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ENG 102: Additional information that applies to writing essays in this class

Thesis statement Students must have a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. Students must clearly and explicitly address the writing prompt in the thesis statement of the essay. Implied thesis statements do not meet the expectations of the English department. Identification of author and title of authors work Students must identify the author by his or her full name as well as the complete title of the reading. This complete identification must appear in the introductory paragraph and should appear in the conclusion. Support Students must include explicit references to the assigned reading in the body of the essay. Support from other sources is not allowed. All references in the essay must include adequate documentation following MLA format. No dropped quotes allowed. A dropped quote is a quotation that appears in the middle of your paper without being introduced. A full quote MUST be properly introduced! For example: Properly introduced: Salinger states, Human nature often causes one to feel self-loathing. This is also okay: It is an often disregarded fact that people have a tendency feel self-loathing. This is NOT okay: This is a dropped quote: Human nature often causes one to feel self-loathing. Language Essays should avoid the following language and style practices. Contractions Shouldnt Cant Theyre Its First person Students will receive deductions for using first person and first person plural. I will not spank my children. We will not drink and drive. Our society is charitable. Second person Students will receive deductions for using the second person pronoun and sentences with you as the implied subject. You should not spank your children. Do not drink and drive. Slang and empty statements My essay is about. In this essay I will discuss In this essay I will prove todays society We, as individuals. in this day and time todays world nowadays these days and time Well (to start a sentence) We, as humans.

Grading Rubric (same as used with previous essays): Each student is expected to write an essay that indicates mastery of five fundamental standards. The expectation is that each student can write an essay that: contains a thesis statement has supporting details exhibits organization (coherence and logic) follows the rules of standard written English (grammar/mechanics) addresses the required prompt If a student is successful, the essay will meet the expectations of this English Department. The following scale will be used to determine number grades from 100-0: 100/90- Exceptional writing. The essay demonstrates exceptional mastery of all five standards. 80- Above average writing. The essay demonstrates exceptional mastery of more than one of the standards. 70- Average. The essay demonstrates adequate mastery of the standards outlined above (thesis, support, organization, grammar, and question answered). 60- Below average. The essay demonstrates mastery in all but one of the five standards. 50- Failing. The essay demonstrates no mastery of one of the standards OR the essay demonstrates little mastery of two or more standards 40- Failing. Mastery of two of the standards is non-existent. 30- Failing. Mastery of three of the standards is non-existent. 20- Failing. Mastery of four of the standards is non-existent 10- Failing. Mastery of five standards is non-existent

0 - Failing. There is absolutely no recognizable mastery of any of the standards OR the essay contains plagiarism.

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