Berryhill Wachtmann Henry W., c\lnductor, IJ 16H! Fulton Waddell Joseph G., flagman, h 1734 :s 6th Waddey George, laborer, h lUi) Cowden Wade Alfred, laborer, h 704 North av Wade Ellen, domestic, 809 N 2d Wade Levi B., stonemason, h 1933 Logan av Wade Samuel, carpenter, h 601 Herr Wade William F., carpenter, h 1338 Fulton Wadsworth William J., fireman, h 617 Dauphin aY' Wagenheim Isaac E. Rev., h 18 N 6th Wager John M., car cleaner. h 292 S Cameron Waggoner John A., keeper lockup, II 1713 N 3<1

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I. B. Tlei l:tt::.o~~ 1111 Paper II.... s..a {t21' ~Tt:'.:.t.

Boyd'. Harri.burg (W) City Directory. 511
Wagner Albert J., brakeman. h 644 Colder Wagner Caroline, wid Ezra, h 278 SlOth Wagner Caroline, wid Jeremiah. b 15 S 13th Wagner Daniel, brakeman, h 1616 N .(th Wagner Daniel M., brakeman, h 1518 N 4th Wagner Edward L . cigars, 339 Market, h 313 Walnut Wagner Edward W., carpenter. h 1933 Derl:,)' Wagner Elmer, trucker, h 12th nr Shaonis Wagner Emma, cook, 228 Blackberry av Wagner Emma, liner, h 128 Linden Wagner Fred F., pianM, 101 South, h do Wagner Frederick, cigars, &c., 507 State, h do Wagner Henry, h08tler The Central Wagner Harry R, clk, 1304 N 3d, h 1616 N 4th Wagner Henry J., balrer, 511 State, h do . Wagner Hiram, laborer, h 278 S lOtb Wagner Ida, domestic, 261 Herr WaJlner Jacob, h 1333 N 2d Wagner Jacob, jr., laborer, h 1333 N 2d Wagner Jane Mrs., h 3]3 Walnut Wagner Jennie, wid Calvin D., b 1304 N Cameron Wagner John, baker, h 1919 Derr1 Wagner Jobn, brewer, h 1 N Front



DO 10 IALnl', N.3!P~_

Wagner John H., clk, 3:39 Market, h 1715 N 3d Wagner John S., brakeman, h 430 Muench Wagner John T., clk, 223 Market, h 1259 Bailey Wagner Kate M., winder, h 1627 Fulton Wagner Lottie, weaver, b 1333 N 2d Wagner Maria, wid I68ac, h 305 Cumberland WAGlfER IlA.RY A., depty factory inspector, h 409 N 2d Wagner Mary A., wid Frederick F., b 409 N 2d Wagner Milton H., elk P. & R., h 31 N 13th Wagner Minnie. dressmkr, h ]616 N 4tb Waguer Olie, catcher, h 1930 N 5th Wagner Oscar, laborer, h 2301 Charles av Wagner Reuben L., foreman, h 714 Capital Wagner Samllel A . brakeman. h 1616 N 4th Wagner Samuel C., brakemltn, h 2017 Elizabeth av Wagner Samuel P., plumber. 1630 N 6th, h do Wagner Susan, wid John, h ]627 Fulton Wagner Tillie, weaver, h 13:33 N 2d Wagner Warren A., stereutyper, h 305 Cumberland Wagner W. Howard, ('8rpenter. h Emerald c Howard av Wagner William R, watehmkr, 7 N 2d, h 1616 N 4th Wagner Willillm H . carpenter, h 751 S 21st Wagoner Frederick F., couper, h 1000 S 9th

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Gbogle -

Oold1, QullI8J', RheamatlBm,1'oo&Iwlhe, Sore Throat, Ague, ~ ok. IHI ScI.


PaiD lat.mltlator cane Cholera Jlorbal, D)'IIeatel'7.

cram.... Dtarr~,

512 Boyd'. Harri.burg (W) City


Wall:oner Joseph D., grOOPr, 28 S 4th, h 30 do Wainwright Alice, h 219 Hummel . Wainwright Maude, saleslady, 334 Market, h 210 Hummel Wainwright Naomi, wid Jubn, h 563 Hunter, Wainwright Samuel, heater, h 210 Hummel Walborn Clara A., h 208 Pine Walborn Frauk E., IRbol'(>r, h 16321 Walnut Walborn Mary M., h Home fur the Friendless Walburn Aaron, grocer, ]308 Wallace, h 1306 do Walck J. Wilson, corrugator, h 2]4 North Walde Charles E., laborer, h 1995 N 7th Walde Ernest Henry, blacksmith, h 1995 N 7th Walde Henry M., brakeman, h 1834 N 8th Walde John, laborer, h 1995 N 7th Waldemeyer Sarab Mrs., bousekeeper, Boas ab 18tb Waldemyer Gottlieb,. h 1430 Susquehann'a Waldschmitt Joseph, shoemkr, b 1432 Fulton Walford Charlotte, wid John, b 109 Cumberland Walford Elizabeth S., h 109 Cumberland Walkemeyer Anna M., saleslady, 223 Market, h 549 S Front WALKEIIEYD BROS., (Heury A. and Frederick R.), ice dealers. ~6 N Court av Walkemeyer C'18ra W., music teacher, h 549 S Front Walkemeyer Fred R., (Walkeml'yer Bros.), b 553 S Front Walkemeyer Henry A., (Walkemeyer Bros.), h 551 S Front Walkemeyer Louisa, booksewer, h 549 S Front WalkeDleyer Nettie, teacher, h 549 S Front Walker Allie, h 115 Cumberland Walker Andrew, fireman, h 1324 N 7th Walker Belle, domestic, 1008 N 3d Walker Charles W., houseman Lochiel, b 6]0 Willow av Walkl'r Clement B., brakeman, h ] 333 Susquehanna Walker Diana, wid Henry, h 187 Angle av Walker Elizabeth F. I.., physician, 505 Muench, b do Walker Emma, seamstress, h 1315 N 3d Walker Fannie Mrs., h 814 James av Walker Henry J., laborer, h 114 Angle av Walker .Tacob K., elk P. R. R. frgt rll'pot, h 1215 Derry 'Walker John L., motorman. h 81:3 West BV Walker John W., laborer, h ]29 Linden Walker Joshua C . waiter, h 116! Liberty Walker Julia A. H., physician, 5U5 Muench, h do Walker Lucy, wid Richard. h 116 Angle av Walker Matthew T., clk P. R. R . h 1623 Swatara Walker Percy R., elk, 11 N 3d, h 12]5 Derry Walker Taylor, laborer, b 424 South Walker William, waiter, h 124 Short Walker William, waiter Hotel Columbus

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lllr} B. T Wan Paper. 111ft Shad


The beIIt aod low.t prloel. Window { 7f70 With PlJ:turee aDd-prIDI', tor S6 eta. N. '" lit.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (W) City Direotory.


Wall Hartvell S., operator, 11 N :3d, h 416 Walnut Wall Jesse J. B., student, II 1'407 Gret>n Wall John, warehou8t'man, 443 Mllrl,et, h 416 Walnut Wall John G., machinj,~t, h 416 Walnut Wall J. Suttlln, draft.ocman dppt int. aifllirs, h 807 GI'een Wall William H., plumher, h 416 Walnut Wallace E. Frank, Mlesman, h 4:38 North Wallace George M., painter, h 656 Blla!! Wallace Horace M., flllgman. h 1641 Mifflin av Wallace Jacks()n, laborer, h 332 S 15th Wallace James F., brakeman, h 656 BUlls Wallace .J. Austin, news agt, h ]:30 Market Wallace John, hrakt'man, h 4]6 l\fuenoh Wallace John, laburer, It ]123 Cowden Wallace John W., carpenter, It 1934 N 6th Wallace Joshua, l!oachman, h 451 Hay BV Wallace Lewis H., hOtitler, h 450 Hay av Wallace Mary, ~Imstress, h 41)] Hayav WaJ]ace Mary M., .wid John I"., h 656 Buas 'Wallace Robert B., lawyer, 105 N 2d, II 202 Walnut Wallace Robert W., labllrer, h 112 Charles av WAI.LACE THOMAS L., frgt agt P. R. R. and N. C. R. R. and agt Empire, Ullinn, AI)(hor and Green Transportation Lines, alsn H~ Storage and Transft:'r Co., P. R. R. frgt dppnt, h 202 Walnut WallsL'e William H., flagman, It 2132 MClore WalldL'e William IJ., driver, h 121 N Cameron Wallace WilliaJll T., (lk P. R. R. frgt depot, h 202 Walnut Walla(!(', see also Wallis Waller Alice MI'!I., h 1241 Bailpy Waller Charlt>8 S, news IIgt. h 4th nr l\:elker Waller Hllrry, II 711 Capital Wallt:'r .Jacoh, lulllll'er, h 1102 Mal'kt't Waller .Juhn, <'Ilrpenter, II 4th nr Kelker 'Valier John. liqulIl'S, :307 Straw),torl'Y a\'~ h at Marietta Waller Reuben n.. fireman, h 1518 N 5th Wallis Frank J., (R. Wallis & Son), huokkpr, 36 S 3d, h 122 Evergreen 'Valli" Jean :M . stt:'J1ngraphl'l', h 2:l6 S ] :3tll WlIlIis Ralph M., mJ!r, h 2:l6 S ):~th WaJli" R. Eall, elatrlltYi)(lI, h 2:36 S l:lth Wallis Rubert, (R. Wallis & Slln). h 2:36 S 13th Wallis R. & SUII, (Frank .J.).lhery. Haehnlen av c Prune av W alIi!! Walter L., h 1979 N 7th Wallis Walter L., jr., brahman, h 1979 N 7th Wallower Aaroll, car inl'pt'(~lor, h 424 Cumberland Wallower Charles S., hrakeman, h 173:3 N 4th Wallower Christian L., painter, II 424 Cumberland

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" To jilld a name you lIIusilmow now 10 spell il." 514 Boyd's Har~burg (W) City Directory.
Wallow~r Cyru~ L .. p.-iutel Star.Iudt"pt'lIdcnt, h 1005 N 3d 'Valluwer Elward A., h 42-1 Cllmll('rlall(l Wallower Ella, dumelltic', 1408 Market Walluwer E. Z., pres Hbg Electric Co., Peop]e'~ Bridge Co., Hbg and MechaniCflhurg Electric St. R",y. Cu., propr Hbg Flour Sack Mfy, Ii N 4th, h 410 N 3d Wa])ower Juhn, bap, h 1005 N :hl Wallower Jobn, jr., city aJrt Star-Independent, h 15 N Front Wa])ower John H., elk, h 173:~ N 4th Wall ower John J., laborer, II 1212 Currantav Wallower Leala Mrs., h 1212 Cowden Wallower Robert F I p~ ft.'t.clel, h 42-1 Cumberland Wallower Samuel A" carpentel', h 1426 William Wallower William S., fireman, h 425 Cumberland Walls Juhn F., fireman, h 1828 Fultun Wall~ Tbomas, brabman, h 2 S 4th Walmer Annie M., wid Joseph, h 1242 Bailey Walmer E. LeRue, physician, 112 N 13tb, h do Walmer George B., brakemlln, h 610 N 3d Walmer Harry, carpenter, h 1246 BKi1t>y Walmer Henry, fKrmer, h 19th ab PoplKr Walmer Howard C., elk, 26 S 3d, h 115 N 13th Walmer Israel, brickmkr. h 9th ab Reily Walmer Israel,jr., lahnrf'r, h 1206 Wallace Walmer Noah A., (Hbg Hurness ami Saddle Co.), h 115 N 13th Walsh JamaR T., supt, 716 State, It 606 do Walt Peter E., laborel', h 1:~29 ThompRtJll av WALTER CHARLES P., alderman, 617 State, h 614 do Walter Edgar, butcher, h 915 N 3d . Walter Elizabeth, wid Philip, h 316 Cumberland WALTER HAUY B., physician, 1317 N 3d, h do Walter Harry G., meat, 616 Herr, 15 N 2d, 434 State, b do Walter Henry, meat market, 91:3 N 3d, h 915 do Walter Isabella L., wid William G., h 407 Walnut Walter Jacob, butcher, h 224 Lihelty Walter James T., foreman, h 591 S Front Walter Marv, wid John B., h 132 Locust Walter Samuel C., blacksmith, h 1317 Maple av Walter William S., elk P. & R. frgt depot, h 407 Walnut Walters Barbara Mrs., h 205 S River av Walters David, agt, b 1820 Fulton WALTEBS FRANX . , boots, shoes, &c., 1012 N 3d, b 141-+ N 2d (see adv (..'tmtre )jn~) Walters George, shoemkr, h Brookwood ab 211 Walters Harry A., h 1437 Susquehanna Walters Harry Lo, bnckster, h 518 Hamilton Walters Jacoh, boots, 319 Verbeke, h do

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A.lB. TICK, Wall Papeund Window Shades. {7n:~o~R2~

Boyd'8 Barri8burg (W) City Directory. 615
Walters Ja('ob H., carpenter, h 1009 Cowden Walters Jacob M., carpenter, h 1459 Walnut Walters John L., sboemkr, h 1933 Berryhill Walters John S., butcher, h 1933 Berryhill Walters Levi, grocer, 1642 N 6th, h 1640 do Walters Margaret Mrs., h !l33 Boyd av Walters Marv H" h 628 Forster Walters Robert, laborer, h ] 106 N 12th Walters Ross S., elk, 406 Market, II 407 Walnut Walters Roy A. printer Star-Independent, h 333 Boyd av Walters Samuel, laborer, h 320 Angle av Walters Sarah A. Mrll., matron, h 409 Filbert Walters Webster W., conductor, h 15181 N 4th Walters William, brukeman, h 1516 Wallace Walters William, grocer, 628 Forster, h do Walters William G., cigarrnkr, h 1437 Susquehanna Waltman Elizabeth H., b Bailey c 12th Walton Clarence L., huckster, h 1616 N' 5th Walton Edgar A., brakeman, h 2030 ~ 7th Walton Edgar W., letter carrier, h 1341 N 2d Walton Isaiah H., flagman, h 1108 Wallace Walton .Jennie, b 2030 N 7th Walton .John H., fireman, h 1713 N 5th

FRINK M. WIL TERS, lj~:rc!:a~: FOOTWEIR, 1t.7:J'Be.

'Walton John H., grocer, 20au N 7th, b do


223 Market Walton William A., elk, 416 Market, h 2030 N 7th Walton William C., watchman, h 216 N 10th Waltz Alfred M., laborer, h 1537 Logan av Waltz Henry J., brakeman, h 1218 Currant av Walz F. Eugene, liquonl, 1207 N 7th, h 1205 do Walzer Anna M., teacher, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Bessie, h 23 S 2d Walzer Emma Ml'R., milliner, 27 S 2d, h 1.~8 N 2d Walzer George R., me..senger, b 1837 Fnlton Walzer John A., janitor, b 269 Sa88llfras av Walzer John W., meat market, 1408 William, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Luther W., conductor, h 611 Briggs Walzer Martin, butcher, h 1800 N 3d . Walzer Martin L., butcher, h 1418 N 2d Walzer Sara J., bookkpr, 229 Verbeke, h 1800 N 3d Walzer William L., h ]837 Fulton Wambangb William H., baker, h 511 Walnut Wanamaker William, driver, h 15th nr Bl'iggs Wanamaker & Brown, clothiers, 26 N 3d Wanbaugh Bailey H., watchman, h 3]7 Market

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IcNeil's Pain Exterminator :":D~O:a~~ ~rn~:rool{,~~{ {77T~lJJl.,.

516 Boyd'. Harrisburg (\\T) City Directory. Wanbaugh Edward L., !lIWt>IIIkr-, h 916 Penn . :325 Mlldav Wanbaugh Levi, shoemkr, 607 Buttonwood. h 916 Penn Wanbaugh Lillwood B., printer, h :~:3 S Court av Wanbaugh Samuel I., brakeman, h 916 Penn 'Vanzer JoS('ph, porter, h 609 State Warbek William B., labort'r, h 11M Liberty Ward Annie, wid Georgt', h i 43:11 Regina Ward Beltha, lallndrells, h 510 South Ward CE'lia, wid Andrew, h 510 South Ward Harvey A., elk, 221 Market, h 1238 Bailey Ward Israel G., carpenter, h 1238 Bailey Ward Jamt'S F., (Ward & Stucker), h 611 S Front Ward ,John E., machinist, h 1433i RE'gina Ward Mattie E., domestic, 115 State Ward William A., (ar inspector, h 1:38 S 13th WARD & STUCKER, (James F. Ward and George B. Stucker), contractors, 3 N Front (KeC adv back cover) Warden Alexander, painter, h 1002 Cowden Wardf:lI Edward J., molder, h 315 Reily Warden Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 313 Forster Warden George W., laborer, h 1414 Penn Warden George W., letter carrier, h 230 Sayford av Warden John M., supt city mission, h 1912 N 6th Warden Priscil1a, honsekeeper, 125 Liberty Warden William, ('8rpenter, h 1719 N 4th Wareham Milton V., tel'gra'r P. R. R. depot, h 207 Colder Waring Thomas, fireman, h 1300 N 7th Warlow Thomas A., elk, h 421 Boas Warner David E., laborer, h 253 S Cameron Warner J. Albert, brakeman, h 120 Boas Warner Lawrence M., brakeman, h 519 Muench Warner Lillie E., saleslady, 326 Market, h 1307! GreeD 'Varner Martha, dressmkr, h 240 Cranberry av Warner Owen M., engineer, h 1413 Market Warner Samuel, laborer, h 1151 Market Warren GranwelI, laborer, h Canal bel State WaiTen Henry C., laborer, h 127 Cranberry av 'Varren Louis A., salesman, h 227 Forster Warren William, labort'r, ~ Canal bel State Warrington John B.. yardmaRter P. & R., h Hershey Houae Washington Arthur A., barber, h 1401 Margaret Washington Caroliue Mr1!., It 1215 N Iii ' Washington David, laborer, h 1101 N Cameron Washington )i~ward, laborer, h 331 Colder Washington Frank, laborer, h 409 N 5th Wa!5hington George, laborer, h 707 North av

WANBAUGH GEORGE It., munaging editor Patriot, b

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A. B. TACK, FiDe Irt Wall Paper. {D~AC8~I,!l.I~} 12ftO: 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 517
Washin~ton Gertrude, asst cuok Grand Hutel Washington Henry, labol'er, h 416 Cre!oOCent Washington Isaac, laborer, h 1500 Apricot av Washington Jacob, labort'r, h 120 Mal'y'tI av WaRhington Nathaniel, laborel', h 215 S River av Wa.'1hington RobE-rt, waiter, h 113 S Front \V Bshington Sallie, dume.'Itil, 25 S 2d W ashingtun Vir~inia Mrl'l., lallndl't'"s, h 215 S River av Washington Wl'sley A., labon-r, h 215 S River av Washingtoll William A., ba:,ber, h 1422 Wyeth av Washington William B., luburer, h 111:3 N l1l Wasson Howard J., machinist. h 211 Hummel Wa~slln \rurr... n H., trav salesmun, h 225 Forster WATCHORN ROBERT, fllctory inspector, Capitol, h 112 Murket ' Waterbury Mary A., wid Isaac S., h 612 N 2d Waterbury William H., machinist, h 612 N 2d Waters Alice M., wid Robert, h 32:1 Verbeke Watel's Elizabeth, wid Philip, h 316 Cumberland Waters Evan H., (Waters & Co.), h 1714 N 3d Waters Gt'orge W., sboemkr, 1540 N 6th, h do Waters Samuel, laborer, h 7 Angle av Watkins Arthur, laborer, h 2006 Wood av Watkins Charles, laborer, h 331 Muench Watkins Fran()('S, wid Hiram, h 111l Tanner's av Watkins George, roller, h 2021 N 6th Watkins John, waiter, h 102 Tanner's av Watkins Sarah, wid William, h 1332 Pelln Watkins Thomas, Jabon-r, h 102 Tanner's avo Watkins William, h 2006 Wood WATRES LOUIS A., lieut governor, Capitol, h The Commonwealth Watson Amy M'f teacher, h 1803 N 3d . Watson Blair F., bookbinder, h 185 N 15th Watson Charles R., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 14 N 16th Watson Dani ...l H., expreRsman, h 1643 Market Watson Elizabeth D., wid David, h 539 Woodbioe Watson Elmer J., elk, h 1417 Penn Watson George W., flagman, h 539 Woodbine Watson Harry S., U. S. Ex. messenger, h 1&03 N 3d Watson Harry S., jr., operator, II 1803 N 3d Watson Henry, laborer, h 705 South Watson James D., expressman, h 644 Boas 'Vatson Thoma~, laborer, h 436 S Camerou Watt Oscar, h 274 Briggs Watts Alexander, waiter, h 414 South Watts Chules H., laborer, h 1419 Fulton Watts Galen W. S., bookkpr, 1001 N 3d, h at Island Park

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 518 Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.
Watts HAnnah M., domestic, 25 N Front Watts John S., barber, h 1927 N Cameron Watt!! Lester A. trucker, h at Island Park Watts Robert V., elk, h at Island Park Watts Samuel A., truckel', h at Il'land Park Waugh Jame!l, laborer. h 331 Colder Waugh Sarah 8., wid Beverly R, b 207 N Front Waugh William, laborer, h 331 Colder 'Vayne Annie Mrs., h 20 N Cllmeron , WEAKLEY CHABLES S., (Hench & Weakley), furniture. &c., 114 Mllrkt't, h 114 Locust Weand Hiram B., pllinter, 611 Myrtle av, h 215 Verbeke Weary Morrill 0., watertt'llder, h 20 N 5th Weast George R, tinslllitil, 823 Market, h 1209 Derry Weavadan William, laborer, h WJlitehallnr Walnut Weaver Albert E., driver, II 318 Hay av Wea\'er Alfred W., fireman, h 426 Reily Weaver Anna E., elk, h 1607 N 6th Weaver Anuie L., domestil', 9 N 5th Weaver Annie ~. Mrs., toilet parlor, 259 North, b do Weaver Benjamin G., laborer, h 558 Hunter Weaver Charles, plumber, h 2020 N 5th Weaver Charles C., yardmaster, h 631 Boas Weaver Charles H.! laborer, h 120 Sayford av Weaver Edward, laborer, h 21 N 6th Weaver Eleanora, domestic, 1820 Derry Weaver Elizabeth, wid George F., h 321 8 River av Weaver Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h 1711 N 4th Weaver Ellen, wid George, h 821 SlOth Weaver Ellen, wid Hezekiah, h 1517 N 4th 'Veaver Emma, wid Ja(!ob, h 239 State Weaver Fannie, finisher, h 1420 Susquehanna Weaver Frank T., foreman, h 1343 Howard avWeaver Fulmer, cigarmkr, h 1517 N 4th Weaver George A., laborer, h 21 N 6th Weaver George H., grocer, 19 8 2d, h do Weaver George R., cabinetmkr, h 1017 N 6th Weaver George W., laborer, h 1820 Swatara Weaver Hannah, wid John M., h 607 Cumberland Weaver Harry E., barber, h 1517 N 4th Weaver Harry T., engineer, h 342 Boyd av Weaver Jennie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Weaver John, molder, h 1427 James av Weaver John F., printer, h 321 S River av Weaver John H., brickmkr, h 558 Hunter Weaver John H., car inspector, h 120 Sayford av Weaver John L., watchman, h 558 Hunter Weaver John M., painter, h 318 Hayav

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I. B. TACK, ProCllC01 Paper Hanger, {f~~~o~R2~~.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 519
Weaver John P., driver, h 923 S 19th Wener John P., flagman, h 1646 Fulton Weaver John S., grocer, 1607 N 6th, h do Weaver John S., (Weaver & Hublev), h 205 Pine Weaver Joseph J., brakeman, h 1209 Market Weaver Joseph Lonis, floor mgr, 334 Market, h 1111 N 2d Weaver J. Wesley, elk, 19 S 2d, h do Weaver Levi A., checker, h 604 North Weaver Lizzie M., doubler, h 1109 Montgomery Weaver Louis, pressman Tt'!legraph, h 1111 N 2d Weaver Lucy M., wid George F., jr., h 510 Filbert Weaver Maggie, milliner, h 1517 N 4th Weaver Mary, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Weaver Mary, wid Daniel, h 1518 Fulton Weaver Mary C., wid Jacob A . h 1528 N 5th Weaver Mary E., doubler, h 1109 Montgomery Weaver Matilda, wid James R., h 1017 N 6th Weaver Mazie Mrs., dometltie, 29 S 3d Weaver Millard, hostler, h 1517 N 4th Weaver Minerva, dORle8tie, 203 S Front Weaver Philip, elk, 334 Market, h 322 Blackberry av Weaver Riehllrd H., letter carrier. h 111 North Weaver Robert D., laborer, h 1427 James av

tfu~:LELa::~~;7J~~1~ FOOTWEAR Ollalters', 1012 N. 3d 81. Weaver Sallie A., domestic, 311 Muench Weaver Sarah A., wid George A., h 1109 Montgomery Weaver Sara R.,.elk, 213 Walnut, h 1111 N 2d Weaver Stephen C., agt, h 259 North Weaver Theophilus, patent agt, h 108 S 13th WEAVEB WARREN 0., architect, 1127 N 3d, h 2020 N 6th (see adv) Weaver William E., elk, h 406 Verbeke Weaver William R., molder, h 1124 Market Weaver & Hubley, (J. S. Weaver aud A. T. Hubley), bakers, 24 N 3d Webb Charles H., brakeman, h 1822 Fulton Webb Harriet, domestic The Bolton

.... O. "'S'&VB&.

1125 and 1127 N. Third Street, Second Floor Front. HARRISBURG, PA.
"Dra1l'l~ and Specifications Made at a Reaaonable Cosl Accura&e RIIt1mateB .clven of \,be Colt of BWldiDgl. Personal SuperIDC8nllellC8 1I'1vea to all Work.

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nee McNen's Medicine Co. {lDI~~ed} II~\...


Boyd'. Harrisburg


City Directory.

Webb Isaac, laborer, h 1405 Murion Webb Silas M., fireman, h 163 Summit av Webber Alexander, umbrellamkr, h 339 Walnut Webberson Charles, brewer, h 814 Capital Weber Andrew, laborer, h 1184 Christian Weber Clayton, baker, h 213 Colder Weber Edwin W., musician, h 136 S 2d Weber John M., painter, h 318 Hay av Weber Maria, wid Andrew, h 2016 Penn Weber Minnie, wid .Justus A., h ta17 N 6tb Weber W. ~"'red, musician, h 136 S 2d Weber William, molder, h 715 Cowden Weber William F., music teacher. h 136 S 2d Weber William H., fireman, h 1620 N 4th Webert Jobn W., apprentice, h 34 Balm Webster Mary V., wid George W., h 316 Cumberland Weeber Alice H., teacber, h 1319 Green Weeber Charles P., puddler, h 1319 Green Weeber Jobn D., tinner, h 1;~24 Susquehanna Weeber William, watertender, h 1319 Green Weeber William, jr., puddler, h 1419 Green Weed Henry A., lumber couuter, h 434 Muench WEEKLY CALL, Mumma & Baum, pubs,:301 Chestnul Weeks Austin, cJeant'r, b 615 Colder Weeks Cyrus, foreman painter P. R. R., b 615 Colder Weeks Estrange, cook, h 1324 ~Iargaret Weeks Samuel C., car cleaner, II 615 Colder Webler Daniel, laborer, b 1507 Derry Wehler Harry, laborer, h 1265 Bailey Wehling Henry, hotel, 946 N 7th, b do Wehr Charles P., barber, h 931 Myrtle av Wehrwein John, shoemkr, h 2039 Kensington Weibley Adam L., cutter, 320 Market, b 614 Forster WEIBLEY JEBEIlIAH C., confectionery and silverware. 318i Reily, h 327 do Weibley John, elk, 424 Market, h 614 Forster Weibley Sarah Mrs., h 716 Capital Weidel Caroline, h 408 S 19th Weidel Cyrus, laborer, h 1125 N Front Weidenmeyer William F., driver, h 50 Balm Weidler Annie E., wid William W., h 104 IAOCust Weidlt'r George A., engine repairer, b 104 Locust Weidling Henry C., carpenter, h 903 N 2d Wejdlillg Mary E., h 903 N 2d Weidman Eva, wid Philip, h 103 Tuscarora Weidman George, meat, 132 S 2d, h do Weidman Jacob, fort"man, II 132 S 3d Weidman Joseph, helper, h 241 Hummel

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IIII( I B. T /lUI\,

N. 3d St. work, and lnaorell II.. Work done In any pan of the State.



Boyd'. Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 521

Weidman Samnel, tinner, h 313 Verbeke Weidner Theodore A., mo(!biui@t, h 252 Verbeke Weidner William A., optician, 317 Market, b 206 N 2d Weigan Michael J., laborer, h Greenwood nr 211 Weigel Edward H., printer, h 310 Coldel' Weigel Emma, wid William, h 429 Strawberry av Weigel J. Franklin, (Longenecker & Weigel), h 310 Colder Weigel Margaret, \vid George, h 14:17 Susquehanna Weigel Samuel M., carpenter, h 310 Colder WEIGER GEORGE, bottler, 825 Market, h at SteeitoD (see adv) Weigle Christian, engineer, b 1300 N 7th WEIGLE COnAD E., meat market, Kelker c Wood, b 1802 N 6th Weigle Edward, wbt.-elwriJ!:ht. h 1601 N 3d Weigle Gilbert. H., druggillt, 1601 N :ld, II do Weigle Lucy A., wid Hen ry, h 1601 N 3d Weigler Henry, trav salesman, h 3 N Front Weigner Henry, bl8ckslllith,It 1408 N 7th Weikel Emma, wid William, h 429 Strawbt-rryav Weikel"l Alvin W., h 517 Walnut Weikle Mary, domestic, 103 Wsshington Weiler Henry J., agt, b 1940 Derry Weills Bertron A., clk, 212 Market, b 1316 N Front Weills Charles R., IItudent, h 418 Boas Weills I!!IIac M., (lk,-432 Market, b do Weills Lizzie, wid Abram, h 1316 N Front Weills William M., physician, mgr, 432 Market, h "18 Boas Weimer Cbarlottt', wid Conrad, h 438 Muellch Weimer Jerome T., laborer, h 3]6 Reily Weimer John L., laborer, b 316 Reily Weimer Rebecca, b 438 Muench Weinmann Jacob, baker, h 1239 Kittatinny Weinmann May E., saleslady, b 1239 Kittatinny Weir Anna C., h 26 N 2d Weir Sibyl M., b 26 N 2d Weirich E. Carl, clk, 405 Market, h 516 State Weirich Elizabetb, wid Michael, b 1630 Logan av



( . . . . . . .,. to Leh_ BNurf.." 00.)


Beer, Porter and file,

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 522 Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.
Weirich Mary E.. laund1'e!8, h 16:30 Logan av Wei !Ie Darius S., laborer, h 1323 Maple av Weisemann John, laborer, h ]927 N 4th Weiser DaviJ M., upholsterer, h 508 Filbert Weiser Ella, wid James M., music teacher, h 133 State Weiser Samuel S., transfer agt, h 1111 t Cowden Weiser Urias P., huckster, h 132 S Dewberry av Weiser Walter, burnisher, h 508 Filbert Weisman, see Wieseman Weiss John F., student, h 208 N 3d Weiss John H., (Weiss & Gilbert), h 208 N 3d Weiss Rudolph, baker, h 115 S 13th WEISS & GILBERT, (John H. Weiss and Lyman D. Gilbert), lawyers, 219 Market . Weisser Andrew, carpet weaver, It 412 Verbeke Weist Susan, wid John, h 336 S 16th Weitmyer Annie L., teacher, h 1721 N 3d Weitmyer Ida R., dre&5mkr, h 1721 N 3d Weitmyer John H., machinist, h 1721 N 3d Weitmyer William F., machinist, h 335 Hamilton Weitzel Annie, h 1200 N 6th Weitzel Edgar E., laborer, h 1531 Swatara Weitzel Elizabeth A., wid WarreD W., h 1242 Market Weitzel George A., postal clk, h 534 S Cameron Weitzel Harry J., laborer, h 1606 N 5th Weitzel Hury S., engineer, h 1531 Swatara Weitzel John C., driver, h 222 N 10th WE'itzel Rebecca D., notions, 441 Verbeke, h do Weitzel Walter W., machinist, h 1531 Swatara Weitzel Warren W., bolt cnttE'r, h 1606 N 5th Welch George M., fireman, h 3d c Hamilton Welch, seE' alt!O Welsh Welcome Catharine A., wid Martin, h 9th bel State Welker Carl, carpenter, h 1429 James Welker Charles P., solicitor, 1204 N 3d, h 13t.h Welker Mary E., housekeeper, 31 N Cameron Wellein John, barber, 1737 N 5th, h 17301 Wood av Weller John M., brakeman, h 1821 N 5th lelia Badlara, Lud~, h 2013. N 7th Wells Caroline, wid Paul, h 2013 N 7th Wells C. Decatur, coppersmith, h 2022 N 6th Wells Charles, cooper, h 1018 S 21i Wells Edward C., civil engineer, h 309 Boas Welts Florence V., seamstress, h 1606 Logan av Wells Hattie C., elk, h 1245 Kittatinuy Wells James B., road foremaa P. R. R., h 309 Boas Wells James R., cooper, h 10 Chesapeake av Wells Jesse, cooper, h 1020 S 211

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';,c;a~~;::=.'IOU POPer ODd". _lfOII A. B. T leK, N. 7.t:~r. Boyd's Rarrisburg (W) City Directory. 593
Wells Joanua, wid .J"ho, h 116 South Wells John L., elk, h 928 Penn Wells Joseph E, grocer, 1245 Kittatinny, h do Wells Lewis H., engineer, h 629 Peifer Wells Mary C. Mrs., h ]606 Logan B\' We])s Thomas H., laborer, h 14:l0 Fulton Wells William E . cooper, h 1018 S 211 Welper Albert, bricklayer, h 227 North Welper Hannah W., wid Nellis, h 227 North Welsh Arthur W., trav salesman, h 1122 N 6th Welsh Catharine, h 1111 N Cameron Welsh Christianna, wid John, h 609 Herr Welsh Clara, weav~r, h 1323 William Welsh David E., conductor, h 424 Cumberland Welsh George M'J fireman, h 1644 N 3d Welsh James, engineer, h 117 Hanna Welsh James, wat('hman The Loohiel, h do Welsh James A., clk, 26 N Courtav, h 11711anna Welsh John, 8<'rewsman, h 161 Paxton Welsh John J., walertender, h 23 Balm Welsh John M., laborer, h 161 Paxton Welsh Mary Mrs., h 1122 N 6th Welsh Mary, wid John. h 161 Paxton

N~~~~"~:JT~-:A':u FOOTWEAR 01 FRANU:IALTERS', N'!:J~

Welsh Robert C., machinist, h 1122 N 6th Welsh Thomas, furnaceman, h 161 Paxton Weltmer Charles, warehouseman, h 1270 Juniper Weltmer Fannie, h Home for the Friendless Weltmer Frank S., elk Hershey House, h 1146'Market Weltmer Ida, sorter, h 1146 Market Weltmer Isaac, laborer, h 13 Brady av WeltmE'r James L., briekmkr, h 484 S Cameron Welt mer John, special policeman, h 405 Verbeke Weltmer Laura V., bookkpr, 200 Walnut, h 206 Pine Weltmer Maggie A., wid John, h 1146 Market Weltmer Mary E. Mrs., dressmkr, 405 Verbeke, h do Weltmer Susan, wid J. J., h 206 Pine Welty Elmer E., brakeman. h 1326 Maple av Welz John L., elk Adams Express, h 928 Penn Wendel Hugo R. Rev., h 712 N 6th Weneri('k William E., brakeman, h Verbeke e &rtine av Wengert Albert W., carpenter, h 1935 State Wengert Daniel, laborer, h 337 Chestnut Wennel Chllrles E., molder, h 500 N 13th Wennel Lydia,. wid Jll<'k!lon, h 500 N 13th Wenoell Lillie, h 436 South Wennell Mary A. Mrs., dressmkJo, 17 Cowden, h do

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Liver and Blood Purlfylnlr 1II 01 MoNElL'S D1IP8..... LlYer, Blood aDd 1tIcbieyPili. Cure {II 011 III OompJalDta.

124 Boyd'. Harrilburg (W) City Direotory. Wennell William J., slttam fitter. h 17 Cowden
Wenrich Alice, domestic, 517 Walnut Wenrich Ann, wid Peter, h 818 Capital Wenrich Christian E., blacksmith, b Hollv ab 22d Wenrich David L., laborer, h 1858 Walnut Wenrich Enos S., jr., carpenter, h 1112 N 7th Wenrich Fanny A., seamstress. h 818 Capital \Venrich John J., carpentt'r, h 1234 Herr Wenrich Joseph, cigar mfr, 227 S 2d, h flo Wenrich Josie L., mUl,ic teacher, h 1733 Market Wenrich Maria, wid Enos S., h Forster c Linden Wenrich Samuel, watchman, h 595 S Front Wenrich Thomas A., laborer, h ~"'orster c Linden Wenrich Thomas S., shoemkr, 906 S 9th, h do Wenrich William B., laborer, h 1045 S 9th Wenrick Charles, butcher, h 613 North Wenrick David, butCher, 123 Vine BV, h 309 S 2d Wenrick Elmer E., engineer, h 1326 Susquehanna Wenrick Frederick, watehmaf.' h 1502 Howard av Wenrick Jonas B., carpenter, h 1226 Bartine av Wenrick Peter, laborer, h 1404 Penn Wenrick Willillm, brakeman, h 112 Verbeke WeDsell Isaac R., (Guiles & Wensell), h at Highspire Wensell Juhn C., special agt, 103 N 2d, h at Paxtang Wensell Thomas W. T., dk, 32 N :Jd, h 1115 GreeD Wentz Mary, wid GeofJte W., h 3:l5 Chestnut Werner A. Frederick, (Werner & Bruner), h 218 Chestnut Wentzel Care T. R., draftsman, 5 N 2d, h 1!l2 Locust Werner Alvin M., baggagemuster, h 422 Brijl;g& Werner Anilrew J., plalit~rer, h 1224 Currant av Werner Anna, wid ,Josiah, h 1217 N 7th Werner Edward, laborer, h 5]2 N 5th Werner George A , brakeman, h 19:10 N 4th Weruer Henry N., ronductor, h 303 Dauphin av '\Verner John W., trimmer, h 14]:l Mark~t Werner Publishing Co., school books, 227 Walnut Werner Samuel B., brakeman, It 652 Boas Werner William L., laborer, h 1930 N 4th WEBREB " BRU.Ea, (A. Frederick Werner alld Iver L. A. Bruller), bake"" 21:3 Chestllut Wert Annie, teacher, b 91 ff N 3d Wert Catharine H., wid Adam, h 919 N 3d Wert Edward H., student, h 919 N 3d Wert Howard H., ptl8tal elk R. M. S., h 919 N 3d. Wert 1m A., elk, 326 Market, h 916 N 6th WERT J. HOWABD Prof.. principal Harri~burg High Scbool, also author, b 919 N :~cl Wert William, brakeman, h Wallace nr Boyd av

Digitized by


I. B. TACK .::f..t''-or FraailS "'Dc IiWfII' II PIIII nita. {~t~:

Boyd'. Harri.burg (W> City Directory.

