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Presented to: The State Islamic University of Malang in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S)




Presented to: The State Islamic University of Malang in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) Written by MUSTHAFA AMIN 04320081




Name NIM Address

: Musthafa Amin : 04320081 : Jl. Mayjen Panjaitan 12 Sidomukti Kraksaan Probolinggo 67282

Hereby, I certify that the thesis I wrote to fulfill the requirement for Sarjana Sastra (S.S) entitled A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping In Its a Boy Girl Thing Movie is truly my original work. It does not incorporate any materials previously written or published by another person, except those indicated in quotations and bibliography. Due to the fact, I am the only person responsible for the thesis if there is any objection or claim from others.

Malang, 02 April 2009

Musthafa Amin


This is to certify that Musthafa Amins thesis entitled A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping In Its a Boy Girl Thing Movie has been approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the board of examiners.

Malang, 02 April 2009 Approved by The Advisor Acknowledged by The Head of English Letters and Language Department

H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed, Ph.D NIP. 150 299 503

Dra. Syafiyah, M.A NIP. 150 246 406

The Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Culture The State Islamic University of Malang

Dr. H. Dimjati Ahmadin, M. Pd. NIP. 150 035 072

This is to certify that Sarjanas thesis of A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping In Its a Boy Girl Thing Movie by Musthafa Amin has been approved by the board of examiners as the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S. S) in English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture at the State Islamic University of Malang.

Malang, 22 April 2009 The Board of Examiners 1. Drs. Nur Salam, M.Pd NIP. 131 602 091 Signatures


2. Prof. Dr. H. Mudjia Rahardjo, M.Si NIP. 150 244 741

(Main Examiner)

3. H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed, Ph.D NIP. 150 299 503


Approved by The Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Culture

Dr. H. Dimjati Ahmadin, M. Pd NIP. 150 035 072


What is true for writing and for a love relationship is true also for life. - Michel Foucault (Truth, Power, Self; 1982) -


This thesis is dedicated to: Aba, Ummi, Ukhti Ulfa and Badi, And all of my beloved families

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim I would like to articulate my best thankfulness to our God Allah, Who has given me much knowledge with a million powers and patience. Peace and salutation be upon to Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Through his endless mediation that I am recognized as a true exist Moslem. Fortunately, I am finally able to finish this thesis entitled A Critical Discourse Analysis on Gender Stereotyping in Its a Boy Girl Thing Movie as the requirement for the degree of S1 in English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture at the State Islamic University of Malang. In addition, along in process of finishing this thesis I would like to dedicate my best thank to: 1. The Rector of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Prof. Dr. Imam Suprayogo, giving me the chance and the opportunity to study in this glorious University. 2. The Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Culture, Dr. Dimjati Ahmadin, M.Pd, providing tool and infrastructure which support the smoothness of learning and studying in this faculty. 3. The Head of English Letters and Language Department, Dra. Syafiyah, MA, and all of the lecturers of English Letters and Language Department. Many thanks for the valuable knowledge. 4. Drs. H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed, Ph.D as my advisor who always leads and inspires me to get a better critical thoughts and ideas in finishing this thesis.

5. My pride Father and Mother, thanks for endless prays, loves, supports, understandings, cares, and affections. My beloved sisters and all members of my families, many thanks for your love and pray. 6. All of friends of HMI UIN Malang, especially in HMI Komisariat Bahasa (Idris, Muntaha, Brata, Fisma, Azali, Faruq, Mashuri, Anshor, Ifa, Irma, Ruli, Fuad, Edi, Mujalli etc) that taught me to criticize everything and taught me a value of friendship, thrilling life experience, commitment, achievement, loyalty, fraternity and togetherness. 7. All of my friends of Nurul Jadid Alumna Association (IMAN) Malang (Idil Ghufron, Arif Rahman Hakim, Hasan Hidayatullah, Farihin, Sholehuddin), thanks for togetherness and unexpected religious experiences. 8. All of my mentors (Ahmad Fauzi Muda, Aliyatullah Hadi, Ali Imron, Selamet Castur, Ali Usman etc) that guide me in the way reaching my ultimate goal as long as I study in UIN Malang 9. And all friends and people helping me to finish this thesis, which I cannot mention one by one. Thank you. Last but not least, I invite the readers suggestions and critics responding to the presence of my thesis. Hopefully, this research will give advantage to all people who much concern in English language. Finally, nothing is perfect. Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamin Malang, 02 April 2009

The writer


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Study ... 1.2. Research of Problems ... 1.3. Objectives of Study ................. 1.4. Significance of Study .. 1.5. Scope and Limitation of Study . 1.7. Operational Definition of Key Terms .. 1 9 10 10 10 11

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1. Discourse Analysis .. 2.1.1. Positivist Discourse Analysis ... 2.1.2. Interpretive Discourse Analysis .... 2.1.3. Critical Discourse Analysis .. 13 16 16 16


2.2. Critical Discourse Analysis 2.2.1. The Main Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis .. Action .. Context .. History .... Power and Dominance . Ideology... 2.2.2. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework of Critical Discourse Analysis ... Microstructure... Semantically aspects. Background Detail Intention Presupposition.. Stylistic Aspects.. Lexicon Rhetoric Aspects.. Metaphor .. Expressions .. Superstructure .. Macrostructure .. 2.3. Gender Stereotyping .. 2.4. Synopsis of Its the Boy Girl Movie ..

17 19 19 19 20 20 21

22 26 27 27 29 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 34 35 39


2.5. Previous Study ..


CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD 3.1. Research Design . 3.2. Data Sources .. 3.3. Research Instruments . 3.4. Data Collections . 3.4. Data Analysis . 44 45 45 45 46

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1. Findings . 4.1.1. Discursive Formation of Gender Stereotyping . The Boy and Girl is socially different . The educated girl is rejected in social life .. The Battle of Works is a Male Thing . Culinary Matters are Woman Things .. Fashion Mode, Beauties and Feminity are The Girl Things Woman must speak softly Woman must be tidy Young Girl is weak-subdominant and boy is strongdominant Girl is irrational-crybaby and Boy is rational . 4.1.2. Discursive Strategies of Gender Stereotyping 4.2. Discussions The Element of Discourse Formation .. 68 69 72 79 81 47 48 48 49 52 55 59 64 65

12 The Element of Discursive Strategies ..


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 5.1. Conclusion . 5.2. Suggestion . 91 93



Amin, Musthafa. 2008. The Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Its a Boy Girl Things Movie. Thesis, English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture, The State Islamic University of Malang. Advisor: Drs. H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed, Ph.D Key word: Discourse analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Gender stereotyping The critical discourse analysis is a critical approach to discourse analysis that explores texts not as truths but as discourses that act in the world in ways that both define and distribute power. CDA sees discourse and language as social practice. The social practice presents an ideological impact. It could produce and reproduce unequal power relations between social classes, men and women, minority and majority groups which are represented in social position. Therefore, through discourse practice, racism, sexism and imbalance in social life is considered as natural. The example of unequal power relation naturalized by discourse is the discourse of gender stereotyping. It is unvarying form or pattern of gender role; a fixed or conventional notion or conception of gender, held by a number of people, it produces an inequalities for subdominant group. It is sometimes published or showed in certain Medias. One of them is movie used in this research. It is Its a Boy Girl Things Movie that proposes gender stereotyping of human role based on their sex. These stereotypes generate misperception on sex role where it discriminates women. That movie is analyzed using the descriptive qualitative approach in finding and analyzing discourses of gender stereotyping applied. In analyzing the data found from the movie, the researcher comes to several processes. Firstly, finding the dialogues presenting discourse formation and its strategies, explaining the microstructure, superstructure and macrostructure to generate the main discourse presented based on theory of Teuw Van Dijk. Secondly, explaining the strategies of discourse found where it naturalizes uncommon perceptions of gender differences in society, and displaying those analyzed data in the form of tables which is completed with the analysis of three main approaches of Van Dijks theories. Thirdly, analyzing the main effect of generated discourse on subdominant groups namely women. On this research, the researcher focuses on investigating the discourse of gender stereotyping presented in dialogues of the main character. It is then analyzed from aspects of microstructure, superstructure and macrostructure from the process of its formation. Those discourse of gender stereotyping found are classified into ninth kinds of discourse formation. Nine of them present an unequal stereotyping on women. While, after generating the discourse formation, the research analyzes its strategies to normalize and eliminate the common discourse of gender role. These processes are verified to analyze critically its negative effects to the women in social life. Finally, the researcher suggests to the next researcher concerns in the comparing certain Medias having similar topic of discourse to analyze its effect to the paradigm of society on discourse presented.



Table 1 The Approaches to Discourse Analysis ............................................... 15 Table 2 The Example of Background .............................................................. 28 Table 3 The Example of Presupposition .......................................................... 30 Table 4 The Example of Lexicon..................................................................... 32 Table 5 The Example of Argument Schemata.................................................. 35 Table 6 Concept of Sex and Gender Differences.............................................. 37 Table 7 The Elements of Discursive Formations.............................................. 81 Table 8 The Elements of Discursive Strategies ................................................ 88


16 CHAPTER I In this chapter presents background of the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms. A. Background of the Study Men and women are considered different physically and socially. Physically, they differ in terms of physical appearance; women have fatter and less muscle than men, men are stronger than women (Wardhaugh, 1986: 303). Socially, they differ in terms of the social role in the society; women do not need to get a high education since they just finally maintain the household (Hayati, 2006: 10), women do not pose high position in the work as men do. These differences create great differences between men and women. But, those differences are considered harmful for women but advantageous for men only. Those differences seem to abolish the existence of women. As Otto Weininger said in Sex and Character (Amiruddin, 2006: 17) that becoming a woman means becoming a human who is lack of concept and who is impossible to decide. This statement may appear as the result of socio-cultural construction about the social definition of men and women; about how should be a good man and a good woman. Unfortunately, this construction, as explained above, gives no advantages to women. In other side, it continues to the practice of discrimination to women. This is what is being concerned by feminist thought as gender. Gender is understood as term used to encompass the social expectation associated with femininity and masculinity. Finding that cultures also differ from another in their


rules and expectations for femininity (and for masculinity) is a good clue that gender is socially constructed (M. Lips, 2003: 06). The social construction of gender produces the inequality in gender perception especially in defining women itself. It caused the inequity for women manifested in many aspects such as education, political right, work position etc (Dharma (ed), 2008: 13). As explained above, this unequal perception brought feminism to come in many different versions, but all of them share certain premises such as the notion that inequalities between women and men should be challenged. The gender differences are one of important approaches in feminist thought, which is considered as main framework of first wave feminism (1960s), because it generates all sort of gender inequity such as subordination, marginalization, and stereotypes. The gender differences are useful framework to explain that oppressed condition experienced by women is not natural thing (Aquarini, 2006: 51). For example, the statement that men is physically powerful, rational, and masculine and women is irrational, feminine, weak and motherly creature is kind of gender stereotyping that caused negative impact such as men are more powerful than women is considered to be natural. As presented below: Because men had more power than women, their tendency to judge the other group (women) as being more alike and less influenced by external forces than their own group (men) had a big impact. Women, whose opinions have received less attention, have been particularly affected by the tendency to view genderrelated expectation as natural, rather than as socially constructed.Concepts such as feminine frailty, maternal instinct, female irrationality, all considered to be built in to female biology, abound and have traditionally been used to explain restrictions of womens role. (M. Lips, 2003: 11-12)


The gender stereotyping is negative labeling for women. Although it is conditionally considered to be mythos than reality, it apparently emerged in many aspect of social life. These negative characterizations or labeling are constructed in pseudo-scientific form because it is early seen as unscientific thing (Faqih, 1996: 14). It means that society unconsciously consider its character as natural not constructed thing. This gender stereotyping doesn't only cause difficulties for women to creatively and actively works in their life but it also makes them difficult to disengage from negative labeling itself. The stereotypes that women are weak, feminine and many more are believed easily for them to be exploited by men who are stereotyped as more dominant from them and place them in the second place in social life. In essence, we know less about women than we should because the study of gender has been shaped by discourse practice. Discourse, which is considered as a term used in linguistics to refer to a continuous stretch of language large than a sentence (Crystal in Mills, 1997: 7), is not easy to understand its complex thought and ideas in communication, we need to interpret the intended messages we receive and it occasionally tend to be influenced by ideological power. Based on Foucault and Wodak (Dijk, 1997: 258), discourse practice is form of social practice which presents an ideological impact. It could produce and reproduce unequal power relations between social classes, men and women, minority and majority groups which the differences is represented in displayed social position. Therefore, through discourse practice, racism, sexism and imbalance in social life is considered as common sense, as natural.


The example of unequal power relation that is naturalized by discourse is the discourse of gender stereotyping that is published or showed in certain Medias. In this case, media do not only become the main attention of communication but also politics, social, and culture. Media also becomes special attention of the feminist struggle. They see media as the instrument of ideology, how the dominant group (men) was put in proper place, the elite group was beneficial, while the minority group (women) was discriminated (Eriyanto, 2005:3). It reveal how all medias (television, newspaper, movies, advertise, literary work etc) is constructing certain unequal representation on images of gender women (gender stereotyping). Feminist thinkers pay attention to the role of other cultural products of discourse in performing construction of images or representation of women in reality visually and verbally, that implicit gender stereotyping. Therefore, this research used discourse analysis in critical approach to help it to show how women were treated and stereotyped unfairly in media. Hikam (1996: 78-86) divided discourse analysis into three paradigm of inquiry that is developing and competing in human sciences, such as positivist discourse analysis, interpretive discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis. To examine the discourse practice related to power relation, by focusing on the role of discourse in the (re)production and challenge of dominance, Teun A. van Dijk (1993: 249-250) offers a critical approach in discourse analysiswell-known as Critical Discourse Analysis (abridged CDA)to critically analyze the discourse practice where unequal power relations are (re)produced and naturalized. More specifically, CDA analyzes the discursive formation which is generated from


other properties of text, talk, verbal interaction or communicative events that plays a role in these modes of reproduction, where the role of discourse which is shaped and (re)produced in social power by elites, institutions or groups, that results in social inequality, including political, cultural, class, ethnic, racial and gender inequality. In this study, CDA will firstly analyze how is discursive formation is generated from the meaning of communicational text of society by connecting statements to broader world views as well as to other statements within and across texts, time, and place. How this discourse relates to other statements, and indeed other gender discourses, and its continuities and discontinuities within and across texts, is a key area of analysis in this research. It also examines a set of strategies where a discourse represents its object. These strategies normalize certain subjectivities and eliminate others. These strategies is performed in the research questions with a particular focus on the ways in which discourse strategies normalize socially and culturally constructed gender representation by excluding the real fact that is naturalized in discourse practice. And finally, it analyzes the effect of discourse emerging and who benefits from this discourse. Who is left out and what is forgotten? Does it benefit for men only or whom? Because discourses are not just instruments of power or group domination, but may also be effects of power or group domination. Then, this research takes Its a Boy Girl Thing as the object of the study since both of them have synchronization, namely: the main characters experiences in their environment which have produced gender stereotyping in


daily life and daily communication, in which need to be studied by using CDA methods. Its a Boy Girl Thing is an American film directed by Nick Hurran. Its a Boy Girl Thing is kind of romantic comedies about body-swapping. Nell Bedworth is a teen something high achiever, who has just been accepted for an interview at Yale. Woody Deane is an the star quarterback of the Homecoming high school football team, who is hoping his athletic talents will keep him out of a future of humiliating retail work. Although Nell and Woody are High school classmates and neighbors, both hate each others and that hatred triggers a bodyswitching curse from an Aztec statute while on a field trip. After each one goes about ruining the other's life for a while, they realize that they have to work together in order to help the other achieve their goals. Woody wants to get a scholarship to go to college, so he has to teach Nell how to use his body to play football; and Nell wants to get into Yale, so she has to get Woody to pass the interview to get in. In daily life, Nell is portrayed to eats healthy foods and wears pastel colors and is always neat and tidy. Before the curse (body-swapping) happened, Nell is also portrayed as old fashion bookish that infamous in her school. Besides being disturbed by Woody, Nell is also expelled by Woodys cheerleader girlfriend in her groups because her personal character. Such, Nell is teen high achiever much to her superior mothers delight and it seems every decision of her future must be owing to her parents. The cursed Aztec statute (body-swapping) starts to be complicated gender role in both lives where Nell and Woody, in the beginning,


complicatedly adapt in different sex of life, women/men environment and different purpose of life that is categorized or stereotyped to be boy or girl thing. By considering some cases of Its a Boy Girl Thing Film, it is necessary to analyze the discourse of gender stereotyping that happened in the film. These simple reasons to develop this research on critical discourse analysis are: first, based on gender concept that the character human beings are socially and culturally constructed. However, its characters themselves are alternated characters. This situation, for a long time have changed and considered to be biological character for each sex and the dominant sex (man) tends to oppress the subdominant (women). Second, as the language-users, people choose the words, phrases, and sentences on certain topics to convey their ideas or feelings. How the language-users interpret what the others mean, and how they use the language to influence the others. The earlier is form of generating the discursive formation and the latter is analysis on strategies used to normalize the discourse to be natural. Third, the discursive practice does not only explore, convey and direct the readers mind but it also gives the limitation to the others by following what the discourse-person wants. Fourth, it is necessary to say something about feminism, about the effects of discourse of gender stereotyping for each sex. As this research argues later, this analysis will present the words and sentences that indicate gender stereotyping. Studies on discourse of gender or feminism approach on discourse using a critical approach of discourse analysis have been conducted by several researchers. Indayanti (2005) performed CDA to investigate novel Melibas Sekat Pembatas by Langit Kresna Hadi. He concluded that using CDA helped to reveal


the meaning behind the text and the context on discourse and give voices to women to fight against the men domination. Smythe (2006) who applied CDA to analyze over three hundred literacy advice texts published in Britain and North America since the Nineteenth Century found that contemporary literacy advice to parents is deeply rooted in the cultural ideal of the good mother. Her findings suggest that reliance upon womens domestic literacy work to promote childrens academic success not only reproduces gender inequalities, but has implications for equity in literacy learning opportunities among diversely situated children and families. Ida (2006) who applied CDA to explore and analyze public discourse in mass media towards woman dangdut singers dance found that the controversy issues surround woman dangdut singers dance do not only limited to whether the singer can or cannot dance energetically on stage, but also go beyond issues on human (woman) rights and violence. The concept of woman sensuality and politics of body developed in mass media is not clearly defined. The discourse of sensuality brought out by mass media is tend to put this concept as an intended act which arouse consumers sexual imagination. From those previous studies, we convey a conclusion that those studies were success to present and dissolve some cultural construction and power intervention related to gender discourse. Indayantis (2005) study revealed discourse of gender trouble in novel. Smythe (2006) concluded that contemporary literacy advice to parents has important roles to create an ideal construction of the good mother. Ida (2006) concluded that mass media is not clearly defined and tend to put the concept as an intended act which only arouse consumer.


Whereas, the study of Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Its a Boy Girl Thing Movie definitely has several distinction from the previous studies; some of them used literary work like novel and mass media as the object to reveal to problem of gender differences which covered male dominance, marginalization, subordination, and violence. Meanwhile, this research is stressed on how the author expressed the ideas of feminism in the discursive formation of gender stereotyping in the film. B. Research Problems Based on the background of study above, the research questions can be formulated as follows: 1. What the discursive formations of gender stereotyping are used in Its a Boy Girl Thing Film? 2. How are discourse strategies of gender stereotyping associated in Its a Boy Girl Thing Film?

C. Objectives of the Study The objective of the study in general is to produce descriptive knowledge on discursive formation and discursive strategies on structural levels of discourse of gender stereotyping that is used y the main characters in Its a Boy Girl Thing movie. This objective can be specified into two specific objectives that are to produce the descriptive knowledge on discourse formation and its discursive strategies on word structure and sentential structure that are used by the main characters producing discourse of gender stereotyping.


D. Significances of the Study There are two functional considerations for conducting the research. This study is significant to conduct due to its theoretical and practical functions. Theoretically, this research is aimed at enriching the theoretical bases of CDA studies, especially those which are related to the women aspects of social life or feminist thought. Practically, this study tries to implement one of CDA theories, thus the researcher can reach the formulated objectives appropriately. In addition, this study is expected to be a reference and alternative information for other researchers in conducting the similar research, i.e. the result of this study, however, might give only a little, but expected to be valuable, contribution to the wide range of CDA studies. For this reason, this study needs to be followed and completed through other researches with the same subject or object of the study.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study The interest and focus of the study is the discursive strategies that are associated in Movie Its a Boy Girl Thing that present the labeling of women characters inside which reconstructs the gender stereotyping. Because the focus of this study is certain discourse formations and strategies of gender stereotyping in women character as being produced and reproduced in the movie, this thesis will analyze the discursive structure in the films script that show how it (re)present to stereotypy the characters of women.


