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106 N. Western Ave. Girard, KS 66743 Tel.


Weekly Bulletin Saint Michael Church, Girard


GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am Sat. 2:00-2:45pm

ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am 3:15-3:45pm

We the parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong traditions are faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We commit ourselves to be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We strive to involve all members to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all. Notes from the Pastor: Can you feel Christmas? What do you feel? To answer these questions we have to bring back ourselves to the time of Joseph and Mary. Their time was a time of darkness: feeling oppressed under the Roman Empire and its consequent humiliation. But it was also a time of joyful anticipation and hope! For me it was one of the reasons why our Blessed Mother did not hesitate to say Yes! She too like many others was joyfully anticipating that the light, their liberator, the Messiah is coming soon! This joyful aura was reflected in the conversation of the two women experiencing a miraculous pregnancy! (Note: of course all pregnancies are miracles, it is Gods act!) Elizabeth was barren and advanced in age, and our Blessed Mother, young and a virgin. Both exchanged their joys receiving Gods blessings and expressing their praise and thanksgiving to God especially Marys Magnificat! Whats the difference between theirs and our time? In spite of our technological and scientific advancements, it is almost the same. Like them, we are also facing lots of uncertainties economic and political. Globally our peace and societal order is very fragile and every now and then threatened by violence, greed, and corruption! After the Newtown incident, one person told me, I could not find joy in celebrating this Christmas! While I told the person, I understand the feeling, but at the same time I said compare it with the first Christmas. They were also at that same predicament, yet they find joy at the anticipation of what is to come! They feel that their present difficulties were only trials and temporary! After all, it has been proven over and over again: God is FAITHFUL! He fulfills what He promised! Maybe not sooner but it will come. So I hope that if your life is clouded with uncertainties and doubt, look ahead! Jesus who was born two thousand years ago, is EMMANUEL, God-with-us! May this realization make us feel Next Sunday(12/30/2012) 10:00 AM C. Sevart, J. Duling, J. Brokob, B. Scales, J. Hey, M. Murphy, B. Leritz Volunteer Volunteer Volunteers of that joyful anticipation of His assuring presence! Thanks to the Knights of Columbus and Santa for coming and entertaining our kids last Wednesday at PSR. Also, again thank you to all our kids, PSR teachers, helpers, and parents for supporting our PSR initiatives. Special thanks to Barb Duling and Janel Scales for their leadership. Reminder for our Christmas Schedule: Christmas Masses: December 24, Monday: 4:00PM - Arma 5:30PM - Girard December 25, Tuesday: 12:00-Midnight Mass Girard 8:00AM - Arma 10:00AM - Girard New Year is a holy day of obligation, the schedule will be the same as Christmas except there is no midnight mass. Thank you! A Blessed and Happy Christmas to all of you! Fr. Roger Adoration Schedule There will be NO Adoration this week in Arma or Girard.

Saint Michael Parish Mission Statement:

Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Faith Paoni Secretary Rectory Office Hours Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon Closed on Mondays Tel. (620) 724-8717

Next Saturday (12/29/2012) Altar Servers: 5:30 PM L. Martin & M.K. Smith

E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers

Volunteer Volunteer Volunteers

Mass Schedules & Intentions for December 22nd-30th:

Dec 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM 7;00 AM Monday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 12:00 AM Tuesday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Wednesday 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday 7:00 AM Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Saturday Mary & August Bogina Verl Diskin Jennie Carregio Harold Brodbeck Intentions of Ryan Sevart Ad Dantis Ad Dantis Ad Dantis Ad Dantis Ad Dantis Gilpin Family Intentions Jennie Carregio Jack McClaskey Pro Populo Chris Sponsel Frank Doue Pro Populo Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

