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MARCH 2013

It is a few months into 2013 and many are still feeling the energy of letting go happening both at a personal and global level. It didnt just stop when we moved into this year because it is an ongoing process which is resulting in a complete breaking down of the old structures and established ways.
As we are now living in a new era of con sciousness, past circumstances cannot be maintained if they are not in alignment with this new level of consciousness. We are now witnessing the uncovering of lies and deceit, hidden agendas, rigid thinking, and rules and regulations that no longer serve humanity. Such events include the major drug coverup in Australian sports, British MPs voting in fa vour of same sex marriages and the Pope resigning. I have only scratched the surface here, however, there is much more to come. This will be the flavour of 2013 as the truth is revealed and people speak out against injustice. It is no secret to many that hu manity has been lied to over and over by those in power. Now we will start to see those lies bubble to the surface. It is not always comfortable to witness such events but the conscious human understands that we have all been cocreators in earths history and the truth must be revealed as we move into an era of higher consciousness. Remember not to get caught up in the drama. Have compassion for all things and know that earth and the rest of humanity are undergoing a transformation much like we have done at a
continued next page

Come and visit me at the Golden Grove

Sunday 24th March 10am5pm

I will be offering short healings and energy balancing, Come for a chat, to enjoy the atmosphere and to check out the many stalls. Entry $5 Kids Under 15 FREE Golden Grove Arts Centre The Golden Way, Golden Grove

A Kiss from your Soul

continued from previous page

personal level throughout our own spiritual journeys. Tune into these energies and ask yourself what you might be covering up in your own life. Where could you be more honest with yourself? What are your core values? Do you honour these values or do you compromise yourself to suit the expectations of others? When you allow yourself to become very real about who you are and what you are feeling, you allow a new level of integrity into your life. Many blessings, Keryn Lee

Conscious Breathing for Self Love & Soul Integration

CD $12.95 Download $10

Conscious Breathing is a gift that you give yourself every time you take that slow, deep breath into your belly and connect with who you really are. This recording invites you deeper into you through the energies of the voice and mu sic, and it will give you the opportunity to reunite with your soul in a very sacred way.


Join me for an evening of discovery and healing in the relaxed atmosphere of my home.

Learn what prevents you from healing and how you can release these blocks.
We will cover many aspects of healing including the main causes of dis-ease, healing yourself, healing others and how to go beyond current limitations. 7 - 9pm

Friday April 5th

$30 per person Book now to reserve your place. 0408 857 620


Spotlight on Transformation
Part One

Throughoutourjourneyofspiritualdiscoveryweeachwalkmanydif ferentroads,savourmanydifferentexperiencesandembracemany differentteachingsuntileventuallywecometotheunderstanding thatWEAREGODALSO,thatwealreadyhavetheanswers.

Thereisnotsomegrandbeingwhodishesoutsolu tionstoourproblemsifwebehaveorfollowapar ticularsetofrules.ItsalluptoYOU.Thiscanseem bothdauntingandexhilaratingallatonce.How ever,takingresponsibilityforyourlifeisasignof spiritualmaturityandaninterestingadventure. InthefollowingseriesofarticlestitledSpotlighton TransformationIwillbeinterviewingotherpeople andinvitingthemtoshareaportionoftheirown journeythatresultedinasignificanttransforma tionforthem.Thismonth,Iwillbeginwithmyown storyasanexample.

wassimplyaphaseIwasgoingthroughandwould soongobeyond.Andthatallthebooksandteach ingsthatIhadsoreligiouslyheldonto,weresim plyotherpeoplestruths,recycledinformationthat Iwouldsoonletgoofaswell. AsIchokedbackmydisbeliefshesimplysmiled knowinglyasmileIsawoftenoverthefollowing yearsasweembarkedonasevenyearadventure together. In2006itcametimeforustopartways,bothofus knowingthatourpathsledindifferentdirections. Forme,itwastimetoletgoofallshehadtaught mesothatIcouldgoforwardandteachfrommy ownwisdomandinnerknowingness. Thereweremanyeventsthatmadethefollowing yearssignificantinmylife,especiallybeingtold thatIhadonlytwoyearstoliveunlessItooka rathertraumaticandinvasiveformofaction.This mademereevaluatemyentirelife,letgoofall attachments,andmakeaconsciouschoiceto livenotformychildren,notforanyoneorany thingelse,butforme.

