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Question no 3/4


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Biography Of the Prophet (S.A.W) Topic
First revelation Reasons of opposition to the Prophets teachings Persecutions Taif incident Miraj Invitation to Prophet to come Medina and acceptation by Prophet Events that led up to migration immediately Events of Prophets departure during migration Importance of Hijra Events that followed Hijra immediately Arrangements for the people of Medina made by Prophet The Battle of Badr (IMPORTANCE) The Battle of Uhad The Battle of Khandak/Trench Treaty of Hudabiya and importance Letters to Kings and Emperors Battle of Khyber Battle of Mautah Conquest of Makkah Battle of Hunain The Siege of Taif Expedition of Tabuk Farewell Sermon of Prophet Death of the Prophet Prophets experience in caves Prophet as a Model of Excellence Prophet as blessing of Allah for the mankind & mercy for worlds The relationship of Muslims with Quraish Muslims relationship with Jews and Hypocrites Importance of Makkah and Medina in Prophets life

Sr. No 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30)

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a) b)

Give an account of the Prophets experience of receiving revelation. [10] Explain the significance of the angel and Waraqa Ibn Nawfal in this event. [23] (Oct 2004)

a) The Prophet used to retreat in seclusion to the cave of Hira in the mount of Nur where he passed his time in meditation. He used to take some provisions with him. When these finished he would come back. Muhammad was nearly forty years old, when towards the end of Ramadan an Angel came in the cave of Hira. The Angel said to him, Read, he said I cannot read, Where upon he himself reported, The Angel hugged and squeezed me so hard that I thought I would die of suffocation, then he released me and said, Read and again I said I cannot read then the third time he squeezed me as before and said: Read in the name of your Lord who created. Created man form a clot of blood Read you Lord is most Generous. Who taught man by the pen. Taught man that which he did not know. The Prophet recited these verses after the Angel and he felt as if the words ere written on his heart. These were the first five verses of Surah-al-Alaq and the first revealed verses of the Holy Quran. Muhammad was greatly shaken by this strange experience. He thought that he might be possessed by evil spirits, or inspired by jinns. So he fled form the cave. When the Prophet was half way down the slope he heard the being above saying: O Muhammad you are the Messenger of Allah, and I am Jibrail. He raised his eyes and saw the angel filling the whole horizon, and again he repeated the above mentioned quote. Wherever he looked, he saw the angel flying in the distance. He stood there until the Angel disappeared. Muhammad rushed home greatly, disturbed by this event, to his wife Khatijah and said her: Cover me, cover me. Khatijah covered him until his trembling was over. Then he related the event to his wife. She comforted him, and reassured him saying: You have never done any wrong to anyone, you are kind to other and you help the poor. Allah will not let you down. Then she took him to her cousin Waraqa bin Naufal who was a Christian and had knowledge of the old scriptures of Torah and the Gospel. Waraqa heard all that had happened to the Prophet and said that it was the same Angel that came to Moses and told him that he was the messenger of Allah. He wished he was younger, and could live up to the time when his people would turn him out of the city. b) Gabriel, the archangel, who has the responsibility of bringing Allahs Message to his prophets, also brought the first message of God to Muhammad. He brought the first revelation of the Quran i.e. the first five verses of the Surah-al-Alaq, when he was meditating in the cave of Hira. He was the first link between Allah and Muhammad. He was the first to alert the prophet of the start of his career. He delivered him the glad tidings of Prophethood and alerted the Prophet towards his new career. Since the angel was a super natural creature


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who could fly and fill the whole horizon, he confirmed that he was not a normal being but the angel of Allah. His appearance is a sign that the revelation was truly from God. These revelations were the start of a new faith for the believers and followers of Muhammad. The revelation brought by the angel was the source of enlightenment to the dark times of the Arabs. Waraqa bin Naufal was the cousin of Khatijah. He was a Christian and the scholar of bible and early scriptures and could write from the Gospel in Hebrew. He was an old man who had lost his eyesight. He confirmed to the Prophet that the being he had seen was the Angel Jibrail who had also brought the revelations to other Prophets and brought the Torah to Musa. He confirmed that Muhammad was the Messenger of Allah. He helped him understand the responsibilities to which he had been called. He removed all the confusions of the Prophet about this experience and predicted and warned him that the people of Makkah will expel the Prophet from Makkah. ___________________________________________________________________________ Mark Scheme: For full marks answers should include all the points marked *. (a) (b) The angel was performing the duty he had previously performed with other messengers. He was the first to alert the Prophet to his new career. His appearance is a sign that the revelations were truly from God. Waraqa was the first to explain to the Prophet the significance of his experience. He helped him realize that he had been visited by the angel who had appeared to other messengers. This helped the Prophet understand the responsibilities to which he had been called. *Muhammad was meditating in a cave on Mount Hira. This was when he was 40. *A being unknown to him but later identified as Gabriel appeared. *This being seized him and crushed him, and gave him the order 'Recite!' *He could not, and the crushing and order were repeated twice (three times in all). *Then the being itself recited Recite, in the name of your Lord who created, etc. (give one mark for a reference to the Quranic verses, and 2 marks for a full quotation). Muhammad left the cave and returned home. On the way he again saw the being as a giant figure astride the horizon. He went to his wife Khadija in confusion. She took him to her relative Waraqa lbn Nawfal for an explanation of what had happened. He said the being was the Angel of the Law.



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Examiners Report (a) This part was answered very well by many candidates, though some answers were fuller than others. The fullest detailed the triple crushing of the Prophet, quoted the verses revealed to him, referred to his second vision of the angel after leaving the cave, his comforting by Khadija and his visit to Waraqa. In descriptive questions, the Examiners look for accuracy and completeness, and candidates often lose marks by getting basic facts wrong or leaving them out altogether. The need for planning answers is paramount. There were some surprising interpretations in a few answers. One was that the angel did not crush the Prophet but held him in order to reassure him, and another was that the angel first visited the Prophet six months before coming to him in the cave with the first revelation. If any teachers know an authentic source for such interpretations, they are asked to share them in the Discussion Group (see above). The Hadith preserved by al-Bukhari is generally taken as the most reliable source; this is quoted in full in the Islamiyat textbook, pages 10-12 (see above). (b) There were some good answers to this part, though many candidates were unable to say why the two characters of the angel and Waraqa were important. The best answers explained that the angel who appeared was Gods messenger to all Prophets, and was the first to inform the Prophet Muhammad of this new career that had been chosen for him, and that Waraqa helped him to understand what this new career was, who the angel was, and the difficulties that lay ahead.



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Write an account of the major difficulties faced by i. the Prophet, and [6] ii. his followers [6] b) Explain how their reaction to these difficulties set an example for the Muslims of today. [4] (May 2007) i) Prophet declared his Prophethood and began preaching Islam openly as commanded by Allah by the following words: Therefore, declare openly to them, what you are commanded and turn away from the pagans. After this command the prophet assembled the people of Makkah at the Safa hills and there invited them towards oneness of Allah and his Prophethood, but they turned away. His uncle Abu Lahab condemned him and said, May you perish forever. Did you call us for this?. The Quraish started calling him a magician, poet and fortune teller and ridiculed his commandments. An old woman regularly pelted him with rubbish on his way to prayer. Poems were written to ridicule the Prophet. Abu Lahab forced his two sons to divorce their wives Ruqayah and Umm-e-Kulthum, the Prophets daughters after the Surah Lahab was revealed and both of them divorced. When the Prophets second son Abdullah died in infancy, Abu Lahab started calling the Prophet abtar a man cut off with no male off spring. His wife used to put thorns, filth, stones and brambles in the path of the Prophet. He commanded Aqbah bin Abu Mueet to place the fetus of a she camel on the Prophets back while he was prostrating himself at the Kaaba. On another occasion, Aqbah bin Abu Mueet rolled his sheet round the neck of the Prophet and tried to strangle him while he was praying at the Kaaba. The pagans sent Utba bin Rabia with offers of great wealth or marriage to a beautiful woman of his choice or kingship of Makkah but the prophet declined. Then the pagans pressurized Abu Talib to stop prophet from preaching. Abu Talib when said prophet to stop preaching, the Prophet refused and said, O uncle! Even if they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left to force me to renounce my mission, I would not stop until God fulfills my mission or destroys me in the process. In the 7th Year of Prophethood, the Quraish boycotted the tribe of Banu Hashim and forced them to stay in a narrow gorge known as Shaab Abi Talib. The boycott lasted for 3 years and during this no one was allowed to talk, call, and trade or marry with them or to provide them with food or anything to drink. But the followers of the Prophet remained steadfast and strong in their faith. The Prophet was saved form further physical torture because of the political protection of his uncle Abu Talib. The Prophet however was deprived of this protection in the 10th Year of Prophethood when Abu Talib passed away and the persecutions of the Quraish intensified. The Prophet then invited the people of Taif, a town 60 miles away from Makkah, in 619 AD to Islam but they not only rejected him, but ridiculed him, pelted him with stones until his feet were filled with blood and was chased out of the city by boys throwing stones at them. But instead of cursing them, the Prophet prayed for them and when he returned to Makkah, Makkans did not allowed him to enter. Then Mutam bin Adi gave him shelter and helped him in entering


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Makkah. In the same year the Prophet was further discouraged after the death of his loving wife Khatijah, who was a great source of moral and economic support to the Prophet. Then at last Allah commanded Prophet to migrate to Medina. EXTRA POINTS: People those met Abu Talib are Abu Sufiyan, Abu Jahal, Utba bin Rabia etc The point of boycott with Banu Hashim can be written in both part (a) and part (b). ii) The companions and followers of the Prophet were subjected to great physical torture by the Quraish. Bilal was made to lie on scorching sand by his master Umaiyah bin Khalaf and he would place a heavy stone on his chest. But Bilal would say, Allah is One, Allah is One. His master also used to lash him at night. Amar and his parents Yasir and Summaiyah were persecuted by Abu Jahl and he killed Summaiyah mercilessly. Harris bin Abi Hala, once came to rescue the Prophet when he was being attacked by a Quraish. During this attempt he got injured and ultimately embraced martyrdom. Abu Fakeeh was also persecuted by Safwan bin Ummiyah. Other companions including Saad bin Abi Waqas, Usman bin Affan, Khubab bin Arat, Lubeera, Zunayra and Nahdia were also persecuted terribly by the Quraish. In the 5th year of Prophethood, 11 men and 4 women including Usman and his wife Ruqqaya migrated to Abyssinia, when the persecutions became unbearable. The Quraish followed them but they fled. The Quraish then sent delegation under Amr bin Al-Aas to king of Abyssinia and tried to convince the King, Najashi to hand Muslims back and presented him with gifts but they were unsuccessful. Hazrat Jaffar bin Abu Talib answered the questions of Negus questioned to Muslims. After hearing it Negus said, I will not handover to you these men and women and agreed to give the Muslims refuge, after realizing the similarity of Islam and Christianity. The following year 18 women and 83 men took refuge in Abyssinia. In the 7th Year of Prophethood, the Quraish boycotted the tribe of Banu Hashim except Abu Lahab and forced them to stay in a narrow gauge known as Shaab Abi Talib. The boycott lasted for 3 years and during this no one was allowed to talk, call, and trade or marry with them or to provide them with food or anything to drink. But the followers of the Prophet remained steadfast and strong in their faith. They could not pray at Kaba openly before the conversion of Hamza and Umar and those who did were persecuted by the Quraish. There means of livelihood were taken away. The business of the rich such as Abu Bakar, Umar and Ali suffered and the ordinary were not employed anywhere by the Quraish. In the 13th Year of Prophethood, the Prophet along with his followers migrated to Madinah, as commanded by Allah. b) Patience Trust in Allah Steadfastness No compromise on principles of Islam Migration Forgiveness ___ Conquest of Makkah The Prophet and his followers bore the cruelest of deeds with steadfastness. His firm belief in Allah sets a perfect example for the Muslims of toady. The oppressed and poor


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classes in the Muslim Community should hold fast onto Allah and submit to His will and Allah will surely help them. The Holy Prophet made no compromise on Islamic principles despite being offered bribes such as leadership of Makkah, marriage with the fairest lady and never ending jewelry and riches. Similarly the leaders of Muslims should follow such principles and instead of adopting easy ways of making money, they should firmly remain on the path of duty. In the time of persecution, he didnt curse or abuse anybody but turned towards Allah for help and prayed to Allah to strengthen Islam by giving him Umar or Abu Lahab. Allah immediately fulfilled his wish and gave him Umar following which Muslims could pray openly at Kaaba. This instructs the Muslims of today to pray to Allah to improve their situation and indeed He will help them. The Prophet and his followers preferred to stay in a narrow gauge for three year instead of giving up their faith. This tells the Muslims to not be discouraged or afraid to take a stand or bear punishment for the sake of Islam and on the long run they would be helped by Allah. The Prophet remained patient and bore the persecutions with courage and migrated to Madinah without retaliation. This sets a perfect example for the Muslims of Iraq, Kashmir and Palestine who despite of being less powerful, make unsuccessful attempts of migrating. They should instead look to migrate to a safer place.



