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Buddha Quotes | Global Oneness .

Archive 1009 II Buddha Quotes A Wisdom Archive on Buddha Quotes Buddha Quotes A selection of articles related to Buddha Quotes: Buddhist Quotes: The Advice of the Buddhas : Not to do any evil, To cultivate go od, To purify one's mind-- This is the advice of the Buddhas. - Dhammapada, tran slated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Buddhist Quotes: The Unsurpassed Buddha Way : Good friends, recite in unison wha t I say: I vow to save all sentient beings everywhere. I vow to cut off all the p assions everywhere. I vow to study all the Buddhist teachings everywhere See this and more articles and videos below. Buddha Archives on Buddha Quotes Quotes by Buddha In this world Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Understand that the body Is merely the foam of a wave, The shadow of a shadow.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Seeker! Do not be restless. Meditate constantly.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes As the moon slips from behind a cloud And shines, So the master comes out from behind his ignorance And shines.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes

There is no fire like passion, No crime like hatred, No sorrow like separation, No sickness like hunger, And no joy like the joy of freedom.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes How easy it is to see your brother'ss faults, How hard it is to face your own.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Better than a thousand hollow words Is one word that brings peace. Better than a thousand hollow verses Is one verse that brings peace. Better than a hundred hollow lines Is one line of the dharma, bringing peace.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Speak or act with an impure mind, And trouble will follow you.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes To share happiness. And to have done something good Before leaving this life is sweetBuddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Do not look for bad company Or live with men who do not care. Find friends who love the truth. Drink deeply. Live in serenity and joy.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The greatest impurity is ignorance. Free yourself from it. Be pure.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes For a while the fool'ss mischief Tastes sweet, sweet as honey. Bit in the end it turns bitter. And how bitterly he suffers!Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes

Happiness or sorrow Whatever befalls you, Walk on Untouched, unattached.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes But if you cannot find Friend or master to go with you, Travel on alone Like a king who has given away his kingdom, Like an elephant in the forest. Travel on aloneBuddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The masters only point the way. But if you meditate And follow the dharma You will free yourself from desire.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes If you are filled with desire Your sorrows swell Like the grass after the rain. But if you subdue desire Your sorrows shall fall from you Like drops of water from a lotus flower.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Your worst enemy cannot harm you As much as your own thoughts, unguarded. But once mastered, No one can help you as much, Not even your father or your mother.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Gray hairs do not make a master. A man may grow old in vain.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The man who awakes and follows the way.

They are free from fear. They are free. They have crossed over the river of sorrow.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quote s If a man'ss thoughts are muddy, If he is reckless and full of deceit, How can he wear the yellow robe? Whoever is master of his own nature, Bright, clear and true, He may indeed wear the yellow robe.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The wind cannot overturn a mountain. Temptation cannot touch the man Who is awake, strong and humble, Who masters himself and minds the dharma.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Do not live in the world, In distraction and false dreams. Outside the dharma.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes If you sleep, Desire grows in you Like a vine in the forest. Like a monkey in the forest You jump from tree to tree, Never finding the fruit From life to life, Never finding peace.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Fresh milk takes time to sour. So a fool'ss mischief Takes time to catch up with him. Like the embers of a fire It smoulders within him.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes There is pleasure

And there is bliss. Forgo the first to possess the second.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Do what you have to do Resolutely, with all your heart. The traveller who hesitates Only raises dust on the road.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes You are a seeker. Delight in the mastery Of your hands and your feet, Of your words and your thoughts. Delight in meditation And in solitude.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thought s we make the world.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Be the witness of your thoughts.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes If you kill, lie or steal, Commit adultery or drink, You dig up your own roots. And if you cannot master yourself, The harm you do turns against you Grievously.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quo tes If the traveller can find A virtuous and wise companion Let him go with him joyfully And overcome the dangers of the way.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The fool laughs at generosity. The miser cannot enter heaven. But the master finds joy in giving And happiness is his reward.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Be quick to do good. If you are slow,

