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Brenda Hoddinott
An ear is easy to draw when you become familiar with, and can sketch the shapes of its five major sections. In this project, you draw a realistic ear, by first sketching the individual parts that make up the overall shape, and then indicating the forms with crosshatching graduations. This project is divided into the following three sections: LOOKING INTO EARS: Other than differences in size, the ears of both adults and children are very similar. Yet, if you look around you at the ears of diverse people, you can see tons of variations. Some experts even claim that ears are as unique to each human being as fingerprints. In this section, you examine ears of various shapes and sizes, and refer to an illustration of an ear to identify its five basic parts. FROM OVAL-SHAPE TO EAR-SHAPE: You sketch the five parts of an ear as viewed straight-on to the side of the head. SHADING EAR FORMS: Your goal in this section is to define the three dimensional forms of an ear by add shading with crosshatching graduations. Suggested drawing supplies include good quality white drawing paper, graphite pencils, kneaded and vinyl erasers, and a pencil sharpener. This project is recommended for fine art educators, and artists from age 12 to adult with good drawing skills.

Published by Hoddinott Fine Art Publishers, Halifax, NS, Canada March, 2006



Other than differences in size, the ears of both adults and children are very similar. Yet, if you look around you at diverse people, you can see tons of variations in shape. Some experts even claim that ears are as unique to each human being as fingerprints. Examine these ears of various shapes and sizes; some are straight-on views, and others are seen from the front or at an angle.

Drawing an ear turns out to be a little less intimidating when you can identify its five basic parts. Refer to the numbers and arrows in this drawing to become familiar with each.

1. OUTER RIM: the long form down the outside edge that meets up with the earlobe at the lower section. 2. INNER RIM: the small long form inside the ear, which circles the rear of the opening to the ear canal. 3. SMALL LOBE: the small round form over the frontal section of the opening to the ear canal that joins the earlobe at the front of the ear (where the ear joins the face). 4. EAR CANAL: the opening to the inner ear. 5. EARLOBE: the soft, fleshy, lower part.
Copyright to all articles, images, text, projects, lessons and exercises within this drawing class belong to Brenda Hoddinott and may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes whatsoever without the written permission of Brenda Hoddinott. E-mail Web sites and



In this section, you sketch the five parts of an ear as viewed straight-on to the side of the head. Use an HB pencil, and keep the lines light. Oh, and no need to mark the numbers on your sketch!


Sketch an oval to represent the shape of an ear. The upper section is somewhat tilted to the right, and is a little wider than the lower section. As you draw, constantly double check the proportions of your sketch, and modify if needed.


Outline the shape of the outer rim. The snake-like shape of the outer rim (1) begins inside the oval, then extends up, toward the right, and finally curves downward along the outside edge of the ear.



Outline a commashape for the inner rim (2). This shape is wider at the top, and becomes narrower as it curves to the left at the bottom.


Sketch the outline of a small oval as the small lobe (3).


Add a tiny oval to mark the opening to the ear canal (4).

6) 7)

Outline a large round shape as the earlobe (5). Pat the entire sketch with your kneaded eraser until you can barely see the lines.

Copyright to all articles, images, text, projects, lessons and exercises within this drawing class belong to Brenda Hoddinott and may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes whatsoever without the written permission of Brenda Hoddinott. E-mail Web sites and



Redraw a few sections of the ear with neat lines, as in illustration 09-07. Accurately rendering, the curved lines around the frontal and lower sections of the ear canal, are key to making the ear look real. Note the compound curves of the line that connects the inside edges of the small lobe to the inner rim.


Gather your pencils and prepare to add shading to the various parts of the ear.

Remember, you create different values by varying the density of the individual shading lines, and the pressure used in holding different grades of pencils.


Add light shading to the earlobe, small lobe, and the inner and outer rims. Your goal is to identify their three dimensional forms. Use whichever grades of pencils work best for you as you add the various values.

Copyright to all articles, images, text, projects, lessons and exercises within this drawing class belong to Brenda Hoddinott and may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes whatsoever without the written permission of Brenda Hoddinott. E-mail Web sites and

-510) Darken the shading by adding medium values with crosshatching lines, to further emphasize the three-dimensional forms of the ear.

Copyright to all articles, images, text, projects, lessons and exercises within this drawing class belong to Brenda Hoddinott and may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes whatsoever without the written permission of Brenda Hoddinott. E-mail Web sites and

-611) With patience and various pencils, complete the shading of the ear.

A full range of values and carefully placed shading graduations, fool the observer's eye into seeing the threedimensional forms of the ear. Look at the people around you every day, and see how many different ears you can find! Borrow the ears of your family and friends, and draw them from life!

Copyright to all articles, images, text, projects, lessons and exercises within this drawing class belong to Brenda Hoddinott and may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes whatsoever without the written permission of Brenda Hoddinott. E-mail Web sites and



As a self-educated teacher, visual artist, portraitist, forensic artist, and illustrator, Brenda Hoddinott utilizes diverse art media including graphite, technical pen, colored pencil, chalk pastel, charcoal, cont crayon, and oil paints.

My philosophy on teaching art is to focus primarily on the enjoyment aspects while gently introducing the technical and academic. Hence, in creating a passion for the subject matter, the quest for knowledge also becomes enjoyable.
>Brenda Hoddinott<

Born in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Brenda grew up in the small town of Corner Brook. She developed strong technical competencies with a personal commitment to self directed learning, and the aid of assorted Learn to Draw books. During Brendas twenty-five year career as a self-educated civilian forensic artist, numerous criminal investigation departments have employed Brendas skills, including Royal Canadian Mounted Police and municipal police departments. In 1992, Brenda was honored with a commendation from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and in 1994, she was awarded a Certificate of Membership from Forensic Artists International. Her home-based art career included graphic design, and teaching recreational drawing and painting classes. As supervisor of her communitys recreational art department, Brenda hired and trained teachers, and designed curriculum for several childrens art programs. In 1998, Brenda chose to end her eighteen-year career as an art educator in order to devote more time to writing, drawing, painting, and developing her websites. Drawspace incorporates her unique style and innovative approach to curriculum development. This site offers downloadable and printable drawing classes for students of all abilities from the age of eight through adult. Students of all ages, levels and abilities have praised the simple step-by-step instructional approach. This site is respected as a resource for fine art educators, home schooling programs, and educational facilities throughout the world.


Drawing for Dummies (2003): Wiley Publishing, Inc., New, York, NY, this 336 page book is available on various websites and in major bookstores internationally. The Complete Idiots Guide to Drawing People (2004): Winner of the Alpha-Penguin Book of the Year Award 2004, Alpha - Pearson Education Macmillan, Indianapolis, IN, this 360 page book is available on various websites and in major bookstores internationally.

Copyright to all articles, images, text, projects, lessons and exercises within this drawing class belong to Brenda Hoddinott and may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes whatsoever without the written permission of Brenda Hoddinott. E-mail Web sites and

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