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Aljebra And The Aplication

A.Nita Febrianti Jafar Reski wati Salam Awaluddin haq

A. ALebraic Forms
1. Define algebraic forms An algebraic expression is formed by starting with a collection of variables (usually denoted by letters of the alphabeth) and real numbers and applying a finite number of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and the extraction of roots Algebraic expression is an expressions showing combinations between coefficients and variables. A variable is a symbol that may be replaced by any one of a spesified set of numbers examples of algebraic is 2x+7y which 2x and 7y are called terms X and y are variables 2 and 7 are coefficients 2 is the coefficients of 2x 7 is the coefficients of 7x

2. Definition of like and unlike terms Two or more terms that have exactly the same variables are called like terms, and if the variables are different, its called unlike terms. 3. Opration of algebraic expression Addition and substraction opration In algebraic expression, the terms that can be added and substracted are only the like terms. The like terms contain the same variable with the same exponent or terms containing constants. Unlike terms cannot be simplified. For example (2x+5x-4)+(3x-2x+7)= (2x+3x)+(5x-2x)+(-4+7) = (2+3)x+(5-2)x+3 = 5x+3x+3 asosiative law distributiv law

Multiplications opration Multiplications of one term and two term of algebraic expression These multiplications can be done using distributive characteristic bellow a(x+y)= ax+ay (x+y)a= ax+ay and and a(x-y)= ax-ay (x-y)a= ax-ay

Multiplications of two terms and two terms algebraic expression These multiplications can also be done using distributive characteristic or using a multiplication scheme (x+y)(a+b) = (a+b)(x+y)= ax+bx+ay+by Division You can divide the algebraic forms as it was done In integers, for example 18a 3 = 6a 18a 3b = 6a/b

Exponential operation Exponential is a recur multiplication of a number. You can expand ( ) =x.x.x.x..x n suku the properties of exponent on integers are (am)n= amn (ab)n= an bn as follow

B. Algebraic Fraction
1. Simplifly algebraic expression in fraction The fractions in ths form can be simpilified by dividing the nominator and the denominator in the fraction by the common factor of the nominator and the denominator. For example 8x+6x = 2x(4x+3) 4x 2x(2) = 4x+3 2 2. Addition and substraction of algebraic fractions There are two operations of addition or substraction on algebraic fraction, as described bellow: a. To add or substract two fractions with the seme denominator, write the sum or difference of the given numerators over the given denominator. b. Fractions whose denominators are different, can not be combained until they have been changed to equivalent fractions with the same denominators . to get an aquivalent fractions we use the least common multiple (LCM) of denominator.

3. Multiplication and division operations a. Multiplication of algebraic fractions Multiplication with algebraic fractions can be done by multiplying both the nominators and multiplying both the denominators. Then, the result is commonly simplified A . C = AC B D BD

b. Devision of algebraic fractions

The devision of algebraic fractions is the revelse of the multiplication process. It is like all other kind of division fractions A:C=AXD B D B C

4. Exponents of algebraic fractions The operations of exponential algebraic fractions have its similarities to that of wholenumber exponents in the simple operations. A B


= Am+n Bm+n

C. The Application Of Algebra

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