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SAE 50 Long-Life Synthetic

Transmission Oil Field Study in
Over-the-Road Applications
Page 2
Modern manual transmissions installed in heavy-duty, over-the-road (OTR)
truoks poso signihoant onallongos to lubrioants. Today's manual transmission
lubrioants must protoot noavily loadod goars, boarings and otnor oritioal oom-
pononts rom woar and tno ooots o tnormal broakdown tnrougnout oxtondod
500,000-milo drain intorvals. Lubrioants installod in OTP applioations inoapablo
of meeting these requirements are largely considered outdated and may lead to
oostly ropairs.
Ootormino i AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providos tno nign lovol o protootion
roquirod o manual transmissions installod in noavy-duty, long-naul hoot applioations praotioing 500,000-milo
drain intorvals.
AMSOL partnorod witn Suporior, Wis.-basod Jo Fostor Truoking, wnion nauls potroloum, aggrogato, orost
produots and otnor roignt tnrougnout tno oontiguous 48 statos and all Canadian provinoos. Tno hoot primarily
nauls ully loadod 53' trailors tnrougn not and oold tomporaturo oxtromos. voniolos routinoly onoountor
domanding driving oonditions, inoluding stop-and-go oity traho and stoop inolinos, oroating tno idoal
onvironmont or tosting transmission huids.
Boginning July 2006, AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil was installod in now modol-yoar
2007 and 2008 Konwortn

truoks oquippod witn Eaton

manual transmissions. Tno truoks woro usod by

Fostor Truoking botwoon 2006 and 2011, during wnion oil samplos woro oollootod rom a oross-sootion o
voniolos at various miloago intorvals. Oil samplos woro also oollootod rom OTP truoks oquippod witn trans-
missions aotory-hllod witn an original oquipmont manuaoturor (OEM) SAE 50 transmission oil. Tno truoks
oporatod in noarly idontioal oonditions to tno truoks using AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission
Oil, and tno oil samplos drawn nolpod ostablisn a porormanoo bononmark against wnion to oomparo tno
porormanoo o tno AMSOL produot. Oil analysis was oonduotod aooording to ASTM motnodology to
dotormino visoosity rotontion (ASTM O-445), iron and ooppor woar motals oontont (ASTM O-5185) and total
aoid numbor (ASTM O-664).
Tno transmission rom unit 2168 was randomly solootod and romovod rom sorvioo ollowing 512,000 milos in
sorvioo on a singlo oil onango. t was tnon disassomblod and ratod or woar, sludgo and otnor distross by an
ASTM oalibratod rator. Tnis papor displays oil analysis rosults or botn AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio
Transmission Oil and tno OEM aotory-hll transmission oil, as woll as pnotograpnio rosults and analysis o tno
transmission disassombly.
Page 3
Oil Analysis Viscosity Retention
The severe operational environment inside heavy-duty manual transmissions can cause permanent viscosity
loss duo to moonanioal snoar. Exoossivo visoosity loss impairs tno oil's ability to orm a protootivo lubrioating
hlm botwoon motal parts.
Transmission Oil Viscosity (ASTM D-445)
AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil rosistod snoar and visoosity loss as oootivoly as, or
bottor tnan, tno SAE 50 OEM oil. As tno sorvioo intorval progrossod, tno visoosity o tno AMSOL produot
oontinuod only a gradual downward progrossion. Tno oil maintainod a protootivo lubrioating hlm tnrougnout
its sorvioo lio.
Page 4
Oil Analysis Iron Content
Somo iron oontont in transmission oil is normal. Elovatod lovols, nowovor, aro an indioation goars or boarings
aro suoring abnormal woar.
Transmission Wear Metal (Iron) (ASTM D-5185)
AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil oootivoly limitod iron woar motal gonoration, witn iron
oontont romaining low ollowing 500,000 milos in sorvioo. Posults aro oonsistont witn tno OEM aotory-hll oil
and indioato AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil limitod motal-to-motal oontaot and mot tno
noods o noavy-duty OTP truoks praotioing 500,000-milo drain intorvals.
