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Chakras and Color Therapy

Each of us posses seven spinning energy centers called chakras. Each chakra has its own quality and quantity of energy depending on how open or closed it is. Color therapy in a variety of forms can be used to open blocked chakras. HOW COLOR THERAPY WORKS? The method of color therapy is based on the law of resonant colors interaction, conterminous to frequency characteristics of body. There is a resonant interaction of zones of hands and feet (chakras energy points, acupuncture points of meridians and waves surrounding them) to similar frequency of a color source (artificial or natural).

The set of frequencies related to musical notes is an example how colors works. If you place two properly tuned guitars in the same room and pluck the A string on one guitar, the A string on the second guitar will also ring. This is because the sound frequency of the A note traveled across the room causing the resonant frequency of the A string on the second guitar to sound. Likewise, the body's organs have their own resonant frequencies related to the charkas and meridians. Hence, we can "tune" our bodies for optimal wellness through color therapy by exposing our chakras and meridians to the specific color needed. The light beam is a language of the organism cells which communicate with each other, and they do so via photons and microwaves. The color scale promotes restoration of the energy balance broken by illness. Different colors give off different wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions and consequently different disorders.

Colored light can be used directly on the body's health and immune strength, affecting the body and the emotions. It does not alter the material make up of the body, but rather the vibrational aspect, similar to homeopathy.

The treatment itself involves the application of colored light to the acupuncture points on the skin with an instrument that resembles a simple pen light. It does not use needles or pierce the skin. Rather the color sensitivity of acupuncture receptors on the skin is used to absorb the colored light. Acupuncture meridians then channel healing information encoded in the light to targeted cells and the brain where it is needed.

Every chakra depending on frequency of vibrations prevailing in it has own color. The aura of the healthy person has pure colors. The mechanism of many illnesses is caused by infringement of color (electromagnetic) harmony, mixture of colors, and also deficiency of the certain color necessary for normal activity of the organs and mind-emotional condition of the person. Chakra 1: Muladhara The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. Moola dhara root chakra located in the area of the cocyx, associated with the anus earth element - colour is red grounding chakra - gives security and controls primal instincts.This chakra deals with human potential, primitive energy, basic survival needs and our foundations. Red is the color associated with this chakra. A significant lack of energy here can make people weak and self-destructive. Chakra 2: Svadhisthana The second chakra is located just slightly below the navel, or belly button.associated with reproductive organs and bladder. Ruled by water element orange sexual energy and reproductive centre. This chakra is the center of our sexual drive and emotions. The color of this chakra is orange. A

deficiency of energy here may cause a person to be immobilized by fear, burdened by guilt or distrustful. Chakra 3: Manipura The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and relates to will, power, and social identification.the city of gems fire element associated with the kidneys and adrenal glands yellow - centre of the ego or I consciousness. This chakra's color is yellow. A lack of energy here may result in depression and confusion. Chakra 4: Anahata The fourth chakra is located over the heart and relates to love, balance, compassion, and self expression. the heart centre ruled by air and the colour green. This chakra governs heart, thymus and auto immune system. as well as liver, gull bladder, stomach, spleen and pancreas This is the centre where the feelings dwell. Green, and sometimes pink, is the color of this chakra. Little energy in this chakra may cause paranoia and indecision. Chakra 5: Vishuddha The fifth chakra is located at the throat and relates to communication, creativity, and self identification . the pure centre at the throat governs the thyroid ruled by the colour blue. Here we find truth to be the essenceThe color here is blue. A blocked chakra here can cause a person to be devious and manipulative. Chakra 6: Ajna The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows at the third eye position relating to mind, intuition, and heightened self awareness. This centre is violet in colour and is the centre of union. Working on this area helps to balance mental illness, epilepsy and is associated with the pineal gland. Violet is the color here. Insufficient amounts of energy here can cause a person to be oversensitive and afraid of success. Chakra 7: Sahasrara The seventh, or crown chakra, or the thousand petaled lotus. This is the centre of bliss and superconciousness. This is the seat of all knowledge, the centre of unabounding joy. This area is associated with the pituitary gland and thus it governs all hormone function and balances all body systemsis located at the top of the head and deals with the experience of self- realization, wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment. Enlightenment is the culmination of all the other chakras and thus is depicted by white. A deficiency of energy here may cause a person to become catatonic.