F. Definition of the Key Terms 1. Discourse Analysis is a term used in linguistics to describe the rules and conventions underlying the use of language in extended stretches of text, both spoken and written (Eriyanto, 2001: 4). 2. Critical Discourse Analysis aimed to focus on the role of discursive activity in constituting and sustaining unequal power relations. It emphasizes the power constellation happening on process of meaning production and its reproduction (Eriyanto, 2001:7). 3. Discursive Formations is a set of statements that have institutional force, a great influence on how individuals act and think (Mills, 1997, p. 62). Thus, it connects the text to the social life by connecting statements to worldviews as well as to other statements within and across texts, time, and place. 4. Discursive Strategies are strategies that normalize certain discourses and eliminate others. Strategies of normalization and elimination may be recognized as comparing, ranking, classifying, hierarchizing, and dividing (Foucault, 1977). 5. Gender Stereotyping is an unvarying form or pattern of gender role; a fixed or conventional notion or conception of gender, held by a number of people, and allowing for no individuality, critical judgment. (Shaw & Lee (ed): 2004: 220) 6. Its a Boy Girl Thing is American film about body-swapping between man and woman. It is stared by Samaire Armstrong, Kevin Zegers, Sherry Miller, Robert Joy, Sharon Osbourne, and Maury Chaykin.




This chapter discusses some theories related to the study. They are Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Gender Stereotyping, Its a Boy Girl Thing Film, and previous study. 2.1 Discourse Analysis Before describing the term of discourse analysis, we need to define the term of discourse itself. Discourse is a term used in linguistics to describe the rules and conventions underlying the use of language in extended stretches of text, spoken and written. The term is also used as a convenient general term to refer to language in action and the patterns which characterize particular types of language in action (Carter, et. al 1997). While, according to Crystal (In Mills, 1997: 7), Discourse is considered as a term used in linguistics to refer to a continuous stretch of language large than a sentence that communicate one proposition to another proposition till convenient meaning is emerging amongst the sentences and as a completely and highly language unity upon sentence or clause with coherence and cohesion which is continuous presenting with oral or text. Discourse analysis is simply understood as a study on language unity upon the sentences. Usually, the broadening of this term is always connected to wider context that persuade entirely meaning of subsequent expression. Some discourse analysts consider more largely context to comprehend how the context is determining sentential meaning. Tannen (in Rosidi, 2004: 11) defines discourse analysis as the analysis of language beyond the sentence'. Therefore, although


discourse analysis is considered to be analysis of language, it is different as types of analysis more typical of modern linguistics, which are chiefly concerned with the study of grammar: the study of smaller bits of language, such as sounds (phonetics and phonology), parts of words (morphology), meaning (semantics), and the order of words in sentences (syntax). Littlejohn (in Sobur, 2004: 49) explains that discourse analysis doesnt treat organization of language as an end in itself, but aims to uncover its functions. Therefore, discourse analysis investigates the larger parts of language and consider the larger discourse context in order to understand how it affects the meaning of the sentence. As Griffin (2007) argued, according to Mills (1997), as the following: Discourse analysis is concerned with the investigation of language as it is actually used as opposed to an abstract system or structure of language (Mills 1997). Although I refer to language here, it is possible to view discourse analysis as a method for examining all sorts of sign systems such as visual and behavioral ones, and not only verbal ones since its concern is with the detail of how something is expressed, and what its patterns and hence meanings are. (Griffin, 2007: 03)




Other -Linguistics None Disciplines


Other linguistics disciplines

Computational Linguistics


Table 1. The Approaches to Discourse Analysis: Source: Rosidi in Journal of discourse analysis (2004)

There are some definitions of discourse analysis, but from the entire definitions above it can be summarized that discourse analysis is a term used in linguistics to describe and uncover the rules and conventions underlying the use of language and its functions in extended stretches of text, both spoken and written. Likewise other discipline of human sciences, discourse analysis approach of language is divided based on paradigm of inquiry. Hikam (1996: 78-86) divide it into three paradigm of inquiry that is developing and competing in human sciences, such as positivist discourse analysis, interpretive discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis. 2.1.1. Positivist Discourse Analysis In positivist paradigm, language refers to the bond between human and the object out of him. This approach is represented by positivist-empirics. The human experiences can be directly expressed through language use without barrier and


distortion as long as it is presented with logical expression and syntactical expression that related to empirical experience (Eriyanto: 2001: 4). Related with discourse analysis, the language researchers does not need to see the meaning or subjective value that underlay a statement. Positivist discourse analysis maintains to fulfill a set of syntactic and semantic principle. Semantics validity and syntactic accuracy is the focus of this paradigm. 2.1.1. Interpretive Discourse Analysis This approach relates to phenomenological thought. The proponent of interpretive paradigm refuses separation of human as subject with the object. Subject (language user) is main factor in discourse practice with its social relation. As Hikam (1996: 85) said that subject has ability to control the purposes in every discourses because every expression is action of meaning composition namely self-construction acts of speaker. Language can be understood by observing the subject. Human as subject is convinced able to restrain a certain aims in a discourse. 2.1.1. Critical Discourse Analysis This approach is not only doing the textual interrogation but also revealing the relationship of the interrogation product with the macro-contextual behind the text. It is more specifically as a study on how the power misused or how the domination and the inequality put into the community. 2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis What makes discourse analysis critical is the explanation of the ways in which unequal power relations are produced and naturalized in discourse (Lemke 1995 In Smythe, 2006: 22). A critical approach to discourse analysis explores


texts not as truths but as discourses that act in the world in ways that both define and distribute power. Such approaches are concerned not just with what texts say but also with what texts do. Most importantly, based on Fairclough & Wodak (1997), CDA sees discourse and language as social practice and considers the context language use to be crucial. As follow: "CDA sees discourse form of `social practice'. Describing discourse as social practice implies a dialectical relationship between a particular discursive event and the situation(s), institution(s) and social structure(s), which frame it: The discursive event is shaped by them, but it also shapes them. That is, discourse is socially constitutive as well as socially conditionedit constitutes situations, objects of knowledge, and the social identities of and relationships between people and groups of people. It is constitutive both in the sense that it helps to sustain and reproduce the social status quo, and in the sense that it contributes to transforming it. Since discourse is so socially consequential, it gives rise to important issues of power. Discursive practices may have major ideological effects, that is, they can help produce and reproduce unequal power relations between (for instance) social classes, women and men, and ethnic/cultural majorities and minorities through the ways in which they represent things and position people." (Fairclough and Wodak 1997: 258) The aims of critical discourse analysis, according to Foucault (1972), are to examine the discursive formations which are produced in the text, the discourse strategies that are associated and the effect of discourse production (Eriyanto, 2001: 66). For Foucault, a discourse or discourse formation could be recognized by the regularity among apparently unconnected groups of statements and the rules that manage this regularity. As he explained: Whenever, between objects, types of statement, concepts, or thematic choices, one can define a regularity (an order, correlations, positions and functioning, transformation), we will say that we are dealing with a discursive formation. The conditions to which the elements of this


division are subjected we shall call the rules of formation. (Foucault, 1972: 38)

Thus, a discourse formation connects the text to the social by connecting statements to broader world views as well as to other statements within and across texts, time, and place. For example, the regularity of the statement A woman who marries in her early age is associated with a wife's lack of power over household affairs (Abrahamson, 1980: 107), found across a broad range of texts, indicates a discursive formation. How this discourse relates to other statements, and indeed other gender discourses, and its continuities and discontinuities within and across texts, is a key area of analysis in this research. Foucault also identifies a set of strategies where a discourse represents its object (Foucault, 1972: 39). These strategies normalize certain subjectivities and eliminate others. Strategies of normalization and elimination may be recognized as comparing, ranking, classifying, hierarchizing, and dividing (Foucault, 1977). These strategies is performed in the research questions with a particular focus on the ways in which discourse strategies normalize socially and culturally constructed gender representation by excluding the real fact that is naturalized in discourse practice. The attention to discourse strategies is a concern for their effects upon how we come to know our world and act within it. The question arising based on the power effects of discourse is who benefits from this discourse? Who is left out and what is forgotten? What are the effects of this? Foucault, as cited in Mills (1997), argued that discourses are not just instruments of power, but may also be effects of power. Discourse is not only an instrument of regulation but a hindrance, a stumbling block, a point of resistance and a


starting point for an opposing strategy. Discourse transmits and reproduces power; it reinforces it, but also undermines and exposes it, renders it fragile and makes it possible to thwart it. (Foucault, 1978, cited in Mills, 1997) 2.2.1. The Main Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis To explain more briefly about Critical Discourse Analysis, it is needed to discuss about the main principles of Critical Discourse Analysis. Here, it will show some main principles of critical discourse analysis. Action Discourse is understood to be an action where it associated a discourse as an interaction. Someone talking, writing, and performing languages used to interact and be in contact with other people consciously (Eriyanto, 2001: 8). On the ways of this consideration, consequently, discourse is examined have something as a purpose whether to determine, to persuade, to react, to fight against or to be anything else and it is expressed consciously and in controlled ways. Context Critical discourse analysis also examines the context of communication such as background, situation, events, and condition. It could be presented in following questions such as who is communicating with whom and why, in what condition of society and situation, through what medium; how different types of communication evolved, and their relationship to each other (Cook 1994, cited in Eriyanto, 2001: 9).

33 History Discourse which is considered to be in certain social context is occasionally far from easy to understand without including it in a certain historical context (Eriyanto, 2001: 11). For example, the discourse analysis of text in black campaign leaflets that discredit some candidates in last general election. The discourse is easily understood by context relating to the first appearance of the text; how is the social-politic situation and the condition at the moment, why do the discourse develop such things, the decision of the languages used and soon. Power and Dominance According to van Dijk (1993), the main direction of Critical discourse analysis is the study and critique of social inequality. It focuses the role of discourse in the (re)production and challenge of dominance. Dominance is defined here as the exercise of social power by elites, institutions or groups, that results in social inequality, including political, cultural, class, ethnic, racial and gender inequality. As van Dijk argued following: Unlike other discourse analysts, critical discourse analysts (should) take an explicit sociopolitical stance: they spell out their point of view, perspective, principles and aims, both within their discipline and within society at largeTheir perspective, if possible, that of those who suffer most from dominance and inequality Power involves control, namely by (members of) one group over (those of) other groups. Such control may pertain to action and cognition: that is, a powerful group may limit the freedom of action of others, but also influence their minds (van Dijk, 1993: 253-254) Ideology Ideologies are the basic frameworks for organizing the social cognitions shared by members of social groups, organizations or institutions. It is


articulated within a conceptual triangle that connects society, discourse and social cognition in the framework of a critical discourse analysis. As systems of principles that organize social cognitions, ideologies are assumed to control, through the minds of the members, the social reproduction of the groups (van Dijk, 1997: 27). Critical discourse analysis also explore of how the media and language are used as the instrument of reality representation by the dominant, so the reality is to be deformed. Media actually exists in social reality which is loaded by various interests, conflicts, and complex facts (Sobur, 2004: 30). This statement makes media in dilemmatic position that it could disclose two different significant influences in society life such as negative and positive influence. Traditionally, often content analytical approaches in critical media studies have revealed biased, stereotypical, sexist or racist images in texts, illustrations, and photos (Van Dijk, 1993: 358). Critical discourse analysis that is considered to provide the critic with an instrument for studying communication within sociocultural context; precisely, it is able to help this research to investigate of how the women is socially constructed and stereotyped in socio-cultural context in the media. 2.2.2. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework of Critical Discourse Analysis Here, it will show some conceptual and theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis according to Norman Fairclough, Sara Mills and Teun Van Dijk. Firstly, according to Fairclough and Wodak (1997: 258), CDA sees language as social practice. Therefore, Critical Discourse Analysis is not only about the structures of spoken and written texts, but essentially about structures of


society. Fairclough (2003: 21-22) argued that texts are seen as parts of social events. One way in which people can act and interact in the course of social events is to speak or to writers, but It is not the only way. There is relationship between texts, social events, social practices and social structure and they are socially constrained. Agents have their own causal powers which are not reducible to the causal powers of social structures and practices. Social agents texture texts; they set up relations between elements of texts. There are structural constraints on this process for instance; the grammar of a language makes some combinations and orderings of grammatical forms possible but not others; and if the social event is an interview, there are genre conventions for how the talk should be organized. But this still leaves social agents with a great deal of freedom in texturing texts. The main point of Fairclough interest that is he sees language as power practice in order to see how the language-users convey ideologies value need to be analyzed comprehensively. Language, socially and historically, is kind of action, in dialectic relation with social structure. So that, the analysis should be focused on how language was formed in social relation and social context (Fairclough in Eriyanto 2005: 285). Fairclough divided discourse analysis in three dimension: text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. Fairclough and Wodak (1997: 271-80) summarize the main canons of CDA as follows: (1) CDA addresses social problems; (2) Power relations are discursive; (3) discourse constitutes society and culture, (4) Discourse does ideological work, (5) Discourse is historical; (6) The link between text and society


is mediated; (7) Discourse analysis is interpretative and explanatory and; (8) Discourse is a form of social action. Secondly, theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis that is applied by Sara Mills, she focused on discourse about feminism: how women is constructed and represented in a text, either in novel, picture, and photo or in a report. The main focus of feminism discursive perspective is to bring the analysis of gender closer to practice, by looking at the linguistic and discursive construction of gender in specific texts and contexts; how women are marginalized in many types in media and how it is performed. Therefore, the new input is the detailed linguistic analysis of gendered discourses that CDA makes possible, by concentrating not only what is said or represented, but on how things are represented through language (Stephens 2005:73). Inequality and unpleasant portraits of women is the focus of Mills works. But Mills ideas is rather difference with the other critical discourse analysis theorist, she more focused on position of the main characters position appeared in a text (Eriyanto, 2001: 204). The position means who is the subject and the object in a discourse that will determine the forms of text structure and the meaning is received in text totally. Mills also focused on the influence of the readers and the writers to find the hidden message of the text. How the readers identify and put themselves in the story of the text. The position will take the readers on the one of the position and to influence how the text is understood. At the end, the way of the story presented and the position in a text make one side is reasonable and another is dishonest.


From kinds of theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis explained above, Teun A. Van Van Dijk is the most interested and excessively used (Eriyanto, 2001: 221). He elaborates some elements of discourse so it could be used practically. According to Van Dijk (2004) Critical discourse analysis is: A type of discourse analytical research that primarily studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk in the social and political context. With such dissident research, critical discourse analysts take explicit position, and thus want to understand, expose, and ultimately resist social inequality (Van Dijk, 2004: 352).

The theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis of van Dijk is well-known as Social Cognition. The processes of reproduction and relations of dominance, according to Van Dijk, not only involve text and talk, but also shared representations of the social mind of group members. Unlike much other work on discourse and society, my approach assumes that there are crucial theoretical reasons why such social cognition should be analyzed as the interface between discourse and society and between individual speech participants and the social groups of which they are members: (1) discourse is actually produced/interpreted by individuals, but they are able to do so only on the basis of socially shared knowledge and beliefs; (2) discourse can only affect social structures through the social minds of discourse participants, and conversely (3) social structures can only affect discourse structures through social cognition. Social cognition entails the system of mental strategies and structures shared by group members, and in particular those involved in the understanding, production or representation of social objects, such as situations, interactions, groups and institutions.


For example, there is a text that marginalized women, it is needed to be analyzed on how the productions process of text, why the text marginalized women. The productions process and approach that used by Van Dijk involved in a process called with the social cognition in order to describe the structure and the process production of text. A text that marginalizing toward women position is caused by the mental cognition among the writers, and also by the society consciousness that sees women in lowering down position. Here, text is only part of discursive practice that marginalized women position; so that, the study of discourse analysis explores and examines text as parts of the social structure. The approach, which familiar with social cognition, helps us to show how the text production that commits the complex process, therefore; it can be analyzed. Below, it will describe some elements of critical discourse analysis according to Teun Van Dijk. There are three elements of critical discourse analysis as follows: microstructure, superstructure and macrostructure. Microstructure Microstructure points on local meaning of the discourse, by observing the semantics, syntactic, stylistic and rhetoric aspects (Van Dijk, 1993: 23). The using of words, proposition, and certain rhetoric in media is understood by Van Dijk as the part of the writers strategy. The using of certain words, sentences, and stylistic is not only viewed as the way of communication but also viewed as a method of communication politic to influence common premise, create the support, strengthen legitimate, and withdraw the contrary. Microstructure is the effective way to observe the next rhetorical and persuasive process when someone conveys the order. Certain words are chosen to


clarify the choice and posture, political consciousness, etc. the, microstructure is defined four aspects, that are, semantically aspects, syntactically aspects, stylistics aspects, and rhetoric aspects. Yet, in this research doesnt use syntactically aspects because it does not give any contribution to this research. Then, microstructure will be analyzed one by one as follows: Semantically aspects This aspect presents the meaning that tends to emphasize on the text. For example by giving detail on one side or making the explicit on another coherently side in decreasing the others. Once a topic is being selected, language users have another option in the realization of their mental model (= what they know about an event): To give many or few details about an event, or to describe it at a rather abstract, general level, or at the level of specifics. We may simply speak of 'police violence', that is, in rather general and abstract terms, or we may 'go down' to specifics and spell out what precisely the police did. And once we are down to these specifics, we may include many or few details. (Van Dijk: 2003)

In semantically aspects, it divides in four elements; those are backgrounds, details, intention and presupposition. Background Background is a main part of the discourse that has an influence in which meaning will be presented semantically. A writer, when he or she writes news, of course using the background of event that he or she writes. The selected background determines the messages for readers (Eriyanto, 2001: 235). Background is able to strengthen the reason of the ideas which put in a text and make it more specific. Thus, background is an important element in discourse, since; it can disclose the hidden motive of the writer. Sometimes the


main purpose are not extended clearly in text, yet, by seeing the background, the reader could analyze what the hidden motive of the writer. Even though, background has an important role whether the writer can use or not the background in their writing. For example: Without background There was a girl raped by one of the police department members in an apartment. Background 1 There was a girl who was raped by one of the police department members in an apartment. Actually, the girl was not the only victim of the rape of the police department member. Before it, there had been two girls who also had been the victims. The police department, that should have responsibilities to prosperity and safety toward their society, instead, they are the criminals. Thus, the society trust of police department, recently, already decreased. Background 2 There was a girl who was raped by one of the police department members in an apartment. According to the story, the policeman actually was only trapped by someone; they are probably his family, his friends, or his relation, who is jealous of his career. The man, deliberately, uses a whore in attempting to persuade him and invite him to an apartment. After they arrived to an apartment in Bintaro around 23.30 oclock, the girl, on the contrary, screamed out up till people around the room can hear the scream, then, unfortunately the policeman was being suspected of the incident. Table 2. The Example of Background From the example above, we look an event that tells about a girl who was raped by one of the the police department members in an apartment. If the writer has a notion that the incident caused by the police; so the structure of the story


will appear the background 1 which focuses about two girls as the victims. And also, there was degradation of society trust to the police department. While, for the writer who considers that the policeman is the victim of someone who envies to his career; so that, the background 2 is used. Detail This element is related with the information that has the important role for the writer. In other words, the information can be beneficial for him/her; therefore, it is appeared excessively and in detail. While, the information or fact that is not beneficial for the writer it will be appeared in a little, even, not at all. This element is a strategy of the writer to express his/her position implicitly. Sometimes the discursive that was developed by the writer is not appeared explicitly, but from the details information it will describe how the discourses are developed by media. (Eriyanto, 2001: 238) In detail aspect, we need to focus on the whole events that are happened in text or a discourse. Which parts that is explained explicitly and which parts that looks implicitly by the writers? Why does the writer or the discourses subject doer focus on a certain dimension and not others? What the effect of the detail that is made by the writer toward someone ideas? Intention The intentional discursive element examines the information which beneficial for the communicators and obviously will be explained explicitly. On the other hand, the information which is harmful will be explained implicitly. The main propose is that the given information for public only benefits for the communicators. The beneficial information appears clearly, with the distinct


words, and points on the fact directly, while, the information which is harmful for them, thus appears implicitly and fragilely (Eriyanto, 2001: 240). Presupposition Presupposition discursive element is a statement using to support the meaning of a text and has an effort to support the ideas by giving premise that it is believed to be true (Eriyanto: 2001: 249). For example, Without presupposition Obarack Obama planned to be the president of United States. Presupposition Obarack Obama planned to be the president of United States. If he truly wins the general election, the war in third world will be stopped immediately. Table 3. The Example of Presupposition A text, commonly, has various presuppositions. The presupposition is a fact whose truth is not proven yet, but it is made reasonably to support certain ideas. See the example above about Obarack Obama who plans to be the president of United. For those who propose Obama is pluralist and respecting every religion such as Islam based on Moslem ancestors of Obama will suggest that Obama will stop the wars immediately. This argument could be the presupposition since its reality is not happened yet, instead, it is based on the opinion. If Obama, truly, win and be president, will he immediately solve the problems? There is no proof to support it and reveal the fact. Although it is a kind of opinion, presupposition, commonly, is based on common sense of ideas. The logic presupposition, which it is not happened yet, is not regarded as the truth since people commonly have received it.

