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Project Management Checklist

Project Information
Project Number Project Purpose Project Sponsor Project Manager Project Name Sponsoring Department Performing Department

The EPO project management checklists are intended to assist the project manager in planning, executing and controlling projects. The checklists consist of Yes/No questions based on the knowledge areas in the PMBOK 2004 edition. If the answer to a question is No, review the explanation provided and consider what needs to be done in your organization or on your project to move to a Yes answer. Suggested EPO eBooks and Templates are identified to facilitate the change from No to Yes answers. The content list below can be used to jump to a selected topic. PMBOK Knowledge Area Integration Project Management Topic Obtaining Project Approval Initiating the Project Tracking Project Progress Managing Issues & Changes Closing the Project Planning the Scope Planning the Work Planning Activities Estimating Activities Developing the Schedule Monitoring the Schedule Estimating Project Costs Establishing the Budget Monitoring Project Costs Quality Management Inspections Testing Human Resource Planning Managing the Team Stakeholder Identification Communications Planning Reporting Project Status Risk Identification Risk Assessment Risk Response Planning Procurement Planning Evaluating Bids & Proposals Contract Administration

Scope Time



Human Resources Communications



EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Obtaining Project Approval
Is there a well-defined process to identify potential projects? The first step in the project approval process is the identification of potential projects. This can be part of a strategic or annual planning process or triggered by some external business event. The project sponsor is a key interface between the project team and senior management. Project sponsors are often responsible for providing resources and setting direction for the project.



EPO Template
Potential Project Identification

EPO e-book
Project Prioritization & Approval

Has a project sponsor been identified for each potential project?

Potential Project Identification

Project Prioritization & Approval

Does a screening & prioritization process exist for potential projects?

The needs of potential projects will often surpass the Potential Project Project Prioritization available resources and finances. Prioritization will establish Identification, Project & Approval the relative importance of competing projects and screen out Priority & Approval projects will low importance or poor benefits. Prioritization is not an approval process; rather it is a screening and ranking process. The output from prioritization is a list of projects that have been ranked according to their relative importance. Project prioritization should be done by department managers and division Vice Presidents. Project approvals are obtained from executives who belong to a Project Approval Committee. The Project Business Case describes the project costs and benefits to enable a business decision whether or not to proceed with the project. The Business Need Assessment provides an analysis of the high level business requirement being addressed by the project and an opportunity to comment on the relative importance of the project. The cost benefit analysis is performed to determine if the benefits of completing the project outweigh the costs of performing the work Return on Investment (ROI) is a percentage based on the net income from a project divided by the costs of the project. The payback period for a project is the time it takes for the benefits of a project to repay its costs. The Project Approval Committee (or a similar group of senior management) needs to balance the business, financial and technical criteria from a corporate perspective when granting approvals to proposed projects The Project Charter is the document that formally acknowledges the existence of the project. It may be prepared by the Project Sponsor, the Project Manager, or as a collaborative effort. Assumptions are conditions upon which the project is based. They often involve a degree of risk and express situations that the project may encounter. These assumptions must be communicated to project stakeholders and confirmed where required. Constraints are restrictions that will impact project management options. Because these constraints will limit the project management approaches or alternatives available, it is imperative that both Project Sponsor and Project Manager share an understanding of these limitations The Project Manager should be assigned prior to project initiation and his/her authority should be defined and agreed to by the project sponsor.

Are potential projects prioritized by business management prior to approval? Does a Project Approval Committee exist to review and approve projects?

Project Priority & Approval

Project Prioritization & Approval

Project Business Case, Project Priority & Approval Project Business Case Project Business Case

Project Prioritization & Approval

Is a business case prepared for each project approval? Is a business need assessment conducted for each potential project?

Project Prioritization & Approval Project Prioritization & Approval

Is a cost/benefit analysis completed for each project? Are objective criteria such as Return on Investment (ROI) or payback period used to prioritize and approve projects? Are project approvals based on business, financial and technical criteria?

