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CAN YOU SEE HIM THERE? Can you see Him there upon that cross?

Have you thought about what it cost? This was the darling of heaven, Who had left behind the glory of heaven. Come journey with Jesus to the cross, Can you see Him hanging there? Beaten, bruised, bleeding skin stripped bare, Lash marks have left even his muscles exposed. A crown of thorns overshadow His face, As the life drains from the One dying in our place, Marred but beautiful, compassion on His face, Huge nails through His hands and feet are placed. Even in this hour of extreme pain, He thought about completing salvation's plan, For only His blood could pay sin's sacrifice, The once and forever sacrifice. Can you see the love for you on His face? Do you know that this is all of grace? His face bruised, beaten and swollen, Blood trickling down from the thorns. He's thirsting so, that sun is hot, He has already blood and fluids lost, Jesus, King of the Jews is our King too, And He's dying there for me and you. And the bitter cup our dear Lord took, As the wrath of His Father He endured for us, In this moment of separation from His Father's love, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" were the words of Jesus. He could save Himself but He refuses to do so, For love grace, mercy and compassion from Him flow, In every drop of blood shed to cleanse us from sin, How can it be that for this He left behind the glory of heaven? A bitter sponge of vinegar is being given to Him, Can you hear some of the words He has been uttering? He looked at the soldiers and said"Father forgive them," He forgave the thief on the other cross and now He is dying.

His last words were "It is finished," All that was necessary for our salvation was completed, Jesus our Saviour went through all this for you and me, Darkness has come over the land, and the temple veil is rent in two. Could you feel the earth shake beneath your feet? The earth quaked, satan has entered a place of defeat, For Jesus now laid in the tomb, will not be held by the grave, He was crucified so that people like us He could save. Can you see Him rising now, His bandages and wraps laid aside? Wow, He is so white, He has the appearance of lightning, The earth has moved once more and the tombstone has rolled aside, And Jesus He is alive, oh thanks be to God He has risen. Back to the present time, this same Jesus is alive today, He ascended to His Father and sits at His right hand, But some day soon He is coming back again, And all those who follow Him will spend eternity with Him. Praise, honour and glory be unto the one who died for us, We stand in awe of you, our Lord and King Jesus. The veil was rent in two to give us access to the Holy of Holies, And we draw closer now, entering the realm of glory.

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