Weru: Daniel W., printer, h 215 Colder Wertz Frank H., baker, 217 Colder, h 215 do Wertz Henry, mason, h 1302 Mayflower Wertz Henry, jr., laster, h 1310 Shrub ay Wertz John, flagman, h 1923 N 5th Wertz Joseph, laborer, h Cameron ab Reily Wertz Nelhe, domestic, 1223 Wallace Werb Oscar J't laborer, h 14]8 Herr Wertz Reuben, laborer, h 15th nr Briggs Wertz Solomon, h 217 Colder Wertz William, brakeman, h 1518 Wallace Wertz William, laborer, h 1150 Vumberland West Ansel G., carpenter, b 18 N 13tb West Charles F., carpeuter, h 18 N 13th West Edward C., laborer, b 1837 Swatara West Edward C., jr., laborer, h 723 Showers av West Jennie C., dressmkr, h IS N 13th West Jobn Y., cigarmkr, h 18 N 13th West Joseph R, tray salesman, h 1207 N 2d West Samuel, carpenter, h 42 N Summit West Samuel A., molder, h 44 N Summit \\,est Samuel G., runner, h P. R. R. passenger depot Westbrook Cherrick, h 1234 N 6th Westbrook Cberrick, jr., dentist, 134 Walnut, h 102 N 2d Westbrook Sarah J. Mn-., h 830 S Cameron Westen Frank, machinist, h 327 Hummel "WESTElfBAVER EDWARD S., Hbg Steam Laundry, 1004 N 3d, h do IrI ""IIW "-l'EBK muON TELEGRAPH 00., 11 N 3d Westgate Walter, puddler, h 159 Indian av Westhafer Kate, wid John, b 218 Boas Wetmore Monroe N., tescher, h 1013 N 2d Wetmore William J., bookkpr, 222 Mulberry, h 125 S 3d Wetzel Aaron, laborer, h 946 S 21st W~tzel Cbarles, puddler, b 53 Lochiel nr store Wetzel Daniel E., packer, h 107 Paxton Wetzel Emma J., seamstress, h 1606 Logan ay Wetzelli'rank J., boilermkr, b 946 S 21st Wetzel J. Cbarles, laborer, h 660 Woodbine Wetzel Stanley E., clk, 1215 N 3d, h 460 Cumberland Wetzel William, fireman, h 631 Boas Wetzel William, stone maSOll, h 660 Woodbine Weyant Catharine S., wid Ephraim, h317 Hayav Weyant Jacob C., barber, 1320 N 3d, h 317 Hay- ay Wbarton Alfred D., brakeman, h 527 Woodbine Wbarton John A. cutter, h 664 Woodbine Wharton Joseph G., fill,t'man, h 1339 N 2d Wharton R. M. H., printer Telegraph, h 654 Woodbine

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" To fisd a "ame you must /t"O'W ROW to spell it.'" '526 Boyd'. Harrisburg (W) City Direoiory.
Wharton William A~, ooodootor, h 1609 N 6th Wharton William H., hoetler, h 564 WoodbiDe Wheeler Daniel, huckster, h 1263 Bailey Wheeler Ellen, wid John C., h 320 Blackberry av Wheeler Gertrude I., stitcher, h 608 Showers av Wheeler Harry E., blacksmith, h 12 S Cameron Wheeler Jennie, seamst.ress, h 12 S Cameron Wheeler John C., painter, h 320 Blackberry av Wheeler John E., painter, h 12 S Cameron Wheeler Joseph Rev., h 12 Haebnlen av Wheeler M. Fannie, h 608 Showers av Wheeler Percy L., laborer, h 608 Show.ers av Wheeler Robert Rev., h 12 Haehnleo av Wheeler William H., laborer, h 1415 Penn Wheeler William M., puddler, h 230 Cherry av Wheler Catharine, wid Harry A., h 1717 N 3d Wheler Harvey, engineer, h 1717 N 3d Wheler William H., supplyman, h 1717 N '3d Whenrich, SE'e Wenrioh Whickenhirser Harry, s~l worker, b 2!ld ab Derry Whinery Mary Mrs., dressmkr, 1118 Capital, h do Whin~ry William B., carpenter, h 1118 Capital Whisler Cora D., dressmkr, h 1422 Vernou Whisler Elias, laborer, h 1422 Vernon Whi.der J. A . photographer, h 414 Cumberland Whisler William H., carpenter, h 414 Cumberland Whisler William H., jr., fireman, h 414 Cumberland Whistler John H., carpenter, h 417 Boyd av Whistler Sarah C. Mrs., grocer, 417 Boyd av, h do Whitby John G., expressman, h 106 Linden Whitcomb Catharine, wid David, h 215 North Whitcomb Edward B., foreman, h 113 N Summit av Wbitcomb Florence, twister, h 104 Cowden Whitcomb George, huckster, h 255 Liberty Whitcomb Kate Mrs., h 104 Cowden Whitcomb Wilson F., (Whitcomb & Hess), h 1328 Susq White Annie E., student, h 1317 Green White Annie E., wid Rudolph, h 1112 Green White Baker, barber, 1418 N 3d, h :H4 Muench White Charles, flagman, h 623 Kelker White Clara M., twister, h 407 Herr White Edward, ins. collector, h 822 Cllpital White Harriet, wid Baker, h 1416 Marion White Harry R., coachmkr, h 407 Hel'r White Jacob B., laborer, h 265 Sa8l!8fl'8~ av White James B., news agt, h 265 SlIl!SlifIoas av White Johu B., laborer, h 711 State White John W., car record elk P. R. R., h 131 i Green

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A. B. TACK ~'=~ 11 Pifl

S" {12m ~~~ Boyd'. Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 611


White Lillie M., domestic, 1128 Hickory av White Maggie, wid Lewis A., h 247 N River av White Mary, wid Joseph E., h 265 Sassafras av White Mary E., shoe valOper, h 229 Liberty White Milton C., beamer, h 265 Sassafras av White Nellie V., quiller, h 407 Herr White Samuel A., artist, h 713 N 3d, h do White Thomas C., conductor, h 1302 N 3d White Wilhelm, lahorer, h 9 B 2d White William. heater, h 4:l2 B Cameron White William B., carpeott>r, h 407 Herr White William H., cabinetmkr, h 141 S 3d Whitt> William L., carpenter, h 540 Violet av Whiteman Charles C., clk P. R. ticket offioe, h 229 Hummel Whiteman George, dispatcher P. R. R., h 209 Hummel Whiteman Jacob N., dispatcher, h 203 Hummel Whiten Bennett, lahorer, h 1634 Walnut WBrtESmE GEORGE A., carriage mfr, 117 B 2d, h 122 MuJbt>rrv Whitesicie Harry i., blacksmith, h 122 Mulbt>rry WhiteSide J. Elton, civil engineer, 405 Market, h 215 Briggs Whiteside Margaretta P.; h 122 Mulberry Whitman C. Edward, driver, h 112 Linden



Whitman Daniel P., switchman, h 1418 N 3d Whitman Dora M., weaver, h 112 LiDden Whitman Edward F., paymaster P. R. R., h 407 N 2d Whitman Mary C., h 317 Walnut Whitman Reuben E., (R. E. Whitman & Co.), h 16231 N 3d Whitman R. E. & Co., publishers, 103 N 2d Whitman Sarah J., wid George, h 112 Linden Whitman William .H., mnldel', h 1418 N 3d Whitman, see also Witman Whitmer Mary A., wid John, h 1252 Market Whitmoyer Albert C., baggage transft>r, II 106 Linden Whitmoyer Christie, domestic, 1006 N 2d Whitmoyer David, farmer, h 1510 Derry Whitmoyer Frank B., brakeman, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer Harry E., fireman, h 530 Peffer Whitmoyer John A., driver, h 2 8 18th Whitmoyer John C., stuilent, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer Mary, wid William. h 522 Filbert Whitmoyer Sallie L., domestic, 1006 N 6th Whitmoyer Bimon, yardmaster. h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer William G., f1l1gman, b 530 Peffer Wichmann Gustavus, collarmkr, b 412 Walnut Wickersham Howard, }lostal clk, h 1119 Capital

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PaID bt...llllalor au... Cholera Jlorbu, D~terJ. Cra1DPI. DMIr.... eoldl, QuIDa7. Rhe1llDa&IIm, ~SoreThrollt, APe. ~ _ UU IIL


628 Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Direotory. Wickert Mary Mrs., h 1 8 Front Widder George H., physician, 1516 Derry, b do Widder Harry D., postal elk, b 1516 Derry Wideman John, laborer, h 319 Blackberry av Widner Marie E., h 1105 Capital Widner William K., elk P. R. R. shops, h 1105 Capital Wieand John H., brskeman, h 1701 N 7th Wieger Catharine, wid Peter, h 624 Showers ay Wieger Frank J . weighmaster, h 624 Showers av Wieger Lizzie, stitcher, h 624 Showers av Wieger Peter, laborer, h 624 Showers av Wiegman Louill, mgr, h 1538 N 4th Wiener Alexander, elk, 422 Market. b 434 North Wier Granville G., plasterer, h 1321 Fulton Wierman Emily P., wid Thomas T., h 116 Pine Wiermau Sarah E . h 116 Pine wn:RMAN THOMAS T., jr., chief engineer Pa. Canal, 405 Market, h 116 Pine Wieseman Sarah L. Mrs., hotel,301 S 2d, h do Wieseman, Bee also Weisman Wiesemann Andrew, cigars. 610 Race, h do Wiesemann Charles, clk, 303 Market, h 1629 N 4th Wiesemann Frederick A., cigarmkr, h 610 Race Wiesemann Minnie C., sewer, h 610 Race Wiesemann William A., gnlt.'er, 128 S 2d, h 107 South Wiest Emma, domestic, 29 N 2d Wiest Samuel L. Rev., mgr, 201 N 2d, h 404 Brigs Wiest Warren W., elk, 201 N 2d, h 404 Brigp Wiestling Gay 8., clk, 213 Walllut. h 8 N 2d lViestling Joseph C., car inspector, h 1116 N 7th Wiestling Ralph G., tel~rapher, h 8 N 2d WIESTLING SAIIlJEL C., grocer., 600 North c Cowden, h do Wiestling Susanna H., wid Jacob G., h 8 N 2d Wiestling Valentine H., driver, h 1409 Regina Wiestling William B., blacksmith, h 1117 Cowden Wigenton William. laborer, h 3 Haehnlen av Wiggins Gl'rtrude, wid Edwin J., h 1513 Wallace Wiggins Michael, gasmkr, h Greenwood bel 211 Wiggins Thomall C., Bagman, h 925 Myrtle av Wie:ton Wade H., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 208 N 2d Wike John H., timekeeper, h 1125 Wallace Wike Nancy, wid John, h 1126 Wallace Wiland Reuben, brakeman, h 1014 Fox av WiJbar Charles F., laborer, h 21 N 13th Wilbar George H., clk, 1401 N 2d, h 273 Herr lVilbar Lilian V., teacher, h 21 N 13th Wilbert Dollie Mrs., h 114 Charles av

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beat &lid lowell Dl1_ Window 1210 1 B. '1M} Wan Paper. ThewtthPlxmna &IIcfPrlqe,.for 16 cia. { N.3tI 8t., I..," Shad OODIple&e.

Boyd'. Harrilburg (W) City Directory. 529

Wilcox Annie D., h 1121 N 7th Wilcox Isaac J., h 1121 N 7th Wilcox Joseph P., grucer, 1917 Derry, h do Wilcox Mary E., artiNt, 117 Market, h 1121 N 7th Wilcox Thomas C., brakeman, h 521 Kelker Wild Carrie I.J., milliner, h 308 Buas Wild Emma, booksewer, h 308 Boas Wild Minnie, salelilady, h 909 N 3d Wildilig John (l., gardener, h Lochiel Form Wildman Augustus, barber The Bolton, h 1932 N 3d Wiley Andrew J., driver, h 941 N 7th Wiley Snsan M., seamstress, h 1276 State Wiley Wesley J., laborer, h 429 Kelker' Wilhelm Charles A., machinist, h 629 Reily Wilhelm Jal'ob, h 805 S Front Wilhelm Jamell H. G., laborer, h 805 S Front Wilhelm J. Schall, (Wilhelm & Co.), h at York Wilhelm Kate, H8leslady, :34 N 3d, h 629 Reily Wilbelm Mary L., h 629 Reily WilhellD & Co., (J. Scholl WHhelm), genl com, 227 Walnut Wilhide Tracy, dressmkr, h 221 Stale Wilkason Susan Mrs., bc.rding, 117 Cowden, h do Wilkinson Cathftrinp. Mrs., h 213 S River av Wilkinson Samnel, laborer, h 1247 N III Wilks Gl!Orgeann, dumestic, 119 State Willard Miranda, quiller, h 132:3 )\TilIiam Willcox Ella, saleslady, 1917 Derry, h do Willcox Joseph P., gl'tx't'r, 1917 Derry, hdo Willetts Geary M., elk, h 114 Chestnut WiIlettM John R., elk. 1 WI N 3d, h 114 Chestnut WILLET'l'8 THEODORE L., physician, 114 Chestnut, h dl); offi~ hOIlI'8, 6 to 9 a.m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 9 p. m, Willi Elsie, dumestic, 17Ul N 7th Williams .... bbtay, h 4]6 State Williams Amanda E:, lihue fitter, h 18 N Court av Williams Ann, wid SUllluel, h 1535 N 5th Williams Annie, clOlllt'lltic, 712 North av Williams Benjamin, Illburer, h412 Sooth Williams Benjamin, laborer, h 414 Suuth Williams Caroline, wid Ht'III'V, II 1688 Elm Williams Charles, laborer, II j 17 Cowden Williams Charles H., laborer, h 1338 Mayflower Williams Charles S., barber, 12 N Court av, h 132 Cranberrvav Williams Clarence, ball playt'r, h 335 Colder Williams Daniel, labul't'r, h 1401) Margaret Williams Daniel, waiter, h 1624 Elm Williams David, h 2114 Turner av

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" To j'ld a name you IIJusl k'iow how /Q spell it." 53(, Boyd's Harrisburg (W) Ci4' .Direct.,WiIlialUti Davitl U., w:litt." II 13:'l:~ llnr,r.lrt't Williams Edward L., lahorer, h 200 BIlIJiu uv Williams Evan, rongher, h 1:341 S 12th Williams Fannie, dume!!tic, 508 N 2c1 Williams Fannie, wid Daniel, h 1324 li'lIltou Williams Frank E., (WilliamH & Shantz), h 28 N 5t1} Williams G. Albert, hustler, It 1026 North av Williams George, laborer, h 431 State Williams George, laborer, h :l:l5 Colder Williams George, labc1rer, It 1406 Margaret Williams Harry C., elk, h 34 N 2<1 Williams Henry J., h,(,mer, It 1406 Margaret Williams Horace J., buber, h 112 Short WillialUs Jacob, teamster, h 2] 5 Mt.'Iltluw la Williams James H., laborer, b 1 Cottage Ruw Williams John C., insurance. 307 Market, h 1320 GreeD Williams John F., supt, h 1206 N 2d Williams JQ!leph, laborer. h 431 S 2d Williams Joseph N., fireman, h 408 Muench Williams Joseph 0., postal elk, It 25 N 5th Williams Joshua, waiter, h 104 Filbe.t Williams Levi N., stone mallOll, h 72 N 10th Williams Lewis D., insurance, h 28 N 5th Williams Lizzie, domesti<" 213 State Williams Loui8ll, dumestit!, 501 State Williams Margaret, teacher, It 507 South Williams Marks, peddler, h 1210 Wallace Williams Mary, domestic, 210 Cht>tltnut WilIialUs Mary, dressmkr, h 915 Myrtle av Williams Mary M1'R., h 1624 Elm Williams Mary, seamstre88, h 25 S Front Williams Mary K, wid David, h 818 James av Williams Mary L., wid Charles L., It 111 Tanner~s av Williams Morgan, roller, h 10:36 S Cameron Williams Oscar, waiter, 214 Cherry av Williams Richard, laborer, h 3 Cottage Row Williams Robert, attendant Lunatic HOl'lpital, h do Williams Robert E., trainmaster, It 1015 Green Williams Sarah Mrs" h 614 State Williams Susannah, wid Jameal P., h 1224 James av Williams Thomas, laborer. h 1967 M()ltke av Williams Walter W., porter Hotel Columbus, h 507 SoutD . Williams William, barher, h 335 Muench Williams William, enneer. h 232 Liberty Williams William, gardener, h 1407 S 12th Williams William, laborer, b 1341 S J2th Williams William, laborer, h 335 Colder

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IJB. TICK, lallPaperandlindowShades. {'2~:i~R2't~.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 531 WILLIAIIS " SHANTZ, (Frank E. Williams and A.ugustus G. Shantz), upholsterer!!, 105 Market Williamson Albert E., elk, h 312 Reily Williamson Albert N., tobacconist, 670 Colder, h do , Williamson Anna M., dres.~mkr, h 206 S River av Williamson Clover B., molder, h 1323 Vernon Williamson George J., machinilit, h 312 Reily Williamson Harry S., (Williamson & Foster), h at Wheatland Williamson J. Frank, brakeman, h 2 S 4th William@()n .rohn H., engineer. h 1512 N 4th Williamson Jobn M., nail feedt'r, h 206 S River av Williamson Joseph, laborer, h 206 S River av Williamson Lizzie, wid John H., h 1114 N 2d Williamson Miriam, WId Addison. hIlI Cherry av Williamson Peter, laborer, h 1704 Logan av Williamson Sidney A., wid William H., h Verbeke ab N Cameron ' WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, (H. S. Williamson and J. R. FOrlter), drygoods, notions, clothing, gents' furnishing, bats, caps, shoes, trunks, ladies' cloaks, 326 Market Williard Harry F., brakeman, h 329 Hamilton Willie Frank, finisher, h The Commercial

FRINK M. WILTERS, ~~~::::J,y: FOOTWEIR, N.':':~

Willier Bellll, qttiller, h 61 Linden Willier J. Arthur, fireman, h 61 Linden Williel' Martba, housekeeper, 61 Linden Willis Ebenezer, ins. solicitor, h 509 Kelker Willis Edward C., salesman, 334 Market, h 231 Sharon Willis Ida B., elk, h 231 Sharon Willis John A., h 231 Sharon Willis John G., mattressmkr, h 231 Sharon Willis Latimer, salesman, 334 Market, h 231 Sharon Willis Rebecca M., wid William, h ~33 S 14th Willis William F., paperhanger, h 1936 Logan av Willis William F., teamster, h 12051 N Front Willoughby George B., fireman, h 914 Capital WiIlou.ihby John A., switchman, h 1315 James Wills John S., poIItal elk, h 265 Herr Wills Nesbit, tray salesman, b 265 Herr Willson Albert L., machinist, h 230 N 2d Willson Elizabeth B. h 230 Y 2d Willson Esther H., wid Daniel T., h 230 N 2d Wilson Alexander M., brakeman, h 1106 Wallaoe Wilson Alice J., h 1244 N Cameron WilsoD Alice T. Mrs., elk, 1 S 3d, h 419 Boas WilsoD Annie Mrs., h 331 Harris

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leKel'I's Pam' Extermm'ator mUIIOIIII have appeUte. JlaDy { 77" IT!IW. JrI yonan been cured by I," TRY


Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory.

Wilson Annie, cook Franklin HOIl~ Wil!lon Annie L.,laundret!s, Ii 1324 N 7th Wilson Arthur, engineer, h 1326 Susquehanna Wilson Benjamin, driver, h 1430 Marb"llret Wilson Calvin J., driver, h 325 S Cameron Wilson Carrie E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Wilson Charles M., linemall, h 1130 Wallace Wilson Charles W., fireman. h 1150 S Cameron Wilson David, mgr, 35 N 3d, grocer, 723 N 6th, h do Wilson Edna, housekeeper, 23 N 16th WilllOn Edwal-d, roller, h 317 S Front Wilson Edwin E., postal elk, h 21 N 13th Wilson ElizRbeth C., wid Henry H., h 1018 N 7th Wilson Ellen A., wid John J., b 12 ..3 N lit Wilson Ellis, laborer, h 1208 Bailey WilllOn Elmer E., fireman, h 339 Hamilton Wilson Frank C., engineer, h 601 S Front Wilson George, laborer, h 015 Colder' Wilson George ~"., conductor, h 624 Dauphin av Wilson George W., catcher, h 1029 S 9th Wilson Harriet, dumestic, 1110 Wllllace Wilsou Hanis B., elk, 26 S 2d, h 419 Boas Wilson Harry. brnkemall, h 1924 N 5th Wilson Harry,lllborer, h 324 Strawberry MV Wilson Henry,laborer,.ft 1430 Margaret Wilson Ida S., domestic, 205 State Wilson Isabella S., varieties, 1121 S 9th, h do Wilson James, porter, b ] 11 Tanner's av Wilson James E., painter, h 1038 Herr Wilson Jennie R., h 1224 Bartine av Wi1l1On John, blacksmith, h 1227 Fulton Wilson Juhn H., clk, 2d c Mulberry, h 207 N 2d Wi1l1On John W., meat market, 1400 Mllrket, b do Wilson J. Robert, student, h 601 Briggs Wilson Le&ter R., bllrber, h 432 South av Wilson Lillie J., saletllady, 310 Market, h 108 Tuscarora Wils.,n Lizzie, wid Joseph L., h 1128 Wallace Wilson Margaret B., saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 1809 Market Wilson Marilla, wid Hiram, h 509 N 4th Wilson Mary Mrs., charwoman, h 436 North Wilson Mary E., saleslady, h 108 Tuscarol'a Wilson Mary E., seamstress, h 407 N 5th Wilson Mary V., h 1008 Green Wilson Missouri, domestic, 131 State Wilson Robert, waiter, h 106 Tanner's av Wilson Robelt D., bottler, 15 S Dewberry av, h 1337 Howard Wilson Samuel, b rear 110 Short Wilson Samuel, hostler, h 525 Brown

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I. B. Tiel, Pille Irt Wall Paper. {D~.t.c3:~*~~} 1~"1. M.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 53S
Samuel A., foreman Hbg Car Co., h 1809 Market Sarah, wid George, h 1430 Margaret 8arah E., h 11:3 Market Sarah, wid Alfred, h 2017 N 7th Stanton, brakeman, h 624 Herr Sue F., teacher, h 1008 Green Thomas, elk dept into affllirs, h 424 Market Thomas, tailor, h 324 Strawberry av Thuma8 B., ht>llttor, h 108 TIl8Cftrm"ll Thomas C., painter, h 1406 Zarker Thomas W., civil engineer, h 601 Bri.rgs Thomas W., h 1008 Green William, porter, hIlI Tanner's av Wi"~on William G., stonecutter, h Frankliu House Wilson William J., lahorer, h 2015 Kensington Wilt Harry C., waiter, h 829 S Front Wilt William F., elk, 307 Verbeke, h 1830 N 6th Wilver Frank, machinist, h 44 N 13th Wilver Harry, baker, h 44 N 13th Wilver John, shoemkr, 44 N l:3th, h 1248 Market Wilvert Calvin B., printer, h 2 S 4th Wilvert Ella C., domestic, 230 State Wimer Amos, carpentf'r, h 916 Cowden WimerHarry, laborer, h 1256 Market Wimer William, laborer, h 916 Cowden . Wimmer John, brakeman, h 1235 Cowden Winand Jacob, shipper, h 7278 19th Winand John A., clk, 128 Dock, h 134 do Winand William, cooper, h 1032 S 9th Winand William, jr., engineer, h 1032 S 9th Winder Albert, driver, h 251 S 14th Winder Samuel, laborer, h 507 South av Windle Benjamin B., cigsrmkr, h 618 Walnut Windle Isaac H., cigarmkr, h 618 Walnut Windle Mollie Mrs., h 618 Walnut WindllOr Calvin L., warehouseman, h 231 Mulberry WindllOr Hotel, W. H. Blltler, 418 Market W!ndsor Ida, dressmkr, h 231 Mulberry Wmdsor .Jesse, h 231 Mulberry Windsor Jesse L., elk, 13 N 2d, h 520 Woodbine Windsor William H., laborer, h 513 Colder Windsor William L., engineer, h 226 North Windsor William L., jr., brakeman, h ~28 North Winemiller Ada, cook, 203 S Front Wingard George H., laborer, h 633.Woodbine Wingard Ha ....y E., broommkr. h 533 Woodbine Wingard J. Motter, telegrapher, h 23 S 4th Wingard Sarah, wid John, h 50 N 10th Wilson Wiltlon Wilson Wilson Wilson WilHOn Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 534 Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.
Wingate Mary Mrs., car cleaner, h 411 Strawberry av Wingeard Aunit>, wid Luther, h 606 North Wingeord Daniel, machini8t, h 606 North Wiugeard David 0., machinist, h 41 S Court av Wingeard Geor~ L., clk, 1007 N 3d, h 268 Cumberland Winger Harry U. Dr., druggi8t, 421 State, h do Winger Harry C., printel', h 421 State Wingerd Joseph, clk, b 2:J S 4th Wingert Jest!e, h 1336 Susqnehanna Wiullrert Simon L., laborer, h 1843 N 7th Wingrove Della, h 717 North Wingrove Ursula, seamstress, h 717 North Winklebllck Levinia, dre-;.",lUkr, h 301 Blackberry av WillD George, heater, 11 liUII ShowenJ av Winn Harry C., foreman, h 544 Woodbine Winn Michael, laborer, h 611 Showers av Winn Michael, jr., painter, h 10:J S River av Winn Rebecca, wid William, h 4~0 Muench Winn William, engineer, h 550 Hunter Winslow Valeria E., teacher, h 1627 N 4th Winsou James, laborer, h 257 Kelly av Winter Ida, housekeeper, h 39 S Court av Winter Ignatius, h 39 S Court av Winters Annie Mrs., h 334 S 15th Winters Annie, wid William, h :336 S 15th Winters Catharine, wid John, h 216 Cumberland Winters Catharine, wid William, h 437 Muench Winters Daniel, h 345 Boyd av Winterd Daniel,jr., baker, h 1740 N 3d Winters Edward M., fltenographer, 22 N 2d, h 109 S 2d Winters Ephraim A., shoemkr, 307 Blackberry av, h 805 do Winters Francis D., florist, h 10]6 Commerce Winters George W., printer Patriot, h 1224 Mulberry Winters Harriet, wid John, h 326 Cherry av Winters Isaiah D., elk, 223 South, h do Winters James A., fireman, h 1016 Commerce WINTERS lA-lIES E., constable, h 1220 Cowden Winters Joseph .A., helper, h 1541 Swatara Winters Joseph B., engineer, h 1525 N 6th Winters Martha .A. Mrs., grocer, 223 South, h do Winters Mary E . wid George, h 109 S 2d Winters Thomas J., nurseryman, 1116 N 6th and 1016 Commerce, h do Winters Thomas 0., fireman, h 1016 Commerce Winters William, laborer, h 345 Boyd av Winters William, brakeman, h 1410 N 7th Winters William J., painter, h 223 South Wintimyer George, puddler, h 53 Lochiel Dr store


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A. B. TICK, pmetlCOI Paper Hanger. {7~~~~R.s~

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 535
Wire William H., laborer, h 1802 Wood av Wise Ambrose, laborer, h 1532 Logan av Wise Anna, wid Jacob, h 511 Cumberland Wise Anna A., wid qeorge, h 244 North Wise Barton, engineer, h 633 Forster Wise Charles E., boilermkr, b 1242 Walnut Wise Edward, laster, h 1705 N 5th Wise E. Grace, lacer, h 120R Bartine av Wise Elizabeth, wid Jeremiah, h 611 Herr Wise Elmer E., cigarmkr, h 1242 Walnut Wise George J., boiJermkr, h Cumberland ab 12th Wise Harry G., cigarmkr, h 28 Linden Wise Ida, wid Harry, h 407 Market Wise Jacob N., shoemkr, h 1208 Bartine av Wise John, h 1921 N 6th Wise John, cutter, h 1242 Walnut Wise John, h 15 S 2d Wise John A., tinsmith, h 427 Herr Wise John H., shoemkr, h 1242 Walnut Wille John N., shoemkr, 1705 N 5th, h do Wise John W., woodturner, h 124 Blilm Wise Josiah B., engineer, h 633 Forl!ter Wise Lewis F., driver, h 27 S River av


FOOTWEAR OIlaJters', 1012 N. 3d St.

Wise Liu(.'oln C., salesman, 304 Market, h 244 North Wise Lydia H. M ra., <.'ook Metropolitau Hotel Wise Mary J., saleslady, 215 Market, h 244 North Wise Mollie, trimmer, 31 N 3d, h 2;3 Herr Wise Robert, shoemkr, h 1705 N 5th Wise Samuel, baggagemaster, h 11111 Cowden Wise Susan E., housekeeper, 107 S Front Wise Theodore, elk, h 15 S 2d Wise Thomas, Jlorter, h 511 South Wise William H., boarding, 15 S 2d, h do Wise William M., huckster, h 1322 James Wissler Angnstus, conductor, h 1040 Herr Wissler Christian R., laborer, h 1158 Cumh.!rland Witchey George H., car builder, h 1420 Herr Witherow Alice, teacher, h 111 Cht>Stnut Witherow Louisa M., wid Frank C., h 111 Chestnut Witherow William H., elk C. V. frgt office, h III Chestnut Withers Catherine, wid John, h 1525 N 6th Withers Oscar, waiter, h 505 South Withers Samuel R., evangelist. h 331 Granite av Withrow James B., engineer, h 1625 N 4th Withrow Jane R., bookkpr, 1222 N 3d, h 1529 do Withrow Mattie R., bookkpr, 1216 N 3d, h 1529 do

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DIce MeNeil's Medicine Co. {~~~} No::.:~.


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

Withrow Samuel M., engineer, h 1529 N 3d Witman Horace M., ~tudent, h 228 N 2d WITMAN, SCBWAU &: CO., (William Witman, J. Grant Schwarz, Mahlnll E\'ans aud Samuel Barrington), wholeaale groc-ers, also salt fil'lh, 334-338 Chestnut Witman W. Frank, !l8ll'Sman, 336 Chelltnut, b 228 N 2d Witman William, (Witmlln, Schwarz & Co.), h 228 N 2d Witman, l4ee also 'VhitDlall Witmer David H., (D. H. Witmer & Co.), h 1116 N 3d WITMER D. B. & CO., (P. H. BIetz), ladies' coats, 412 Market Witmer George \V., engineer, h 1037 S 9th Wittle Harvey J., Iliborel', h 1:H 2 N 211 Wittle John E., firemlln, h 202 Charles av Wittle KatE', wid JIl(.nh, h 1306 N 2d Witz George F., shoemkr, 627 Race, h 00 Wix James M., grocer, 416 Colder, h do Woernle Herman L., blacksmith, h 18:34 Fulton Wogan Maria, wid .James, h 512 N 5th WOBLEBEN' GEORGE W., f.Jreman pressman, 22 S 3d, h 1428 Susquehanna Wobleben Henry, car~nter, h 1428 Susqnehanna Wohlfal'th Charles F., molder, h 630 FOI'Ster Wuhlfarth John, h 240 Cre&.-ent Wohlfarth John C. 1118chinist, h 6~O Forster Wohlfarth John H., mattressmkr, h 240 Crescent Wohlfilrth Katie, hqust'keept'r, h 630 Forlder W ohlfltrth Leopold, h 6:30 Furster Wohlfarth Matthill!'i, piler, h :332 Strawberry av Woland Lydia, seamstress, h 2 S 4th Wolhelt Horace B., Sllpt, h .. 00 Briggs \volf Allam, janitor. h 215 South Wolf Alton, domestic, 108 'Valnut Wlllf AnnieG., wid John, h 1319 William Wolf Benjamin, laborer, h 181 Plixton Wolf Charles J., brukeman, h 235 S 2d W ulf Charles, labol'er, h 181 PaxtoJl Wolf Charles M., h 449 State Wolf Charles R., dairyman, h 234 Hnmmt'l Wolf Elizabeth, wid George, h 1215 Mulherry Wolf George, dyer, h 1513 N 3d Wolf Jacob C., milk dealer, h 1423 Shoop Wolf John H., marble cutter, II 1901 State Wolf Joseph, carpenter, h 16:12 Walnut Wolf MeJiIlSa H. Mrs., h reltr 1332 William Wolf Miunie M., waitress Franklin HOllse Wolf Robert P., motorman, h 722 Race Wolf Sallie, dressmkr, 11 1118 Capital

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I. B. TleK .:!i!rtrot fnscalDg Public 8ulldl811 11 PlaiD Tlnll. {~':.'~ru-::

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 537
Susan, wid Peter, 11 2028 N 7th William, condllctor, h 1320 Green William, engiueer, h 1:317 William William, laborer, h 462 SlOth WOLF WILLIAM, real estate, uotary public and insurance, 310 Herr, h llOI N 3d . Wolf William H., shoecutter, h 1224 Bailey Wolfe Clinton H., barher, h 318 Harris Wolfe Devilla, hrakeman, b 638 WOt'Jdbine WI>lfe Edward F., bhlCksmith, 604 li'orster, h 731 State Wolfe Elizabeth C. Mrs., 11 259 Forster Wolfe HarryM., driver, h 1114 Pelln Wolfe John, lahorer, h 2028 N 7th Wolfe Joseph 0., laster, b 177 N 5th Wolfe Leah J., shoe operat()r, h 1224 Bailey Wolfe LeRoy J., (Wolfe & Bailey), h lit Middletown Wolfe Sarah, wid Benjamin, h 1114 Penn Wolfe Sarah M., wid Samuel, h 711 N 211 Wolfe Simon W., painter, h 424 Walnut Wolfe Tt.'rry M., brakeman, h 1!31H Maple Wolfe William H., engineer, h 1317 William WOLFE" BAILEY, (LeRoy J. Wolfe and Cbarles J. Bailey, jr.), lawyers, 22 N ~d Wolfensperger Oscar, elk C. V. R. depot, b at Riverton Wolfersberger Charles, laborer, h 1125 Grape av Wolfersberger Gabriel K, painter, h 622 Harris W olfersberger Ma ry, h 1724 N 4th Wolff Gates H., laborer, b 120 Dock Wolfinger Annie, b 400 Filbert Wolfinger William, elk, b 400 Filbert Wolfley Clarence N., produce, 302 N 2d, b 103 North Wolfley Harry A., check mall P. R. R. depot, h 103 North Wolfley Jacob B., check man P. R. R. depot, b 103 North Wolfley John, upholsterer, 11 loa North Wolford George W., coal, 1502 N 3d, h 1605 do Wolford Lila A., h 1605 N 3d WOLFORD MARTIN L., physician, 15 S 3d, h do Wolford Minni~ 0., milliner, 334 Market, b 1606 N 3d Wollerton Charles E., painter, h 1523 N 5th Wollerton Harry, boilermkr, h 1538 N 6th W ollerton Susan, wid Charles, h 1538 N 6th Wollerton Theodore F., engineer, h 1534 N 6th Wolow Abrabam, peddler, b 110 Short . Wolz Herman J., h 810 Ea14t Women's Christian Temp. Union Lunch Room, 14 S 2d Womer John, fireman, b 617 Colder Wood Aaron, grocer, 1401 N Cameron, h do Wood Annie J., wid John, h 1719 N 6th Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf

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Goog Ie

" To find a name yo." must 'mow now. to spell it." 538 Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.
George I., conductor, h 1624 N 3d Jacob C., engineer, h 613 Muench James C., agt, h 704 State Mary, domestic, 821 N 2d Wood Minnie, housekeeper, 114 Barbara av Wood Walter A., M. amI R. M. Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut. Woodburn Albert, laborer, h 1121 N 111 Woodburn Hayes, laborer, h 1121 N 111 Woodburn Lewis, labonr, h 1121 N 111 Wooelen Annie L., wid J. Wesley, h 15 Cowden Woodfork Frank, l'8ting honse, 523 State, h do Woodmansee Barton B., h 1335 Maple av Woodmansee Fannie, wid John, h 1:335 Maple av Woods Charles H., engineer, h 603 Showers av Woods Harry B., brakeman, h 66~ Colder Woods Isaac, puddler, h 591 Showers av Woods John J., laborer, h 1512 Vernon Woods T. Adams, (Wood" & Co.), h 919 N 6th Woods William, h 1602 Elm . WOODS &: CO., (T. Adams Woods and Mrs. Leila A. Hemperly), oursery, York BV c Sarah av (see adv) Woodson Eliza, cook, h 1424 Mllll!:aret Woodward Abby Y., seminary, 9 N Front, h do Woodyard Edward, hostler, h 216 Strawberry av Woof Edward, baker, h 217 Verbeke Woof Thomas, draftsman, h 528 Hunter Woof Thomas A., stndent, h 528 Hunter Woolley Elizabeth A., weaver, h 808 S Cameron Woolley George, printer, h 808 S Cameron Woolley John E., watertender, h 808 S Cameron Woolman Elmer, edgesetter, h 1340 Vernon Woolworth }"'rnnk W., (F. W. Woolworth & Co.), h at Brooklyn WOOLWORTH F. W. & CO., 5 anellO-Cent Store, 406 Market Worden H. M. Fnllp.r, mgr Brelsford Packing Co., h 637 Maclay Wood Wood Wood Wood


cI3 CC>

OFFIOE: York, oor. Sarah, Harrisburg, Pa.
Nnnery atock of every description In quanUC)' and oft'ered at bottom prices 1.0 dealers at whol_le or 1.0 planters at relall Weaat everybody 1.0 aend forprlO8ll before bD7lU elaewbere. We PO' on oar grounds every aprlng and fall the moat choloe Frulfand Ornamental Tre.. Experience tella us what la choice. We rlye 1011 better llOOdeat one-bait price paid wagents. and YOD lour-laid. We are prac&loal-lO yean' ezperlence.

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r':b~lfn~~~WOII POperondWlndOWShOdeS from I. B. TICK,N,7:J'k. Boyd's Harrisburg (W) (lity'Directory. 539 Worden JameA H., sec and treas Brelsford Packing Co., h . 635 Maclav Work Emma Ii., h 212 Locust Work Emma M., il8leslady, 225 Market, h 646 Woodbine Work Frank, hostler, h 211 Barbara av Work Harry R., elk, 310 Market, h 546 Woodbine Work Hugh M engineer, h 546 Woodbine Work Ida W., h 212 Locust Workman John F., laborer, h 1419 Zarker Worley Frank, hostler, h 122 Strawberry av Worley James H., laborer, b 1319 James Worlt'y Jesse E stereoty~r. h 239 State Worley Maggie, dressmkr, h 239 State Worley Mary E., music teacher, h 111 Paxton Worley Philip, laborer, h 1319 ,James av Worley Samuel A., printer, h 1213 Penn Worley Samuel S., saletlman, 39 N 2d, h 120 Locust Worley Sophia, wid Henry, h 416 Colder Worley William, clk European Hotel, h do Worley William, foreman, hIlI Paxton Worley William H., printer Tele~raph, h 239 State Wortessy Bernardo, cook, h 201 Mulberry Wragg George, "hoecutter, h 1834 Walnut

RE-lli~~I,::::~:J1~C:Al:ii FOOTWEAR 01 FRANK M. WALTERS', N.7:Jit.

Wragg William, shoecutter, h 1834 Walnut Wren Joseph, puddler, h 430 S 2d Wrentz Barbara, wid John B., h 1034 Herr Wright Albert, painter, h 431 S 2d Wright Alice, domestic, 31 S Front Wright Bertha C., domestic, 31 S Front Wright Charles E., brakeman, h 1306 Susquehanna W right Esther, domestic, 31 S Front W right Fannie Mrs., h 1744 LoJ!:au av Wright Frazier M., fireman, h 618 Verbeke Wright Frederic, laborer, h 9th ab Market Wright George, engine cleaner, h 2017 N 7th Wright Irene, wid Stephen G., h 253 Boas Wright James, laborer, h 821 Penn W right James W., brakeman, h 423 Cumberland Wright Lydia, h 1124 Green Wright Priscilla, wid Thoma!! J., h 1310 Currant av Wright Samuel A., carpeuter, h 307 Briggs Wright Thomas, brakeman, h 1308 Currant av Wright Thomas, laborer, h 2017 N 7th Wright W. E., asst physician Ijtate Lunatic Hospital, h do Wright William F., laborer, h 649 Maclay Wurster Edward ~"., painter, h 1431 Vernon

Digitized by


LIver and Blood Purlfyln. McNEIL'S D,lP8pe1a, Llnr, Blood and 1t.ldn8YPille Cure {IIIIII 011 II. Compia1D1II. n. 7JI III


Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory.

Wurster John, laborer, h 1431 Vernon Wurstt>r John, jr. graint'r. h 1-129, Vernon Wurster William H., plliner, h 14~5 Vernon Wurts Wil1iam A., frgt sol. P. & R., h Hershey House Wuschienski Frederick, teHmster Lunatic Hospital, h do Wyant Samu!:1 P., laborer, h 12011 Cowden Wyant William H., printer Patriot, h 123 Cranberry av Wyant William W., telt>graphl'r, h 123 Cranberry av Wyeth Sarah C., wid Frallcis, h 201 N ~"ront Wykoff Marian M., buokkpr, h 1109 Gl't'en Wykoff Willilim C. plumher, 6~ Verbeke, h do Wyman Eugene, labort'r, h 412 S Cameron Wyman Thomas, tinner, b 1322 William Wynn Edward M., fireman, h 1622 Wallace

Yagley Aaron, huckster, h 13:33 Fulton Yagley Adam, hl1ckster, h 13:13 Fulton Yaple Albert A., flagman, h 622 Dauphin av Yarnell SUS8n, wid John, h 112 Hanna Yeager Augustus L., elk, h 143 Paxton Yeager Catharine, h 311 S Front Yeager Charles F., laborer, h 169 N 15th Yeager "'~lmer K, nail feeder. h 143 Paxton Yt'Ilger Harry R., car inspector. h 143 Paxton Yearr Henry, car inspector, h 143 Paxton Yeager John, blacksmith, h 1116 Montgomery Yeager John, laborer, h Statfl ab 20th Yeager MargarE't, h 311 S Front Yeager Philip R., asst foreman, h 311 S Front Yeager Philip S., clk, h 311 S Front Yeager Rebecca, wid Danit-l, h 1012 N 7th Yeager William G., machinist, h 18th c Boas Yeager William J., warehouseman, h 30 N Summit. av Yeagley F.dwin M., tray salesman, h 1613 N 4th Yeagley Paris M., huckster, 430 Hamilton, h do Yeakel Mary A., wid Charles, Ii 1214 N Front Yeater A. Cloyd, engineer, h 1717 N 5th Yeater Clayton, ('lk, h 1V 7 N nth Yeater .James L., engineer, h 1815 N 5th Yecker Catharine, wid Michael, h 124 Linden Yentzer George W., brakeman, h :317 Boas Yentzer J. Urie, flagman, h 317 Boas Yentzer Lena, wid George D., h 917 Penn Yentzer Margaret C., wid John H., b 317 Boas Yeoman Morris, engineer, h 124 Vine Yerger Irvin, iron worker, h 9 S 2d Yetter Edwin I., tray salesman, h 644 Briggs

Digitized by


beat aDd 10,,1It l B. TICK} Wan Paper. Thewtth Flztol'ell prlcea. Shad.s complete.


tor 86 cCl.

WIndow { 1:170

II. 3d lit.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (V) City Directory. 541

Yinger George W., agt, h 1432 N 6th Yinger Harry M., laborer, h 91 Tusc-arora Yinjlt'r RobE-rt. C., butcher, h 1429 Jam~ av YINGER WILLI'M: H. IIrs., prupr Star Steam Laundry, 329 Strawberry av c Dewberry av, h 235 Boas Yingling Edmund, lahorer, h 6 Lochiel IHt Row Yingling Susan, wid Rev. Samuel, h 1201 Green Yingst Allen. motorman, h 321 Peffer Yingst Catharine, wid William, h 4 Chesapeake av Yingst Charles D., ins. agt, h 615 N 2d Yingst ChnrleH W., apprentice, h 321 Peffer Yingst Ephraim, laborer, h 321 Peffer Yingst Frank P . carpenter, h 615 ~ 2d YIlfGST FRED W., carpet!! and furniture, 109 and 111 Market, h do Yingst Harvey, cooper, h 4 Cht'ASpeake av Yingst John, carpets, 1132 N Front, h do Yingst John A., laborer, h 1908 N Cameron Yingst J. Charles, ~rgt police, Il:rocer, 615 N 2d, h do . Yingst Kate, elk, 615 N 2d, h do Yingst Luther G., laborer, b 4 Chesapeake av Yingst Ralph A., apprentice, h 615 N 2d Yingst Walter H., elk, III Market, h do Yislt'y Hanllah, domestic, 275 Cumherland Yocom George, carPflnter. h 1419 Walla(.'e Yocom Joseph, laborer, h 6 N 9th Yocum Henry N . carpenter, h 13!:l9 N 6th Yocum William H., engineer, h 621 Colder Yocum William M., laborer, h 2108 Turnt'r Yoder C. William E., steam fitter, h 826 Cowden Yoder H. Rudy, fireman, It ]934 N 5th Y uder J. Lemon, fireman, h 1626 W HlIaee Y uder Jonas S., messenger, h 1828 N ith Yohe (:harlt'8 E., barber. 1257 Derry, h 28 S 13th Yohe Flora E., dressmkr, h 28 S 13th Yohe Henry, labofCr CHpitol, h 628 Cumberland Yuhe Samuel, labOrer, h 628 Cumbt'rland Yohn Bros., (E. W. and O. S.). piDnOH, 307 Market Yohu Ezra W., (Yohn Bros.), h at Mechanicshllrg Yohn Oliver S . (Yohn Bros.), hat MechaniCtlbllrg Yontz Charles S., painter, h Forster ab 20th Yontz Harry F., painter, h 325 Kelk('r Yontz Joseph S., painter, h Boas c Linden Yontz Marcus M., machinist, h 1640 Wal/aee Yontz Newton R., laborer, h Boa:! c Linden Yontz William H., brakeman, h 6:39 Dauphin av Yontz William H. H., painter, h 1515 N 6th Yontz William S., brakeman, h 16031 N 3d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must !mow },ow to spell it! 542 Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory.
Y 00S8 Catharine, wid Florin, h 1527 Logan av Yordy John N., brakeman, h Mt. Pleasant Hotel York Henry, scale inspector P. R. R., h 914 N 6th Yost Annie, sorter, h" 1424 Wyeth av Yost Annie E., h 1330 N 2d Y()@t Charles, brakeman, h 1411 Currant av Yost Edward, butcher, h 343 Kelker Yost Ella Mrs., dressmkr, h 1424 Wyeth av Yost Elmer E., helper, h 13088 Cameron Yost George, helper, h 1622 N 6th Yost Harvey, butcher, h 343 Kelker Yost Jert'miah D., laburer, h 1424 Wyeth av Yost Lizzie, domestic Hershey House Yost Oscar E., brakeman, h 1708 Fulton Yost 8usan Mrs., h 20 Aberdeen av Yost Thomas H., engineer, h 1117 N 6th Yost Zacharias, meat market, 1806 N 4th, h 343 Kelker Young Adam, laborer, h 1241 N III Yonng Albert, laborer, h 1504 Apricot av Young Alexander, laborer, h 1504 Apricot av Young Alexander C., carpenter, h 2027 Derry Young Alice, charwoman, h 1243 N 111 Young Amos W., supt Hbg Cemetery, h 111 N 4th Youug Charles H., laborer, h 1605 Apricot av Young Charles W.! laborer, h 136 Indian av Young Charles W., laborer, h 1211 Penn Young Charles W., stenographer, hIll N 4th Young Clarkson L., heater, h 103 Ann av Young David, laborer, h 14098 12th Young David F., expressman, 338 Market, h 1102 N 2d Young David K., plumber, h 137 Cranberry av Y olmg David M., laborer, h 113 Tanner's av Young Frank M., laborer, h 508 Walnut Young Georgt> G., J:rocer, 1056 S Cameron, h 1056 89th Young George M., butcher, h 1427 Zarker Young George W., puddler, h 10568 9th Yonng Har.ry C., cooper, h 121 Conoy Young Harry F., track walker, 11 10048 9th Young Henry, feeder, h 103 Ann av Young Henry F., meat market, 506 Walnut, h 508 do Young Jacob, setter, h 23 N 16th Young James E., bartender, h 9th bel 8tate " Young John, bartender National Hotel, h 916 Capital Young John, potter, h 1008 N 7th Young John G., agrl implts, 619 Walnut, h 1188 13th Young John H., foreman, h 1036 89th Young John W., sec school board, 123 Chestnut, h 211 Walnut

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I. B. T =tt::.o~:n:, Iall Piper IDd IlDdol Sbldu {12m ~d~. lei

Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory.
Young Joseph F., h 599 S Front Young Mary E., h 1008 N 7th Young Mal1d E., weaver. h 2027 Derry


Black, genl sec, 2d c Locust Young Robert, janitor, b 506 South Young Robert, laborer, b 150! Apricot av Young Ross, baker, h 508 Walnut Young Sallie J., h 3:12 S 16th Young Sarah, wid James B., h 452 S Cameron Young Theodore, puddler, b 1112 S Cameron Young Webster D., laborer, h 1110 N 12th Young Willard S., clk, 223 Market, h 111 N 4th Young William, waiter, h 1lO6 South Young William H., brakeman, b 63 Linden Young William H., transferman, h 261 Liberty Young Women's Christian Association, 712 N 3d Yount Charles E., boots, 308 Verbeke, h do Yousling George E., preSllman Patriot, h 434 Herr Youslin~ John Y., carpenter, 12:3 Verbeke, h 1213 Green Youtz Clement D., machinist, h 1207 Bailey Yowler Charles E., policeman, h 1209 Bailey Yowler William H., baker, 217 Verbeke, h do




Yungel Joseph, foreman, h 58 N 14th Zacharias Elizabeth Mrs., h 132 Walnut Zaepfel Alpbonson8, (J. C. Peifer & Co.), h 1614 N 5th Zang John W., brakeman, h 1215 N 7th Zang William F., brakeman, h 424 Reily Zantz Sarab J., wid Henry, h 1901 N 7th Zarger Anua C. Mrs., h 1901 Wood av Zarger David, b 1313 Green Zarger Jacob. filreman, h 1320 Vernon Zarger John W., h 1313 Green Zarger Simon B., watchman, h 22:1 Verbeke Zarger William, painter, h 1535 Swatara ZARKER Al!fDREW U., highway comm'sr, 4 N 3d, h 13th c Market Zarker Benjamin F., conductor, h 552 Woodbine Zarkel' Isaac U., carpenter, h 1316 Vernon Zarkel' Lewis H., laborer, h 1423 Zarker Zarkel' Rachel S., wid John H., h 126 Evergreen Zarkel' William H., cigars, 1031 Market, II 1915 N 6th Zartman Lizzie A., wid John, h 1012 Green Zartman Nora V., elk, h 1012 Green

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Mo.ell'. PaIn Ixtermld.tor CUl'eJl (''bolera JlorbllB, DJ'I4IIIterr, Cl'ampe, ~ Colcll, QulDIY, Rbeam&tl8m, Toothache, Bore Throat, Ague, Dyapepala, ttlt 14.