The mind, delighting in mischief, Will catch you.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes If he is a good man, A man of faith, honoured and prosperous, Wherever he goes he is welcome. Like the Himalayas Good men shine from afar. But bad men move unseen Like arrows in the night.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes You are as the yellow leaf. The messengers of death are at hand. You are to travel far away. What will you take with you?Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Few cross over the river. Most are stranded on this side. On the riverbank they run up and down. But the wise man, following the way, Crosses over, beyond the reach of death.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Give thanks For what had been given to you, However little. Be pure, never falter. You have no name and no form. Why miss what you do not have? The seeker is not sorry.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The rain could turn to gold And still your thirst would not be slaked. Desire is unquenchable Or it ends in tears, even in heaven.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Desire never crosses the path

Of virtuous and wakeful men.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes While a man desires a woman, His mind is bound As closely as a calf to its mother. As you would pluck an autumn lily, Pluck the arrow of desire. For he who is awake Has shown you the way of peace. Give yourself to the journey.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Master your words. Master your thoughts. Never allow your body to do harm. Follow these three roads with purity And you will find yourself upon the one way, The way of wisdom.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Never speak harsh words For they will rebound upon you. Angry words hurt And the hurt rebounds. Like a broken gong.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes How long the night to the watchman, How long the road to the weary traveller, How long the wandering of many lives To the fool who misses the way.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Your work is to discover your work And then with all your heart To give yourself to it..Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes One man denies the truth. Another denies his own actions. Both go into the dark.

And in the next world suffer For they offend truth.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The wise man tells you Where you have fallen And where you yet may fall - Invaluable secrets! Follow him, follow the way.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Free from passion and desire, You have stripped the thorns from the stem.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quote s The fragrance of sandalwood and rosebay Does not travel far. But the fragrance of virtue Rises to the heavens.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Beware of the anger of the mouth. Master your words. Let them serve truth.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes By your own efforts Waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with a pure mind And happiness will follow you As your shadow, unshakable.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes You are reckless, and desire grows. But the master is wakeful. He watches his body. In all his actions he discriminates, And he becomes pure.

He is without blame.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes How easily the wind overturns a frail tree. Seek happiness in the senses, Indulge in food and sleep, And you too will be uprooted.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes It is better to conquer yourself Than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, Not by angels or by demons, Heaven or hell.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Beware of the anger of the body. Master the body. Let it serve truth.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Cross over to the father shore, Beyond life and death. Do your thoughts trouble you? Does passion disturb you? Beware of this thirstiness Lest your wishes become desires And desire binds you. Quieten your mind.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes If the traveller cannot find Master or friend to go with him, Let him travel alone Rather than with a fool for company.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes If you are happy At the expense of another man'ss happiness, You are forever bound.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Free from fear and attachment, Know the sweet joy of the way.

How joyful to look upon the awakened And to keep company with the wise. How long the road to the man Who travels the road with the fool.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Weeds choke the field. Passion poisons the nature of man.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes An untroubled mind, No longer seeking to consider What is right and what is wrong, A mind beyond judgements, Watches and understands.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Free yourself from attachment.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Health, contentment and trust Are your greatest possessions, And freedom your greatest joy. Look within. Be still.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Why do what you will regret? Why bring tears upon yourself? Do only what you do not regret, And fill yourself with joy.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes You are the source Of all purity and impurity.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes For in craving pleasure or in nursing pain There is only sorrow.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Thirty-six streams are rushing toward you! Desire and pleasure and lust... Play in your imagination with them And they will sweep you away.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes If desires are not uprooted,

Sorrows grow again in you.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes With gentleness overcome anger. With generosity overcome meanness. With truth overcome deceit.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The wise man delights in the truth And follows the law of the awakened. The farmer channels water to his land. The fletcher whittles his arrows. And the carpenter turns his wood. So the wise man directs his mind.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The true master lives in truth, In goodness and restraint, Non-violence, moderation and purity.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Beware of the anger of the mind. Master your thoughts. Let them serve truth.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Follow the way of virtue. Follow the way joyfully Through this world and on beyond!Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes It is better to do nothing Than to do what is wrong. For whatever you do, you do to yourself.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Does the spoon taste the soup? A fool may live all his life In the company of a master And still miss the way.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes You are far from the end of your journey. The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. See how you loveBuddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes

