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Leisure and pleasure

Starting off
0 Work in pairs. Choose a word or phrase from the
box for each of these photographs.
riding motorbikes playing computer games
clubbing window shopping
doing aerobics playing chess
playing team sports
6 Answer the questions below.
1 Which of the activities in the photos have
you done?
2 Which do you think is .. . ?
a the most enjoyable
b the cheapest
c the healthiest
d the most relaxing
e the least active
f the best one to do with friends
3 Which would you like to try? Why?
Reading Part 1
You will read an extract from a book in which
Scottish actor Ewan McGregor explains how he first
became interested in motorbikes.
0 Before you read, work in pairs. What do you
think people most enjoy about riding motorbikes?
6 Read the extract quickly to find out how Ewan
McGregor became interested in motorbikes.
@ Unit2
My biking beginnings can be summed up in two words: teenage
5 love. My first girlfriend was small with short mousy blonde hair,
and I was mad about her. Our romance came to an abrupt end,
however, when she started going out with another guy in my
hometown, Crieff. He rode a 50 cc road bike first and then a 125.
And whereas I had always walked my girlfriend home, suddenly
10 she was going back with this guy.
I was nearly sixteen by then and already heartbroken. Then one
day, on the way back from a shopping trip to Perth with my mum,
we passed Buchan's, the local bike shop. I urged my mother to
stop the car. I got out. walked up the short hill to the shop and
I5 pressed my nose to the window. There was a light blue 50 cc bike
on display right at the front of the shop. I didn't know what make
it was, or if it was any good. Such trivialities were irrelevant to
me. Alii knew was that I could get it in three or four months' time
when I was sixteen and allowed to ride it. Maybe I could even get
20 my girlfriend back.
I'd ridden my first bike when I was about six. My father organised
a tiny red Honda 50 cc and we headed off to a field that belonged
to a family friend. I clambered on and shot off. I went all over
the field. I thought it was just the best thing. I loved the smell of
Exam information
In Reading Part 1, you must:
read a text of 550-700 words
answer eight questions about it by choosing A, B, C or D.
You have about 20 minutes to do this.
0 Work in pairs.
Student A: You are a teenager. You want to buy a
motorbike, but you need your parents to help you
by lending you some money. Think of reasons why
you want a motorbike and then try to persuade
your mother/ father to lend you the money you
Student B: You are one of Student A's parents. You
don't want him/ her to buy a motorbike. Think of
reasons why he/ she shouldn't buy a motorbike and
try to persuade him/ her not to do so.
Phrasal verbs
0 Match these phrasal verbs in the text (1-7) with
their definitions from the Cambridge Advanced
Learner's Dictionary (a-g).
1 take up (lines 2-3) a describe the important
facts about something
2 sum up (line 4) b go to
c have a romantic
go out with (line
) relationship with
4 head off to (line 22)
5 shoot off (line 23)
6 start up (line 43)
7 make up (lines 47-48)
@ Unit2
d invent something, such
as an excuse or a story,
often in order to
e start doing a particular
f start moving very
g start the engine of a
bike or car
f) Write one of the phrasal verbs in the correct form
in each space in these sentences.
1 After they had finished, they .. 9.-f:.f. t9. a
cafe for a sandwich and a cup of coffee.
2 How would you ........ .................... her personality in
just a few words?
3 Mark found it hard to .... ..... ....... .... his bike in the
cold weather.
4 Sometimes when I arrive home late I ......... . .. .. .
an excuse to tell my parents why I am late.
5 The girl who he ......... ........ ........... hopes to be a famous
film star.