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The hostility of Quraish increased with the death of Abu Talib and Khatijah and they mounted persecutions on the Muslims. Then the Prophet decided to invite the people of Taif, a town 60 miles away from Makkah. The Prophet was accompanied by Zaid bin Haritha. He invited the people of Taif in general and 3 chiefs (Habib, Masaud and Abd Ya Lil) for 10 days. He was not only rejected by them but also he was ill-treated. They set the wicked and villains upon the Prophet. They injured the Prophet seriously. His shoes filled up with the blood. He took rest for some moments in the orchard of Utba bin Rabia and Utbas slave offered a bunch of grapes to the Prophet. On his way to Makkah at Qarm-Al-Manazil, Gabriel appeared along with the angels of mountains and offered Prophet to destroy the town but the Prophet said: I was sent as a blessing to worlds. I hope Allah will raise such people from the town who will accept my message. The Prophet returned to Makkah and Mutim bin Adi offered him protection to continue his mission.



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a) Say briefly why the people of Medina invited Prophet to their town. b) Say briefly why the Prophet accepted their invitation.

[4] [4]

(October 2001)

a) When the Quraish increased their persecutions at the Muslims at Makkah, the Prophet decided to preach the pilgrims coming from outside the Makkah. 6 people came from Yathrab. The Prophet invited them towards Islam and they accepted Islam and return back to Yathrab. Next year, a group of 12 people again came from Yathrab. The Prophet invited them towards Islam. They pledged at the hands of the Prophet that they would worship one Allah. They would neither indulge in stealing nor commit adultery or kill their children and would obey the Prophet in every respect. This oath is called First pledge of Akba. In the 13th year of Prophethood, 73 men and 2 women also came from Yathrab. They pledged with Prophet to help and protect him and his followers and invited him to live with them as the leader of community. This is known as Second pledge of Akba. ==> They had deep desire to have Prophet among them to teach the fundamentals of Islam to them. ==> Yathrab was a war-torn city as Aus and Khazraj, the 2 major tribes, were always at war with each other. They have been fighting over tiny issues for many years and the Jews exploited this situation. Therefore, they invited Prophet to settle their differences. ==> Medinians were impressed by Prophets religion and personality and wanted to spread Islam in Yathrab. ==> They were also aware of the persecutions being faced by the Prophet and his followers in Makkah and thus invited him to Medina. b) The Prophet was being persecuted by the Quraish at Makkah like an old woman regularly pelted him with rubbish on his way to prayer and the whole clan of Banu Hashim was boycotted and was forced to live in a narrow gorge known as Shaab Abi Talib for 3 years in 7th year of Prophethood. During this boycott no one was allowed to talk, call, and trade or marry with them or to provide them with food or anything to drink. Besides the Prophet, his followers were also being persecuted by the Quraish like Bilal was made to lie on scorching sand by his master Umaiyah bin Khalaf and he would place a heavy stone on his chest and his master also used to lash him at night and Amar and his parents Yasir and Summaiyah were persecuted by Abu Jahl and he killed Summaiyah mercilessly. The Quraish were obstinate but on the other hand, people of Yathrab were considerate and kind-hearted. The Prophet found Yathrab more fertile for the new faith to grow. The people of Yathrab accepted Islam readily and Islam spread in the region rapidly. Medina was surrounded by mountains on 3 sides so it was a safe and secure from enemies attacks whereas Makkah was an opened land and was not surrounded by mountains. The Prophet preached the people of Makkah 13 years but they were not ready to accept Islam. Then the Prophet attempted to preach the people of Taif. They not only mocked but also ill-treated him. After this, he decided to preach the pilgrims and some of them accepted Islam. He wanted to put his teachings into practice to achieve his objective and so migrated to Medina. Moreover the Quraish planed at Dar-ul-Nadwa to


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assassinate the Prophet and Allah commanded him to migrate to Yathrab and so he at once migrated to Medina.



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a) b)

Describe the events that immediately led up to the Prophet's migration, the Hijra. [10] Suggest three reasons why he decided to move form Mecca to Medina. [6] (Oct 2005)

a) Ever since the Prophet had announced his Prophethood, the Quraish had persecuted him and his followers. The persecutions intensified after the death of Khatijah and Abu Talib in the 10th year of Prophethood. The Prophet then tried to spread the message of Islam to places other than Makkah. He was utterly rejected by the people of Ta'if. They ridiculed him; hit him with stones until his shoes were his blood and was chased out of the city by the boys pelting stones at him. But the people of Madinah listened to him and his teachings. In the 11th year of Prophethood, 6 pilgrims from Yasrab accepted Islam. On their return to Yasrab, they spread the message of Islam in Yasrab. The following year 12 people from Yasrab came and accepted Islam at Al-Aqabah. They swore to the Prophet that they would believe in One God, they would obey him in every way and refrain form all moral and social evils including adultery, stealing and killing their children. This event is known as the First Pledge of AlAqabah. The Prophet sent Masab bin Omair to preach Islam in Yasrab. In the 13th year of Prophethood, 73 men and 2 women came to the Prophet and took the same pledge. This event is known as the Second Pledge of Al-Aqabah. They also swore that they would help and protect the Prophet and invited him to live in Yasrab as the leader of their community. Gradually the Prophet started sending Muslims, north to Madinah. When the Quraish came to know of this they decided to kill the Prophet. The plan was that men of all tribes would participate in the killing so that Banu Hashim would not be able to avenge the murder. But the Prophet was warned about the evil intentions of Quraish through divine revelation. The Quran says regarding this matter. "Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you, to keep you in bonds, or slay you or get you out (of your homes). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans, but the best of planners is Allah." The night the Quraish had planned to the kill the Prophet, he secretly escaped with Abu Bakar, as commanded by Allah and asked Ali to sleep in his bed as a decoy and return the items, the people had entrusted him with. b) The Holy Prophet belonged to the clan of Banu Hashim. The leader of the clan was the Prophet's uncle Abu Talib. During persecution, the Prophet was saved from physical torture by his the political support of his uncle, Abu Talib. In the 10th year of Prophethood, Abu Talib died and the leadership of Banu Hashim was passed on to Abu Lahab who was hostile towards the Prophet and therefore the Prophet lost support of his own clan. Khatijah who was also a source of moral and financial support to the Prophet had also passed away that same year meaning the Prophet was defenseless at Makkah. Moreover, his efforts of preaching Islam at Makkah had met with little success and only had a few number of supporters who were tortured by the Quraish and if the persecutions continued it could have proven fatal for Islam and therefore the Prophet was in a desperate need of finding shelter for himself and his followers form the Quraish. Furthermore, during the First and Second Pledge of Al-Aqabah, the people of Madinah had sworn their alliance to the Prophet and promised to


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protect him and his followers in every way. They accepted Islam and acknowledged the Prophet as their leader and invited the Prophet and his followers to Madinah. This provided the Prophet with the perfect opportunity to migrate to Madinah and mark the start of the Islamic Civilization. Mark Scheme: (a) (b) He was defenseless at Mecca, because Abu Lahab the head of his clan after Abu Talib's death was his enemy. [1 mark, but 2 marks for full details.] His attempts at persuading the people of Mecca to accept his teachings had met with little success, except for a small group of followers. These followers were under threat, and some had experienced long persecution. The people of Medina appeared to welcome him. They recognized his mission and accepted him as a religious leader. They also offered him and his followers protection. [The problem here concerns exactly what events led up to the hijra. Candidates have to decide when to start the story.] Muhammad had incurred the enmity of Quraysh by his preaching. [This is background and for any general information of this kind allow 1 mark] His wife Khadija and uncle Abu Talib died in 619 leaving him defenseless. He sought acceptance by preaching at fairs in Mecca and elsewhere. A small group from Yathrib (later renamed Medina) listened and accepted his preaching. The next year they swore allegiance to him (the first pact of al-`Aqaba, the oath of women, not involving fighting for him). The following year 73 men from Yathrib swore to defend him (the second Pact of al`Aqaba). [1 mark, but 2 marks for details of numbers etc.] Muhammad gradually sent Meccan Muslims north to Yathrib. He himself went on the same night when the Quraysh planned to murder him. He departed with Abu Bakr. He left `Ali in his bed as a decoy, and in order to return items people had left with him. The Prophet received a divine instruction to migrate.

Examiners Report: (a) This part was answered very well by many candidates, though some answers started their account of the hijra from the beginning of revelation. In descriptive questions, the Examiners look for accuracy and completeness, and candidates often lose marks by getting basic facts wrong, leaving them out altogether or even starting their answer from too early a point. This results in the answer being more general than specific to the question. The need for planning answers is paramount. There were a few candidates who wrote about the events in Madinah immediately after the hijra, which again emphasizes the need for the candidates to read the questions properly. Overall, those candidates who answered this question well showed accurate details of the events, particularly those relating to the Pledges of al-Aqaba.


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(b) Most candidates were able to give some general comments stating the reasons the Prophet moved from Makkah to Madinah. However, Examiners were looking for some elaboration on these points for candidates to be able to earn the full six marks. Also, some candidates simply repeated comments made in part (a) in this section. There were some good answers to this part where candidates expanded on the basic points, e.g. explaining that the Prophets small group of followers had faced lots of persecution which was a threat to the development of a Muslim community in Makkah.



