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Capacity Building CFKs Local

In July 2012, two trainers from
CFKs newly established Training
Uni t ( CFK- TU) vi s i t ed t he
Mentawai Islands to provide
capacity building & training to all of
CFKs Mentawai Staff.
Two topics were covered in a
series of workshops, the first was
S e e d s f o r S u s t a i n a b l e
Transformation and the second
covered using the HIST Model for
community transformation, which
simply means Holistic, Integrated &
Sustainable Transformation.
Ibu Wenny, the coordinator of CFK-
TU was delighted with CFK local
Mentawai Staffs response to the
training,Actually we didnt just
teach them, we also received a lot of
practical input from them as well,
t hey have gai ned f i rst hand
experience in working with the
community as CFK have been
implementing programs on the
Mentawai Islands since they were
struck by a tsunami in 2010. We
were impressed by their solid team
work as well as their commitment to
serving their community.
New Intern Recruitment Process
During August 2012, CFKs training
unit were fully occupied with
finalizing the modules for our
Internship Pilot Program and
recruiting 4 interns to join this new
and exciting CFK endeavor.
Internship Pilot Program Begins
At the beginning of September the
interns commenced their basic
theory training topics covered
included: Basics on Poverty &
Communi t y Tr ans f or mat i on;
Personal Transformation; Team
Building; Facilitating Initiatives
that are Holistic Integrated &
Sustainable Transformation (HIST);
Basic Community Mobilization as
wel l as an i nt r oduct i on t o
International Standards and Project
Cycle Management. The interns
also received and overview of
CFKs Vision, Mission, Core Values
as well as our implementing
approach and sectors (Education,
Health, Good Governance, Organic
Agr i cul t ur e, Smal l Busi ness
Development and Savings & Loans
In mid October 2012 the interns will
travel to CFKs Mentawai Island
project where they will gain 4
months of practical experience in
the field.
Jul - Sept 2012
CFKS TRAINING UNIT - Launches Intern Training Pilot Program
CFK Mentawai staff together with CFK-TU trainers and interns
CFK Assist Tsunami Survivors Whos Temporary Shelters Were Engulfed in Flames.
Its been two years since a devastating tsunami struck the villages located on the west coast of the Mentawai
Islands in Indonesia. The tsunami survivors are still living in temporary shelters in IDP (Internally Displaced
People) Camps, they are unable to move forward with rebuilding their replacement permanent homes as they
are waiting for the Government of Indonesia to finalize all the issues related to their land rights and building
CFK have been coming alongside and assisting these tsunami survivors to re-establish other areas in their
lives including economic, health and education
development. On the afternoon of 25th
September 2012 a fire broke out from a cooking
fire in one of the temporary shelters, the fire
quickly spread engulfing and destroying 17 of the
Temporary Shelters. Thankfully no lives were
lost but finding themselves, homeless again, the
families living in the burned shelters were left
feeling extremely traumatized and fearful, once
again they have lost everything - all of the meager
possessions they had managed to accumulate
since loosing everything in the 2010 tsunami.
CFK partnering with the sub-district government
office and other local institutions, were quick to
respond and with in 24 hours had distributed
emergency assistance in the form of first aid,
family hygiene kits, basic food needs, blankets and clothing as well as school uniforms and school bags &
books for the children.
For the time being the fire victims have moved in with families living in neighboring temporary shelters that
were not burned in the fire, however the conditions are crowded with two families living in a shelter
measuring only 4x6m until more suitable living arrangements can be sourced.
Prepared Partners Can Respond
One of CFKs main focus areas in
o u r 2 0 1 2 - 2 4 S t r a t e g i c
Development Plan is to strengthen
our Disaster Risk Management and
Preparation. Moving towards this goal
CFK have been forming stronger relationships with
other local organizations and networks as well as
actively engaging with other members of the IDRN -
International Disaster Response Network.
