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Seismic Design of Steel Staggered Truss Systems payday loan storeonline pay day loanseasy payday loanspayday loans

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Seismology Committee, Structural Engineers Association of California payday loan storeonline pay day loanseasy payday loanspayday loans massachusettslow interest payday loans

This is the first in a series of STRUCTURE articles that have been condensed and adapted from the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) online series called the SEAOC Blue Book: Seismic Design Recommendations. Beginning in 1959 and extending to 1996, the SEAOC Seismology Committee published updated printed editions of Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary, which was commonly called the Blue Book. The "Requirements" portion of those publications was in large part adopted verbatim by the International Council of Building Officials as the seismic regulations of the Uniform Building Code. With the transition to the unification of the three major model building code organizations into the International Code Council, and the nationwide use of the NEHRP seismic design provisions that are developed under the auspices of FEMA and the Building Seismic Safety Council, SEAOC decided the "Requirements" portion of the Blue Book no longer served a purpose, but that there was a still a need for statements of position and guidance for practicing engineers and code officials to help them to resolve ambiguities among various codes and standards and to interpret research. A number of Blue Book articles are in development and are being published one-by-one, after each has passed through an extensive SEAOC Seismology Committee review process.

The staggered truss system was developed at MIT in the 1960s (Scalzi 1971). Its arrangement of story-deep trusses in a staggered pattern allows large column-free areas and low floor-to-floor heights. With fewer columns than other steel framing systems, staggered truss frames can also offer faster fabrication and erection schedules, and reduced foundation costs (Wexler and Lin 2003). Most staggered truss systems are in areas of low seismic hazard. Because of the apparent benefits of the system, AISC, structural steel contractors and others have expressed interest in using the system in high-seismic regions of the USA. The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) has published a design guide with a chapter on seismic applications (Wexler and Lin 2003). The following statement appears in its introduction: One added benefit of the staggered-truss framing system is that it is highly efficient for resistance to the lateral loading caused by wind and earthquake. The stiffness of the system provides the desired drift control for wind and earthquake loadings. Moreover, the system can provide a significant amount of energy absorption capacity and ductile deformation capability for high-seismic applications. The staggered truss system is not a recognized seismic force-resisting system in ASCE 7-02 Table or in ASCE 7-05 Table 12.2-1, equivalent to an "undefined structural system" per 2001 CBC section 1629.9.2. Therefore, pending review of substantiating cyclic test data and analytical studies, or project specific peer review in combination with analytical studies, the Committee recommends against use of the staggered truss system as a seismic force-resisting system per ASCE 7-02/05 Seismic Design Categories (SDCs) C through F and in 2001 CBC Seismic Zones 3 and 4. While SDCs C-F effectively covers all of California, the "substantiating test data" requirements of ASCE 7 and the 1997 UBC are applicable to all SDCs and Seismic Zones.

Description of the System

The staggered truss system is contemplated for buildings from 6 to over 20 stories tall (Wexler and Lin 2003). Its benefits are most apparent in regular buildings with rectangular floor plans. The system consists of full story-deep trusses spanning the transverse direction of the building; truss spans are typically 60 feet. From one story to the next, the trusses are horizontally offset by one column bay (typically 20 to 30 feet) so that the truss locations are staggered up the height of the building (Figure 1). The stagger is typically of a uniform dimension and symmetric in plan. Floor diaphragms are typically precast planks spanning from the bottom chord of one truss to the top chord of the adjacent truss. Exterior columns support the ends of the truss and provide frame columns for the lateral force-resisting system in the longitudinal direction of the building. To maximize the architectural benefits of the system, there are frequently no continuous interior columns. Each truss acts as a braced frame in the transverse direction. A Vierendeel panel is often provided at the midspan of the truss to accommodate passageways. Under transverse seismic loads, the Vierendeel panel would be subject to high deformations (much like the similar panel in a special truss moment frame), and would therefore have to be designed to dissipate energy through flexural yielding. The trusses resist transverse shear, overturning forces, and interstory drift, and the floor diaphragm acts as a load path element between adjacent trusses. The longitudinal lateral forceresisting system is typically a perimeter moment frame or braced frame.

Response to Earthquake Loads

Acceptable earthquake performance of a staggered truss system will be limited by the following attributes: The lateral and gravity force-resisting systems of the building are one and the same. Every gravity-resisting truss and column is also integral to the transverse lateral force resisting system. Long transverse spans limit the ability of the system to redistribute gravity loads in the event of a column failure. The ground story is usually much more flexible than the floors above. Customarily, moment frames replace the staggered truss elements at the ground story. Diaphragms are critical to the lateral load path of this structural system, transferring relatively high forces between vertical elements. This is especially true at lower stories, where the diaphragm and diaphragm-to-truss connections must transfer nearly the entire base shear from one story to the next. This last point about the diaphragms might be unique to the staggered truss system. The floor diaphragms are required to participate in the lateral system as fully as the trusses and columns. Model earthquake design codes, however, assign seismic design factors (i.e. R, Cd, and 0) without thorough consideration of diaphragm ductility and modes of inelasticity within the diaphragm. Use of seismic design factors from moment-resisting frames, braced frames, or special truss moment frames for a staggered truss system would be inappropriate. The assertions by Wexler and Lin quoted above are apparently based on elastic analysis results and theoretical response estimates by Goel et al. (1973) and perhaps by an inappropriate extrapolation of inelastic behavior modes expected in special truss moment frames (Basha and Goel 1994). Additional information may be found in Scalzi (1971), Goel et al. (1973), Gupta and Goel (1972), and Hanson and Berg (1974).

Figure 1: Typical Staggered Truss Frame Layout.

Recommended Research
The Seismology Committee is not aware of any recent testing of the staggered truss system for use as a seismic forceresisting system. AISC and others are investigating the feasibility of the staggered truss system for areas of high seismicity. Testing and analysis are expected to focus on sources of inelasticity, diaphragms, and diaphragm-to-truss connections. The development of eccentrically braced frames and special moment-resisting frames perhaps offers examples for proponents of the staggered truss to follow. Specifically, ASCE 7-02 section and ASCE 7-05 section 12.2.1 give requirements for qualifying an "undefined" seismic-force-resisting system. The Seismology Committee expects that adequate testing and/or analysis will be required to adequately address at least the following design and performance issues: Identification of predictable inelastic mechanisms Design forces and deformations in yielding Vierendeel panels and adjacent truss members Design forces related to diaphragm-truss interaction, considering expected strength, stiffness, and ductility Force distribution and inelasticity in precast diaphragms and topping slabs under high in-plane forces Force distribution and inelasticity in diaphragms under vertical displacements related to truss deflections and link deformation Design of diaphragm-to-truss connections, considering cyclic loading and diaphragm or truss overstrength Column design forces and ductility demands, considering dynamic truss-column interaction and sharing of columns by lateral and transverse systems Vulnerability of the gravity system to failure of seismic-force-resisting members Effects of openings and discontinuities in highly loaded diaphragms Disproportionate effects of atypical and irregular building configuration Axial and flexural interaction in truss chords, diagonals, and connectors In addition, because the system load path involves an out-of-plane offset at every floor level, testing must consider the interaction of yielding (and possibly degrading) diaphragms, trusses, and connections, as opposed to just the behavior

of individual components. Even the testing of an entire truss frame would not capture the essential aspect of shear transfer between adjacent frames. The complete SEAOC Blue Book series of on-line Seismic Design Recommendations articles is available at: Desain seismik Baja Terhuyung Sistem Truss storeonline hari bayaran pinjaman membayar hari loanseasy pinjaman loanspayday payday massachusettslow pinjaman bunga gajian Seismologi Komite, Struktural Engineers Association of California storeonline hari bayaran pinjaman membayar hari loanseasy pinjaman loanspayday payday massachusettslow pinjaman bunga gajian Ini adalah yang pertama dalam serangkaian STRUKTUR artikel yang telah diringkas dan diadaptasi dari Insinyur Struktural Asosiasi California (SEAOC) seri online yang disebut Buku Biru SEAOC: Rekomendasi Desain Seismik. Dimulai pada tahun 1959 dan memperluas ke 1996, SEAOC Seismologi Komite menerbitkan edisi cetak diperbarui Rekomendasi Persyaratan Angkatan Lateral dan Commentary, yang lazim disebut Buku Biru. "Persyaratan" bagian dari publikasi-publikasi tersebut adalah sebagian besar diadopsi verbatim oleh Dewan Internasional Bangunan Pejabat sebagai peraturan seismik Building Code Uniform. Dengan transisi ke penyatuan dari tiga organisasi besar model bangunan kode ke dalam Kode Internasional Dewan, dan penggunaan nasional ketentuan desain NEHRP seismik yang dikembangkan di bawah naungan FEMA dan Bangunan Dewan Keamanan Seismic, SEAOC memutuskan "Persyaratan "bagian dari Buku Biru tidak lagi melayani tujuan, tetapi bahwa ada masih perlu untuk laporan posisi dan bimbingan untuk berlatih insinyur dan pejabat kode untuk membantu mereka untuk menyelesaikan ambiguitas antara berbagai kode dan standar dan untuk menginterpretasikan penelitian. Sejumlah artikel Blue Book dalam pengembangan dan sedang diterbitkan satu-per-satu, setelah masing-masing telah melewati proses Seismologi luas tinjauan SEAOC Komite. Sistem truss terhuyung dikembangkan di MIT pada tahun 1960 (Scalzi 1971). Pengaturannya dari cerita-dalam gulungan dalam pola terhuyung-huyung memungkinkan besar kolom-daerah bebas dan rendah dari lantai ke lantai ketinggian. Dengan kolom yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan sistem framing baja lainnya, terhuyung frame truss juga dapat menawarkan fabrikasi lebih cepat dan jadwal ereksi, dan biaya pondasi mengurangi (Wexler dan Lin 2003). Kebanyakan sistem truss terhuyung berada di daerah bahaya gempa rendah. Karena manfaat nyata dari sistem, AISC, kontraktor baja struktural dan lain-lain telah menyatakan minatnya untuk menggunakan sistem dalam tinggi seismik daerah dari Amerika Serikat. The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) telah menerbitkan panduan desain dengan bab tentang aplikasi seismik (Wexler dan Lin 2003). Pernyataan berikut muncul dalam diperkenalkan: Salah satu manfaat tambahan dari sistem framing terhuyung-truss adalah bahwa hal itu sangat efisien untuk ketahanan terhadap beban lateral yang disebabkan oleh angin dan gempa. Kekakuan sistem menyediakan kontrol penyimpangan yang diinginkan untuk beban angin dan gempa. Selain itu, sistem dapat memberikan sejumlah besar kapasitas penyerapan energi dan kemampuan deformasi ulet tinggi seismik aplikasi. Sistem truss terhuyung bukanlah kekuatan-menolak seismik diakui sistem ASCE 7-02 Tabel atau di ASCE 705 Tabel 12,2-1, setara dengan "sistem struktur terdefinisi" per 2.001 bagian CBC 1629/09/02. Oleh karena itu, menunggu tinjauan dari substantiating data uji siklik dan studi analitis, atau proyek peer review yang spesifik dalam kombinasi dengan studi analitis, Komite merekomendasikan terhadap penggunaan sistem truss terhuyung sebagai seismik kekuatan-menolak sistem per Desain ASCE Seismic 7-02/05 Kategori (SDCs) C melalui F dan pada tahun 2001 Zona Seismik CBC 3 dan 4. Sementara SDCs CF efektif mencakup seluruh California, "substantiating data uji" persyaratan ASCE 7 dan tahun 1997 UBC berlaku untuk semua SDCs dan Zona Seismik. Deskripsi Sistem Sistem truss terhuyung ini dimaksudkan untuk bangunan dari 6 sampai lebih dari 20 cerita tinggi (Wexler dan Lin 2003). Manfaat yang paling jelas dalam bangunan biasa dengan rencana lantai persegi panjang. Sistem ini terdiri dari penuh cerita dalam gulungan yang mencakup arah melintang bangunan, rentang truss biasanya 60 meter. Dari satu cerita ke berikutnya, gulungan horizontal yang diimbangi oleh satu kolom bay (biasanya 20 sampai 30 kaki) sehingga lokasi truss yang terhuyung-huyung sampai ketinggian bangunan (Gambar 1). The sempoyongan biasanya dari dimensi seragam dan simetris dalam rencana. Diafragma lantai biasanya pracetak papan membentang dari chord bawah satu truss ke akord atas truss yang berdekatan. Kolom eksterior mendukung ujung truss dan memberikan kolom frame untuk sistem gaya-menolak lateral dalam arah membujur dari bangunan. Untuk memaksimalkan manfaat dari arsitektur sistem, sering ada tidak ada kolom interior berkelanjutan.

