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UPDATES 12/29/13 1. The priest of Amun were corrupt so Ankh En Atuns purpose was to stop corruptions.

Amun Rayay as in the body of Min which was how Harar Horus was conceived, and Tut Ankh Atun/Amun was also an embodiment of Paa Nadjar: Amun Rayay. The priests were abusing the ritual and were corrupt and that was why Ankh En Atun moved out to Tell- Amarna to prepare for the opening of the gateway. 2. Ankh En Atun a Hemaphrodite was killed and his seed by Kiya, Tut, died from a broken leg that was neglected. So everything stopped. Hatshaep, Maat Kaa Rayay started again yet was also killed. So here we are again in search of our gatekeepers. 3. Now we are dealing with these silver eyed hybrids with a black dot in the center. They are spoken about in Leviticus chapter 13. You will see many of these beings all around you now, when the trumpet or tone is sounded they will change to reveal what is already in their genes. 4. The racism has permeated into everything, even the fiscal cliff issue. Their racism would not allow them to cooperate with the President. They would not come to any type of agreement until Kerry and Biden became more involved. The racism is the real issue people have with Kim Kardashian. She was with Reggie Bush and then Kris Humphries and then back to Kanye West. Well you know what they say. 5. Look at this we have Polish American, French American, Jewish American, Scottish American and then there is American Indian, American Negro. So why is it if this is American that when a Police officer dies regardless of his race and nationality Scottish ritual with men playing bagpipes in skirts called kilts? They are sending the spirits and souls of the deceased to feed their spirit forces Can god come in the flesh? Psalm 82:6 said I said ye are gods. John 10:34 said, I said ye are gods So man is god and god had children Genesis 6:2.4, would that make the children gods as well? So Clarence 13X, Yahweh ben Yahweh, W.F. Muhammad could have been god in the flesh. Our New Year is in June on the summer solstice. Our Saviours Day is June 26 6. Here is a question how could they name Noah before the ark landed. Thats how you know the name could not have come before the event. The name Noakh in

Hebrew or Nuh in Arabic means, to rest or light down upon which is what the ark did once the flood waters subsided. 7. Muslims actually come from two groups of people, two sons, Solomon and Adonijah Solomon Jerusalem, Enlil, Israelites Melchizedek, King of Salam, Salam means safe not peace. Adonijah Enqi went south The Falash-Har, called Falasha, Yahuda

Ethiopia. This ties into the two names Shalem and Shakhar.

8. During the 60s you had hippies who were very loose and free spirited. There was a lot of loose sex and drugs. These children are reptilian hybrids and are the reason Swamis and Gurus came over to America and had everyone chanting for these children who are also called Violet Children. They are children who are very open having certain abilities, those that deal with transcendental meditation etc 9. The frontal lobe is affected by diet and sleep and lights affect it as well. All of these are taken in by the subconscious mind and affects your sleep because you brain actually wants order and function better with it. 10. Here is an interesting point: the Hopi people are actually descendants from the Anasazi, which actually is a mispronunciation of the word Ani Sawaz which would mean I am or antigue, ancient However, in the Hopi dialogue Anunnaqi translates as Ant Friend Anu for Ant Naqi Friend. It just shows how words in a language change and sometimes words and their meaning are distorted. It is just that more important for us to learn our language as the tones will break the spell of sleep, Raqay Shalal Nawam. This name came from the large eyes they, the Anunnaqi had and they were their teachers thus their friend. This would have been Alalu that came to them as he was in South America as the Anasazi were.

11. They are the wizard of Oz and are afraid they are going to be exposed. Their racism is crippling the nation. They are pushing zombies and zombie movies however zombies are associated with the people of Haiti, who are still in need of help, they are programming their children that it is okay to kill Nagar-u. 12. They have succeeded in bringing the population down to 50,000,000 million however there is no help for them, their overlords still rejected them. Paa Sadaq Kawun Kararnuun The Truth is with us

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