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Children's Church Newsletter

Welcome to the TWENTY-FOURTH issue of our newsletter! We are taking a break from interviews, to celebrate Valentines Day! Happy Valentines Day everybody (part 2)! Thanks for reading!
Weve decided to make this Valentines message a two-part special, because love is a two-fold commandment. We love others and others love us. We cant just take love, we must also give love. Last weeks message focused on Gods love for us and His desire to be our Valentine, but this week we are going to take a look at our love for God and how it should look according to scripture. debt of our sin. The fellowship that was lost in the garden was found at the cross. Paradise lost became paradise found. I would imagine that God, on a Sunday morning, looks for his children to come into his house joyfully seeking to have fellowship with him. Not scowling, begrudgingly, ritualistically. But they come with glorious expectation of meeting their Father, their God, and saying, "Daddy, I love you. I'm so glad you saved me!"

Month 6, Week 2 February 10th, 2013

We love, because He first loved us.

1 John 4:19 ______________________________
You know, we were created to have a relationship with God. All the way back in the book of Genesis, God created man and woman to have fellowship with him. And it was man who walked away from God. After Adam and Eve committed that first sin, it was in the cool of day when God came walking into the garden. He came to have fellowship with his family. But man and woman hid from God. And ever since then, we've been hiding from God. We don't have the fellowship with God that we once had. We're often not there to come and to hug and to love God like we used to. What God wants most of all is that we, his children, will run into his arms and love him. This Valentine's Day, think about what it means to love your spouse, as well as your children. And why not give some consideration to what God wants us to do, that is, to love him. The Bible says, "Greater love has no man than this, than he lay down his life for a friend" (John 15:13). That's exactly what God did for us. In the life of Christ, God came to this earth. Christ died on that cross to save us from our sin. The Bible gives the picture that Jesus nailed himself to that cross. It was at the cross that God reconciled and canceled the

Capture Psalm 31 in Your Heart

O love the LORD, all you His godly ones! The LORD preserves the faithful And fully recompenses the proud doer. Be strong and let your heart take courage, All you who hope in the LORD. Psalm 31:23-24

Matthew 22:36-40
Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? And He said to him, You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment.
This Valentine's Day, don't forget to love God as much as you love everyone else. Look forward to a time every day to come unto God. Strive to participate weekly in worship. Come before Him and say,

Schedule for February 1st Sunday: Memory Verse Games *2nd Sunday: Craft/Activity Time 3rd Sunday: Trivia Game Skit 4th Sunday: Ending PARTY! (and Souvenir shop)

2/10 Penguins, provided by Lisa/Eva 2/17 Ice-Cream Sundaes, provided by Lisa/Eva 2/24 Party Snacks, provided by Lisa/Eva

"Daddy, I love you!"

Excerpts taken from: This Valentine's Day, Tell God You Love Him by Dr. Chris Dickerson

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, dont rely on your own intelligence. Proverbs 3:5

Whats Going On?

We have ended our VBS lessons, but we are taking a month to decompress and review everything that we have learned over the past few months. We will be deciding on a new theme for the upcoming months. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped out with this theme!

You must love your neighbor as you love yourself. Matthew 22:39

For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him wont perish but will have eternal life. John 3:16
February 10 Activities Helper Becky Deskin February 17 Noahs Wife Dawn Moore Servant Girl Sarah Brands John Dale Lovland Peter Layne Phillips Paul Larry Fletcher February 24 Party Helpers OPEN

Choose today whom you will serve But my family and I will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Please, let us know if you want to help out with the Party.


Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature. Mark 16:15

This week: We will do some crafts and activities to reinforce the lessons we have learned over the past 5 months, during our VBS themed Childrens Church. Next week: We will be playing a game combined with a skit to see how much the kids have learned over the past 5 months.

If you sign up for anything and later find that you cant, please let us know as soon as possible so we can plan around it. Call Lisa: 660-239-4638

Sunday Nights NOW at 2 p.m.

No meal will be provided.

ACC Children's Church "Don't let anyone look down on you for being young." - 1 Timothy 4:13

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