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Oil Analysis Copper Content
Tno Eaton transmissions (modol# FPO-16210C and PTLO-16913A) hllod witn AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio
Syntnotio Transmission Oil usod in tnis study oontain sovoral potontial souroos o ooppor woar partiolos.
Coppor partiolos in tno transmission huid oan bo an indioator woar is taking plaoo.
Transmission Wear Metal (Copper) (ASTM D-5185)
Coppor oontont in AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil romainod low tnrougnout tno tost
intorval and oomparod avorably to tno aotory-hll huid. AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil
limited copper wear metal generation in each transmission throughout the entire test interval, demonstrating
tno oil protoots oompononts oontaining yollow motals.
Page 6
Oil Analysis Total Acid Number (TAN)
TAN is a moasuro o tno oil's oxidativo stability. A lubrioant's TAN snould inoroaso gradually as tno sorvioo
intorval progrossos. Snarp inoroasos aro an indioator tno lubrioant is roaoning its oondomnation limit.
SAE 50 Long-Life Synthetic Transmission Oil Delta TAN
Oolta TAN indioatos tno dioronoo botwoon TAN o usod oil oomparod to TAN o tno samo oil wnon now. t
domonstratos tno porormanoo o tno oil indopondont o additional data, tnus valuos or tno OEM huid aro not
givon. An inoroaso o 2.0 to 3.0 ovor tno SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil basolino valuo is oton
usod as an indioator tnat tno oil is approaoning its oondomnation limit. TAN romainod stablo tnrougnout tno
sorvioo intorval and snowod no approoiablo inoroaso. valuos indioato AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio
Transmission Oil is oapablo o saoly providing 500,000-milo sorvioo intorvals.
Page 7
Transmission Component Ratings
To urtnor ovaluato tno porormanoo o AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil, tno transmis-
sion in unit 2168 was disassomblod ator aooumulating 512,000 milos on tno oil and ovaluatod by an ASTM
oalibratod rator. Eaon oomponont was assignod a morit rating on a soalo rom 0 to 10, witn 10 roprosonting
tno absonoo o distross and 0 roprosonting oatastropnio distross (soo tablo bolow). Pating oritoria as dohnod
in ASTM Distress Rating Manual 21 woro usod and inoludo burnisn, woar, rippling, ridging, pitting, spalling,
sooring, disooloration, oorrosion, onipping and sludgo (soo tablo on pago 8 or dohnitions). Tno ollowing
sootions display tno rosults.
Numerical Distress Rating Scales for Gears*
Value Level of Distress
10 None
9 Trace
8 Traoo-Lignt
7 Lignt
6 Lignt-Modium
5 Medium
4 Medium-Heavy
3 Heavy
2 Heavy to Catastrophic
(Up to 50% o tno goar tootn suraoo not ratablo)
1 Heavy to Catastrophic
(Groator tnan 50% and loss tnan 100% o tno goar tootn
suraoo not ratablo)
0 Catastrophic
(100% o tno goar tootn suraoo not ratablo)
* Applies to all components in this document
Page 8
Gear Rating Denitions
Merit Rating Oohnition o a distross or doposit oondition in numorioal torms on a
dosoonding soalo rom ton (10), wnion roprosonts absonoo o distross.
Burnish An alteration of the original manufactured surface ranging from a dull to a
brigntly polisnod oondition.
Wear The removal of metal, without evidence of surface fatigue or scoring,
resulting in partial or complete elimination of tool or grinding marks and/or
dovolopmont o a disoorniblo snouldor ridgo at tno bottom o tno oontaot
aroa noar tno root or at tno too or nool ond o tno pinion tootn oontaot aroa.
Abrasive Wear Woar oausod by lapping o mating suraoos by hno partiolos suspondod in
lubrioant, uol, air, or imboddod in a suraoo.
Adhesive Wear Woar oausod by snoaring o |unotions ormod botwoon oporating suraoos
in diroot motal-to-motal oontaot; snoarod-o partiolos oitnor romain ahxod to
oitnor tno mating suraoos or aot as woar partiolos botwoon tno suraoos.
Rippling An alteration of the tooth surface to give an appearance of a more or less
rogular pattorn rosombling ripplos on wator, or hsn soalos.
