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CURRICULUM AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Curriculum as a plan that consists of learning

opportunities for a specific time frame and place, a tool that aims to bring about behavior changes in students as a result of planned activities and includes all learning experiences

received by students with the guidance of the school. Curriculum is most commonly known as the course syllabus, it may also be the policy statement of one institution in education program. It may also be the sum of all activities, experience and learning opportunities that a student may get once they had finished the course syllabus. Therefore, it is quite hard to formulate own curriculum to have an effective teaching program. It should be the fused force of the implementer and the teachers or instructor to be effective and attain its goal. Implementing the curriculum does not focus on the actual use but also on the attitudes of those who implement it. These attitudinal

dispositions are particularly important in educational systems where teachers and principals have the opportunity to choose among competing curriculum packages. The presentation of my classmate is good and they deliver their report as if they are just telling stories with an

assurance that they will give us the retention of the important points of the topic.

LEARNING Not everything is learned in school. Moreover, we learned through our experiences. We learned the concept in schools but we must know well how to analyzed it and practice it in daily lives. Learning is acquiring new things and lessons, thus,

learning is an ongoing process that as we lived each day and as we experienced new things we acquired new lessons or learning We live and work in a changing world. New laws are

introduced that lead to the introduction of new policies. New ideas and approaches are sought. emerge. The New problems of work arise is and new a




constantly moving and evolving one. What this means, then, is that, if we are not constantly learning as we go about our dayto-day business, then each day we are getting further and

further out of touch with the demands of the modern working world. Learning is not just important to ensure that we keep upto-date with developments in our particular field. It is also an important source of motivation, should therefore stimulation be seen as and job




positive and worthwhile in its own right, not just something that we have to do to meet other people's expectations of us. Learning is therefore important because it helps us to keep in

tune with trends and developments in our own field. It provides stimulation and job satisfaction and also helps to keep us on our toes to make sure that we do not become blas and thus more likely to make mistakes. Learning should therefore not be seen as an additional burden on top of what is already perhaps a heavy workload, but rather something to be welcomed as a means of dealing as effectively as possible with that heavy workload.


may or



learning be


luxury with

for our

few early





years. It should be looked at as something well beyond formal schooling. It encompasses our entire life cycle. Recognize that lifelong learning is a journey with no end in sight and that no one can ever have all the answers. We must have the humility or willingness to learn from others. In other words, learn from the experts. We will never live long enough to learn it all on our own. The conscious pursuit of learning, just like excellence is what really counts. We must We must accept the on fact that and change never is be





intimidated by it. Change is the result of a willingness to try out new approaches, observe the results, and to include the feedback into new initiatives.

Learning allows us to stay ahead of the game. If you don't render yourself obsolete someone else will, like your employer. It's the price innovators will gladly pay for staying ahead of everyone else. In order for you to create the new results you want in your life, learning is a path you must be willing to take. It provides the opportunities to continually expand your capacity.

MANAGEMENT PROCESS Management process composed of planning, organizing,

controlling and directing. Management process has several aims or goal, it may be to achieve continuity of care, to work

collaboratively holistic care.








Management is a broad area that needs the goal to reach or attain. It needs to work with the people and other

organizational resources. A manager must be a highly effective in different components of management process because if the manager fails in one component, the goal will not be attain or somehow the goal may be reach but not in satisfactory level. All managers use human relation skills because they

accomplish work through people. Human relations skills include motivation, leadership and communication skills. The degree to which each is used varies with the nature of the position, scope of responsibility, work activity, and number, types and skills of subordinates. A manager must be good in human relations skill and they must know how to be a well mediator between its subordinates and the administrator.

APPROACHES TO CURRICULUM DESIGN There curriculum. are Well different known approaches in developing approaches the which



guide the implementer in making a strategic curriculum plan. In










curriculum. The subject-centered curriculum can be focused on

traditional areas in the traditional disciplines. It involves processes such as problem solving. A curriculum can also be organized around a subject center by focusing on certain

processes, strategies, or life-skills, such as problem solving, decision making, or teamwork. In the Philippines, our curricula in any level is also divided in different subjects or courses. Most of the schools using this kind of structure aim for

excellence in the subject matter content. Problem-centered curriculum, or problem based learning,

organizes subject matter around a problem, real or hypothetical, that needs to be solved. Problem-centered curriculum is

inherently engaging and authentic, because the students have a real purpose to their inquiry -- solving the problem. The child-centered curriculum or it might be called as

learner-centered curriculum. Hence, the child or the student is the learner that is the main focus of the curriculum. Childcentered on certain aspects of the learners themselves. It may explore the learners own life or family history or local