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a) Describe the main events of Prophets migration from Makkah to Medina. b) Explain why he thought it important to make the journey.
(JUNE 2008)

[10] [6]

a) The Prophet decided to migrate to Medina when he was commanded by Allah through the angel Gabriel to migrate to Yathrab, after his followers had left Makkah. The Prophet went to see Abu Bakr and arranged with every thing for the intended migration. The Quraish (Abu Jahl, Akba bin Abu Mueet, Ummiyah bin Khalaf etc.) besieged the Prophets house to assassinate him. The Quran says: Remember how the pagans plotted against you to keep you in bounds or slay you or get you out (of the city). They plot and plain and Allah also plans, but the best of planners is Allah. At that critical point the plans of the Quraish utterly failed despite the tight siege. The Prophet ordered Hazrat Ali to sleep in his bed in order to return trusts to their owners and then covered Ali with his green mantle and departed with Abu Bakr on Saffar 27, 14th year of Prophethood or 13 September, 622 AD. The Prophet and Abu Bakr walked along a road leading to Taif. They walked for 5 miles and reached a rough and rocky mountain, Thaur. Abu Bakr first entered the cave to explore it and assure that it was safe and closed all the holes with pieces torn off from his clothes. He cleaned it and then asked Prophet to get inside. Abu Bakr was bitten by a scorpion or snake but did not cry. The Prophet immediately applied his saliva on Abu Bakrs foot and the pain went off on the spot. The Quraish sent 2 experts to seek Prophet and they managed to reach the cave of Thaur. Abu Bakr heard the voices of pagans and showed Prophet uneasiness. The Prophet consoled him and said: The Quran says: They were two in cave and he (Prophet) said to his companion (Abu Bakr), have no fear, for Allah is with us. The experts returned back when they saw a spider web and at the opening of cave with pigeon nest and eggs on it and abandoned the idea of further pursue. The Prophet and Abu Bakr confined themselves to this cave for 3 days and nights (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Abdullah, son of Abu Bakr, would go to meet them after sunset, stayed night there and informed them the latest situation in Makkah and then leave them in morning. Asma, Abu Bakrs daughter, brought food for them. Amir bin Fuhayra, Abu Bakrs slave, would bring goat milk for them every evening. Finally, the Prophet along with Abu Bakr, Amir bin Fuhayra and a pagan guide Abdullah bin Uraqit set out for Medina on 1st Rabi-ul-Awal, 14th year of Prophethood or 16th September, 622 AD. After covering some distance, they were chased by Suraqa bin Malik who had intended to capture Prophet to get the prize announced by Quraish. He horse stumbled twice. Finally, he requested Prophet to give him protection and Amir bin Fuhayra wrote down a note of protection that will be a token and Prophet predicted: O Suraqa how will you feel when the bracelet of Khusru will be on your hand. The party after few days reached near the isolated tents of a woman, Umm-Mabad (real name Atika) and stayed there to refresh themselves. The Prophet and his party drank milk of goat there. Then on their way to Medina, they met Burayda Aslami, along with 80 men of his tribe who accepted Islam. Then the party met Zubair bin Awam. He was returning from Syria and


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offered Prophet white pieces of clothes. On Monday, 8th Rabi-ul-Awal, 1 AH or 23 September, 622 AD, Prophet arrived at Quba, 3 miles away from Medina. They stayed there for 4 days (Monday Thursday) and were joined by Ali at Quba. The Prophet built a mosque. This was the first mosque in history of Islam. On Friday, he set out for Yathrab. On his way, he offered the first Friday prayer in the town of Banu Salam with 100 Muslims. The Prophet arrived at Medina on Friday. The people of Medina were waiting for Prophet eagerly. In their delight, the girls of Ansar recited these coplets: The full moon shines down upon us from Thaniyat al-Wida. We must all give our thanksgiving all the while praising Allah You whom Allah sends among us, Youve ennobled Medina. Welcome now! Guide us to His way! b) Events that led up to migration.



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a) Describe the events in Medina that immediately followed Hijra. Mention especially the Muhajireen and Ansar. [10] b) Explain the significance of these events as an example for Muslims today. [6]
(OCTOBER 2002)

___________________________________________________________________________ a): The Prophet arrived Medina on 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal, 1 AH. He was warmly welcomed by the immigrants (arrived earlier) and Ansar. The first major task made by the Prophet was the construction of mosque where Muslims could offer their five daily obligatory prayer and Juma prayer. The land for the mosque was bought from 2 orphans, Sahal and Suhail. The price of the land was 10 dirhams which was paid by Abu Bakar. The Prophet himself participated in the building of the mosque. It was a simple square building with the walls made of unbaked bricks, the roof of mud, palm leaves and stones and the pillars of date palm trunks. A platform was made for poor Muslims, Suffaa. A few rooms were added for the residence of Prophet and his family. The mosque was known as Masjid-Nabwi. It was not only a place of worship, but also a meeting place, parliament house, military headquarters, a place of learning for Muslims and a place of worship. The Prophet also introduced Azan. The words were given by Umar and Abdullah bin Zaid, both of them saw in dream. Hazrat Bilal was appointed as a first Muazzan. The Prophet gathered the Muhajireen and the Ansar at the house of Anus bin Malik and established a Bond of brotherhood between them which came to be known as Maukhat. They were about 100 in number. Ansar were the people of Medina who had accepted Islam and invited Prophet to their city. Muhajireen were the people who faced persecutions at Makkah and had migrated from Makkah to Medina with Prophet and had left their everything at Makkah, for the sake of Allah. They were in a dire condition and due to these Maukhat; each Ansar shared his wealth, property and house. Muhajireen were even allowed to inherit from the property of Ansar. After the arrival there were 3 political, religious and cultural groups in Medina. They were: 1) Believers __ Muhajireen and Ansar. 2) Non-believers of Aus and Khazraj (because all the non-muslims did not accept Islam). 3) Jewish tribes __ about 10 tribes. The Holy Prophet devised a document in which the rights and obligations of all the communities of Medina were recognized. The document was known as Charter of Medina. This document can be divided into 2 parts. 1st part consisting of 23 clauses laying down rules affecting Muhajireen and Ansar. 2nd part of document contained 24 main clauses and 3 sub clauses. This part discussed the rights and obligations of Jewish tribes of Medina. The important clauses of charter are as follow: All the community signing the charter would be considered as a single nation. All the parties would enjoy complete religious freedom and tolerance. All the communities will maintain peace and order in city. In case of attack, they will protect jointly and help each other and fight the enemy together.



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All the communities would recognize the Prophet as a supreme leader.

b) The Prophet set up a unique example by establishing Bond of Brotherhood between Muhajireen and Ansar. This incident teaches the Muslims that they should cooperate and help their brothers in hour of need and particularly during natural calamities, flood, earthquakes etc. It also gives the lesson to Muslims that they should live like the united body. If 2 groups are at war with each other, other Muslims should reconcile them. It also provides a solution to the problem of displaced refugees like of Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan. Charter of Medina: The Prophet concluded a charter in which the rights and obligations of all the communities were recognized. This example teaches the Muslim rulers that they should ensure to grant equal rights to all the citizens and protect the rights, honour, properties, etc of non-muslim minorities. They should be provided religious freedom. Mosque: The Prophet established a mosque after migration. The mosque was used for offering daily prayers and Juma, education, court, a meeting place, a shelter for homeless people and other purposes like for marriage ceremonies and receiving delegations. This teaches Muslims the importance of mosque for a community that they should use it for communal worship, education, court, meeting place, a shelter for homeless people or to receive delegations.



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What were the arrangements made by the Holy Prophet in establishing the new Islamic state at Madinah? [8]

A) On his arrival to Madinah, the Prophet decided to stay at the house of Abu Ayub Ansari, where his she-camel had stopped. The Prophet then built a mosque for the Muslims to offer prayers. The land for the mosque was bought from 2 orphans, Sahal and Suhail. The price of the land was 10 dirhams which was paid by Abu Bakar. The Prophet himself participated in the building of the mosque. It was a simple square building with the walls made of unbaked bricks, the roof of mud, palm leaves and stones and the pillars of date palm trunks. It was not only a place of worship, but also a meeting place, parliament house, military headquarters and a place of worship. The Prophet gathered the Muhajireen and the Ansar at the house of Anus bin Malik and established a bond of brotherhood between them which came to be known as Maukhat. Umars bond was made with Utban bin Malik Usmans bond was made with Aus bin Thabit The Prophet himself established his bond of brotherhood with Ali. This cemented the Muhajireen and the Ansar. Each Ansar helped his Muhajireen brother and shared his wealth and property with him. The Muhajireen who were in a dire economic state were financially uplifted. The Prophet wanted to device a way of calling the Muslims to prayer. Suggestions came of adopting the Christian method of ringing bells or Jewish way of blowing horns, but they were rejected outright. Abdullah bin Zaid and Umar under divine inspiration saw a same dream in which they were taught the words of Azan. The method was accepted by the Prophet and he appointed Bilal to deliver Azan. After this, the Prophet improved the relationships between the Jews and the Muslims by making a pact with the Jews known as the Charter of Madinah. It terms were as follows: Both the Jews and the Muslims would enjoy complete religious freedom and tolerance Both the parties would constitute civil society together and have equal rights. Madinah will be a city of peace for both the parties. Both Jews and Muslims will be allies and will make alliance together with the outsiders. The allies of both parties will enjoy freedom. In case of foreign attack, both parties will help each other and fight the enemy. The Prophet would settle any dispute amongst the two parties and his decision will be final.




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a) b)

Give descriptions of the main events of the battles of Badr and Uhad. [12] Explain why the people of Makkah fought against the Muslims of Medina. [4] (May 2006)

a) The battle of Badr took place on 17th Ramadan, 2 AH. A large trading caravan under the leadership of Abu Sufiyan was coming back form Syria belonging to the Quraish. Abu Sufiyan was fearful that the Prophet might intercept the caravan and asked the Quraish for help. The Quraish prepared an army of 1,000 men in armor, 70 horses and a large number of weapons and supplies compared to the 313 men, 3 horses and 60 suits of armor of the Muslims. The Quraish army comprised of all the nobles except for Abu Jahl who appointed a man to replace him, and their commander-in-chief was Utbah. Tulha bin Ubaidullah and Saeed bin Zaid were appointed by the Prophet to inquire the whereabouts of the caravan of Abu Sufiyan. Ibn-e-Maqtoom was appointed as the leader of the Muslims in the Prophets absence. Meanwhile Abu Sufiyan changed his route and returned home safely but the Quraish, mainly Au Jahl insisted on fighting. The Muslims occupied the springs that rendered the wells occupied by the Quraish useless. The Prophet, however, allowed the unbelievers to drink this water. The night before the battle, it rained which made the sandy ground on which the Muslims stood smooth and firm. Before the start of the battle the Prophet threw a handful of dust at the enemies to encourage the Muslims to fight. During the individual combats Hamza, Ali and Ubaidah bin Harith bin Harith killed the three Makkan chiefs Utbah ibn Rabiah, his brother Shaybah and his on Waleed. Then general war followed in which the Muslims emerged victorious. The archers as per the order of the Prophet did not shoot their arrows from a distance. Allah helped the Muslims during the battle when 1,000 angels descended to help the Muslims in the battlefield. Only 14 Muslims embraced martyrdom. A large amount of booty was captured which consisted of 115 camels, 14 horses, carpets and tents. Pagans (including 11 chiefs) were killed and 70 were taken as prisoners of war who included Abbas, Abul Aas and Suhail bin Amr. The wealthy prisoners of war were freed for a ransom of 1,000 to 4,000 dirhams. The literate Quraish were freed for teaching 10 Muslims for a fixed amount of time and the poor prisoners of war were freed without any ransom. The Battle of Uhad took place on 6th Shawal 3 AH. The Quraish prepared an army of 3,000 men under Abu Sufiyan. Women including Hind, Umm Hakeem, Fatima and Abu Jahls daughter-in-law were allowed to accompany the army. After consulting with his companions, the Prophet decided to fight the enemies in the open. The Muslim army comprised of 1,000 men, which was further reduced by the withdrawal of Abdullah bin Ubaiy and his 300 men on the plea that they wanted to fight the Quraish form inside Madinah. The Muslims army also included women (Ayesha, Fatima, Umm Sulaih and Umm Ammara) who supplied water to the wounded Muslims and washed their wounds. The next day, the Prophet marched towards Uhad and encamped on a rising ground which was difficult to pass and thus reduced



