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Mechanism and Machine Theory Vol. 19, NO. 2, pp.

197-203, 1984

Printed in Great Britain.

0094-114X/84 $3.00+ .00 Pergamon Press Ltd.


M O H A M M A D R. NAJI Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67208, U.S.A. and K U R T M. M A R S H E K Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, U.S.A.
(Received for publication 30 M a y 1983)

ASstraet--An analysis is presented for determining the effect of pitch difference on roller chain articulation angles and pressure angles. Basic formulas and strategies are given for locating contact points. Results are presented and compared with those from a graphical solution. 1. INTRODUCTION This paper presents an analysis for determining the pressure angle and the chain articulation angle for each chain roller in contact with a sprocket tooth. The effects of the pitch difference between the sprocket and the roller chain on these angles are studied. The basic formulas for locating the contact point of a chain roller and a sprocket tooth applicable to a general tooth shape are developed, and the detailed formulation for locating the contact point of a chain roller on a tooth with an ASA tooth profile are given. A computer program based on the results of the analysis was developed and the sample results are presented. Reference[l] shows that the results of the analysis presented herein can be used in determining chain link and sprocket tooth load distributions for roller chain drives. 2. CHAIN ROLLER CONTACT POINTS Figure 1 shows two successive chain rollers of radius R and chain pitch Pc in contact with their mating sprocket teeth. The N-tooth sprocket has pitch Ps and a tooth profile defined by y = f ( x ) . Assuming that the center of the chain roller i, (xoi, Yoi), is known, the center of the second roller j can be determined by solving the system of nonlinear eqns (1)-(3) simultaneously for Xoj, Yoj and x,j
(Xoj -- Xoi) 2 + (Yoj --Yo,)" = P ] ((Xoj - x . ) 2 + (voj - f ( x O ) Yoj -- f ( x c j ) = Xoj - x . 1 f'(x,j) 2= R ~


Fig. 1. Chain rollers and sprocket teeth engagement. give the position of the center of the first roller in the (x, y ) coordinate system andf'(xcj) is the slope of the tooth profile at the point of contact. In the above formulation, eqn (1) states that the distance between the two successive roller centers is equal to the chain pitch Pc. Equation (2) requires that the roller center and the contact point are R distance apart, and eqn (3) insures that the roller is tangent to the tooth profile at the contact point. The solution to these equations gives the roller center location (xoj, Yoj) as well as the contact point coordinate xcj. For the case where the sprocket tooth profile is defined by the arc of a circle of radius p with center at (a, b) (Fig. 2), eqns (2) and (3) can be replaced by
(xoj - a)2 + (Yoj - b)2 = (p _ R)Z


(2) (3)



where the equations

Xoi =



x.-_xo.+ ,,costan-'("'-b) \Xoj- a~




Yoi =


, 2~

In this case, the solution of the simultaneous eqns (1) and (4), determines the roller center (Xoj, Yoj). The contact point coordinate x,j can be determined from eqn (5). 197


M. R. NAJ1 and K. M. MARSHEK

Y ~ = 02 R

r_.(x_ 0)2+ (y_ b)2 = ( p_ R)2



Y Ox * b + ' d " ~ I


f_~) ~~_0)~~y-b~2:? 2


(Xoi, Yoi)


(Xoj- Xoil2 +lyo) - yoi )2= Pc 2



Fig. 2. Roller contact on a circular arc. For the special case where the tooth profile is a straight line O' = a x + b ) (Fig. 3), eqns (2) and (3) become
a2R Yoj = aXo: + b + - 7 7 5 .,/ a - + [

Fig. 3. Roller contact on a straight line.

y,j = axe: + b


Here, eqns (1) and (6), solved simultaneously, give the location of the roller center, and eqns (Ta) and (7b) give the contact point location. 3. SPROCKETWITH ASA TOOTH PROFILE

aR x~j = Xoj + --775

Vu + 1


Figure 4 shows the standard A S A roller chain sprocket tooth form. The proportions in this figure

Table 1. Proportions for the Type II standard tooth form per ASA B29.1-1950
1" = p i t c h (aa, Fig. 4) N = number D : of teeth

Dr = n o m i n a l



R ~

= 0.5025D r

+ 0.O015

Ds = s e a t i n g (Tolerance on

curve Ds is

diameter all plus,

1.005D r and equal

+ 0-003 to 0.003D r * 0.005)

60 A = 35 + - N

56 B ~ 18 - - N


= 0.8D r sin (35 + 6 0 " ~ N " sin

M ~ 0.8D r E ~ (9 - 28~N " 180 = ~-V = 56 , - -~--) + 1.24 cos (17 1.24D r


(35 4 ~ - )

60 .