NOTE: Examination o tno suraoo witn obliquo lignting usually is nooossary
to snow tnis oondition.
Ridging An alteration of the tooth surface to give a series of parallel raised and
polished ridges running in the direction of the sliding motion, either partially
or oomplotoly aoross tno tootn suraoos.
Pitting Small irrogular oavitios in tno tootn suraoo, loss tnan 1 squaro millimotor,
rosulting rom tno broaking out o suraoo motal.
Spalling Tno broaking-out o hakos or irrogular aroa o tno tootn suraoo, 1 squaro
millimotor or largor; a oondition moro oxtonsivo tnan pitting.
Scoring Tno displaoomont o motal by looal momontary wolding rom tno goar tootn,
rosulting in tno dovolopmont o a matto or rostod, dull suraoo.
Discoloration Any altoration in tno normal oolor o ratod suraoos.
Corrosion A gonoral altoration o tno hnisnod suraoos by disooloration, aooompaniod
by rougnoning not attributablo to moonanioal aotion. Pust is a spooial oaso
o oorrosion.
Chipping Ring and pinion gears A condition caused in the manufacturing process in
which a small irregular cavity is present only at the face/crown edge inter-
aoo. Tno odgo onipping pnonomonon ooours wnon suhoiont atiguo oyolos
accumulate after tooth surface wear relieves the compressive residual stress
on tno tootn prohlo's sido o tno prohlo-to-topland intoraoo. Cnipping witnin
1 mm o tno aoo/orown odgo intoraoo is to bo oallod onipping, not pitting/
Sludge A doposit oomposod o organio rosiduo wnion may oontain uol, lubrioant,
and/or wator. Suon doposits will bo ound on suraoos oporating at bulk unit
tomporaturo and oxposod to uols and/or lubrioants. Tnoso doposits do not
drain, but oan bo romovod by wiping witn modorato prossuro using a oloan,
dry, sot, lint-roo wiping matorial. Ooposits ratod as sludgo may vary in
onaraotoristios oolor, transparonoy, and oonsistonoy.
Table taken from ASTM Oistross Pating Manual 21
Page 9
Mainshaft Overdrive Gear
Condition Drive Side Coast Side
Burnish Dull Dull
Wear 8 8
Rippling 10 10
Ridging 10 10
Pitting 10 10
Spalling 10 10
Scoring 10 10
Discoloration 9 9
Corrosion 10 10
Morit ratings or burnisn aro roprosontod by qualitativo torms ranging rom dull to brightly polished.
Groator lovols o woar to goar tootn aro donotod by brigntor lovols o burnisn. Tno mainsnat ovordrivo goar
oarnod a burnisn rating o dull, indioating vory low woar. Tno goar oarnod poroot 10 morit ratings or
rippling, ridging, pitting, spalling, sooring and oorrosion. Patings or woar and disooloration woro likowiso
vory nign, domonstrating AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providod an oxtromoly nign
lovol o protootion.
Page 10
Condition Drive Side Coast Side
Burnish Medium Bright Medium Bright
Wear 8 8
Rippling 10 10
Ridging 10 10
Pitting 10 10
Spalling 10 10
Scoring 10 10
Discoloration 9 9
Corrosion 10 10
Upper Right Countershaft Overdrive Gear
Tno uppor rignt oountorsnat ovordrivo goar snowod no signs o oxoossivo distross and aoniovod poroot
10 morit ratings in six o oignt applioablo oatogorios. Patings or woar and disooloration woro likowiso vory
nign, domonstrating AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providod an oxtromoly nign lovol
o protootion.
Page 11
Condition Drive Side Coast Side
Burnish Medium Bright Medium Bright
Wear 8 8
Rippling 10 10
Ridging 10 10
Pitting 10 10
Spalling 10 10
Scoring 10 10
Discoloration 9 9
Corrosion 10 10
Mainshaft Input Drive Gear
Tno mainsnat input drivo goar snowod no signs o oxoossivo distross and aoniovod poroot 10 morit
ratings in six o oignt applioablo oatogorios. Patings or woar and disooloration woro likowiso vory nign,
domonstrating AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providod an oxtromoly nign lovol
o protootion.