Truss Setiap bertindak sebagai bingkai bersiap dalam arah melintang. Sebuah panel Vierendeel sering disediakan di midspan truss untuk mengakomodasi lorong-lorong. Di bawah beban seismik melintang, panel Vierendeel akan tunduk pada deformasi tinggi (seperti panel yang sama dalam kerangka waktu khusus rangka), dan karena itu harus dirancang untuk mengusir energi melalui lentur menghasilkan. Para gulungan menolak geser melintang, kekuatan menjungkirbalikkan, dan pergeseran interstory, dan diafragma lantai bertindak sebagai elemen jalur beban antara gulungan yang berdekatan. Kekuatan-menolak lateral yang membujur sistem biasanya saat perimeter frame atau bingkai bersiap. Respon untuk Beban Gempa Gempa kinerja yang dapat diterima dari sistem truss terhuyung akan dibatasi oleh atribut berikut: Lateral dan gravitasi kekuatan-menolak sistem bangunan adalah satu dan sama. Setiap truss gravitasi-menolak dan kolom juga bagian integral dari sistem gaya lateral yang melintang menolak. Bentang panjang melintang membatasi kemampuan sistem untuk beban gravitasi mendistribusikan dalam hal kegagalan kolom. Cerita tanah biasanya jauh lebih fleksibel dibandingkan dengan lantai atas. Biasanya, frame saat menggantikan elemen truss terhuyung-huyung di cerita tanah. Diafragma sangat penting untuk jalur beban lateral ini sistem struktural, mentransfer kekuatan yang relatif tinggi antara elemen vertikal. Hal ini terutama berlaku pada cerita yang lebih rendah, di mana koneksi diafragma dan diafragma-to-truss harus mentransfer hampir geser dasar keseluruhan dari satu cerita ke yang berikutnya. Poin terakhir ini tentang diafragma mungkin unik untuk sistem truss terhuyung-huyung. Diafragma lantai diwajibkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam sistem lateral penuh dengan gulungan dan kolom. Kode gempa Model desain, bagaimanapun, menetapkan faktor desain seismik (yaitu R, Cd, dan 0) tanpa pertimbangan yang matang dari daktilitas diafragma dan cara inelastisitas dalam diafragma. Penggunaan faktor desain seismik dari saat-menolak frame, frame menguatkan, atau bingkai momen istimewa truss untuk sistem truss terhuyung akan tidak pantas. Pernyataan oleh Wexler dan Lin dikutip di atas ternyata berdasarkan hasil analisis elastis dan perkiraan respon teoritis oleh Goel et al. (1973) dan mungkin oleh ekstrapolasi pantas mode perilaku inelastis diharapkan dalam bingkai momen khusus rangka (Basha dan Goel 1994). Informasi tambahan dapat ditemukan di Scalzi (1971), Goel et al. (1973), Gupta dan Goel (1972), dan Hanson dan Berg (1974). Gambar 1: Khas Truss Tata Letak Bingkai Terhuyung. Direkomendasikan Penelitian Komite Seismologi tidak mengetahui adanya pengujian terbaru dari sistem truss terhuyung-huyung untuk digunakan sebagai sistem gaya-menolak seismik. AISC dan lain-lain sedang menyelidiki kelayakan sistem truss terhuyunghuyung untuk daerah dengan resiko gempa tinggi. Pengujian dan analisis diharapkan untuk fokus pada sumber sifat kaku, diafragma, dan diafragma-to-truss koneksi. Perkembangan frame eksentris menguatkan dan khusus saat-menolak frame mungkin menawarkan contoh untuk para pendukung truss terhuyung-huyung untuk mengikuti. Secara khusus, ASCE 7-02 bagian dan ASCE 7-05 bagian 12.2.1 memberikan persyaratan untuk kualifikasi suatu "undefined" seismik-force-menolak sistem. Komite Seismologi mengharapkan bahwa pengujian yang memadai dan / atau analisis akan diminta untuk merespon setidaknya desain berikut dan masalah performa: Identifikasi mekanisme inelastis diprediksi Desain kekuatan dan deformasi dalam menghasilkan panel Vierendeel dan anggota truss yang berdekatan Desain memaksa berhubungan dengan diafragma-truss interaksi, mengingat kekuatan yang diharapkan, kekakuan, dan daktilitas Angkatan distribusi dan sifat kaku di diafragma pracetak dan lempengan di bawah topping tinggi-pesawat pasukan Angkatan distribusi dan sifat kaku di bawah diafragma perpindahan vertikal yang berhubungan dengan defleksi truss dan deformasi Link Desain diafragma-to-truss koneksi, mengingat beban siklik dan diafragma atau overstrength truss Kolom desain kekuatan dan tuntutan daktilitas, mengingat dinamis truss-kolom interaksi dan berbagi kolom dengan sistem lateral dan transversal Kerentanan dari sistem gravitasi kegagalan seismik-force-menolak Efek anggota bukaan dan diskontinuitas dalam diafragma yang sangat dimuat Proporsional efek konfigurasi bangunan atipikal dan tidak teratur Aksial dan lentur interaksi dalam akord truss, diagonal, dan konektor Selain itu, karena jalur beban sistem melibatkan out-of-plane offset pada setiap tingkat lantai, pengujian harus

mempertimbangkan interaksi menghasilkan (dan mungkin merendahkan) diafragma, gulungan, dan koneksi, sebagai lawan hanya perilaku komponen individu. Bahkan pengujian kerangka truss seluruh tidak akan menangkap aspek penting transfer geser antara frame yang berdekatan. The SEAOC lengkap Buku seri Blue on-line artikel Desain Rekomendasi Seismik tersedia di: / skema KPS / index.html. New! Click the words above to edit and view alternate translations. Dismiss Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder

The Chinese government has been instituting a series of policies that encourage land and energy-saving housing projects and small-size dwelling units (90m2). The concept proposed by the IAUS School of Architecture, Tsinghau University addresses these policies in developing a dwelling pattern, taking advantage of the benefits of steel construction, to hold more residents in the specified site white at the same time providing good living quality. Members of the IAUS School of Architecture, Tsinghua University's design team for the Living Steel Competition concept submission are: ZHANG Yue, WU Minghui, HE Jianfeng and SUN Lingbo

Staggered Truss System Staggered Dwelling uses a staggered truss steel frame system which is not only economical and fast in construction but also brings more flexibility in the plan and section. The system consists of a storyhigh truss that spans the entire width of the building. The trusses alternate from floor to floor with the long axis of one truss mid-span between the trusses on the floors immediately above and below. The system works in harmony with a precast plank that provides a smooth floor and ceiling while achieving the desired low floor-to-floor ceiling height. The composite truss and plank system provides a safe and efficient structural system that resists both gravity and lateral loads.

The architects suggest three different dwelling types within the building. Type A includes living room, dining room and kitchen on an entrance floor with bedrooms, bath and laundry on a second floor. Depending on whether the unit is located at the top of the building or at the first levels, the second floor will either be an upper or lower floor. The unit floor plan is flexible so that the entrance floor can include a bedroom for elderly parents or two bedrooms can be turned into one as children grow up and move out. As well, a section of the unit can be used as an open space or as a garden.

Type B units are larger and have a second floor as well with the same flexibilities and customisation potential as Type A units. Type C units have the whole floor plan on one level.