Cost Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis

Project Prioritization & Approval Project Prioritization & Approval

Project Business Case

Project Prioritization & Approval

Initiating the Project

Has a Project Charter been prepared?

Project Charter

Project Initiation & Scope Planning Project Initiation & Scope Planning

Are project assumptions documented?

Constraints & Assumptions Checklist Constraints & Assumptions Checklist

Have project constraints been documented?

Project Initiation & Scope Planning

Has the Project Manager been assigned and his/her authority defined?

Project Charter

Project Initiation & Scope Planning

Tracking Project Progress

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Version 7.0


Are project team tracking meetings held to monitor progress and discuss issues? Do project team members report time spent on project activities?

Project team tracking meetings should be held on a regular basis to discuss progress on activities and status of high priority risks and open issues, changes and decisions. Time reports should be completed on a regular basis (daily or weekly) by team members and reviewed by team leads or the project manager. An issue is a situation that occurs outside the control of the project team that must be resolved in order for progress to continue. In most cases, the issue must be resolved by a certain date or there will be an adverse affect on the project deliverables, target dates or costs. The resolution to the issue needs to be documented and understood by all parties affected. Change is a constant on projects; it is a reality of project management. Changes require deviations from project plan and can impact project scope, cost or schedule. The changes must be handled through five Change Management processes: identification, evaluation, recommendation, approval, and incorporation. The Project Steering Committee consists of various project stakeholders. The specific make up of the Project Steering Committee will vary from project to project and will depend on a number of factors The Project Manager, in conjunction with the project team and/or Project Steering Committee will have to make important decisions during the project that will affect its outcome. In some cases the decision will be made by the project team and communicated to those affected. In other cases, the decision will be escalated to the Project Steering Committee for approval. In response to decisions or issue resolutions, actions may be required. Actions are not to be confused with planned tasks or activities in the project schedule. Actions are unforeseen tasks undertaken to bring the project back into alignment with baseline project plan. Project lessons describe what worked well on the project. This will provide an opportunity to carry these successes over to future projects. Challenges and opportunities encountered on the project provide recommendations for improvement on future projects. The purpose of the project review is to: Assess the project management techniques used on the project and recommend changes where applicable, Review the application of the organizations project management framework and identify improvements to the framework based on lessons learned on projects, Assess the feasibility of continuing with the project (or program) and provide validation to terminate the project if necessary. The purpose of the business case review is to compare the achievement of business objectives and project benefits with what was originally forecast The Project Team Review section should be completed by the team and submitted to the project reviewers for inclusion in the Project Closure Report The technical review focuses on the technology and lifecycle processes used on the project.

Team Tracking Meeting Time Report, Tracking View Project Issue, Change Management Log

Project Tracking

Project Tracking

Managing Issues & Changes

Is there a process in place to manage project issues?

Issue & Change Management

Is a formal change management process used on the project?

Change Request, Change Management Log

Issue & Change Management

Does a Project Steering Committee exist to help manage issues and changes? Is there a process in place to escalate important project decisions?

Project Steering Committee

Stakeholder Management

Decision Request, Issue & Change Change Management Management Log

Is there a process in place to escalate project action items?

Action Item, Change Management Log

Issue & Change Management

Closing the Project

Have lessons learned from the project been documented for future projects

Project Closure Report

Project Review & Closure

Has an assessment of the overall project been conducted?

Project Review Report, Project Closure Report

Project Review & Closure

Has a review of the project business case been conducted? Has the project team provided an assessment of challenges and successes from their perspective? Has a review of the technology and lifecycle processes been conducted?