Turn away from mischief. Again and again, turn away. Before sorrow befalls you. Set your heart on doing good.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The fool is his own enemy. The mischief is his undoing. How bitterly he suffers!Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Do not let pleasure distract you From meditation, from the way. Free yourself from pleasure and pain.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes By your own folly You will be brought as low As you worst enemy wishes.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Live joyfully, Without desire.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Can you hide from your own mischief. Not in the sky, Not in the midst of the ocean, Nor deep in the mountains, NowhereBuddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Look not for recognition But follow the awakened And set yourself free.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Whoever follows impure thoughts Suffers in this world and the next. In both worlds he suffers And how greatlyBuddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes It is not iron that imprisons you Nor rope nor wood, But the pleasure you take in gold and jewels,

In sons and wives. Soft fetters, Yet they hold you down. Can you snap them?Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes In every trial Let understanding fight for youBuddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The ignorant man is an ox. He grows in size, not in wisdom.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Let go of anger. Let go of pride. When you are bound by nothing You go beyond sorrow.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes The wise have mastered Body, word and mind.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes Quotes about Buddha As Buddhists, we Tibetans revere human life as the most precious gift and regard the Buddha'ss philosophy and teaching as a path to the highest kind of freedom. A goal to be attained by men and women alike.Dalai Lama Quotes and Sayings, Dal ai Lama, Buddhist Quotes Every successful man must have behind him somewhere tremendous integrity, tremen dous sincerity, and that is the cause of his signal success in life. He may not have been perfectly unselfish; yet he was tending towards it. If he had been per fectly unselfish, his would have been as great a success as that of the Buddha o r of the Christ. The degree of unselfishness marks the degree of success everywh ere.Swami Vivekananda Quotes and Sayings, Swami Vivekananda, Vedanta quotes In Buddha we had the great, universal heart and infinite patience, making religi on practical and bringing it to everyone'ss door. In Shankaracharya we saw treme ndous intellectual power, throwing the scorching light of reason upon everything . We want today that bright sun of intellectuality joined with the heart of Budd ha, the wonderful infinite heart of love and mercy.Swami Vivekananda Quotes and Sayings, Swami Vivekananda, Vedanta quotes Truth is nobody'ss property; truth is not the property of Jesus; we ought not to preach it in the name of Jesus. Truth is not the property of Buddha; we need no t preach it in the name of Buddha. It is not the property of Mohammad; it is not the property of Krishna or anybody. It is everybody'ss property. If anybody bas ked in the Sun'ss rays before, you can bask in the Sun today. If one man drinks the fresh waters of the spring, you can drink the same fresh water. Such should your attitude be towards all religions.Vedanta quotes Lord Buddha was once asked why a man should love all persons equally. "Because," the great teacher replied, "in the very numerous and varied lifespans of each m an, every other being has at one time or another been dear to him.Yogananda Para

mhansa Quotes, Yogananda Paramhansa, Spiritual Quotes Buddha throws humanity into the interiormost core. Buddha says: Go within -- and there is nowhere else to go. YOU ARE THE SHRINE. Go within! And there is no oth er God anywhere to worship. The more you move inwards, the more a worshipping co nsciousness will arise -- without any object for worship; a prayer will arise, n ot addressed to anybody. A pure prayer... out of bliss, out of being, out of inn er benediction.Osho Quotes and Sayings, Osho, Spiritual Quotes You have to begin to identify with the Real Self. You have to begin to let go of all the false beliefs, conceptions, dogmas and be yourself. Be the Self you'sve always been. Be the Buddha. Be Krishna. You have that quality deep within you. Wake up. Do not let calamity rule you any longer. Know yourself. Do not use the mind to react to conditions. Learn to be the observer.Robert Adams Quotes and Sa yings, Robert Adams, Spiritual Quotes * The Advice of the Buddhas Buddhist Quotes: The Advice of the Buddhas Not to do any evil, To cultivate good, To purify one's mind-This is the advice of the Buddhas. - Dhammapada, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. . (See also: Buddhism Archives, Buddhist Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Love Quote s, Friendship Quotes, Life Quotes ) Read more here: Buddhist Quotes: The Advice of the Buddhas * The Unsurpassed Buddha Way Buddhist Quotes: The Unsurpassed Buddha Way Good friends, recite in unison what I say: I vow to save all sentient beings ever ywhere. I vow to cut off all the passions everywhere. I vow to study all the Bud dhist teachings everywhere. I vow to achieve the unsurpassed Buddha Way. - The Sutra of Hui-Neng, adapted from the translations by Philip Yampolsky and A .F. Price . (See also: Buddhism Archives, Buddhist Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Love Quote s, Friendship Quotes, Life Quotes ) Read more here: Buddhist Quotes: The Unsurpassed Buddha Way * Buddha's Treasury of Light Buddhist Quotes: Buddha's Treasury of Light I observe the Buddhas treasury of light producing all oceans of lights: Whether s