Type C residents also can turn the balconies into an extra bedroom or living space. By adjusting the units on some floors, community space can be added, such as open air gardens, gymnasiums and other public areas. Site Plan The building stands on pillars, leaving the space underneath for car and bicycle parking as well as pedestrian circulation. There are two entrance halls and elevators. The building is divided into two separate parts with each entrance floor divided into two fireproof subdivisions. Each subdivision has one enclosed stairwell that exits to the street or to the roof. To provide easy access to dwellings from the outside, the elevation divisions exactly coincide with the stagger of each dwelling unit. The central part of the building is horizontally divided into four belts

accessed by four main corridors. The belts are colour-coded red, yellow and blue with small aberrations representing the different dwelling units, providing more definition of each dwelling and individuality at the different levels. Increasing Speed And Reducing Costs The staggered truss system allows for faster and all-weather erection than traditional post and beam, reducing the total cost of the superstructure. Significant cost savings also is due to the lighter frame and fewer foundations. Additional savings accrue because the building requires fewer columns and less steel tonnage. No transfer girders are required at the second floor over the extensive public spaces. This translates into lower costs for the fabrication of the steel, and foundation savings due to the reduced necessity for footings. The truss system uses precast planks, which provided a finished ceiling and eliminated the need and expense of gypsum board. The low floor-to-floor dimensions further reduced costs by reducing the overall building height and lowering its heating and cooling costs. Improving Quality And Enhancing Occupant Satisfaction The staggered truss system dramatically improves the building layout by eliminating interior columns to create clear open space. This open space provides more aesthetic design options for a mini-theatre, bar, and reading room, and added to the inviting ambiance of the space as well. In the portion of the structure designated for residence, steel framing provides the ultimate in flexibility. It permits easy modification of the basic areas and simplified the process of changing ramification spaces. Environmental Features The building incorporates energy saving features, such as minimum building exterior and dwelling unit walls. Cooling and heating is provided by unit-controlled air conditioning and is aided by groundsource heat pumps. Hot water is provided through a wall-type high rise building solar system. The heat collectors are located on the balconies and can be unit controlled and used for electric heating and hot water demands. Most of the exterior windows are shaded by the balconies to reduce heat absorption in summer months. Also every staggered dwelling unit opens to both sides of the building for good natural ventilation. See right for a diagram of the Ventilation patterns of IAUS design concept.


Staggered Truss: not as Painful as it Sounds

Home -by Lynn Becker

- A new hotel brings an innovative engineering technique to Chicago. Iconic architecture to follow.
[April 25, 2008]

Concrete is king. For every new steel-framed tower like the 44 story 353 North Clark Street, there's got to be at least dozen similar skyscrapers using concrete construction. But when Miglin Properties was looking for a way to make their new 207 room Staybridge Suite Hotel in River North stand out, they turned to a structural design

that would bring the first staggered truss steel building to Chicago. The $42 million project evolved out of a 2003 American Institute for Steel Construction study for a hotel using the staggered truss system. As the name implies, that system involves the use of fullstory, 9 foot, three inch high trusses spanning the entire width of the building, staggered in position from floor to floor. Two things made the concept attractive to Miglin. First was economy. The trusses are lightweight, easing the requirements for the foundation. Fewer interior columns are required, making for more open floor plans. At Staybridge, the system is erected with a diaphragm of precast hollow core concrete planking, providing semi-finished ceilings and floors in one shot. In the end, the project wound using 115 trusses, with 815 tons of steel.

The second advantage is speed. The trusses are fabricated offsite, making all-weather construction possible. The steel structure rests atop a four-story, poured-in-place concrete podium, with an entry lobby, two floors of parking and a fourth floor sky lobby, topped by twelve stories of hotel rooms. At the point where concrete and steel structures merge, the steel columns are embedded in two floors of concrete. At Staybridge, the engineers came first. Miglin brought in Structural Affiliates International out of Nashville, which already had substantial experience with staggered steel trusses. Not long after, Valerio Dewalt Train was brought in as architects. "You can see that this is very unique," said SAI Structural Engineer Socrates Ioannides at a February AISC symposium on the project. "AISC gets involved, the structural engineer gets involved, before there is even an architect, but I'm glad that we brought in the architect when we did, because you can see the difference as I go through the history here of what it would have looked like if we had not had a good architect." Staybridge was a case of "structure as form giver."

"First in the process," VDT project architect Matt Dumich said at the symposium, "we needed to work with SAI and AISC to understand as architects what a staggered truss system was and what the principles were. As you can see, this is not your typical post and beam structure. We were tasked to create a distinctive architecture on this prominent site on LaSalle Street in Chicago. The design was an evolutionary process." One early concept, shown here, stressed the building's verticality. According to Dumich, VDT was "looking to create an iconic structure. . . Our big idea was to use the structural system and the depth of the trusses to create cantilevered floors and stagger the whole building in both directions." Ultimately, the cantilever was confined to the south elevation where, on floors nine through thirteen, the building extends forward an additional seven feet, six inches. But by shifting those floors to the south, a cutout is created along the opposite elevation that makes the four floors above it appear to be a second cantilever, this time to the north.

The long north and south elevations, at 186 feet almost identical to the building's final height, are to be clad in aluminum panels, while the shorter east and west elevations will consist of a glass curtain wall. Exposed trusses create another cutout in the western facade at floors ten through thirteen, while a another exposed truss in a shallow recess on the fourth floor reads as a giant "M", which Ioannides notes not only makes the unique structure apparent, but also serves as a subtle branding of the building with the Miglin initial.

Dumich describes his project as "sexy," and for once that designation may not just be hype. Amidst

neighbors like the classical Catholic Charities Building and the Hotel Wacker, Staybridge, when it's completed early next year, looks to give staid LaSalle a distinctive contemporary kick.

(The AISC has a entire webpage on the project that includes multiple Powerpoints and a number of videos of the presentations made at the February symposium. Word to the wise: download and view rather than watching them crawl through your browser.)

[April 25, 2008] - Sebuah hotel baru membawa teknik rekayasa inovatif untuk Chicago. Arsitektur Iconic untuk mengikuti. Beton adalah raja. Untuk setiap menara berbingkai baja baru seperti cerita 44 353 Utara Clark Street, ada harus setidaknya selusin pencakar langit serupa dengan menggunakan konstruksi beton. Tapi ketika Miglin Properti sedang mencari cara untuk membuat baru mereka 207 kamar Staybridge Suite Hotel di River North menonjol, mereka beralih ke desain struktural yang akan membawa bangunan rangka baja pertama terhuyung ke Chicago. Proyek $ 42.000.000 berevolusi dari 2003 American Institute untuk studi Konstruksi Baja untuk sebuah hotel menggunakan sistem truss terhuyung-huyung. Seperti namanya, sistem yang melibatkan penggunaan penuh cerita kaki, 9, tiga gulungan inci tinggi mencakup seluruh lebar bangunan, terhuyung-huyung dalam posisi dari lantai ke lantai. Dua hal membuat konsep menarik bagi Miglin. Pertama adalah ekonomi. The trusses yang ringan, meringankan persyaratan untuk yayasan. Kolom interior sedikit yang diperlukan, membuat rencana untuk lantai lebih terbuka. Pada Staybridge, sistem ini didirikan dengan diafragma dari papan inti beton pracetak berongga, memberikan setengah jadi langit-langit dan lantai dalam satu tembakan. Pada akhirnya, proyek luka menggunakan 115 gulungan, dengan 815 ton baja. Keuntungan kedua adalah kecepatan. Para gulungan yang dibuat off-site, membuat semua cuaca-kemungkinan pembangunan. Struktur baja terletak di atas sebuah cerita empat, dituangkan-di-tempat podium beton, dengan lobi masuk, dua lantai parkir dan lobi lantai empat langit, diatapi oleh dua belas cerita dari kamar hotel. Pada titik di mana beton dan baja struktur bergabung, kolom baja yang tertanam dalam dua lantai beton. Pada Staybridge, para insinyur datang lebih dulu. Miglin membawa Afiliasi Struktural International keluar dari Nashville, yang sudah memiliki banyak pengalaman dengan gulungan baja terhuyung-huyung. Tidak lama kemudian, Valerio Dewalt Kereta dibawa sebagai arsitek. "Anda dapat melihat bahwa ini sangat unik," kata SAI Insinyur Struktural Socrates Ioannides pada bulan Februari AISC simposium pada proyek. "AISC terlibat, insinyur struktur akan terlibat, sebelum ada bahkan seorang arsitek, tapi aku senang bahwa kami membawa arsitek ketika kita lakukan, karena Anda dapat melihat perbedaannya ketika aku pergi melalui sejarah di sini dari apa itu akan telah tampak seperti jika kita tidak memiliki seorang arsitek yang baik. "

Staybridge adalah kasus "struktur sebagai pemberi bentuk." "Pertama dalam proses," kata VDT proyek arsitek Matt Dumich pada simposium, "kita perlu untuk bekerja dengan SAI dan AISC untuk memahami sebagai arsitek apa sistem truss terhuyung-huyung dan apa prinsip-prinsip itu. Seperti yang Anda lihat, ini tidak posting khas dan struktur balok. Kami ditugaskan untuk membuat arsitektur khas di situs terkemuka di LaSalle Street di Chicago desain adalah sebuah proses evolusi.. " Salah satu konsep awal, ditampilkan di sini, menekankan vertikalitas bangunan. Menurut Dumich, VDT yang "mencari untuk menciptakan struktur ikon ... ide besar kami adalah untuk menggunakan sistem struktural dan kedalaman gulungan untuk membuat lantai kantilever dan terhuyung seluruh bangunan di kedua arah." Pada akhirnya, kantilever itu terbatas pada elevasi selatan di mana, di lantai sembilan sampai tiga belas, gedung meluas meneruskan tujuh kaki tambahan, enam inci. Tetapi dengan menggeser mereka lantai ke selatan, guntingan yang dibuat sepanjang elevasi berlawanan yang membuat empat lantai di atasnya tampaknya kantilever kedua, kali ini ke utara. Bagian utara panjang dan ketinggian selatan, pada 186 kaki hampir sama dengan ketinggian akhir bangunan, harus mengenakan panel aluminium, sedangkan timur pendek dan ketinggian barat akan terdiri dari dinding tirai kaca. Gulungan Exposed membuat guntingan lain dalam fasad barat di lantai sepuluh sampai tiga belas, sementara truss lain terpapar dalam reses dangkal di lantai keempat berbunyi sebagai raksasa "M", yang Ioannides catatan tidak hanya membuat struktur yang unik jelas, tetapi juga melayani sebagai merek halus dari bangunan dengan Miglin awal. Dumich menggambarkan proyeknya sebagai "seksi," dan sekali penunjukan itu tidak mungkin hanya menjadi hype. Di tengah tetangga seperti Gedung Charities klasik Katolik dan Wacker Hotel, Staybridge, ketika itu selesai awal tahun depan, terlihat memberikan LaSalle tenang tendangan kontemporer khas.