"0. 544 Boyd'. Harrilburg (Z) City Directory.

Zastrow Elizabeth, wid George, h ] 022 Herr Zastrow Willis, laborer, b 1022 Herr Zearfass Robert, car iDl:lpt'Ctor, h 1924 Wood av Zearf088 Ann M., domestic, !1:32 Market Zearing Harry B., laundryman Lunatio Hospital, h 533 Peffer Zears Henry, lliborer, h 1215 Currant av Zears John, laborer, h 25 Sassafras av Zears .John, jr., h 25 Sassafras av Zedricks Anuie, wid J08l'ph, h 508 South av Zedricks Eliza C., hairdres.'!el" h 305 Chestnut Zedricks John W., porter, h :305 Chestnut Zedricks Lydia A., JalludresR, h 508 South av Zehentmayer Annie, weaver, h 1203 Cowden Zehentmayer OUo, carpenter, h ] 203 Cowden Zeiders Agnes H., dressmkr, h 1264 Market Zeiders Catharine, wid Henry, h 1~64 Market Zeiders Ellen M., domestic, 39 N 13th Zeiders Ellen M., operator, h 1532 N 6th Zeiders Emma, dressmkr, h 37 N 13th Zeiders FranceR, shoe operator, h 1709 N 5th Zeiders Heury, (estate of), bootsl1264 Market Zeiders Ida B., stitcher, h 46 N I~th Zeiders Jeremioh M., contractor, h 89 N 13th Zeiders J. Henry, lahorer, h 39 N 13th Zeiders Jobn. carpenter, h 38 N 13th Zeiders Jonathan, contractor, h 46 N 13th Zeiders Katherine, teacher, h 1264 Market Zeiders Laura A., stitcher, II 46 N 13th Zeiders Lewis S., laborer, h ]457i &gina Zeiders William H., tinner, h 1417 Sboop Zeiders, see also Seidel'fl Zeigenthaler John R., shearsman, h 555 Race Zeigler Alfred, laborer. h 7th nr Peffer Zeigler Alfred C., laborer; h 1993 N 7th Zeigler Amos W., brakeman, h 517 Kelker Zeigler Catharine A., milliner, h 206 Herr Zeigler Charles C., brakeman, h519 Kelker Zeigler Daniel M., upholsterer, 224 Market, h 206 Herr Zeigler George C., driver, II 2016 Elizabeth av Zeigler Henry S., carpenter, II 206 Herr Zeigler Henry S., h Kelker nr 6th Zeigler John H., h 125 S 2d Zeigler John M., brakeman, b 605 Peffer Zeigler John Q. A., tobacconist, 410i Market, h 110 S 13th Zeigler Joseph G., tinsmith, h 19 Linden Zeigler Mary A., wid John, h 1993 N 7th Zeigler William S., conductor, h 625 Reily

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I. B. Tiel, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {D~AC~~Jy~~} 1210 K. 3d.

Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory. 545
Zeigler, flee also Ziegler, also 8i~ler Zeil Hammond R., elk. h 253 Briggs Zeil J. Tbumas, gents' furnisher, 228 Market, h 536 North Zeil Margaret, wid William, h 253 Briggs Zeiler Catharine, wid Conrad, h 201 8 River BV Zeiters Harry, helper. h 24 8 10th Zell John D., engine iuspector, h 509 Dauphin av Zell John D., puddler, h 1038 8 Cameron . Zell Samuel A., laburer, h 12238 9th Zeller Ephraim, machinist, h 411 Hamilton' Zeller George A., supt, 1402 Vernon, h 1475 Regina ZeIJers Albert, fireman, h 1332 N 7th Zellers Alfred M., engineer, h 1901 N 7th Zellers Isaac W., veteriuary surgeon, 1410 Margaret, h do Zellers James P . trimmer, b 950 Paxton Zellers Mary T., conf~tioner, 950 Paxton. h do Zerbe James V., bricklayer, h 416 Hamilton Zerbe ~lary, wid Robert R., b 608 Filbert Zercher Benjamin F., conductor, h 2140 N 6th Zercher Henry, h 2140 N 6th . Zerfing Da9iel, laborer, h 1422 N 6th Zt-ttler Reinhold, shOt:'mkr, 108 Cowden, h do ZieBey Jacob, hlborer, h rear 1025 N 7th Zieglt'r Frank E., law student, 222 Market, h 1068tate Ziegler Geo. L., (8tate C~pital Horse Collar Cu.), h 317 Herr Zil'gler Maria, wid Waldemt're, h 317 Herr Ziegler Richard B., IIUpt fire and police alarm, h 106 State Ziegler & Keating, (G. L. Ziegler aud B. J. Keating), horse collars, 207 Chp.stnut Zil'gler, see also Zeigler, also Sigler Ziegner Harry B., salesman, 215 Market, h 1212 N 2d Zimmerman Aaron 8., special officer, h 104 Cherry av Zimmerman Alberta, teacher, h 157 Paxton Zimmerman A manda, wid Levi, It Forster ab 19th Zimmerman Annie 8., h 21 84th Zimmerman Charles L., scalem~r. h 214 Peffer Zimmerman C. O. & Son, (Gl'o. Z.), brick mfrs, 5 S 3d Zimmerman Conrad 0., (C. O. Zimmerman & Son), (H. F. Oves & Cu.), h 307 8 Front Zimmerman David R. M., laborer, h 1031) S Cameron Zimmerman Edward L., operator, h 1617 N 6th Zimmerman Elizabeth, wid John B., h 1543 N 6th Zimmerman Ella, weaver, h 16:34 N 4th Zimmerman George W., iron worker, h 1617 N 6th Zimmerman George Z., (C. O. Zimmerman & Son), h 1405 N Front Zimmerman Grace, bookkpr, 329 Market, h 157 Paxton Zimmerman Harriet, wid Jesse, h 1321 Thompson

Digitized by


" To find a name you must k"ow how to spell it." 546 Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory. Zimmerman H. Ray, hotel, 527 Race, h do
Zimmerman Isaac C., fireman, h 1113 N 6th Zimmerman Jacob, boilermkr, h 560 SlOth Zimmerman Jacob, laborer, h 1035 S Cameron Zimmerman James B., motorman, h 604 Dplaware BV Zimmerman Jeremiah, steel worker, h 211 Reily Zimmerman J. Irvin, brakeman, h 1513 Wallace Zimmerman Johanna, wid Leonard, h 1137 S 9th Zimmerman John H., carpenter, 1329 Howard av, h do Zimmerman John H., conductor, h 411 Market . Zimmerman John J., messenger Ist Nat. Bank, h 157 Paxton Zimmerman John W., brooril mfr, 609 Reily, h 1543 N 6th Zimmerman John W., puddler, h 1137 S 9th 7.immerman Joseph C., engineer, h Briggs ab 19th Zimmerman Kate, h 307 S Front ZIlIlIrIERlIAN LUTHER R., h6>okseller and stationer, 1223 N 3d, h 1221 do Zimmerman Maria, wid Abraham, II 18091 N 5th Zimmerman Mary J., booksewer, h 157 Paxton Zimmerman Matilda, wid John W., h ]617 N 6th Zimmer:man Morris, brakeman, h 226 South Zimmerman Myra M., housekeeper, 400 Boas Zimmerman Otis J., brakeman, h 322 Peffer Zimmerman Peter S., clk P. & R. R. R., h 328 Peffer Zimmerman Robert M., printer, h 129 Paxton Zimmerman Samuel, engineer, h 101 Mulberry Zimmerman Samuel H., law student, 29 N 2d, h at Highspire Zimmerman Samuel S., clk, h 527 Race Zimmerman Thomas, laborer, h 1137 S 9th Zimmerman Wellington G., carpenter, h 1941 State Zimmerman William G., patternmkr, II 1329 Howard Zimmerman William H., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Zimmerman William W., engineer, h 1620 N 6th Zimmerman William W., laborer, h Walnut c 13th Zimmerman Wilson, laborer, h State Hospital Ziuk Christopher A., shoemkr, h 530 North Zink George A., furnacemall, h 325 Walnut Zinn Abbie M., wid J.jevi R., h 1940 N 6th Zinn Anna M., wid George, h 315 N 2d Zinn Anson B., baker, 322 Boas, h do Zinn Edward C., postal ('lk, h 1940 N 6th Zinn Edward P., h 408 Forster Zinn Frank H., transfer agt, h 1707 N 5th Zinn Harry J., steam fitter, h 1201 Mulberry Zinn Jane, wid John B., h 319 Cumberland Zollinger George C., conductor, h 1620 N 5th Zollinger George J., stoves, 308 Blackberry av, h 2109 N 3d


Digitized by


A B. tnun. llllr

N. 3d St.

1210 {EmPlOYS none but 1Irst-cIIl8l1l'orltmen, henceonty.dl'8t-cl818

work, ucllnaoree 11.. Work done In any part of tbe lIIate.

Boyd's HarrisbUJ'g (Z) City Directory.


Zollinger John F., blacksmith, l15 8 Dewberry av, h 602 North Zollioger Julia B.. wid John H., h 304 Chestnut Zollinger 8amuel W., liquors, 435 Market, h 2109 N 3d Zollinger 8U880, wid William G., h 2109 N 3d ZOLLINGER WARREN A., hats, caps aod straw goods, 138 2d, h do . Zone .John, boilermkr, h 1132 89th Zone John, driver, h 1409 Green Zone William L., brakeman, h 410 Harris Zone WiJliam L., jr., flagman, h 410 Harris Zook Jacob F., jobber Lunatic Hospital, b do Zook Joseph L., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

FRANK M. WAL TERS, ~~~:.tY: FOOTWEAR, ".':l~

Zook N~lli~, domestic, 401 Verbeke Zorger Calvin, h~ter, h 940 8 19th Zorger Dani~l H., molder. h 409 Kelker Zorger Frank, laborer, h 9398 19! Zortman Daniel, trav salesman, h 708 N 3d Zortman Nora V., clk Hbg T~legram, h 1012 Green Zudrell John, bllrtender, 501 Ma-rket, h 618 8tate Zudrell Joseph, brushOlkr, 1407 William, h do Zutell Frank B., laster, h 32 Balm Zutell Harry W., plasterer, h 36 Balm Zutell .John J., plasterer, h ~2 Balm Zutell Joseph, shoemkr, h 38 Balm Zutell Lizzie G., domesti~, 34 Balm


:H:. ElO'Y'X>.
- _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . _






Perkiomen Avenue, Reading, Pa.

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Coog Ie

.... -.""



,- .






-:. .;'.(

a. ~


If you ar& offered a DirfY..10ry for Less than the Subscription Price, you may be su'e It has been STOLEN.

o o



I. B. TACK, ProCIICOI Paper Hanger.


Benvenue, &c., Business Directories.


8~Si~~SS Oir~ctorJ ~ Pri~cmOIIOW~S i~ OO~~~in CO~mJ

PGplllation 150. 15 miles north of Harrisbnrg. Pine.'! Je8I"e M., merchant CluJ!;ston .J., sand CLUGSTON J. L.; genl mer Richter W. H., stock farm chant and pO!ltmaster Shade William, shoemkr . CRISSNELLJOllN, lumber Zeigler J. G., merchant

A town of about 600 inhabitants. 4 miles north of Summit Brauch. Bishoff & Bros., cabinetmkrs Miller W. H., saddler Bordner Daniel, tailor Miller & Matter, ClII'riages


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 N. 3d 81.

Morris Daniel, shoeruk-r- Robinson R. J., g-enl store Romberger ,J. };'., genl store Snyder Henry H., shoemkr Snyder John D., agrl implts, iron foundry, &c. Warner & Hoy, blacksmiths WP8ver Henry, painter Witmer H. N., stage, &C. Yeager Henry & Co., marble

Deibler .John W., hotel Deibler R. W., barber Evilts John, carpenter Hoover Henry, carpenter Hoover W. L., undertaker Kahler J., broom mfr Kantz A. J., physician Lenker Valentine, saddler McClure C. B., physician MILLER J. FRANK, postmaster

Popu lation 100. '38 miles by. rail north of Harrisburg. Miller I. 0., confectioner Shirley George, blacksmith Miller I. P., farm implts Shoop Nathaniel, tobacco, &C. Miller Jacob, saw mill Suyder Henry A., shoemkr Miller J. W., feed and saw mill SNYDER JAIIES, hotel MILLER MICHAEL H., 811yder N., watchmkr Jive stock, alilO polStmaster Werfel Josel,h, shoemkr Minich Cyrus, shoemkr Zimmerman Jacob, saw mill Paul & Miller, saw mill

Digitized by


:otIce MeN eil's Medieipe Co. {~~~} N~I~.


Curtin, &c., Business Directories.

mel'chant, all!(J postmaster Schreffler Isaiah, carpenter Weaver William H., produce Witmer D. F., produce, &C.


blacksmith Hoover William H., cattle Lebo Jonathan, saddler 1tlatter Daniel D., blacksmith

A town of about 800 inhabitants, on the Northern Central R. R., about 9 miles from Harrisburg. Brooks Maggie, dressmkr Kinter John F., genl store Brown J. F., baker Kinter W.' D., undertaker and cabinetmkr Coble A. C. Dr., druggist Lellhart D. V., boat builder Dauphin Car Co. Flasher David, blacksmith Lyter J. B., coal, &c. GARVERICH F. C., cigars, McNeely Etta, milliner Mertz H. MI'S., 'notions tobacco and stationery Garverich F. H., physician Milliken T., justice Mowry Samuel, painter Garverich W. A., news agt Garverich W. G., genl store Mover Bros butchel'S Gerberich A. T., tailor Poffenberger A. T., physician GORDON ELLWOOD A., Poffenberger L., blacksmith shoes, &0., also postmaster Poffenberger W. L., blacktlmith Porter John H., baker, &c. Greenawalt H. D., R. R. agt Heck J. L., saw mill REED W. F., genl store Hinkle George H., shoemkr Reynolds H. L. Mrs., barber Hoffman David, hotel Shoop S. T., grist mill Jauas J. G. W., confectioner Singer David W., bricklayer Steckley Richard, shoemkr JONES J. C., flour mill JURy WILLIAII, cigar Sweitzer T. G., tinsmith mfr Talley C. W., shoes, &c. KENNEDY & GORDON, Umbergt'r J. R., physician agrl implts

Population about 60. 16 miles southeast of Harrisburg. Hoffer John M., carpenter Enderlin R., blacksmith FOLTZ C. II., geol store and Hoffer Joshua M., carpenter postmaster [ ery Shenk S. N. & J. N., hOI'SelJ Foltz J. E., teacher aDd cream&C. Stoll John G., wagonmkr German J'J postmkr

A town of about 400 inhabitants, 131 miles from Harrisburg, -on the Lebanon Valley Railroad . .Behm & Hershey, creamery Brecht J. A., tobacco, &c.

Digitized by


I. B.

TAC" n.

N. 3d St. work. and Insures II. Work done In any part of the S181e.

1210 {EmPlOye none but 1I111t-cla88 workmen. ht'nce only ftrst-cla88

Derry Church, &c., Business Directories. DEITRICH 1. C., candy, d- Painter .Josiah, broommkr

gars, stationery and post- Painter Petf'r, wagollmkr Rhine E., butcher master }"'ox D. E., produce Shaffer E. B., Dr. and dentist Shaffer H. B., saddler Fox J. E., notions, &c. Shartzer D. J., cooper Fox J. S., organs, &c. Gingerich 1\1. M., stock Shenk A. H., stone BATTON 1. H., cigars, Shenk Lizzie, dressmkr('andy, stationery, novelties, Shuufler & Co., meat market. Spltngler G., shoemkr &c. Hatton J. M. A., shoemkr Sprecker George, mason Hatton W. H., photographer STRICKLER 1. M., jU'Stice of t he peace lIERSHEY M. L., physician Yettel' J. L., blacksmith Hess D. B., huckster Zentmoyel' Henry, painter Hummel S. 1\1., minist~r Zimmerman L., country store M01el' Bros., noodle mfrs Moyer &; Brightbill, flour mill

8e Penbrook.
Population about 1,000. Forty mile.~ lJol'theast' of Harrisburg. Adams Express Co. Kneiley S. H., painter Lykens Valley 1\IutualFire Barr Francis A., tailor Bower & Wolfkill, bakers Insurance Co. Bl'esI:Iler Sarah, dressmkr Matter Alice, milliner Matter Cora, dressmkr Bressler & Bro., butchers Matter Jobn, confectioner Buffington John W., painter BuffinJ!ton Josiah, printel', &c. Mender Isaac L., plasterer BUFFINGTON & 'EN- Meetch Alice. milliner Miller Edward 1:4'., painter DERS. planing mill, &c. Collier Edward, stonecutter :MILLER 1 AMES, insurance, Daniel Isaiah, shoemkr justice, &C. Dubendorf John, blacksmith MILLER NATHANIEL, distiller Elizabethville Creamery Co. Enterline Joseph, barber Moyer W. H., vet surgeon Flickinger J. R., carpet weaver Radel George W., station Ilgt Frank William D., shoemkr Reist William, carpenter Romberger C. & J. A., coal Hoffman Cornelius, ,mason Hoke James W., plasterer Romberger Geo. D., insurance Hoke Jonathan, shoemkr Romberger John A., saw mill Hoke Wm. G., hardware Romherger S. B., hides BOKE WILLIAM M., agrl Shadle S. P., hotel implts Shartser W m., drygoods, &c. Keefer Henry W., carpenter Shott & Hawk, timber Keilman Conrad, butcher Shreftler Henry W., carpenter


Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 4 Elizabethville, &c., Business Directories.
Snyder Juhn, mason Swab I. & Buwe~, foundry SNYDER " GAUPP, tao- Swab Jonol'!, wagonmkr ners Spo(ht Henry W., blacksmith S"onsler A. G., notions Stine Peter L., genl sture Stroup J. C., physicion Stroup J. C. & BI'O., dl'uggists Stroup John B., phytlicilUl Strollp ~ athan W., physicion Swob Bru:!., ('ooeb works Sweesy John, harnt'8S Uhler G. W. & Cn., Olt'rchants UIDIOLTZ BABRY, hotel Wt'ovel' P. & Son, genl !ltore Wea vel' Jacob, tailor W t'aver & Son, distillers WERT SAMUEL, postmaster WeI!tern Union Telegr.uph Co. ZE.-igler Lewis H., tinller .

See. Dauphin.

Populatioll about 150. Hoffmoll B., huckster Lebo .J., miller

18 miles nurth of Harrisburg. Miller C., miller Rt'ttin~er Doniel, carpenter McLAUGHLIN A., post- Smith Thomos, t'8rpenter mastel' alld geul sttlre S"onsler A., miller

22 miles north of Harrillburg. . HUlllmel C. C., hotel BIXLER C. " CO., genl Lebo O. G., genl store sture Lentz H.enben, undertaker Bixler & Suyd!'r, creamel'Y . LlIIlllermilch F. C., barber Loudelmilch& SlIyder, ('oaeb. Bouowitz E. W., physician Bowman S. ~'., huckster poiotel's Bowman Urilth, POilltt'I' . Miller James, huckster Enders G. W, D., gro<.-er Noblet JIIBt'ph, ('8rpenter Erb Peter, MillIeI'! Nobltt U. J" cu''llellwr Fawbel' J. A., curpenter Rillinj! J. G., jUMtice Gipple J. J., blltckMlllith 8chrl:'ffier Elias, carllet We8\'er Hawk Olivt'r, blacksmith Snyder & Killinger, agrl implts.
Population about 150. Bender Juhu. wogollmkr

Population ab(lut 600. /) miles north of Harrisburg. F"t'e J. W., gent store Bltlsser DIt\id. gelll store Heck Lewis, saw mill Bons H., live tltock Hoover J. W., gent store Bowers George, shoemkr H OU8er Henry, ('8rpentt'r Christman J. M., POp,lt.o;, raiJII CLINTON CHARLES, Hlln,.icker Wm., hlaC'kllmith Hoover HlIt~1 KELLY ELIZABETH A Corbett J. A. Miss, R. R. agt pol:ltmaster

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Y:1Ub~\~~;~:~ wall puper and W1ndowshodes lrom A. B. T Ael, N.'::~t.

, Fort Hunter, &c., Business Directories.


Kelly Mary E., asst postmaster McAllister James H., justice of the peace OTT F .. , lawyer, Ream A., flour

Reily J. ?V., iron filrge Shat'ift'r George, genl stme Sowers J., wagllnmkr Straw William, C"'.... pentt'r Western U niun Tel. ClI.

Cassel ,iohn, tanner Hess Benjamin, furniture Keiser W. P., country store Rank Aaron S., countlY tltllre Runkle George F., silnemkr Sherk Jacob S., genl store


also pm;tmaster Stllner C. ,J., farmer

STOVER JOBN' B., hotel

Wagner R. N., tinware

A town of about 400 inhabitants, in Lykens township; 40 miles . northeast of Harrisburg. BLYLER D. C., hotel Kauderman Helll"Y, shoemkr Kiehner J. G., carpenter Boyer W. S.,jU!~tice Bumn~ton Daniel, flour mill Kis..'1inger J. D., (~rpet weaver

iiE1}~~~~ r,;:~'~:JT~':i:ii


Buffington J., salollll XLIN'GER " BRO., ~enl Buffington J. Jacoh, saddler merchants Dornheim H. G., printer Kratzer Jacob, blacksmith Dnrniteim Rudolph, furniture Kreil'll'r Henry. hla(kFlmith EVITTS B. J., postmaster IIcN'OLDY JACOB, furnilind tailor tme Fiddler Frank, contractor Rabuck Anron, saloon Gratz Gral)~ Store Co. Ritzman Aaron, jllstiee BARTMAN' ":ICBAEL, Ritzmall F. M., saloon tanner Romberger H. H., merchant Heckt'lt Wm. H., shoemkr Schminky I. S., physiciau Helper I88ac, merchant Tohias H. W., drover Hoffman James, tinware

A town of abou~ 600 inhabitants, on the N. C. R. aDd Susquehanna River, IR miles from Harrisburg. Bowel'man A . horses Behm B. P., flollr mill Bender C. C., condnctnr Bowmall G. W., butcher Bi~hoff H. W., physician Bres.'1ler J. S., produce, &('. Bixler J. P., pruduce Brubaker Harrv, blacksmith BLYXEB S., hotel Brubaker M. E., baker. Bottomlltolle J. S., stonecutter Brubaker & Loomis, coal, &0.

Digitized by



Llve~ and Blood Pur-tfylng Pills Cur-e D1lpepala, Liver, BlOOd and Kidney Complaintll. t

Jnn N3d SI

Halifax, &c., Business Directories.

Loudermilch L. C. R., P. O. elk Lyter Jsa8C. commissioner LYTER J. E. & CO., genl store, &c. Lyter L. 'W., condnctor McNeal W. K. Rev. .Metzger J no. & Son, genl store .Millard D. C., tf.'aeher NACE JOHN E., genl

Bubb U. S., tel operator Chubb EO., news agt Chubb Hiram, carpenter Chubb James M., jeweler Clemson J. W., produee Cooke A. E., baker CRATZER F. B., genl store Cumbler J. H., t'xpress agt Dougherty Elmer, news agt Dunkle A. W., carpenter Dunkle H., ttmcelllkr Eisenhart Jacob, shoemkr Etter Gel}. W., bridge builder Fairchild~ A. F., painter Fergerson Jas., surveyor, &c. FetterhoffGeo. A., farm implts Fleager H., ehairmkr Forney H. C., saw mill Fortenbailgh A., genl store Freeborn J. C., stune<.'utter Gardiner Rohert, llusieian Gilbert .John L., tel operator Gray W. B . justkoe Halifax Bank

Nace William B., druggist NOBLET N. E., painter Noblet S., cabinetmkr Pike A. M., grain, &c. Pike Luther, engineer Putt A. H., merchant tailor Potteiger Samuel B., carpenter Richter Carl, bUI'ber Rouch J., plows, also justice Ryan C. \\'., cashier Halifax Bank Sawyers Thomas J., surveyor Seiler Samuel, shoerukr HALIFAX GAZETlE, C. Sheesley D., carpenter R. Shope, propr Sheesley Samuel, carpenter Halifax Ins. Co. SHOPE C. R., propr Halifax Gazette f Halifax Shoe and Mfg. Co., Johuson & Baillie . Shope J. W., physiciaD Harper C. A., flour mill Shnltz G. W., notary public Houck .Martin, oysters Shnltz John, shoemkr Honk L, wheelwright Singer Adam, carpentt'r JOHNSON & BAILLIE, Speese G. W., saddfel' Straw S. P., Saddler shoe mfl's KOPPENHEFFER C., iron Sweil(ard David, huckster founder and saw mill Utz 1\1. E., milliner Koppenheffer J. P., stone \Valdron C. D., ic.!e cream Whitman C., tinDer mason LANDIS JOSEPH B., post- Zimmerman C. C., livery Zimmermall Charles, grocer Illa!'lter Zimmerman Conrad, rustic Lodge G. W., painter work Lodge W., pres Halifax Bank Zimmerman & Pike, broom Loomis A. S., genl store mfl's Loudermilch H., carpenter

A town of 1,050 inhabitants, Oil the PII. R. R. and SUEqllebaDDa River, about 6 miles southeast of Harrisburg.


Digitized by


A. B. TACK 8::'!I~"ot Frescoing P lle Buildings In Pilla TIals. H~~~3e;r;:t

Highspire, &c., Business Directories.
Albert J., carpenter Allen J. B., distiller Atticks M., live stock Bachman Jos. ciltftrmkr BLUNDIN J. N., mgr Bodmer Edward, baker, hotel Bodmer H., mason Bonholser A., blacksmith Boser Ira, flour mill, &C. Cannon D., general store Coble A. H., blacksmith Cover A., machinist . Cover G. W., genl store Diffenderfer Wm., genl store Eshleman J., lumber, coal Fahs Samuel, wheelwright Gemmil David, carpenter Gingerich J., mason Good Martin, woolen mill Heiches T. N., lumLer., &C.

Hocker W m. L., genl store Kaufman B. 8., justice of the peace Kaufman D. L. j lawyer Keister R., tinsmith Klugh J. F., justice Lehman J. J., genl store McDannel H. Dr., druggist McNEAL SUE, pf)8tmaster Metzger Joseph, hotel . Moyer Henry, shoes Musgrave E., barber Parthemore D.,sr.,wheelwright Poorman Samuel, shoes Raudibaugh J., tinsmith Roher & Morrow, g-lue works Shoemaker Jacob, butcher Stauffer Edw., stock dealer, &c. Wilson Distillery Co., ltd Zimmerman Sol., lime mfr

A town of 1,700 inhabitants, on the Lebanon Valley Branch of the P. & R. R. R., 10 miles east of Harrisburg. FARMERS' BAR, capital, Baker William C., physician Baker & Walmer, creamery f50,OOO; incorporated April, Bare M. E., photographer 1885; J. H. Backenstoe, Baum Michael, (est), shoes . pl'e8; W. H. Ulrich, cashier Bende~ David, carriage rofr Fasnacht John L., blacksmith Bles.~ing Franklin D.,genlstore Frantz ~"rank, barber Bolton .John J., insurance Funk H. E., stocking mfr Burkholder Josiah, coal Gardner Theodore F., tailor Bnrkholder & Youtz, livery Gerberich H. T., shoelllkr Burns David A., blacksmith Golden Thomas, varieties GREENAWALT" BRO. t Burns F. Mrs., milliner CASSEL D. B., tanner marble workers Corl U. William, baker Groff J. G., carpenter Crist .Josiah B., dentist . Haehllien C. P., grocer, carpets Deck Henry, hotel HENDRICKS WILLa. Early Joseph, blacksmith a, Hummelstown Sun Early Joseph S., hotel Hershy Christian, lime, &C. Earnest M. &. A., milliners BOFFER G. P., allricultural Eby Aaron 8., baker im)Jlement..., hardwllre Engle John S., lime Holler Charles, flour, coal, &c. Espenshade I C. Mrs., dres.or- Houck Haryey B, lawyer mkr Hummel Abner, justice

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 8 Hummelstown, &c., Business Directories. Hummel Bros. & Rhoads, Pennington W. H., barber
bricks Hummel F. L., hal'ness mfr Hummel Harry J., genl store Hummel Ira R., grocer, &0. Hummelstown B row 11 stone Co., R. J. Walton, Sl1pt lIummelstowll Electric Light, Heat and Power Co.

Phila.~ Rdg. & Pottsville Tel.



HUMMELSTOWN NAT. BANK, capital. $50,000;

incorporated Nov., ]882; Jacob Shope, pres; John J. Nissley, cashier

W. R. Hendl"ickt.i, propr Hummel,,;town Water Co. . Karmilny William, furnitnre Kaufmlln J. B., grocer Kee\'er E. P., stuves, &c. Keevel' & BIo., machinists, &c. Killough Samuel M., tlruggist Kleinfelter Jost>ph, hotel Leidig C. E."agt, general store Middletown aud Hummelstown Stone Co. Miller Cyrus H., gents' furnishings Miller George C . restaurant Miller H. F., grocer Murray John M., grocer, &C. Murrav & Bates, machinists Muth Frank T., watchmkr . Nissley Martin F., genl store Ober Christian N., watchmkr

Co., T. C. Hoffman. operator Phila. & Rdg. R. R. Co., (Lebanon Valley Branch), R. D. .Hoffman, agt Rahter R. C., butcher Remsburg John T., justice Rht)lIds .John H., genl store ROYER S. A., Iime:stone Rupp Henry B., postmaster Sanders Philip. blacksmith Schaeffe~ Uriah R., physician Schaffner Frank J., lawyer Shoemaker William. Jjyery Shope Jacoh, drugs, &c. Shope P. H., !!ewing machines Shope W. B., cigars, &('. Shull William M., physician SIPLE W. B., attorney, lumber, sash, doors, &C: Suyder John M., barber Snyder Mary E " restaurant Snyder R. B., wagollmkr . Snyder Thomas F., cigars Spidle John G., undertakE'r Slecher A. Y . harness mfr Stephenson S., wheelwright Ulrich Wm. H civil engineer

Hoffman, agt Wall Richard, fiMb Wall Richard J . dentist Walmer & Fox, carria2l' mfrs 'Volaver Hury, stoves, &C. Zeiter Samuel, genl I'Itnre Zeiter William C., tailor Zerfoss Samnel E., pumpmkr

A town of about 500 inhabitants, on Mcllhenny Creek, 8 miles
from Harrisburg. Aungst H. J., genl store . Bell Monroe. blacksmith Bergner John, carpenter

CARE C. B. & SON, genl

store Cassel I. M., painter

Digitized by


A. B. TACK l::tt:::~:~~~ 1.11 Piper IDd Wlndo. Shade5 {12m rU~~t. .

Linglestown, '&0:, Business Dire.atories.
}"'eeser David, carpenter Feeser E. T., paillter Feeser J., maROn Feeser U. M . painter Feeser & Koons, cattle dealers FESSER H. R., physician Feseer \V. ~"'., mason Good Henry, cabinetmkr Hess M()8e!', produce Kleopfer Alfred, wagonmkr Koons Michael, butcher Lenk(>r Luther, carpenter LUDWIG MILTON, hotel McIlhenny John, tallner Metzger D., coachmkr Reimert Hiram, butcher

Reimert J. H., butcher Rhein W. D., salO\;n Rhein & Farling, ('()8chrrikrs . SCHANER J. H., barnessmkr and postmaster Seilx-rt. Christian, tailor Shuey ',,"illiam, shuemkr Smith C. H., physician SIIITH E. B., dentist Smith J. P., physician Smith W. C., physician Snyder A., der~ymlln STROCK J. W., shuemkr Urich Elmer, saloon Urich W. S., pl'oduce Zimmermlui W., cabinetmkr

Populati~n abont 250. 40 miles north of Harrisburg. Eby Joseph M., watchmkr Hoke Josiah fl.., justice Fisher J. C., millp.r Klin~(>r Daniel, wat(~hmkr GOOD D. A. & SONS, mill- IrIESSNER & ZERBE, howrights tel



DO 10 WALTERS', N.iP~~~.

Graff P. F., shoemkr ~ilIer AKroll, butcher . Miller Joel A., blacksmith Hess E. A., hotel Hoffman Sybilla A., asst post- Schoffstall W m., Clll'penter master Snyder D. E., blacksmith 1I0nllAlI WJI. L., post- Snyder J. L .. wagonmkr master Ilnd gen) store Wommer John, carpenter

Adams Expre.'t't Cn., H. W. Brederle Alois, !l81{lOn Haverlltick, allt BRESSLER RILEY & SON, hardware, stovt'I', tinALVORD JACOB, postmallter ware, plumbing, &c'., Market Belles William, cigarmkr eN 2d Bergstresser E. L., drygoods. BRUBAKER G. B., hardBeruhard M. M., phlltllgrapher . ware, Main c Market Blum John M., genl merchant BUECK B. A., Lyk(>ns BrewBoeckler Bros., barbers ery and bottling, South Dr Boeckler William, barber Market Boedde Mary B., milliner BllffinJrtnn B. F., tailor Bowman Cornelius, butcher BUFFINGTON H. E., JawBrallier & Co., druggists yer, 154 Main Brauer Herman, saloon Collier Jennie, dressmkr

Digitized by


McKell's, Pain IlIlermlnalor coree ()bolera MorbDJ, Dyseotery. Cramp!!!, DI&rrhma. Colds, QulllII1, Rheumatlam. Toothache, SoreT~t, Ague, Dyspepsia, "c. lUI II. 3d.


Lykens Business Directory.

Miller Henry C., shoemkr Miller Jacob, marble worker Miller John C., stationer Miller &. Bro., drygoods Miners' Deposit Bank, J. B. Whitney, pres; F. H. V 088, cashier MOI'ris 'WiIliam H .. hotel Myers John F., co~fectioner Neiffer Wm. G., meat market North J. V., cigar mfr Nntt John J., drygoocls, &C. Oplinger G. W., con(&etiooer Overholser A. C., cigars Reiff John 8., furniture Rettinger Daniel M., grocer Roe Valeb H., grocer Row Amos }!'., grucer Rudisill David, grOCer Schneider John S., bottler Seesholzer George F., tailor Shindler A. Mrs., notions

Cilok Asley, grocer Curie Freel C., restaurant Duncan JOSE'ph, founder and machinist Faust C. H., grocer Feindt Henry, shoes Ferree William H., justice Finton Wm. H., painter, &C. Fisher John R., grocer Forney Mabel H., milliner Foster Alfred B., wagonrul{r Fox Bros., grocers Garman Jonas, gr(lf'er Gemberling D. R. & Son, bakers Hanna E. C. flour and feed Haverstick H. W., station agt Hensel T. A. & Cu., gents' furnishel's HummE"l Georg~ W . jeweler Irving William. hotel Klinger Louisa, milliner Kocher E., liquors Kohlberg I. I.., clothing KnppenhE"ffer Francis. butcher KRAMER JOSEPH. Union House, Main c Market Knll Juhn A.. paintE'r Kuutzelman Amos, sewing machines Lebo Ed\Var~, stoves, &c. Lebo W. W., barber Lefever .J(lhn R., physician Lehman Emanuel, shoemkr Lehr Monroe D., physician Long A. C., bookseller I.ndt's .Tuhn M . harber LYKENS BREWERY, B. A. Burek. South nr.Market LYKENS REGISTER, Samuel M. Fenn. propr


Paui"on, mgr, 233 Main Smith Wellingtoll J., physician



LYKENS VALLEY COAL CO., T. M. Williams, supt,

S 2<1 Martz Jnseph E., shoemkr Matter Daniel S . candies Matter Johu L., tailor Matter J. S. & Ft'8r, drYI1:00ds

propr The Glen House, Market nr P. R. R. depot Snyder N. E., jeweler Sponsler's Co., genl store STANLEY A. G., druggist and mfr of Stanley's Celebrateti ludian Bitlel'S, Main (l Market (st'e adv opp page) Stuppy .John H., j!'rocer Summit Branch R. R. Co. TALLMAN H. H., The Commercial, 220 and 222 Mllin ThompFon A. F.; atty at law Trout Jucob, blaeksmitb Uhler William H., dentist Vlsh Joseph A" physician Werner Jacob, btKlts aud shoes Werner John, saluoh Western Union Tel. Co. Wetzler J. D., shoes Williams Horace G., contractor

Digitized by


I nu Shade. complete. lH!at and lo"es, PrIDge, tor sa eta. ad be. no B TI"K {Wall Papa". ThewIth Flxtllree aDd lIr1eeL Window {N. 1210 Lykens. &c., Business Directories. 11 'WILLIAMS T. .., 8upt Witmer John W., harn~
Lykell!~ Valley Coal Co., S Wolcott Charles, justice of the . 2<1 Dr l\farkft peace' Williams Valley Light, Heat YU\Jn~ Calvin K . druJrgist and Power Co. YOUNG WALTER S., oils, Williams ValIey'R. R. Co., J. also notary, 308 Market D. Wetzler, agt

Bashore David, produce Cas."Iell Ch rist; justice of peace Fink D. A., produce Hinkle Frank, blacksmith Kramer BrIlR f1nur mill

RAUCH JOHN M., postmaster and ~enl store Schubauer Jacob, shoemkr

14 miles north' of Harrisburg. Baker J. H., undertaker Bixler D, W., creamery CHUBB ALFRED, merchant Chubb H. W., blacksmith Chubb John, shoemkt, Enterline James, hlacksmith FRY J. W., t.'Orpenter aDd pObtmaster Glace Isaiah, merchant Hoffman Samuel, confect-ionet Hoffman & Landis, saw mill Lebo William, pruduce Matchett George V., shoemkr Met'edith D. F., merchant SHEPLEY JOHN, saw mill, &c.

