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Night vision is the ability to see in a dark environment. Whether by
biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by
a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and
sufficient intensity range. Humans have poor night vision compared
to many animals, in part because the human eye lacks a tapetum

In biological night vision, molecules of rhodopsin in the rods of the

eye undergo a change in shape as light is absorbed by them.
Rhodopsin is the chemical that allows night-vision, and is
extremely sensitive to light. Exposed to white light, the pigment
immediately bleaches, and it takes about 30 minutes to regenerate
fully, but most of the adaptation occurs within the first five or ten
minutes in the dark. Rhodopsin in the human rods is insensitive to
the longer red wavelengths of light, so many people use red light
to preserve night vision as it will not deplete the eye’s rhodopsin
stores in the rods and instead is viewed by the cones.
Many animals have a tissue layer called the tapetum lucidum in the
back of the eye that reflects light back through the retina,
increasing the amount of light available for it to capture. This is
found in many nocturnal animals and some deep sea animals, and
is the cause of eyeshine. Humans do not have a tapetum lucidum
and, moreover, only 10% of the light that enters the human eye
falls on photosensitive parts of the retina.[citation needed] An animal’s
ability to see in low light levels may be similar to what humans see
when using first or perhaps second generation image
intensifiers[citation needed].
Large size of the eye, and large size of the pupil relative to the eye,
also contribute to night vision.

II. Problem of the Study

This study was conducted to answer the problem:
What factors affect the night visibility of a human being?

III. Hypothesis of the Study

I think that if the person is younger, his night vision is better.

IV. Objectives of the Study

To know the factors affecting the night visibility of a human being
and be able to know what can we do to develop one.

V. Design of the Study

A. Variables
1. Independent variables/ manipulated variable:

• Dark Room
• Objects to e observed
• Duration of looking at the object
2. Dependent variable/ responding variable:
• No. of objects seen

B. Materials
• 1 Dark Room
• 1 Table
• 1 Stopwatch
• 1 Plaster
• 1 Cup
• 1 Deodorant
• 1 Pair of Scissors
• 1 P5.00 coin
• 1 Whiteboard Marker
• 1 Glass
• 1 Spoon
• 1 Fork
• 1 Saucer
• 1 Alcohol


1. Prepare by patching the plaster.

2. Place the table inside the Dark Room.
3. Put the Stopwatch, Plaster, Cup, Deodorant, Pair of
Scissors,P5.00 coin, Whiteboard Marker, Glass, Spoon, Fork,
Saucer, and Alcohol on the table.
4. Inside the dark room, volunteers will be asked to pick up the
item on th e table.
5. Record how many he/she got right and wrong. This will be
done to each of the volunteer and it must be done after


The volunteers can adapt more easily to the darker situation. It

takes about 15-30 minutes for most of them.

Based on the result of experiment conducted, I therefore conclude

that younger people have better visibility in the dark even if their
eyes were covered for a long period of time.

Covering the eye of an older person for a long period of time

reduces their visibility in the dark because they hAve less
adaptability to the situation.
Name of test subject age Total correct picks
Camille Amparo Torrento 3 yrs old 32
Emilio Tayhopon III 3 yrs old 32
Charles Eugene Torrento 5 yrs old 31
Raymund Cajilig 16 yrs old 33
Mary Bernadette Torrento 22 yrs old 32
Joeremie Torrento 27 yrs old 32
Mario Warlito Torrento 37 yrs old 31
Raymond Tabobo 45 yrs old 29
Bernadette Torrento 63 yrs old 22
Warlito Torrento 64 yrs old 24

Camille Amparo Torrento
3 yrs. old


Time cu deodora alcoh whiteboa spoo f sciss P5.0 sauc g Total

the eye p nt ol rd n or ors 0 er las corre
was marker k coin s ct
covered picks
Uncove X X X X X 5
15 min X X X 7

30 min 10

45 min 10

Charles Eugene Torrento
5 yrs. old

Time the cu deodora alcoh whiteboar spoo f scisso P5.0 sauc g Total
eye was p nt ol d marker n ork rs 0 er las corre
covered coin s ct
Uncove X X X X X 5
15 min X X X 7

30 min X 9

45 min 10


Emilio Tayhopon III
3 yrs. old

Time the cu deodora alcoh whiteboar spoo f scisso P5.0 sauc g Total
eye was p nt ol d marker n ork rs 0 er lass corre
covered coin ct

Uncove X X X X X 5
15 min X X 8

30 min X 9

45 min 10


Joeremie Torrento
27 yrs. old

Ti c de al w s f s P s g T
me u od c hit p o ci 5 a l o
the p or o ebo o r s . u a t
ey an h ard o k s 0 c s al
e t ol ma n o 0 e s c
wa rke rs r o
s r c rr
co o e
ver i c
ed n t
Uncove X X X X X 6
red X
15 min X X 8

30 min X 9

45 min X 9


Bernadette Torrento
63 yrs. old


Time cu deodora alcoh whiteboa spoo f sciss P5.0 sauc g Total

the eye p nt ol rd n or ors 0 er las corre
was marker k coin s ct
covered picks
Uncove X X X X X X 3
red X
15 min X X X X 6

30 min X X X X 6

45 min X X X 7

Warlito Torrento
64 yrs. old


Time cu deodor alcoh whiteboa spoo f sciss P sauc g Total

the eye p ant ol rd n or ors 5.0 er las corre
was marker k 0 s ct
covered coin picks
Uncove X X X X X X 3
red X
15 min X X X 7

30 min X X X X 6

45 min X X 8

Mary Bernadette Torrento
22 yrs. old


Time cu deodora alcoh whiteboa spoo f sciss P sauc g Total

the eye p nt ol rd n or ors 5.0 er las corre
was marker k 0 s ct
covered coin picks
Uncove X X X X 6
15 min X X 8

30 min X 9

45 min X 9

Raymund Cajilig
16 yrs. old


Time cu deodor alcoh whiteboa spoo f sciss P sauc g Total

the eye p ant ol rd n or ors 5.0 er las corre
was marker k 0 s ct
covered coin picks
Uncove X X X 7
15 min X X 8

30 min X 9

45 min X 9

Mario Warlito Torrento
37 yrs. old


Time cu deodor alcoh whiteboa spoo f sciss P sauc g Total

the eye p ant ol rd n or ors 5.0 er las corre
was marker k 0 s ct
covered coin picks
Uncove X X X X 6
15 min X X 8

30 min X 9

45 min X X 8

Raymond Tabobo
45 yrs old


Time cu deodor alcoh whiteboa spoo f sciss P sauc g Total

the eye p ant ol rd n or ors 5.0 er las corre
was marker k 0 s ct
covered coin picks
Uncove X X X X X 5
15 min X X X 7

30 min X 9

45 min X X 8


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