T = 0.8D Chord Angle

1.3025D r 0.0015

xy = which

(2,605D r + 0.003) the cos cos ab 180 N (18 makes with


W = 1.24D r F = Dr [0.8



_ 643 N " -



n = 4F 2 -

(1.24D r

P 2 ~)

P S = ~ cos When J is

180 ~ + H sin 0.3P,

180 N outside cot diameter 180 , ~ ) is p o i n t e d is of sprocket is


P(0.6+ Outside diameter of sprocket



P cot The tooth pressure angle for xab The minimum tooth pressure

180 ~ + 2H chain 120 - N is

a new = 35 is B ~ is 92 _ N

angle xab -


64 ~-N





angle 26 -

Analysis of roller chain sprocket pressure angles


i l,

where D~ = (Yo~- T) 2 + (Yo~- M ) 2

D2 = 2yo,(Xo, -- M ) 2 + (Yoi- T)[(E -- R ) 2 -- (Xo, -- M ) 2 + yo2 _ T 2 _ / 2 ] D3 = ~ ( E - R ) 2 -- (Xo, - M ) 2 + y2oi -- T 2 -- Pc2]2 + (V2oi- P 2 ) ( X o , - M ) 2



Ycj =f(x~j) -- T -- 4 E 2 -- (xcy -- M ) 2


Fig. 4. Standard sprocket tooth for roller chains.

For B < B C < B B , the contact point is on the straight portion of the tooth profile. Solving eqns (1), (6) and (7) gives (13)

Xoi - a(b - Y o i ) + x / [ X o i - a ( b -yoi)] 2 - (a 2 + 1)[xo + (b -yo~) 2 - p2] 2,



are given in Table 1. The A S A standard tooth form (per A S A B29.1-1950) consists of four portions: arc dx " b o t t o m curve", arc x y "working curve", line portion y z "straight portion" and arc z q "topping curve". It is convenient, in this case, to specify the point of contact by angle B C ( x ~ c ) (Fig. 5), and the points of transition of the curves of the tooth profile by angles B ( x ~ y ) , BB(xo~z) and B B B ( x ~ q ) . These angles are given by the following equations.

Yoj = aXoj + b xcj = xoj + R cos(A - B)

(14) (15)

where a = cot(A - B)


R + M cos(A - B) sin(A - B)


_tan-,(f(xQ=T] \ xc-M


Ycj = Yoj - R sin(A - B).



For B B < B C < B B B , the contact point is on the topping curve of the tooth profile, and solution of eqns (1), (4) and (5) gives
D: + ~/D2 2 - 4DID3 2D I

Yoi BBB= A -tan-I(


T + V - x / F 2 - (+ - S S


A, E, F, M, N, S, T, V and W are defined in Fig. 4. For B C < B, the contact point is on the working curve of the tooth profile. Solving the system of eqns (1), (4) and (5) gives
D 2 - x / D 2 2 - 4DID3 2D1

Yoj =


Xoj = Xoi + 4 P c 2 -- (Yoj -- Yoi) 2


xcj = Xoj + R cos tan

M M T Vol. 19, No. 2 B


/ - - /


Fig. 5. Contact angle (BC) and transition angles (B, BB,


\Xoj- M~


M. R. NAjI and K. M. MARSHEK

Xqj = Xoi Jr- x / P c 2 - - (Yoj -- Yoi) 2

(18) (19)

points of successive rollers when the contact point for one of the rollers is known.

D~ = (yo, - V ) 2 + (Xo, - W ) 2


D2 = 2yoi(Xo,- W) 2 + (Yo~- V)[(F + R) 2 - (xo,- W) 2

+ y2oi-- V2 -- P c q
D 3 ~- I [ ( F -4- R ) 2 -

After determining the location of the contact point for each roller, the pressure angles and chain link articulation angles can be calculated using the following equations


W ) 2 -}- y o 2 i - r 2 _ e l l 2

+ (y~i- Pf)(Xo~- w) ~

where also j=i+l fl~ = t a n - ' ( Y J When calculating the location of the contact point, it is not known beforehand on which tooth profile portion the contact point is located. It can be assumed that the contact point is on the working curve, and then using eqns (9)-(12) with eqn (8), the point of contact and the angle BC are calculated. If BC < B, then the assumption is correct and the true contact point is determined. If BC > B, contact can be assumed on the straight portion and the point of contact and angle BC calculated from eqns (13)-(16) and eqn (8). Again if B < BC < BB, then the true contact point is located. But if BC > BB, the contact can be assumed on the topping curve and eqns (17)-(20) and eqn (8) gives the point of contact and the angle BC. If BC < BBB, the location obtained is the true contact point. But if BC > BBB, the contact is not possible and the roller will skip this tooth. This procedure can be repeated for i = 1. . . . . n where n = number of rollers in contact to obtain the contact


