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Speech given by Davyn Ouimet of Decolonize North Bill C-428 What do we do about bill C-428?

? What do we do about the Indian act or amendments imposed upon us and how do we get back to nation to nation negotiations and the respect of our treaties and stopping government imposed corruption measures of final assimilation and taxation? One question needs to be asked: In regards to any treaties or negotiations made with the indigenous first peoples of Turtle island, are Canada and the United States let alone any of these governments imposed Bills, Acts and Laws since the beginning of the treaties truly legal? The clear and common sense answer to this is NO, they are not, largely due In relevance to historical data, international interpretation and human rights abuse. The illegality of these treaties or negotiations rests solely in the hands of the Canadian and United States Governments and the citizens including those in representation of band councils over the misrepresentation of agreements disregarded and neglected within the treaties including subjecting the original peoples of these lands to apartheid measures. Unless we seriously finally address all of the issues of our past, our future generations both within our peoples and the citizens of north America will be lost in a sea of duplicity and lies imposed by their governing representatives. What is todays solution to the disregard to Treaty rights not just for the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island but also for the citizens of Canada and the United States as we are all Treaty people? Since our very beginning, every person living in or entering Canada and the United States should and must abide and respect our treaties. Now, lets all be clear that without the treaties there would be no Canada or United States let alone a North Americarenamed by the new comers to Turtle Island. Part of the solution is to first understand who we are and what we are not as many of those who think they represent us as the Nations of Turtle Island, have forgotten who they are. This fact was further determined within the findings of a background paper prepared by Ms. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Director, of the Indigenous World Association at an expert seminar organized by the office of the united nations high commissioner for human rights named Treaties with Native Americans: evidence of the LEGAL EXISTENCE of the United States, held in Geneva, December 2003.

The Director, Ms Dunbar-Ortiz, established that the findings and conclusions derived from the United Nations Special Rapporteurs report that it should be noted that it is the moral credibility, if not the legality of the United States existence that is in question and NOT that of the Indigenous Nations that is in question This international law illegality of the United States would also be true of Canada as both being illegal given constant international treaty violations. So without TREATIES, there would be NO Canada or United States governments or citizens under them as these fictional entities were founded based on corporations and their created entities within North America. However, Turtle Island has been and always will be first and foremost, Turtle Island, this history can never be wiped away or destroyed, and that my brothers and sisters is FACT. Secondly, we must understand the Governments strategies and terminology within their implementation of Acts, bills and Treaties and also within dealing with taxation, the land Claims by turning our people into their citizens and most importantly, understanding their underlying Agenda of final assimilation. Third, we must also understand why most of the indigenous peoples court cases brought before the supreme, federal and provincial courts against the government and her majesty the Queen mostly get dismissed, thrown out of court or basically lose their cases. It is because of the courts interpretation of our standing as being wards of the crown or as surrenders among a few other excuses used to base their opinions on or claiming NO jurisdiction within the claims being made to decide when dealing with our Treaties and our Nations. Until we ourselves and the Canadian and US citizens fully understand what has happened against us all including what is being implemented against both peoples by these governments here and internationally on a grander scale, there will never be any real understanding of our treaties and the Governmental laws implemented upon these lands in regards to all peoples, citizens and indigenous original peoples alike. Furthermore, we including the citizens have all been denied proper decolonization referendums since 1945 to properly decolonize from the crown or colonial methods by

completely removing the governing bodies methods of governance such as the other 96 countries have done or are doing, we will never be at peace within our lands and territories. Our Treaties whether made and negotiated either with the original crown (the kings and queens) which was transferred down without our prior knowledge and consent to the Crown in chancery which is pretty much an unknown division and removed from the Royal Familys duties and those with the Vatican with many of our nations, must be looked upon as unilateral within the base of the Treaties so that none of our peoples are left behind or singled out. Most importantly something that we cannot allow ourselves to forget is that we are not Canadian or American nations, we are the nations of Turtle Island. The borders were for the immigrants to these lands and not for our nations. A great peace treaty example is the Iroquois Confederacy Two Row wampum Treaty. This is a treaty of peace which many nations joined under within North America so Canada must also abide by our US treaties. However, the Crown and their representatives including the United States and Canada have forever denied us our treaty rights and have constantly abused their power through language barriers but we know what we interpreted and thought our treaties to be and no court of law through common sense would allow them to continue if they had not been corrupted within their charades of deceit and confusion. We have come at a point in time where we must clean up the mess created by these governing bodies through illegal ACTS and BILLS illegally added after the facts to disregard our treaties so that all of us, including the Canadian and United States Citizens can finally be free of corruption and work together truly as nations to nations within the two row wampum treaty of Peace initiated by the first original Iroquois confederacy. To implement true solutions, we must first rise as nations standing together under the United Nations of Turtle Island as our ancestors had previously done in order to protect our rights and territories. Then, we must implement a true and complete decolonization process enforcing our treaties within renegotiations as to how we can all benefit from proper decolonization through international law as long as we consider the citizens of North America.

So, before we accept a private members bill or anything else from the Canadian government, we must start to take our responsibilities a few steps higher by launching referendums within our nations on what we will decide as nations as to how things will change in regards to the Indian act, our treaties and how the governments will no longer have any authority to reneg or ignore our peoples and our treaties. It is up to each and every one of us to decide our future. Finally, through OUR proper decolonization the citizens of Canada and the United States will also have the right to decolonize themselves properly and to finally get a direct democracy through the proper rebuilding of their governments within the two row treaty and all other treaties. This is possible only if both the citizens and we work as intended within the two row and implement the dish with one spoon treaties for all. Furthermore, we are in the process of trying to get as many certified original copies of the treaties from both countries to help those going to court against the crown and if anyone would like to assist with financial donations or personal assistance it would be greatly appreciated. If you would like more information, please visit our website at Decolonize North to see how we can stop the insanity. Nya weh Speech by Davyn Ouimet November 28th 2012 Queens park Toronto

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