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the numerical strength of the Quraish. Muslims gained the upper hand during individual combats when Tulha bin Abi Tulha, Usman, Saad and Kilab were killed by Ali, Hamza, Zubair bin Awwam, Asim bin Sabit and Abu Dajama and during the general war the trend continued. The Quraish began to flee leaving behind booty. 38 out of 50 archers, under the leadership of Abdullah bin Jubair, who had been posted by the Prophet to guard a pass, and thereby protect the Muslims from an attack from behind, left their positions to collect the booty despite being instructed by the Prophet not to leave their positions in any condition. Khalid bin Waleed and his cavalry seized the opportunity and attacked the Muslims from behind killing leading Muslims including Hamza, Musaf bin Amr, Hanzala bin Rabeeh and Abdullah bin Jahsh. They even injured the Prophet and caused him wounds on the face, lose his two teeth and become unconscious despite being surrounded by some of his companions, Rumor spread that the Prophet had passed away, which caused the Muslims to throw their arms in despair. But when they came that the Prophet was still alive they started fighting with renewed vigor. Seeing this, the Quraish started retreating. Following the battle the bodies of the Muslims martyrs were mutilated by the Quraish. The Muslims, however, had learnt an important lesson from the battle of never disobeying the Prophet again. b) The Quraish were greatly displeased with the people of Madinah for providing shelter to the Prophet and his followers and their displeasure was further increased when the people of Madinah refused to hand back the Prophet and the emigrants. The Prophet had started to intercept the caravans of the Makkans that passed through Madinah which harmed them economically. The Prophet had also made an alliance with some Bedouin tribes to deny the Quraish safe route to their caravans. The Quraish were jealous and fearful of the growing power of the Prophet, which threatened their leadership of Arabia and Islam whose teachings of belief in one God threatened their religion. The expedition sent by the Prophet under Abdullah bin Jahsh to watch the parties sent by the Quraish to patrol the out skits of Madinah, killed Amr al Hadarmi in a skirmish which increased the level of hostility in the Quraish. After the Battle of Badr the hatred and enmity of the Quraish increased further and they were crying to avenge their defeat at Badr.

IMPORTANCE OF BATTLE OF UHAD IS DONE IN NEXT QUESTION Mark Scheme: (a) Badr occurred in 624, the second year after the hijra. The Muslims had heard of a Makkan caravan passing near Madina, and they waited for it near the wells of Badr. The caravan summoned troops from Makka. The two armies were badly mismatched, 300 Muslims against over 1000 Makkans. Despite the odds the Muslims won. The Prophet surprised everyone by treating the captured Makkans honorably. The Muslims saw in the victory Gods support for their cause, when he sent angels to help them.



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Uhud occurred in 625. An army of 3000 from Makka came to destroy the Muslims. The Prophets army was smaller, and was decreased further by the desertion of some Madinans. In the fighting the Muslims gained the upper hand. But then some Muslims who had been ordered to guard a pass left their posts for spoils. Some Makkans saw an advantage and attacked from behind. The Muslims were nearly defeated and some leading men killed. The Prophet himself was injured. The Muslims realized they should obey the Prophet.

They could see that the Muslims were a threat. They threatened their livelihood since they might attack their caravans. They also threatened their religion with their belief in only one God. They saw Islam as a threat to their leadership in Arabia.

Examiners Report: (a) Good answers would have given the dates of the two battles, the circumstances immediately before them, the main events of the battles, and the aftermath. Many answers contained most major elements of the battles, and a good number of high marks were gained for this part. Some candidates clearly knew the events of the battles thoroughly, but some omitted to mention such details as the numbers of the two sides at Badr, the way in which the prisoners after Badr were treated, and the effects of the reversal at Uhud. (b) Some answers to this were excellent, explaining the threat the Muslims were thought to pose to Makkan trade, the differences in religion between the two sides, the threat they saw to their leading position in Arabia. However, these answers were in a clear minority, and some candidates appeared to have no idea why these battles took place, suggesting they had learnt the facts without understanding their significance.



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Briefly describe the main events of the battle of Uhad and the battle of Trench. [9] [4] b) Explain the significance of each of these battles in early Islam. (June 1999) Uhad in previous question: a) The battle of Trench occurred in the month of Shawal 5 AH. The Jews who had been banished to Khyber formed a coalition with Ghaftan and other desert tribes including Banu Asad and Banu Murra in return for one years harvest of Khyber and also exhorted the Quraish to fight against the Muslims. Abu Sufiyan assembled a mighty Quraish army of 10,000 and marched towards Madinah. Madinah was guarded from all sides except for the side facing Syria. On learning about the intentions of Quraish and Jews, the Prophet consulted his companions to devise the strategy of war. Sulaiman Farsi suggested the digging of Trench, which was accepted. The Muslims, along with the Prophet, dug the Trench for eight days and nights to ensure that it was impassable by a man or horse. On their arrival at Madinah, the Quraish were surprised and annoyed after learning that they could not attack Madinah from any side. After a few days, the Makkans made efforts to cross the ditch but were unsuccessful due to the hurling of stones and arrows at them by the ever present Muslims, who kept watching the trench and did not even assemble for prayers. Meanwhile Banu Quraiza conspired with the Quraish to attack the Muslims from behind. On knowing this, the Prophet put a small detachment near their fort to watch their movements. The siege lasted for one month. The Prophet, meanwhile, successfully plotted seeds of distrust between the two parties, by sending Nowain bin Masud, who was from the Ghaftan tribe and had good relations with both the Muslims as well as the Quraish and told them that the Jews had agreed with Muslims, to join them and leave the Quraish stranded and similarly a spy was sent to the Jews. Just as the Ghaftan leaders and Abu Sufiyan were ready for a decisive battle with the Muslims, the Jews demanded hostages from both sides but they were refused. Both the Jews and the Quraish were convinced that they had been told the truth by the spies and their alliance broke. The Arabs, specially the Bedouins were not accustomed nor prepared for a long siege. Their supplies began to run out. Constant icy winds and death of their camel and horses further aggravated the matter. One day a storm blew with heavy rain and gusty winds, followed by hail which uprooted their tents, killed their cattle and over turned their cooking pots. At night they raised their siege and went back, handing Muslims the victory.

b)-i) The victory of Muslims over a force superior to in number at the Battle of Trench improved the stature of the Prophet. The people of Madinah now recognized the Prophet as the absolute leader of the city. The neighboring tribes acknowledged the growing power of the Muslims and voluntarily became their allies, which caused Islam to spread rapidly amongst them. The Battle of Trench also proved to be a big blow to the Quraish. This was their final attack against the Muslims and their influence amongst the Arab tribes had suffered a serious hit. Their trade with Syria had gone and thereby this battle put an effective end to the Makkan hostility towards the Muslims.


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ii) - The Battle of Uhad had a great moral lesson for the Muslims of staying united, disciplined and loyal to the Prophet in times of disappointment and defeat. They became more loyal to the Prophet and Islam and realized that Allah helped them in adverse situations as long as they were united, humble and obedient to the Prophet and did not allow their love of plunder and greed to lead them astray from the path of duty and in the future were able to overcome this weakness and never disobeyed the Prophet.



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The Holy Prophet saw a dream that he entered the sacred sanctuary, Kaba. The Prophet informed his companions about his dream and asked them to prepare for journey. The Quran says: Allah indeed fulfilled the vision for His messenger with truth. You shall certainly enter the sacred mosque if Allah pleases in security. The Prophet departed along with 1400 Muslims for Makkah in Zil-Qada 6 AH or 628 AD. The Muslims carried no weapons with them except sheathed swords because they had no intention of fighting. The Prophet appointed Ibn Umm-Maktoom to look after state affairs. When the Quraish learnt of the approach of the Muslims, they decided to resist the Muslims entry by force. They sent 200 horsemen under Khalid bin Waleed and Ukrama bin Abu Jahl for said purpose. When the Prophet came to know about this, he changed his route and encamped at Hudabiya, 9 miles away from Makkah. The Quraish sent Budail bin Warqa and then Urwa bin Masood to negotiate with Prophet in order to stop him from entering Makkah but they were unsuccessful. The Prophet sent Kharash bin Ummaiyah to Makkah and he was ill-treated. Then the Prophet sent Usman to tell Quraish that their intentions were only to perform Umra. Usman was detained for a long time and rumor spread that Usman had been killed. The Prophet took a pledge from the Muslims to avenge the blood of Usman. This pledge is known as Bait-Ridwan. The Quran says: Allah indeed was pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree. Finally a treaty was concluded between Prophet and Suhail bin Amr. Important terms of treaty are as follows: There will be truce for 10 years. If anyone flees from Makkah to Medina shall be returned by Prophet to Quraish but any Muslim who flees to Makkah will not be returned. Any of the Arab tribe may enter into treaty with either Muslims or Quraish. Banu Khauraza joined Muslims and Banu Bakr joined Quraish. The Muslims will go back without performing Umra this year but may return next year to perform Umra. Some Muslims including Hazrat Umar had some reservation about the terms of treaty especially the extradition clauses were quitely disappointing and humiliating. After a long debate, the treaty was signed and written by Hazrat Ali. The Prophet advised his companions to slaughter sacrificial camels on the advice of his wife Umm-Salma. Allah granted clear victory to the Muslims by saying: Verily, We granted you (Muhammad) a manifest victory.

Write brief if asked of less than 8 marks. This is of about 10 marks.



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IMPORTANCE OF TREATY OF HUDABIYA This treaty holds paramount significance in Islamic history. While on his way back to Medina, the Prophet received a revelation in which Allah gave him glad tidings of clear victory. The Quran says: Verily, We have granted you (Muhammad) a manifest victory. The Prophet told this revelation to Umar and Muslims filled with joy and happiness. The first victory came to the Muslims after 2 months of the treaty was the Conquest of Khyber. The treaty brought revolution in Muslims lives because they began to receive half of the crop of Khyber. The Quraish acknowledge the Muslims as an equal power with Makkah and also the religious leadership of the Prophet. The treaty gave Muslims an opportunity to spread Islam openly. As a result, Islam spread far and wide rapidly. Two prominent Quraish leaders, Khalid bin Waleed and Amr bin Al-Aas accepted Islam. The Prophet was now in opposition to break the old alliances of the Bedouin tribes, in North Arabia and the Bedouin tribes made alliances with Prophet. The Prophet began to invite non-muslims kings and emperors to Islam. He wrote letters of invitation of Islam to many kings i.e. Maquaqis, Khusru Pervez and Negus etc. The treaty proved to be a forerunner to Conquest of Makkah.