Baja Fabricator Baja Fabricator & EErector Pembina Proyek Ikhtisar Proyek Ikhtisar 815TonsofStructuralSteel 815 Ton Baja Struktural AApproximately 1.560 erectable potongan Sekitar 1.560 erectable potongan 115 gulungan 115 gulungan 100 100 Kolom Kolom 600 Braces, Balok Gerbang dan Diafragma 600 Braces, Balok Gerbang dan Diafragma 750 Precast Papan 750 Precast Papan

Fabrikasi Teknik Fabrikasi Teknik Standar Beam dan Kolom Sambungan Beam Standar dan Koneksi Kolom gulungan gulungan 7-44 meter 1500-9300 lbs masing-masing Nilai Reaksi Sangat Tinggi Teknik tantangan Standar balok untuk koneksi kolom Stabilitas Struktur Stabilitas Struktur Khas Beam dan Beam Kolom Khas sementara menguatkan dan bracing Kolom sementara Membangun box 35 sampai 65 kaki panjang berdiri sendiri kolom di bawah 35 sampai 65 kaki panjang berdiri sendirian di kolom bawah tingkat tingkat Sulit untuk menahan karena kendala situs Keselamatan Kekhawatiran Pengiriman ke jobsite Pengiriman ke jobsite Hanya dalam Waktu Pengiriman Hanya dalam Waktu Pengiriman Kedalaman gulungan Kedalaman gulungan 11 sampai 13 kaki lebar 11 sampai 13 kaki lebar Perkotaan Situs Situs Perkotaan Gedung shift Gedung shift 10 Melalui lantai 13 lantai 10 Through13 Gantungkan off baris Kolom A dan H (Frames 1 dan 8) Shoring Sementara W36x170 dengan bracing silang dan th diafragma th Supportsteelandprecastfrom10 to13 floorsfrom kolom jalur A ke B dan G untuk H Menggeser tidak stabil sampai pracetak tersebut grouted bersama diafragma Toko Majelis gulungan dan Toko Majelis gulungan dan Kolom Kolom Perkotaan proyek tanpa proyek lay-down dan Perkotaan cukup tanpa memadai lay-down dan perakitan daerah perakitan daerah Derek Ukuran Ukuran Derek Membantu derek (merakit kolom dengan gulungan

BARU Contemplating the design of its Staybridge Suites Hotel, Chicago developer Miglin Properties, LLC joint owner with Atlanta's Dellisart Lodging, LLC eyed
Contemplating the design of its Staybridge Suites Hotel, Chicago developer Miglin Properties, LLC joint owner with Atlanta's Dellisart Lodging, LLC eyed spacious rooms in a building worthy of the city's architectural legacy. An exhaustive design process led to a June 2007 groundbreaking for what would be Chicago's first staggered steel truss and prestressed hollow core project. The 17-story luxury hotel will comprise a structural steel system of 14 floors built over four cast-in-place concrete levels, including a parking garage and sky lobby. Since the use of a staggered-truss framing system allowed designers to arrange building masses creatively by incorporating cantilevered floors, a mid-section of the 186-ft.-tall structure will be slightly offset to produce the hotel's novel configuration. Adding further distinction, project principals note, are metal cladding on exterior lengthwise walls and a glazed-glass finish on outside surfaces spanning the building's width.

According to the American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, the staggered truss system is a new concept in structural steel framing for mid- or high-rise buildings. It consists of a series of story-high trusses staggered from floor to floor and spanning the entire building width between two rows of exterior columns. With columns only on exterior walls, the usual interior columns are omitted, providing a full-width, column-free area. Staybridge Suites, therefore, will feature 60-ft.-square spaces with no columns, while some open areas range to 60 _ 80 ft. Implemented with precast plank, the system incorporates a floor system that spans from the top chord of one truss to the bottom chord of the adjacent member. The floor thereby becomes a major framing component, serving as a diaphragm that transfers lateral shears from one column line to another; thus, though the trusses lie in two parallel planes, the structure performs as a single braced frame. Overall, benefits of the composite system include minimal bending moments (from gravity and wind loads) in the columns; more open areas for design freedom; semi-finished floor and ceiling in one operation; reduced foundational loads due to fewer structural members and, in this case, hollowcore plank; plus, faster erection with all-weather construction.

As economy in labor and materials is a prime consideration for any commercial venture even a luxury hotel staggered truss steel framing with hollowcore plank affords the advantage of mass production of uniform components. Only one type of truss was required for the project, among a total of 815 tons of structural steel supplied by K&K Iron Works, McCook, Ill. The fabricator delivered 115 trusses, 100 columns, and 600 braces, spandrel beams and diaphragms. ATMI Precast of Aurora, Ill., shipped over 1,000 prestressed hollowcore plank, typically 4-ft. _ 30-in. or 4-ft.-square. Ready mixed for the cast-in-place parking garage and hotel entrance was supplied by Bridgeview, Ill.-based Prairie Material Sales, Inc. Jeff Rodgers of general contractor Walsh Construction Co., Chicago, reports that approximately 4,000 yd. were required for the building's first four levels, plus columns and shear walls. Three Saturdays and one Sunday were devoted to site preparation before mid-week pours could take place. Coordinating installation during the cast-in-place phase, he adds, involved placement of anchor bolts and setting plates, timing erection with formwork, establishing temporary bracing, and determining rebar/post-tensioning/formwork/steel interactions. Aligned composite columns, i.e., steel columns encased in concrete, were deemed best suited to the project's structural demands. With the progression to higher levels, crane selection and traffic circulation affecting steel and precast plank delivery became crucial. Accordingly, a single Liebherr 316 crane for both plank and steel placement, as well as a staging area along the site's northern perimeter, facilitated truck unloading and erection of structural components. Coordination of

cycles for delivery and setting of steel and precast members enabled builders to erect steel on one side, east or west, as precast was set on the opposite side at a lower level. Grouting was performed only after installation of the floor above; and, a three-floor safety zone was established for all follow-up trades. At the 10th to 13th stories, where cantilevered floors are offset by 7 ft. 6 in., the plank arrangement provided space at the edge of a unit for inset trusses. There, diaphragms had to be fully grouted to ensure stability. Maximizing economies of scale, offset floors used the same trusses, merely designed in reverse. Trusses ranged in length from seven to 44 feet and weighed from 1,500 to 9,300 lb. each. Setting hollowcore plank on a staggered-truss frame provided flooring without the need for a structural topping or finish. ATMI's fabrication process using extruded, zero-slump concrete yielded precast plank sufficiently smooth to require only a thin latex veneer before laying of carpet in most areas

Merenungkan desain nya Staybridge Suites Hotel, Chicago pengembang Miglin Properties, LLC pemilik bersama dengan Penginapan Dellisart Atlanta, LLC bermata Merenungkan desain nya Staybridge Suites Hotel, pengembang Chicago Miglin Properties, LLC pemilik bersama dengan Penginapan Dellisart Atlanta, LLC kamar yang luas bermata di sebuah bangunan warisan arsitektur layak kota. Sebuah proses desain lengkap menyebabkan terobosan Juni 2007 untuk apa yang akan menjadi yang pertama baja Chicago truss terhuyung-huyung dan proyek inti pratekan hollow. The hotel mewah 17 lantai akan terdiri dari sebuah sistem struktur baja dari 14 lantai yang dibangun selama empat cast-in-place tingkat beton, termasuk garasi parkir dan lobi langit. Karena penggunaan sistem framing terhuyung-truss memungkinkan desainer untuk mengatur massa bangunan kreatif dengan memasukkan kantilever lantai, pertengahanbagian struktur 186-ft-tinggi akan sedikit offset untuk menghasilkan konfigurasi baru hotel. Menambahkan perbedaan lebih lanjut, kepala proyek dicatat, adalah logam cladding pada eksterior memanjang dinding dan menyelesaikan mengkilap-kaca pada permukaan luar rentang lebar bangunan. RENCANA Pengejutan Menurut American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, sistem truss terhuyung adalah sebuah konsep baru dalam struktur baja framing untuk bangunan menengah atau bertingkat tinggi. Ini terdiri dari serangkaian cerita-tinggi gulungan terhuyung-huyung dari lantai ke lantai dan mencakup lebar seluruh bangunan antara dua baris kolom eksterior. Dengan kolom hanya pada dinding eksterior, kolom interior biasanya dihilangkan, menyediakan penuh-lebar, kolomdaerah bebas. Staybridge Suites, oleh karena itu, akan menampilkan 60-ft-persegi ruang tanpa kolom, sementara beberapa daerah terbuka berkisar 80 sampai 60 _ ft Diimplementasikan dengan papan pracetak, sistem tersebut mencakup sistem lantai yang membentang dari akord atas satu truss ke akord bawah anggota yang berdekatan. Lantai sehingga menjadi komponen framing utama, melayani sebagai diafragma yang mentransfer gunting lateral dari satu baris kolom yang lain, dengan demikian, meskipun gulungan terletak pada dua bidang sejajar, struktur melakukan sebagai bingkai bersiap tunggal. Secara keseluruhan, manfaat dari sistem komposit termasuk momen lentur minimal (dari gravitasi dan beban angin) di kolom, daerah yang lebih terbuka untuk kebebasan desain, setengah jadi lantai dan langit-langit dalam satu operasi, beban dasar berkurang karena anggota struktural lebih sedikit dan, dalam kasus ini, hollowcore papan, ditambah, ereksi lebih cepat dengan semua cuaca konstruksi.