A Christmas Story Christmas Eve had arrived and a man sat alone before his fireplace, pondering the Last Week July 2012 to date meaning of Christmas. Theres no point to a God who became man, he said. Why Contributions $2,761.00 $74,427.00 would an all-powerful God want to share even one of His precious moments with the Children's Offering $23.50 $751.42 likes of man? And even if He did, why would He choose to be born in an animal stall? No way! The whole thing is absurd! Im sure that if God really wanted to come Expenses $73,973.40 down to earth, He would have chosen some other way. Suddenly, the man was roused from his daydreaming by a strange sound outside. Over/ (Under) $1,205.02 He went to the window and saw a small gaggle of blue geese, frantically honking and aimlessly flopping about in the snow. They seemed dazed and confused. Apparently, Saint Michaels Upcoming Events they had dropped out, in exhaustion, from the flight formations of a larger flock on its way from the Arctic to the warmer climates of the Gulf. Moved to compassion, he Finance Council Parish Council tried to shoo the poor geese into his warm garage, but the more he shooed, the Tony Stonerock-Chair Dale Coomes-Chair more they panicked. If they only realized Im just trying to do whats best for them, Jan. 10, at 5:30pm Next Meeting, TBA he thought to himself. How can I make them understand my concern for their wellbeing? Then, this thought came to him: If, for just a minute, I could become one of Rosary Altar Society Knights of Columbus them, an ordinary goose, and communicate with them in their own language, they Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm would know what Im trying to do. And, suddenly, he remembered Christmas, and a At 6:30pm in the Hall. St. Michael Parish Hall smile came over his face. Abruptly, the Christmas Story no longer seemed absurd. Quickly, he pictured that Helping Hands Daughters of Isabella ordinary-looking Infant, lying in the crche in that stable in Bethlehem, and he knew Need help or want to volunteer, Call Marilyn Bradshaw, the answer to his Christmas problem: God had become one of us to tell us, in human Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684 724-7133 terms we can understand, THAT HE LOVES US! That Man in You Friday mornings at 6am Slaughter of the Innocents This coming Friday, Dec. 28th, is the Mass of the Holy Innocents, when King Herods jealously set him on a rampage of killing firstborn baby boys in an effort to St. Michaels Angels stamp our the One who might be king someday. Last week, we had our own The holiday season is upon us! St. Michaels Angels will be slaughter of the innocents in Newtown, Conn. When a lunatic killed his mother, working their magic helping less fortunate families to celebrate then went to a nearby school with assault weapons and unloaded them on kindergarChristmas. Once again we are asking for your contributions to teners and first graders, along with six of their teachers. We all ask why without satishelp us be successful this year in reaching our goals. There will faction. When sin entered the world, evil was invented. Free will, given to us as a gift be specially marked contribution envelopes at the front entrance from God, has gotten us into a lot of trouble and the consequences keep coming! Perof the Church to include with the collections at each Mass. Also, sonally, I cant understand why assault weapons are sold and made available to average citizens. Arent regular guns enough for home safety and hunting? Also, I believe we will take new or nice children/adult clothing, bedding and bath, toys and Christmas decorations. Please contact Janet OBri- theres some likeness between the 1960s Supreme Court decision banning prayer in school and the string of tragedies that have occurred since. Id also add that pornograen at 620-724-0079 with any questions you may have or items to phy and extreme violence on TV and movies, plus the intense carnage present in some be picked up. St. Michaels Angels and families sincerely thank video games, do our young people no good and could move some toward violence. I each of you for your contributions. cant prove these assumptions, but I believe they have relevance. Throughout history, people have lived in evil times and were no exception. That Christmas Play doesnt mean, however, that we have to sit back and take it. Our lawmakers need to The PSR children will be presenting their annual Christmas Play begin a national conversation and gather input from citizens. Its true that we have a at the Christmas Eve Mass at 5:30. Please have the children to culture that celebrates violence. On an earlier newscast, I heard that more guns were sold on Black Friday than electronics. It seems that we need to get a handle on guns, the Church by 4:45. Thank you! such as better background checks, and to whom they should be sold. In the case of the Conn. Shooter, his mother was the victim, but she no doubt, shouldnt have had all Volunteers Needed There is a sign up sheet in the back of the church for anyone will- these weapons available. Im wondering if gun control should start with gun owners. We can pass laws, but evil doesnt have regard for mans law. Also, there are mental ing to volunteer to serve, lector, Eucharistic minister, or Gifts/ health aspects to consider, for we dont give enough attention to mental health. Satan Greeters for all remaining Masses this month. Please and Thank takes residence where God has been driven out. Lets hope that those in authority will you! take action to prevent another horrific event. And we know it will happen again. Articles by Marcel Normand



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