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08/07/2010 08:29:00

← "Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have
perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted,
bastardized form of illegitimate government."--James Madison

← Of course, that is exactly what has happened in this country, we have
allowed a certain political ideology, composed of members of both the left and the
right, to infect it with particular brand of Statism that is little more than a hybrid of
Fascism and Socialism.

← So, what happened to the Constitutional Republic, why, as Statists claim,
didn't the Constitution remain viable and continue to work if it were such a sublime
document as touted by those, like myself, as the ultimate political form for the
advancement of society and the individuals who make it up?

← What Statists fail, utterly fail to realize or admit, is that this country and its
government has fallen to the Statists. Nationalization and Centralization began in
earnest during the reign of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and his cadre of Radical
Republicans, Hamiltonians and Nationalist set the stage for the growth and
expansion of the State. After Lincoln, the Reconstruction Act of 1867 began the
consolidation of the corrupt State ideology.

← With the election of James Garfield, the Statists believed that they had
finally buried the Ideals of Jefferson. The Sentinel said it best: ""Garfield's rule
will be the transitory period between State Sovereignty and National Sovereignty.
The United States Senate will give way to a National Senate. State Constitutions
and the United States Senate are relics of State Sovereignty and implements of
treason. Garfield's Presidency will be the Regency of Stalwartism; after that-REX."

← REX was a particularly interesting word to use; it described the ideal of
creating the State Oligarchy, a Nationalist Central Government as the dominating
political and social power within this country through the elimination of the
Constitutional Republic. Indeed, the State has succeeded to a large degree in
creating its all-encompassing political machine.

← On July 3, 1881, Mr. Garfield himself stated: "The influence of Jefferson's
Democratic principles is rapidly waning, while the principles of Hamilton are
rapidly increasing. Power has been gravitating toward the Central Government."

← These Radical Nationalist, these Hamiltonian Statists wrenched power from
the former Constitutional Republic through hook and crook, through blunt force
and continued through the 1800s to the present to forcefully wield the Nationalist
Brand upon this country, dragging it through periods of interventionism both at
home and abroad. The example of just how necessary war is to the Statists can be
found in the Presidency of the Nationalist McKinley, who was the first to use the
Statists instrument of interventionism, on a massive scale, to accomplish the
growth of the State Empire with his "fine little war". So, for the last 110 years the
policy of interventionism has dominated the ideology of the State, it has also
proven to be dominated with failure.

← If such a doctrine were effective then we would live in and witness a far
more peaceful world and have far more security within our own country. But under
the guise of national-interest/national-defense, and that is all it is, a guise,
interventionism is nothing more than the life-blood of the State. The waste of war
is absolutely necessary to the State, for it allows the unquestioned expansion of its
power and authority. Peace is the enemy of the State, that fact has always been the
case. Peace, unlike war, does not allow the State to function as it pleases; peace
inhibits the State from the power of imposition and coercion. The State calls it
"foreign policy", but in reality it is simply a medium to enforce its ideals, its
ideology and its attributes on both the foreign and domestic fronts. The State has
manipulated, as it always has, the use of the term "defense" simply to justify
interventionism and imperialism abroad and a specific social construct at home.

← To the State, war is an essential system for its own existence and the stable
internal structure of politics by which it can legitimatize its right to rule. Without
the existence of an external threat, the war system loses its meaning and the
necessity of the Massive State Machine can no longer be validated in the minds of
the People.

← Peace and Prosperity can never accomplish the goals of servitude; only
waste and destruction can make servitude possible on a scale that will suit the
needs of the Statists. Peace and Prosperity are necessary to create a system that is
anathema to that which The State seeks, Peace and Prosperity creates an
atmosphere where the Individual can thrive in Liberty to fulfill the ultimate goal of
the Natural Rights of Man.

