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There are only a few different types of molds that cause significant allergy pro blems in the United

States. In general, Alternaria and Cladosporium are the mold s most commonly found indoors and outdoors. A list of the molds that are frequently detected includes: 1. Cladosporium - A significant mold allergen, found across the United States. 2. Alternaria - A major allergy-causing mold. Found outdoors. 3. Helminthosporium - Located in warmer southern states and temperate zones. 4. Epicoccum - Similar to Helminthosporium. 5. Penicillium - A common indoor mold often found in musty basements. 6. Aspergillus - A hardy indoor mold that can live in dry conditions. 7. Mucor - An indoor mold and the black mold we see on breads.

Keep rooms dry, warm and light. Molds are living organisms that will only grow i n cold, dark, damp places, so if you have a recurrent mold problem, bring more l ight, heat, or fans into the area to move the air. For major mold problems, put a portable electric heater in the room, and turn it to the highest setting. Close the door and let it bake all day or overnight. Th e mold will dry up into a powder that brushes right off. For concentrated areas, use a hand-held dryer to dry the mold in just a few minutes. This is not the mo st energy-efficient method, but it will definitely solve the immediate problem. If you are sensitive to molds you should get someone else to handle such problem s in your home, or wear gloves, protective clothing and a good face mask. It is important to determine why mold is growing. Investigate any areas that are moist, and repair the source of the moisture. There could be a roof or plumbing leak, or groundwater leaking into the basement. Air duct systems could be conta minated with mold. Clothes dryers generate humidity and should never be vented i nside the house. Substances that are porous can trap molds and if contaminated s hould be thrown out, i.e. ceiling tiles, drywall, carpeting, paper, rags, and wo od. They are nearly impossible to clean and will produce more spores when dry. After making repairs, it is time to clean. For those who are extremely sensitive to molds it is advisable to call professionals in to rid their homes of molds. For those who can do their own cleaning, make your own mold and mildew remover. Mix borax and water in a spray bottle (amounts to mix are indicated on the borax box). Spray it on and the mold wipes right off. Borax inhibits mold growth, so wash down the walls in your bathroom with a borax solution and just leave it on, or sprinkle borax in damp cabinets under the sink. Do not use products that con tain formaldehyde, phenol, kerosene, pentachlorophenol. Note DANGER warning on pac kage label. Wear gloves when handling moldy materials and also wear a particulate-removing r espirator or facemask. Also wear protective clothing that is easily cleaned or m ay be discarded. Improve Digestion Most people with candida have digestive problems, including stomach aches and up sets, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, etc

. Foods that aid digestion: Protein Good fats such as coconut oil, butter, lard, naturally occurring animal fats , etc. Ocean sea salt Lemon juice Gelatin-rich bone broths Lacto-fermented foods and drinks, i.e. cabbage rejuvelac, sauerkraut, kimchi , etc. Spices, teas and herbs, i.e. camomile, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. Test Stomach Acid Levels - To see whether you have enough stomach acid do this t est: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of cold water, and drink it fir st thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. Keep track of how mu ch time it takes you to burp or belch. Time up to five minutes. If you have not belched within five minutes stop timing. If your stomach is producing adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid you should be lch within two to three minutes. Early and repeated belching is consistent with excessive stomach acid. This is because belching is caused by stomach acid and b aking soda reacting to form carbon dioxide gas. If you do not burp or belch with 2 3 minutes it is advisable to take digestive enzymes. Digestive Enzymes - The most beneficial digestive enzyme to take is Betaine Hydr ochloric Acid with Pepsin, except for individuals with peptic ulcers. Capsules a re taken in increasing doses with meals until symptoms of excess acid are eviden t, at which time you would cut back on how many tablets taken. If you get sympto ms of too much stomach acid, which is mostly a burning feeling, sip on this drin k until symptoms subside: 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 4 ounces of warm water. Research on the antifungal properties of essential oils show: 1. Essential oils of thyme, oregano, mint, cinnamon, salvia and clove were found to possess the strongest antimicrobial properties among many tested. 2. Research has shown that lemongrass oil was effective against Aspergillus flav us, a toxic mold which causes a variety of infections in the body.

Alternative Uses For Listerine ------------------------------Listerine is a popular mouthwash with a long history. It has been around for a l ong time. Originally it was created as a surgical antiseptic. Then it was market ed as a mouth wash and became the huge empire it is today. Fungal infections. Some of us have to deal with fungal infections in the form of one or more problems: nail or toe nail fungus, athlete's foot, jock itch, or tr uckers bottom. Listerine is a great way to kill the fungus. To do this apply it with a spray bottle (new, don't ever reuse them) or a cotton ball or square. Wet down the infected area and let it air dry. For tough infections such as nail in fections soaking is often more effective. Soak the area for 20 minutes and then let air dry. You can also add a couple of cap fulls to your bath for some added relief. This will get rid of the itching and help get rid of the fungus (though it will take several treatments to get rid of the fungus). Body deodorant. Listerine was created to kill bacteria. It does this very well.

