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Lacsap fraction 1. Find the numerator of the 6th row.


Row Number (n)

Difference of Numerator and Denominator 0 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

Table 1: This table shows the relationship between the row number (n) and the difference between the numerator and the denominator for each 2nd element

From this table, the conclusion is that the difference between the numerator and the denominator increases by 1. So, the different between row number and difference of numerator and denominator is 1. Thus, the difference can be written as (n-1). So the denominator of the 1st element can be written in the following

Table 2: This table shows the relationship between the row number and difference of numerator and denominator for each 1st element Row Number Difference of Numerator and Denominator 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 2 4 6

From the table we know that the difference of numerator and denominator in 1st row is not applicable when there is no 2nd element in the 1st row. The difference of numerator and denominator increases by 2. So the difference can be written as 2(n-2). The conclusion is that the relationship between denominator and numerator can be written in the following form,

(where n is row number.)

From these tables, it can be found that there is a pattern that the number used in those equations are the same as the element numbers. So the denominator can be written in the following form,

when n is the row number and ris the element number.

Calculation process

n = 4, and r = 3

The 6th row is: 1st


13 3rd

12 4th

13 5th

So the 6th row of the chart will be

General statement



Conclusion So the general statement of the rth element in nth row can be shows as,

(where r is element number )

2.Find the 7th row of the chart By using the same method we can calculate 7th row in the following process


18 3rd

16 4th

16 5th

6th\ -

So the pattern in 7th row is,

Limitation of this method

First, number 1 located in both side of the given pattern should be cut out when the numerator is calculated. Thus, the second element of each row is counted as the first element. Second, n in general statement of numerator must be greater than 0. Third, the very first row of the given pattern is counted as the 1st row. 1st The number 1 in the both sides of the chart should not be considered when calculating the numerator. So every second element in the each row will be the first element.

2nd In the general statement, n the numerator should be always bigger than 0.

Test this method by finding the 8th row. 36



24 3rd

21 4th



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