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ONE-FACTOR ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE The F-Test The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a method for dividing the variation observed

erved into different parts. The ANOVA was developed by R.A. Fisher and reported by him in 1923. It is used when we wished to test the significance of the differences between two or more means obtained from independent samples. The F-Test is generally used for determining differences among more than two means. Three advantages for using the F-Test over the t-test when there are more than two means to compare: T-test is more laborious. The t-ratio has a statistical limitation which is the likelihood of increasing the probability of making alpha error. In the case of two or more way analyses of variance, the interaction effects between and among the variables can be measured. Relevant Example A. Sum of Squares. a) Deviation Method: This is the sum of the squared deviation s from a mean. This is done by squaring or multiplying by itself the deviations from the mean of the group of scores and adding these deviation scores together (x2). b) Raw Score Method: This is the sum of the squared raw scores (x2). Find the sum of squares from the data below. Deviation Method x x2 4 16 3 9 2 4 1 1 0 0 -1 1 -2 4 -3 9 -4 16 x = 0 x2 = 60 Deviation Method 1. Within-Groups Sum of Squares (SSw) - the sum of the squared deviations of individual scores from their group mean. SSw = Where: X= a deviation score (x- ) 2. Between-Groups Sum of Squares (SSb) - sum of the squared deviations of individual group mean from the mean of the total distribution. Raw Score Method X2 81 64 49 36 25 16 9 4 1 X2 = 285

X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X = 45

SSb = ( Where: = mean of any group = mean of the total distribution Number of scores in any group SSb = between groups sum of squares


3. Total Sum of Squares - sum of the squared deviation of every raw score from the mean of the total distribution. SSt = SSb + SSw 4. Mean Square (MS) - measure of variation obtained by dividing between-groups sum of squares by the appropriate degrees of freedom. MSb = SSb/dfb Where: MSb = mean square of the between-groups SSb = sum of squares of the between-groups dfb = degrees of freedom of the between-groups MSw = SSw/dfw Where: MSw = mean square of the within groups SSw = sum of squares of the within-groups dfw = degrees of freedom within groups dfb = k-1 dfw = N-k

Where: K= number of groups N= total number of scores in all groups combined Raw Score Method 1. Total Sum of Squares (SSt) (SS for total variability) SSt = X2 (Xt)2/N 2. Between-Groups Sum of Squares (SSb) (SS for between group variability) SSb = (X1)2/N1 + (X2)2/N2 + (X3)2/N3 - (Xt)2/Nt 3. Within-Groups Sum of Squares (SSw) (SS for within group variability) SSw = SSt - SSb 4. Degrees of freedom dfb = k - 1 dfw = Nt - k 5. Mean Square (MS) MSb = SSb/dfb MSw = SSw/dfw 6. F-Ratio F = MSb/MSw Related Output

X1 5 4 8 6 7 X = 30

X3 4 7 5 4 6 X = 26

Group 1 (N = 5) (Superior) x -1 -2 2 0 1 X=30/5=6 Group 3 (N = 5) (Average) x -1.2 1.8 -.2 -1.2 .8 X=26/5=5.2

x2 1 4 4 0 1 x2 = 10 x2 1.44 3.24 .04 1.44 .64 2 x = 6.8

X2 5 6 6 8 3 X = 28

X4 4 4 7 4 5 X = 24

Group 2 (N = 5) (Above Average) x x2 -.6 .36 .4 .16 .4 .16 2.4 5.76 -2.6 6.76 X=28/5=5.6 x2 = 13.2 Group 4 (N = 5) (Below Average) x x2 .8 .64 .8 .64 2.2 4.84 .8 .64 .2 .04 2 X=24/5=4.8 x = 6.8

Xtotal = 108/20 = 5.4 Plugging the formula: SSw = 10 + 13.2 + 6.8 + 6.8 = 36.8 Between Groups Sum of Squares (SSb) SSb = (6 5.4)25 + (5.6 5.4)25 + (5.2 5.4)25 + (4.8 5.4)25 = 1.8 + .2 + .2 + 1.8 =4 Total Sum of Squares (SSt) SSt = 4 + 36.8 = 40.8 Mean Square (MS) dfb = 4 1 =3 dfw = 20 4 = 16 MSw = 5.4/16 = .338 MSb = 3.82/3 = 1.27 The F-Test of Ratio F = 1.27/.338 = 3.76

Raw Score Method On the following three groups of teaching attitude, test the null hypothesis that academic performance does not vary due to teaching attitude. = .01 Academic Performance Average X2 X22 87 7569 84 7056 86 7396 85 7225 83 6889 425 36135 85 5

SUMS Means N

Above Average X1 X12 89 7921 90 8100 93 8649 93 8649 91 8281 456 41600 91.2 5

X3 80 82 80 78 79 399 79.8 5

Below Average X32 6400 6724 6400 6084 6241 31849 Xt = 1280 Xt2 = 109684 Nt = 15

Total Sum of Squares (SSt) (SS for total variability) SSt = X2 (Xt)2/N = 109584 (1280)2/15 = 357.33 Between-Groups Sum of Squares (SSb) (SS for between group variability) SSb = (X1)2/N1 + (X2)2/N2 + (X3)2/N3 - (Xt)2/Nt = (456)2/5 + (425)2/5 + (399)2/5 - (1280)2/15 = 109552.4 109226.67 = 325.73 Within-Groups Sum of Squares (SSw) (SS for within group variability) SSw = SSt - SSb = 357.33 325.73 = 31.6 Degrees of freedom dfb = k 1 =31 =2 dfw = Nt k = 15 3 = 12 Mean Square (MS) MSb = SSb/dfb = 325.73/2 = 162.87 MSw = SSw/dfw = 31.6/12 = 2.63 F-Ratio F = MSb/MSw

= 162.87/2.63 = 61.93 Ho = X1 = X2 = X3 H1 = X1 X2 X3 Decision: Since Fcomputed > Ftab, then Reject Ho Accept H1 Conclusion: Academic performance vary due to teaching attitude.

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