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Vocabulary Module 1 Scotland Ambivalence - simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object,

, person, or action <ambivalence which is expressed in behavior by alternating obedience and rebellion Amenorrhea - Suppression or absence of menstruation. Amnion - The inner of the two membranes that form the sac containing the fetus and the amniotic fluid. Ballotment - A technique of palpation to detect or examine a floating object in the body. In obstetrics, the fetus, when pushed, floats away and then returns to touch the examiners fingers. Braxton Hicks Contractions - Intermittent painless contractions of the uterus that may occur every 1 0 to 20 minutes. They occur more frequently toward the end of pregnancy and are sometimes mistaken for true labor signs. Chadwicks sign - An objective change or probable sign of pregnancy, is a bluepurple discoloration of the cervix caused by increased vascularization of the uterus during pregnancy. Chloasma (Melasma) - Brownish pigmentation over the bridge of the nose and the cheeks during pregnancy and in some women who are taking oral contraceptives. Also called mask of pregnancy Chorion - The fetal membrane closest to the intrauterine wall that gives rise to the placenta and continues as the outer membrane surrounding the amnion. Colostrum - Secretion from the breast before the onset of true lactation; contains mainly serum and white blood corpuscles. It has high protein content, provides some immune properties, and cleanses the neonates intestinal tract of mucus and meconium. Couvade syndrome - In some cultures, the males observance of certain rituals and taboos to signify the transition to fatherhood. Diastasis - Diastasis recti abdominis- Separation of the recti abdominis muscles along the median line. In women, it is seen with repeated childbirths or multiple gestations. In the newborn, it is usually caused by incomplete development. Embryo - The early stage of development of the young of any organism. In humans the embryonic period is from about 2 to 8 weeks gestation and is characterized by cellular differentiation and predominantly hyperplastic growth.

Estimated date of confinement (EDC) Same as the due date or During a pregnancy, the approximate date when childbirth will occur; the due date. Estrogen - The hormones estradiol and estrone, produced by the ovary. Fertilization - Impregnation of an ovum by a spermatozoon; conception. Fetal heart tones (FHT) - The fetal heart rate is faster than the normal heart rate of an adult. The younger the fetus the faster the rate. Fetus - The child in utero from about the seventh to ninth week of gestation until birth. Gestation - The number of weeks of pregnancy since the first day of the last menstrual period. Goodells sign - Softening of the cervix that occurs during the second month of pregnancy. Gravida - A pregnant woman. Hegars sign - A softening of the lower uterine segment found upon palpation in the second or third month of pregnancy. Human chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - A hormone produced by the chorionic villi and found in the urine of pregnant women. Also called prolan Human placental lactogen (HPL) - A hormone that is isolated from human placentas, that has a biological activity that weakly mimics the activity of somatropin and prolactin, and that is secreted into maternal circulation. Also called chorionic growth hormone-prolactin, human chorionic somatomammotropic hormone, placental growth hormone. Hyperptyalism - Abnormally increased secretion of saliva Implantation - The attachment of the fertilized egg or blastocyst to the wall of the uterus at the start of pregnancy. Leopolds maneuvers - A series of four maneuvers designed to provide a systematic approach whereby the examiner may determine fetal presentation and position. Leukorrhea - Mucous discharge from the vagina or cervical canal that may be normal or pathologic, as in the presence of infection. Lightening - Moving of the fetus and uterus downward into the pelvic cavity.

Linea nigra - The line of darker pigmentation extending from the umbilicus to the pubis noted in some women during the later months of pregnancy. Luteinizing hormone (LH) - Anterior pituitary hormone responsible for stimulating ovulation and for development of the corpus luteum. Multigravida - Woman who has been pregnant more than once. Multipara - Woman who has had more than one pregnancy in which the fetus was viable. Naegeles rule - A method of determining the estimated date of birth (EDB): after obtaining the first day of the last menstrual period, subtract 3 months and add 7 days. Nulligravida - A woman who has never been pregnant. Nullipara - A woman who has not delivered a viable fetus. Operculum 1. a lid or covering. 2. the folds of pallium from the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes of the cerebrum overlying the insula Para (Parity) - A woman who has borne offspring who reached the age of viability. Pelvic landmarks (inlet, outlet, ischial spines) 1. Pelvic inlet- Upper border of the true pelvis. 2. Pelvic outlet- Lower border of the true pelvis 3. Pelvic Ischial spine- The ischium is the curved bone making up the lower part of the pelvis. It is this part of the pelvic bone on which the body rests when sitting. Ischial spine is a bony process projecting backward and medial ward from the posterior border of the ischium Pica - The eating of substances not ordinarily considered edible or to have nutritive value. Placenta - Specialized disk-shaped organ that connects the fetus to the uterine wall for gas and nutrient exchange. Also called afterbirth. Primigravida - A woman who is pregnant for the first time. Primipara - A woman who has given birth to her first child (past the point of

viability), whether or not that child is living or was alive at birth. Progesterone - A hormone produced by the corpus luteum, adrenal cortex, and placenta whose function is to stimulate proliferation of the endometrium to facilitate growth of the embryo. Prostaglandins - (PGs) Complex lipid compounds synthesized by many cells in the body. Pseudoanemia - Pallor of the skin and mucous membranes without the blood changes of anemia. Pyrosis - A technical term for what is popularly called heartburn, a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. Quickening - The first fetal movements felt by the pregnant woman, usually between 1 6 and 1 8 weeks gestation. Relaxin - A hormone secreted by the placenta that causes the cervix to dilate and prepares the uterus for the contractions during labor. Sibling rivalry - Sibling rivalry is a type of competition or animosity among brothers and sisters, blood-related or not.. Souffle - A low murmuring or blowing sound heard through a stethoscope Striae gravidarium - Stretch marks; shiny reddish lines that appear on the abdomen, breasts, thighs, and buttocks of pregnant women as a result of stretching the skin Supine hypotension (Vena Cava Syndrome) - Supine hypotensive syndrome (vena caval syndrome, aortocaval compression) Also called vena caval syndrome or aortocaval compression, refers to a condition that can develop during pregnancy when the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the vena cava when the woman is supine. This pressure interferes with returning blood flow and produces a marked decrease in blood pressure with accompanying dizziness, pallor, and clamminess, which can be corrected by having the woman lie on her left side. Teratogens - Nongenetic factors that can produce malformations of the fetus. Viability - capable of living <the skin graft was viable><viable cancer cells>; especially : having attained such form and development as to be normally capable of living outside the uterusoften used of a human fetus at seven months but may be interpreted according to the state of the art of medicine <a viable fetus is one sufficiently developed for extrauterine survivalWords & Phrases><the fetus is considered viable when it weighs 500 grams or more and the pregnancy is over 20

weeks in duration

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