age or ordinary mortal, animate or inanimate being, none are not endowed with th is body of light and openly demonstrating the function of this light. Root and b ranches are completely included, withdrawal and expansiveness are uninhibited, s elf-help and helping others are inexhaustible. - Liao-an . (See also: Buddhism Archives, Buddhist Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Love Quote s, Friendship Quotes, Life Quotes ) Read more here: Buddhist Quotes: Buddha's Treasury of Light * One Form Is All Buddhas Buddhist Quotes: One Form Is All Buddhas Each form, each particle, is a Buddha. One form is all Buddhas. All forms, all p articles, are all Buddhas. All forms, sounds, scents, feelings, and phenomena ar e also like this, each filling all fields. - Pai-chang . (See also: Buddhism Archives, Buddhist Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Love Quote s, Friendship Quotes, Life Quotes ) Read more here: Buddhist Quotes: One Form Is All Buddhas * What Mind is Not Buddha? Buddhist Quotes: What Mind is Not Buddha? When mind and Buddha are both observed, that is seeing; when mind and Buddha are both forgotten, that is stopping. Once concentration and insight are balanced, what mind is not Buddha, what Buddha not mind? Mind and Buddha being thus, then myriad situations, myriad conditions, are all meditation. - Tsao-tang . (See also: Buddhism Archives, Buddhist Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Love Quote s, Friendship Quotes, Life Quotes ) Read more here: Buddhist Quotes: What Mind is Not Buddha? * Gratification in the Eye Buddhist Quotes: Gratification in the Eye The pleasure and joy that arise in dependence on the eye: this is the gratificat ion in the eye. That the eye is impermanent, suffering, and subject to change: t his is the danger in the eye. The removal and abandonment of desire and lust fro m the eye: this is the escape from the eye. - Buddha, "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha"

. (See also: Buddhism Archives, Buddhist Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Love Quote s, Friendship Quotes, Life Quotes ) Read more here: Buddhist Quotes: Gratification in the Eye * Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. - Buddha (See also: Inspirational Quotes, Love Quotes, Friendship Quotes, Life Quotes)

Read more here: Inspirational Quotes: Fashion your life as a garland of beautifu l deeds. * : Bodhi - title given to the spiritual teacher Gautama Buddha Bodhi (P li and Sanskrit. Lit. awakening) is a title given in Buddhism to the speci fic awakening experience attained by the Indian spiritual teacher Gautama Buddha and his disciples. It is sometimes described as complete and perfect sanity, or awareness of the true nature of the universe. After attainment, it is believed one is freed from the cycle of Sams ra: birth, suffering, death and rebirth. Bodhi is most commonly translated into English as enlightenment, though this translati on is problematic, since enlightenment ... Including: Bodhi - Modes of Enlight enment Bodhi - Pacceka-Bodhi Pratyeka Bodhi - Samm -Sambodhi supreme Buddha Bodhi - Quotes Read more here: Bodhi - title given to the spiritual teacher Gautama Buddha * Spiritual - TheosophyDictionary on Sapta-buddhaka Sapta-buddhaka (Sanskrit) The title of an "account in Mahanidana Sutra of Sapta Buddha, the seven Buddhas of our Round, of which Gautama Sakyamuni is esoterical ly the fifth, and exoterically, as a blind, the seventh" (TG 290). (See also: Sapta-buddhaka, Mysticism, ) * Spiritual - TheosophyDictionary on Tathagata-gupta Tathagata-gupta (Sanskrit) [from tathagata thus gone, thus come, a name applied to Buddha + gupta secret, concealed] The secret or concealed tathagata; "the ''guardian'' protecting Buddhas" (TG 322 ), used of the nirmanakayas. (See also: Tathagata-gupta, Mysticism, Body mind and Soul) Home P Home

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