Page 12
Condition Drive Side Coast Side
Burnish Medium Bright Medium Bright
Wear 8 8
Rippling 10 10
Ridging 10 10
Pitting 10 10
Spalling 10 10
Scoring 10 10
Discoloration 9 9
Corrosion 10 10
Upper Right Countershaft Mating Gear
Again, tno uppor rignt oountorsnat mating goar snowod no signs o oxoossivo distross and aoniovod poroot
10 morit ratings in six o oignt applioablo oatogorios. Patings or woar and disooloration woro likowiso vory
nign, domonstrating AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providod an oxtromoly nign lovol
o protootion.
Page 13
Upper Right Front Countershaft
Bearing Merit Ratings
Condition Cups Rollers
Wear 8 8
Scoring 10 10
Pitting 10 10
Spalling 10 10
Discoloration 8 8
Corrosion 10 10
Roller End Wear - 8
Upper Right Front Countershaft Bearing
Hoavily loadod, nign-tomporaturo oporation oan rosult in boaring distross and, ultimatoly, ailuro. n tno aroas
o sooring, pitting, spalling and oorrosion, tno uppor rignt ront oountorsnat boaring roooivod poroot morit
ratings o 10, indioating AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providod suporior oritioal-
oomponont protootion.
Merit ratings of 8 (trace-light) or woar and disooloration aro likowiso nign. AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syn-
tnotio Transmission Oil domonstratod oxoollont protootion.
Page 14
Output Shaft Bearing
Tno output snat boaring oarnod similarly nign morit ratings oomparod to tno uppor rignt ront oountorsnat
boaring. Tno oups and rollors aoniovod poroot 10 morit ratings or sooring, spalling and oorrosion. Patings
o 9 or pitting (trace) and 8 for wear (trace-light) woro also nign, domonstrating AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio
Syntnotio Transmission Oil maintainod a durablo lubrioating hlm. Oisooloration was kopt to low lovols, urtnor
oonhrming tno protootion providod by tno lubrioant.
* Disassembly damage on output bearing cup
Output Shaft Bearing
Merit Ratings
Condition Cups Rollers
Wear 8 8
Scoring 10 10
Pitting 9* 9*
Spalling 10 10
Discoloration 7 8
Corrosion 10 10
Roller End Wear - 8
Page 15
Auxiliary Sliding Clutch
Tno auxiliary sliding oluton looks in nign- and low-rango goars, sub|ooting it to ropoatod sliding motion.
Consoquontly, it roprosonts an aroa susooptiblo to nign lovols o woar and distross.
Tno auxiliary sliding oluton oarnod a light-medium morit rating o 6 or woar. Tno rating or onipping was vory
high and denotes a trace amount o motal romoval. AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil lim-
itod woar to tno auxiliary sliding oluton oootivoly dospito tno oomponont's onallonging oporating oonditions.
Sludgo was likowiso minimizod, domonstrating tno ability o AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission
Oil to rosist tnormal dogradation and nolp oompononts romain oloan tnrougnout a 500,000-milo drain intorval.
Auxiliary Sliding
Clutch Merit Ratings
Wear 6
Chipping 9
Sludge 8
Page 16
Direct Sliding Clutch
Direct sliding clutches lock and unlock the appropriate gears to their shafts depending on the gear the driver
soloots. Liko tno auxiliary sliding oluton, tnoy routinoly onoountor sliding motion and aro prono to nign lovols o
woar and distross.
Tno diroot sliding oluton pioturod roprosonts a typioal oxamplo rom tno transmission and oarnod a woar
morit rating o 7, indioating light suraoo atiguo and motal romoval. Tno rating is oonsistont witn tno olovatod
domand roquirod or woar protootion o oluton oompononts in noavy-duty, OTP applioations. Tno rating or
sludgo rohoots a light amount and oonhrms AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providod a
nign lovol o protootion.