Project Closure Report Project Closure Report Project Closure Report

Project Review & Closure Project Review & Closure Project Review & Closure

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Planning the Scope
Have project objectives and critical success factors been identified? Project objectives are the goals of the project. Critical success factors (CSF) are the project objectives that must be met for the project to be considered successful. Inclusion and exclusion criteria identify the specific deliverables, products, and services to be provided by the project and explicitly define the items to be excluded from the project. This will define the scope boundary from both sides. The project strategy defines the approach to be followed on the project. It should clarify the methods, techniques and tools to be used. The scope management matrix identifies the relative priorities of the three dimensions of the triple constraint (time, cost, and product). An assessment of the project scope stability will indicate the likelihood that the project scope may change and the potential magnitude of such a change. Successful change management on a project starts with an agreement on the methods to be followed to identify and evaluate changes. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) provides an initial decomposition of project deliverables into smaller packages of work to support planning and estimating activities Work packages are discreet units of work that are assigned to individuals, teams, or external contractors. They can be used to subdivide the work according to discipline or to prescribe a deliverable to be completed by a contractor



EPO Template
Project Scope Statement

EPO e-book
Project Initiation & Scope Planning

Have scope inclusion and exclusion criteria been identified?

Project Scope Statement

Project Initiation & Scope Planning

Has the project strategy been defined and agreed to by the project sponsor? Has a scope management matrix been prepared and agreed to by the project sponsor? Has a scope stability assessment been prepared? Has a scope change management approach been prepared?

Project Scope Statement Scope Management Plan Scope Management Plan Scope Management Plan

Project Initiation & Scope Planning Project Initiation & Scope Planning Project Initiation & Scope Planning Project Initiation & Scope Planning

Planning the Work

Has a project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) been prepared?

Work Package, WBS Planning View Work Package, WBS Assignment View

Work Breakdown Structure Planning Work Breakdown Structure Planning

Have project Work Packages been prepared and assigned?

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Planning Activities
Has a project activity list been prepared? Does each project activity have a tangible deliverable? The activity list is an extension of the WBS and identifies all the activities required to produce WBS deliverables. The activity name should consist of an action verb (produce, prepare, develop, install, etc) and an object of that verb that names the activity deliverable The activity sequencing is shown using a Project Network Diagram which illustrates how the project activities will flow from beginning to end. It is created by establishing the dependencies among project deliverables Dependencies can be mandatory (based on required completion of deliverables) or discretionary (based on preferred sequence of activities). Activity estimates have two components: Duration estimates (in days) provide an indication of how long a task will take and are used for critical path scheduling. Effort estimates (in hours) are used to determine the amount of work (by each resource) required to produce a deliverable. Effort estimates are variable by resource and will be used when resource leveling the project schedule. Both duration and effort estimates need to be done for each activity.



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Activity Plan, Activity Planning View Activity Plan, Activity Planning View

EPO e-book
Activity Planning & Estimating Activity Planning & Estimating

Has a project network diagram been created?

Activity Plan, Activity Sequencing View

Activity Scheduling

Have activity dependencies been established?

Activity Plan, Activity Sequencing View

Activity Scheduling

Estimating Activities
Have activity duration and effort estimates been prepared?

Activity Plan, Activity Estimating View

Activity Planning & Estimating

Have PERT duration estimating techniques been used? Have resource effort estimates been prepared for each activity?

Using PERT estimating, three duration estimates are prepared for each activity: optimistic (O), pessimistic (P) and most likely (M).

Activity Plan, Activity Estimating View

Activity Planning & Estimating Activity Planning & Estimating

The effort required to perform an activity is dependent on the Activity Plan, Activity resources assigned. Because effort is variable by resource, Estimating View it should be estimated for each resource assigned to an activity. The critical path is defined as the sequence of activities with the longest duration. The critical path activities should be associated with production of important project deliverables and not support tasks.

Developing the Schedule

Has the project critical path been identified?

Activity Scheduling View

Activity Scheduling

Have resource leveling techniques been applied to the project schedule?

Resource leveling is necessary when: Activity Plan, One resource is assigned to multiple activities and their Resource Leveling over allocation must be leveled out by extending the duration View of some activities. Too many activities are assigned to one resource and some activities must be transferred to other resources. Multiple resources (with varying availability) are assigned to one activity. There are times in the schedule when resources are not fully occupied and will need work. Activity dependencies can be shifted to level off peaks and fill in valleys of resource usage

Activity Scheduling

Have duration compression techniques been applied to the project schedule? Have schedule milestones been established? Has a baseline project schedule been established?

