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Ultra Science, 19(2), 2007, 185-188




Department of Physics, Govt. Women’s Polytechnic College, Sagar (MP),470001
Department of Chemistry, Dr. H.S.Gour University, Sagar (MP), INDIA, 470001,
Department of Physics, Dr. H.S. Gour University , Sagar (MP),470003


Our present work reports the IR spectra of amino substituted salicyclic Acids recorded by
FTIR spectrometer and also simulated theoretically. The simulation were performed using GF matrix
and AM1, PM3, DFT method. In this work following steps were taken: optimizing the geometry,
computing the IR spectra and comparing it with experimental spectra. Assuming Cs point symmetry,
vibrational assignments for the observed frequencies have been proposed. The spectra exhibit
distinct features originating from low frequency vibrational modes caused by intra-molecular


3-amino salicylic acid, 4-amino salicylic acid, 5-amino salicylic acid, OH group, FTIR spectra,
vibrational spectra, AM1, PM3, DFT,G-F Matrix


Salicylic acid contains both a hydroxyl and a carboxyl group, which react with either an acid
or an alcohol. The presence of the carboxyl group appears to enhance the antiseptic property. Many
hair tonics and remedies for athlete’s foot, corns and warts employ the keratolytic action of salicylic
acid 1.
Volvo, Colombo and Furic calculated normal coordinates for salicylic acid molecule and
proposed the assignment of the observed Raman and IR spectra.
Boczar Marck et al 3 studied theoretical simulation of the ν s stretching band for salicylic acid
takes into account adiabatic couplings between the high-frequency O-H stretching and the low-
frequency intermolecular O.......O stretching modes. Jadrijevic et al 4 analyzed the structures and the
specral properties of salicylic acid and benzoic acids by means of FT-IR and NMR spectroscopies.
With the availability of powerful computers and the advent of efficient density functional
theory (DFT) methods implemented in standard codes, structure and dynamics of systems containing
a few tens of atoms (or even more) are now within reach. Vibrational spectra of small molecules of
biological or pharmaceutical relevance are routinely treated combing DFT electronic structure
calculations with a harmonic analysis 5.
We compared experimental results with calculated frequencies of OH group of amino-
salicylic acids using force matrix method and AM1, PM3 and DFT method. These methods were able
to account breadth of spectrum as well as description of vibrational modes to encourage the
application of a similar procedure to a larger and more complex group.


In noncomplex molecules, the G F Matrix 13 is given by:-

G tt’= Σ3Ni=1 (B ti B t’i’) 1/ mi where t, t’ = 1,2,3,……, 3N-6
In which m i is the mass of the atom to which the subscript I refers and B ti , Bt’i’ are constants
determined by geometry of molecule.
Internal coordinate St are related with Cartesian displacement coordinate ξi as :
St = Σ 3Ni=1 Bti ξi where t = 1,2,3….., 3N-6
On solving, G.F. matrix for any atom α is obtained as:
G tt’= Σ3N α =1 μ α St α . St’ α
Where dot represents the scalar product of two vectors and μ α = 1/m α , the reciprocal of the mass
of atom α
The AM1 and PM3 semi empirical approaches were performed as implemented in MOPAC
program 6 and the PRECISE keywords were used. DFT calculations were performed using HYPER
CHEM program 7 at the B3LYP 8 levels of theory with 6-31G* basis set 9 . The vibrational IR spectra
were calculated at the B3LYP/ 6-31G* levels of theory. We have transformed the harmonic force
fields, determined initially in the Cartesian coordinates, were transformed to the force fields in the
internal local coordinates. The force fields obtained were used to calculate the potential energy
distribution (PED)10. Contributions greater than 10% are given.


