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1.(head of) caulifower (cabeza de) coliflor

2. brocoli 3. cabbage col/repollo 4. brussels sprouts coles pequeas 5. watercress berro 6. lettuce lechuga 7. escarole lechuga 8. spinach espinaca 9. herb(s) hierba(s) 10. celery apio 11. artichoke alcachofa 12. (ear of) corn mazorca de maiz - a) cob elote 13. kidney bean(s) habichuelas/coloradas 14. back bean(s) frijoles negros 15. string bean(s) ejote(s)/ habichuelas 16. lima bean(s) haba(s) 17. pea(s) chicharo(s) - a) pod vaina 18. asparagus esparragos

19. tomato(es) tomates 20. cucumber(s) pepino(s) 21. eggplant berenjena 22. pepper(s) pimiento(s) 23. potato(es) papa(s) 24. sweet potato / yam camote 25. garlic ajo - a) clove diente de ajo 26. pumpkin calabaza 27. zucchini calabacita 28. acorn squash calabaza pequea 29. radish(es) rabano(s) 30. mushroom(s) hongo(s) 31. onion(s) cebolla(s) 32. carrot(s) zanahoria(s) 33. beet(s) remolacha 34. turnip nabo


Pgina 1

1. (a bunch of) grapes un racimo de uvas 2. manzana apple - a) stem tallo - b) core corazn / centro 3. coconut coco 4. pineapple pia 5. mango mango 6. papaya papaya CITRUS FRUITS 7. grapefruit toronja 8. orange naranja - a) section gajo - b) rind cscara - c) seed semilla/pepa 9. lemon limn 10. lime lima BERRIES BAYAS 11. gooseberries grosella 12. blackberries mora/zarzamora 13. cranberries arndaro agrio 14. blueberries arndano azul 15. strawberries fresa 16. raspberries frambuesa 17. nectarine nectarin 18. pear pera


Pgina 2

19. cherries cerezas 20. (a bunch of) bananas - a) peel cscara 21. fig higo 22. prune ciruela 23. date dtil/dtila 24. raisin(s) pasa(s) 25. apricot albaricoque 26. watermelon sanda NUTS / NUECES 27. cashew(s) anacardo(s)/marann(es) 28. peanut(s) man/cacahuate 29. walnut(s) nuez de nogal 30. hazelnut(s) avellana(s) 31. almond(s) almendra(s) 32. chestnut(s) castaa(s) 33. avocado aguacate/palta 34. plum ciruela 35. honeydew melon meln verde 36. conteloupe meln 37. peach durazno/melocotn a) pit -semilla b) skin cascara


Pgina 3

Escalera. semforo. autobs. coche. ventana. puerta. poste. bote de basura. rbol. escuela. restaurante. banco. farmacia. librera. metro subterrneo. banqueta. persona. chofer.

ladder. traffic light. Coach. car. window. door. pole. trash. tree. school. restaurant. bank. pharmacy. library. suba. sideral. persona. driver.

There is a strairs on the pharmacy There is a person in the restaurant There is a car on the corner There is a pharmacy on the corner There is a person on the corner There is a subway on the corner There is a person in the car There is a person in front of the book There is a car in frot of the restaurant There is a bus in frot of the newsstand There is a tree in frot of the pharmacy There is a garbage can in frot of the pharmacy There is a tree in frot of the subway There is a traffic light in frot of the school


Pgina 4

Simple present = habit It is an action that you do everyday a habit

+ verb in the + complement + time expression Simple form

I walk a round the classroom everyday I do home work everyday L believe in good I sleep in the English class

Seasons (estaciones)
Spring / summer Fall / winter

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday


Pgina 5

Where were you born? I whas born on [month] the [ordinal number] [year]

January February March April May Jun 1. First 11. Eleventh July August September October November December 21. Twenty-first

2.Secod 3.Third 4.Fourth

12. Twelfth 13. Thirteenth 14. Fourteenth

22. Twenty-second 23. Twenty-third 24. Twenty-fourth

5.Fifth 6.Sixth 7.Seventh

15. Fifteenth 16. Sixteenth 17. Seventeenth

25Twenty-fifth 26. Twenty-sixth 27. Twenty-seventh


18. Eighteenth

28. Twenty-eighth


19. Nineteenth

29. Twenty-ninth


20. Twentieth

30. thirtieth

I whas born June the eighteenth


Pgina 6

I do the dishes (yo lavo trastes) I comb my hair (yo me peino) I chat with friends (yo platico con mis amigos) I take a nap (yo tomo una siesta) I chillo ut (yo no ago. nada) I search for information on Google (buscar informacion en Google) I hit the sack (irse a dormir) I surf the web (estar en internet) I neck a girl / boy (fajar una chica / Chico) I work out (hacer ejercicion) I rivew my notes (revisar mis notas) I make the bed (Tender mi cama) I play on my pc (Jugar en mi compu) I do my best (dar lo major) I go to the toilet (ir al bao) I ride the irmi (andar en urmi)

almost always







Pgina 7

What are you wearing? (Que vistes tu?) I am wearing (yo traigo) A t-shirt A tank top A top A jacket A blouse Shorts Cropped jeans Socks A dress A skirt A shirt Jeans Under wear
An e-watch Clothes Pants A hoodie A cap A bracelet Tennis shoes A sweat shirt