Ackerman John M., mest mkt Banks Bros., varieties Adams ExpreSR Co., John H. Barr Franklin H., insurance Bauder & Bro., grocers Cobaugh, agt American Tube and Iron Co., Baumbach Adam, contractor Baumbach Guido, baker iron pipes, &c. Antrim T. J., conft'Ctioner Baumbach Harry F., shoemkr Antrim Tillie, milliner Baumbach Valentine, shoes Aueh John F., hlarblewkr Baxtresser J. H" shOOl5 Baker Charles H., baker , Bpane W. H., physician Bakp.r John H .. weaver Beard C. F., ~r()eer




Indian Bitters,
Lzs.m ZT



XB 5 0 N E


DR. A. G. STAN LEY, cor. lOIn ond lorkel SIS., LYKfNS, PA,
Digitized by


" To find a name you must lmow how to spell it." 12 Middletown Business Directory.
Beck William, shoemkr Benson Robert, reShllll'8nt Bertschinger R., taitor Bishel Jacob, salooll Borland John A . dl'Ygoods Botts AHel, blacksmith Brady Hurry C . barber Brandt B. F. & J. A., liquors Brehn HarJ'Y. music . Brestle Edward, cigars Brestlp. Michael, undertaker Buck Hen.ry W., cigars Campbell H. B., hardware Carmany C. Augustus, jewE-Ier 117 S Union Champioll Novehy Works Clark Harry J., hotel, &C. Claster E. Mrs., clothier Cobangh E. S.. !!tatioflcr CobauJ!h John H., tobacconist Coble H. U . marble Cohen M. Mrs., clothing Collins W. J. E., photographer Critson GeurJ!e W.; coal Croll Abner B., alCt, hardware CROLL HARRY. meat market, 610 N Union Croll William A., justice Dasher H. D., genl store Davenport Henry B., grucer Davis John N., barber Davis & Campbell, re~tallrant Deckard Israel K., vet surgeon Deckard Jacob B., flour Deckard Levi L., denti!!t Detweiler J. C., meat market Difft:!llderfer W. H., grocer Emalls Orphaml' HOllse, W. A. Croll, prin Engel Matthew, cigars Ettele G('orge W., stoves Eves P. W. Mrs., milliner Fairman M. M. Mrs., grocer Farley E .J., tailor FARMEBS' HOTEL, Martin Snyder, prlipr, Main c Pine Farmers' Bunk, capital, $50,000; surplus, 8:35,000; B. S. Peters, pres; Lee H. Nissley, cashit>r Fettel' W. M .. cigar mfr Fett~rman J. J., 2d-hand store Fishel EnJ!enie, milliner Fil!her F. Z., shuemkr Fisher Walter R., stationer Flaig Matthias, blacksmith Forney E. L., blacksmith Fratttl Juhn H., baker Frell(~b Ballard B., hot('1 Frv R. W., shoemkr city editor Daily JOlll'Dal Groff H. F., grocer Guise F., gr()(''CI' Harley S. P., restaurant Harley William T., barber Hartman M. H., groc'Cr Hartman P. E., groc'('r Hatz BrOs.., meat market Hawley Wentzel, mE'8t market Hemperly Lewis F:, J!rocer Henderson J. A., drygoods Hipple James, coal, &c. Hoff~r Christian H., justice Hoffman Jennie Mrs., grocer Holland William, cigars Hoster Adam W., cigar mfr .Hoslel' Ct'nrad, tailur Howden W. H., station agt P. & R. R. R. Hunter Ella l\hs., hairdresser Hutchinson Charles H., real ('state Rnd ins Jackson JOS('ph A., restaurant Kauffman Jacob B., gl'ocer Kaufman David L., lawyer Keener H. J., hrick mfr Keever W. J4'., BtO\"eS, &c: Keirn C. F . dentist EEIM LEWIS C., propr The Wincil!()r, Wilson st



planing _ mill and lumber, Mill c Union Canal (l!eeadv)

Digitized by


I. B. TACK, 'all Paperand "indowShades. {72~::~o!R,g~t~.

Middletown Business Directory.
Kennard W. G.,jllstice of peace IIIDDLETOWN PRESS, Kiefer Samuel, harness weekly, I. O. Nissley, propr 'Kirkessner Charles A., grtX.'er Mish George Ii'., physiciau Kiss Juhn, grocer Moek Hand, lauudl'Y Klahr E. H., jeweler Moore Davi.1 E., J(1'ocer Klawansky A" drygnods, &C. Mo\'er Jumt'S H., furniture Kline Henry H., hutel Mlinicipul Elettric Light Pla.nt Klineline Jub .. & Scm, pattern- MlIs'ler C. E., dentist mkrs Myers H. G., bottler Myers J. R., groeer KluJ(h O. R, pbysic~8n KoonM John, gr(J(.'er Nlltional Bank of Middletown Kurtz B. W" confection('r Nattres.~ Adele, groc'er Laverty Dewitt 0., physician Nicely Albert T., shoemkr LAVERTY EUGENE,drug. Nicely Jame~ H., shoemkr gist,l01 Main c Union Nisley J. L, 8J(rl implts I.Alverty Theodore C., physician Ni8Sley John H., flour, &c. I.eggore Harry, barber Nissley Joseph H., notary Orth (;harles, g"o('er Lewis D. Mflol., cigars, &c. Lingle Juhn C" physician Palm('r Daniel C., groc'er Longenecker & Son, hakers,&c. Park J. Frank, tailor Parlamun William, livery Lorentz Andrew, butcher Loresh John, hardware Pease Charles E., physician Pt'nnll. Telephone CII. Loyd Charles S., barber


Peters B. ~. & SOli, "r~:goods PeterA SHrout1 S., groc'('r Rumbler L. C., gents' furnishings Raymond & Campbell Mfg. Co., machinists Reed Jeremiah, grocer Rehrer A. J., saloon Rebrer Henry L.; coal, &c. Rewalt .Juhn 'V., druggist Rife J. W. Leather (;0., tanners Ringland J. H., dentist Ringland Juhn, jw.tice MmDLETOWN FURNI- Rodfong Gec-,rge W., jlU!;ticc TURE MANUFACTUB- Rl)gers B. W., ("OI&ctioner ING CO., E. L. Crl/I1, pl'es; Roup John S., grocer Juhn Croll, 8l'C and tress, RothermeJ J. F., shoemkr Emaus c Wood RuhI John H" physician MiddJettlwn Gas Light Co. Saul Harry R., carriaJ(emkr KIDDLETOWN J 0 U B- Schiefer CbarJt'S C., val'ieties lfAL. daily und weekly, A. 8<:hiefer Jacob F., grocer L. Etter, propr Schuetz }i're.:lerick, meat mkt Lntz Willialll, barber Mallsbf:lrger A. F., barber Martin Dlivid C., grocer Martin S. R.o blacksmith }I<:Cord K. R.; liquors M(.oCreary Elijah, boat builder' Md;i11 '\7. P., confectioner McKiiJley (W. J. o cigars McMunu~ J. J., candies Melchoir John, shoemkr Middletmvn Car Works (Arthllr King) Middletown Drainage Cn. Middlt'h)wlI FlllllrillJ! Mill Co.

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IcIfeil's Pain Exterminator .:'J::~o:a~~ ~:t::~~DI{ {"T1RlJI 1".


Middletown, &c., Business Directories.

Schuetz & McNail', shoes Trump M. Mrs., oressmkr Ulrich Samuel, physician Seiser Samuel S., StOVCII U. S. Express Co., W. H. Shaneor & Son, painters Slu~esley Michael. tobacconist Howden, agt Shellenberger H. H., harness V Ilnt.'e Samuel B., flour Shepler John H., grocer Wagner F. R., coal, &c. Sidell F. W., livery Wagner John, meat market Sides W. S . contractor Walton G. H., shoemkr Smeltzer John, oils 'Valton H. H."cigarrokr Snyder Jesse M., re;taurant Weaver Webster, blacksmith Snyder John H., justice peace Weirieh (;hristian, shoemkr Snyder Margaret. A. Mrs., Weller J. L. t coal, &c. Wendling H il'llm D., tailor hntel SNYDER lItIARTIN, propr Whitmllll C. "E., blacksmith Farmers' Hotel, .Main c Wiestling E"'a R., postmaster Pine "WINDSOR (THE). Lewis C. Solm Arthur E., tobacconist Keim, Wilson st Sourbeel' Milton N., ticket and Winer S., clothier freight agt P. R. R. Wise 1. Mrs., grocoer Springer Robert H., varieties Withauer W m. B., restaurant Stager CYl'US, cigars Wolf Adam, weaver Stager Daniel C., jr.~ barber W. U. Tel. Co. Starr John W., druggist. Yeagley Kate M., dressmkr Swartz I. B., lawyer Yetter S. L. t insurance Young Leah, milliner Sweigard Daniel, coal Sweigard D. E., cigars, &c. Zones Mary Mrs., boarding Tritch Rosenfield, ,tobacconist

Acme Oil Co. Adams Express Co. Alleman S. S., grocer" BECKLEY M. J., jeweler Bowers S. L., barber Bowman John F., physician BowmalJ John R., genl store Bowman Levi, stoves Bowman Levi E., drygoods Bowman Simon S.,lawver Dittl' .Joseph,jr., cigars Dl)udcn Alfred, planing mill Dreibelbis J. L., confectioner, &c. Etzweiler Charles, confectioner Etzweiler J., confectioner Feidt David E., furniture


H. Kahler, cashier

FRALICK C. W., Washington House Fralick Frank, baker Frank John E., furniture Frank Johu N., drygoods, &c. Frederick H. G., brooms Gilbert Harry S., tobacconist Gilbert H. L. & Co., drygoods


Bruhaker G. M. & Polk, tap and die works Campbell & Son, hardware " Carmany H. Aug., rags Day C. W., brooms

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A. B. TACK, FiDe lrl Wall Paper. {~~~~~~~~~} 1210 I. 3d.

IIillersburg, &c., Business Directories. 15 Gilbert & Co., tailors NEAGLEY D. W. & "CO., GRAYBILL J. R. & BRO., geul store
flouring mills Hatter G. 'V., undertaker Heckert J. S., marble yal-d HERALD WEEKLY, J. B. Seal, pub High S. B. & Son, genl store Johns J. R. Mrs., dl'essmkr Jury Thompson, confectiouer Kepner B. ~~., grocer Kline & Neitz Co., carpets Knouff Frank L., shoes, &c. Koppenhaver Isaac, hotel LeiBer Erastus H., dentist Lenker Daniel Y., distillery Light Absalom, flour, &c. Long Anthony, rags Mark Mamie J., milliner Martz J. C., tailor Mattis Charles F., sale stables Meek .J" E. & Son, shoes Meck N. C., varieties Meetch William B."shingles Miller Levi, meat market Miller Martin P., green grocer Miller M. B.. druggist J. S. Gilbert, C'ftshier " Millersburg Fifth Wheel Mfg. Co. Millershurg Planing Mill Co. Neagley 1. J., photographer Neubuld & Knouff, meat mkt NOV~NGER CYRUS, jeweler Plambeck William, tailor P()ffenbel'ger W. L., blacksmith Polk A. J., dentist Ransom Thomas H., barber Richards Emma, milliner Rowe J. H., insurance Sausser C. A., shoe mfr Sausser Jeremiah, harness Schaeffer Lpancler .M., shoes Seal ~()hn B., postmaster SeeLold FI"8nk P., dentist Sheesley John F., baker Shive Alfred, saloon Shott Juhn A . blacksmith Shreiber David, varieties . Shupe John K., marble yard Snyder Joseph, shoerflkr Spong .John P., shoemkr

S TAN DAR D A X L E WORKS, mfrs carriage

axles, &c. Stevens.J. D., physician Ulrich M., phytlician Walborn Harl'y H., baker Weaver C. R., confectionery Weaver John H., shoemlir Weaver J., Sewing machines Wingard F. H., brooms Woodside R. E., insurance Yeager John, carriages Zimmerman A. M., bottler

MILLERSBURG BANK, Steever C. C., druggist

MILLERSBURG SENTIKEL, ~.,. S. B()wman, pub

Moyer Charles F., grocer Musser John S., plumber Musser & &hreiber, foundry Neagley C. & Co., furniture

Population about 500. 4 miles southeast of Harrisburg. Atticks Harry, dairy Jones Harry, butcher" Binehour Isaac, undertaker Ney Benj., shoemkr PAGE J. FRANK, postBrown S. S., tinner Cassel E. H., flonr, &c. master Eshenawer G., cabinetmkr Page Samuel S., justice

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" To find a name you must know. how to spell it." 16 Oberlin, &0., Business Direct,4)ries.
Putt"M. 0., physicilill Shope A. H., gelll store Stautr~r Harry S., butcher Yeager Ira, ~1l1 store Zoll Martin,justice orthe peace

A town (If "buut 125 inhabitants. on the N. C. R. R. and SusqUt!hllllllll River, 32 miles northea!';t from Harrisburg. Chubb Simon, ~hoemkr Shaffer H. H., maijon Grimm ,1. L . I!8W mill Snyder Juhn W., carpenter Kauffman Webster, gt'nl store, TROUTMAN JOEL, post&c. master, candies, cigars, &c. Lentz August, lime Tschupp Simon, shoemkr Rumberger G., miller Wertz Mi<.bael T., furniture Schroyer Jacob, carpenter

A town of about 800 inhahitants, 21 miles from Harrisburg. BOllholtzer Henry, blacksmith Ludwig E. S.,Penn Poultry Co. Books Jt)hn, geul store Ludwig Goo., butcht'r Booser .Jacub, illlmrunce, jus- Machon Bros. stoves, &c. tice of tlle peat'e Machon George S., genl store Mader Daniel, butcher Booser Jo&ph. dairy Bowman G. H., undeltaker Matier M., grocer McElht>nny A., butcher Buwmall & Son, (jakers BrighthiJI J. C., dairy McGarvey Wl'IIley, teacher Elst>r Peter, dairy Nissley Ira. butcher FISHBURN S. A., genl store Oberdorf H. G . carriage mfr and postmllster Packer Reuben, dairy Heck .1., well driller Ream Ed., butcher Hoover David, dairy Ream Shell, real estate HurM.tick Alfred, butchel' SHOPE E. L., ph~'sician Houck Geo., farm implts Shupe A. T., stone cutter Knupp E. M., supt, cemetery Snoddy ,John, wagonmkr Kuupp .John, dairy SPeese Daniel, blacksmith Knupp Samnel, plasterer Stoner John, tinsmith KNUPP & BRO., marble Strickler Benjamin, dairy cutters Urich Daniel, plasterer Lime D., mftSllIl Wilt C. L., hBrnessmkr Lime W., mll~n Wirt William, barber Ludwick Luther, real estllte Zeigler J. B., physician

miles east of Dalmatia, on the Susquehanna Divison, N. C. Railway; population 300. . Andre John, boots and shoes Bowman Uriah, cabinetmkr AUllspach J. S., photographer Boyer Isaac, mill roller


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A. B. TACK, pracllcol Paper Hanger.

{7~7~~o~R:lrr!:t. Pillow, &c., Business Directories. 17

Boyer J. C., butcher Novelett J., harnessmkr Brower Joshua, wood turner Pillow Grange Store BRUA JOBN, postmaster Raker W., physician Buffington C. F., justice " Reed F. J., physician Buffington & Bro., wheel- Sausser Percival, marble works wri~hts Sheaffer J. A., barber DOCKEY E, W., cigar mfr' Sheaffer John. broommkr and justice of the peace Snyder Frank, iron founder Fegley Henry, millwright Snyder S., shoemkr Spatz S. A, MI"8., milliner Garis James, mason Hawk D. M., hotel Tl'Outman .Joel, ~rist mill Hoffman W .J., genl store Wiest M. T. & Bro., butchers Wiest W., cattle dealer KNORR BIRAM, hotel Willier David, barber Lebo So, country stu\'e Martz M., shoemkr Yeager C. H., tanner .Messner Charles, painter POWELL'S . Baker John H., carpenter Bixler D. W., Enreka CHUBB ALFRED, merchant \ Chubb Henry W., blacksmith Chubb John, shoemkr Dimpsey W. J., produce VALLEY

FRY J.W~,C8rpenterandP.M.
Garland Thomas, justice Glace Isaiah, genl store Lebo William, produce Meredith D. F., genl store Ryan Isaac, flour mill


FOOTWEAR Ollalters', 1012 I. 3d St.

PROGRESS, A town of about 200 inhabitants, 3 miles from Harrisburg. GOOD JOHN, saddler Peters A., miller, &C. Hain Harry, dairy Reichert Daniel, carpenter Ridell McC., painter Huak Georj!'e, hutcher, dairy BOERNER ISAAC R., ho- Rudy William, butcher tel and store Shiley Daniel, sboemkr Knupp Geo~, stock dealer Strine Daniel, blacksmith Knupp Henry, butcher Trullinger Walker, dairy Kramer Calvin, dairy Weaver Walker, dairy WOLF WILLIAM, grocer, Mumma John, dairy Packer Reuben, dairy postmaster ROCKVILLE.

Su Fort Hu.nter.
SWATARA STATION. Population "about 160. 12 miles from Harrisburg. Balsbaugh Jacob, justice of Boyer P., carpenter peace Currey Conrad, flour mill

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DIce McNeil's Medicine Co. {~~ed} No!t\:~.

18 Swatara Station, &c., Business Directories.
Currey John, grain, &c. [mfl'8 Shakespeare W., shoemkr Denny, Watts & Co., pig iron SHor George H., P. & R. Co. agt Emrich S., shoemkr and weaver BODNER JOHN W., bo- Stroh William, blacksmitb tel SW A TARA BROW ..Hummel F. A., constable STOn CO. Swatara Stone and Lime Co. Rennyson William, lime SEILER SALOME JIBS., Zimmerman Levi, lime, &c. genl store and lX>l>tmaster

12 miles east of Harrisburg. Population 460. Leonard Edward, tailor Curry Andrew, carpenter Long Frank, blacksmith Curry W m., furniture Earnest Simon, physician Miller Amos, barnessmkr Eisenbower Israel, tinsmith Miller Samuel R., agent Farnsler M. A., surveyor Moyer John F., vet surgeon Moulfair H. E., physician Fau8nacht Levi, barber Oxen rider Henry, genl store Hetrick Daniel, butche.r Ramler John, mason Hicks A.mos, botel Hummel Solomon, miller BAPP WILLIAM B., genl store Huntsberger Martba, milliner Huntsbel'gtlr H., shoemkr Roiliantl Abram, furniture Killinger Peter, wheelwrigbt Seidars John, lime Koehler Philip, shoes . Seltzar C. A., barnessmkr KUHNS A. M., postmaster, Shertzer D. J., farming implts genl sture and wire fence Wagner Harry, brick yard Landis A. L.,justice Zerfu88 Jacob, puml'mkr

20 miles north of Harrisburg. LEBO W. B., groceries, ci- Sponsler J. D., blacksmith and gars ~nd postmaster auctioneer Population 36.

7 miles southeast of Palmyra; population about 400. Albright Martin, wheelwright Kern Amos, hotel Early Amos, gunsmith Killinger D. R., wagonmkr Early Jacob, miller Koons John A., merchant EARLY W. S., genl store, Lingle Adam, carpenter also postmaster Lingle W. P., cabinetmkr Peffiey Levi, weaver Hoover Jeremiah, tailor Hoover Peter, mason Ramsey Cbarles, veterinarian BUMMEBBElIJAMIK,ci- Reily Moses, blackamith der mfr Rhoads John, carpenter Hummer Samuel, blacksmith Stout Reuben, shoemkr

Digitized by


workmen. bence llrat-clua 1 B. IIC" N.1210 {EmPlOYS none but llrst-claall done In any partonly the SIa&e. I\, 3d St. work, and inslU'elliL. Work of

West Hanover, &0., Business Directories.

Thome C. V., physician Wagner E. N., coachmkr

19 Wagner J'ohn H., blacksmith Weaver Elmer, pumpmkr

Bossler Erwin, furniture Botdorft' John H. t newsdealer Brauer August, hotel Christman & Keen, druggists Conner Julia, candies Donnelly James B., barber Dreibelbis Abraham, saloon Evans Ann H. Mrs., grocer Evans Eliza J., dr~mkr Fahey Lawrence, barber Fetterhoff Sa~uel, blacksmith Gringrich Hettie, dressmkr . Hawk William, justil>e Higgins George, grocer Holwig L. D., grocer Howel Is William, grocer Israel Daniel, shoes James William, pool room Jenkins William, baker Jones Evau, grocer Jury Daniel, butcher Kaufman John, grocer Kelley William, grocer Kimmel A. F., (est), drygoods Kimmel & Mossop, hosiery Lamey P. H., tinsmith Lenker J. N., physician Long John J., shoemkr Mark John H., shoemkr MiJler Adam, candy Miller M. W., physician MUler & Heitner, drygoods Moyer G. D., (est), tanners Murphy J. J., restaurant Pinkerton George A., P. M Prout Bertha A., milliner Prout Jacoh S., druggist Shea Ellen, milliner Stephens W. B., barber Tippins Mary, candies Walls Catherine, candies Wiconisco HOUMe, (W. Frank Gerhart) . Yoder James L., jeweler

Adams Landis, barber Adami William, confectioner Armbrllster Henry, baker Baddorf Daniel, grocer Baird Robert R., installment Baker J. N., dentist Bast Charles F., barber Batdorf Charles, grocer Batdorfi' Jacob, huilder Ballm J. P., hotel Blanning W m., inlurance, &C. Brown Simon, genl store Budd Richard, timber BUKJry .J. P., genl store BUBNS G. W., pub The Times Carl LinColn C., lawyer Carl Jeremiah R., lumber Cheater A. R., genl store Cox James, grocer Craven Pat, eating honse Curtis C. F., shoes Dando A. Mrs., gents' hatl Dandl) James, liquors Darby .John l!"., bottler Davis T. B., druggiRt Day F. G., gents' furnishing Day H. G . sewing machines Day Richard W., furniture Deibler James M., carriagemkr Douley Cyrus, candy Durbin Juseph W., genl store Durbin J. W., hosiery mfr Durbin S. Mrs., milliner Durbin William J., merchant' Enders Levi J., physician Evans D. W., mine foreman Fetterhoff George, painter

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" To jtna a name you must know how to spell it." 20 Williamstown Busines8 Directory.
Fitzpatrick Thomas B., barber Nace J. Benj., contractor FUN][ D. H., pub Williams- Parcell Ri~hard, grocer Paul S. S., 8e\\illg machines town Leader Phillips John, barber GEIST JOHN H" hotel Green Margaret Mrs., milliner Piper O. P., physician Griffith .J. \\'., gmcer PRITCHARD A. L., painter GRIFFITHS lOBlf. hotel and paperhunger Haas Richard P., phYllician Quigley John, tailor Haas & Lesher, genl store Qllimm M. J., insurance Hain G. W., justice Ralph Aal'On, furniture Hartman .Jacob, shoemkr Rank J. H., boots and shoes Hawk Jennie. dressmkr Rank P. B., genl tit ore Raudenbush Benj., confectioner HESS SOLOMON, hotel Reisig Fred, restaurant Hoft' H. C., exprelSS agt . ReisiJC Val., bakery Hoft'm:lIl John H., genl store Holler Hiram, liver.v RIEDINGER CHARLES, HugheR J. M., ReC Water Co. hotel Jones Howell Mrs., genl store RieJ?;le Jacob Mrs., grocer Jones J. Moyer, station agt Rolland M. & E., milliners Ruwlamd James, genl store JOlles T. H., ciga~, &c. Keiter C. 0., stoves, &c. Rumberger James, grocer Keiter I. A. furniture Scheaft'er Mlltles, livery Schminkey G. M., physician Kemp David, novelties Kingston Samuel, shoes, &c. SCHOFFSTALL SOL., Kling Lizzie, milliner builJer Kohr C. M., jeweler Segner EdJ?:8r, jeweler Kramer Matthias. t'8ndv Shaft'stall D. & J., butchers Sti~e Daniel M., insurance KRAMER THEO., hotel Lnutenbacher I. L., druggist Stites G. M., physician Lebo Amos, stllves. &C. Thomas Robert, hard\vare Lebo D. F., butcher Thomas W m. R., barber Lehman Abel, restanrant Thompson R. B., coufecti<1ns Lehman Isaac, tinsmith Thompson Walter S., tailor Leininger William, blacksmith Thomp&m & White, genl store Troxell Chas. H., confectioner Leopold Max, clothier Lynch .John, plumher Umholtz John H., restaurant Mace .J.. L, blltl'hpr Wahl G., jr., Mrs., groceries MASON WILLIAM D. H., Walkin~haw A., gent !Store pOHtmaster Weir Andrew, cOnf~.iouery Matter Emanuel T., justice Welsh John J., tailor Matter & Stroup, tailors Westt'rn Union Tel. Co. Mc~ellis .J. P., barber Williams W m. T., confel'tioner Mt'sse~mith John, blacksmith WILLIAMSTOWN Miller E. C., grocer LEADER, D. H. FUDk, Millel' J. C., cnnfedionpr pul> MONTGOIlERY H. B., Woland John P., watchmkr photographer Wyatt Jesse, plumber M088 J. E., grocer Zimmerman A. D., flhoeR Zimmerman J. F., barbt-r Moyer John, ~1l1 "tore

by Coogle

t;,c;'~tu~;::~ WOII PODer ond IIndOw Shlldes from A. B. TAt K, N. 7::~t. Boyd's Steelton Directory. 21

ABBBBYIATlOlll USED nr TIllS DIJUICl'OBY.-Ab., above; &1., alley; av., avenne; bel, below; bet., between; lald,., bJ1lldlDI; bookkJlr., bookkeeper; clk., clerk; c., corner; dO., ~Utto; Eo, east; ft., foot; h., 1I0me; lL, laDe; mltr., maker; m~., manufacturer; nr., Dear; N., Dorth ; Pa., PeDIII1I'f111la; P. S. Co., PeDDL Sleel Ce.; rd., road; R. R., railroad; sq., square; 8., IOatb; 8. 8. 00., Sl8eltoD Store Co. ; W., weat; wid., widow.

Burgess-Jonah G. Dieffellderfel. Council-Harry H. Campbell, pres.; Jacob Bowers, Charles W. Yost, Harry F. Hershey, Jacob Good, Elmer G. Irvin, John Grim, John H. Rheam, M. M. Hocker, R. V. Fairlamb. Secretary of Conncil-J ohn D. Y ou"g. School Directors-J. B. Martin, pres. ; C. A. Reehling,!Iee. ; . William A. Atticks, FI'8nk Tenney, William Ii'. Bannan, Samuel Ulrich, F. B. Wickersham, S. F. Dunkle and T. M. Longwell.
-Allibe Lateet SlylealnNEUABLE end FA8HIONABLE


N. 3d 8t.


Borough SlIlicitOl-~"ral1k B. Wickel'tlham. Borough Treasurer-A. H. Gardner. Higb Constable-Henry C. Williams. Abercrombie Wyman E., cashier S. S. Co., II 348 Spruce Adams Edwin G., jr., draftsman P. S. Co., h 139 S 2d Adams Express Co., N. C. M IImma, agt, 140 N Front Adams Jobn, cooper, h 322 N 2d Aikey Thomas C., jr., barber, 361 S Front, h 385 do Alaman J()~ph, b 94:3 S Frullt Albert Joseph E., butcher S. S. Co., h 7 N 4th Albert William W., salesman S. S. Co., h 23 S 4th Albright Amelia Mrs., h 503 Myers Albright Emil, fireman, h 350 S 2d Albright Frederick, tinsmith, h 50:3 Myers Albright John J., cooper, h 240 Frederick Albright William M., motorman, h 605 N Front Alden Charles A., civil engineer P. S. Co., b 45 S 3d Alexander James, lahorer, II Canal al ab Conestoga Alexander William, laborer, h 131 Ridge ALLEMAN BROS., (It.,. H. and M. R.), general insurance and real estate agts, 145 N Front Alleman Frederick H., (Alleman Bros.), h 145 N Front

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Liver and Blood Purlblnlr McNEIL'S DYlpepsla, Llnr, Blood and KJdDeyPilla Cure lOll. 3d 31 Oompla1nla. l


Boyd'. Steelton Jlirectory.

Alleman George R., contractor, 330 Lincoln, h do AlIeDl~n Lfab, wid Michael R., h 145 N Front Allemalf Mary A., teacher, b 1-15 N Front . Alleman Mary A. Mrs., h 223 N Front Alleman M. Rudy, (Alleman Bros.), b 145 N Front Allen Charles, t'8.rpenter, h 236 L(x~ust Allen Charleg L., machinist. h 144 8 2d Allen Jobn E., foreman P. 8. Co., h at Hbg Allen Thomas, machiuist, h 19 8watara Allison Jobn B., miller, b 163 Frederick Almiller Laura Mrs., h 349 Frederick A. M. E. Churcb, AdamR c N 2d Andermonn Reinhold, blacksmith, b 708 N 2d AndefllOn Evan G., clk P. 8. Co., h at Hbg AodeNlOn John W., elk, Locust nr Canal, h 169 Lincoln Anderson Thomas, laborer, h 128 Ridge Anderson Valentine P., h 169 Lincoln Andrew George B., helper, h 474 Myers Angney William C., coal and wood, 311 S Front, b do AnKney William H., laborer, h 241.8 Ii'ront Antbony Josepb, mulder, h 127 Lincoln Armstead Erasmus, steel worker, b 216 Ridge Armstead Mary, h 512 Linculn Armstrong Emmett, b 383 Main Armstl'OlIg Frank, butcher, Locust nr Canal, h 238 8 2d Armstron~ Harriet Mrlf., h 383 Main Armstrong Irvin, butcher, Loonst c Canal, h 245 Tl'ewick Armstrong James E., laborer, h 117 Adams Armstrong Joseph, laborer, h 238 8 2d Armstrong Reuben L., blacksmith, h 238 8 211 Arnold John, laborer, h 356 8watara Arnold Robert H., driller, h 318 Main Arrington Williaril E., shoemkr, 120 Adams, b do Asbbrook Joseph, machinist, h 175 Myers Aten William H., I'ail straightener, h 152 Main Atkinson Benjamin, laborer, h 323 Myers Atkinson John J., shearsman, b 198 S 2d Atkimll>n McClellan H., rivetf>r, b 323 Myers Attick Willilim A., h'8ter, h 357 8 2d Attick William C., bricklayer, b 652 N Front Atticks Ahraham, laborer, h 629 N Front Atticks Annie Mrs., h 1408211 Atticks Charles. tailor, h 15.5 Christian Atticks Charles H., cburger, h 215 Lincoln Atticks .John C., t'8rpenter, h 640 N 2d Atticks John W., jallitor, h 209 Lincoln Atticks Robert R., laborer, h 629 N lfront Atticks 8amuel A., boilermkr, b 629 N Front

Digitized by


A. B. TACK .:;!t!Je;.,&Of Fracalag P Uc BuU.IDgs ID Plaia TIals. {~~7rtr':t'

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
23 Atticks William E., rougher, h 219 Lincoln Aughenbaugh Kate, hou!lekeeper, 101 Frances Aughenbaugh Lewis F., laborer, h 101 Frances Babb Charles H., ins, justice, 34 N Front, h 117 do Babb Harry J., yardmaster P. R. R., h 117 N Front Babble Samuel C., elk, Locust nr Canal, h 35 S 3d Bachman Carl, labOl'er, h Mohn nr limits Bachman Charles, laborer, h 451 Christian Bachman Frederick, jr., machinist, h Mohn nr limits Bachman Mary, wid Maxamillian, h 041 Christian Bachman Wilhelm, furnaceman, h 421 Mohn Baer Anton, shuemkr, 157 N Front, h do Baer Joseph, bi'ickburner, ,h 648 N Front Bailey Franklin E., jeweler, agt Postal Tel.' Co., 167 S Front, h 122 do Beiley George W., helper, h 420 Lincoln Bailey John T., laborer, h 350 Ridge Bailey Oliver, chipper, h 269 Main Bailey Silas, laborer, h 352 RiciJ!:e Bailey Stephen, laborer, h 352 Ridge Bailor Grant, engineer, h 216 N Front Bailor WashinJl;too, laborer, h 216 N Front Baker Charles P., time elk P. S. Co., h 229 Walnut Baker Edward, hooker. h 393 S Front. Baker John, lahorer. h 134 Ridge Baker Mary, wid William F., !J 933 S Front Baker Sawney, laborer, h 316 Ridge , Baldwin Commaodel'y, No. 108, A. and I. O. Knights of Malta, R A. Stoll, rec.; meets Monday eve, 22 S Front Baldwin School Building, Walnut c 2d , Baldwin Cemetery, Lincoln beyond limits Ball Henry J., laborer, h 132 Adams Ball J. Sydney, laborer, h 139 Adams Ball Milford, loader, h 127 Adams Balmer Samuel H., elk S. S. Co., h Pine ah 4th Balmer Samuel L., elk, h 349 Pille Baltimore Jacob, laborer, h 167 Adams Banford James R, motorman, h 139 S Front Bankovic George, laborer, h 30 N 2d Banks Augustus J., h 328 Myers Banks John H., foreman. h 328 Myers' Banks Uriah P., h 328 Myers Bannan Mabel M. saleslady, 159 N Front, h 249 Myers Bannan William F., machinist, h 2~9 My'ers Barber Grant" laborer, h 119! Adams Batchaus Heory, coremkr, h 316 Christian Barker James W., (John Hoffer & Co.), h at Hbg Barker Morray, laborer, h 257 Adams '

Digitized by


" To find a name yo. must know how to spell it." 24 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Barksdale Taylor. laborer, II Canal al ab Conestoga . Barley Christian E., plasterer, h 1 B 4th Barley Harry E., plasterer, h 235 Locust Barley Samuel A" plasterer, II 1 N 4th Barnet Augustus, carpenter, h 245 Lincoln Barnet Harry X., carpenter, h 212 N Front Barnet John J., carpenter, h 207 N Front Barnet John R., carpen~r, h 207 N Front Barrick George, patternmkr, h 25 Chestnut Barrick Hester, wid John, h 26 B 4th Barrick John W., weighmaster, h 45 S 4th Bartels Charles. shoemkr. h 220 Lincoln Bartels Henry. laborer, h 220 Lincoln Baskin Oliver P., supt, b 551 B Front Batdorf Elsworth, laborer, h 161 Frederick Bates Charles E., electrician,h 322 Myers Bates Harry J~., machinist, h 33 Chestnut Baughman Edward H., agt, h 215 Lincoln Baughman Elizabeth, wid John B., h 149 Lincoln Baughman John C., helper, h 529 B Front Baum Abram, steel worker, h 171 Christian Bauok John, laborer, h 24 N 2d Baxter David, steel worker, h 85 Main Bayles J. William, conductor, h 264 Frederick Beaber Harvey M., screwsmun, h 201 B 2d Beard George W., blacksmith, h 565 S 2d Beard Samuel G., blacksmith, h 565 S 2d Bearmany John, fireman, h 309 Ridge Beattey Ella B., filrelady, h 208 Pin.e Bechtel John, labOl'er, h 155 Main Beck Christian, blacksmith, h 510 S 2d Beck Christian F., laborer, h 337 Swatara Beck Esther E., wld John C., h 229 B 2d Beck Fel-dinand F., blacksmith, h 211 Swatara Beck James, laborer. h 245 ChristiaD Beck Julius, laborer, h Mohll nr 3d Beck Lauritz F., fireman, h :337 Swatara Beck Peter, hostler, h 112 S Front Beckwith Charles W., laborer, h 162 Ridge Behman Henry, plasterer, h 3!32 Christian Behman .Jacob, roller, h 128 Frederick Behney Edward M., heater, h rear 362 N Front Behney Harry A., baker, h rear 362 N Front Bebny John H., farmer, h Quality Hill nr Wulnut Behny Thomas C., elk, 172 Myers, h do Behny WaIter, farmer, h Quality Hill nr Walnut Behrendt Charl('s. laborer, h 307 Jefferson Beidel Charles H., barber, 45 S Fl'ont, h do

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A. B. TACK l::tt::.:::no1 lall Piper IDd 'ID~O' Shades {12~~ r:d~t.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
25 Beidel George B., messenger P. S. Co., b 26 S 4th Beidel Heury, h 134 S 2d Beidel John M., shoemkr, h 136 S 2d Beidel John W., motorman, h 625 N Front Heidel Philip D., grocer, 26 S 4th, h do Beider Philip, laborer, h 3 N 4th Beider Philip, jr., laborer, h 3 N 4th Beidleman F..dward, foreman P. S. Co., h at Hbg Beinhower Adam, (Beinhower & Bro.), h 203 Myers Beinhower Isaac S., (Beinhower & Bro.), h at Oberlin Beinhower & Bro., (A. and I. S.), undertakers, 208' Myers Bekawic Martin, laliorl'r, h 148 Frederick :&11 James A., time inspector P. S. Co., h 331 Myers Bellows Scott, porter S. S. Co., h 245 Myers Bender Daniel G., laborer, h 229 Clinal al Bender David, helper, h 534 N 2d Benkovij George, laborer, b 18 N 2d Bennett John, helper, h 232 S 2d Bennett Mary A., wid Thomas, b 113 S 4th Benson Charles G . rigger, b 355 Swatara Benson William, laborer, h 147 Adams Bent Charles P:, elk, h 339 Spruce BDT BElfB.Y B., genl supt Steelton Store Co., ltd, h 339 . Spruce




Bent Henry H., jr.. steel iU8pt!Ctor, h 339 Spl'Uce BENT LUTHER S., pres Pli. Steel Co., pres Steelton Nat. Bank, h at Phila., Pa. Bent Lnther S. School Building, 3d e Bessemer Bent Winslow n., supt yard dept P. S. Co., h 350 Spruce Bl'ntlev Artalissa I., teacher, h 119 S 4th BENTON GILBERT L. REV., h 357 N Front Bentz Wesley, helpe\', h 22:3 Christian Bentz William, laborl'r, h 274 Myers Berkheimer William H., helper, h 611 S 2d Berry George, laborer, h 504 Main. Berry John, laborer, h 344 N 2d Beshore Amos H., dairyman, h 235 Swatara Bessemer House, Albert Hoerner, pl'l'pr, 243 Main Betchiak J6seph, laborer, h 213 Canal al Betbel John, carpenter, h 236 Lincoln - Bel1kovic Meha, laborer, h 55 Conestoga Beyrent Harry J., planer, h 240 S 2d Bickle Christian A., laborer, h 209 Christian Bickle Qeorge W., iron worker, h 209 Christian Bickle George W.o laborer, h 415 Reading Biddinger Charles W., h 124 Lir)(.:oln

Digitized by


, lIele"'. Pain Exterminator OUreII Cholera MorbUs, DyseDtel'J, Cram)l8, Dlarrhall, Coleb, QullI8J', Rheumatllm, Toothacbe, Sore Throat, Acue. Dyipepllla, tltI 3d.



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Billet Benjamin, laborer, h 324 Myers Billet Harry, salesman, 282 Myers, h 241 do Billet 8usan Mrs., candies, 282 Myers, b 241 do Bingaman John, bricklayer, h ~94 8 2d Bird Thomas A., laborer, h 405 8 2d Bishop Joseph, laborer, h 357 Myers Bistline William H . driller, h 267 Myers Bitner G"eorgc B. McC., laborer, h 414 8watara Bitting John W., laborer, h 559 N 3d Bixler Harry B.. miller, h 356 Myers Blackson 8usan W. Mrs., h 62 Furnace Blackwell Peter 8., grO<'er, 116 Adams, h do Blade James, laborer, II 4~6 N Front Blade James,jr., fireman, b 426 N Front Blain Gertie R., dressmkr, h Hbg e Bessemer Blain William R., laborer, b Hbg e Bessemer Blain Winfield 8., laborer, b Hbg e Bessemer Blair David 0., boilermkr, h 319 Lebanon Blair Elenuf8, wid Cyrus. h 222 Lincoln Blakey Bernard,janitor P. 8. Co., h 200 Adams Bland James, laborer, b 342 N 2d Blanham John, laborer, II rear 411 8 ~'ront Blank Eberhardina, wid Frederick, h 341 83d Blase Joseph, laborer, h 431 Catharine Blattenberger Daniel, keeper, h 26 Adams Blust Sallie, domestic, 172 Myprs Bodmer John, stolle mason, h 345 8 3d Bogner Ella 8., dre!lSmkr, b 153 Lincoln Bogner John F., laborer, h .152 Bessemer Bogner Samson, laborer, h 153 Lincoln Bogner Samuel V., leverman, h 153 Lincoln Bohie George, laborer, b 506 8 3d Boksinic Jobn, laborer, b 20 N 3d Bollinger George, steel worker, h 472 Myers Bollock Michael, oiler, h 534 N 2d Bolton Edward, laborer, b 347 Main Booker John, laborer, h 343 8 3d Booker Milton, iron worker, h 176 Main Bookman William, paperhanJ/:el', h 3H3 Main Books Samuel J., pitman. h 3728 2d Booser Aaron, laborer, h 32; 8 Front Booser Eli F., laborer, h 244 8 2d Booser Henry, h 449 8 Front BO(lser Katp, h 261 8 11'ront Borowski J:1"'rederick, laborpr, h 529 Christian Bosnjak Anna Mrs., h 213 Canalal B()snok Kate, wid John, h 4278 Frout BostOD Henry, laborer, h 38 Furnace

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III( beat ad loweat 1 B. T {Wall Paper. Thewtth P'lxtare8 andprieM. Window {II. 1270bt. "" Shad complete. l"rlDlle. tor 86 ctl. 3d

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Boudman Clarence, roller, b 16i) S 2d Boudman John H., foreman Merchant Mill, h 113 S 2d Bouschak Thomas, laborer, h 204 Frederif'k Bowen Charles, stonecutter, h 320 Christian Bowers Andrew F., elk, h 247 Christian Bowers Andrew J., salesman, h 247 Christian Bowers Charles E., salesman, h 247 Christian Bowers Frank A., elk, 184 Main, b 247 Cbristian Bowerll Frank R., laborer, h 401 Catharine Bowers George J., steel worker, h 247 Christian Bowers Herman R., steel worker, h 247 Cbristian Bowers Jacob, carpenter, ] 5a Myers, b do Bowers William H., fireman, h 391 S 2d Bowman Jamell M., blelter, b 246 Pine Bowman Millie Mrs., h 139 Adams Bowman Samuel, laborer, h 240 Christian Boyd Hugh S., turner, b 226 Bent's av Boyd Slater B., h 19 Locust Boyer David N., helper, h 410 N Front Boyer George H., weigher, h 164 Lincoln Boyer John E., fj,reman, b 367 S 2d Boyer Martin T., laborer, h 608 N 2d Boyer Samuel, laborer, h 345 Myers Boyer Shirk, draftsman P. S. Co., h 139 S 2d Boyer William, laborer, h 167 Christian Bra<''eland Patrick, .laborer, h 383 Main Braekridge Jobn, laborer, h 51 Pearl al Bradley William H., barber, 247 N Front, h at Hbg Bradshaw James G., hammerman, h 176 Lincoln Bradshaw Sam W., draftsman .P. S. Co., h 176 Lincoln Brady John P., keeper, h 252 N 2d . Brady Wesley, laburer, h 252 N 2d Braheny Michael, fireman, h 269 N Front Brandt Aquilla, laborer, h 207 Myers Brandt Elmer G., driller, b 377 S 2d Brant Charles, laborer, h 168 Ridge Brant Jackson, laborer, h 3t:l Adams Brant Sam~el, driver, h 657 N 2<1 Brashears George R., laburer, h 175 S 2d Brashears Harry M., hooker, h 175 S 2d .Brass William C. F., civil-engineer, h 133 Lincoln Braysbaw Cornelius, leverman, h 327 }i'rauces Breckenridge Edgar, helper, h 248 Myers Breckenridge John, foreltlan, h 248 Myers Breckenridge William W., engineer, h 248 )Iyers Brehm Abram A., elk P. R. R., h 234 Locust Brehm Fannie C., wid Samuel, h 2:34 Locust Brehm Kate M., dressmkr, h 234 Locust


Digitized by


" To find a name you must }mow now to spell it." 28 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Brehm Samuel A., teacher, h 515 S Front Brenizer William J., laborer, h 228 N 2rl Brenizer William L., laborer, h 228 N 2d Brenner Elizabeth, dressmkr, h 237 S Front Brenner Elizabeth, wid Peter, h 237 S Front Breslin Harry, molder, h 403 N 3d Bretz Jesse, laborer, h 401 IJinculn Brian Daniel E., iron worker, h 86:3 S 2d Bricker Joseph W., eng:ineer P. 8. Co., h 25 N 3d Brightbill Samuel M., pres Steelton Brick Co., h 1()3 S 4tb Brinkley George, laborer, h 147 Adams Briuser Abraham F., clk, 51 S ~'ront, h 49 do Brinser GeorJte W., priuter, h 30 Waluut Brinser Levi M., enllineer, hIlI Main Brinser Olivia M., wid Jacob J., h 18 Walnut Brinton Edward J., laborer, h 239 Myers Brinton Geol'ge E., blacksmith, h 268 Myers Brinton John M., steel worker, h 366 Mvers Brinton John W., helper, h 337 Myers : Brinton Malinda, wid Joel, h 337 Myers Brinton Robert H., helper, h 337 Myers Brinton Savilla, wid Jacob G., h 366 Myers Brisco William, laborer. h 34 Shanty Rnw Broadlls Dudley, laborer, h 26 Chestnut Broadus Edward, laborer, h 219 Adams Broadus J. William, laborer, h 1-45 Adams Brookhart Franklin P., laborer, h 408 S 2d Brookhollser Ed~r L., laborer, h 330 S 211 Brooks Bernard C., Cllrver, h 3;l:3 Lint.'Oln Brooks William, labol'er, h 1O~ Ridge Brougher Susan, wid Jacob, h 109 Main Brown Catharine, wid FranciM, h 252 Myers Brown Charlf$ A., blacksmith, h 142 Myers Brown Charles H., laborer, h 105 Adams Brown Charles M., laborer, h 212 N 2d Brown Farmer T., porter S. S. Co., h 212 N 2d Brown :Frank, laborer, h 168 Ridge Brown George .E., laborer, h 252 M~'ers Brown George H., lab()rer, h 146.Ridge Brown George W., laborCl', h Canal al ab Cones~ Brown Harrison, laborel', h 48 Furnace Brown James E., molder, h 122 Ridge Brown Jesse, cigars, 301 Main, h do Brown John, laborer, h 168 Ridge Browp John W., barher, 122 Adams, h do Brown Phoebe A., wid George, h 19 Pine Brown Rachel A" wid AleXiinder, h 164 Ridge Brown Rebecca, wid Jeremiah, h 146 Ridge

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, lall Paper and Window Shades. {72~:'lo~R~'lt~.