6 I need to get more exercise, so I'm thinking of
...... ... jogging or aerobics.
7 When the meeting ended, she suddenly
...................... without saying a word to anyone.
Adjectives with -ed and -ing
0 Look at these sentences from the reading text.
I was thrilled to hear the adults scream and elated
that it had frightened them. It was my first time on a
motorbike. It was exciting and I wanted more.
1 Which of the underlined words refer to how Ewan
2 Which of the underlined words refer to what made
him feel like that?
Q page 154 Grammar reference. Adjectives with -ed and -ing
f) @ First Certificate candidates often confuse
adjectives with -ed and adjectives with -ing.
Circle the correct adjective in italics in each of
these sentences.
1 Visiting Disneyland, Paris was an amused I
<iii"""Wig)ex perience.
2 It can be very annoyed 1 annoying if people are
3 You will never get bored 1 boring at night in Taipei
because the nightlife is wonderful.
4 I am very confused I confusing about what you are
offering in your advertisement.
5 The situation was very embarrassed I
embarrassing for me and I felt uncomfortable.
6 I was really excited 1 exciting and wanted to see as
much of the city as possible.
8 Use the word given in capitals at the end of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap.
1 I was very .... S.14.rpris/l.O . that you didn' t phone me
last night. SURPRISE
2 I thought the film was rather .. . ...................... after all
the publicity it had received. DISAPPOINT
3 She's an .. . . . ................ teacher and that 's what
makes her lessons so enjoyable. INTEREST
4 Anita looked quite .. . ... ...... when she left the
police station. WORRY
5 Paul found climbing the mountain an .. . . ... ... .. ..... .
experience. EXHAUST
6 Marie told me a rather ... ... ....... . . ... story about
her trip to the fashion show in Milan. AMUSE
0 A You will hear a girl talking about one of the
experiences listed below. Listen and decide which
experience she is talking about.
a I rode a motorbike for the first time.
b I was punished for something I didn't do.
c I had to study all weekend for an exam.
d I broke a bone.
e I was trapped in a lift.
f I won a competition.
g I did a parachute jump.
0 A Listen again. Which adjectives did she use to
describe each of these things?
1 The whole experience: .. 1<\111,1<\8:!-:1:'!-r}
2 How she felt after studying: .............. . .
3 How she felt about her boyfriend's suggestion:
4 The thought of breaking a bone: .
5 How she felt in the plane: .
6 The jump itself: .
(!) Work in pairs. Look at the experiences a-g in
Exercise 4. Have you done any of these or have
any of them happened to you? How did you
feel about them? Take turns to describe your
listening Part 2
0 Work in small groups. You will hear a television
interview in which a psychologist talks about
playing video and computer games. Before you
listen, discuss the questions below using the
words in the box to help you. Example: People
who play video games are more creative in the way
they think.
1 What are the positive effects of computer games?
2 What criticisms do people sometimes make of
video games?
creative distract educational imagination
concentrate on skills solve problems
unsociable violent waste of time
Exam information
Listening Part 2 is an interview or talk.
You must listen and complete ten sentences.
For most spaces you will need between one and three
Write words you actually hear.
You hear the recording twice.
Leisure and pleasure @
f) Now read the sentences below and discuss what
type of words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.) you
could use to complete the sentences.
<,)ome. people. think video and c.ompute.r gamer, make.
people. (l) . . .. . .. .... .... . .
Computer gamer, c.aur,e. a re.duc.tion in the. number of
(J.) ..........
Ac.c.ording to r,ome. rr,, r,tude.ntr, do (?)
than before..