MENGAMANKAN STAYBRIDGE Sebagai ekonomi tenaga kerja dan bahan adalah pertimbangan utama bagi setiap usaha komersial bahkan hotel mewah truss framing baja terhuyung dengan plank hollowcore affords keuntungan dari produksi massal komponen seragam. Hanya satu jenis truss yang diperlukan untuk proyek tersebut, antara total 815 ton baja struktural disediakan oleh K & K Iron Works, McCook, Illinois The fabricator disampaikan 115 gulungan, 100 kolom, dan 600 kawat gigi, balok gerbang dan diafragma. ATMI Precast dari Aurora, Illinois, dikirim lebih dari 1.000 papan hollowcore pratekan, biasanya 4-ft. _ 30-in. atau 4-ft-persegi. Siap campuran untuk garasi parkir cor-in-tempat dan pintu masuk hotel itu dipasok oleh Bridgeview, Illinois Penjualan Prairie berbasis Bahan, Inc Jeff Rodgers dari kontraktor umum Walsh Construction Co, Chicago, melaporkan bahwa sekitar 4.000 yd. yang diperlukan untuk pertama bangunan empat tingkat, ditambah kolom dan dinding geser. Tiga hari Sabtu dan suatu hari Minggu yang dikhususkan untuk persiapan lokasi sebelum pertengahan minggu menuangkan bisa terjadi. Koordinasi instalasi selama fase cor-di-tempat, ia menambahkan, penempatan yang terlibat baut jangkar dan piring pengaturan, waktu ereksi dengan bekisting, mendirikan bracing sementara, dan menentukan pasar ini / post-tensioning / bekisting / baja interaksi. Kolom komposit Blok, yaitu, kolom baja terbungkus beton, yang dianggap paling cocok untuk tuntutan struktural proyek. Dengan perkembangan ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi, pemilihan crane dan sirkulasi yang mempengaruhi baja dan pengiriman papan pracetak menjadi penting. Dengan demikian, crane Liebherr tunggal 316 untuk kedua papan dan penempatan baja, serta daerah pementasan sepanjang batas utara situs, memfasilitasi truk bongkar dan pemasangan komponen struktural. Koordinasi siklus untuk pengiriman dan pengaturan anggota baja dan precast memungkinkan pembangun untuk mendirikan baja di satu sisi, timur atau barat, seperti pracetak didirikan pada sisi yang berlawanan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah. Grouting dilakukan hanya setelah instalasi lantai atas, dan, zona aman tiga lantai didirikan untuk semua tindak lanjut perdagangan. Pada 10 sampai 13 cerita, di mana kantilever lantai yang diimbangi oleh 7 ft 6 in, penataan papan menyediakan ruang di tepi unit untuk gulungan inset. Di sana, diafragma harus sepenuhnya grouted untuk memastikan stabilitas. Memaksimalkan skala ekonomi, lantai mengimbangi menggunakan gulungan yang sama, hanya dirancang secara terbalik. Gulungan berkisar panjang dari tujuh sampai 44 kaki dan beratnya dari 1.500 sampai 9.300 masingmasing. Mengatur papan hollowcore pada bingkai terhuyung-truss disediakan lantai tanpa perlu untuk topping struktural atau selesai. Proses fabrikasi ATMI menggunakan diekstrusi, nolkemerosotan beton pracetak yang dihasilkan plank cukup halus untuk hanya memerlukan veneer lateks tipis sebelum peletakan karpet di sebagian besar wilayah New! Click the words above to edit and view alternate translations. Dismiss Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder BARU

Staggered steel truss framing system transforms Chicago hotel

A developer builds a 17-story hotel using a staggered steel truss framing systema first for Chicago. By Jay W. Schneider, Senior Editor August 11, 2010
Early in 2002, Craig McNay was having lunch with his old friend Bill Gerdes, a steel fabricator from Quincy, Ill., when he mentioned that he was serving as the owner's rep for a Miglin Properties project in Chicago's River North neighborhood. McNay, chairman and CEO of Chicago's CMC Organization, told Gerdes that his new project, a 209-room hotel for the Staybridge Suites brand, would most likely utilize concrete construction. Everything being thrown up in Chicago was concrete, says McNay. Miglin was looking for something new and a little different that would stand out in the city. For several hours the two friends discussed various construction methods, and by the end of the lunch, Gerdes had persuaded McNay to seriously consider steel construction, using a staggered truss framing system. Later, Gerdes brought McNay to the American Institute of Steel Construction's Chicago headquarters for a quick tutorial at the AISC's Steel Solutions Center. The fundamentals of staggered steel truss frame constructiona method never before used in Chicagoinvolve a series of floor-height trusses (nine-feet, three-inches for this project) erected in a staggered pattern that span the width between two exterior columns and act as a cantilever beam when subjected to lateral loads. The system's major advantage is speed of construction: the trusses are fabricated offsite and arrive ready to erect in any weather. They're also lightweight, which reduces the amount of foundation work necessary for a project. And they can be used in conjunction with concrete plank flooring, so the hotel would get both a semi-finished floor and ceiling in one installation. Finally, the system offered design flexibility and open floor plates, thanks to a significant reduction in interior columns. Those advantages were enough to overcome any hesitation Miglin Properties might have had about being the first developer in Chicago to utilize the system. The AISC introduced McNay to Structural Affiliates International, a Nashville-based structural engineering firm with considerable experience working with staggered steel truss systems. The association also hosted a training seminar to explain the system to all contractors bidding on the project. Structural Affiliates International joined the Building Team in spring 2002, well before an architect was hired. The owner wanted this to be a unique project, and I knew once we picked an architect, everything would fall into place, recalls McNay. The developer's short list of architects was finally winnowed down to Valerio Dewalt Train Associates, a Chicagobased firm, which joined the project in early 2003. Their first task: figure out what the staggered truss system could do. It's the first building we did with a staggered truss system, says David Jennerjahn, principal at Valerio Dewalt Train. We had this basic system, and we wanted to be creative with it while still being structurally responsible. Structural Affiliates International helped demystify the system, working closely with the architects on basic design parameters, budgeting, and efficiencies (they wound up specifying 115 trusses, totaling 815 tons of structural steel). At first it seemed exotic, but it really isn't, says Jennerjahn. It's simply a different way of thinking how a structure goes together.

During the design phase, the architects approached Structural Affiliates International about the possibility of a cantilevered truss system. The structural engineer was very intrigued, says Jennerjahn. No one had asked him that before. Initially, the architects wanted to create two separate cantilevers, but load limitations bound them to just one, so they created a 17-story high-rise (with a four-story poured-in-place concrete garage base) whose south faade juts out seven feet, six inches on floors nine through 13. The resulting offset on the north faade creates the illusion of a cantilever on floors 14-17. The cantilevered design is a direct result of the staggered truss system, says Jennerjahn. Some of the steel trusses were left exposed, reminiscent of Chicago's SOM-designed John Hancock Center and the city's many historic bridges. We wanted to celebrate the structure instead of having this unique system buried inside the building, says Matthew Dumich, project architect at Valerio Dewalt Train. We wanted it to be part of the design, an expression of the building. Further enhancing the building's muscular structural design is its metal skin; when the project is completed this fall, the north and south faades will be sheathed in lightweight insulated aluminum composite panels, while the east and west faades will be glazed. It's so different from its neighboring painted concrete condo buildings, says Dumich. Which is exactly what Miglin Properties wanted.

Baja truss sistem framing Terhuyung mengubah Chicago Hotel Seorang pengembang membangun sebuah hotel 17 lantai dengan menggunakan rangka baja terhuyung membingkai sistem-yang pertama bagi Chicago. Oleh Jay W. Schneider, Editor Senior 11 Agustus 2010 Awal tahun 2002, Craig McNay sedang makan siang dengan teman lama Bill nya Gerdes, FABRICATOR baja dari Quincy, Illinois, ketika ia menyebutkan bahwa ia menjabat sebagai rep pemilik untuk proyek Properti Miglin di Chicago kawasan North River. McNay, ketua dan CEO dari Organisasi CMC Chicago, mengatakan bahwa proyek Gerdes barunya, sebuah hotel 209 kamar untuk merek Staybridge Suites, kemungkinan besar akan menggunakan konstruksi beton. "Semuanya yang dilemparkan di Chicago adalah beton," kata McNay. "Miglin sedang mencari sesuatu yang baru dan sedikit berbeda yang akan menonjol di kota." Selama beberapa jam dua teman dibahas metode berbagai konstruksi, dan pada akhir makan siang, Gerdes telah membujuk McNay untuk secara serius mempertimbangkan konstruksi baja, menggunakan sistem truss framing terhuyung-huyung. Kemudian, Gerdes dibawa McNay ke American Institute of Chicago markas Konstruksi Baja untuk tutorial cepat di Pusat Solusi Steel AISC itu. Dasar-dasar dari frame rangka baja konstruksi terhuyung-metode yang belum pernah digunakan di Chicago-melibatkan serangkaian lantai-tinggi gulungan (sembilan-kaki, tiga inci untuk proyek ini) didirikan dalam pola terhuyung-huyung yang menjangkau lebar antara dua kolom eksterior dan bertindak sebagai balok kantilever ketika mengalami beban lateral. Keuntungan utama sistem adalah kecepatan konstruksi: gulungan yang dibuat offsite dan tiba siap untuk mendirikan dalam cuaca apapun. Mereka juga ringan, yang mengurangi jumlah pekerjaan dasar yang diperlukan untuk proyek. Dan mereka dapat digunakan

bersama dengan lantai papan beton, sehingga hotel akan mendapatkan kedua lantai setengah jadi dan langit-langit di satu instalasi. Akhirnya, sistem menawarkan fleksibilitas desain dan pelat lantai terbuka, berkat penurunan yang signifikan dalam kolom interior. Mereka keuntungan yang cukup untuk mengatasi keraguan Miglin Properti mungkin punya tentang menjadi pengembang pertama di Chicago untuk memanfaatkan sistem. AISC memperkenalkan McNay ke International Afiliasi Struktural, sebuah perusahaan rekayasa Nashville berbasis struktural dengan pengalaman yang cukup bekerja dengan sistem rangka baja terhuyung-huyung. Asosiasi ini juga menyelenggarakan seminar pelatihan untuk menjelaskan sistem untuk semua kontraktor penawaran pada proyek. Afiliasi Internasional Struktural bergabung dengan Team Building pada musim semi 2002, baik sebelum arsitek dipekerjakan. "Pemilik ingin ini menjadi sebuah proyek yang unik, dan aku tahu sekali kita memilih seorang arsitek, semuanya akan jatuh ke tempatnya," kenang McNay. Daftar singkat pengembang arsitek akhirnya menanam ke Valerio Kereta Dewalt Associates, sebuah perusahaan yang berbasis di Chicago, yang bergabung dengan proyek ini pada awal 2003. Tugas pertama mereka: mencari tahu apa sistem truss terhuyung bisa dilakukan. "Ini adalah bangunan pertama yang kita lakukan dengan sistem truss terhuyung-huyung," kata David Jennerjahn, kepala sekolah di Kereta Dewalt Valerio. "Kami punya sistem dasar, dan kami ingin menjadi kreatif dengan itu sementara masih struktural bertanggung jawab." Afiliasi Internasional Struktural membantu mengungkap sistem, bekerja sama dengan arsitek pada parameter desain dasar, penganggaran, dan efisiensi (mereka akhirnya menetapkan 115 gulungan, sebanyak 815 ton baja struktural). "Pada awalnya tampak eksotis, tapi sebenarnya tidak," kata Jennerjahn. "Ini hanyalah sebuah cara berpikir yang berbeda bagaimana struktur pergi bersama-sama." Selama tahap desain, arsitek mendekati Afiliasi Struktural Internasional tentang kemungkinan sistem truss kantilever. "Para insinyur struktur sangat tertarik," kata Jennerjahn. "Tidak ada yang memintanya itu sebelumnya." Awalnya, para arsitek ingin menciptakan dua cantilevers terpisah, namun keterbatasan beban mengikat mereka hanya satu, sehingga mereka menciptakan 17 lantai bertingkat tinggi (dengan empat cerita-dituangkan-di-tempat dasar beton garasi) yang faade selatan juts tujuh kaki, enam inci di lantai sembilan sampai 13. Offset yang dihasilkan pada faade utara menciptakan ilusi kantilever di lantai 14-17. "Desain kantilever merupakan akibat langsung dari sistem truss terhuyung-huyung," kata Jennerjahn. Beberapa gulungan baja dibiarkan terbuka, mengingatkan SOM dirancang Hancock Chicago John Center dan jembatan banyak kota bersejarah. "Kami ingin merayakan struktur daripada memiliki sistem unik terkubur di dalam gedung," kata Matthew Dumich, proyek arsitek di Kereta Dewalt Valerio. "Kami ingin menjadi bagian dari desain, ekspresi bangunan." Selanjutnya meningkatkan desain otot struktur bangunan adalah kulit logam, ketika proyek