← Another essential ingredient for the Statists to accomplish their goal for the
State is the Centralization of the economy. These Statists elements have increased
the depth and breadth of the reach of the State; its growth depended on a particular
monetary system that has always played an important role in every Statists regime
in history that system is Money by Government Decree or Fiat. 1913 saw a huge
leap forward for the supporters of the State with the passage of the 16th and 17th
Amendments, as well as the formation of the Federal Reserve Act.

← For at least the last 75 years, the economy has undergone a complete
transformation into one of the most centrally planned economies in the world. Of
course, this began much earlier; in fact the Statists began increasing the ideals of
Corporatism in the late 1800s. While many call that period one of "laissez-faire",
the fact is the period was not that of a free-market, but one in which big business
found a very comfortable and very profitable bed partner with the fledgling Statists
government. The big Bankers of the day were held in particular esteem by the
Statists and realized their prize with yet another attempt at a "National Bank", this
time it was a complete success for the Statists and yet a continuing disaster for the
People of this country.
← The problem with the Statists Monetary System is that it, and therefore the
entire State Machine, is built upon a system that has an inherent terminal life span.
Fortunately, when the Monetary System Collapses under the weight of its
irreversible debt, so too will the State, in all its corrupt power and glory, collapse.
Ah, on that day, after duly being tried for their Treason, the Central Bankers and
their Statists Hacks will dangle, as they piss themselves, hanging from the Liberty
Tree to the delight of all Constitutionalists.

← The Statists reveled in the election and Administration of FDR, for it
consolidated the power of the State to a degree that had never been possible prior
to that point in history. The State was able, within a few short years, to contrive a
massive increase of novel and intrusive programs and agencies to accomplish its
goal. Many of those same programs remain albatrosses upon the future well being
of this country.

← Yes, the New Deal, what didn't it do? Very little for the common man, but
what a jackpot for Statism. FDR and many within his Administration thought
highly of Mussolini and the Cooperative System under Italian Fascism. In fact, if
you read the papers of both FDR and his advisors, like Rexford Tugwell, and you
will find them advocating almost the exact same system as Mussolini, with
fascism's Public Works Projects, Corporatism, organization of trade and industrial
groups under direct government supervision. There were those in his
Administration who admired Stalin and the Stalinist model of State, thankfully few
of those ideals influenced the direction FDR took this country, the Mussolini
model was bad enough.

← Similar to Mussolini's tax program, the New Deal was financed by tripling
various federal taxes and the creation of taxes on just about everything you can
imagine, most of the consumer goods taxed during the New Deal were everyday
consumer items used by the common working man. These excise taxes hit the poor
and the working class harder than anyone else because it included taxation on
things like cigarettes, matches, margarine, fruit juices, telephone calls, movie
tickets, playing cards, dice, electricity, radios, soft drinks, cars, tires, even tires on
wheel chairs.
← The New Deal was a bad deal for those who had to finance it, mainly the
ones it was suppose to help, in fact these taxes exceeded all personal income taxes
and corporate taxes until the beginning of WWII and those taxes fell, according to
the Treasury Department at the time, "disproportionately on the less affluent."

← While it is true that FDR started many relief programs under the National
Industrial Recovery Act (1933), The Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933), National
Labor Relations Act (1935), the statistics of the day indicate that those programs
fostered a steady unemployment rate of 17%. In fact, these programs forced
industries to cut back production and forced wages above what the market could
bear and made it very difficult for employers to hire people, especially those who
were unskilled. It was estimated that over a half a million African Americans lost
their jobs because of the NIRA (1933). Tenant farmers were hit the hardest by the
Agricultural Adjustment Act, forcing many off the land and the land owners to
leave the fields bare and unproductive. The National Labor Act actually led to
violence as workers went on strike as compulsory unionization created mass
layoffs. All of these things actually precipitated a second financial crisis in 1938
that almost brought this nation to its knees again.

