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Bromma Vikings AFC brommavikings@gmail.


fr den ideella freningen Bromma Vikings Australian Football Club med hemort i Bromma, Stockholms kommun. Bildad december 2006 Stadgarna senast faststllda/ndrade av rsmte den 22:a Februari 2009 (om ndringar - ange vilka paragrafer)

For the non-profit association of Bromma Vikings Australian Football Club domiciled in Bromma, Stockholm. Formed December 2006 Constitution last altered / revised the annual meeting on 22nd February 2009 (on changes - indicate which paragraphs)

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

1 ndaml

Bromma Vikings Australian Football Club, i dessa stadgar benmnt frening, har som ndaml att bedriva idrotten Australisk Fotboll. Vikings r en politiskt och religist oberoende allmnnyttig ideell organisation som tar avstnd frn rasism och varje annan form av diskriminering. Vikings skall ven aktivt arbeta fr en dopingfri idrott. 2 Sammansttning

Freningen bestr av de fysiska personer som har upptagits i freningen som medlemmar. 3 Tillhrighet m m

Freningen r medlem i fljande organisationer: Svenska Australiska Fotbollsfrbundet (AFL Sweden). Stockholm Australian Football Federation (SAFF). Freningen r skyldig att flja nmnda organisationers stadgar, tvlingsregler och beslut fattade av verordnat idrottsorgan. P begran av AFL Sweden eller SAFF:s styrelse r freningen skyldig att stlla freningens handlingar till frfogande samt lmna av dessa organ begrda uppgifter. 4 Beslutande organ

Freningens beslutande organ r rsmtet, extra rsmte och styrelsen. 5 Firmateckning

Freningens firma tecknas av styrelsen eller, om styrelsen s beslutar, av tv styrelseledamter gemensamt eller av en eller flera srskilt utsedda personer. 6 Verksamhets- och rkenskapsr

Freningens verksamhetsr och rkenskapsr omfattar tiden fr.o.m den 1 januari t.o.m den 31 december. 7 Stadgetolkning m m

Uppstr tvekan om tolkningen av dessa stadgar, eller om fall frekommer som inte r frutsedda i stadgarna, hnskjuts frgan till nstkommande rsmte. I brdskande fall fr frgan avgras av styrelsen. Medlem frbinder sig genom sitt medlemskap i freningen att i frga om tillmpning av dessa stadgar inte vcka talan vid allmn domstol. Tvist om tillmpning av stadgarna skall i stllet avgras i enlighet med vad som anges i 28 . 8 Stadgendring

Fr ndring av dessa stadgar krvs beslut av rsmte med minst 2/3 av antalet avgivna rster. Frslag till ndring av stadgarna fr skriftligen avges av svl medlem som styrelsen.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

Upplsning av freningen

Fr upplsning av freningen krvs beslut av rsmte med minst 2/3 av antalet avgivna rster. I beslut om upplsning av freningen skall anges dels att freningens tillgngar skall anvndas till bestmt idrottsfrmjande ndaml, dels var den upplsta freningens handlingar m.m. skall arkiveras t.ex i folkrrelsearkiv eller motsvarande. Beslutet, jmte bestyrkta avskrifter av styrelsens och rsmtets protokoll i rendet, samt balans- och resultatrkningar, skall omedelbart tillstllas AFL Sweden.

10 Medlemskap

Medlemskap beviljas av styrelsen eller av den som styrelsen delegerat beslutandertten till. Anskan om medlemskap fr avsls endast om det kan antas att vederbrande kommer att motarbeta freningens ndaml eller intressen. Beslut att avsl medlemsanskan skall fattas av styrelsen. I beslutet skall sklen redovisas samt anges vad den medlemsskande skall iaktta fr att verklaga beslutet. Beslutet skall inom tre dagar frn dagen fr beslutet skriftligen tillstllas den som ftt avslag p medlemsanskan. Beslut om vgrat medlemskap fr verklagas av den berrde inom tre veckor enligt reglerna i AFL Sweden:s stadgar. 11 Uttrde

Medlem som vill uttrda ur freningen, skall skriftligen anmla detta till styrelsen och anses drmed omedelbart ha lmnat freningen. Medlem som inte har betalat medlemsavgift fr tv p varandra fljande verksamhetsr fr anses ha begrt sitt uttrde ur freningen. Medlemskapet upphr i sdant fall genom att personen avfrs frn medlemsfrteckningen. 12 Uteslutning m m