43 Stylistic Aspects Stylistic is proposed to analyze the diction used on text. Van Dijk argued (Van Dijk: 2004): Intentions are no more or less mysterious than interpretations they are two of a kind, namely subjective mental models of participants. And only then are we able to address more detailed questions such as which properties of discourse can be consciously controlled, and which not, or less so. Thus, choice of overall topics is obviously more intentional than the detailed syntactic structure or intonation of a sentence. Selection of words falls in between lexicalization is largely automatic given underlying mental models and the lexicon as a basis, but often specific words are chosen deliberately, and depending on genre and context quite well controlled, especially in written communicationThere is no doubt that in an important political speech of a president or presidential candidate each word is chosen as a function of its ideologically and communicative presuppositions and implications. That is, when overall communicative control is strict, also ideological discourse expression will become more conscious.

In stylistic aspects, it just has one element that is Lexicon. Lexicon This element, basically, used to indicate how someone selects the available words. Van Dijk (2004) describes it as follows: Lexicalization is a major and well-known domain of ideological expression and persuasion as the well-known terrorist versus freedom fighter pair suggests. To refer to the same persons, groups, social relations or social issues, language users generally have a choice of several words, depending on discourse genre, personal context (mood, opinion, perspective), social context (formality, familiarity, group membership, dominance relations) and sociocultural context (language variants, sociolect, norms and values).

The fact, commonly, has several words that refer to the fact. The words rape, for example, has other words that have the same meaning: sexual abuse, obscene,


violate, dishonor, etc. From those, someone could choose one of them. In such the diction used is not only incidentally, but also ideologically indicates how someone articulates the facts or realities because it influence the discursive meaning produced. The diction is used to refer to a certain posture and ideology. The same event can be described by selecting the different words. The rape incident one of student senior high school in Malang can use some words violate, ravishment, or, even rape. One of parliament members violated a student of senior high school in Malang. One of parliament members ravished a student of senior high school in Malang. One of parliament members raped a student of senior high school in Malang. Table 4. The Example of Lexicon Rhetoric Aspects Rhetoric aspect of discourse designates on strategy used by the linguisticuser to emphasize the elements which it will be signalized. It includes metaphor and expression. In the production of news, event models (personal knowledge, etc), context models (situation knowledge) and semantic representations form the input for the various levels of expression or formulation: (i) lexicalization, (ii) syntactic structures, (iii) phonological and graphical/visual expression, and (iv) overall discourse schemata for overall ordering of text or talk. Thus, lexicalization will depend, e.g., on the knowledge about the assumed lexical knowledge of the recipients (represented in the context model), on the assumed object knowledge of the recipients, on the assumed context knowledge of the recipients (in formal contexts, more formal words will be used), and so on. Even the production of syntactic structures may depend on the knowledge of the speaker about the linguistic knowledge of the recipients, as well as about recipient's knowledge about the communicative situation. (Van Dijk: 2004)

45 Metaphor In discourse, the writer not only conveys the information through the text but also use allegory, idiomatic expression, and metaphor as a discursive ornament. The using of a certain metaphor can be principal guidance to comprehend meaning of a text. A certain metaphor is used by the writer strategically as a starting point or point of view and as affirmation of a certain idea to the public. The writer use the society trust, daily idiomatic expression, proverb, aphorism, ancestors advices, ancient words, even, maybe the idiom taken from verses which all of them used to strengthen the main command. Expressions This element is a part of rhetoric aspect that focused on the certain utterances, by giving stressing on it, which thought having important roles by the speakers. This expression can be formed in kinds of the intonation that is used by the speakers in order it can influence the publics understanding of the expression, for example, angrily, jokes, the hate ness, dissatisfaction, even, vulgar expression, etc. Superstructure The meanings of sentences are expressed by syntactic structures and they are organized by superstructure. It explains more briefly on how parts of the text are arranged into the whole of news. For example the arrangement of the introduction, substance, enclose and conclusion. Which part are placed at the beginning, and which part are placed later, it will be arranged as discourse-author interest.


The overall meaning or topics of a discourse may be organized by more or less conventional forms or schemata (also called superstructures). Thus an argument may be globally organized by traditional schematic categories, such as premise and conclusion; scholarly articles often begin with titles, abstracts, introductions, statements of aims, and the like, and close with conclusions; and newspaper reports typically feature such categories as summary (consisting of headline + lead), recent events, context, background, verbal reactions, and evaluation. (Van Dijk, 2004: 114) Macrostructure Macrostructure focused on the global meaning/coherence that more emphasize on the meaning of discourse theme or topic. It is described by Van Dijk (2004: 100) as follows: It is assumed that the meaning of a discourse should be characterized at two levels, viz. that of the sentences and their linear, pair wise connections on the one hand, and that of the discourse, or fragments of it, taken as a whole , on the Within a grammar macro-structures are to be postulated also in the account of a number of linguistic phenomena, such as the use of definite noun phrases without textually expressed particular antecedentsMacro-structures are further required in order to make explicit the semantic relations between a discourse and its (possible) summaries. Thus, it is assumed that a summary is a verbal expression of a macro-structure of the discourse it summarizes.

In analyzing the social, economic, politic and cultural structure deeply, this analysis presents an explanation on how the power established the discourse to develop and spread publicly, including the media institution itself. The schemata of argument will be featured as the following steps (propositions or macro-propositions), based on Van Dijks (2004: 127) theoretical frameworks of which the implicit arguments are marked with global frame.


Argument 1. Honeyford wrote an original and deserved critique of multicultural education. 2. His opponents attacked and harassed him massively. 2.1. [Massive attack and harassment of critics constitute an attack against free speech.] 2.2. His opponents are totalitarian communists. 2.2.1. [Totalitarian communists are against freedom and democracy.] Conclusion 3. By attacking Honeyford, his opponents are totalitarian and limit the freedom of speech and attack democracy itself. Table 5. The Example of Argument Schemata 2.3 Gender Stereotyping When examining gender stereotyping, it is important to define and understand the term. Gender is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as "classification of sex." According to the same source, stereotype is defined as "a simplified and/or standardized conception or image with specific meaning, often held in common by one group of people about another group" ( Thus, according to Richards (in Shaw & Lee (Ed): 2004: 220) gender stereotyping is unvarying form or pattern of gender role; a fixed or conventional notion or conception of gender, held by a number of people. In concept of gender, we need to investigate the main differences between the term of gender and sex. Sex is defined as the characterization of each sex which is determined biologically consideration (Fakih, 2008: 08). For example, a man has penis and produces sperm and a woman has vagina, reproduction tool such as uterus to born, to produce ovum and breastfeed. This differences based on sex differences could not be exchanged permanently because it adhered


biologically in each sex; male and female. Gender is defined to be character of man and woman that is socially and culturally constructed (Fakih, 2008). It means that gender is social concept that differentiates the role of man and woman in social life. For example, woman is portrayed to be weak, tidy, emotional, motherhood and man is considered to be strong, rational, masculine, and powerful. The constructed gender differences actually could be exchanged one another, but because the development of human life, the gender differences is assumed unchangeable. And these gender differences produce inequities that oppress the subdominant group. The table below will present the concept of sex and gender differences to make it clearly. Table 6. Concept of Sex and Gender Differences No 1 2 3 Characteristic Distinguishing sources Vision, mission Distinguishing principles 4 Character nature of character, definitude, unchangeable 5 Effects Changeable values and dignities Sex God Equality biological Gender Human (society) Habit, usage, custom Culturally (attitude)

Creating values, perfection, Creating norms, pleasure, peacefulness, etc until it benefit every sides. provision about the properness of Man to be a leader or the properness of woman to be a leader. It often


harms one sides especially subdominant group. 6 Validity Along the time, everywhere, and it doesnt differentiate a class Changeable, temporary and different between classes.

Source. Unger (1979:30) cited in Dharma (2008: 06) Sex differences, commonly, utter gender differences in society. Gender differences, actually, would not be a matter as long as it does not utter gender inequalities. But the matter that is gender differences uttered any kinds of inequalities, both men and especially to women. The gender differences generate gender inequalities for every group of sex. The gender inequalities are kind of system and structure where man/woman is considered as victims. It is manifested to various forms such as marginalization, subordination, stereotyping, violence, burden job and socialization of ideological values of gender role. This research focuses on gender stereotyping in the movie; therefore, it will explain just about the gender stereotyping itself as form of gender differences. As explained above that gender stereotyping is gender stereotyping is unvarying form or pattern of gender role; a fixed or conventional notion or conception of gender, held by a number of people, it produces an inequalities for subdominant group. It generally happened to woman. For example, the signification for woman that the reason why woman doing make up is to attract


her opposite. Therefore, if rape is happening, the woman is blamed because this stereotype. Women are also underrepresented in the media. For example in advertisements, they are portrayed as servant or exist in domestic areas such as cooking; taking care of children etc and men tend to be served (Kasiyan, 2003: 127). This unequal representation constructs cultural portrait and mythological concept of householdwivezation for women and it used to be accustomed to them and unchangeable. Ironically, this domestic prototype of work which socially addressed to only women is not be pleased about and sometimes despised because it is reproductive. Genders inequalities manifesting often come into people conviction, family up to state level and global politics. In this region, it needs included gender justice perspectives. 2.4 Its the Boy Girl Movie It's a Boy Girl Thing is a 2006 romantic comedy film starring Samaire Armstrong and Kevin Zegers. The film is directed by Nick Hurran and written by Geoff Deane. The producers of the film are David Furnish, Steve Hamilton Shaw of Rocket Pictures and Martin Katz. Following in the tradition of other body swap comedies, the film uses a high school setting to explore teenage insecurities, hopes and fears. The film stars Samaire Armstrong as Nell Bedworth and Kevin Zegers as Woody Deane. From a young age, Nell and Woody have always bickered and never seen eye to eye about anything. On a class trip to a museum, they start arguing in front of a statue of Aztec god Tezcatlipoca. The statue appears to cast a spell over them, causing them to wake up in each other's body the following day.


Comic mayhem ensues as Nell and Woody arrive at high school and have to try to successfully pretend to be the other person. Initially, they seem to succeed, but as Woody (now in Nell's body) gets increasingly frustrated with Nell (now in Woody's body), the two try to tarnish each other's reputation by doing all sorts of hilarious things. Among other things, Woody (in Nell's body) dresses up in very suggestive manner by wearing a very short skirt and changing her hairstyle, as well as almost sleeping with a guy so that Nell would lose her virginity. One of the many things that Nell (in Woody's body) does in retaliation is to break up with Woody's girlfriend Breanna. No-one, not even their parents, is aware of what has happened to them. The two eventually reach a truce after defending each other against one of the other students at school. They realize that the Aztec statue had something to do with their 'body swap'. However, they fail to return to their original bodies even after confronting the statue. Thus, they realize that they will have to help each other to prepare for two important upcoming events: Nell (in Woody's body) must learn how to play football for the college scouts that will be attending the homecoming game, while Woody (in Nell's body) must prepare for the interview at Yale university by learning how to analyze and appreciate poetry. After spending so much time together, they become very fond of each other. Woody (in Nell's body) passes Nell's Yale interview and Nell (in Woody's body) performs brilliantly in Woody's football game, meaning that Woody can go to college. When they realize just how wonderful the other person is, the spell lifts and they return to their original bodies.


Initially, Nell thinks that Woody wants to return to his former girlfriend Breanna, even though Woody can only think of Nell. After Nell's father persuades her to attend the homecoming dance, Woody declares his love for her. The end of the film sees Nell deciding to take a year's sabbatical from Yale; she and Woody then drive off together into the distance as boyfriend and girlfriend. This film is very interesting to be analyzed especially using critical discourse analysis theory. When people speak to the other, of course, they have the hidden aims or purpose. Here, this research analyzes the utterances used by the main characters related with the utterances which present gender stereotyping. The analysis of critical discourse analysis in this thesis is focused on structure articulated in main character communications. This study focused on how the discourse production produced by main characters in Its a Boy Girl Thing movie. Therefore it is interesting to know the intended meaning conveyed by the main characters of " Its a Boy Girl Thing " movie. Besides, we can know from the movie, and then understand daily communication using critical discourse analysis. 2.5 Previous Study As a matter of fact, this study does not start from a blank point. There are some studies which relevant with the analysis: about critical discourse analysis on gender. They become inspiration for the writer of this study who takes a different object. One of them is from Indayanti (2005) the student of college of Foreign Language (STIBA Malang) the thesis discussed about A Critical Discourse Analysis on Langits Melibas Sekat Pembatas: A Human Emancipation. This thesis talks and discuss about critical discourse analysis on Melibas Sekat


Pembatas Novel. She constructed the analysis based on a various theoretical perspectives on critical discourse analysis and human emancipation. This study found the ways of how the critical discourse analysis tries to liberate the human from oppression and marginal by; (1) understanding the title on words, (2) explaining the contents of the book Melibas Sekat Pembatas by using the discourse structures in order to reveal the meaning behind the text, (3) using the relation of language with the other disciplines to interpret the context on the discourse, (4) giving choices to women to fight against the men domination. In the same theme but in the deferent discussion, Ida (2006) in her paper with the title Politics of Body and Woman Sensuality: Media Discourse towards Woman Dangdut Singers Dance, she focused the analysis on how CDA explore and analyze public discourse in mass media towards woman dangdut singers dance. She is found that the controversy issues surround woman dangdut singers dance do not only limited to whether the singer can or cannot dance energetically on stage, but also go beyond issues on human (woman) rights and violence. The concept of woman sensuality and politics of body developed in mass media is not clearly defined. The discourse of sensuality brought out by mass media is tend to put this concept as an intended act which arouse consumers sexual imagination. Lehtonen (2007) in her paper with title Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis and Childrens Fantasy Fiction Modeling a New Approach, she found that CDA offers both a poststructuralist theory of gender as a variable, fluid identity category (as opposed to the liberal-feminist gender-role theory), and a model for detailed textual and discursive analysis of gender, examining texts in their social contexts rather than as isolated works.


From those previous studies, this research convey a conclusion that those studies were success to present and dissolve some cultural construction and power intervention related to gender discourse. Indayantis (2005) study revealed discourse of gender trouble in novel. Ida (2006) concluded that mass media is not clearly defined and tend to put the concept as an intended act which only arouse consumer. Lehtonen (2007) found the gender discourse in childrens fantasy fiction. Whereas, the study of Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Its the Boy Girl Thing Movie definitely has several distinction from the previous studies; some of them used literary work like novel and mass media as the object to reveal to problem of gender differences which covered male dominance, marginalization, subordination, and violence. Meanwhile, this research is stressed on how the author expressed the ideas of feminism in the discursive formation of gender stereotyping in the film.



The research method in this section covers research design, data sources, research instrument, data collection, and data analysis. A. Research Design To conduct this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research method because the data of this study are in the form of utterances of words and sentences that were not statistically analyzed. It is interpretive, and the quality of the research may be judged on the explicitness of the approach adopted and on the strengths of its arguments rather than on a set of pre-determined criteria. Bodgan (1998: 70) states that some of the more important aspect of qualitative research are; (1) concern for context, (2) natural setting, (3) human instrument, (4) descriptive data, (5) emergent design, (6) inductive analysis. In relation of this study, Ary (1975) states that descriptive research was designed to obtain the information concerning the currents phenomenon and is directed toward determining the native situation, as it exists at the time of the study and it is not generally directed toward hypothesis testing. The data in film Its a Boy Girl Thing are in the form utterances, which further are analyzed descriptively to describe and to explain in detail the phenomena of utterances based on critical discourse analysis theory. B. Data Source The data of this research are taken from the words and sentences of the main characters and supporting characters utterances in the Its a Boy Girl


Thing film, which include gender stereotyping in its discursive formation. In this study, this research investigates the utterances produced by the main characters from the first scene up to last scene of the film which contain discursive formation of gender stereotyping, in the purpose in achieving a depth analysis and understanding on gender stereotyping in this movie by using critical discourse analysis approach. This film is released in 2006. C. Research Instrument Research instrument is important to obtain the data of this study. It is a set of methods, which is used to collect the data. In this study, the human investigator is the primary instrument for gathering and analyzing of data (Arikunto, 2002:126). He defines instrument as a tool or a means that the researcher used to collect the data. Therefore, the researcher is the only instrument that analyzes the whole data used in this research based on the researchers point of views, which related to the theory applied. D. Data Collection To collect the data, the following steps are done. Firstly, watching and understanding film Its a Boy Girl Thing. Collecting the data by watching the film from the beginning up to end, is aimed to identify the utterances, which are possible to be analyzed by using critical discourse analysis theory. Secondly, selecting the data performing discourse of gender stereotyping. Thirdly, making transcription the data, it means that the data are transferred into written text (transcription) to be feasible to be analyzed.


E. Data Analysis There are three concurrent flows of activity needed in conducting qualitative data analysis (Stainbeck, 1988:21): First, data reduction refers to the process of selecting the data are sorted into categories of words and sentences that are presented in each dialogue of main characters. This first process is finding words and sentences, presenting the meaning of it and showing the process of stereotyping to generate discourse formations based on the theory of Teun Van Dijk in level of structures such as namely microstructure superstructure and macrostructure. In microstructure level, the finding of words and sentences is analyzed from semantically, stylistically and rhetorically aspects. In superstructure level, the researcher organizes the schemata that present discourse formations. Then, in macrostructure level, the researcher generates the topic of discourse formations on gender stereotyping based on words and sentences analyzed. The results of analysis are formed based on the data to present discourse of gender stereotyping. Then, the discourses are analyzed to discuss its discursive strategies based on word and sentential structures found. Secondly, data display is an organized assembly of information that permits drawing and action taking. After analyzing whole data founded from the movie script, the researcher displays the result of the analysis on the form of table based on each category of structural levels based on Van Dijks theory, which are completed with the meaning of each word and sentence and .


The third step of analysis is drawing conclusion or verification. It is put after presenting the whole findings of the analyzed data that aimed to clarify and note the most important points to avoid vagueness.



This chapter presents the findings and discussions of the collected data. 4.1. Findings Dealing with the statements from the dialogues expressed by the main characters and the supporting characters of Its a Boy Girl Thing movie, in this chapter; this research explores and analyzes such statements from the movie dialogues that present discourse of gender stereotyping. This research analyzes the statements or units of language of Its a Boy Girl Thing movie dialogues that present gender stereotyping. Then, it is divided in two classification based on the words and the sentences that present gender stereotyping to examine later the discursive formations. Furthermore, it classifies based on Teun Van Dijk theory of critical discourse analysis, in microstructure element which has three elements those are; semantically, stylistically, and rhetorically. In semantic element, it classifies into four elements, as follows; background, intention, presupposition, and details. Meanwhile in stylistic element, it classifies the element into one element that is lexicon. The last is rhetorical element, it classifies into two elements those are; metaphor and expression. In addition, it classifies based on superstructure and macrostructure element to generate discursive formation. Then, after examining the discourse formation of gender stereotyping generated from that analysis, the research will examine the strategies to keep the discourse in place or to be dominant and then examine


benefit for two sex expectation; male and female whether the discourse analysis will oppress each sex or both mutually. To make it simply and understandable, the character Woody and Nell who are swapping will be presented by Woody(n) as Nell character in Woodys body and Nell(w) as Woody character in Nells body. 4.1.1. Discursive Formation of Gender Stereotyping To examine the discursive formations it needs to analyze the element of microstructure, superstructure and macrostructure of the statements where the discourse is placed. Here, the utterances of main character and also supporting character where represent the discourse of gender stereotyping will be observed to generate the discursive formations that is used to perform gender stereotyping. Here are some discursive formations explored from the statement by the main and the supporting characters of Its the Boy Girl Thing Movie. The Boy and Girl is socially different Example 1. Word; Boy Girl Thing From the title of the movie, Its a Boy Girl Thing, we actually found that there is a classification between man and woman. Syntactically, this kind of noun modifier (Boy and Girl) where a noun modifies another noun and the first noun is dropped. The word Thing has a meaning about something possessed by boy or girl. The language usage refers that the boy or girl has his/her own thing in social life. It is semantically comprehended that there are classifications in constructional image of man and woman in what both posses. Moreover, it shows that the classification is performed naturally. This is common stereotypes happening although it is delivered generally, man and woman is different


creatures of naturally physics and socially psychics and images. It expresses the discourse implicitly to uncover the generalization of area and environment between men and women which it is commonly stereotyped to both in many ways. In addition, it also shows the completely different possession of sexes that it will be explained and generated in the following discourses found. The educated girl is rejected in social life This discursive formation uncovers that educated girl is not guaranteed to easily communicate and associate in his environment, especially in classmate. The elements of microstructure, superstructure and macrostructure of the discursive formation are generated in example I. Example 1. Word; pencil Horse Woody Horse Woody : : : : Well, look at here, is she the pencil neighbor who sit next before me I do believe it is. Well stay close and gonna ask her to pull the water. The smart girl is not just the smart.