← Of course, we rarely hear of the WPA strikes, we rarely hear about the fact
that FDR vastly increased WPA jobs right before he won his second term only to
lay off those same 400,000 workers immediately after the election.
← If you look at how the New Deal was financed and who financed it you will
soon learn that not only didn't it do what most people think it did, but also it
increased the suffering of far more than it helped. The "little man" had far less
because of the heavy taxation pressed upon him by the New Deal, less to spend on
food, essential items, clothes, shoes, fuel and other necessities of life. Also,
something else is overlooked, because the vast majority of funds came from
taxation, there was actually little economic stimulation from real business concerns
that would have had an effect on the economy.

← Also, a fact that few people ever consider when speaking about the New
Deal, is that the majority of the funds were siphoned off of and away from of the
poorest States, those found in the South, once again the Statists of the North taxed
the South in a similar way that brought about the War for Southern Independence.
So, once more all those funds were drained from the South and pumped into
massive projects in the East and the West. It is a strange fact when you begin to
look at the political implications of those actions by the Administration of FDR.

← Oh, but what about the Tennessee Valley Authority (a government
corporation), didn't it bring electricity to the South? Sure it did and it did so at a
very high cost to the people of the area, especially the thousands upon thousands of
people expelled from their land, many of whom were very poor sharecroppers who
didn't own the land and received no compensation from the government for
robbing them of their lives and livelihoods. Ah, but the State could not be opposed
from achieving its goal and its push for modernization of the State Machine.

← At the time that the people needed help the most with the cost of goods and
services was the very time that they received it the least. They were forced to pay
higher than normal prices especially after FDR implemented the Anti-Chain Store
Act (1936) and the Retail Price Maintenance Act (1937); these essentially banned
the discounting of all goods, especially household goods and food. We rarely hear
that the Agricultural Adjustment Administration ordered farmers to destroy crops,
kill livestock in order to increase prices, which in turn made if very difficult for the
workingman to put food on his family's table.

← Granted, the WPA and the CCC workers did some wonderful things, but the
picture that is painted by those up hold the New Deal up as the salvation of this
country during the Great Depression never, ever seem to want to reveal the entire
story because it is not in their political interest to see such facts and face them
while upholding their ideology.
← We never hear that FDR feared a massive revolt among the American
People or that he considered imposing a dictatorship similar to one of his favor
fascist Mr. Mussolini. FDR hated independent organized labor and he looked the
other way as "industrial big wigs" used strong-armed tactics, using armed strike-
busters and even city police departments to break up many of the violent strikes
between 1933 and 1937. Oh yeah, FDR was for the common man all right as long
as the common man lined up with FDR's programs.

← The New Deal left out two main sectors of the population: blacks and
women. Blacks in particular were excluded from labor laws, the GI Bill, Social
Security, educational programs, home ownership programs and anything to do with
small businesses. FDR exempted several groups of farm labor and domestic help
from all labor protection, unemployment insurance and SSI. FDR also refused to
pass or consider legislation that would have desegregated the Armed Force, anti-
lynching laws, or abolishing the poll tax.
← Read about the shameful Bracero Programs if you want to see the real deal
about the New Deal. Basically, it allowed the legalized enslavement of guest
workers by big farmers in the Southwest. Don't forget the Japanese Americans
either nothing like Concentration Camp justice to show the real deal behind FDR
and his peculiar form of Statism.

← The New Deal did little for over a hundred thousand homeless women and
children who were forced to roam the city streets begging for food and it did
nothing for almost 4 million unemployed women. If a woman was divorced, or
single or widowed, they were hopelessly pushed aside in this marvel called the
New Deal. It was not until almost a decade later that women actually was given
some assistance under a limited program and then only a small percentage was
allowed to work under the WPA leaving almost 3 million unemployed and another
2 million were only allowed part-time work that was barely enough to live on.