After a lengthy selection process, CFK together with
4 other national Indonesian NGOs have met the
requirements and been selected as PLAN Indonesias
DRR implementing partners. PLAN is a large
international Non-profit organization which focuses
o n C h i l d R i g h t s a n d
Devel opment , one of t he
countries in which PLAN
operates their initiatives is
During August 2012, CFK staff
attended a 2 day Disaster
Preparation Workshop facilitated by PLAN to
strengthen the relationship between all partners as
well as to develop a set of Standard Operational
Procedures for Disaster Response & Recovery
initiatives. As a result of this workshop, CFK are
now strengthening the capacities and introducing
these SOPs to our ERT (Emergency Response Team)
who will be the first CFK team to enter a disaster area
and conduct a Rapid Assessment & Situation Report.

Terhitung sejak respon bencana gempa bumi di Yogyakarta tahun 2006 sampai dengan
saat ini, Plan !ndonesia telah bekerjasama dengan kurang lebih 15 NGO l dan 2 (dua) !NGO
untuk implementasi project tanggap darurat.
Pada bulan Nei dan Juni 2012, Plan !ndonesia telah melakukan pendantanagan perjanjian
kerjasama atau Partnership Agreement dengan 5 (lima) lembaga sebagai mitra Plan dalam
konteks bencana. Kelima lembaga ini adalah KYPA, YL!, YEU, CFK dan C!S Timor. Nasing-
masing lembaga terpilih melalui proses seleksi yang dilakukan oleh Plan dan didasarkan
kepada keahlian dan pengalaman diberbagai sector yang dapat mendukung kerja Plan
!ndonesia pada konteks respon bencana dan sesuai dengan strategy program. Sebagai
bagian dari proses tindak lanjut penandatangan kerjasama tersebut maka dirasakan perlu
bagi Plan untuk mendetailkan pola kerjasama dengan para mitra termasuk melakukan
di saat respon bencana akan dilakukan dalam bentuk workshop selama 2 hari. Harapannya
adalah pasca workshop ini para mitra akan semakin bisa memahami pola kemitraan dengan
Plan demi menghasilkan kualitas respon yang transparan dan akuntabel.
Berangkat dari semangat transparansi dan profesionalitas dalam membina hubungan
kerjasama, Plan !ndonesia membuat sebuah buku panduan kemitraan dalam konteks
bencana (A guide book for partnership in disaster context) . Untuk itu dalam workshop ini
juga, Plan !ndonesia akan melakukan konsultasi dokumen buku panduan tersebut dengan
para mitra untuk mendapatkan masukan sebelum proses finalisasi dokumen ini.
Workshop penguatan jejaring dan kapasitas kemitraan dalam konteks bencana!!ini
dirancang selama 2 (dua) hari dan akan melibatkan kelima lembaga mitra dan akan
dilaksanakan di Yogyakarta.

x Neningkatkan profesionalitas dan kuntabilitas Plan !ndonesia dengan mitra kerja
dalam membangun kerjasama dalam konteks respon bencana .
x Nenyamakan persepsi mengenai prosedur dan pola kerjasama dalam konteks
respon bencana antara Plan dan mitranya dan mensimulasikannya.
CFK Quarterly Report & Newsletter Jul -Sept 2012

CFK Establishes Savings & Loans Share Groups Amongst Tsunami Survivors
Finally - in August 2012, CFK were able to mobilize the 2010 tsunami survivors living in the IDP (Internally
Displaced People) Camps on the Mentawai Island of Pagai Utara to establish thier first Savings & Lans Share
Group! The group are from Baru-baru sub-village and name of the group is Mukere Baga which means To Be
In Agreement - there are 19 members including 12 women and 7 men.
