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S326 5-35-07 Laser induced neuronal regeneration

from 3 to 70 years (mean 37.1, sd = 15.9). Fifteen families had pure forms and the other two presented mild cerebellar and extrapyramidal signs. Among those at risk examined, 33 had no complains, whilst presenting clear cortico-spinal signs (lower limb hyperreflexia, sometimes associated with clonus and mild gait spasticity). In 60 patients (29 families, 16 of which with variable inbreeding degree) transmission was recessive. Several sub-groups could be advanced based on the clinical variability observed: (1) Pure forms: 21 patients (11 families), mean age-at-onset of 11.2 years, sd = 12.1; (2) Forms with mental retardation and peripheral neuropathy: 23 patients (10 families), mean age-at-onset of 13.7 years, sd = 8.4; (3) Forms with mental retardation and anterior horn cell signs: 9 patients (5 families), mean age-at-onset of 19.0 years, sd = 4.3; (4) Other forms: 7 patients belonging to three families, one with dystonia, another with optic atrophy and the third one with posterior columns signs. No X-linked families were identified so far.

Vladimir Randjelovic HN, Nis, Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia

, Dragan Vukic*. Laser Research Laborabory, 2 Special Psychiatric Hospital, Gomja Toponica,

Ei Bull NiS,

According to our experiences and different reports on biological effects of low powar lasers published during the last 20 years, the model of laser light and nerve tissue interactions is presented in this work. The model discusses different neurologic effects, induced by laser irradiation, on molecular bases with special respect to nerve cell regeneration. Neuronal regeneration is suggested to be the result of combined activity of many different biochemical processes within the nerve cell. These processes are primarily related to integral proteins of plasma and intracellular membranes, increased influx of glucose, intercation of laser with mitochondrial matrix soluble molecules, increase in dATP production and mitochondrial DNA synthesis, increased energetic potentials, suppressed arachinodic acid metabolism indicated by normalization of prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene 84 production. Increase in concentration of recative oxygen forms is a negative result necessarily following laser irradiation on certain wavelengths. As a result of these biochemical processes there appear numerous heling effects of low recative level laser therpy (LLLT) on damaged peripheral nerves. The most evident are increase in action potential of damaged nerves above the normal value followed by its normalization, regeneration of damaged nerves, evidently decreased formation of scar tissue and suppression of inflammation. These prccesses are recognized only after laser irradiation applying laser intensities and dosages within the certain range: that is, positive effects seem to disappear above and below the given thresholds.


Validity of questionnaire stroke in the elderly


on previous

A. Di Carlo, D. Inzitari, L. Candelise, C. Gandolfo, F. Grigoletto, M. Baldereschi, N. Minicuci, G. Scarlato, N. Canal, L. Bat&tin, C. Loeb, R. Vergassola, S. Bonaiuto, F. Rengo, P. Livrea, G. Camazzo, L. Amaducci. Targeted Project on Aging, National Research Council, Rome, k/y The use of non-comparable case ascertainment strategies may partially explain differences in stroke prevalence figures. We evaluated the possible impact of false positive screening on prevalence of stroke in the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging, a population-based study involving a random sample of 5632 individuals aged 65-64, identified on the demographic lists of eight Italian municipalities. The screening for stroke included: i) a simple question: have you ever had a diagnosis of stroke? ii) questions about previous symptoms (speech disturbances, hemifacial palsy, limb weakness or paralysis) and iii) a simple neurological examination performed by general physicians. Overall, 652 subjects screened as positive for stroke and only 306 (46.9%) were confined by a structured neurological evaluation. More than half of the false positives were accounted for by peripheral paralysis of the facial newe (19.6%), transient ischemic attacks (17.6%), dizziness (10.1%) and syncopal attacks (6.7%). Age, sex and education did not significantly differentiate confirmed from false positive subjects. The high number of false positive respondents point out the problems related to the use of questionnaires to gather information about previous stroke in the elderly, and the need for a subsequent evaluation performed by neurologists to definitely assess prevalence. Supported by the CNR (Grant 95.00994.PF40), Targeted Project on Aging, Italy.


