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Tyranny is the logical conclusion of every people who lose the sense of their

Natural Rights, and it appears that is, for most Americans, the case. As with
every threat, the governments response to that threat determines the extent our
Rights are affected. Although I am sure that there are very real threats in the
world, the "War on Terror" is just another in a long line of threats that has been
effectively used by government "Statists" over the last two centuries, used to
their advantage over the People.

We can see this trend, as it began, when John Adams implemented the Aliens and
Sedition Act of 1798, then again in the War between the Several States, which had
little to do with the slavery issue and more to do with a Federal power grab. The
Spanish threatened us at the end of the 19 Century, and then The Hun was the
threat during WWI, and fascism in WWII, then the long list of communist threats,
which called for preemption and containment from the Korean Conflict, through

Now, we have the threat of Islamic Fascists, otherwise known as terrorists, who,
we are told, threaten our very existence as a "free nation" (how many times have
we heard that before?). We must come to understand that there are forces at work
within our government, which require the existence of such external threats. They
exist (or are created) not only to justify a massive war machine, but in a very
real sense, they exist to serve an even broader social purpose within our society.

With each threat, there must be a response and it is within that response that The
State finds its raison d'état, it is the grease required to keep the machinery in
motion. The War Machine requires the existence of threats, without such threats
there is no reason for such a vast arsenal consisting of enormous productive and
socio-political waste.

Though there have always been Statists within our government, it was not until the
advent of the Federal Reserve Act and the progressive income tax, that they had a
tool with which to expand their grasp over this nation. It has allowed them to
gain not only the mechanism, but also the power to adjust the very restrictive
limitations on The State Machine by the Constitution. From there it was just a
matter of time before the idea of a never-ending threat could be utilized to
benefit their agenda.

Although WWI provided fodder for their machine, it was not until the end of WWII
that the machinery could be brought up to full speed with the threat of global
Communism. Since then, the machinery has been running over-time and the by-product
of that machinery is enormous waste and destruction. Such waste proves to be an
incredible asset to The Statists, without it there would be no room for their
political agenda or apparatus; indeed we would have a Constitutional Republic
where prosperity would replace the overt waste of their political endeavors. A
policy of peace is just too politically expensive…it allows Liberty to flourish
and the individual to achieve his or her state of self-ownership and sovereignty.

The Statists fully understand that without the Waste Machine of War (whatever type
of war that might be, i.e. "war on terror, poverty, drugs, you name it), there can
be no control over the population; it serves a larger social utility than we
realize, or perhaps understand. In the eyes of The Statists, War is a wonderful
thing; it serves them well, economically, politically and socially.

Peace is the Enemy of The State…that has always been the case. Peace does not
allow The State to function as it pleases; peace inhibits The State from the power
of imposition and coercion. The State calls it "foreign policy", but in reality it
is a medium to enforce its ideals and attributes on both the foreign and domestic
fronts. The State has manipulated the use of the term "Defense" simply to justify
interventionism and imperialism abroad and the social structure at home.

To The State, war is an essential system for its own existence and a stable
internal structure of politics by which it can legitimatize its right to rule.
Without the existence of an external threat, the war system loses its meaning and
the necessity of The Massive State Apparatus can no longer be validated in the
minds of the People.

The Statists view the political functions of war as a critical instrument of

social stability and transformation. Trotsky's Continual Revolution is a good
example of The Statist Ideal. War is the great organizer, at least in their minds;
it allows The State to regulate society by the inducement of fear. Fear is the
great shackler of the people; it has always served the purposes of The State and
will continue to do so if the People remain complacent to their methods of

Peace and Prosperity can never accomplish the goals of servitude; only waste and
destruction can make servitude possible on a scale that will suit the needs of the
Statists. Peace and Prosperity are necessary to create a system that is anathema
to that which The State seeks, Peace and Prosperity creates an atmosphere where
the Individual can thrive in Liberty to fulfill the ultimate goal of the Natural
Rights of Man.

In Liberty,

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