The background scene is where Horse and Woody driving a car try to splash her by the flooded area of the sidewalk where Nell is walking. The word pencil neighbor is stated by Harry Horse to explain that Nell is the smart girl. The lexicon Horse referred to language use of male character in this movie that the main word selection of male main character is informal language. Horse rhetorically expresses by laughing in order to underestimate her educated condition. Stylistically, the word pencil presents the term of smart girl that is always associated to kinds of book and pencil. As in Dictionary of Contemporary


Slang, the word pencil refers to a tediously studious person, one of many high school and campus categorizations of fellow students (Thorne: 2007, 350). The smart is usually reading a much book and always write it down in his writing book. From semantically aspect, it could be compared with the same word chosen by Breanna to call Nell Bedworth in next conversation where she also uses the word pencil. Intentionally, the word pencil is used to indulge the condition of Nell and Breannas expression is rejecting her. Chanel : This is my room. This is Mr. Tinky, you have to say Hello Why you bring that pencil next to our sleepover That ok, shes good friend to hang right, Nell Yeah, tough we can took of our jammies I guess I see you finally here to find your geeks this ways?

Breanna : Chanel Nell(w) : :

There two lexicons presenting the meaning about smart girl where the first speaker (Horse) uses the word pencil neighbor and second speaker (Woody) uses the word smart girl. Example 2. Word; Geeks Another stylistic aspect found is the word geeks where it describes the smart person like Nell Bedworth used by Breanna. The word geeks has a meaning of strange person, scholar, and book worm. Nell, according the word used is semantically understood as kind of a strange person. The word geeks also represents someone who is difficult to associate with others although she was good in intellectual aspect. The context of the statement, Breanna is afraid that Nell causes his geek style to spread to their group and she expresses the word distrustfully by wrinkling her one's brow.


Example 3. Sentence; the smart girl is not just the smart Rhetorically, Woody expresses the sentence by laughing because he is successful to splash Nell by water alongside the road. It could be comprehended semantically that as if Nell is the smart girl, she should not walk near the flooded area of sidewalk because the car running in the street could splash her by the water. The intentional meaning generated that is presented in next four schemas of sentence could be understood implicitly and though there is no conditional coherence there. [1] Well, look at here, is she the pencil neighbor who sit next before me [opening; to convince that girl walking alongside road is Nell] [2] I do believe it is. [Justification] [3] Well stay close and gonna ask her to pull the water [hidden preposition] [4] The smart girl is not just the smart [ending: Woody considers Nell is not smart person because she walks near flooded area] Example 4. Sentence: You know less about guys than anyone knows plenty Chanel : Why am I asking you that, right? You know less about guys than anyone knows plenty. Im sorry, I dont mean it Nell(w) : Oh yeah. What do I know about guys? Rhetorically, Chanel expresses this sentence to underestimate about the Nell status as the smart person. She utters it spontaneously because she is crying; therefore when she realizes that what she has said is rough, she apologizes to Nell. The question form before the sentence why am I asking you that, right? semantically legitimates that with the condition, Nell is someone unadorned in


social school life. She knows less about guys in the school because she is not a famous person there. The smart character like Nell is portrayed to be rejected in social life. The discursive formation that the smart girl is rejected in social life is generated form some topics such as the smart girl is underestimated, unadorned, infamous, strange person and difficult to associate, could be delivered that someone smart is often specially for kind of educational objects and it is frequently deficient in social life communications. The Battle of Works is a Male Thing Men are positioned in public area, they have to be leader in family life, therefore they must work in order to provide sustenance for their family. This is the macrorule of the discursive formation. The element of microstructure and superstructure is as follow. Example 1. Sentence: There are always jobs for you to be real men at battle of works. Stan Woody Della Stan : All big college coach will be at the game. : Yeah, I know : A specialty of the house. A cooled egg. What the heck! : Some all five of your cousin didnt have presentation, dont you think honey Woody Stan : Oh yeah absolutely : Not to be something. Youll be the first member of my family goes college Della Stan : He will be the first member field families that will freak the school Thats true. But sons, the things dont work out. There are always jobs for you to be real men at battle of works.


The background is when Deane is getting breakfast; conversation about Woodys future is emerging. Stan as Woodys father advices his son Woody to be seriously in sport. As the member the family, he must make his parent proud in playing football because the football star is devoted by college coach. The sentence all big college coach will be at the game show that in every football competition of senior high school, big colleges send their football coach to scout talented person to recruit as the player of the college where the person will be. As poor family like them, registering colleges after high school is rare things. The sentence didnt have presentation, semantically is the background of two statement after and it explores that playing football is greatest chance to show the ability in order to attract the big college coach and because other Deane family, five cousin of Woody is not studying in college and getting work. Contextually, this sentence also shows that Deane family never join the school competition game and if Woody plays the game, he will be the first member of family to play the game and the opportunity to enter college is widely opened. The sentence youll be the first member of my family goes college and He will be the first member field families that will freak the school shows its intentional meaning. But in the contrary, entering college is not ultimate decision to be the real men. Being star of football for Woodys father is not the part of future he must reach. The sentence But sons, the things dont work out is related to the previous statement of sentences which shows contrary statement. Word work out means


developing and it has several synonyms. It is work hard; complete; calculate, figure out; develop; exercise, exert oneself physically. Woodys father rhetorically expresses the sentence there are always jobs for you to be real men at battle of works seriously which it mean Woody have to prepare everything for his future as men as family leader. To generate superstructure, the schemata of previous sentence needs to explore other comprehension. It is generated as follow: [1] Some all five of your cousin didnt have presentation (no one of Deane family member is famous because they dont join football team) [2] Youll be the first member of my family goes college [3] He will be the first member field families that will freak the school (being popular) [4] Thats true. But sons, the things (being football star and college students) dont work out. [enclose; to convince that popularity is not ultimate purpose] [5] There are always jobs for you to be real men at battle of works. [ending; to be real men, men is suggested to work which mean in public area] Sentence [4] and [5] is negation after the statement of football and colleges has important role in Woodys family (expressed in sentence [1], [2], and [3]). Semantically, the element of negations is generated to uncover statements expression implicitly. The implicitness is made as if to deal a certain statement tough it presents its contrary. Example 2. Word; Real men. Woodys father seriously express that Woody must enter the college by following the football competition of the school to aromatize their family name,


but it is not the right future for Woody. He must get a job to be the real men. Stylistically, the word real men have a meaning of manly man, courageous man, sincere and upright man. The word men itself is plural form of man and it has various meaning such as adult male human; human being, person; human race, mankind; husband, and boyfriend which is dominantly referred to the male form. The sentence [5] could be comprehended that battle of works or jobs is generally performed by male. Culinary Matters are Woman Things. The two mothers of two main characters, Woody Deane and Nell Bedworth are portrayed as the one who serve the family for breakfast and dinner. In entire film, in the background scene of kitchen and dining room, Della Deane and Katherine Bedworth always tend to be there and prepare the food and serve them to the family and both have significant role to decide. The utterances could be generated and analyzed as follow: Example 1. Sentence; its just sharing a couple of fingerprints Della Woody Della Stan Della : Oh shit : Everything is okay back there Della? : No problem honey, its just sharing a couple of fingerprints : Carry on my good woman : A specialty of the house. A cooled egg. What the heck!

In this scene, contextually the hand of Della is spattered by frying oil when she fried the meat. Then, Stan obviously asks her to make sure that nothing important is happening. The sentence No problem honey, its just sharing a couple of fingerprints semantically analyzed that Della doesnt feel oppressed or burdened to work in the kitchen. She rhetorically expresses it smiling to convince


Stan and Woody to not worry. The sentence its just sharing a couple of fingerprints is presented metaphorically that the scald achieved from the hot frying oil is common thing for her and no need to complain. It is stylistically shown in lexicon Fingerprints having a meaning: mark made by a fingertip on any surface (especially prints made with ink for identification purposes) and obviously different from scald. The lexical intention of it is refinement of the word selection which is presented metaphorically. Example 2. Word: Good Woman Than, Stan Deane responds her by sentence carry on my good woman. Stylistically, the word good woman is complicated term to understand. The term of good woman has many interpretations and the word good itself referred to many sides of thing. Rhetorically, Stan expresses it by smile to show his sympathy. Contextually, Stan uses the sentence to praise what his wife usually works in culinary matters though she gets accident, she never complains. The element of superstructure of those conversations is generated as schemata follow. [1] Everything is okay back there Della? (Stan asking Della for what is happening) [2] No problem honey, its just sharing a couple of fingerprints (to make sure she is all right) [3] Carry on my good woman (to expresses she is a good woman because she doesnt complain)


Example 2. Sentence: Are you cheating me? Another utterances that woman has significant role in culinary matters such as preparation and food decision could be analyzed as follow. Woody Della : Is this meat? You have milk? : Are you cheating me? In the scene, contextually Woody(n) complains Bella Deane serves with fried meats for breakfast. Bella surprisingly assumes that Woody(n) mocks her because the fried meats are common foods she serves every breakfast. Rhetorically, Della is not pleasurable with Woodys speech therefore he said the sentence Are you cheating me? to show her wrathful. Example 3. Sentence: Nell you sit down and have a breakfast that the most important meal of the day. Katherine Nell Katherine Nell Katherine : Good morning. Nell, is everything okay? : I cant see you there : Your milk is on table : Nono, Im not hungry, I gotta go : Nonsense, Nell you sit down and have a breakfast that the most important meal of the day. Oat milk is wonderful thing preparing morning healthy for young girl like you. The background of this conversation is after knowing his body is swapping with Nell body, Woody(n) anxiously tried to go to school. Unfortunately, she passes up the breakfast meal. Contextually, Katherine, as her mother, is portrayed having authority to forbid her to set out of the school before she has breakfast. The sentence you sit down and have a breakfast that the most important meal of the today, is semantically comprehended that everyone need to have breakfast to get more energy. But from the statement, it is implicitly


understood that it show the authority of the mother where she is a woman, to decide what the best food is prepared for family because it is the way of woman to be master of culinary works of family and she looks enjoying her position. In addition, the sentence Oat milk is wonderful thing preparing morning healthy for young girl like you shows that there is classification in each food for sexual interest. It has background which previous sentences are stated above. The subtopics generated from analyzed data above are women are positioned in the kitchen to serve their family and portrayed to enjoy the position. Therefore the discursive formation produced is culinary matters is woman things. Fashion Mode, Beauties and Feminity are The Girl Things In entire movie, the utterances of main female character and supporting female characters have dominated the conversation about beauties and fashion. Some statements above express that woman is pleasurably portrayed to be beauty, fashionable, and pretty look. In fact, as though they (woman) are framed in beauty myth which means that they are supposed to the certain way in order to be beauty and male attractive. The analysis of statements is as below. Example 1. Sentence: The first fashion is old looks, naturally Breanna : I try on the most amazing dress of the dance. Beyonce is wild factor mean sequences in culture of individuality but it like sprinkling designer like Aguilera the whole thing is very Madonna. The first fashion is old looks, naturally. Woody : It sounds hot. Before Woody go to the museum for study group, Breanna tells him about her experiences in attending dance party. She wears the dance dress designed similarly with Beyonce Knowless dress. The sentence the first fashion is old


looks, naturally indicates that Breanna that the dress she wear is old look but from the background of the text such as previous sentences, it is semantically recognized that she neglect her own opinion because she tends to follow the fashion trends. Beyonce, Cristina Aguilera and Madonna themselves are the icon of women artists of the world where the fans idolize them in every manners such clothes. Rhetorically, Breanna happily speaks by smiling. And Woody, as Breannas boyfriend seems to support what Breanna do with her beauty images that is semantically understood by the way he express his admiration. The word hot is an adjective having meaning of with excitement, enthusiastically. Breanna : I cannot believe Woody deny a chance of having sex with me tonight. Am I like bizarre world? Chanel Personally, I dont believe me and Horse doesnt have sex. : Sometimes I think thats the reason he wants with me Breanna Chanel Breanna Tiffany Breanna : Thats not sound like you Chanel. You need find some qualities : Really? Like what? : You have excellent taste earrings : And your hair is spout first thing in your aim : And youre friend with me. Stay close!

Example 2. You need find some qualities Contextually, Chanel explores her love relationship that she never makes a love with Horse. Then, Breanna gives her an advice about the necessity of women upon beauty. Breanna seriously expresses the sentence you need find some qualities to convince Chanel about what she said is true. It is semantically comprehended that to be popular, women must concern in their beauty. Then according to superstructure, the schemata of utterances above show that women are desirously praised about their beauty. Breanna pronounces her


annoyance because Woody rejects her offer to have a sex tonight. Therefore, when Chanel also talks about her experience with Harry, Breanna perceive it by image detail of Chanel. The sentence you have excellent taste earrings and your hair is spout first thing in your aim that Breanna and Tiffany spoke to Chanel is kind of detail to accentuate the beauty image of Chanel such as lovely ear and hair. The utterance of Breanna you need find some qualities express that every women has their own beauty image quality and it depend on what they do with that. The detail about the quality of Chanel beauty is performed because it will be advantageous for Breanna as the Cheerleader. After hearing two utterances from her both friend, according to the background scene, Chanel seems have nothing word to say and she feel be flattered. Therefore, Breanna perform a sentence and youre friend with me. Stay close! to present that Breanna doesnt like her utterances is reduced. The detail basically presented above that woman is desirous to be praised without knowing the purpose of communicator. Here the schemata that is analyzed. [1] You need find some qualities (women must be beauty) [2] You have excellent taste earrings (process to attempt to persuade someone) [3] And your hair is spout first thing in your aim (process to attempt to persuade someone) [4] And youre friend with me. Stay close! (indicates Chanel is influenced when her friend give appraisal about her beauty) Woody Breanna Woody (n) Breanna & Friends Woody : You just like a plain. And dont worries about your mustache, : Im afraid we cant be each other anymore : Huh, very funny Woody Well, I dont find you little attractive anymore : What?


some guys have that shit. Woody Suck on this Woody Deane!

Example 3. Sentence; And dont worries about your mustache Another statement that covers about close of beauty myth with woman is next analyzed statement. Breanna and her friends are surprised when Woody(n) broke their love relationship. When Woody(n) says that Breanna is not attractive, Breanna is totally angry. Then, when Woody (n) talks about mustache beneath Briannas nose, Breanna uses abusive language suck on this to express her irritation. It is clearly understood that Woody, which is Nell inside, uses pronoun of mustache by shit that has a meaning of exclamation expressing disgust or annoyance because the one who speak is female character, Nell Bedworth. The lexical intention of the word shit is that having mustache is not appropriate for woman. The sentence some guys have that shit indicates implicitly that mustache is something biologically referred to the man, and the image construction image build is that woman with mustache is not beauty. From the element of superstructure, the schemata as follow: [1] Well, I dont find you little attractive anymore (Woody(n) broke her relationship with Breanna because she is not attractive) [2] What??? (She is surprised because she thinks she is still attractive) [3] You just like a plain. And dont worries about your mustache, some guys have that shit. (it is not appropriate for women to have mustache) [4] Suck on this Woody Deane.


Chanel Breanna Nell(w) Breanna

: Manicure, pedicure, and facemask we have done yet? : Nell, I can help you nursing your personal side. Humwhat? : Down blow You got a rainforest thing gonna

Nell(w) Breanna Breanna & Friends Chanel

: Are you ever having it? : No. We falcon totally Latino : Totally

: You should do Example 4. Word; Rainforest The background scene is where Nell (w) associate with Breannas group.

They, in the moment, are doing beauty treatment such as manicure, pedicure and facemask. As a group that know much about beauty than Nell as the smart girl, they try to help Nell to shave cleanly her personal side of body hair. Rhetorically, Breanna expresses it disgustingly. In addition, metaphorically, word rainforest is referring to kind of worst thing that needed to be shaved. Example 5. Sentence; you should do As the beauty worshiper like them, a body hair in private side such as genitals is not good for beauty image of woman although it was in privates. Therefore Chanel suggest Nell (w) to shave it in order to be beauty in the ways of Breannas group has done which is semantically comprehend in the command sentence you should do. To generate element of superstructure from subtopic about women is easily influenced by beauty myth is schemed be shown as follow. [1] Nell, I can help you nursing your personal side. (to suggest Nell to clean her personal side)


[2] Humwhat? (Nell doesnt know about its importance) [3] Down blow (explaining) [4] You got a rainforest thing gonna(considering it as something worst for women) [5] Are you ever having it? (questioning and doubting) [6] No. We falcon totally Latino (conviction) [7] Totally (justification) [8] You should do (order someone to do something) The topics for discursive formation that fashion Mode, beauties and feminity are the girl things is women are portrayed to always concern in their beauties such as clothes, make up, fashion and trapped in beauty myth where construct their image as beauty issues developing in media. Woman must speak softly Nell (w) : Oh, I dont get on the bus. This is great Oh hi Wait!!! Come on Screw you around, asshole! Old Man : Thats no the way for young lady to talk! Example 1. Sentence; Screw you around, asshole! The background scene is where Nell(w) missed the bus in the morning to go to school. After she cannot chase after the bus, she annoyingly pointed her middle finger and say the sentences screw you around, asshole. The word screw around is slang language used to form, which is particularly popular in the USA, a milder form of fuck around/about. The word asshole refers to idiot and stupid person. It is used to offend someone. The stress in this sentence is that Nell humiliates the bus crew that leaves her. Stylistically, the lexical intention of the sentence is informal and rough expression of language.


Example 2. Sentence; Thats no the way for young lady to talk! After saying that, the old man alongside the road produces utterance that semantically understood that girl like Nell is not supposed to say that rough or abusive language. Rhetorically, the old man expresses it surprisingly. The utterances thats no the way for young lady to talk by the old man intentionally produce an understanding that young girl like Nell is not properly to use rough expression and also abusive language. Women must be tidy The discursive formation of gender stereotyping produced next is about tidiness which is attached only for women and men have freedom in proposing their performance in social intercourse. Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) : Ive heard about football practice : Who push you really rough? Your cover is unbrushed : I dont care about your brushes, the coach drove very mad and Im over. Nell(w) : Oh, so its your barely theories in your smart ass. Oh, look at you, : what am I wearing? Woody(n) : Jeans is sturdy cotton bud down there so I get it back to your : closets Nell(w) : Oh, would you exactly stay wearing another one like we both one is brought Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nonsense, you could be a classic look My hair, you make it like dorky I sense it is very European looking No its dorky-collated Excuse for taking a little pride to your parent You cant broke out my life and be looked-female person like you Well, its because I stuck inside in this disgusting body.


Example 1. Sentence: I dont care about your brushes Example 2. Sentence: What am I wearing? Example 3. Word: Dorky and dorky-collated Example 4. Word; Looked-female person The conversation between Nell and Woody, in the table above, is about overview of proper clothes to wear. The discursive formation of gender stereotyping generating from the next analyzed statement that woman is a tidy and man is contrary. The statement your cover is unbrushed show up when Woody(n) see what actually Nell(w) wear. Nell(w) wears a single t-shirt with jeans jacket. On the other hand, Woody(n) combs his hair and wears shirt and pair of trousers and this performance is quite different with Woody common clothes. Therefore, Nell(w) pronounces an utterances such as what am I wearing?, you make it like dorky and No its dorky-collated. The word unbrushed has meaning not scrubbed, not cleaned, not combed. Semantically, based on Nell(w) performance, it is understood that the cover is not clean or tidy. Nell(w), where Woody or man character inside, considers it as nothing mattered. The sentence I dont care about your brushes indicates that Nell(w) doesnt care about tidiness different from Woody(n). Therefore, when Woody acting hair-combed style and wearing pair of trousers not jeans like usual, Nell(w) think that he was dorky and also femalelooked person. Though Woody(w) has a reason that Jeans is heavy clothes and man could be classic look and European looking, it makes Nell(w) has no sense.


