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HWR 201 Groundwater Model Lab

Groundwater Lab PART 1

Oct. 18, 2007

Name:_____________________Group _________

Objective: After a short introduction to groundwater concepts, students will conduct experiments, observe and interpret results through drawing and explanation to conceptualize groundwater flow, surface water/groundwater interactions and groundwater contamination. Introduction: This is a 2-D cross-section model of an aquifer. An aquifer is a water-bearing geologic formation that can store and yield usable amounts of water. The water stored in an aquifer is known as groundwater. Working cooperatively in groups, follow the directions and individually answer the questions for each part of the lab. It will be useful to read all the questions in a section before completing the italicized action item. Part 1 to 5 must be completed in class and turned in (October 18th). Part 6 and 7 must be turned in Tuesday, October 23rd. Part 1. Aquifer Basics Action: First read carefully the questions for this part 1. Secondly, to begin, fill the left recharge column of the model. As the column is filling, pay attention to which layers allow the water to move fastest and slowest. Use almost one full bottle. 1. Which layer did the groundwater move fastest through (describe and/or name the material)? Why do you think the water moved fastest through this layer?

2. Which layer did the groundwater move slowest through? Why do you think the water moved slowest through this layer?

3. Based on your answers from 1 and 2, which layer makes the most productive aquifer and why? Think about what characteristics would make an aquifer productive.

4. Describe what you observe in the artesian well. Could you explain what you observe?

Action: Saturate the lower 4/5 of the model (~2 inches below the top edge) and establish a level water table. Observe the water table level in the model. 5. List two ways you can identify where the water table is: 7. On copy 1 of the groundwater flow model please draw and/or label: 1. Water level in each well

The University of Arizona

HWR 201 2. 3. 4. 5.

Groundwater Lab PART 1

Oct. 18, 2007

The water table line for the entire model Potentiometric surface (if any) The saturated zone The unsaturated zone

Part 2. Contamination Action: Read the questions for Part 2 before starting. Inject dye into the 2 deeper injection wells until you can see a quarter-sized amount in each location. Observe what happens to the dye for one minute. 1. On copy 1 of the groundwater flow model, draw the initial dye locations (label #1) and the area filled by dye after one minute (label #2). Why does the contamination spread over time?

Action: Add more water to the left recharge column (4/5 full) while using the pump to keep the right column 1/4 full. 2. On copy 1 of the groundwater flow model, draw the flow paths of the dye after doing this for several minutes (label #3). Now what is causing the contamination to move?

Action: Empty the vacuum flask. Place a full bottle of water over the left recharge. Begin pumping water from the deep pumping well. Observe the movement of the dye for 1 minute. 3. On copy 2, draw the flow paths of the dye (label #4). Has the dye entered this well after pumping? How can you tell?

Action: Empty the vacuum flask. Keeping most of the model saturated, begin pumping water from the shallow pumping well. Observe the movement of the dye for 2-3 minutes. 4. On copy 2, draw the flow paths of the dye (label #5). Has the dye entered this well after pumping? How can you tell?

5. Which well was contaminated more quickly from pumping? Why?

The University of Arizona

HWR 201

Groundwater Lab PART 1

Oct. 18, 2007

6. Contamination can come from multiple sources. Looking at the model, can you see any other realistic sources of contamination? How would the effects differ from those just observed?

Action: Using dye, contaminate this new source and observe flow paths as you continue pumping from the shallow well draw the flow paths on copy 2.

Part 3. Pumping Wells Action: Read the questions for Part 3 before starting. Saturate the lower 4/5 of the model and establish a level water table. Put a water bottle on both sides. Create a cone of depression by continued pumping from the shallow well. Carefully observe the water level in all the monitoring wells as it falls to the level of pumping. 1. On copy 3 of the groundwater model, mark the water level or water table in all the wells before and after pumping from the shallow well. Draw also the water table in the river/lake before and after. Label the saturated and unsaturated zones. From these water levels, explain the change in the water table.

2. Is there any sand being pumped up through the wells? Why not? Why is this important?

Action: Return the water bottle to the left recharge column. 3. Calculate rate of extraction or flow from the shallow well in ml/min and gal/min. (hint: start by emptying the flask; you will need to measure the volume of water extracted over a given interval of time; The small beaker may help to accurately measure your volume; 1 gal ~ 3.8 L)

Part 4. Surface water groundwater interactions. Action: Saturate the lower 4/5 of the model and establish a level water table 1. On copy 4 of the groundwater model, draw the water table (label #1), paying particular attention to its level in the lake/river structure. 2. Explain the interaction between the water table and the body of water (lake, stream, etc.).

The University of Arizona

HWR 201

Groundwater Lab PART 1

Oct. 18, 2007

How is the surface water body being filled? How does groundwater interact with surface water?

Action: Remove the water bottle. Pump water out of the right column of the model. Observe the effects on the water table and stream. 3. On copy 4, draw the new water table (label #2). 4. Using this demonstration, explain what has happened to the Santa Cruz River and why it no longer flows perennially.

Part 5. Contamination Clean-up Action: You must now clean up your contaminated groundwater model before you can turn in your lab. By the end of class, you should have removed all the dye and nearly all the water from the model. 1. How did you clean up the contaminated groundwater? What might be a problem with your method of cleanup?

2. What does this process indicate about potential cleanup in real aquifers?

The University of Arizona

HWR 201 Part 6: Other questions

Groundwater Lab PART 1

Oct. 18, 2007

1. What is the difference between a piezometer and a production well?

2. When thinking about the water level in wells, what is the difference between the groundwater elevation and the static water level?

3. What is the name of the level that water rises to in a piezometer in the unconfined aquifer?

4. What is the name of the level that water rises to in a piezometer that penetrates the confined aquifer?

5. Where is the level in the confined (deeper) aquifer, relative to the level in the unconfined aquifer (shallower) aquifer?

6. When dye enters the aquifer, it is concentrated, occurring in only a small spot. What happens to it as it moves down gradient?

7. What do the dye traces indicate about the direction(s) from which water is pumped from a pumping well? How can a pumping well be contaminated by a lagoon down gradient?

The University of Arizona

HWR 201

Groundwater Lab PART 1

Oct. 18, 2007

Part 7: Feedback on the Lab excercise 1. What aspects of this exercise helped you understand groundwater the most?

2. What aspects of this exercise are still unclear?

The University of Arizona

Copy 1

Copy 2

Copy 3

Copy 4

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