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Accessible Reading Apps for iOS Devices

PACER Simon Technology Center 2012

This information is current as of January 2012, but is subject to change.
It is not intended to endorse one product over the other nor to be inclusive of all products on the market.

2012 by ACL8 CenLer Slmon 1echnology CenLer - 8161 normandale 8lvd - Mlnneapolls, Mn - 33437 - volce (932) 838-9000 -
11? (932) 838-0190 - lAx (932) 838-0199 - Lmall: sLc[ - Web slLe:

Accessible Reading Apps for iOS Devices
PACER Simon Technology Center 2012

The PACER Simon Technology Center has compiled this chart of Accessible Reading Apps for iOS Devices to help consumers and
families choose which program best suits their needs. This information is current as of January 2012, but is subject to change. It is not
intended to endorse one product over the other, nor to be inclusive of all products on the market.

Accessible Reading Apps for iOS Devices
PACER Simon Technology Center 2012
This information is current as of January 2012, but is subject to change.
It is not intended to endorse one product over the other nor to be inclusive of all products on the market.

2012 by ACL8 CenLer Slmon 1echnology CenLer - 8161 normandale 8lvd - Mlnneapolls, Mn - 33437 - volce (932) 838-9000 -
11? (932) 838-0190 - lAx (932) 838-0199 - Lmall: sLc[ - Web slLe:
Access|b|e kead|ng Apps for |CS Dev|ces
App Deve|oper r|ce |CS Dev|ce I||es Supported Descr|pt|on
8arnes & noble
nCCk klds
8arnes and
noble klds
lree lad Chlldren's books purchased from
8arnes & noble
1hese dlglLal chlldren's sLory books and chapLer books
allow for zoomlng, enlarglng LexL, and provlde human
8llo k-nl8
lad/ lod/
8ooks purchase from 8llo 8ooksLore,
Lu8, ul, and xS
11S volces avallable (purchase requlred) wlLh
synchronlzed hlghllghLed. Words can be looked-up and
Loplcal searches can be performed uslng Coogle,
Wlklpedla, and more. use of volceCver ls allowed and
lL ls posslble Lo read wlLh a refreshable 8lueLooLh
8rallle dlsplay.
Coogle 8ooks Coogle lree lad/ lod/
Coogle 8ooks (only Lhe"reflowable
LexL", or eub, (noL Lhe "scanned
lmages") ls accesslble by volce Cver or
11S deLermlned by flle proLecLlons)
uoes noL provlde 11S, buL allows use of volceCver.
Change fonL and search wlLhln book. lL ls posslble Lo
use supporLed 8rallle dlsplay.
l8ooks Apple lree lad/ lod/
books from l8ooksLore, ul, eub ulsplays LexL and lmages. May add bookmarks and
noLes. uoes noL provlde 11S, buL allows use of
volceCver. May purchase books from l8ooksLore. lL ls
posslble Lo read wlLh a refreshable 8lueLooLh 8rallle
lmage 1o 1exL -
lree lad/ lod/
CC8 flle creaLlon: ASCll LexL recelved by
lmage1o1exL app allows you Lo exLracL edlLable ASCll
LexL from lmages - Lake a plcLure of a documenL LhaL
you would llke Lo exLracL LexL from, and e-mall Lhe
lmage Lo yourself, co-workers, frlends. ?ou wlll all
recelve noL only Lhe lmage buL a LexL flle LhaL conLalns
Lhe edlLable LexL LhaL ls exLracLed from Lhe lmage.
Accessible Reading Apps for iOS Devices
PACER Simon Technology Center 2012
This information is current as of January 2012, but is subject to change.
It is not intended to endorse one product over the other nor to be inclusive of all products on the market.

