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1) Marking symbols: Sp sxp ^ A R wf ww // ?

T S-V P Prep [tick] spelling expression omission article repetition/redundancy word form wrong word paragraph What are you trying to say? tenses subject-verb agreement punctuation preposition Good!

2) Dos and Donts: Stylistic conventions & presentation Essay planning & organization Quality rather than quantity Neatness & Eligibility Errors crossed out neatly with a single line The correct word inserted above Strong conclusion Mature in attitude and approach & well planned Carefully structured according to chronology & logical development Carefully planned & well developed Cohesive Carefully paragraphed More time spent thinking and planning and checking errors Writing Fresh, original styles for Different perspectives narratives Wide & varied vocab Confident control over sentence structure, spelling & punctuation Stories enlivened by effective & well-punctuated dialogues Writing style Fresh, original for Introductions are important discursive Structured, organized & developed argument pieces Logical and sound justification in support of points Different perspectives Situational Take time to read writing Think yourself into the situatio Using imagination & expressing original ideas in detail Covering all required info Detailed justification if asked Catching attention of reader Direct reference to the matter Crisp, concise, succinct View clearly expressed Info given in question paper is to be used in support of argument Adaptation or integration of pts Language Really understand how a word is used before employing it use The usage of words for the appropriate context Wide, yet appropriate & precise vocab Command of carried sentence structure

3) Situational writing formats: 1. Internal report: (internal correspondence, same org, sb you know but not very well- student to principal/teacher, intern to reporting office, etc.) Salutation To: [name] [title] From: [name] [title] Date Dear , TITLE Intro Para 1 Para 2 Conclusion Yours sincerely, [Sign] NOTE: Bit tn: Yours sincerely Ko bit tn: Yours faithfully C dear: Yours sincerely Ko c dear: ch sign No saluation To: [name] [title] From: [name] [title] Date TITLE Intro Para 1 Para 2 Conclusion [Sign]

2. Formal letter: (external correspondence, sb you dont know personally editor of newspaper, org for sponsorship, police reports, student to external org)
My address Date Rs name Rs designation Rs address Dear , | Dear Sir/Madam, TITLE Paras

3. Informal letter: (to friends, relatives youd call by name) My address Date Dearest Paras Yours truly, My name (KO SIGN) 5. News report: HEADLINE By Lead para:
- This has all the who, what, when, where, how, why in it - Must find answers to all these WH & write into opening sentences of article - Imp info

4. Speech: Intro para: Greeting & Purpose Paras Conclu: summarize main pts & leave final impression Note: Include quotes, examples, literary devices

Paras: (few sentences, each capture 1 aspect) Note: Include details, interviews

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