Medlem fr inte uteslutas ur freningen av annan anledning n att denne har frsummat att betala av freningen beslutade avgifter, motarbetat freningens verksamhet eller ndaml, eller uppenbarligen skadat freningens intressen. Beslut om uteslutning fr begrnsas till att omfatta viss tid. Sdan tidsbegrnsad uteslutning fr som mest omfatta sex mnader frn beslutsdagen. Om tillrckliga skl fr uteslutning inte freligger fr freningen i stllet meddela medlemmen varning. Beslut om uteslutning eller varning fr inte fattas utan att medlemmen inom viss tid, minst 14 dagar, ftt tillflle att yttra sig ver de omstndigheter som franlett att medlemskapet ifrgastts. I beslutet skall sklen hrfr redovisas samt anges vad medlemmen skall iaktta fr verklagande. Beslutet skall inom tre dagar frn dagen fr beslutet skriftligen tillstllas den berrde. Beslut om uteslutning eller varning skall fattas av freningens styrelse och fr av den berrde verklagas inom tre veckor enligt reglerna i AFL Sweden:s stadgar.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

13 Medlem

Medlems rttigheter och skyldigheter

har rtt att delta i sammankomster som anordnas fr medlemmarna, har rtt till information om freningens angelgenheter, skall flja freningens stadgar och beslut som fattats av freningsorgan samt flja i 3 nmnda organisationers stadgar, bestmmelser och beslut. har inte rtt till del av freningens behllning eller egendom vid upplsning av freningen, skall betala medlemsavgift senast den 1:a Juni samt de vriga avgifter som beslutats av freningen. Deltagande i den idrottsliga verksamheten


Medlem har rtt att delta i freningens idrottsliga verksamhet under de former som r vedertagna inom idrotten och p samma villkor som gller fr vriga medlemmar. Medlem fr inte delta i tvling eller uppvisning utan medgivande av styrelsen. Om tvlingen eller uppvisningen arrangeras utanfr Sverige, skall ocks AFL Sweden ge sitt samtycke, svida inte AFL Sweden beslutat om en annan ordning. r arrangren inte ansluten till AFL Sweden som r organiserat fr att omhnderha den idrottsgren vilken tvlingen eller uppvisningen gller, fr medlemmen delta endast med AFL Sweden:s samtycke.


15 Tidpunkt, kallelse

rsmtet, som r freningens hgsta beslutande organ, hlls fre ut-gngen av Mars mnad p tid och plats som styrelsen bestmmer. Kallelse till rsmtet skall av styrelsen senast tre veckor fre mtet tillstllas medlemmarna, eller kungras i ortspressen. Vidare skall kallelse jmte frslag till fredragningslista ansls i klubblokal eller p annan lmplig plats. Har frslag vckts om stadgendring, nedlggning eller sammanslagning av freningen med annan frening eller annan frga av vsentlig betydelse fr freningen eller dess medlemmar skall det anges i kallelsen. Verksamhets- och frvaltningsberttelser, kassrens berttelse, verksamhetsplan med budget samt styrelsens frslag och inkomna motioner med styrelsens yttrande skall finnas tillgngliga fr medlemmarna senast en vecka fre rsmtet. I kallelsen skall anges var dessa handlingar finns tillgngliga. 16 Frslag till renden att behandlas av rsmtet

Svl medlem som styrelsen fr avge frslag att behandlas av rsmtet. Frslag frn medlem skall vara styrelsen tillhanda senast tv veckor fre rsmtet. Styrelsen skall till rsmtet avge skriftligt yttrande ver frslaget.


Rstrtt samt yttrande- och frslagsrtt p rsmtet

Medlem som har betalat frfallna medlemsavgifter har rstrtt p mte. Rstrtten r personlig och fr inte utvas genom ombud. Medlem som inte har rstrtt har yttrande- och frslagsrtt p mtet.
org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC



Mtet r beslutsmssigt med det antal rstberttigade medlemmar som r nrvarande p mtet. 19 Beslut och omrstning