Boyd'. Steelton


Brown Richard R., charger, II 672 N F.ront Brown Rudolph, laborer, h 367 Frederick Brown Samuel, fireman, h }.j6 Ridge Brown S. Ethel, teacher, h Short nr Lincoln Brown William E., engineer, h 254 Myers Brown William H., bricklayer, h 26 Walnut Brown William J., fr(lg builder, h 32 Pine Brown Wilson E., laborer, h 666 N Front Brubaker Clarence 0., oiler, h 269 N .Front Brubaker Issac W., steel worker, h 4th nr Marshall al Brubaker John Z., labm'er, h 3]:3 Christian Brubaker William C., rt'gulat(lr, h 524 Lincoln Bruntlouse Lena, wid William, h 621 N Front Brutonic Anton, laborer, h 20 N 3d Bryan Daniel E., laborer, h 863 S 2<1 Budd James H., draftsman P. ~. Co., h 180 S 2d Buffington Lewis, engineer, h 168 }"'rederick Bnmgardner Andrew P., laborer, h 262 Ridge Bumgardner Stephen M., laborer, h 215 Adams Bunting Charles A., civ eng P. S. Co., h 4th c Catharine Burd Marshall, laborer, h 38 Furnace ButgBnstock Jacob, fireman, h 3:~7 S Front Burger Andrew C., driller, h 115 Frances '

FRANK M. WALTERS, lj:::'c!:a~r: FOOTWEAR, N.7:':~

Burkholder Noah, plauer, h 266 l::) 2d Burkley Henry, laborer, h 34 Furnace Burus James D., laborer, h 109 Main Burris George, laborer, h 252 Ridge Bnser I. Edward, laborer, h 410 Swatara Buser Israel V., elk S. Flouring Mill Co., h 279 Main Buser John T., laborer, b 410 Swatara Bntler Charles W., laborer, h 549 Mumma's Row Butler Ephraim, laborer, h 36 S 3d Butler Frank J., laborer, h 417 S Front Butler Maria, wid James, h 130 Ridge Butler Richard, h 130 Ridge Butler Willis, laborer, h 222 Ridge Byers Albert H., blacksmith, h 342 Main I Byrod George, weighmaster, h 11 S 4th Calder A. Russel, asst supt O. H. dept, h 223 Walnut Calhoune Charles W., laborer, h 114 Main Callaghan Dennis J., clk Merchant Mill, h 325 Liucoln Callaghan John J., helper, h 323 Lincolu , Callaghan Michael, labf)rer, h 323 Lincoln CaIman Arthur A., jr., laborer, h 410 Swatara CaIman Arthur H., bel per, b 410 Swatara Camerop Agnes, h 184 Maiu

Digitized by



'c:Rell's Pain Exterminator .:'~:~o:.~~ ~oredlf,~DI{ {uTrlJJ L.


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Campbell Charles A., fi)reman, h 451 Lincoln . Campbell George, puddler, h .511 Lincoln Campbell Harry H., supt P. S. Co., h Spruce c 3d Camphell John, laborer, h 516 Myers Campbell Lawrence H., helper, h 121 S 4th Campbell Mary J., domestic, 45 S 3d Campbell Spencer, laborer, h 330 N 2d CampbellWilliam J., laborer, h 172 Ridge . Canning James A., watertender, h 162 Bessemer Capello Benjamin A., laborer, h 252 Myers Capello Jacob. laborer, h 252 Myers Capital Chirt Co., Frank Nisley, sec, 176 N Front Carbon Rosa. laundress, h 134 Ridge Carey Alice Mrs., h Frederick ab Conestoga Carey Benjamin, laborer, h 143 Adams Carey Edward S., laborer, h 161 Adams Cargill Annie E., wid Cyrus A., h 2:34 Bent's av Cargill Samuel S., laborer, b 408 S 2d Carl Alberta, h 6 N 3d Carl Ettie, teacher, h 18R S 2d Carl John F., elk, h 186 S 2d CarillOn Carl, rigger, h 335 Swatara C!lrl80n Erik J . steel worker, h 112 Main Carney Frank D., engineer of tests P. S. Co., h 406 Spruce Carpenter Haywood, laborer, It 559 S 2d Carpenter Mary, wid Henry, h 321 8 Front Carpenter Romanus B., laborer, h 346 Swatara . Carpenter Sarah Mrs., h 347 Frederick Carpenter Stewart, laborer, h 559 S 2d Carr Ernest W., laborer, h 406 Reading Carr John, laborer, h 406 Reading Carr William, helper, h 26 Pine Carter Lewis, laborer, Ia 240 Rid~ Carthage Lodge, No. 194, K. of P., meets Wednesday eve. at Freeburn's Hall, B. F. McNear, sec Casey .John, helper, h 538 N 2d Cassel David, laborer, h 311 Frederick Cassel John H., laborer, h 326 S 2d Cassel John W., laborer, h 234 Frederick Cassel Martin, laborer, h Sider's Row Cau.fman Emma, h 3-42 N 2d Canfman Mary L., h 342 N 2d Cavanaugh Thomas, laborer, h Frederick ab Conestoga Centenary U. B. Church, 2d bel Swatara Central Hotel, F. E. Smith, 133 S Front Chamberlain Lowell C., stlldent, h 25 S 3d Chambers Charles, laborer, h 411 N 3d Chambers William G., mold setter, h 241 8 2d

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Pioe Irt Wall Paper. {~~~:~~~~} 1210 . 3d.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Cbapman Caroline, laundress, h 334 N 2d Chapman Fannie Mrs., h 334 N 2d Cbarles James, laborer, b 121 Adams Cbarles John, clk, 181 N Front, h 175 do Cherenitz John, laborer, b 24 N 2d Chubb William, blacksmith, b 798 S 2d Churcb of God, 909 S Front Citizens' Building and Loan Asso., C. E. Scott, sec i meets Monday, 171 N Front Citizens' Fire Co., No. 1,58 N Front Citizens' Passenger Railway Co., B. F. Meyers, pres i C. L. Brinser, sec and tress, 192 N Front Clair Frederick H., bricklayer, h 236 Pine Clancy James, laborer, b 419 N 3d Clancy Jamf!8 P., laborer, It 419 N 3d Clark Andrew, contractor, b 225 Adams Clark Annie E., wid George H., h 393 S Front Clark Collin, laborer; b 311 Rid~ Clark Howard W., machinist, b 176 Main Clark Joseph H., laborer, h 78 Furnace " Clarke John H .. clk S. S. Cfl., h 304 N 2d Clarkin Ellen M., ironer, h 428 Main Clarkin John, fireman, h 428 Main Clarkin" Mary A., wid Michael, h 428 Main Clarkin Michael, leader, h 428 Main Clause George W., shirt cutter, b 116 S 3d Clausen Erasmus, rigger, h 342 Swatara Clay Robert, laborer, h 22 Chestnut Clayborn William, laborer, b 110 Main Clemens Cyrus, helper, b 228 Lincoln Clemens George E., motorman, h 17 S Front Clemens John H., hooker, h 228 Lincoln Clendenin Charles, clk, Locust nr Canal, h 13 S 4th Cline Harry G., salesman, 383 S Front, h do Coates Dennis, fireman, h 74 Furnace Coath Jobn, grocer, 939 S Front, h do Coble Henry U., marble works, Lincoln nr limits Coble Peter C., iron tester P. S. Co., b 231 Myers Coburn Charles A., bill poster, b 359 Myers Coburn Charles F., fireman, h 359 Myers Cocklin Frank C., laborer, h 396 S 2d Cocklin Mary A., wid Daniel, b 258 Main Cocklin Samuel A., charger, h 226 Main Cocklin William D., h 258 Main Coder Clark M., rougber, b 422 Myers Coe Moses, laborer, b 170 Ridge Capn James, laborer, h 4 N Front " Collen Frederick W., draftsman P:S. Co., h 139 S 2d

Digitized by


" To find a name you 1IIusi kn07l) n07l) to spell it." 32 Boyd'. Steelton ~irectory.
Cohen John, drygoods, 43 Trewick, h do Cole Charles H., laborer, h 405 Bailey Cole Jeremiah, laborer, h 415 S Front Cule Saniuel, laborer, h 415 S Front Cole Walker, laborer, h 312 Ridge Coleman Harry F . (Kraemer & Coleman), h 31 S Front Coleman John J., fureman, h 59 Main Coleplan Kate, wid Michael Jo., h 73 Frederick Coleman Samnel, laborer, h 108 Ridge Coleman 'Villiam J., foreman, h 369 Main Collins James, hammerman, h 327 (Jincolu Collins Mary, wid John, h 159 Ridge Collins Michael, hammerman, h 152 Lincoln Collins Michael M r>l., grul.'er, 152 Lincoln, h do Collins Patrick, laburer, h 406 Lincoln Collins William, helper, h 159 Ridge Compton Augustus, laborer, h 113 Adams Compton ~ter, filer. h 172 Ridge Compt<m William, helper, h 2~0 Ridge Conklin Daniel M., firerpan, h 351 S 211 Conklin David P., cigars, &c., 266 N Front, h 515 do Conklin Gt!orge H., engineer, h 515 N Frout Conklin John J., hooker, h 412 N Front Conklin William. butcber, h 424 N Front Conrad Samuel K., weighmaster, h 190 S 2d Conrad Samnel P., cranetender, h 308 Lincoln Cooney David L., laborer, h 539 S Front Cooper Joseph, h 343 Lincoln Coover John B., mgr Steelton Planing Mill and Lumber Co., h at New Cumberland Corcoran Edward, steel w()rker, h 79 Main Corl Aaron H., driller, h 418 N Front Corn propst Joseph E., laborer, h 40 S 2d Cost Kirt, laborer, It 236 Lncust Costello John, laborer, h 517 N Front Couffer Charles M., engineer, b 452 N Front Couffer Samuel S., lineman, h 248 N Front COUFFEB. HOUSE, (Samuel Cou1Ftlr), 169 and 171 N Front COllifer Samuel, (Cou1Fer & Sultzaberger). pres Steelton Light, Heat aud Power Co., propr Couffer House, 169 N Front, h do Couffer & SlIltznberger, (S. Coufler and D. Sultzaberger), coal, 240 N Front Coulson George E., grocer, 183 N Front, h 220.Bellt's!av Coulson James V., laborer, h 185 S Front Coultrider Ephraim, laborer, b 834 S 2d Council Chamber and Lockup, 125 Walnut

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A. B. TACK, P/UCHCOI Paper Hanger.

{7~7~~o!R8~ Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 33.

Covington Dem1is, laborer, h 251 Adams Cox N"oah B., machinist, h ;J08 Christian Craig Elizabeth Mrs., h 122 Ridge Crampton Lewis J., laborer, h 248 Ridge Crane .Sarah E., wid Gerard, h 356 Spruce Craven Charles, laborer, h 122 Ridge Creamer Harry .J., tinner, h rear 362 N Front Creamer John C., blacksmith, h 614 N 2d Creep J. Clayton, planer, h 167 S 2d Crist Annie M., wid Henry, h 153 S 2d Crist Henry A., helper, h ] 59 Main Criswell James, b 2~0 Main Critchley Arthur I., steel worker, h 149 Lincoln Critchley Frank 0., leverman, h 31 S 4tb Critcbley Henry F., macbinist, h 257 Main Critcbley HoratioR., machinie;t., h 257 Main Critchley William E., steel blower, h 167 Lincoln Cronin Michael, helper, h 169 Myers Crook John F., macbinist, h 313 S 2d Crook Maria A., wid Abraham, h 559 N 2d Cross Mary, wid Nicodemus, h 101 Main Crowley Dennis, laborer, h 340 Main Crummas Joseph, laborer, h 358 S 2d


FOOTWEAR OIlalters', 1012 . 3d Sf.

Crummy Sheridan, laborer. h 38 Furnace Crusat.le Castle, No. 73, K. of M. C., meets each Tuesday eve. in G. A. R. Hall, William Carr. seC Cryanoo Joseph, laborer, h 49 Pearl al . Cuddy Edward, laborer, It 321 S Front Cuddy Harry, lahorer, b 321 S Front Cuddy James, janitor, h 391 S Front Cuddy James, jr., laborer, h 391 S Front Cuddy Julean, wid John, It. rear 909 S Front 'Cuishenberry Alexander, laborer, h 401 Bailey Culp Jobn F., Steel Co.'s surgeon, 19 Locust, b do Cumbler Charles C., elk, h 671 S 2d Cum bier Elizabeth E., wid Jacob 0., b 36 S 3d aU.BLEB. GEORGE W., pres Steelton Planing Mill and Lumber Co., lime, &c., 6 S Front, stone quarries, S Front nr limits, b ab Higbspire Cumbler Horace M., iron tellter, b 35 S 3d CummingR Archibald, laborer, h 420 Spruce Cumminl[8 Owen T., machinist, h 420 Spruce Cuntz William C., draftsman P. S. -Co., h 139 S 2d Curran Elmina, wid Thomll8, It 451 Lincoln Currey Joseph N., teacher, h " N 3d Curry James H' I .laborer, b Canal al ab Conestoga c

Digitized by


DIce MeNeil's Medicine CO~ {Es~~} ~~d. 34: Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Curl'y Levi, watertender, h 462 N Front Curry Solomon S., rail straightener, It 310 Main Cussack Matthew, gasman, h 177 Myers Cussack Matthew, jr., laborer, h 177 Myers' Dade Henry F., laborer, h 44. Furnace Dailey Cornelius, foreman, h 19 Walnut Dailey Julia A., dressmkr, h 19 Walnut Dailey Thomas, laborer, h 238 Frederick Dailey Thomas J., laborer, It 19 Walnut Dailey Patrick, charger, h 47 S 2d Daily Harry, brakeman, h 59 Main Daily James, laborer, h 59 Main Daily James H., oiler, h 1;)9 Main Daily John F., laborer, h N 2<1 e Eleanor ,Daily Patrick F., engineer, h 342 Orchard al Dalton James H., laborer, h 130 Ridge Daly Annie A., shirtmkr, h 230 N 2d Daly Christopher, hammer drivp.r, h 230 Jefferson Daly Margaret, wid Philip, h 230 N 2d Dangerfieltl Wesley, laborer, h 132 Adams Daniels George W., boilermkr, h 166 Frederick Danley Henry H., conductor, h 327 S 2d Danley John, laborer, h 391 S Front Danner Edwin G., helper, h 120 Main DARBY W. F., lawyer, 146 N Front, h 107 Lincoln. Daron Edward, pianos, 54 N Front, h at Hbg Daron Edward L., jeweler, 41 N Front, h 62 do Daron Ellsworth M., printer, 50 N Front, h do Daughters of America, No.5, meets Mon~ay eve. at G. A. R . Hall, Miss Jennie Keller, sec Daughters of Naomi, K. of M. C., meets Saturday eve. at G. A. R. Hall, Mrs. Mary Gallagher, sec Davidson William H., engineer, h 509 N Front Davies Fl'llnk H., elk, h 390, S 2d , Davi~s Hellry, ins. !!OI, h 604 N 3d Davies Lawrence, hammerman, h 604 N 3d Davis Charles S., teacher, h 176 S 2d Davis David, laborer, h 236 Lincoln Davis David, carter, h 633 N Front Davis David T., engineer, h 160 Linooln Davis George H., laborer, h 358 S 2d Davis Hem'y, laborer, h 516 Myers Davis John L., laborer, h 315 Myers Davis John W.i elk P. S. Co., h 341 Spfuce Davis Mary J., elk, h 236 Lincoln Davis Samuel,laborer, h 143 Adams Davis Thomas J., laborer, h 366 Myers Davis Victoria, wid William H., h 344 N 2d

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Tier n,

N. 3d St. work, and lDaunlll1.. Work dOne In any

1210 {EmPlOys none bllt lInst-clllNl workmen. hence on711rat-claas part 0 the Slate.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Davis Walter H., machinist, h 341 Spruce Day Allen A., pitman, h 313 Frances Day Peter R., steel worker, h 313 Frances Dayhoff Harry L., laborer, h 426 Swatara Daylor William J., IIteel worker, h 510.N 2d Deabler George, engineer, h 332 Chicquell Dean John, JPlsmkr, h 411 N 3d Deardorff Calvin .A., elk, 20 S It"'ront, hiS 3d Dehner Joseph It'., sawyer, h 171 Lincoln Deik Carl, laborer, h 373 S 3d Deike Ferdinand, contractor, h 447 Catharine Demmy Annie Mrs., h 3711 S !t'ront Demmy Harry E., jr., steel tester, h 28 S 2d Dempsey John, laborer, h 59 Conestojl8 Dengler Frederick, laborer,. h 237 S Front Denman John, watchman, h 155 Main Dennis Joseph, laborer, h 531 N Front Denny Mary J., dressmkr, 48 N j4"'ront, h do Denny Thomas L., laborer, h 48 N Front Dent Thumas A., messenger, h Hbg ab Bessemer Derflinger George W., cooper, h 214 FredE-rick Derflinger Walter F., laborer, h 120 Frederil.!k Derr Emma, weaver, h 37 S 3d Derr John D., machinist, h 240 Main Derrick Ludwig, laborer, h 363 S 3d Det.weiler John C., conductor, h 316 Main Detweiler Sallie P., elk, Locust nr Callal, h.300 N 2d Detweiler Samuel G., (Sultzaberger & Co.), h 300 N 2d DevetJney David, h 030 S 2d . Devlin Joseph C., laborer, h 65 Conestoga Devore George G., planer, h 170 S 2d Devore George W., helper. h 170 S 2d !}evore Harry, laborer, b liO S 2d Devore Melissa M., teacher, h 113 S 4th DeWitt Elmore, civil enginPer, h 357 Spruce Dickey Charles A., helpel', h 328 Main Dickey John L., painter, h 334 N Front Dickinson August, laborer, h ~8 Sbanty Row Dickinson Bayard T., physician, 215 N Front, h do Dickinson James, h 123 Adams DickinllOn James L., steel worker, h 305 N Front Diegel David, laundry, 204 N Front, h 442 Lincoln Diegel Jacob, steel worker, h 442 Lincoln Diffenderfer Isaac, rail inspector P. S. Co., h 178 S 2d Diffenderfer Jonah Q., burgess, supt sbip. dept P. S. Co., h 187 S 2d Dimitrief Nikola, laborer, h 431 Catharine Dinn Elmer E., lab6rer, h 669 S 2d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know now to spell it." 36 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Diotimao Eliza, wid George, h 13@ S 2d Dintiman .J&l:ob H . laborer, h 1!l8 S 2<1 Diveley Charles A., laborer, h S62 S 2<1 Dively George L., laborer, h !3!l6 Swatara Dixon James, laborer, it 14:3 Adams Dohner James B., labc,rer. h 248 Main Doleman Milford, fillel', h 502 Main Dolson Thomas A., laborer, h 160 Myers Donatella Jeremiah, laborer, h 820 S 2d Donley George D., laborer, h 471 Myers Donley John W., ri~r, h 326 Christian Donley Owen, h 471 Myers Donnelly George H., watertender, h 404 S 2d Donnelly James A . le\'erman, h 54 S }"'ront Donovau John. fireman, h 21 N 3d Donovan Joseph, laburer, h 21 N 3d Dorsett Samuel H., clli S. S. Co., h 35 S 3d Dorsey Allen, laborer, h 124 Adams Dorwart Emma M., wid David, h 325 Conestoga Dorwart Harry C., laborer, h :328 Chieques Dougherty James, supt, h 19 S 3d Dougherty John W., supt, h 19 S 3d Dou~herty Sue. houl!t!keeper, h 357 N Front Dougherty William J., machinist, h 19 ~ 3d Douglass Francis R.. inspector P. S. Co., h 43 S 4th Douglass John, h 345 S 2d Douglass John C,., helper, h 345 S 2d Douglass Martin B., laborer, h 426 Swatara Douglass Myrtle A., teacher, h 128 Lincoln Douglass William W . heater, b 128 Lincoln Downes John B., Slipt P. S. CG., h Conestoga c Short Downey Albert, laborer, h 115 Adams Downs Abraham, stable boM, h 224 Locust Downs Clara, nnrse, h 249 N Front Downs Henry J., draftsman, h 249 N Front Downs Thomas, fi)rgeolan, h 249 N Front Doyle Michael, black!l1J)ith, h 5:17 S Front Doyletz Joseph, laborer, h 409 S Front Drake William H., confectioner, 327 Frances, h do Drawbaugh E. Allen, tf'.acher, h 383 S Front Drawbaugh Elias, teacher, h 173 Lincoln Dreibelbis Monroe M., Sllpt S. H. Water Co., h Couft'er Huulre Dress Geoll!:e, laborer, h 425 Catharine DRBSS GEORGE W.,printer and grocer, 551 8 2d, b 553 do Dress .John, jr., baker, h 301i S Front Dress John J., laborer, b 163 S 4th

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Y':b:~M:;:=IOII PUDer 000 IIndow_,rom A. B. TACK, N.7~~. Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 37

Dress Julia Mrs., baker, 301 SLFront, h 3011 do Dress William, labort'r, h 163:; 4th Drozdov Alexander Z., druft.~maD P. S. Co., h 246 Lincoln Drummer Danit!l, laiM>rer, h 356 Swatara Drummonds SUllaD, .wid Jeremiah, b 264 Frederick Duerr Charles F., blat~ksmith, 176 S Front, Ii rear 19 Locust Duerr Emma S., weaver, h 228 Bent's BV Duey George K. Ml'lI., h 216 Frederick Dugnns James, laborer, h 305 S 2d Duncan Elizabt!th, h 209 Mohn Duncan George, qnarrYOlan, h 209 Mohn Duncan Henry, hner, h 209 Mohn Duncan Robelt H., laborer, h ]20, Adams Duncan William, laborer, h 205 Pine . Duncan William F., cigar mfr', 32:3 N Front, h 313 do Duncker William F., carpentel', h 338 Main DUNKLE ABRAHAM B., fUI'niture, carpet8, &c., 120-126 N Front, h 120 Lincoln . Dunkle Amos W., (J. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co.), h 147 N Front Dunkle,Frank P., laborer, h 9 S 4th DUNKLE J. A., SONS" CO., (Josiah A., Amos W., Samuel F. Dnnkle), real estate and exchange, 192 N Front
-Alltbe Latest Styles InREUABLE And FASHIONABLE



DUNKLE JOSIAH A., (.J. A.Dunkle, Sons & Co.), also

real estate, N Front c Adams, h 2<1 c Lincoln DUllklt! Peter F., carpenter, h 300 N Front Dunkle Samuel F., (J. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co.). h 2d c Lincoln Dunn Elmer E., ~nductor, h 519 S Front Dunn Jost!pb, laborer, b :319 Conestoga Dunn Marie, domestic, Front bl'l Adams Dunn Patrick J., puddler, h 447 Myers Dunn William, luborer, h 535 N Front Dunston George, IlIborer, b 328 Christian Durnbaugh It-vin, elk, h 235 N Front Durnbaugb Joseph L., restaurant, 320 N Front, b 361 }'rederick Durr Annie J., wid O:eorge J. C., h 604 N 3d Durz Leonard S., labort!r, h 834 S 2d Dyer Bert, laborer, h 112 Adams Eagan David, gasmkr, h 134 S Front Earle Thomas, supt B. & C. dept, h at Hbg Earnest Frank N., asst in laboratory P. S. Co., b 25 S 2d Earnest Franklin C., shoemkr, 154 N Front, h 25 S 2d Earnest MftY 0., saleslady, h 25 S 2d

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LIver and Blood Purl1Ylna McNEIL'S D,lpepala, LIver, BlOOd and JdDeyPills Cure JIIIII 3d"ComplalDta. l 01.

38 Boyd'. Steelton Directory. Eaton J. Spencer, laborer, h 62 Furnace Eberly William H., bartender, 133 S Front, h do Eckel William J., conductor, b 455 Myers .Eckerd William H . laborer, h 359 Frederick Eckert Anna G., tailoress, h 18 Pine Ecton John W., fireman, h 264 Main Edmondson John M., laborer, h 30.3 S 2d Edmunds Arthur, laborer, h 668 N Front Edwards John C., steel worker, h 21 Chestnut EdwardH JOlleph, blacksmith, h 69 Main Edwards Sarah, wid Philip, h 69 Main Eisenberger J. Harry, laborer, h 413 Christian Elias Andrew, laborer, h 320 N 2d Ellenberger Abram, laborer, h 9~5 S Front Elliot James, laborer, Ii 411 S Frout Ely John A., laborer, h 163 Main Emry Jacob C., conductor, h 402 Reading Engle Henry B., stpckkeeper, h 229 Locust Enney George W., fureman P. S. Co., h 354 S 2d Ensminger Samuel H., laborer, h 338 S 2d Eppinger CharleH D., confectiollt'r, 210 N Front, h do Eppinger Oscar L., h lOa Lincoln Erbe Herman, laborer, h 350 Bessemer Erisman George S., elk P. R. R. depot, h 203 Pine Erisman Hiram, bricklayer, h 236 Locust Erman Jacob, laborer, h 404 Reading Eechenhour Annie, wid Jacob G., h 23 Walnut Eshelman Wm. J., butcher, Locust nr Canal, h 321 Trewick Eshleman Jacob K., laborer, h 146 Frederick Ettele Heury, supt, h 402 Spruce Ettele Truman P., h 402 Spruce Evangelical Association Church, Lint.'Oln qel Hbg Evangeline pegree Lodge, No. 163, Daughters of Rebekah; meets first and third Wednesday of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall, George H. Ruberts, sec Evant'! William B., steel worker, h 468 Myel'S Everett Glen, laborer, h 42 Furnace Everhart John W., laborer, h 424 Myers Fackler Michael H., elk Merchant Mill, h at Highland Fackler & Hartman, (E. L. Fackler and G. N. Hartman), uudertakers, 311 Myers Fair George D., watchman, h 222 Frederick Fairfax John H., laborer, h 157 Adams Fairlamb Emma 0., music tt'8cher, h 224 Myers Fairlamb Fannie, milliner, 143 N Front, h 224 Myers Fairlamb Louisa, II 226 Myers Fairlllmb Robert V., lJewlJ(iealer, 1 S Front, h 226 Myers Falk Joseph, butcher, Locust Ilr Callal, h 245 Trewick

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A. B. TA K C .;::.~~, FllUlliog BaiidiDF la Plaia TIals. H~~~3e;t;..,

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.
39 Farina Nicholas, laborer, h 820 S 2d Farling Edward 0., foreman, h 650 N Front Farver Jonas, laborer,.h 3371' Front Favinger Charles E., plasterCl', h 361 Christian Feehrer Newton S., butcher, Locust nr Canal, h 221 Walnut Feirick Edward, laborer, h 181 Christian Feirick Jacob G., boilermkr, h 181 Christian Feirick Richard, driver, h 181 Christian Feiser Joseph L., conductor, h 15 S Front Feister Harvey J., brakeman, h Calumet bel Main Feite Peter, carpenter, h 34i S Foont Feleinger William, fireman, h 840 S 2d Felker Abraham S., watchmkr, 109 S Front, b 17 Pine section bos.~, h 352 Myers Felker .John Felton Building and Loan As.'!o., J. Barnet, sec; meets Tuesday, 171 N ~"ront FELTON EDGAR C., genl mgr Pit. Steel Co., b Front bel Adams Felton Hall, Walnut c 4th Fencil Clarence V., elk, h 5 S 2d Fencil Mary, wid George, b 5 S 2d Fenci! Nathaniel S., stoves. &c., 46 N Front, h 5 S 2d Ferguson Ella Mrs., h 166 Adams Ferguson Martin, pitman, h 174 Ridge Ferlan Anna, housekeeper, 27 N 2d Fernsler Morris E., driver, h 973 S FJ'(~t }"esler George A., confectioner, 241 S Front, h do Fetrow Abram, foreman, h 325 S Front Fetrow Simon C., foreman, h 903 S Front Fetterhoff Ephraim B., helper. h 254 Christian Fickes William S., elk S. S. Co., h 3d c Conestoga Field, A. Smith, hauler, 302 Ridge, h do Fields James L., janitor, h 145 Adams Fields Robert, laboter, h 302 Ridge Fiese Elmer E., trea'5 Steelton Brick Co. and mgr Steelton and Hbg Local Express, h 219 S\vatara Fiese Josiah K., watchman, h 221 Swatara Filion Peter, laborer, h 409 S Front Fink Charles E., draftsman P. S. Co., h at Camp Hill Fink Jeremiah F., blacksmith, h 147 Lincoln Fink John C., teacher, h 5 N 4th Fink Robert W., laborer. b 242 Rid~e . Finley John A., steel worker, h 165 Lincoln Finnen John T., engineer, h 354 Main First Bapti!!t Church, AdamFi Dr Bailey First Presbyterian Church, S 2d c Raspberry First Reformed Church, 2d c Swatara First Ward School. S 2d bel Highland



Digitized by


" To find a name you must know /z01Q to spell it." 40 BOJd'1 Steelton Directory.

Fisel Charles H., laborer, h 244 Main Fisber Charles P., laborer, b 125 Adams . }'isber Edward H., clk P. S. Co., h at New Cumberland Fisher Etta, cuok, 311 Myers Fisher Frederick, laborer, h 333 Swatara Fisber George W., lliborer, h 3:l9 S ~ Fisher Henry, laborer, h 543 N Front Fisher James A., fireman, h laO Adams Fisber John W., steel worker, h 527 8eMemer Fisher Joseph D., h 527 ~mer Fisber Levi A., foremau. b 257 Adams FishinKer Charles A., laborer, h 163 Main Fisbinger Margaret, wid Bartholomew, h 163 Main Fissel Elias J., machinist. b 2:3 S Front Fitler John H., labore~, h 357 Frederick Fitting Jacob, butcher S. S. Cr., h 340 N Fl'Ont Fitzgerald Catharille, wid Patrick, h 319 Conestoga Fitzgerald Gerald, h 513 N }""r{lut Flajnic Michael, laborer, h 210 Frederick Fleager Simpsou, laborer, Ii 609 S 2d Fleisher Elizabeth A, wid John, h 465 N 2d }""Ieisher George W., carpenter, 465 N 2d, h do Fleisher John W., steel worker, h 393 S 2d Fleisber Sarah, wid .John, h 393 S 2d' . Fletcher Alfred, elk, 117 S Front, h do Fletcher George 'W., ~roc't'r, 37 N Front, II 228 Main \ Fletcher Joseph A., Fletcher House, 117 S Front, b do Fletcher Lillian, h 224 Bailey Fletcher Willilim A., roll turner, h 363 S Front Flickin~E:r Amy M., salesilldy, 29 N Front, b 43 do Flickinger J4.;dmund B., elk, 2 N Front, h lit Hbg Flickinger Elizabeth Mrs., drygoods, 29 N Front; b 4~ do Flickinger Josiah R, salesman, 29 N Front, It 43 do Flower Francis E., tiunel', h 465 Myers Flowers Samuel M., painter, II 379 S 3d Flurkner James, Iliburer, h Canal al ab Conestoga Flynn James, laborer, h a65 Myers Flylln James, rougher, h 2;~0 Canal Flynn John, laborer, h 168 Ridge FLYNN WILLIAM . , bottler, 58 S Frout, h 32 Walnut Foley Richard E., pitman, h 176 Frederick Folkars Siebelt B., laborer, h 335 S 2d Ford J. ~""rallk, shearsman, h 426 Main Forney George W., laborer, It 650 N Front Forniwich Uriah, laborer, h rear 102 N Front Forsyth Edward A., laborer, h 607 N 3d Forsyth J. Thomas, tinsmith, b 607 N 3d

. Digitized by


I. B. TACK' l:t'::'!'=~~ IIU PI,. and 1101 Shu.. {12m ~d~.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Foster Frank, engineer, h 387 S Front Fothergill School, 2d c Maberry al Foulk Winfield S., laborer, h 122 Adams Fowler Jean, wid James, h 46 Trewick Fox Harvey H., bricklayer, II 247 Swatara Fox John H., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox Minnie, (Fox & Troup), h 257 Swatara Fox & Troup, (Minnie Fox and Annie Troup), milliners, 16 S Front Fractious Maria L., wid Hamsher, h 350 Ridge Frenk Jacob, laborer, h 45 Trewick Frank Samuel, notions, &e., 28 .s 2d, h do Franklin Leah, wid James, h 320 N 2d Frantz Allen, laborer, h 175 Main .Frantz Edwllrd S., saddler, II 175l\fain Frazier Virginia, wid Faith, h 211 Adams Frederick John, laborer, b 542 N 3d Frederick" William L., steel worker, h 343 Christian Freeburn John M., elk, h 282 ~Iaio Freeburn Walter W., steel worker, h 282 Main Freeburn's Hall, 284 Main Freed George W., Illborer, h 155 Main Freed J. Daniel, laborer, h 155 Main




Freelalld Emury E., elk, h 983 S Front Freistadter Franz J., watchmkr, 233, photographE'r, 238 S Front, II 271 S 2d FREY ROBERT .\ <1rygoods and groceries, '109 N Front, . h do . , Friehling George, fireman, h 255 Adams Fries Joseph C., foreman P. S. Co., h 323 Swatara }"'ritchey Elmer E., .roller boss Merchant Mill, hat Hbg Fritz Charles M., paperhanger, h 347 Main Fritz Rubert B., farmer, h Lincoln opp cemetery Fritz William D., farmer, b Lincoln opp cemetery Frumin Max G., jeweler, 41 N Front, It Coulfer House Fry Alonzo, labOl'er, b 120 S 2d Fry Edward G., laburer, h 166 Ridge Fry Eliza, wid Daniel, h 120 S 2d Fry Frank S., steE'1 worker, h 215 Main Fry Jefferson D., helper, b 146 Ridge Fry Jennie Mrs., laundress, II 217 Adllms Fry Peter, weighmaster P. S. Co., h at Hbg Fry William M., laborer, h 126 S 2d Funk David W., laborer, h 302 Christian Funk Elmer E., steel worker, h :327 Conestoga
Digitized by

Freed Martha, notions, 155 Main, h do


IIc1l8U'S PaIn ExtermInator curee Cholera Morblll. tnaenter:F. Cramps, DIarrhea. Cold", Qulnay, Rheomatlml. Toothache, Bore Throat, Ague, Dyapeplla, Ao. lut 3d.


Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.

Funk George L . laborer, h 464 N Front Funk Henry E.,melter, h 32:3 Conestoga Funk Jacob M., laborer, h 472 Main Funk Jesse M., grocer, 355 S 2d, II 341 do Funk John E., charger, h 470 Main Funk Luther A., helper, h 472 Main lfunk William P., engineer, h 321 Conestoga Furi Frank, laborer, h 367 S 3d Furi James, laborer, h 347 S 3d Furi Joseph, laborer, h 423 Catharine Furi Pietro, laborer, h 3d bel Cedar Furjonik Frank, laborer, h 18 N 2d Gaffney John, pitman, h 517 N Front Gaffney Mary A., wid Thoma..'1, h 114 N 2d Gaines Ann, wid Charles, h 218 Bailey Gaius Riley D., laborer, h 3:34 N 2d Gallagher Amos Lo, ~ab()rer, It 148 Lincoln Gallagher Andrew, filreman, h 383 Main Gallagher Charles A., foreman, h 329 Swatara Gallagher Challea A., jr., laborer, h 329 Swatara Gallagher George H., coremkr, h 387 S 2d Gallagher Michael, hammp.rman, h M2 N 2d Galvin James A., sllpt P. S. Co., h 432 N 3d Garber Harry K., laborer, h 350l S 2d Garber Lizzie M ra., h 355l S 2d GARDNER ADAM H., borough treasurer and clerk Pa. Steel Co., h 142 Lincoln Gardner David R., helper, h 22 Adams Gardner George W., painter, h 227 Myers Gardner Jennie V., elk, It 7 N }""ront Gardner John, steel worker. h 7 N Front Gardner Joseph, laborer, h ~i I) Christian Gardner Margaret, wid John, h 7 N Front Gardner Mary L., wid .James E., h 218 N 2d Gardner William H., painter, h 374 S 2d Gardner Woodbill, laborer, h 78 Furnace Garraty George, machinist, h 363 Spruce Garside Alexander, steel worker, h 145 Lincoln Garside Anna Mrs., h 145 Lincoln Gartner Frederick. laborer, h 409 Mohn Gaskins Lewis, laborer, It 122 AdamI! .Gatea William, D}a(~hini8t, h 176 Main Gault Edward L. t elk, 4 N Front, h 463 N 2d Geiger William E., rail straightener, h 554 N 2d Gt'ist Franklin W.; laborer, h 7) Frederick Geistwhite John H., hea~r. h 33:3 S }"'ront Geistwit.e Elmer E., fireman, It 317 Myers Gelnett Seth K., helper, h 261 Myers

Digitized by


lnK beet aDd 1 B. Y {Wall Paper. Thewllh FIxtures andprloee. Window {N. 1210Bt. nu Shad.s oomplete. Jl'rIDge, tor 86 eta. 3d

Boyd', Steelton Directory.

Genl. Reynolds Circle, No. 34, G. A. R. ; meets Friday eve., . G. A. R. Hall, Mrs, Annie Pisle, sec George Edwin. helper, h 43 S 2d George J. Elmer, timekeeper P. S. Co., h 355 Pine Gerhards John F. H., bricklayer, h Hbg ab Bessemer German Lutheran Church. 209 S 2d Getz Edward, laborer, h 427 Catharine Geukes John H., laborer, h 513 S Front Gibb John H., laborer, h 406 S 2d Gibbs James E., laborer, h 26 Chestnut Gibbs Jamp.8 M., heater, h 165 S 2d Gibbs Sallie M., teacher, h ] 55 S 2d Gibson Charles, laborer, h 1131 Adams Gib~n Charles R., laborer, h 1131 Adams Gibson Jacob, saleRman, 109 N Front, h'1131 Adams Gibson James R., laborer, h 118 Adams Gibson James W., laborer, h 76 Furnace Gibson Robert, laborer, h 76 Furnace Gibson William A., laborer, h 46 Furnace Giffin Charles F., laborer, h 228 Frederick Gilbert Daniel F., steel worker, h 619 S 2d Gilbert Frederick M., elk, Trewick c Caoal, h at Hbg Gilbert George E., foreman P. S. Co., h at Hbg Gilbert Rachel, wid William, h 115 S 4th Gilbert Robert, fireman, h 214 Ridge Gillard George, painter, h 227 SlFront Gillen Samuel, fireman, h 329 Conestoga Ging William, barber, h 340 Myers Gingrich J. Elmer, draftsman, h 47 S 3d Gingrich Sarah, wid George, h 203 Myers Girdis Henry, patternmkr, h ] 13 Lincoln Girdis Jotseph H., patternmkr, h 113 Lincoln Girdis Oscar C., helper, h 113 Lincoln Gistwite Annie, wid H. Roman us, h 217 Christian Gistwite Hervey, steel worker, h 217 Christian Gistwite Nettie, h 217 Christian Gistwite Saniuel, huckster, h 319 Frances Gistwite S. Morris,oile-r, h 217 Christian Given Frank, pitman, h 180 Myt'rs Given William W., laborer, h ] 58 Myers Giant George L., helper, h Frederick ab Conestoga Glaser Benedict, labore.', h 41:3 N 3d Glenny William, laborer, h ] 75 Myel'S . Gloeckner Christian, steel worker, h 523 Christian GJoe<'kner William, laborer, h 523 Christian Glover Morri~ E., tailor, h 125 S 2d Golet. John, laborer, h 32 N 2d Gombos Sobek, laborer, h 605 S 3d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must Itt/ow how to spell il." 44 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Good David E., clk P. R. R., b 161 N Front Good Enos W., repairsman, h 431 Mohn Good Jacob, fi'reman P. S. Co., h 212 Myers Good John, laborer, h 163 Main Good Lillie, dressmkr, h 236 Pine Good Mary, wid Amos, h 243 S Front Good Weidler M., elk, h 431 Mohn Goodfel1uw George, master mechanil'. h 311 S 2d Goodfellow Mag~ie, teacher, h 3J 1 S 2d Goodridge John D., laborer, h J07 Adams Gore William G., driver, h 261 Chicquea Gould William, laborer, b 327 Swatara Gouse Joeeph, laborer, h 612 N 3d Grabowski August, laborer, h 360 Swatara Grace Evangelical Church, 223 Lincc)ln Graham CharIeR W., clk, 192 N Front, h at Hbg Grand Army Hall, 144 N ltront Grand Army Post, No. 361 ; org. June. 1883; meets Wednesdayeve, G. A. R. Hall, A. Y .. Kniaely, sec GraBS Joseph, laborer. II 658 N 2d Grass Peter, sawyer, h 658 N 2d Gratesby John, laborer, h 616 Myers Grat~ Frank, foreman, h 178 Main . Gray John W., laborer, h 404 Swatara Gray William H., engineel', II 2:19 S Front Green Ahram H.~ laborer, h 352 S Frnnt Green Andrew, laborer, h 6 Mumma's Row Green Burton, h 122 Adams 'GI'een Charles, laborer, h 417 Catharine Green Charles W., laborer, h lIN ~~ront Green Chl'istian S., heater, h 256 Main Green Harry H., agt, h 242 N 2d Green Isaac W., laborer, h J09 Ridge Green Richard, laborer, h 84 Furnace Green William M., steel worker, h 262 Christian Green William N., elk S. S. Co., h 232 S 2d Greenawalt Winfield S., foreman P. 8. Co., h 238 Pine Gregory James, machinist, h' 174 Main Gregory .James W., machinist, h 174 Main Greist William P., conductor, h 24 Walnut Griffeth Edward, fireman. h :142 Bessemer Griffit.h Henry, laborer, h 545 Christian Griffith R. Jackson, laborer. h 543 ChriRtian Griffith Thomas, cooper, h 167 Frederick Grills William, laborer, h 134 Ridge Grim John, special ()fficer, h 38] S 2d Grinder John, puddler, h 317 Frederick Groce Charles, laborer, h 240 Ridge

Digitized by


. A.B. TACK, lallPaperandlindowShades. {72~:~o~R2~1~

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
45 Gl'Oom Earnest, buggy runner, h 317 Myers Gross Amanda Mrs.! housekeeper. 503 Lincoln Gross Henry S., supt Merchunt Mill, h Spruce c 4th Gross Philip S., steel worker, h 260 Frederick .Gross Rebecca, wid John W., h 335 N Front Grove Jacob ll'., catcher, h 360 S 2d GreWe John L., helper, h 178 S 2d Grove John W., foreman P. 8. Co., h 49 S 4th Grove John W. Ii'., foremau, h 107 S Front Gruber Charles J., hricklayer, h 9:31 S Front Gruber Lizzie S., seamstress, h 9:31 S Front Grunden Edward J., foreman P. S. Co., h 36a S 2d GRUNDEN II. B" coal and wood dealer, 240 S Front, h 301 S 2d Grusa J()seph, laborer, h 30 N 2d Guistwittl Samuel, shoemkr, II 284 MyeJ'R Gurnvish Paul, laborer, h 512 S 31i GUI'tner John, fi,reman, h 318 S 2d Gustin Evan, laborer, h 407 S Front Gustin Joseph, laborer, h 409 S Front Gustin Mal'()(), laborer, II 407 S Front GUlitin Mathias, laborer, h .146 }'rederick" , Hans Charles, rail straightener, h 354 Swatara Haas George J 0' hooker, II :354 Swatara Haas Maggie E., operator, h 354 Swatara Haas Samuel, laborer, h 15 N Front Habschead 'John, laborer, h 412 S 2d Hagen John, laborer, h 322 Christian Hager J~l?h, steel worker, h :U8 ~lIicques Hager William, helper, h 41 Frederick . Haggerty Bridget, wid John, h N Front nr toll gate Hogy Henry W., molder, h 62:l S 2d Huhn Lewis, laborer, b 635 N Front Hahnlen George E., laborer, h 4th nr Marshall Hahnlen Lewis, engineer, h 4th Ill' Mafllhall Hahnlen Louis W., laborer, h 4th nr Marshall Haines James, iron worker, h 223 Christian Haines Joseph, bartender, 117 S }'ront, h do Haker John, laborer, h 418 Swatara Hale Adam D., shearsman, h 341 Pin' Hale Daniel M., barber, 277 Main, h 217 do Hale John E., foreman P. S. Co., h at New Cumberland Haley Annie M. Mrs., h 225 Adams Haley Benjamin, laborer, h 248 Ridge Haley Frank, helper, h 344 Orchard al Halfpaft' Ernst, laborer, h 89 Main



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lelell's Pain Exterminator f'=JO:a~~':rel';D.t {"T~lJJ~..





