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Biology 101

Clarification For a Confused Species and then some suggestions

By Richard Hamilton layperson

It is obvious to the distant observer; humans lack ecological empathy and exponential conscientiousness toward the inherently symbiotic biology of the source all that exists...

Consequently it seems obvious; as a species, human being will not survive, if most of us remain headed this way.

To an objective observer humanitys only hope remains this: most must humbly participate in sync with the inherently symbiotic biology of the source all that exists.

as time runs out for us of earth

the way we gain living must coincide yet we still disrupt sustaining awareness demands coincidental existence there is no plausible deniability of our living done mostly we do not abide even with one another no matter what or whom is claimed on high we conceive earth as one living organism yet we dont get along with the host when evaluation comes to mediate there are no golden parachutes humanity fails to be humane civilization has no civility each one in us exposed no others to blame as time runs out reality sinks in ============= reality sinks in our time ran out no others to blame each of all is exposed civilization had no civility humanity fails to be humane there are no golden parachutes when evaluation descends on us all only we didnt get along with the host but we knew earth is one living organism no matter what or who was claimed on high mostly we did not abide even with one another there is no plausible deniability of our living done sustaining awareness demands coincidental existence the way any gain living must coincide yet most disrupt

as time runs out for us of earth

Human being exits an era through which humanity, could have willingly co-mingled suitably, could have voluntarily co-developed, naturally regenerating processes, and could have become, compatibly co-existent, with the very source of, all creatures and environs. Yet, in reality virtually none have. I state could have because it is almost too late, for humanity to redeem its self-created fate; given that, the source of all that is, does not forgive or reward, intentionally malicious behavior.

When later is already too late

(Read from *).late too is it then by because start to where or up is end which know dont we confused and around turned so becomes everything late too already is

later When *
From the outlook of the source of existence, ask your own self the following: Where is sources or evolving creations return on investment with regard to humans? How do creations other shareholders (creatures and environs) benefit because of us? What happens to species that do not exhibit universally considerate behaviors? Why would source, that which accommodates all that is, keep us around? How does evolving creation deal with destructive anomalies? Where would humanity get to, by staying this course? How could humanity discover saving grace? Who are yearning for the way? This is for those!

Since most human beings are still failing to assimilate biologically, this overview is intended to cause most, to objectively comprehend and literally appreciate the full integrity of the whole sum of symbiotically evolving existenceBy inherently recognizing and actively enhancing all components, the whole body of creation consists of. Like most, my prejudices and presuppositions were mechanically imprinted yet innocently acquired They were autocratically imposed or reflexively forced upon my innocent soul by the cultures, societies and traditions i was born into. Through my life I have seen through this veil, so within these writings ive tried to rise above them; in order to provide a vantage point from where most could see through and consequently beyond our inherently acquired, super imposed predispositions; in the hopes that most could begin to see from outside the box and proceed based upon one orientation that all evolving life must adhere to. This writing is based upon a series of letters and papers written over the years The various writings do repeat some points in this effort to determine if any and hopefully enough are willing to be differently, should they come to know better. I now publish, with the hope that what is offered allwill receive the attention, appreciation and implementation it deserves. This writing is dedicated to slim. Though she does not know all of what i am saying, and often disagrees with me speaking of what she does knowSlim is as pure of heart and as strong of character, conviction and courage as any human being ive ever met. I would also like to state here that I miss my daughters and Slims youngest son. Furthermore no one else should be held responsible for what i propose. No one else is to be blamed or attacked because of what i say. Though there are those who inspire, no one else was directly involved with or fully aware of what these writings state, i believe I was born with this to impart should such revelation be necessary. I am not a scholar or expert, i do not and this writing does not represent any group or organization. No one else edited this and you will see i do not have perfect grammar or spelling... Conveying a meaning, most have lost the grasp of is the first objective i am to accomplish. The rest is up to humanity, individually and collectively and while many will claim that what this says is negative, depressing, sacrilegious, and even blasphemous Without ecological appreciation no good will come to any. We are each and all responsible for our own personal and humanitys relationship, with what the source of our and all existence provides.

Biology 101 - Clarification for a confused species

Humanitys only hope requires most everyones symbiotic participation Will this include YOU? I repeatHuman beings exit an era, throughout which we could have become comingled, could have co-developed naturally regenerating processes and could have grown to be compatibly co-existent, with the source of every creature and all environsi say could have because it is almost too late for humanity to change our self-chosen fate. That which renders and sustains comprehensionwhich includes all forms of awareness; conceives, nurtures, cultivates and harvests those who through actual activity sustain universally amenable relationshipswith all evolving creatures and ever changing environs. All being, beings, and species, yield to these gatherings. Those rendering in kind are gathered also. Prepare as symbols, systems, statutes, and scriptures dissolve and infliction of narrow appropriationsustained by most all of us are fully exposed and completely rectified. As calamity, fuelled by our collective lack of regard, bears downMost everything we eat, see, do, think, and depend upon is processed, picked over and edited by those to whom most continue to yield, their own personal, and, human kind's potential As humanity reached an end to our appraisal as a viable species, there was no substitute for ecological empathy and naturally evolving symbiosis having already-been rendered. We unanimously face our self induced, mechanically sustained reality, because most remain entranced and enslaved by false realities; superimposed on our heads from birth and enforced by our own hands throughout lifelocally and now globally and in actual, not virtual, reality, universally throughout, the body of humanity or bodies of human kinds. Human kind emerged not so long ago to begin a finite period with opportunity to adapt accordinglyAs this period ends, we alone must emerge from our stupor, or keep revolving out of kilter, until post modern civilization and perhaps humankind fails to exist at all Those inherently contrary to a primary and biologically symbiotic order, established by the source of ongoing or evolving creationdo not automatically transcend.

Is it your opinion that the source of life could or would have faith in humanity based on what continuously occurs during our individual and collective appraisal? I do not believe, as of right now, that our species deserves to be saved or further evolved, however this is not my decision. I only advise this: Without ecological symbiosis, any and every individual creature or species is doomed; faith, belief, or loyalties, without beneficial substance, are not enough. These cannot permanently protect, or eternally sustain, any individual being, or form of being (species). Adapting universally, or exponentially conscientious orientation, as the basis for gaining our means, is our only individual, and collective, expectation. Acknowledgement, then acceptance of our overall folly, and furtherinherent assumption of ecologically compatible behavior remains humanitys only way to redemption. Human beings somehow came to exist on the most beautiful, hospitable place we know of in this universe, yet we, now en mass, still destroy it. What have most done, with our allotted time and concerted effort, regardless of how or why, we, or anything, came to exist? How do we respect, appreciate, and reciprocate with, the source and host of this abundant accommodation? When do we respect, and appreciate, the accumulated vitality and symbiotic interrelationship of all creatures and environs? Where and when do we endear our species and ourselves to the whole sum and source, of us, and all that is known to exist to us? Arent we all supposed to exist amicably amongst the source of all creatures and environs? If we, meaning the entire body of humanity, do not end and then mend our overall ways, self intervene and willingly rehabilitate away from where the human race remains focused, most and perhaps all that remain of us will not make it. If human beings are to survive, most must become an integral component of the whole sum of evolving creatures and environs. Not master, or minion, but integral components of what makes the entire sum of biological existence whole. This requires absolute changes in the ways and means most human beings view and achieve life and living.

Despite what any person believes or has been indoctrinated into having faith, conviction, loyalty or dedication toward; existence exists, with or without human awareness, and most-certainly without unnatural domains, destructive infrastructures, infected systems, toxic combinations and inappropriate accumulation. This teaching, which exposes humanitys inherently inbred, mechanically imposed, systematically imprinted toxic deceptions; is directed at all peoples of every persuasion. Not just they or them. We are they and they are we. What most every modern human being knows, or is now being taught, has become and remained based on falsely imposed premiseAn almost unanimously held presumption that humans and our various gods, domains, idols, icons, ideals, dominions, and economics, are more essential than nurturing natures ecology and maintaining exponentially considerate orientation. This is simply not so. No influence, including those humanly conceived, evolves or lives on; if it remains an ongoing, deadly burden to the naturally organic, symbiotically oriented well being of the source and symmetry of all biological life. Any and every form of awareness, individual or species, which remains on such a course as ours, will not survive because there is no substitute for or exemption from ecological validity. No other conception, contraption, constancy or convenience takes precedence. Balancing books or avoiding fiscal cliffs alone will not solve humanitys problem. No matter what God or Gods any believe in, the individual or singular sense of being behind your eye, emanates from a same sourcewhat most refer to as god. The singular source of being and its exponentially conscientious orientation is not a humanly conceived GOD or some icon that favors humanity alone. When the spark or essence of ongoing awareness, and biologically inter-evolving existence is inherently abused and relentlessly taken advantage of, such unappealing tendencies are never endeared or enduringly castno matter the form of awareness. The source of life or that which lords over all creatures and environs knows we knew better and knows we still know better; so more of what brought us all here will not be good news for any of us. Though most humans assume we as a species are above all this, be advised: Natures universally inclusive migrations, naturally cull. Natures naturally evolving intercessions are-not on modern humanitys behalf, or in-our-favorDue to our totality of choices over many generations of all persons, peoples and persuasions.

