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Name: Fadly wiramandiri santoso NIM:0104511024

Circulatory Systems in Different Animals

Read the handout and reference books then answer the following questions in the space provided.

INTRODUCTION 1. What is a vascular system and how does it differ from a circulatory and cardiovascular system?
Sistem vaskular ialah sistem yg berkaitan dengan peredaran darah. Circulatory atau peredaran darah ialah peredaran dari jantung ke seluruh tubuh dan kembali lagi ke jantung. Sedangkan kardiovaskuler ialah peredaran darah yang berfungsi memindahkan zat ke dan dari sel.

INTERNAL TRANSPORT AT ITS SIMPLEST 1. Does the amoeba have a special transport system? Why or why not?
Tidak. Karena amuba ialah hewan ber sel satu Sehingga amuba tidak memiliki sistem peredaran Khusus.


How are materials transported once they are inside the amoeba? Benda asing atau makanan amoeba, masuk secara difusi, dan bertransport atau dicerna dgn cara fagositosit,

3. How are materials transported within the jellyfish and planaria? makanan menempel pada tentakel dan mengenai sel knidoblas. Lalu masuk kedalam mulut, kerongkongan dan masuk ke rongga usus (gastrovaskuler) lalu sisa makanan dimuntahkan kembali melalui mulutnya. THE SPECIALIZED TRANSPORT SYSTEM 1. Why do most multicellular organisms need an organized transport system? Karena hewan atau makhluk multiseluler memiliki susunan organ yang lebih rumit. Sehingga memerlukan organ organ yang lebih spesifik dalam mengatur sistem sistem yang ada dalam tubuhnya.

THE OPEN TRANSPORT SYTEM 1. What is an open transport system? Peredaran darah yang berada di luar pembuluh darah. Biasanya bertugas sebagai pembawa zat zat yang berguna ke seluruh tubuh dan sel.

2. Describe the circulatory system of a grasshopper, including: the number and function of blood vessels, a description and function of the body cavity, a description of how blood flows and its direction and finally, what type of system it is and why?


What happens in an open transport system and why is it a disadvantage? Yang terjadi dalam peredaran darah terbuka ialah, darah beredar ke seluruh tubuh untuk mengantar atau menerima zat zat yang di hasilkan atau di perlukan oleh tubuh


Which type of organisms are best suited to open transport systems and why are they best suited?

THE CLOSED TRANSPORT SYSTEM 1. What is a closed transport system and why do some animals rely on one?


What features do all closed transport systems share? Oksigen, dan zat pati

Circulation in Annelids 1. Does the earthworm have an open or closed circulatory system? Cacing tanah memiliki peredaran darah tertutup


What does this system consist of?


Describe the direction of blood flow in the earthworm. Jantung memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh melalui pembuluh, dan darah kembali lagi ke jantung juga melalui pembuluh.


Why animals with more specialized respiratory structures require a more complex circulatory system? Karena hewan yang memiliki sistem respirasi yang khusus membutuhkan sistem aliran darah yang lebih kompleks agar sistem lain tidak terganggu

5. 6. 7.

All vertebrates have an open circulatory system. All vertebrate systems have three types of blood vessels. They are arteri, vena, kapiler. What is the function of: a. arteries membawa darah dari jantung b. veins - Membawa darah menuju jantung c. capillaries pembuluh yang membawa air, oksigen,serta nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh

Circulation in Fish 1. What is a single circulatory system? Name one example of an animal with this type of system and describe the flow of blood through its body.


How many heart chambers do fish have? Ikan memiliki 2 rongga jantung.


Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of this type of system.

Circulation in Amphibians 1. How many heart chambers do frogs have? Describe the flow of blood through its body. 3 ruang, peredaran darah pada katak termasuk peredaran darah ganda, yaitu dimana dari paru-paru dan kulit masuk ke atrium kiri. 2. What is a double circulatory system? How do complete and incomplete double circulation differ from each other? Give an example of an organism that has each type.

Circulation in Birds and Mammals 1. How many heart chambers are found in birds and mammals? Name these chambers. 4 ruang

2. Describe the flow of blood through the body of a mammal. Darah dari jantung, di alirkan ke seluruh tubuh melalui pembuluh darah. Darah hasil olahan tubuh di kembalikan ke jantung melalui pembuluh vena


Where does the blood go in a double circulatory system that it does not go in a single system?

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