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Purusa Dhyan Meditation

By ~Gurudevi Ma, Satguru Shri Mahashaktiananda

This meditation technique is called Purusa Dhyan meditation; which is used to focus your attention. Purusa is the form of soul consciousness in which you behold your inner true Self. Dhyan means to meditate, to gaze upon an object of meditation, to unite your attention with that object. Uniting your attention with your inner soul consciousness is the object of this meditation technique.

Four Elements
Four Elements of Purusa Dhyan Meditation: Chittam: the attention Swarup: vehicles (bodies) Purusa: essential form of your attentional principle Chetan: wave of consciousness Your attention determines where you are focusing your mind (mental body). You can change your inner focus with practice. Changing the focus of your attention is called dharana (fixation). The soul consciousness is encased in several vehicles. When the soul rises out of the physical body; it does this through the action of the opening of the third eye which is activated behind the pitiuitary gland center. The soul can travel through the third eye (Ajna Chakra) to higher Planes beyond the physical octave. The soul consciousness travels in the higher Planes of existence in the subtle body; which has a frequency of light beyond the physical octave of light. The essential form of your soul (Jiva) consciousness is called purusa. When the soul travels from the physical body it is still attached by the crystic cord; which will only be severed at the time of the death of the body. There are four bodies or vehicles; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. These bodies decended from the causal (seed) body. It it surrounded by seven colors of rings of light and at its very center, is your Divine Radiant Self originally created by God/dess. You have decended from your causal body, as the Christ light down the crystic cord and incarnated into your physical body. When you focus at the point between your eyebrows in meditation, you move your attention from body consciousness to the inner space of soul consciousness. You identify with the inner Christ consciousnss and experience inner peace and tranquility.

Through the practice of meditation, you learn how to focus on your attention inwardly on the Ajna Chakra and open the third eye within you. You will see a star surrounded by a golden ring of light. This is the focus and doorway of soul travel out of the physical body. The soul experiences oneness with the true Self and oneness with God/Goddess.

Sit upright in a chair, or in a comfortable cross-legged posture on a cushion on the floor. Close your eyes, and focus your attention at the point between your eyebrows and just above them. "Gaze up at the White Star and Gold Circle". Place your attention on the following points for three to five minutes each, then shift your focus of attention to the next level of awareness. Feel the sensations in the body and relax to feel comfortable. Breath in deeply and exhale several times; then just breath normally. Become aware of your emotions or thoughts arising; and then let them fall away by focusing inwardly on the mantra Om/Aum. Again, focus on Om when memories and impressions surface from the subconscious. Focus your attention on each chakra; starting at the base Muladhara Chakra and move up the spine to the Crown and inwardly visualize the spine as a tube of white light. Focus at the place where the neck meets the shoulders at the base of the skull (medulla oblongata is the lower half of the brainstem). You can feel a slight heat there. Now focus at the point where the nose meets the forehead. Move behind the point between the eyebrows towards the top of your head. You will encounter a Presence behind this center that silently observes. Focus more intently on this Presence. You will begin to see light emanating from this Presence. Affirm quietly, "I Am That I Am". "As Above So Below" and "I Am That I Am".

Gaze up through the third eye with the physical eyes closed and look for a star. This is

your third eye. Remain in this state for as long as you wish. Then, when you are ready to return, retrace your steps through each focal point until you are fully grounded in your normal waking awareness. Practice this meditation until you can go into a deep peaceful state and feel peace and oneness with God/Goddess.

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