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109 AV Henry Barbusse, 93120 La Courneuve, Paris, France
Tel: +33 6 2194 8808, +33 1 4837 4684 E-mail:

( N a t i o n a l D e m o c r a t i c P a r t y f o r H u ma n R i g h t s i s t h e ma i n p o l i t i c a l p a r t y o f R o h i n g y a e t h n i c m i n o r i t y g r o u p i n
B u r ma a n d i t w o n 4 p a r l i a me n t a r y s e a t s i n 1 9 9 0 e l e c t i o n . N D P H R ( i n e x i l e ) w a s f o r me d i n t h e y e a r 2 0 0 3 i n e x i l e
w i t h i t s h e a d o f f i c e i n F r a n c e b y s o m e o f t h e p a r t y me mb e r s l i v i n g i n e x i l e . N D P H R i s o n e o f t h e m e mb e r s o f
C o m m i t t e e Re pr e s e n t i n g P e o pl e ' s P a r l i a m e n t ( CRP P ) t oo )

Ref:: NDPHR (IE) 03-2009

Date: : 1st March 2009



(1) The Burmese Junta’s Foreign Minister Nyan Win irresponsibly expressed at the Association
of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) summit in southern Thailand that the boat-people now fleeing
Arakan State are not Rohingyas but Bengalis.

(2) We condemn it in a very severe term as possible and we strongly deny his remark on the
ethnicity of the Burmese Rohigya minority group.

(3) In fact, the Rohingya are one of the most ancient groups that inhabit with their own culture
and language in the region of Arakan or Rohang as its ancient name. The ancient monuments
and mosques built by the Rohigya ancestors can still be found as evidence of their historic
existence in the Region.

(4) As denying the fundamental rights of the citizens and ethnic rights of the minority groups are
the habitual action of Burmese military junta, it is no surprise to see their heinous responds
towards the vulnerable boat-people, died or stranded in the sea or in the neighbouring
countries. It is the very old tactics of military dictators to practice “divide-and –rule” policy
among the ethnic groups of Burma in order to remain in power.

(5) The Rohingya always remains as Rohingya whether the illegal military government recognise
or not. The Rohingya have already been recognised by the legal and democratically formed
government through the history and the Rohingya are looking forward to the continuation of
recognition by the future Democratic government of Burma.
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(6) We earnestly request the ASEAN countries to look into the real history of Rohingya in order
to make reasonable recommendation for the future lives of Rohingya.

National Democratic Party for Human Rights (in exile)

Central Committee
Paris, France

Contact: :

Hla Aung
Contact: +33-6-2194-8808

Nay San Lwin

Contact: +966-50-6677138

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