To meet fixed end dates, the duration of the project critical path may need to be shortened. This duration compression can be accomplished through fast tracking or crashing the schedule. Schedule milestones (evenly distributed throughout the schedule) are established for status tracking and reporting A project baseline provides a foundation for tracking & reporting and managing the effects of change.

Activity Scheduling View

Activity Scheduling

Activity Scheduling View Activity Scheduling View

Activity Scheduling

Activity Scheduling

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Version 7.0


Monitoring the Schedule

Has a schedule management plan been prepared? Is progress tracked and the schedule updated on a regular basis? The Schedule Management Plan describes how the PMBOK Schedule time management processes will be carried out on the Management Plan project Updating the schedule on a regular basis enables forecasting: Finish dates of activities started or already in progress, Estimated start dates of activities not yet started Schedule variance reporting procedures should include: Frequency of reporting schedule variances Responsibility for explaining schedule variances, Variance thresholds that will trigger explanation. Approved change requests can be incorporated into the project baselines. A new baseline schedule and/or project budget (depending on the nature of the change) is established

Project Schedule Management Project Schedule Management

Schedule Update View

Have schedule variance thresholds been established?

Schedule Management Plan

Project Schedule Management

Are procedures in place to reestablish the schedule baseline?

Schedule Management Plan

Project Schedule Management

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Estimating Project Costs
Has a project cost estimate been prepared? Project cost estimates provide senior management Project Cost stakeholders with the financial information to: Estimate Compare costs of potential projects competing for approval, Compare the costs of an initiative to the tangible benefits associated with delivery, Determine the financial commitment required to complete the project, Reliable project cost estimates are essential when managing the expectations of funding authority stakeholders.



EPO Template

EPO e-book
Project Estimating & Budgeting

Have estimates been prepared for labor, equipment, supplies, expenses and financing costs to be incurred by the project? Have estimating assumptions been recorded?

Project estimates and budgets are both based on the project accounts which, in turn, must be tied to the corporate financial Chart of Accounts. The structure of the financial chart of accounts will vary from one organization to another Estimating assumptions should be documented for reference during cost control and to help support the management of risks, issues and changes.

Project Cost Estimate, Project Budget

Project Estimating & Budgeting

Project Cost Estimate

Project Estimating & Budgeting

Establishing the Budget

Has a budget been established for cost tracking and control?

Has a project cost management plan been prepared? Have funding release amounts been defined for the project?

Project Budget The project budget, which forms the baseline for cost control, is a time phased distribution of project costs. An estimate becomes a budget when costs are allocated to time phases (usually months or years). The Cost Management Plan establishes how the project Cost Management estimating, budgeting and cost control processes will occur Plan
Typically, funding is based on budget amounts and is Cost Management released in increments before money is spent on the project. Plan

Project Estimating & Budgeting

Project Cost Management Project Cost Management

Monitoring Project Costs

Are earned value performance indicators used to report schedule and cost variance? Using earned value performance measurements, the cost and schedule variances are calculated as follows: Cost Variance (CV) = Earned Value Actual Costs Schedule Variance (SV) = Earned Value Planned Value

Are earned value performance indices used to forecast project completion costs and variances?

Earned value calculations provide a means of estimating project completion costs based on actual cost and schedule performance.

Earned Value Performance Calculator, Performance Report View, Project Performance Report Earned Value Performance Calculator, Performance Report View, Project Performance Report

Earned Value Performance Reporting

Earned Value Performance Reporting

Are actual costs being recorded on the project? Are procedures in place to reestablish the cost baseline?

Actual cost expenditures incurred by the project can be captured using timesheets or the organizations cost accounting process Approved change requests can be incorporated into the project baselines. A new baseline schedule and/or project budget (depending on the nature of the change) is established

Project Cost Tracking Cost Management Plan

Project Cost Management Project Cost Management

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Quality Management
Has a Quality Management Plan been prepared for the project? Are formal quality control techniques being applied to the project? The Quality Management Plan describes how the project management team will manage the quality of deliverables produced on the project. Quality control is the process of: 1. Measuring deliverables to determine if quality standards are being met, 2. Monitoring results to determine compliance with quality standards.