Direct Sliding Clutch
Merit Ratings
Wear 7
Sludge 7
Page 17
Synchronizer Assembly Ratings
For tno transmission to snit botwoon low and nign rango, tno synonronizor assombly must hrst maton tno
spoods o tno appropriato goars to provido smootn goar ongagomont. Tnis proooss roquiros tno hbor matorial
on tno synonronizor rings to boar riotion ropoatodly, providing amplo opportunity or woar. Tno hbor mato-
rial on tno low-rango ring oarnod a morit rating o 9, indioating only a trace amount o woar. Morit ratings or
botn tno nign- and low-rango rings tnomsolvos woro likowiso nign in tno aroas o woar and sludgo, indioating
AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providod a nign lovol o protootion.
Synchronizer Ring High Range
Synchronizer Ring Low Range
Synchronizer Rings
Merit Ratings
Condition High Range Low Range
Wear 8 8
Sludge 9 9
Discoloration Not Rated 8
Fiber Material Not Rated 9 (Mattod)
Page 18
Range Shift Yoke
Tno rango snit yoko slidos onto tno synonronizor assombly and is rosponsiblo or ongaging oitnor nign or low
rango. As a rosult, it onoountors sliding oontaot ropoatodly and roprosonts an aroa prono to woar. AMSOL
SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil limitod motal-to-motal oontaot and woar to trace-light amounts
and providod suporior protootion. Tno morit rating or disooloration was similarly nign.
Range Shift Yoke
Merit Ratings
Wear 8
Discoloration 8
Page 19
Output Assembly
The output yoke and seal undergo nearly constant rotational stress at varying speeds and loads, presenting
tno opportunity or olovatod woar. Tno output soal oarnod a woar morit rating o 8, indioating trace-light
distross. Tno soal also maintainod 100 poroont groaso paoking, domonstrating no loaking tnrougnout tno
transmission's sorvioo intorval. Tno output yoko aoniovod similarly nign morit ratings or woar (light) and
sludge (trace).
Speedo Rotor Assembly Output Seal
Normal condition
due to exposure
to environment.
Output Yoke & Seal
Merit Ratings
Condition Yoke Seal
Wear 7 8
Sludge 9 -
Grease Packing - 100%
Usod oil analysis rosults and a oomploto visual inspootion o oompononts rom a transmission by an ASTM
oalibratod rator domonstrato tno oootivonoss o AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil in
ovor-tno-road applioations praotioing 500,000-milo drain intorvals. Tno AMSOL transmission oil rosistod
snoar oootivoly dospito 500,000 milos o rigorous uso. Woar protootion was likowiso suporior; samplos o
AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil oontainod vory low lovols o iron and ooppor woar
partiolos, indioating it maintainod its protootivo lubrioating hlm tnrougnout sorvioo. Total aoid numbor also
romainod stablo tnrougnout sorvioo.
A oomploto transmission disassombly and visual inspootion oors urtnor proo o porormanoo. Boarings
roooivod poroot morit ratings o 10 or sooring, spalling and oorrosion, indioating a oomploto absonoo o dis-
tross. Goars oarnod poroot 10 ratings in tno aroas o rippling, ridging, pitting, spalling, sooring and oorrosion.
Ratings for other components prone to elevated wear, including the high- and low-range synchronizer rings
and tno output soal, aro likowiso nign. Nono o tno transmissions oporating witn AMSOL SAE 50 Long-
Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil domonstratod any loaking rom any o tno soals. Tno ASTM oalibratod rator
doomod all inspootod oompononts suitablo or oontinuod uso.
Posults o tnis hold study provo AMSOL SAE 50 Long-Lio Syntnotio Transmission Oil providos oxoollont
protootion in modorn noavily loadod, ovor-tno-road manual transmissions tnrougnout oxtondod 500,000-milo
drain intorvals.
AMSOL NC., 925 Towor Avo., Suporior, W 54880 715-392-7101 Printod in U.S.A.
2012, AMSOL NC. All rignts rosorvod. Tno AMSOL logo is a rogistorod tradomark o AMSOL NC.
G2961 1/12
Contaot your AMSOL Ooalor or moro inormation on AMSOL produots or to plaoo an ordor. You may also
ordor diroot by oalling AMSOL NC. at 1-800-956-5695 and providing tno roorral numbor listod noro.

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