Neuroepidemiological survey about epilepsy and possible risk factors of an elementary school population from the northwest of Argentina

5 36 L-l 01

L.M. Bonomi, DR. Ferrero, L.H. Parodi, F. Martin. Dept. ofNeurological Sciences, Hospital National de Clinicas, School of Medicine, National University of CdrdoLw, Argentina A detailed study about the whole school population (5-16 years old) of the Concepcion City (Tucuman Province, Argentina) was carried out with the purpose of: 1) detecting some variables and/or events that could be considered as risk factors for epilepsy. 2) Analizing the feasibility of future analytic researches.In order to get those objectives, the whole population of children attending to the different schools of the Conception City in the north west of Argentina was studied through a neuroepidemiological survey previously proved in Bs. Aires. Analysis of frequencies, ratios, association coefficients and risk magnitude (relative risks) were made using the procedures of cases and controls (odd ratios). By this work we have reached some critical ideas about the validity, desirability and admissibility of this survey in certain populations.


Case-control cysticercosls

study of seropositivity in Cuenca, Ecuador


Karyn Goodman , Arturo Carpio *, Susan A. Ballagh l, Marco Carrion *, Geovany Abril *, David Achig 2. Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford CA, USA, 2 lnstituto de lnvestigaciones de /a Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador Neurocysticercosis (NC) is considered the most common parasitic disease of the CNS and is widely prevalent in developing countries. There are no data for identifying population groups with a higher risk of acquiring cysticercosis, or risk factors which influence the manifestation of the disease. Objective: To determine the rate of seropositivity among family members of patients diagnosed with NC, compared to those of the general population. Methods: We used the enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot assay (EITB) to diagnose cysticercosis among family members of index cases of NC and among controls in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The case group consisted of family members of 33 patients who were diagnosed with parenchymal neurocysticercosis by computed tomography (CT). Control were family members of 17 patients with trauma or migraine who had normal CT. Results: The EITB test was performed on 173 individuals (72%) from the case group, and 66 (26%) from the control group. The EITB test was positive 12.7% of the case group, and 2.9% of the control group (p -Z 0.02) The odds ratio was 4.6 (95% confidence interval: 1.5 to 30.4. Approximately 25% of individuals from both groups who had a positive EITB test had NC on the CT scan. Discussion: This study confirms the high rate of seropositivity of cysticercosis among individuals from a developing country. Household contacts of patients with NC have a four fold higher risk of acquiring cysticercosis, in comparison with the general population.


1 Familial spastic paraplegia: Clinical analysis of Portuguese dominant and recessive families

J. Barros, C. AIves*, J. Guimaties3, J.L. Loureiro4, E. Lourenpo5, P. Ribeiro, Ft. Chorgo, J.V. Santos3, M.C. Silvas, P. Coutinho. Dept. of Neurokwy; Hospital Santa Antdnio, Porte, Porfugal. *Dept. of Neuro/ow Hospitai&nro Tirso, Porte, Portugal, 3 Dept. of ~eurolo& Hospital E$s Monk Lisbon, Pcrfugal, 4 Dept. of Neurolcgx Hospital S. Pedro, Vi/a Real, Portugal, 5Dept of Neurology; Hospital S. Matws, Braga, Portugal, 6 Dept. Population Studies, ICBAS, University of Porte, Portugal Familial spastic paraplegias (FSP) are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases, characterized clinically by progressive spatiicity of lower limbs. Cortico-spinal signs may be isolated (pure forms), or associated with other neurological abnormalities (complex forms). The mode of transmission may be dominant, recessive or X-linked. Recently, pure forms of autosomal dominant FSP have been linked to chr. 2 (40%) and families with a very earty age-atonset to ch. 14, while a few pure recessive kindreds were linked to chr. 6. The aim of this review is to define homogeneous diagnostic groups based on the analysis of clinical data of 107 patients belonging to 46 Portuguese families. Part of these patients were identified in a prevalence survey carried out in Portugal and others in hospital registers. In 47 patients (17families) transmission wasdominant. Age-at-onset ranged

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