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LATIN NAME FAMILY NAME SYNONYMS COLOUR VISCOSITY AROMA NOTE Piper nigrum Piperaceae water white to pale olive watery fresh, dry-woody / warm, spicy / strong & sharp / faintly reminiscent of clove oil, yet more refined middle

COUNTRIES OF PRODUCTION Madagascar, India, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, West Indies PARTS USED EXTRACTION METHOD YIELD Unripe, sun-dried fruits (peppercorns) steam distillation 2%

BLENDS WELL WITH clove, frankincense, lime, lemon, pine, rosemary, sandalwood, bergamot, clary sage, clove, coriander, fennel, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, juniper, mandarin, ylang ylang

MAIN CHEMICAL COMPONENTS eugenol, Safrole, g-terpinene, a-phellandrene, a- and b-selineses, d-3-carene, piperonal, thujene, farnesene, a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, limonene, beta caryophyllene, camphene WARNINGS & CONTRA INDICATIONS Too much may overstimulate the kidneys or cause frequent urination, or may irritate sensitive skin non-toxic, non-sensitising, according to most references irritant in high concentration due to rubifacient properties use in moderation only unsuitable for babies, children, & pregnancy SHOULD NOT BE APPLIED WERE THERE IS ANY INFLAMMATION

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES analgesic, antiseptic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, circulatory stimulant, stimulates kidneys, rubifacient, laxative, stimulant, antispasmodic, febrifuge, sudorific, diaphoretic, anti-microbial, tonic (especially of the spleen)


THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS EMOTIONAL CIRCULATION anemia poor circulation cardiac tonic pre-sports warm up varicose veins DIGESTIVE colic constipation diarrhea diuretic stimulating food poisoning flatulence heartburn loss of appetite nausea some references indicate it may expel stomach gas & help in some cases of diarrhea & vomiting GENITO-URINARY impotence NERVOUS SYSTEM fatigue lethargy lack of concentration impotence nerve tonic exhaustion RESPIRATORY bronchitis catarrh infections viruses airborne infections laryngitis chills colds flu


SKIN STRUCTURAL arthritis rheumatic pain muscular aches & pains neuralgia poor muscle tone sprains stiffness by stimulating the local area, can ease stiffness & pain, & shift congestion around joints & muscles OTHER physical & emotional coldness associated with courage an acknowledged aphrodisiac

METHODS OF APPLICATION AEROSOL in vapour therapy, where it is not directly inhaled can help to generate warmth during chills & colds has been used to reduce fevers & to treat bronchial complaints, although not recommended as an inhalant as it can irritate mucous membranes BATH / FOOT BATH diluted, to assist with circulation bruises rheumatoid arthritis muscular aches & pains CREAM OR MASSAGE OIL in blended cream for o tired, aching limbs o sore muscles o rheumatoid arthritis o stimulating appetite o bowel problems o suitable as a warm up tonic to use on dancers & athletes before training potentially to improve performance, but primarily to prevent pain & stiffness after training in small quantities to reduce high temperatures COMPRESS BLACK PEPPER ESSENTIAL OIL Irene Rains 3

NOTES one of the oldest recorded spices this warming oil can be used to great effect to help circulation & bruising & specifically to help with muscle tone, aching limbs, & rheumatoid arthritis helps to promote digestion, stimulating the colon as well as the kidneys


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