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Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions


A. Background One of the basic capabilities that must be owned by teachers in the process of learning from some of the ability to teach skills is the ability to open and close the skills lessons. Opening the lesson is the beginning of the implementation process, if this is done properly and correctly will bring a positive impact on the success of the process the next event. To find out if the process is done well and properly, there is one skill that must be done by teachers, namely the ability skills lessons. Therefore, these two skills, this is one of the eight skills, the ability of the combined skills of teaching to one's ability to open and close the skills lessons. The learning process is the process done by the teacher as teacher and student as the student. The two components cant be separated between the one with the other. Teaching is a complex act that involves the students using the teaching skills of some of the integrated to achieve the goals that have been determined. This goal is certainly in the process through which material is to be provided, what methods and media used, and what form of evaluation that can be applied. All of this is an activity that must be made of teachers as professionals in the field of education must be based by a number of theoretical knowledge that leads to a certain perspective, so that teachers can carry out the task properly. Although the implementation in the field occurs in a unique and continuously influenced by other components, both teachers, students, and other environments. That is not less important is the teacher as a director and actors. This means, in this teacher duty and responsibility to plan and implement instruction in schools. The fact indicates that the learning process is a complex and


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

complicated, so difficult to separate the teachers, reflex , and realize do whim. Or can also have the ability because of the limited skills to control, and analyze the natural behavior do fact, the research is based on the class of teacher skills the ability to open and close the lesson effectively and efficiently to improve student achievement. Discussion groups is one of an strategy that allows students master a concept or solve a problem through a process that gives the opportunity to think, interact, and social practice be positive. Small discussion group format is one of the learning process that has characteristics: (1) involving the 3 - 9 students per group, (2) has a goal of binding, (3) takes place in face-to-face interaction is informal, and (4) ongoing B. B. Purpose 1. Skills to open and close the lesson a) The growth of attention to student motivation for the task that will be done b) Knowing the limit of the task is done c) Having clear picture of the task d) Knowing the relationship between experience e) It can connect concepts, facts, skills, enough in each happen. f) Students know the level of success in learning 2. Lead skills, small group discussions a) Sharing information and experience in solving problems. b) Improve the understanding on critical issues. c) Increase the involvement in the planning and decision making. d) Develop the ability to think and communicate. e) Building a healthy partnership, a cohesive group, and responsible. according to a systematic process.


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

C. The principle use of 1. Skills open closed lesson a) Means to attract attention in / motivation should select relevant to the content or purpose of learning how the business or contrived in avoiding Sequentially and continuously. b) In explaining the material should be a basic unit, which arranged the order of a proper and related to students' interests, or have regard to the experience of students. 2. Skills to lead small discussion groups Small group discussion useful for students to a) Develop the ability to think and communicate b) Improve discipline, c) Increase the motivation to learn, d) Develop the attitude to help each other out, and e) Improve the understanding.


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions



A. OPENING AND CLOSING SKILLS LESSONS OPENING LESSONS Sentence-initial sentences spoken teacher determines success is the way all subjects. Achieving the goal of teaching depends on teachers' teaching methods at the beginning of the lesson. All plans and preparation before teaching can not be useful if teachers fail to introduce the lesson. In this phase, which needs to be done first is a set of attitudes and interests properly between the class members. 1. Relationships with Class There are many things that still fascinate students attention outside the class room. This can make students not observing the lessons presented. To overcome this, the teacher can set point relationship between students and the lessons presented. The establishment of the lessons must be in accordance with the interests and needs of students. Teachers also need to be able to generate interest in students can learn to focus their attention to the lessons. Opening of subjects with the best method is not useful if there will be not able to bring students to focus their attention to the lessons.


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

Here are some ways that can generate interest and attention of students when teachers began to teach the lesson. a) News Actual News that the latest flare is being discussed or are to be in the public's attention can be used to obtain students' interests. The students of the class usually read newspapers, magazines, radio listening, and watching television. They have a lot of attention on the case. Teachers can get the latest news via the media. For students small classes, they always respond to events that are associated with the school or their games. Teachers know the students activities throughout the week will not find difficulty in this case. The information can be student activities throughout the week that you can inquire with the students. b). The stories and paintings A story told with a method that will both inspire and sustain the interest of the students lessons that are presented. An image or object can be to attract children. Paintings of everyday life is a good choice to attract and embed a truth to them. c). Reports on tasks Generally, men are more interested with their own activities. Therefore, try to discuss the student's homework in the beginning of the lesson. These activities can increase students' enthusiasm to start the lesson. In addition, with the tasks that students are doing at home, attention can be directed to the class the meaning and importance of learning yourself. Do not forget to express appreciation to the efforts the students who have learned at home. d). Issue of assumptive


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

Problems or the questions presented should be a lesson in things that normally happen in the life of students. For example, "What if there can I say people who ask why you go to church?" Or "What do you do if you up act that you do not?" The issue should be adjusted so that on studies that will be submitted. e).Use of tools A picture, maps, objects, or other tools that can be used effectively for the interests of the student's tuition. 2. Connecting the Subject The suggestions below are ways to effectively introduce a lesson. a) Connect the lessons with lessons of previous Each new lesson is taught is part of the curriculum that has been set. Subject is to be associated with the lessons of others in order to attract students and menajamkan their understanding of the course is. Subjects in previous meetings should be repeated to be associated with a new lesson. This can also help students to know the relationship between the lessons that have been presented with the contents of the Bible. Method to connect the current lesson with the previous studies have varied. A teacher will not lose time when teach repeat previous lessons. If a teacher has time 40 minutes to teach, use the first five minutes of time to set point relationship. b) The principal lesson to announce a reasonably No need to announce the official basic lessons. The most important is how we can presented the more interesting, but full of information. Delivery of basic subjects should attract students as well as the delivery of basic news in a newspaper. c) specify goals and objectives of the lesson


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

Many opinions on the delivery of targets and objectives of the lessons to students. Have argued that, should it be submitted at the end of the lesson. There are also thought to disclose that at the beginning of the lesson. Not all lessons must be done in the same way. If the lesson, for example, the prohibition of liquor or special lessons about the day-to-day, the better targets and goals presented in the beginning of the lesson. d) Must be clear lines of Deliver a basic outline or mind to attract the lesson is important. Delivery as well as the delivery of this editorial in a newspaper that can attract the readers to see more writings in the newspaper. Outline of lessons can be delivered with the full course or just summarized.