\ Xoj - x o d

(Y:.i-- Y'oi_~.
Yi = tan ' \ x ; i - x2# For the case where the chain pitch P~ equals the sprocket pitch P~, and all the rollers are seated at the bottom curve (BC = 0), then

g =/~= 2
60 ~, 7i = A = 35 + - N 360
~ci ~ ls =

and 0i=A-~ 2 =35 120 N

Table 2. Effect of movement of last roller to highest point of the working curve on pressure angle, 10-tooth sprocket (all angles in degrees)
Roller No.
1 2 3 4 5

Press. Angle
22.6 22.1 20.9 17.9 5.7

Press.* Angle
-21.4 21.0 17.5 5.5

Art. Angle
35.9 35.7 35.2 32.4 --

Contact Angle
.3 .7 1.6 3.8 12.4

@s : 23
cJ : s B= 36 12.4




Analysis of roller chain sprocket pressure angles Table 3. Effect on pressure angle for successive rollers of 3~o elongation (all angles in degrees)
10-tooth 20-tooth


No. Press. Angle 24.1 17.5 21.9 16.4 21.5

Press.* Angle Art. Angle Contact Angle 0 4.1 1.7 4.9 2.0 Press. Angle 30.7 23.1 27.2 20.4 25.8 19,3 25.3 19,0 25.1 18.8

Press.* Angle Art. Angle Contact Angle 0 4.8 3.0 7.0 4.2 7.8 4.6 8.1 4.7 8.2

l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

. . . . 16.8 38.5 21.5 34.0 15.8 38.3 -33.8

. . . . 23.1 20.8 26.6 15.7 19.5 20.8 25.0 15.4 17.7 20.8 24.0 15.2 18.5 20.8 24.2 15.2 -20.8 30



a s = 36 B = 12.4 BB = 1 4 . 9 BBB = 3 1 . 4

a s = 18 B = 15.2 BB = 1 9 . 0 BBB = 3 3 . 8


graphical s o l u t i o n

Table 4. Effect on pressure angle for successive rollers of 3% elongation, 30-tooth sprocket (all angles in degrees)
Roller No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Press. Press.*

Angle 32.9 24.9 28.8 21.2 26.6 19.2 25,5 18,2 25.0 17.8 24.8 17.6 24.7 17.5 24.6

Angle . . 25.5 28.9 20.8 26.5 ]8.0 . .

Art. Angle

Contact Angle 0 5.2 3.7 8.3 5.8 I0.0 6.7 10.7 7.2 11.1 7,4 11.2 7.5 11.3 7.5

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

18.0 24.4 17.1 24.5 18.0 25.0 17.1 --

14.8 9.6 15.1 9.2 15.2 8.9 15.3 8.8 15.3 8.7 15.3 8.7 15.3 8.7

= 31


12 16.13

B ;

BB = 1 9 . 3 6 BBB = 34.6 *Binder's graphical solution

5. S A M P L E S O L U T I O N

The output from a computer program which was written based on formulas developed in this chapter will be presented for two cases of interest. The computer employed was interfaced with a Calcomp plotter to obtain plots of sprocket and roller chain engagement for the cases studied. Figure 6 shows a single pitch roller chain engaged with a 1-in pitch 10-tooth sprocket. The engagement

is such that the last roller (left roller) in contact has moved to the highest point on the working curve. The numerical values for pressure angles, chain articulation angles and contact angles are given in Table 2. The values of the pressure angles obtained from a purely graphical solution and given by Binder [2] are also listed in Table 2 for comparison. The pressure angle and chain articulation angle for the seated roller are 23 and 36 , respectively. A significant

202 3

M. R. NAJI a n d K . M . MARSHEK

1 l 5


) )
Fig. 6. E n g a g e m e n t o f a roller c h a i n w i t h a sprocket. 10-tooth

Fig. 7. A roller c h a i n w i t h 370 w e a r e l o n g a t i o n o f the pin links o n 1 0 - t o o t h s p r o c k e t .
Art. Angle Contact Angle

T a b l e 5. Effect o h p r e s s u r e a n g l e f o r successive rollers o f 3~o e l o n g a t i o n , 6 0 - t o o t h s p r o c k e t (all a n g l e s in degree)