As explained above that woman tends to be fashionable, Woody (n), where Nell or female character inside, constantly consider tidiness as most important thing for him by change the common looking of real Woody. Stylistically, the word dorky has a meaning of socially inept person. By the style of Woody(n), Nell(w) judges his image is like improper and unadorned person that cant associate with others. And because Woody(n) is basically female character, the change of the clothes is assumed by Nell(w) as female-looked person. The female-looked person is lexically understood to be someone that has certain build of woman. Moreover, from the schemata of statements is comprehended that Woodys cover look like woman style and it is not appropriate because he is boy. The schemata as follow: [1] Your cover is unbrushed (opening; Woody(n) criticize the way Nell(w) wearing dress) [2] [3] [4] I dont care about your brushes (Nell(w) doesn't take care about tidiness) What am I wearing? Jeans is sturdy cotton bud down there so I get it back to your closets (dislike jeans) [5] Oh, would you exactly stay wearing another one like we both one is brought [6] [7] [8] [9] Nonsense, you could be a classic look My hair, you make it like dorky I sense it is very European looking No its dorky-collated

[10] You cant broke out my life and be looked-female person like you Young Girl is weak-subdominant and boy is strong-dominant (common stereotypes) Next the topic produced is about comparison of strength between men and women in social intercourse where the utterance shows in sport aspects. The


discursive formation explored that women is weaker than men and in contrary men is stronger than women where it considered to be natural construction. Coach Woody(n) Coach Woody(n) Coach : What the hell are you doing out there, you play like a damn woman I feel a little picky Picky? Yeah, it mean like color : I know what picky means Example 1. Sentence: you play like a damn woman Example 2. Word; Damn woman The background scene is where Woody(w) with Nells ability do much faults in football practice. The utterance of the coach you play like a damn woman indicates the comparison between man and woman in strength overview and it shows implicitly although the adjective of word woman is the word damn as annoyance expression. Contextually, based on what Woody(n) done in football practice, where he is doing many mistakes and different from what he usually do when male character is still inside, the meaning of damn woman refers to character of woman which generally stereotyped to weak and subdominant group in society especially in sport-context. Girl is irrational-crybaby and Boy is rational. This is kind of common stereotypes of woman, which is generated from the discursive formation. It suggests that woman is irrational and proposes sense of feeling where they get certain problems. The analysis is as follow. Nell(w) Woody(n) : May be well speak next to him : What we supposed gonna do next? Buy him meal? And my Heart still on Yale. Nell(w) : No, no, please not the tears, please! Look, do you think I want to


end in my dad fabulous store. Woody(n) : No

Example 1. Sentence; please not the tears, please! After visiting the museum and trying to figure out the problem, Woody(n) and Nell(w) sit around in coffee shop. Because the first attendance to the Mastax Statue still not return their body back, Nell(w) plans to visit him next time. But, the response of Woody in utterances Buy him meal? is not reasonable because buying meal is not appropriate solution for the problem to pass. This is performed metaphorically that there is no solution for their problem. Then, the background shows that Woody starts crying and Nell tries to stop her. Contextually, Nell(w) faces the problem with calm although it might be impossible to figure out the solution after visiting the museum and it doesnt work out. [1] May be well speak next to him (rationalizing process by Woody) [2] What we supposed gonna do next? Buy him meal? And my Heart still on Yale (Irrational solution because Nell is depressed to not enter Yale University) [3] No, no, please not the tears, please! Look, do you think I want to end in my dad fabulous store (suggesting Nell to not crying) Nell(w) : Oh god, shes crying Chanel? Chanel Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Yeah Are you okay : No. Oh crap. Whats wrong?


Chanel Nell(w) Chanel

It is Harry. He is with another girl. No, he wont do that Well and how could you saw my tears stuck on my throat? Example 2. Sentence: Oh god, shes crying Next statement above shows how Nell(w) doesnt like to see someone

crying because it will not solve the problem. The word oh god and oh crap is kind of confusion expression where it contextually refers to someone crying. Woody(n) Nell(w) : I dont wanna be a boy, okay especially I dont wanna be you : No, no, no dont cry here okay. Look may be this is just twenty: four hours thing, like a head-cold. Woody(n) Nell(w) : Head-cold? : Yes, and tomorrow we can back into normal Example 3. Sentence: No, no, no dont cry here okay The background scene is where both realize that their body is swapping. Nell as woman is portrayed to be irrational to face this problem and she easily starts crying. Then, Woody stops her because he will be embarrassed when somebody look his real body is crying. Therefore the sentence no dont cry here okay which he expresses seriously contextually to show that man is not supposed to cry in public or seems to be weak person. And another expression shows that Woody as man gives rationalization although he doesnt know the real problem is and it is different from Nell who directly starts crying. To explain more briefly, the subtopics (macrostructure) that women is crybaby produced from the schemata of statements above. Based on superstructure element, it presents the characterization of woman itself that tends to be irrational to face a problem and if she can handle it she will be crying. And the detail presented by Nell(w) in utterance Look may be this is just twenty-four


hours thing, like a head-cold shows her effort to explain the problem reasonably although she doesnt the real problem they encounter. [1] I dont wanna be a boy, okay especially I dont wanna be you (Nell is depressed because her body is swapping) [2] No, no, no dont cry here okay. Look may be this is just twenty-four hours thing, like a head-cold (stiffening Nell feeling and giving solution) [3] Head-cold? (unbelieving process) [4] Yes, and tomorrow we can back into normal (rationalizing process) Zbornak Woody(n) Zbornak Woody(n) Zbornak : Woody, are you crying? : Yes : Whats wrong? : Im sorry. I just distressed of lost my virginity in the trailer park : Okay

Example 4. Sentence; Are you crying? The statement above shows another different overview about this kind of gender stereotyping. The schemata present how Mr. Zbornak is surprised by watching Woody crying. The sentence Are you crying? is question form and from the contextual background, Mr. Zbornak has known that Woody(n) is crying. Semantically, this question form doesnt need an answer to prove it is true or not but it presents Mr. Zbornaks curiosity and disbelief to what Woody done. Mr. Zbornak expresses his question amazingly because he doesnt believe a man like Woody would cry. He doesnt know that inside Woody body is Nell where expresses his annoyance by crying directly. 4.1.2. Discursive Strategies of Gender Stereotyping Dealing with the discursive formations generated from the statements expressed by the main characters and the supporting characters of Its a Boy Girl Thing movie, in this chapter; this research explores and analyzes such discursive


strategies to present gender stereotyping which make the discourse is in the place. This research analyzes the strategies normalizing certain subjectivities and eliminating others. Strategies of normalization and elimination may be recognized as comparing, ranking, classifying, hierarchizing, and dividing. These strategies is performed in the research questions with a particular focus on the ways in which discourse strategies normalize socially and culturally constructed stereotyped gender. The Boy and Girl is socially different The discursive strategy of this discursive structure characterizes division. It means how the discourse divides the boy and girl differently in general. Each sex has differently possession in their behavior. Though, there is no brief description about the real differences are but it shows some evidences that social construction of the thing possessed by boy or girl is common and in normal situation it is natural differences such as breastfeeding, childbirth etc. The Smart Girl is rejected in social life The discursive formations of gender stereotyping presenting discourse of the smart girl is not the smart generally describe that she is expelled in social life or in her environment. Although she has intellectual excess, it doesnt surely guarantee that she will easily associate with others. Compared with other utterances, the smart girl is difficult to associate with different group, for example, when Nell tries to pay attention to the problem of Chanel. Chanels utterances show how the smart girl like Nell is portrayed to be unadorned about boy and to be rejected in environment. In addition, another statement presented that Nell is nicknamed by freak, geek etc.


The strategy of the discursive formations in term of normalizing subjectivities is comparing. The statement that the smart girl is not the smart in normal social life is compared with similar statement such as rejected person or unadorned person. Moreover, the strategy to eliminate another discourse existed discourse is classifying the subject to be unadorned and categorized as strange person or reservedly understood to be rejected. And another eliminated discourse is about women right in education. It as if reduces the basic need of education for every sex. The Battle of Works is a Male Thing It is actually sequence of the first discursive formation where its stereotype that works is only performed by men neither women. The strategy of discourse practice is presented to be dividing to eliminate another discourse. The discursive formation of The Battle of Works is a Male Thing presents that works is only for man in order to be a real man. Man has big opportunities to act in public space than woman able to do. Works is identical with public room, need some hard efforts, and shows the authority of controlling every aspect of life. Culinary Matters are Woman Things. Perpetuating the stereotype that culinary matters should be performed by women is shown in this discursive formation. This is a common specific stereotype that creates a strong understanding about job area of women itself. This stereotype sends the message to audience that no matter how great a woman are, her ability is always needed to serve the family in culinary thing.


The discursive strategies of the discourse are similar with strategies above where such kind of things like culinary matters is attached to the woman discursive formation analyzed after, discourse about fashion mode, beauties and feminity are the girl things. It caused the understanding that woman is secondary in social life because they are not actively act in real social life such performance in public and they are claimed to stay at home as housewife that has no significant role. Fashion Mode, Beauties and Feminity are The Girl Things Another dividing strategy is showed in this discursive formation. This shows that woman is feminine and in sequence, they are different with man. The division is woman is feminine and man is masculine. This is common stereotypes of gender role. Feminine is having qualities traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness portrayed to be weak creature. Therefore, the Feminity is attached to women where it related to their disability to not be beauty and they are trapped in beauty myth. This is different from man who is portrayed here to be uninterested in beauties or in fashion although there is another discourse that some male is interesting in body performance. Woman must speak softly This discursive formation classifies the image of woman itself. They are supposed to speak softly in public. When they speak rough or badly language usage, they are regarded to be wrong behavior. In other hand, a man who speaks rough and speaks informal in this movie is portrayed to be common behavior therefore it could be grouped in misbehavior. Women must be tidy


This discursive formation classifies woman and man in fashion looks and judge what clothes is suitable for each sex. Another strategy is comparing the discourse in creating the certain stereotype of women. They are stereotyped to be tidy in wearing clothes and on the other hand, it is common for man to act tousled and unbrushed. Young Girl is weak-subdominant and boy is strong-dominant To normalize discourse, this discursive formation present common stereotype of gender role. Woman position is often under man in term of strength. This is used to be performed in social life therefore; it creates normal thought that this is naturally constructed role not to be socially constructed. In addition, it eliminates another discourse that woman actually could do sport in their life and they have certain strength that is finally gained by doing exercises. Young Girl is irrational-crybaby and Boy is rational. By presenting the discourse irrational sense of woman, this discursive formation normalize the common stereotypes of gender that classifies women as irrational and men as rational creature. The normalizations of discourse generalizes that this stereotype is naturally constructed than socially constructed. Another discourse that men are frequently thinking irrational which mean proposing deep feeling to solve the problems is eliminated by the discursive formation. The discursive formation also shows that women are easily crying when they had big problems in their life and it is different from men that rationally think to get the solution. 4.1.3. Critical Analysis on Analyzed Gender Stereotyping Discourse


Based on discursive formation and discursive strategies previously analyzed, this research analysis generally shows how gender stereotyping discourse is closely linked to common stereotypes. In this way, the social image construction of both sexes is portrayed as common thing or naturally constructed. In particular it can be said to benefit the domination of patriarchal ideology which become stronger and it is difficulty shifted. It is also important to acknowledge that strength of women may be seen by many aspects. Men benefit from the discourse of gender stereotyping which place them in the first and dominant sex. Women may also be oppressed by social norms that tend to exclude them from public area such as in their career or job. Mothers may benefit from a sense of control, status, and community in feminized literacy settings. Yet it is worth remembering that despite the history of literacy as a constructed feminized practice, women were often constructed as within expert advice and guidance from men in many aspects. This all suggests there are different ways in which people is positioned in text. In feminist appraisal, the exposition about gender stereotypes is classified in social image construction and natural image construction of gender role. The social construction is inquiry construction of society to characterize woman and man while natural construction is manifestation of power of nature in each sex which means the biological differences between man and woman. It produces huge problems when social construction is considered to be natural based on discursive formation developing because the side effect which gradually discriminate women to be second sex and lower than men in every


condition. For example, is the discursive formation about the smart girl is rejected in social life ( where the subtopics analyzed is about the smart girl is not smart (example 3). The discourse describes that being smart, a girl is difficult to associate in social life. It could be comprehended from the utterances pencil and geeks in order to persuade Nell condition and explicitly showed in sentence the smart girl is not just smart. From analytic lenses of feminism, based on the first wave feminist movement, they concern about educational right and suffrage of women where their right is oppressed. In that time, women is so oppressed in political and educational right, because the discourse developing is that women position is in household. This is related with another discursive formation of gender stereotyping which portray the culinary matters is women thing ( It delivers an understanding approving the idea about being smart in education for women is uncommon thing and has to be avoided. Moreover, stereotype of women position is in household particularly in culinary matters explains that women has less right in public area than men; therefore when there are women who works in public area it will be considered to be queer and uncommon phenomenon. The result is women will be easily oppressed by men domination in occupational aspects. The main male character is portrayed as person having great physical power, rational, bravery, and dominant character. For example, when Woody inside Nell body, he is still brave to take revenge to Johnny. Because he is inside Nell body which is weak, he cant do that. Meanwhile, there is no opposition of personality from main female character. They are portrayed under men


domination. This pattern of gender stereotyping found in discursive formation such as young girl is weak-subdominant and boy is strong-dominant ( and young girl is irrational-crybaby and proposes sense of feeling that rational sense ( Culturally, in many societies, women are perceived as weak and passive while men are strong and active. This perception is bad stereotypes and inhuman because it generalizes all women and men based on their stereotyped attributes without considering their diversity and plurality. Factually, the biological differences between men and women are received and affirmed by every sides although the side effects of biological differences upon human attitude, especially related to different gender relations, produces many discussions. Certain character and attitude, which are attached to be possessed to men and women in many cases, are apparently stereotypes (negative labeling) toward each sex. These stereotypes often harm subdominant group (women) and tend to be primary causes of social inequity. In society, there are so many stereotyped attached to women where it finally restricts, complicates and inflicts women movement in public area. For example, damaging stereotypes such as women is weak, mentally fragile, unstable, and irrational. These ideas of stereotype are culturally constructed ideas, which contribute more widely role for men, and finally they get higher social status than women do. The cultural ideas, especially about women, which are still stereotyped in this time need to be reconstructed in order women dont receive discriminating


treatment from society; therefore they could be active outside domestic area where it is up until now considered and constructed to be particular region for women. 4.2. Discussion From the data description and the result of analysis, employing Van Djik theory, it is clear that this research finds several discursive formation of gender stereotyping on Its a Boy Girl Things Movie. In entirely, discursive formations generated from utterances of main characters and supporting characters could be classified as follow. In other word, the discursive formation is firstly generated from the element of microstructure those are semantically, stylistically, and rhetorically aspects; secondly, generated from the element of superstructure which is related to the schemata or schema sequence to produce subtopics; thirdly, generated from macrostructure which is formed from the combination of subtopics. This research tries to answer the problem by analyzing and describing the data by using table of data which can be seen particularly in appendix. The findings below will be presented in the form of table for each element. It is conducted to make it more understandable and to ease the readers in reading it. On the other hand, the researcher will also account the most frequently use of words and sentence in microstructure element, and schemata in superstructure element and subtopics in macrostructure which forms discursive formation.



The first process is element of microstructure. It is a process where researcher observe the topics from semantically, stylistically, and rhetorically aspect. It analyzes both word and sentence that are used by the main characters and the supporting characters although most of the characters use sentences very frequently than the words in expressing the topic of gender stereotyping. There are eight types of words that are found from the data description that indicate gender stereotyping, in which all the characters use the entire element; semantic, stylistic, and rhetoric element, in expressing their statement. As the variances of semantic element are background, details, intention, and presupposition. Among those variances, background, detail and presupposition are not found in data of word. In semantically aspect, word is obtained only in intentional discursive element. According to Eriyanto (2001: 240), views the information which beneficial for the communicators and obviously will be explained explicitly. On the contrary, the information which is harmful will be explained implicitly. The main propose that is public only given the information which is beneficial for the communicators. In intention element there are eight data that are discovered, in other word, it often appears in each data for example: to underestimate Nell ( example 1 & 2), regarding her as good women he loves ( example 2), and to underestimate women strength ( example 1). In such case, some of the word which gives benefit for the characters will be explained explicitly, on the contrary, the information which is harmful will be explained implicitly. Then, in stylistic element there is only one variance that is lexicon. This element, basically, is used to indicate how someone selects the available words


(Dijk: 2004). In this case, there are eight lexicons, as follows: boy girl thing = boy and girl have their own possession ( example 1), pencil = tediously studious person, geeks = strange person and book worm ( example 1 & 2), real men = manly man, courageous man ( example ), good woman = pleasant attitude women (example), rainforest = unshaved personal side ( example 4), looked-female person = man who is tidy ( example 5), damn woman = cursed women ( example 1). Furthermore, in rhetoric element there are two variances, those are metaphor and expression. The communicators not only convey the information through the text but also use allegory, idiomatic expression, and metaphor as a discursive ornament. The use of a certain metaphor can be principal guidance to comprehend meaning of a text. In this data, there is one metaphor, such as: the word Rainforest is not real image of forest which is area of land covered with trees but it means as unshaved personal side of women considered to be nasty thing ( example 4). On the other hand, most of the characters use sentences very frequently than the words in expressing gender stereotyping. All the characters also use the whole element in expressing their statement. In semantic element, most of the element is obtained in these types. Background is a part of the discourse that has an influence in which semantics will be presented (Eriyanto, 2001: 235). In this type, it is found in 19 data, some of them are: well stay close and gonna ask her to pull the water, what do I know about guys? ( example 3 & example 4), the things dont work out ( example 5), everything is okay back there Della?, you have milk?, your milk is on


table ( example 1, 2 & 3), I try on the most amazing dress of the dance, I dont believe me and Horse doesnt have sex, I dont find you little attractive anymore, you got a rainforest thing gonna, ( example 1, 2 example 3 & example 5), I dont get on the bus, come on screw you asshole! ( example 1 & example 2), your cover is unbrushed, you could be classic look, ( example 1, example 2), what the hell are you doing out there ( 1), what we supposed gonna do next? Buy him meal? and my heart still on Yale, well and how could you saw my tears stuck on my throat, I dont wanna be a boy especially I dont wanna be you, Im sorry I just distressed of lost my virginity in the trailer park, ( example 1, example 2 & example 3). Meanwhile, in detail element is found in 6 data. Actually, this element is a strategy of the writer in order to express his/her posture implicitly. (Eriyanto, 2001: 238). Some of the details are used by the main characters and the supporting characters, as follow: oat milk is wonderful thing preparing morning healthy for young girl like you ( example 3) sometimes I think thats the reason he wants with me, you just like plain, I can help you nursing your personal side ( example 2, 3, 5), would you exactly stay wearing another one like we both one is brought? ( example 2). Whereas, in intention element there are 19 data, some examples of intention element that have important roles in showing the ulteriormotive of the speaker, such as: as if Nell is smart person, she would not walk near flooded area of sidewalk, smart girl like Nell doesnt know school relationship ( example 3, 4), men position is in work or public area ( example 1), it is logical consequence to work in kitchen, humiliate her food serving, she have to eat food I served, ( example 1, 2, 3), she actually know the


capacity of dress she wear but she follows the common customs for women, every women have to concern about their beauty, it is not good for women to have a mustache, every women have to nurse their personal side ( example 1, 2, 3, 5), to express annoyance, it is not appropriate for women to speak roughly ( example 1, 2), men dont care about tidiness, men consider to be tidy is weird and female-looked person, ( example 1,2), women is weak in sport ( example 2), It is not appropriate for men to cry, why every women is always crying when they get problems, men dont like see men crying, ( example 1, 2, 3). Behind the sentences uttered by the main characters and the supporting characters, frequently, contains ulterior motive that sometimes is not revealed explicitly in order to give the information which is beneficial for them. Therefore, by using intention element, it could help the reader to understand the speakers utterance. Presupposition discursive element is a statement that is used to support the meaning of a text. It is an effort to support the ideas by giving premise that it is believed to be true. Dealing with data analyzed there is no presupposition is found. Meanwhile, in stylistic element, it is only one variance that is lexicon element. This element, basically, is used to indicate how someone selects the available words in their utterances or sentence. The diction is used to refer to a certain posture and ideology which indicates of how someone articulates the facts or realities. There are four lexicons in Its a Boy Girl Things movie, those are: ask her to pull the water = flushing ( example 3), its just sharing a couple of fingerprints = scald in finger ( example 1), nursing your personal side = shaving ( example 5), please not tears = dont cry ( example 1).


On the other hand, in rhetoric element which has two variances those are metaphor and expression, it is visible that expression element is very commonly used than metaphor element. It is showed by the number that is 27 elements. It means that it always emerges in each data. This expression can be formed in kinds of the intonation that is used by the speakers in order to it can influence the public understanding. In this case, the expressions that mostly used by the speaker are hatred, anger, explicit, and serious statement. Beside that, in metaphor element there are only two data in sentence utterance, such as: real men at battle of works ( example 1), and its just sharing a couple of fingerprints ( example 1). The second process is element of superstructure. It is a process where researcher observes more briefly on how parts of the text are arranged into the whole of news. For example the arrangement of the introduction, substance, enclose and conclusion. Which part are placed at the beginning, and which part are placed later, it will be arranged as discourse-author interest. From the table above, there are nine schemata for six discursive formations where in data it has three schemata and in data it has two schemata. The three schemata of generate particular subtopic which is generally classified in general theme or included in macrostructure. The subtopics such as women are desirous to be praised on beauties, women tend to be attractive in social intercourse and propose beauties, and women are trapped in beauty myth where they follow the beauty construction in social life. It is reasonably to find the topic presented in each discursive formation because in particular case, it is difficult to generate an understanding without analyze schemas. For example, the schemata in data

97 shows the conclusion that Woody doesnt like what Nell wears in his body because it looks female-looked. The third process is element of macrostructure which focuses on the global meaning/coherence that more emphasize on the meaning of discourse theme or topic. The each topics or themes are important part to generate an understanding about what discursive formation is produced. It could be generated from subtopics or main topics. For example, the discursive formation that the smart girl is rejected in social life ( is produced from subtopics that smart girl is considered as strange person, unadorned in social intercourse and not smart in particular condition. After the research explores about discursive formation produced from Its a Boy Girl Thing Movie, then it will describe about its strategies. In addition, such discursive formation has several strategies to normalize the discourse as to be considered as common and natural thing in social life and in other ways, and to eliminate other discourses which differentiate the opposed main discourse present. To make it understandable, it will be presented in table below where it shows how discursive formation normalizes the discourse and eliminates certain distinguishing discourse. Table 8. The Elements of Discursive Strategies DISCURSIVE STRATEGIES DISCURSIVE FORMATIONS Normalizing discourse It divides there is certain thing specially possessed to women and men and tends to be usual perception. Eliminating discourse Classifying the possession of each sex eliminates another discourse that each sex could perform mixed thing

The Boy and Girl is generally different


The educated girl is rejected in social life

It divides that the role of education for women is not suitable for social communication. To be popular, woman have to be cool person not tedious and studious person

It classifies educated girl to be infamous, unadorned and strange person and it compared with woman which is not smart but can easily associate with others.