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EPO e-book

Quality Management Quality Management Plan Control Chart, Pareto Diagram Quality Management

Are project deliverables subjected to formal inspections?

Inspection Report
Inspections provide a mechanism to detect defects early and improve the overall quality of project products. This will, in turn, improve productivity and motivate team members to produce better quality deliverables The primary objective of a deliverable review is to gain Deliverable acceptance of a product so that work can proceed on to the Acceptance next phase or step. This acceptance should be based on predefined acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria describe the conditions required for the project deliverables to be accepted by the project sponsor. The acceptance criteria should be prepared early in the project; initial acceptance criteria should be included in the Project Charter to ensure that the project sponsor and the project team are in agreement throughout the project.

Software Inspections & Deliverable Reviews

Does a formal review and acceptance process exist for project deliverables?

Software Inspections & Deliverable Reviews Software Test Planning & Execution

Are acceptance criteria defined for review and testing of project deliverables?

Acceptance Criteria, Acceptance Test Tracking

On software development projects, are test scripts and test cases defined for software testing? Test scripts identify the business functions to be tested. Test cases should be defined for each business function identified in the test script. They are designed to exercise the applications response to both good and bad test data

Test Case

Software Test Planning & Execution

During software testing, are defects recorded and prioritized for resolution?

Tests can be executed either manually or through the use of an automated testing tool that pumps test cases through the application. In both cases it is important to record test results, track defects and assign priorities to deal with defects

Defect report, Defect Software Test Tracking Log Planning & Execution

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0

Human Resources

Project Management Checklist

Question Human Resource Planning
Have project roles been defined? Assigning the right resources to project activities is critical to meeting project objectives. To ensure that everyone understands their contribution, resources can be classified into a number of roles. Defining resource requirements for a project is one of the most important planning processes. Each project will have unique resource requirements and may require a different emphasis on project roles. Resource availability constraints such as commitment levels or dependencies on another project to release the resource should be identified and agreed to with the resources functional manager Once the project resources have been identified, they can be assigned to Work Packages in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) using a Responsibility Assignment Matrix



EPO Template
Project Human Resource Plan

EPO e-book
Human Resource Planning

Have the project resource requirements been identified?

Project Human Resource Plan

Human Resource Planning

Have the project resource constraints been identified?

Project Human Resource Plan

Human Resource Planning

Have project resources been assigned to project deliverables?

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Human Resource Planning

Has a project resource training plan been prepared?

Some of the resources assigned to the project will require training to perform their roles and produce their deliverables. This may occur when: New technology is being adopted on a project, A software package has been purchased, Employees are provided with career development opportunities on projects.

Resource Skills Assessment, Resource Training Plan

Human Resource Planning

Managing the Team

Is a project kick-off event planned? The project team kick-off meeting is the first team meeting to be held on a project. The primary purpose of the team kick-off meeting is to obtain commitment from team members and key stakeholders. To encourage constructive behaviors, curtail subversive behaviors and guide the team through the development stages, a Team Charter should be prepared. The Team Charter is an agreement that states: What the team wants to accomplish, Why the team is important, How the team will work together to accomplish its goals

Team Kick-off Meeting

Team Management

Do project team members understand their roles on the project and how they will work together?

Team Charter

Team Development

Have open communication channels been established within the project team?

The groundwork for open communications within the project team is laid with the Team Communications Plan

Team Communications Plan

Team Management

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Stakeholder Identification
Have project stakeholders been identified? According to the PMI PMBOK 2000 (section 2.2), project stakeholders are: Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion; they may also exert influence over the project and its results. Each stakeholders stake in the project will take one of three forms: 1. Providing a product or service which contributes to the project objectives. 2. Receiving or using a product or service delivered by the project. 3. Interested in the project outcome The required commitment of each stakeholder is critical to the level of planned communication. The stakeholder communication needs should consider: Preferred communication medium, Constraints on technology access that may affect communications, Recommended reporting frequency, Special information needs of each stakeholder. It is important to determine the schedule, cost and product quality priorities and support of key stakeholders. Stakeholder influence is their ability to make or influence decisions related to project objectives.