People or humans, individually and collectively, like every successfully evolving species, must enhance what every form comes into being from or fail to exist. It is known by the source of all, that necessity for ecological empathy, toward all creatures and environs, is instinctively understood throughout the human psyche. In the eyes of the source of all being, beings and environs, our species intentionally detracts from, and literally destroys, organic balance and symbiotic symmetry. In the eyes of the source of all being our entire species lacks environmental empathy, universal conscientiousness, genetic concern and biological consideration. In the eyes of the source of all being, environmental stewardship is missing from the human species almost universally as our assessment ends. Through these words i am to clarify what we collectively cloud, and, if there are enough willing, i am also to help with, and participate in, our rehabilitation If you are willing, then come out of the shadows and step forward, wherever you are and in whatever you dohowever one or a relative few, cannot alone reverse the fate of humanity and our species. This will take most all of us pulling in the same direction and operating from and through the same orientation. In the ongoing or evolving creation of life, proportionate energy is allocated toward, evaluation of, every burgeoning form. Our or the "human" species receives no automatic exceptions or exemptions, none do. All life is a stage, those otherwise inclined, are not cast again Just as each of us possesses a choice to exist amicably amongst so too is each newly sprung form of awareness (species) free to induce a sustainable form of interdependent compatibility. In this regard, judgments jurisdiction is not possessed by any among us As far as aspirations of any one spirit or soul acceptance is based upon interrelationship sustained in whatever circumstance awareness is experienced Just like species; individuals existing amicably amongst are embraced beyondno matter credo.

What our burgeoning species had access to became nearly gone and what most adhere to is generally empty, as we all teeter on abyss. Yet even as our humanly conceived concepts collapse, most still cling to tips of listing icebergs, staking their claim upon emptiness as very few are prepared or able to survive on there own In order for humanity to merely survive most individuals must accept that what human civilization continues to collectively and relentlessly journey toward is neither acceptable nor sustainable Yet few are responding however... survival of our species cannot occur until and unless most of us take ownership of our broad abusiveness and stop pointing our fingers anywhere but in the mirror We now know the sun does not orbit us and we now know the earth is not flat No less trueearthly or universal existenceis not founded upon, or subservient to malignant consumption, by any Humanitys vertical integrations are not horizontally considerate virtually anywhere we now exist... Cream cannot remain, continuously forced to, and skimmed off the top by any one or group or groups or species, under any reign Each individual of or species entire that is or may become embraced beyond has or had remained mutually absorbed throughout

Dear human beings: The names chosen and the terms given lifes source are incidentalLife, existence, creation, nature or evolution, embraces those adapting, interchanging and counter-balancingmoderately, modestly and evenlyin sync within the overallamidst the rest in existenceamongst all species and environsAn imperativeour species on the bubble fails to prevail... As of now: Our overall ways do not weigh favorably because mostdespite all that is revealedcontinue to help leverage the tilting of nature's fulcrumWhile our communal, mating and social habits essentially fail... Along with family structure, parenting, nurturing, mentoring and teaching processes Pluswe do not maintain balance in our methods of habitation, assemblage, exchange, communication, cultivation and nourishment and in addition Our varied beliefs, faiths, loyalties, methods, systems, structures, utilities, currencies, economies and nationsclashcollidecrumble and collapseYet for the most partany indigenous foundation long since parted the majority of our ways and as a direct result of overall choices, our shared prospects are bleak at best All are advised: Human form emerged with opportunity to adapt accordingly However for those otherwise inclined; there is no holy sanctuary, political view, secure place, exclusive influence, or dream team to save any of us. No Swiss bank account, cavalry, Calvary, bevy of virgins, loophole, technicality, technology or 911 to call Let this illumination be widely understood: Humanitys opportunity comes nearly to end and most individuals need to humbly rehabilitate through and of our own chosen accord now. Orat the endmost will stand alone as defenseless as deer in headlights. As every approaching shock, caused and accelerated by our own heads and hands, could become our last experience of awareness Only because...In spite of repeating revelations, and after literally knowing betterwe remained almost unanimously A species that deliberately, steadfastly, and blatantlydisrespects, disrupts, disenfranchises, corrupts, and destroys both our host's abode and as well the repose of every creature and environ throughout earth and now our lot even threatens to reach and infect beyond. Most of us are exposed: Out of sync, out of touch, off balance and short on time, or better said limitlessness. Most face the wrath of our own folly, but tragically, our overall circumstance occurs because most blindly enable and empower those given reign over choices and aspirations; to lead us astray. As tax keepers assure things will be fine, soul keepers assure they are the only validity needed and toll keepers assure commerce is mightier than communionThings are not fine; and those mentioned are not the only validity and commerce is not mightier than communion. Yet we can all still, be differently: However in order to survive, most amongst us must embrace natural cadence and be industrious indigenously. In every way we are. In every thing we do. In every motive we have. Only then could humans become reconciled, rehabilitated and exist amicably amongst even one another. It is OK to stop and smell roses, but fatal not to nurture nature's balance. What or whom we follow, who we claim or imagine we are, or what we accumulate, profess to, preach about or take pride in, cannot alone replace merit.

We the people This message is not just about what is upon the people of just one nation, or just one religious order, complexion or conviction but rather we the species. No matter nation, loyalty, political view, religious orientation, or level of wealth ours is not to plunder and spoil. It is our species alone that painted us into this corner and we the humans that disrespect and destroy biological equilibrium. We the species share one catastrophic demeanor, no matter kind of church, creed, color, culture, computer or credential. An almost unanimous characteristic, which clearly demands that most stand still and step back, or few and perhaps none of us should survive; because our species, as an entire body, is not naturally entwined, or inherently beneficial; by conscious and abundantly consensual choiceand exceptions are too few to matter. Today, human civilizations most common enemy, is nostalgia for, and continuing to blindly covet, what brought humanity or our entire species, into this overall state of demise. An almost unanimously induced predicament all human kinds now find our selves, and souls, within. Realize this...The source of life that maintains the whole sums balance will still be here whichever fate humanity chooses. What descends upon each of our species is not a humanly conceived Gods, Grande Finale. That which approaches is post modern civilizations Grande Finale; no matter whom, what party, or lobby wins any election or administers any governing body. That which approaches, overtakes every remaining soul of us...because environmentally, ecologically and biologically, nothing, including people, outlasts or outsmarts the source of life, including every humanly conceived God or religion. Those, consistently contrary to general well being are doomed by their deeds. Humans, or people in general, claim to be intelligent, advanced, beings; yet en mass obstinately impose upon what facilitates and accommodates biological symbiosis and what facilitates and accommodates all other forms of awareness. Unfortunately most assume that our species alone, simply owns life and that we the species are simply in charge of lifes or earths entire body We the people and we the species are not in charge and those who taught and still teach this are wrong.

In the eyes of that which lords over all, most refuse to co-exist in-kind, with every element, environment and creature. Yet curiously, most humans still anticipate and blindly expect mercy, and sanctification while knowing full well of our absolutely destructive behavior. The source of life observes that we consistently abuse and ever misuse every creature and environ on this living, biological organism. Today our species is not worth the carbon we consist of. Scoff, though many still do, life or existence does not exist because of us. This edification is outing, our inherently-inbred, mechanically imposed, systematically-imprinted, toxic deceptions, because no humanly conceived persuasion, evolves or lives on eternally; if it remains an ongoing, deadly burden to naturally organic, symbiotically oriented well-being. Whether any comprehend of the whole sum...or notwhether life is intelligent design or countless rolls of dicethis currency alone is acceptable in life's economy or our sources ecology. No symbol, symbolism, society, venture, or tender, has meaning or sanctification unless universally conscientiousness behaviors are exponentially inherent. Our species cannot further our dysfunction by blindly functioning on behalf of false idols and un-kept ideals However our or the human species can rehabilitate by focusing upon what still causes all of Modern Humanity to remain so far off of lifes acceptable migration... In order to reverse civilizations universal conflict MOST must pay attention through our own accord and shape up personally and locally, universally, and right-now.