Q: What has been one of your greatest or most noteworthy challenges since you began working with New Energy/Consciousness? A:Afterspending18yearsintheNewAgearena, readingbookafterbookandattendingworkshop afterworkshop,Icametoapointofsaturation.It justwasntgettingmewhereIwantedtogoandI wastotallyfrustratedbyitall.IkeptthinkingthatI mustbetheonlyonewhodidntgetit. In2000,whenIwasatbreakingpoint,Imeta teacher/guidewhohurledmeheadlongintowhatI nowcallNewConsciousnessalthoughatthetime Ihadnosuchwordsforit. Myteachertoldmeatourfirstmeetingthatshe wasabouttochangemylife,andifIdidn'twantto changethatIshouldleaveimmediately. Istayed. ShethenproceededtotellmethattheNewAge

Q: What did you do to overcome this challenge and how did things change? ThiswasapivotalpointformebecauseIhadtogo againsttheopinionsofothersandtheirhealing optionsandtrustmyself100%thatsimplybymy choiceandmyownintuitionthatIcouldovercome thischallenge.


Thebenefitofthisexperiencewastherealisation thatIAMGodAlso.Ihavetheabilitytocreatemy ownreality.Itwasntjustwordsonapage,Ihad livedit,provenittomyself,andfromthereIwas abletoteachotherswithadeeperlevelofunder standing.Ialsofoundmyownvoiceandlearned tospeakfrommyownwisdomandfollowmyown guidanceratherthanrelyingonothers.

Q: How has this affected your life?

Iguessyoucouldsayitsthatleapoffaiththatwe allhavetotakeatsomepoint.Inreality,itsjust anoldstorynow,thepainandemotionalstress thatIfeltisgone,butwhatremainsistheessence ofthatexperience,thewisdomthatIfoundwithin myselfandthebeautyofthegiftthatIcreatedfor myself.Thatssomethingyouneverlose.


What do you usually do on a weekday?

Work? Washing? Shopping? Meetings? Ironing? TV? Facebook? Why not try:

A workshop about Being in your Joy and releasing the blocks that limit you.

Join me, Keryn Lee, for an outrageously fun and transformative day with New Consciousness teacher Douglas Edgar.

Andinsteadofanotherworkshopinanother classroom,letsgototheBEACH!!!
Thisuniqueworkshopstartsat9.45atBracegirdles at Glenelg wherewewillsavourdeliciously divine hot chocolate aswebeginourworkshop. Wewillthenadjourntothebeautiful shorelinetoshiftsomeenergy,andbreatheinnewpotentials. Laterwewillsharealight lunch atoneofthelocalcafesaswediscussfurthertopics, assimilatethedayseventsandtaketimeforquestionsandanswers.

Aprofoundlytransformingdaythatwillhelpyoumovealotof stuckenergywhileyouhavefun!

Tuesday April 30th, 9.45am2pm

Treat yourself to this wonderful experience for only $75

See website for more details


ing,Ididwalkthroughitwithareasonableamount ofgracebecauseIknewthatIhadcreateditfor myselfbecauseIwantedtoneverforgetthatmy voiceistheonethatmattersmosttome. IAmGodAlso,andsoareyou. Next month: Numerologist, palmist and psychic, Claire Barry, shares her healing journey.

Q: What New Consciousness tool do you find most useful in your life and how do you use it? ConsciousBreathing.Itissomuchapartofmylife thatIdontconsciouslythinksomuchaboutit,it justcomesverynaturally.And,Iwouldalsohave toadd,beinginyourIAMpresence.Thisisavery powerfultoolthatmanydonthavetheconfi dencetouse.Theysaythewords,butdontun derstandthepowerofreallyfeelingintowhatit means.Theystillseethemselvesaslittlehumans andareafraidtocommandenergiesorownwho theyare. TheIAMpresenceisalsoverygoodwhenused withteenagersIhavefound.;)

