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Nowadays, global warming has become the major problem to our world.

Global warming is defined as an increase in global average of the surface of the earth due to the natural or anthropogenic climate change. According to the Wikipedia, global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earths atmosphere and oceans in recent decades. Global warming happens when the greenhouse gases(carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide and methane) trap heat and light from the Sun in the Earths atmosphere, which increases the temperature. According to the National Geographic News, the earth is already showing many signs of worldwide climate change. Other than that the rate of warming is increasing. The 20th centurys last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and probably the warmest for several millinea. The greenhouse gases can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years raging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what we do, global warming is going to have some effect on Earth. Spread of disease is the first effect to the Earth by global warming. As the northen countries warm, the disease is in the form of gases is spread. Next are warmer waters and probably more hurricane. As the temperature of the ocean rises, so the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricane will happen. Other than that, the increased of probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves will increase. Although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming, other areas will suffer serious drought and heat waves. Apart from that, global warming will affect the economics of our world. For examples, hurricanes can cause billions of dollars in damage, diseases cost money to treat. Lastly, the polar ice caps will melts. These effects can cause a severe problem to our Earth end the creature living in it. Therefore, we must take initiative in order to reduce or prevent this problem from increasing. Firstly, we must apply the 3R in our self, that is reduce, reuse and recycle. Do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Next is use less heat and air conditioning and use less hot. These can minimum the use of electrical energy. Apart from that, the most important thing is we must plant tree. If you have the means to plant a tree, start digging. During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. They are an integral part of the natural atmospheric exchange cycle here on Earth, but there are too few of them to fully counter the increases in carbon dioxide caused by automobile traffic, manufacturing and other human activities. A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. In conclusion, global warming can cause a lot of major problem to our Earth. If we take a serious initiative to prevent or may be reduce this problem, we can save our planet from destroyed by global warming.

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