- wgge.r,tr, gamer, have. (4) ...... . . . ....... ..... .
gamer, improve. old pe.ople.'r, (?) ........ .
Gtame.rr, follow up to ((p) ......... . ..... on the. r, e. n

Computer gamer, might help (l) . . ................. do their
jobr, be.tte.r.
<,)ome. r,ugge.r,t video gamer, are.
(S) ... ...... . . ...... than traditional c.\ar,r,room
Young people. learn to (q) ... . ........ .. ...... .. ...... .. ... and think

learn the. value. of making a c.on5i5te.nt
(io) . .. ........ when working.
8 {6\ Listen to an interview about video and
computer gaming, and complete the sentences in
Exercise 2.
0 Work in small groups. Which of the ideas
expressed in the recording do you agree with,
and which do you disagree with? Why?
@ Unit2
Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
0 Look at these sentences (many are from Listening
Part 2). Then complete the rules below for
comparison of adjectives and adverbs by writing
examples from the sentences in the spaces.
... video games and television programmes tend to
make youngsters more violent.
.. . fewer crimes are being committed ...
... they do less homework than they used to ...
.. . certain games give people better visual skills ...
It 's one of the easiest games to play ...
... airport security staff might do their job better if
they were trained with computer games.
... teachers are finding it harder to compete for
their students' attention and enthusiasm .
.. . computer games can be more educational than
a lot of the traditional activities that go on in the
... some of the most successful games are highly
educational ...
... many computer games can be played on the
cheapest computers.

, -!!!t



Adjectives and adverbs with one syllable
form comparatives and superlatives with -er and
-est Examples: (I) .. . .fe:w.e.t . .. ; (2) . ......... ... ........ ..... . ,
(.3) ......................... . .
Adjectives ending in -y and -Jy form
comparatives and superlatives with -er and -est
Example: (4) ........... ...... .......... .
Adjectives and adverbs with two or more
syllables form comparatives and superlatives
with more and most Examples: (5) ................... ........ .
(o) ........................... and (7) ... .
Some adjectives and adverbs form
irregular comparatives. Examples: good,
(8) ........................... , best; Httle, (9) .................. .
least; well, (lO) ........................... , best
Q page 154 Grammar reference: Comparison of adjectives
and adverbs
a @ First Certificate candidates often make
mistakes with comparisons of adjectives and
adverbs. Correct the mistake in each of these
1 There are lots of ways to keep fit , but I think the
healthier of all is aerobics. tke.
2 Playing chess is more cheaper than gaming.
3 Clubbing is more sociable that biking because you
meet and speak to a lot of people.
4 When you play chess, you have to think more
hardly than when you're gaming.
5 I don't go window shopping as often than I used
6 For me, clubbing is the more enjoyable way to
spend my free time.
7 Speaking for myself, I find team sports the less
8 Biking is more good than team sports.
Use of English Part 4
Exam information
In Use of English, Part 4 you must:
complete eight sentences with between two and five words
so that they mean the same as the sentences printed before
use a word given in CAPITALS without changing it in any
This part tests your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
0 For questions 1-8, complete the second sentence
so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change
the word given. You must use between two and
five words, including the word given.
1 He doesn't enjoy running as much as cycling.
He likes 0000 0000

