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Slope-deflection equations

Equations can be derived relating the rotations & deflections of the ends of a beam to the end moments. A consistent sign convention must again be adopted. Anti-clockwise moments are positive Anti-clockwise rotations are positive Relative displacements of beam ends are positive if the beam rotates in an anti-clockwise direction Shear forces taken as positive if

Slope-deflection equations

Consider a beam with applied end deflections and rotations The beam also has loadings on the span As a result of the loading and deflections/rotations, there are end moments and shear forces induced.

Slope-deflection equations
Using the Principle of Supposition, we can first analyse the beam with the load applied and with the ends fully-fixed Then we can add the effects of the beam with no applied loading, but with end deflections and rotations B A P2 P1 MFAB MFBA VFAB VFBA x L MDAB VDAB MDBA VDBA A

Slope-deflection equations
The total moments can be obtained by adding the fixed-end moments and the displacement moments. MAB = MFAB + MDAB MBA = MFBA + MDBA We have already studied how to determine fixed-end moments. The displacement moments can now be found by deriving slope-deflection equations.

Slope-deflection equations
Considering the beam with end deflection/rotations By taking a section at a distance x:

M = 0

M V x

d2y = EI 2 dx


Slope-deflection equations
d y EI 2 = M DAB VDAB x dx
Integrating once:

dy dy xx EI = = MM DAB VDAB + + A A EI DAB x x VDAB EI dx dx 22

Integrating again:

2 2

At x = 0, dy/dx = A A = EI A

x 2x 2 x3x3 EIy = MM DAB VDAB + EIEIA A+ B EIy = DAB VDAB + x x 22 66

At x = 0, y = 0 B =0

Slope-deflection equations
L dy x EI B = M DAB L VDAB + EI AA = M DAB x VDAB + EI 2 dx 2 x2 L x3 L EI = M DAB VDAB + EI A L EIy x DAB 2 6

At x = L, dy/dx = B

At x = L, y =

Eliminating VDAB from these equations gives:


2 EI 3 = 2 A + B L L

Slope-deflection equations
By taking looking at the beam on the other side at a distance x: MDAB VDAB M A V L-x MDBA VDBA

We can go through a similar process to find:

2 EI 3 M DBA = 2 B + A L L

Slope-deflection equations
2 EI 3 = 2 A + B L L


2 EI 3 M DBA = 2 B + A L L
These are the slope-deflection equations which can be used to relate the end deflection and rotations of a beam to the end moments

We have derived the slope-deflection equations. Now how can they be used? 1. Can be used to analyse statically indeterminate plane-frame structures 2. They are the basis of an iterative solution procedure for statically indeterminate plane-frame structures: Moment-distribution method 3. They are the basis for powerful matrix solution methods: Computer analysis

Before carrying out a numerical analysis, it is useful to sketch the expected deformed shape of the structure together with the expected reaction type and direction. It is also helpful to sketch how you expect the bending moment diagram to look

Some examples: 1 T T Right-angle unchanged No curvature at a pin T -M T T

-M M

Deflected shape and reactions

Bending moment diagram

Some examples: 2 T T Right-angle unchanged

M T -M T

-M M

No curvature at a pin

Deflected shape and reactions

Bending moment diagram

Some examples: 3 T T T Right-angle unchanged Rotation but no curvature at a pin Bending moment diagram TM -M

-M M

Some examples: 4 T T Right-angle unchanged T No rotation at a fixed end T T -M T T

-M M

To analyse statically indeterminate plane-frame structures

Write down expressions for the moments at each end of each member in a frame Each expression will contain a fixed-end moment and a slope-deflection moment.

Impose equilibrium conditions: i.e. at any joint M = 0. At any pinned end, M = 0. Impose joint rotation compatibility, i.e. a rigid joint which rotates must result in the same rotations for all member ends at that point This gives a series of simultaneous equations for the rotations and deflections of the ends which can be solved.

Remember what we have already learnt

The total moments can be obtained by adding the fixed-end moments and the displacement moments.


The fixed end moments can be found from equilibrium and compatibility (or by looking up the solution to simple cases) The displacement moments are function of the end rotations and relative displacements of the ends of a beam


2 EI 3 = 2 A + B L L

2 EI 3 M DBA = 2 B + A L L

Example problem 1: w = 20 kN/m



EI = 420 x 103 kN/m2 for AB & BC Unknown rotations: B & c Write down fixed-end moments: MFAB = MFBA = 0 MFBC = 20 2 2/12 = 26.7 kNm MFBC = w xxL4/12 MFCB = -26.7 kNm