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Khyber was a spacious and strongly fortified territory, full of castles and farms lying at a distance of 80 miles from Medina in north. Causes of Battle: 1) There is no doubt that the Jews hated the Prophet and conspired against the Muslims during the Battle of Badr, Uhad and Khandak (Banu Qaynuka, Banu Nadir, and Banu Quraiza respectively) and thus were expelled from Medina. 2) The Banu Nadir and other Jewish tribes, after being expelled from Medina, continued their conspiracies against the Muslims. 3) They wanted to take revenge of the defeat of Ahzab/Khandak in order to regain their prestige. 4) They provoked hostile Bedouin tribes against Islam and provoked them to attack Medina. Banu Ghatfan joined the Jews on the condition that in case of capture of Medina, the Jews would pay half of crop of Khyber to Banu Ghatfan. 5) Moreover, 20 days after the Prophets arrival from treaty of Hudabiya back to Medina, the Prophet came to knew about the plan of the Jews attack in alliance with tribe of Banu Ghatfan. Events of Battle: The Holy Prophet along with 1400 Muslims, in Muharram 7 AH, departed for Khyber. After 3 days, the Muslim army reached Khyber. The army also included 20 women particularly Umm-Salma (Prophets wife), Umm-Ayman and Umm-Salaim etc. Abdullah bin Ubay, chief of hypocrites, sent a message to the Jews of Khyber warning them against the dangers approaching them and encouraging them to resist the Muslims. Khyber was divided into 2 sections. The first one contained 5 fortresses. These are: 1) The fortress of Naim 2) Saab 3) Zubair 4) Ubay 5) Annizar Second part consisted of 3 fortresses: 1) Qamus 2) Wateeh 3) Sulalin. The 1st powerful resistance Muslims encountered was a stronghold Naim/Qamus. The Muslims besieged it for 20 days but could not conquer it. The Prophet gave the banner of Muslim army to Hazrat Ali. He was suffering from eyesore and the Prophet applied saliva. Hazrat Ali killed Marhab, a reputed warrior, Zubair killed Yasir, Marhabs brother. Then the Jews left their positions and rushed to Sab. The Muslims besieged it for 3 days. Hubab bin Munzir conquered it. Jews fled to Zubair. It was also conquered. Jews then fled to Ubay and Annizar and both were conquered respectively. Now the Jews took shelter in the fort of Qamus. The Muslims laid a heavy siege to it for 14 days. The Jews sent Ibn Abi Huquaik to Prophet to negotiate the surrender. The Prophet agreed to spare their life on the condition that they would evacuate Khyber and leave whatever gold and silver is in their possession. Accordingly the forts were handled over to Muslims. An agreement was concluded between


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the Prophet and the Jews. In accordance with the agreement, the Jews were bound to evacuate the Khyber. On the request of Jews, Prophet agreed that the Jews would cultivate their lands and in return they would pay half of their crops to the Muslims. In this battle, Safias husband Kinana was killed. Dihya chose Safiya but the Muslims requested Prophet to marry her. The Prophet paid ransom on behalf of Safiya and Safiya was married to the Prophet. In the Battle of Khyber, 93 Jews and 18 Muslims lost their lives.



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Causes: Soon after his return from Treaty of Hudabiya, the Prophet decided to invite the non-Muslims kings and emperors to Islam. For this purpose, he sent many ambassadors with letters of invitation to the kings, Heraclius, Negus, Maquaqis and Khusru Pervez etc. he sent Haris bin Umair to the king of Busra (Jordan) but he was intercepted by Sharahbeel bin Amr Ghusani, governor of Balqa, appointed by Heraclius, and he killed the envoy. It was the violation of international law. Prophet demanded punishment of Shurahbeel but Heraclius did not take action against the said governor. Events: The Prophet was shocked by this and he decided to take revenge of Harith bin Umair. He prepared an army of 3000 and appointed Zaid bin Hartha the commander-in-chief and said: If he was killed he would be replaced by Jaffar bin Abi Talib and if Jaffar also fell the command would be given to Abdullah bin Rawaha. The Muslim army departed for Muta on Jamad-ul-Awal 8 AH/630 AD. When the Muslim army reached there, news came to them that the Heraclius had sent 10000 troops together with another same figure, 10000 men belonged to the tribes of Juzam, Lakham etc. some companions suggested that the Prophets advice should be sought but Abdullah bin Rawaha said: I swear by Allah that every object which you are trying to avoid is the one you have set out for seeking martyrdom . Then Zaid bin Haritha decided to fight against the force of Romans. Zaid bin Haritha fought with courage and he was killed. Then Jaffar bin Abi Talib took the Muslim banner and fought bravely. Finally, he was also killed and received 50 wounds. Later on he received the title of Tayyar from the Prophet and Prophet said: Allah will grant him 2 wings in the paradise by which he will fly. After his martyrdom, Abdullah bin Rawaha took the banner of Muslim army and he was also killed. Then Sabit bin Arkam carried the Muslim banner and asked the Muslims to select their new commander-in-chief and Khalid bin Waleed was chosen the commander-in-chief of the Muslim army. He reshuffled the right and left and backward and front wings of the Muslim army. Seeing this new strategy of Muslims the Romans were being tapped and they stopped the pursuit and the Muslims returned back to Medina safely. 12 Muslims lost their life in this battle. Results and Effects of this Battle: In the Battle of Muta, 12 Muslims were killed and the casualties of Roman were unknown. Although the Muslims could not achieve their objective to take revenge of Harith bin Umair, but this battle gave Muslims a new repute in the battle field. Roman Empire was a super power and no body thought of fighting against them. This battle also paved the way for the expedition of Tabuk in future. Several disobedient tribes also embraced Islam and made alliances with Prophet.



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a) Write brief accounts of the following 2 incidents in Prophets life, i. ii. His attempt to preach the people of Taif, His conquest of Makkah. [5] [5]

b) What lessons can Muslims today learn from the Prophets conduct in each of these incidents? [2 x 3] (June 2005) a) i): Taif incident: The hostility of Quraish increased with the death of Abu Talib and Khatijah and they mounted persecutions on the Muslims. Then the Prophet decided to invite the people of Taif, a town 60 miles away from Makkah. The Prophet was accompanied by Zaid bin Haritha. He invited the people of Taif in general and 3 chiefs (Habib, Masaud and Abd Ya Lil) for 10 days. He was not only rejected by them but also he was ill-treated. They set the wicked and villains upon the Prophet. They injured the Prophet seriously. His shoes filled up with the blood. He took rest for some moments in the orchard of Utba bin Rabia and Utbas slave offered a bunch of grapes to the Prophet. On his way to Makkah at Qarm-Al-Manazil, Gabriel appeared along with the angels of mountains and offered Prophet to destroy the town but the Prophet said: I was sent as a blessing to worlds. I hope Allah will raise such people from the town who will accept my message. The Prophet returned to Makkah and Mutim bin Adi offered him protection to continue his mission. ii) Conquest of Makkah: By 630 AD, the Prophet had gain power in Arabia. He decided to attack Makkah because the Quraish had broken the treaty of Hudabiya. The Quraish encouraged their allies Banu Bakr to attack Banu Khuzaa who were allies of the Prophet. 23 persons were killed of Banu Khuzaa and the chief of Banu Khuzaa, Amr bin Salim fled to Medina to seek help from Prophet. The Prophet offered 3 options to Quraish i.e. to pay the blood money or break the alliance with Banu Bakr or to dissolve the treaty of Hudabiya. The Quraish selected 3rd option but soon realized their mistake and sent Abu Sufiyan to renew the treaty. Abu Sufiyan met with Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali, Fatima and Umm-Habiba to intercede for him i.e. to renew the treaty to Prophet but they refused and the Prophet also rejected that offer. The Prophet departed along with 10000 men for Makkah in Ramadan 8 AH/ 630 AD. When the Muslim army reached at Marazzahran, Valley of Fatima, the Prophet asked his each companions to light up. Abu Sufiyan with his 2 companions, Hakeem bin Azam and Budail bin Warqa, was spying out for the Quraish. He met Abbas who took him to the Prophet and he accepted Islam. The Prophet advised his soldiers not to attack on those who entered the house of Abu Sufiyan or who took shelter in Kaba or who surrender and Children and women. The Muslim army entered peacefully except the battalion of Khalid bin Waleed. His battalion was attacked by Iqrama bin Abi Jahls force. 2 Muslims and 13 Quraish were killed.



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The Prophet went to Kaba and cleansed it of its idols. While destroying the idols, he recited the following verse: The truth has come and falsehood has banished. Indeed falsehood is bound to perish. He declared general amnesty and had forgiven all the people except few stubborn. Those were: i) Abdul Uzza bin Khatal ii) Miqyas. b): Taif incident: Prophet attempted to find realistic solution to his difficulties in Makkah. This incident teaches the Muslims that they should devise a realistic approach to their problems. Prophet did not resist the people of Taif when they rejected him. This indicates that the Muslim preachers are also required to preach the Islamic teachings with its true letter and spirit. They should invite the non-Muslims to Islam with wisdom and discretion. The Prophet attempted to understand people ignorance of who he was and what he was said. This teaches the Muslims that they should try to remove the misunderstandings about Islam particularly to the western world after 9/11 and 7/7. Conquest of Makkah: Prophet was un-flinching in his intention to make Makkah a Muslim center and for this purpose the Prophet set free the prisoners of Battle of Badr and made a peaceful treaty with Quraish. This teaches the Muslims that they should try to make a state based on Islamic teachings and implement the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and should be firm in their decisions. Prophet took every step to ensure that no enemies are left. He ensured that every heart should be won. He instead of bloodshed declared general amnesty and gave every chance to Makkans to abandon the resistance. This shows that the Muslims should avoid bomb blast or kidnapping of non-Muslims and terrorizing them. The Prophet established and upheld monotheistic faith against the idolaters and the enemies of Islam. This shows that the Muslim head of states should not compromise on Islamic principles.



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Causes: Soon after the Conquest of Makkah, Banu Hawazin and Banu Thakeef were preparing to attack Medina. They were reluctant to surrender and offered resistance. They were Hawazin, Thakeeef, Nasr, Saad etc. They used to bring their women, livestock, children and every possession in the battlefield. Events: The Prophet learnt of their preparations. He prepared an army of 12000 men that consisted of 10000 Muslims who accompanied for the Conquest of Makkah and 2000 new converts. The Prophet borrowed 100 armors from Safwan bin Ummayiah. The Prophet appointed Utab bin Usad the governor of Makkah and departed for Hunain in Shawal 8 AH/630 AD. Malik bin Auf, commander in chief of allied forces dispatched some spies to monitor the Muslims. His spies told him that the Muslims were coming to attack Hunain. Malik also ordered his men to hide inside the terrain and ambush the Muslims on entrances. When the Muslims entered, the people of Malik threw stones and shooted arrows at the Muslims. The Muslims had to retreat in confusion and only few Muslims and some people of Banu Hashim remained steadfast. The Prophet called the Muslims and said, Come on, I am Muhammad, son of Abdullah. Then he ordered his uncle, Abbas, to summon the Muslims. Abbas cried out to call the Muslims. Then the Muslims returned back and gathered around the Prophet. The Muslims attacked against Hawazin and Thakeef and the enemies fled to Taif leaving behind their property and women. That property contained 24000 camels, 40000 sheep and goats, 4000 ounces silver and 6000 women. The prisoners also included Shyma, Prophets foster sister. The Muslims had to bear loss initially because they were proud of their number and strength. Allah said: Indeed Allah helped you in many battles and on Day of Hunain when you were happy at your great number but it availed you not. Many disbelievers, about 70, were killed in this battle. And about 2 tribes of Muslims finished in this battle.

Taif belonged to the tribe of Thakeef. It was built like fortress and its people were experts in art of siege warfare and archery. After their defeat, the people of Hawazin fled to Taif and took shelter in the fort of Taif. The Prophet sent an army of 1000 men under Khalid bin Waleed. The Muslims besieged the fort of Taif for 20 days but could not conquer it. The Prophet consulted his companions particularly, Naufal bin Umayiah, about the siege. Naufal said, They are like a fox hiding inside its dens. If you wait, you will catch it and if you leave, no harm would inflict you. The Prophet decided to lift the siege and departed for Jirana, where the booty was placed.