Lifes source or whatever we elect to call what lords overall, knows we know better As humanity approaches the end of appraisal as a viable species, the source of life and all creatures and environs, knows we know that there is no substitute-for ecological-empathy and naturally-evolving symbiosis having already-been renderedSo more of what brought us all here will not be good news for most. When the spark or essence of ongoing awareness, and inter-evolving existence, is inherently abused and relentlessly taken advantage of; these contradictory tendencies are never endeared or enduringly cast Natures universal migrations naturally cull. These naturally evolving intercessions are-not on modern humanitys behalf or in-our-favorDue to a totality of choices over many generations of all peoples and every persuasion, and more technology for technologies sake or government for governments sake is not our solution. We must awaken, reconnect eco-socially, and inter-environmentally now,or absolute collapse and probable extinction is-already ascertained. Evolving existence only embraces being, and beings, inter-exchanging, and counterbalancing in biological or organic sync. No entity or form of awareness, is-simply permitted-to burden, abuse and destroy every depth or dimension of every environment. There's no debate; universal abusiveness is, always was, and ever will be forbidden; no matter what any humanly conceived gods, scripture, dominion or representative claims. Human form emerged or evolved into this form incrementally, through creations countless finite-opportunitiesto adapt and accommodate, accordingly: Based, on universally conscientious-orientation, through exponential or whole-sum consideration, and from mutually beneficial being. It is true, most species do fail to adapt and humanity also, is failing to do so But this is not news, simply reality and it does not require Steven Hawking or John Nash to see our-entire-way does-not weigh-favorably upon the whole sum. Nor does it require Edgar Casey or Nostradamus to see humanity sitting pointedly upon evolving creations fragile bubble. There is nothing virtual about natures reality, or virtue, in ours, not this way. As this era endswe either assume lifes biology or we wont.

We all make up humanity. Our overall pattern is tort. Humanity teeters on abyss because it remains unaccountable for our whole sums individual actions. We are not the centre of or the darlings of the universe; we have no option, but to also assume lifes biology, and later, is-already too late. What our species had available access to, is already, almost squandered. Humanitys finite chance to adapt-accordingly is already almost gone. In order to regenerate biologically, sustain ably, and evolvethe human psyche needs to become-again one-with earths physiology by embracing what we came into being from. We-alone chose and caused our individual and collective dilemma. No matter the team any are on. No matter what or whom any follow. No matter what any accumulate, profess to, preach about or take pride in. Gaining means, must-synchronize-withevolving existenceNot the stock market, not a few shareholders, gatekeepers and enforcersand this will not be magically accomplished by blind faith or misguided loyalty alone. However who amongst those who remain are actually intervening upon our overall destructiveness? This is encouragement for those who implement a new realitynot just pray or hope for one.

Last Call
Co-existence still beckons All humans are advised: pause, step back and reflect.
Again...Each soul, or individual awareness of us, exits an era, through which every human and humanity could-have become-commingled, could-have co-developed, naturally-regenerating processes and could-have become compatibly coexistent, physically and spirituallyWith, within and throughout that which lords over all creatures and environs and i say could-have, because it is so close to being too late. There is no substitute for sustaining ecological validity. Those inherently contrary do not automatically transcend, despite what any person believes or has faith in. Existence exists, with or without human awareness and though a relative few human spirits may be spared; without overall rehabilitation, humans as a species will not otherwise survive. Yes, invitations to accept co-existence and accommodate accordingly still beckon, however not-without every molecule and organism of inter and co-dependence receiving humble reciprocation. No matter church, color, culture, creed or country. Howeverwhere is nearby nurturing of naturally regenerative, ecologically sensitive and conscientious sustainability enhanced, or even left in tact by humanity? Natural symbiosis is god to lifes source, not humanity. The whole sum of evolving existence and ongoing creation is not given to or simply available for singular ownership, ongoing abuse and careless destruction. Human beings are genuinely advised and humbly asked to break free of what binds, confines, and dooms most all of us, but not violently. But is our fledgling form or potential species just lost and not aware or simply malicious and expendable? Because our currency renders little value and intervention does befall all who remain Be advised again. As intervention attends there is no council to turn to or seek postponement from. There is no get out of jail card, regime, icon, or traditions, to claim upon, defer to, hide behind or blame. Even Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and others told us that having faith or belief without appropriate behavior is not enough. Our collectives, accumulation of personal renderings still determines; no matter brand of faith or level of belief.

We must each and all tend toward the biological well being of the source of life itself, including all creatures and environs, before tending to or obeying anything else. However multitudes of other masters are still served by most and reversing humanities collective momentum requires species-wide acceptance of our overall folly. But what do most all of us have to do? Where do we start? How or when will or could universal realization of our reality and rehabilitation occur? Not by waiting for it or staying the present course and not by arguing one side over the otherbecause every side is still misled and misinformed. Ultimately there will be no selfish reliance upon artificially maintained sustainability at the expense of all else. Our wants will not come before the well being of all. None may claim or take more, if all else, is knowingly reduced to less There will be no arguments or confrontations over religion, politics or commerce amongst those that rekindle ecological relationships with evolving creations source. There will be no violent protests, storming of bastions or invasions, committed by any that might still achieve rehabilitations redemption All must realize holy acts or sacred traditions are not enough for those who do not behave wholly. There are no chosen ones beyond behaviors rendered. There is no overriding or substitute philanthropy, charity, enterprise, copyright or human right that comes or stands above all else. Imagine these final days have already ended. Assume Meccas last pilgrimage, occurred. Presume opportunity to reach Nirvana, Valhalla, Shangri-La or Heaven elapsed. Make a supposition that youve experienced your last, Hanukkah, Christmas, Ramadan, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, or New Year. Youve had your last supper, birthday, anniversary, ceremony, service, ritual, celebration or experience. Final words have been uttered; deeds revealed, judge adjourned, and verdict waits

Whether misled or not, individual and collective choice was and still is given and that within, around, and amongstbeing the source of all that is observes us in varying states of limbo; mesmerized, brainwashed, devoted, and obedient to illusion, idol, and token. That within, around, and amongst observes that almost none of us, tune in, actively balance biologically, or adapt symbiotically; through lifes natural flow That within, around, and amongst observes; bias, affiliation, narrow purpose, and greed reigning supremely, as most accept these without question or challenge. That within, around, and amongst is essentially unfelt and unheeded. Do unto, as you would have done, occurred to us; yet most selfishly inflict onto others and violently intimidate, bully, leverage, pre-condition, brainwash, brand, mechanize, institutionalize and pre-empt; rather than mutually tend Do not be concerned with what any may become; rather be concerned by how most remainbecause most all individuals of us are not contributing elements and consequently neither is our species. Most do not render appropriately. Most ignore broadly considerate probability and obstruct infinite or evolving possibility. The spirit being or essential source of what lords overall is real and some tune in spiritually, yes, however, broadly conscientious and evolving existence is-not manifest solely through; philanthropy, detached order, extreme fundamentalism, patents, copyrights, intellectual properties, exclusive forms of commerce, pious devotion, praise, prayer or patriotic alliance Ongoing existence or awareness, is not merely doled out solely because of adherence, confession, martyrdom, baptism, glorification, registration, worship, pilgrimage, or faith; but by how what we endeavor influences all we affect. Sharing awareness requires co incidental existence Without biological, environmental and communal legitimacy, evolving ecologys collective perspective, and environmental communion, is not mutual... symbiotic balance is not achieved, and ultimately... as evolving creation unfolds... access to ongoing participation is naturally culled or biologically weaned. Mutual pursuit empowers each, and in as much, personal fulfillment becomes secondary, because collective comprehension and mutual appreciation bring individual validation.

We must be symbiotic because we are biological not mechanical. This essential spirit is the natural order and all else is forbidden. Yet most still try to elude the inevitable by placing their personal and our collective responsibility elsewhere; however such proxy relinquishes what no species or individual soul within is allowed to concede. Rapture exchanged through universal disposition is simply and humbly appreciated, reciprocated and ever completing Yet our individual and collective imposition is universally enabled and dutifully embedded by most of our lot Money is not at the root of all-evil human beings are, and our species stands alone in this Right now our entirety is dizzy, disoriented and dysfunctional. Menorah, cross, pillar, swastika, flag, status, statute, stature, statue, trademark, patent and copyrightRegistration and claim, ownership and dividend, right and royalty, kingdom and army; defy, and declare ultimatum toward mutual consecration. Our self-awareness and consequent selfish-indulgences begat burdensome segregation and uneven dominions and denominations that oppose and disrupt natural order Most all remain mechanically driven and greed oriented; a self centered species of selfish beings with no ecologically endearing or biologically redeeming value which creates no rightful ownership, protection, or control. Most touchyet do not feel. Most hearyet do not heed. Most thinkbut do not consider. Most seethen look away. Most volunteerbut do not show up. Most comparebut do not maintain equilibrium. Most committhen deny. Most preachyet do not practice. Most pointbut rarely, at our selves and consequently most fail to assimilate. We human beings are not elite or the end all and be all.

