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Tutorial Sheet-1 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. What are built in and user defined data structures? Q.2. Differentiate between static and dynamic variable. Q.3. Why Trees and Graphs are non linear Data structure? Q.4. Write Recursive & Non Recursive procedure to find the (a)Greatest common divisor of two numbers (b)Factorial of a given no. Q.5.Write a program to print ouput 12345 1234 123 12 1

Tutorial Sheet-2 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. How we can represent two dimensional arrays in memory? Q.2. What are various applications of Different data structures? Q.3. Represent Rational numbers as ADT Q.4. Write a program to calculate average of 10 numbers using malloc function. Q.5. What is size of array?Give its formula.

Tutorial Sheet-3 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. Differentiate Structure and Record. Q.2. Write a program for implementation of transpose of sparse matrix. Q.3.Given following expression in infix notation. Convert it into prefix notation A+(B^D)+(E-F*G)/H Q.4. Given following expression in infix notation .Convert it into postfix notation A+(B^D)+(E-F*G)/H Q.5. How postponed decisions can be represented as application of stack.

Tutorial Sheet-4 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1.What do you mean by array and linked implementation of lists? Q.2. Write an algorithm to insert a node at the end of linked list. Q.3. Write an algorithm to delete a node from the end of linked list. Q.4. Give advantages of circular and doubly linked lists over single linked list. Q.5. How linked lists are advantageous as compared to arrays.

Tutorial Sheet-5 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1.Write an algorithm to reverse a singly linked list using only pointers Q.2.Using to stacks implement the algorithm to convert infix into postfix notation in C language. Q.3.What do you mean by terms: (a)Garbage collection and (b) Compaction Q.4. Write an algorithm to sort singly linked list using only pointers Q.5. Write an algorithm for binary search. Find its time complexity.can we make further improvements in it?

Tutorial Sheet-6 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. Expalin applications of queue. Q.2.What is deque? Q.3. Define the string.Write down algorithm for reversal of string Q.4. Draw flow chart of multiplication of two matrices in C Q.5. Define Binary expression tree with help of two examples and their applications

Tutorial Sheet-7 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. Construct a binary tree whose nodes are as under:Preorder:- A B C D F H J M K E G I L N Inorder:- A D J M H K F C I N L G E B Q.2. How can you implement queue as a circular list? Q.3. Write an algorithm for merge sort.Find the best times for the algorithm. Q.4.Search for an item in binary search and if found then delete it. Q.5.Explain Heap sort technique by taking the list. 8 15 7 6 24 16 20 30 14 35

Tutorial Sheet-8 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. Write algorithms for an ascending priority queue implemented as ordered list . Q.2. Write the functions following Binary tree traversals:Inorder and Preorder Q..3.Define the terms: (a)Degree of tree (b)Height of tree ( c)External and internal nodes Q.4. The following values are to be stored in a hash table: 25 96 42 197 162 102 101. Use the division method of hashing with a table of size 7. Q.5.Compare heap sort and quick sort by taking examples.

Tutorial Sheet-9 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. Write an algorithm to find the shortest path between any two nodes in a weighted Graph. Q.2. Write differences b/w binary search tree and binary tree Q.3. Which searching algorithm is better of linear and binary search. Q.4.Write algorithms for linked stack. Q.5.Sort list with selection sort and find no. of comparisons and interchanges 3 2 7 5 19 9 1

Tutorial Sheet-10 Semester : 3rd Subject: Data Structures Branch: IT Subject Code:CSE-203E

Q.1. What do you mean by multiple queues? Q.2. Differentiate threaded trees and AVL trees. Q.3. Write a program to simulate various tree traversal algorithms. Q.4.Write a program for implementation of a file and perform operations such as insert, delete a record in the file Q.5.write an algorithm in C to count the no. of leaves in a binary tree

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