DISJOINT LESSON After introducing lessons, teachers have to teach subjects in accordance with the plan that has been prepared. Quality can be seen in the preparation of teaching time is presented. One thing to remember, if there are no students who are learning from teaching, that means the teacher has not taught that lesson. Evaluate the best is not what the teachers, but what is learned by the students. 1. Stimulate thought The question is an effective method to stimulate students' minds. Provoked students to think as deep as possible every description given by the teachers. Test students regularly to keep the attention of students to stay sharp so that teachers can know the extent to which students benefit from the lessons.


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

One way to lead one's mind is to apply a pattern of deductive reasoning. This pattern began with the teacher or a statement of general principles followed by a number of paintings or illustrations. Involve students and ask them to look for further examples of their own lives. 2. Doronglah Disclosure In addition dirangsang to think, students are encouraged to also need to disclose pikirannya. Doronglah help students with their present and does its own interpretation on the subject. The best way to implement this is with the inductive method of teaching. At first teachers help students get to collect facts or illustrations related to the lesson. As a result, the student will be able to find laws, general principles, goals, or lesson itself. Knowledge or experience of students can be used to achieve this principle. 3. Applying Truth Teachers need to guide students in special circumstances where students must practice the principles of their Christian faith. This can bring spiritual growth is good for students. Teachers who continue to stress the application of knowledge and the students can bring students to learn and apply the lessons in the selection, behavior, actions, attitudes, and their whole spiritual life. CLOSING LESSON Do not end the lesson with the sudden. Cover should be considered with the possible so that appropriate. Teachers need to plan a cover that is not in a hurry and also with a prayer about three to five minutes.


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

1. Summarize the lessons In conclusion, teachers should provide a summary of the lessons that have been presented. Activity lesson is no longer a class discussion or the delivery of lessons, but it contains a summary of the issues presented during the day with lessons emphasize basic lesson is the fact. For example, truth-truth in that important lessons, practical lessons that have been taught, the implementation of the final should be made, Christ the Savior is expressed as a sinner, or what lessons can be done at home, school, or when activity. 2. Plan convey Subject Next Time close lessons is a good time to plan the next lesson. Flash teacher can give lessons to the next meeting. It is expected that this may stimulate the desire to learn them.

Before the class was dissolved, ungkapkanlah lessons that will be submitted next week and kemukakan plans in which students can take part in upcoming lessons. a) Generate interest Teachers of students want to return in the next meeting with full spirit. Therefore, let the students return to their homes with a question or a statement that impressive, that can generate interest and their curiosity. Just as an author of a chapter in the serial, which makes the reader want to immediately know the next chapter. In the same way, teachers can end the lesson with a cover of "berklimaks" so that the entire class forward with the next lesson can not wait. b) Provide task Tasks must be carefully planned, even before the lesson begins.


Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

Keep in mind also the spirited attitude of teachers in giving the task will affect the interest and enthusiasm of the members of the class. 3. Skills Leading Small Group Discussions Components skills to guide small group discussions include: 1) focus students, 2) clarify the students' opinions, 3) to analyze students' views, 4) increase the contribution of students, 5) distributing student views, and 6) close the discussion. In its application, teachers should consider the following: 1. There must be of the same background knowledge among group members, 2. All members of the discussion groups should be able to express opinions verbally, 3. The topics discussed should be open to accommodate a lot of opinions, 4. The discussion must take place in atmosphere of openness, 5. The discussion must be given the advantages and disadvantages. 6. Requires a discussion of planning and preparation of the mature, and 7. Teachers must be able to prevent the occurrence of things that can hamper the way the discussion.



Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION & SUGESTION A. Conclusion 1. Opening the lesson is a statement of activities and teachers to associate the experience of students with learning goals to be achieved. This activity is intended to create that mental prakondisi and attention is to the students learning the material that they will learn. Activities to open the lesson not only done at the beginning of



Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions

the course but also lessons in the beginning of each penggal activities, for example, at the start of frequently asked questions, introduce new concepts, launch of the discussion, the processing task, and others. 2. Activities intended to open the subjects to prepare students mentally engaged in order to participate are entered issue will be discussed and trigger interest and recollection students in the lesson material that will be discussed in the activity of learning. 3. Covering the events and lessons of the teacher to conclude or end of the core. Covering subjects can also be done at the end of each penggal activities, such as the end of the discussion, frequently asked questions, follow up the homework that has been done students and others. 4. Activities cover subjects performed with the aim to focus attention on the student end penggal activities or at the end of the lesson, for example, embrace or trace material that just discussed, consolidate student attention on key issues in the lessons already learned, and organize all the activities or lessons have been learned into a meaningful resolution to understand the essence of learning.

B. Suggestion In the open and close the lesson, teachers are expected to deliver the material: 1) A short, compact and clear, 2) Does not kink, 3) easy to understand language, 4) along with an example / enough illustration 5) draw attention



Opening and Closing skill Lessons

& Skills Leading Small Group Discussions



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