Q: Many healers, psychics etc working with New Energy have noticed that how they used to ac cess information/healing has changed. How has New Energy/New Consciousness affected the healing work you do? A:Itkindofcreptuponmeatfirst.Ibeganmak ingsmallchangeshereandtherewithoutthinking aboutwhy.Ifeltthatcertainareasofmyhealing sessionsneededtochange.Iwouldwakeupsome morningswithanideaabouthowtodosomething inanewway.ThenIfelttheneedtochangemy pricingandthewaythiswasstructured.OnedayI lookedbackatwhatIhadcreatedandrealisedI hadbeenadjustingtothenewenergieswithout consciouslybeingawareofit.Thatshownewen ergyoftenworks.Youjustfollowyourknowing ness,yourfeelings,youfeelintonewpotentials, then,voila,youcreatesomethingfargranderthan youexpected.

A profound intuitive healing experience facilitated through my sacred connection to my soul, and allowing you the space for deep transformation. These sessions are shift a great deal of energy and release core issues very simply. They are empowering, transformative and life-changing.
Sessions include intuitive assessment and guidance, healing and energy balancing and clearing. Sessions may also incorporate: Past Life Release Clearing old vows, oaths, spells etc Clearing Atlantean Overlays Integrating Soul Fragments Aligning to your Souls wisdom Spiritual Guidance and more

Q: Is there anything else you want to add? IsharedthisstorybecauseIwanttohighlightthe potentialtoothersoftrustingyourself,listening toyourownwisdomandspeakingwithyourown voice.Eventhoughmyexperiencewaschalleng

Also available by Phone/Skype.

0408 857 620

Thisisaquestionaskedbymanyinthespiri tualarena,andinreplyweareoftentoldthat wehavetheanswerswithinus.Ithinkmost peoplewouldagreethatthechallengeisget tingthoseanswersout!Andunderstanding themwhenyoudo! Letmeassureyou,itisfarsimplerthanyou mightthink.Infact,youarealreadydoingitto acertainextent,andthisabilitycanbenur turedandenhancedsothatitbeginstounfold inyourlifelikeagraduallyopeningflower.

Inthisonedayworkshopyouwillbeguided throughtheopeningofyourpsychiccentres, andbegiventheopportunitytoreleasethe blocksthatcomefrominnerfears,doubt,lack ofselftrustetc. Youwilllearntoexpandyourawarenessinto otherrealitiesandaccessyourownintuition andinnerwisdom. Socomeforthefun,comefortheexperience, cometorememberandrediscoverabilities thatareasnaturaltoyouasbreathing.


A fun day of developing your natural abilities and going beyond past limitations.
A workshop designed to expand your intuitive abilities. You will have the opportunity to release blocks that limit your intuitive abilities, experience an inter-dimensional journey to expand your awareness and develop trust in your own abilities, and participate in an exercise to open the psychic centres. Each participant also has the opportunity to receive an individual energy balance and clearing with Keryn.

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

10am - 4.30pm Location: Wynn Vale $175
$50 non-refundable deposit required.

0408 857 620


Themysteriesoflifehavelongbroughtdeep curiosityfromthespiritualtravellerwhode sirestoknowmoreaboutthemselfandthe universeinwhichtheylive.Inancienttimes, Egyptianprieststaughttheexperienceof deathandthecontrolofconsciousnesstoa degreewhichallowedinitiates toexperiencebothdeathand rebirthinthehereandnowin anefforttodiscovermore abouttherelationshipbetween humananddivine. Sincethentherehavebeen manyMysterySchoolsscatteredacrossavari etyofcountries,oftenhiddentoescapethe wrathofthosewhoconsideredthemeviland theworkofthedevil.Apotentialstudenthad tousetheirintuitiontofindamysteryschool, andthenmayhavehadtocompleteaninitia tionofsomesorttobeallowedentrance. Theseschoolsoftentaughtthroughdepriva tionofthebody,(throughtherestrictionof food,sound,sex,speechetc,)anddeprivation ofthemind(throughisolation),aswellas manyothersuchpractices.Theystudiedhard, learningfromthosewhohadgonebefore them.Theyhadexperiencesthattookthem beyondtherealmsofthephysicalastheydis cussedamultitudeofphilosophies. Manyofushaverevisitedsomeoftheseprac ticesinthislifetime,bydeprivingourselvesin someway,takingmindalteringsubstancesor involvingourselvesinpracticesthatdemon stratedtousthatwearemorethanjustphysi calbodiesandthataplethoraofmysterieslie beyondthatwhichwehavetheabilitytoper ceiveinourphysicalreality.