selesai musim gugur ini, bagian depan gedung utara dan selatan akan dilapisi ringan panel aluminium komposit terisolasi, sedangkan timur dan barat fasad akan mengkilap. "Ini sangat berbeda dari bangunan tetangganya beton dicat kondominium," kata Dumich. Yang persis apa Miglin Properti inginkan. New! Click the words above to edit and view alternate translations. Dismiss Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder Building success with the staggered truss Structural fabricators take on a growing architectural market By Tim Heston June 17, 2008 Developed during the 1960s by MIT graduate students, the staggered-truss system avoids the use of interior columns to transfer loads to the foundation; instead, trusses themselves carry the brunt of the load transfers. More than anything, the steel design method has potential to take various hotel, condo, and office-building projects away from other construction materials, like concrete, and that's certainly good news for structural steel fabricators everywhere. Staybridge suites chicago Click on image to view largerStaybridge Suites in downtown Chicago, slated for completion later this year, has a staggered-truss design that eliminates the need for interior columns. Digital rendering courtesy of Valerio Dewalt Train, Architect, Chicago. These days Tabitha Stine could call herself a veteran road warrior. The director of technical marketing at the American Institute of Steel Construction, which works on building projects with the Steel Solutions Center in Chicago, has chalked up a lot of miles driving from site to site, promoting steel as a material of choice for commercial and industrial construction. Today she's dealing with more than just the regular lineup of structural steel projects. She's also consulting with architects, engineers, structural fabricators, and erectors about a kind of steel construction that for the past few years has experienced a quiet resurgence in commercial real estate: the staggered-truss system. Staggered-truss Basics Staybridge suites construction Figure 1 Click image to view larger A current staggered-truss project, Staybridge Suites in downtown Chicago, shows how trusses stagger every other floor, between column lines. Photo courtesy of K&K Iron Works, McCook, Ill. Developed during the 1960s by MIT graduate students, the staggered-truss system avoids the use of interior columns to transfer loads to the foundation; instead, trusses themselves carry the brunt of the load transfers. The system consists of story-high trusses that span the

width of the structure and are staggered every other column line (seeFigures 1 and 2). Lateral loads are transferred from trusses on one floor to the plank, then to the truss below over on the next column line, then to the plank, essentially zigzagging their way to ground level. For structures up to 25 to 30 stories, these staggered trusses generally take both the lateral and vertical loads. Structures above this threshold usually require the building to have exterior moment frames, braced frames at interior stair towers or elevator cores, shear walls, or other elements to take the lateral loads. The design gives architects and owners flexibility. A room of offices could be transformed into a large conference space with little difficulty; no interior support columns get in the way. The method also speeds construction because there are fewer pieces to pick and place, and because the structure relies primarily on steel and precast material. As long as on-site workers can handle the weather conditions safely, erection can continueno concrete pouring to worry about. The plank typically is grouted at the seams, and a small leveling compound may be used, but no structural topping is required. From the structural fabricator's standpoint, staggered-truss work doesn't differ too greatly from other truss work, except it brings more repetition and a greater volume of trusses. Certain trusses may mirror others, and truss design may alter slightly from floor to floor, but those changes don't require anything drastic. Usually it involves building one jig, after which fabrication can commence uninterrupted, building the same truss over and over. "All the trusses are the same," Stine explained. "This means fabricators can start shipping pieces to the job site without a lot of extra coordination that normally accompanies a job with the complexities of construction sequencing." It transfers more fabrication to the shop floor, less on the job site. In turn, it greatly streamlines erection, because it involves picking and placing fewer pieces. If a job has a sufficient footprint (and most greenfield sites do), a fabricator would use the laydown yard to place pieces consisting of a truss connected to two-story exterior columns; the erector would lift both the truss and columns at once. The fewer picks a crane can safely make, the better. "We have some 12-story jobs out west [in which] all steel and planks were up in 19 days," Stine said. According to sources, staggered-truss erection does take careful planning and close communication among the general contractor, fabricator, erector, precast concrete plank supplier, and others. Although the building exhibits solid support when finished, additional supports must be in place to keep the structure stable during construction. More than anything, steel staggered trusses have potential to take various hotel, condo, and office-building projects away from other construction materials, like concrete, and that's certainly good news for structural steel fabricators everywhere. Pushing the Limits of the Staggered Truss Truss chord staybridge suites Figure 3

Click image to view largerWelders at K&K Iron Works fabricate a truss chord for the Staybridge Suites project. Photo courtesy of K&K Iron Works, McCook, Ill. Scott Robbins keeps busy these days. Among other projects, he's been overseeing the fabrication and erection of the Staybridge Suites Chicago. By any measure, this is not your standard staggered-truss job. Most staggered-truss buildings are simple rectangles, but not the Staybridge (seelead image). Robbins, project manager at K&K Iron Works, McCook, Ill., had the challenge of working on a building that pushes staggered trusses' flexibility, in a location without room to lay down materials. Like with all staggered trusses, fabrication remained relatively straightforward. K&K set up the initial jigs, then fabricated trusses to the design, cutting the 8-inch-square I beam with band saws. Top and bottom chords are preassembled, gussets prewelded, then the web members are placed in and welded (see Figures 3 and 4). It's more labor-intensive than mechanized beam-and-column work, but it requires much less on-site welding and assembly than alternative methods. In the structural world, more in-shop fabrication is a good thing. It never rains on the fab shop floor. The Staybridge Suites is what Stine calls a "signature" staggered-truss building, one that shows how flexible the method has become, with a block of middle floors cantilevering out over the street. "This is the farthest it's ever been pushed," she said. But architects and engineers have found a way to make this cantilevered structural challenge a success, transferring the load in the cantilevered sections through trusses and floor planks, and, ultimately, to the foundation below. The key is the way the trusses handle those loads: from top chord, through diagonal web members, to the plank, and on to the truss below. In place, the truss's top-chord beams experience the most loads, so the engineer, fabricator, erector, and outside inspectors worked together to prevent web crippling within the trusses themselves. "For this job, the connections got heavy," Robbins said, adding that the erection team installed -in. gusset plates to ensure sufficient support. Erectors placed studs on the inside of the flange, filled the void with grout, then set the plank on top. By staggered-truss standards, the Staybridge had an extensive timeline. The project, which began in November, was at this writing scheduled to be complete later this year. Typical of urban erection, trucks deliver those trusses just-in-time, pulling up to the site on a lane closed off to general traffic. The fabricator uses five trucks in all; some carry left-side trusses, others carry ones for the right side, and the remaining haul columns and in-fill pieces. The cranes pick the columns and trusses individually, directly from the trucks (see Figures 5 and 6). Because of the job's extremely limited urban footprint, the crane has to lift and place the perimeter columns and trusses separately, with the truss being carefully slid into place between a pair of two-story columns. Also, ensuring adequate support of the cantilevered floors takes a great deal of planning. The winter weather didn't cooperate either. "We had a lot more snow and ice this year than we've had in a long time," Stine said, "but the job proceeded. We weren't limited by pouring concreteeven on the planks. There is no structural topping on the planks. They're highend, what we refer to as 'carpet-ready.'" Such carpet-ready plank has been critical to the

success of staggered-truss jobs in recent years, she added. Topping plank can produce heavier foundation loads, an increased floor-to-floor height, and more on-site work. Still, according to sources, if it weren't for the staggered-truss design, the project would be slated for completion at a much later date. For the most part, erection continued through a seriously cold, snowy winter. A Competitive Advantage K & K Ironworks erector staybridge Figure 5 Click image to view largerK&K Iron Works, which is the fabricator and erector on the Staybridge Suites project, picks a truss directly off the delivery truck. The urban site has no laydown yard for fabricated material. Photo courtesy of K&K Iron Works, McCook, Ill. Sid Blaauw, sales manager for Steel Fabricators LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., toured the Staybridge site one February morning during an AISC event promoting the steel building methodology. Work stoppages from cold aren't a concern for the South Florida fabricator, of course, but increasing market share is. Blaauw said the company hasn't landed a staggered-truss job yet, but at this writing Steel Fabricators had several possible jobs out for bid. In the long run, he said, the company hopes staggered truss will give his firm a competitive advantage. Steel Fabricators' principal competition isn't other steel fabricators; it is concrete, something that has remained a building material of choice for Florida contractors. Steel Fabricators hopes to change that. The bottom line, "Steel is less expensive and less labor-intensive," Blaauw said. On the surface, structural steel may not seem that much of a bargain compared to its concrete counterpart. However, Blaauw said, the staggered-truss framing system is actually lighter per square foot than a freestanding steel frame, and both systems are considerably lighter than a concrete structure. Overall, Blaauw said, he sees staggered truss's speedy erection as the method's biggest selling point and greatest money-saver. The faster a building goes up, the sooner the owner can start renting space and generating revenue. More Trusses, More Jobs Truss staybridge suites chicago Figure 6 Click image to view A truss on the Staybridge Suites project is fished between two columns. Photo courtesy of K&K Iron Works, McCook, Ill. Littell Steel has built a business on trusses, and, said Sales Manager Robert Thaw, the proliferation of staggered truss may mean more work for the company's niche. Unlike many structural steel fabricators around the Pittsburgh metro area, the New Brighton, Pa.-based company doesn't have automated beam lines, so they can't churn out high-volume beam-and-column work. What they can do, though, is deliver complex trusses on demand.

