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AP_MODULE Navigation: Payables vision operations (USA) Invoices Entry Invoices AP Module Requirements ----------------------------------Query 1: ------------Navigation: Payables vision

ion operations (USA)InvoicesEntryInvoices Displayed Fields -------------------Invoice Number, Invoice Type, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, Invoice currency, Invoice functional currency, Supplier Name, Suppler site, Payment Terms, Operating unit Name, Line number, Line Type, Line Amount, Account


Go to the Distributions button you can find line details like Line num, Line type, Line amount. Account save the form and Go to actions window check the check box validate click on ok. Invoice status will become validated..


ai.INVOICE_NUM,ai.INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE, ai.INVOICE_AMOUNT,ai.INVOICE_DATE,ai.PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE, ai.INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE, pv.VENDOR_NAME,pvs.VENDOR_SITE_CODE, at.NAME, hou.NAME operating_unit, aid.DISTRIBUTION_LINE_NUMBER line_no, aid.LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE type, aid.AMOUNT from ap_invoices_all ai, ap_terms AT, hr_organization_units hou, po_vendor_sites_all pvs, po_vendors pv, ap_invoice_distributions aid, ap_invoice_payments_all ap WHERE ai.INVOICE_ID=ap.INVOICE_ID and ai.INVOICE_ID=aid.INVOICE_ID AND ai.terms_id = AT.term_id(+) AND ai.expenditure_organization_id = hou.organization_id(+) AND ai.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id AND ai.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id AND NVL (ai.org_id, -1) = NVL (pvs.org_id, -1) and ai.INVOICE_NUM='12345';

Query 2: --------------------Bank Name, Bank Number, Bank Branch Name, Bank Branch Number, Bank Type, Bank Account Number, Bank Account use, Bank Account Currency, Bank Account Contact Person Full Name, Bank Account Contact Person Phone Number Navigation: Invoices Entry Invoices Query with any records Payment overview Bank

Goto payable vision operations payments Inquiry payment overview

Query with records f11 and ctrl+f11

Click on bank we ill get below screen


AP_BANK_BRANCHES select*from AP_BANK_BRANCHES ; select*from ap_bank_accounts; select ab.BANK_NAME bank_name, ab.BANK_NUM bank_no, ab.BANK_BRANCH_NAME,ab.BANK_BRANCH_TYPE, ac.BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM, ac.CURRENCY_CODE, ac.CONTACT_TITLE||ac.CONTACT_FIRST_NAME||ac.CONTACT_LAST_NAME, ac.CONTACT_PHONE from ap_bank_branches ab,ap_bank_accounts ac where ab.BANK_BRANCH_ID=ac.BANK_BRANCH_ID and ac.bank_branch_id = 10000 AND ac.bank_account_id = 10000

Query 3 ------------Payment Type(You can see in form as type) ,Payment Date, Payment currency, Payment Amount, Payment Method, Document Type , Document Number , Supplier Name, Suppler Site. Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount,GL Date, Payment Amount.

Navigation: payables vision operations Payments Inquiry Payments

Query 4 ----------Supplier Name, Supplier Number, Suppler Site, Payment Num, Payment Type, Payment Amount, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Invoice amount , PO Num, Buyer Navigation Payable vision operations Invoices Entry Invoices Click on invoices

Click on overview

When you pressed supplier you ill get the below screen

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