0000 000 00 running.
2 Lena enjoys reading more than any other free-time
For Lena reading .oo.
free-time activity.
3 It is easier to learn the guitar than most other
musical instruments.
The guitar is ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo .... oo ........ oo ... oo ... oo ...
musical instruments to learn.
- tED- l\\J
4 Olivia finds watching TV more boring than
For Olivia, watching TV is ..
.. reading.
5 Maria's brothers are better tennis players than her.
Maria doesn't 00 0000 .. .... oo. .. . ... ... 000 .... 00000 00 0 00 00 her
6 No one in the class works harder than Peter.
Peter 00
the class.
..... oo .. ooooO oo oooOooooOoooooOoo .... 0000 person in
7 Sailing is more expensive than biking.
Sailing is oo oo oo oo oo ooooo oo oo oo oo.oooo oo.oooo biking.
8 It took Janusz longer to finish the game than
Sarah finished the game ..
f) Check your answers by looking at the clues for
questions 2-8 below. Change your answers where
2 Use the adjective of enjoy.
3 You need an adjective + -est.
4 Use as .. . as or so ... as.
5 You need to use an adverb.
6 Hard-working is a three-syllable adjective.
7 Use as ... as or so . .. as.
8 You will need to use an adverb.
Leisure and pleasure @
Speaking Part 2
Exam information
In Speaking Part 2 the candidates take
turns to:
speak on their own for a minute
compare two photographs which
the examiner gives them
answer a question connected with
both photographs.
Work in pairs, either as Pair A or
Pair B.
0 Study your question. You will
have to answer it by talking to
someone from the other pair.
Work together and decide what
you can say.
Prepare to answer both parts of
the question.
Don' t describe the photographs
in detail, but compare the
activities in general, e.g. why
the people in the photographs
might be doing them, which
is most useful, enjoyable, etc.
and why.
Think of reasons and examples
to back up the second part of
the question.
f) Work with a partner from the
other pair and take turns to
speak for one minute about
your photographs.
0 page 179 Speaking reference:
Speaking Part 2
@ Unit2
Pair A
Compare these photographs and say how you think people benefit from
spending their free time in this way.
Pair B
Compare these photographs and say why you think it's important for
people to have hobbies.
Writing Part 2 An article
0 Work in pairs. Look at the following writing task and underline
the points you must write about.
You have seen this announcement in an English-language magazine.
A great way to spend your free time
Tell us about a leisure-time activity you really enjoy.
-+ How did you get started?
-+ Why do you enjoy it so much?
We will publish the most interesting articles in next month's issue.
Write your article.
@ Work in pairs. Tell your partner about one of your free-time
activities. While speaking, answer the questions in the writing
task above.
@) The following article contains four paragraphs.
1 Put the paragraphs in the correct order by writing a number in
each box.
2 In which paragraphs does the writer say how he/ she got started?
3 In which paragraphs does the writer say why he/ she enjoys it so
Cooking - it's creative
and useful!
0 Find adjectives in the article
which describe the following.
1 how the writer feels about
2 cooking as a hobby:
3 the writer's ability to cook:
0 Write your own article to
answer the writing task in
Exercise 1. Write 120-180
Exam information
In Writing Part 2:
you must answer one question from
a choice of four: either an article, a
letter, a report, an essay, a review, or
a story
the final question is based on a
set book (reading the set book is
you must write between 120 and
180 words and you have about 40
minutes to do this.
0 A When we went back to school after the summer, I decided to do cookery
lessons and now I think I'm quite a competent cook. When friends come
round to my house I often cook them something because I find it really
satisfying and relaxing. I find inventing new dishes fascinating and it's
wonderful to see people enjoying a meal I've made.
0 B I'd recommend it as a hobby because for me it's one of the most creative and
useful free-time activities I can imagine.
0 C I found I really liked it and was soon doing things which were more
complicated. Not everything I cooked was as successful as my aunt's
cooking. My younger brother and sister sometimes complained, but usually
they ate the food quite happily.
0 D I first got interested in cookery one summer holiday when I was about
12. I was staying with my aunt, who is a keen cook, and I wanted to try
it for myself. She encouraged me by teaching me to do fairly easy
dishes to start with.
0 page 171 Writing reference: Writing Part 2
Leisure and pleasure @
Unit 2 Vocabulary and grammar review
0 Complete the sentences below by writing a
phrasal verb from the box in the correct form in
each of the spaces.
take up
shoot off
sum up
start up
go out with
make up
head off to
1 When Andrea first .... w?.11-t ... 9.11.t .. .... Carlos, her
parents weren't too happy, but now they like him a
2 She turned the key in the ignition and the engine
..................... immediately.
3 Mario is thinking of ............ ........................... jogging as
he doesn't feel he's getting enough exercise.
4 Instead of reading to the children, I think I' ll just
................................. a story for their bedtime.
5 I' ll ..... . .................................. the argument in just a few
words to save time.
6 When the traffic light turned green, the taxi
... .... .. .... ..... .... . .. really quickly. It was an
exciting journey!
7 After the match they all .............. ...................... .. . a local
club to celebrate.
f) Correct the mistakes in each of these sentences.
1 I wish you'd be more quiet!
2 Small towns are more safety to live in than large
3 Today's the hotest day of the year so far.
4 She looks more relax than she did before the exam.
5 Patty is so smart - she's always dressed in the last
6 If you study more hardly, you' ll get higher marks.
7 Everest is the higher mountain in the world.
8 His first day at school was the worse day of his
9 We need to eat more healthier food.
10 We should buy this sofa because it 's definitely the
Word formation
@) Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
sentence to form a word that fits in the gap.
1 What an