← At the end of eight years, FDR was frantic about still having over 8 Million
men and several Million women unemployed, many homeless and that left only
one thing to do: allow, prompt, or prod a crisis to infuse the economy with capital
what better way to do that then a war. Indeed, this technique by the warmongers
has been used very successfully before and since, most recently was the use of the
Iraq War to pump capital into the economy after 9/11, unfortunately they
misjudged the amount of Fiat would need to be borrowed to execute the war, the
first war to be completely finance through borrowing.

← Concerning SSI, the man who actually coined the term Social Security,
Abraham Epstein, cried out against it and he was one of the strongest liberal
reform proponents of the time. He said that the SSI bill would "transfers the entire
burden to the backs of the young workers and their employers Since industry will
make every effort to pass on its levy to the consumers, it means that the young
employees in their dual role of workers and consumers will bear the major cost No
other nation has ever put into operation a plan of this nature without government
contributions derived from the higher-income groups in placing the entire burden
of insecurity upon the workers and industry, to the exclusion of the well-to-do in
the nation, the present social-security bill violates the most essential modern
principles of social insurance." An example of Statism at its best, I must say.

← Today, the poor and the working class are still paying for the New Deal
Statism. Corporatism that found its friend during the New Deal now reigns over a
massive working class of producers. Workers who labor to receive dollars debased
of value, poor who must submit to the authority of the government's restrictions on
the benefits they receive. Today we have a heavily planned economy, thanks
primarily to the New Deal that is now suffering under its own weight. The entire
system is crumbling, inherently terminal and yet we continue to believe the
promises of politicians who have not only benefited from the system, but also have
been induced into many of their political opinions solely based upon the monetary
system that controls them. When we fail to understand, when we fail to pull back
the curtain we can only continue to believe that the "little elite man" pulling the
levers behind that curtain is the Great and Powerful OZ.

← The major problem with Statists is that they completely buy into their own
political superstitions and myths about The State. Statists believe in liberty, but it is
not the Liberty of the Individual, but the liberty of the State and it only accepts the
individual as long as the interests of the individual coincide with those of the State.
The State becomes all to the Statists and the only expression of the individual is
within the State, which in order to be totally successful must become all embracing
to the point that it a self-perpetuating myth imbued with the ideal of the multiple
unity of State Authority. The problem with the myth that the ordinary Statists fail
to see is that if you are not in the upper echelon of the State Oligarchy, then you
are nothing but a peon, a cog in a system that demands both creative and
intellectual conformity to maintain its control and its ability to coerce through
compulsion and fear. It is interesting to find that those who proclaim their stance
for Statism, from all appearances, are simply oblivious to the obvious regarding
their own fate as little more than supporters, but not leaders of the State. They fail
to see the philosophical futility of their particular position, what a sad mental state

← An interesting quote from La Botie tells the story of how the power of the
State or tyranny retains generational control over the population: "It is true that in
the beginning men submit under constraint and by force; but those who come after
them obey without regret and perform willingly what their predecessors had done
because they had to. This is why men born under the yoke and then nourished and
reared in slavery are content, without further effort, to live in their native
circumstance, unaware of any other state or right, and considering as quite natural
the condition into which they are born the powerful influence of custom is in no
respect more compelling than in this, namely, habituation to subjection."

← Today, the people of this country, for the most part, live in a type of ignorant
bliss following the dictates of the State, unaware of their own situation as they
blindly bask the State's perpetual servings of political pabulum. The electoral
process in this country readily fits the needs and fulfills the goals of a Statists
System. It is, by any real standard, little more than insipid intellectual fare filled
with all the elements of entertainment that is devoid of serious questions
demanding serious solutions to the very problems that the State itself has caused
over the decades. There is nothing more than a comfortable commonality with the
vast majority of candidates presented by the entrenchment political parties, each
fulfilling their own part in maintaining the status quo of State ideology.

← Again, La Botie states the need of the State to promote entertaining
diversions for the People: " Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beast,
medals, pictures, and other such opiates, there were for ancient peoples the bait
toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. By these
practices and enticements the ancient dictators so successfully lulled their subjects
under the yoke, that the stupefied peoples, fascinated by the pastimes and vain
pleasures flashed before their eyes, learned subservience as naively, but not so
creditably, as little children learn to read by looking at bright picture books."