Suchpracticesarechanging.Thetimefor deprivationandhardshipismovingtowards ease,graceandagentleallowingofexperi enceanddiscovery.Thetimeforsecrets andmysteriesispassingaswemoveto wardstruthandintegrity,andanopenness oftheheart. Mysteriesofthepastarebe comingeverydaytruthsnot truthsthatseearguments aboutwhatisrightand wrong,buttheuncoveringof ourowninnerknowingness andwisdomaswealigntothehigherlevel ofconsciousnessthatwenowembody. ItiswiththisinmindthatInowofferanew seriesofclassescalledtheMysteriesofLife inwhichwewilllookatsomeofthetopics nodoubtdiscussedintheoldmystery schools.Wewillanswerageoldquestions thatarestillaskedtodaysuchas,Whoare we?Whyarewehere?Whatisdestinyand soulpurposereally?Whathappenswhen wedie?Whatdoesitmeantobeaninte grateddivinehumanbeing?Whatarepast livesandhowdotheyaffectus?Whatcan welearnfrompastAscendedMasters?And howdoesourjourneyofenlightenmentdif ferfromtheirs?Thisandmorewillbean swered,discussedandexperiencedto somelevelinthisseriesofeightclasses. Classeswillbefun,informativeandtrans formationalasweshiftenergyandjourney togetheronthismagicalmysterytour. Blessings, Keryn Lee Detailsnextpage.

Youll be accompanied by a tour guide. Youll receive supplies for the journey. Youll visit places both within and beyond yourself.

Who You Are and Why You Are Here Soul Purpose, Destiny and Karma Creativity and Passion Dreams and Imagination Life, Death, Dimensions and Past Lives Angels, Aliens, and Ascended Masters Integration of the Divine Human

8 weekly experiential learning sessions Starts May 7th

Tuesdays, 7-8.30pm Location: Wynn Vale $240
$100 non-refundable deposit required. (Payment option available, see website)


0408 857 620

Special Topic Evenings
All About Healing April 5th

The New Consciousness Book of Ascension

This book cuts through the hype and offers a New Consciousness ap proach to ascension, because the path taken by past Ascended Mas ters has changed and we need new teachings to take us beyond the old paradigms. You will learn simple tools that can bring about profound transforma tion, and you will discover the sim plicity of ascension and what holds people back throughout their jour ney.
Overseas Customers
This book can be purchased through Createspace which offers more affordable and prompt delivery options.

Developing Intuition April 13th Living It Up April 30th Mysteries of Life May 7th

Psychic Fair
Come and see me at the Golden Grove Arts Centre on March 24th 10 am5 pm

Weekly Conscious Breathing Classes

Join in this beautiful sacred space in which participants are supported throughout their journey of awakening.
The group environment supports the shifting of energy through the breath and offers simple tools that will enhance your experience of life. A very empowering selfawareness group suitable for beginners or advanced.

Wednesday Evenings 7 8 pm
Phone or email me to book your place

0408 857 620

The Breath of Receiving

Can you just take a deep breath and allow yourself to receive? What will you receive? You receive each breath. Gently flowing into you. No resistance. You dont have to DO anything to receive, you just allow it. Dont think. Dont try. Dont worry. Just breathe and receive. Every breath opens you up. Every breath is an invitation. In flows the divine love from your soul. Breathe it in. Can you allow this? Can you receive? Breathe.
Weekly Conscious Breathing Classes available at or 0408 857 620

The Ins and Outs of Conscious Breathing

by Keryn Lee is available as a

when you join the Divine Creators Newsletter mailing list. Have the newsletter sent to you each month and be first to read about special offers, workshops, articles and information.
Email or join via the website

Thanks for joining me ~ Namaste ~

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