We are not an only species with awareness, significance or essential-ness. We endanger all species and environs. We knowingly cause lifes general malaise. We have all been abundantly warned. In our overall reality, that which lords over all creatures and environs is virtually ignored Mutual respect and natural reciprocation is not biologically sustained. The repose of lifes host and the rest of evolving creation are disturbed. None need wait for god, Allah, Jehovah, some deity, divine entity, king, idol, prophet, or Jesus in order to observe common ground and appreciate entiretyentirely Each level, depth, species, and individual is offered an evolving environment to grow and exchange within...Yet as said, in reality most burgeoning species dont succeed or make it Bibles and scriptures cannot deny fossils. Yet again how proud, arrogant and selfish we of little fate remain as our potential species slides down this now slippery slope into oblivion However and againeach could still be differently Yet redemption or atonement, is not destined, purchased or assignedbut rather personally and collectively rendered through mutually considerate biology, throughout every activity, locally and universally. This is the spirit of what lords over all life and guides all evolving creation. Just what or who do most imagine will win this standofffaith, without fulfillment, or belief without benefit? Who do we fool other than ourselves? Right now, right this red-hot minute, most of us stand front line in confrontation over domain, dominion and denomination. Worshiping, aligning, protesting, hunkering down and campaigning with, this or that Picking sides while ignoring necessity as all our narrow realms and structures, collide, and disintegrate. The natural biological migration of evolving being and beings naturally culls those that are carcinogenic to the source of mother and father earth or whatever you choose to name an unimaginable and consistently unappreciated Those of consistently negative rendering become lostdazed, bewildered, defensive, frightened, and then, no morelike prey, in extended jaw.

Still, most act like we do the best we can. Humanity does not and if this is our best each that remains and our entire species already fails. So the question remainsWill or even can any of us survive system and structure collapsing onto those who created them? Those receiving ongoing perception, maintain biological equilibrium, universally. In order for mutual and individual assimilation to occurCream must not remain forced to and skimmed off the top, by a relative few, it must be naturally and mutually absorbed throughout. Yet again i repeat, a natural, indigenous or organic disposition is not instinctively assumed by most humans and consequently humanity. Almost none of us display this instinct or maintain any innocence as historical patterns now repeat instantaneously or at lights speed. Locally, globally, universally and as far as modern humanity is concernedfinally Againuniversal existence exists, with or without human consciousness. We are not God nor do we reflect the image or intention of the source of symbiotic being. We have simply ignored and failed to inter-relate. Yet there is no motive, meaning, method or message that supersedes a symbiotic interrelationship being sustained So...In view, of what we render none of soundness may claim absolute innocence, religious absolution or political asylum. This revelation should not surprise; its resolution will not exclude. All must experience ecological compatibility or be crushed like an unfortunate bug on one of our windshields. The same way most still go...wont workbut how and where are we to show up? Wherever we are, in and of, what ever, we do. Awareness and experience are not about where worldly or humanly conceived masters take anysuch is about our local out interactive relationships within the overall accommodation provided.

However again and again and againmost within our species set our pursuits apartView our genre an elite category; our members worthier Depth, breadth, connection, communion and coexistence, seem incidental throughout lifestyle support systems that most must soon fend without. Dont blame others. Repeated pattern showsWhen most all encounter chance or choice, most educate and employ through, iconic, materialistic, ritualistic, and idealistic menace, and though there are evil souls our demise is because of a general apathy exhibited and sustained by most. Throughout all history most citizens of most states knowingly enable imbalance, bullying, plunder, poverty, devastation, and slavery, even genocide, war and extinctionsno matter the claim. Perception and the perceived are not created for us alonebut plainly, most dont believe it, or couldnt care lessa species whose extinction would universally improve harmonic existence. Being ecologically communal is never about allegiance to employer, government, country, culture, complexion, high society, politic, association, leader, religion, or commerce Being ecologically communal is about being environmentally amenable and depends fully upon how vital we are within surrounding shared Biological synergy is wise; information without ecological empathy is not. Physical existence has levels of tolerance or endurance...and virtually all knowYet most keep repeating, What can i do? Its out of my or our hands. Its in His hands or a favorite, Our system may not be perfect but it is best! Expressed by leader, politician, lawyer, judge, lobbyist, holy vanguard, the avant-garde, the patent, publishing, and copyright holderThe executive, philanthropist, share holder, civic and civil servant, union member, employee, enforcement agent, and those of cause, wealth and celebrity... All on the payroll of this deadly machine modern civilization remains. Enabled by the blind concurrence of those nave, devout, brainwashed, whitewashed, enslaved, addicted, adhered, reliant, dependent or patriotic Just take a moment and imagine you yourself, is at oneness-with the source of an inter biological evolving accumulationa flowing, undulating essence that sustains life... Or if thats stretching your imagination assume you are an alien; viewing us from a UFOa being that is able to see the whole sum of existence that exists on earth

Imagine you observe our species Would you be impressed, by our overall impact on everything? Would your observation be sympathetic toward human mammals in general? Would you be concerned by any relentless, self-serving and care less indulgences at the expense of every form of being? Would you suppose human being is an imminent threat to galactic or other dimensional beings? What would you diagnose as the malignancy within this body as you observe how we humans relentlessly attempt to expropriate, not only earth, but also now, the universe, and i dare say the heavens, as ours alone? What our species had access to is nearly gone and what most adhere too is merely empty. We face Armageddon, end of days, or whatever words preferred. We teeter on abyss and most still maintain a wait and see perspective when it pertains to our affect upon all. Expressing unshakeable faith or expounding absolute belief without actually exhibiting appropriate behavior is not nearly sufficient enough to carry the day. If most wait for their ideals, idols and masters our species is simply insolvent. There will be no liberating lobbying group to our aid, or safe place to hide no impassioned debate or conjured savior to change gods mind, We either validate ourselves legitimately or not. None need permission to consider, contribute, and reciprocate yet and again and again and again we are held on account, if we do soBy spouse, partner, member, fad, party, union, alliance, associate, brotherhood, sisterhood, congregation, organization, affiliation, family, peer, co-worker, and even, friend. Each claiming the way to harmony, heaven, mutual-ness, solidarity, unity, peace, prosperity and or tranquilitybut only, if we sing their song, in their key. We are all out of tune. Our collective abuse of the underlying and overwhelming nature of existence, now witnessed entirely throughout our species ripples and vibrates right nowAs commonplace and escalating conflict repeatsAs unrest occurs in every quadrant, and, as uncertainty and fear, smolders within throughout most.

From broadest perspective, humans, while inquisitive and resourceful collectively oppose and actually reject our only expectation and our species is now a weakest link; however this is no TV game No matter how genuine or well intended founding principle or interpretationall became narrowly corrupt in practice. Because most look the other way or slip back into the shadows; in spite of what many claim as their true orientation, character, spirit, soul, or inner self. No matter what side any are on, born or coerced into, our travesty is fuelled and accelerated by us alone. Yet we humans still admire our selves first. Expressing cute little sayings like I think, therefore I am. Well get over it Its more like I think, therefore I scam. Yet and still when guiding like this or teachings like these are said; most smirk, cower, cringe, role eyes, deny, become angered and agitatedeven violent and murderous. In the reality we all immediately face our ultimate and final challenges as all currencies fail, and all empires fall Simply because necessity to commune and accommodate, in, and of, mutual hospitality, is mindfully ignored, not forgotten However must there be seven billion of us chasing tails in likeness to a pinball machine with all bearings in play? A necessity for actual symbiosis is reality and there is no advantage in any other perception without existing in tune with the source and nature of all of existence Sustaining imbalance produces frictionSustaining friction causes stress Which creates failure or innovationcollapse or renewalextinction or evolution We evolve by running in parallel to, with and within the evolving biology of the source and natural nature of creation or we keep revolving out of kilter, until modern civilization catastrophically fails and perhaps our species disappears. Again, it is acknowledged. Some, though few, sought to express and achieve harmonic even-handedness. Yet invariably once due process, moral servitudes, rules of acceptable conduct or common law are determined, fought and died for, won or claimed, and representation is deemed, elected or appointedThe professed and implied ideals always become again quaint or clich, and again mismanaged and manipulated until franchise bidding, via election, enterprise, war, crusade, invasion or revolution occurs anew.