"There's a certain skill that comes with trusses that makes it different from standard beamand-column work," he said. "A beam that is born in the morning is a fabricated piece by that afternoon." Large, specialty trusses may take days to fabricate, and they require immense floor space. A structural fabricator with highly mechanized equipment might need only about 80,000 square feet of floor space. Littell, a 50-employee shop, has 150,000. Tackling staggered-truss work is a natural extension of the business, Thaw said, and it has distinct advantages. Staggered-truss fabrication is straightforward, with all trusses either being identical or of very similar sizes. This also simplifies delivery requirements. With only a few different "parts," so to speak, delivery is easy to coordinate. The shop also finishes more fabrication on the floor, so the crane picks fewer pieces on-site. This doesn't mean snags never happen. Thaw conceded that because steel erection happens fast, if any one party drops the ball, problems can snowball. "The rude awakening about staggered truss is the erection," he said. For instance, Littell recently completed work near downtown Pittsburgh on the Hampton Inna standard, rectangle staggered-truss building. The entire job required about 40 trusses, all in the 70-foot range. That was simple enough for Littell's fab shop, but at the job site supervisors found an error with delivered planks. "The design called for a welded plate at each end of the planks" to provide additional support during erection, Thaw explained. "The first three levels of plank came with only one weld plate on each side. So as we were at the line of scrimmage, as we started to erect, we had to re-engineer how to stabilize the building as we were erecting it." Ultimately, the erection team, subcontracted by Littell, had to integrate additional struts and cabling to keep the truss chords fixed so they could handle vertical loads during the erection process. The lesson? As Thaw put it, fabrication may be simplified, but the fast-moving erection process requires the involved parties to be on the same page at all times. Thaw summed up staggered-truss jobs this way: "It may have 10 positives and six negatives; at the end of the day, you're still at plus four." Steel Construction's Horizon Stine said that AISC's Steel Solutions Center has seen more staggered-truss projects during the past two years than ever before. "In the last two years, we have looked at nearly 30 of them in the conceptual phase in all locations across the country." It's by no means the dominant method in steel construction, she added, but more are becoming aware of its benefits. Considering a slowing economy and the rise of raw material prices, the staggered-truss system's popularity at first doesn't add up, until you consider what's being built: hotels. With the credit crunch, condo construction has slowed dramatically, but the falling dollar has made touring the U.S. a bargain, and hoteliers are cashing in, Stine explained. For many of those jobs, staggered truss, offering owners and architects flexibility and design creativity, has stepped up to the plateand more structural steel fabricators are ready to take a swing.

Membangun sukses dengan truss terhuyung-huyung Perakit Struktural mengambil pasar arsitektur berkembang Oleh Tim Heston 17 Juni 2008 Dikembangkan pada 1960-an oleh mahasiswa lulusan MIT, sistem terhuyung-truss menghindari penggunaan kolom interior untuk mentransfer beban ke yayasan, melainkan, gulungan sendiri membawa beban transfer beban. Lebih dari apa pun, metode desain baja memiliki potensi untuk mengambil berbagai hotel, kondominium, dan kantor-bangunan proyek jauh dari bahan bangunan lainnya, seperti beton, dan itu tentu kabar baik bagi perakit baja struktural di mana-mana. Staybridge suite chicago Klik pada gambar untuk melihat Suites largerStaybridge di pusat kota Chicago, dijadwalkan selesai akhir tahun ini, memiliki desain terhuyung-truss yang menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk kolom interior. Render digital milik Valerio Dewalt Kereta, Arsitek, Chicago. Hari-hari ini Tabitha Stine bisa menyebut dirinya jalan prajurit veteran. Direktur pemasaran teknis di American Institute of Steel Construction, yang bekerja pada proyek-proyek pembangunan dengan Baja Solutions Center di Chicago, telah menorehkan banyak mil mengemudi dari situs ke situs, mempromosikan baja sebagai bahan pilihan untuk komersial dan industri konstruksi. Hari ini dia berhadapan dengan lebih dari sekadar lineup reguler proyek baja struktural. Dia juga berkonsultasi dengan arsitek, insinyur, perakit struktural, dan erectors tentang jenis konstruksi baja yang selama beberapa tahun terakhir telah mengalami kebangkitan tenang di real estat komersial: sistem terhuyung-truss. Terhuyung-truss Dasar Staybridge suite konstruksi Gambar 1 Klik gambar untuk melihat lebih besar A saat terhuyung-truss proyek, Staybridge suite di pusat kota Chicago, menunjukkan bagaimana gulungan sempoyongan setiap lantai lainnya, antara garis kolom. Foto milik K & K Iron Works, McCook, Illinois Dikembangkan pada 1960-an oleh mahasiswa lulusan MIT, sistem terhuyung-truss menghindari penggunaan kolom interior untuk mentransfer beban ke yayasan, melainkan, gulungan sendiri membawa beban transfer beban. Sistem ini terdiri dari cerita-tinggi gulungan yang rentang lebar struktur dan terhuyung setiap baris kolom lain (seeFigures 1 dan 2). Beban lateral yang ditransfer dari gulungan pada satu lantai ke papan, kemudian ke bawah truss atas pada garis kolom berikutnya, kemudian ke papan, pada dasarnya zig-zag jalan mereka ke permukaan tanah. Untuk struktur hingga 25 sampai 30 cerita, ini gulungan terhuyung umumnya mengambil kedua beban lateral dan vertikal. Struktur di atas ambang batas ini biasanya membutuhkan bangunan untuk memiliki frame saat eksterior, frame

diikat pada menara tangga interior atau inti lift, dinding geser, atau unsur-unsur lain untuk mengambil beban lateral. Desain memberikan arsitek dan fleksibilitas pemilik. Sebuah ruang kantor bisa berubah menjadi ruang konferensi besar dengan sedikit kesulitan, tidak ada kolom dukungan interior mendapatkan di jalan. Metode ini juga mempercepat pembangunan karena ada potongan sedikit untuk memilih dan menempatkan, dan karena struktur bergantung terutama pada baja dan bahan pracetak. Selama di tempat pekerja dapat menangani kondisi cuaca aman, ereksi dapat terus-ada beton menuangkan perlu khawatir. Papan biasanya adalah grouted di jahitannya, dan aci kecil dapat digunakan, tetapi tidak ada struktur topping diperlukan. Dari sudut pandang FABRICATOR struktural itu, terhuyung-truss kerja tidak berbeda terlalu jauh dari pekerjaan truss lainnya, kecuali ia membawa pengulangan lebih dan volume yang lebih besar dari gulungan. Gulungan tertentu mungkin cermin orang lain, dan desain truss dapat mengubah sedikit dari lantai ke lantai, namun perubahan tidak memerlukan sesuatu yang drastis. Biasanya melibatkan membangun satu jig, setelah fabrikasi dapat dimulai tanpa gangguan, membangun truss sama berulang-ulang. "Semua gulungan yang sama," jelas Stine. "Ini berarti perakit dapat memulai potongan pengiriman ke tempat kerja tanpa banyak koordinasi ekstra yang biasanya menyertai pekerjaan dengan kompleksitas sekuensing konstruksi." Ini transfer fabrikasi lebih ke lantai toko, kurang di tempat kerja. Pada gilirannya, hal itu sangat arus ereksi, karena melibatkan memilih dan menempatkan potongan sedikit. Jika pekerjaan memiliki jejak yang cukup (dan situs greenfield kebanyakan), fabricator akan menggunakan halaman laydown untuk menempatkan potongan terdiri dari truss terhubung ke dua-cerita kolom eksterior, erector akan angkat kedua truss dan kolom sekaligus. Semakin sedikit mengambil derek dengan aman dapat membuat, semakin baik. "Kami memiliki beberapa pekerjaan 12 lantai ke barat [yang] semua baja dan papan naik dalam 19 hari," kata Stine. Menurut sumber, terhuyung-truss ereksi tidak mengambil perencanaan yang matang dan komunikasi yang erat antara kontraktor umum, pabrikator, erector, pemasok pracetak papan beton, dan lain-lain. Meskipun bangunan menunjukkan dukungan yang solid ketika selesai, dukungan tambahan harus berada di tempat untuk menjaga struktur stabil selama konstruksi. Lebih dari segalanya, baja gulungan terhuyung memiliki potensi untuk mengambil berbagai hotel, kondominium, dan kantor-bangunan proyek jauh dari bahan bangunan lainnya, seperti beton, dan itu tentu kabar baik bagi perakit baja struktural di mana-mana. Mendorong Batas dari Truss Terhuyung Truss chord staybridge suite Gambar 3 Klik gambar untuk melihat largerWelders di K & K Iron Works mengarang chord truss untuk proyek Suites Staybridge. Foto milik K & K Iron Works, McCook, Illinois Scott Robbins terus sibuk hari ini. Di antara proyek-proyek lain, dia telah mengawasi