It classifies men position is in public neither It divides work and women which their public area where is The Battle of Works is a position is in household. supposed to be possessed Male Thing It eliminates that women by men because it basic is actually capable in role of men. public area such as career. It classifies men position is in public neither It divides household and women which their culinary is supposed to be Culinary matters are position is in household. possessed by women and woman things It eliminates that women they have to serve food is actually capable in for their family. public area such as career. It divides the term It classify that men is Feminity to be considered inappropriate to be as fashion and beauties concerned in fashion and Fashion Mode, Beauties only not in attitude. It beauties. It eliminates the and Feminine are the girl considered to be naturally discourse that there are things and psychologically men who concerns in performed by women. fashion and nurse their body. It divides women as soft It eliminates the creature which is forbid discourse that in certain Woman must speak softly to speak roughly and men condition, speaking rough are allowed. is forbid whatever who is speaking, men or women It divides that women is It classify that women limited in the way have to be soft. And Women must be tidy wearing clothes and men being unbrushed is are allowed to wear kind uncommon and weird for of clothes. women. It eliminate It classifies the strength With comparing strength between men and women between men and Young girl is weakand it tends to be women, it classifies men subdominant and boy is stereotyped in every as dominant group and strong-dominant condition that men are women are subdominant. stronger than women. It eliminates the


Young girl is irrationalcrybaby and proposes sense of feeling that rational sense

discourse that domination is not only in term of strength but also skill, intelligence, etc. It classifies that women is It classifies men as tough irrational and men is creature than women who rational when facing a is weak or soft. It problem. Women cant eliminates discourse that give solution directly and men are actually doing tend to start crying. the same and in contrary.

From the table above, to normalize discourse some discursive formation divide the position between men and women for example, in public position that men is supposed to have role in work outside home and women is portrayed to stay in household and take a care such as culinary thing. These normalizations actually eliminate other discourses which support women to have same role in public area because it classifies men as worldwide-thought person and women as home-oriented person. The most elements of strategies used in each discourse are dividing and classifying. As the conclusion, in this movie, most of the statements uttered by the main characters and the supporting characters in types of words and sentences indicate discourse of gender stereotyping. Most of the statements that perform gender stereotyping appear implicitly. Based on the data that are found the intention and expression element as the most dominant element in expressing the topics of gender stereotyping, it indicates that intention and expression have the important role in indicating such gender stereotyping. The statement that indicates gender stereotyping uttered by the main characters and the supporting characters often appears implicitly. Therefore, by investigating from their expression when they are spoken and from their ulterior-motive behind their utterances it can help the reader or the listener in understanding the utterances.




After presenting the finding and the discussion in the preceding chapter, this research will conclude and provide some suggestions. 5.1 Conclusions In the entire Its a Boy Girl Thing movie statements, the most frequently gender stereotyping based on statements used by the main characters and the supporting characters is in the form of sentences. The using of sentences by the speaker is a strategy. It is not only viewed as way of communication but also as political communication, that is a thing to influence someone ideas, to strengthen the legitimating, to get support, to remove the adversary, and so on. Even though, the most frequently gender stereotyping is generated in types of sentences, the types of words also have the important role in indicating gender stereotyping uttered by the main characters and the supporting characters. Semantically, as the most dominant element in expressing gender stereotyping is in intention element, whereas; background, details and presupposition element are not found. In stylistic element, there is only one element that is lexicon, in such case; it has the important position in presenting the gender bias statement of the main characters and the supporting characters. Next, in rhetorical element, the most principal element is in expression element and then, it is followed by metaphor. On the other hand, the types of sentences as the most dominant of gender statement use the entire element, semantic, stylistic and rhetoric. As the variances


of semantic element, here, intention element is the dominant element, then it is followed by background, details and the last is presupposition. Beside that, in stylistic element, even it is not as the dominant element, but it gives any contribution in showing the gender stereotyping statement in kinds of sentences. On the contrary, in rhetoric element, the most dominant element is expression and it is pursued by metaphor. Meanwhile, to generate discursive formation of gender stereotyping it is also produced from element of superstructure and macrostructure. In element of superstructure, most of topics of gender stereotyping are generated from at least one schema. It is because, in certain sentence we could not find the meaning of discourse explicitly therefore it need to see the text-relation. In element of macrostructure, the topics and subtopics produced from microstructure and superstructure is analyzed to produce discursive formation of gender stereotyping from analyzed statement of main character and supporting characters of Its a Boy Girl Thing movie. To normalize discourse some discursive formation divides the position between men and women for example, in public position. These normalizations actually eliminate other discourses, which support women to have same role in public area because it classifies men as worldwide-thought person and women as home-oriented person. The most elements of strategies used in each discourse are dividing and classifying.



Suggestions After conducting this research, the writer recognizes that there are still

many weaknesses of this study because study about critical discourse analysis needs deep attention. For the next researcher who will research of critical discourse analysis, it hopes to focus their research on deep analysis firstly on element of microstructure especially in intention and expression element. As, it states in discussion the gender stereotyping statement in types of words and sentences uttered by the main characters and the supporting characters in entire scene of Its Boy Girl Thing movie, it appears explicitly from their expression when they are spoken and from their ulterior-motive behind their utterances. Secondly is on element of superstructure and macrostructure, it needed to be comprehensively generate subtopics, topics or theme based on relationship of topics produced. Thirdly is on object of study, the researcher suggest to make comparative study where it analyzes movie, minimally it needed two similar object in themes and topics. For the students who are interesting in study critical discourse analysis, the students are expected to pay more attention to the extrinsic element such as social cognitive and social analysis, which are rich to be analyzed. Therefore, we do not are not only focused on the intrinsic elements, especially in text analysis. Therefore, we can understand more about the structure of critical discourse analysis especially proposed by Teun V. Dijk because there are many others area either intrinsic or extrinsic element to be analyzed too. The last, it is hoped that this study can be used as a reference in conducting the similar research and the same field or the other field concerning with the critical discourse analysis.



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APPENDIX I ITS A BOY GIRL THINGS MOVIE SCRIPTS Script A Neighborhood (Nell and Deane House) Nell : Give me my Romeo. And when he shoot I and take him out the little star and he always make the face of heaven so fine and all the world...and with make the face of heaven so fine and all the world...uh with the night Excuse me!!! Excuse me!!! Excuse me!!! Woody : What??? Nell : Would you turn that down Woody : Sorry, I cant hear you Nell : Turn the noise down! Woody : Im sorry, did you say something? Nell : Im trying to study and its impossible if that rock is going on. Woody : This is rock? This is Misty Cow. Nell : Whatever it is, would you please put it off?! Woody : What it is worth? Nell : Congratulation to the music lover. Woody : All right Ill turn it off Nell : Thank you Woody : Are you flash me? Nell : What? Woody : You show me the girl that I worried about Nell : Oh Woody : Anyway I see number four Nell : What? You are loath Woody : Hahaha I know Nells House and Woodys House Nell : God morning Mr. Flubby Della Deane : Woody, are you up yet? Woody : Oh Yeah Nells House Nell Ted Bedworth Nell Katherine Bedworth Nell Katherine Ted Katherine Ted Katherine Nell

: God morning daddy : There is a mail for you princess : Its from Yale. Oh I have an interview next week. : I plan it earlier action for you honey Its because we proud of you little girl : You have followed the interview first mother : You want let it down never happened. : Never has : Is it makes us excited to us : its very exciting Katherine : Are you excited Nell? : Yes, I am mother.


Ted Katherine Nell Woodys House Della Stan Deane Della Stan Woody Stan Woody Della Stan Woody Stan Della Stan

: She is : Im very excited until I can Yale (Yell) it from the rooftop! : Thank you mother.

: Oh shit : Everything is okay back there Della? : No problem honey, its just sharing a couple of fingerprints : Carry on my good woman. The game comes up soon my son : Yap : All big college coach will be at the game : Yeah, I know : A specialty of the house, a cooled egg. What the heck! : Some all five of your cousin didnt have presentation, dont you think honey? : Oh yeah absolutely : Not to be something. Youll be the first member of my family goes college. : He will be the first member field families that will freak the school. : Thats true. But sons, the things dont work out. There is always a job for you to be real men at battle of works.

In front of Nells house Nell : To me...the Great living American should have individual accomplishment but also have at least means for America and the entire world and thats why after careful considerationmy decision (She missed the bus) In front of Woodys house Horse : Hey Yowhats up boy Woody : Hi horse. Oh, nice crap horse. How is the heck? Horse : To the floor my friend. What said we should to take this baby to the world drive huh? Want to feel wind blow to your hair must feel like muscle ass. Horse : Get it please?!! Horse : Well, look at she the pencil neighbor who sits next before me? Woody : I do believe it is. Horse : Well stay close and gonna ask her to pull the water. Woody : The smart girl is not just the smart High School Nell Students Glixen Nell Horse Nicky Chanel Horse Breanna Belly Nell Breanna

: Thank you. Ok. Just keep walking. No need to be nervous. : Who wants the candy? : Hi, Nell. I love what youve done with your hair. : Thanks Glixen. : Threetwoone : Hey watch out! : Hi Harry! : Whats up baby? Woowoothere is people around : Nice look : A special girl need boy Lovely comedian : My name is Breanna, are you dick


Woody Nell

Woody Nell

: By the way sorry about this morning, the torturer just flushes you : Oh thats okay, please dont apologize, I understand. But youre this. Why all people the outsiders beside myself, really feel comfortably entire school environment. This is gonna difficult to forget. The big football star evacuates cheerleader girlfriend. Because the fact, the great matter is inside totally brain. Its just the start so you end with job in fabulous world with your dad, and you probably married Breanna here that youve start thinking to not act your feeling you have inside you ask for it for it and talking drunk backstage in the bar talking about girl all day about your little wife is stuck all days and just think your jobless and about sexual accomplishment with your friend behind in your back. : Whats friend : I guess most of them. Have a good day!

Bidermeyers Class Mrs. Bidermeyer: Class, please turn open page 488, the paragraph about early history which read. Combine with the study of mankind in especially in human culture. Were therefore examining this society through the exploration of classical structure. Do not forget to make full use of your abstract database and class, please make sure the reference all source material is included in the internet. Okay! Nell : Oh Mrs. Bidermeyer: Nell, This local male, but you might watch there and to omit that from your preference list. Now, Mr. Zbornak will be taking your field trip this week to the museum. School Yard Mr. Zbornak Breanna

Woody Breanna At Museum Mr. Zbornak

: Hi, You. : I try on the most amazing dress of the dance. Beyonce is wild factor mean sequences in culture of individuality but it like sprinkling designer like Aguilera the whole thing is very Madonna. The first fashion is old looks, naturally. : It sounds hot. : Ok. Just the minute!

Woody Nell Woody Nell Woody

: Lets look it our looking Fellow, Tezcatlipoca, the ancient Aztec god of sorcery. A society with believe in destiny, he is interesting regiment. He is God of night, more than spoken mirror, a ship shifter, powerful as orbit. Mr. Deane do you think I might have your attention or Mr. Horse has something particularly interesting thing to say I beg it on unlikely. Ok the time is short here; I want you pair off and take it the rest yourself. Remember, research analyze and describe. Very nice! Mr. Deane and Mr. Horse, I dont think so. Mr. Horse you go with Mr. Glixen and Mr. Deane you go with Mrs. Bedworth. So lets get to learn on! : So, you have checked your bonus lately? : I cant believe Im stuck with you. So better I breathe and need recharged. : Well, lets buy any girl pencil next virgin disease. : Get stuff! I hate you! : Because your big secret is you want have a sex with me.


Nell Woody Nell Woody Nell Woody Nell Woody

Nell Woody Nell Woody Nell Woody Nell Woody Nell Woody

: When I tried to make a love from my Womanhood I always imagine to be my own species. : There is no want to another species, it would be Glixen. : Youre such a Moron. Do you really think entire world involved in Rap music, football and hang out in. : You make me sick! You think youre so different to anyone else : Different from : What? : You said different to, the correct structure is different from : Thanks for the information, now I can say you are no different from with other geeks with book as better friend you know you want to open your big fat mouth to correct me. : The outthought : Spasm : Toad : Skink : You know I should pay but I cant you I hate you too much. How I will be everything to not acting like you! : Dido : Huh. Dido : Dido : Double dido : Doubledouble dido times thousand gazillion trillion

At Nells and Woodys House Nell : And moreover you have to find your destiny to live alone no more. Good night Mr. Flubby. Nell(w) : Oh god my head, I must be dreaming time to wake up whats was that? Tits? Oh my god, it is tits. This is regular number tits; but for guy? Whats going on her? Oh my god its gone. This is bad. This is maybe dream very very bad night kind tit gonna dream. Woody(n) : What is this? Nell(w) : This is my room? Woody(n) : Oh, we need to talk Nell(w) : Talk? She wants to talk? Oh god. Now I have to get this freaking wear on. Ok. Yippy, now I pube on Wednesday. Woody(n) : Oh grouse! Nell(w) : How stuck get it me to tempting off? Does anyone know to get this fragile thing on? Ladies looks like you mean go natural. Woody(n) : Go away! Go away! Go away! Nell(w) : All right, almost clear. Get away Katherine : Nell, Everything is okay? Nell(w) : Yeah, I just cant see you there. Katherine : Your milk is on table Nell(w) : Nono, Im not hungry, I gotta go. Katherine : Nonsense, Nell you sit down and have a breakfast that the most important meal of the today. Oat milk is wonderful thing for promoting morning healthy for young girl like you. Nell(w) : That hoers can redumping size my own head Katherine : Excuse me?


Nell(w) Woodys house Woody(n) Della Stan Nell(w) Katherine Nell(w) Katherine Horse Katherine Nell(w) Katherine Nell(w) Katherine Nell(w) Horse Woody(n) Horse Nell(w) Woody(n) Horse Woody(n) Nell(w)

: Oh, Milk is good mommy

: Is this meat. Do you have milk : Are you cheating me? : Hmm, meat is good. Eat up son! Come on. : Jesus, they eat puke : God, you must be hungry. You need second helping more : No! : You wait there, young lady. : Lets go pretty boy : It will turn you up big strong girl. : Sorry. See you later : Nell? Are forgetting something : Holly crap! Look it the size of that thing! : What sign? : I gotta go mom. See you later! : You came on get it men. Well be late to see women pregnant. Lets go! Are you okay? : Yes, I fine : So, get it! : Damn! A bitch never arrived. Oh no. : Dont drive it too fast, Horse. : Better you see my ass on. Haha : Im going to die : Oh, I dont get on the bus. This is great Oh hay. Hei! Wait!!! Come on Screw you around, asshole! : Thats no the way for young lady to talk! : Sorry, it is the little bitch you see on the rack, you know what Im saying. : And this dress is so amazing. : You! What the hell have you done on me? : Can you get it your hand off me? Gosh, you think Im responsible for this? : Of course certainly Im not but youre the one to know everything : This is not including this. This is impossible. This cannot happen. : This is happened okay. You better figure out how to get my damn body back. : Trust me there is nothing I would like more . Do you think I like to wake up entire day with the Simpson? : Can we end this out of this, wont you? : And how is about your mother? Did she learn budging control? Yak Farmer didnt keep attention to their home now. And her languagemy goodness : My mother doesnt have big mole like the size of White House. : That is not moles. That is proven moles it is just beauty spot : With all her beauty she will not be Miss Kansas. : Your house is Pig. I dont wanna be a boy, okay, especially I dont wanna be you.

Old man Nell(w) School Breanna Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n)


Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Bathroom Woody(n)

: No, no, no dont cry here okay. Look may be this is just twenty-four hours thing, like a head-cold. : Head-cold? : Yes, and tomorrow we can back into normal. So get it of your day. Try to act as necessary attention. : Ok

: Grouse, I have to touch it. I will never eat food from my finger as longer I live.

Mrs. Bidermeyers Class Mrs. Bidermeyer: Your homework is preparing speech of a greatest living American. So, Breanna? Breanna : Im sorry Mrs. Bidermeyer, but I excused homework to do to get in cheerleader practice. Mrs. Bidermeyer: I see And Nell? Nell(w) : What??? Mrs. Bidermeyer: Your speech please about greatest living Americans. Nell(w) : UmI think the greatest living American is J-Lo, Jennifer Lopez. Mrs. Bidermeyer: J-Lo? Nell(w) : J-Lo singer movie star she had benefit thing with the dude from Pearl Harbor. Mrs. Bidermeyer: I know JLO. I just very interested to hear what you perceived qualified or unique from American. Nell(w) : I see everything about J-Lo is that. She is from the street and actually I like this big movie star and she is still very cool. She starts the little and she got a lot, but she is still Jenny from the block and I think she is pretty damn great and she is Americans and she lives. Mrs. Bidermeyer: I see. Outside the Class Woody(n) : J-Lo you said J-Lo? Nell(w) : Pretty good huh. Its just trough right into my head. Woody(n) : No. this is not best funny for delaine. Youre really make me completely blotted in there Nell(w) : What is your problem? I had been like J-Lo. She had beauty. Woody(n) : You do not story to another about living Americans only from fact of big hot beauty Woody(n) : Woody Deane, youre an idiot fellows living style Nell(w) : You know what I dont appreciate you call me idiot either. And I dont know what another think is and Im sure Im much from them either Cafeteria Friends : Hi, Woody! Woody(n) : OhWhat lovely said, now I must stay for eating this junk? Dear god, now I have to eat with these creatures. Breanna : Hi Woody! My parent will be going out tonight. Maybe you wanna come to discuss about what you wanna wear at homecoming dance? Woody(n) : I think to do Breanna : Okay, what is it mean when well be alone. So, maybe we can do that thing Woody(n) : You feel like you little slut! You do that? Breanna : Last week, he begged me to do that. Glixen : So, what is it? What do you do?


Breanna Breanna Tiffany Breanna Chanel Tiffany Chanel Breanna Tiffany Breanna

: Get lost you little spastic! Go geeks! Go! : I cannot believe Woody deny a chance of having sex with me tonight. Am I like bizarre world? : If I have a chance around me, I will not waste my time by Woody : Is not that simple, Tiffany. Today football captain, tomorrow GKM of the year. Sport is celebrity, we need plan this thing. : Personally, I dont believe me and Horse doesnt have sex. Sometimes I think thats only the reason he wants with me : Thats not sound like you Chanel. You need find some qualities. : Really? Like what? : You have excellent taste earrings : And your hair is spout first thing in your aim. : And youre friend with me. Stay close!

Workshop Class Woody(n) : Hi ya! Horse : He heWoodys there Come on in my man! Woody(n) : How are you? Horse : Who you frosh your shit like that man? We have a practice tonight all right. Dont forget! Woody(n) : Practice? Oh yeah, me too. Only I have priory engagement that inflict with the last kicking thing. Horse : Woowowyoull go away from the game to go out to Mars. Do you know what coach will do if you dont show up tonight? Now, Ill tell you. He will drain them into dust. Nut dust. And if only you dont be there is nobody will bother you once. Football pitch Players Horse Woody(n) Coach Woody(n) Horse Horse Coach Woody(n) Woody(n) Changing Room Coach Woody(n) Coach Woody(n) Coach

: One...two...threefour All right, here we go! : Hi, Woody! Catch the ball, man! : What? : Woody? : Sorry, coach! : Well, I repeat this! : Wood, come! Wood, man, come on! : Wake up boy! : Sorry Coach. : I get it.

: What the hell are you doing out there?!!! You play like a damn woman! : I feel a little picky : Picky? : Yeah, it mean like color : I know what picky means!


Woody(n) Coach Woody(n) Coach Horse Woody(n) Horse

Listen to me! Are you listening good! This homecoming game will be biggest game entire all life. You may have a god give you a talent and you have to cost it. I will not rescue you to let it down. You hear me son! : Yes. : Yes coach! : Yes coach! : You can shit together away! You watch the game from the side line. : : What? : My lucky helmet. It is work to me. Maybe it works too, you said. Go ahead, give it a rough.