Beslut fattas med bifallsrop (acklamation) eller om s begrs efter omrstning (votering). Med undantag fr de i 8 frsta stycket och 9 nmnda fallen avgrs vid omrstning alla frgor genom enkel majoritet. Enkel majoritet kan vara antingen absolut eller relativ. Val avgrs genom relativ majoritet. Med relativ majoritet menas att den (de) som erhllit hgsta antalet rster r vald (valda) oberoende av hur dessa rster frhller sig till antalet avgivna rster. Fr beslut i andra frgor n val krvs absolut majoritet, vilket innebr mer n hlften av antalet avgivna rster. Omrstning sker ppet. Om rstberttigad medlem begr det skall dock val ske slutet. Vid omrstning som inte avser val gller vid lika rstetal det frslag som bitrds av ordfranden vid mtet, om han r rstberttigad. r han inte rstberttigad avgr lotten. Vid val skall i hndelse av lika rstetal lotten avgra. Beslut bekrftas med klubbslag. 20 Valbarhet

Valbar till styrelsen och valberedningen r rstberttigad medlem av freningen. Arbetstagare inom freningen fr dock inte vljas till ledamot av styrelsen eller valberedningen i freningen. 21 renden vid rsmtet

Vid rsmtet skall fljande behandlas och protokollfras: 1. Faststllande av rstlngd fr mtet. 2. Val av ordfrande och sekreterare fr mtet. 3. Val av protokolljusterare och rstrknare. 4. Frga om mtet har utlysts p rtt stt. 5. Faststllande av fredragningslista. 6. a) Styrelsens verksamhetsberttelse fr det senaste verksamhetsret, b) Styrelsens frvaltningsberttelse (balans- och resultatrkning) fr det senaste rkenskapsret. 7. Frga om ansvarsfrihet fr styrelsen fr den tid revisionen avser. 8. Faststllande av medlemsavgifter. 9. Faststllande av verksamhetsplan samt behandling av budget fr det kommande verksamhets-/rkenskapsret. 10. Behandling av styrelsens frslag och i rtt tid inkomna motioner. 11. Val av a) freningens ordfrande fr en tid av tv r, val sker udda r; b) freningens sekereterare fr en tid om tv r, val sker jmna r; c) freningens kassr fr en tid av tv r, val sker jmna r; d) freningens marknadskoorrdinator fr en tid av tv r, val sker jmna r; e) freningens sportchef fr en tid av tv r, val sker udda r;

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

f) suppleanter till styrelsen fr en tid av ett r, antal bestms av rsmtet; g) ombud till AFL Sweden mten (och ev andra mten dr freningen har rtt att representera med ombud); h) ledamter i valberedningen, en ordfrander samt tv ledamter fr en tid av ett r. 12. vriga frgor. Beslut i frga av strre ekonomisk betydelse fr freningen eller medlemmarna fr inte fattas om den inte finns med i kallelsen till mtet. 22 Extra rsmte

Styrelsen kan kalla medlemmarna till extra rsmte. Styrelsen r skyldig att kalla till extra rsmte nr minst en fjrdedel av freningens rstberttigade medlemmar begr det. Sdan framstllning skall avfattas skriftligen och innehlla sklen fr begran. Nr styrelsen mottagit en begran om extra rsmte skall den inom 14 dagar utlysa sdant mte att hllas inom tv mnader frn erhllen begran. Kallelse med frslag till fredragningslista fr extra rsmte skall tillstllas medlemmarna senast sju dagar fre mtet eller kungras inom samma tid i ortspressen. Vidare skall kallelsen med frslag till fredragningslista ansls i klubblokalen eller p annan lmplig plats. Underlter styrelsen att utlysa eller kalla till extra rsmte fr de som gjort framstllningen vidta tgrder enligt fregende stycke. Vid extra rsmte fr endast det som franlett mtet upptas till behandling. Om rstrtt p extra rsmte och om beslutsmssighet vid sdant mte gller vad som sgs i 17 och 18 .

23 Sammansttning, ligganden

Valberedningen bestr av ordfrande och tv vriga ledamter valda av rsmtet. Antalet vriga ledamter skall vara lika frdelat mellan knen om mjligt. Olika ldersgrupper skall finnas representerade. Valberedningen sammantrder nr ordfranden eller minst halva antalet ledamter s bestmmer. Valberedningen skall senast tv veckor fre rsmtet tillfrga dem vilkas mandattid utgr vid mtets slut, om de vill kandidera fr nsta mandattid. Senast en vecka fre rsmtet skall valberedningen meddela rstberttigade medlemmar sitt frslag.