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Distribution of spoil of war: The Prophet waited for 10 days and hoped that people of Hawazin would come to claim their property. Then after 10 days, he distributed spoil of war. The Prophet took a fifth of share for himself and further distributed his share and rest was distributed among Sahaba. After the spoil of war was distributed, 14 men of Hawazin came at Jirana and requested him to return their property. Prophet set free 6000 captives without ransom.



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The relations between the Muslims and the Christians of Roman Empire were strained since the Battle of Mutta. The Prophet sent Harith bin Umair with the letter of invitation of Islam to the ruler of Busra. He was intercepted by Shurahbeel bin Amr, governor of Balqa. That governor killed Harith. Then the Prophet decided to take revenge of Harith. Although the Muslim forces could not take revenge but the Battle of Mutta had a great effect on the Arabs. The Prophet learnt about that Heraclius had prepared an army of 100000 and also reinforced by the tribes of Amila, Lakham and Juzam etc. this time the Prophet decided to lead the Muslim army against the Roman Empire. The Muslims were also worried by the following factors. 1) Scorching heat 2) Drought 3) Reaping of dates 4) Rough way/distance The hypocrites under the leadership of Abdullah bin Ubay were busy in spreading discontentment and fear among the Muslims. They also made many excuses not to accompany Prophet and Muslims. Some Muslims also did not accompany the Prophet particularly Kaab bin Malik, Murara bin Rabi, Hilal bin Ummayiah. The Prophet collected an army of 30000 and appealed the Muslims to support financially. Hazrat Usman offered 900 camels, 100 horses and 100 Dirhims. Hazrat Abu Bakr gave all the possessions he had. Hazrat Umar brought half of his possessions. Muslim women gave their armlets, anklets, necklaces and ear rings. The Muslim army departed for Tabuk. Prophet delivered an impressive speech and encouraged the Muslims to fight against the super power. On learning this, the Romans and their allied forces were so terrified that none of them dared to fight against the Muslims. The Muslims stayed for 20 days at Tabuk. This expedition took place in September/October 630 AD or Rajab 9 AH. Many Christian tribes entered into alliance with the Muslims and came under the protection and agreed to pay Jizya.

Tabuk expedition holds great importance in Islamic history. 1) This established the authority of Prophet in Arabian Peninsula. 2) The message of Islam spread all over the Arabia. 3) When the Prophet reached at Medina, Allah commanded him to demolish the mosque of Dirar. Then the Prophet ordered his companions to demolish it. 4) After 2 months of return from Tabuk, Abdullah bin Ubay died and with his death the hypocrites perished forever.



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5) The Prophet ordered his companions to boycott 3 Muslims, Kaab, Hilal, Murara. Allah revealed Surah Tobah and accepted their repentance. Then the Prophet sent Ali to announce in Kaba that, O disbelievers, none of you would enter Kaba and make Tawaf of Kaba in the future. 6) Tabuk was the last battle of Prophets life. 7) This expedition enabled the Muslims to secure the frontier of Islamic.



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The Holy Prophet delivered his farewell sermon on Friday 9th of Zilhajj, in the valley of Arafat. The most important features of his sermon are as follows: 1) Protection of life, property and honour: O people, your blood, your property and your honour are as sacred as sacred this day, this city and this month. 2) Piety and Equality: O people, Allah says, O men We have created you of a man and a woman and have made you into clans and tribes so that you may recognize one another. Verily, the most honoured among you in the sight of Allah is the one who is the most pious. Then the Prophet said: Neither has any Arab superiority over non-Arab nor is any black man superior to white man except on account of piety. 3) Brotherhood: O you people, every Muslim is the brother of the other Muslim. 4) Accountability: O tribe of Quraish, let it not be so on the Day of Judgement, you come laden with this world on your necks while other people come with hereafter (good deeds). In such a case, I will not be any avail to you against Allah. 5) Abolishment of ignorance and arrogance: O tribe of Quraish, Allah has removed from you vanity and the boasting on account of your predecessors. 6) Prohibition of Usury: Allah has forbidden you to take usury; therefore all interest obligations shall henceforth be waived. And first of all, I waived usury due from my uncle Abbas which now stands totally abolished. 7) Prohibition of vengeful killing: Listen, all blood of the days of ignorance is cancelled and first of all, I forgive the blood of the son of Rabiyya bin Harith. He was murdered by Banu Huzail. 8) Rights of slaves: As to your slaves, they are your brothers. Feed them whatever you feed and dress them whatever you dress yourselves. 9) Rights and Obligations of Husbands and Wives: O men, you have a right upon your wives and they also have a right upon you. Do treat you women well and its your right that they do not make friends. 10) Repayment of Debts and Loans: All debts must be paid back and all things borrowed must be returned. 11) Trusts must be retuned: Every Muslim was to stay true to his trust; no betrayal of trust was to be allowed. 12) Avoid Usurpation (Qabza): It is not allowed for any person to take anything from his brother except what he gives willingly.



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13) Performance of the pillars of Islam and Obedience to the rulers: Listen, worship one Allah, offer 5 prayers a day, keep fast of month of Ramadan, pay Zakat and perform Hajj to Kaba and obey your rulers. 14) Finality of Prophethood: O people, no prophet or messenger will come after me and no new faith will be born. 15) Sticking to Quran and Sunnah: I leave behind me 2 things, the Quran and Sunnah. If you follow them, you will never go astray.

This sermon is a declaration of human rights and it touches all aspects of human life i.e. social, political, communal, moral, individual etc. 1) It ensures full protection of the lives, property and honour of all citizens of an Islamic State. 2) It declares that all human beings equal, irrespective of colour, race, creed, language. It means that all human beings are equal and the best of them in the sight of Allah is the one who is the most pious. 4) It stresses on personal accountability and allows no concession to any one in any matter. 5) It dismisses all claims based on race, wealth and tribal arrogance. 6) It abolished all kinds of interests and declared interest unlawful. 8) It ensures the rights of slaves. They should be given the same food and clothes that we use. 9) This sermon determines the rights, obligations and limitations of husbands and wives. 10) The Prophet stressed on repayment of all loans and debts. The Prophet did not offer the funeral prayer of a person dying without paying debt. 13) It stresses the basic acts and practices of Islam. 12) It declared that usurping the property or wealth of others without their will is condemned. It stresses on balanced way of life and condemned all kinds of extremism. This sermon is a forerunner for the Charter of UN.



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Concern book for this topic.



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a) Give a brief description of Prophets experience in caves. [12] b) Explain why one of these experiences was important in Islamic history. [4] (November 2007)

There were two major experiences, firstly in Cave of Hira in 610 AD and secondly in Cave of Thaur in 622 AD. Cave of Hira: The Prophet used to retreat in seclusion to the cave of Hira in the mount of Nur where he passed his time in meditation. He used to take some provisions with him. When these finished he would come back. Muhammad was nearly forty years old, when towards the end of Ramadan an Angel came in the cave of Hira. The Angel said to him, Read, he said I cannot read, Where upon he himself reported, The Angel hugged and squeezed me so hard that I thought I would die of suffocation, then he released me and said, Read and again I said I cannot read then the third time he squeezed me as before and said: Read in the name of your Lord who created. Created man form a clot of blood Read you Lord is most Generous. Who taught man by the pen. Taught man that which he did not know. The Prophet recited these verses after the Angel and he felt as if the words ere written on his heart. These were the first five verses of Surah-al-Alaq and the first revealed verses of the Holy Quran. Muhammad was greatly shaken by this strange experience. He thought that he might be possessed by evil spirits, or inspired by jinns. So he fled form the cave. When the Prophet was half way down the slope he heard the being above saying: O Muhammad you are the Messenger of Allah, and I am Jibrail. He raised his eyes and saw the angel filling the whole horizon, and again he repeated the above mentioned quote. Wherever he looked, he saw the angel flying in the distance. He stood there until the Angel disappeared. Muhammad rushed home greatly, disturbed by this event, to his wife Khatijah and told her all about the experience he had. Cave of Thaur: The Prophet decided to migrate to Medina when he was commanded by Allah through the angel Gabriel to migrate to Yathrab, after his followers had left Makkah. The Prophet went to see Abu Bakr and arranged with every thing for the intended migration. The Quraish (Abu Jahl, Akba bin Abu Mueet, Ummiyah bin Khalaf etc.) besieged the Prophets house to assassinate him. The Quran says: Remember how the pagans plotted against you to keep you in bounds or slay you or get you out (of the city). They plot and plain and Allah also plans, but the best of planners is Allah.



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At that critical point the plans of the Quraish utterly failed despite the tight siege. The Prophet ordered Hazrat Ali to sleep in his bed in order to return trusts to their owners and then covered Ali with his green mantle and departed with Abu Bakr on Saffar 27, 14th year of Prophethood or13 September, 622 AD. The Prophet and Abu Bakr walked along a road leading to Taif. They walked for 5 miles and reached a rough and rocky mountain, Thaur. Abu Bakr first entered the cave to explore it and assure that it was safe and closed all the holes with pieces torn off from his clothes. He cleaned it and then asked Prophet to get inside. Abu Bakr was bitten by a scorpion or snake but did not cry. The Prophet immediately applied his saliva on Abu Bakrs foot and the pain went off on the spot. The Quraish sent 2 experts to seek Prophet and they managed to reach the cave of Thaur. Abu Bakr heard the voices of pagans and showed Prophet uneasiness. The Prophet consoled him and said: The Quran says: They were two in cave and he (Prophet) said to his companion (Abu Bakr), have no fear, for Allah is with us. The experts returned back when they saw a spider web and at the opening of cave with pigeon nest and eggs on it and abandoned the idea of further pursue. The Prophet and Abu Bakr confined themselves to this cave for 3 days and nights (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Abdullah, son of Abu Bakr, would go to meet them after sunset, stayed night there and informed them the latest situation in Makkah and then leave them in morning. Asma, Abu Bakrs daughter, brought food for them. Amir bin Fuhayra, Abu Bakrs slave, would bring goat milk for them every evening. Finally, the Prophet along with Abu Bakr, Amir bin Fuhayra and a pagan guide Abdullah bin Uraqit set out for Medina on 1st Rabi-ul-Awal, 14th year of Prophethood or 16th September, 622 AD. b): The Cave of Thaur: The wisdom in taking refuge in Thaur was that the mountain Thaur stands on the southern side of Makkah on the route to Yaman whereas Medina is situated towards the north of Makkah on the route to Syria. The Prophet got enough time to flee and hide in the cave of Thaur. If it had not been for Allahs miracle i.e. cob web and pigeons nest and eggs in it, the Prophet and Abu Bakr would have been captured and killed and Islamic state might not have developed. The Prophets successful emergence from the cave marked the end of one era i.e. the persecution and hardships experienced by the Prophet and his followers and the start of another phase in the history of Islam. Moreover the success of his mission depended on his leaving of his home. The Muslims also learn about the spirit of true friendship as demonstrated by Abu Bakr from this incident. In the world of literature, several new idioms and phrases came into being e.g. Companion of cave and were added to Arabic literature. After migration Islamic calendar of events was started, during Umars caliphate. The importance of this event is such that Quran also refers to it in the words: For Allah, indeed help the Prophet when the pagans drove him out, he had no more than one companion. They were two in cave and he (Prophet) said to his companion (Abu Bakr), have no fear, for Allah is with us. This incident also tells that one can flee and hide if the enemies want to kill him. The Cave of Hira: This was the occasion on which the Quran was first sent down.


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It was the beginning of Gods final guidance for humans, how to pass their lives as Quran was sent down that guides Muslim lives. It marked the change from polytheism to monotheism. Muhammad was changed and was chosen for Prophethood. The verses also describe the importance of learning and writing. It marked the beginning of new religion and its spread. This Question has also come in November 2002 and in 1998. The page numbers on books for this topic are: Text Book: Pg no. 39. Islam believes and practices: Pg no. 19.