Nells House Nell(w)

: Oh, man! What is it crappy music.

School Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w)

: Ive heard about football practice. : Who push you really rough? Your cover is unbrushed. : I dont care about your brushes, the coach drove very mad and Im over. : Why are you really worked up? Its only a game. : No, its not only a game. Its football. Jesus, dont you get anything? : I get whatever it is clearly in head cold. : Oh, so its your barely theories in your smart ass. Oh, look at you, what am I wearing? Woody(n) : Jeans is sturdy cotton bud down there so I get it back to your closets. Nell(w) : Oh, would you exactly stay wearing another one like until us both one is brought. Woody(n) : Nonsense, you could be a classic look. Nell(w) : My hair, you make it like dorky. Woody(n) : I sense it is very European looking. Nell(w) : No its dorky-collated. Woody(n) : Excuse me for taking a little pride to your parent. Nell(w) : You cant break out my life and be looked-female person like you! Well, its because I stuck inside in this disgusting body. Youre just worth with it. Nell(w) : Okay, if is that all the way you want with me.

Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Instructor Woody(n) Nell(w)

: What are you doing? : To protect your modesty. You look like common prostitute : Damn, Im going to be high class hooker : You cannot walk in the school like this : Ill do whatever I want. So, let me out. Okay. See Ya! : What are you doing, youre supposed to shit there. : Okay, here we go. Nice penis. : Oh god. Nothing is loss to be more personally hygiene. Oh man, that will be done. : Hello everyone.



Breanna Woody(n) Breanna Woody(n) Breanna Woody(n) Breanna & Friends: Woody(n) Breanna Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nicky Woody(n) Nell(w) Hi Nicky.

: Is she pretending to be beauty? Hello Woody. : Hello Breanna. I have something to say to you. : Let me guess. Youre sorry because boiling me off. : No. Im afraid we cant be each other anymore. : Huh, very funny Woody. : Well, I dont find you little attractive anymore. : What??? : You just look like a plain. And dont worries about your mustache, some guys really have that shit. : Suck on this Woody Deane. : What is just happened? : It seems you and your girlfriend has broken out. Congratulation! : No. Me and Breanna? : Breanna and I are not kind of good couple in detail. : You broke me with my girlfriend? : Nothing is over yet. : Where have you been? Want me to take you a ride? : What : Congratulations, tonight you will loss your...

Nickys Home trailer Nicky : Here you go babe. Nell(w) : Thanks. Nice trailer Nicky : Thanks. But my folks away and we wont be disturbed. Wow, I never see chick drinking like that before. Nell(w) : My throat is little dry Oh I need another beer. Nicky : Sure. Woodys House Della Woody(n) Della Woody(n) Della

: Are you okay? : Im fine, thank you. : Youve been acting weird lately. I think I know what is on your mind. : I dont think you do. : Let me guess. I think you dont impress your scout that you gonna wind up working with your dad in fabulous world. Dont be stupid, Woody. Let thing is going to place. What ever you do well be proud of you. So, you dont wanna work with fabulous. What the heck are.

Nickys Home trailer Nicky : Come on babe. Nell(w) : Not here. Nicky : Okay. Lets go to the nice bedroom. Nell(w) : Okay. Nicky : Lets get cracking baby. Its Daddys package.


Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky

: Oh god! What was I thinking? This is so gay. : What are you waiting babe? I want see some flesh. : This one makes me like bitch. Like Bitch boy. : Maybe you need little help? : I have to pee. : Now? : Yes, Im really freaking mouth. So, you get on dress. Do it without me. : Okay. Hey! Come back!

Road to school Horse Woody(n) Horse Horse Woody(n) Horse School Tiffany Chanel School Upstairs Mr. Zbornak Woody(n) Mr. Zbornak Mr. Zbornak

: What is shit again man? : Its very melodic. Come on! Give me a chance by learning enjoy it. : No. Still shit! : Are you good Nell with Nicky? : No. : They piss me like gather on last night. Hehe. : Did you guys hear? She did it in the park. : Hi Woody.

: Woody, are you crying? : Yes. : Whats wrong? Im sorry. I just distressed of lost my virginity in the trailer park. Hikshiks. : Okay. Sorry I have something to do. I gotta go. I get a class.

School Locker Room. Glixen : Hi, did you think she wanna do it with me? Woody(n) : No! Get loss! Nell(w) : What? Ummabout that. Dont worry. You are the great high. Trust me, Ill never forget it. Woody(n) : How you do this to me? Nell(w) : What? I know youre the best looking guys of the world. But what the hell! it is only sex. Woody(n) : I just want to be special. Nell(w) : But you start in it. It is youre starting to be European looking? You lose me my girlfriend. Woody(n) : I was saving the boy I fell in love with. Nell(w) : Ok. Nothing happened okay. Woody(n) : Really? Nell(w) : Really. Woody(n) : But thats not Nicky telling to everyone Nell(w) : Well, Nicky was a liar. Woody(n) : Try to tell it to entire world. I just feel like cheap a little slut.


Nell(w) Sport Center Colleagues Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky Woody(n)

: Listen, I think I have to talk with that son of bitch because nobody closely really knows about us. : Hi, Nicky you should hope. : Im looking for you. : Yeah, you really find me Babe. : What the hell are you saying? : Nothing. : O, Really? : But It wasnt 100 percent true. : Youre crazy scumbag liar! : And youre very a dirty little mouth. You want it again? I already knew that. : Asshole! : Heh, are you okay, arent ya Ouch!!! : Thats for interfering with young lady, mister! What from ages you dare to do that in many levels? Whyd you try to tell everybody what truly happened. Tell em!!! : Nothing. Nothings happened : I think youre sweet, innocent. You should see this attractive young lady to apology. : Sorry : What? : Im sorry : Thanks.

Nicky Woody(n) Nicky Nell(w) Nicky Nell(w) School Stadium Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) & Woody(n) Museum Museum Officer Woody(n) Nell(w)

: Its so much fun to hit someone. : Yeah. : I wanna back punch him again. : Easy, champ. This doesnt mean I forgive you for screwing Breanna and I. : Breanna and me. Sorry. Im trying to fix thing. : Whats point Ill go remember. Jesus, what Im gonna do. Homecoming is next Friday : Now, it is completely disaster. : What were we do before this happened. : Argument. : Always argue. : Not always. : Were at Museum with other Maxrige. : Mastax! Tezcatlipoca He is an ancient god of sorcery. : No.

: Well be closed at five minutes folks. : You go first. : You go first, you have the biggest mouth.


Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n)


Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) & Nell(w)

: Hi, how are you? :Is it the best you can do, he is a god you bet, is he? : You maybe the god who impress these two young fellows, these lovely young fellows who dont like each other. But let me tell you that this gonna be further from the truth :Thats right. Were fighting but we are friend now, right? You know like now. She is tidy, very tidy, smart, kinda cute especially she doesnt have with her nose. We really get along very well. : Yeah, were actually very close. :Very closest. Were hobbies. : To the end bro! : Dont ever do it. Lets do it! :Onetwothree.

School Cafeteria Nell(w) : May be well speak next to him Woody(n) : What we supposed gonna do next? Buy him meal? And my Heart is still on Yale. Nell(w) : No, no, please not the tears, please! Look, do you think I want to end in my dad fabulous store. Nell(w) : No Nell(w) : Waitwait. Youve beaten Nicky. Woody(n) : So? Nell(w) : So, you have my body. Lets train! All you need to do is how to use it Woody(n) : Okay. And we could study for my interview. Nell(w) : Huh? SCRIPT B In the playing ground Nell(w) : OneTwoThree Nice Shot, Try it! Dont! OkYou ready? Get your move! Come on! Sorry Let us just out of here Edge of Beach Nell(w) : Pull it back! Woody(n) : Same one Nell(w) : Yeahwatch the step you have to snap the ballthe center back will snap the ball to quarter back and you play to get Are you with me so far? Woody(n) : Yes Nell(w) : Good. Woodys House Woody(n) : I shall compare the summer daythere are more lovely and more temperate rough wind to shake darling bud may andthe summer at least has all too short today.


Nell Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w)

: so, he is not actually saying that he like summer days and he is gonna hot as summer day : Yeah, thats exactly : Right. You know, I still cant kind imagine ever actually to me having tell that to someone. Be like someone cool. : Maybe to me its not the right person to say that gonna stuff too : Or maybe Im not like to do fit or were really like that one. He seems like babe. : Actually Shakespeare was a young man. : Shakespeare is homo? : We dont know that exactly : He wrote a poem about hard of this guy is and he doesnt know exactly. Gees, what you have to do before he knows exactly? Write it outdoor long? : I think thats enough for today : The part is bender. Who got thought? : See you tomorrow. : Good Night. : Good Night. Listen! Im wrong about your parent. It is all right I get used with your mom language. : Mom is very cool. : Yeah. Woody, may I ask you question? : Sure. : Ummin the morningnever mind. : What? : No, its nothing really. : Go on. : Its little embarrassing but every morning you have this thing, you know? : No. : A thing magic. : What? : You know, every morning : Ooo, you mean the old Bonner : Now that is not exactly the word I wanna use. : I miss that guy. : Im sure you do. What I like to know is how can I get repress it. : Only one way I know. : Woody, its too disgusting I wouldnt neverits gonna be another ways, right? : Well, there is one thing that I do, case in emergencies, sure, just let it out there tired. First, I close my eyes, and let it thing fube. SssttWorks every time. : Good night : See ya!

Woodys Kitchen Stan : Hey, you want one? Woody(n) : No, thanks. I have. Stan : Youre kind quite. Shes up there tonight. Are you okay? Woody(n) : Yeah, Im just studying with Nell Stan : Oh, that is what young people say studying this day. Woody(n) : Nell is not like kind of girl. Stan : I know. She is a good kid. You know, way back, her dad, Ted and I used to hang out with me together. He was a good guy Ted.


Woody(n) Stan Woody(n) School Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel

: Thanks a lot. I mean as far as I know. So, what were happened between you two? : Oh, Nells mom, Katherine, she didnt really approve for something. We were kind of people I guess. He he, good night son. : Good night, dad. : Oh god, shes crying Chanel? : Yeah. : Are you okay? : No. : Oh crap. Whats wrong? : It is Harry. He is with another girl. : No, he wont do that : Well, then how could you saw my tears stuck on my throat? : He saw you was? : No, they were in the car. I saw what they are doing clear enough. Oh, that guy is such a jerk. Why am I asking you that, right? You know less about guys than anyone knows plenty. Im sorry, I dont mean it. : Oh yeah. Youre right. What do I know about guys? : Im so stupid I know this works like. : Let me grow up with them. : I really start feel upset and invisible and then its gonna with the Harry and every friends of mine like Breanna, Tiffany, Woody and everyone and then people will know and adores me. And I aint like that. So, I guess I feel this I will be invisible again. : You know I think a lot of people fell that than what you realize. : You know, youll be the one who knows that thing. I admire you know. : This is my room. And this is Ms. Tinky, you have to say hello. : Why you bring that pencil next to our next sleepover. : That OK, shes good friend to hang, right Nell? : Yeah, thought we can take of little our jammies. : I guess. I see you finally here to find your geeks this ways? : Yes, I have this girl just want to have fun. : Okay. Let get our pajamas. Wow : Oh man, life is such a bitch.

Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel

Nell(w) Chanel Chanels Room Chanel Breanna Chanel Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w)

At Harry Friends Party Harry : My target environment, will you check out there ass? Woody(n) : What is about Chanel? Harry : Um, no. Dont see here. Woody(n) : Think about it, Harry. Do you really wanna betray the love of good woman with cheap thriller target with one night stand? Harry : You crack me out, you know that boy? Youre always into the full of the tank buddy, Im no Harry and Harry has no such boundaries. And plus, tonight, Im lack of target, Earl. Woody(n) : What?



: You know whatll happen? Few drink, quality control coz after you win before, you know it. You suck on face swum on from the downtown or worst still. I end up here with you drunk or some drug street tells you I love you. You know need more than that, you know me? Lets go to party.

Chanels Room Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Party Friends Chanels Room Chanel Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Breannas Friend Nell(w) Chanel Breanna Nell(w) Breanna

: So Breanna, how are you with Woody? : Oh, thats so over. : its to shame. I mean you guys are like perfect couple. : Although, I only see him as football captain, without me he is another just dumb juke short who is mean never happened. : Loser man : Manicure, pedicure, and facemask we have done yet? : Nell, I can help you nursing your little personal side. : Humwhat? : Down blow. You got a rainforest thing gonna : Are you ever having it? : No. We falcon it totally Latino. : Totally. : Really? : You should do : Absolutely, we can do it for you right now. : huh, Latino. What the hell, lets do it! : Ok girl, we need green placard, Tiffany bring me scissor and inventory strip, Chanel I need towel and hot water, lets have it. Nell, stay back! Relax! And do exactly. Were doing this. On threeThree. : This is bad idea. : I love you man. I really do love you man. Youre like my twin brother you white but you my twin brother. : How are you feeling? : Im little better. : how much you drink last night? : I dont know. I just remember, feeling unusually happy and feeling really good time. And then Im just picked in the room and spinning it. I dont know. Like an idiot. : Think of it at the past and go easy next time. : Thank you for taking care of me. : Yeah. See you after lunch. We have lot stuff to do this day. : Hmm. I know : Drop back ball and throw the ball. : Okay. Come on I can do it.

Nell(w) Street. Harry Woodys Home Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Beach Nell(w) Woody(n)


Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Nells House Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w)

: Youre little graphics. Youre little graphics. Watch me! Behind me and follow what I do. UhWhats that? : Whats on? : Something sticks in my ass. : Oh, Sorry. : We try playing football. : Its not my fault. Im sorry. It is your things not mine. : You behind my wheel and I guess I find me feeling attractive. : Im sorry actually I mean you find me attractive. It is not much to do. Let me : Ohthis is such a guy thing to say. : Can we stay playing football, please? : Sure. Let me stick it on your bud. : Huh, you can through the window? : So many skills Ive qualified. Oh my voice. Mom should not take into my room and take us spontaneously in busted. : Try to find to wear for your interview : Maybe Suet. White blouse and sound suspicious. : dont you think to find little harder? : This is an interview. Im joking. : HmmIts no controlled. Ive been thinking where we like this. I wonder we can go in homecoming dance together. We know that because of this, which else we go with and I dont want to get stuck in this pencil sleepover all night. we would be a date. : Nono. I like that. : Great. Lets date. And none datedate. : Nell, wash hand! Dinner : Its time for me to go. Its all right. Im okay. : Uh, Im kind of to leave tomorrow. : Kind of? : Kind of with mom. : Whats up with you at the moment? Ted? Sometimes I feel I dont know who you are anymore. : She is growing up Catherine. : So, are you going to tell me, what are you doing? Or its secret. : No secret. Im studying with Woody. : Again. : Yeah. You got problem with that? : No. What you do just waste your valuable time with him. : Whose gonna waste my time? : Oh, Nell. You just only look at the boy. : Whats wrong with him? : He is stupid, he is trouble and he is a loser. You told me show yourself. There is nothing you cant do to change that. Its like his family. It begins basic genetic.

Woody(n) Nell(w) Catherine Woody(n) Dining Room Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Ted Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine

In front of Nell House Woody(n) : Hi, Mr. Bedworth Is Nell around?


Ted Woody(n) Ted Woody(n) Ted Woody(n)

: She comes back to school I think son. She said she has something to do extra studying she has interview with Yale tomorrow. : Okay. Thanks. So, how have you been Mr. Bedworth? : Im fine Woody. Just fine : Goodgood. And how is your wife : I will do. : Good bye.

In the playing ground Woody(n) : Whatre you trying to do? Stop! Youre gonna hurt yourself Nell(w) : Back off!!! Woody(n) : Why are you doing this? Nell(w) : Because this is who I am. This is all I have been it. And now Im not even that. Woody(n) : Football is not who you are. Nell(w) : You dont get it, do you? People like you never do. Woody(n) : People like me? What exactly people like me like didnt get? Nell(w) : People like me. Woody(n) : Then, educate me, please! Nell(w) : Okay. We like to play a ball. Maybe were not pretty good at it...who knows. But if we dont get there is a great job, a big apartment in the city, huh and Yale education. Woody(n) : So that this is about? The Interview? Nell : NoYesI dont know Woody(n) : Its okay, dont be nervous. Nell : Nothing is okay! Nothing! Tomorrow Im supposed to play the most important game in my life. Its my destiny. Mine. Im not supposed to be attending some college interview. Woody(n) : So, weve got the wrong life, but sometimes we have should get on in life. The thing falls in place. Nell : Do you me a favor. Save your conversation or speeches for someone else. I know who I am. I am loser Im trouble and Im stupid. It is basic genetic. I cant help it. Woody(n) : Funny never took it you never quitter. Yale Interview Officer Interviewer Nell(w) Interviewer Nell(w) Nell(w) Interviewer Nell(w) Interviewer Interviewer : You can go in. : Miss Bedworth? : Yes, Nell. : Please take a sit. Well...Nell. One of qualities we hope for any Yale students is their passion. You turn the pages in the test also temporally, but your love and your knowledge about literature is ware personal in Yale. : Thank youthat the important thing in my life : Go on! : Poetry for instance. I like the way to articulate and express feeling, A complicated and difficult feeling that you cant explain it latterly. : What is about modern literature? Is any contemporary writers or poet you particularly admireparticularly in your mind : No. Not really : No? Why is that : Because theyre sucks : Oh


Nell(w) Interviewer Nell(w)

Truly, now Poetry is no longer relevant. Then, poet and art former doomed into distinction. I think that would be off. : Actually I do like someone poet, in fact I love it. 50 cent, P-Pablo Marshmather : I dont believe Im familiar with their works. : They were rap artist : And you consider that to be poetry? : Absolutely, they talk about poetry sir. They talks about their life and their experiences and take in very brutal and often uncovered with humor, dark humor. Here check it out!

Football pitch (Homecoming Games). Announcer : Welcome everybody in homecoming the biggest game in the year Bella : Hey you! Leave him alone or I suck you out Ted : Nonono! Woody(n) : Buddy, you just mess with the wrong girl. Nell(w) : Hi Ted : Hi Nell, I dont know football with your back.. Nell(w) : yeah I came to support the Team. Ted : Yeah, were not going too good. Thats my boy...hes my boy Ted : yes.yes! Would you some dog Nell : Yeah thanks. Thanks dad Nell : Come on. Good girl. Bella : What are you waiting heck for? Woody(n) : Thanks : A great games son Woody(n) : Thank you : Do you decide a college yet? Woody(n) : I get my heart on Yale since my little girl. : It was funny. You know what; give it to your parent and gimme a call, all right. Its not a Yale but it might be enough to offer Woody(n) : Thank you so much : No problem, a great games! Woody(n) : Thank you : You did it. Youre great : Thanks you. You see me out there? Its truly amazing...ugh and that guy just gives me this card. Youre in college not fabulous. Nell(w) : Thank you Woody(n) : You know what the best part is? I truly love that. Its thrilling get pumping and people crowd truly into it. Oh, the interview. Oh my god, I totally forgot it. How was it? Nell(w) : It was amazing, I mean the place was. I feel like being part of it. I give my best shot. Woody(n) : Im sure you did. I dont need to ask. I told you something that Ill be lucky to be like you. Thank you Nell(w) : Dido. You know what, if I have to spend my times to be someone else, Ive be honored to be you Woody(n) : Dido back hutcha Nell(w) : Double dido Nell & Woody: Double, double, double dido Woody Harry : Hey guys, Im back. : What are you talking about back, man? Nell(w) Woody(n)


Breanna Nells house Woody Katherine Woody Katherine

: Hi my beloved Football hero. Are you attracting to me now? Woody? : Please Ms. Bedwoth, I need to speak with Nell : Well, she doesnt want to speak with you. : I have to talk to her : She isnt going to the dance Woody, but she says she hopes you have good times with Breanna Belly. For just moment Woody, I thought you change Come on honey. Why sad face? You got everything we ever wanted. : So, do you like my dress? : Yeah, you look nice Breanna : Its so tight and shows everything. I dont have my pans off : I hope you dont get worry then. Anyway, I need some punches. : Harry, do you like my dress? : Yes baby you like cool.

Prom night. Breanna Woody Breanna Woody On the street. Chanel Harry

Prom night. Breanna : Im so nervous Breannas friend : Are you kidding me? You look good. Breanna : I know. Check my back. Okay. Well be on minute. Oh, Your tie. You talk the first. On the street. Chanel Harry Chanel Harry Chanel Harry Chanel Harry Nells House. Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted Nell : You know, see you in that Tuxedo make me feel like kind of horny. Let do it in the bushes. : You sure? : Yeah, I see you like James Bond. : Well, you know me, 009. Life is a thrill. Hang on baby. : Wait, you wait over and I walk by. Like Halley Berry. And then you just get me in. : Ill love this. Im ready when you are baby. Come in get me. Chanel? Chanel? : Good bye Mr. Bond : What the hell shes doing that? : Princess : Hi daddy : Youre not going to dance? : No : Isnt there anything to do with Woody? : No, may be, he like someone else : But she sees a princess. : High tight suit has to be the queen. : No, in the contest, princess is younger prettier especially when she is my daughter. Do you like him, dont you? : Yeah.


