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The Young Sparrows and the Hungry Hawk By: Mark Roberts There once was a couple of sparrows

who were born in nests that lied next to each other. One was a boldly colored and caring male, the other a pretty and loving female.In time they grew close and everntually took one another for their partner.They were so happy to be together, and yet they were dissatisfied with their home in the Skywars Oak and the sheltered but boring Woody Woods.They had heard tales from cardinals next door of another flock of sparrows living just over the next hill in the trees above the dwelling of a pack of humans. In short time, the young couple decide to depart for this new flock too seek out the thrill of new horizons, and overlooking a human dwelling would ensure they were never bored again. They say their farewells to their parents, friends and family and take to the wing together. After a short flight, the young couple, the pair of small sparrows move into their knew home overlooking the house of a den of humans.The greet their neighbors and see that there are many of them. Some are young,some have started a family, some are old and lead the flock. The young female sparrow chitters it up with the young mothers in hopes to learn.She learns the best material for a nest, how to best sit on her egg and how to keep her chicks quiet.She is excited and worried and confident and fearful and a whirlwind of emotions over starting their new family. The young male perches out next to some of the other males and they tell him his role.The males tke turns with keeping on watch for the Hungry Hawk, the male is alarmedHe asks them what is this Hungry Hawk they speak of, and they tell him.He is a massive and terrible dagger-taloned fiend, a sparrow-eating razor-beaked monster.The male is alarmed but remains bold, he saw his young mate was happy and content here.He kept what he had heard from her, no reason to burden her when she had so much else to burden her little heart.He speak more and learns where to forage for food, where the Lazy Cat lies in the field, and where the human lands are. Time passes and it comes time for the little male sparrow to take lookout. He hops over to Sharp-eye, the best lookout in the flock and tells him his shift is up.Sharp-eye thanks him and shares the end of the shift report with him. Without a warning, without a shadow, and without a sound, the massive form of the Hungry Hawk is upon Sharp-eye and he is carried off.The young male's tiny heart is racing faster than he thought he could ever muster it too. He is paralyzed for a moment before he remembers his duty as lookout, he sounds the alarm. The flock flies hears his alarm call from all across the yard and gathers round under the canopy of the Big Wood Elm where they meet to speak and during emergancies. There is much clamor and twittering as rumor buzz about between them and facts are twisted every which way. Seeing this, the Wise Old Sparrow calls out for silence, the entire flock grows silent at once at his beckon.He looks to the young male and hisses in an old croning whisper to tell what the alarm was about. The young male stops and his eyes turn immediately to his mate, her

pretty eyes are filled with worry and stare implacably back into his from her perch. He wrestles with not wanting to worry her with the safety of the flock, in the end he chooses the latter and proclaims. "Hungry Hawk has struck down Sharp Eye." There is a moment of stunned shock followed by a wave of a collective gasp that crashes into a wild clamor of speculation and confirmation.The young female alone does not seem to be fearful and in a panic, she looks bewildered and completely confused. The Wise Old Sparrow sees this and hovers over to her and tells her. "You did not know of Hungry Hawk? The voracious devourer of our flock? He is the reason we have a lookout, many have fallen before his talons." The young female is taken aback by the old bird's words, she remains confused, why had her partner not told her of the dangers he faced out on the lookout. It was only by chance that it had been Sharp-eye and not him that had been Hungry Hawk's latest victim. Puffing up with anguish over realizing that he might not have come home and never told her why, she buzzes over to him and skwaks her displeasure to him. He turns his eyes away in shame and collects his thoughts, once her anger subsides she stops her verbal onslaught. He chippers up somewhat having taken time to ready himself he tells her. "I did not tell you for fear of burdening your little heart and dulling that wonderful sheen in your plumage with worry and darkening the twinkle in your eye with doubt and fear." She is taken aback by his words, though she should have known it, even in keeping the secret from her, he did so still because of his love for her. It is in this same instant that she shares what she has withheld from him. "We will be parents in but a short time. I was waiting to surprise you, but I think now is a better time to tell you." The young male does not register her words at first, and then it hits him all at once.Once again, his heart is aflutter faster than he thought he could ever muster it to go, but this time, it flutter with joy and not fright. He takes to the wing and soars about wildly declaring the good news to any bird within earshot. He makes such a clamor that all but the most fearful birds can not help but to stop and stare at him. He sees every bird is staring at him and yet he does not care, he will be a father soon. However, he quickly brings the two matters at hand together and his joy runs into concern, he glides over to his mate and takes a perch next to her. "What will become of our chicks here? They will be born into a place of danger so long as Hungry Hawk soars overhead." The female knows instantly he is correct and she cries out in sorrow, neither wish to bring their chicks up in this place any longer. It is then and their that they look into each other's eyes and together hatch a mutual idea. "We must return home." Back to the Skyward Oak we fly!" Without another word, they take to the wing and leave the Big Wood Elm and their adoptive home behind.

The other birds are whipped up into a frenzy at their flight and soon wish to chase after them and pluck out their eyes for leaving.The Wise Old Sparrow calls out for silence and reprimands the young birds for their vengence-seeking ways. "There is no bird here whom is forced to be in the flock, we are not bees nor are we wolves, we come together only so long as we wish to, let the young couple return from whence they came in peace. It would be the same should any of you someday decide to take flight. Not all can manage living under the shadow of Hungry Hawk as we do." The birds are goaded into smug inaction by the old sparrow's words of homage to their bravery by remaining. The young couple returns home to the Skyward Oak in the Woody Woods and they never leave it again. They hatch three small but strong chicks and raise them with the wisdom that sometimes where you live may be boring, but is also safe. They share their adventures with their chicks who pass it on to their chicks and so on and so forth. Their descendants remain in the Woody Woods to this very day. The End.

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