24 Sammansttning

Styrelsen bestr av ordfrande samt fyra vriga ledamter. Styrelsen skall best av kvinnor och mn som r medlemar i freningen. Vid frhinder fr ledamot intrder suppleant enligt av rsmtet faststlld turordning. Avgr ledamot fre mandattidens utgng intrder suppleant i dennes stlle enligt samma ordning fr tiden t.o.m. nstfljande rsmte. Styrelsen fr utse person till adjungerad ledamot. Sdan ledamot har inte rstrtt men kan efter beslut av styrelsen ges yttrande- och frslagsrtt. Han fr utses till befattning inom styrelsen.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC


Styrelsens ligganden

Nr rsmte inte r samlat r styrelsen freningens beslutande organ och ansvarar fr freningens angelgenheter. Styrelsen skall - inom ramen fr AFL Sweden och SAFF och dessa stadgar - svara fr freningens verksamhet enligt faststllda planer samt tillvarata medlemmarnas intressen. Det ligger styrelsen srskilt att tillse att fr freningen gllande lagar och bindande regler iakttas, verkstlla av rsmtet fattade beslut, planera, leda och frdela arbetet inom freningen, ansvara fr och frvalta freningens medel, frbereda rsmte.

Ordfranden r freningens officiella representant. Ordfranden skall leda styrelsens frhandlingar och arbete samt vervaka att freningens stadgar och vriga fr freningen bindande regler och beslut efterlevs. Har ordfranden frhinder skall sekreteraren trda in i ordfrandens stlle. Sekreterare frbereda styrelsens sammantrden och freningens mten, fra protokoll ver styrelsens sammantrden, se till att freningens handlingar hlls ordnade och frvaras p ett betryggande stt samt ansvara fr att freningens historia dokumenteras, se till att fattade beslut har verkstllts, om ordfranden inte bestmmer annat, underteckna utgende handlingar, rligen upprtta frslag till verksamhetsberttelse fr freningen.


fra medlemsfrteckning och se till att medlemmarna betalar beslutade avgifter till freningen, se till att freningen sker bidrag frn stat, kommun och idrottsorganisationer m.fl, svara fr freningens bokfring vilket innebr skyldighet att fra bok ver freningens rkenskaper, rligen upprtta balans- samt resultatrkningar, utarbeta underlag fr budget och budgetuppfljning, se till att freningens skatter, avgifter och skulder betalas i rtt tid, i frekommande fall upprtta och avge allmn sjlvdeklaration, srskild uppgift, kontrolluppgifter, uppbrdsdeklarationer och vriga freskrivna uppgifter inom skatte- och avgiftsomrdet, fra inventariefrteckning, i vilken ocks av freningen frvrvade priser infrs,

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

se till att svl freningens medlemmar i freningens verksamhet som freningens byggnader, idrottsmateriel, priser och vriga tillhrigheter r frskrade p ett betryggande stt.

Marknadskoordinator Sportchef ansvara fr det sportsliga inom freningen. ansvara att alla krav stllda av AFL Sweden och SAFF fr att arrangera en tvling r fljda. se till att planer r bokade fr freningen att anvnda vid trning och tvling. ansvara fr freningens hemsida samt andra marknadsfrings material. marknadsfra freningen och sporten via media eller andra metoder som anses lmpliga. ta kontakt med lmpliga fretag eller organisationer angende sponsorskap eller samarbete ansvara fr freningens kontakter med sonsorer.


Kallelse, beslutsmssighet och omrstning

Styrelsen sammantrder p kallelse av ordfranden, eller d minst halva antalet ledamter har begrt det minst fyra gnger per r. Styrelsen r beslutsmssig nr samtliga ledamter kallats och d minst fyra ledamter r nrvarande. Fr alla beslut krvs att minst hlften av styrelsens samtliga ledamter r ense om beslutet. Vid lika rstetal har ordfranden utslagsrst. Rstning fr inte ske genom ombud. I brdskande fall fr ordfranden besluta att rende skall avgras genom skriftlig omrstning eller vid telefonsammantrde. Om srskilt protokoll inte upprttas skall sdant beslut anmlas vid det nrmast drefter fljande sammantrdet. Vid sammantrde skall protokoll fras. Protokoll skall justeras av mtesordfranden och av en srskilt utsedd protokolljusterare. Avvikande mening skall antecknas till protokollet.


verltelse av beslutandertten

Styrelsen fr verlta sin beslutandertt i enskilda renden eller i vissa grupper av renden en kommitt eller annat organ eller till enskild medlem eller anstlld. Den som fattat beslut med std av bemyndigande enligt fregende stycke skall fortlpande underrtta styrelsen hrom.