← Amazing isn't it? La Botie knew all the tricks of the Statists trade, even in
1500s. He went on to say: "they never undertake an unjust policy, even one of
some importance, without prefacing it with some pretty speech concerning public
welfare and common good." Statists constantly reinforce their ideological
propaganda through an almost deliberate mystification and adept misdirection.

← It is a doctrine that must rely upon a particular type of creative and
intellectual bankruptcy melded together to benefit the State and only the State. The
Statists System, by nature, is extremely stratified into two very distinct classes
made up of those who rule and those who do not question its rule. Statism is the
unthinking man's ideology for it requires the unquestioning dedication to the ideals
of the State and the dictates of its leadership. It requires a certain passive obedience
that binds the population en masse to surrender their freedom of will, their freedom
of action in subordination to the will of the State. There is, after all, a certain
poverty of philosophy within the ideology of Statism, this poverty is out of
necessity as much as it is inherent in the nature of Statism itself. The best environ
for the Statists is one of ignorance among the masses and an unquestioning
allegiance to a source of power for guidance and direction.

← A quote from Tolstoy on Statists Oligarchy: "The situation of the oppressed
should not be compared to the constraint used directly by the stronger on the
weaker, or by the greater number on the smaller. Here, indeed it is the minority
who oppresses the majority, thanks to a lie established ages ago by clever people,
in virtue of which men despoil each other."

← To the Statists, the State becomes the expression of all personality and seeks
to make the State an inward standard and rule of conduct for all, it is, in a word a
pure dogmatic doctrine that requires adherence through faith, faith in the State and
the State alone. It is difficult to understand how so many can fall for such an
ideology, to submit and suffer themselves to the authority and power of a few who
usually possess no more competence or wisdom than anyone else. Statism usually
highlights the incompetence of those within power more than any other political
system, simply because the entire system relies upon and focuses on the leadership
of the system. Usually, the leadership of such a system must continue to press into
service more and more novel programs, new agencies, more legislation in response
to the exponential growth in problematic issues caused by other programs,
agencies, and legislations of the State.

← The results of this political and social malignancy of Statism is evident as
you view the current state of affairs within this government as the Statists Ideology
metastasizes throughout our highly centralized and nationalized government with
outcroppings of inefficiency, dysfunctional agencies, and waste on a scale that
pales any disaster in comparison. For Statists who decry the ideals of the
Constitutional Republic, they ignore the fact that for the last century and a half we
have not seen a Constitutional Republic operating in this country, we have seen
nothing but the steady expansion of the Nationalist ideology of the State. The
results of such Statism dominates our daily lives, programs upon programs,
agencies heaped upon agencies, codes, legislations, acts and regulations all point to
the State as a defunct political system void of anything that can be equated with
success and efficiency. Look around, you will see the sum total of 147 years of
Statism at its best and it is a model of failure upon failure.

← Statism, as it always has been, is an infection, it is parasitic and it can only
sustain itself through siphoning off financial, political and social resources from
the people they seek to rule. All Statists Ideologies implode upon themselves; they
all outgrow their ability to be efficient and functional.

← So, to those Statists, take a good look around, look at our country, and look
at the massive mountain of incoherent legislative and bureaucratic regulations,
taxations, fees, licenses, and regulations. Not surprisingly, the Statists always find
need for more, they always clamor for more bureaucracy and legislation, in so
many instances; the mounts of bureaucratic mumblings are usually little more
contradictions to the previous mounds of legislation created at the behest of the
State. The State and its Statists supporters allow such blindness to influence their
desires and their actions that they fail to see their failures.
← Welcome to the Nationalist State of America!

← It is, in my estimation; time to once again return to the common-sense sanity
of a Constitutional Republic.
08/07/2010 08:29:00

08/07/2010 08:29:00

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