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Unit Planner

Unit Title: Food landscapes

Stage 1

Class: MYP2 AOI focus questions:

Which particular area of the AoI sets the context of learning

Time frame: 5 weeks Significant concepts:

What we want students to remember for the years to come

Unit Question: How can food be used in art to create a landscape?

HSE Think about food differently

Experiment with different art media to produce a realistic sketch

Specific Objectives:
Objectives which are addressed in, and pertinent to, this unit

Assessment Task(s) and Criteria:

What constitutes acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?

Learner Profile Qualities:

Aspect(s) of the learner profile the unit will help develop

ability to make interesting compositions. B Use subject specific vocabulary when discussing artworks. A Demonstrate ability to accurately follow instructions. B Evaluate work in class discussion/DWB. C Engage fully in the project. D Teaching strategies and learning experiences:
Prior knowledge, how to monitor and support learning throughout the unit, formative assessment, learning styles, differentiation, mother tongue issues

Complete final pieces, showing the

Risk-Takers - Take unusual approaches out of your comfort zone when doing an artwork. Accept that the process can be more important than the product. Open-minded - Be open about new techniques.


Unit Planner

Discuss different approaches to the same subject. Experiment with different techniques. Gain competence in handling, and familiarity with the materials Observational drawings Enlargement and Viewfinders Abstraction Mixed material collage Contour line drawing ATL:
Development of subject-specific and general ATL skills

Group introduction and instruction or

each task in English, reinforced with French. Demonstration of processes. Individual support and instruction. Group discussion. Peer feedback. Written and verbal evaluation. (Written in English, verbal may be in French) Formative and summative assessment.

Students handout DWBs Coloured pencils Gouache and watercolour Pencils Viewfinder Various papers Glue sticks Scissors Selection of fruit and vegetables Images of works by Warner

Organisation: Be able to independently organise drawing and painting materials for each class session of the Unit. Collaboration: Through experimentation, be able to identify and creative problems produce a final piece. Information literacy: Use the internet to research facts about food. Reflection: Evaluate their work process and document feedback clearly in DWBs. Thinking: Think about possible approaches to the theme.

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