As it is written, so shall it be is utter nonsenseSuccess of a species does not come by writing rules or reciting instructionsIn fact while those writing, editing, recalling or explaining various versions of history, through scripture, discipline, tradition, regulation, commandment, production, law, justice, and rule were occasionally sincere perhapsUltimatelyour overall momentum still heads toward what? Our so-called technologically advanced, mechanism based, self serving civilizations are willing to determine outcomes of unimportant things like American Idol, Americas Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance, Big Brother and Dancing with the Starsvirtually instantaneously. Yet do not immediately respond with communal conscientiousness, concerning inequity, greed, war, genocide, starvation, bullying, fraud, misrepresentation, ecological disaster, and biological destruction All of which remain enabled by our vast majority and are still occurring in local villages, families and neighborhoods...locally...universally throughout... our species as we destroy all around us. There is no doubtcontinued defilement of the nature of existence and the one underlying spirit that accommodates all being; remains beyond reason or blind forgivenessand there is no question that the resilience of biologically generated creation and symbiotically evolving existence is predominant. Yet our species emerged not so long ago into a finite period with opportunity to adapt and come of ageNow humanity stands exposed, out of sync, off balance and short on time, or better-said limitless-ness... Even though humans are new kids on creations block; humanity has managed to globally inflict biological turmoil and ecological damage; virtually overnight Dolphins have similarly sized brains. They have been here about fourteen million yearsHumanity has been here a mere blinkrelatively speaking. What part of messing up did dolphins or any other symbiotically developing species take part in? Many of which, modern civilization recklessly and carelessly kills off still; as humanity holds little of that around us in mutual or humble regard. Abuse, bias, and ignorance dominate human nature no matter how categorized or referred to. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Mormon, Baptist, Scientologist, Communist, Socialist, Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Liberal, Right or Left Wing Libertarian, Fascist, Fundamentalist, Extremist, Oppressor, Terrorist, Entrepreneur, Criminal, Freedom Fighter, Country, Husband, Wife, Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Short Order Cook, Scientist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Musician, Mountain climber, Artisan, and so on and so forth

Lets face it locally generated, and isolated rules, most generations grew up with in isolationare disappearing and being abandoned. Only shells remain on a foundation of quick sand Yet, as push comes to shovemost are still willing to blindly clash, in their defense. Willing to stand behind, even carelessly kill and die; for isolated freedoms, biased traditions, bigoted beliefs, pompous ceremonies, ever changing scriptures, narrowly oriented constitutions, Reichs, commonwealths, republics and/or fiefdomsObediently helping to impose oppressive reign...Waving flagsQuoting clichs and slogansPaying lip service and clinging to lifeless traditionsWhile allowing or inflicting violence and destructionWhile protecting inexcusable-ness. Globalization has long since revealed a creators eye view of our consequence upon. Now all see that humans and the body of humanity inflict and abuse Just imagine boundless, yet collective conscientiousness, presiding court, right outside a fabled pearly gate; in an atmosphere, not unlike Nurembergs trials We humans the individual and collective defendantsan entire species chargedyet stilleach spirits consciousness approaches alone. Are you satisfied? Do you want what our results are, to be your and our final answer? Or are you and more importantly we, willing to be differently? It might not be so bad, if we just abused humans; unfortunately we did not stop there... As an overall group, we obediently, savagely, maliciously, intentionally and without remorse; upset biologys or our sources balancenot just human kinds. Yet most humans do not worry about accumulations repose or it seems response Even our most lowly assume and impose superiority because they are human. Convinced we alone are forgiven or receive dispensation through presumption, confession, martyrdom, humility, humiliation, sacrifice, stature, status, philanthropy, charity, adherence, or devotion to some exclusive yet conjured up image, activity, idol, icon, and greed There is no blind brokerage between the spirit of the source of existence and our individual souls or our singular species.

It matters not how strongly, or sincerely any sworn to faith is expressed or how hard we work, or try What generally emanates; matters most. Even by our own accounts, very few are worthy Accounts of Muhammad say he traveled tribe to tribe, pled harmony, unity, mutuality and impartial-nessan inspiration yes Yet violence ensues, in his and Allahs name Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Abraham, Moses, John, Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Confucius, Dalai Lamas etc are remembered, quoted, worshiped and honored; while all camps trample example and contaminate the living breathing being earth and all of its components. When he stood up to abuse, bullying and corruption Jesus was crucified due to widespread indifference and cowardice, when it concerns actually standing up for the bullied, or to the abusive and the corrupt, and when it comes to actually sustaining what most state they believe in. Still, most Christians hold Jesus alone accountable to take the entire fall; regardless of what we each and all render. How convenient and telling is this trait amongst most all of humanity. No matter how great, or small, most remain detached from whole sum ness That, which presides and prevails does not desist at, or bow to, our beck or callunless ecological empathy and naturally evolving symbiosis has already-been rendered. We wrongfully adapt, of our own volition, having been given choice. If our species is further allowed, we no longer have to imagine, what those that are we, will do. As so-called third world / developing countries are now deployed by a relative few whose hands are already full. As they, who are actually wethrough false perceptions of progress and good fortune finally and completely destroy what little is left of what was given to determine human forms inherent behavior... By repeating blatant patterns, of ignoring the very repose of this living cell; this biological body floating in space Determining by ourselves, and finally, our universal fate. When most do know better or comprehend differentlymost still tow party lines and blindly participateat the beck and call of, and exclusive benefit to, a select few and their minions

Yet our ugliest reality is this: When virtually every one of us had opportunityvirtually all commit similar transgression; generation after generation, culture after culture, and so called scientific or technologicaladvancement after advancement. It is necessary to attend to biological rehabilitation; or be tended to. It is written and often said, Where there is a will there is a way and Nothing is impossible Without biological inter-dependence and synergistic symbiosisthere is no parallel, no corresponding or ever balancing way, so our ongoing possibility remains unattainable. However are we being deceived into selling our souls and if soby whom other than our own selves? Illusion and deception remain taught absolute, in all camps; even when there is contrary knowledge and all factions do thisnone are exempt. Those that embrace and depend upon modern civilizations manufactured philosophies and symbolic things, above all else, are deceived and too often knowingly deceiving, when aiding and abetting abuses against the being earth and every component. But how often does our collective folly need to be shown to usbefore it is too late? Not too late to save us but too late to preserve a naturally evolving being upon which we unanimously impose? We still rally around made-up history and ever edited scriptures, and most blindly continue, even when we know differently and even when there is no way to know, what so-called truth or accuracy is. How else and how often, does it have to be known before we respond in kind to the biological nature of our source or that, which lords over all creatures and environs? Or is whole sum ness or a biologically inter-dependent relationship too socially disruptive, economically onerous or too personally inconvenient? Sustaining ecological imbalance, environmental conflict, inequitable possession, and sole ownerships while ignoring communal endeavor, mutual reciprocation, evenhanded distribution, evolutionary hybridization and naturally derived creationBrought us alltoo far out of touch with actual reality... We must wake up as a speciesThose already with democracy and freedom and human rights overwhelmingly tolerate corruption by participating in well-known, broadly based, ongoing and hence premeditated abusesAs long as our excess isnt negatively affectedBut scream blue murder and go to war when our excess is threatened.

We must wake up as a species The broadly beneficial demeanor of what or who lords over all evolving creationis not a threat to each of us. IT, whatever you want to name or call it, only threatens civilizations franchise, patent, copyright, share and position holders, and their loyal employees, devout followers, blind servants, tainted officials, malevolent enforcers and patriotic participants. We must wake up as a species Its been quite a while, since virtually any of our set apart, self-proclaimed, idolworshipping species accommodated biologically conscientious synergybefore even, our own self But thats what it takes. Do not be concerned with what any may become, but rather be concerned with how most of us remain. Who or what provides awareness is indeed incidental Conception of any, must give way to affect upon every element. All evolving forms of awareness or species and each soul or individual spirit within has opportunity to gain biological concurrence. Enough is enough...We were given to find our own way or earn passage...Yetas an aggregatewith ever decreasing exception most remain uncaring and destructive, distant from sustainable connection to the nature and spirit of biologically evolving creation. Our history collapses onto each of usLet any without responsibility cast the first stoneLet any without ecological sensibility receive the first blow. We do not lord over all creatures and environs. These are not just our disposable things We are offered relevance within and politics, religion, culture, commercial enterprise and complexion are incidental. Do not wait to meet our or lifes originator; reacquaint with the source of all existenceDo not place biological well being in the hands of any one or any thing... None hide behind or are simply protected by humanly conceived assumptions, nations, principles, systems or leaders They cannot protect or defendeven their self Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, Pillars of Islam, Ideal Jewish, Buddhist or Christian Community, Peoples Republics, Constitutions, Guarantees of Civil and Human Rights, Freedoms to Enterprise and Socialisms and Communisms are only made up wordssymbols arranged to unnaturally embed misleading assumptions, faiths and beliefs. In order to enslave and abuse for the sake of relative few of just one species; but still us...just the same