28 Skiljeklausul

Talan i tvist mellan medlem och freningen fr inte vckas vid allmn domstol. Sdan tvist skall, utom i fall d annan srskild ordning r freskriven i AFL Sweden:s eller SAFF:s stadgar, avgras enligt lagen om skiljefrfarande. Dock skall fljande glla rrande kostnaderna fr skiljefrfarandet. Vardera parten svarar fr egna kostnader liksom fr kostnaderna fr den skiljeman man utsett. Ordfrandens kostnader, inklusive kostnaderna fr eventuell sekreterare, delas lika mellan parterna.
org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

1 Purpose

Bromma Vikings Australian Football Club, in this constitution called the club, has the purpose to participate in the sport of Australian Football. Viking is a public non-profit organization, politically and religiously independent that rejects racism and all other forms of discrimination. Vikings is also working for a drug free sport. 2 Composition

The Club consists of individuals who are included in the club as members. 3 Membership and association

Vikings is a member of the following organizations: Swedish Australian Football League (AFL Sweden). Stockholm Australian Football Federation (SAFF). Vikings is required to comply with the mentioned organizations statutes, competition rules and decisions of the governing bodies. At the request of the AFL Sweden or SAFF's board, Vikings are required to make its documents available and provide these bodies the information required. 4 Governing Bodies

Vikings governing body is the annual general meeting, extra annual meeting and the Board. 5 Authorization

Authorization is to be made by the Board or, if the Board so decides, by two members jointly or by one or more designated persons. 6 Operational and financial year

The association's operational and financial year covers the period from January 1 until December 31. 7 Interpretation of constitution

If doubt arises concerning the interpretation of these statutes, or cases, which are not foreseen in the constitution, the matter will be referred to the next annual general meeting. In urgent cases, the matter is to be decided by the Board. The Member commits through its membership of Vikings to the question on the application of this constitution not to make a public prosecution. Disputes concerning the application of the statutes shall instead be settled in accordance with the specifications set out in 28 . 8 Constitution

For amendment of these statutes requires a decision of annual general meeting with at least 2 / 3 of the votes cast. Draft amendment to the Statutes may be made in writing by both a Member and by the Board. 9 Dissolution of club

The dissolution of the club requires a decision of the annual general meeting with at least 2 / 3 of the votes cast. The decision on the dissolution of the club shall declare that the club's assets shall be used for specific sports
org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

promotion purposes, and that the dissolved club's documents, etc. shall be filed in the popular archives or equivalent. The decision, together with certified copies of the Board and annual general meeting minutes on the subject, as well as balance sheets and income statements, shall be immediately sent to the AFL Sweden.

10 Membership

Membership is granted by the Board or by the board delegated committee. Application for membership may be rejected only if it can be assumed that he will obstruct the club's purposes or interests. Decision to reject application for membership shall be made by the Board. In the decision, the reasons for rejection shall be recorded what the applicant must respect in order to appeal the decision. The decision shall, within three days from the date of the decision, be sent in writing to the person who has been rejected. Decisions on refusal of membership may be appealed by the person concerned within three weeks according to the rules of AFL Sweden's constitution. 11 Withdrawal

Members who want to secede from the club, shall in writing notify the Board and are therefore immediately have left the club. Any member who has not paid membership fees for two consecutive financial years may be deemed to have requested their withdrawal from the club. Members in such matters can be removed from the member list. 12 Exclusion

Members may not be dismissed from the club for reasons other than that he has failed to pay the fees of the club, opposed the activities or purposes, or obviously damaged its interests. Decisions on the exclusion may be limited to certain time. Such temporary exclusions may at most include six months from the decision date. If sufficient grounds for exclusion is not present may compound rather than notify the member warning. Decisions on the exclusion or warning may not be taken without the member, within not less than 14 days, had the opportunity to comment on the circumstances that led to membership in doubt. The decision shall be reported and the reasons stated in the member shall comply with the appeal. The decision shall, within three days from the date of the decision, be sent in writing to the person concerned. Decisions on the exclusion or warning should be taken by the association's board and of the person concerned appealed against within three weeks according to the rules of AFL Sweden's constitution. 13 Member rights and responsibilities