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a) Outline four of the Prophets personal qualities that make him a model for Muslims to follow. [12] b) Choosing two of these qualities, give one example in each case to show how Muslims can put them into practice in their own lives. [4] (Oct 2006) The Prophet was a model of excellence for Muslims in all walks of life. He had an ideal character and conduct. Allah has testified the character of the Prophet saying: And you (stand) on an exalted standard of character. The Prophets manners were ideal, he said: Allah sent me to complete the excellent virtues and to perfect the good manners. Once Ayesha was asked about the habits of Prophet, she said: His habits were in accordance with the teachings of Quran. 1) Kindness/ mercy/ forgiveness: The Prophet was a very kind man. He did not discriminate between men and women and Muslims and non-muslims while showing kindness. He said: Allah is not kind to him who does not show kindness to others. He further said: Whoever is kind to His creatures, Allah is kind to him. The Quran says: And forgive and overlook. Once the Prophet was asked, how many times are we to forgive our servants faults. Prophet said, Seventy times a day. Hazrat Ans bin Malik served the Prophet for ten years. He said, I served the Prophet ten years and he did not scolded me even one time. The Quraish persecuted the Prophet harshly and then forced him and his followers to leave Makkah but when the Prophet conquered Makkah, he ignored all hostilities and declared general amnesty for all people and forgave them. The Prophet was offered a poisoned roasted leg of a goat by a Jewish woman, Zainab bint Harith in Battle of Khyber. She confessed her crime but Prophet had forgiven her. ==> Incident of Taif. 2) Honesty and Truthfulness: The Prophet was honest and truthful and thats why he was known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin. He was so honest that even people of Makkah used to keep their belongings with him for safe keeping. The Quran says: Indeed Allah commands you that you restore deposits to their owner. Due to this honesty, he was married to Khatijah, a wealthy merchant because she sent Prophet to merchandise her goods to Syria and also sent a slave, Maysera along Prophet. When they came back, Maysera admired Prophet for his honesty. Khatijah then proposed Prophet for marriage. Then the Prophet married her. About truthfulness the Prophet said:



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Indeed truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to paradise At the time of migration, though his life was threatened even he left Hazrat Ali to return the belongings to their owners. 3) Courage, Determination and Steadfastness: The Prophet was a very brave and courageous man who faced many calamities and hardships but always remains steadfast and determined and did not lose courage. He fought many battles and remained resolute even under severe attacks. During the Battle of Uhad and Hunain, when many of his companions were running away from the battlefield he kept on fighting and calling (sent Abu Sufiyan bin Harith) others to come back. It was his courage and bravery that saved the situation on both the occasions. The Quran says: O you believe, when you meet a fear then be firm. The Quran further says: He said to his companion have no fear for Allah is with us. The Prophet said: Say I believe in God and then be firm. The best example of his courage, determination and steadfastness is persecutions faced by him at Makkah when he started spreading Islam. People of Makkah opposed him called him a magician, poet or fortune teller but he kept on preaching and did not lose courage. Even he was pelted regularly with rubbish by a woman but Prophet always saw that woman with smiling face. During the boycott with Banu Hashim, when all people were forced to stay in a narrow gorge Shaab Abi Talib, he remained steadfast and courageous and was determined to preach Islam. 4) Patience and Perseverance: The Prophet passed through a period of great distress and hardships but he never grumbled and remained patient. About patience the Quran says: O you believe, endure and be more patient. The Prophet said: Say I believe in God and then be firm. And excellent example of his patience and perseverance is his journey to Taif in 619 AD. He invited the people of Taif to Islam but they not only rejected him, but ridiculed him, pelted him with stones until his feet were filled with blood and was chased out of the city by boys throwing stones at them. But instead of cursing them, the Prophet prayed for them. 5) Justice and Equality: Muhammad always treated people with absolute justice and fairness and never discriminated between them. He gave decisions justly irrespective of colour, creed and race. The Quran also enjoins Muslims to practice justice and judge with equality. It says: Allah commands justice and doing of good. Again it says: When you judge among people, judge with justice. Once a Muslims woman Fatima from Banu Makhzoob committed theft. She was brought to Prophet and Prophet ordered to cut her hands. The companions took the punishment to be too



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severe and asked Usama bin Zaid to intercede for her. When Usama recommended the Prophet to forgive her, the Prophet replied: Even if my daughter Fatima had committed theft, I would have certainly cut her hands. 6) Labourer and Worker: Despite being the ruler of world, the Prophet was keen to do his work on his own. He granted labourer a great importance and even himself worked as a labourer in the construction of Masjid-Quba, Masjid-Nabwi and in digging trench in Battle of Khandak. About the wages of labourer, he said: Give the employee his wages before his sweat dry off. He again said: One who earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow is the friend of Allah. b) Honesty: The Prophets example of honesty gives a lesson to Muslim merchants. They should be honest and trustworthy. They should tell the shortcomings of the things sold by him and abstain from cheating, hoarding and less measurement. The Prophet said: One who cheats is not among us. This also gives lesson to muslim merchants that they should not do cheating in exams and should do their home work honestly and if they had not done home work they should not tell a lie. Patience and Steadfastness: The Prophets incident of Taif lays down a unique example for Muslim preachers. They may be asked unpleasant questions about Islamic teachings. They should be patient and try to respond in a peaceful and satisfactory manner. Muslims in Kashmir, Iraq and Palestine should follow the Prophets example of Patience and Tolerance. Instead of retaliating directly towards attacks on them, they should remain steadfast and wait for divine help.

MARKS SCHEME: a) [Look for four of the Prophet's qualities that can be a model for Muslims. Do not give marks for qualities unique to the Prophet, e.g. that he is a blessing for humankind. In each case award 1 mark for: Identification of the quality, Examples of how it was shown in the Prophet's life, Possible supporting quotations from the Hadith, Qur'an and remarks of his Companions.] b) [In each case: Give 1 mark for the basic outline of a Muslim putting the chosen quality into practice. Give a further 1 mark for an example fully worked through.] Page number on Islam Believes and Practices for this topic is 55.



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Quran declares Prophet as a blessing of Allah for the worlds in the following words: And we sent you as a blessing for the worlds. In the above mentioned verse the phrase Rahmat-ul-lil-aalameen is used. Rahmat means mercy, compassion, blessing and lil-aalameen means for the worlds. 1) Believers: It was a great favour of Allah for the believers as Allah sent a Prophet from among them. Quran says: Verily Allah favoured the believers when he sent a messenger from among them. The prophet was very kind and compassionate for the believers e-g: The prophet requested Allah to lessen the number of the prayers so the muslims can easily perform them, on the night of ascension. The prophet was so kind to his followers that he would often pay their debts. When he used to hear children crying, he would cut short his prayers. Once he was pleased to say the he would have made the use of miswaq compulsory if he had not foreseen any trouble for his followers. 2) Kindness to enemies: The prophet would use to treat the enemies with kindness as well e-g: In the battle of Badr he treated the prisoners very nicely and even freed 6000 prisoners in the battle of Hunain. Moreover after the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet asked the people of Makkah: Do you know what I am going to do with you? The replied: You are a noble brother and the son of a noble brother. The prophet recited this verse: There is no blame on you this day. Go you are all free. Moreover he also treated Abu Sufyan kindly when he came to Medina for help during the drought and provided him with aid. 3) Kindness to orphans: The prophet was born as an orphan and he knew very well the plight of the orphans. He advised and taught the muslims to teach the orphans kindly and nicely. Once the prophet said: Those who take care of the orphans will be with me in the paradise like this and then he interlocked his index finger and the thumb. He also said: The best house is in which an orphan is well-treated and the worst in which an orphan is ill-treated.e-g: Hazrat Jaffar Tayyar was killed in the battle of Muta. The prophet called his widow Asma bint Umais and said: Call the children of Jaffar. The prophet put hand on the children of Jaffar and Asma asked prophet: Have you any news about Jaffar? The prophet replied: He has attained martyrdom. Once the prophet was going to offer the eid prayer. He saw a weeping child. Prophet asked him: Why are you weeping? The child replied that he was an orphan. Prophet took him to his house and said to him: From today Ayesha is your mother and I your father. 4) Kindness to children: The prophet was a blessing for he children. The prophet treated children very affectionately. Whenever he passed by a child, he would stop and speak a kind word to him and at him laughingly before proceeding. Once he was in a jolly mood with his grandson Hassan. A bedouin Aqra bin Habis who happened to be present at the time said: I have 10 children, but I have never kissed them. Prophet said: Those who dont have affection for others are not treated kindly. The prophet enjoined his soldiers not to kill the children in the wars. Once a few children of pagans were killed in a battle. Prophet started weeping. The companions asked: Why are you weeping, they are the children of infidels? Prophet replied: The children are innocent. Moreover whenever Fatima came prophet would stand in her respect and once said: Fatima is a part of my body, who so ever hurts her, hurts me.


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5) Kindness to animals: The universal mercy of Islam embraces not only to human beings, but also it extends to animals. The prophet forbade that animals be made to fight each other. The prophet exhorts the Muslims the manner of slaughtering should be that which is least painful. Respect for Allahs living creatures reached an extent that when the prophets saw a donkey with a branded face, he denounced such a cruel practise and said: I would not brand an animal except on the part of its body farthest from its face. 6) Kindness to slaves: The slaves were very cruelly treated in the pre-Islamic days. They were given little food and were beaten even for a minor fault. They had no status in the society. The prophet especially spoke about the slaves in his farewell address and said: And your slaves see that, feed them with such food as you eat yourselves and clothe them with the stuff which you wear. If they commit a fault, ignore them. The prophet not only advised his followers to treat the slaves kindly, but also took practical measures himself to abolish the slavery which had been common in the world in those days. Hazrat Bilal, a freed slave, was appointed the first muazzin of Islam. Moreover Zaid bin Hartha, also a freed slave, was made commander in chief in the battle of Muta. He was also married to a lady of Banu Hashim (Zainab bint Jash) who was also a paternal cousin of the Prophet.



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a) Trace the main outlines of the relationships between the Muslims of Medina and Quraish of Makkah in the years between 622 - 632 AD. [12] b) Explain why the Prophet thought it necessary to fight against the Quraish. [4] (June 2001) a) The relationship between Muslims of Medina and the Quraish of Makkah between 622 and 632 AD is full of hostility, enmity and mistrust. Battle of Badr: After migration to Medina, the Prophet made an agreement with the people of Medina that came to known as Treaty of Medina. This agreement became an eyesore for Quraish. Abu Sufiyan trade caravan was returning from Syria. He feared that his caravan might be intercepted. He summoned help from Makkah. Abu Jahl departed with an army of 1000 men in armour, 70 horses and a large number of weapons. When the Prophet learnt this, he also prepared an army of 313 men and they were ill-equipped. This battle took place on 17 Ramadan 2 AH/624 AD. Before the battle as per to the custom of Arabia Utbah bin Rabiyah, his brother Shaybeh and son Waleed challenged the Muslims for individual combat. Hamza, Ali and Udaba accepted their challenge and killed the challengers. The Muslims also won the general fighting. 70 pagans were killed and 70 were made prisoners and 14 Muslims lost their lives. The Prophet asked his companions to treat the prisoners kindly and most of them were set free without ransom. The victory at Badr strengthened Islam and leading soldiers of Quraish were killed. Battle of Uhad: The Quraish raised an army of 3000 men to take revenge of their dead and wanted to regain their lost dignity. When the Prophet came to know, he consulted his companions. Abdullah bin Ubay and experienced companions suggested him to fight within the city but the youngsters wanted to fight out of city. Abdullah bin Ubay with 300 men deserted muslim army. Both armies met at Uhad on 6 Shawal 3 AH/625 AD. The Prophet posted 50 archers under the command of Abdullah bin Jubair to protect the pass. The Muslims fought bravely and forced Quraish to retreat but the archers left their posts and Khalid bin Waleed attacked the muslim army from behind and rumor spread that the Prophet had been killed. Later on it was proved false. 70 Muslims including Hamza, Musab bin Umair and Abdullah bin Jubair were killed. The Quraish mutilated the muslim dead bodies. Muslims learnt that they should obey the Prophet. Battle of Khandak: The army of Quraish and their allies consisting of 10000 men attacked Medina in Shawal 5AH/622 AD. Muslims dug the trench around Medina to defend it from inside on the suggestion of Sulamian Farsi. The Prophet was able to show the seeds of mistrust between the Quraish and Jews through Naim bin Masood. After a siege of 30 days, suddenly a strong blew followed by heavy rain came and the tents of Quraish were over-thrown. Hazrat Ali killed Amr bin Abd Wud when he tried to cross the ditch. The battle crushed the Quraish and improved the status of Prophet and helped him to consolidate the Islamic state.