EPO Template
Stakeholder Identification

EPO e-book
Stakeholder Identification & Analysis

Has the stake in the project and the required commitment from each stakeholder been identified?

Stakeholder Stakeholder Identification, Identification & Stakeholder Analysis Analysis

Have the communication needs of each stakeholder been identified?

Stakeholder Stakeholder Identification, Identification & Stakeholder Analysis Analysis

Have the priorities, support and influence of key stakeholders been identified?

Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Identification & Analysis

Communications Planning
Has a project stakeholder communications plan been prepared? Has a project meeting plan been prepared? The Project Stakeholder Communications Plan describes how communication will be accomplished with each stakeholder. The Project Meeting Plan identifies (for each type of project meeting) the: Meeting attendees, Objectives of the meeting, Agenda items, Logistics such as timeframe, frequency and location, Technology medium The Project Presentation Plan identifies (for each type of project presentation) the: Presentation audience (individuals or groups), Objectives of the presentation (what will be accomplished), Logistics such as timeframe, frequency, and location, Equipment required for the presentation (projectors, screens, flipcharts, laptops, etc), The presentation type (speech, presentation, video)

Stakeholder Communications Plan Meeting & Presentation Plan

Communications Planning Communications Planning

Have required project presentations been planned?

Meeting & Presentation Plan

Communications Planning

Has a project document distribution plan been prepared?

The Project Document Distribution Plan describes: Document Original source of the information (previous project or Distribution Plan deliverable of current project), Project repository location of the deliverable (hyperlink to Web URL or directory folder name), Distribution schedule (completion date or distribution frequency) Distribution list (based on stakeholder communication plan)

Communications Planning

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Is access to project documentation provided for key stakeholders?

The Project Stakeholders Communications plan should describe procedures for: Accessing information between scheduled communications, Updating and refining the communications plan as the project progresses.

Stakeholder Communications Plan

Communications Planning

Reporting Project Status

Are project accomplishments reported to stakeholders on a regular basis? The project progress report is used to report on deliverables Project Progress completed and accomplishments during the reporting period. Report It is also used to predict deliverables that will be completed during the next reporting period. Based on project milestones, status reports provide a comparison of actual/forecasted completion dates with schedule and cost baselines.

Progress & Status Reporting

Is project schedule and cost status reported to stakeholders on a regular basis? Is the status of project issues and changes reported to stakeholders on a regular basis?

Project Status Report, Status View, Status Presentation

Progress & Status Reporting

The status of outstanding (or recently resolved) changes and Project Progress issues should be reported to stakeholders regularly. The Report, Project description of the issue should include the impact on Status Report schedule, cost and deliverable (where known) and a resolution required by date. The description of the change should include a business justification for the change and the impact on cost and schedule. A description of the specific risk and triggering event should be provided along with the risk priority (high, medium, or low). The consequences that arise from the risk occurrence should be described and the approved risk decision (prevent, mitigate, monitor, or accept) should be indicated

Progress & Status Reporting

Is the status of high priority project risks reported to stakeholders on a regular basis?

Project Progress Report, Project Status Report

Progress & Status Reporting

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Risk Identification
Has a risk management plan been prepared for the project? The risk management plan (prepared early in the planning phase of the project) describes how the four risk management steps (identification, assessment, response planning and monitoring/control) will be performed on the project. Risk factors are categories of risk sources that may have an impact on the project cost, schedule, scope or quality objectives. Each project risk factor should be considered when identifying potential project risk events. The first step in risk assessment is the identification of risk events (discreet occurrences of potential problems). The risk description must be complete enough to support risk response decisions and preparation of risk response plans.



EPO Template
Risk Management Plan

EPO e-book
Risk Management

Have project risk factors been identified?