We can get information from computational vibrational spectra only when we compare
calculated frequencies with experimental spectrum. Our results are given in table 1. Due to
anharmonicity, the harmonic vibrational frequencies were found to be lowered by1 to 3% in almost
all cases except AM1 method.
The number of internal vibrations for a group is given by 3m-3, where m is the number of
atoms in the group. Thus OH has 3 modes of vibrations. Out of these, 2 modes belong to a’ and one
mode to a”. The a’ modes are O-H stretching & in-plane-bending COH and mode for a” is out-of-
plane wagging mode. Volovsek et al2 studied salicylic acid and they got OH stretching at 2928 cm −1
, in-plane-bending at 1448 cm −1 and wagging at 573 cm −1 . Zerbi and Sandroni 13
also got similar
result. A.K.Tiwari 14
observed OH stretching at 3610 cm −1 , in-plane bending OH at 1195 cm −1
and wagging at 650 cm −1 . Chad C. Trout et al15 observed OH stretching at 3419 cm −1 , OH in-
plane bending at 1207 cm −1 , but he didn’t study low frequency spectra, similarly M. Jadrijevic et
al4 observed OH stretching at 3374 cm −1 and OH Bending at 1461 cm −1 .Humbert et al 16

attributed the 1301cm-1 peak to a benzene ring stretch coupled to OH in-plane bending In present
work we get frequencies for them as :-

Table 1 Internal vibrations of OH group

Mode of Vibration 3-Amino- 4-Amino- 5-Amino-

Salicyclic Salicyclic Salicyclic
Acid (cm-1) Acid (cm-1) Acid (cm-1)
O-H Stretching 3396 (E) 3389(E) 3394(E)
3369.1(AM1) 3341.2(AM1) 3358.2(AM1)
a’ 3373.1(PM3) 3338.7(PM3) 3338.9(PM3)
3379.1(GF) 3371.5(GF) 3380.4(GF)
3381.3(DFT) 3394.6(DFT) 3384.7(DFT)
Bending C-OH 1475(E) 1489(E) 1498(E)
1512.6(AM1) 1515.7(AM1) 1532.7(AM1)
1519.4(PM3) 1523.1(PM3) 1525.9(PM3)
1493.8(GF) 1501.3(GF) 1515.8(GF)
1481.5(DFT) 1499.4(DFT) 1505.6(DFT)

a” Wagging 310(E) 305(E) 315(E)

327.1(AM1) 321.6(AM1) 329.1(AM1)
328.3(PM3) 328.79PM3) 331.6(PM3)
318.3(GF) 317.4(GF) 322(GF)
317.5(DFT) 311.4(DFT) 320.6(DFT)

E :- Experimental frequencies
GF:- Theoretical frequencies calculated by GF Matrix method
AM1:- Theoretical frequencies calculated by quantum mechanical AM1 MOPAC method
PM3:- Theoretical frequencies calculated by quantum mechanical PM3 MOPAC method
DFT:- Theoretical calculations were performed using HYPER CHEM program at the B3LYP levels
of theory with 6-31G* basis set


Theoretical semi-empirical quantum mechanical AM1, PM3, DFT and GF matrix calculations
of the geometry and vibrational frequencies of the –OH group of o-,m-,p- amino salicylic acids are
presented in this paper and compared with infrared spectra. The calculated geometries and
frequencies agree well ( for DFT and G.F. Matrix) with the experimental ones, but there are some
differences between frequencies mainly due to intermolecular interactions, anharmonicity and
computational basis set. The results indicate that, the exchange functional proposed by Becke and the
correlation functional of Lee, Yang and Parr with 6-31G* basis set is the optimal model for studying
o-,m-,p- salicylic acids.

The authors are grateful to Director, Directorate of Technical Education-Madhya Pradesh,

Bhopal and Head, Department of Physics, Dr. H.S.Gour University, Sagar (MP), India, National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan for IR spectra and Hypercube Inc for
providing Hyperchem Package 7 for molecular modeling.

Figure 1: FT-IR Spectra of 3-amino salicylic acid

Figure 2: FT-IR Spectra of 4-amino salicylic acid

Figure 3: FT-IR Spectra of 5-amino salicylic acid


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