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Treaty of Hudabiya: The Prophet had dreamed to perform Umra. About 1400 Muslims dressed in Ihram left Medina for Makkah in Zil-Qada 6AH/628 AD. When the Quraish heard of the coming of the Muslims, they sent Khalid bin Waleed and Iqrama bin Abi Jahl to stop Muslims. Prophet changed his route and stayed at Hudabiya. Quraish sent Budail bin Warqa and Urwa bin Masood for negotiation but they returned unsuccessful. Prophet then sent Usman to Makkah to tell his intention of performing Umra. He was detained and rumor spread that Usman was killed. Prophet took pledge from Sahaba to take revenge of Usman. That pledge is BaitRidwan. Finally a treaty was signed between Suhail bin Amr and Prophet and was written by Hazrat Ali. The Muslims will go back without performing Umra this year but may return next year to perform Umra. There will be no fight for 10 years. After this treaty, the Quraish recognized the Muslims as an equal power with them and Islam spread rapidly. Conquest of Makkah: Quraish violated treaty of Hudabiya after two years of its conclusion. They encouraged and helped Banu Bakr to attack Banu Khuzaa, allies of Muslims. The chief of Banu Khuzaa went to Medina to seek help from Prophet. The Prophet along with 10000 men set for Makkah. The Prophet advised his followers not to kill those who enter in Abu Sufiyans house or Kaba or who surrender. The Muslim army entered peacefully except Khalid bin Waleed battalion was intercepted by Iqrama bin Abi Jahl. Two Muslims and 13 Quraish were killed in his battle. Prophet purified Kaba of its idols and recited the following verse: The truth has come and falsehood has banished. Indeed falsehood is bound to perish. Prophet declared general amnesty and had forgiven the worst enemies, Hinda, Iqrama, Habar bin Aswad. b) Allah allowed the Prophet to fight. He fought to save Islam and Muslims. It was important to recover the Kaba and Makkah. Prophet fought against them for the defense of Medina. The Quran says, Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you. The Quraish were a constant threat to the survival of Islam. They often raided the outskirts of Medina and drove away Muslim animals. Moreover, Allah permitted to fight the war, Jihad, against the Quraish. The Prophet knew that conquest of Makkah could open the gateway for rapid spread of Islam in Arabian Peninsula. Muhammad was compelled many times to fight against Quraish. They attacked Medina 3 times, Badr, Uhad, Khandaq, respectively. They were agresser and offender and the Muslims were defenders. Therefore Prophet fought against them to save Medina. They Quraish were persistent opponent of Prophet and they conspired along with Jews against the Prophet. The broke the Treaty of Hudabiya. Therefore Prophet attacked Makkah.



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a) b)

Outline the changes in Prophets relations with the Jewish tribes and the hypocrites in Medina in the years between 622 and 632. [12] Suggest why his relations with the Jewish tribes changed. [4] (May 2004)

a) At first the Prophet treated all parts of the Median society equally. He devised the Charter of Madinah under with Muslims, non-Muslims, Arabs and Jews under which all parties were given equal religious freedom and tolerance, equal rights, same security and freedom. They were declared allies of each other and had to help each other in case of foreign attack on Madinah, a city of peace for all parties and the Prophet was declared the ultimate judge of all disputes. But gradually the Jews distanced themselves from him. They intentionally mispronounced the Quran and rejected his claims of being a Prophet and the ultimate judge. The tribe of Ban Qaynuka was the first tribe to violate the terms of the treaty. A Muslim women was disgraced in the market place of Banu Qaynuka, as a result fighting took place in which a Jew and a Muslim were killed. The Prophet laid siege to the fortress for 15 days, until they surrendered unconditionally and were later expelled form Madinah in 625 AD. The second tribe to break the Charter was Banu Nadir. During the battle of Uhad in 3 AH, they sided openly with the Quraish. About four months after the expulsion of Banu Nadir, the companions of the Prophet killed the Jewish poet Kaab bin Ashraf who used to compose insulting poetry against Islam and Muslims women. The immediate cause, however, was the incident of Bur Muana. The nomadic tribe of Banu Amir killed 40 Muslims who had been invited to preach Islam. Two Muslims survived, one of them was Amir bin Umaiyah. They killed two people of Banu Amir who were innocent. When the Prophet came to know of this he went to the tribe of Banu Nadir, who had tribal relations with Amir. Here the Jews made an assassination attempt on the Prophet and the Muslims therefore decided to take action. The Jews took refuge in the castles where they were besieged for 15 days. The Jews were allowed to escape to Syria and Khyber. The third Jewish tribe to Banu Quraiza helped the enemy at the Battle of Khandak in 5 AH. To punish them the Prophet laid siege to their fortress which lasted for 25 days. Finally they agreed to accept the judgment of their former ally Saad bin Maaz who sentenced them for their treachery according to the bible. Their men were killed, their women and children were taken as slaves and their belongings were taken as booty. The Jews expelled from Madinah and settled in the fortress of Khyber. The Muslims under the command of Ali successfully laid siege to them in 627 AD. The Hypocrites were Medians who did not become sincere Muslims. Even before the Battle of Uhad, they sowed seeds of mistrust between the Ansar and the Muhajireen. Their leader was Abdullah bin Ubaiy, who along with his 300 followers deserted the Muslims at the Battle of Uhad on the plea that they wanted to fight the Quraish fro outside the city. At the Battle of Khandak, the Hypocrites asked the Prophet to return to their homes on the excuse that their



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properties were not safe. Abdullah bin Ubaiy scandalized Hazrat Ayesha after she returned home with Safwan bin Muattal, after the Battle of Banu Mustaliq, even though the Quran cleared the allegation in Surah Nur. The Hypocrites also constructed a mosque named Masjid-e-Darar in Quba where they held secret meeting to conspire against the Muslims. On his return form the Tabuk Expedition the Prophet ordered his companions to dismantle the mosque. After two months, Abdullah bin Ubaiy died and with him the hypocrites ceased to exist. b) There were a number of reasons and developments which led to describe change between the relationships of Jews and Muslims. The Prophet had made every sincere effort to be-friend with the Jews. He devised the Charter of Madinah, in which the Jews were granted equal status and religious liberty, but the Jews did not acknowledge him as a Prophet of Allah, since they were expecting the final prophet of being from Banu Ishaq instead of Banu Israel. They made fun of him, particularly when the Kibla was changed from the Masjid-alAksa in Jerusalem to the Kaaba in Makkah and intentionally mispronounced the verse of the Quran. Kaab bin Ashraf and Abu Afk composed insulting poetry against the Muslim women and Islam. Kaab bin Ashraf went to Madinah after the battle of Badr and persuaded them to attack Madinah. The three Jewish tribes i.e. Banu Qaynuka, Banu Nadir and Banu Quraiza made a treaty with the Prophet that they would defend Madinah in case of foreign attack but broke the treaty by openly siding with the Quraish by not helping the Muslims in the Battles of Badr, Uhad and Khandak. If the Prophet had not expelled them from Madinah, they would have continued to conspire against the Muslims which not only threatened the security of Madinah but the survival of Islam.

Mark scheme:
(a) [Ensure that marks are divided between comments on the Jewish tribes and the munafiqun, hypocrites.] At first the Prophet treated all parts of Medinan society equally. He devised the Covenant of Medina as an agreement in which all in Medina, Muslims, non-Muslim Arabs and Jews, were given privileges and responsibilities. (2 marks for a detailed comment here) Gradually the Jews distanced themselves from him: they persistently mocked the revelations, and doubted his claims to prophethood. Muhammad expelled the three major tribes in three stages after they showed treachery in fighting and sided with the Quraysh (up to 3 marks for dates and full details). These tribes were Qaynuqa', Qurayza and Nadir (1 mark for all three names). He punished them for their treachery. (2 marks for details) There remained Medinans who did not become sincere Muslims or acknowledge Muhammad. They showed their disloyalty most strongly in withdrawing when the Quraysh attack led to the battle of Uhud. They remained persistent opponents of Muhammad. The Muslims later attacked the banished Jews in their fortress at Khaybar.



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(b) He gradually became aware that the Jews did not respect his position. They refused to acknowledge that he was a Prophet like the one in their scriptures. They openly made fun of him, especially when the qibla was changed. An important turning point was when they subjected a Muslim woman to public humiliation. They broke the Covenant by not defending Medina. Their treachery in conspiring with the Quraysh threatened the security of Medina. This was also a threat to the survival of Islam.

Examiners Report This question is nearly always concerned with the life and significance of the Prophet. In this paper it asked about the period of his life in Medina, and Examiners were looking for accurate accounts of his relations with the three major Jewish tribes and with the non-Muslim Arabs of the oasis. In part (a), they credited factual details about the developments that took place, including the names of the tribes and their changes in conduct that led to their exclusion, and also the main actions of the non-Muslim Arabs against the interests of the Muslims. In part (b), they credited precise reasons for the deterioration in relations between the Muslims and Jews from the time of the Covenant of Medina to the attack on the fortress of Khaybar, including their mocking of the Prophet and his followers, their siding with the Meccans and their breaking of the Covenant. In answers to part (a), most candidates showed impressively detailed knowledge of the exploits of the Jews in Medina, though many thought that the Covenant of Medina was no more a treaty made specifically between the Prophet and the Jews in which he allowed them freedom. When teaching this aspect of the Prophets life, teachers should make clear the true nature of this Covenant, which was intended to include all the tribes and clans in the oasis in an equal agreement with shared privileges and responsibilities, with the Jews named among them. Many candidates said almost nothing about the hypocrites, those Medinan Arabs who appeared reluctant to side with the Muslims and withdrew their support at Uhud. This is strange, given that in past years when a question on Uhud has appeared candidates have usually written a great deal about the force that withdrew from the Prophets army before the battle, giving its number and the names of its leaders. In answers to part (b), many candidates were able to give four good reasons for the change in the Prophets relations with the Jewish tribes, most importantly their siding with the Meccans and desertion of their Covenant obligations. However, there were, unfortunately, many critical and insulting remarks about the Jewish tribes of Medina. Few candidates appeared to be aware that one reason for the change in relations was that the Prophet gradually saw that his proclamation was not accepted by the Jews as agreeing with theirs. This is a religious rather than political reason.



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