Yesmost are manipulated, used, divided, and bulliedTragically howeverrepeating reality reveals; when table is turned, most all of us will also choose to sustain, commit, or carry out similarly Our reality is not theory or debatable. Imbalance is unanimously sustained and being experienced nowby us all Guilt for the conditions we all rendered and responsibility to rehabilitate is on our entire species This is not the time for global revolution but rather universal moratorium If we, or any of those that remain to this task, do make itit will not be through the same old same old Further attempt to overwhelm that which we do not exist withoutis a fatal follya mortal sinour self made abortion It is well beyond time to take stock Each are responsible and accountable, not they or them. Not those few allowed charge or made charge against. We are they You personally and we the species are still invited to awaken, respond, rehabilitate and re-habituate toward remission and redemption. Responsibility for what most individually and collectively render can no longer be shrugged off, put aside, deferred, justified, assigned or ignored until gotten around to No matter where you are, or what you say; there really isnt a little McDonalds in every oneSanta or an Easter Bunnydoes not deliver to all children or in fact any. In spite of a lambs birth and resurrection, wolves in shepherds clothing claim to be honoring while receiving profit, servitude and preference. Our species or kind of awareness is merely another form offered ongoing experience within evolving creation, or gods, collective repose, a mutually accommodating sway, or predominance that humbly, commonly and assuredly presides over, all Biologically conscientious synergy is not an, if come maybe, proposition. The source of existence, awareness, symbiosis and evolving biology cares not if we kneel or what direction we prayCares not if we burn incense, wave flags, pledge allegiance, salute, confess, chant, or wear ceremonial dress.

What oversees, over all, is not just Male or Female, not just Protestant, Buddhist, Jewish, Catholic, Islamic, Irish, Canadian, Chinese or Brazilian What oversees, over all does not just judge or assess or in deed test through dogma, politics, ratings, sales, stature, possessions, charity, philanthropy, or exclusive bottom lines. No matter source of awareness or existenceimbalancebecomes naturally, organically or biologically resolvedno matter what name or spin is put upon it. Evolving creation overwhelms narrowly beneficial dominion and disproportionate accumulation(s) This takes not some guru to comprehendandthis is not news. Most already realize most must come to exist within and of ecological renewal... Do not stand idly by, because our overall corruption is inherent Bullies are bullies because others stand idly byHeroes are only heroes or prophets are only prophets because most stood idly by... No other bears our collective manifestationbut each alone and right now, each of our entiredraws near last call... No thing is to be held on highbeforeecological communion. We must get over our selves in order to migrate beyond. We no matter complexion, countenance, creed, culture, country, or amount amassed, are not first or foremost. We each, and humanity at large are simply invited to exist in biological keeping Each is offered humble individual-ness within collective integrity. We were not pushed awaywe ventured astray on and of our own We distanced our selvesNowWe are all prodigals return, and must account. Physical experience is relative to overriding and elemental factors of circumstance such as time or orbit Which ultimately makes them irrelevant to our affect or value of occurrence. Who it is said, or whom we think or imagine, we are What we profess or preach or who any followdoes not reflect worthiness. How we commune biologically does. There is no plausible deniability beyond what is done.

Life is not about what you or we could have done, but what you and we did. How many times does a choice present itself throughout an average life? It is probably in the billions. However the measure of life is not in the number of choices made but rather the overall affect upon. Yet paradoxically, it can all come down to one choice and this one choice can ultimately be just as significant for a person as it is for an entire species. The end of a transitional period ensues. We all need to get our act together. Prepare thy-self to be industrious, indigenously Share accordingly, not according to shares... Embrace natural cadence and migrate within natures natural rhythm.

About our abundant deceptions

As said: Environmentally, nothing outlasts, outsmarts, or deceives, the essence of the source of evolving life. Make promises and have faith all you want, no thing supersedes exponential consideration throughout actual behavior as a person or species. Without this reverence there can be no relevance. Also as said: A being of accumulated consciousness and universal conscientiousness observes this: The entire body of humanity became and remains wayward, polarized and misdirected... Regardless of how we got here...our species is not now biologically authentic, naturally entwined, inherently organic, ecologically balanced or functionally suitable... So now what? Do most just hunker down and assume again, we can simply weather out the approaching storm by sticking our collective heads in the sand or bottle? Or do most cause, by our own accord and deed; what the whole sum of existence, including us, would benefit from? How do we identify and overcome humanities abundant deceptions? Firstly we must begin with our own in our own back yards. So to be fair, I will firstly clear the air about my original imprinting. What follows is about the deception i was born into in this life. Christianity was immediately imprinted upon most all innocent souls and citizens that were in my clan and country, from birth, and I dare say even conception. I knew of nothing else, originally; globalization had not occurred. Yet as time went by i personally discovered that in Christianitys case, an Emperor and Empire fabricated Catholicism and Christianity, centuries after Jesus died. Jesus had been originally indoctrinated or imprinted as Jewish, the word Christian and Christianity was never known, approved of or authorized by Jesus. Furthermore only upon the fabrication of Catholicism did the symbol and icon t, the crucifix or holly cross, become predominantly displayed and cunningly utilized to deliberately embed...permanent iconic subliminal reminders, and not so subtle warnings; enforced by fear and utilized in order to quell and commandeer unsuspecting citizens / soulsCausing them, from birth or rebirth to be subconsciously and consistently misinformed, misdirected, intimidated, entangled, enslaved, and manipulatedbecause this is what happens to those who do not tow the party line. This writing is directed toward every clerk, cleric, clergy, adherent, member and congregation that swears by the Biblical version of their particular franchises Sacred books and Holy scriptures.

Jesus did not start, promote, have knowledge of or ever support Christianity, Catholicism or for that matter Church Before or above the well being of every other and all else that the source of his and our existence creates and accommodates. Furthermore these fabrications began over three hundred years after Jesus died, in order to corral and mislead those who attended to the ways of Jesus, not the Church of Jesus. Yell foul or declare sacrilege you might...but being devout, faithful, zealous or imposing violently...cannot make false imprinting real. In reality we also must assume the nature of and assimilate with, the source of all, because that is God to what lords over all evolving creatures and environs, and there are no other gateways. We are all just the same in this expectation. Ecologically appropriate being ascertains fate before anything else. Most understand our life span however few hold reverence for the span of life. Virtually all domineering religion is openly staged as one thing, while covertly implemented in service to that or those other than the source of evolving, biological, symbiotic life and no i am not your enemy, no matter your faith, culture, complexion or loyalty. CHURCHES, TEMPLES, SYNAGOGUES and MOSQUES etc are unnatural, humanly conceived, mechanically made franchises offering exclusive features and benefits... instead of symbiotically oriented venues or mediums they are societal control agencies. Merely competing brands in salvation and eternity insurance businesses, franchises that ultimately only operate under the guise of assuming Allahs, Gods or the Almightys stature and authority while causing destruction for the most part toward the spirit of symbiotic biologys, source. Although some employees, members and adherents of any club, creed, tribe or community, are truly kindred, and well meaning by there natural nature...All humanity is still being led astray and virtually all of humanity remains biologically and socially abusive... At reality most human institutions remain closed; mechanically structured, narrowly focused, unnatural mechanisms that oppose simply being, in parallel to and with, the biological nature of naturally hybridizing symbiosis. Through these man-made mechanical means and structures humanity became and still remain foreign matter or alien to our sources biology.

The awareness behind the eye of the writer was falsely, autocratically and mechanically imprinted with Christianity from physical birth. Yet i could have been born into ISLAM or some Amish culture by chance, or East Indian and introduced to the living of life through that local lore. For me, this time it was WASP from conception... only because of where my soul came into this physical being. Regardless of where any have been born and raised, i repeat; human civilization is not fit or focused enough to survive beyond what all now face...As profit or power based virtual-life support-systems and mechanized infrastructures become dysfunctional and dead. We were all empowered, and still, are able to share, universally considerate physiology...Yet we haven't and again the exceptions are to few to mention. In order to recover, most must comprehend that we have all been deceived, we are all being intervened upon and we are all exposed. Whether life is intelligent design, countless roles of dice or something we can never comprehend in our current state...All evolving being must co-exist through exponential conscientiousness. This currency alone is accepted in the economy of what lords over all symbiotically evolving life. Whether any comprehend of the whole sum or not this currency alone is acceptable and no, symbol, symbolism, society, venture, or tender, has meaning or authority before exponential consideration is simply inherent. What we all render is not nearly sufficient but here is good news...we could and we can, still rescue our species, provided all-else benefits. matter where any stand or are convinced to place faith, belief, trust or hope in... The only saving or saving grace, as a species, or person... is found within humble inter-relationship... Only this brings redemptions hand. This asks all of humanity to stop and listen and reverse our fortunes together. For claritys sake, i love Jesus and i am not claiming to be THE anti-Christ or a Biblical prophet...Though ive been accused of and called worse...these too are humanly conceived. I am anti-church or any none natural establishment when it or they are held up in the place of humble biological, symbiotically social, communion. Perhaps church, religion, faith or belief as well as humble biological, symbiotically social, communion are fine but only humble biological communion with and within evolving creation, gives, or grants, life beyond.