Roller No. Press. Angle Press.* Angle

1 2 3
4 5 6 7

35.2 26.8 30.4

21.4 26.7 17.2 24.1

. . 26.5 30.1
20.9 27.2 17.5 24.3

. 8.8 3.3
9.3 2.7 9.9 2.2

0 5.7 4.8
10.4 8.5 14.1 Ii.I

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

14.2 22.4 13.4 21,5 13.2 20,9 13.1 20.6 13.1 20.5 13.1 20.4 13.0 20.3


23 24

20.3 13.0

12.1 20.8 12.0 20.9 12.0 19.9 11.5 19.7 11.9 19.0 12.0 20.1 11.7 19.3 12.6

10.3 1.7 10.6 1.4 10.8 1.2 10.9 1.2 10.9 1.1 10.9 1.1 10.9 1.1 10.9 1.1 10.9

16.6 12.7 17.7 13.6 18.3 14.1 18.6 14.4 18.? 14.6 18.8 14.6 18.8 14.7 18.8 14.7 18.9

26 27 28 29

13.0 20.3 13.0 20.3


11.9 19.5 12.8 ---

10.9 1.1 10.9 1.1


18.9 14.7 18.9 14.7



= 33

OS = 6
B = 17.O7 BB = 21.7 BBB = 35.0




Analysis of roller chain sprocket pressure angles change in the pressure angle occurs for rollers 3 and 4. Figure 7 also shows chain rollers for a single pitch chain in contact with a 10-tooth sprocket. The pin link of the chain in this case is assumed to have elongated 3~o due to wear between the pin and bushing. The roller link length dimension is unchanged. The last link (left link) is connected to a seated roller, and is assumed to be a pin link. Tables 3-5 show numerical values for pressure angles, chain articulation angles, and contact angles for this case of 3 ~ elongation with a 10-tooth sprocket as well as numerical results for a 20, 30 and 60-tooth sprocket with the seated condition imposed on the last chain link. The numerical values for pressure angles obtained from a graphical solution by Binder[2] are also listed for comparison. The pressure angle 0s and the articulation angle cts of the seated rollers, and transition angles B, BB and BBB for each sprocket are given at the bottom of each table. Inspection of the results reveals that for sprockets having 10, 20 and 30-teeth, the contact points are all along the working curve. For the 60-tooth sprocket, rollers 1-9 contact the working curve and the other contact points alternate between the straight portion and the working curve of the tooth profile. The results reveal that the points of contact converge to two specific points on the tooth profile. Table 5 shows that for 60 tooth sprockets and 3~o elongation, the two distinct points are at angles B C = 1 4 . 7 and B C = 1 8 . 9 . Consequently, the pressure angles and link articulation angles will also converge to two distinct values. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that regardless of the choice of the location for the last roller contact


point, the contact points will converge to the same two distinct points.

The effects of the pitch difference between the sprocket teeth and the chain links on the pressure angle and the chain articulation angle for a roller chain and a sprocket interaction were analyzed. The pressure angles and the chain articulation angles of the engaged rollers can be obtained when the location of the contact point for one of the engaged rollers is known. Based on the results of the analysis presented, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Due to the pitch difference between the sprocket teeth and the chain links, the pressure angles and the chain articulation angles of the engaged rollers vary from roller to roller. 2. In cases where the pitch difference is due to wear elongation of the chain, the contact points and consequently the pressure angles and the chain articulation angles each converge to two distinct values. These two values are only a function of the pitch difference and are independent of the assumed contact point location for the initial roller. 3. A sprocket with a fewer number of teeth can accommodate a higher percent pitch difference without jumpage, i.e. before a roller starts to skip a tooth.
REFERENCES 1. M. R. Naji, On Timing Belt and Roller Chain Load

Distributions, Chap. 6, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of

Houston, Houston, Texas, (1981). 2. R. C. Binder, Mechanics of the Roller Chain Drive. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1956).




D ' U N P I G N O N A V E C UNE C H A I N E A R O U L E A U X '


M a r s h e k et M.R.


R~sum~ -

On p r ~ s e n t e

une a n a l y s e p o u r d ~ t e r m i n e r

l ' e f f e t de la d i f f e r e n c e

de pas sur les On d o n n e des

angles d'articulation

d ' u n e c h a ~ n e ~ r o u l e a u x et sur les a n g l e s de c a l c u l p o u r l o c a l i s e r avec ceux d'une solution les p o i n t s graphique.

de p r e s s i o n .

f o r m u l e s et des t a c t i q u e s sont pr~sent~s et c o m p a r e s

de contact.

Des r ~ s u l t a t s

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