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Global Warming and the Teary-eyed Spheroid

Global warming is a topic that has been trending the public for many years. Everyone is responsible for the damages and everyone has to save the environment for the future of humanity. This challenge is supposedly for EVERYONE to be obligated to solve the worsening problems caused by the industrial systems as well as managing human activities which abruptly changes the environment including the ecosystems depending on it. I would not give much facts on this post but if you would like to know more of how humans contribute to the hastening of global warming, you could visit environmentalists websites such as the which through the years have been presenting us accurate data on how the earth is changing due to our activities and also showing us ways to manage our wastes(like recycle, reuse, reduce) , and also on how to attain sustainable energy without using fossil fuels which makes our Mother Earth go teary. What I want now is to remind everyone that helping our in our earths future is a lifelong dedicated movement. Its not also that significant if youre the only one struggling or a few more because what we need is a unified action. We dont just do it at Earth Hour when most people involved are just doing for the pop culture, we just dont do it because we love color of green, and we just dont do it because it can help in boosting our profile/living/status/business/image for politics or career or other hypocritical uses. But instead, we do this because we are well informed of it as well as the consequences of sacrificing natures gift for what they call development. We wont sacrifice a mountain ecosystem(as well as human lives) for big stones of diamond or chunks of metals. We wont risk a diverse ocean for delivering metric liters of oil to empower cars producing smoke if the oil ever reach the land for use. There are still many situations which should be taken noted but I would lastly enumerate the capitalizing of nuclear reactors but in return endangering the quality of living of the people and other biological communities. The reactors may have saved people economically for some fruitful years but we should know that some technologies are really not that helpful but otherwise destructive. Im not blaming or even mad at anyone now... What I want say is that if we dont know, this is now the time to seek for knowledge and open our perspectives to solutions that if we do NOW could save the earth at least before 2012, hehe. Lets scrap off those caustic fraction of technology and instead use wise technology in saving our only beloved planet green. Because if youre not aware, or if in case you just dont care, just wait until the ozone cant prevent the sun from frying your ************ brain out. @$%$ YOU CAPITALIST MINDS DEVALUING THE PLANETS LIFE...AND ALSO OUR OWN SOCIAL WELFARES.

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