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First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June 2012
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks : IOO
Note: I. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least two from each part.
2. Answer all objective type questions only 011 OMR sheet page 5 of the answer booklet.
3. A11swer to objective type questio11s 011 sheets other than OMR will 1101 be valued.
a. Choose your answe" for the following : (04 Mar ks)
i) The condi tion of s t ~ a m in boiler dmm i s always
A) Dry B) Wet
C) Saturated D) Superheated
ii) In whi ch case. the potential energy i s conve11ed into the mechanical energy
A) Hyde! energy B) Solar energy
C) Wind energy D) Nuclear energy
i ii) Sensible h ~ a t is al so cal led as
A) Enthalpy of salllrated water B) Enthalpy of evaporation
C) enthalpy of dry saturated steam D) Enthalpy of super heated steam
iv) If x is the weight of dry steam and y is the weight of wat er suspension. then dryness
fraction i s equal to
x +y
B) - y -
x -y
( 10 Mar ks)
(06 Marks)
2 a. Choose your answers for the following : (04 Mar ks)
i ) The propell ing force in a steam turbine depends on the ___ action of the turbine
A) Dynamic B) Static
C) Both DJ None
ii ) France lllrbme 1s a
A) Impulse
C) Both
iii ) An example for tangenti al flow turbine is
A) Pehon wheel
C) Thomson turbine
i v) Delaval lurbine i s al so cal led
B) Reaction
D) None
Bl Kaplan Turbine
D) Modem Francis Turbine
A) Impulse steam turbine B) Gas !Urbine
C) Reaction turbine D) Water turbine
b. What is compounding? With a suitable diagram. explain !he vel ocity compounding.
( 10 Marks)
c. Di stingui sh between impulse and reaction turbine. (06 Marks)
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3 a. Choose your an;w.:rs for the followi ng : to.t Marks)
i) In IC ~ n g i n e s . the connecting rod connects ___ and __ _
A) Piston and crank shaft B) Inlet and outlet valves
C) Piston and piston rings D) None
ii) The combustion of fuel in petrol engine takes place at
A) Constant pressure B) Constant volume
C) Constant temperatu re D) None of these
iii) The process of breaking up of a liquid into fine droplets by sprayi ng is called
A) Vapori sation B) Carburetion
C) Ionizat ion D) Atornisation
iv) A diesel engine i s
A) Spark ignition engine B) Compression ignition engine
C) External combustion engine Dl none of these
b. With the help of line diagram. explain the working of a four stroke petrol engine. (08 Marks)
c. The followi ng observations were recorded during a test on 4-stoke dksel engine:
Bore= 200 mm. Stroke= 250 mm. Mean ef fective pressure= 0.6 MPa.
Brake dmm d iametcr = I .2 rn. Net brake load = 500 N. Speed of crank shaft = 600 rpm.
Find: i) Indi cated power ii) Brake power
iii ) Fricti on power iv J Mechanical dficiency. (08 Marks)
4 a. Choose your answers for the foll owi ng : (04 Marks)
i) I n ___ of the refrigerator. liquid refrigerdnt is evaporated by absorption of heat
from the refrigerator cabinet in which substances are kept that have to be cooled
A) Compressor B) Condenser
C) Evaporator D) Expansion val ue
ii) Thrott le value is used in a refri gerator to __ _
A) Compress refrigerant B) Expand the refri gerant
C) Absorb the heat from the refrigerant D) Condense the refrigerant
iii) In Sf unit one ton of refrigerat ion is equal to
A) 210 kJ/ min Bl 21 kJ/ min
C) 420 kJ/ min D) I 05 kJ/ min
iv) A refrigerant should have
A) Low vi scosity B) Low freezing point
C) Low boi ling point D) Al l the above
b. What is the principle of refrigeration? Name the essential pans of a refrigerator and briefly
explain their functions. (08 Marks)
c. With a neat sketch. explain the working of room air conditioner. (08 Marks)
5 a. Choose your answers for the foll owi ng: ({l.t Marks)
i ) The slowest spec:d in lathe b adopted for followi ng operation
A) Turning 8) Thread cutting
C) Taper turning D) Knurling
i i) ____ is the operation of Seperating a piece of fini shed work from the bar stock
Al Paning B)Bori ng
C) Facing D) Turning
iii) During machining operation on the lathe. the tool s are pl aced on
A) Saddle 8 ) Cross slide
C) Compound rest D) Tool post
i v) _ __ is the process of generating internal threads
A) Reaming B) Bori ng
C) Tapping D) Drilli ng
b. Sketch a radial dri lli ng machine and explain its working. (08 Marksl
c. With the help of a ' ketch. i ndicate the specifications of a lathe. (08 Marks)
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6 a. Choose your answers for !he following : t04 \larks)
i) The cull ing tool in a milling machine i s mounted on
A) Tool holder B) Arbor
C) Column D) Tabk
ii ) Removal of ma!crial by mechanical ac1ion of abrasi ve particles is called as
A) Slo! mill ing Bl Grinding
C) Reaming D) Tapping
ii i) In _ __ grinding. the work piece is held over a work res! in bet wec.:n two grinding
A) Cylindrical centre B) Centre less cylindrical
Cl Surface grinding D) None of Ihese
iv) Chip thickness in ___ milling is minimum allhe beginning of cut and reaches 10
the maximum when the cut ends.
AJUp B) Down
C) Bolh D) None
b. Sketch and expl ain centre less grinding.
c. Draw the neat ske!ch of horizontal milling machine and expl ain pa1ts.
7 a. Choose your answers for the following :
i ) The hard fil ler material used in brazing is
A) Solder
C) Speller
i i) Solder is essellliall y a
A) Tin silver base
CJ Silver l ead base
iii) Resislance of l ubri cai ing oillo flow is
A) Porosil y
C) Viscosity
iv) Suppon provided for rOial ing shafl is
A) Bearings
C) Axle
B) Flux
D) Elec!rode
B) lin lead base
D) bismuth lead base.
B) Electri ci ty
D) None
B) Lubricant
D) Pedes!al
(08 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
b. Explain brictly !he metal j oining processes of soldering. brazing and welding. (09 Marks)
c. Briefly di scuss !he three 1ypes of fl ames used in gas welding and mention !heir appl icat ions.
(07 Mark.<)
8 a. Choose your answers for !he following :
i) ___ bells are acid and water proof
A) Lea! her B) Balata
C) Texlile D) Canvas
ii) The ralio of pil ch circle diamclcr to number of teeth i s
A) Pitch B) Circular pitch
C) Modul e D ) Addendum
iii ) The sur face gear1ooth below !he pitch surface is call ed
A) bot!om Iooth B) Face
C) Flank D) Toolh depth
iv) Mitre i s a t ype of
A) Spur gear B) Heli cal
C) Bevel gear D) Worm gear
b. Derive an equation for ra1i o of tension in bell drive.
c. Write the different types of gear trains with their appli caiion.
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(04 Mark.<)
(08 Marks)
(08 Marks)
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