Playera Camisa sin mangas Brasiel Chaqueta(Saco) Blusa Short Pescador Calsetas Bestido Falda Camisa Pantalones Ropa interior Reloj Ropa Pantalones Sudadera con gorro Cachucha Pulsera Tenis Sudadera What is he /she wearing? He is wearing She is wearing


Pgina 8

Verb + to + verb
+ special verb + to + verb in the sform + complement

Need Like Want Have

I like to eat pizza I want to go home I need to eat burgers I have to go to church I want to watch TV I need to go to the door I like to ride a bike I want to know the time I need to learn english I like to play soccer I want to go to school I have to finish my home work I need to help my father I like to write a poem I want to wear tenis shoes I have to sell clothes I need to bring under wear I like to dream about you I want to rent a car I have to order my room


Pgina 9

Present progressive The present progressive is an action that is happening now or around this time

+ tobe+ to + verb+ing + time exp

I You She He

Am Are Is Is Is Are Are are

She is evering right now

+ tobe+ to + verb+ing +complement + time exp

It We You

I am walking around the classroom now She is fooling a round


Signal words



at this moment

He is cooking pizza now I am closing the door at this moment She is cleaning the classroom now You are playing the Xbox right now I am planting of tulip now


Pgina 10

I open at the close I accept you I love you I learn math everyday I hurry up I dare you to move I help others by I dace Williamsburg I cant erase a file I change shepes just to hide I walk the eyes I date one direction game I cook lil I consider it pure joy I count at all as loss I answear to no one I wish you would I start high school tomorrow I push people away I deliver Dearborn I listen to you tube I espect you to die I wait with franch I miss you everyday I smoke two joints I enjoy being a girl I like to move it I talk to the wind I intend to be independently blue I play chicken with the train I wash my hair everyday I clean up nice I sweep the floor every day I drink your blood I ride my little bicycle I fall to pieces I sing praises to your name I set fire to the rain I eat too much I buy it meaning I meet a man who wasn't there I know who killed me I get money I build walls poem

winter beats i shake a lot is it normal i leave it to your discretion i sit and look out i feel wonderful life is so beautiful i dream of Jeannie episodes i hold it true whate'er befall i throw my hands up in the air sometimes i take you to the candy shop i bring us great shame i wear my sunglasses at night i sell nails and hammers i come before you today i see the light i fly so high i arrive in Spanish i feel wonderful Vodafone i rain Vancouver i look forward to hearing from you i show the devil i need a doctor i name for girls i order you to be quiet i stop loving you i stay in love i belong to you hill song i plan lessons i plant a tree i practice in Spanish i ask for a moment's indulgence i want just you i remember you i rent to own i repeat don't cheat i resist therefore i exist i jump Idaho falls i follow surat i point consulting i end up with i finish too fast i work for money and appreciation i try to fly


Pgina 11

I cut my hair every day I run in the park every day I grow up with my brother I give you my heart I tell myself correatown lyrics I wake up in the morning I shoot raw t shirt india I sleep too much every day I begin to wonder i find no peace i teach for india i write sins not tragedies i win games i keep dancing on my own i speak English every day i dont care quotes i hurt someone i gotta feeling i read an advertisement that said i become active guide i send you this i drive the hearse i swing my sword i hear voices in my head i forget things very quickly i pay in blood i stand corrected i hit the time of my life i think therefore i am i lose control scorpions i led the team i put a spell on you

i climb the tree to see the world i use broadband i dress up girls games i travel the world and the seven seas i visit to a historical place i live my life for you i turn around the world i lend you borrow i steal money from my parents i break horses


Pgina 12

Parts of the body 1. Hair 2. head 3. fore head 4. nose 5. eyes 6. ears 7. cheekbones 8. cheeks 9. chin 10. teeth 11. mounth 12. torgue 13. full beard 14. neck 15. shoulders 16. Chest /breast 17. stomach 18. arms 19. waist 20. hips 21. legs 22. feet Pelo Cabeza Frente Nariz Ojos Oreja Pomulos Mejillas Barbilla Dientes Voca Lengua Barba o bigote Cuello Hombres Pectorales estomago brasos



Pgina 13

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