Hall George W., laborer, h 217 Christian Hallman Christian, laborer, h 308 N Front Hamacher Daniel A., teacher, h 509 B Front Hamiltun Cordelia H.: wid William, h 39 N }'ront Hamilton Frank P., elk, Locust nr Canal, h 15 B 2d Hamilton Isabella, wid John, h Canal al ab Conestoga Hamilton William, printer, h 39 N ~'ront Hanby George W., laborer, h 442 Bwatara Handley James, steel worker, h 304 Main Handley John, engineer, h 259 Christian Handley Michael, engineer, h 536 N 2d Hanes James W., boilermkr, h 223 Christ.ian Haney Robert W., engineer, h 20 Walnut Hanna Cowen, bartender Cuufl'er House, .h do . Hanshue Bamuel, h 347 B J.4'ront Hanson William, fireman, h 347 Christian Harclerode Catharine, wid Philip, h 352 B 2d HarclerOde Harvey B., craneman, h 352 B 2d Harclerode Michael, machinist, h 233 B 2d Hardman George T., boilerman, h 223 Christian Hardy Frank M., laborer, h 109 Frances Harlacher Joseph, bntcher, h 3891 B Front Harlacher Leopold, iron worker, h 364 Bwatara Harlacher William, laborer, h 246 Myers Harlan Millard F., gl'inder, h 436 B\vatara Harm Christian, machini8t, h 648 N 2d Harman Julia A., wid Levi, h 209 Lincoln Harper Isaac G., draftsman. P. B. Co., h 227 Walnut -'.lIarr George '\V., planer, h 276 Myers Harr Leonard, ht'lper, h 361 Myers Harrington Mordaunt L., clk P. B. Co., h at Hbg Harris Alexander, laborer, h Frederick ab Conestoga Harris James, laborer, h 232 Ridge Harris John, laborer, h 668 N Front Harris William H., laborer, h 315 Frederick Hal'rison William J., laborer, h 551 Mumma's Row Harrod Lewis, laborer,_ h 137 Adams Harrold Arthur A., laborer, h 304 Ridge Hart William R., laborer, h 168 Adams Hartman George, laborer, h 223 Christian Hartman George N., barber, 311 Myers, h do Hartman Mary, wid George B., h 37 S 2d Hartman Newton D., toba<.'COnist, 223 N Front, h 156 Lincoln Hartman William, moldt!r, h 176 Main Hartman William H., operator, h 401 Reading Hartnett Jeremiah, steel worker, h 102 Frederick Hartz John, driller, h 382 B 2d

-Digitized by


I. B. TACK, Pine lrt Wall Paper. {~C3~1I*~}I210 I. 311.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Danif:l, laborer, h 389 S 2d Hauch Jacob, cooper, h 155 Frederick Hauck Isaac N., molder, h 129 Lincoln Hauck John, cooper, h ] 55 Frederick Hause Jacob, mason, h 329 Myers Hause Mary A., wid Harry, h 328 Christian Hayden Mary M., wid Richard S., h 350 Spruce Hays John J., laborer, h 449 Myers Hazlett Denton C., steel worker, h 393 S Front Heagy John M., livery".112 S Front, h 39 do Heberlig William E., helper, h 165 Lincoln Heck William, laborer, h 609 S 2d Heicher Levi F., steel worker, h 268 Main Heil Frank W., driller, h 348 Swatara Heilman Joseph, clk, h 943 S Front Heimerdinger Fred W., butcher. h 385 S 2d Heisler Charles, laborer, h 344 Christian Heisley Christian I., butcher, h 376 S 2d Heisley George E., laborer, h 376 S 2d Hellier George, rougher, h 319 N Front Helm J. Calvin, shipper, h 238 Bent's avo Hemperly Cyrus, fureman, h 963 S Front Hemperly John H., helper, h 114 Main Hemperly Mary Mrs., hoarding, 3]3 Christia~ h do Heruperly William H., laborer, h 114 Main Henderson Benjamin F., contractor, h 2:36 Locust Henderson Hopkins L., clk P. S. Co., h at Hbg Henderson William B., physician, ] N Front, h do Henery Bros., (C. R. and W.), bakers, h 147 Main Henery Charles R.. (Henery' Brol'l.). h 147 Main Henery Harry, laborer. 319 Frederick . Henery Harry E., lahorer. h 319 Frederick Henery Walker, (Henery Bros.), h 147 Main Henricks George, cooper, h 153 Frederick Henry Amy, housekeeper. 147 Main Henry Clinton M., fireman, h 32 S 3d Henry Mary E., wid Isaac N. S., h 32 S 3d Hensel Howard E., frog worker, h 218 Frederick Hepler Charles, hooker, h ] 9 S 4th' Hepler George, weighmaster, h 19 S 4th Hepler John, laborer, h ] 9 N 4th Hepler William H., helper, h 38 N 2d Herman Adam D., laborer, h 832 S 2d Herman Charles S., shearsman, h 237 Christian Herman Frank G. oiler, h 237 Christian Herman John B., sawyer, h 321 Frances Herman John W., laborer, h 237 Christian Herman J ulianna, wid Levi D., h 209 Lincoln


Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 48 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Herman William K., planer, h 237 Christian . Hernel Frederick, butcher, Locust c CMnsl, h 246 Trewick Herring Eli M., laborer, h 512 S 2rl Herring John D., laborer, h 512 S 2d Hershey Har.ry L., grocer, 168 Lincoln, h do Hershey Henry }1'., engineer, h 13:3 S 4th Hess Abraham R., elk, LoclJst nr Canal, h- :12 S 4th Hess Carrie E., teacher, h 32 S 4th Hess Christian, surveyor, h 181 S Front Hess Harvey, planer, h 332 Lincoln Hess Hiram A., switchmalJ, h 378 S 2d Hess Jaoob M., (Hes.~ & Martz), h 05 N Front Ht'SS Jf'foISie B. F., mll!~ic teacher, h 55 N Front HESS JOHN, l'oal and sanrl, 400 N Front, II do HellS Kate S., teaciael', h a2 S 4th HellS Lyman W. W., laborer, h 122 Lincolu Hess Morris C., laborer, II 312 S 2d Hess S. Agnes, wid William, h :l19 Lincoln Hess & Martz, (J. M. Hess and W. K. Martz), druggists, 55 N Front Hetzel Augnstns W., machinist., h 656 N 2d Hetzel Jacob, wat~hman, h 656 N 2d Hetzel Lawrence J., laborer, h 656 N 2d Heubsch William, laborer, h 352 SWlital'll . lIeubsc~ William, jr., laborer, h 352 Swatara Hickman George L. K:, vet sur, 145 N Front, h 34 S 2d Higgins Charlet! H., clk P. S. Co., h at Hbg Hiler ,John H., larlle runner, h 649 N 2d Hill Andrew, laborer, h 555 Mumma's Row Hill Chal'les, laborer, h 315 Christian Hill Edward. foreman.P. S. Co., h 162 S 3d Hill George W., laborer, h 413-8 Front Hill John, laborer, h 565 Mumma's Row .. Hill John W. S., cartf'r, h 166 Adams Hill Joseph, laborer, h 1221 Adams Hill Martha Mrs., boarding, 344 N 2d Hill Warner, lahorer, h 112 Adams Himes Vharles T., rail curver, h 335 N Front Hiney George F., steel worker, h 173 S 2d Hiney Isaac S., steel worker, h 414 Snruee Hiney Mary E., dressmkr, h 401 S Front Hiney80lomon, helper, h 401 S Front Hiney Solomon, jr., asst in laboratory, h 401 S Front Hinner Jacob, &exton, h Lincoln ab city limits Hipple Horace G., carpenter, h 148 Lincoln Bipech John, laborer, h 23 8 2d Hirschman George, laborer. h 417 MohD Hite Emanuel, laborer, h 358 S 2d

Digitized by


{l:7~~~Ra:t:Dt. Boyd's Steelton Directory. 491 BITE JEROME, Steelton Hotel, 349 N Front, h do
Hoch Edgar H., laborer, h 232 FI'ederick Hoeh Mary L., wid Samuel, h 232 Frederick Hochschald Otto, stone mason, h 317 Christian Hocker Adam, laborer, h 258 S 2d Hocker Martin P. Rev., h 101 N 2d Hocker Martin M., heater, h 361 S Front Bodinga John, laborer, h 427 S Front Hoerner Albert, hotel, 243 Main Hoerner Edward, elk. 24:1 Main, h do Hoerner Robt>rt K., laborer, h 243 Main Hoffer Jacob H., clk, Trewick c Canal, h 35 S 2d Hoffer James M. , fi,reman. h 230 Bent's av Hoffer JOhll, (.T. Hoffer & Co.), -rugr Paxton and Steelton Flouring Mills Co., h at Hbg Hoffer John & Vo., (J. W. Barker), grain, Trewick c Frederick Hoffert Annie B., saleslady S. S. Co., h 349 H 2d Hoffert Na8.'J K., recei\'ing elk S. 8. Cn., h 416 Spruce Hoffman David R., carpenter, h 125 Lincoln Hoffman John H., fi)reman, 4 S Front, h at Hbg Hoffmaster Erwin, stoves, 148 N Front, h 445 Linooln Hofford Charles P., laborer. h 349 S 2d

A. B. TACK, PrOClICOI Paper Hanger.

tlL'::LE~te;~~3~rA~:S~ FOOTWEAR Ollalters', 1012 . 3d Hofford Jacob, laborer, h 643 N Front Hofmann Franz, blackilmith, h 660 N 2d Hofmann George, fireman, h 664 N 2d Hogan Ellen, laundress, h 217 Adams Hogan Lucy, h Frederick ab Conestoga Hollands Howard, laborer, h 22 Shanty Row Hollern David, laborer, h 15:3 Christian Hollern Dennis, foreman P. S. Co., h 153 Christian Holmes Bessie, domestic, 137 S 2d Holmes Daniel, driver, h 38 N Front Holmes Gilmore, laborer, h 311 Adams Holmes Oscar, laborer, h 227 Adams Holmes William, laborer, h 227 Adams . Holt Dillard A., cigars, 126 Adams, h do Holth Edward, mechanical engineer P. S. Co., h 5 S 2d Hood George, laborer, h 238 Lincoln Hoopes Charles A., laborer, h 216 Conestoga Hoopes George, hooker, h ] 8 Pine Hoopes John B., driver, h 216 Conestoga Hoover Elmira, shirtmkr, h 303 Frances Hoover Harry H., engineer, b 445 Chritt:au Hoover Henry H., laborer, h 636 N 2d Hoover Josepb G., b 563 N 2d


Digitized by



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Hoover Kate, wid Daniel, b ] 22 S 2d Hoover Susan, wid Harry, h 303 Frances Hoover Su8ftn, wid William, h 608 N 2d Horn John H., laborer, b 357 Frederick Hose Solomon, cooper, b 250 Main Hotz William H., timekeeper P. S. Co., b 2~8 Christian Houck Frank D., asst in laboratory P. S. Co., h at Hbg Houdeshel George M., foreman, h 162 Main Houdeshel Geofie W., laborer, h 153 S 2d Houdesbel .John H., steel tester, h 140 Myers Houdeshell.evi F., laborer, h 149 Main Houdeshel William G., laborer, h 122 Main Houdeshell Amos, brakeman, h 419 Catharine Houston William A., asst supt P. S. Co., h at Hbg Howard Charles F., teacher, h 2rl c Ridge Howard Harry H., bookkpr S. F. M. Co., h 129 S 2d Howard John M., laborer, h 799 S 2d Howard Lewi8, boarding, N 2d c Ridge, h do Howe Eliza, wid William. h 174 Adams Hoy Clarence S., laborer, h 375 S 2d Hoy Henry T., foreman Merchant Mill, h at Enhaut Hoy John F.,jeweler, ]67 S Front, h 375 S 2d Hoy William A., laborer, h 375 S 2d Hoy Williltm R., weighman, h 375 S 2d Hoyer Charles A., laborer, h 544 N 3d Hoyer John B., laborer, h 503 Lincoln Hoyer Thomas J., laborer, h :3221 S 2d Hoyle William, machinist, h 327 Frances Hren Lovro, boarding, h 18 N 2d Huber Andrew, laborer, h 533 N Front Huebsch William F., lahorer, h 352 Swatara Hug~ans John H., fireman, h 22 S 2d Huggins Elmer E., laborer, h 267 S 2d Hughes Hudson, chipper, h 346 S 2d Hughes Jonas, laborer, h 516 Myers . Hughes Winfield S., plasterer, II 323 Besst'mer Humel Rudolph, jeweler, 284 Myers, h 254 Christian Hummel Abraham L., fireman, h rear 20 N Front Hummt'l Charles F., carpenter, h 249 S Front Hummel Darius S., elk, 16 S Front, h 303 Swatara Hummel Elmer C., elk, h 349 S Front Hummel J08eph B., laborer, h 303 Swatara Hummel Levi, h 247 S Front Hummel Mary, wid Joseph A., h 255 S Front .Hummel Mary A. Mrs., h rear 20 N Front Hummel William E., iron worker, h 103 Frances Hummel Winfield S., carpenter, h 231 Frederick

Digitized by


I tI.

B. TICr n,

N. 3d St. work, and InaOre8 11.. Work done

1210 {EmPlOya none bnt IIrst-cl81111 'Workmen , benceonlyll1'lltocl8llll In any part of the Suue.

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Hummer Jacob, mgr Steelton Marble and Granite Works, Baldwin Cemt'terv, h do Hummer Samuel H., cooper, h 535 Bessemer Humpbrey Tbomas, laborer, b 65 Moin Humphreys James, driller, b 156 Main Hunter Emma M., wid James H., h 664 N Front Hurley Thomas, laborer, b 227 S Front Hursh Abrabam B., refined oils, h 303 Myers Hursh Clara M., elk P.O., h 303 Myers Hursh Daniel 0., machinillt, b 303 Myers Hutton Annie, domestic, 159 S Front Hygienic Hill School, Bailey bet Adams and Ridge Imes Lucinda C., wid George. b 2::!1 Ridge Imes Samnel, Illborer, h 332 N 2d Indrieri Joseph, laborer, h 379 S 3d Iorio Frank, It 820 S 2d hvin Alvin G., teacher, h 613 S 2<1 Irvin Elmer G., meat, 328 N ~"ront, b 330 do Irvin Jobn F., fort'man, h 6] 5 S 2d Jackson Allen, lilborer, h 167 Adams Jackson Andrew, laborer, h 168 Adams Jackson Bettie, domestic, 348 Spruce Jackson Bettie E., wid John, II 131 Ridge JackS<ln Charles H., laborer, b 446 Ridge Jacksou Ellis, laborer, h 22 Chestnut Jackson Eveline Mrs., h 660 N Front Jackson George, laborer, It Canal al ab Conestoga JackllOn Herman D., laborer, h 401 Bailey Jackson James B., laborer, h 105 Adams Jackson Jeremiah, laborer, h 1:34 Ridge Jackson Martha Mrs. h 209 Adams Jackson Reuben, laborer, h 234 Ridge Jackson Turner, laborer, h 54 Furnace Jackson William, fruit, 145 Adams, h 254 Ridge Jackson William R., laborer, h 549 Mumma's Row Jackson Willis, laborer, h 15 Shanty Row Jacobs Matilda, wid George, b 248 Main Jacobs Peter W., buggy ruuner, h 5ao S 2d Jacobs William H., laborer. b 254 Main James Charles R., laborer, h 168 Adams James Daniel E., laborer, h 212 N 2d James Henry, III borer, b 2 Mumma's Row James IJewis E., laborer, h 108 Ridge James William, barber, h 108 Ridge JAlIES WILLIAII II., sec and tress Steelton Planing Mill and Lumber Co., h 220 Main Janik Andreas, laborer, b 261 Myers . Jankowiack Andrew, laborer, h 88 Furnace

Digitized by


" To find a name you musl know how 10 spell ,:1."


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Jansoo Joseph, laborer, h 321 Lehanon Juske Alois, laborer, h rear 261 Myers Jaquett Harry M., mgr, 2 N Fmnt, h 235 Walnut Jeff~ries Elizabeth H . wid Joseph C., h rear 284 Myers Jefferies Frank D., laborer, II 3551 S 2d Jefferies Joseph C., jr. helper, h 323 S 2<1 Jefieriell William W., laborer, h !l25 S 2d Jefferson Henry, laborer, h 56 FlIrna('e Jefferson John B., laborer, h 174 Adam!! Jefferson Minnie, donwstie, Front hel Adams Jefferson Peter, laborer, h 120 Adams Jeffries William A., steel worker, h 215 S Front Jenkins David J., h 155 S 2d Jenkins Edward R., elk P. S. Co.. h 9 S 4th Jenkins Ellen E., teacher, h 9 S 4th .Jenkins Lewis, roller bOAA Merchant Mill, h at Hbg Jensen Alfred, drat'slDan P. S. Co., h 18:3 N 2d Jiras ,JoSf'ph, elk, Locust c CHllal, h 26 S 2d John }I'. Reynolds Circle. Ladies (If the G. A. R.; meets Friday eve. at G. A. R. Hall Johnson Annie. wid Jacob, h 138 Lincoln Johnson Charles F., teacher, h 141 S 4th Johnson Floyd, fireman, h 253 Adams ,Johnson George W., laborer, h 86 Furnace Johnson George W., laborer, h 147 Adams Johnson J'eremiah M., laborer, h 218 N 2d Johnson John, laborer, h 341 S Front Johnson Joseph R., laborer, h 344 Orchard al Johnson Leonard Z., teacher, h 672 Front JohllROn Lewis E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 347 Spruce Johnson Mark E., plumber, 134 S Front, h 135 do JohnsoD O:!C8r V., grinder, h 556 N 2d Johnsou OS('ar Y., jr. laborer. h 556 N 2d Johnson Richard, laborer: hIlI Adams Johnson Richard M. barber, 217 N Front, It 222 do Johnson Samuel, helper, h 301 BeMemer Johnston Annie M., seamstress, h 328 S 2d Johnston Catharine E., dressmkr, h 328 S 2d Johnston Edmlllld L., painter, h 328 S 2d Johnston Rachel ,T., h 328 S 2d Johnst()n Rolandns, laborer, h 417 Maio Jones David, labort>r, h {I Shanty Row Jones Edna, wid George, h 664 ~ Front JODes George R., trimmer, h 151 Adams Jones Harry P., draftsman, h Spruce c 4th Jont'S James, laborer, h 22 Chestnut Jones James A., engineer. I. 103 Main Jones John H., laborer, h 66t N Front

Digitized by


~~ab~ID~~::~WOII PUDer ondWindowshOdeS lrol A. B. TACK, N. ' :J'k.

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Jones Joseph J. Rev., h 226 Bailey Jones Kinzley, lahorer, h 1:36 Ridge Jones Lemuel, laborer, h 664 N Front Jones Lewis, contractor, h 27 8hallty Row Jones Lewis H., conductor, h 122 Frederick Jones Thomas, laborer, h 78 !i'urnace Jones W. Jeremiah, steel worker, h 205 Christian Jordan Amelia, h2d c Ridge Jordan Frank, laborer, h 107 Adams Jordan George, laborer, h 246 Ridge .Jordan Gilbert, laborer, h 561 8 2d Jordan James, laborer, h 246 Ridge JOt'dan Tena, domestic, 41e 8pruee Jordan Washington, varietiPM, 12~Jl Adams, h 157 do Jordan William, laborer, h 561 82d Josfalt Henry, laborer, h 383 S Front Judy William, laborer, h :~81 8 2d . Jumper Ephraim W., well diJrger. h 13 N 3d Junkin 8arah A., teacher, h 119 84th Kabinski Rebecca, tailoreAS, h 28 N 2rl Kaffenberger Peter, gas producer, h 54:3 N Front Kambie Jo8tlph, labllrer, 11 20 N :3d Kaminski .Andrew, laborel', h 935 8 Front
-Alllhe Latest Styles In/IlL/ABLE and FASHIONABLE


FOOT WEAR 01 fRANK. WIIIER8', N.1012 1\1. ad Bt.

Kaminski John, labo"er, h 341) Fredel'ick Kane Mary Mrs., h 430 Lincoln Karper 8amuel 8., oiler, 11 147 84th Kaufman Julius B., lumher, &c., Couestoga e Canal Kaufman Mary, h 241 M~'ers Kaufman Samuel, elk, Conestoga c Canal, h 52 Conestoga Kaufman Theodore, cl k, h ] 83 8 2d Kaufman Walter J., elk P. 8. Co., h Swatara e 3d Kautz Benjamin F., laborer, h 403 8watara Keagle Geor~ "'., carpenter, h 353 Christian Keammerer Martin, engineer, h 442 Linculn Keammerer Milton F., engineer, h R17 S 3d Keefer David, laborer, h 7f17 S 2d Keefer Robert A., fireman, h 470 Myers Keener William R., helper, h 262 Main Keichler James F., laborer, h 357 Myers Keichler William A., lahorer, b 359 Myers Keifer George G., mgr. Lo<:ust nr Canal, h 24~ Main Keihl Lewis, lahorer, h 41O S 2<1 Keirn Charles E., steel worker, h 506 S 2d Keirn Ebert J., steel worker, h 383 8 Front Keim Harry A., steel \V()rk~r, h 256 Myers Keim Oliver I., tel~grapber P. & R. depot, h 17!) Lincoln

Digitized by


Liver and Blood Purlfyln&, MoNElL'S D,.8pepela, LIver, BlOOd and &IdneyPills Cure JOIIII 3d 01. ComplainlB. t n. VI


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Keim Thomas L., laborer, h 389 S Front Keirn William H., janitor, II 258 Myers Keim William H., jr., steel worker, h 258 Myers Keiser Morris L., elk P. S. Co., h 461 N 2d Keister Willitlm, helper, h 23 S 2d KEISTER WILLIAM A.,' dl'ygoods, notions aud gro, eeries, 187 N ..... ront c Adams, h d" Keiter Frank M., engineer, h 23 S Front Keiter Monroe P., hooker, h 324 S 2tl Keith Thomas, laborer, h 134 Rirlge Keleher Patrick, laborer, h 557 N 2d Keller Edward C., (Keller & Mumma), h 601 N 2d Keller George N., pnddler, h 542 N 3d Keller Isaac B., supt Capital Shirt Co., h 117 S 2d Keller Jennie, dressmkr, h 309 S 2d Keller John G., wall paper, 32 N Front, h 30 do Keller Samuel D., feneemkr, h 309 S 2d Keller Sebastian, machinist, 11 19 Chestnut Keller Silas G"_Cf)(!I!(!r, h 220 Frederick KELLER" lII1JI[MA, (E. C. Keller and C. N. Mumma)~ hardware, 140 Ilnd 14~ N Frunt . Kelley A.nna M., teachl'r. 11 46:3 N 2d Kelley CharleH E., chemist, h 463 N 2.1 Kelley John B., steel worker, 11 273 Main Kellev Margaretta, dk P.O., h 18 Adams Kelley Mary A., wid James, h 18 Adams Kelly Jeremiah, en!(ineer, h 224 Frederick Kemberling Kate M., seamstress, h 246 S 2d Kemberling Louis, car~t weaver, h 246 S 2d Kemmerer Barbara, sJ.irlmkr, h 28 Pine Kemmerer Peter, laborer, h 28 Pine Kennedy Edith, clk S. S. Co., h 39 N" Front Kennedy J. Griffith, shearsman, h 39 N Front Kennedv Martin, machinist, h 151 S Front Kenney' }I"rank, laborer, h 231 Locust Kenney Milton, laborer, h 411 S Fl'Ont Kenney William, steel worker, h 231 Locust Kepner George L., frogmkr, h 355 Christian Kerns John, engineer, h 319 Christitln Kerr Annie, teachl'r, h 119 S 4th Kerr Daniel M., laborer, h 358 Swatara Kidman Lucinda, candies, 185 S Front, II do Kilgallen James P., laborer, h 327 SWlltttra Kilgallen James P., jr., laborer, II 327 Swatara King Annie Mrs., domestic, 350 Sprnee King Charles, Rteel worker, II 326 Main KING CHARLES F., real estate, 347 Main, h do King John T., shoemkr, 326 N Front, h 341 Lincoln

Digitized by


I. B. TACK B::"f.r~&or frescoing Pllc BulldlDl'ln Plain TIDIs. {=~7t~~t

. Boyd's Steelton Directory.
55 King Preston, laborer, h 328 Main Kingston David L., mgr. h 241 Christian Kinney John P., time clk P. S. Co., h 185 S 2d Kinney Margaret, elk, Locust nr Canal, II ] 85 S 2d Kinney Mary, elk, Locust nr Canal, h 185 S 2d Kirby Cecilia B. MI'H., h 18 Adams Kirby Thomas J., engineer, h 409 N 3d Kiren Matthew, laborer, II 506 S 3d Kirk Alfred \\'., machinist. b ] 16 S 3d Kirk Harry D., steel worker, h 29 S 4th Kirk Jacob E., paperbanger, II 178 Main Kirk Sarah J., wid Washin~n, h 298 4th Kister Ulysses Grant, helper, h 344 Main Kistler William H., engineer, h 196 S 2d Klaiss Abner W., puncher, Ii 555 N 2tl Klaiss }"rederick, steel worker, h 555 N 2d Klaiss Sarah E., sbirtmkr, h 555 N 2d Klaiss William, laborer, II ]22 Lincoln Kleckler Christian, laborer, h 53:l Christian Klepper James F., laborer, h 243'Myers Klerner George F., helper, h 47 Frederick Kline Elizabeth, wid William E., h 511 N Front Kline E!I8ias 8., laborer, h 232 Bent's av Kline Harry W., laborer, h 363 Christian Kline John E., froglDkr, h 363 Christian Kline William, produce, h 301 Frances, h do Klinefelter John C., h 321 S Front Klugh John, tapper, h 629 N Front Knisely Abraham Y., (A. Y. Knisely & Son), h 371 8 2d Knisely A. Y. & 80n, (J. P.), groc-ers, 300 S 2d Knisely John P., (A. Y. Knisely & Son), h 300 S 2d Knoderer Andrew C., carpenter, h 661 N Front Knoderer D. Frank,clk, 120 N Front. h 256 Lincoln Knoderer Jacob R., carpenter, h 54 S Front Knupp Christian, plasterer, h 167 S Front Knupp Harvey E. Pro, h 165 S Front Knuth August, laborer, h 505 Myers Knuth August, stocker, h Mohn nr limits Knuth Frederick, laborer, h 505 Myers Kocaver Martin, laborpr, h 158 Frederick Kocera John, laborer, h 24 N 2d Koch Frederick W., carpenter, b 3178 2d Koch John F., huckster, b :~17 S 2d Koch John W., duiryman, h 1858 Front Koch Minnie E., canvasser, h 1858 Frout Koenig Frederick, shoerukr. h 415 Mohn Kofalt Marko, grocer, ]88 N Frout, h 204 Frederick Kohler John H., fireman, h 536 8 2d

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 56 Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.
Koblhaas Chrilftian, tailor, 159 S Front, h 222 Bent's av Kohlhaas Frederick, tailor, h 224 Bent's av Koblhaas J. George H., barber, 120 S Front, h do Kohlhaas John F., laborer, h 360 Swatara Konecni Andrew, laborer, h 607 S 3d Konecni John, laborer, h 603 S 3d Koons Jacob h, mgr, Locust c Canal, b at Hbg Koons William E., miller, h 124 S 2d Koontz Stephen, laborer, h 329 Lincoln Korbar John, laborer, h 508 S 3d Koser Sarah Mrs., h 17 Pine Kosjer Martin, laborer, h 47 Pearl al Kovonski Carl, laborer, h 346 Frederick Kozjan .Toseph W., tobaoconiHt. 20 N Front, h 32 N 2d Kozjau Michael, laborer, h 32 N 2d Kraemer John H., (Kraemer & Coleman), h 24 S Front Kraemer & Coleman, (J. H. Kraemer and H. F. 'Coleman), barbel'8, 26 S Front Krall John E., laborer, h 103 Main Kraschuiwki Augustu", laborer, II 26 Chestnut Krasevic Marko, laborer, h 32 N 2d Krasevic Stephen, laboret, h 613 S Front Kruybill Aaron E., laborer, It 393 S Front Kraybill Jobn E., farmer, b 393 S Front Kreitzenstein Wenzel, laborer, II 303 S Front Krenz William, carpenter, h 385 S 2d Krohn George P., h 213 Swatara Krohn ,John, laborer, h 213 Swatara Krout Spangler, steel worker, h 2M Maiu Krum Emil, laborer, h 2:33 Canal al Krzyzosiak Kejatall, laborer, It 345 }<"rederick Kuebler David, laborer, h 726 N 2d Kuhnert Samuel J .. laborer, h 405 lfohn Kuller William T., blacksmith, II 167 Myers Kuntzelman William E., elk P. S. Co., It 152 S 2d Lafferty Samuel, helper, h 473 Myers Lambert Joseph, puller, h 15 Shauty Row Lamke Christine, wid Chades, II 419 Mohn Lamke Frederick, engineer, h 352 Main Lance Peter, engineer, h 357 Myers Landis Alexander C., elk, h 139 S Front Landis Charles A., conductor, h 139 S Frout Landis George K., teacher, h 27 Locnst Landis Harry J., laborer, h 320 S 2d Landis John F., salesman, h 27 Locust Landis Moses, peddler, h 43 Trewick Landis William H., cabilletmkr, 15 S 2d, h 27 Locust Lane Patrick, laborer, h 110 Frederick

Digitized by


A. B. YACK ~t:::=~ W.II Piper Iud Wladol Shlde, {12ro ~U~~eit.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Lange Ferdinand, laborer, h 203 Mohn Lanum John, gasmkr, h 308 Christian LallCOmh William H., sboes, &c., 154 N Front, h do Lau Franklin, pitman, h 29 N Front Lauderminch Reuben, sad iron heater, b 325 ;N Front Laurie John B., clk P. S. Cu., b at Hbg Laurie William E., laborer, h 40 N }i""ront Lawle.~ John, steel worker, h 417 N 3d Lawson James C., laborer, h 34 Furnace Lawyer Anna M., domestic, 350 Spruce Leader Morris, keeper, h 474 Main Leaman I8Il8.c L., brakeman, h 389 S Front Leas Joseph, carpenter, h 361 S 3d Lee Elizabeth, )Vid Lewis, h 329 S Front Lee J. Thomas, steel wOl'ker, h 13:l Adams Lee' Newton J. S., laborer, h 107 Ridge Lee Samuel, laborer, h 167 Adams Lee Samnel t laborer, b 421 Clltharine Lee Sandy, laborer, h 121 Adams LeeWiIlis C., foreman P. S. Co., h 363 S Front Leeds Albert F., stenographt'r P. S. Co., h 135 Lincoln Leeds Edgar V., clk P. & R. depot, h 135 Lincoln Leeds Isaac N., station ft~t P. & R. depot, II 135 Lincoln





Leeper Dllvid, oiler, h :338 Christilln Lees John, IllbOl'er, Ii 87 Main Lees Minnie, shirtmkr, h 87 Mllin LeFevre James H., Sllpt slab mill, h 229 Walnut Lehman Alonzo B., IllIt boo worker, h 476, Main Lehman Beujamin F., laborer, h 33:1 N Front Lehman. Simon C., confectio.ner, 1il S FI'OlIt, h do Lehr George, laborer, h 336 N FJ'Ont Lehrman Allison, labor~r, h 250 N Front Lehrman Amanda, wid Hugh, h 250 N Front Lemki August, laborer, h 419 Linculn I..eonard Clara M., elk,ll 168 Lin<.'Oln Leonhart Jacob, bricklayer, h 567 N 2d Leschonetz Mi('hael, laborer', h 409 S Fl'ont Lesher Daniel, laborer, h 520 N 2d Lesher Harriet, wid Daniel, h 520 N 2d Lessig William, laborer, h 12 Mumma'H Row Levett .Joseph W., laborer, h 147 Christian Levey Benjllmin, laborer, h 260 Main Lewis Alexllnder, laborer, h 132 Ridge Lewis Edward R., foreman P. S. Co., h 232 Myers Lewis George E., planer, h S18! S 2d Lewis Gideon B., driver, II 160 Adams

Digitized by


MeW.II'. Pain Exterminator cnree Cholera Jiorbu8, D7118ntery, Cram... DIalrhma. OoIds, Q1lInll7, Rheumatl8m. Toothache, Sore Throat, Agoe, DyspepsIa, ..o. Uti 3d.


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Lewis JackROn, painter, h 359 S 3d Lewis Jacob, helper, h 939 S'Front Lewis .James E., blacksmith, h 321 Swatara Lewis I ..indsey, labore~, h 125 Adams Lewis Sa bon , laborer, h 305 Bessemer Lewis Sarab, wid Ephraim, h 359 S 3d Lewis Walter, laborer, h 252 Ridge Licbtenberger Norman, constable, h 107 Frances Lichtenberger Samuel, steel worker, h 107 ~~rances Licbtenwallner Nathaniel, striker, h 216 Bent's av Lichty Moses, lahorer, h 262 Frederick Liehrich Daniel W., gunsmith, h 501 Main Liechtenstine Abraham, clothier. 38 S Front. h 51 Trewick Liecbtenstine JameR, clothier, ] 79 N Front, b 226 N 2d Ligan Edmund H., butcher, h 159 S Front Ligan Peter B., meat market, 148 S Front, h 161 do LiJlht Samuel, conductor, h 250S 2d Lighty Albert, blacksmith, h 409 Lincoln Lighty Daniel B., stone mason, h 409 Lincoln Lighty Milford, I!teel worker, b 409 Lincoln Linard Henry C., laborer, h 190 S 2d Lincoln Abraham, laborer, h 539 Mumma's Row Lincoln Rollin H., laborer, h 242 Ridge Lindemuth Hiram, conJuctor, h 352 Lincoln Lindsay AIl'xander M., tl'acher, h 35 S 3d Lindsay JOSl'pb B., engineer, b 16 N Front Lingle John, driller, h 251 S 2d Lipp Benjamin F., salesman, 187 N Front, h do Listman Christian, laborer, h Hbg ab Beseemer Litch John B., h 49 S 3d Litch Johu E., machinist, h 49 S 3d Liten James, engineer, It 662 N 2d Livingstoue Morris, iron worker, h 378 Myers Lockerson John B. W., laborer, h 411 S Front Loke CharieR, laborer, h :303 S Front Long Amanda, wid George, h 434 Swatara Long John, laborer, h 5:37 Chri8tiun Long Martin, laborer, b a52 Christian Long Samlll'l D., cabinetmkr, b 17 Swatara Long William W., h 426 Swatara Longenecker Anna C., wid Warren F., b 428 MaiD Longenecker Joseph M., h 380 S 2d Lon~enecker Samuel, laborer, h 369 S 3d LonJlenecker William H., rail chipper, h 380 S 2d Longnaker Harry J., carpenter, b 113 S Front Longnaker Hiram A. P., barber, h 113 S Front Longnaker John C., justice of peace, 113 S Front, b do Longwell Thaddeus M., clk S. S. Co., h 306 Pine

Digitized by


beSt and IO'll'eat 1 BTICK {Wall Paper. Thewith Flztures prleee. Shades complete.,


WIndow { 1210 for 86 eta. N. 811 Bt.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Lontz Harry, conductor, b 351 Lincoln Lotz Jacob, laborer, h 433 Catbarine Lowe Thomas, cooper, h 16:1 Freder.ick Loy Frank P., marker, h 369 Myers Loyd Eliza, wid Matthew, It 42X Swatara Loyer Annie, housekeeper, h 332 N 2d Luckett William, laborer, h ] 65 Adams Ludes Matthias F., shoemkr. 6 N Front, b 559 N 2d Ludwick Edwin S., llOoker, h 230 Frederick Ludwick Esdras Rev., b 165 S 4th Ludwick John J., hooker, h 149 S Front ' Ludwick Peter M., poli()('man P. S. Co., h 149 S Front Lupfer Albert N., clk P. S. Co., h 111 S 2d Lupfer Carrie S., wid David B.. h 111 S 2d Lupfer Henry F., steel worker, hIli S 2d Lutz Lavina, wid John, h 160 Myers Luzar Stephen, laborer, h 506 S 3d Lyder Kate, wid William, h 137 Canal al Lynch Catharine, wid Thomas, h 266 Main Lynch John, machinist. h 301 Main Lynch Thomas F., bottler, b 266 Main Lyons Catharine, wid SHmuel J., h 320 Main Lyter Aaron, rail straightener, It 385 S 2d Lyter Cyrus, chargel', h 554 N 3d Lyter Joseph S., laborer, h 61 Conesto~ Lyter Joseph W'! steel worker, h 542 N 3d Lyter Solomon, laborer, h 552 N 3d Mnddell Abraham, laborer, h rear 939 S Front Madden Geo~ F., contractor, It 220 Ridge Madden Henry C., laborer, h 666 N Front Madden .James, laborer, h 445 Myers Madden Peter A., ftsst sup" Merchant Mill, h 342 Spruce Madden Richard, laborer, b rear 939 S Front Madden Sarah R., nurse, h 468 N Front Madison Alexander. laborer, h 123 Ridge Madison William, laborer, h 407 Bailey Magaro Peter, laborer, h 383 S 3d Magruder George, laborer, h 170 Ridge Maguire Michael T., laborer, h 178 Myenl Mahaney William E., ml'at, S. S. Co., h 368 S 2d Mahon Patrick C., fi'reman P. S. Cn., h at Hbg Mahoney Lawrence, gasmkr, b 411 N 3d Mahoney Lawrence, laborer, h 238 Frederick Main Street Church of God, Rev. W. Rice, pa.stor, Main ab Conestoga Mahonn Patrick, tailor, h ] 9 S 2d Makibbin Charles T., draftsman P. S. Co., h at Hbg Malcon Adam, laborer, h 533 Chritltiall

f Digitized by


" To find a name you must 'mow ROW to spell it." 60 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Malehurn John G., carpenter, h 212 Lincoln Malesitch Anton, laborer, h 208 Frederick Maley Patrick, laborer, b 383 S JI"ront Manley James, laborer, h 31~l Ridge Manning William S., laborer, h 314 Fredirick Manum Clarence, foreman P. S. Cu., hat Hbg Marger Philifl, iron worker, h 391 S Front Margolis Natliau, laborer, h 530 Myers Marilla Edward, laborer, h 36 Furnace Marilla Neuman, laborer, h 314 N 2d Marilljak George, laborer, h SidE.'r's Row Mal'kley Daniel, laborer, h 420 N JI"ront Markley Jacob A., meat market, 374 S Front, b 377 do Marks Albert, machinist., It 342 Bessemer Marks Lillian, wid Carlton, h 463 Christian Marshall Geor~t', laborer, h 349 S 3d Marshall George L., grocer, 150 Lincoln, h do Marsk-o .Joseph, laborer, h 437 Cathadue Martin Abraham, rail hand, h '174 Lill(,-oln Martin Augustus F., luborer, h 317 Myers Martin Harry J., clk P. S. Co., h at Hbg Martin Howard F., purcbasing agt P. S. Co., h 334 Spruce Martin Jacob B., supt Bes.'*!lOer dept, b 141 Lincoln Martin John, laborer, b 205 N 2d Martin John C., st.eel wurkE'r, It 943 S Front Martin Joseph, janitor, 2 N Frunt, h dll Martin Simon B., fOl'eman P. S. Co., h 273 S 2d Ma.rtin Simon S., foreman P. S. Co., h ]61 LincOln Martz Charles C., hot-el, 94:l S Front, h dlt Mal'tz Elizabeth, wid William K., h 146 S 2d Martz George H., laborer, h 317 Conestoga Martz Isaac L., engineer, hIS Front Martz .Jacob, tumster, b 317 Conestoga Martz William K., (Hess & Mftl'tZ), h 146 S .2d Marzon Fredel'ick, laborer, h 519 N 3d Mason James W., laborer, h 148 Ridge Mas.'!ie George, laborer, It 107 Ridge Masters Valentine, laburer, II 842 S 2d Matchette George, machinilit, h 344 Swatara Matesevick Blors, laborer, h 26 N 2d Mathias Benjamin F., cnrpenter, h 253 S Front Mathias Charle..~ F., gl'Ocer, 247 S Front, b 257 S 2d Mathias Edward J., motorman, h 604 N 2d Mathias Frank D., roller; h 120 Walnut Mathias John W., agt wall paper, 132 N Front, b 514 S 2d Mathius Joseph, laborel', h 435 Christian Mathias Joseph, jr., labuf('r, h 539 ChristiaD Mathias Peter, laborer, b 257 S 2d

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Wall Paperand Window Shades. {72~:~o!R~~,~.

Boyd's Steelton Directory.
Matj08ic John, laborer, h 32 N 2d Matjosic Michael, laborer, h 32 N 2d Matson Jacob. filreman, h 21 N Fl'llnt Matter William H., laborer, b 240 Christian Matthews Chllrlf'S F., laborer, h 3:14 Swatara Matthews Elizabeth A., wid John, h 145 Lin<.ooln lfatthews .Johnson, laborer. h 14:~ Ridge Matthews Louisa Mrs., h 147 Adams Maubley Benjamin, lahorer, h 2:32 Ridge Maurer Henry, machinist, h 1:~4 Lincoln Maxwell David C., laborer, h 377 S 3d Maxwell George W., harber, h 377 S 3d May Guy, laborer, h 6:3 Main May Sarah, wid JaC'ob G., h 233 Christian Mayes Anna, wid William, h 324 Chril!tian Maze Benjamin. laborer, h 2:34 Ridge McAf'ee .John H., janitor P. R. R. depot, 11 411 Main McAtee Frank J., puddler. h 517 Christian McCaffrey Bernard, oven tender, h 366 Main M<.oCaffre\ Thumas, laborer, h 248 Main McCahan .James A., h 393 S Front McCall Hugh, watErtender, h ] 73 Myers McCall John J., steel worker, h 173 Myers 61

FRANK M. WAL TERS, \~:~:aty: FOOTWEAR, N.7:J'ir.