Overcoming Challenges To Get Started
For more than a year, CFK have been socializing and advocating the concept of establishing Savings & Loans
Share Groups amongst the tsunami survivors living in the IDP Camps and during this time have met with and
had to overcome many challenges. One of the main issues is a lack of understanding on financial management
amongst the community, due very low income levels that are unstable or generated seasonally they generally
live a hand to mouth existence. Also, in the past they had no access to banks or savings facilities in their
villages and due to unsuccessful attempts at establishing village cooperatives many had lost savings creating a
low level of trust amongst the community. Another challenge to overcome has been time management, the
tsunami survivors have had many issues to deal with including having to travel long distances through the
jungle from the location of their temporary shelters back to their old coastal villages to tend their crops.
Share Group Members Already Experiencing The Benits
However, the perseverance is now starting to get results with the establishment of Mukere Baga Share Group
the members already experiencing the benefits, as they now have a savings facility in their village, they dont
have to make the long and difficult trips to the Bank in the main port town, they also have access to small loans
- often too small for the bank to agree upon - the interest rates are also very low, unlike the money lenders in
town and all of the interest paid becomes part of the groups assets. With in the first month of establishment 4
group members have qualified for, and received, small loans to assist with their income generation.
More Savings & Loans Groups Established
In the same way a second Savings and Loans Share Group has since been established in Sabeugunggung sub-
village also with 19 members - 8 women and 11 men. In the coming months CFK will continue to come
alongside and strengthen these two fledgling share groups as well as continue mobilize the tsunami survivors
living in the other IDP Camps on Pagai Utara Island to also establish Saving & Loans Share Groups.
Community Mentoring - To Establish Savings & Loans Share Groups
CFK Quarterly Report & Newsletter Jul -Sept 2012
Training Local Language Trainers
One of CFKs long term aspirations is to enable the
local people to establish an Organic Agriculture
Training Center on the Mentawai Islands to increase
the income of families living in poverty as well as to
improve their nutritional intake. In order to achieve
this goal, over the past 18 months, CFK have been
training a group of local language (Mentawai) staff to
become organic agriculture trainers. CFK have also
been working to partner with GKPM, the local
Mentawai Church, to develop the Organic
Agriculture Training Center together. By capacity
building a local institution, the local community will
have ownership and their is more likelihood that the
center will be sustainable. However, while GKPM
gave permission for CFK to use their land, due to
other commitments they were not yet actively
participating as partners in the program.
In September 2012, all of CFKs efforts began to
bear fruit! CFKs Organic Agriculture Staff began to
provide weekly organic agriculture ToT (Training of
Trainers) sessions which have been enthusiastically
attended by participants from GKPM and the
ORGANIC AGRICULTURE - Establishing a Mentawai Island Training Center
CFK Partner with UN-ILO
During September & October 2012, CFK in cooperation with
UN-ILO (United Nations International Labor Organization)
conducted a series of small business development training
workshops for the Mentawai tsunami survivors living in IDP
(Internally Displaced People) Camps on Pagai Utara and
Pagai Selatan Islands. These training workshops are part of
our initiative to rehabilitate and improve the tsunami
survivors economy. 199 participants attended the workshops,
participants were divided into groups of 10 and each group
then attended a 5 day workshop on basic small business start-
up training.
199 Enthusiastic Women Join the Trainings
To improve family income, it is imperative that women are able to develop small business that can be operated
from their home or with in close proximity to their villages, as such the 199 participants attending the training
workshops were women. Even though they are still living in temporary IDP Camps waiting for their
permanent relocation sites to be allocated, the enthusiasm of the women was evident from their attendance
levels, attention to detail and active participation in all the discussions. Their enthusiasm showed their desire
to overcome their current condition as tsunami survivors, to re-establish their lives and improve their families
well-being. During the workshops the women discovered that they already have many of the resources needed
to establish a small business. First and foremost they have time, energy and enthusiasm, the islands have an
abundance of natural resources and the women already produce some basic crops, this coupled with skills
training and an understanding of market potential can provide the basis for their economic improvement and
the improvement of their families well-being. The workshops were designed to cater to women who have had
very limited education opportunities, many of the women attending were illiterate but they were able to
participate as they received special mentoring throughout the workshops.