Human Relations-Centered Curriculum focuses on the human relations are learned. The implementer of the curricula focuses on the problem that the child experience in their daily lives. It uses the available resources and different diagnostic


NURSING MANAGEMENT: PLANNING Planning is the first task of the manager in order to

attain the goal or specific objective of one institution. A manager must be very detailed in planning, and a keen observant









forecaster and he or she has a lot of ideas that would never end. Hence planning is a difficult phase in nursing management. An important aspect of planning is forecasting, a process which includes assessing the present situation, identifying its

weaknesses, recognizing the driving forces in the environment, constructing possible alternative future scenarios, identifying the preferred future, developing of action, implementing the

plan, and evaluating the implementation. Planning standardization foremost good is based on objectives. it. on In other Simplification words, first must and and be

characterized plans are




simple, they

must have standards, must be flexible, must be

balanced and must use available resources. There are different activities in planning that a manager must do. the activities of planning as assessment by collection, classification, data; analysis, interpretation, and translation of of

strategic of

planning; needs and

development priority

standards, by

identification objectives; and








methods, and procedures. Planning requires decision making, that is, choosing future courses of action from among alternatives. In the practice of nursing, for example, planning includes collection, analysis,

and organization of many kinds of data that will be used to determine both the nursing care needs of patients and the

management plans that will provide the resources and processes to meet these needs.

STAFFING Staffing is not merely giving the staff nurses the schedule of their duties. However, it is a complex process that should be properly and carefully done by the senior nurse or the chief nurse. It is a process wherein you should be giving a right nursing care which is to be render at the right schedule. It is giving the right number of nurses in one schedule that would fit in the demands of the patients. Planning is the major leadership role in staffing and is often a neglected part of the staffing process. Because the

success of many staffing decisions greatly depends on previous decisions made in planning and organizing phases, one must

consider staffing when making other plans. Consideration must be given to the type of patient care management used, the education and knowledge level of the staff to be of recruited, staffing budget and






availability, and the diversity of the patient population to be served. Accurate skill predicting because Managers it staffing enables know needs the the is valuable to of avoid their

management staffing

manager source



nursing pool, how many students are currently enrolled in local nursing schools, the usual length of employment of new hires,

peak staff resignation periods, and times when patient census is highest. Analyzing historical patterns, using computers to sort personnel statistics and keeping accurate unit records are

example of proactive planning. Nursing principles requires that staffing levels consider the proper patient staff care. mix of experience should and knowledge a mix required of for




management support, registered nurses and nursing support staff. Clinical support must be available to support and enhance skills of nurses with less experience, and executive and operational level support should be accessible at all times.

JOB DESCRIPTION The topic was well discussed by Mr. Ryan, it is very important for us to know the right job description that will suite in our profession. It is important to discuss this kind of topic for us since we are all novice nurses. And as I observed, some of the employees were doing a lot of things that were not included in their job description. All employees like to know what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. Job descriptions can also be a great value to employers. Creating a job description often results in a thought process that helps determine how critical the job is, how this particular job relates to others and identify the

characteristics needed by a new employee filling the role. A job description typically outlines the necessary skills,

training and education needed by a potential employee. It will spell out duties and responsibilities of the job. Once a job description is prepared, it can serve a basis for interviewing candidates, orienting a new employee and finally in the

evaluation of job performance. Using job descriptions is part of good management. Using job descriptions will help an organization better

understand the experience and skill base needed to enhance the

success of the company. They help in the hiring, evaluation and potentially terminating of employees. All too often, there is a misunderstanding of what a position entails and a well-prepared job description can help both sides share a common

understanding. After discussing the topic, now I learned more about the what includes in the job description or what are the components of the job description. It should contain a brief and well defined summary statement. Functions of the position which is most

lengthy since it will detail all the functions of the required position. It also includes the attributes needed for the

position, reporting, evaluating the criteria, compensation and as well as the physical location and surroundings.

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