Member have the right to participate in meetings organized for members, have a right to information about the affairs, must comply with its constitution and decisions of governing bodies, and follow in Section 3 of the mentioned organizations constitutions, rules and decisions, are not entitled to a portion of its proceeds or property when dissolution of the club, must pay membership dues by June 1 and the other fees decided by the club.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC


Participation in sporting activities

Member is entitled to participate in the club's sporting activities in the forms that are accepted for the sport under the same conditions as any other members. Member may not participate in a competition or exhibition without the consent of the Board. If competition or exhibition is held outside Sweden, AFL Sweden also has to give their consent, unless AFL Sweden decided differently. If the organizer is not affiliated to AFL Sweden, which is the national body for the sport, participation may only occur with AFL Sweden's consent.


15 Time and convened Annual meeting, which is the club's highest governing body, shall held before the end of March, on time and place as the Board determines. Notice of Annual Meeting of the Board shall no later than three weeks before the meeting be sent to the members, or published in local press. Furthermore, the notice together with the draft agenda shall also be posted in the clubhouse or at another suitable place. Has the proposal of amendments to the constitution, the closure or merger of the club with another association or other matter of material importance to the club or its members been submitted shall they be specified in the notice. Operational and management reports, the Treasurer's report, operations budget and the Board's proposal and submitted a motion with the Board's opinion shall be available to members at least one week before the annual meeting. The notice shall indicate where these documents are available. 16 Proposal for cases to be processed by the annual meeting

Both member and the Board may submit proposals to be addressed the annual general meeting. Proposal shall be available to the Board no later than two weeks before the annual general meeting. The Board shall deliver a written opinion on the proposal at the annual general meeting. 17 Right to vote and opinion and proposal right at the annual general meeting Members who have paid membership fees are entitled to vote at the meeting. The right to vote is personal and may not be exercised by proxy. Members who do not have the right to vote have expression and the right to make proposal at the meeting. 18 Quorum The meeting is a quorum with the number of voting members present at the meeting. 19 Decisions and vote Decisions are taken by acclamation or if requested after the vote. With the exception of those in the 8 and 9 , decisions are decided in a vote by a simple majority. Simple majority can be either absolute or relative. Election is determined by relative majority. With relative majority meant that who received the highest number of votes is elected regardless of how those votes relates to the number of votes. For decisions in matters other than elections requires an absolute majority, which means more than half of the votes cast. Voting is done in the open open, If not a voting member requests a ballot vote. In the election, in the event of a tie a draw will determine. Decision confirmed by the hammer.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

20 Eligibility Eligible to the Board and the Nomination Committee are voting member of the club. Employees of the club may not be elected member of the board or nominating committee of the club. 21 Agenda at the annual general meeting At the annual meeting shall be processed and recorded: 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Counting of members with voting rights for the meeting. Election of the Chairman and Secretary of the meeting. Election of minute verifier and vote counter. Question the members if the AGM has been noticed according to the Constitution. Decision of agenda. a) Annual report by the board. b) Annual summary of accounts by the board. Question of freedom of responsibility for the sitting board. Determination of membership fees. Decision on activities and budget for the coming operational and financial year. Proposals from the board and other motions. Election of a) president for a period of two years, the election is made odd years; b) secretary for a period of two years, elections take place in even years; c) treasurer for a period of two years, elections take place in even years; d) marketing operations manager for a period of two years, elections take place in even years; e) football operations manager for a period of two years, the choice is made odd years; f) reserve members to the Board for a period of one year, the number determined by the annual meeting; g) representative to the AFL Sweden meetings (and any other meetings where the association has the right to representation by an delegate); h) Members of the nominating committee, a chairman and two members for a period of one year. Other matters.


Decisions in respect of major economic importance to the association or the members may be taken if it is not included in the notice convening the meeting. 22 Extra general Meeting The Board may convene the members to extra general meeting. The Board is required to call an extra general meeting when at least one quarter of the club's voting members request it. Such petition shall be drafted in writing and contain reasons for the request. When the Board received a request for extra general meeting shall, within 14 days call such a meeting be held within one month from the received request. Notice of the draft agenda for the extra general meeting shall be circulated to members at least seven days before the meeting. In addition, the convocation of the draft agenda posted in the club or at another suitable place. Board fails to call or call an extra general meeting, the person who made the request to take action under the preceding paragraph. For the extra general meeting may only be what led the meeting admitted to treatment. If the right to vote at the extraordinary annual meeting and the quorum at such meeting is what is stated in Section 17 and Section 18.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

23 Composition and duties

The Nomination committee consists of a Chairman and two other members elected by the annual meeting. The number of other members shall be split equally between men and women, if possible. Different age groups should also be represented. The Nomination Committee meets when the chairman of the committee or at least half of the members so decide. The nomination committee shall, two weeks before the annual meeting, ask them whose term of office is at the end of the meeting, if they want to stand for the next term of office. One week before the annual meeting shall notify the nominating committee and voting members of its proposal.