CFK Quarterly Report & Newsletter Jul -Sept 2012

COMMUNITY HEALTH - Improving Mother & Baby Health Clinic Services
CFK Quarterly Report & Newsletter Jul -Sept 2012
CFK Advocacy Gets Results
July - September 2012 has been a time of break
throughs for CFKs Community Health Team.
For the past 18 months, CFK have been advocating
to the PUSKESMAS (Government Health Center)
to encourage them to work together with CFK to
improve the services of the Village Mother & Baby
Health Clinics) provided to the tsunami survivors
living in the IDP Camps on the Mentawai Islands.
Then finally in September 2012, CFK together with
the PUSKESMAS facilitated the first in a series of
joint training workshop to capacity build and
enable all of the local stakeholders to fulfill their
responsibilities in delivering monthly Mother &
Baby Health Clinics in the villages - using the
official 5 table management system. Using
participatory training methods, after each session
their was an opportunity for small focus group
discussions and the result of these discussions
were then presented to the other workshop
attendees. The Village Health Volunteers also
practiced a simulated Mother & Baby Clinic
whereby they had to implement tables 1 - 4 of the
5 table management system.
CFK were delighted by the attendance and active
participation of all stakeholders including the
Village & Sub-village leaders as well as the
Village Health Volunteers. The newly found
wi l l i ngness of t he Mi dwi ves f r om t he
PUSKESMAS to facilitate many of the training
sessions helped to affirm to the workshop
participants that they actually do care about the
health conditions of mothers and new born babies
in the IDP Camps.
Mentoring Village Health Volunteers
After completing the workshop, CFK together with
the PUSKESMAS Midwives followed up by
mentoring the Village Health Volunteers to
implement an actual Mother & Baby Clinic in each
of their villages. A great improvement could be
seen over previous clinics and most of the Village
Health Volunteers were able to successfully deliver
Table 1 (Registration), Table 2 (Weigh & Measure)
and Table 3 (Record Progress), however they still
struggle with table 4 (Giving Advice) as such CFK
together with the Midwives will continue to
capacity build the Village Health Volunteers until
they are able to accomplish this.
Knowledge & Activities of Mentawai Teenagers
During this period of July - September CFK have continued to advocate Child Rights amongst the Mentawai
community. Advocacy activities have started with workshops for our local Mentawai staff to improve their
knowledge and understanding as well as film nights in the villages as well as focus group discussions and
interviews with teachers and after school activities for elementary age students. In August 2012, CFK also
began to advocate Child Rights amongst the Mentawai teenagers, CFKs attention has been drawn to cases of
underage pregnancies, drug abuse and suicide amongst teenagers as such CFK will incorporate activities
focused on Self Worth, Reproductive Health & Anit-drug Awareness amongst the teenagers.
Survey & Assessment
CFK launched our teenagers Child Rights Awareness Program in August 2012 by conducting an initial survey
and assessment amongst the teenagers to get their input on their understanding of Child Rights. The survey
also addressed the teenagers overall understanding of reproductive health as well as their general activities
and behavior in relation to sex and drug use.
CFK then presented the survey and assessment results to the relevant stakeholders; the Departments of
Health & Education, parents, community and religious leaders as well as local authorities including the
police. During September, CFK facilitated a joint stakeholders meeting at which an activity schedule was
agreed upon to provide awareness building sessions to the Teenagers.
After the awareness building sessions have been provided, CFK plan to facilitate the teenagers to prepare and
present their own Child Rights & Wellbeing Campaigns through the use multi-media tools to produce radio
talk shows, short films or power point presentations, t-shirts and posters.
CFK ADVOCATE CHILD RIGHTS - Building Awareness Amongst Children
CFK Quarterly Report & Newsletter Jul -Sept 2012

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