..... band! AMAZE
I never expected they'd be
that good.
2 They found the journey so
... ... ..................... that they fell asleep EXHAUST
as soon as they arrived.
3 My problem at school was that
I was ............................ with the lessons. BORE
4 Jake felt ................... with his DISAPPOINT
exam results . He had hoped to
do better.
5 Why are the buses always late?
It 's ....................... ..... to have to wait ANNOY
in the rain!
6 I'm doing this course because
I'm .. .. . ................. in studying INTEREST
architecture at university.
7 Annette felt very .............. ... . . .. that SURPRISE
she hadn' t been invited to the party.
8 I found driving a Formula 1 car
a really ............... experience. EXCITE
Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 2 @
it, the sound of it, the look of it, the rush of it, the high-pitched 25
screaming of the engine. Best of all , there was a Land Rover
parked next to two large piles of straw with about a metre and
half between them. I knew that from where the adults were
standing it looked as if there was no distance between them.
Just one large heap of straw. I thought I would have a go. I came 10
racing towards the adults, shot right through the gap in the
straw. I was thrilled to hear the adults scream and elated that it
had frightened them. It was my first time on a motorbike. It was
exciting and I wanted more.
So when I looked through Buchan's window in Perth that day, 35
it suddenly all made sense to me. It was what had to happen. I
can't remember whether it was to win back my ex-girlfriend's
heart or not, but more than anything else it meant that, instead
of having to walk everywhere, I could ride my motorbike to
school and the games fields at the bottom of Crieff and when I 40
went out at weekends.
I started to fantasise about it. I spent all my waking hours
thinking about getting on and starting up the bike, putting on
the helmet and riding around Crieff. I couldn't sleep. Driven to
desperation by my desire for a bike, I made a series of promises 45
to my mum: I won't leave town. I'll be very safe. I won't take any
risks. I won't do anything stupid. But, in fact I was making the
promises up -I never thought about keeping them.
Crieff is built on a hill. It's a small town and my whole childhood
was spent walking around the town, from my parents' house 5o
to school to friends' houses. It was great, but I was getting
to that age when children become aware of the possibilities
of venturing further afield. Crieff is smack in the middle of
Scotland, no more than a day's drive from anywhere in the
country. Unless, like us, you went everywhere by bicycle. With so 55
many beautiful places nearby, the idea of getting a motorbike
was too much to resist.
Adapted from Long Way Round by Ewan McGregor
and Charley Boorman
E) For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, Cor D)
which you think fits best according to the text.
1 Why did Ewan's relationship with his first
girlfriend finish?
A She didn' t enjoy walking.
B She met someone with a motorbike.
C He was upset by her behaviour.
D He made her angry.
2 What does 'such trivialities' refer to in line 17?
A his mother's attitude to the bike
B the bike's size and colour
C the bike's price
D the bike's qualit y and its manufacturer
3 Why didn't Ewan buy the bike immediately?
A He couldn't afford it.
B He wasn't old enough to ride it.
C He hadn't learnt how to ride it.
D He didn' t know if his girlfriend would like it.
4 The adults were frightened the first time Ewan
rode a motorbike because they thought
A the bike was too noisy.
B the bike was too fast.
C he was going to have an accident.
D the bike was too big for him.
5 What was Ewan's main reason for buying the
A It was less expensive than a car.
B It would help his relationship with his
C It was good for his image.
D It was a useful means of transport.
6 How did Ewan's desire for the bike affect his
A He couldn't think about anything else.
B He spent more time talking to his mother.
C He invented reasons for buying the bike.
D He spent a lot of time riding a friend's bike.
7 What does Ewan mean by 'venturing further
afield' in line 53?
A taking greater risks
B becoming more independent
C travelling to more distant places
D living somewhere different
8 Who, according to the whole passage, was most
against Ewan getting a motorbike?
A his first girlfriend
B his father
C his mother
D his friends
Leisure and pleasure @

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