pembuatan dan pemasangan Staybridge Suites Chicago. Dengan ukuran apa pun, ini tidak standar Anda terhuyung-truss pekerjaan. Kebanyakan terhuyung-truss bangunan persegi panjang yang sederhana, namun tidak Staybridge (seelead gambar). Robbins, manajer proyek di K & K Iron Works, McCook, Illinois, memiliki tantangan bekerja pada sebuah gedung yang mendorong fleksibilitas gulungan terhuyung-huyung ', di lokasi tanpa ruang untuk meletakkan bahan. Seperti dengan semua gulungan terhuyung-huyung, fabrikasi tetap relatif mudah. K & K mendirikan jig awal, gulungan kemudian dibuat untuk desain, memotong balok 8-inch-square I dengan gergaji band. Akord atas dan bawah yang preassembled, gussets prewelded, maka anggota web ditempatkan dalam dan dilas (lihat Gambar 3 dan 4). Ini lebih padat karya dibandingkan mekanik balok-dan-kolom kerja, tetapi membutuhkan jauh lebih sedikit di tempat pengelasan dan perakitan daripada metode alternatif. Dalam dunia struktural, lebih-toko fabrikasi adalah hal yang baik. Tidak pernah hujan di lantai toko fab. The Suites Staybridge adalah apa Stine sebut sebagai "tanda tangan" terhuyung-truss bangunan, yang menunjukkan seberapa fleksibel metode telah menjadi, dengan blok lantai tengah cantilevering di atas jalan. "Ini adalah yang terjauh itu pernah didorong," katanya. Tapi arsitek dan insinyur telah menemukan cara untuk membuat tantangan struktural cantilevered sukses, mentransfer beban di bagian kantilever melalui gulungan dan papan lantai, dan, akhirnya, ke yayasan di bawah ini. Kuncinya adalah cara gulungan menangani mereka beban: dari chord atas, melalui anggota diagonal, untuk papan, dan ke bawah truss. Di tempat, top-chord truss ini balok mengalami beban yang paling, sehingga insinyur, pabrikator, erector, dan inspektur luar bekerja sama untuk mencegah web melumpuhkan dalam gulungan sendiri. "Untuk pekerjaan ini, koneksi mendapat berat," kata Robbins, menambahkan bahwa tim ereksi dipasang -in. buhul piring untuk memastikan dukungan yang cukup. Erectors ditempatkan kancing di bagian dalam flange, mengisi kekosongan dengan nat, kemudian mengatur papan di atas. Dengan terhuyung-truss standar, Staybridge memiliki waktu yang luas. Proyek, yang dimulai pada bulan November, berada di tulisan ini dijadwalkan akan selesai akhir tahun ini. Khas ereksi perkotaan, truk tersebut memberikan gulungan just-in-time, menarik ke situs pada jalur tertutup untuk lalu lintas umum. FABRICATOR menggunakan lima truk di semua, beberapa membawa sisi kiri gulungan, yang lain membawa orang-orang untuk sisi kanan, dan kolom haul tersisa dan di-isi potongan. Crane memilih kolom dan gulungan individual, langsung dari truk (lihat Gambar 5 dan 6). Karena pekerjaan yang sangat terbatas jejak perkotaan, crane harus mengangkat dan menempatkan kolom perimeter dan gulungan secara terpisah, dengan truss yang hati-hati meluncur ke tempat antara sepasang dua lantai kolom. Juga, memastikan dukungan yang memadai dari lantai kantilever membutuhkan banyak perencanaan. Cuaca dingin tidak bekerja sama baik. "Kami memiliki lebih banyak salju dan es tahun ini daripada yang kita sudah dalam waktu yang lama," kata Stine, "tetapi pekerjaan berlangsung Kami tidak dibatasi dengan menuangkan beton-bahkan pada papan-papan.. Tidak ada struktural topping pada papan Mereka. high-end, apa yang kita sebut sebagai 'karpet-siap.' "seperti karpet-siap papan telah penting untuk keberhasilan terhuyung-truss pekerjaan

dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, ia menambahkan. Topping papan dapat menghasilkan beban pondasi berat, ketinggian lantai ke lantai meningkat, dan lebih di tempat kerja. Namun, menurut sumber, jika bukan untuk desain terhuyung-huyung-truss, proyek tersebut akan dijadwalkan untuk selesai di kemudian hari banyak. Untuk sebagian besar, ereksi terus melalui musim dingin, serius dingin bersalju. Sebuah Keunggulan Kompetitif K & K Ironworks erector staybridge Gambar 5 Klik gambar untuk melihat largerK & K Iron Works, yang merupakan pabrikator dan pembina pada proyek Staybridge Suites, mengambil truss langsung dari truk pengiriman. Situs perkotaan tidak memiliki halaman laydown untuk bahan dibuat. Foto milik K & K Iron Works, McCook, Illinois Sid Blaauw, manajer penjualan untuk Steel Fabricators LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, tur situs Staybridge satu Februari pagi selama acara AISC mempromosikan metodologi bangunan baja. Kerja penghentian dari dingin tidak menjadi perhatian untuk FABRICATOR Florida Selatan, tentu saja, tapi meningkatkan pangsa pasar adalah. Blaauw mengatakan perusahaan belum mendapat pekerjaan terhuyung-truss, tapi ini Fabricators Baja menulis memiliki pekerjaan beberapa kemungkinan keluar untuk tawaran. Dalam jangka panjang, kata dia, perusahaan berharap truss terhuyung-huyung akan memberikan perusahaannya keunggulan kompetitif. Kompetisi utama Steel Fabricators 'tidak perakit baja lainnya, melainkan konkret, sesuatu yang tetap menjadi bahan bangunan pilihan untuk kontraktor Florida. Steel Fabricators berharap untuk mengubah itu. Intinya, "adalah baja lebih murah dan kurang padat karya," kata Blaauw. Di permukaan, baja struktural mungkin tidak tampak bahwa banyak murah dibandingkan dengan rekan konkret. Namun, Blaauw mengatakan, sistem framing terhuyung-truss sebenarnya lebih ringan per kaki persegi dari kerangka baja berdiri bebas, dan kedua sistem ini jauh lebih ringan daripada struktur beton. Secara keseluruhan, Blaauw mengatakan, ia melihat ereksi speedy truss terhuyung sebagai titik penjualan terbesar metode dan terbesar uang-saver. Semakin cepat sebuah bangunan naik, semakin cepat pemilik dapat mulai menyewa ruang dan menghasilkan pendapatan. Lebih gulungan, Jobs Lebih Truss staybridge suite chicago Gambar 6 Klik gambar untuk melihat truss A pada proyek Staybridge Suites ini ditangkap antara dua kolom. Foto milik K & K Iron Works, McCook, Illinois Littell Steel telah membangun bisnis di gulungan, dan, kata Manajer Penjualan Thaw Robert, proliferasi truss terhuyung dapat berarti lebih banyak pekerjaan untuk niche perusahaan. Tidak seperti banyak perakit baja struktural di seluruh wilayah metro Pittsburgh, perusahaan New Brighton, Pa berbasis tidak memiliki garis balok otomatis, sehingga mereka tidak dapat churn keluar volume tinggi balok-dan-kolom kerja. Apa yang bisa mereka

lakukan, meskipun, adalah memberikan gulungan yang kompleks pada permintaan. "Ada keterampilan tertentu yang dilengkapi dengan gulungan yang membuatnya berbeda dari standar balok-dan-kolom kerja," katanya. "Sebuah balok yang lahir di pagi hari adalah bagian dibuat dengan sore itu." Besar, gulungan khusus dapat mengambil hari untuk mengarang, dan mereka membutuhkan ruang lantai besar. Sebuah FABRICATOR struktural dengan peralatan yang sangat mekanis mungkin perlu hanya sekitar 80.000 meter persegi luas lantai. Littell, toko 50-karyawan, memiliki 150.000. Menangani terhuyung-truss kerja merupakan perpanjangan alami dari bisnis, Thaw mengatakan, dan memiliki keuntungan yang berbeda. Terhuyung-truss fabrikasi sangat mudah, dengan semua gulungan baik yang identik atau ukuran yang sangat mirip. Hal ini juga menyederhanakan persyaratan pengiriman. Dengan hanya beberapa yang berbeda "bagian," sehingga untuk berbicara, pengiriman mudah untuk mengkoordinasikan. Toko ini juga selesai fabrikasi lebih di lantai, sehingga crane mengambil potongan sedikit di tempat. Ini tidak berarti snags pernah terjadi. Thaw mengakui bahwa karena ereksi baja terjadi cepat, jika ada satu pihak tetes bola, masalah dapat bola salju. "Kebangkitan kasar tentang truss terhuyung-huyung adalah ereksi," katanya. Misalnya, Littell baru saja menyelesaikan pekerjaan dekat pusat kota Pittsburgh di Hampton Inn-bangunan, persegi panjang standar terhuyung-truss. Seluruh pekerjaan yang diperlukan sekitar 40 gulungan, semua dalam kisaran 70-kaki. Itu cukup sederhana untuk Littell s fab toko, tetapi pada pengawas lokasi kerja menemukan kesalahan dengan papan disampaikan. "Desain menyerukan piring dilas pada setiap akhir papan" untuk memberikan dukungan tambahan selama ereksi, Thaw menjelaskan. "Tiga pertama tingkat papan datang dengan hanya satu piring las di setiap sisi Jadi seperti kita berada di garis latihan sepak bola,. Seperti yang kita mulai mendirikan, kami harus kembali insinyur bagaimana menstabilkan bangunan saat kami mendirikan itu. " Pada akhirnya, tim ereksi, subkontrak oleh Littell, harus mengintegrasikan struts tambahan dan kabel untuk menjaga akord truss tetap sehingga mereka bisa menangani beban vertikal selama proses ereksi. Pelajaran? Sebagai Thaw menaruhnya, fabrikasi dapat disederhanakan, namun proses ereksi yang bergerak cepat memerlukan pihak yang terlibat untuk berada di halaman yang sama setiap saat. Thaw menyimpulkan terhuyung-truss pekerjaan dengan cara ini: "Ini mungkin memiliki 10 positif dan enam negatif, pada akhir hari, Anda masih di ditambah empat." Konstruksi Baja Horizon Stine mengatakan bahwa AISC itu Baja Solusi Pusat telah melihat lebih terhuyung-truss proyek selama dua tahun terakhir dibandingkan sebelumnya. "Dalam dua tahun terakhir, kami telah melihat hampir 30 dari mereka di fase konseptual di semua lokasi di seluruh negeri." Ini tidak berarti metode dominan dalam konstruksi baja, ia menambahkan, tapi lebih menjadi sadar akan manfaatnya. Mengingat perlambatan ekonomi dan kenaikan harga bahan baku, popularitas sistem terhuyung-truss ini pada awalnya tidak menambahkan, sampai Anda mempertimbangkan

apa yang sedang dibangun: hotel. Dengan krisis kredit, konstruksi kondominium telah melambat secara dramatis, namun dolar jatuh telah membuat tur AS murah, dan para pelaku bisnis perhotelan yang menguangkan, Stine menjelaskan. Bagi banyak orang pekerjaan, terhuyung truss, menawarkan pemilik dan arsitek kreativitas fleksibilitas dan desain, telah melangkah ke perakit pelat baja-dan lebih struktural siap untuk mengambil ayunan. didirikan New! Click the words above to edit and view alternate translations. Dismiss

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