A 3m

B 4m

C EI = 420 x 103

Write down slope-deflection equations: A = 0 For AB: = 0 For BC: = 0

2 2 EI420 1033 3 ( MM DAB DAB = 2 A + B( BB)) = = 280 10 DABM L 3 L

EI 420 2 2 1033 3 M DBA =DBA = 560 10 A B ) M 2 B + ((2 ) M DBA = B L 3 L

22 EI 103 420 3 3 ) 2 2 210 103 (2 + 3 EI 3 ( CB + + C ( B MM DBC== 21010 +22 C ) MM DCB = 420 2 10 +(2C + B) = M DBC 2 B C CB B ) DCB = DBC DCB 4 L L L 4 L

Example problem 1: Now recall that: and MBA = MFBA + MDBA MBC = MFBC + MDBC MBA + MBC = 0

For equilibrium at joint B: Hence:

0 = 560x103 B + 210 x 103(2B+ C) + 26.7 980 B + 210 C = -0.0267

For equilibrium at joint C: Hence:

MCB = 0

0 = 210 x 103 (2C+ B) - 26.7 210 B + 420 C = 0.0267

Example problem 1: 980 B + 210 C = -0.0267 210 B + 420 C = 0.0267 Solving the simultaneous equations gives B = -45.7 x 10-6 radians C = 86.4 x 10-6 radians Note: B is -ve hence C is +ve hence This agrees with expected rotations

Example problem 1:

MM ABM AB = 103 .( B )7 106 = = 28012 38kNm 280 10 45. AB

M 10 6kNm M BA = 56056025.3 (.B )106 M BA =BA= 310 45 7

M BC 3 2 B kNm M M BC 210 1010=(2545.7 C )86M)FBC 6 + 26.7 = = 210 3 (2 .6+ + + .4 10 BC

M (2 = 0 M CB = M CB 103 CB 103.(4 C45. B + M6FCB26.7 210 = 210 86 2 + 7 ) ) 10

Example problem 1: Note that the problem:

B A Is the same problem as: B

C As long as axial deflection of AB can be ignored

Example problem 2: P = 10kN w = 20 kN/m



EI = 500 x 103 kN/m2 for AB & BC Unknown rotations: A, B & c Note: A Write down fixed-end moments: MFAB = PL/8 3/8 =FBA kNm = -MFBA 10 x = -M 3.75 MFBC = 20 x 4kNm = -MFCB 26.7 2/12 = - MFCB C B ???

P = 10kN A 3m

w = 20 kN/m C 4m EI = 500 x 103

Write down slope-deflection equations: For AB: = 0 For BC: = 0

2 EI 3 3 2 500103 2 2 EI 10(23+ + 3 M DAB = M DAB== 333 2(A2(A A + B M DBA == 333 3 B (2 B +) A) 10 + + B ) ) M DBA = 500 210 B A A M DBA M DAB 2B L 3 L L 3 L 2 500 10 22 EI 2103 3 500 3+ 2 EI 3 3+ 3 M DBC= M DCB C B + 2 MM DBC== 25010 (2(2+ C )C ) M DCB = = 250 10 C(22+ B B) ( CB C +L) B B DBC L L L 4 4

Now recall that: and

MAB = MFAB + MDAB MBA = MFBA + MDBA MBC = MFBC + MDBC and so on MAB = 0 (2A+ B)

For equilibrium at joint A: Hence:

0 = 3.75 + 333 x 103

666 A + 333 B = -0.00375 For equilibrium at joint B: MBA + MBC = 0

Hence: 0 = -3.75 + 333x103(2B+ A) + 26.7 +250 x 103(2B+ C) 333A +1166 B + 250 C = 0.02295

For equilibrium at joint C: Hence:

MCB = 0

0 = - 26.7 +250 x 103(2C+ B) 250 B + 500 C = 0.0267

Solving the simultaneous equations gives A = 13.9 x 10-6 radians B = -39 x 10-6 radians C = 73 x 10-6 radians A B C

A A 3m


w = 20 kN/m C 4m C

Actual deflection Assumed deflection

M 2 M AB =M.AB =+M AB103kNm13.9 B )39 )106 M AB =3 .75+ 333 +0 3((DAB A + 3 75 333 =10 2 FAB

MM BA M75 + 333= 10M.2( 39 + 13.9106 = =3.3.75 + 33325 3DBA B + A ) ) 106 BA = M FBA 103 kNm M BA + 3 ( 2 BA
M BC ==26.7=M BC =1032239+ 73)106 M BC M 26.7 + 250 10M(DBCB + C ) +M FBC 253 ( kNm 250 + . 3 BC M CB = = M7FCB=+M0 kNmM2 C 39B)) 106 M CB 26.M+ 250 FCB+ (23 ( 73 + MCBCB =250 3 DCB 1010

Example problem 2: MBA=-25.3 MAB=0 A M=5.1 M=28.3 B C MBC= 25.3 MCB=0

Tutorial 2: Slope-deflection
Now its your turn! Tutorial 2

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