I am anti, the fabricated Christ, only because it is forensically established that the Christ of Catholicism was conjured, over three hundred years after Jesus walked amongst us... I am also anti iconic and you may be tooif you so choose, yet this does not call for disruptive revolt or violent destruction. I am disappointed with humans overall, male or female, but refuse to give up on what lords over all evolving species and individual souls. This earth is a body within the source of all that is; upon which all burgeoning forms and individual spirits are offered mutually beneficial accommodation. I am merely bringing attention to what is upon each of all of us...not they or them but every i and I in humanity, in every where, and i am obliged and entrusted to put this to every faction of human being; individually, collectively and starkly. So Is humanitys future almost here or almost over? No one knows, yet most realize or sense that an ultimate threat looms to our ways of living. This writing is about realizing that almost every opportunity to stop civilizations economic, social, environmental, biological and ecological already passing. Amidst local to global strife, universal deception, rampant confusion, financial bankruptcy and the fatal consequences of ecological insolvency This is about whether enough human beings...will personally and of their own accordchoose to voluntarily and actually rehabilitate from here This is about realizing that just one of us can shoulder the blame or responsibility for all of us but that it will take most all of us paralleling and sharing the same way. So the issue becomes the determination of one orientation for all. This is about you personally. Do you want to know how to be in order to get there from here? Because the way men and women remain is not OK... Human being is not in charge ecological appropriateness within the source of existence is, no matter what that source is or where it comes from. Our comeuppance is already in motion until most capitulate amenably or disappear.

So...Are most or in other words, is humanitys collective psyche, still capable of existing in ways where every back yard, stream, and form of being is of concern? Only ecological synchrony and natural symbiosis achieves ongoing awareness. No conception or contraption...trumps universally conscientious behavior... There is no greater god, good, savior, sovereign or sovereignty... However how and where does a species that doesnt get along with each other...against a local to global backdrop of clashing tribes, languages, complexions, creeds, customs, cartels, cultures and countries...focus upon one biological orientation that includes every creature and species? First this will take acknowledgement, effort, shared wisdom and participatory contribution by most all of us. Furthermore: Those suggesting or guaranteeing we are viable as a society, nation, dominion, civilization and or species Or those claiming or believing we will become safe in our present state, or on our present course, remain in a daze, with too few days left. In lifes universal reality humanitys collective momentum remains dead-ended; merely remnants of a failing DNA sequence. If we are to implement everlasting change most must accept an absolute necessity. As said this is a primer to see if anybody is interested in discussing and implementing where and how we go from here. Thank you and in closingit is time to speak up and get down to it or forever lose the opportunity to become and remain a viable component within the whole sum.

The last section of Biology 101 extends an invitation to those that remain of humanity A universal invitation to gain our means, through exponentially conscientious, ecologically considerate, symbiotically synchronized, consensually driven orientations and infrastructures This invite comes with suggestions for how we might get started however not just one or just a select few, can alone or by them selves resurrect those who remain of humanity It will take collective acknowledgement, sincere acceptance and genuine effort by most all of us because far too few are innocent and in our present state virtually none deserve salvation. So now i ask each person of any persuasion if you, your own personal self, wants to acknowledge and accept how most all of us remain and by our own choice and actions cause acceptable human rehabilitation to happen? If so i advise every person, of every persuasion, to locally embrace and globally implement near by nurturing through environmental parallelism and local first networking. If most come to know of and accept this absolute necessity, i am also here to ascertain who will fully focus upon, and actively strive toward, achieving and sustaining environmentally amenable functionality, locally; everywhere and in every way we exist I also advise that many concepts and suggestions will develop if most openly offer their suggestions and service. However in order to jump start and give near by nurturing and local out networking the focus and function it requires; this writing encourages a method of coordinating immediate and universal migration, toward gaining our means in sync, with the source of evolving existence, by beginning the trek back, from where each now is. What follows is an overview primer with the ultimate objective of constructively implementing and actually achieving ecological harmony with the source of our and all existence...because What we declare as human or civil right and humanitys various, cultures, creeds, countries, constitutions, incorporations, forms of commerce, copyrights, licenses, intellectual properties, various enterprises, ownerships and exploitations; cannot have precedence over ecological symbiosis. Humanity needs an in-common orientation and method of uniting and implementing sustainable, biologically harmonic means, in communion with the source of life.

No matter where you are from, or what you have been taught to believe and enforce. The supposedly democratically founded and governmentally licensed Military Industrial Complex, and a relative handful of shareholders and owners of oil companies, food conglomerates, pharmaceutical giants, media moguls etc; control and detrimentally manipulate every aspect of human society while causing imbalance and destruction throughout the body of the source of biological existence. The information we are all receiving through News, Education, Marketing, Politics or Entertainment can no longer be blindly accepted or believed, and by our apathy, left in charge under only the guise of, consensual democracy, proper instruction, accountable governance, ecological stewardship, balanced nourishment and harmonic co-existence. A near by, local out, ecologically acceptable, inter-dependent networking philosophy, and initiative, is about much more than a distantly controlled and selfishly manipulated; social, communication, or commercial transaction, venue or medium Further, in order to seed and cultivate the required transitional migration, methodologies like near by nurturing, must also provide for, local, direct, realtime, fully functional, consensually democratic and consequently public / personal accountability From each home, neighborhood and environment out As opposed to the currently dominant, top down, out of public control, out of natures compliance, narrowly owned and selfishly influenced mechanisms and systems, most of us still accept at the peril of all existence; not just our own. It is suggested that near by nurturing style methods, while remaining legal, will not be corporately or governmentally owned, or profit driven, though they may be funded by advertisements and support from locally owned endeavors, classifieds, barter exchanges, communally oriented services and or monthly fees, like any public utility or Internet / Communication / Media access company...They will rely as well, but not totally, on unpaid yet directly rewarding and universally beneficial participation, including internships. Near by nurturing networks are to be legal, yet sovereign, self-contained, community cells, owned, operated, and securely controlled, by local citizens of each community Cells that can become outwardly scalable, first regionally then by steps up to globally or cell to cell. They will be directly rooted to local first and environmentally suitable well being, containing mostly locally nurtured and mentored content and be selfsufficiently autonomous. Near by networks would be established upon and committed to operating in parallel with and regenerating through... ecologically symbiotic viability because it is essential for all of us to be biologically symbiotic and environmentally viable before any other motive or objective.

After reading Biology 101 - Clarification for a Confused Species I hope you now, fully realize, that our individual and collective opportunity to regain self determination and ecological validity will soon be fully and irrevocably gone unless most non-violently, legally and symbiotically, reclaim their personal and consequently our environmentally warranted autonomy. Non-violently, legally and symbiotically reclaim our personal and consequently our environmentally warranted autonomy away from the narrowly owned and controlled machinery of modern civilization and through widespread personal initiative and conscientious implementation; rehabilitate, re-habituate and resurrect our biological connection with and within the source of all biological existence and in tune with all evolving creatures and environs. If we run in parallel with earths environments, accommodate the source of our and all existence while openly sharing solutions and innovations; recuperation and symbiotic evolution will come, provided it is sincere, relentless, voluntary and in tune with all evolving creatures and environs. As said near the beginning of this writing: In the ongoing or evolving creation of life, proportionate energy is allocated toward evaluation of every burgeoning form. Our or the "human" species receives no automatic exceptions or exemptions, none do. All life is a stage, those otherwise inclined, are not cast again Just as each of us possesses a choice to exist amicably amongst so too is each newly sprung form of awareness (species) free to induce a sustainable form of inter-dependent compatibility and in this regard, judgments jurisdiction, is not possessed, by any among us Inter-dependent biological compatibility is not an option. No matter what religious, cultural, financial, commercial or political, belief system any have been incorrectly indoctrinated into The end of a period, allotted to determine, whether we are viable as a symbiotic form of being arrived and, does soon pass over and past modern humanity Unless most mend our individual ways; collectivelyas a species Because survival of the body of humanity is not more importantto the source of all existencethan, the wellbeing, of the body of all creatures and environs No matter what we try or say, if we do not reestablish our species, upon the established biologically evolving foundation, the human being as we know it will not deserve to make it.