24 Composition

The Board consists of President and four other members. The Board shall consist of men and women who are members of Vikings. When a board member unable to attend a meeting, a reserve will take his place as of the annual meeting established list. If a board member resigns from the board, a reserve will take his place as of the annual meeting established list under the same regime of time until the next annual meeting. The Board may appoint person to co-opted member. Such member has not the right to vote in the board but can by decision of the board be given the right to express and propose new motions to the board. He may be appointed to a post in the Board. 25 Dunties When the annual meeting is not gathered, the board of directors is the clubs governing body and is responsible for the clubs affairs. The Board is - within the framework of the AFL Sweden, SAFF and this constitution - responsible for the activities according to established plans, and to safeguard members' interests. It is the responsibility of the Board in particular to ensure that the rules and regulation set up by the club are followed, execute decisions agreed by the annual general meeting, plan, manage and distribute the work of the club, responsibility for and manage the club's funds, prepare the annual meeting. The Chairman is the official representative. The President shall lead the Board's negotiations and work, and monitor the association's constitution and the other of the club binding rules and decisions effectively. Is the President unable to conduct his duties, the Secretary shall enter into the presidents place. Secretary prepare the board and club meetings, keep records of board meetings, ensure that the clubs documents are organized and stored safely and be responsible that the club's history documented, ensure that decisions are executed, if the President does not decide otherwise, sign the outgoing documents, annually prepare draft report on the activities of the association.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

Bromma Vikings AFC

Treasurer ensure that members pay the annual membership fee and all other fees decided on, ensure that the club is seeking grants from government, and sports organizations and others institutions and authorities, responsible for the club's accounting, which entails the obligation to keep records of the association's accounts, annually draw up a balance sheet and income statements, develop a basis for budget, ensure that taxes, fees and debts are paid on time, when appropriate, establish and make tax declarations, keep inventory, ensure that both the members of the club as the club's property, sports equipment, prices and other belongings are insured in a secure way. Marketing operation manager responsible for the Viking website and other marketing tools. promote the club and the sport through the media or other methods deemed appropriate. contact the appropriate companies or organizations regarding sponsorship or cooperation responsible for the club's contacts with sponsors. Footboll operation manager responsible for all sport activites within the club. ensure that all requirements set by the AFL Sweden and SAFF to arrange a competition are followed. ensure that ovals are booked for the club to use for training and competition. 26 Notice, quorum and voting

The Board meets when summoned by the President, or when at least half of the members of the board have requested so, at least four times per year. The Board is at quorum when all members summoned and when at least four members are present. All decision is made by a single majority. In a tie vote the president has the final vote. Voting may not take place by proxy. In urgent cases, the Chairman may decide that the matter shall be settled by a written vote or at the telephone meeting. If no minutes are made, such a decision shall be notified at the next subsequent meeting. At the meeting shall be recorded. Minutes shall be adjusted by the meeting chairman and a dedicated protocol facilitators. Dissenting opinion shall be recorded in the minutes. 27 Transfer of quorum

The Board may delegate its decision-making authority in individual cases or in certain groups of cases to a committee or other body or individual member or employee. Whoever decided on the basis of authorization under the preceding paragraph shall keep the Board notified accordingly.

28 Arbitration clause Proceedings of the dispute between the member and the club may not be sued in a civil court. Such dispute shall, except where other special arrangement is provided in AFL Sweden's or SAFF's statutes, determined by the law of arbitration. However, the following shall apply regarding the costs of the arbitration. Each party is responsible for their own costs as well as the cost of the arbitrator appointed. Chairman's expenses, including costs of any secretary, shared equally between the parties.

org. number: 802431-7458 Bank: Swedbank 8327-9 903 261 797-0 Bankgiro: 5931-3254

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