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Abstract. The paper deals with the dependence of the chips contraction coefficient C d on the nature of the material being cut. The hardness and the flow limit of the cutting material depend on its chemical composition (%C). Keywords: cutting process, chips contraction

1. Introduction

The latest researches show two categories of results regarding the dependence of the chips contraction coefficient on the nature of the material being cut. The theoretical equations to determine the coefficient do not include any elements about the nature of the material being cut, equation [1].
Cd ! cos N  K sin K 2 2 2


K V V N ! 450    1

Experimental results prove that the values of the chips contraction coefficient depend on the nature of the material being cut (more ductile or less ductile-fragile). This dependence is shown in Fig. 1, where the variation diagrams of the chips contraction coefficient for a series of materials depend on the main cutting speed as follows: carbon steel (1), copper (2), hard aluminum (3), lead (4), concrete iron (5), brass (6), lowgrade steel (7), high grade steel (8), tin and titanium alloys (9) and cadmium (10). [1.1]

Fig. 1.1- Variation diagrams C d=f(v) for different materials

The present paper deals with a series of specific elements regarding the dependence of the chips contraction coefficient, taking as examples two steel types: carbon steel and high carbon steel.

2. The dependence of the chips contraction coefficient on the nature of the cut material

The physical and mechanical properties and the carbon percentage of carbon steels (STAS 500/1-89) and high carbon steels (STAS 880-80) are shown in Table 2.1 and Table 2.2.

Steel Type

OL 32 OL 34 OL 42 OL 37 OL 44 OL52 OL50 OL60 OL70

Table 2.1 Properties of construction steels STAS 500/1-89 (OL) Carbon Yield Point Tensile Percentage ReH N/mm2( 0.2) strength C(%) Rm N/mm2( r) a16 16<a40 40<a10 0 0.15 180 170 160 310390 0.17 240 230 190 330410 0.19 260 250 210 410490 0.20 240 230 210 360440 0.31 280 270 230 430540 0.22 350 340 250 510630 0.22 290 280 270 490610 0.30 330 320 310 590710 0.40 360 350 340 min..690 Table 2.2 Properties of steels used in manufacturing STAS 880-80 (OLC) Carbon Yield Point Tensile Elongation at Percentage ReH N/mm2 strength Yield A5% C(%) ( 0) Rm ( r)N/mm2

Elongation at Yield A5%

33 31 25 25 22 21 21 16 11

Steel Type

Hardness HB max.

OLC 10 OLC 15 OLC 20 OLC 25 OLC 35 OLC 45 OLC 50 OLC 55 OLC 60

0,070,13 0,120,18 0,170,24 0,220,29 0,320,39 0,420,50 0,470,55 0,520,60 0,570,65

210 230 250 270 310 360 370 390 400

min 340 min 380 min 410 min 450 min 530 min 610 min 640 min 670 min 700

31 27 25 24 21 18 16 14 14

180 200 229 240 245 255

To better explain this dependence three steels have been chosen from each type: OL 37, OL52, OL60 in Table 2.3 and OLC32, OLC45, OLC60 in Table 2.4, respectively.

Steel Type OL 37 OL 50 OL 60

Table 2.3 Carbon percentage Yield Point %C 0.17 230 0.22 280 0.30 320

Hardness HB 330410 490610 590710

The dependence of the hardness HB on the carbon percentage (%) is shown in Fig. 2.1 and Fig 2.2 for each type of steel.

700 600 500 HB 400 300 200 100 0 0.25 OL 37 0.3 OL 50 %C 0.4 OL 60

Fig. 2.1- Hardness HB=f(C(%)) for OL

Steel Type OLC 35 OLC 45 OLC 60

Table 2.4 Carbon percentage Yield point %C 0.22 270 0.42 360 0.57 400

Hardness HB 200 229 255

The influence of the carbon percentage on the hardness HB is greater in the case of the carbon steel (STAS 500) as shown in Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2. In both situations, the increase of carbon percentage leads to an increase in hardness.

300 250 200




C 5


Fig. 2.2- Hardness HB=f(C(%)) for OLC

The values of the chips contraction coefficient obtained experimentally in the case of straight turning show that an increase in the carbon percentage, as well as in hardness HB, for three types of carbon steel determines a decrease in the values of the chips contraction coefficient (Fig. 2.3). Experimental results prove that high values of steel hardness come with low values of the coefficient Cd as shown in Fig. 2.3 for OLC 60. Similar charts are obtained for other types of steel.

Fig. 2.3- Cd =f(HB) for OLC 60

By increasing the steel hardness as a result of a high carbon percentage, the values of the chips contraction coefficient decrease. It is

150 100 50 0 C 0

experimentally shown that a reduction in the ductility of steels (increase in hardness) is accompanied by low values of the chips contraction coefficient. The coefficient Cd has the rough value 1 when processing hard steels and fragile materials (ferrites), respectively. Theoretically speaking, according to the dislocation theory, there is no ferrite deformation in cutting when processing fragile materials on a microscopic scale and, therefore, Cd=1. [1,2,6]

3. Conclusions

1. The values of the chips contraction coefficient decrease at the same time with the increase of carbon percentage and hardness HB, respectively, in carbon steel and high carbon steel cutting. 2. Knowing how the hardness of the cut material influences the chips contraction coefficient is necessary for a greater insight into the plastic deformation of metal cutting. 3. In the future, the chips contraction coefficient Cd may become a characteristic for metal classification (steels, pig irons, non-ferrous alloys) from the point of view of productivity in cutting, together with the carbon percentage C(%), HB hardness and tensile strength 0,2.


*Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iassy,Romania Department of machinery and tools Iassy, Romania,

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DEPENDEN A COEFICIENTULUI DE DEFORMARE PLASTIC A A CHIILOR N FUNC IE DE NATURA MATERIALULUI A CHIAT (Rezumat) n lucrarea de fa se prezint o serie de elemente specifice privind dependen a coeficientului de deformare plastic de natura materialului a chiat lund ca exemplu o elurile carbon i o elurile carbon de calitate. Rezultatele experimentale arat c la cre terea durit ii HB a o elurilor are loc sc derea valorilor coeficientului Cd. Experimental, s-a demonstrat c prin diminuarea ductilit ii o elurilor (cre terea durit ii), valorile coeficientului de deformare plastic a a chiilor scade.

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