Today, the venues, mediums, and mechanical mechanisms of modern human societies remain detrimental to: ecological synergy, personal, communal and environmental well being, self determination, self sufficiency and so on because they are controlled by a far too distant few; though they alone are not to blamed or violently accosted because we as a species are to blame since most of us will do the same, when given, taking or having, the chance or opportunity. Perhaps machines and technologies, in and of themselves, are not by themselves destructive, though even their manufacture tends to be. The point is, their narrowly focused, selfishly motivated use, and humanitys apathetic, submissive and albeit misled compliance remains the critical issue. Can you even imagine where we could all have been if all had shared knowledge and coordinated effort? The value of an ecologically compatible solution, innovation, improvement or invention et al is in the open sharing, cooperative development and exponential distribution, not the copyright, trademark, license, exclusive ownership, singular registration, selfish royalty, transaction fee or proprietary usage. I am only against venture when it perpetuates local depravation and a general lack of organic substance...A locally nurtured yet universally open concept; collectively creates, constantly improves, commonly updates and openly shares distributable template or infrastructure framework methods. Furthermore under a nearby nurturing orientation and methodology each and every near by or local out cell or community and every ascending grouping of inter relating cells (regional, national, international etc.), maintains absolute and immediate ability to hold instantaneous plebiscite and enable spontaneous consensus. Under a near by type process, elected and governing representatives, at every level from local, through regional and up to federal, when necessary or needed, would be directly answerable, accountable to, and guided by, instantaneous consensusAs desired or warranted. If we can secure financial transactions from the home on Internet we can secure voting. I recommend ultra conservative democratic standards; such as 80% minimum public voting quorum levels and 75% decision levels are established. 50.01% is not enough. Due to the ground up foundation of a local out environmentally reliant, interactive systemUnder a near by style, locally sustained first, then outwardly scalable configuration, each cell is already self-sustaining, independent and singularly functional because each will also be locally empowered and powered by off the grid passive energy.

For securities sake all near by server system sites or cells are reflected, updated, backed up and held securely at multi sites and or in the now referred to cloud, but the cloud type of environment too, must become owned, directed and secured, by and through public domain, because it as well is narrowly and selfishly controlled and creates exclusive benefits for far too few and as well opens every one to abuse of power and breach of trust, something that is commonplace already. Because all near by sites are run on their own file server system, virtual or physical, independently first and inter-functional next, each has ability when deemed necessary, to close out or even contain all unwanted, unsavory influence or threat consensually; immediately responsive for any reason, including prevention of spreading or receiving viruses etc. Regarding size of a near by cell: As an example each near by selfcontained community or location would vary but could have, for arguments sake, a maximum population of up to say 3000 to 5,000 people. So in that case a city of 100,000 would have 20 to 33 operating centers or hub locations. We will discuss later what each center or cell could consist of physically, because it will be much more than just a file server it would be a community center for well defined, vital and centered communities. Cells could contain meeting and social function facilities, communication and computer access, schools, libraries, tool libraries, food banks, community kitchens and gardens, medical services, elder and child care, barter exchanges, social meeting places and watering holes, credit unions, local service providers and local retailers. Not to mention a regular gathering place for think tanks, idea generators, problem solvers, sharing of global innovation and public coordination of project implementation. Regarding how and where? An option would be to tie their size or boundaries, to already established political or geographic areas, like those set for municipal councils, senators, members of parliament or state / provincial reps though these are probably already too large and would themselves need to be divvied up. Each an integral foundational component of a local first and then universal functionality far superior to the ecological rooting, strength, depth, responsiveness, accountability, self sufficiency and self determination of current infrastructures. I personally, originally developed a near by nurturing then local out, selfsufficiency, self-determination, consensually driven process, then called EquiNet (Equity Net), in the late eightys and early 90s because i saw the direction we were all being misled toward.

Unfortunately i was nave, i thought the average person would see what i saw and when it was explained they would then flock toward reorientation before it all got too far out of control, and before we lost complete touch with the source and nature of our and all existence, no matter what you choose to call it. A big part of my incentive was also to stop commuting as well, so people could be with their families and communities most all of their time, but still have global access. I know from personal experience that commuting and lack of community and lack of conscientiousness for the environment, healthy nutrition and general well being brought most of us to the intolerable conditions we all unfortunately caused; by simply going along and trusting without remaining locally, directly, responsibly and responsively informed and involved. Those in charge of perpetrating what now threatens us all saw me coming, because i started by meeting with Canada Post and then the Universal Post Office in Zurich Switzerland. Incidentally the plan called for a, more comprehensive socially responsible and communally beneficial Facebook style application tied to postal or zip codes. In the end it was one of the past presidents of Canada Post that intercepted me and introduced me to those most interested in causing the demise of what i then proposed under the guise of offering help. I also met with Bell, IBM, Federal and Provincial / State governments, Universities, Northern Telecom, Anderson Consulting, Microsoft and many other players. An IPO was almost immediately in the works, investors invested and more were lining up and the Ontario, Canada government made a substantial financial commitment. At the time I was freelancing articles and editorializing about how Internet and the direction of communication, democracy and ever concentrating ownership, of all categories of incorporation, was consolidating into centralized global ownership and further explaining how detrimental this all was and how we could easily avoid it. Eventually I was segregated, persecuted and black listed. I guess i touched too much on the inherent pitfalls for all local villages, environments and economies globally if society continued to blindly follow, without considering where we were all heading and the levels of damage human being was callously causing. Open identification and frank discussion of the now inherent pitfalls described, quickly became threatening to the main owners, shareholders, and power mongers of our corporately run and environmentally abusive species.

Near by networking and nurturing, then called EquiNet (Equi, short for equity) was soon viewed as a direct threat by the power brokers that were leading a global ownership and control consolidation. Local ability to guide our own way was not to be allowed. I had been a vice president of corporate, commercial and automotive lending, as well as consumer, mortgage and conditional sales contract lending and leasing, in the Canadian banking world. Later i became a hired gun or transformation implementation manager, straightening out faltering companies and knew exactly what i was talking about and they knew it. They knew that what i proposed would stop them in their tracks and liberate us and they could not allow this to happen yet in reality it was not their fault, it was human apathy. After being picked up by the news media and receiving a fair amount of national and even international coverage in the early nineties i was eventually caused to be out of business. By agents of those who were against a more universally beneficial approach, because a more universally beneficial approach directly interfered with and avoided consolidation of global societal control. The escapade even involved a group of former CIA agents operating out of Boston, even Bill Gates sent me an encrypted message that fried my hard drive when I tried to open, the reply to my presentation to him for help, but enough of that. Ultimately i could have sold that company but they would have ruined what it was so i refused to sell more than fifty one percent. But more to the point, the concept failed to take, because most common people would not see the forest for the trees. We will all see what happens this time. FurtherWhat disturbed those, consolidating ownership, and draining all environments, local autonomies and general wellbeing was my declared intent to establish the then EquiNet as a citizen owned utility in each cell; a local first and locally controlled people owned process of governing, while gaining our means more in tune with the nature of our and all existence. Additionally i had declared the further objective of using a similar model and process to create functional competition in all aspects of manufacturing and essential service products such as- insurance - banking - passive energy - cars computers - software etc. But not with any objective to eliminate commercial enterprise but rather to keep commercial enterprise honest, ecologically parallel and under control of the people that all democratic constitutions say are in charge, because in point of fact the people are the government and we, through the elected government, issue and can withdraw all business licenses.

It was then that i realized the necessity to write and publish Biology 101 Clarification for a confused species but spent the last two decades fighting a corrupt government in Canada for human and civil rights while waiting for the worlds psyche to catch up. I now suggest to all, the universal, local out creation of a grass roots, locally controlled system again, because its time is here, however, i first needed to tell humanity, what it needs to hear and accept becauseunless most acknowledge, accept and implement accordingly, it is all over anyway. There are many other suggestions for how we resurrect the body and soul of human being. If most participate positively and without grudge our collective fate may be fruitful, however and again we can never forget that Eden or earth or life its self is not ours alone. No one could do this alone, yet i still fear far too few will respond appropriately and the messenger and message will be killed once again. It is time no matter country, nation, religious belief, level of wealth or perception of staturethat the body of humanity first faces undeniable facts about human being and addresses the absolute need for self-intervention, universally throughout; if we even hope to recover and succeed as a viable species because we are still offending and destroying the family of life and the body and spirit of the source of all existence will not allow or enable this further. If you read this far you know enough to decide what to do. Richard Hamilton, i am available through

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