Ted Nell Ted


: Yes. Me too. I think he is good one. I think you should go. : I dont have anything to wear. : Wait a second! There, I dont announce my taste in fashion but young lady on the store said that it was dope; I dont know what it means of course. And she said you need this. Its apparently to be heavy but all I know it will be dope as well. : Oh, Its beautiful. Thank you dad.

Homecoming Dance Miss Johnson : Presentation of the crown with these homecoming dances. Title homecoming king goes to hero football Woody Deane. For the biggy this year Westerdale homecoming queen is Breanna Belly. Breanna : Thank Ms. Bidermeyer, principle Johnson, and thank you Westerdale. There so many people that I need to share with this great honor with. My mother for undying support, and generous attitude for cosmetic surgery, my hair dresser George Fildublis Miss Johnson : Thank you Breanna. Another around of applause for Homecoming king and queen. Woody : Shall I compare this summer day that is more lovely and temperate, it is something that I cant remember. Yale..yale yaala. Im not Shakespeare and I guess Im not Romeo to speak like either. I really wish I have most perfect words, beautiful word to say to you, but I tell how great make me feel with you. Now it shown from your face, from your beauty smile. You always criticize my stupid grammar, isnt it? I hate it. Most of all. I tell you that You make me a better person. My own person. And thats why with this, means nothing. And you mean everything. But hey, Im just stupid quarter back. I dont know the right word. : Its lovely word. Perfect word. Youre very charming. : You show me that. : Stop that! Im the homecoming queen. : Lets get out of here. : Oh, get off my way. Im the homecoming queen. : Where are you going, pretty bitch?! : Nice ass baby. How if we look it all.

Nell Woody Breanna Woody Breanna Chanel GlixeNell(w)

In front of Nells house Nell : So you gonna do this. Youre going to college and me going to Yale. Woody : What? Nell : You did it. It comes this morning. Congratulations. Woody : What? You got in. Oh my god, I did it. Nell : Me and you doing pretty good, huh. Woody : You and me. UhmmI Nell : Would you kiss me already? Woody : Yes mam. Nells house Katherine Nell Ted : You cannot be serious. Its everything about a Yale. For everything about Yale. : I know mom. But, what the heck? : Hey Katherine.


SCRIPT B In the playing ground Nell(w) : OneTwoThree Nice Shot, Try it! Dont! OkYou ready? Get your move! Come on! Sorry Let us just out of here Edge of Beach Nell(w) : Pull it back! Woody(n) : Same one Nell(w) : Yeahwatch the step you have to snap the ballthe center back will snap the ball to quarter back and you play to get Are you with me so far? Woody(n) : Yes Nell(w) : Good. Woodys House Woody(n) : I shall compare the summer daythere are more lovely and more temperate rough wind to shake darling bud may andthe summer at least has all too short today. Nell : so, he is not actually saying that he like summer days and he is gonna hot as summer day Woody(n) : Yeah, thats exactly Nell(w) : Right. You know, I still cant kind imagine ever actually to me having tell that to someone. Be like someone cool. Woody(n) : Maybe to me its not the right person to say that gonna stuff too Nell(w) : Or maybe Im not like to do fit or were really like that one. He seems like babe. Woody(n) : Actually Shakespeare was a young man. Nell(w) : Shakespeare is homo? Woody(n) : We dont know that exactly Nell(w) : He wrote a poem about hard of this guy is and he doesnt know exactly. Gees, what you have to do before he knows exactly? Write it outdoor long? Woody(n) : I think thats enough for today Nell(w) : The part is bender. Who got thought? Woody(n) : See you tomorrow. Nell(w) : Good Night. Woody(n) : Good Night. Listen! Im wrong about your parent. It is all right I get used with your mom language. Nell(w) : Mom is very cool. Woody(n) : Yeah. Woody, may I ask you question? Nell(w) : Sure. Woody(n) : Ummin the morningnever mind. Nell(w) : What? Woody(n) : No, its nothing really. Nell(w) : Go on. Woody(n) : Its little embarrassing but every morning you have this thing, you know? Nell(w) : No. Woody(n) : A thing magic.


Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w)

: What? : You know, every morning : Ooo, you mean the old Bonner : Now that is not exactly the word I wanna use. : I miss that guy. : Im sure you do. What I like to know is how can I get repress it. : Only one way I know. : Woody, its too disgusting I wouldnt neverits gonna be another ways, right? : Well, there is one thing that I do, case in emergencies, sure, just let it out there tired. First, I close my eyes, and let it thing fube. SssttWorks every time. : Good night : See ya!

Woodys Kitchen Stan : Hey, you want one? Woody(n) : No, thanks. I have. Stan : Youre kind quite. Shes up there tonight. Are you okay? Woody(n) : Yeah, Im just studying with Nell Stan : Oh, that is what young people say studying this day. Woody(n) : Nell is not like kind of girl. Stan : I know. She is a good kid. You know, way back, her dad, Ted and I used to hang out with me together. He was a good guy Ted. Woody(n) : Thanks a lot. I mean as far as I know. So, what were happened between you two? Stan : Oh, Nells mom, Katherine, she didnt really approve for something. We were kind of people I guess. He he, good night son. Woody(n) : Good night, dad. School Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel : Oh god, shes crying Chanel? : Yeah. : Are you okay? : No. : Oh crap. Whats wrong? : It is Harry. He is with another girl. : No, he wont do that : Well, then how could you saw my tears stuck on my throat? : He saw you was? : No, they were in the car. I saw what they are doing clear enough. Oh, that guy is such a jerk. Why am I asking you that, right? You know less about guys than anyone knows plenty. Im sorry, I dont mean it. : Oh yeah. Youre right. What do I know about guys? : Im so stupid I know this works like. : Let me grow up with them. : I really start feel upset and invisible and then its gonna with the Harry and every friends of mine like Breanna, Tiffany, Woody and everyone and then people will know and adores me. And I aint like that. So, I guess I feel this I will be invisible again. : You know I think a lot of people fell that than what you realize. : You know, youll be the one who knows that thing. I admire you know.

Nell(w) Chanel Nell(w) Chanel

Nell(w) Chanel


Chanels Room Chanel Breanna Chanel Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w)

: This is my room. And this is Ms. Tinky, you have to say hello. : Why you bring that pencil next to our next sleepover. : That OK, shes good friend to hang, right Nell? : Yeah, thought we can take of little our jammies. : I guess. I see you finally here to find your geeks this ways? : Yes, I have this girl just want to have fun. : Okay. Let get our pajamas. Wow : Oh man, life is such a bitch.

At Harry Friends Party Harry : My target environment, will you check out there ass? Woody(n) : What is about Chanel? Harry : Um, no. Dont see here. Woody(n) : Think about it, Harry. Do you really wanna betray the love of good woman with cheap thriller target with one night stand? Harry : You crack me out, you know that boy? Youre always into the full of the tank buddy, Im no Harry and Harry has no such boundaries. And plus, tonight, Im lack of target, Earl. Woody(n) : What? Harry : You know whatll happen? Few drink, quality control coz after you win before, you know it. You suck on face swum on from the downtown or worst still. I end up here with you drunk or some drug street tells you I love you. You know need more than that, you know me? Lets go to party. Chanels Room Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Party Friends Chanels Room Chanel Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Nell(w) Breanna Breannas Friend Nell(w) Chanel Breanna Nell(w) Breanna : So Breanna, how are you with Woody? : Oh, thats so over. : its to shame. I mean you guys are like perfect couple. : Although, I only see him as football captain, without me he is another just dumb juke short who is mean never happened. : Loser man : Manicure, pedicure, and facemask we have done yet? : Nell, I can help you nursing your little personal side. : Humwhat? : Down blow. You got a rainforest thing gonna : Are you ever having it? : No. We falcon it totally Latino. : Totally. : Really? : You should do : Absolutely, we can do it for you right now. : huh, Latino. What the hell, lets do it! : Ok girl, we need green placard, Tiffany bring me scissor and inventory strip, Chanel I need towel and hot water, lets have it. Nell, stay back! Relax! And do exactly.


Nell(w) Street. Harry Woodys Home Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Beach Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Nells House Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n) Nell(w)

Were doing this. On threeThree. : This is bad idea. : I love you man. I really do love you man. Youre like my twin brother you white but you my twin brother. : How are you feeling? : Im little better. : how much you drink last night? : I dont know. I just remember, feeling unusually happy and feeling really good time. And then Im just picked in the room and spinning it. I dont know. Like an idiot. : Think of it at the past and go easy next time. : Thank you for taking care of me. : Yeah. See you after lunch. We have lot stuff to do this day. : Hmm. I know : Drop back ball and throw the ball. : Okay. Come on I can do it. : Youre little graphics. Youre little graphics. Watch me! Behind me and follow what I do. UhWhats that? : Whats on? : Something sticks in my ass. : Oh, Sorry. : We try playing football. : Its not my fault. Im sorry. It is your things not mine. : You behind my wheel and I guess I find me feeling attractive. : Im sorry actually I mean you find me attractive. It is not much to do. Let me : Ohthis is such a guy thing to say. : Can we stay playing football, please? : Sure. Let me stick it on your bud. : Huh, you can through the window? : So many skills Ive qualified. Oh my voice. Mom should not take into my room and take us spontaneously in busted. : Try to find to wear for your interview : Maybe Suet. White blouse and sound suspicious. : dont you think to find little harder? : This is an interview. Im joking. : HmmIts no controlled. Ive been thinking where we like this. I wonder we can go in homecoming dance together. We know that because of this, which else we go with and I dont want to get stuck in this pencil sleepover all night. we would be a date. : Nono. I like that. : Great. Lets date. And none datedate. : Nell, wash hand! Dinner : Its time for me to go. Its all right. Im okay.

Woody(n) Nell(w) Catherine Woody(n)


Dining Room Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Ted Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine Nell(w) Catherine

: Uh, Im kind of to leave tomorrow. : Kind of? : Kind of with mom. : Whats up with you at the moment? Ted? Sometimes I feel I dont know who you are anymore. : She is growing up Catherine. : So, are you going to tell me, what are you doing? Or its secret. : No secret. Im studying with Woody. : Again. : Yeah. You got problem with that? : No. What you do just waste your valuable time with him. : Whose gonna waste my time? : Oh, Nell. You just only look at the boy. : Whats wrong with him? : He is stupid, he is trouble and he is a loser. You told me show yourself. There is nothing you cant do to change that. Its like his family. It begins basic genetic.

In front of Nell House Woody(n) : Hi, Mr. Bedworth Is Nell around? Ted : She comes back to school I think son. She said she has something to do extra studying she has interview with Yale tomorrow. Woody(n) : Okay. Thanks. So, how have you been Mr. Bedworth? Ted : Im fine Woody. Just fine Woody(n) : Goodgood. And how is your wife Ted : I will do. Woody(n) : Good bye. In the playing ground Woody(n) : Whatre you trying to do? Stop! Youre gonna hurt yourself Nell(w) : Back off!!! Woody(n) : Why are you doing this? Nell(w) : Because this is who I am. This is all I have been it. And now Im not even that. Woody(n) : Football is not who you are. Nell(w) : You dont get it, do you? People like you never do. Woody(n) : People like me? What exactly people like me like didnt get? Nell(w) : People like me. Woody(n) : Then, educate me, please! Nell(w) : Okay. We like to play a ball. Maybe were not pretty good at it...who knows. But if we dont get there is a great job, a big apartment in the city, huh and Yale education. Woody(n) : So that this is about? The Interview? Nell : NoYesI dont know Woody(n) : Its okay, dont be nervous. Nell : Nothing is okay! Nothing! Tomorrow Im supposed to play the most important game in my life. Its my destiny. Mine. Im not supposed to be attending some college interview. Woody(n) : So, weve got the wrong life, but sometimes we have should get on in life. The thing falls in place.


Nell Woody(n) Yale Interview Officer Interviewer Nell(w) Interviewer Nell(w) Nell(w) Interviewer Nell(w) Interviewer Interviewer Nell(w) Interviewer Nell(w)

: Do you me a favor. Save your conversation or speeches for someone else. I know who I am. I am loser Im trouble and Im stupid. It is basic genetic. I cant help it. : Funny never took it you never quitter.

: You can go in. : Miss Bedworth? : Yes, Nell. : Please take a sit. Well...Nell. One of qualities we hope for any Yale students is their passion. You turn the pages in the test also temporally, but your love and your knowledge about literature is ware personal in Yale. : Thank youthat the important thing in my life : Go on! : Poetry for instance. I like the way to articulate and express feeling, A complicated and difficult feeling that you cant explain it latterly. : What is about modern literature? Is any contemporary writers or poet you particularly admireparticularly in your mind : No. Not really : No? Why is that : Because theyre sucks : Oh Truly, now Poetry is no longer relevant. Then, poet and art former doomed into distinction. I think that would be off. : Actually I do like someone poet, in fact I love it. 50 cent, P-Pablo Marshmather : I dont believe Im familiar with their works. : They were rap artist : And you consider that to be poetry? : Absolutely, they talk about poetry sir. They talks about their life and their experiences and take in very brutal and often uncovered with humor, dark humor. Here check it out!

Football pitch (Homecoming Games). Announcer : Welcome everybody in homecoming the biggest game in the year Bella : Hey you! Leave him alone or I suck you out Ted : Nonono! Woody(n) : Buddy, you just mess with the wrong girl. Nell(w) : Hi Ted : Hi Nell, I dont know football with your back.. Nell(w) : yeah I came to support the Team. Ted : Yeah, were not going too good. Thats my boy...hes my boy Ted : yes.yes! Would you some dog Nell : Yeah thanks. Thanks dad Nell : Come on. Good girl. Bella : What are you waiting heck for? Woody(n) : Thanks : A great games son Woody(n) : Thank you : Do you decide a college yet? Woody(n) : I get my heart on Yale since my little girl. : It was funny. You know what; give it to your parent and gimme a call, all right. Its not a Yale but it might be enough to offer Woody(n) : Thank you so much


Woody(n) Nell(w) Woody(n)

: No problem, a great games! : Thank you

: You did it. Youre great : Thanks you. You see me out there? Its truly amazing...ugh and that guy just gives me this card. Youre in college not fabulous. Nell(w) : Thank you Woody(n) : You know what the best part is? I truly love that. Its thrilling get pumping and people crowd truly into it. Oh, the interview. Oh my god, I totally forgot it. How was it? Nell(w) : It was amazing, I mean the place was. I feel like being part of it. I give my best shot. Woody(n) : Im sure you did. I dont need to ask. I told you something that Ill be lucky to be like you. Thank you Nell(w) : Dido. You know what, if I have to spend my times to be someone else, Ive be honored to be you Woody(n) : Dido back hutcha Nell(w) : Double dido Nell & Woody: Double, double, double dido Woody Harry Breanna Nells house Woody Katherine Woody Katherine : Hey guys, Im back. : What are you talking about back, man? : Hi my beloved Football hero. Are you attracting to me now? Woody? : Please Ms. Bedwoth, I need to speak with Nell : Well, she doesnt want to speak with you. : I have to talk to her : She isnt going to the dance Woody, but she says she hopes you have good times with Breanna Belly. For just moment Woody, I thought you change Come on honey. Why sad face? You got everything we ever wanted. : So, do you like my dress? : Yeah, you look nice Breanna : Its so tight and shows everything. I dont have my pans off : I hope you dont get worry then. Anyway, I need some punches. : Harry, do you like my dress? : Yes baby you like cool.

Prom night. Breanna Woody Breanna Woody On the street. Chanel Harry

Prom night. Breanna : Im so nervous Breannas friend : Are you kidding me? You look good. Breanna : I know. Check my back. Okay. Well be on minute. Oh, Your tie. You talk the first. On the street. Chanel : You know, see you in that Tuxedo make me feel like kind of horny.


Harry Chanel Harry Chanel Harry Chanel Harry Nells House. Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted Nell Ted

Let do it in the bushes. : You sure? : Yeah, I see you like James Bond. : Well, you know me, 009. Life is a thrill. Hang on baby. : Wait, you wait over and I walk by. Like Halley Berry. And then you just get me in. : Ill love this. Im ready when you are baby. Come in get me. Chanel? Chanel? : Good bye Mr. Bond : What the hell shes doing that? : Princess : Hi daddy : Youre not going to dance? : No : Isnt there anything to do with Woody? : No, may be, he like someone else : But she sees a princess. : High tight suit has to be the queen. : No, in the contest, princess is younger prettier especially when she is my daughter. Do you like him, dont you? : Yeah. : Yes. Me too. I think he is good one. I think you should go. : I dont have anything to wear. : Wait a second! There, I dont announce my taste in fashion but young lady on the store said that it was dope; I dont know what it means of course. And she said you need this. Its apparently to be heavy but all I know it will be dope as well. : Oh, Its beautiful. Thank you dad.


Homecoming Dance Miss JohnsoNell(w) : Presentation of the crown with these homecoming dances. Title homecoming king goes to hero football Woody Deane. For the biggy this year Westerdale homecoming queen is Breanna Belly. Breanna : Thank Ms. Bidermeyer, principle Johnson, and thank you Westerdale. There so many people that I need to share with this great honor with. My mother for undying support, and generous attitude for cosmetic surgery, my hair dresser George Fildublis Miss JohnsoNell(w) : Thank you Breanna. Another around of applause for Homecoming king and queen. Woody : Shall I compare this summer day that is more lovely and temperate, it is something that I cant remember. Yale..yale yaala. Im not Shakespeare and I guess Im not Romeo to speak like either. I really wish I have most perfect words, beautiful word to say to you, but I tell how great make me feel with you. Now it shown from your face, from your beauty smile. You always criticize my stupid grammar, isnt it? I hate it. Most of all. I tell you that You make me a better person. My own person. And thats why with this, means nothing. And you mean everything. But hey, Im just stupid quarter back. I dont know the right word. : Its lovely word. Perfect word. Youre very charming. : You show me that.

Nell Woody


Breanna Woody Breanna Chanel GlixeNell(w)

: Stop that! Im the homecoming queen. : Lets get out of here. : Oh, get off my way. Im the homecoming queen. : Where are you going, pretty bitch?! : Nice ass baby. How if we look it all.

In front of Nells house Nell : So you gonna do this. Youre going to college and me going to Yale. Woody : What? Nell : You did it. It comes this morning. Congratulations. Woody : What? You got in. Oh my god, I did it. Nell : Me and you doing pretty good, huh. Woody : You and me. UhmmI Nell : Would you kiss me already? Woody : Yes mam. Nells house Katherine Nell Ted : You cannot be serious. Its everything about a Yale. For everything about Yale. : I know mom. But, what the heck? : Hey Katherine.


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BUKTI KONSULTASI SKRIPSI Nama Mahasiswa Nomor Induk Mahasiswa Fakultas Jurusan Pembimbing Judul Skripsi Stereotyping in : Musthafa Amin : 04320081 : Humaniora dan Budaya : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris : Drs. H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed, Ph.D : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Its a Boy Girl Things Movie. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Tanggal 6 Maret 2008 27 Maret 2008 29 Maret 2008 11 April 2008 29 September 2008 15 November 2008 27 Desember 2008 7 Januari 2008 13 Januari 2008 18 Februari 2009 25 Februari 2009 10 Maret 2009 02 April 2009 Materi Pengajuan Judul Konsultasi Proposal Revisi Proposal Seminar Proposal Konsultasi Bab I, II, III Revisi Bab I Revisi Bab II Revisi Bab III Konsultasi IV, V Revisi Bab IV, V Konsultasi Bab IV Revisi Bab IV ACC keseluruhan Tanda Tangan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Malang, 02 April 2009 Mengetahui, Dekan Fakultas Humaniora dan Budaya UIN Malang

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IDENTITY Full Name Place & Date of Birth Current Address Home Address E-mail Address Nationality Contact Person Blog : Musthafa Amin : Probolinggo, November 8th 1986 : Jl. Sumbersari 85 A Malang : Jl. Mayjen Panjaitan 12 Sidomukti Kraksaan Probolinggo 67282 : : Indonesian : +628563571054 :


EDUCATION NO 01 02 03 04 School / University MI Nahdlatul Ulama Kraksaan MTs Darullughah al Karomah Kraksaan MAK Nurul Jadid Probolinggo Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Humaniora dan Budaya UIN Malang From Year 1992 1998 2001 2004 To Years 1998 2001 2004 2009

III. OTHER ACTIVITIES a. Member of English Info and Pulication of English Letters and Student Association (ELSA) (2006-2007) b. The Coordinator of Journalism Department of Nurul Jadid Alumna Association UIN Malang (2006-2007) c. The Coordinator of the Research and Development of Human Resource Department at HMI Bahasa UIN Malang (2007-2008) d. The Chief of Student Press Bureau Mahardika of Student Executive Affair of Humanity and Culture Faculty of UIN Malang (2007-2008)


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