Risk Identification Checklist

Risk Identification

Have potential risk events been identified?

Risk Identification Checklist, SWOT Analysis

Risk Identification

Risk Assessment
Has an assessment of each potential risk event been prepared? For each identified risk, an assessment of its urgency, growth, probability, and impact should be conducted. Each risk should be described in sufficient detail to be understood by project team members, sponsors and management. The priority of the risk is assigned based on the probability and impact assessment. Attention should be focused on high probability and high impact risks. Decision trees provide a graphical representation of decisions and quantify the risks and rewards of these decisions. Readiness Assessment footprints are a means to evaluate risks associated with one or more alternatives. These risks are assessed using eight categories of organizational readiness and the corresponding attributes of alternatives under consideration.

Risk Assessment, Risk Event Scenarios

Risk Assessment & Response Planning

Have high priority project risks been identified? Are decision tree techniques used to quantify project risks and opportunities? Has a readiness assessment been done to evaluate risks associated with one or more alternatives?

Risk Assessment, Risk Register Decision Tree

Risk Assessment & Response Planning Decision Analysis

Readiness Footprint

Readiness Assessment

Risk Response Planning

Has a risk response plan been prepared for high priority risks? Have risk response plans evaluated to determine their effectiveness? The risk response plan contains preventative actions, corrective actions, risk monitoring and communications plans. Risk response plans often affect more that one risk event. Risk responses should be evaluated to determine the affect of risk responses on the high priority risk events. The risk response evaluation will also help uncover secondary and residual risks.

Risk Response Plan

Risk Assessment & Response Planning

Risk Response Plan, Risk Assessment & Risk Register Response Planning

Has a risk monitoring plan been implemented for high priority risks?

The Risk Monitoring plan describes: Risk Response Plan, Risk Assessment & The tracking and control of risks (a continuous process Risk Register Response Planning, involving both the project team and management). Risk Management The preventative action plans to be implemented How the status of existing risks and the potential for new risks are to be assessed. Triggers that alert the project team of a risk occurrence and the corrective action to be taken.

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0


Project Management Checklist

Question Procurement Planning
Has a procurement management plan been prepared for the project? The Procurement Management plan is completed if products Procurement or services will be purchased for the project from an outside Management Plan supplier. The Procurement Management Plan identifies: How services will be procured for the project, Procedures for evaluating bids and proposals (including approvals required), The types of contracts to be used to procure products or services, Contract administration and reporting procedures. The Statement of Work (SOW) describes the procurement item so that prospective sellers can decide if they are capable of providing the item and how the work can be undertaken. Analysis of buy vs. build options is undertaken to determine whether the project team can produce the product/service or if it should be purchased.



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EPO e-book
Procurement Planning

Has a Statement of Work been prepared for the procurement items?

Statement of Work

Procurement Planning

Has the project team performed a buy vs. build analysis on project deliverables?

Procurement Management Plan

Procurement Planning

Evaluating Bids & Proposals

Have objective evaluation criteria been defined for alternative evaluation? Proposals should be evaluated against a set of criteria ranked as follows: Mandatory these are must criteria based on critical success factors or project objectives. Optional these are the want criteria based on requirements. Project teams frequently must evaluate alternatives and make selection decisions that involve a degree of risk. These decisions can be complex; a quantifiable approach is required. Contract administration is the process of managing the contract and the relationship between the buyer and the seller. The Contract Management Plan describes how a specific contract will be administrated during the project Contract closure is the process of completing and settling the contract, resolving open items and completing contract closure documentation.

Alternative Selection

Bid & Proposal Evaluation

Is a rational process used to select from alternatives and minimize risks from selection decisions?

Alternative Selection

Bid & Proposal Evaluation

Contract Administration
Has a Contract Management Plan been prepared for each contract on the project?

Contract Management Plan

Contract Administration

Upon completion of the contract, has a contract closure report been prepared?

Contract Closure Report

Contract Administration

EPO Template 2006 Gord Gibben, PMP

Version 7.0

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