It can therefore be a way to kill germs that leave odor on the body. You can spl ash it under your arms or in other locations to fight odor and leave yourself fe eling and smelling clean. Mold and mildew killer. Many of us have to deal with mold and or mildew at some point in our lives. One great way to deal with it is to spray Listerine on it. L et it sit for a few minutes and then scrub with a brush. It will kill the mold a nd mildew, stop its spread, and even help get rid of the stain left behind (howe ver it doesn't always remove all the stain on the caulking). Alcohol, benzoic acid and other benzoates, make it effective as an anti fungal. The alcohol kills the surface parts of the fungus, and helps the benzoates soak in for a more effective result; as well as speeding the drying that inhibits fun gus growth. Alcohol and the alcohol esters kill the bacteria, kill and repel bugs, and deodo rize. The alcohol esters (eucalyptol, menthol, thymol, as well as the somewhat r elated methyl salicytate) also relieve many skin irritations, as well as prolong ing or aid the above effects (including the anti fungal) for a time after applic ation and drying. -------------------------------------Kill off Candida overgrowth Antifungals (coconut oil and Pau D arco tea are considered part of the diet) can b e started when your die-off symptoms have diminished after being on the diet. Some people need to stay on the diet 3-6 months before they can tolerate antifungals . You will know whether you are ready for a strong antifungal when you try it. I f your die-off symptoms are intolerable you should stop taking the antifungal and stay on the diet longer. Antifungals that kill off Candida overgrowth: Clove Oil. Coconut oil Garlic. Oil of Oregano. Pau D arco tea (mild antifungal) Nystatin, an antifungal medication. A word of caution! Oil of Oregano and Pau D arco are not recommended during pregna ncy nor while breastfeeding. All of the above antifungals, except Pau D arco tea, are considered strong. Foods that kill or inhibit the growth of candida: There are also many foods that inhibit the growth of, or kill, candida, i.e. all of the cabbage and onion families - arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprout s, cauliflower, collards, horseradish, hot peppers, kale, kohlrabi, mustard gree ns, radishes, rutabaga, shallots, Swiss chard, turnips, turnip greens, watercres s, etc. Note: You only need to take one strong antifungal at a time (garlic or oil of or egano or clove), in addition to coconut oil and Pau D arco, and only take the amou nts recommended. More is not better! Taking more than one strong antifungal, or ta king too high of a dose, is not only a waste but it can also overwhelm and confu se the body. The body needs to be allowed to utilize treatments in its own way a nd time. Pushing the body too hard is not recommended.

Drugs, other than Nystatin, i.e. Diflucan (Fluconazole), Nizoral, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole, Miconazole, etc., are not recommended. They are all very hard on t he liver, and can often cause irreparable damage. Natural substances are much mo re effective, without the dangerous side effects of these drugs, except for Nyst atin. This is because Nystatin is not absorbed past the intestines to any signif icant degree. Natural antifungals are at least equally effective, if not better, than Nystatin. Nystatin powder can kill Candida in many different ways: Sniffing or inhaling Nystatin for nasal passages and sinuses. Many Candida s ufferers can clear nasal congestion, postnasal drip and mental and nervous sympt oms by inhaling or sniffing Nystatin. Here s how to do it: Shake your bottle of Ny statin powder vigorously. Remove the cap and hold the bottle just under your nos e. Sniff or inhale very cautiously. Another method is to hold one nostril and pu t a dot of Nystatin powder on your index finger and sniff gently. Repeat for the other nostril. The number of sniffs or inhales can be gradually increased to 3 or 4 in a row up to three times a day or more, depending upon how well it is tol erated. Mouth (thrush) - mix 1/4 teaspoon of Nystatin powder in 1-2 ounces of water. Hold it in the mouth up to 2 minutes, swishing it around and then swallow. Athlete s foot, nail fungus, diaper rash, dry skin spots or rashes - For athle te s foot the powder can be dusted on the feet, and inside shoes and socks. For di aper rash the powder can also be dusted, carefully, onto the affected areas. To make a cream that can be rubbed into affected areas mix one teaspoon of Nystatin powder into two teaspoons of a very mild cold cream or a coconut based cream. A pply two times a day or more. Die-off symptoms can also be alleviated by the following: Vitamin C - take 4,000 mgs when the symptoms first start to appear, and take 1,000 mgs every hour until the symptoms subside or bowel tolerance is reached, i.e. loose stools or diarrhea. When you reach bowel tolerance take less vitamin C each hour until you reach bowel tolerance again, and so on. Vitamin C helps th e body detoxify since it is a powerful antioxidant. Ensure you are taking enough calcium/magnesium according to the Essential Su pplements list above. It helps minimize aches and pains. Take baths with Epsom salts, salt or 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Baths help draw toxins out through the skin which helps minimize symptoms. Add two cu ps, or 500 grams, of Epsom salts or one cup of salt to the bath (you can also mi x Epsom salts and salts half and half). Soak for 15-20 minutes. Use 1/2 cup of 3 5% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 1/2 a bathtub of very warm water. Soak in the tub until you sweat. Drink 4 cups of Pau D arco tea per day. It is a powerful antioxidant and it wi ll help your body detoxify. Clove tea or clove oil. Cloves are an excellent powerful antioxidant which m akes it a great detoxifier, and it also contains a natural antibiotic and it is antifungal. Only buy spices that are organic or certified organic at the health store because commercial spices are all irradiated. Clove Tea: Boil 4-1/2 cups of water. Take it off the heat, Add two level tea spoons of ground cloves. Let it steep for 20 minutes. Strain well, and drink 4 1 /2 cups hot or cold every day, or when needed. Whole cloves are more effective p ut them in a heavy plastic bag and pulverize them with a hammer. Use 1 1/2 teasp oons in 4 1/2 cups of water. Hydrogen Peroxide I have heard that oral hydrogen peroxide therapy has helped some people cure can dida. I am still trying to track down information on this. Dr. Galland mentioned

this on one of his lectures, as have other people. The general method is to buy food grade hydrogen peroxide, a 35% solution, and m ix one drop with 5 ounces of water, swallow it on empty stomach two or three tim es a day. This works best against upper intestinal stuff. Work up to perhaps 16 drops per 5 ounces. Nausea is often noted above the 5 drop level. I have not tri ed this yet.

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