McCall Katie, elk, Locllst nr Call1ll, h 44U Main McCall Nellie M., clk S. S. Co., h 440 Maill M<.oClllI Patrick, wntertender, h 440 Main McCarty Bridget, wid James, h 124 Frederick McCarty John, laborer, h 350 Christian McCarty John M., laborer, h 124 Frederick McCarty Timothy, rougher, h 202 }4'rederick McCarty William, gasmall, h 260 ChriNtian MC'Caully Daniel E., clk P. S. Vo., h 217 N Front McClellan John, laborer, h 36:l Frederick MI.:Closkey William R., fi,reman, h 221 S 2d McCord Abram A., molder, h 246 Myers McCord Edward J., driver, h 110 S }4'ront McCoy Charlf'S, steel w(,rker, h 858 S 2d McCUBDY .TOB. A., druggist, 20 S Front, h do McDonald James, laborer, b 330 Christian McDonnell George R., frog builder, h 428 Main McDonnell Mary A., dressmkr, b 73 Main McDonnell Patrick J., laborer, h 73 Main McElroy Charles W., elk, 140 N Front, h 17 S 2d McElroy Frank T., elk S. S. Cu., b 1:3 N 2d McElroy Gertrude M., cashier S. S. CII., h 17 S 2d McElroy Robert F., laborer, b 17 8 2d

Digitized by


IGleil's Pain Exterminator :m:~o:"~~=~~~DI{ {"TrlJIL-.


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

McEntee Catharine T., elk, h 318 Main McEntee John J., iron worker, h 223 Main McEntee Peter, foreman P. S. Co., h 176 Myers McEntee Thomas, supt O. H. dl'pt, h 367 Main McGeeban Anthony F., bricklayer, h 214 Myers McGeehan Edward F., steel worker, h 149 Myers McGeeban Edward P., meiter, h 214 Myers McGeehau Hugh A., steel worker, h 149 Myers McGeehan John, bricklayer, h 214 Myers McGeehan John A., laborer, h 149 Myers McGeehan John J., melter, h 214 Myers McGeehan .Margaret, wid Anthony, h 149 Main McGever Daniel, fireman, h 41 S Front McGinnes Lemuel E., supt schools, h 158 S 2d McGovern Kate, notionll, 244 N 2d. h do McIlbeney William. laborer, h 703 N Front McKamey George, laborer, h 218 Blliley McKamey Jennie Mrs., b 150 Ridge McKamey Joseph, laborer, h 218 Bailey McKamey Lee D . contl'8ctor, h 153 Adams McKeeban John Rev. h 25 S 3d McKelvy George G . boilermkr, h 136 S 2d McKim George D., laborer, h 112 S 3d McKim Margaret, laundress, II 142 Ridge . McKim William J., helper, h 112 S :3d McKune Fl'Ilnklin. steel worker, b 222 Main McKune G~rge \V., cranemsn, h 386 S 2d McKune .10hn J . ~teel worker, h 386 S 2d McLougblin Hugh L., planer, h 226 Frederick McMahon Patl"ick. tailor, -l N Front, h 232 S Front McManus Mary l\hs . h N Front nr toll gate M('Me<ihen Jame.~ W., laborer, b 461 Myers McMorris Samuel L., engineer, h 51)3 S Front McNamee John, laborer, h 512 Lincoln McNeal Blanche L., teacher, h 113 S 4th McNeal Harry B., telegrapbl'r, h 227 Christian McNeal Ida E., forelady, h 652 N Front McNeal Rubert M., supt tlChools, h 113 S 4th McNear B. Frank, sawyer, It 251 Myers McNear Benjamin F., jr., planer, h 302 N Front McNew Charles, blacksmith, h 321 S 2d McNew Thomas W., roller, h 2d nr powder house McQuaid Elizabeth Mrs" dressmkr, b 264 Chicques Meals Ferdinand V., Loc~st Dr CaDal, h 122 Main Mecalic George. boarding, 27 N 2d, h do . Mecalic John, laborer, h 27 N 2d Mecalic Marko, laborer, h 27 N 2d

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Fine Irt Wall Paper. {~C3~~}I210 N. 3d.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
63 Mechanics' and Helpers' Relief A880.; meets Wednesday eve. after etlcb pay .lay in G. A. R. Hall, Jno. P. Kinney, sec Meckley Franklill B., laborer, b 424: Swatara Meddow Henry E., 'watertender, Ii 216 Ridge Mellin Benjamin, eating house, 145 Adams, h do Mendle Minnie, ironer, h rear 261 Myers Mengle Edwin H., aRSt auditor P. S. Co., h 11 S 3d Meredith David B., elk, 4 N Front, h 11.8 Walnut Meryman George L., engineer, h 203 Lincoln Meshey Jacob, street commissioner, h 202 )Iyers Messersmith James W., erigineer, h 343 S 2d MESSmGEB. BROS., (W. L. and H. S.), marble yard, 120 S Front Messinger Harry S., (Messinger Bros.), h 234 Bent's av Messinger William L., (Messinger Bros.). h 234 Bent's av Messner Harry E., elk, Locust nr Canal, h 174 S 2d M. E. Church, N Front c Pine Metzger Albert G., helper, h 227 Locust Metzger Clara A., dressmkr, h 225 Locust Metzger Edward, levertender, h 225 Locust Metzger John, laborer, h 227 S Front Metzger William, engineer, h 225 Locust Meyers Enoch, laborer, h 860 S 2d Mickey Mollie, teacher, h 4th bel Walnut Middleton William J., physician, 155 N Front, h do Middletown, Highspire and Steelton St. Railway Co., G. W. Cumbler, pres; W. J. Snavely, sec, 16 S Front Miles Samuel, laborer, h 161 Frederick Millard John A., carpenter, h 119 S 4th Millard Michael, b 3UO, S 2d Miller Carl, laborer, h 501 Myers Miller Cha1'1es, laborer, h 114 Main Miller Charles, pitman, h 649 N 2d Miller Charles R. physician, 127 S Front, b 125 do Miller Clayton W., carpenter, h 325 Frances Miller C. William, miller, h 307 Frances Miller David W., lIupt pattern dept, h at Hbg Miller Ella M., teacher, h 147 S 4th Miller Franklin S., fireman, h 401 N 3d Miller Henry, h 37 S 3d Miller Henry, laborer, h 23 Wamut Miller Henry, laborer, h 649 N 2d Miller Jacob, laborer, h 67 Main Miller John, fireman, h 3371 S Front Miller John, laborer, h 59 Frederick Miller John F., carpenter, h 25 S 4th Miller John F., labOrer, h -619 Christian Miller John S engineer, h 136 Linooln

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know ROW to spell it." 64 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Miller JO'leph B., helper, h 16 Adams Miller Mary A., wid James D., h ~19 S Front Miller Minnie A., dres.~mkr, h 319 S Front Miller Nancy M., wid George, h 64U N-2d Miller Philip, laborer. h 49 S 2tJ Miller Rubert J., blacksmith, h ]0] Main Miller Sallie M., wid Juseph S., h 224 Main Miller Samuel, h 231 Myers Miller Thomas J;~., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 155 Lincoln Miller William, laborer, II 171 Christian Miller William R., helper, h 337i S Front Miller Winslow A., regulator, h 180 S 2d _a Millhouse Augustus, supt fuundry dept P. S. Vo., h at:Hbg Mills William S., lJIachinist, h 265 Main Milton Isaac, labcu'er, h 306 Ridge Minick Francis W., butcher, h 230 ~ust Minnur .James, varietief'l, 129 Ridge, h do Minor Henry, laborer, II 1]5 Adams Minter Allen W., laborer, h 150 Main Miser James. laborer, II ] 15 Adams MISSEXER .JACOB a, pub Steelton Advocate,l30 N Front, h 270 ChriAtian (see ad v) Mitchel John S., laborer, h 132 Frederick Mitchell Amos, laborer, h 304 Chri!\t.iRIl Mitchell George M., fireman, h 23 N Front Mobley Martha, wid Dennis, h 166 Adams Mobley S. Edward, laborer, h 137 Adams Modoschinski Marks, laborer, h 145 Main Moeller Carl E. F., drug elk, 281 Main, h at Hbg Mohorcic Michael, laborer, h 144 Frederick Mokler Michael, laborer, h 112 Frederick Monahan David A., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 168 Myers Monah,an Elizabeth L., h ] 68 Myers Monahan Michael, ~8man, h 16R Myers Monmiller J08eph, laborer, h :U8 Christian MONN .JOSIAH, wint'8 alld liquors, 51 8 Front., h do Munroe Burrt'l, steel worker, h 561 S 2d Montgomery Juhn, millwright, h 159 Christian Montgumery William H . patternmkr, h 427 Catharine Monze Andrew, laborer, h 506 S 3d' Mooney Edward, steel worker, h 393 S Front Moore Edward T., laborer, h 2d c Ridge Moore John F., cooper, h 23 N 3d Moore.J. Richard, laborer, h 2:1 N 3d Moore Mary A., wid Jamt'8, h 253 Lincoln Moore Miles F., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 339 Pine Moore Samnel B., bricklayer, h 236 Frederick Moore William B., helper, h 253 Lincoln

Digitized by


I. B. TICK, PrOcIICOI Paper Hanger,


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Moore William Q., laborer, h 247 Frederick Mordhorst Julius, laborer, b 228 Bent's av Morgan. Carter, laborer, h 107! Adams Morgan Philip J., laborer, h 2:l6 Myers . Morrett Albert A., engineer, II 358 Myersrick Morrett Jacob W., driller, h 440 Swatara Morris John F., machinist, b 203 S 2d Morris Milton D., machinist, h 129 S 4th Morris Milton K., master mecbanic P. S. Co., h 129 S 4th Morrison Ephraim, boilt'rmkr, h :l31 Main Morrison Harry L., foreman, b 11 N 2d Morrison Miles 8., laborer, h :J43 Lim.'oln Morrison Patrick, machinist, h 227 S Front Morrison Sarah J., confectionery, 321 N Front, h do Morri!l8eY John, laborer, h 259 Main Morrissey William, laborer, h 259 Main Morton Lewis, laborer, h 66 Furnace Morton Turner, laborer, h 66 Furnace Moser Ht'nry H., roller boss, b 1] 5 S 4th Mosley Will ill m. W., laborer, h 670 N It'ront Moss Richard, labol'er, h 312 Lincoln Moten George, laborer, h 220 Ridge Moton GeorlZ~ W., barber, 389 S Front, h 227 Canal al


FOOTWEAR OJ.alters', 1012 N. 3d St.

Motter Alfrl'Ci F., steel wOI'k~r, h 870 S 2d Mowers Alfred G., laborer, h 4]2 N Front Mowers Harrv K., lliburer, h 317 Trewick Mowry George. labOl'er, h ] 29 Lincoln . Mowry John G., rail straightener, h 129 Lil}coln Muyer Henry B., laborer, h 107 Main Moyer Jeremiah, laborer, h 518 Lin(.'oln Moyer Joseph 8., helper, h 258 Christian Moyer Josephine Mrs., h 542 N 3d Moyer Mary ~-;. Mrs., h 29 S 4th Moyer Sallie L., bnttonmkr, b ] 53 S 2d ~fover William D., music teacher, h 29 S 4th Mu"irhead J. Herbert, draftsman P. S. Cu., h 246 Lincoln Muldoon Joseph M., weigher, h 43 Frederick Muldoon Thomas J., laborer, h 43 Frederick Muldoon Thomas J., jr., helper, h 43 Frederick Mullen William F., helper, h 393 S It'ront Mumma Anna M., wid Samuel. h,244 Christian Mumma C. Ni8@ley, (Keller & Mumma), b 8 S 3d Mumma Edith, dressmkr. h 167 Linculn Mumma Isaac, steel worker, h 207 S Frunt Mumma J. Milton, tobaccollist, 16 .N Front, h 2-14 Christian Mumma Mark, saletiDJan, 1 S Front, h 137 S 4th

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DIce McN ell's Medicine Co. {~~---} N~~d.


Boyd'. Steelton Directory..

Mumper Jacob I., photograpber, 28 S Front, b do Mundorff Laura E., housekeeper. h 149 S 4tb Murphy Jacob W., blacksmitb, h 305 Swatara Murphy Jane, wid Daniel, h 63 Conestoga Murphy Jobn H., machinist, h 5:39 N Yront Murphy Joseph, fireman, h 540 N 2d Murphy Martin, engineer, h 9 Conestoga Murphy Morris, h 47 S 2d Murphy Thomas, blacksmith, h 151 S 2d Murray Michael, fireman, h 650 N ~ Murry Frederick, Dlachinist, h 248 Myers Murtorfl' Benjamin F . laborer, h 61 Frederick Musselman Christian M., elk, 44 S Front, h 638 N Front Musselman Jacob, laborer, h 415 Main Myers Alvin G., salesman S. S. Co., h 304 Main Myers Amos, h 226 Frederick Myers Amos F., iron worker, h 226 Frederick Myers Calvin, saddler, h 652 N 2d Myers Daniel, contractor, b 274 Frederick Myers Eli, laborer, h 393 S Front Myers Florence, bookkpr, Locust nr Canal, h 138 N 2d Myers Harry, "teel worker, h 276 J!"rederick Myers Henry, laborer, h N Front nr toll gate Myers Herman, rail inspector, h 167 Myers Myers Ira F., elk, Locust nr Canal. h 138 N 2d MyerR Peter, iron wurker, h 223 Christian Myers Sabino, wid Jubn, h 129 S 4th Nangle Edward F., engineer, h 565 N 2d Nanss Bertram S., I'oller, h 244 Pine Nauss Cathijrine ;J., wid George W., h 15 S 2d Nauss Delallson C., tinner, h 19 Pine Nauss George R.. cutter, b 19 Pine Naylor Jacob, laborer, h 201 Christian Naylor John D., watchman, h 204 Myers Neagley Joseph, sawyer, h 235 Christian Nebinger Clayton, finisher, h 2:33 Main Nebinger Jacob A., finisher, h 157 S 2d Nt=binger Virgilia, elk, Locust nr Canal, h 157 S 2d Neely Samnel, laborer, h 248 Main Neff David, jagger, h 335 Myers Neff George W., drygoods, 8 S Front, It do Neff Jacob, helper, h 34:3 Myers Neifer Frederick, driver, h 350 S Front Neill William, rnnner, h 51 Frederick Nein Annie E., bookkpr, Locust c Canal, h 125 S 4th Nein George, bricklayel', h 125 S 4th Nell Harvey A' I Conductor, h 258 Lincoln Nell J. Elmer, teacher, b 103 N 2d

Digitized by


IIII 1 B. T nun,

N. 3d St. work. and lnauree lL. Work done In lolly paR of the State.

1210 {EmPloya none bulllftt.claa workmen. benoe only 4~

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Nell Levi H., county commissioner, b 258 Lincoln Nelson Jamea M., laborer, h 416 Swatara Nelson Samuel, laborer, b 325 CODt'Atog& Nelson William T., laborer, h 466 N Front Neron David W., painter, h 392 S 2d Neron Elmer E., painter, h 392 S 2d Nesbit John H., laborer, h 388 S 2d Nesbit Winfield, iron worker, h 154 Main Neubaum August, laborer, h 413 Mohn Neubaum Ferdinand, laborer, h 435 Mohn Neubaum Frederick A., laborer, h 375 S 3d Neubaum Gustav, III borer, h 335 Mohn Neubaum John, driver, h 371 S 3d Neubaum Louisa, wid William, b 409 Reading Neukam Carl, laborer, h 353 S 2d Newbaker John J., master mach, Merchant Mill, b 199 S 2d Newbaker Hiram, laborer; h 365 S 2d N ewbecker Samuel R., h :165 S 2d Newcomer Samuel S., tailur, 24 N Front, h 22 do Newlin Harry I., clk P. S. Co., h 164 S 2d Newlin Margaret A. Mrs., h 164 S 2d Newman Benjamin F., motorman, h 177 Lincoln Newman HeMry, merchant tailor, 34 S Front, b 341 do Newton Isaac D., laborer, h 217 Adams . .Ney Paul M., clk, b 119 Lincoln Nicely K. E., shoes, &c., 37 S F.'ont, h 27 S 3d Nicholas Harry B., carpenter, h 326 Main Nicholas John P., carpenter, h 326 Main Niedzwiecki Anareas, laborer, h Lebanon c Bessemer Nisley Frank, sec Capital Shirt Co., It at Middh town Nisley Samuel, h 141 S Front Nuff'lIinger William H., laborer, h.346 Lincoln Noggle Juhn T., laborer, It 220 N Front Noggle Robert S., laborer, h :J07 S 2d Noll Harley H., catcher, h 3711 S Front Noll Ja<.'tlb, shooting gallery, 137 S Frunt, h 371 do BOLL .JOD .J., grocer, 267 N Frout, h 256 do Noll Minnie, domestic, 3711 S Front Norris AllitlOn H., asst fi.reman, h 364 Spruce Norris A. Webster, asst foreman, h 364 Spruce Norris Francis A., foreman, h 364 Spruce Norris Patrick, stl'el worker, h 541 N Ji'ront North Harry, helpel', h 348 Christian North Mark, hcater, h 330 Chicques NortolJ Harriet J., housekeeper, It 222 Bailey NovtDY John, laborer, h 320 Chicques N udo Frank, laborer, It 820 S 2d N uewsbidle Rudolph, laborer, h 229 Swatara

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know ROW to spell it." 68 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Nujij Anton, laborer, It 506 S 3d Nunamaker Benjamin A., laburer, b 473 Myers Nunamaker Benjamin F., filll!r, h 459 Myers Nunamaker John, laborer, h 15:1 Main Nunamaker .Jubn, laboJ't'r. h !l30 Christian Nunemaker Daniel, steel worker, h 479 Myers Nunemaker Ji,hn, steel workl'r, h 479 Myers Nunemaker Nicholas, driver, Ii 479 Myers Nye John E., laborer, h 41:J Christiun Nye Paul 1\1., shipping elk S. S. Co., b 119 Lincoln Nye Sprella, wid John, h 402 Reading 'Nye William F., fureman P. S. Co., h 238 Myers Oberman John, laborel', h 219 Callal al O'Conner l\{uuri(!t', glll'lIlkr, h 468 N Front O'Day John J., ~lIager, h 160 Bessemer O'Donnell Patrick, fireman, h 6:32 N 211 O'Gor01an Jeremiah, steel worker, Ii 51 S 2d O'Hern Juhn, laborer, h 151 Chri8tian Ohmit Annie M., wid Christil:lll, h 21 Walnut Ohmit Byron, elk, b 21 Walnut Ohrum Armstrong, millwl'il{ht, h 356 Myers Okum JOMepli, helper, h HOR S 2d O'Leary William, fireman, Ii 540 N 2d Oliver Jacob, laborer, b 176 Main Olmstead C. L., draftsman P. S. Cu., h at Hbg Oren .John Y., elk, 16 S Front, h at. New Cumberland O'Rourk James W., 8Crappl'r, h 27:l Main Orris Samuel P., driller, h 116 S Front Olt Levi, steel worker, b 22:J Cllnal 81 Orth Juhn G., bakt.'r, 1 I S Front, h 91 do Ortli Peter, plumber, h 248 Myers Orth William E., furemau Merchant Mill, h 403 S 2d Osie Raymund, steel worker, h 243 Main Otstot Jacoh, motOl"nlUII, h 179 N Front Otst(lt William F., labvrer, h 464 Myer'l3 Ott Harrv H., laborer, h 156 Lincoln Ott Levi: II 391 S Front Oyll'r Daniel A., laixH"er, h 364 S 2d Oyler Elmer D., machinist, h 364 S 2d Oyler George A., stet'l worker, h 340 S 2d Page Betty, laburer, h 143 Adams Page Dalliel A., driver, h 596 Y Front Paine Thomas, helper, Ii 133 Ridge Palmer LeRue L., h 2!l7 Walnut Palmer Rachel, wid Benjamin, h 2:l7 Walnut Paunell Charles F., firemau, h 217 ChriKtian Pannell Clarence M., weighmaster, b 151 S,4tb Pantel Ludwig, laborer, h 437 Mobo

Digitized by


~c;ab~~lD:;::='fOU'PIIoer ODdlindoWShodeS lrol A. B. TACK, N. '::~t.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Parker Samuel A., gardener, h 172 2d Parks George W., ~wingmachines. 177 S Front, h do Parnell William, laborer, h 168 Ridge . Parsons George W., snpt P. S. Co., h Spruce c 4th Parthemore John A. motorman, h 470 N Front Parthemore Nisley Y., printer, h 130 N Front Pattl'rson James, L'Ooper, h 153 Frederick Patterson James A., barber, 266 N Front, h 504 Main Paull Howard M., en~illeer, h 335 Lincoln Paulns f'..oorad J., bClilermkr, h 45 Frederick Paxtang Council, No.2, D. Clf P.; meets Tuesday eve. at 6 S Front, Miss Mary Debner, sec Paxtang Hook and Ladder Co., ] 04 S Front P"xtang Tribe, No. 243, I. O. R. l\I.; organized Jan., 1882 ; F. P. H"milton, sec; meets Thursday evening, 10 S Front


wick c Frederick Paxton Jobn M. laborer, h ~31 S 2d Payne Daniel, laborer, h 504 Main Payne James H.,laborer, h 313 Adams Payton Whitley, laborer, h 219 AdamI!

. CO., James McCormick, pres; John Hoffer, rugr, 'fre-



Peace Uharles L . laborer, h 67 ~"'rederick Pearson James W., lab()rer, b 338 N 2d Peck Harry J., h 2:l7 Myers Peck Howard N., carpenter, h 237 Myers Peck Jacob H., confectioner, 401 S Front, h do Peck Kate A., dressmkr, h 607 N Fr()nt Peck William H., laborer, h 203 Christian Peiffer James, IIhoemkr, h 176 Main Pendelton George D., laborer. b 308 Rioge Penlington SalUuel, laborer, b Short ab Lincoln Penner Charles W., .laborer, h 429 Catharine Penna. R. R. Co. Depot, ft. Trewick . PElflfSYLVABIA STEEL CO:, mfrs steel rails, railroad switches, ~., L. S. Bent, pres; E. C. Felton, gen} rugr (see a~v back cover) . People's Building and Loan Asso., E. H. Mengle, sec ; meeta Tuesday evening at 130 N Front Peters Cassadella, wid Lewis, h 175 S Front Peters Charles, elk, 147 N Front, h 139 do PETEBB D. AUGUSTUS, pharmacillt, 165 S Front, h do Peters J. Markwood. physician. 175 S Front, h 173 do Peters Simon C., pres CapitAl Shirt Co., b at Middletown Petrie Joseph, laborer, b 22 N 2d

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Liver and Blood Purlfyln&, Ot MoNElL'S D,lpepma, Llnr. BlOOd and 'ftIdJieyPille Cure Jlt 3d 01. Compl&lDt l

70 Boyd'. Steelton Direotory. Petrie Martin, laborer, h 27 N 2d Petrosic John, laborer, h 20 N 3d Pet1'08ic Marko, laborer, h 20 N ~d Petteroff Michael,laborer, h 413 N 3d Phillips Lucy L., h 122 Adams Phillips Robert, grocer, h 14:1 Adams Phillips William A., machinist, h 25 8 3d Phrenix Edward, filler, h 200 S Front Pierce Elizabeth, wid Alvin, h 9 N Front Pierce John D., local express. m'Meuger, 9 N Front, h do Pierce Jordan, laborer, h 128 Adams Pierce Joseph P., lah9rer, h 9 N Front Pihuer Frank, laborer, h 24 N 2d Pike Charl~ W., watchman P. S. Co., h 161 Main Pike Everett W., molder, h 228 Locust Pisle David T., blacksmith, h 3R4 S 2d PiRIe George B., laborer, h 607 S 2d Plaster Hayden W., cigarmkr, h 316 N Front 'Platt Jeremiah, laborer, h 214 ConestOlt'l Platt William R., oonductnr, h 214 Conestoga Plese Martin, laborer, h 27 N 2d Martin, helper, h 856 S 2d Plummer Annie, h 20 Adams Plummer Richard T., watchman, h 20 Adams Plummer William D., pilW-,cutter, h 20 Adams Polston George H., laborer, h 1451 Adams Polston Lloyd, laborer, h 2d c Ridge Poole Medeline H. Mrs., h 350 Spruce Poorman John H. C., engineer, h 203 Swatara Poorman William E., laborer, h 22R Frederick Pope Anthony, laborer, h rear 38 N 2d Pope Frank, laborer, h 221 Caual al Porr John L., druggist, 147 N Front, h 139 do Porter Dudley, llioorer, h 543 Mumma's Row Porter Fa~nie, wid Nelson, h 213 Adams Porter James, laborer, h 543 Mumma's Row Porter Joseph, laborer, h 5:3; Mumma's Row Porter Roliert, laborer, h 20 Chestnut Porter William, weigher, h 21:3 Adaros Posey Henry G., clk P. S. Co., h 236 Bent's av Posey SUMn H., wid Nathan, h 236 Bent's av POST OFFICE, W. H. H. Sieg; P. M., 2 S Front Potebi John, laborer, h 631 S 3d Potter Charles, laborer, h Lincoln opp cemetery Potter IJ'!l, laborer, h 389 S 2d . Potticher Elmer A., helper, h 428 Swatara Powell JamE'A S., helper, h 16 Adams Powell Jennie Z., tailore8!!, h 16 Adams

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I. B. TleK 1~~~Of FracalDg ,lIc aalidlal'll Piail nib. {='::t~v:

.Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 71
Powell Samuel E., engineer, h 16 Adam15 Pratt Mason D., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 356 Spruce Prentiss Sophia, wid James, h 215 Adams Pressler George N., h 271 Main . Pressler Henry,boilermkr, h 271 Main Pretz Leona B., bookkpr, Locllst nr Canal, h 103 N 2d Pretz Romaine, bookkpr, h 103 N 2d Pretz Samuel L. t salesman, h 103 N 2d Price Carlton Rev., h 334 Myers Price Caroline, wid Rellix>n, h 148 Ridge Price John, laborer, h 176 Main Price Michael, physician, 67 ConestoJ(a, h do Price Ruth A., wid Leonard, h 327 Frances Probet Stephen, laborer, h 174 Main Proctor William,lllborer,'b 86 Furnace Prosser William H., bricklayer, b 343 S Front Proud Anthony, machinist, b 218 Bent'd av Prowell Abraham M., laborer, h 212 Conestoga Prowell Andrew S., carpenter, h 25!J Cbristian Prowell Cbarles H., engineer, h 367 S Front Prowell Edgar, brickmkr, h 212 Conestoga Prowell Edward M., stt>el worker, h 342 Myers Prowell }4""rank M., steel worker,1I 340 Christian Prowell Jacob A., carpenter, h 340 Christian Prowell Jeremiab, bottommkr, h 544 N 2d Prowell Levi H., laborer, b 212 Conestoga Prowell Ray S., marker,' h 253 Christian Prowell William K., clk, 187 N Front., h do PROWELL WILLIAM B.. DR., druggist, 12 N:Front, h 14do Pruss John, laborer, 11 24 N 2d Pruss Joseph, laborer, h 27 N 2d Pryor Willard A., laborer, h 34 Furnace Puller Benjamin, laborer, h 80 Furnace Puller Edward, laborer, h 227 Adams Pulut John, laborer,h 20 N 3d Putt Harvey ~., steel worker, h 38 S 2d Pyles David C., helper, h 521 Christ;an Quinn Patrick, blacksmith, h 346 Main Rahacek Andrew, laborer, h 382 S Front Rahn Charles, fireman, h 340 Lincoln Raikowitz I van, laborer, h 367 S 3d Ralph John T., laborer, h Walnut c .Penn Ralph William, tender, h Walnut c PenD Ramp Margaret J. Mrs., bOll!lekeeper, 334 Myers Ramsey James, laborer, b 119 Adams Ramsel Oliver H., clk Mercbant Mill, b 367 Myers Ramsey Sarah B., dressmkr, h 367 Myers

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." To find a flame you must k,,01Q how to spell it!' '12 Boyd's Steelton Directory.
Rank Samuel P., molder, h :id c Walnut Raunick Augustus, cupolatendf'r, h 43 S 3d Raunick Ernest J. M., (L. C. Sidle & Co.), h 385 S Front Raunick John M., asst to surgeon P. S. Co., h 43 S 3d Raver John, laborer, h 328 Christian Raver Samuel, huckster, b 419 Main Ray Elizabeth, wid Jerman F., h 465 Myers Reagan Cornelius, laborer, h 619 N 3d Reagan Eliza, wid Malachi, h 161 Main Reagan Jeremiah, laborer, h 327 Swatara Reagan Mary A., wid Jeremiah, h 327 Swatara Reagan Michael, laborer, h :324 Christian Rebling George, conductor, h 229 Frederick Redcowich Michael, lahtlrer, h 407 S Front Reed Ettie, h 3711 S Front Reed Grant T., laborer, h :l26 Christian Reed Jacob D., helper, h 477 Myers Reed Jacob N., laborer, h 477 Myers Reed Samuel, laborer, h 4th c Marcb al Reed William, driver, h 212 N 2d Reed William F., helper, h 477 Myers Reed William J., fi~man, b 477 Myers Reebling Bros., (C. A. and C. F. A.), grocers, 302 Myers Reeh1ing Cbarles A., (Reebling Bros.), h 304 Myers Reehling Charles F., h 304 Myers Reebling Charles F. A., (Reehling Bros.), b 304 Myers Reebling Charles H., elk, b 304 Myers Reehling Mary A., saleslady, 302 Myers, 11 304 do ReehJing'1I Hall, Conestoga c Myers Rt-id John C., foreman, h 453 Lincoln Reider John R., furnacemall, h 210 Myers Reider William J., macbinist, b 546 Linc"ln Reidinger Frank F laborer, b 147 Christian Reigart Danif'l M., laborer. b 47 N Front Reihl Joseph, laborer, h 114 Main Reinhart Henrv, laborer, h 503 Main Reinhart John; h 503 Main Reisch Charles F., helper, b 338 Christian Reiscb Daniel A., carpentel', h 413 Main Reisch Thomas, oiler, h 413 Main Reist Charles, boilermkr, h 364 Main Reist David C., paperhanger, h 36 S Front Reist John, laborer, h 317 Conestoga Reist Jonas B., grocer, 485 Myers, h do Reitzel Anna, wid George S., h 273 Christian Reitzel Fannie, wid Henry, h 241 S 2d Reitzel Frank S., clk P. S. Co., h 241 S 2d Reitzel John H., elk P. S. Co., h 316 S 2d

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I. B. TICI t::tUI'::=~ Iail. mlla'n S~. {,2m ~d~.

. Boyd'. Steelton DIrectory.
Reitzel SamlJel E., carpenter, h 241 S 2d Leopold, laborer, h 64.1 N Front Repp Frederick, machiniMt, h 21)0 S 2d Rexroth Henry J., labore .., h 226 Canal III Reynders John V. W., civil engin~r P. S. Co., h at Hbg Reynolds Aaron E., molder, h 935 S Front Reynolds Isaac, laborer, h 4028 2d Rheam John H., grocer, 663 N Front, h do Rboades Albert H., labo~r, h 329 Conea~ Rhoads Levi J., laborer, b 325 Bessemer Rboads I~ydia, wid Amos, h 353 S 2d Rice William Rev., h 325 Myers Richardson George, laborer, h 2d c Ridge Richardson Lottie, domefltic, 406 SprlJce Ricbardson William H., laborer. h 216 N 2d Rickert George B. M., iron worker, h 272 Myers Rideout Jacob, laborer, h 143 Rid~ Rider Charlel', clk S. S. Co., h 128 B 2d Rider Harry B., engineer, It 128 S 2d Riester Lewis, laborer, h 219 Chicques Riggs Joseph, laborer, h 1131 AdaDls Rinostro Hugh, laborer, h 215 Callal al Ritchcrick Jesse, laborer, It 440 Lint.'Oln



Ritch ey Charles W., laborer, h 9:J7 S Front Ritter JameK W., engineer, h 451 Myers Rivers William C., laborer, h 2d c Ridge Rizzo Michael. lahorer, h 277 S 3d ROBERTS CHARLES A.., grocer and a~ White Se~ng Machines and machine SU1)plies, 184 MalO, h do (see adv) Roberts George H., foreman, 1 182 Main Roberts Mary A., wid Thumas, h 184 Main Roberts Rose, saleslady, 184 Main, h do Roberta William, laborer, h 138 Ridge Robin Joseph, grocer, h 201 Mohn Robioson Clarence W., laborer, h 64 Fnroace Robinson George, ladle liner, b 58 Furnace Robinson Lark, laborer, h 401 Bailey

FOOTW EAR 00 10 IAmRS', N.3'P~.



Machine Supplies and Razor-Edge Grinder,
'-Maohlne Repalrlna a Specialty."


- - -


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Coldl,. QulDB,f, Rheamatlam. TcIotbache. Sore Throat, Ape, D)'BIIepda, ""- lilt 1.111.

M.I,U'. PaIn ExtermInator _

Cholera )(orblll, DJII6IIter:r. Cram.... DIaIrhaIa.


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

.Rockey William D., watchman, h 454 N Front Rodgers Edward, lahorer, h 3 N Front Rodgers John. fireman, h 69 Frederick Rodkey William H., tapper, h 322 Christian Roe Mack. laborer, h 218 N 2d Roebuck George W., laborer, h 150 Ridge Rogers Edward, cooper, h 161 Frederick Rogers Thomas C., machinist, h 255 Christian Rohrbach Alleu, teacher, h 38:J S Front Roller Clayton. driver, h 385 S Front Rook Samuel, laborer, h 243 S Front Rose Jacob, butcher, h Siders' Row Ro88 George, laborer, h 601 N 3d . Ro!48 John E., painter, h 365 Christian . Roth James P., bricklayer, h 25 S Front. Roth Martha, clk, Locust Ilr Canal, b 232 Locust Roth Nicholas, shoemkr, 237 S Front, h 2:12 Locust Rothrock John H., engineer, h 336 Christian Rothrock Levi, watchman, Locust nr Canal, h 145 S 4tb Rousey Benjamin, laborer, h 216 Ridge Row George W., laborer, h 412 Swatara Rowinskey Amos, laborer, h 937 S ~'ront Rubby Thomas, helper, h :J04 Main Ruby Harry T., charger, h 443 Myers Rudisill Paris, carpenter, II 51 N Front Rudolph Frederick, foreman Merchant Mill, h at Hbg Rudy Jacob, shoemkr, 18 N Front, h 351 N 2d RlJdy S. Claren<~'E:, clk P. R. R,. h 351 N 2d Ruff Purlee, helper, h 385 S }4'ront Rumple John P., helper, h 252 Myers Runk Daniel, machinist, h 515 Lincoln Rupp Abraham L., telegrapher, h 207 Lincoln Rl1pp Annie, clk, LoclIst Ilr Canal, h 207 Lincoln Rupp David, repairsman, h 35:31 S 2d Rupp George F., laborer, h 207 Lincoln Rupp Mary, clk, Locust nr Canal, h 207 Lincoln Russel Joseph, lahorer, h Canal al ab Conestoga Russell Albert, laborer, h 411 Catharine Rus.qell J. OI!<.'Ilr, teacher, h 251 N 2d , Russell Joseph ~., laborer. h S2d lIr powder house Rutherford Robert M., teller Steelton Nat. Bank, h at Bbg Rutherford Urias, carpenter, h 29 Rutherfilrd William L. Rev., h 43 N Front Rutherford William S., jr., stenographer P. S. Co. Ryan Bridget Mrs., h 230 Frederick.. . . . I;t. Paul's Lutheran Church, S 2d c Hoffer Sample Jerome, laborer, h 905 S Front . Sample Samuel, water.tender, h 235 N Front

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ill" 1 B. T {wan Paper. II1II\ Shade.


The beet aud 10weat p~c_ Window { 7270 with Pbt\UI'tlll aDd FriDP. for 86 cSL N. Itt at.

Boyd's St,elton Directory.


Samsel William A., engineer, h 440 Lim.'oln Sanders George B., laborer, h 246 Myers Sanders John, laborer, h 319 Trewick Sanders Penrose 0., laborer, b 246 Myers Sansom Chambers R., engineer, b 180 Main Sansom Philip W., enjtineer, h 142 Main Saul Charles H., physician, 2& Locust, h do Saul David F., h 369 S 2d . Saul Joeeph S., grOC('r, 121 S Front, h 369 S 2d Saul Samuel S., fi)remaU' P. S.. Co., Jl 357 S Front Saul Warren A., lahorer, h401 S.Front Saul William J., screwsman, h 357 S "'''ront Savoy Robert, laborer. h 210 Ridge Savoy Washinl[ton. laborer, h 55:~ Mumma's Row Schade Henry P., laborer, h 348 Lincoln Schadler Albert, laborer. h 22:3 Locust Schaeffer Harry A., packer, h 413 Reading Schaefler Joseph B., hostler, h 413 Reading Schaffner John H., helper, h 270 Myers Schaun Edwin, painter, h 532 S 2d ' ScbeafFer Charles, laborer, b 246 S 2d ScheU Henrv K., carpenter, h 415 Mohil Sehlein Charles, laborer. h 220 N Front ,'" '. Schlessman Theodore H., foreman, h 323 'Myers. Schmick Louisa, wid Frederick, h 324 Chicques Scbmick Martin, laborer, h 324 Chicqu~s Schmidt David, steel worker, h 214 N Ftont Scbmidt LeopoM, laborer, h 207 Mohn Schmidt Martin, laborer. h 207 Mohr; Scbmiedel William, elk P. S. Co., h at Hbg Schreiner Morris W., engineer, h 321'S Front Schriver William J., laborer, h 514 Lincoln Schroll Edgar H., laborer, h 863 S 2d Schroll Lut.her M., engineer, Locust nr Canal, h 320 Main Schroll Samuel, drh'er, h 863 S 2d Scbroll William F., laborer, b S63 S 2d Schubarker Harry, laborer, h 405 Catharine Schubauer Charles A., (W. Schnbauer & Soil), h 227 Swatara Schubauer Robert, laborer, h 227 Swatara' , Schubauer Wilhelm, (W. Schubsuer & Son). h 2~7 Swatara Schubauer William J., steel worker, h 331 Swatara Scbuballer W. & Son, (Charles A.). blacksmiths, 154 S Front Scbukofski Louisa, wid.Adam, h 411 Mohn Scott Charles E., clk P. S. Co., b 37 S 2d Scott David, laborer, h 163 Adams . Scott James, laborer, h Frederick nb Conestoga Scott Joseph A., laborer, h 170 Ridge . Scott Mayberry, rougher, h 29 Locust .

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" 10 find a name you must kntnlJ now to spell it." 76 lloyd's Steelton Dlrec'tel'J.
Scott Robert, labo~r, h rear 129 Adams Scott Samuel, watertender, b 249 Adams Scott WiIIi"m A., laborer, b 163 Adams Seabold Edward D., asst in lahoratory P. S. Co. h at Hbg Seabold Harry H., elk, 4 N Front, h 117 Lincoln 8eace John H., laborer, h 65 Frederick Sears Walter F., carpenter, h 428 Spruce Seehouse John W., laborer, h 638 N 2d SEIBERT WILLIAM H., physician and 8urgeon, 31 S Front, h 29 do Seidel Edward H., conductor, h 416 N Front 8eideflj Emanuel, foreman, b 977 S Front Seiders Morris E., laborer, h 971 S Front 8eiferd Harrison, bricklayer, b 261 S 2d . Seitz Emanuel Z., rail straightener, h 333 S 2d Sellers Albert J., boilermkr, h 267 Maio Sellers Benjamin F., engineer, h 179 Main Sellers ~rank V., steel \,"orker, b 252 Main Sellers Harry, driller, b 418 N Fl'ont Sellers Harry C., elk, h 269 Myers Sellers Isaac, pitman, h 269 Myers Seltzer Charles K., blacksmith, h 53 Frederick Selway George, laborer, h 7 B 4th Selway Joseph W., elk Merchant Mill, h 44 N Front Severes Amos, ooachman, h 129 S Front Severes Charles, laborer, h 149 Adam~ Severes George W., laborer, h 1I91 Adams Shaiar Jacob, foreman, h 101 Locust Shack G. Albert A., laborer, h 173 Adams . Shaeffer Perninah, wid William, h 329 Conestoga Shaffer L. James, driller, h 208 Pine Shaffer Bamuel J., firemau, h 534 B 2d Shaffner Frank W., storekeeper P. B. CO' I h at Hbg Shaffner John F., steel worker, b 24 Pine Shambaugh Joshua, laborer, h 106 Frederick Shank Martin B., timekeeper P. S. Co., h at Benton Sbank Samuel D., jl;rocer, 504 S 2<1, h do Shanley Ann A., wid William, b 253 Christian Shannon Ellen, wid Patrick, h I) N Front Shannon John, steel worker, h 254 N 2<1 Sharon Ada M., wid James, h 355 Christian Sharon Elizabeth E., wid Laurence, h 355 Christian Sharon Thomas J., blacksmith, h 321 Conestoga Sharovsky Ellis, elk, 149 S Front, h do Sharovsky Israel, clothier, 149 S Front, h do Shatto Charles M., molder, h 164 Main William, melter, h 564 Main , Shaub Charles, elk, 109 N Front, h 236 .Ladus!;

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I. B. TACK, WallPaper and WindOlf Shades. {72~:i.!R,gr:,~.





Shaumharger Pbilo S., laborer, h 126 Frederick Shaw Daniel, laIK)fel', h 58 Furnace Shay Benjamin M., engineer, h 179 S 2d Shay Robert C., en~ineer, b 234 Bent's av . Sheaffer Benjamin S., helper, h 118 Main Sheaffer Juhn L., tinner, h 243 Myers Sheaffer William W., fimndryman, h 422 S,vstara Sheely Augustus, cigars, 317 S Frmit, h :305 do Sheesley Adam C., stopper liner, h 241 Lincoln Sheesley CharieR W., carpenter, b 154 Lincol n Sheesley John H., carpenwr, h 154 Lincoln Sheets Abnlham, driver, h 430 Lincllin Sheets George, laburer, h 430 Lincoln Sheets William H., gagger, h 544 Lincolu Sheffer GP8I'Y, lab()rer, h 307 N Front Sheffer Minor N., laborer, h 2-16 S 2d Sheffer Peter, h 258 N Front Shell Daniel, laborer, h 822 S 2d Shell Edward H., laborer, h ~22 S 2d Shellenberger Juhn S., frogmkr, h 417 Cbristian ShellenbEarger Tbomas, (James M. Zimmel'man & Co.), h 359 Christian Shelley Henry C" mgr, 35 N Front, h 33 do

FRANK M. WALTERS, FOOTWEAR, N.7:J~ SHELLEY JOBN P., ice cl'eam mfr, :35 and 36~ N Front,
h 35 do Sbelly Harry H., steel worker, h 319 Conestoga Shelly Kirk, restaUl'llllt, 103 S Fl'Ont, h 101 do Shelly Reuben, laborer, h 329 Conf'stoga Shepherrl I. Wilber, clk P. S. CII., h 39 S 4th Shepbenl JamelS M., laborer, h 135 Adams Shepherd .John \V., molder, h 521 Lincoln Shepler Uriah, plasterer, h 214 Bent'!! av Shepley Charles S., laborer, h Hbg ab Bessemer Sherbacher EIi7.abeth, wid John, h 517 Ch"istian Sherer J. Norman, elk P. S. Co.. h ;U9 Spruce Sherer John, shirt cutter, h 349 Sprnce Sherk David L., driller, h 302 N 2d Sherrbaner Harry H., moldt'r, h 405 Catharine Shettel Mary M., wid Philip H., h 167 S 2d Sh!cliley Peter, pnddler, h 525 Ch"istiau Shield" Wesley, laborer, h 420 N Front Shilderman Jobn S., laborer, h 527 Myers Shimmel Julia, domesti(!, 19 L()('ust Shipe Washin~t()n Ii'" laborer, h 6:3 Frederick Shirer Carrie H., dre8llmkr, Ii 625 N Front Sbirer George, laborer, b 21-i Pine

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.clell's Pain Exterminator .:lfu~~o:a: ="o':rec.lf~DJ{ {11TI'1.JJ L.