The first three chakras are concerned primarily with physical concerns, where as the last three charkas are concerned with more spiritual matters. The fourth, or the heart chakra, balances the physical and the spiritual. Color Therapy Color therapy can take a variety of forms including light, clothing and minerals. Colored light therapy may be as simple as buying a colored light bulb from the hardware store. People with an interest in theatre may extend the idea to flood lights and a colored gel, a thick piece of plastic. Even the stained glass windows of your local church can help you get the colored light you are looking for. One sits in a darkened room with a lamp projecting the desired light unto the body for one hour at a time with at least two hours between applications. Color is like another form of nutrition, but instead of ingesting orally we assimilate through the skin of the body. Each vitamin, herb and mineral has its own unique fingerprint of light that it emits when it has been burned at high temperatures. In science it is called spectroscopy, whereby a sample of material can be burned and the light analyzed to determine its exact chemical makeup. When we lack specific nutrients we can shine an appropriate color on the

body to increase assimilation and effectiveness of the nutrient in the body. Color Therapy can be used to treat almost any condition or problem and shows obvious benefits in sometimes as little as one hour. If one has a hot or acute condition such as a fever any one of the cool colors can be used to shine on the body (blue, indigo, violet etc.) and in most cases in one hour the fever will break. If a chronic or cold condition exists a hot color is used, in most cases though a specific schedule of several colors are used over a period of one to two weeks, In Stanley Burroughs' book "Healing For The Age of Enlightenment" there is more detailed explanation of the various uses of the color therapy allowing for a greater understanding of this work. Clothing can also effect a person. To help alleviate depression, wear colors like orange, yellow, or pink. Black is a color of mystery and should reflect that mood. An erotic atmosphere can be created with red and orange colors. To counteract nervousness, surround yourself with blues and greens. Minerals and jewelry can also help enhance your mood. Lower chakra stones are best worn as anklets, belt buckles, rings or bracelets. The fourth and fifth chakra minerals are best worn as necklaces over the heart or chokers around the throat. Sixth and seventh chakra stones are best in earrings or hair pieces. The chakra stones are generally the same color that is associated with the individual chakras. The following is a partial list of chakra stones: Chakra 1: Red - red garnet, black obsidian, smoky quartz Chakra 2: Orange - tiger's eye, carnelian Chakra 3: Yellow - citrine Chakra 4: Green - malachite, green jade, rose quartz Chakra 5: Blue - sodalite, azurite Chakra 6: Violet - lapis, flourite Chakra 7: White - amethyst, clear quartz

RED stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, excites sexual glands. It energizes the first chakra (coccyx). It warms us and awakens us physically and energizes our blood. It is a good color to wear when we have colds and poor circulation. Too much red can over stimulate and make some illnesses worse. High blood pressure is an indicator of too much red energy in the body. It is a color for war, prosperity, fire, and rising sun. Spiritually it is the root color of fire and connects us to our physical self. ORANGE is the color of joy and wisdom. It affects the second chakra (sacral). It gives an energy, stimulates appetite and it is a good color for illnesses of the colon and digestion. Spiritually it is the color of joy. It connects us to our emotional self. YELLOW is the solar plexus chakra. It energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite and helps in digestive problems. Spiritually it is the color of wisdom and connects us to our mental self. GREEN affects the heart chakra. It has a calming effect and balances the nervous system. Green color is soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness. It is a good color for cardiac conditions, high blood pressure and ulcers. Since green stimulates growth, it should be avoided in cancers and other tumors. Spiritually it is the color of love and connects us to perfect love. BLUE is the color for the throat chakra. It is a good color in respiratory illness or throat infections. Blue is calming and cooling to our system and hence, a good color to counteract hypertension. Spiritually it is the color of health and connects us to holistic thought.

INDIGO is the color for healing of the brow chakra. It is a good color for sinusitis, immunity problems, and all face problems. Too much of this color can cause depression. Spiritually it is the color of intuition and connects us to our unconscious self. VIOLET is the color of the crown chakra. It is cleansing, strengthening, and awakening, suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment. It affects the skeletal system of the body. It is a good color for improving immunity, cancerous conditions, and arthritis. It also purifies the system and is an excellent color for headaches and migraines. Spiritually it is the color of faith and connects us to our spiritual self. Select the chakra stones in such a way to enhance your mood much the same way you would select colors for your clothing. Further Reading These resources talk more extensively about healing uses of the chakras and color therapy.

'Bodymind by Ken Dychtwald 'Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith 'Color and Crystals: A Journey Through the Chakras by Joy Gardner

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