2012 by ACL8 CenLer Slmon 1echnology CenLer - 8161 normandale 8lvd - Mlnneapolls, Mn - 33437 - volce (932) 838-9000 -
11? (932) 838-0190 - lAx (932) 838-0199 - Lmall: sLc[ - Web slLe:
App Deve|oper r|ce |CS Dev|ce I||es Supported Descr|pt|on
lnualsy Levelware
$19.99 lad/ lod/
uAlS? 2.02, uAlS? 3, 8ookshare books,
Cella, Cnl8, PkS8, Puseby
kompeLansesenLer, lnLerneL Archlve,
!S8u, nl8-nLWSLlnL, nL8, a11An,
8ead Pow ?ou WanL, 8nZl8, 18 and
vlslon AusLralla.
rovldes Acapela 11S, change readlng speed and
volume, bookmarklng, navlgaLlon, vlsual modlflcaLlons
(lnverse, fonL Lype and slze)
e1exLbooks CourseSmarL
lree lad/ lod/
e1exLbooks (Lhls ls a complemenL Lo a
CourseSmarL e1exLbook subscrlpLlon)
noL accesslble by volceCver or refreshable 8rallle
dlsplay. Can be made accesslble by accesslng
CourseSmarL webslLe Lhrough Lhe Safarl browser.
ConnecLlon Lo Wlll ls a requlremenL Lo use Lhe app.
klndle AMZn Moblle
lree lad/ lod/
klndle 8ooks, ul, and uocs no 11S avallable and volceCver noL allowed. SupporL
for noLes and hlghllghLs, zoom and pan, and llnked
Lable of conLenLs. CusLomlzable background color and
fonL slze. ulcLlonary word lookup avallable.
Moblle CC8 ro SmarL Moblle
$2.99 lad/ lod/
CC8 flle creaLlon: ln app 1exL 1urn your smarLphone lnLo a documenL scanner wlLh
characLer recognlLlon (CC8). Moblle CC8 wlll converL
your scanned documenLs from your camera or phoLo
album lnLo a regular LexL.
nCCk from 8arnes
& noble
8arnes &
lree lad/ lod/
8ooks purchased from 8arnes & noble Add noLes, bookmarks, and hlghllghLs, bullL ln
Merrlam-WebsLer's ockeL ulcLlonary, ad[usLable fonL
slze, sLyle and color Lhemes. no 11S avallable.
Cverurlve Medla
lree lad/ lod/
llbrary e8ooks & audlobooks, u8M-free
volceCver noL supporLed and 11S noL provlded.
uownload e8ooks and audlobooks from your publlc,
school, or college llbrary.
erfecL CC8:
documenL scanner
wlLh hlgh quallLy
lxofL $3.99 lhone only CC8 flle creaLlon: mulLlpage ul (LexL
and/or lmage), .1x1, .!C
Can copy, edlL, save and emall flles. noL deslgned Lo
work wlLh lod 4 / lad 2 camera.
Accessible Reading Apps for iOS Devices
PACER Simon Technology Center 2012
This information is current as of January 2012, but is subject to change.
It is not intended to endorse one product over the other nor to be inclusive of all products on the market.

2012 by ACL8 CenLer Slmon 1echnology CenLer - 8161 normandale 8lvd - Mlnneapolls, Mn - 33437 - volce (932) 838-9000 -
11? (932) 838-0190 - lAx (932) 838-0199 - Lmall: sLc[ - Web slLe:
App Deve|oper r|ce |CS Dev|ce I||es Supported Descr|pt|on
rlzmo Creaceed $9.99 lhone only CC8 flle creaLlon: .1x1, 11S avallable Lhrough ln-App urchase, can save LexL
8ead2Co 8eneLech $19.99 lad/ lod/
8ookshare books, uAlS? 3.0 and 2.02 rovlde 11S, LexL navlgaLlon, bookmarklng, and ablllLy
Lo change readlng speed of audlo books.
Learnlng Ally Audlo Learnlng Ally $19.99 lad/ lod/
uAlS?-formaLLed audlobooks from
Learnlng Ally
rovlde navlgaLlon, bookmarklng, and ablllLy Lo
change readlng speed of audlo books.
Speak lL! 1exL Lo
luLure Apps
$1.99 lad/ lod/
emalls, documenLs, web pages, and ul
rovldes 11S, synchronlzed hlghllghLlng, creaLe audlo
flle, change readlng speed and LexL slze.
SLanza Lexcycle lree lad/ lod /
eub, e8eader, ul, Comlc 8ook
Archlve (C88 & C8Z), and u[vu books
Modlfy Lhe vlsual appearance of Lhe book. uoes noL
provlde LexL-Lo-speech.
v8ookz - lree
$3.99 lad/ lod /
unproLecLed eub rovlde 11S and a magnlfylng glass lnLerface lndlcaLlng
your currenL readlng locaLlon, Lhe magnlfylng glass
follows Lhe LexL as Lhe book ls belng read. Ad[usL fonL
slze and readlng speed.
vCu C?AC
$23.99 lad/ lod/
uAlS? 2.02 compllanL audlo & nCC only,
and uAlS? 2.02 compllanL audlo and full
LexL. (cannoL play a uAlS? book LhaL ls
encrypLed for copyrlghL proLecLlon.)
volce of uAlS? (vCu) ls a uAlS? dlglLal Lalklng book
player LhaL can handle Lhe mulLlmedla uAlS?.
Web 8eader - 1exL
Lo Speech
Chrls Chauvln $1.99 lad/ lod/
1exL, 81l, P1ML pages, MS Word
documenLs, and ul.
uses LexL Lo speech Lechnology along wlLh web page
conLenL recognlLlon Lo read web pages Lo you. ?ou can
conflgure web pages Lo be read as soon as Lhey are
loaded, read pages manually afLer Lhey are loaded, or
use CuL, Copy, & asLe Lo read only secLlons of LexL.
Zoom8eader Al Squared $19.99 lhone only CC8 rovlde 11S, and maglnlflcaLlon of LexL. uoes noL save

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