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Shill8ler David B., section foreman, h 32 S 2d Shively Frederick, laborer, h 163 Main Shorter Ida B., domestic, 219 Cbicques Shorter Wallace, laborer, h 344 N ~d Sborts John, laborer, h 211 N 2d Sbott Ida Mrs., b 955 S Front Shoveler Martha, wid Aaron, h Linroln .b Hbg Shroder William, molder, h 54 Conestoga Shuler Edward E., laborer, h 170 Frederick Shuler Elmer E., helper, h 342 Main Shultz William, mason, h 6~4 S 3d Sbumau Luke, enltioeer, Locust nr Canal, h 227 N Front Shuuk Francis R., steel worker, h 2:n Myers Shunk George B., engineer, h 2:31 Myers Shupp Jacob N., barber, h 603 S Front Shupp John, helper, h 503 S Front Sickel William, h 933 S Front SIDLE L. C. & CO., (L. C. Sidle and E. J. M. Rauniek). flour, feed, &c., 342-346 S Front Sidle Latimer C., (L. C. Sidle & 0>.), groceries, drygoods, &c., 383 aod 385 S Front, It 383 do Sidle Solomon T., elk, 383 S Front, h do Sieg Mary, asst postmaster, h 152 S 2d Sieg Peter W., laborer, h 426 Main SIEG WILLIAII H. H., postmaster and publisber Steelton Reporter, 2 and 4 S Front, h 152 S 2d (see adv) Sieg William P., laborer, h 44:3 Christian Sieger Jubn, gasmkr, h 658 N Front Silverman Jobn, peddler, h 223 Canal at Simons GeoJte, filreman, h 362 Swatara Simpson Samuel, luborer, h 40 Furnace Sims Joseph, laborer, h 212 N 2d Singer John B., toller, h 121 S 4th Sinkfield Richard H., laborer, h 151 Adams Slater Angus, laborer, h Canal al ab Conesto~a Slater Hem'y, driver; h 112 Adams Slater James F., laborer, b 140 Ridge Slaybaugh Charles T., iron \vOIker, h 263 N Front Slaybangh Samnel S.. carpenter, h 263 N Front Slaybaugh William W., iron worker, h 263 N Front Slitzer Andrew, planer, h 728 N 2d Sloop David, steel worker, h 338 Lincoln Sloop George W., watchmkr, h 313 N Front Sloop Samuel, shoemkr, 4 and 6 N Front, b 313 do Smalley Joseph, fireman, h 418 Lincoln Smeigb William D., gasmkr, h 453 Main Smiley William D., helper, h 413 Catharine Smith Albert B., elk P. S. Co., b 616 N 3d

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I. B. TACK, PiDe Irt Wall Paper. {~c3:~*~.!A} 1210 . 3d.

Boyd's Steelton Directory. 79
Smith Arthur A., stenographer P. S. Co., h 139 S 2d Smith Bella, teacher, h 123 S 2rl Smith Charles, laborer, h !J26 Chicque8 Smith Charles H., elk, h 314 Main Smith Charles H., laborer. h 153 Main Smith C. lVII, teacher, h 158 Lincolu Smith Clara J., elk, 2d bel Walnut Smith Daniel K., driver, h 965 S Front Smith Elwood W., bookkpr, h 6 N 3d Smith Emma, wid Henry, h 123 S 2d SKITB FBEDEIlICK 1:., Central Hotel, 133-35 S Front, h do Smith Harry E., lahorer, h 19 N Front Smith Henry 0., foreman P. S. Co., h 221 S Front Smith Hezekiah, laborer, h 218 N 2d Smith Isaiah, laborer, h 218 N 2d Smith Israel H., carpenter, h 158 Lincoln Smith Jacob R., millwright. h 356 Myers Smith John C., machinist, h 616 N 3d Smith John C., machinist, h 36 S Frent Smith John G., laborer, h 420 Swatara Smith John H., laborer, h 402 Reading Smith John N., laborer, h 134 Ridge Smith Joseph S., laborer, h 662 N Front Smith Kate A., wid Juhn W., hIS Front Smith Lizzie, milliner, 22 S Front, h 31 do Smith Marv, wid Jacob, h 142 Lincoln Smith Michael, steel worker, h 951 S Front Smith Myrtle L., clk, h 356 MyE.'f8 Smith Norman, lahorer, h 2d c Ridge Smith Robert V., machinist, h 30 S 3d Smith Samuel, 8teel worker, h 242 Main Smith Samuel H.C. Re\'., h 101 Lincoln Smith Webster, contractor, h 124 Adams Smith William D., engineer, h 31 S 2d Smith William E., steam fitter, hiS Front Smoley Joseph, fireman, b 418 Lincoln Smothers John F., laborer, h 314 Ridlre Smothers Sylvester, steel worker, h 3fo Lincoln Smothers William, varieties, 117 Adams, h do Smrekore John, laborer, h 26 N 2d Smythe John A . mgr, Locust nr Cansl, h 418 N 3d Smythe Leidy, clk S. S. Co., h 3d ab Lincoln Soavely Bertha G., student, h 205 Swatara Snavely John, clk, h 205 Swatara Snavely John H., grocer, 201 S 2d, notary public, 30 S Front, h do Snavely Minnie B., teacher, h 205' Swatara,

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" To find a name you must k"ow how to spe/Zr."t." 80 Boyd'. Steelton Directory. SNAVELY WILLIAlII J., C8l!hier Steelton Nat. Bank,
and tress M., H. and S. St. Ry. Co., 18 S Front, h Swatara c 2<1 Snt-II Alice M., wid Thomas, h 353 Main Soell Elizabeth H., wid Henry, h 306 Main Snell Harry W., laborer, h 368 Myers Snell Jacob H., boss roUer, h 351 Main Snell John A., heater, h S36 Myers Snell Robert L., laborer, h 353 Main Snell William H., ht'lper, h a5 N Front Snoddy Zachariah, wheelwrig-ht, 172 S Front, b at Hbg Snoke Albert J., driller, h 3d c Che;tnut Snoke Daniel, lahorer, h ad c Chestnut Snnke Edgar, lIIail messenger, h 3c1 c Chestnut SIIIlW Ht'nry, puddler, h rear -145 Lincoln Snyder Eli T., maehinist, h 249 Swatara Snyder Emory A., laborer, h 3751 S Front Snyder Henry B., watchman P. S. Co., h 338 Main Snyder John H., laborer, h 205 ChriRtian Snyder .Jo~ph, laborer, h 323 Trewick Snyder Lydia K., wid Christian B., h 338 Main I:;ons of America, Washin~ton Camp, 102; meets Thursday eve., G. A. R. Hall, Willialll Carr, sec Sons of Tt'mperance, No. 54; meets Tuesday eve. in G. A.. R. Hall, E. R ..Jenkins, dep Soulliard John H., auctiont'Cr, h 115 Lincoln Sourbier Aaron, engineer, h 203 Pine Spangler Adam, laborer, h 354 Main Spangler Harry, oiler, II 923 S Front Spangler Levi, mason, h 415 Christian Spayde William H., timekeeper P. S. Co., b 121 S 4th Spearhart John, labort'r, h 204 Front Spellman Jobn, laborer, h 130 Ridge Spencer Robert, laborer, h 60 Furnace Spidle Richard M., painter, h :\94 S 2d Spink Arnold B., helper, h 306 Main Splang M iC'hael, laborer, b 354 Main Spong J. William, laborer, h 144 Frederick Sponsler Mary A. Mrs., h 284 Main Sponsler William L., laborer, b 317 Muin Spotts Elizabeth, wid William, It 220 Main Spranger Martin, laborer, h 481 Mye~ Spratt William, laburer, h N Front nr toll gale Spriga Crawfi,rd, laborer, h 82 Furnace Sprow John H., llelper, b 473 Myers Squibb DHvid D., driver, b 907 S Front Stacks Charlet! M., elk, 12 N Front, II 14 do Stucks Elmer E., elk, h 177 Christian

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A. B. TACK, ProcIICOI Paper

H~nger, {,~,~~~R3~.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Stacks Frank D., tobacconist.\, 155 S Front, h 177 Christian Stacks Jacob S., laborer, h 177 Christian Stacks James L., clk, 163 S Front, h 177 Christian Stahlpr Adam J., weigher, h 116 Main Stahler Etta, clk S. S. Co., h 116 Main Stahler Frank W., steel worker, h 116 Main Stahler Harvey E., painter, h 2:3 Walnut Stahler James Y., engiueer, h 202 Frederick Staley Abraham, fureman, h 67 Frederick Staley John. laole rnnner, h 260 Christian Stamm Harry B., laborer, h 362 Main Stanley Charlps J., grinder, h 444 Swatara Stanley Juhn, laborer, h 444 Swatara Stan nard Beverly, la borer, h 120 Adamfl Stark John. fireman, h 217 Canal Starner Harry, laborer, h 159 Main Stauole Getlrge G., steel worker, h 32 S 3d Staudt Daniel E., fllrnaceman, h 49 Frederick Stauffer Jo~n, steel worker, h 261 S Frunt Stauffer JO&'ph, laborer, h 3] 7 Frederick Stazenicb Michael, laborer, h 152 Frederick Stazewski Catharine, wid John, h 1:18 Furnace Steel Maria A . wid William, h 672 N Front

fEl:::L~~~~:;rJ~r"l~ FOOTWEAR 01 I alters', 1012 I. 3d 81. Steel Pamelia J. Mrs., It 351 N 2d Steel Workers' Beneficilll Asso.; meets Tuesday eve. after general pay day at 146 N Front, James M. Gibbs, sec Steel Workers' Bldg and Loan Asso.; J. Barnet, sec, 171 N Front Steele Juhn M., meat market, 181 N Front, h 175 do STEELTON ADVOCATE, published every Friday by J. R. Missemt'r, 130 N }l'runt; terms, 11.00 per anllum (see aov)

STEELTON AND HARRISBURG LOCAL EXPRESS, E. E. Fiese, mgr; J. D. Pierce, messenger, 9

N Front


Neat and Oheap Job Work Promptly Executed at :Reasonable Bates. J. R. /sSE.ER,

- - Edito" and Pu6Iid.".






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DIce McNeil'8 Medicine Co. {~a.eed} N~~" 82 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Steelton Board of Trade, A. C. Landis, pres; J. R. Missemer, sec; meets Couifer House last Wednetday of each month Steelton Boot and Shoe Dept. S. S. Co., 4 N Front STEELTON BBICK CO., S. M. Brightbill, pres; E. E. I!'iese, tress; brick mfrs and general hauling. 6 S Front Steelton Building and Loan Asso., George Dress, sec; meets Saturday, 171 N Front Steelton Clothing Dept. Steelton Store Co., 2 N Front Steelton Conclave, No. 106, I. O. of Heptaaophs; J. J. Newbaker, sec, 108 S Front Steelton Council, Royal Arcanum, No. 933; Albert N. Lupfer, sec; meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 2 S I!'ront Steelton Electric Light Plant, 2d 0 Washington Steelton Encampment, No. 278, I. O. of O. F.; org. Aug., 1888; George H. Roberts, scribe; meets first and third Mondays of each month, 18 S Front \ Steelton Ferry, (Zimmerman & Shellenberger), ft Frances Steelton Free Library, L. E. McGinnes, sec, Felton Hall Steelton Harnes.~ Co., (Keller & Mumma), 136 N Front Steelton Hijrh Schol)l. 3d c Walnut STEELTON HOllIE WATER CO., P. D. Wanner, pres ; R. B. Kinsey, sec; H. E. Ahren!!, tress, Conestoga c Christian . Steelton Hotel, Jerome Hite, 349 N Front Steelton Light, Heat and Power Co., S. Cou1i'er, pres, Washington c 2d Steelton Lodge, A. O. H.; meets second Sunday each month at Reehliug's Hall. John Kelly, sec Steeltou Lodge, No. 411, K. of P., org. June 10th, 1892; meets Thursday eve., 18 S Front, J. P. Kinney, K. of R. and S. Steelton Lodge, No. 184, I. O. of O. F.; org. Aug., 1886; Edward E. Zerby, sec; meets Friday, 18 S Front Steeltou Marble and Granite Works. H. U. Coble, Baldwin Cemetery, Liucoln nr limits

Steelton Planing Mill and Lumber Go.,







North Front Street, near Jefferson, Steelton, Pal

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I. B. T ""n,

il .

N, 3d St. work, aDd lDaa.... 11. Work done La my pen ot tbelt.e.



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Steelton Market Houae Co., 180 to 186 N Front, A. B. Dunkle, mgr STEELTON NATIONAL BANK. 18 S Front; capital, $76,000; inc. Dec., 1886; Ll1ther S. Bent, pres j W. J. Snavely, caRbier (!1t'e adv)


ltd, G. W. Cum bier, preR j W. M. James, sec and treas; mill work. &c., 520 N Front (see adv) STEELTON PRESS. P. S. Blackwell, 114 Adams STEELTON REPORTER, William H. H. Sieg, publisher. 4 S Front (see adv) STEELTON STORE CO . ltd, genl merchandise, wholesale Rnd retail, Locllst nr-Canal, Henry B. Bent, genl supt STEELTON TRANSFER CO., S. M. Brightbill, pres; E. E. Fiese, see, 6 S Front Stees Daniel R.. elk, Locust nr Canal, h 243 Swatara STEES IIARDOCBEUS F., roofing, slJouting add general sheet metal worker, 198 S Front, h 115 S 2d Stees Samuel M., elk, h 115 S 2d Stehman Jacob 0., laborer, h 416 Reading Steigelman Frank, nlllchinist, h 306 Christian Stein Benjamin F., laborer, h 248 Main Steinman William H., foreman P. S. Co., h 443 Lincoln Stengle Elizabeth, wid Isaac, h 213 Lincoln Stengle George A., hldleman, h 213 Lincoln Sterline Charles. asst chemist, b 357 Pine Sterling Edward I., laborer, h 303 S 2d Stevens Eliza, wid Adam, h 115 Frances Stevens Park W . helper, h 115 Fran<.'es Stevens Sylvester, pitman, h 145 Adams Stevens William R., laborer, h 142 Ridge Stevenson Chal"ies 0., laborer, It 407 Bailey Stevenson Emma, wid Joseph, h 547 Mumma's Row Stevenson Joseph H., laborer, h 666 N Front StevenSOIl Simoll, laborer, h 131 Ridge Stevell801l WillhllD, laborer, h 105 Ridge Stewart Clara B., stello~rapher, 36 N Front, h 376 Myers Stewart Edward, laborer, h 670 N Front

Eltlmates tllmllbed. Addrtu,



St'ton, Dauphin Co., the G, Indultrial C.nt,.. of Pa.

Advertisements Inserted at Rates.

...., '---'~ ,---,~.c~ NEATLY EXECUTED. Four 8team Power Pre-. with a full ,apply of tbe latest Job Type, aDd ex perteaced worlUDeD. AU work 18 tQl1led oat promptly and ., low ra",W. H. H. 81E9, P"bll.h.r, 8tull.tHr, Ptl.

_ T ~ r=I """ )( T ~ ~ ~ OF EVERY DESCRIPI'ION

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 84 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Stewart Frank S., elk P. S. Co., h at Hbg Stewart Gertrude R., domestic, 416 Spruce Stewart Ira J., laborer. h 660 N "'runt Stewart JameM D., helper, h 402 Swatara Stewalt I ... Ray. printer, h :i76 Myers Stewart William J . clk Merdlant Mill, h 376 Myers Stidler Levi, helper, h aS3 S 2<1 Stiles William J., teacher, h Lincoln ab Hhg Still Isaac, laborer, h :395 S 2d Still Jeremiah, constable. h 395 S 2d Still Levi, iron wurker, b :391 S Front Still William A .. f,lremall, h 395 S 2d. Still William E., rilCger, h 130 Frederick Stimer Jobn F., engineer, h 105 Main t3timer Martin, driver, h 105 Main St. James Academy, Sisters of Mercy, 365 N Front St. James Parndliul School, N 2d nr Jefferson St. James R. C. Church. 3tH N Front St. John's Lutheran Church. 2d c Pine St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Chu .....!b. 142 N Front Stoll Barbara. wid Michat'l, b 271 ChriRtian St-oll George H., lab(lrer. h 271 Christian Stoll Mary, saleslady, 12 S Front, h 271 Christian Stoll Matthia!!, laborer, h 172 Frederick Stoll Peter M., roller, h 271 Christiall Stoll &uben A., stenographer P. S Co., h 131 S 3d Stoll William, blacksmitb. h 236 S 2d Stone .Johu, dl'iver, h 366 S 2d Stoner Clarence, blacksmith, h 405 S }'ront Stoner Ellwyu M., P. R. R. agt, depot, II 179 Myers Stoller Isabella, wid Andrew J., h 341 S Floont Stoner Mary A. Mrs., h 179 Myel's Stonesift!l' William H., cutter, h 206 Pine Stottlemyel' U1yins M., laborer, h 443 Catharine Stottlemyer William F., laborer, h 443 Catbarine Stouft!r Frank E., miller, b 159 J1""rerlerick Stough George E., laborer, h :H 7 S Front Stont Edward \V., laborer, b 351 Lincoln Strange Sarah, wid Jubn W., h Canal al ab Conestoga Straw John T., cnlter, h 165 Christian Straw Stephen S., haker, 261 Main, h <In Straw William H., blacksmith. h 2:36 S 2d Stribling Lucy Mrs., h 224 Bailey Strine George C., hotel, 3H:3 Main, h do Strock Abner, laborer. b 131 Lincoln Strother Joseph, laborer, h 78 Fur1lace Stubionski Adam, laborer, h 531 Cbristian Stutzman James, oiler, h 321 S 2d

Digitized by


Ybc;\~~:;:= 1011 PUDer 0IId W1ndOlShOdeS lrom A. B. T ICI, N.':':~

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Styancn Bloutz, laborer, h 616 S 3d Styles Frank C., laborer, h 2:J7 Swatara Styles Margaret L., wid Hennt'l'I!On, h 237 Swatara Sugar JOllE!ph S., laburer, h 547 Christian Sullivau Catharine, wid John J., h 57 Conestoga Sullivau Ellen, wid Dennil', b 67 Frederil'k Sullivan Eugene, laborer, b 327 Swatara Sullivan John, laborer, h 67 Frederil'k Sultzaberger Daniel 0., (Cunft'er & Sultzaberger), (Sultz&ber~er & Co.), h 2:18 N Front Sult,...aberger & Co., (D. O. Sultzaberger and S. G. Detweiler), ice, 240 N Front Summers Howard H., teacher, h 672 N Front Sunday Susan, wid Harry M . h 269 N Front Susquehanna Tribe, No. 298, J. O. R. M.; org. Dec. 1, 1890 ; C. Hess, sec; meets MondllY eve. 2 S Front Sutton Leroy H., steel worker, h 175 Myers Sutton Rankin B., fi)reman, h 175 Myers Sutton William R . helper; h 396 S 2d Suydam Eugene W . elk, h 222 Locust Swain Harry M., laborer, h 375t S Front Swan Samuel, laborer, h 411 S Front Swartz Benjamin, fireman, h 523 S Front
-All the LateBt StylealnNEUABLE and FASHIONABLE

FOOTWEAR OIFRAI:KMW'IlL"lERS', N.1012 n ". I Btl St.

Swartz Edward, baker. h 147 Main Swatara Council, No. i>5, Pocahontas Lodge, rueds Tuesday eve. at Freeburn's Hall, Mrs. Annie McKune, sec Swatara Lodge, 1901, G. U. O. of O. F.; sec, R. H. Sinkfield; meets 140 Adams Sweenev EBen C., wid James, h 341 S Front Sweeney Grant W., laborer, h 401 Reading Sweeney Howard, machinist, h 229 S Front Sweitzer George W., moldt'r, h 71 Main Sweitzer Howard, lalx)rer, h 71 Main Sweitzer WiJliam, rougher, h 71 Main Swisher ,James, laborer, h 536 Christian Switzer James C., laborer, II 529 Lincoln Tate William, stePI worker. h 210 N 2d Taylor Bessie, h 126 Lincoln Taylor Charles E., weighmaster P. S. Co., h at Hbg Taylor Eliza, wid William, h 126 Lincoln Taylor Grace Mrs., housekeeper, 25 S 2d Taylor Henry F . lahorer, h 168 Ridge Taylor Jesse S., laborer, h 415 Catharine Taylor John M. Rev., h 247 AdaDls Taylor Robert, laborer, h 134 Ridge Tenney Frank, asst Ropt P. S. Vo., h Spruce c 4th

Digitized by


"'NEIL'S Llv.rand Blood Purlfyln. Pille Cure 't1011311 01. II M u LIYer, Blood and KIdney ComplatnlL

86 Boyd'. Steelton Directory. Terrell John W., laborer, h 103 Adams Terry Martin, laborer, h 118 Frederkok: Tezak John, laborer, h 26 N 2d Theisinger Frank, laborer, h 330 8 2d Theisinger MarltBret, wid Jacoh, h 350 8 F~nt Thomas Adam, laborer, h :39 Frederick ThomaR Elizabeth, wid .Joshua, h 336 N Front Thomas George, h 58 2d Thomas George W., machine'hand, h 336 N Front Thomas Madison, laborer, h 122 Adam. Thomas Sarah A., dressmkr, h 47 8 3d Thompkins Sarah, wid George, h 131 Ridge Thompson Alice Mrs., h 349 Frederick Thompson David. laborer, h 315 Adams Thompson Edmund, laborer, h 120 Ridge Thompson Garrett W., engineer, h 350 Main Thompson James, ('ftrpenter, h 610 N 2d Thompson James V., laborer, h 3:J8 8watara Thompson John 8" helper, h 430 Swatara Thompson Owen J., labort'r, h 367 8 Front Thompson Richard J., laborer, h 268 Christian Thompson Rubert B., engineer, h 335 Pine Thomp.'30n Sarah Mrs., h 308 Ridge Thompson Upton, fireman, h 74 Furnace Tbomp8llD William, laborer, h 25 Shanty Row Thomp.~n William P., painter, h 350 Main Thompson William W., laborer, h 163 Myers Thompson William W., printer, h 268 Christian Thorley Eli J., enginet'r, h 2:n ChriKtian Thorley William, carpenter, h 227 Chrilltian Thornton William J., cooper, h 243 Frederick Thumma Barbara, wid Henry. h 261 8 Front Thumma Benjamin F., steel workt'r, h 84th ab 8watara Thumma Harvey, maChinist, h 525 8 Front Thumma .John, laborer, h 261 S Front Thumma 8amuel 0., foreman, h 341 82d Thurm Herman, stone mal!(ID. h 155 Maiu Tibbs J. Wallace, laborer. h 222 Ridge Tillet Job, laborer, h 167 84th Tittiger Carl, laborer, h 4:~ 1 Cat.harine Tilmou Ephraim, laborer, h 142 Ridge Tinsley Lewis, laborer, h 463 Christian Tomashi .Joseph, laborer, h rear 102 N Front Toomey William C., blacksmith, h 223 S Front Toomy Isaac, laborer, h 25 8 3d Toomy James, h 73 Frederick Trace Harvey E., laborer, h 63 Fretierick Trautman Carl, laborer, h 409 Mohn

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II BIT lei -=~&ot Frul,P.'Uc BIUdlDII II Plall nats. {=3~t~t

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.
Traver David B. Dr., druggist, 1458 Front, h do 'l'raver John B., charger, h 234 Locust Traver Samuel N., student, h 145 8 Front Trawitz Mary, wid Henry, h 121 Lincoln Trawitz William E., laborer, h 162 Lincoln Treher Albert M., engiueer, h 269 N Front Treichler John C., brakeman, h 273 Christian Trice John C., blaster, h 33R N 2d Triece Nathan, helper, h 316 Cameron Triece Sarab, wid Isaac, h 162 Lincoln Triece William, laborer, h 162 Lincoln Trinity Episoopal Churcb, JefFersou c N 2d Trinity German Lutheran Church, 2d bel Sw~tara Trostle Amos, laborer, h 310 Christian Troup Abraham C., coacbsmith, h 107 S 4th Troup Annie, (Fox & Troup), h 107 S 4th Troup Annie, dressmkr, b 107 S 4th Tronp Daniel L., laborer, h 222 Lincoln Troup Henry, machinist, b 107 S 4th . Troup Mary, wid Ahraham, h 107 S 4th Troup William F., blacksmith, h 414 N Front Truby Bella M., wid Samnel N., h 23 Locul'lt Truby Cbarles I., student, h 2:l Locust Truby Sarab R, teacher, h 2:3 Locust Tryman Virgil, laborer, b 134 R.idge Tucker Lillie M re., h 120 Ridge Tuckey Charles W., h 333 Lincoln Tuckey JacoL, h 333 Lincoln Tubolski Jobn, laborer, h 613 Mohn Turano Louis, labore)', h 3SS S 3d Turner George, laborer, h ] 29 Adams Turner George W., barber, 140 Adams, b do Turner Nancy, h 122 Adams Turner Philip, laborer, h 129 Adams Turner Richard, laborer, h 210 Adams Turpin James P., painter, b :359 8 3d Twyman Dealman, laborer, h 401 Bailey Twyman George, laborer, hi] 8 Adams Twyman Jackson, laborer, h .103 Adams Twyman William, laborer, h 103 Adam$ Tyson Joseph, cutter, h Walnut c Penn Tyson Newton, oiler, h 621 N Front Ulrich John A., milk, h 2:39 Lincoln Ulrich Samuel, laborer, h 6:19 N Front Ulrich Solomon, laborer, h 244 N 2d Ulsh William R., motorman, h 569 8 2d Unger John F., boilermkr, h 242 Myers


Digitized by


" To find you must know how to spell it." 88 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Uoion Vetel'1ln Legion, G. A. R., No. 67; meets the first and third Saturday eves. of each month at Freeburn's Hall, B. Frank McNear, sec United Brethren Church and Bunday-school Record, Rev. E. I~udwick, ] 65 B 4th Urasic Michael, laborer, h 160 Frederick Urich Kate Mrs., boarding, h 144 Frederick U. B. Express Co., Il!I8ac N. LeedR, agt, P. & R. station Valentine Geo. M., printer, 1:30 N Front, h 21)3 Lincoln Vanwlan ~pencer, Laker, h 261 Main Vanatta Henry C., laborer, h 828 B 2d Vance George, laborer, h 54 B Front Vanier George P., chemist P. S. Co., h at Hbg Vaughan Mary C., wid Thomas, h 348 S 2d Vaughan Robert A., laborer, h 348 S 2d Vaughan Tbeophilu8, laborer, h 204 Mohn Vaughan Thomas E., laborer, h 348 B 2d Vennell Jackson, molder, h 176 Main Verbos Matthias, laborer. h 30 Cheatnut Verbu8 Marco, laborer, h 427 S Front Vickery Gilbert B. draftsman P. S. Co., hat Hbg Vi her Martin, laborer, h 27 N 2-d Vilma Mendell, laborer, h 5~7 Christian Vagel Adam, laborer, h 9R3 B Front Vogel Geo~, iron worker, h 943 S Front VageJsong Fannie E., teacher, h 176 Christian .Vogelsong J. Wm., stenogl'1lpher P. S. Co., h 175 Christian Voglesong Thomas F . stone mason, h 175 Christian Voglesong Thomas H., steel worker, h 401 N 3d Vogt Ameal. laborer, h 419 Mohn Voll Reinholdt, shoemkr, 4 N Front, h at Hbg Vonsusch Michael, laborer, h 51 Trewick Wagenbach Ernst F., engineer, h 132 Lincoln Wagenheim Harry, laborer, h 214 N Front Wagner Elizabeth A., wid Jesse, h 307 Bessemer Wagner John, inspector, h 305 Frances ' Wagner John, port~r, h 27 N Front Wagner .John C., laborer, h rear 268 N Front Wagner William, laborer, h 441 Mohn Wagner William H., agt, h 437 Lincoln Waidley Frank K., barber, 175 N Front, h 24 S 4th Waidley Jacob, planer, h 205 Myers Walbert Sarah C. Mrs., h 48 N Front Waldman Peter, laborer, h 419 Christian Walker Charles, planer, h 17 S 4th Walker Doctor F., engineer, h 173 Adams Walker Henry, laborer, h 48 Furnace Walker Kersey J., laborer, h 215 Christian

Digitized by


I. B. Tlei =ta.:.o~r!,1'11I PI,. II' Il.t., Shues {12m ~dTti"'t.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Walker Martha, wid John, h 308 Ridge Walker William, laborer, h 234 Ridge 'Walker William, laborer, h 103 Adams Wallace Isaiah, barber, h 268 N Front Wallace John, foreman, h 389 S Front Wallace Oliver, laborer, h 7 Mumma's Row Waller Charles, laborer, h 23 Walnut Walley George W., pitDlan, h 201 Lincoln Walmer Henry, farmer, h Loohiel Farm nr Steelton Walmer Juhn, farmer, h Lochiel Farm nr Steelton 'Walsh Michael M., melt~r, h 303 Pine Walter John W., barber, 122i Adams, h 227 Canal al Walter Lewis H., mgr, Locust nr Canal, h Pine c 4th Walter Samuel H., laborer, h 311 Frances Waltel'll Anna, wid John, II 3M Christian Walters Charlel! A., laborer, h 307 N Front Walters George W., rail straightener, h 24 Adams Walters Hiram M., molder, h 145 Christian Walters .Jacob M., carpenter, h 531 S Front Walters John W., charger, h 265 S 2J Walters Lewis B., steel worker, h 41 S 2d Walters Samuel B., bricklayer, h 307 N Front Wanzer James E., taborer, h 666 N Front 89





Warfield Charles, laborer, h 209 N 2d Washington Archer, laborer, h 25 Shauty Row WashinJtton Caroline, h 216 N 2d Washington George, planer, h 216 Bailey Washington Henry .J., labore'r, h 143 Adams Washington James H., laborer, it 145 Adams Washington Jesse, laborer, h 403 Bailey Washington John, laborer, h 2d c Ridge Washington Robert J., steel worker, h 134 Ridge Washington Thomas, laborer, h 25 Shanty Row Watkins John W., helper. h 68 Furnace Watson Jacob E., planer, II 136 Lincoln Watson John H., watertender, h 19 N 3d Watson Joseph C., shipper, h 147l Main Weaver Marcus, laborer, h 3d nr Chestnut Webb Clayton E., clk, 284 Main, h 383 do Webb Samuel E., grocer, 284 Main, h 383 do Webner John D., laborer, h 363 Myers Webster Henry, laborer, h 14 Shanty Row Webster Nicholas, laborer, b 214 Ridge Webster William; huyer S. S. Co., h 408 Spruce Webster William R., laborer, h 14 Sbanty Row Weems Edward, laLorer, h 545 Mumma's Row

Digitized by


.0Well'. Pain htermlnator OUreI Cholera JlorbD8, DJIIIIDtery, Crampe, DIarr~ Ooldl, QulDa7, BhealllMlem, Toothache, SoreTbJoat, AcDe, ~.... Iftl 3d.;


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Weems Josepb, laborer, h 646 Mumma's Row Weidman William P., meat, 637 N Front, h 701 do Weigle Oliver, boilermkr, h 160 Main Weir John, foreman P. S. Co., h 73 Main Weiricb Jacob L., dentitlt, 143 N Front, b do Weisenford Jobn, laborer, h 311 Swatara Weisenford John M . printer, 4 S Front, h 311 Swatara Weisenford Mary, shirtmkr, h 311 Swatanl Weiser John H., driver, h 404 Reading Weldon Willis H., blacksmith, h 200 Pine Wells Charles, steel worker, h 31 N ~"ront Wells Joseph C., laborer, h 243 Frederick Wells Samuel N., b 24:3 Frederick Welsb Lawrence, laborer, h rear 36 NFront Weltmer Henry S., bartender, 349 N Front, b 607 N 3d Wentz Samnel, furnaceman, h 443 Myers Wentz William, iron worker, h 223 Christian Werbunek Anton, laborer, b 18 N 2d West Charles F., filler, b 137 Adams West Side School, Main ab Conestoga Westbrook Albert, craneman, h 374 Myers Westbrook Harry S., rail straightener, h 333 S 2d Westbrook Jane, wid Thomas D., h 351 Frederick Westbrook Magery, wid John, b 374 Myers Westbrook Mary, tailoress, h 361 Frederick Westbrook Nancy, h 374 Myers Westbrook William A., cbarger, b 374: Myers Westbrook William H., laborer, h 374 Myers Westhafer Ancevilla, wid Daniel, b 229 Canal al Westhafer Lucius A., hammerman, h 230 Canal al Westhafer Oscar,'8~1 worker, h 229 Canal al Wetzel Daniel W., catcher, b 372 S 2d Wetzel George W., laborer, b 113 Frances Wheeler John, laborer, h 383! S Front Whisler Jacob, pitman, h 263 Main White Alexander R., laborer, h 600 Lincoln White David A., laborer, b 625 Bessemer White George, laborer, h 143 Adams White James, laborer, h 355i S 2d White John S., rail marker, h 130 S 2d White Lewis A., rail straightener, h 162 Myers White Marshall, laborer, b 132 Ridge White Robert, laborer, h 983 S Front Wbite Sewing Machine, C. A. Roberts, il2t, 184.Main White Thomas J., blacksmith, b Bent.'s av nr 3d White William S., laborer, b 140 S 2d Whitebread William H., elk, 2 N Front, b 166 N 2d Wbitley Elias, laborer, h 34:0 N 2d

Digitized by


IIII( Uld low., 1 B. T {Wall Paper. The be.tJ'lzturee Frlqe. Window { II. 1210 "'"' Shad oomplete. tor 80 IItIllt.




Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Whitley Reuben Co, laborer, h 265 Myers Whitman Henry, stationer, 169 Front, h 161 do Whitman John S., machinist, h 249 Lincoln Whitman William A., laborer, h 234 Bent's av Whitmt'yer Harry, laborer, h 313 Frances Whitmeyer William H., boilermkr, h 25 N Front Whitmoyer John Co, ladleman. h 342 N Front Whitney Everett Eo, auditor Po S. Co., h 137 S 2d Whitney George E., clk P. So Coo, b 137 S 2d Wickenheiser Emanuel A., laborer, h 112 N 2d Wickenheiser Reuben, lahorer, h 17 N Front Wickenheiser Sophia, wid Valentine, h 112 N 2d WICKEB8BAJI FRANK Bo, lawyer, notary public, 36 N Front, h 166 S 2<1 Wickersham Joseph C., inspector, h 29 S 4th Wickersham Matilda, h 282 Main Wickersham Morris S., ins. agt, h 109 N 2d Wickersham William B., steel worker, h 372 Myers Wieger Frank, grocer, 172 MyerH, h do \Vieger George, bottler, h 221 Main Wierman David E., salesman, h 30 Pine Wierman Ellen W., wid John Ho, h 16 N 3d Wierman Rosella M., shirtmk~, h 16 N 3d Wilder Chauncey Co, botel, 129 S Front, livery, 186 do Wilder Edward C., bartender, 129 S Front, h do Wile Daniel, laborer, h 477 Myers Wilkeshelm Mary A., wid John, h 106 Adams Wilkshelm Jacob Rev., nrietieH, 109 Adams, b 105 do Williams Abl'8ham, laborer, h 220 Bailev Williams Archie, laborer, h 24 Cht'Stnut' Williaml4 Charles, laborer, h 629 Mumma's Row Williams George, plasterer, h 211 N 2d Williams Henry Co, high conlltable, h 219 Adams Williams Hiram, laborer, h :no Ridge Williams James, laborer, h 223 Chk-ques Williams John, laborer, h 256 Adams Williams Lindsay, lab()rel', h 219 Adams Williams Louisa, dressmkr, h 219 Adams Williams Nathan, laborer, h 219 Adams Williams Robert M., lab()rer, h 74 Furnace Williams Thomas, laborer, h 604 Main Williams William, labul'l'r, h 143 Adams Williams William .8., machiniHt, b 228 Bent's av Willid .John Eo, laborer, b 666 N Front WilIlIOn Joseph, foreman, h 448 Swatara Wilson Arvilla, domestic, 161 N Front Wilson David, engineer, h 3691 S 2d Wilson JO~D, laborer, b 83 Main

Digitized by


" To find a name you must know how to spell it." 92 Boyd'. Steelton Directo~.
Wilson Louis E., laborer, h 401 Bailey Wilson Maude, teacher, h 166 AduDls Wilt George, hostler, h 62 S Frunt WILT BAlUlY, furniture and undertaker, 42, 44, 46 and 48 S Front, h 48 do WiIt Jacob, laborer, h 348 Christian Wing Moch, laundry, 42 N Front, b do Winters Edgar, laborer, h 316 N 2d Winters Henry C., laberer, h 316 N 2d Wise Aaron B., steel worker, b 22:3 Christian Wise Alexander, fisb, &c., 141 S Front, h 255 do Wise Augustus D., h 369 S Front Wise Joseph K., luborer, h 466 1tlyers Wise Nicholas, laborer, h 412 S 2d Wise William H., carpenter, h :344 S 2d Witman Peter B., machinist, h 323 Frances Witt Richard, laborer, h 86 Furnace Wohlert Karl, newsdealer, 50 S Front, b 52 do Wolf Edward E., laborer, h 3841 S 2d Wolf George A., patternmkr, h 408 Lincoln Wolf Harrison, firemall, h N Front nr toll gate Wolf John H. t patternrukr, h 408 Linc.'Oln Wolf Joseph G., driver, b 3:36'Bes&'mer Wolf Martin, iron ,,,orker. h 391 S Front. Wolf Nancy A., wid Lewis, h 34:1 S Front Wolfe James D . engineer, h 263 Christian Wollet Benjamin, cooper. h 370 Myers Woman's Christian T. Union; meets Friday eve. at G. A. R. Hall, Mrs. S. D. Long, sec Wonders V. May, teacher, b Bent's av Wood John, laborer, h 222 Ridge Woodburn William H., fi)reman, h 141 S Front Woodcock Walter H., melter, h 20 S 2d Woodhead James, laborer, h :3631 S Front Woodroe Nelson, laborer. h 2d c Ridge Workman Josbua L., steel worker, h 317 Swatara Worman L. M. Rev., h 349 Lincoln Wormley John, laDorer, h 14 Shanty Row Wright Aaron J' butcher, h :J51 S Front Wright Harry, laborer, h 98:3 S Frunt W right John, steel worker, h 355 Spruce Wright J. William, butcher, h 124 S 2d Wright Mary J., wid Leonard J . h 366 Spruce W right Thomas, laborer, h 360 Myers Wuhrl Augustus, watertender, b 310 N Front Wynn Harry, laborer, h 17 S 3d Wynn Kate J., elk, I..ocust nr Canal, h 17 S 3d Wynn Thomas, laborer, h 17 S 3d

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A. B. TACK, lallPaperand lindo1rShadeS. {':l~:~9.2~~.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
93 Yaklic John, laborer, h rear 239 Myers Yak lie John, laborer, h 316 Frederick Yaklich Anton, laborer, h 24. N 2d Yaklik Michael, laborer, h 2:31 Canal al Yargonic Jacob, laborer, h 26 N 2d Tyne A.., laborer, h 360 Main Yeager l.eonard D., laborer, h 551 Christian Yestadt John W., boilermkr, h 154 Myers Yetter David H., heater, h 855 S It"'ront YettElr Francis ~"'., planer, h 301 Myerll Yetter Henry, heater, h 304 Main Yetter Jeremiah, heater, h 367 Christian Yetter Jeremiah M., hammerman, h 406 N 3d Yetter John A., ht!llter, h 301 Myers Yetter William S., brick laver, h 354 S Front Yin~r O!JCllr, roller, h 321i S Front Yoffe Kopel, varietip.s, 52~ Myt'rR, h do Yost Andrew, engineer, h 225 S 2d Yust Charles W., h 181 N Front Yost Charles W., mgr,4 S Front, h 243 Mai~ Yost Stewart, h 52:3 Christian Young Harry C., foreman, Trewick c Frederick, h at Hbg Yuung Henry, laltorer, h 6~8 N Front

FRANK M. WAL TERS, \~~::!:.ty: FOOTWEAR, N.':J~

Young John D., elk borough <.:ouncil, h ~27 Walnut Young Moses B., helper, h 329 S 2d. Youtz John, laborer, h 177 LiO(!oln Y Qutz Walter J., III borer, h 511 S Front Za(:ks Joseph, clothier, 11:l S Front, h 109 do ZboyovFlky George, laborer, h 505 S Front Zearfoss Samuel A., laborer, h 405 N 3d Zeibell William, laborer', h 403 Catharine Zeiders James W., labort'r, h 329 Lincoln Zeigler Charles W., laborer, h' :l08 Bessemer Zeigler Daniel, laborer, II 322 S 2d Zeigler George B. Me., steel worker, h 319 S Front Zeigler George T., fireman, h 613 S 2d Zeigler Isaac, laborer, h 365 S 3c1 Zeiters John H., craneman, h 248 Main Zeitfucbs Amelia, wid Ottoman, h 19 S 2d Zeitfuchs Otto Rev., h 19 S 2d Zeller John, laborer, h 364 S 3d Zentner Frank, laborer, h 441 Christian Zepnick Franz, baker, h 303 S Front Zerby CyruR, DleSBeDjCer P. R. R., b 209 Main Zerby Edward E., elk, b 203 Pine Zerby Melville C., toogsman, b 336 S 2d
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Icleil's Pili Exterminator fn~:~o:..~=~~If.~Dlt {,iTrlJJ". 94

Bo;yd'8 Steelton DirectorY.

Zerby William H., elk, h 211 Main Zerfoss George E., teacher, h 243 Main Ziegler Ellen, wid J08eph, h 307 Frances Ziegler Jacob M., engineer, h 309 ~"rance8 Ziegler Joseph, laborer. h 362 Myers Ziegler Sarah Jane, wid Daniel, h 281 Main Ziegler William L. Dr., dnlggist, 281 Main, h do Zimmerman Amos C., molder, h 237 Myers ZimmernllU1 Catharine, wid Henry, h 150 S 2d Zimmerman Christian, pilot, h 4 J 9 Main Zimmerman Emma E ., h 19 S 2d Zimmerman George W., Ateel worker, h 330 Christian Zimmerman Harrv S., marble cutter, h 347 Pine Zimmerman Henry, tailor, h 347 Pine Zimmerman James M., (S. M. Zimmerman & Co.), h 369 Christian Zimmerman J. l\f. & Co., (T. Shellenberger), bousefurnishing, proprs Steelton Ferry, 14 S Front Zimmerman Joseph S., carpenter, h 352 Bessemer Zimmerman J. Weir, timekeeper P. S. Co., b 347 Pine Zimmerman Peter S., laborer, h 421 Main Zimmel'man Samuel C., laborer, h 419 Main Zimmerman Samuel S., elk, h 150 S 2<1 Zimmermau Susan A., h 19 S 2d Zimmerman Susan E .. h 419 Main Zimmerman William, lahorer, h 443 Mohn Zlogar John, laborer, h 24 N 2d Zoran John, laborer, h 503 S 3d Zoretic Michael, laborer, h 217 Canal al Zorger Martin M., auctioneer, 102 N Front, h 116 ~o Zorko Anton, laborer, h 606 S 3d Zukle John, laborer, h 26 N 2(\ Zukle Matthia", laborer, h 26 N 2d






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